HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-10-23, Page 6-Ing llowit pia xword
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Ifliloh. suspende(t by hilt A 4inglo DAJDV PROGRESS
h ti litioll olfr protty ead.
"Moretlytir, I Nvisli, to alsk ;it Idall of f Jult tiLtu it lituldred tholl- Bulletin oil Canada's AJ.
lollarzi ill we to f Vallee. Roady For PLOTS THAT F �-i, I ED )rZ 0 nd the ni"'t effition of every
paper In Boston will eklutain the follow- Ali dventuress broiight to ill$, MRS. A: SAIC11, of Couditioni ffectin Cwmington M4nor, $ask., tile dalry 11111kittry !it Canada have an.
Writes :—"My brothersuf- ditri,aniv A41)id (ILIVing ret-rilt
far the life (If tile betilit - iful fered severely from eczema, III thu it Il'ti tilt, stuit wit., it) vibo and tell ll -I 160 11811res Vi the Avidow of Will it) AVOWth Of flut in'
Iv. and tuill Mlitt. its ileath as he gazed I ullat ou tilt, it Ill I. t . e I The sores were Yery exten. s, tile 11 t Ini lionalre NIr. dustry oil the This, how
%Iotorla, itiliolig the Iny friend. RON(! it ill' t -011W ;111)1161 'it Will tilt, full ceollitt of t1le sive, and burncd liko coah ever, nentirely iturelialito, I
(it wh:rh It(, li-Ad to periult f" tittleth-, jukit uTi fehave led front Childhood to wo- intobisflesh, Zuri-Duktook guide, Wooer flam
it., ooniti roaklit it,,, other *['hit uVxt insittilt the two 111(ol Nvere n it ..--I it I. the dupes round tile out all the fire, and quickly lititter it) but, on. the oill"er hand
pa velavitt. loet ill ilight around tilt, corner. Nyllero 1, first gave Lila ease, Within three fillds 4 to blipurt froul other
flit, direction of hi -4 -09. Areanw. hile, Ill., had ro japt yoll; ot how you. wedded an ON lie too, ltaN,v
-ItA vtllk� Aled tt.p It t it fill t'llitt.11 for bW fortil faeft, were
tile vtor �,Itw that life vehit . t al, U4 ))I I; iiii; and how fit, weclt:s of commencing with
young It glau.0iter oId 'Clicild, titall it fortnight Zain-Bilk treatpacnt, every M broll"Ilt to the attention of the SeIVVI,
llee,iotl 1111t, that one rallill 91:1,11VO iii it!-'- Earl Ila% vil. V;.I,. a allain YOU, Wedded sore had been curod."- .1 f i er. ftl hVC itiviltity to 111111� llo%%Vr fur the KIVI IF forttlme. until at I'Xst it,,
was in, ulon, i This is but one of the many Coluiliztloil. dillin" the pitst se�-iou ot
Ila([ ll,v 11arls was I Ly to fiLling t%airlst letters We ara constantly receiving by Mr. if. . J110111'ek, Dair.l Imilul.l. lie Illow that tilie Intl$t lie fiit tilt., they VA161 tile Most belf,11ti. from people who have, proved the and Cold Stura-e llaillara the girl who had Inell Y01111'r laty bas fill 416 wall 14 tile most daugerows healingpowerflotZasn-Buk, ror tl,,%t the hi'llo4try I -i
by law front the A in -,fit 111111.4, the wielcollost oltv oil earth, eczema, piles, sores, burns, Cuts not Icsill" round, - but k steady itiolized her so niad- Ifeeps forth with 60 s 11 M .N lit. 4-1-0 Where (.1.11110 Atillou and all skirt troubles there, is It W0,13 bV4111,4,01t Out thitt the Iv, cousin !*1101ing Into CIA% tit tho Still, and stalks boltIly fill, ituthiq like this Wonderful balm. tt. t'
i0io 1)1.injjt,,l slivii desperate luallts tinxivai, hour I lip tijill light of the 4tari. No skin disease sliould be coil. lto froul now silo wIII be wi as I 11 1101 Caine eusily all(I Avent its sidered incurable uatil Zalu,Buk ly Illore 111111� and produets tirin Yoitr N%tit heretorore, and that till it f;Aikll Ava4 soon to will NtN- fiyou, Illyed like it it has beeft tried, Voll, iiittintity of wilk, eseln, and other
attov abtars thal lie hz� lidde I., 'I Offer m _er, Id. I
on tile rourld to eti What wou)IT . goiltlli,4A I -while it laste All Druggists, SOc. per Box. iroll I'( fs
to eonvoy her It Nvoillitl In% intitrimonial 1111vouiLIVO (lid Substitute$. ot.Vur. 01:11king, it Illealt Illoxe heit( a , aillid urnollt So 11100Y, olist tnle, SuPloosing lie W4.4
lit - Ivilve hall titopped tllort. -k it) rt-titro t-1 ti L I I ilof i011 . ia U (Ilev of thet 11)(In8trv. II
agidit. of this aa btl1i poor Poet, yo trieCt
mind NY. beel. Printed in 'I paillpillet (it foil teen
pproavillug yti. Otile for frep to fill w1lo
hiteIt Was, flot fir't time tilat he had bo. Itholigh for it to the I)tiblivatioli flut iii -lit Ike It -tit 01t, tight y )It 1f,the Department of tit 0V
