HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-10-23, Page 44
7 Fall and Winter House
J Furnishin"
Rugs, Squares,
Stair Carpets,
Linoleums, Oil. -
cloths, Window
T>:msp^ OCTOBL- R 23, 11913
Field Of Grain Crops. THIS AER HELP^ Don't �5
of `'t'ei; A :and Measure- A bulletin isawd by the Census and
meat Compared Lvery 20 Years. Statistics Oflico of the department of
'lhnro is a ceremony connected with Trade and Commerce gives a provis. THE TEACHER This One STRIKE ON
.he British House of Commons in Tonal estimate of the yield of the grin•
tvliich Mr. Speaker rarely makes more elpal grain crops and also the average
,han c e appearance, Some occu-
pants quality of Ghese crops at harvest time,
of the chair escape it altogeth- r`HE ublic schoolteacher Thousands Of young Canadians have struck
8r, for it only happens once in twenty During the month ended September p A Fifty Acre Farm C10ae t0
years, and is eoncerned with the ex- 30, ideal weather for the ingatbei Int; of that does not read the pa y from old conditions to higher and better things
amination of the standard Pound the grain crops prevailed over all Oan• Wingham, with brick house and by enrolling as students of our Business Col-
-eight and standard yard measure, pars fails in an important
which aro itnliiured in the wall of the ad a, In the greater part of Ontario bank barn. Well adapted for in- leges and dome Study Department. You can •
ttairc%so leading to the committee and in the. Western provinces harves, articular to fit himself or herself tense farming or dairying. good study all in your own home, or partly there
corridor of the House, ting operations were well completed to instruct the young. water, fences and orohard, Any and finish at College. NOW is a good time
In 1854, in consequence of recom- by the middle of September and only EDUCATION IS NOT ALL GAIN• reasonable offer will be considered.
Iirendations of a royal commission, n arts of u t0 stmt. Every farmer's son who intends t0'
now imperial standards were made P Quebec and the Maritime ED FROM BOOKS. MOST OF IT
and duly legalized. Copies of the now provinces, where the spring opensi& GAINED FROM LIFE, AND TEACULR-Name the beat town remain on the farm should have a business
in this cart Of Ontario? education. You can continue
imperial standards were then depos- later, was harvestingcarried on dur• p your work and
i.ad in the Houses of Parliament, NEWSPAPERS ARE THE MIRRORS JouxNiF,-Win ham.
royal mint, etc., and they are known reg the latter end of the month, OF LIFE, g like Lincoln, prepare at the same time. Ask
61 "the Parliamentary copies," the The estimates given a month, ago � TEACIIER--Correct. us now. Largest trainers in Canada. Thirty
object being that, should the original are slightly greater than those - now Not only should teaebers read Tommy -Please Teacher you ask y Seven Colleges. Two thou -
be lost or injured, authen- is&ued which may be presumed to be Johnnie all the easy ones." Every- ears experience.
tic copies can be easily found, By a the papers, but pupils should be boa knows Win ham leads the salad students annually. Positions guaranteed.
based more or less on results of thresh- Y g
Now is the time to re-
subsequent act. of Parliament "the
ing, The final estimates based alto•
caused to do so. In the case ofroeession,
Individual instruction. No vacation. Successful
furnish your home with.
Parifametary copies are required to
be compared with each other once In
gether on threshing results and calcu-
the children little persuasion i3
The boy was right. We can't
People act NOW, not later.
the newest and best in
twenty years, and upon the last occa-
sion, 1892, Mr. Speaker Peel, accom-
panied by the high officers of the
lated on corrected areas will be issued
as usual on December 15.
needed.. They are so eager to
learn that they read every paper
get houses for the people who want
House Furnishings we
Board of Trade and the secretary of
For Ila wheat the estimate for
spring g
they get their hands on.
to come to Wingham.
