HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-10-30, Page 2eiraltul (lie 4011 matket. As 40Q was flc4cr e6ittrary to, or aj;art from, the akid, blit towardq the eose .-ome deal. w`oi (.led, bals]. jadgred thaii era were otelliag fol, 00 cento; 13kitter bro Ig Urnela isueeeq (Itiv to Goil, buk D ffL�rht .,.a to Utle. A 101v turleya were NEWS OF THE wrong li'li, fu be a liation.4 0 "I at it Pound, Anil JIVI) 110gli LESSlor lixed percmuslon, allyanceil, from $8.10 to C'mofi. r t, r tions: Apple, �1)o to GOO -I builiel, 011ick- 13, l t rael lk enemy domlaal;pll toluail potint.l. Votatow,750 DAY IN BRIEF Balal"13 mind. He I'litight, t6 obtaia all V* TORONTO MARKETS to $1 a buallel. Tomatoes, 4,) to roe, ernatural aid, from lialitant by ineatio Illiles, 9 to Ile, 83c Ots, 31c, of fltterics, gifti aticl. prondsce, thua eg- $10, Bled hay. $16. ills opinlon of what would Ili; Ilprlln, were cold at; Toronto Boy Shot Dead by A dosire in oune moit aceepiablo to Balaarn, 11ad lie Aaot Dressed hogs, heavy ..$Il 75 $ 1 2) 25 front, 40 to 80a Ducka from 8ne to 0111drea 91 thus (.0ndiletod himiself. Balaim ullglit Do., fight .. .. 1,�) 51) 1-3 ()O $I- OeO(ie from $1.50 to . Egii sold Caroless Rifleman. Butter, dairy, 11). 30 1.3 (it frow 33 to 35o per dozeti, anj btj Israel h.ut now rrived tit a, point north- IlAye been permitted to explain that itbi. pa,it, of the Dead not far from t1to Israel Avould not 1111111-0 Vor new -laid, dozen, 40 412 28 to 30e per 1101,1111, 1�ot, ,ttops were g. Appleo on 1101"A or the east aide, Ballitaxii. to Curse Israel Avould be treaaclit lb, 10 21 Offered at $1.10 to $1_oci per Ix, uf the 4. Balak—The Ila= towr(I God. It Balam went, he would Fowl, Ill- Id IT were Offered fit from $1.00 to $2,10 per HUL14 11OLD-UP MAN inolitu4 A%a�ter.*' Ile was the king of either act diaborietstly toward Balak or I)W10, Ill. Iis 20 lia!V01, tile lat. at thili tiIIIN 3. .)LlOab Was SOrc trenaortably toward (4,od. It does not ap- Turlool-U, 11), 23 25 tel Price. Pears w?)d It 40c per The . ot. Nivabites had no reastol 10 pear that God Arltvd for any request A,)Plt',;, bb], 2 2,5, .3 25 cribbagp nilli 011111flower Fatal Railroad I,e fraid, for the lAraelite..; takeu B Potatoes, In. g from 5 t a from Bla, I . While ),,I wus considering 90 I 01) head. route to avold a volliloil 411 tile honol-ji III)d that Beef, forequarters, ewt,. . 8 00 9 00 prices Ayerp; Eggs, Smash in Britain. Ilivir fears wprt.I aroi4ed t Come to 11,111, QaIne to Itlin DO hindquarters .. . � 1 2 60 14 00 i`10c to 320 PQV d(M-111, blitter, 26c to 27c by the report -i of their vietorivs I over Ilih * Do:,, QIjojc6 side., .. .... 11 W 11 ", 0 per pound, Pioc to 0()e ejAL.b., AM, tilt% prollipt. qumt.lon Rlderi Of 'MIL11.111— aienth"?" It Do. Anedium 80c eacb; e Do, 8 50 1) 0 - bag; Ivill, be Ued to olretla To - The and the idianites RV, was all excircki;3ion of hi oleilre to ex- N putatoo.i, $1 Per wheat, 830 gI car to have allied at this tricte froill tile suaro at tho jution, lialit, cWt. 9 00 It 00 per busiael; oats, St)c per bnallel; hay, roiito Little, prolmlily thpl' f0al-fil. Is- everything Avith it ('(it, Common, 10 00 11) !,O loose, $13 Per toll; hogs, dressed, $8,3o Brantford will ask for plans for a liew rakl a "onallva, As the ox very brief. but sufficient Coll- Do, prilne .. I. ...... 1,_> 0o 1.1 to )lei- eii-to Ivooj, washed, Ige city ball, to Cost $130,000. I.I, to 20 I -2e per 111) fluk !I'll- talLine no tuitrance to TIjeVC 13 j30 Itainia. caused the, collapse of tile sur- Avith Ille of Israel (v, $Ceurity for- 1:1(1 to He per pound, filet) of main streot. they hatt hellrd of tilt -IV success ill oafrom Mexleo made, the offivial-i wa(Nuni. 21 i, ntl feared that jilterprotatioa of God'is Avord by t -he bushel, lit more cheerful. 1,0 Utterly 0. sagarii are quoted III Toronto, la 0vyq washed Wc lier bushel; 'parfillipS, Itwa,4 it (-fear indev of hi. -I atate. A bad epidentle of Chicken stcallull linto I lit -til )tit;': -11it to e ee Per as follow, to 0v; potatoes, o. I qul- lie N%as vonvitteed t1lat did )lot allpt-:11 to Ilk (' 1180i u granitlated, St, (o 65e lier bushel; folliftiom ]ins broken out Ili York Count,,,,. or Ills or caluke him to he had llower ati pooth. Dor., 11vill),11:11,14 0 per 11-ill'arl: 3N,; green tonia- 13r. W. if. Itoss, of London, was corl. 11 It %Va.-' ill hit' hearDo 45 to(-.%, '-50 it) mitted for trial oil I charge of bigamy. , ITF to Obey tilt, (if Raluk utl secure I " Iin geriliturp Iket, 41.1c. appleH, lior barric to $31. Numerous political campaign meet- s101h tilt, Ice was 1;CQrCtjv ' .3, t Swaye(I by greed, lit' 400911t god for o, 1 el low .1 10 to varieties and gradeg. higs were held In South Bruce Satur- wit It rpinarkable forve, III this narra - Ill e per vwt, inore; car IoN, Dalry produee--Ijutter, prime, lit day evening. kriowl. self,to tbe !nilll of others, th­. Het arlpeais to have t;ollie God, Ill ao lciq4. 1110111LIR, I;Pr Poilliol, 0P to 32c. Ewge All investigation is to b'e sought into If. Triffing 40 tile will of were not in inuch prominence, the "' ed -o of and to have desired to omi, Bbiairt owittoa oftYin-a LM STOM, 112,�Ild being far ill excess of tile sit de, -the numerQus fires In the Italian quar� ;4r, of IlIs owli reputation li-i Ba- Toronto. Oet. 27.—Prices PPIY; ter of Toronto, to jilea.,e film; arid yet lie was cagi ood butch. M; wt. -I'll tit t lorAilon stock Price, Per dozell, PC. Poultry prices to Please BalAk for the profit that Avila all I e, ket this inorning, (;Ows aud r University .Anff Is- lanswe'r t'o tilt, were., Cblcl�pns, 20c per pound; ollicka, Students in the Bristol '411re to collie to him from cut I smaelied in the suffragette hendqua�- real, The New Testament f�et4%1111 lie oillitted part 0 fitUft Will'o 11 littlo lower, A further pc to him, all(I tilt)-, Ill turn, ornittod of �N evitts nor llundre(twelght ,.v pound; low], Ise; geese, 18c, tem, iorti, as allot Avith small regard ill 111111I)a held tivlll� t till ulore of tLeir ;.I.port to (tit lit tlieIr orices is Iiiiiijuent, t for right,( ni-ss (2 Pet. 2:1.5., Judge 8 - 82-c; oiat,4, 34e; bar- The dredge Xew 1110lautl arrived it lit e'llopotarala. AvIlmie great ObJect was- to get cattle. 270 t I I V -519 48c, o-orAi aliol), $34 per toil; bran, Quebec from aermauy, for work oil the Cover tile fitce ouric ')*lie A pOV 0011- choice 7 W to 7, 50 Z�20 per ton,, Yllorts 1424 per toil; oat Nvellarld Canal. . into Opel ttioll. .p t litia.s. of tit(, patth- lis an Oriental ex:rtg� tained nothing; to shke III, filith In Ilin, (Ia. 40. inedluill 0 W to 701) VIlop 1 . 