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The Wingham Advance, 1913-10-30, Page 4
4 romom•impromb.augoommomimumi Fall and Winter House Furnishing Necessities Rugs, Squares, Stair Carpets, Linoleums, Oil- cloths, Window Shades. Now is the time to re- furnish your home with the newest and best in House Furnishings, we invite you to inspect our stock before buying. Ladies' and Misses' Hosiery and Underwear Our stock is complete with some of the and the values are exceptionally good. 50 dozen English Woollen Hose ; all sizes from 5 to 10 ; clearing at 25c pr. 25 dozen Ribbed Cashmere Hose ; an extra good wearing Hose ; on sale at 29c. finest makes •Nir�_ / Exta values in Men's and Boys' Winter Suits and Overcoats. Ladies' and Misses' Fall and WInter Coats Sweater Coats, etc. KING BROS. PRODUCE WANTED i PHONE 71 d TIIE WINGHAM ADVANCE A Million Dollars For Good Elects ie Radial Roads For Roads. Huron County, County Council of Essex, Ont,, presents Statement Of What Has Been Done lip lly.Law for improving 150 Miles To The Present Tillie. of Roadway. In order that all parte of the county One of the meet important of the would be informed as to what is being many road improvement plans now done by way of collecting Iuformation under way in various parts of Canada, res to thecost and practicability of a Is that j mat launched in L+'ssex County, series of electric railway lines through• Ontario. At a meeting of eke Council, out the Oounty of Huron, the follow- on Thursday, Ootober 16 b, a By -Law ing statement hag been given out by was drawn up.for presentation to the the committee who have opened up voters next January. This By -Law the matter, with a requeet for it's pub, calls for the raising of a million dol- lication in all the press of the county, Summer Month Yields, The average yield of 0,340 cows test- ed in dairy record centres maintained by the Dairy Division, Ottawa, in Ont. irio, Quebee and the Maritime Prov- inces in August was 022 pounds of milk, 3 0 test, 22 0 pounds of fat, al- most identical with the average yields in August of 1012 and 1011. Concealed beneath the comforting blanket of such a general average are widely different yields in various prov- inces, counties and herds, For instance at St, Joseph, 1V, 13„ the average yield was 433 pounds of milk, at St. Peosper, Qae„ 611 pounds, at Woodstock Ont„ Lars to provide for eoucrete roadways and The Star has been asked to for- 8')0 pounds. Similarly the yield of fat covering no lees than 100 miles, and ward a copy to the editor of each pap- varied•from 17 to 27 pounds per cow. connecting all the important com- er in Huron: But comparing districts not so wide - 'Amities of Essex County, The pro- "Let ue start at the beginning. Ra. ly apart; the total yield of 410 cows at posed routes of the concrete roads will dial roads bad often been spoken of in- 1 armers Union, Out., was 10,472 completely circle the County, and at- private conversation, and to make the pounds of fat, but with 10 fewer Bows ford the finest type of highway con- matter a public question, several busi• at Frankford, Ont., the yield of fat nection to the. farmers for reaching nese men of Goderich had a special was 880 pounds more. In the St. Iiy- Windsor or any of the smaller toNne. meeting of their Beard of Trade called acinthe, Que., district, a more startling With the assistance of Engineer Hu. to discuss the project and put it in comparison than this is the fact that ber, of the Ontario Government, the shape to become a business proposition. O❑e herd of 14 cows produced actually committee appointed at the last sea- This meeting was held about the 4,010 pounds of milk more than anotli• sion of the council, went over the dif- middle of August, and before its ad- er herd of 14. ferent roads proposed for paving. journrnent a committee was appointed Similar comparisons might be made Basing his recommendation upon the to interview the Hydro -Electric Power for herds at the several centres: but fact that the route will be used for Commission to see how far they would what is of infinitely more concern to heavy traffic, liar. Huber made his re- assist in the preliminary work ofascer- the average patron is the comparative port in favor of using Concrete taining whether such an undertaking yield of each individual cow composing his herd, Tho wise, the far-seeing dairymen, knows from hie recordr. so easily kept, just what each cow gives, not only for an odd month, but for the whole year. Then he strides towards intelligent improvement, not wanting the 450 pounds per month kind, but the type that yields six or seven or more thousand pounds per year. Lhroughout, would be a paying proposition. This An interesting feature of the plan as outlined, is the provision of a contin- uous route of good roads. There have been instances in other