HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-11-06, Page 6i0.4.••••••••••••3sssear410., 1 Illaaeara
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tifoustm Post),
"What did your mother say wheel. yon
"N417:1,A i`,TV°:,(:11.,"Ti! from
father's shie or the houses that there had
never been any Insanity In her family."
tRuf:atio FIspress)
"Are you sure that CharleY's protestas
Bon of iove did not leek a genuine ring?"
asked her contielant.
"Yes; 1 got a Jeweler'e opinion ot the
etone," remarked the practical maiden,
(Baltimore American)
`That horrid woman has broken up My
"Telren away vour husband?"
"No, the coolc:"
.7 •
(nuffalo Express>
"Did your uneic remember you when he
eame to make
"Yes; Ise remembered me so well that
he left my name out altogether."
(Buffalo Express)
"rm. you think that Binks has given
seriously thought to getting therried?"
"lie valet have done ea He lute
ceded to mart's."
milliadelimia. Record)
eioax-ethes a man or many ceilings.
Joax-WhY, X thought he had alwayS
worked in a railroad station.
Iloax-Yes, as a train annoencer.
1 7 t
(Washington Herald)
"The idea of dozing, while I was sing-
"You were singing a lullaby, weven't
"Then I eouldn't pay your art anr
higher. vompliment."
"linden:a 1 am very sorry killed Mit'
dog. -Will you allow me to repiace him?
-Oh dear! Thle is so sudden."
Stanleten-That man Mildway is a geed
deal of a milksop; speeds; his vacations
hotanIzing anti that sort of thing. Now,
1 like 0 eniee of tianget. in my amuse-
Cauleeott-Well, you and your football
are not in with Mildway when it corners
to (1.inger. He discovers 116W varieties
or mushrooms and eats them.
"Conrad, my boy, there's one thing dead
certain; we're in for an experience this
time, No swarm); g peak equal to the
:Matterhorn to•day, I've been loat III en
India, jungle, eaught in a desert :mad-
etorm, and experieneed the delights of
a Canedian bush fire, whielt einged every
hair from uty head, but they all fade
into insignifieatme emapared with being
caught in a fiercer enewetorm latlf-WitY
up the side of Mont Wane. Conrad, old
fellow, suppoee you wind that Switzer
horn again; gsve another cell, and. see
•whether We can ilisvav er some one ott
the trail whieh we have foolieltly lost."
The speaker shows little evidenee
the great anxiety he mentions; indeed,
to see him ealmly smoking eigar while
*lapping his hands together in order to
India% warmth, one would hardly im-
agine he knows what alarm is. And
yet his situation is little Ices than aps
palling', to say the lettet. Aeeending ter -
Able Mont Blane late in the season, at-
tended by a eingle guide, they have been
suddenly overtaken by the worst allOW.
liliZZard. COltrad rionctithers so early in
the winter. The besuilful view has hem
blotted out ats if by magic, and around
them whirl elouds of fine snow that
driven by a void, fieree, wind, seems to
cut tlte fleelt like eeedles.
Others are on the tuottutains, too, for
they have had glimpees of them -from
time to time at a distance. Through the
at the men s superstitious- fear,
blizzard began, and Conrad. at length,
having Iset all travee of the treil in the snow -storm to diseovetr
cry that has ansWered Conrad's eall, -
When he has gone tears
fore you came, Sam top ,
ing the senseless form of the girl, w
blinding storm Sam Buxton and Iti)s
hour has elapsed sinee the rush of the ' lInd• ltuthte ms(')outit.hele doefttaliitet
away from the group
guide have deeeentled. Nearly. half an.
pushes blindly 00 through the
bewildering snow, eandidly admits that tweuty paees, with he eeems 14)111 to give up, Did ho not
being left alone on the mountain even save lier, and does not that, in a mea-
sure, give hint a elahn upon. her?
Sam Buxton is it character who would threatening to°
"Come, the evides are muttering
th Sam; I am betto
desert. milese we move
they tire lost, wheels rework draw, out the guide :following, for Conrad fears -
the worde with svhieh our siert' (melte.
sounde miteleat in spite of the rag-
ing blizzard's inocking.vowes. Once more
Sam Buxton bends his head to listen,
then starts. thrilled by strange emo-
done, for on the Wings of the storm
vows a eq. It le not what he has eX-
peeted, hnt even more of a pitiful ap•
peal for help than Coured's call.
"(toed heavens! man, did you hdar
that?" he says, clutching the guide by
the arm.
There is little need to ask, for Conrad
is as white as the snow around him, and
trembles as though he might be a human
aspen leaf.
"Yes, I hear it; the spirits of lost
souls that have met their death on Mout
Inane meek ne, baron, They beckon to
ue, We are doomed!" ite almost shrieks,
Pointiug in the direetion whence the
ery has ()owe,
The Ameriean is practical, ana detests
anything bordering on. superstition,
hence he has little patience with this line
of eondeet.
"You're a fool, Conrad, That -cry ie
for help, and whether it comes from a
lost bout or from a human being in dis-
trese, Sam Buxton isn't the man to hang
bads. Follow ule or remain where you
"No, no, Theron Sam; you will go to
your fate!" cries the Amide, and truer
words were never uttered, though under
allot her meaning.
His employer, with a .suort of disgust
e. .
:. trell At re tiMe like thie, and thee
mIghty avalanehe that coulee tearing
Maas terrible disaeter,
mg ebout, Zan' over iionlo precipice, Or
!dee (ri the Alps, while othere, weadet•
it. may be are overwhelmed by the
mem far -below,
. 'Many have lost their lives in the tie•
ythm.„0, in its peth into a ehaotie
side of the mountaia sweeping
has &loured hailed the guidee
and as the party discover Sam holding
the. eepselees form of the loet lady,.
their cries. of wonder and praise sound
earnest., indeed, for tley have given up.
all hope of ever seeing her again. By
aerident she had heeome separated Trout
he.r perty pet at the time the etortu,
without much warning, swept over
-Mont Blaue-their eras: were unanswer.
ed, and they deepaired,
"Allow me to carry her, my dear sir,"
- says a voice that gives the Americau a
shock, for he 'finds himself lookiog into
the face of the best friend he has on
earth, a man six feet in height, and
iflititfizi)n.iypigeonrt(!(omneptiv;ead 11‘IZIeUslaenel. beside
he"Hotitodulets;, Melaute, for all the world!'