1 8-4- Tilixed �11�P, V25; blended AuguB Roso, one, of the. old"t busl- ))lilt to of gailrill,-r 11,111 plid. When the (10. do. voillmon.. ILqj t 5 G -i N Alrlitobal men of iYoodstock, Ont., died tit geratitift. fear ]pd llutt-hor COMS. c1161M. DO tt)) G 25 fit il to kll-30; 1 'oil vftwi ill(, stnitr0c estitriatt, itpou nurnher. AN ill of (. I do. (11). to 5 to $6; lilly 111) $1 lit $11. the ago of 74. ti, awl be- do. do, eatineis ... .. .... 2 N to Owen 320 to 34c; po�as, lie Ontario SiAndy Sellool, .,(I ePpOpjp__q,Ilv do. b1114; _ :1 T Arai wIdell. amolIg tile aneit,ut gan Avith Balmlin. t filat, volllqc-iovice .. .... ..... C, ki) wheat, sot,; i0e siplri; ... ... .. ... . to 6 75 ' floll wiii hold St 'L... . .. 1. a 1.) to 0 04) ling, haeranPrevailed, hut Ill tit nnarelaton to the golb;, whit'll left him olron to do light .. .... .. ...... 3 -,,-) to 4 90 to lilt tteVI I Three niore ',\[Px renpw temptiltiolt.;, to bribo, Hs r, -j M ti ri W ,)I to 270. 26a to 2"o. vialld gtirely VIM down their Springer.4 .. .. .... .... . j�w oll til 00 - ­ placed ill t1jeoluilitary bar- perillif;sion to ) 95 e to $1 Per baly ILAN% $15 to by certain formulas of o..I Coll, Owes .. .. .. .. .. 1. GO to , 2-5 silt, Mitiveighid 14110 ari'l ... ... .. A W to I 14v. Ditvk's, H.e. 0fleketi, Ide, racks fit Vera, Critz. diroot comillanils Of tilt, 7 4.5 t0 had nitwh confidence Ili 13(tianni's abil- 11110 watered.. 9 I 3 t 7'-' Turkeys, 18c. Tifellityre Was arrolifthl ill To. q 510 itv to call desiructioll Upon whoill Ili' of tile tile illfillotick, (if it vel'Y O. 1). 1 25 1 0�' 0 so liye ljo�j eliargoid with btnlin- $10,000 lv�nlll. ]ILI (11.9truited tile ability of Ills Pectiliar 3111raelo 11111 it V(Iry 11111TOW CIS- * rted light, tit(' front a i)iAllk at St, John, .B. _ . I WOOL. Ia ar)mes to ern6h Israel, and appe Ott PC froill 11.11aftill's goirvf, 1111,1101 The Duke of Marlborough has Put a rod City Dutcher hideo, !Ia t 1 14 quit loo -4v lit built is quoted thouall, pormitted, von 'lot to 15 1.4o per lb. Inspected hidtis �N 0, n t I S. IvIleat, SIC to T)00; oat$, 38c; to bring him Supernatural , t Blenheim Park 'Linder the plough to ilill. in lik O%va interctit, but Ili tile interest 1, Izl 1.2e, 'No. 2, 12 1-2v, Cottntrj!hid,i,, hIde.i;, 10e; butch- test the new land scheme. It. rsof lqrfttl. The Of Iti't 11" flat, cured .1,1 1-1) it) 14 1.2. Pari cured, civil bides, 11c. inade tht, James 1-1. Denison, -In e111PIOY00 Of tdhiloyalty wero that 1. ,j to 13 1-2u. maricet Potatoes, $1 the Nlassey-Ilarris Company Ili Toroll- really to ijoilti altar for they might not be di4astroll-4 to Calfskirs+—City slang ty "All flat, 16- bag; apples, $1 liftj turkeys $2; to was arrested for tbc�ts. peop] . r n . I P V ("Olt colitrol of Bft- I John O'Connor, ged 45, the that were re- 1-2c, Country cured, 17 1.2c to $1.40; docks, $1.20 it) $1.30 pli1r; Chick- et"'Cil, to condition orild ells. I pair; biitter, 2$c to 30c, eggs, choked to death at the supper table ]lilt he wits (leepl.v disappointed liiin's rolbelljoits lipa and catiseil hill to ))egan to speak, lot- his titter truth and bles-iing. 'Clip. Avords of tilke-off, Dcacolw or Bob Calf, $1 to $I.- in the King Edward Hotel, Lindsay. Ili -Illy I, , r avolable toward Dalaitin's prophocip nwot have been lit- Bell eville.—Ilo ris, live; do., Pelee Island Wine Compiny is I'lov- iialan " �vould not utter tile. unexpected.by 110 was per- $11.30; potatoes, $1.10 bag; . In Ifor6ohides—City take Off $3.50 to $4, es plant from Pelee Island to Illilak Ionged lot- lid horrified at Bal"Aftin"'i Countr .50 to �NO, buttor, 35c; eggi, 33e to 35c; lip I I Ing Its that 'Ile Avas Compelled to hear the dooin of take off No. 1, $�, of, cut UP, Grimsby, AvIiere It has been granted a Ito, NVa6 too impressed with t - lie Ills people and clearly n_ 2 $2.50 to $3.r)o. 25C Pock; pea*, 20c peak-; lie free site. -0 him. that Cod gal 11,itil .111 lamb.,ikins, pelts or . pound; pork, cut ill), l5c to lull Avila Ilia desire for the roAvard hit" Ile ws inide to understillill shearlingia, 5o to 65c. Country lalubskins 16c pound; chickens, 75c foAvi, Alderman . B. Larose, of I I by Balak, lie could not wljojjN� ignoVe, that Israel, untler guidance, Was by or 30 to 6,je. sJ1,50 pir, loose, $14 to $10 toil; held up at the point of a revolver e to (40d. z I a-30. reaching tile higheAt C111311011ce among do., bi0ed, .04' toil; hoato, $7.50 pair; two men whoin lie discovered Lttei*al)t- Ills reaponsibilit) combing eIs' hide, Ing to burglarize his bakery. Balak was eap� for rialtilil 6 try a the rultion. T.R.A. butellers' hides, 17 1-2e; farim, I � 1 25� to 251/.c. 111asbed e'lothin" fleece, ings, 43e; deakins, 73c; The first week of November is to second time to pronounce it Curse Upon fine 261�; to 27c. Washed rejectIOU4 Altais iiere erected in another, -WIMATE chaffi-, 19 to 10 U11- 10c to 13c; oats, 40c; Avileat, 0011 be observed by the Suffragists of the burned but instead" CROP E waah(;� flcic4 combin, corse, 10 to IVIONTREAL LIVE trMUIS. United Kingdom as a national Aveek of , cirse Upon there was Pro-' - of prayer for� wornan. suffrage. LTrAwRalied, fleece clothin fine, 'Montreal, OCL 27— (West End trounced a. Still move emphatic blessilleg: �I a 17 1.4e to 17 3_4�c market)—Cattle, receipts about 8,200, Their Royal Highnesses and party Up in them. 24:1-9. So great was Bal- Canadian Grain Yields as cadves 700, sheep and'lambs 3,5W, arrived in Ottawa and were cordially -as Tallow—City rendered Solid Ili bar- Ilk's fear of Isrilel land so earne.9t iv rels, 6 to 6 i4v,. -Country stock, solid, hogs, 1,50. welcomed back by members of the Ills desire that tbe be ctirsed, that 110 Figured by Ottawa. Ili barrel.9, o, 1, 6 to 6 1-4c No. 2. 5 Prime beeves, 7 1-2, medium 5 to Government a -ad several hundred citi- coniatrained to inake yet all- to ) 1-2c. Gake N�-o. 1, 6 1-4 t�' 6 Xo 6 3-4; common, 3 1-2 to 4 3-4; small zens. other effort. Ill. still nother place 2 5 1-2c to Ov. - bulls about 4 cents, s-tookers, 4 to The furniture store and dwelling of severt altrti Avere built and ofrerin.al A bulletin jitqt Isaued by the Census hair—Foriner pedler 37 5 1-4 cents. John Rungr- and the barber shop Ind Nvere made. TIli% time Billll-111 did 'lot arid StaLitIc,s Office of (lie Depirtment to 40C, ITallain's Woldy Report. Calves -3 1-4 to 6 1-2 cents. dwelling of 0. 1-1. Willetts, Clifford ask the Lord about Ili-., iriessage, for, of Trado and 00racroo gives a provisional Shcep�about 4 1-4.. Ont., ivere destroyed by I fire of un. 