HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-11-06, Page 5L.]
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_ Housing Of Immigrants, The World's Temperance Sun- mind, No man w°uta[ put, to o0640 or
^_... day, Nov. 9th. al stumbleaseliginblock, qv°Ino sort the way of the
Canada is Inviting to her shores feeble limping along' with difficulty. He , LSARD CO.,
s~ vast army of industrial workers Throughout the world, wherever the No than, who remembers his respon- '��
ia for whom she wakes no adequate International 8,5, lessons are studied slbility, would dig a pit, "an occasion
ai" praviaton by wise housing, pity- and also fcow thousands of pulpits ser• to fail," In theroid where a little child
planning and sanitary legislation* mons will be preached on this vital walke but that is what men do who this was the keynote of an address eat and drink what grieves the mind,
1 ofLadies
b Mr, B. M, Stewart At the drat tOBel or wcakena the lAfth, or seduces the
Y Below ws the the comments of a
THIS WEEKIV meeting of the Canadian Political celebrated scholar on the scripture se• will of the weak brother. ''I dog not
science Association, held In Ottawa lection to be used on Nov pith, ,The say+ Paul a5atn interpolates, "that �
recently. In support of this position, , eating and drinking are wrong inWinter
weak and 7.he Strong, by t:he Rep.
he presented an array of facts, collect- Prof, W. M. Clow, D. B„ Glasgow, themselves," but he declares In a sen-
- _ ed by social survey workers In Watt- Scotland, tents of noble passion, ',Destroy not
('' couver, Fort William, Port Arthur, with thy meat him for whom Christ
Our stock of Men's and Women's Rain Coats and Sydney, showing abominable con- died," Then he adds in a Hammer tone, Suits •ditions of congestion and of inade• Here a strong and patient mind ad- "the kingdom of God is not eating and
on sale this week at a very decided reduction• quate sanitary conveniences, existing dresses itself, the inspiration of God's drinking, but righteousness and peace
In these typical cities. Tho system, or Spirit to the parental questions of and joy in the Holy Spirit." These
lack of system, of garbage removal, Christiana responsibility in things In- merely external acts are not the vital
Every one knows how necessary a Rain Coat ,
was h equently complained of, Parti• different. cis question Arose among things, upon which a deeply Chriatian at
really iS, and we made a purchase of these coats cular stress was laid on the fact that the Christians of Rome in regard to man will take his stand, Then his
• the building of "shack towns" on the eating flesh, drinking wine, and ob- " ° J
� � pleading, to follow after things �
at a big reduction, and we are going to give you outskirts of young, rapidly growing serveying special and appointed days which make for peace." is the soft note ;
cities, was laying the foundation for of devotion, It was not made so thor. on which he closes,
the advantage of these prices. pestiferous alums later on, ny and vexing as it was in the church The third argument is the Christian �i You'll appreciate the economy
t . In the discussion which followed of Corinth, by the additirnal perplex• men's. responsibility for the work of
the Store until - Mr, Stewart's paper, it was pointed ity of eating meat which had been of- (,led "la'or meat destroy not the work 1 1 of shopping at this store if you
25 Per Cent, of f any. Rain
�T Coat
Q in fared to idols. Here it is merely ++ take advantage of the man
• Saturday, Nov 8th• out that in their haste to become im- Y the of God, Paul lifts his eyes to look a• - g Y
portant centres of population, Cana. assertions of and demand for an ascetic broad, and to remind these strong be- chances t0 save.. The store
assn cities are attracting large flew ideal of the Christian life. To set it lievers bow certainly their assertions �.-�.