"Good...heavens! is it 3'ort, Sant, ot; ,
your &toot? i believed you. itt Bgypt,'
roars the giant, infolding the other in
Isii4ssaorititgle taittied saetnstehiee:fiaignierime, of course
"Easy, old boy; yoa forget. None of
your bearhugs here! 1 believed you
home in Canada. This is, indeed, a
strange meeting," .
"When did you find Aileen?" asks
the other, Rod Sam atarts at the men-
tion of the mune, whether because of
isttsatsei,ngular neture, or for same other
other reason, he does not choose to
-Wandering in the etorm -we were
also lost, and just round,. the path be-
' 1 I ld-
attraet atteutiun almost anywhere. In
, size he is rather below the average. ana
give no more evidenee of nueseular abil-
ity than eonielinees; still his face, if
homely, 1105 air Lomat look, -which grows
upon one, arid' t lie More you know of
'Sant the better- ,vou like hint. At any
rate, he is fearleee, bright as a new
. dollar, full of- eltivalrous notions, and
plays seeontlefilkile to no man on earth.
Sam has becit blessed with a goodly
_ proportion of this world's goods, and
(Boston Transcript)
Briggs -Yon must have a lot of trouble
keeping your wire dressed up in the
height of style.
Grigge-Yes, but it's nothing to the
trouble I'd have if I didn't.
(Washington Star)
"What are you going to do about *those
distinguished militant suffragettes who
are coming over?"
"I don't know," replied Miss Cayenne.
"If we don't try to entertain them they'll
be martyrs. And if we do try to enter-
tained them we'll be martyrs.'
_ _
travels for pleasure, though perhaps he
may have some hazy eort of design in
his wanderings, skt preeent his object
has been to plant an Ameriee
flag upon the Matterhorn, a f&at
ae yet never aceomplished, though at-
tempted by many au adveitturous spirit.
Obeying orders, the Swiee guide, a
man who is ready to swear by Baron
Sam, as the Ameriean is sometimes:: call-
ed, raisea his hande to hie mouth, and
with all the force of his powerful lungs
sends forth that musical Tyrolese call
which can only be properly warbled by
an Alpine dweller. Through the storm
it rings, for .the ear ki remarkably pure
these mountain regions.
(Washington Herald)
"What do you mean by altruistiel Baron Sam puffe away nt his cigar,
an altreistic man is one who t while he strams his ears to diseover
evil buy you a dhripk without expecting whether there may Ire any response
anything in return.'
• : u .. . :.'''. ,t made, for if by good fortune there
OVERCOME. • 1 chanees to be a Switzee guide within
pennY? significant of distrees: but it dies away tight elose to hers, and she hears His figure and tremendong voice make
_ hearing he mall readily anewer the call, squat to the emergency, swings hIe oth-
(Judge) se,
him seys
" athl ''''''111`1 .her -hi heed is thus him a natural leader in the field,
mamma -Tommy, what do you say to as COnrad has given it a turn that is
Tommy -Gee: I'm too s'prised to say amid the howling of the hitter wind, though as a -usual thing Stun had. been
'uncle Titewadd fur giving You a bin
end the surging of the storm alone "Parden, mese or madam, this is no the general who planned, their work in
worse than an encounter with the spooks
of former unlucky pilgrims, Sane seeing
nothing, drops has cigar, and making a
trumpet of his hands, bellows forth:
"Dello, there! where are you?"
0 ,
able to care), her."
"Pardon, signor; allow me to relieve
.1.Te. has -a yokes herdly in keeping with you of your burden. I have 430Me right
his body -a voiee that is aS. strong as to assist the beautiful young lady,"
the roar•of a 1 1011 in the African lorest says a sort vote m satue „) ,.4
blizzard. king fails
mocking tones of the'
to keep it front NW- lie recognizes as that of an, Italian, and
turning his head, he fin& one of the
gratefol, svillowy figure, an Adonis In
1001's with a face that eomehow frank
party elose to him, a tuagi.thtsv. ho hae .e,
and the .thrill,
Sam Buxton dielikes on, el
"My friend spoke ahead of you,
signor; be has therefore the firet
claim," and with the words Sam trans-
late! - fers his burden to the Camulian, whoee
"Jerroalein 1 It's a Woman:" be ejse• heart is like the trees of . hie native
aulates, nlmost parailyzed at the ?ight country, sturdy and mitten: ine.
Something like a deep vurse drops
that wets hie eyes. A tali, ga•lisli frOm the lips of the Italian its he turns
_ hand,
• rise and greet him with outstretched aside and, knowing) thoe hotsblooded
et opfe well, Sam Buxton realizes that
and a smile upon her fece. fee ha's adieu he has probaby made a
. figure. not too warmly dad, trying to
marks on the inetent what a face it b. itter enemy, who may hereafter gi•ve
is, straesgely _beautiful, and '4' li S4U1 him trouble. for which be raves little,
eesaing wonderful independ.enee, cl 1 b i ig aenerally able to look out
though the owner were used to haying
- e- pea- ' for himself.
as in eet , e i e
her oan way aml fighting her own bat•
thre'atening to mutiny unleee• . the de -
this time the clamoring guides are
lie swathes off his fur glove to ac- scent 14 continued. Sem nottr.Te that
cept the pottered hand; it ie almost look to his friend the Cauad.ian
as cold as ice, being poorly covered with as 'though fear of him ale the .only thing
kid gloyee. She totters while endeavor- tha t keeps them front immediate deser-
inn. to stand in the snow, and bold Sem, once,
tion. Ile smiles, for Dudley MeLane ba.s
a way about him of commandIng obede
, •
ering quite an extensiVe epace.