'It pleased ill(, Lord to bless restimate of the y1clol of the principal Lambis—obout 6 1-2. knwn origin. III, Tile flual Prophecy (*Z4. ;grfn crops and tile average qual- OTHER MARKETS Ilogs-9 3-1 to 10. lo. nger was kindlCol-11c had Ity of these crops at liarvoist time. Owen. Sound Council vill. sign a eent -it ]on- distance for and During the month ended Sept. 30, Ideal BITF1714110 LIVE STOUX. thirty-year contract with the Hydro - P East Buffalo. N. Y. despatch---Cattlo Electric Commission for 1,200 or 1 500 had Everificctl jlj� .1111. bclrst�q tilat jSMoj weather for the higathering of tile grain Open. Low. Clo,,n, 9,000,, fIrlv active nd stoad to easier h.p,, to be developed at Eugenia �,,�Ils iniglit be placed t a, be. crops pyovalled over ,tit Canada, In Wheat— 1),,,Ijllo steers, $8.00 at $%71; Milpping $7.75 fore him, but he was Avettitene the greater art of Ontario and In the Oct. 791/.,, 700 'qa/JL to butchers si.00 to $8.33: $3.273 /t 70% - "'. at a cost of $500,000. �Nrestern Provinces harvesting operations Dee, 79 '/ Q I/L to bitits, $5.00 to $7.00; lieffersi, $S.50 i riday night the steamer by he greatrivii,s of tile bless"' 79z�a 7 791/., r.60, tockers, $4.75 to $3.25, stoi,kers. During r 'were well competed i)y the middle of N - .7 to Z to , Illy 85 itouner.ol upon Ills cuenricig. 11. SeDtember, an' onl.%, Ili or (Itio- 851/, 84/, S31., na feeders, K5.0 to $6.00; fresh cows anol Aberdeen, of the Reptitirn. Co., of Pic 31alalt.'s desion Nvas to senki awa,y bee and the Varitime wjle�O Ont(4— DrIngers, active arid steatl; $3,M to ton, ran aground in the St. Lttivrence the spring, opens iter, was hi;rvesting, Oct . .. .. .... 34 I'l $0000. River at the Grossover light near lionorcil. nd rich, but lie walt orderiA - S 1,W. active anil Mcao]Y: to fice ,,�, -carried on durim, tile ttter enol Of tile Dec . .. .. .... 3 3' /t, a3% 33% �3 % liative $6.00 to,$12.00, carinda, caives Alexandria Day, N. Y. Tire Lord hath month. Beginning October 29 all upbound kept thee bvck frimi lioner—In a Settee . Tie estimates Oven a month ago art, 1� Iky .. .. .... 37 iy, 37% 37% 7 %. $I rA to S5,i-50, slijilly greater thn those now F I Tloas—Recelpts 22.114 head: active and Balak acknowledged the true God. Pill wit ell JRY be PresUrned to be based more Oct 10 to .10 lower,. T)Igq 2k higher, heavy, vessels passing through the Poe Lock, loarn was not W)ilolly true to oGd, lnor Or less On res"Its of threRbinx, The final . .. % pigs, $7.7.1 to $8.0D,, roli-glis, $7.50 to $7.75, Sault Ste. Marie, will be required to did lie, inalm himself to estlinates, based nito.nether on threshing Dee. ... 1 14% 1 15% 1 14 1 14 stags, V.50 to dairles, $8.25 to $8.40. enter on the south side of the new he tereforo Iu9t the blessin Athat resulted, and exticulated on corrected aren�� --- n heep and IC400D, active east pproach centre pier. will be Issued as usual on Dee, 15. nil steadv. lambs $5.00 to $7,31; from to arid tallol For spritig wheat the estimate tor the DLUTIT GRAIN $11.50 to $6.00: $5.00 to CWeS, Garfield Fleming, of Tillsonburg, id of September 1.11 1,1,8,46S,0010 bushel S' ) 50 to 84.71 : Mee n, mixed, $4.75 to $3.00 .tk that willeb Ile er S to -ceive froill as brishe Dul while driving over the G.T.R. cross - Is 1.11C uth.—Close: I'liard, LIVERP00L M a rich rew year. fil;1 wilcutt tile estiril Ing at Glenclin on Saturday, -was ril In g(ild Ite Is 35 3-8c; Xo. I northern, 84 3-8c; 2 Wheat. -pot is,lV7,000 .1, do., S", lul13. Tire ciDtaniandment of .3 . , bushels 1118t 5'(10', and IS,481,000 I)LIAIIVIS 3 -Se to 82 7.&, 2 No. truck by a fast express train and died the LGrol--Balam had Some rev shortly 'afterwards from his ,nrd for in tile hard, 82 7 -Se, Dec., 82 I -Se; )fay, so 1.80 o. Atollitoba. new --0, 7 1-24. Grodis ivill but o we red this narrative Tile Production this to Sic. year IF therefore 1V)7,r5-7-5,W0 England's assessment income from "Onctiveiv der I N s ""ON, 11%hel last owe il!� )or( 11, intense conipare(I Avitit 10, bus Corn. Iiijot 7m abroad as set forth in the income IIIN t-igerrices to rc�rcive the rewards of till- an Increase of or 11 1-i American inixed—G, 0. statktics of last year., reached the im. lie Is .1 tylle Of nlllltl. per veni. Tile vield'-per aVI-`C for fill APOLIS GRAINX Futures Nov. -1.4, 0 1-0, Ivlwat Is 21.15 bustlelIz, s compred Avitt. a -Sc 11 3-1W. . inerise total of $520,000,000, which re - Who t105it-C to be 001111t(ld 20.42, last ycal-. Flour. winter Ila toll t 9(L presents capital of nearly $13,000,000,- ()"lts to 81 -4c, Wla�,, 86 5-8o to 86 44c; . Ili London (Pacific Qoast)—ro, 12ik, 000, tbuAvIlose teliderieleg total Yield of 391.419,90 bushels, and till entn" average of husticts, as com- I hard, 4 3-4c; No. I nortbArn, 82 1-4c to 47. 11pinents Avitb pared Avith 363,7`13',WO and at, to 84 1-4c; NO. 2 do., 80 1-4c to 82 l4e; Beef, extra Indla. iness-117s, Fire caused much damage to the tilt% world. 14. AdAertisn thee—Infawn average 02!1.27, I)aricy gives Port. nrIme freight sheds of the NlIchigan Central hall ton (1.11tIntatt-ol total of 44,3-18,400 bush- Ifains . short Vitt, It to 10 tbee� Wli-at till-, s, Intl an liverago 01, 31.W Xn� Wheat, 78 1.4c to 80 (lit. 213' to arid Canadian Pacific Railways at St, iv.is vt t,ci Ow ntions repre- a0cro, s corlipareti ivit ern(j7 1.2c to 6SP I t74s. fill. Thomas, The whole se6iid storey .(N) hoshols in Ittfl, XO. 3 wbite oats, :Ifl 1.2e to 7c. by 16. 71'living, iliq eyIis anti an verago (if It bellies. Iti to For 011,4 Lho totill Floor -Ind bran 111161anzed. (-Ic-n middles. light, 28 to occupied as office- "Itiritual I -Wall, J7. 1 (if htiiij- .,, was gutted by the of corn Fij.il) ivp him. --The SttV -)Ut ms of flames, generally Long clear Irliddle, �15 to .11 11)" Howard 11, barrium, the aged gate - been inter. lillizIting I IList),01g) Of 1)(11111.14 THE (1fIEFSj!1, � 1 3.,.*. iwith .1 t. Rhort 0e.Ar bavIcs, 36 to 20 tender who Avas charged with allowing ilof' 4,505 Silo lilt] It to 1.11 Flarry X. Thaw to escape froin'the intilt, ineaning ll tilt. wieked. 1-8, lAritiit "IS, fOr boxf.44 lit 14 Matteawan Asylum for tile Criminal (if bilph while In Ior for Amorloan, refliled-5(1. of 21,CS1,500 for mixed grains �t boxes boarded, Canadian, finest 6d, Insire, was dlscharg�d by JiltStleo Nvnill(I bavo, woul(I be it Rti-oh" 11UM.11111 :3o gold, p-) Morschauser. 'lull Prosperonii A I)IIII131ce, 12 7.8c, Gel. 11). lie thit,51131", btwI%iA.4 Lnr twans or 1,010,S00 1,131ow. w1ine busheliq. Olit.--4,415 whte Warded, stilrlt­34r. 7 Carelessly handling a 22 calibre have donlinion—fle N o1joken of uridnr Poir the thrpe il1-2 15-10c, balance, 12 7.8c. Msin. varrimun-9s, 9d. rifle In the yard at the rear' of )its preted to refer to total i,lelcl (it* ,,pring is ...... it3-8d. holfte Saturday evening,( Cecil Seal, In tlleqo propheriesi thel.c. is it radital at of fall \vlleftt At gtl. MAM 111140 of Mits at 0.9,545,000 buttli- n leighteen, Toronto, shot and instantly unfoliling of ny to cur,410 those VIP, of barleY tit 27,PO4,01t) 78 whitC qll(t or Ill(K-ised oIf CjjO!valI. f), tilt, it, at cSii,000 or rinx It " colo"Col' 11 total Chicago I)esriatch—Cattle— Recel pts killed a companion, Samuel Robb, becomt, certain that Tpratl .. I bushels. Of 11064. All sold at 12 7-Sti and 12 34,000; inarket, wpnk. nineteen. AVIII trII11111111. ., The tivertme qulit of thee rVOIj,,; 0.)ITP:4ponding date last year, 12,007, at flcevw. I .... .. .... 