communities• where otherwise excellent road de- velopment ideas were, in a measure, spoiled by failure to have the good road a continuous good road. The Es- sex County Council have shown their wisdom and far-sightedness by provid- in; for the complete coneecting up of the proposed concrete etre.ches, so Mat in the completed project by will appear no interruptions of unimprov- edor had roads. While not in a straight line, the completed series of roads will be, in effect, one long con- tinuous highway all of concrete, and taking in practically the whole of Es- sex County. There would seem to be a peculiarly enterprising spirit in the vicinity of the Detroit River. On one side of the River we have Wayne County, Michi- g in (the county of which Detroit is the principal centre) with approxi- mately 100 miles of Concrete County highways. This magnificent series of highways has been a model for other communities, and has attracted vial- on?' H•) replied: .Upon the request tors on inspection tours from all over of a municipality of your county that the world. Now comes Essex County, we make these su vet's, we will at once a sister community, on our side of the despatch our engineers with instruct - river, with a plan which bids fair to ions to survey the lines you propose, fully equal that of Wayne County, or as near to them as thought advis- and which , will perhaps, eventually able, for to yield the best results'. eclipse the splendid road system that "We suggested that when we return- ed we wou'd call a meeting of the rep- resentatives of all the municipalities and talk the matter over, and have the request made forthwith, To this the chairman of the commission replied that he did not think it necessary to have a general meeting until the en- gineers had their report; but suggest- ed that when we got home we have the Council of the town of Goderich make the request, and accompanying the re- geest we were to send an outline of the proposed route. We did so, with the result that the hydro engineers were soon on the ground and are now busy surveying and preparing estimat- es, "The route mapped out was so ar- ranged as to penetrate the heart of every municipality of the County of Huron. Although this does not nec- essarily fix the lines, they will be there or thereabouts, "After the engineers' report is pre- pared, we intend to call a public meet- ing of those interested, in some con- venient place in the county and have their findings placed before the meet- ing, when it will be fully discussed, and should the undertaking commend itself to those present, the scheme will be advanced to the stage of represen- ting it to the County Council, asking them to make it a county scheme, built by the county and owned by the coun- ty. "The chairman of the Oonrmission plainly said that they would float our bonds, build and equip the road, and when completed would run it, if the county wished them to do so." - committee went to Toronto, and the chairman of the Oommiesion explained the act fully.' In his explanation he told the committee that the Hydro Commission would send a staff of en- gineers into the county as soon as they were requested to do so, to make a sur- vey of the proposed route, and gather all the information necessary to show the people of the county that such rad• ial roads would be a paying proposit- ion or that it would not be a paying proposition to build them, All this work would be done at the expense of the Commission, and done thorough- ly. Furthermore, the chairman said, electricity would follow the proposed lines and would be able to distribute power and light eight miles on each side of the road, thus almost assuring hydro to every town, village and even every farm house in the County of Huron, at a cost within their reach, whereas without some such scheme as now spoken of it would be too expen- sive for a long time to comp. "The committee said to the chair- man of the Commisson, 'What must we do to get the machinery in operat- is the pride of Michigan. The build- ing of 150 miles of concrete highways such as Essex County is to have, means a model county from the view- 000000000000Q3000ca0000ofl0© 00000000000000000000000000 point of inter -communication between o towns. Doubtless we will find depute- . ei • Special In Dining - Room --z--_--;-...-------------------,-_Suites. `` 44 ,1 �\ Shit S0 "" ;r. — rr 1 11 8 The Main Room in the Home. Buffett Table . . . 