i'hook the tittut of France from your to wrt. life at the opera holl"o ill-vtor, 11ov it upoll illy yon I (Vet pre you. coul. know. �ltv knew not of hils litirolo deed or le Inforill you, Clever lat athent. into thi" p1calitIlL * Caraoul Sheep for the States. A ,trt)ll,r s tilt' Ire it Clrenve ullonk haud,, Nvith doetor your 'list nitellipt AN" it In spite of the (lepres3ing news
nunw. him yietin, iivea, anti. iuvoketl the Md. oi tile
� , art, with 1111101 amltatioll� to At way if'- tht furs are yearly becoming rarer THIS
it) try it) her ttention tow "From the of the IIIIII.-Af. teret you, to know that lie 1.4 oil thi-4 and, therefore, more expensive, wo. is a
I eoll](I but only olle worJ of tbe anti, furtherl"OrQ, men Nyho are content to have their gi �onthiue�l Dr. Itowdon, lstill suffering front the ini"I'le YOU 'a- winter wraps Inade of the unpreten. HOPA, to ay: Bravo! illy 1.111. it wtui brave 110 Was ill 1s'ei� York tious caracul may look forward hope. one ivord. I would Ioil itith the (It's'll- �A' fileted upon him. OVE
,;it(, Wo of 111t, with less bitter t1olle. this liospital lit the 3AIII0 time Clarence '.Nev- fully to the time when their caracul fair young I If g.ve been kille(I that illo wns there, itild, it, fact, tbo garments will be grown oil this con-' lut. 'N, will not ro- to thank for ber very !text cut to 111al, I have learned-- thlent. A104YONE
fLt-;t. ne olie little. word, even though ifin while Lhere they becanie the great- Dr. C. 0. Young ha Just returned fill- i� to RuPert DONviling. III the evcit-iw ut if tlie uwnwnt est friends. from Bokliara, Central Asla,.and has call use
(,oil 111tv me; I to her, here I'llis Preience will prevent -\,our ob. bug4t with him a herd of nineteen to -vvreey in fli watter. potslegsion,of the -\eviIlc*iiAIIIO1Is, full blooded caracul sheep for breed- Ife the doctor liff. Bub`,s yo1% ing Purposes, It Is learned that lie aij -the bauker's wife, for will form in his unit lit- follow. -ire not lils lawfully weddect"'vife; You. put ten or these aublials on his
IA Ttf. ell to the door, ,eving her trafely , I ranch at Belen, Texas, and nine oil Dy0_ -4111111111111
the Bab drew deposited hiti lips Nvith aVe tile wifp tyJ the young Frionel man his ranch at Roswell, X 1%1. Oaracul _%=
who I.; Iluntin ou flown. sheep produce a flue, valuable fur The Guaranteed "ONE DYE for of hini, Clarence Neville the intense vili(itivin N014-11 alulo.4 q st1w 11juL ouly yesterday oil t1le j,
forward with it thrilling Cry. But, 111116tering bint. realizing &A III, tild that ristead of wool, even Avheu crossed All Kinds of Cloth.
street, and realeulbel"119 having Been ine '
bow trut, the words of 6e Old tboll"ll lie loved lwtler than 116 own with certain grades of sheep, accord- Cleltil. SIMPIC, No Chance of Niltitokes, riLy
but (N)d Ills- life. ]I(. hit([ liol tht. right to ller in Parls, lie WaS Oul.11 too glad to renew ing to Dr, Young, who also says that IT I Send for Free Color Corti Anti nookl(q. lips, Ilor tolli-h I))),- of tht, little "I'L, ,tell "Id lktan,OP. 116 told ]'to OF ]'is the climate nd grasses his dis- ThoJolinson.Hlchard�iiu Co. 1.1mittw, ivientreal
) I t1,0111 Co I s
At that in-staut it hoar.4p ery frolif I white tholl"ll ont. of thent I!u )Iei--w1_t had b"01111111 till" to .4111- triet in IvIe,xi , re, ultabl-e For the
to,ked ine if I had ever i raising of c ra 1 . IT e had it i i er iloyelt tbroats llhis w(x'lling a ell s a Illb aliv` title (1011111 forwrd you oil title, aide, entlill" by &RV- of thein here for a time III 1910 and tile vatastroplie. fractioll,4 he 4vould not trilev Yotl b�y the 1911. A Quadricentennial.
bonw ill tile illitki; of the of it dreant now thiiii it rvalit% tilne 010 Atealuer lie Would - The forward. hn1-131jej tw, . ty. ('IJrVIIVo over, find put It'i !"to thLI On it fill aill I ry. haekward, crii;hIng heavil into thO IIliands of tbe Boston police. hundre(l ,-o it wavi viviorla containitig the beautiful, golden- My Atclvice to voil is not to a in now tII lialred young publie Oil Any Reeount, secure that therte im,'him- to bit aud * do 11.11boa wa,; tilt, di
Tit fill ins'tant veritable pandernon- xt tilat luoulplit'-he that 10 inolley for Ine, and larbara',; Covered of the I I 11� I I11.111 reigned. and ill the Illitlet of it lost Illi watell: it 1111tJ !)(tell wl-ellehe tilt site will marry ine, aiid I will Ile
young, nian, fighting his through till, viiijill. 11'1,, ,,.f Oertills tit; iileut, us tile eoneeritim, your tthe i'Vowd likei a deluou, wailled the spot wl1r; 't hfill- it wi tile till) lin flit, ,,i here the veldele ]fly, N that bis filther ball it) **You Can fil-4 in "t. J;olllillgo.
