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The Wingham Advance, 1913-10-16, Page 8
w• i. w 'Tt IRE WING 11,A,• N A• D V A. N 'G E TnuRsDAY, OGTODBR 10, 1913 Wroxeter Presbyterian .I.;i�l(:StOWrI. yterian church deliv ered a llne addi'esp, 'i'lte pr'oceeda a• n Mrs, John Xfin, tr at res.nt v{elfin Mrs. Duuctau BisoDanald visited mounts to over 575, King p g tura. J. King on Tneeday of last week, f t9:�i fricncia At Kincardine, Shaw spent Sunda WeAre sorry to report the serious Et;.li'ltel. Miss Luella illness of Fred, the little son of Nelson MAIL CONTRAOT CAMPBELLunder the parental roof. illness y and Mra, iia den of the `2nd• ]11r, H. Woods ie at Present quite iii Th1h; 1/ y sl stern uera . will received to the � � wo A0 - Mrs, Jas, Masters ie at rroseut, v6lt• but we. hope for a ,speedy recovery, l Pgetmas(er gouoral, will bN received at Ot�a- g g number from this vicinity attend- Moving picture show is the order of wa until Noon on Friday, the 7th day of No• in at Toronto. Be ed the concert in 13ru•sele on `lhurs- vnnzbe>•, 1913, for the conr•e auto of Nis Mr, Watson Smith returned to Mil- day evening of last week, the day in torn this week. Majesty's MAIN on a propoged` Contract for . THE CLOTHIER ton this week rafter spending n couple plias L, F•r naou, who ie attending four years, tur amen .r week. over itrussel. - [� O R of week at the home here, Wat has a rl}a Misses Johnston, who have high school In Listowel, spent Sunday deneinlelpleasure. Printedrnoticesq contain- *- good position there with the 0, P. C. been visiting Windham friends for the at bar hgrnr3 hare, Z further intormattpn as to conditions of past wCelci returned borne on Sunday, tnforms of Contract mag be poen and bunk Closed winter Mr. Clayton B, Lauf ie at Stratford lltise A. Schmidt spent Sundae with forms o[ Tondpr rung bo obtained at tiho k'net - �o� �all �Wear,.. this week. big. Levy, s' Convention n No, a attended friends out of town, Offices of ltrustO and lio7gravo, and at the _ Ilia Teachers Convention at Clinton oftive of the Post Oinno In.pector at London, Mr, Andrew Holmes spent Sunday on Thursday and Friday of last week, bliss Danbrook, teacher, spent Sun- G. C. ANDERSON, huperintondent. with Winghaur friends. �© are lad to report that 14iIse R, day at her home near Atwood, Post Office Dopartment, Mail Service branch, _ Mr. Win. Clark. M. P. of Palmerston g p Ottawa, lath September, rats. 1•6 _ 11'IcAilister, who has been ill, is mak- The Annual fowl supper of the Ler bel ,rlonR with his wife and family spent Ing gond f Dr. ss toward health under Orange a mbar. will be held on the 5th %'utidia with Robt. Shaw, the aura of Dr, lirpans, of November. COURT OF REVISION HATS --Stiff or Sot Hats as you � r y • _MI�Jext y Rev. A. T. Johnston of London visit- Mrq. Harry MacLeod and children Mrs. E. Hunter of Oranbrook has ed relatives in the village this week• left on Tuesda morning for their moved to Ethel and Is occu rn the '- prefers We have a �ti ins y g P' g Township of Turnberry. _ A largo number from haze attended home in Estavan. Sask., after an rooms over Mr. Loves furniture store. , extended visit with Mrs. Mael:ead's of the best, made in all the the Andlversary service at Johnstone father, Donald McDonald of the tad, Notice is hereby given that a Court o (Thanksgiving Day chureh Sunday and also the tea -meet will be held pursuant to the Ontario ° correct blocks. Ing Monday eventing, l �Ur. Robt, McLennan returned home Public School Board. Voters' List Act by His Honor the - Cr xint,iri5 r GULDx Jue mum. from Marquis, Sask., on friday of Judge of the Bounty Court in the GLOGLOVES -1f j�' + • • A Oommunity open to God for 50 last weep, There were three inches of County of Huron, fit