- 1
invite you to inspect our
the Lord Great Chamberlain, met to
getber for the purpose.
the end of September is 188,468,000
bushels as compared with 182,&10,000
stock before buying,
This ceremony will be repeated in
the near future --•-the exact crate has
bushels last year. Ffall heat the
or w
estimate is 10.107,000 bushrls as
pressed as to the exact posltion of the
grave, the ground was opened to "1700,
not yet been fixed.
The "Parliamentary copies" are
against 16,390,000 bushels last Sear and
EVENTS. The pupils are re-
014,000 hubhels and an average of 31.10
Exta values in Men's
..,.__ . .. ., . ..._ ..... . ..... .... PRINCIPAL.
Ladies' and Misses' Hosier
and Underwear }
Our stock is complete
with some of the finest
and the values are exceptionally good.
dards of the British yard meLsure -
50 dozen Eniglish
years, and udder it three persons were
boiled to death, one a cook tubo put
Woollen Bose ; all
and the British pound oveight, and
but:hels last year, Oats show a total
sizes from 5 to 10,
have perhaps wondered why,
In the cavity is an oblong leaden
cleaning at 25c pr.
Exhumation of Milton.
case, hermetically sealed, and in this
era•ge yield of 40 57 bushels as compar-
One of the most curious instances At
25 dozen Ribbed
are two mahogany boxes, both
ed with 361, 733,000 bushels and an av-
Cashmere Hose; an t-•
- 1
extra good wearing
mains at the parish church of St. (.ilex,
Humble property on the cash or pre -
In one is a silver gilt case, contain-
Hose; on sale at
1111 �• .
mium notes stem,
ing the platinum pound, wrapped in
Swedish filtering paper, which is soft
pressed as to the exact posltion of the
grave, the ground was opened to "1700,
President, Secretary.
and frictionless, This is tested with
bushels per acre as compared with 44,-
A struggle for relies followed, hones,
M. R. C. S.
the standard pound of the Board of
014,000 hubhels and an average of 31.10
Exta values in Men's
ble of disclofractsing
and Boys' Winter
1 z �"
Agents. Wingham, -Ont
Suits and Overcoats.
tal production of rye is 2,559,000 bus-
church and paid the gravedigger 0d
Ladies' and Misses"
In the other box, reclining on eight
hels, of peas 3,974,000 bushels, of buck-
Fall and Winter Coats
rollers, is a bar of bronze divided in-
Sweater Coats, etc.
the workmen engaged there shared it,
. D -PHONE 71
C. A. BOGERT, General Manager, -
Trust Funds Should Be Deposited
In a Savings Account in The Dominion Bank. Such funds are
safely protected, and earn interest at highest current rates.
When payments are made, particulars of each transaction may
be noted on the cheque issued, which in turn becomes a receipt
or voucher when cancelled by the bank.
Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Find Yon Have Always $ought, and 'which hag been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made 'under his per-
sonal supervision sine its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations a1ld Just -as -good are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the healt1i of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTO R lA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor, other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms
and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, 'Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Bleep.
The Children's PIanacea-Tho Mother's Friend.
/Bears the Signature of
d � �
Ian Use For Over 3 a years,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
1YFIrC GYN'rAtUrN,tlfSrlr�ANV rJiKW Yileitt !lr7Y, . .
deposited within the wall under the 18,481,000 bushels in the preliminary qulred to tell or write the chief Ritchie & Cereus
blank window on the right-hand side estimate this year. The total estimat- happenings of the day. It is an
�4 of the second landing of the public ed wheat induction this year is there
d�7 staircase leading from the lower wait- P' y invaluable trainiif . REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE
ing hall to the Commons• committee fore 207,575,000 bushels as compared g
rooms. Many people whose business with 199,230,000 bushels last year, an EVERY teacher should TAKE
takes them that way have read the increase of 8,339,000 bushels or 41 per this paper
inscription on the brass tablet:
Within this wall are deposited stan-
cent. The rel
yield per acre for all wheat
A N Y person who is the sole head of a family,
dards of the British yard meLsure -
is 21.15 bushels as compared, with 20,42
years, and udder it three persons were
boiled to death, one a cook tubo put
and the British pound oveight, and
but:hels last year, Oats show a total
-- -- -,
have perhaps wondered why,
In the cavity is an oblong leaden
yield of 391,418,000 bushels and an ay.