"Thia way; I ani too chilled to
reach you," comes a reply very near at
hand, and, eleetrified, Sam bounds over
some loose rocks forming a sort of shel-
ter from the blizzard's worst fury, to
firol ltleaserf face to fame :with-ellas
anything. - I :
(Punch) Something like a frown creeps over ing. Allew lite," awl without wasting
Aeter-I must ineeet on being paid for i bis cheery face, but he chases it away for a reply he teat.e the mosikery of
rehearsals. with a laugh, while shrugging his shout- gloves from her Lamle, rubbing the
Manager -What on earth for? I never
heard of such 0 thing. dens as the last squall eweeps down with frigid. members between hie own mean
Actor -Because lately Pre had an =IV Stile fury of demons let loose. ones until /to has eucceeded in produe•
six weeks' rehearsals for a 10 days' run, r
"Phew! how it sting-• tl ' b'e• 1 ing a gloW, after which he draws the
e, us ie co - s,
But I don't mind giving the performances •
,f ree. , Jar on my overcoat comes in handy, fur gloves over her liande•-never mind.-
I . And these fur glovee, too. A wise jtead, ing her feeble preteses.
e : -ir
WARRANTED TO WORK. ' ithat of yottrs, Sam. Buxton, to provide Nor deo this Amertean chevalier
(Lippineote's) for an emergeney. even if the weather . halt there, but throwing off ltis outer
"Your hardwood fires are always so did look sum -mer -like at starting. One coat, proceeds to, wrnp the lntly in it.
exquisitely polished,' said Mrs. Jones. ..
"How do You manage it?" thing worries me. Conrad, see here," he Site makes a struggle ngainst •the 00 -
"Oh. I Just nut chamoise rempert on ..hall shouts, for although the Alpine tion. but his will coppers, and she can
the children and let them play In the "guide ie only half a doZen feet away only murmur the thanks of her heart,
hoese." 'reeponded Mrs. Brown.
reacher,. him. time for etiquette, and you. wertl fall-
-1 the sweep of the wind renders it impoe- which do not tell one-quarter as much
(Cleveland Plain Dealer)
"Over and over again I've heard o
Inakestey threaten to leave his wife 1
eood "
"Ile has."
••yee. He's dead.''
THE LATEST. not females in it:
(Birmingham ...Stec -Herald) "$.1, excelleney, I saw the flutter of
'`Another -Soong couple save started skirt 8,7' replies' the other, WhO la a
• th 1 f 1 • d rfull
"What now, baron?" asks Conrad, who • large and expreseive eyes.
Id has spent a part of his life upon the "Conrad. we must snake a last effort
or ,sunny Italian elopes of the Alps and , fav this lady's sake. Lead on, man. If
hence millired inany the habits of you save us it is Eye hundred lire in
your poeket. The path. man -find us
the path that leads to the monastery."
Spurred on by the hope of mdking
large fortune, an well' as saving his own
life, the Alpine gnide again moves op,
svhile Sam follows, leading the unknown
lady who owes her life to him, half
bearing her, in bet, for the is almcst
chilled to the merrow. Death stares
them in the Ince, and even the bal-
ite:stied American groans- as he feels his
strength giving °et. She ?tears and
"Leave Ine-seve yoerstelf, 1 beg!"
smiles and ehakes his head cOnspany over half the world; their
Them two men have Journeyed 10
she cries, almoet pleadingly, but he
"While there's life there's hops. One taetes run much in eommon, and both
tigether, Pince fate has thrown ese
Yoll. "141 unilf"tItna-we 0r Sam the delights of salmon. fishing
are keen eportsmen. McLane has tiliowoirl
the rivers of Canada, and the pleasure
-sible to converse with the netuxel tones. es g tutees it in le: mon y
,the people of Aosta.
"When you ueed the glass and spoke
of seeing the party below, were there
intensive housekeetung."
"What do you mean bY that?"
'Mire° rooms and a bath."
- 1 7 1
sturdy fellowayasiee as strong as Baron
Sam, yet lacking muelt el the Anteri-
•ean's grit.
! "How marry would you say?"
(Ohio Penitentiary News) • "Two, at least, &gums"
Firet Conviet-They eay it took Milton "Confound it ! - wile t a 'foolish thing
sa days to write one mtge of a book. to bring females sip on the exposed side
Second conviet-That's nothing% I've of l't.font, Blanc at this time of year.
been On one sentence siX Years, and I'M , _,
not through yet, .I, tor One, object to women trying such
r : r dangerous experiments; they are more
- • - AHEAD OF HI STIME. .suited to the gentle aide of life-drasv-
(Washington Standard) '.' ' ,ing•rooms, the drive at Nice, or sight -
"Yeti are going to fiddle white Rome seeing in the titles, Anyhow, if by rea-
burnst" son of a great desire to climb the Alps
"But you can't, May the fiddle." they do make the attempt, let it be in
-vee, eeplied Nero."
"That's all right. Thel feet tron't bo the season-Jiily or Auguet-not when
netietel in the moving. pletures.' winter is ready -to 'West over the Mouse,
ALGY GUESSED. :tains and wrap them in a winding-
--,_ , _
(Exchange') breath away," ste another extraordinary Boxton eotttiriliee heard it blot onee-seileen--wite •that,
to eerVe by a queer name --1. have never
sheet,. Ugh( that fairly takes ones
ett'ill'a"inisnPigitIntissTePlletis :4.waiitilL1 sec teeth and
Lo push on ttfiesr the hardy guide. while stf'' SIMI asks.
Iteierss-What do sell stunpose father guests comes tearing down from the wild
se i venial increasee cOlititiltally in depth. "Miss Aileen Winchester, a, C"alifornis.
the storm rages and the Snow upon the
Aless.-Give it im, deal: girl. • region of the Matterhorn .-that bleak
said ahem my plan of inerrying you.