12.50 EXACTLY AS CUTS 1, WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE 00000000000000000000000000 0000000000009004X1t00004300b0 A Reminiscence Of South Africa. "Only a regiment of soldiers" one neighbour called to the other as they clamped down the street in the crisp morning air, swords and bayonets gleaming. Nevertheless a brave regi- ment, the Arygle and Sutherland Highlanders, off to fight for their country's cause, "Shall we ever come bask again, Archie," asked a young lad of twenty of another standing next him. "God grant we may," veteran, ern chimed to an old , who had but parted from his wife with a tear- fal and lame goodbye. "God grant wt* may," he repeated. "1 did nab expect to leave nay native land again in my country's cause." And so they departed those noble fellows leaving still more nobler hearts behind to mourn their absence or perhaps for. ever their loss. Everyone knows of the bloody warfare of South Africa, thedistination of those soldiers. The writer overheard the remarks as she etood and watched them march out from under the grey, grim, old castle walie of I�".dinburg Castle, "Archie" never came back, but the old veteran, here of many betties, returned minue an arm, two ears later and yet, cal- lous heart that shouted on that fateful morning, "We only it regiment of fitrAnt.ft<:QtrAtt tions of municipal officers visiting Es- sex County to obtain pointers on how best to link together the farm com- munities with the marketplaces. The eyes of all North America will turn to. ward Essex County and watch with growing interest the completion of this project. IN WAGES OR PROFIT Health Sooner or Later Shows Its Value. Don't go around with that tired, worn-out, down -hearted feeling. If you are constipated, bilious or having a sour, gassy, upset stomach, sick head- aches, weak kidneys or sluggish liver, see to it that you cleanse your system of undigested food, foul gases, excess bile and uric acid, by the use of the great fruit tonic laxative. FIG PILLS and you will be free from headaches, neuralgia., rheumatism, lame back, in. digestion and all the distressing forms of sickness usually caused by cont i. pat ion and kidney trouble. F 1 PILLS do not gripe or sicken, but give a natural movement of the bowels. ).t fu•:e all substitutes. At all dealers in 25 and F,0 cent boxes or by mail from the Fig Pill Co , Ss. Thotnae, Ont. Sold at McKibbon's drug store, A Iight-heeled mw h'r makes a heavy heeled daughter. THE EARLY BIRD The Early Bird, as his natne im- plies, does not need to be awakened by an alarm clock, but from natural temperament and characteristic ie always on the spat --ready when the first material benefit offers itself Just so with the early subscriber. Ile gets the big end of the stick by send- ing or bringing in his order at the be- ginning of a big offer. We now submit a similiar advantage to everyone within the ears of our possible circulation. We will give our paper, and "The Weekly Mail and Bin. pire," from now till January 1st, 1014, for 35c, or we will give our paper and "The Weekly Mail and Empire" from now till January 1st, 1015, for 81 t$0, llow do wedo it at the price? Well, we have made special arrangements with the big Metropolitan Weekly, by which both of us hope to increase our circulation, even although attained at a eaeriflce of regular rates, We +night inform nur readers that The Weekly Mail and Empire will right away, publish a new serial story, by Oman Doyle, .,The Poison telt," which is ETA' to the best from the pen of that gifted #s4teer. BALD AT 35. Kill The Germs ; Nourish The Bair Roots And You'll Never Grow Bald—Use Parisian Sage. Its your own fault if you grow bald at 35 as thousands of men do --yes 1 and women also. If yon have dandruff it is because the germs are really de- vouring the very life of the hair at its roots. Kill thesgtgerres With Parisian Sage and stop dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair in two Weeks. It's guaranteed, you know. this de. lightful and refreshing Parisian Sage that is now sold all over Canada, and if it does not prove better than any oth- er hair tonic you ever used, get your money bark. It puts life and beauty into dull faded hair. Large bottle at J. W, Me1Uibbon'a and dx uggists every. where, Regular price 50 cents. A colony of musk -rate have made their home in Gilbert I'3arkwelt's gang- way at Lothian near Lueknow, Thq, burrowed and undermined it so badly that It Mr McGuire considered ditix nsafe to risk taking his threshing machine into the barn, Gilbert has decided that if he can capture the bunch he willw1 at a a musk -rat farm. Musk -rale start are very prolific breedere, and their pelt, are worth on an average of fifty meats each, SEVERE BRONCHIAL COUGH Doctors Feared Lung Trouble, Restored to Health by Vinol. Fordwich M. N. A. Gibson of Listowel was the .guest of his parents here for a few days last week. Mr, and Mrs, Ed, .Sotheran visited at nlr, Bennett Batten's on Stfiraday. Mr, Charles McLaughlin of Montreal called on friends here one day last week. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Williamson spent Saturday and Sunday with Carthage friende, Mrs. Edward White of Kennilworth is the guest of friends here at present. Mise Annie Faust of Palmerston is visiting her brother, Mr, Geo. Faust, for a few days. Mr. Geo, Ashton returned home on Saturday after spending some time in the West. Mies Edua Gibson spent part of last week with Listowel friende. Mr. Elmer Durrant was a guest at Mr. Adam Spence's on Sunday, Miss Evelyn Sotheran of Harriston spent Sunday at her home here, • Mr. A. C. Sotheran left on Tuesday morning for a trip through the Weet. Mr. Thos. 1';-loneyford left here Mon - 1 day morning for Palmerston where he has taken a position, Boner—In Fordwich, Oct, 2011, to Mr. and Mre. W. T. Sotheran, a son. Boltz—In Fordwich, Oct. 27th, to Mr, and Mre, Thos. Wheiler, a daugh- ter. The medical profession does not be- lieve that lung troubles are inherited, but a person may inherit a weakness or tendency to them. Mrs. Kate Heckman, Springfield, Ohio, says: "A few years ago I was in a very bad run-down condition, and the physician told me I had consump- tion. I tried another physician, and he told me I had ulcers on my right lung. I quit the physicians - and started on 'Vivol.' Today 1 am perfectly healthy, and that is why I recommend 'Vinci'.' Vinol soothes and heals the infi ed surfaces and allays the cough, Vinol creates an appetite, strengthens the digestive organs and gives the patient ,strength to throw off in- cipient pulmonary diseases. Try a bottle of Vinol with the un- derstanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you. J. Walton McKibbon, Druggist, Winghan2. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS A NY -person who is the sole head of a family, a_ or any male over 18 years old, may home- stead a quarter section of available Dominion land in lqanitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father, moth- er, son, daughter, brother or sister of intend- ing bemesteader. Duties,—Six mouths' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader maylive within nine miles of his homestead on a arm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a hornestoader in good standing may pre-emnO a quarter -section along- side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties.—Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pro•omptton may enter for a purchased homested in certain districts. Price $3 00 per acre. Duties.—Must Bide six months in each of three years, culti- vate fifty acres and erecta house worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.—Unauthorized publication of this ad- vortisement will not bo paid for. HOUSE and LOT For Sale Mr. Wm. Carruthers offers for sale his fine property on Catha- rine street, consisting of a seven - roomed, brick veneered house and three lots. There is a stable on the premises, also a variety of fruit trees and berry bushes. A most desirable property for a retired farmer and will be sold right. Enquire on the premises or at the office of - 1 Ritchie & Cosens • REAL ESTATE BD INSURANCE RAILWAY TIMETABLE Trains leave Wingham stations daily as follows , G. T.R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points:—Passenger, 6 45 a.m ; paseon- ger, 11.00 a.m., passenger, 2.30 p.m. TO LONDON: --Passenger 6.35 a. m. ; passenger, 3 30 p 2n. TO KINOARDINE : — Passenger, 11 59 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m.; pas- senger, 9 15 p.m. 0. P. R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Pointe:—Passenger, 6 40 a,m.; passen- ger 3.05 p.m. TO TEESWA.TER : — Passenger, 12.60 pan.; passenger, 10.32 p.m. 4 4 4 4 4 Now is the time to see about that new Range, A Range that will give you entire satisfaction. It is guaranteed to save 50 per cent. in fuel and give better results, This Range is different in construction from any others and while the old time makes of stoves and ranges bake from the top the Supreme bakes from the bottom. Every Range given on thirty days' trial. If you are not perfectly satisfied it does not cost anything to make the trial. Alex. Young • 1 0' • 1 1t SOLE AGENT - WINOIIAM •10 t 4'' " ' L. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 303 1913 STYLES That become some one else may not bee' come you, When you leave your measure with us you get your clothes ,trade to your own person ality, Absolute satisfaction guaranteed. Pressing and Dry Clean- ing a Specialty. Orval Taylor Ladies' and Gents' Tailor. ONE DOOR NORTH OF KNOX'S JEWELRY STORE i • $ 1 :1.1 a alb. eFa=- Dress Goods. For weeks new goods have been arriving at this store and our stock is now complete. Bedford Brocades in Black, Grey, Brown, Navy. A well assorted range of Serges in all shades, at all prices. Corduroy Velvets and Velveteens in Black, Brown, Green, Navy, at from 50c to $1.25 per yd. Sweater Coats in all leading styles and shades. No trouble to show goods. Phohe 89 PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WANTED. J. A. Mills (Successor to T. A. MILLS) W 1 1 r G H A IM I