1. $0 70 $0 70 Canada won the MaJority of world's over a3 lik encriticii. Ili tire 0irtj, me,tRurrol upi,n it ppr vent or 106 12 7-10c to 12 3.4e. nosifive sid�- of fnt as representing grtlill �vejj we!l ' , .. .. 7 00 honors In Individual classes at tire Ili. ilweand unaffevtVii to all -\aPftnQC--There wel 0 627 0010y0d Stockers Arid 00 I 60 ternational Dry Parming Congress at Ott (]ell Ile C lviviffly portryed, ftrut appreciated extent by froFt, rnst, �qmuE, 1) , r r. to -day and 5--)S Cows and heifew,. 3 40 8 30 Tulsa, Okla., and seven out of six - 50 colored $Old -is SI.- ' '-q -weepstakes, Inoluding the grand tict tit 1�- , ; 230 Q'Iyes . .. .. ..... ... 6 50 10 25 toen is IAlt, Carsioll, Ili tho b,%ns mixeil grlln4 at 12 3-8c; balnce refuoml, at 12. Cart; rs .33,000; onarkeb, PHU for the best bushell of hard fouith, tire ntirm. tnto, he by ill'o, Of wheat. Pivtoli, 0,—At our ifill. Of I. ..... A-7 P.3 llpreflietioll of bip tile hipt A' to - A warrant lilts been Issued for the TIM POtIlt') ;it c-ontinitc, to Or'dity 1,120 boxe.j lvviv all col- 1 I.\ e of 7 5 j*) -1-1 arrest of Theodore of Ford 41low grind Mtt 011; 903 sold at 12 7-8d, 25), tt 1-2 Ia- 11kavy .... .. ..... ... 11 ,) 1) tire tire plaills of �oj '4 11 le' CRY, oil It charge of enticing avvity I it ions 11 A Tile conell- .100; 100 tin"Id. Will 4 11 I flul. �411 .. .... .... .... 7 41 from 'hor ]ionic tile wIfo of oseph did W) A, t(i(..q 1,19, tin'llips k -).q 1, Victorinville, Pigs 0 INVIIn Wla -nd for lVllsallet, the mother of five children , , boxes sold here to -day tit 1Z 1hilk of ortloa ....... .. 7 5 20 natiging in ge from six to twelvo 73:11aano, frow i�%-Jjcl olillmod I'll)' 00,00O.: to 06111(l Ito BRUYAL MURDER IN OUE13eC, q 0 Im preiionnt,o -t eltI%q -) The Grand Duke Michael-Alexndro. ill111"Re" St, )IT'laire, Que., Oct. 26.—Lying it% I'ROMCIAL 4 90 titter a pool of blood Avith her thl,oat gashed Lambs, native .. .. .... 5 80 405 vitch, the only brother of the Emperor WITnt Avaq till-! gpil. arid her skull cruslicol III from a blow Ont,—.I-;gp, wero brisk at 30 % Of RU01a. who aroused th(I dfqpIeastIVo 32c retail, Butter, 2(1 it) 30c, (�jrlekeua, tI rt of I I 01v behind tire left Mrq. (,'lievaller, a DRY FARMING CONGRESS. of 1110 Itoyal brother by his inrringe Was Balak by tit 15 to Ide. PotatopA, 60C ()ther, to a Viennese wornall not of Royal d4fellePless Old lady Who lived alone, Tulsa, Okl., Oct, "I.—In connection vegptiAbles Unchnged ill pVice parentage, has taken tip Ills residence was found dead yesterday , Frult with the oll Products Exposition, I n ,,�, afternooll Ill was SMITO, except ppleat 50 to soc which hit , ngland, iland Pb1to Your 1`60,5101M tile Outskirts Of St. t1flaire, ill the a ben In progress for the past a Grapois brouggilt 12;1 to 300 weolc, tile biternatiotral Dry Farming Three persons were killed Ind more 014811. Of Ste. Je 11 Baptiste, RonVille, Gmill Market qtdct (luring tire meet. than. a score seriously Injured III a Not only 010 Inarits Oil tile bodr, but stoady Itt 850 b Congress opened Its four days' I .. : eie Ing here to -day, At the a& reftll-end collision oil the Southwc, tO truth and rorr. 'no the the state of disorder Ili which tile t(y.$1,03 'wt, Ine th 8tern Triffilio with he Ivill of house was found wilell neighbors (I 3jay, alow, lit to $1.5 International Congress -of Voirm wo. Rallway t Waterloo unction, Iting, 11 tered, pointed clearly , to a brut,al in pe 11, men, an auxiliary of the Dry Parming Signals were confused because of to truth ,lull error, we (11 1. ur. it1111 —.Iamb lit der hoivhi�- becrt comnlitted by some pound for hindqualtere, bpin"' It Organization, will hold Its sessions. heavy fog, and Ila tobleseoped It g 10 cent -i 11undreda of dolegatitil and visitors 1-110 tbrc%,O 1`01tir Cars of ill st. liding local, Or all attetIlpt fo, iunidentified Individual who made good now. j,,Iggj golle ballooll11,', ', R hj Of his (111evller had been eonle vVildotg from Canada, and Inany States, have N"018011 W. Aloore, one of tit* most oa liviolm Inclintion to dairt 1 to tile de. body was dlFcove The opening so-psloil tc-olay was feat- and 1weceding I.Ille (It I' 0 R(, e a dii WidelY-known. residents f St. Thornns, III at least twelve hours when her lOr fl-itit. Pottoe,s were, 11 'r v r 1 ys' d o, � rdRobbery was tO-dft At011n(j tire dalitir There bla retir , t o(40d, tIAP the supposed of tile dped. urod by' addresses fly Lieut.-Gi5vernor Year Ago, Avam governor of Ulgiii Will (if (oil al)(1 till, pou'pr of ("j)(I weto e - wail practiclly no fl -1111: w(pept akirleci, % Prown, of Saskatehown, and County jail foe 31 y r., oll after 4 (10orge tIP halAket for 'Ve 'n W. X B40therwoll, Minister of Ac,,rf- 1011901Y illnesA, In tile 79th lie not go Ivithoul, Itlar. ultial WILL LOSP. HIS SYPESIGHY. ol,quill, 12 I.,2c (I lij,i yet a periniC14011, lie Ilefust"I to o tel'S. a pair. B'fp tlAV0 Of .911011t0heWtIll, and President Ills age. of tile collfrpss, itings-t0ft, Oct, 20-0001 -go to 4k, Duckv,, 75)e Willie John Youngs, of Prescott, Avas to tro lie abilitit 40 of age, was tile Victim �dly protoAp,l tlj�jt Ile Av,ola ay 11001. of a well $2.40 to $1.00 (,.t<!l rising the harness between a teftni of )U Arilling explosion Which oc. I. lNO MORE, MILWAUKEE bEAD. fil,lf but wbat told film to say. Ilio tarred oil tile ffill-111 of it 0o lketq, - I horses belonging to J. P. Wiser & fillilit. J, P Ut 30a basket. 1111wankfe, 0(.t, toll of Solis, distiller -4, Saturday, the horse,a slibitual pow- Hawley, about 10 it from lil�t night's fil-A 11" were frightelled by another, ey lit orilm. top grittifr Iltbol.,,; and ex4f 116 Wa burned arillps front XLLI)all" it it bapket, MCA of the Rulfbet, team pass. llijt)qelf, Ailk it profound ba. Will pr ',ably Joee, bout the fac, 'In(, 14) "of, ft .5 to' arid adolnina Imildin.0on Hirst ing, And started to - bolt, l(nockin 0 if I of 11, 'Of 0116 lilt,, Load. Turnips, tw, for 5e. cIi,l Vy lief A41, _ 0 Stmot. arid wrought hYoungs down, and It is thought t1lat r.rm .,jjj(j NreAttfi,1110 .1 f 16 withill flu. block, M6 big wagon. loade WilryoAv, 101* I%, a (,,I' F!Avoll thl-4 rilortntnr. Tit(% inoneitary d with spirits IiOIN, Overt ,Ij olailist tit(. poopio oi. brular-fl, Laraby arrivetl ill tile t-qy Irtillbard fultia&II, 10 to jqqll. out lo;q N (stillialtia 'It hulf it lyllllloii 4101lavii. 1488.0d over Ills body, Ito wa taken t 11"Aheiftyn*q ("Od , 114,110 W.111 tho Wily 06- 16n SfittlrdaY and Mitered tile General two, for are 111 a to tile flent(Ast doctOri but JA0 died a of filIPPY-460611, It) stil,116,,ii, flifit TIORDital, Wn oithms were hourod, wit it 14 not St. III will I t = ............ STAG CANON HORROR '132 Victims So Far Havic Been Buried. Dawson, N. NL, Oct. 27—By nool to -day 132 of tile victiniq of tile sta� Cation Aline No. 2 disaster had beer: buried. Tile major portion of the boil ies now being recovereoloare in Suet a condition that they cannot be ship ped cr laid -out in morgue fol publi,c funerals, as was the case Avitli the flr�4 two seore, Ifealth officen are using vigilance to see that th( Eallitatien of the town is net im paired, Rescue men, N'vlio bring the bodies fro- the mine, are subjecte� to disinfectants after each trip. Bod. ies are taken to the cemetery direct ly front the temporary morgue t th( mine, -arid It the identification is Ini possible, members or tile (lead iiiiiiers farnilics are not permitted to see them. Danger from. fire passed last night. When air currents Nvere directed into every room of the workings and nc smoulders were found. I I �_ WANT FREE TRADE Canadian Agricuitural Coun, cil and British Preference. Cunof tire askat (iraln Growers As8ochation 111111 the 1nited FaTlU,3VS 01 In -c -sent it Nvaq 1.17 to tilke fitelis for deleg'atioll T. the crganizet.1 fartners of callatill, to Im lto Ottow."t r llear tilt. openinlo of tile next of Parlivinent, to lay before tire (lovern. em000liect on a ti�r- ics of. resolutions Nvitb the triff, itg',siation, and . sinvit the filliff we ul"re ill c Parliament ol Canoda o inermse. ititq firAt ifloltkh In -Oft -1-0110C to lilt I(iftlif, FiftY cellt., to for. arailtial front Yv,lV to year Illitil 'we have the offer of of it free of till nninil proidnet-4 and tile 8tatvq. f9Odhiktff4 Ililoffor (if shitos be tialwferred to tile free list. 4. I'liat jillplenitintq. it, "I. ber and, (eiiient lie traiisf(rrod to tho -of Ion!,,. lation n9ked for 01oAv imposcd Under tarift, "llit-11 11re 00 111("11116; of C0111terviijill-V Iiloilof by mly otiny eoNEW 7EALANDIS STRIKE GROWS. Oct. 26--Reparrs to hand front Xei� Xpalan(I Indicate, tnat tit(, RhIPPI119 �Mrlkp is assinning serious proportioils, Erfort at ,t ,ettle bvtAvccn employers and villploye1 have proved abortive, arid all shippilir except for the conveyance. of got's, is now Mle. Cargo to arid fro -it Wellington is being refused, Vreor labor has bean temporarily abndon- ed owing to Inadequacy of the protection, A01ch onablod strikers to burst throu,-b. the barricados ,Ind rush. tile wharves AvIloro Steamers are lying, and enforce rt cessation of Avork. The' (loverinnout Ia drafting extra polft-p and Inviting SPPC181 consta- bles to plivol. themselves. 4.4.4h.- ___ POLICE -STOPPED ALFONSO, Niladrid, Oct. 26,—XIng Alfonso was .,toppod by two pollevinen ap, lie was driving ill Ili autolnobile from ],it Gralija to Madrid and accused of speeding. The !�Ing insisted oil ac- tornpanying the policemen to the police station, The Inaliector ApoloMed pro- fuselY to tilt) 1110riallell, but King Al. fonso signifled that lie that kin 11101% Who littl stociPed him lie ritised In raill" nd sent theill it box t efgara. Derlin, Oct, 27.,� firen storn, of disapproval wag aroused In Ceriliall art arid architeclul circles to -da, when it becallie kjl�)Vll that tile with characteristic lulpliliveirms, had rwept alli(le tile plails stlbrli�tted by two ]lull. dred Ind seventy-two of tjj�. bc,t ill -ell. ifects for tile n;Av eInbar36A- builo-jilla.tit aoa riled ilia selection by (lie aNiarding fiist prize to 'tile p1j;Als sub- mitted by Arehitect Peter Behrens, '.E-'!:. prhoo amounted to $2,000. After re jecting nil tile plans, the Kitiser accepted a drawin- by 01ollitilli- rath von ]line, the cou'rt architect, which was Submitted tit tho que.4t of tile little had not entered Ili- leTile '.\Udday Gzette says floot In- stead of becomiAig etuaint- ell with live German areltilpets, tiley 11-111 flo!b ITINTIV -COICI arid ro I yal Priu-s till Court art. The cinbais' buildings are to be constructed in th'a "tyle of all eigglit,centh celitury EnCrI1411 house, a copy of tile bul Id I lig 'Presentc(I to tit(! Duke of Wellington as it relvard for hN at Wat�rloo, 'I _, I GOOD HINIS, TOO Are Thej� For British Emi. gratils to,Cavda, Londoli.-Out. 27.—Aniongst a titimbep of hints to emigrants contained In Ott-,INV't des,patell: Tile stand takell by a circular is."Ued bY tile Emigrants' Ill- iOttAva, Separale School Board formation Office, tile officlel department for emigration here, there occurs the fol. Vc.-ard to the bilingul question resulted "llemember tht Canda Is a gratIt. to -day Ili the boiard notir'eit by tit,, Dominion, Iviti) 1011A si:,ttlea habits Dep-11-tillent of L,lueation that owing to and customs, ivilich are not to be elian 0 at the bidding of evory new the filet that there has bt-ell 31.) report N-ou have a littlt, wlillo lit Canada them also. f1wil tile 111,:pvctor (if tile r4,011oolq for volintry bils Its owl) Illetbotts flit flie Suparate f worl- and lit Canada oti will ofton find the arrangement of the NVOIL'ICS11013 tichoots of Otta;va were Ire - Or the farm, and ilia tools you vIll use, cordin,ga,to tile School AcL rid rcgula- different from thoe at liorne. 'YOU will tiOI113 I grants due fur the current soon ccustom ,ourseir to the cliallire If fLcol 3 you try. i year hti been forfeited. Tile "Do not, above all things, try to Im- attentionof the board wealled lit tho nrei;s oil vour Canadian emplo.ver ho Communication to section lol vf tile tnuch liptter we do things Ili ri,rigland, for it will onlsr make him dislike. 5 -till, regulations, whielt states that the trus. and nerhris not care to keel) ou in his tees of every school snall be field per- orrijAily. Cannillans, too. often resent sonally rospomiible for tire anionlig of ei-ItIctsin of their country or its methods, but von should remember that thev have ally school foricited by or loat �Aeen working In Canada long befo�e You to the bord in cout-,equence of neglect were born and tlint thev are nlore likely of duty. This mens that an itmount of thrill n i-11:11,1119011 like - tli, "�ou lis iwl ai: ults t coutitry a �lf to know money it,qul to tile (11over,Allicilt, g, may hve to be Inado lip by tile 'Inerit. bQrs of tile board I6 is un - LINER AFIRE doratood that a Special meethtZ of tile board will be calle,v to con,�Zaer thift Communication. Tilt-, trouble appetre to be over the question ,, the enforcement of rule 17,., of French. At to the teaching ItAn_ held a short time ago t reso. ik 'Atio. passed by the Ottawa Nepar- atp Board declining to enforce tile instruction In thiq rle. A cop.v of tit(,. re.4olation woo; forwardol to tire Ontario DlIpttrtilient of Education, find tile peoluel Ileti; in. tile 110tifi'ittion bA- the board tbi�3 morning. Stialle hite�cqting developilloilits* tire likely to follow. i,larm, brought all hands on. deck the teering machinery was thrown out of . TRADE ,orninisalon by the heavy seas run- aing. Next tire liand-steering gear Ainw-ican I.vivyer unionist to .British Columbia and handled the Offi- cial end of the strike, to :stop the and have the mwi retuni to Avork. It 1,i oal(l tit it n-arringdoo tried to o:40p it, but has falled. Three men arid two boys ivore Son- ioneed to tierve two years Ili the pen. teutlary; 2:1 Averc giveii, imprkoriluelit, for one p.