like of which wai the slender fortu OjI tile tla�v I,e I at, his lie call be. inklueed to have you), nd sklil -liturolis -pirit, he 111111 1011I.;1-11
Sit f1e; of lly(
(of the olillo, fril.l. , lie for tit once. Your French it-egled oil Want it ship it) , k.�� 1130110,01'alli lv:1,4 oil the vorer with t With Q. nit Ilall lieet, lee. illne lookinu for o", lll NEW STYLE STERESCOPE,
ku ju.ji&; ta,aL. band will it n --beautitullyeagrawd JU_VER ALU�INYM IT(' beemne in the Vol-
" l
one el;ie would ]]tire glared brve tho portn.fit of 163 fther unit you all over the worlil, otipecially with hood, patent 41)1.111 lolder illiki nin in liv sf-t out ill of
front the beels of the terrified horses nigollier, and tit 116i he privwkt no money in his pocket. �1111 Arst quality. crystaf lenses which bring .1 I - out every Itutiand colorwitit vivi(i reality. that hail been to the carflige. the molicy front -.%.oil, nd IM FIFTJ OfthO fillelit P�O,T,,OO
,?APHIO Il'!-% first of Ole PACifie oh -
or (lying His first wat4 to burry to the linh's proinife to inarry ule, gained gEws It 4 limsible to oi In it o scenes I Wo give the laillpil froill till) in the Istil.
Clarence knew not its lie caturlit her un- 1* e t!1V vivillity'of whiVIL through your influence over her, I re- rona. all over the Nvor!d. PE alld FIF EWR,FREE 'un-- of po L�R 03.Uo
lie Ilaa with W.'i lo -i.;, to acquallit 11111ill, yolini Very truly. 1, _,Y(Wtll u thtt PIC- eonsciou:j form III) in hit; 4trong * TY 'NoYL st
TURE :III(] bore her through the struggling tlielli of the fqt-L, ivid lil's willilimne-s to Downing POST CARDS. VIEWS, COMICS, fof ille 0 1 FLORAL: 10S0 THANKSG�VINGL - XMA,91 of hid! t1le Indiall-4 mll 1 u)(I Voloulli vrow I it) tile PIV a tium fill' A6 India, wao doop iii her prepa-rtion for -VALENTIq=E slid EASTER 111111-11' 110,�iel 'llivo eardi are of suer, lue� At that woment lie cau-1it sin, of 1111v to th" 11-1.
-,It inwedillug Nflib Nev- - I
NN tit) 11 I e �!quality and ARTf TIC Coloring that )OU ilie Jave of OWo Ittarn tilt Me oil the morrow, when ibj letter wits A will have 114) trougle In selling then) at 0 t, tlhandett her. sho revognized Downing*s e -r Val our .I. all'I
forille.and winningthe GAND STrRE- but jugit left III littlia'i lionie. to thi.; lady, quickly, (I oaltdr, OCOPE u.nd fIFTY VIEWS Unit also It ulovely PaSr 0 GEM SET BEAUTY PING for the love of certain might brows luAverett into n 11gly frown. or 'Ir ELCCTRIC DIAMOND PIN A �LASHIIG Tht. by %Aie allveor—or qiminte %%,!(If lik nJ I)oill tolv- I -Now, wlwt can lie loive 2 fri ouAV _ -it ILI t'little 3111r, quit . 4 All how)oor prenilonis tovotir hill. is plit
Idiolle for to Collie to Ilk it get theln lIItQr6StL Selling it live Ale Illuttered, flinging herself down -_our gootis wo Ivinstnia yon wi in EXTRA tubal Ilrea W.000.000 S411111re rrIle. pulil not utter Into n SpRejouti velvet arluchatr and -r'RES;NT 0, MATIFICENT gf*rc riwo-riwis Or �Njtojp iwword. It seerned ntearing open the elivelope. in anito ftlice. =4 se rite to.( ay find we NY11111 send Little was loiown --ent Iva.; 111) little ilittill. At, Zle fill and oil, her beautiful 141110'. and 6el the cards to sell dresa c SALT 0 L Oep
III ign instant every eye bt the throlla CO. Dept, IV, orolit" B.0 wa,j direted towaytj the man whotuJie Win Call il4oviety Nee grew asliv pAle. lier treill- 4 PEN lfilid
indicated, find who qegimeil to lie dojk� . g nd bled- like juspen leave,ii, and lier eyes iiiir- it fit-Jil for ro.