Exhumation of Milton.
case, hermetically sealed, and in this
era•ge yield of 40 57 bushels as compar-
One of the most curious instances At
Head Office GUELPH, ONT.
are two mahogany boxes, both
ed with 361, 733,000 bushels and an av-
exhumation was that of 1lfilton's rO-
Risks taken on all classes of in.
sc -ewed down and sealed.
erage yield of 39 25 bushels. Fa -ley
mains at the parish church of St. (.ilex,
Humble property on the cash or pre -
In one is a silver gilt case, contain-
gives an estimated total yield of 44.348,
Cripplegate. Doubts having been ex-
mium notes stem,
ing the platinum pound, wrapped in
Swedish filtering paper, which is soft
000 bushels and an average of 31.00
pressed as to the exact posltion of the
grave, the ground was opened to "1700,
President, Secretary.
and frictionless, This is tested with
bushels per acre as compared with 44,-
A struggle for relies followed, hones,
M. R. C. S.
the standard pound of the Board of
014,000 hubhels and an average of 31.10
teeth and hair being seized by the par-
ble of disclofractsing
bushels in 1912. For this year the to.
ish officials. Crowds flocked to the
Agents. Wingham, -Ont
of a grain.
tal production of rye is 2,559,000 bus-
church and paid the gravedigger 0d
Physician and Surgeon.
y €,
In the other box, reclining on eight
hels, of peas 3,974,000 bushels, of buck-
Per head to see the remains, while
rollers, is a bar of bronze divided in-
wheat 7,600,000 bushels, of flax 14,912,-
the workmen engaged there shared it,
to 3G divisions. This also will be
000 bushels, Of mixed rains 17;178,000
Bio plunder by refusing admission to
Barrister, Solicitor, ate,
subjected to the most minute com-
parison with the yard of the Board
bushels, of corn for husking 14,086,000
any one who would not pay the price
of a pot of beer. And flnall-v the poor
Office: Meyer Block, Wingham.
- of Trade, by an instrument which can
bushels, of beans 989,,500 bushels as
rector, who had not shared in the
detect an error of a hundred -thou-
sandth part of an inch.
compared with a total yield last year
P y y
$ oils,
p brought an action for the rt�-
for rye of 2,594,000 bushels, for peas of
tovery of dues unjustly withheld front
A Smugglers' Trick.
3,773,500 bushels, for buckwheat of 10 ''
film." -London Chronicle.
One of the most ingenious of smug-
193,000 bushels, for flax of 21,081,500
Money to loan at lowest rates. I
gling tricks was that originated by a
bushels, for mixed grains of 17,952,000
and shades.
band of clever Parisian rogues re-
bushels, for corn for husking of 16,569,-
Deputy of the Minister of trio Interior.
Gently. A coffin, supposed to contain
the dead body of a man who had died
800 bushels, for beans of 1,010.800 bus-
WAN T �j
Parisian .. a e i$ the Pre Gra
Sage .
of diphtheria, was despatched from
the gay city for burial in London. It
For the 3 Northwest provinces the
D.D.S., L,D,S.
was met at the railway terminus in
total yield of spring wheat is estimat-
Robert San1s, a farm laborer, has
Castle Hedingham, LSSex,
Drandruff and Makes Hair
England, and conveyed at nightfall to
ed at 183,852,000 bushels, of fall wheat
at once to represent Elle OLD AND
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen-
a house not far front the Mile End
= Road, Whitechapel. E4erything would
at 5,261,000 bushels, of oats at 239,590,-
nsylvania College and Licent ate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario,
- have passed off as desired and plan-
000 bushelp, of barley at 27,001,000 bus-
SERIES. Splendid list of fruit and
-Office in Macdonald Brook—
- ned had not a policeman on duty be-
bels, of rye at 680,000 bushels, of flax
ornamental • stock for Fall delivery
come suspicious on seeing a particu-
larly large coffin being taken out of a
at 14 808,000 bushels.