-ar and fined $100 catill, n(I It were sent to ail lot- three hiontlis, and will, have to imy a fine of $50 each. Alt intoncei date' from the time of Thil nicur; that tllcse 4ellteneeJ to *Lervo three months ivill be liberated Ili about toil thne. Among those st-Ilterecitl to seive two ymr it re J. of the Biltish Columbia Federation of Labor, and vice - of file Ladysmith loeal of tha of America, arid sollnuel autIll-ki, proaldent of the Lady. sinith Union, Among upon AvIloin sentellen onfine Arai 11,11posed %�Ias formerly Ilicutonant lit thn I'llited Statoi army arid it prominent bu,-Iness uran of Ladysmith, anti. Win. Bauld, wtio served year on ilia Ladysmith C Ity Conne!), arid bas for years been c1cGely identified with public inovebonfict. ,I - >-- LOST THEIR GRANT ok.— Ottawa Separate School Board is Punished. Op" Put Into Halifax With Cot- ton Cargo Ablaz,-.. I-Tallfax, N. S., Oct. 26.—Wlth the for- ,ard deck red-hot from a Cotton fire below, the Roth liner Sewell put Into port to -day after a 400 -mile race to safety. Or, Friday Wornign the cot - on burst out aflame, and just as the MARK 1. - was carried away and r rive hours the ship floundered at tbo mercy of lmpoit,tnt JULI,1.11,11, I jail.. ,I northwest gale while repairs were being made. Meanwhile the crew were ed'Down at Oikawa, in � proiie and -cowered Ili the stern, W11110 LUO C*.XI)Lalh, two onicers and an ongineer struggled to out a hole through the deck to start a steam jet playing Ott the blazing cotton bales. Tile Sewell left Savannah, (;a., ten days ago, bound for Havre. She has a Cargo worth nearly it million dollars, The fire Is bellm extinguished with the aid of local f1re-fighting pparatus. The hold will be flooded to the deck top to-niorrow GERMAN AIRMEN ARE NOT DISCOURAGED. 11orlin, Oct. 26—The terms of tile of condolence at tII6 lin Zeppelin disaster -allow that Gpimany's ailn to develop It great Of%rial fIc0t tcr inilitlAVY Alid corn- moircial has not been t. Act(ty. r(I!Ers N%1.0 !Ill(% entourage of At-elidtike oi Austria report tht� litaiser as saying to tilt, Arelidulct, t Lolpsic: "Thli is teirible. I grieve dcritly for the victims of the ctastro:Dlio. Now till Ottawa, justiec 111111ded dOAvn. idgment thl rourning In the triatter of the petition of Gebr oolle Of Lquil0l8chied. Gerrn�ny, manufactur- ers of Britannia AnctillAvare goods, for all Ord(,r Of thO devlarin�- 00111 entitled to regi.14I.V1, it general tl,afle mark conslst.- It I ig or the word 119 applied to tile VArlolla artl0les bv thom. Previnus to filing their pctItIon Ill th Exelip(Itter 00tArL the Millistpr of Agriculture had refused to (Intel, tile, OW - IF -1k plark In t110 legimter of traile marks, oil tho 91,0111111 tht a ill -for vneral trado mark co;j-.q;stjjjs* 0 druggist or xe%v 'I oinwn refuses rell1stlatiOn (it a gell(Toll tildde inaric, but tho reMstration. of it spoc:lfloi trailp inrivIt vonslqtIng of the word ;t.q to the 9004.1-1 111MIURICtUhAd )IN' tilt! Xoelle, Math. tilt' I)( Tho is tile fli-ilt W M1,140 In tile court: %I'llere floo regMtra. th-li (If it golipral lititlo inarli: W'aiked for, 401101 Iniglit eunrlict prior trade lthe learned tilt' OpIll- foil that it 9Lneral trade inarlt has reglolol-rd for a particular wortl, the inte word covild riot b registerod as al neral trade 101(110141,14 that a. 90102 -al tiflilp mirk voy. tho wise prophets Will mobilize ptibIle, 0"S nil ill(' of In opinion against grand inAllips as if AvIdell the 111111leant but titat I-og- i^tration of it Apnerm inal-it (Iooq ot there had never been, a, di8aster to . ('0111'(11, 011 111111111lit(d the world Over train or a steamship,11 to OX011(li. Other oil bust. 1 Ilf-sm Of n mittrow ftled by fivoluence, I;hrllllk by oat, inark of levice aR to till. lisago into omnlonp.qt commonpla", vartteular floods t1le whil:11 the kiwilt.-T oy tilo 94,11pral Illap; ,in aged elti7en, N inissing ana hJ9 Hf W H I TE PLAGUE KNIFE FOR CRIME IIN' 4TO tile district for 111m, thcovered Surgeoxi Operates to Elim. 41 fifth Cornet near (�tar hIX World - Congress at Beflin, inate. Criminality. Ifo,Avard Russell, of Toronto, was swindled out of .4,00 in it $75 (.If,%- Hears Insurance. iflond titicIcilill by two Rtrallgel-A at rnonum6t, Bliffalo, of ClifetAgo, Oct. 2 . . ... sioclatctl Boarik Of Trade of P rewntion the Ti tie CourSe perted. (in io-d1AA Ily Dr. 1-1. jf� PrIat, ' -toil, Xorthern Of Evans lit on. ulfot to vibliblate to 11ii(bioll Bay (if tFor Consumption. k-riminal tedelivie-i and moral 40ficlen- lrthern Onturlo 11allAmy. eles. The orperatiom Avere powfunned ' _VIja ftvarrior (Iireqt from t tile initance of Judge Ueorge W. Nor%A -ily, k Unloading sullillito Berlin, Oct. 27.—Tlio effut of In. Dridgetuarl, of the (I ourt of t. pull) at 'the OatAlo Pallor Wit doel; tit surance in the campaign against don- jo8oph,h ich., who has an nounce(l 'hereafter Thorold, ell tile Welland Conal. sumption. was the subJeot of an In- that it(% will not seiltell(c any- terestia- discussion during this niorn- 0 oil(, convietvit Ili Ilk colixt. of moral seat oil the board of 1129% session of the litternatIonal erinics to penitantaries or iiiiane. asy- orn Vniversity, London, to. ,d Ilis Tuberculosis Congress, at which 22 juilili until tile kiflfu Iraq had ait oppop. fath(r, tire late Jolt,, Ny. jjt. nations are represented, The reduc- tunivi to the nijilff, aijeeteti. t tion of mortality fro mhls scourge by Voi obyloij rea,,oi)s the (if tile The Canadin Town Proper- treting patients In special sanitorla, person.5 Upon NA-hurn the operations ale ties compally, I'llilited, ]ins ljei.n the Improving of ho,tising conditions, perforinetl will be withheld. Dr. Pratt, 'j"U. and the education either by govern, inent or private enterprise, of tliCi lit lilt, rcnwith induLl lthat jlje*Op.r a of' $10,000,(100 all(I head office Ill rontn. people to tbp danger of lafection, were all exhaustively dealt tions would not detitroy any orgn or 0, F. of Ottawn I Avila with. "Reveral Germn speakers, Including function of Ow, inivil or body, but niore- Ir would ipinolve abnormal contlitloris ell at tho Toronto, by Dr` Kauftmalin -,Ind Dr. Wilhelm Koch, ;Yfeedrr of nerve of Acaling Avorth of Stocl� presidents of ditferent sectionfi of the German Imperial Insurance