\vets:le. first time only a leW year:3 hefOre, Matt
liecOine AllilOst dead within them, when heiress to untold millions -a bright,
Iteiress-ves, those were his very'', peak reached by human feet for the 14
Hope, that anchor to the soul, has
: ---..........si , I i / brare, independent girl, travelling with
BITS OF WIT. . all of that adventurous -party perishing
1 spi:InIsitzetsr, of rcitlutehir
save an English gentleman, a Mr. Whym-
emnes from Conred, and as his ayes fall 1(1,ierte. eant,mat ...,(let‘tvl Eelinagpaes;todn,
eitddenly he hears A 61101.1t ahead. It
in the parlor waiting for her to appear. glimpse of him (laming madly upon the ways, but possessing n, warm heart."
Baron sant gives an expressive grunt.
Ife had called for her answer end set per, aud two guides.
ewp mmt push 1111. baron ,,, to remai„ 1111.011 that worthy lie has a, fatet
:Half an lieur went by. "1 w oil del.!, lie is death," exelaims the guide, uneasily. "T think I have heard of them bee
mused, "if the is making up her cam- "(lo it, old man; I'm agreeable," and
srlq.fie post, Boron Sam! the post that illtAIL,": ,,sheee sbeenvitsa,r1D:st,hintlieeitlya,psanytiouthaerses
plexion or her mind,:'-llorston 'restits• eniguisnvet6o littleteltc„‘irttgje.44.114Lins banadr eisreotlint
marks the s f I
po. ware Moneieur Oarot
el ipt. et.11 deredt 11 Wag blesseu ey C adieu laughs
l'ppson-Yon have a new baby at roe.k to reel; a ith an agility one would was 11!" •
it lies been an instrument in sat'-
, , _ holy inlistrusitittbetheblItileffiress?it'n'
Pine! And we Iive four mike 'apart). 1 holding his tiger between his teeth and 1 slialr's beaveti." groani the exhaust- good-nitturedly,
o conlese the truth, my dear fel-
your hence, 1 hear. powiting--(4reat :hardly dream he pleetesed, all the while Teti;
ilit;t4ts. .The Valli is here!" lie shouts, ter
fled no idea. rryone eculd hear lain that "keeping a tight grip upon his Alpine
tlistancel-Tit-Bite. staff uith its pointed. Steel•siliod base.
ec"Ifaislt•le' ean hold out tett minutei more, . low, I have conceived quite an ard.ent,
attachment for the lady, hut the trouble
v At said you eould liek 'Nliekey st‘tratin, while the blizsard rages feriously ady hetr.e, wr4timed in your coat,
' - - .--- ---sv- -Je., friends, but at preeent that is as far as
is she fells to return It, We are good
Itatie-Well, yonee a eight. 1 Votigh1;': l'hus they flounder on for some time, dear mitster tve are Based te A +1
'behind yer back. Patsy -So I could-. ployer sltows no signs of it - and almost 1.v?.1.,gw1 11 1g,?'
ever! low nte the path, man, and
"e it goes. Now, if fortune lutd. favored Ines
we could perhaps have gone further.
en yrr head ast/ wit' bote yer Iamb tiael arotind. Com -ad ie alarmed. - if his em- 1
whil 1 3 ,i Why wasn't Dudley McLane the one to
!nit de slob Woliidn't fight dat w.ty. ioses his head, but the cheery voice of then do *00 bastes
"I met .Tosies joet now, afftl htt told Sam Buxton eteediee him, much as a
be hey and keelp thbeel(s)ilsvair ofIllilf)e' oe at mournful grimace,
save Aileen?" he adds, with something
hie 111H biteintees plates are an in the air .1 eareful drives soOtliee a reetless steed, .
in oth olir bodies. Leave the lady I will
Baltimore Aillerieell• P3, -k
1' iMilde tO deeide whether it is in the right. nte9" I t I who is that dashing looking Italian -he
"Kismet -it ii kite, my boy, 'Now,
''Sn they are, Ife builds airshi ,, 9 5 They make progrees, but it ii impoe. not, Conn! be speetly--do you hear
. 't s save mit to the quick -sae though
wilitior lie ly.td ever been guilty of leaving one Iris: stiotnoiteiglitvaly.1,1.ave mortally offended, him
coft, ion't i I? Tohnna's Pop Y a takes them deeper bite the. deptlie, since
-- e , MY
X011, hut 1 ean demenetrate to you that there is no meane ef telling in distress awlions fortune had thrown .
a slipper eau be bard and otill be fele. they go unless the guide diseovers some on Ille hats sa-while she• rewards him "Ali, another Itiehminal in tlte Bahl,
'Si Simlin Slays lie'S going tn pertot sign that may be familiar to him. The W th a single lOok that werints lue heart, Sam, I expect to see you two looking
Ilf.falill the ineonte title' "WhY, he hartn't Arnerican tourist is persistent by maim, 1"14, is mincessary, baron. Praise Ifett• over pistols at enell other ;set, Tliat its
ertOngh ille0010 to be taxed." "No. nut begins to feel the (mid band of deepair
ven end the totinte, I hear Voieee above. Count Antonio Tivoli."
he's been beat *yin' seven-up 'for yeare. elutehhig at his heart when the storm,
It is the Ilady's party desieentliag. In a The American uttere a ery.
Ire tays he Wes* Maud fnr they're' instead of abating. grows move furious, "Yon know him?" denten& Dudley.
epringin' the tex le' whert he's due for . alla it is imPOstil'h' to ROP mole tliall MillVilt t li'Y
Rayon,' illta Liien ..001 reattZet tro/11 tite
, ,, "80 here' ,,Y1'8",, we sere "Ilia name is tonsillar to me, I have
0 liteky etreak."-Anteltington Star. , two yertle in any direction.
