The Wingham Advance, 1913-10-30, Page 8tt• r $ THE W Z N G R A M ADVANCE TiIURSDAY, OCTO131ER 30, 1913 British Paper Quotes From The Advance. A 12 • __._ - E PRICES -J The following is copied from "The Canadian," a paper published Z FOR SmPECIAL 1 -9 r -I A in Toronto with an entire circulation in the British Isles. AX U Weekly Paper From Wiugham, In caption "The Thanksgiving of Joy": ' Huron County, Sets Forth "There is something grandly majes N - ��% • — 1-u�ersl. 1N tic and beauwiful about a national The Wingham ,advance Thankgiving In Its More Thanksgiving Day. It is a time when " Serious Aspect. the busy strife and money -maddened CirculationCompetition -- dia of the great commercial world THOUGHTFUL ARTICLES should cease and the home find the SUITS t" Church should take their proper lace BOYS' BY CLERGY OF THE TOWN. in the thoughts and lives of all." P The object of this contest is to secure a larger circula- We are showing all the Moitv', THAN A 110L IDAY, tion of the Wingham Advance. There will be a number of ------ - ----...-...-- - .- Wingham's Maple Avenues, Agri- "No nation can rise higher than the prizes totalling in Value of about $1800. The First prize is cultural Land, And Other level of its hearthstones either in its likely t0 be a piano but definite information will be given in new styles and shapes Charms All Too I Other de- moral or spiritual life. Neither can it a few weeks. There is certainly no season of the be thankful unless its homes are joy - I i uatel Portrayed. o of life, kedour at in thelightDa Th� Contest Will lll B�l. —OF— year when a Sale of particular) q � y "Looked at in the light of the ,nye gen 011 Nov., �`� l_ Thanksgivingy 1st ' Tom] �} Good [School Suits at cut prices From Wingham, in Huron County, will take on an added significance. It RUBBER FOOTWEAR y ��s` ,✓ C' CONDITION.S. HOW TO there comes regularly to the office is not simply another holiday in which SECURE VOTES. would be more appreciated than at of the Canadian a certain weekly we may rest from the busy strife and j South �[��• paper yciept "The WinghamAd- eke pleasu1e to a time fo real EACH new snbsoription of .1.00 will bee In , our South Window the present time. vance." 'There was somethingso pleasure, , admirable in the tone and general art in Heaven' for our national pros- gust to 200 votes -if handed in - admirable to this office before Dec.Deo31st. make-up of the last issue that one perity and heavenly joy." NOTEAT®'j' "j°Lii�^c��" jp�lC�S feels inclined to pass it on to English Rev. D. Perrie, the Presbyterian EACH new subscription of $1.00 will bs equal to 150 votes thereafter until THESE E j readers so that they may see how clergyman, writes searchingly in these tile close. w holeo e 'n to e ' this a er which 6 Little Chaps' Norfolk Suits, sizes ?2 and u s m s n le p p emanates from a Western Ontario words : "A day has been set apart for Any person may enter this contest. And as to Prices they are just as low as in any 23 only, regular $2.75, 3.85 and 4 75 to town of some three thousand inhabi- national thanksgiving. On that day To become a candidate, you are required to Bond your name, or the name of some other person, (accompanied by $1.00) to which THE WINGHA1%1 AD- store or catalogue (we refer to this season's Rub - clear at ............................ 25 ' tants. It was to heist the roach of It PP we are called upon to thank the Divine Being for His beneficence. VeNCE will be forwarded to December 31st, 1914, to any address in Canada -(or - bers). As an illustration look at this Rubber be - Io Boys' Corduroy Suits, some are two-piece, Thanksgiving Day, in its more serious Carlyle spoke very fiercely of his age dera for the United States, 50 cents extra, to cover postage. Wingham Advance, pt. printing con- aspect that the editor of the Advance as befn an a of baH h The names of the candidates will appear in THE WINGIIAI ADVANCE from low— dues, Blacks and Tweeds. the balance three-piece, sizes 25 to 32, regular $4.50, 5.5o and $6.50, t0 clear at ... $2.00 9 b g o s ms. ow mo elected to fill the first two columns of shamming there is today may be a time to time and the number of votes to their credit. A record will be kept of all this duplione issued be to - its mid October issue with thought- question for discussion, but certainly names sent to office arid. a of receipts which will open