Blusvnle, on the i VES—If it s a pair of choice - ears is the history of the snow, and thrashing was practically Meeting Oct, 14th; all members pre- 21st day of October at the hour of 2 y y Johnston. held up by inclement weather in that sent, Chairman Ti lin iu the chair, p.m., tohear and determine complaints = The Express Office '61V1111 be open Street Gloves ®>11 want, or Uethodiat Church on Bluevale Olz quit, district, Tipling of errors and omissions in the Voters' V y Sunday and Monday, Oct 12 and l&h Miuutea of last tweeting read and ad- List of the Municipality of Tarizberr • • Gloves, their Golden Jubilee was celebrated in Mr. Eliza$ Jacklin is holding an opted. Principle's report read and for 1918, p y ' r n (� n Driving Gloves, or Dress a most successful manner, Rev, A, J. auction sale at his farm on October adopted on motion of Irwin and Dated at Turnberry this Sth day of � from 9 to 9.30 and 1,30 to 3 p.m. (''' • Johnston B, A. of Dundas Centre Lon- '21st, Mr, and Mrs. Jcaeklin are re- October A.D. 1918. Gloves, or warm Winter don, a young man who was born in moving from the farm for a well Allen, PAUL POWELL • that Community delivered two power earned rest and we wish them many The following acequnts were passed Clerk Of the Township ' ful sermous. In the morning on "The years of residence in the town of L Cc, Light Dept., light,$150; p of Turnberry. j, �] p Gloves, ole` a pair for any p>ulr morning cometh and also the night" their Choice, Brussels, la Special cheap rates on the C. P. R „ W+�tervpork'a Dept,, water, $9.25; g� and in the evening on What is your . Rev, Mr, Penrose of Whiteeburch J. W pose, we have them.. life" Mr. Jobnston is a dee thinker �'P. Fryfogle, ref?. ceiling, 755 ; p bad Charge of the services at Roe's on and a -splendid orator and his sermons Sunday. His sermon,, which waa en• Dodd, laundry, 70a ; A. Posliff, Cutting good going on Friday. of this geek SWEATER A � � �"rA"� A �� __ _ �►�,at found r�sponelve chord in each heart titled "Fidth, the essential of Lif,i" grass; $1; J. A. McLean, ]amber, S !`d EA `.+OA g present. was based on the text "Haire -faith in $530; Goo. Mason, supplies, • variety of colorings, 'wool and On Monday evening an Old Fash• God." Mr. McKelveyook the Har- and ending on Wednesday next. ioned Tea -meeting was held in the vest services in Whitechurch, The boiler Inspector ,reported having COAL • old "Johnston hums," adjoining the inspected the boiler and found every. worsted, lain and fancy knit. Church property on the first line of St Helens. thing in first -Class condition. The kind that burns to ashes, 100% p •+ Morris. Everything that conid be + desired to satisfy the appetite was to Rev, Tae. Wilson of Toronto visited miss Brock, il1ise Reynolds and Mies combustible, less clinkers, less moist. We can sell you railroad tickets Ever cies should have a win- t at the old` home here lately. Par quharson ick that owing to their ure, more heat than the average coal. Every he had, reflecting great credit to flee ter sweater. - ladies of the community. After sup- long period of service their salary to From the I.X.L.—C.A.M.C. _ • r • 8b i . per all adjourned to the Church where Anniversary services will be held and give you an information P ] in Bethel Church next Sunda $550 for 1911. Mise Ansley asked that Head office—Scranton, Pa. an excellent program was carried out. y - y • . her salary be increased to $500 on the UNDERWEAR jai ��11�;�j�" Mr, W. H, Kerr, of the Brussels host The Anniversary services and lea • V l�DE�i V Y L+AI •-"' Light weight made an excellent chaiemau. John- tweeting held here was a great success, let of January, PRESENT QUOTATIONS desired. aton'e church held a large place in his Holmes—Awde—Matter