Ids arm that the -int• the honor to he aequainted with bis
heavy weight on
"Come with um title evening Arid I'll' ' "Jove4 I reekon we'll ltave to siait for
known lady has swooned. nieee Beattie Paoli," replies Sant, re.
iutroduce you to the elevereet girl in tt rescue by the good mottles ef St. lier•
CII P.W:tlt If. eovering his eompostue.
this town." "Olt, I don't Par to know nerd. Looks like a "A. elearming Itaitie," comments the
gone ease to me,
her. Take me where I ean meet 0, ColIrast Xtippoee yen give one mote Coll rad'S words are trne, for the yokel
warble, iny man, and we'll see if any- draw nearer, and in hardly more thau . (4111rik the owner is agreeable -in fact,
pretty one."- -Chicago Necord.Iferald, .
/nal woman in neat tle whose heart, thing eoutes out. of the storm. If not, a minute it party ot persons appear her beauty dazzles one."
the blinding, surging snow, hitt'. "You don't ,appear •to have auffered,
relentlete saY. is 5loWlY hinting to then we must camp AS 1,1051 we can in through
' e . ryirt tewisward the uides leading and Sam Buxton" says the Venadien dry.
ITe be Coittiatted.1:riPri,,,i
past adventures.
They resume the descent, each etep
taking them nearer the Ilorspiee of St.
Bernard, whose doors will warmly re-
ceive them. Sant notes that the re-
maining lady of the party is evidently
one who has acted as escort and
elhaperon to the younger traveller. She,
too, is about exhausted, so that t wo
of the guides have -to carry her.
The blizzard still keeps up in all its
fury, and there is not one among them
who does not express the most pro-
found satiefaction when before them
arise the hospitable *walls of the. monas-
tery that for such long years has been
bleeeing to travellere and lost Alpine
Here a warm welcome awaits them
from the monks, whoee lives are devoted
to this work, and whose fume has be-
come world-wide. The ladies are re-
vived and mrale comfortable in warm
room, while the men seek warmth and
good cheer in the large reception hall,
'Where a great fire azes.
Sam Buxton draws his Canadian friend
aside. There are a number of other
tourists preeent, who have ventured
up the aides of Mont Blanc, and whom
the terrible blizzard. sent backs Glad,
indeed,. are all of them to .find Shelter
front the (storm Sem hes questiens to
ask, and Dudley, on his part, desires to
learn how his friend Of many an adven-
teem in the inlet chances to be here.
beavNailySerulirve4ElstILEvRERCAOLPuEml iNwuitmit :I
hood, patent spring holder ana esteate, S
Stet -qnslity crystal. lenses Well bring 1
out every Mond color with vivid reality, 7,
*Aso plFre Of the finest pHorcoRAPHic -7
V1SWS ie is possible to elnalu of seenee.
front ell. oVer the world, We give the _
failffitiMoVITIFJUI4fieft8pU. -
qwuusnyvaaulawAtHriTnEalCirte5oelioiri4inggoitelinsit uytouo 1
toy,maim oF oVEETW$ AuTy p Nall
fer 100eL.iallidr_ONTIFininThlamyg Ulf? OLANitaDdSaTIEsoiRE.
au ti f you win show your premiums to your ma
olinN.TUNTIEteoftentl.4A0ST irr Mottnesilrispuronpielek _
ofrulr gelottgawlegewtitIlliseemiutinrolu.esatsedhina
fLthRAegealiflatiretlit4.4.A !ere° ypoArtoviii:0:tea.)Ithqte
set,. write o•cl.ay and e w !send you _
PgN OM Del% 2.344 a ,,
to c LT J
,„,,,, Ili , '‘,,,lierk ,,,la,f0441.
(New York Herald/
Newels have been found to be the most
serious conveyers of eye diseases, It is
quite impossible to keep the eyes of chil-
dren in an institution well if there Is any
chance for the use of eommon towel.
Even when only the hands are wipea
the fact that the fingers are carrying
to the eyes leads to the spread of disease.
(ether affections :nay be spread thus,
though only rarely, 'Where recent bleed-
ing points as in barber shops, are touch-
ed, however, there is no little danger,
in cunt:let; 1 linve some fight in 1ms of moose bunting, while Buxton, on the
Yet. oot Colll'ad: etl.4 we must find other hand, has led the elutee of. the elk
1 he trail."
thin 13 telling, open even that indomi-
ills excl... iit3tentibethItiotieskiaeLitnd tracked the grizzly
"You oiled the lady I had tlie honor
Now lie staggers ltinteel t ;
l'orninv --Pop, a feat saippoe or wrong direetion. Perhaps every step wo; 11 111 161t 1.°11g 11.1', for the Inerl'e fie0Wla at me every time our eyes meet,
Stock Yards
Largest Canadian
ror Beet and Feeder
Cattle, Calves, Hogs,
Sheep and Horses
. ,
(Nrontreal Toleglittplil
We should be hypocrilleal, as well as
ungrateful to their memory, If wo pre-
tend that our zeal for petwo and otir
friendship for Our neighbors upon this
vontinent rendered us forgetful or. the
sacrifices of those who cemented the
foundation's of our great Dominiun with
their toil and blood. But we have some-
thing else to be proud of, and in this our
AMerican vousins _have their honorable
share. That is that or almost a hun-
dred years now no sword. lias been drawn
no elm firee bY one nation aeainst the
other. For more than three thousand
eight hundred miles a common frontier
runs nracticany unguarded as far as
minter. ystreagth la concerned. No nav-
ies threaten each other on our interna-
tional inland seas, which are as large
and as important as the Battle. the
.Adrifitic. the Black Sea and the Caspian.
There have been' aa manv and as serious
possible CallSOS of war during that Pee-
led between the British Emplee and the
-United States as there have been between
any of the European nation. We have
demonstratea tire fact thet high-spirited
and energetle people ean live alongside
each other. can develop their commeree
under the keenest circumstances of com-
petition. and yat can settle all thole tile -
Enmities by :arbitration.