b?rs of foreign workers and. are grow- down in modern speech, some declared of liberty and their refusal to deny that keeps down the cost of
! Ing so rapidly that the extension of that Christian men should be vegetari. themselves in things Indifferent will ; living by providing some of the
Ladies Coatings in a splendid range Of diagonal sewerage systems, of properly paved ans, others called upon them to abstain blast men's faith and hinder the com- :
p supply ing of the kingdom. He drives that SeaSOn S necessities at reduced
streetb, of municipal water su I from wine, O.hers(Insisted that the
stripes, only one coat length in each piece, in blacks, and other civic conveniences, can not keeping of certain days, especially the home with his impassioned personal = : @ prices when the need is most
keep pace with the expansion. in weekly S wbbath,—was an essential and testimony. Then, with an appeal to
! teens etc., at $3 .00 and $2 •25 per yd e other words, we are allowing the im- imperative of Christian conduct. Not the man of strong faith not to flaunt ' -' argent,
migrants to be exploited .in order that only did they feel themselves safe in it in a wilful pride, and a counsel to
. . • • a few men may become rich over such a rigour but they were persuaded those whose consciences condemn eat. Some bargains in Ladies' Coats—
Ladies' Winter Coats, splendidly tailored, in the very night. fihis is a crime for which we that all Christian men should mind the ing, not to disobey them, he sums up ,
newest materials and right up to the minute iri shall pay dearly by repeating in this sante rule, these amen were "the Weak the whole duty of the strong, "Now Lot No. 1. 10 Coats to clear at $7.50.
new land the evils of older eiviliza- in Paul'a language, and he is doubtless we that are strong ht ou to bear the
g � Lot NO. 2. 10 c a « $9.50.
styles, from .$15.00 to $25.00 each• tions. quoting a term which was in common infirmities of the weak, and not to Lot NO. 3. $ cc cc $11.98.
y y The high death rate from tuber- use, But others did not see that such please ourselves," Should not every ,
culosis in the tenement -house dis- asceticism was any part of a Christian's man who sets wine upon his table re -
MEN ---'-This is the place to buy your Winter Over- tricts of Montreal was referred to duty. They resented the demand ab examine his conduct in the light of his Lot No. 4. Children's Coats, broken lines and sizes OII
by one speaker, who mentioned a an invasion of Christian liberty. responsibility, sale at -$3.98.
coat and Suit. We guarantee satisfaction, we Sell case which bad come under his ob- Tnese were "the strong," and they re. ' _
servation, of an Irish woman who palled the claims of the weak In a -
Lots No. 5. Ladies' Tailored Suits, odd sizes to clear at
Clothes to fit and clothes to wear. A splendid line had bad thirteen children, every scornful contempt with which we are C
oae of whom had died. Statistics all familiar today. LOOK►7
of Men's Overcoats in the newest belted styles at showed that, while exceptional, this Paul, in principle, stands with the GOOD See our large stock of Ladies, Fur Lined and Fur Col -
$10.00 to $20.00. was not an isolated case, strong. He does not agree that to eat Surely Impossible if You are lared Coats. Some good values at $20,00, $22.50 and
Prof. Mavor of Toronto University no meat, or to drink no wine, or to ob•
serve set days are imperatives of Constipated, Bilious or Have $25.00.
said that not infrequently, in coming y P p y �
to C ruada, European immigrants Ohrit-tian conduct "Nothing is uncleanIndigestion.SWEATER COATS.—A large stock of "Monarch Brand"
p g
Always a pleasure to show goods. made their condition worse, rather of itself" (v. 14). But in practise be
than better. In Finland, for example, differs clearly and firmly from them. cleanse your system of undigest- Sweater Coate, all sizes, ladies and girls ; bargains at
When you buy, buy right• there was no overcrowding in the He lifts their minds above the thoughts ed food, foul gases and excess bile in $1.50 and $2.00.
of rights or libert to that of res on- the stomach, intestines and bowels by
houses, and in Moscow, although th, g y p the timely use of the great fruit tonic
We guarantee satisfaction every time. _ congestion was indeed frightful, the sibility. He sets his position in the axative. READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT now complete with
sanitation system was well-nigh per. emphatic wordQ, "It is good not to eat FIG PILLS
flesh, nor to drink wine, nor to do an New Waists, Wrappers, House Dresses, Dressing Seeks,
fact.' The feat that in some of our y'' and you will feel fine, have a clean, ,
- largest Canadian cities. the tap water thing whereby thy brother stumbleth." clear complexion, healthy, stomach, no �intonas, Children s Dresses, &C.
was not fit to drink. he characterized The form in which this question indigestion, sick headaches or that tir-
es evidence of "the grossest municipal meets us to -day is that of abstinence ed out, down -hearted feeling. Refuse
g P all Kubstitutes when you ask for FIC}
from alcoholic liquors. We must take PILLS. At all dealers in 25 and 50 .