.1 -Neville al'o it l bulged froin their sockets. Iiii; utnio.A to break throuh tile crowo Variety dellin nd ing 1111perativi-1 (To bp Continued.) LIKES FEMININE FASHION$. and get away. that. they voine it) Ilint tit olive. Journal)
This favt waR (-Ieav-lv obvious to a MURDERED
r t i,'o f 'Ile wulll(l Ai'llell it The Tortt e of Forcible Feeding.
tall Alian who stood on'bie out6ki Ir Algood poolill, to be iPut ri,rIlt,out (if I)II,.illp
jimmy and w;ttVIlc,s 0 allout 1.1le (It . 11.0111011 these it the WrILIng bout lier suffrage faillih- of eorlis bV Corn gathedug, lool,ing interel3tedly ou. I, lirofet;s to think It too gay,
01111(.1 in hit, toalithor with a or t;)o of. too tight, or .40111t"- act kriin eyes sivtit over t1te "Lloet9r! In Lnglaud, Zelle Hnierson,,,,the Anieri- tr orl. which vorns and worb,,
;�� I ' of skolvion I tell'i thing. 1100(l t") - 7V
of I argue that Avoluell"'; has never been Lit-
till"ll fill. VXA eall girl 110 oined the 11 front III's lips, about forcible feeding in prsnitiore graceful of- namW* j, 'llse(l. ltvfiti�e 25c
will atmwer tsys in the Oct-ber 2,1tutropolitall: per bottle at .111 tbilil It is In the limill now, Vahioll t
lip Itilittered. "Viltil tfien. I to reoloin Zlellt fullovvl; Ole naturl lille.4 or the 4*'I,lte folioAv, I, i;t (11.4guikie. There is rihe inginient, when 11tilleg,"t I'lle door-wa- opened and the doeturs figure to it rretit.er than fill uny floillf-thilla, l'uspivious here. And Vaille in with six of the 'This . tinio inve tile Greek evx, Ind ou�r
M Downin thuL the feeding �:tlp has Cell Idea Is that Lht- ItKtUral or the )III- The Bonnechon.
tll� to heill! .1 doLtor, lti till younhe man illat frieutl fit the who, b Ingill f1!gurt- fire the livst gulde 110tor bonuets are ]low valloil a,4 - -now- III M4 lie tube, nnil aLl they Could not the skipts are ell oils it) Pari, iiiltl of thell) re,
b. e.11le'i hiln, it) 111V (.ertailt 1, ed for 1.
ledge lie is nothing of the klud- nt leAt lie wiii4 I.' olit-11 lily teeth, tile Ilamil tube Was it bit Yart.14.
like it twer .
if(. is uot I Bmiton phsielan, I will In- n Wo Nvardreaefes threw themselves across dash, atid ful' liurliuses a bit hubvIN11 elloligh ill to a let -ter lie hall �rt-eovetl froul t1le I of linprovement vulild take plued In flie the title. (If thebC j.4 Juade (It him as it S6;pieous prprineeds Etila , iny leg.,f and the others seizec my Nvav of Inargin.
The gentleman wits one of Boston"A I14" 'i's offer (if lian(lig, head and sliouldes, it began. mounted of) it 21tarriage 11-ith triniiiiLd 8vith bantitt of noted ilpteetveti, and, stppin forwatd, call One (10 with such Cade against A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL aroutid the crou. At eaeli sildem i,, it little
lie laid I ll(...,Lvv liand oil the "doetor*s" ,11, tile one"
for bi? To All Women: I will send free with Intuelk of shded This buntiv-
girl W,; only , At last it wa.i over alia the (lootors nt choll ties 1111 . der tile left and lla-�
113'llis is the. first time tlmt I overs1W ent Out iti)d I -was left alone -svitb 2ny full instructions, my home treatmo
leall"19 Ioil' reallZed , ul, neither veil no making it fool of In in which positively cures Leuotirrhooit. other trininihitp. It lildv�,
a doctor fiep Iroul. an call I �. N'0, y 13V tilt' 11 the hair almost nildl, after
like 00A. my lie sai(i. r0-vt etA I to thP Ifigh tourage, that these wonlol of ctration, Vaplacements, 14*a1ling of thil
it) ttet awa? Don't lgee up with 1111trry ber fit England possess. Ilundred(s of Womb, Panrul or Irreirular Perlodia, Uter- all, that ii; the prineipal. duty Of , Illotor
dead or dying_ -at once. Delay,, it(- them have endured this disgraceful ine and Ovarlan. Tumors or Growths, at- bonuttt.
It.;14t. it; a %ery wat'. see wilot you Cf thing, ntl not one has ever given in. so Hot I'llishes, I'lervuvisnoss, 161moholy, Given a gcioil 0iapti, this baby bonuLt
1).Gwllilly, ,I Fzill In tue Head, Back or Bowels, Md- could emilly be niftile Hit bojue.
(,an do fill, her, 111i A1011 seeni to lie $ih.e the (lovernitient understand
oill t tIley and Bladder troubles, whee, caused Apropos veils, here N t little, hint:
phyticiun i1i the crowd. Tha tht the Illore it Ininishes tile woulell,
Hultilie, th e f
by weaknes eoullar to out, sax. You Whell goillo, out in the ]lot
more. determined a spirit it cre- caft continue reatintent at home at a "about our to vourself Nln� It'allin", Ina. oil to, I"'Ith the ttl'? Lit- the vall
Te. . , a cost of only o,bout 1.) cents a. week. Bly girt to whool I ;4(11111 to In. 111, ed Covoir tile. face with it, and let
toi-ted Olt otlier, inn is time the doctors entere booki "Wortien's Own MedicAl Adviser,"
to know Iii.; own I)ast; ofeed we they offered nie a' lail aeut free oil request. Write to -day. (I]p Q.11(IS fall looselyt taking that :1
Volt to nie. Any (.I;,, oltl(I sf.l. tilpt jtl(� s mmers, Box II. 9, I lull't Vatch a iraill., it t1ving pailent, new bribe to give up the hunger Windsor, Ont. rtaill ailloulit of length the
Ine 01tting he]lut. trength wars given to , � - r whole thing !it po,.Aition tit the haek. Thk
-A1111 giving 0111. your I not. tresist thein wid I reniuliueJ firm, I 3y STUDY THE BOY. Ravice., if actea upon, wilt he 'Al tile sea. treinel valuable,
reepou&4 tljp tbi thric my nohie hall become so qore (IlelloVille 0111.uriu) lolve dv6ed- ntLeinw. to anti inflamed (Itat it wa impossible to,
to shoul I �');l '1(1 �o, I will prollipt- (I ljoy� has a deLp Seatect desive s Minard's Liniment urds Burns, Etc.