' The average of these crops
1913 and Spring delivery 1914.
G. H, ROSS, D,D.S., L.D.S.
hearse into a house that was known
Start at once and secure exclusive
dandruff, ate splitting hair, fallinlr
to be the habitation of men who had
done penal servitude.
After the funeral party had shut
measured upon a per cent basis of 100
as representing rain well headed, well
p g g
filled well saved and unaffected to
territory. we supply Hand Tome free
outfit and pay Highest commissions.
Honor Graduate of the Royal College
of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor
the door and the hearse had driven any appreciable extent b frosts, rust, Graduate of University of Toronto
away, the policeman secured assist- y pP y Write for full particulars. Faculty of Dentistry.
ante and knocked at the door. It was smut, etc. is as follows -spring wheat
found that the coffin, instead of con- 89,17, oats 00. 52, barley 88.25, rye 8541, STONE & WELLINGTON OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARD & CO'S. STORE
taining a corpse, • was filled tightly peas 81.71, beans 78 48, buckwheat 73, -
with cakes of tobacco, dozens of box- •10, mixed rains 90 59, flxx 82.08, corn TORONTO ONTARIO
es of cigars, and other excisable !; DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B O.A., F.S.D. _
1 goods. The "mourners" were immed- for busking 75 16, Of these wheat,
iately arrested and the "goods confis- oats, barley and rye are above the av- OSTEOPATHIC PN D SCIENTIST
Gated, era a quality for either of the last two - EYE SPECIALIST FOOD SCIENTIST - �-
g q y Acute and Chronic Diseases treated.
year.-. Glasses Scientifically fitted. _
Dining Early. Tuesday 11.30 a.m. to Wednesday 10.30 a.m -
The potato and root crops continue Main St. (over Christie's Store.)
Lord Shaw toed a good story ata to show good figures, as representing For Sale
dinner to the Bench and Bar, given � .. -.. -
recently by the Fishmongers' Com- average condition during growth. e W`�
pany in London. He said that in the The condition of potatoes is 83 59, W. R. HAMBLY, B,Se., M.D., CX
old days the Scottish Bench in Edin- turnips 82.62, mangels 83.61, sugar Special attention paid to diseases
burgh were accustomed to dine at beets 82 03. + of Women and Ohildren, having
four o'clock in the afternoon, and Men >< Boots and Shoes taken postgraduate work in Sur -
were prolonged to c a late—or l gatherings
early— at Reasonable Prices. Medicine.
hour, as the case might be. Itch! Itch! Itch! Q
At two o'clock one afternoon a Office in the Herr residence, be � , -
client called at the house of a distin- Repairing Promptly at- tween the Queen's Hotel and the
guished lawyer and asked to see the Baptist Church.
master. Conrta.n; itch. Intolerable agony, tended to. All business given careful attention.
"He's at dinner," replied the maid.. HCZEMA I Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118
"At dinner," gasped the caller. A few drops of a mild, simple, wash
"Dinner at two o'clock in the after- -instant relief -all skin distress
noon! Surely your master dines GONE, I
early?" D. D. D Prescription for Eczema.