J0 c Certain it is that the businesslike our stand with Paul in the mainten• cent boxes, or by mail from The Fig
so ■ R' WV1 Vconduct of our civic affairs in the ante of a great principle. We cannot Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont. Sold at _
interests of the people at large is one say that unless a man abstains from McKibbon's Drug Store.
Successor t� [b��R 69 �Ol� of the most necessary reforms needed alcohol he is not a Christian at all. sar(-
.� ,f But if Paul called upon men to be .�.-,_._ --.. -.
- - -. in this country. 'tVe are not only P Hg � g �• Co.
morally bound to care for the vegetarians and abstinent in view of
i foreigners whom we have invited to the responsibility of every Christian Ulster And Quebec.
our country, but for our own and our man towards the moral and spiritual ��—
children's protection we must see to it well-being of his weaker brother,
that they have decent living con. much more must we feel ourselves In discussing Ulster's opposition to
Iitions. called upon to be total abstainers the present Home Rule Bill T e 0 -
from alcohol. The awful curse of ronto Star approvingly quotes The Apt
intemperance, the injury to the health Hamilton Herald as saying: "Suppose y
and strength not only of the men and the people of the Eastern Townships, SOLE AGENT FOR
! women who walk our streets but of most of them English-speaking and
H I LD R� N S HAIR the unborn babe, the waste and con- Protestant, has made such demands at , J
scquent impoverishment both of the confederation as the Ulster loyalists OSTERMOURtermoort
Cee it Clean and Free From family and the nation, the misery any are making now; suppose they had
p degradation which are its close at. demanded to be treated as a distinct - MATTRESSES
Disease by Using Parisian Sage. tendants—and above all the ruin to community separate from the rest of iYln 1 lt�s
the souls of men, intensify and urge the Province, and had threatened to
If you want your children to grow Paula arguments, and give his ap- take tip arms rather than be subject to They need no word of
ap with strong, beautiful and vigorous _
lair, teach them to use Parisian Sage peals a poignancy greater than we a Legislature composed mainly of =
commendation US.
—the world renowned Hair Tonic. could feel, representatives of the French Catholic =
Parisian Sage is guaranteed by J. W. These arguments are three in num- majority I Will Earl Grey venture to ltaae
UcKibbon to cure dandruff and stop 815.00 "'"" .`�'*l5,0o
'ailing hair in two weeks, It grows her. The first is the Christian mans sap that they would have succeeded in M
aew hair quickly in cases where the responsibility to himself (vs 7 - 12), intimidating the Fathers of Confedera- Hercules and Coil Springs.
aair Its "thinning out." "None of us tiveth to himself." Paul tion and that their demands would
It is positively the most delightful, ii not setting down here that under- have been granted?"
Invigorating hair dressing on the stood truth that a man's actions go Surely a more unhappy analogy -
market for family use. Itis not sticky
)r greasy and will make your hair soft, out from him, like the circles from a could scarcely have been chosen. Con- , Brass, Wood and Iron Beds
lustrous and luxuriant. It puts life stone -splash in a pool, or a cry from a federation gave the Protestant min
and beauty into dull faded hair. Get man's lips, to affect the lives of others. ority in Quebec religious and educes
a large bottle from J. W. MCKibbon lie means that our first regard, our tional guarantees. The Home Rule Furniture of all kinds.
and watch its rapid action, Regular
price 50 cents. supreme duty, is towards Ohriet. Bill contains no such adequate guar- ,
"We live unto- the Lord." The inter- antees for the Protestants of Ulster.
este of Jesus, the well-being of his The Quebec guarantees have been ob- �
kingdom, the care and concern to win served, but for long the Protestant .
Musings of a Country Merchapt, his approval, should be our ruling minority in the Eastern Townshipsuzl`�` RAs URRit� hought. Whether we live day by and other parts of the Province has 1J (f��Vr�..
day, or whether we lie in the hour been in a most uncomfortable position.