_ 7
50 0 GANS
charitable organ -hill lion. Portland Oro• Stelae gu'ule. raises 1118 benumbed keepfngc a brighi loofout, for theie la 1Y. with a sehttekle.
t•tone, will make fine head for ROMS this bleak Owe.
bends. and *gale that weird Tyrolese always extreme danger of losing the
glomothing 0 an Athlete.
One of the party in a Waaidegten elith
the other night referred to e wonder-
ful stunt la a.thletiess tiani Con,
gressman Alfred U. Allen, of Ohio. Now
atrose With a Story blend the prize ath-
A altert time ago two college boys
called on a beautifni girl at her papa's
eottage down by the restful sea, one
of the boys was friend. of the
family, but the other had not previous-
ly met the girl lit question, .
"Miss Smith," said the frieml, filling
the veranda. full of voiound bowls, "per -
Mit me to introduce Mr. Jiinemi, of our
trade team. He has lifted. 700 pounds,
and ;jumped 23 lee feet at a •erlvate
"I am very pleased to meet you, Ma.
Jimson," eweetly remarked. the fair
one. And so you are in athleties? You
make me think uf a distant uncle of
"Thanks!" responded the college boy,
as his face blushingly suffueed. "You.
quite flatter me. Was the made you
speak of an athlete?"
"Well, I should, say he wits!" was the
emphatie (leclaration of the girl. "He
lifted $80,000 este ;jumped from here all
the svity to South America!" Ex-
Suit -and Costume Lengths of
English Serges
At Importers' priees, Write for free
samples stating whether for Ladies' or
Gentlemen's wear. .Address
References Bank of Montreal, Almonte.
Was Not Missed,
'No remount of persuasion of pettish -
spent could. keep Johnnie from running
away, The exeitement of being pmeated
end of being brought beels -to a tearful
f•tmily appeoled ta hiq senee of the (Ira -
meth: and offset the .islight discomfoet
that sometimes followed.
Filially his snotlicr deteimined upon e
new method. She decided, after many
iniegiving's, that the -next time Johnnie
ran aWay no notice whatever :should be
ialsen of it. He should stay aWay 4
long as ho pleased and return. when lir
85:11:1' alitiew days the youngster againells•
appeared. lEs mother was firm in her
re.sol ye and no search was made. ilreat
v4is poor Johnnie'e disappointment. Ile
managed to stay all day. but when it
began to grow dark his coerage failed
and he started for home, He siteakial
ignominiously inte the kitchen., Nebralv
epoke to him, Apparently his absence
had not been noticed. Thie was too
Aq 5001). ;IS opportmlity offered
"Well, 1 see
he remarked eequally:
you've get the stone old eat." --PiEtsburg
t - t
To keep the lethy healthy his little
stomasth should be kept b west and
his bowels working regularly. 'aTine-
tenth.. of the maladies; a•hielt effliet
onre are caueed by some de-
rangement -of tho stomas+ or bowele.
'Baby's ()ten Tablets are the ideal
medieine 'for iittle ones. They eweet-
en the etomaels; regulate the bowele;
break up colds; make teething easy;
Shannon. 'Crites,. X. ft., says: "1 have
eeed ilitbre Own Tahletei for my to little
ones end think they are in:4i what ehil-
dren need, T. would not be without
them." Sold by all medieim) dealers or
.by until at trie a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' lfedieine Cols Ilt,roeleville, Out.
(Chicago Tribune)
We have sone fifty first•elass orgms
on haml, at prices from $1 2.50 to $3.1.
These instrtunents heve all been over-
hauled by our own workmen and are in
first-elase condition. A few great bar-
gains are: James organ. walnut case, 5
stops, $15. Dominion organ, 8 stops,Se.0.
Bell organ, 0 stops. $25. Send. for eons;
plete list, giving foli description etating
what terms you would like. Ifeinteman
& Co., corner King and John streets,
Hamilton, Ont.
'VVhat Alaskan Dogs Eat.
Dogs in'Alaska, when on the trail, are
fed once a day, after the day's work is
done. They are never fed in the morning,
for if they were they would be lazy all
day, or, what la more probable, would
vomit up their breakfaet 130011 after
they got on the trail. Dogs, to work well,
must be well 'fed, and it ie Wee econ-
omy to underfeed a dog, They are fed
on variety of foods, including rice,
tallow, corn meal and fish. If eke or
cornmeal forms a part of their food it
must be cooked. Some seen prefer to
feed their clogs on bacon or fiat', time
doing away with cookimg. (looked food
is cheaper end more fattening than raw
feed, but the queetion as to whether (log,s
ean work better on cooked or oncooked
food is one that will never be settled
00 long as are anut....el_ters“ tO argue
the question.-ITerper's Weekly,
Mthard's LlnimceonvtvcCures Garget In
f •
Not Always Available.
A smile riopled over the features er
Seines M. Baker, secretary of the Senate,
when reference was made to WaSbington
sightseers. 1 -le paid he was reminded
of the Pennsylvania girl who visitea the
marine barracks.
The yotmg girl. In company with several
otl:er visitors, aceording te Mr. Baker,
was Shown around by an officer who
explained everything pertaining to the
life and discipline of the post.
"It is all wonderfully interesting." res
marked the Pennsylvania girl at a certain
Peint in the officer's talk, lilt whttt
votvallanjelvareta rec‘f.gytotil'atirtiesoT
bugle.' explained the officer. "I'lleY
Mean Out'. They are.playea over
the body of a deed soldier.'
"X see," responded the Pennsylvania
tw a°1, Ink S.°0fit gratatie".1A91024
got a dead solaverr• -Philadelphia Tele-
NAINDRU CO ""des' Cod Liver, Oil
• Preparation
Prevents Sickness
Are Yoe one of those theusande who;
though apparently well, catch cold eastly
and often It's a dangerous condoles:to
tolerate, and one which yea Can easily
rrevent by takine two or three bottloe of
ela-Dre-Co Tasteless Preparation of Cod
Liver 011 at once-thie
This pleasent-tastIne food -tonic gives
tone and vigor to the whole system, and
so strengthens lungs and bronchial tubes
that they readily throw off the colds which,
would otherwise take hold of you.