.11oll )to grows up, -
�m tilat lie getil ally MUST RAIS51M PORE CATTLE,
IV invoke till- fill f flu, poll( tho titbe through it any longer '
Now I put my in it)(, 8111tPe (fit nd the doctors decided to Pitt tile tube Arif it deniand. Ileftwe -it your Peril, air.*! down my threat, But nature gave ine grLat sympadw for his dreanis or un
Te.arinir Intl) a thollsan I particular b0i) tuward ill(montpeal Telegraiih)
find � U4 . "I it good �trougf set of tooth, and as
OR, TLC% (-�"&t 1) MIII, lluttel . this chosen woilk. It wouldn't be n ))fill 'less to Ionic with regret oil the
hulpnd from ;(it them tight it was impossible to the reat Cattle (if tilk.
get Idea if every father find inother sho ld
tile tilbe W. So thev hold mv nose 9, uns
did uot rAeape th ej personlly acquainted with their all modern conditions theli, uh.
Illitet,tive. I4() eit� to win Bar- and see to it that 00y are helped to fol- a njost ulliftful i�;Iy of utillying land,
and poure(l in wk mi;ch of tit liquid I that be Z 1,
thil - o low their r lit happolis WInJt we ll!AV(l to S to vricouvage tilt,
0, illroligh one slualt Map ill lily teeth ali to be qn, 110110PbIc' 0110, tuil fariu(-v if) more ttviinuit
it I, Little rais - Van I--
ther's illy oplillout -- .-. - it. I I r to l, . hig. Tht lit list, fill,
tilev vould, fillitil lily illouth flill allil M Inard's Liniment for tale everywhere ninre enttle to life ere thall the rallehers,
I Illust either opell Ill Ittionth. or nd Joss risic gir loss tbrongli (11-
Inore of a thall I Ill. 111v frietul." tThis
toil Ills Iare, 'it low file fooll� ()f co"se, 1 wol"(1 'lot Afternoon Frock That'll Wear, problem is oil(- (if' tlit) most serious be -
do that, so, althongli I ouly opened my 'fla Itnil Cie 1*111ted States. lip.; file to wr61101 littl(� -traint it (sit it� mut of her reeent teeth to �pit out tl)Q foo(I " Black charmeuse Is still a modialt 1)"01 tile doctors find it IS tn he 110)JO11 Our f'1OVf`1V1)IlIQDt Will
front tio, bold W w1h the fi,oble old abric, It was used for an afternoon kiva It the sellous attention It deserves.
'1111CP1'. ))fit to)' .111 tll;lt, would slip in tbe gag, anit !it spite of f -d whatorlit, for beet to, ive, .load frock which shows the season's favor .'here Is no nof
tile isteel-liho olp of Ille (Ieteei I)v resiRtall(e And the Pat lift ealised beeoine prohibitive ht price. till' old, over 11,11), if Ilip, they wo ed high draped girdle, tulle draped 11110ti hitil tile luore firlilly. uld turn the ag rotin(l.
Ito antl bodice, and flounced skirt of varled MI
gi,gl*i!I ott ttutO Vie laily?" he Ifsk-ed, routill until lity jalvi wei�e foreed wido L nard's Liniment Cures Dandruff,
itoNval-11 him, apart. Then tlloy Avolild ])Out, in. a pint treatment. Couturleres now Insist f11it f t gown must allow for body ex- FOR THE BEST.
(i"11't lillow Aill.1t to illy fill. Itel lip took t1w I o Vold, liallse a till g liquid and lelve Ino that . HOPE
lelul-111,41 flit, otlier. 4.)70U urgem eAl -it the police- ill anti fillaken with file struggle ftild presslon. one noted designer devel- (I'fetrolt Free wertN right, I'm uo -vollog to AV) 'gestioil, froin vInell, go k it -ile ,nd A( )),I I he following liate to tortured with ingli pp such a model by using white clilf- the
fon, trimining It with mlllc tall band- illet
did all tile time I was ill prison nittl many, Ing and black satin. This wraD, -rhallS tile0l stop be -
of ,o; Illp6 Impe. V(
took ,Ill. fill- I it n( t I ialtv Aveeks I was never rose velvet, attains distinetion, by a fore tilt -Y get to N% NIVIII9 IisIt I) 81ir- tuaster's hand, Avigleh drapets the love- (4porgin girl is inakill - g good ifib Tteth, mto worms to fishinmen for
vIvilitill,g volit the gleteetie, ],,'I'(, lit Ole abollit tvrinination "of illy Lead Slid ly fabrIa in twor distinct ways and uses
betrotli'll iA oaniwhite fox, tho kindest of foils for a (401JI19 to
varrying 111111,,41f, 'If it) yoll Ht- velvety Milli. for . the generous collar I . bitit, lead hila been observed III, Vie- tll�� Inall, tr`yIng to I)(' illlq(llll.11l, tor Rinze, it (,ernian ilntist, �gnioljg kill tilt- trouble Itild I 11.1d tile in in agivilinulittor fae- Neville Call. 11,111el .