Office, de- I Two of those who went under Dr. Pratt's knife Of scribed the amazing results of the in- recolitly at t. jortincts Hospital, Evanston, re brother and stitution of saultoria. for consumptives ter, both undvr 20 Years of cae, If Di Ilon, Juhlive 'Itite, Avbo Under- among the compulsorily insured worli;- Irittt suoiceedii Ili overcoming their went ill Operation t Well-leY 11-- Ing classes, not only in reducing mor. moral tile. . pendiiq pital, Toronto, Illst I now report- tality, but In rendering life easier for lity"t I ns t tilern it, Judge ell to lie, ont of dalinor, and it) ho- sufferers and.their families, and in c3irt will Both itire Sid Ing Satisfactory prouresi towards (!out- furing nd restoring to a useful work. t o be rect,lyprint, rapidl from the effVct4 Ing life many of those who had been of the Operations, carried a by-law fixing ille attacked, Mr, Kauffmnn in his re- To -day's patients were two n.,en and of tile PI-oposp(l fac- tt (Ice port 1ared that 92 per cent. of tile we chiiren. it a I t NN-IL0111 ellargesaro tory of ills Perfection Stove collipal , , patients in sanitorla, Ili 191�0 showed � Iii". pendilim in the hi,,�an court. A by-law to ex- such improvement t1lat Invalidity in tend water Mains Rnd AVILA Ca r- their cases was not to be feared. tile patients successfully j . Ohl NANAIMO R10"FE, ks ried Oil praetivally, tile Vote. reated these Institutions Ill 1907, no fewer ithan toll 57 Per cent. were at the end of 1753," has been purchased bA- tile iIng. 1912 still capable of earning their liv. The speakers Some of the Leaders Got adian 0overwrivat front ti�e culpLov, who , 6 tit Ills surnihor studio, near Not-- generally at to. day's session urged that early child - hood..was Long Prison I erms, Conn. The Nvork is to Ito Pro- the beat time to fight eon. 611411Ption, and to prevent its spread, by the Dominion Govoultuent to tilt, Cimadian All; Al : U Vallcouverl B. O., Judg-0 Cbarloii Fai'llilinks, Nvife of the DOWN ON THE KAISE IlOweY Pi,ieea sentence to -day on more of tile Tnited JR tball two rioters. The lilt a(it her home Ili Ili- Piltx nin Many Union offlcer-� will isperid the next yettv dittinlipolis. Tilt, lipinedlitte catum of For Ignoring Work Lead. " I aIn connection With tile coal children. of ing Architects. inineris' (trike oil Vancouver Island, it Arm tti-dty that tile interuit- two ternis tiOnill hedquarters of tile minel-s Union of the Daughters of tilt, have, orderea Frank F. Ya (lot) all ............ STAG CANON HORROR '132 Victims So Far Havic Been Buried. Dawson, N. NL, Oct. 27—By nool to -day 132 of tile victiniq of tile sta� Cation Aline No. 2 disaster had beer: buried. Tile major portion of the boil ies now being recovereoloare in Suet a condition that they cannot be ship ped cr laid -out in morgue fol publi,c funerals, as was the case Avitli the flr�4 two seore, Ifealth officen are using vigilance to see that th( Eallitatien of the town is net im paired, Rescue men, N'vlio bring the bodies fro- the mine, are subjecte� to disinfectants after each trip. Bod. ies are taken to the cemetery direct ly front the temporary morgue t th( mine, -arid It the identification is Ini possible, members or tile (lead iiiiiiers farnilics are not permitted to see them. Danger from. fire passed last night. When air currents Nvere directed into every room of the workings and nc smoulders were found. I I �_ WANT FREE TRADE Canadian Agricuitural Coun, cil and British Preference. Cunof tire askat (iraln Growers As8ochation 111111 the 1nited FaTlU,3VS 01 In -c -sent it Nvaq 1.17 to tilke fitelis for deleg'atioll T. the crganizet.1 fartners of callatill, to Im lto Ottow."t r llear tilt. openinlo of tile next of Parlivinent, to lay before tire (lovern. em000liect on a ti�r- ics of. resolutions Nvitb the triff, itg',siation, and . sinvit the filliff we ul"re ill c Parliament ol Canoda o inermse. ititq firAt ifloltkh In -Oft -1-0110C to lilt I(iftlif, FiftY cellt., to for. arailtial front Yv,lV to year Illitil 'we have the offer of of it free of till nninil proidnet-4 and tile 8tatvq. f9Odhiktff4 Ililoffor (if shitos be tialwferred to tile free list. 4. I'liat jillplenitintq. it, "I. ber and, (eiiient lie traiisf(rrod to tho -of Ion!,,. lation n9ked for 01oAv imposcd Under tarift, "llit-11 11re 00 111("11116; of C0111terviijill-V Iiloilof by mly otiny eoNEW 7EALANDIS STRIKE GROWS. Oct. 26--Reparrs to hand front Xei� Xpalan(I Indicate, tnat tit(, RhIPPI119 �Mrlkp is assinning serious proportioils, Erfort at ,t ,ettle bvtAvccn employers and villploye1 have proved abortive, arid all shippilir except for the conveyance. of got's, is now Mle. Cargo to arid fro -it Wellington is being refused, Vreor labor has bean temporarily abndon- ed owing to Inadequacy of the protection, A01ch onablod strikers to burst throu,-b. the barricados ,Ind rush. tile wharves AvIloro Steamers are lying, and enforce rt cessation of Avork. The' (loverinnout Ia drafting extra polft-p and Inviting SPPC181 consta- bles to plivol. themselves. 4.4.4h.- ___ POLICE -STOPPED ALFONSO, Niladrid, Oct. 26,—XIng Alfonso was .,toppod by two pollevinen ap, lie was driving ill Ili autolnobile from ],it Gralija to Madrid and accused of speeding. The !�Ing insisted oil ac- tornpanying the policemen to the police station, The Inaliector ApoloMed pro- fuselY to tilt) 1110riallell, but King Al. fonso signifled that lie that kin 11101% Who littl stociPed him lie ritised In raill" nd sent theill it box t efgara. Derlin, Oct, 27.,� firen storn, of disapproval wag aroused In Ceriliall art arid architeclul circles to -da, when it becallie kjl�)Vll that tile with characteristic lulpliliveirms, had rwept alli(le tile plails stlbrli�tted by two ]lull. dred Ind seventy-two of tjj�. bc,t ill -ell. ifects for tile n;Av eInbar36A- builo-jilla.tit aoa riled ilia selection by (lie aNiarding fiist prize to 'tile p1j;Als sub- mitted by Arehitect Peter Behrens, '.E-'!:. prhoo amounted to $2,000. After re jecting nil tile plans, the Kitiser accepted a drawin- by 01ollitilli- rath von ]line, the cou'rt architect, which was Submitted tit tho que.4t of tile little had not entered Ili- leTile '.\Udday Gzette says floot In- stead of becomiAig etuaint- ell with live German areltilpets, tiley 11-111 flo!b ITINTIV -COICI arid ro I yal Priu-s till Court art. The cinbais' buildings are to be constructed in th'a "tyle of all eigglit,centh celitury EnCrI1411 house, a copy of tile bul Id I lig 'Presentc(I to tit(! Duke of Wellington as it relvard for hN at Wat�rloo, 'I _, I GOOD HINIS, TOO Are Thej� For British Emi. gratils to,Cavda, Londoli.-Out. 27.—Aniongst a titimbep of hints to emigrants contained In Ott-,INV't des,patell: Tile stand takell by a circular is."Ued bY tile Emigrants' Ill- iOttAva, Separale School Board formation Office, tile officlel department for emigration here, there occurs the fol. Vc.