"No;" replied the maid. "It's yes- Sounds too good to be true ?• we Orrmcus-Corner Patrick and Centre Streets
t terday's dinner he's affil eatin'1" guarantee it. PHONES— For weeks new goods have been _
The first full size bottle .free if D. D Offices 43
Bolling CrimrrfaIs To Death. D, cannot reach your case. For your - ' �..e��®�.+n Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 = . . this sake, it is worth a trial. Residence, Dr. Calder 151 arriving at this store and our
Boiling criminals to death was Come in and let us tell you about it.' Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. - _
once a legal mode of execution in Also about D. D. D Soap -it helpe. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to - •
England for counterfeiting and later J. J. Davis, druggist. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. st®ek 1b now eomp'letee
for committing murder by, poisoning. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly
An act of Parliament passed in 1531 -- - - fitted.
' t d oisoners
provided that conic e p Philanthropy Prospers. JJ��p� Aj�j�
should be boiled to death, though Bsh'y I�iu o D�. H. J. l �l.+PAl�Ss "i�df ord Rroeades ;in black, Grey,
this form of punishment was not ap- g f London, and Dr. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH _
I plied to any other class of mtirders.
The lacy Was in force abaixt fifteen
Edwards, his chancellor, many yeal•s
ago founded a Fulham charity for the
of the district by
A N Y person who is the sole head of a family,
Late member House Staff Tor -
Bro•�,q,n� N vy. 1
years, and udder it three persons were
boiled to death, one a cook tubo put
poor purchasing
some fields at North 1! u:'•� em which
or any male over 18 years old, may home.
stead a quarter section of availablo Dominion
onto Gieneral Hospital. Post grad-
nate London and Dublin.
poison in food intended for his parish
poor and another a maid who poison-
A Dublin of
yielded a rent of $ o yearly. With
the growth of Fulham these fields were
converted into Streets of houses, and
land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan di' Alberta.
Tho applicant must appear in person at the
Dominion Lands Agency crayb-ag for the
Successor to Dr. Agnew
A well assorted range' of Serges
ed her mistress. paper
Foie: 28, 1709, said that "twelve Colli-
now the estate produces over $7,000
district. hntry by proxy may be made at any
agency, on certain conditions by father, moth-
Q ars (counterfeiters) were seized in
having been
.a year for the poor.
or, son, daughter, brotber or sister of intond-
ing homesteader•
In all shades, at all prices.
the '.ct of coining and,
triad and found gulty, were four
Early Oil Wells.
llutios.—Six n)onths' rcaidenco upon and cul -
tivationof the land in each of three ieara. A
hours afterward boiled in oil, three of
them WomCri.,,
Early wells in what later developed
� P
into the oil region in the
homesteader may levo within snine80 miles of his
homestead on a arm of at least 80 acres solely
owned and occupied by him or by his father,
M. R. C. S.
Corduroy Velvets and Velveteens
country were put down for salt, some
mother, son, daughtor, brot?ter or sinter.
L. R. C. P. (>�nd.)
ItoClidalo Clothiers.
Eng., laid the foundation
being sunk to a depth of 800 feet,
Nearly Ol
Iu certain districts a hontowler in good
standin{r maypre-cmptaqumrter-section along-
side his homestead. Price $3.00 por acro.
Physician and Surgeon.
y €,
in Black, Brown, Green, Navy,
of its prosperity in the reign of Ed-
yielded qualities of petro-
leun), and some produced ircarly all
Dutios,--Mint reside ippon the homestead or
(Dr. Chfaholme old Stand)
ward III., v,heu a body of Flemish im-
there and
ol.l, but it was *t ,
of until the late fifti�9
dation six months in each of six yearn
Pron cute of homestead entry (including the
time to homckead and
at from 50e to $1.25 per yd.
grants tool, up their abode
introduced their craft as clothiers,
talut the ccnnmercial value of oil was
thatrcl as ar illuruinant.
required earn patent)
oultivato fifty acres extra,
W. eJ . MOON
Itocbdale in the time Of Queen Eliza-
a homesteader who has exhausted hiehome-
stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption
beth had become so famous for its
woollen manufactures, that the "Sul-
may entor for a purchased homested in certain
districts. Pride $3.00 per acre. Duties. --Must
Sweater Coats in all leading
nager," the offrnial appointed by the
Queen to measure all woollen cloth
had•to appoint a spe-
side It, months n each of three years, oniti-
vato Afty soros and meet a houso worth $300.