to teeth all Illit(I aluell k that wralseil from tlt(, teeth of oVIL" 0 (fit tho III tile Its 4 little ito the yClang girl at olk,e, .9 ilet, ;11111 now I'll) regreWlIg 1110.11 affectett Avith allenlia and w., ill-itallt iulgl,�. If,. her latit. for it 111111 .4wil. qvillptriffis of poisoning Nvall found I I v hif.r heart JIL'.1t faintly. flot IvIly I flid it.- al! k6111I)SIS to vout-Aill about One-half bo you feet( otts(AII(Ty tiredso ilia t every I fling to done with
It lit i-. that I mit"tit. olle tier reut. of 111610110 'An effort? Vt is tot Ittilivation that the Xidnevs art nt,t
fdoing thelf work- offilterjug the jin purities froul tile blood
Nvas thU In,,
tile, SeVtIltepll feeth still ret4killv(l
full �Attl'�Iettl,l I,v t'll. hatt Atop -i �\itll 1111f' that is. ft Ilew J)v t1lig Ingl, the Illet$kIlic lead in tile Lao
I- instantly 11k Aerv, lice into, iowuji Avas shown to be 0.038 per egin�, it". , r. Will lit (GIN PILL$ the diteliCial Id life Crowd was 111114 bepoillf, III%, wife. I .1111 tip41). W(I peut, in ills rootg--Auf. 1p you. They r4store OIL* Ridneys to their notuiAl
ivevoublick your old thue tneigy
fifoll tile form.- in Ilvell of her forl'.1110 -1 11111iAt hive It. fielellt it) give tolltilluolls lead intoxi- fil"ll deggirl. to be lip iging 410ifit. $low all Druggligo, �Ovts.
i -t, Or uoul4l ],live 111",11 I -Voll 1111-t md me ill liviliging it rhe tiltTtstr was reigno\'etl froill ill,tt Ilic %vas Illut-ti;. .1way 4S alsout, quil Out -vtay for 'At(, to oill tll(% teptli. of the other workers, iin(l this Nittionil bliq anif thm. CC of Camadt Umlited, Tormilo.
flit, Apt grill Ilad Ilov. 11pou. 11.0j. id 011. illo %ituRtion follow,od I;v 111arkell iniprovdaiiint &Pt pieh do fifol I I ISO
otlliir'm .4'roulder. Nor ilid with blir, I yAll Ilvill tot riefilap, in the vollilitloil of gunglis and touersil Cie ldetvctive lenglrl.; - 111�e 1-t. for voill; TPAW litalth, . .
GIves a Quick,
B4111aut P011811
That Lasts
No. .113, 1913
underwear. - Allifly, Xlngtitan llow
gage' .uv (I lof).are rurill
)11 to , J. 1�ejnl:, 4R), Lowivil.
Are We Losing Sense of Taste?
tiayvi Englnd of1.4 Allieriva. 111ho lo-li'll, One of the five "reat to tiltt of Instead of elljoying the real
intAet; of the luoill,; nis they should. Fug.
11-411 thl'. di"itro'y
all tastit bV over r, it# their' food Nvith
Theit ll
fooft like unit flavor
,nown. , were eaten raw fly g,00k.
ell blightly over fill olien fire, fter
haeallu! into prat-tive. Ilut
it niuvIi later w1ktin tietilsonhur Witti
uNtil oil food.
All eliefs who, are followin"
tilt. of ftltihloil in regard to Fowl.
goillm inny 4-enturie.-i When, foodl t1loir indivii.lultl flavor, unit not for
taste of So if volt wish
to be fit litylo y follow ille' dictatoi of the voll(lillielit-;, it
Easter to V08
Better for
the Shoes
A Oerman Bridal Custom.
couples dressed In mouralar,
Nvent to the Garrison elIlurch t Pots-
daw recently to ba married. They are
Itnown as the "Loulso brldal palris,"
for overy year these tuageral weddings
aro celebrated at 9 o'clock oil the all-
nivertiary of tile day and the hour
the good Queen Loutse died, In the
year of her death a I,utheraa bishoit,
left a sum of woney the Interest oil
,which was to be divided between
couples niarried oil Its anniversary,
and the directions lie left for the cere-
niony are still observed, This year each.
couple, re(,TIved the'accleptable sum. of
pounds ten shillins in return for
theiv acrifice of the bridal flixery.--
London Globe.