the Reeve to go around and see a Having purchased the business of 20 Boys' Suits in Fancy Tweeds and, Navy fully -written articles on thanksgiving ,1'hsnksgiving Day is coming to be re• the inspection of the candidates immediately after the contest closes. piece of road`on con. 6, lot 30, as we Messrs. Moon and White at a sacrifice e -its why and wherefore. And what's garded by many as very much of a The regular price of THE WI Gnmd ADVANCE is $1.00 per year to any address - Sergt:s, some of these are two-piece, sem more; across the top of the paper, in sham, i A real good Rubber for three-piece, straight knickers, sizes 28 t0 �, large type, was the text, "Ever good .. n Canada, and to the United States, $no These prices 19 new subscribers, will _ 3• g YP , Y g Even many churches which should pay for THl; WIZ;GIIAIlL ADvtiNot: from now to the end of 1914. regular $4.50 t0 $7 -CO, to clear at ........ $3.25 urifr, and every perfect gift is from lead in the recognition of the Divine women in all sizes for 65e above." oodness never o en their doors. If there is anything about this contest you do not understand, write us. g b = �rs, per pair. Turn up to the 15 Boys Suits made from splei did qualities of First of all, a few facts about Wing- They have come to look upon the day We will be pleased to furnish all candidates with as many sample copieF of 1,l^ Tweeds and Serges. • These are exception-, ham itself, then extracts from the m a mere farce and scarcely to be Tus ADVANCE as they may require. cheapest Rubber for Ladies all good, near) all three- iece Suits with articles contributed to the Advance regarded. People accept it as a day of you can find in any cata- y ' y p b the Anglican, Presbyterian and For prioted matter ; how to secure subscribers, and how to win n prize, - straight knickers, sizes 29 to 35, regular Y ., y feasting and holidhanks. ing, but to ue you may have in your fiY Ignore the giving of thanks. Govern- write to us. 8 Y Y Methodist clergymen, ! $7.50 to $io, clearing Price .......... $4.95 English people whose misfortune it meat still allows the military review, Send your name in at once and get your friends working for you. is not to have visited Canadian shores, thesham fight and other performances possession and you will find the cheapest is 65e. g FP,EE —A Trick Knife with every Boys Suit sold know only by hearsay of the lovely to frustrate the very purpose of the this week. Don't let this opportunity pass. maple trees which Dame Nature has da �� � I Other Rubbers equally low in price. scattered with such a prodigal hand WARNING AGAINST SELFISHNESS. throughout the length and breadth of "We are becoming so eelfish that For Infants and Children. the Dominion. Wingham a maple everything must be made to turn to- The Kind You Have Always Iloug COAI = wonB+� avenues, once seen are never for- Af � wards ourselves, to our own advantage - � , 2 gotten, Bears the and our own pleasure ? We even find Si ature of From the I.X.L.-C.A.M.C. PAUTUMNAL RIOT Or• COLOR. it such a difficult matter to hallow _ � Head office -Scranton, Pa. '- ' In the spring the budding foliage is God's own Sabbath of root that it is Cthe tenderest green, in the summer scarcely possible to give an extra day Prompt delivery to any part of town a_ their grateful shade is intensified' in in which to recognize His goodness." Culross. 1 1 S • WN An Try our Hardwood and Kindling- the color, but when the "melancholy days And, in conclusion, here are a few Council met in Teeswater on Oct. best and cheapes(In Wingham, are come, the saddest of the year," sentences from the pen of Rev. J. W. 20th, per motion of adjournment of i THE SHOE STORE The MAWclergyman: _ _.. then do the maples deck themselves in Hibbert, the Methodist last members all present. '- thegayest attire imaginable. Brilliant "Perhaps of all sins that are un- Minutes of last meeting were read and = J C�1N T� L® N scarlets, yellows and browns inter- gracious, we might count that of confirmed. • J. - MacDonald Clock 0 Dank of Commerce mingle, formin a riot of color whose ingratitude. In our dealin s one with pp Sole Agents �IG2P�L FOR �nj ■ g g g ' g Casa -Donaldson -That we a oint P. O. Box 127 LADIES ' P�' singular attraction is haply caused by another we rather despise the man James Thompson to have the brush _ For The SHOE, the fact that the beholder must soon