-ard to the bilingul question resulted "llemember tht Canda Is a gratIt. to -day Ili the boiard notir'eit by tit,, Dominion, Iviti) 1011A si:,ttlea habits Dep-11-tillent of L,lueation that owing to and customs, ivilich are not to be elian 0 at the bidding of evory new the filet that there has bt-ell 31.) report N-ou have a littlt, wlillo lit Canada them also. f1wil tile 111,:pvctor (if tile r4,011oolq for volintry bils Its owl) Illetbotts flit flie Suparate f worl- and lit Canada oti will ofton find the arrangement of the NVOIL'ICS11013 tichoots of Otta;va were Ire - Or the farm, and ilia tools you vIll use, cordin,ga,to tile School AcL rid rcgula- different from thoe at liorne. 'YOU will tiOI113 I grants due fur the current soon ccustom ,ourseir to the cliallire If fLcol 3 you try. i year hti been forfeited. Tile "Do not, above all things, try to Im- attentionof the board wealled lit tho nrei;s oil vour Canadian emplo.ver ho Communication to section lol vf tile tnuch liptter we do things Ili ri,rigland, for it will onlsr make him dislike. 5 -till, regulations, whielt states that the trus. and nerhris not care to keel) ou in his tees of every school snall be field per- orrijAily. Cannillans, too. often resent sonally rospomiible for tire anionlig of ei-ItIctsin of their country or its methods, but von should remember that thev have ally school foricited by or loat �Aeen working In Canada long befo�e You to the bord in cout-,equence of neglect were born and tlint thev are nlore likely of duty. This mens that an itmount of thrill n i-11:11,1119011 like - tli, "�ou lis iwl ai: ults t coutitry a �lf to know money it,qul to tile (11over,Allicilt, g, may hve to be Inado lip by tile 'Inerit. bQrs of tile board I6 is un - LINER AFIRE doratood that a Special meethtZ of tile board will be calle,v to con,�Zaer thift Communication. Tilt-, trouble appetre to be over the question ,, the enforcement of rule 17,., of French. At to the teaching ItAn_ held a short time ago t reso. ik 'Atio. passed by the Ottawa Nepar- atp Board declining to enforce tile instruction In thiq rle. A cop.v of tit(,. re.4olation woo; forwardol to tire Ontario DlIpttrtilient of Education, find tile peoluel Ileti; in. tile 110tifi'ittion bA- the board tbi�3 morning. Stialle hite�cqting developilloilits* tire likely to follow. i,larm, brought all hands on. deck the teering machinery was thrown out of . TRADE ,orninisalon by the heavy seas run- aing. Next tire liand-steering gear Ainw-ican I.vivyer unionist to .British Columbia and handled the Offi- cial end of the strike, to :stop the and have the mwi retuni to Avork. It 1,i oal(l tit it n-arringdoo tried to o:40p it, but has falled. Three men arid two boys ivore Son- ioneed to tierve two years Ili the pen. teutlary; 2:1 Averc giveii, imprkoriluelit, for one p.-ar and fined $100 catill, n(I It were sent to ail lot- three hiontlis, and will, have to imy a fine of $50 each. Alt intoncei date' from the time of Thil nicur; that tllcse 4ellteneeJ to *Lervo three months ivill be liberated Ili about toil thne. Among those st-Ilterecitl to seive two ymr it re J. of the Biltish Columbia Federation of Labor, and vice - of file Ladysmith loeal of tha of America, arid sollnuel autIll-ki, proaldent of the Lady. sinith Union, Among upon AvIloin sentellen onfine Arai 11,11posed %�Ias formerly Ilicutonant lit thn I'llited Statoi army arid it prominent bu,-Iness uran of Ladysmith, anti. Win. Bauld, wtio served year on ilia Ladysmith C Ity Conne!), arid bas for years been c1cGely identified with public inovebonfict. ,I - >-- LOST THEIR GRANT ok.— Ottawa Separate School Board is Punished. Op" Put Into Halifax With Cot- ton Cargo Ablaz,-.. I-Tallfax, N. S., Oct. 26.—Wlth the for- ,ard deck red-hot from a Cotton fire below, the Roth liner Sewell put Into port to -day after a 400 -mile race to safety. Or, Friday Wornign the cot - on burst out aflame, and just as the MARK 1. - was carried away and r rive hours the ship floundered at tbo mercy of lmpoit,tnt JULI,1.11,11, I jail.. ,I northwest gale while repairs were being made. Meanwhile the crew were ed'Down at Oikawa, in � proiie and -cowered Ili the stern, W11110 LUO C*.XI)Lalh, two onicers and an ongineer struggled to out a hole through the deck to start a steam jet playing Ott the blazing cotton bales. Tile Sewell left Savannah, (;a., ten days ago, bound for Havre. She has a Cargo worth nearly it million dollars, The fire Is bellm extinguished with the aid of local f1re-fighting pparatus. The hold will be flooded to the deck top to-niorrow GERMAN AIRMEN ARE NOT DISCOURAGED. 11orlin, Oct. 26—The terms of tile of condolence at tII6 lin Zeppelin disaster -allow that Gpimany's ailn to develop It great Of%rial fIc0t tcr inilitlAVY Alid corn- moircial has not been t. Act(ty. r(I!Ers N%1.0 !Ill(% entourage of At-elidtike oi Austria report tht� litaiser as saying to tilt, Arelidulct, t Lolpsic: "Thli is teirible. I grieve dcritly for the victims of the ctastro:Dlio. Now till Ottawa, justiec 111111ded dOAvn. idgment thl rourning In the triatter of the petition of Gebr oolle Of Lquil0l8chied. Gerrn�ny, manufactur- ers of Britannia AnctillAvare goods, for all Ord(,r Of thO devlarin�- 00111 entitled to regi.14I.V1, it general tl,afle mark conslst.- It I ig or the word 119 applied to tile VArlolla artl0les bv thom. Previnus to filing their pctItIon Ill th Exelip(Itter 00tArL the Millistpr of Agriculture had refused to (Intel, tile, OW - IF -1k plark In t110 legimter of traile marks, oil tho 91,0111111 tht a ill -for vneral trado mark co;j-.q;stjjjs* 0 druggist or xe%v 'I oinwn refuses rell1stlatiOn (it a gell(Toll tildde inaric, but tho reMstration. of it spoc:lfloi trailp inrivIt vonslqtIng of the word ;t.q to the 9004.1-1 111MIURICtUhAd )IN' tilt! Xoelle, Math. tilt' I)( Tho is tile fli-ilt W M1,140 In tile court: %I'llere floo regMtra. th-li (If it golipral lititlo inarli: W'aiked for, 401101 Iniglit eunrlict prior trade lthe learned tilt' OpIll- foil that it 9Lneral trade inarlt has reglolol-rd for a particular wortl, the inte word covild riot b registerod as al neral trade 101(110141,14 that a. 90102 -al tiflilp mirk voy. tho wise prophets Will mobilize ptibIle, 0"S nil ill(' of In opinion against grand inAllips as if AvIdell the 111111leant but titat I-og- i^tration of it Apnerm inal-it (Iooq ot there had never been, a, di8aster to . ('0111'(11, 011 111111111lit(d the world Over train or a steamship,11 to OX011(li. Other oil bust. 1 Ilf-sm Of n mittrow ftled by fivoluence, I;hrllllk by oat, inark of levice aR to till. lisago into omnlonp.qt commonpla", vartteular floods t1le whil:11 the kiwilt.-T oy tilo 94,11pral Illap;