FREE= The above III ustrations, give lintafaftit,
idea of the ulany beau lesof our PRE -
tile be giveyon A "parldlag RAPIO GEM RING
anil also a� loviol y pair o BEAUTY PINS
Ft&JHIN ELZO __f -
iTR�C (MAM81413
f'IN FR r Uo wor i o
ile lllveffast 1PI ?ST CARDS at 6,
for 100. We NaTtu) vb, at in VIEWS,
N I. Wid EASTER [it their prop�r Realion.
a are Of adoh title quidity and tilatyou Will have 110
roub o it selling itun n4d winning your
prernhuns, find _lE ou. will agree to flat some of your Interested In sell gig
our goods We Will send Y04-89 1111 EXTRA PRESENT It MfflNIFIOENT WAT'
L or GEtITS a ze, Stein Wt d end
FSALT 00 rite to-dity and we Aytil set, d you
the cards tosell %.ddress CO _u), Vill. PFN Cm Dept pl, orolao,VIN?but I'lult it. Iritl no co ORG ANN,
gn --'AH E, A F
IVQ sc.lue fifty oil lit front to illst I'll I'lon i i havo .111 31n,11V(I I)y our owl, fulare III
A few bil5
stop,,. $,!U,
for coln-
stornis yozi would lleilitzu'N
flIfilinilton, Out. A Solonlon-liko Deoision.
ithimle Oing, or fiftvvil on", fIit tinlo
illt\%(,. nd ' joining fill -lav, hehi�,whill, file inau who owned
hV01MV IILIR 11'41 %AS to 111111. dog tile that lit te
henttilt, wood.;, Init the A011tv holl, f lirlivil.
alld gary bilitle to the uitiep.
tht-rellpoll illat Of tho brood (if Dr. Morse's
Indian B -00t Pills
are not a new and untried remody—
our grandfutlicrs used them. lialf a
century ago, before Confederation,
they ivere oil sale in nearly every dru
or general fi,tore in the Canada of thalt
day, and Nvore the recognied cure in
tilousands of homes for Constipation,
111(ligestion, Biliousness,lthouinatisim
and Kidney and Liver Troubles. To-
-clay they are just as effectivejust as
reliable as and nothing better
has yet been devised to 43
Cure Common 1119
:: I -
tToronto Shir)
lionisliment rvinainq on life
f-Latup llooli. Rut %Nhether it man W
hunilt"t or not upoll publit. enti-
lilvitt and IlOoll of- JlIS lat'lit of 111tto
o to tile Ti, fliat right9 Ts
Ilk rr1vn1lI(,.-,ia:1Ik-.,,, n alblitfull*_
firill- It loolvi to (14
woulil havi!
to 1;e Wd. 110t. r entiolgilit , but in Order tht theri,
lie, r-litt law fill, n1l.
tit oureg oured a
Ioill it o
Hat Chic.
earBrinis t0i'll up at the left.
"onin. ill -jilts turn. up all around.
,Nlt.t,4t brims var%fil out Lit the VAge.
prillis art, likely to be longer at tile
left -its aild soft Crowns live one
(if the featires. A btlilare 'Allows largest
poillt flaring Lo the left.
Moire bows, the liew rat and Pasted
16ort. stand on bat of both the xinall id
A Recommiendtition Indoed
1-1-i your IIII%liall(l. Mild to you""
t it ail "Oil, was t1le, ill,gktallt kind -VPrV Moll, In faet, volt mit!ht
say more like it frien.l. th-ail. %.hila -
Bogus Gems.
when a ii'rom it rmiawe vr, InsinuvIi tis rock and ev011
letul glas oftell sold untler tht nunw.
lioryl a brillint
AvIlon properl il it t. Inderil and Vven
onflulto &%fill rock ryaoften pssed
it, fortner Elas. a.,; illunionds, even under
t1lV o0XI)t-VtS, Fp(-VJfJV YVIIV-
Ity conlIntratively
Nil I (if the dinillorld, so 1)1.1111111!L as It litilfull vut 111lieve or
tli(- Wrid or loati hnown In it o trallo
wav ot volo]. In these
often beautiful no
Itt'st(.111 this torill tPoiled it) tliV light
cie I'll) Sullfare or a gpol,
of' 11gilt tho Interfor, helog
froln it;(, roal. urfl,es of tbe
(11aluoll(l ts ort nd is at-
I)v inumber or tilill4a
M.111) ulliell it vollutt-t liv oIt Soon
('it it it 11 i it it fall Iveatlivi. I; oil little olit's, One ([-fly it is
N%itrju and NYLIt
waii 4 q
(kit unelittli, titoinavii io Rvpt ri,ght the
be is ilothliq
Own in ket-ping
tho little ones tiweeten the
bowchi, rlip
volds nd inake baby The Tab.
letN 11'0 e�oltl by medicine, or by
niall tit -I5 vviibn a t)ov front ne Dr, Wit-
Aredivillo Co., Brock0lo, Out,
Uad a Reason,
Alleii's jle�Nv vante to Ner
()rll ing, after Iter and guill., to lave yez, 11111111, to -day.
Ilot btay ,�)Iy cried Allen in
III Oil, WOTI(i are You
going to a-�ooll'," Alight the v,tiva tile to ver trunlits an(f drFters nd
Pwol to lkape for 6 I dill., tile 11114-
eliowed that I tru4ted you.
ISaid tile sk-r-
oof leni Miriardl, LInimen:t:Rellevesg Neuralgia
The Song of the Crickets.
the ,tin Ints III the we,,t bellillit the lilies of fir,
Through the purple twilights of Sep-
)'oil Ina v livar the crick e4tii-ehirr,
chirr , eltirr. Ati(I when tho. tsttirA 111111111t,ftill their olid-
idght inarelies,
Irosto irraittlit, phere oil wheeling
lifith("Illely (lown. fill the shadowy
littltt brotbors of gontl
ouour uer-
(hin ayi grow brief art, 1,11roll"'ll tile. winter stillti their imieful
burden -
It svA upon, the lip of song
—Clintou 1vollard, iii New York Itin.