who receives favors and fails to ap- cut on the sides of the road at lots accustom himself to bare branches, preciate them, and we look with dis- which will sleep but to glad the eye dain upon that individual who is de- afresh in the spring, pendent upon another for blessings 29, 30, 31, con. 12, as soon as possible- carried. Change Of Business. Case -Thompson -That we appoint - Imagine Wingham, then, with its and yet fails to express his thanks- the Reeve to go around and see a Having purchased the business of supposed to cut a lot of ice, but you was made b the Democratic art in PP y y party maple-liued streets, with a charming giving. piece of road`on con. 6, lot 30, as we Messrs. Moon and White at a sacrifice barn 00x70 with stone stabling, cement Morris. fioora; windmill, water in Douse and little river flowing through it, with a "In the 17th chapter of Luke we understand it to be in bad condition- the public will be able to secure their "919 e' ii1i11i"'WAL � rich agricultural land adjoining, and read of the healing of ten lepers ; only g J g g P Carried. clothing at a big reduction. I have secured the services of one of truth Syd, we have had little use that there should be a scientific in- Marx Cro�� with various prosperous enterprises one returned to Jesus and gave thanks. Armstrong - Donaldson - That as Canada's foremost cutters, having had DIE -- • in its midst, and you will cot~jure up What a world of pathos and signifi- our lawyer. R. Vanstone, bee recom- fifteen years' experience in the finest ON a picture of one of the charming towns canoe is contained in the words, mended a settlement between Cassidy city trade. You will be able to get with which Huron Count rs blessed. ' Were there not ten cleansed? but clothin made ri ht u to the minute RAZOR' Y and the municipality t Culross re g g P SAFETY And nolo for the articles settingwhere a -e the nine?' and the nine and moulded to your oevn personality. TS Orange bridge for twenty-five dollars A perfect Rt, tlrst•clase workmanship. LA S co forth Thanksgiving, and why. Here stand out as ingrates because of in. that we pay the above sum. Promptness and square dealing is are a few sentences from the pen of gratitude. Personally I rejoice in a In amendment by Thompson, no what you may expect from this store Rev. E. H. Croly, B• A., the Anglican National Thanksgiving Day, and as a seconder -I do not consider that we in the future. -- LEE clergyman, which he writes under the people let us give thafiks and sing.", have an right to pa Cassidy for �'4'e do both ladies and gentlemen's - 25 Cents y g y Y tailoring. work he never performed as his time ORVAL TAYLOR, Open Letter. by politics, does the same. That's ail, bad expired on the 1st day of Aug. Merchant Tailor Wilson Block SA Syd. Just tell Laurier that you 1013 and the contract was relet on heard from us, then back to the alfal• the S:h day of August, 1913, and the (From "Jack Canuck") fa for yours. work completed. NOTICE For the Amendment -Thompson.1 We have secured another supply of To the Hon. Sydney Fisher, Defeated i For the motion, Armstrong, Donald- ' Of registration Of By=Law. 22 Ladles Coats, full • length, in Chateauguay. Canada s Tariff son, Falconer and Case. Motion car - Notice is hereby given that a Bylaw Blacks Blues and Tweeds' these famous Razors which have sold Dear Syd,-We notice you got it ried. was passed by the Council of the Town � where Clancy wears the rubber collar, (The Washington Post) ACCOUNTS. of Wingham on the 20th day of May, • Tough luck, old chap, but you are not In the effort to elect Conservatives Joseph Voisin, inspecting sheep 1913, providing for the issne of Deben- •� (�C so well and given Such splendid sails- killed b do s, 175; Angus Me. tures to the amount of $8500 for the Sale Price $3.95 the first false alarm who found that to parliament. Sir Wilfrid Laurier is y g $ ' 6 purpose of providing additional equip - people had got on to his curves. Cace snaking a brisk campaign for tariff re- Kenzie, building culvert 20th sideroad, ment at the Electric Light Plant, and faction Each Razor 1S uaranteed to upon a time Syd when you com- vision It is significant that he does $6; Angus McKenzie, 3 days man and that such By-law was registered in the See our window. ZD # manded the Horse Marines, you were not ask for a dsastrie revision, such as team on