of increase medium weight, heavyweight heart, he havingbeen pastor of that DIT. Wm. Woods is visiting her on thecz,rl delivered 37 f g dela hter, , df salaries be referred to a committee church 31 years ago. Rev. D. Wren, Mrs. Jae, Irwin con. 2 kin- in the best snakes. .fit. fine g g Egg t Stove . $x.00 $7.20 M. A., of Brugseis, and Rs v, Cook, lose. consisting of the Chairman and teas• tees Isard and Irwin, Chestnut 7.00 7.40 • r p • the p•tator, each gave a good address Mies Nellie Brooks spent a few days Pea 6.00 6.25 line of Combination Under- Mr. Gilroy, Mr, and Miss Pryns of at the home of her aunt, Mrs, Ned Teachers and caretaker's salaries = Do not forget also that we have Brussels rendered solos and duette in Purvis, were ordered to be be aid on motion Prompt delivery to any part of town wear if you prefer it a very pleasing manner and were Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Rothwell of of Allenand„Cam bell Y g- _ great) appreciated. Miss Bessie Mas- P, Tr our Hardwood and Kindling the a - superb Stock of Suit Cases and Stanley spent a few days visiting - !t' es Sava a reading that reflected great y sP Y g A deputation Consisting of Chair- best and cheapest in Wingham, _ on her, Mr. Arthur Shaw gave a few friends around here. man Buchanan and trustees Vanstone _ We are up to our necks in Fall :very timely remarks on old time life Mr. and Mrs. Albert Homuth of and McLean of the High School Board � • • as he had heard it from the older ones Turnberry spent a day or two visiting T i Travelling ]fags at lowest prices. and Winter Clutfittings. who had helped to build the little friends on the Nh con, waited on the Board to ask their J CSN 1 �L�N - church that stands today. The- en- operation to have Council rescind • • tertaintuent was brought to a close b Mr. and Mrs. Jae, Irwin of the god motion ` g p passed in regard to Board of P. O. Sox 127 _ singing "There's a land that is fairer con., Kinloss. spent Sunday at the Education. Holmes — Allen — The - than day," and the benediction by the home of Mr, Wm. Woods. „ pastor. Proceeds amounted to over Chairman, trustees Irwin and Lard $ Mr. and Mra. John Durnin spent be a committee to confer with com- W.10• I $7;5.00. Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. + � Belgrave. John Bennett, Ashfield, mitten of the H. S. Board re Board of E = , BE—. g Mid. Humphrey's driver `took a little Education, Miss Rands, Principal of Gorrie spin to itself the other day.. but CHOPPING MILL 1 1 CooSchool, visited friends here- on return fortunately there 'peas no barm done, BIRT738• _ 12 from the Teachers' Convention in Olin Misses Iia Switzer of iiolyrood and gin In Win ham Oct, 15th to Mr. AND The Clothier _ton at the week end, Frances Fitzgerald of Dungannon and Mrs, Thos, Kin a daughter. King g TI-iB SHOE STORE �, Excellent services were rendered spout Sunday at the ]tome of Mr, R. . - here on Sunday last, in the Methodist Woods. Bisbee—In Wingham, on Oct. O.h, to APPLE BUTTER PLANT Al church, by the Rev, John Morrison of Mr, and Mrs, John Foran have mov- Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Bisbee, a = Sarnia, and on Monday evening he , daughter, - ed into their sone house on the side• Sole Agents i'Q� MacDonald Block. Opp. Bank of Commerce. delivered a most eloquent and instruc Owing to being so busy with L FOR tive address on "That Boy." • This ad- road formerly owned by NIT. ford. the chopping trade we were de- For The LJr dress was one of the best ever deliver- We welcome them as neighbors, pP g _ a.r►'� SfJOE, eel -in Belgrave.and waa keenly appree- One by one the old settlers are be- C� T� I laxed in getting the Apple But- ® fated by all. ing removed. A few weeks ago it was ter Plant