W. w. Ct7RY,
OMeo Phone 170. Itesidoioe Phone 182.
Ex Gov. vet. Inspeotor.
and shades.
marle for sale,
cial deputy there : ) keep pace with
Deputy of the Minister of trio Interior.
and see that the
its n was riot
Grown was not robbed of its duties.
Parisian .. a e i$ the Pre Gra
Sage .
paid for of this ad.
vc so enb will no bpublication
V,Ight Dollars a Molilhl
tion that brows Hair, Stops
No trouble to show goods.
Robert San1s, a farm laborer, has
Castle Hedingham, LSSex,
Drandruff and Makes Hair
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
died at
England, in his 100th year. Ile mar-
Gloriously Radiant.
Fire Life Accident Plate G•tlast�
riled at the age of 25, and brought tip
a family of seven on a 'wage of eight
Money back says J. W. Mol;;ibbon if '
t ►
and Weather Insurance, Coupled
shillings a week.
i ar3sian Sage does not eradicate all
With a Real Estate and Money
Phone 89
dandruff, ate splitting hair, fallinlr
Loaning business.
Enough to Make HIM Rave,
„it•hflt Is the editor of the health
p ,and put ]ifs and
hair and scalp ith
lustre into the dull faded hair of any"i'laarss
hlrtts department raving nbont?"
".1 rich lwotnah Writes that she }ices
1)r•ivate moving lilt-ture she'd'% In tier
man, woman or child.
Parisn Nage is pleasant and re-
freshin NO Chea perfumeryodor, :
no disagreeable Concoction,, lint a dain•
CoPYaIGH'ts &C.
111tel ttnAse porn mfr () iraonL free whether• an
bI C
- -
r� •
■ ieylLfY*!]1 Hospital.
V l� a (.aa �+ .
J. A.
burn.-, Itlltl She R'r111tS to I<ltotw It they
tiny paifuMed tonic—one that Is [lot
(Under Governrnmb inspection,)
will IlljuN, het' t)oOlIC'S OYOS."-°-I)tr-
etleky or greasy ---that proves its good-
eontfroe. ani.to to eiw.y for rmgpa!oi,t9.
R°riterite taken t tion h Marin & co. Ne01re
LL _
raffighnin Ape Ilorald,
r.eeb thti first tuna, y�rou use
Baldness and faded hale are both
epeefatnatIt vrltnontoftarse,iathe
Sc � mer�r n
Floomvitly aitnntod. 13Aantitulty furnlahad.
ripen to all regular] lieeneod hystoiane.
lnolude and
S1lCt:eSSOr t0 T.
Its Limitations,
A tgnrrt dlvpnw!timr id it grt+at iwt]
mused by dandruff germs. 1"Arisieln i
Agti kills the errn9 Grid Caustls the
bo t to grave abundantly.
K laan&,imisly 1ltrrgtmted WOO+ ly. Lartrrst etr
ek111+ivan or any mein-ntwo lonrml. Tering for
c`n:lada, $1.^5 a year, pogtago prepaid. Sold by
tllatoa foTtientS (wh�ch board
r nuraing)�A M try $16,00 Per 'week, according
to loMflon of room. 10& fnrthor,lnfoi'ina•
tation sir n geuvral tlihig, nithont;h of
little n4slstarice In drtving mules;-
I,%rge bottle at T. Wo Nelribbon's
and druggists everyWhe're. Regular
MUN Lg038I0rordwey,Pg JgIrk
$00. 1
ArN a latr' stu'CY"hi on, ,
06* 9'7$, Winith%bi, Drib.
l l tf•hI t"•? -
-Z- ■