grader, $12; (•leo. Falconer, Registry office of the Registry Division g of the County of Huron on the 10th day Ladies' Sumits ' be superior to any X5.00 Safety Razor supposed to cut a lot of ice, but you was made b the Democratic art in PP y y party selecting jurors, $4; Dan McKay, of October, 1913. Any motion to quash $1; Angus McKenzie, Successor to A L. HAMILTON noise like ready money. Believe us, party led by Mr. Borden to make a to things investigation to the that barn 00x70 with stone stabling, cement Morris. fioora; windmill, water in Douse and Razor with one blade 25e flickered and went out. To tell the . theUnited States. He merely suggests selecting jurors, or set aside the same or any part there - stable ; 13,E miles from postofl3ce, school Henry Bone, 3rd line, received word • and ohuroh. A bargain for quick sale. 5c truth Syd, we have had little use that there should be a scientific in- rep. bridge, lot 30, con, 4 and 5, $9; of, must be made within three months 14 Ladies-' Suits on sale in or money refunded. for you since you fired a good officer quiry among the manufacturers, such because he was a Tor or rather re- as was made b the liberal art when Y- Y Jno. M. Case, 3 days' man and team, after the first publication of this notice on grader, $12; Geo. Mackay, filling , and cannot be made thereafter Dated the 13th day October, 1913. Ladies' Sumits Chap. Button, Clerk, frame house, kitchen and wooashed ; party of washout at bridge, con. 6, $30; Linus; Successor to A L. HAMILTON noise like ready money. Believe us, party led by Mr. Borden to make a to things investigation to the that barn 00x70 with stone stabling, cement Morris. fioora; windmill, water in Douse and Razor with one blade 25e fused him promotion, and thus tom- it was in power. 6.8. JOIN F. GROVES, CJLERM Ruth, cleaning out ditch lot 28, con.. stable ; 13,E miles from postofl3ce, school Henry Bone, 3rd line, received word • and ohuroh. A bargain for quick sale. 5c polled him to get out. Pretty small Laurier points out that the present .politics, Syd. Let's see, this makes Canadian tariff was written on the two lickings have had in two books by the liberal as 14 and 15, $2; Fred. Haldenby, cover - ing bridge, lot 30, con. 12 and 13, $52; Advertise in the Advance. It 14 Ladies-' Suits on sale in Extra blades f you statute party Wingham Advance, pt. printing con- years, Enough is as good as plenty, a result of avery careful investigation, Syd. Back to the farm and raise some The evidence as to the needs of busi- tract, $25; A. Weisbar, bal. on bridge Ilan the circulation. 2, R. Vanstone, ' dues, Blacks and Tweeds. more chickens at $1.75 apiece. cress and the consumer was obtained 1st sideroad, con. $2 ; To tell the truth, Syd , we are be- by a committee which visited all parts to believe that there not the ascertained re Orange bridge, $25. Farm For Sale. .Donaldson-Oase-That the Finance �"' Regular price, $15.0®• COMM J � If T q ginning are of country and actually so many ivory heads in Quebec as the requirements of each section, people once thought.. Anyhow, the The former premier argues that report as now read be adopted and , Centre half lot 42, con. 7 East Wa- orders issued on the Treasurer for . payments of the accounts. Will meet ' wanesh, 100 acres ; e acres cleared, all ander grass well nnderdrained ; 4 sorsa b Salt: Price ds Q • �+ .. apo a5 •. r DRUG STORE folks in Chateauguay know enough to while violent hands should not be laid again Nov. 17th -carried. orcliird, mostly winter fruit ; JJ story listen to Bob Rogers when he makes a upon the tariff, it is the duty of the Chap. Button, Clerk, frame house, kitchen and wooashed ; + Successor to A L. HAMILTON noise like ready money. Believe us, party led by Mr. Borden to make a to things investigation to the that barn 00x70 with stone stabling, cement Morris. fioora; windmill, water in Douse and • it takes the pea soups get similar one while the getting is good, They are was made years ago, to determine stable ; 13,E miles from postofl3ce, school Henry Bone, 3rd line, received word • and ohuroh. A bargain for quick sale. altogether different from the strong, whether the present rates are equita• from Prince Albert, $ask„ that his Apply to- YorMen ,.., -.. • stern men in Ontario, not one of ble. He says that there is a $00,000,- imported heavy draft stallion, "May- Wm. WIGHTMAN, 19 whom