ready, but W0 are Mr. Hugh McDonald aged 88 and last For Infants and Children. ready now for' business, and Mrs. A. T. Cole and Mrs. W. H. Fer•.. -« —• -- -' ` guson attended the Misuonary Con- the week pita old aage g of 93 r. ears. The fun- Edward Morton at The bind You Have Always Bought with the system we Lave, can ference at Walton last Thursday. ri make good Apple Butter or Mrs, Ferguson gave the opening ad- tray on Friday to Dungannon ceme- - tarp was largely attended. Bears the Bider out of any kind 0f sound dress. �s4' apples. i Signature of Rev, Mr. Boyle spoke suitable words Lanes. Mill • running every day. I y� of council in the Bible class last Sun Mr, Ed. C. Johnson is shingling the Fox Apple _ Sun - Mark roars day morning from the Subject of E; g pp a Butter it requires one pail ,i _ "Envy and Jealously", also preached Nixon Estate. NOTICE of peel and quartered applos to each - Z a good sermon to large Congregations. The lightningrod agents are busy :bag of apples for cider. JK y Of Registration Of BY -Law. FURS In FURS I* FURS In OThe regular mAeting of the Belgrave bees around Kintail. D AZJM Women's Instituto will he held in the Mr. John Hogan had a bee shingling +► Foresters' .all, t Tuesday, , Notice is Hereby given that a By-law EZRA E q Oct., 2Lst. his shed this week, at 2 30 p.m. Blyth ladies will be pre- was passed by the Council of the Town _ supply program. Jas, Lane repaired the chimney on of Win ham on the 20th da of May, ' sent and su l ro ram. A Rood g y We are showing exclusive his roof this week. 1973 providing for the iesae of Deben- -- ir. ����� EY meeting is expected, , Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Alton Sunda ed tures lto the amount of $8500 for the The oven sound Times of last y Styles in the best quality of Furs at Bervie this week. purpose of providing additional equip- -� Thursday contained the following :— a ment at the Electric Light Plant, and "On Monday morning Rev. A. M, Mr. Wm. Lannan had -a valuable calf that such By-law was registered in the in Minh Marmot, Persian Lamb, Boyle, for the last three years pastor stray away from home last week. Registry office of the Registry Division Grey Wolf, Black Wolf, Black of Kemble Presbyterian church, left of the Count of Huron on the 10th da CH RISTIE'S for Bel rave, Oat„ where he ]a to -da Miss May Dixon is visiting her y y - , g y Grandmother Mrs. W. H. Redd at pre- of October, 1913, Any motion to quash � ,\ Fox, Persian Paw, Alaska Sable, inducted as pastor. A pleasant fea- sent. or yet aside the same or any part there- rure of the leavetaking of Rev. Mr. of, must be made within three months �i (� �% � L Isabella Appossum. 'We have secured another supply of Boyle and Mrs. Boyle was the presen- Mr. William Lannan and John Mae- after the first publication of this notice G R 0 tJ E R I j cation by the Remble Ladies Aid of a Namara were in Lucknow on business and cannot be made theroafter r Our Styles are copied from these famous Bazars which have sold purse containing a substari[ial sum to Monday. Dated the 13th day of October, 1918. PHONE 59 Mrs, Boyle. The token of esteem was , the most expensive Furs. resented by Mrs, Will McGregor Cyril Campbell, who recently cur- 6-8, JOHN F. GROVES, OLrRx. = p P g chased a farm near Lanes, has moved Store Open 7 a.m. • while the accompanying address was on to it last week, yg) Wei1a1 antes every j�i�Ce Cf so well and given such splendid SatiS- read b Mrs. Jas. Gardner. Mrs, Closes 7 pan., except Sattir�ay j P y Advertise in -the Advance. It Hoyle mzde a suitable reply. On A number from here attended tiro Fur we sell. Also Fur Coats in � ;1 faction Each Razor isj uaranteed to tionday morning Rev, Mr. Boyle set sale of Jas. Stewart