Restores Health
13y virtue of its remarkable combinatierti
'of curative and nutritive properties, Na-
Dru-Co Tasteless Cod Liver 011 Is one of
the 'rely best remedies knovm for chronic
coughs and colds, bronchitis, asthma end
catarrh. It is also art exsellent reconstruct.
Iva tonic after fevers, and In diseases :mit
as scrofula and rickets, which are due to,
constitutional weakness.
Provo its worth by eetting 50c. est
.S1.00bottle from yeur Druggist. Si 1
That Trouser Skirt.
It is 1101 sensational.
It is want around the feet.
There's a box plait at the baek.
There are side plaits at the sides.
At the front there's a seam front
waiet to hem. .
the skirt is seant and straight around
ti:.erlutztl.i there are !delta at the top,
We've beard of IL
The above illustrations give but a faint
idea of the mani beaullOS Of our pnE-
-arm smile by the best workmen. We win .1--
ana also a lovely pair iDE BEAUTY PINS "'''
and a
flPohl leN10 r.e lays tel plicaST: eul I IF iltleigl ep0 1?1 al syt
ptkrrir°11NietetE131:Relkenlatsir,Etise3Aialliiell"1110Rfilltyl°11::::Itiellhvev:IrhilPrtra°tigitu:r'icae'lel o g e t
g ...teinatiF 1",71 i laft/Y)e.ollui- 1
some of your friends Interested in selling
our goods WO will send you as an ExTRA
the cards to sell Address ciptvisnID
git '0,11tre°tEIT4, Vde'wsetest,r111 Ivtit in (d TO' flit
' A.DI
PEN CO. Dept ef, ' or n , n .
• .
Not a Soloist,
The tai,e Thmiure Thomas was re-
hearsing the Cliivago orchestra on the
stage of the Auditorium theatre. -lie
Was disturbed by the whistling. of Al-
bert 'Berridge, the well-known seene
painter, who was at work in the left
above the stage. A few minutes later
'Mr, Thomas' librarian appeared on the
"bridge." where Mr. Berridge, merrily
whistling, :yes at work.
"Mr. Thomats' vomplimente," said the
librarian, "and he requests 1110 10 Sta. te
that if Mr. Ihteridge wishes to whistle
he will be glad to 4liscontinue his re-
To •whielt Mr. Berridge replied suave-
ly: "Mr. Burridge's eompliments to
Itir. Thomas, amt please inform Mr.
Tito:nee that if Mr. Burridge cannot
whistle with the orehestora. he won't
whistle at all."
There are no young girls in America,
asserts a Freecit observer. our glrls,
he says. becomes young ladles too suon.
They become sophistleated too early,
They aro trying to /Alarm and tu at-
traet. at an age when they should igen-
erly take orders from 'nether.
'The frenehman haste his couousions
his observations in our large <Sties. No
doubt if he had gone into the smaller
towns lie would have (meld less sophis-
tleatiun and more braids. Nevertheless
his criticism is not unties. It is the big
cities that are the standard for the rest
or the country. They set the pace. And
the braided type. with native, Innoeent
este, is Indeed becoming rare in our
°Piet 8ine poorer shifts of suelety the shop
and the factury are respossible for the
disappearance of the young girl type. A
girl of 14 when thrown In the compaill' .
of older girls day after day is quiekly
dragged Into the Ivhirlpool of lire. with
the well to do classes the girl is will-
• fully spoiled by tite overindulgent parents.
Too little discipline 81,6%111.11gs ausr it =
much. The early di
braid and the acquirement iestead of •
worldly wise ways and manners bY our -
young girls lend a coolness to uor civiliza-
tion which it could profitably lose.
Iiidneys Wrong? ---
If they are you are in danger. When
through weakness or disease the
kidneys fall to filter the Impurities
from the blood, trouble comes at once.
Backathe,. Rheumatism, Sciatica,
Gravel, Thabetes, Gall Stones and the
deadly Bright's Disease are some of
the results of neglected kidneys. Dr.
Morse's Indian Root Pills contain
most effective diuretic which
, strengthens and stimulates t he
kidneys so that they do their work
thoroughly and well. Try
Dr. Morse's "
Indian Root Pills
N'oodles With Spanish Peppers.
6 Ounces of NOOIlleS, 1 Small Can or
Spanish Peppers, cup or stoeic or
Gravy, Halt end. Pepper, Butter. Cook
' the noodles until tender, drain and tuld to
, thrill the contents of small can cif
Spit lash peppers which have been el:opted
and heated in a cup of good s eels of
gravy, Let these heat together; then
eeason with sail, pepper and a getWous
piece of butter. serve vont veal viitlet
or with roast Yeal.-Pictorial Review
: I
Minard's Liniment Cures Diptheria.
She Was Prepared.
Here is 0 story told by the Bishop of
London, When lie Was iti Toronto 11,
CWItly ft member of one. of his autlieneee
told Min that he had heard him speak
14 yeasts before in London, aunt rement•
bered only one thing he said.
"lie told nut that 14 years ago," said
the"Bishop, "I related the story of to
old woman who fell from a three-story
' window in the East End, struck her
head, and was picked up for dead.
"Ile added that had said I went to
her neighbor and remarked: '1 tun afraid
111rs. Iones was not prepared," and that
T ha& received the 'Oh, yes; I
know she wee, beeause as elm passed my
window in her full, I heard her say,
"Ntiw fur a bump!"'"
(Pit tsburg zette-Times)
The fact that the split Neill le sante
tars' and healthy dooms it. mice let the
impressien got abroad that it Is sensi-
ble garment atid it wilt be all Olt. So 1.0
Sneak. •
Most Actor underetand the play
'yOU Were Oa with haa elmet run,
Second Aetor- -*Yes, but it ended with
a long walk,
ISSUE NO. 45, 1913
J.' gage, an improv'ed 100-aere farm
with buildings; only 6200.00 required down.