ever sold a. vote in his life. 000 surplus in the treasury, some of burn , had died, 7.he hnrre was a Lot 33, con. 10, or Belgrave F. O. A� It may pain you a lot, Syd,, to real- which should be returned to the people good one and valued at $2,500. Mr. 69. y p y Y . P P Bone bought him in the Old Land and - ize i that you are not wanted in Ottawa in the lower tariff rates, brought him back along with a half Raincoats n Fawn and Green any more, but cheer up, there are Little headway is being made by dozen choice mares. This week Mr, J. A. FOY, D.C.,- Laid Bone left for the West and will be ab- ONT, L New Eggs enough bopeheads there now, without Laurier in his campaign on the tariff wINc�HAr1, in the newest styles. Our you. And now, old top, before we issue. The Canadian people are ver sent for a month or so. Y P P P y On October 15th as Wilmer L+'+'. Led- Ofnoe in R.'Knox house Calls made. Men's draw to a close, may we point a small well pleased with their prosperity un. OftiOo hours --3 to 5 p.ni. ; 7 p.m. full stock of Mens guar- gerwood, was unloading coal at Mel - moral hours by appointment. moral in your case? You might, after der the high tariff, and are not likely villa, Sask., he stopped on a trap door drying your tears, whisper this into to change, The way in which the which gave way allowing him to fall This is a Cash Market House for 15 feet and a quantity of coal falling anteed Waterproofs, regu" W9 the ear of the Old Cock :-- United states played into Canada's q y g Pasture Farm For Sale. n Eggs. Ever since Confederation Chateau• hands after the people of the Pomin- upon him caused his death. IIe was lar $11.U0 arid. $12.00. Pr.)ultry Buffer and Ebbaas. 21 ears and 4 months old and ww; a guay has been a Liberal stronghold. ion bad rejected the reciprocity agree. son of Alex, Ledgerwood, of Eden The Executors of the Estate of the QUALITY COUNTS WITH US. We are anxious to pur- You were the first Grit ever to be ment is too fresh in mind to justify h'rovp, Bruce Co., and a nephew of late John Casemor° riesiro to sell the C chase 1`iev Laid Eggs from NOW until 5P[21N6. Farmers licked there. Why? Was It beeause any tarriff agitation in that country. Mrs. Thos. Bernard, 0th line of Morris north part of Lot No. 10 in the let Con- wlale Price 7.9 gg the people couldn't, stomach you, or We have given Canada more township. The remains were hrought cession, of the Township' of xurnberry, should It -ave their hens producing during winte. months. because the were sick of all the than she would have obtained to tho $tarkvale cemetery at I afsley, eontaing 39 acres, more or less. Forth- See our Window. y and interred there on Tuesday. He er particulars can be obtained from the NF'VV LAID EGGS 3T QTS. reciprocity and "autonomy" guff you and haveerocei�eden thing lu ore- was a fine young man and it was a sad undersigned. and the rest of the Liberals have ,bean turn, Laurier nict defeat on the case. Mrs. Bernard attended the fan. RIOfI, dAS17120RE ' _- - --� , , oral. Box 17i _.-... `' ` feeding them lately? Honest. Syd., issue of reciprocity, and no other 5 -v.._.`.._.., � .� 8. Wingham, (hut, UUNNS we think it ryas the latter, issue remains to him, except tariff David Jamieson of Brussels, and 1,L1. �'°� revieioo, ` Artarentl Lie is find• Pollard, 3rd lino Morris, arran ed an i!-1Tt looks to us its though the l�ronclt• ing it Itnpos blb to stir the people exabange whereby the formorgtakes House For Sale. j..,/ ieP, as tvcll as the Cmiadians and of Cho Don inion on the issue of Mr. 1'ollard's 50 Rare farm Viand its part 13ritish•born, are tired of lotting old the high cost of living, and they pay, accepts Me. Jamiepoti s lioiase and WIIVGHAM John Bull pay all the bills. They are not likely to give up their lot In 131•110pPle. 'Both families have Ten -roomed house, centrally situated want to da Choir share towards paying shrowdiy woes advantage by mak. moved. . Mr, Pollard will take chargo in Whighata ; two good collars. Mtist HANNA COO F'loftE A 10. H. Walsh, Manager. p g ing any voluntary contribution of one of tile rural mall routes in Grey be told as owner is leaving town. Vor for protection on the sea, And we to the commerce, of the United township and retloirod to be nearer informatldn, apply at the Advance believe every man, who isn't blinded Stater. his work and free from the fatrra, office. $• .�L t 4.