Tn flin cotton Inills Of the vollill, Al
lwr Vent. of flip feminine re
inider 21 of
Th4. truth or hfill, prolirloty of rlding Thv it; lmo.0
llud( it Ili iw itow. nd
I1111loi,.1tioll, Vi -t lilt, woult-It. witridt. w(-vi� invvittvit, nd tbti
Custom ill uot ou
tho Womt ru This is plain by illintilunt(A niantiwirlpts of
tho eviitury III tho Britti,fli
111(i pastlint, of ly flivir tW)IO flil-11 ht Fili-ill,,! to 11.1vi,
(Ill. !it the 1;4'iltl Int'rat I III* tilt' It('%% I'll"llionji of IM -11
ard's I,( !,,?I. ll old historian, T. Iltoll high livaiN unit eornets. nit robes with
long and or sddivs,
on itivir liorseq, by the oxjuipits or tll(%
Que(ii Auno, dauglitor or
the Killg of JL�011(�jjlla. who first Intro-
(liteed till' 0111itoul illLo this
t for, Oi VV(iry as Oeoffroy Challoor, who wrote, lit this
time, it womn rider as liay.
ing Oil her fetit "It palrp Of (if 'Newekitle, in hts famous work oil horsoullillship,
published in of %volnell 1119i t tht period fault the. vi3li.
Prable John Lawrence, tit jh(i
seor thif. nightf+11th C(Xlltul.y, Stfft(LiA
that at all varly perlod of Ids own Itrit
two N*Otlllg %voilloll of good fillully it,
E'llglitlid in tho coll4tailt hbit
of ridin., about flic, vountry ill thpil,
sinart doesklu, ,'IUitt cots and flip.
belver cxtougively tile exalllplE� or
the flollcultUll QIIP(-Il ws followed, it
is thus, pparent tht ilie mode of fii,
male equestrianisin to Avillell tile Put Queen of Baigland object colltin.
ued to to lit 1110. IftNt cililitilly, evor otillrely ro] iliquished,
sdsddle" Introduced into
from Austria differed nintorlially from that liog%v in gilse ind
HUI(- morn. thitil inetro plitioll or
low bacluni rinchair, faqtgelle(t oil tll(.1
horrip's Croup, behind titti su(itilp pl,
which rodu the malwho handled Lilu
horse, wIllic the woma sat fit her east,
With both feet restlil- oil brod foot.
board. The pillion continued III usti
well into the. last it wits ot
until the si(le �yitli it thip(l 1101-11
or Waping Ilead was invented, aboilit
eighty years go, that it Nvoinan's retit
on I horse otherwise than stride wo
inade Qecure..
,With a smile oil his rubicund featilrei;
the hotelkeepor Nvas peacefully en-
joyin.- 40 winks. Business wa3 booni.
hig; the place was full. Good!
Knocks on the door of his anctuin,
however brought Iiiin back to erth
In staggered a perspiring waiter,
"P.D-D-lease, air," he stammered,
"I'm in -it terrible fix. A gent bas just
ordered roast mii'ton,"
"Well, what of that?" came the- ex�
asperated nswer, plenty of
it, isn't thent?"
Of 010 IIIII)IC111. "Illit b0l'A 0 -
really had Ono portion ol' it It,, veill-
Spanish Scientist Has Perfected
Tablet Foods.
A Spanish doctor is the, latest in-
ventor of concentrated food Although soine concentrated tb-
lets of this sort bc(.n oil the mail.
ket for some the Spanish phy-
siclan Is perfecting these tablets so
that any food may be served in conepil-
trated form. With the addition of it
little Avater and it little lleat a full meal
may bo se,rved If one uses the new tab-
lpts. it'is Maimed.
The only tblets hPI'Mofol-0 tililt
have roi tabletA that
fire it conitiound Or beef and that, when
dissolved fit water, form bouillon. The
Spanish doctor's tablets are coneell-
trate(I vegetablos, nilvats, sollps, and
sweetq. lw the use of five or six fall -
lots of A arious kinds one may prepre
,I whole ineal in a few minittes, The
tablets aro light Ln Nvelght nd are
IwIng preflarged for explor-
crs, and for automobilists
who art, making long, eross-country
They may later be introduced
hiLo practical housekeeping, it thiroy
can be roduevil. in cost by ing lrge fillough. (Itiantitieli.
Mally of till, may be pitten.
withoin ltered in form, but, I( --
cording to thoir inventor, they improvo
in by the ddition of wtvr.
They It,(, dull brown In volor and re
it sort of powder. ThIg powder 14 eam-
with great formi, hito it olld
is wrapped in oilod papel,
und tin foll. 011ed 4ilk will bo ti4ell
to proteet Illost, taken by t 1 -4 by
3olvie of tho varietloti the $pIL104h doetor w) far rr, various
kinds of soupq; tablots, potato flavor;
ollioll llavolr. flvor, flavor; tab
inutton or lamb flavor. and tb.
llvor, The lut,4 great fattli !it his Involitioll IIII(I
says IvIlou it is lbe will ))it in 111111,111oll and A CRYING NEED,
, to li"th nd luilp,
('111111,11 tull-1. -411 -tunflay and rietluellt olilt-latloll of tht. othe (11, tovill ltlflll iq lot' III M tit �11 but I'll, th" 1114,11 In
f, IV