Apply tu M, J. Kent, Box 419, London,
is a
can use
The Guaranteed "ONE DYE for
Ail Kinds of Cloth.
Clean, No Chance of Mistakes. TRY
IT! Send forFrec Color Card and Booklet.
TheJohason•alchardson Co. Limited, Montreal
Thought He Was Needed.
Tony came oVtr from the old comae
reel restaintil engdoyment in America as
a section hami. Some time afterward
he went tc, his foreman and. sa,ids "Boss,
I like lief It vecetion."
"Why. Tony, you don't need, a veva-
Con." answered the boss.
"Yes. boss, I like het vacation," re-
peated Tony.
"What do you want with 11, vacation?
If T give it to you. Tony. you will go
OVer te the old emattry, blow all your
money, and thee emne bac kbroke. You
ha d Letter stay hoe."
"I like linf a vacetion, boss," stolidly
repeated Tony, "Pm going to get mar-
ried wed 1'4 kinda like to be there."-
Eyelet:bodes-1 Mambo,
Tight Money Pinching Many
History of Tea.
The earliest revord of tea being mew
tioned by an Englishman was probably
that vontained in a letter from Mr.
IVielcham, an agent of the East India
company, written from Erando, in Ja-
pan, 101 June 27, 1 615, to another offi-
cer of the company, resilient of Mavao,
in the south of China, noising him for
"a pot of the best eort of elem." ft
11118 not tit the middle of that een-
tury that the English began to uee tett;
they received. their supplies from Java
until 111130, when they were driven out
hy the Dutch, says the Bulletin, of the
Imperial institute. A.t 11.1'st the price in
:Englund ranged front to Jej.0 per
potted. In the Alerentine Politicise of
September, 1(15e, itecere an advertise-
ment of the "China Drink (railed by the
Chine:me 'Celia, by other nations Tay,
alias; Tee," being sold in London. Thos.
(leeway, the first English_ tea dealer, itt
ltiee or (Moral it ttt pricers -vary-
ing from les to :ills a pound. Not until
1 1177 ie there a record. of the East India
eompany havina taken any stepe for the
importation., Condon. Olobe,
Thmtsands More are being squeezed
by Chitin etrIlls Wiliell 'ea 11 In! Vulva
iiiiiekly with Putuam's Corn Extraetor.
living free from eaustieq, Putnam's is
painiees. sea stiecessfully for fifty
years, T'se en other. 2;ie at all dealers.
(l'ittsburg thlgette-Tinies)
some day, no doubt, an end of 11101.•
gariatie marriages will be matle in (ler-
mato' and Austria. They never won,
whet:tea in tire Britielt (elands. to the
911 at ercilit of their people. be it :401.
There It Wife Is a nife in full fact.
• 40
Minard's Liniments Cures Colds, Etc.
- . _
(Montreal iTerald)
The lesson wide), Ids downfall teaches
most of nli is the danger In the lure of
,st„,.e, gambling by anyone, high or IOWIY,
\kith money eta one's OW 11 or w111011 one
cattiest afford to leee
y •
1St/inner attheltange
Tf yon suffsr from bleeding, itching,
blind or protruaing piles, send. me your
address, and I will tell you how to pure
yourself at home by the new absorption
treatment; and. will also send sonic of
this home treatment free for trial, with
referene-s from your own locality if
requested. Immediate relief ana .per-
manent cure assured. Sena no money,
but tell others of this offer. Write to-
day to Mrs. M, Summers, box 8, Wind-
sor, Ont.
Where the Fish Bite.
traVd11.111g salesinalt While in Ohleago
wile invited to a. party given by a friend.
During supper stories were ealled for,
and he told the following. Two Irish-
men were fiehing one day in a lake.• Af-
ter nearly all day one of them threw
hie line far out and. pulled in, he got a
strike. Alter fishing awhile lie finally
landed a fine 'fish.
"oh," said he, "Mike, thie is the only
plave in the lake to fish; We Will just
mark It." And he tut 0 noteh in the
side of the boat.
They all laughed, and the story telling
wa s resumed.
There wers one Englielnuan who kept
laughing all the time Miring the rest of
the evening until time to go home, when
he came up to the travelling ealesman
and said: "1 was just thinking of the
story you told. 11 was suelt a funny
story, don't believe I ever heard such
a funny story before, Just think, if
they had got the wrong boat they won141
have never known where to fish."---Ma-
chiniste' Monthly.
Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd.
tientlemen,--in July, 10n3, T was
throWn il-0111 0 road maehine, injuring
my hip and back baoly and was obliged.
to nse 0 crutell for 14 monthe. In Sep.
tember, 1000, Mr. Wm. Outridge, of Ida-
clatte , urged ine to try MIN-ARD'S
LINJMENT, whielt I dids with the illoSt
t-,01iSfactory resttlta and. to -day I ant as
well as ever in ley life.
"Yonne siecerely,
Fig Tapioca.
cup or T,Ipini,a, 2-2 Cup of Heed
Figs, n -s Cup or clumped Eingl;s1,
nuts, Cups [10 001,1 water. I 1-2 (*up
Light Brow n Sugar, 1 Tahiespoon of Van.
Ilia, Soak taproter overnight
ana In the moming add the sugar, figs
and suit meats mid eteam 011). hour in
ti double boiler. Stir In the seuella
t and turn Otto a serVing disk. L'11111
and serve wits whipped. er woe, eeseet,
-Pletoelel Review.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
(I3uffaio Essrss,)
sex hygiene In.sf fil 111,041 at home.
But ir nmst tatteet sehoots,
ti e teachere and the taken in se/ectint
the teacvliers and the textbooloi. Other-
wise, the teaching will do m.o., 1,a1 111
than good. Beth teltetang and teaeh-
ers should be passed tut 1* eontlittent
medical authority.
• 1)*
1 Of course, it is possible to turn 0.
' crank down, but be always tUrns up
,4,0 int