"Yes," remarked a country mer- and article of death, "we are the Unable where they are weak humeri- • °
chant, "I certainly have a snap. Lord'e." When that solemn thought tally to secure adequate education for / FUNERAL DIRECTOR
Wholesale houses send duns every fills a man's mind he will not, on the their children the English-speaking j t
month and draw on me at sight, but one hand, julge his brother; that is inhabitants have steadily eauigrated Night phone 155. Day phone 51.
if I send a bill to a customer he be- „the weak" will not be censorious and to other parts of the continent. As
comes swearing mad and quits trad- the Enghab, scotch and' -Irish-Cana. 1
Pharisaic, ag the weak so often are,
ing at my store. While I am hard up and will not be so quick to condemn diane abandon their farms in many
for money, many of those who are the man who goes on eating and cases rather than send their children
owing me are sending money in ad- drinking. Nor, on the other hand, to the clerical schools, their land is
vauce to Mail order houses. If I con- will the strong "set at nought" ; that taken by French Canadians often fin -
tribute money for any cause people is, scorn and mock$ as the strong so anted by Church organizations.
say I am bidding for trade, if I don't, often do, the weak and overserupuloup. Neither the clergy nor the French.
they say fain a hog. frEvery very I am „We shall all stand before the judg- Canadians can be blamed for advanc LOW expecting to dig far everything ment seat of Christ." When men ing their own Interests, but if Toe
that comes slang, from a rafft a ticket realizi that their conduct shall be set Star wished to convince its readers of
to a church fund, by people, who I in its awful light., and that every man the unwisdom of the Asquith -Red -
claim ought to do part of their trading must justify himself there, questions mond measure, it could not have
here, but our friends Robert Simpson of liberty, and, much more, questions quoted a more striking example than in
and T. Eaton neither buys et ars flat of taste and liking, pale and fade be• that of the L astern 'Townships of��Oheipa church fund+, and yet cash in- fore our responsibility, Quebec,—[Coronto News,
advance business. If I sell a pair of The second is the argument of the
pants I must treat the family to candy ' County O
and cignrr;. If I buy a load of POW brother
man's responsibility for laic
brother (18, Ili). ,Having lifted our
toes I must do the, same. Customers, eyes to the Judgment throne, PaulNEURITIS FOLLOWS
Are able to pay hang onto their bids us now look around upon our j�
money While I pay 10 percent at the brethren, and asPecially upon the NERVES Robes, Blankets, D►rivirig Mitts and
bmnk to get ready cash, I have big weak, the easily tempted, the linen- CRIPPLED NERVES (� #
business during hard times and poor lightened in consclencr$ the troubled In `.'+auntle $.
crops from those who are willing to painful Effects Of Chronid Rhein- Bells
t ado with me, provided that I can .------- .4_. �" String Bells, O1.pen ells aid Shaft
duplicate oatalbgue houses prices, and mittism Quickly Routed By Chimes.
wait until harvest for Money, llay MEN ANTANTED Rheutna.
scales .weigh too much when I sell _ . _ •
sugar, and too little when I -buy but.It your nerves aro all °rippled from Trunks, Suit Cases and Travelling
teff. I am a thief, a liar and a grafter, TO Learn the Auto Business attacks of Rheumatism, Netiritle can
easily get a ttrobg hold on the nerves. Bags. A large: assortment to
If I smile, I at a saft�aoapy hylaroorite and Take an Agency. 'l'hta most painful disease is one of t hA t� s�
and if I don't I'm a grump. halookedYoe can mako from $18 to $50 a week hardest
esst known
eo h t o g v'otbuut eRhatEi U- choose from.
tainly, this Is a snap, driving, selling or fropairtuff tiara. 'deb
aver, 10,000 worth of accounts, all 10,
This test Imony is positive proofs
atiil tee^h you in a fete weeks in your "Last March I was arfpoled with No.n•
good and wonderer hew he lie td raisb own h nd to h t art oatpert for a Automobile title in lett limb l edict sI heaty walk d
$;130 to pay a sight draft ane to•mar• mai, and got you au agency far a high ail. Tt led All remedies I heard of and
ro►t+, vddb oat, We havo ba4n established had two Physicians. Norhlnadld me THOS* KEW
live yeara, 4VIA have over 000 soccokoful an ood until I usPd RtlHUXA; $2.0
graduaves. Write at nista tot fees book. ,north of your medicine surely tared
let which gives full infornmattotr, ttte.--Um 0. 14, iiasew, 1,11840.1, icy, Ha>rri�3 mporiurn � i�ixii� L 6,01t
A, good road is a road glitch to good iiftiClfIOS T911 AUTO 13C1HOOL, Sola by J. W. McKitbon at 130 ets.
in bad weether. 14n 'CIEVItOR St., U0009ST911, N.Y. tax+$UN