last week also Mr, has the circulation. out on what is probably the longest Peer's sale was largely attended, IST ������ Mink Marmot, Astrachan Muskrat, Fi drive be has ever taken—from Kemle S - be superior to any $5.00 Safety Razor to Beigrave, a distance of almost one Fordwich Farm For sale. I , hundred miles. He expected to arrive If on Tuesday evening. During his six Miss E.htl Montgomery of Wroxe- New Season s Black Teas Years as pastor at Kemble, Lake Char• ter spent Thursday with her' brother, , y or money refunded, P Dr. Montgomery; here, As I would like to go m Southern j' For sometimesin now we have been out Our Ladies Coat De- es Presbyterianchurch- Rev. Mr. Boyle has made no inepn- A number from here attended the of varione lines, waitiLg the arrival fi y farm on the gravel road, 1:4 mile south I ', �• siderable place for himself in the affec- Anniversary at New Bridge on Sunday of Belgrave. Newly•sided -house, large of new seasons teas. Our first partment has some of the Razor with one blade, 25c tions of his Congregations and it waq evening also the fowl supper and en- barn, stone stabling, hog pen, eta, Nev- � shipment has just arrived, and from with regret they learned of his decl. tertainment on Monday evening, er failing well, good orchard, good fen- now on we will be able to supply all newest Styles and Cloths 4 i• sion to depart to a new field of endeav, which was a decided success, ees, two acres maple bush, choice soil. demands. ' Extra blades5C' or, While in Kemble the pastor lab. Mr. Thomas Bunston visited in Rural msil. Oheap and on easy terms— that are to be had in f ore,, untiringly to promote the spirit• Lakelet, the latter art of last week. part Cash, balance at 5;� . We Sell Good Tea ual •welfare of the community, at the p VIOTOR JERMYN " same time not neglecting the more Mr, Norman Montgomery of palmers 6.9, R. R. No. 1 Bel rave. Our lie Black has q squeal. It is n Blankets Cloths, Tweeds, i1 material when it led toward the spirit- ston is holidaying at his home here for ' g rich liquored and en paying flavored , .. The tea. If you've been paying this price ual. The consequence of his indefati- a few days. Imitation Lamb, Sealelte. gable zeal has been that the churches riles. (Dr.) Noble of Toronto is visit- Farm For Sale. Try ours. You'll Like It. \ which fell to his charge have prosper- ing friends.(Drhere at present. Ranging in price from CORNER ed and their attendance grown great- �� J. R or. No matter for speculation, then, Mr. John Dinsmore a enc art of Centre half lot 42, con. 7, least Wa ett>r 4Oa atlt� 0dc Blends DUG STORE P P to to ��pA Come in DAVIS that his removal has caused genuine last week with Mount Forest friends. wanoah, 100 acres ; 85 cares cleared, all aro in a class by themselves. For � `p35• regret. Rev. Boyle came from Sbal- ander grass, well underdrained ; 4 acres those drinking a hi>:her priced ton g y orchard, mostly winter fruit ; 1 story p low Lake to Kemble." Cranbrook. y and inspect our Stock be- Successor /� �( frame house, kitchen and woodshed; we recommend these blends, Successor° to A.. L. HAMILTON A large eongregWon assembled in Miss Epsom of Brussels spent Sun- barn Vx70 with stone stabling, cement A Specially Prepared Blend at 75c lb. fore you makeyourchoice. Xnox church on Thursday, 10th inst., day rrith Miss Viola Long, tions; windmill, water in house and rdrW43011111,1.1y!n, u.e i s rsa,,ia tae m:.:,,� -.. tel► induRevction t being a uspici M oBrrgle lata the C, R, Turvey andMiss Houston dtablo ; ii4 miles from postofiioe, school attended the Teachers' Convention in and church. A bargain for quick sale, a, _.... _ pastoral charge of Knox Oburcb, Bel- •Olinton Thursday and Friday of last Apply Lot 35, con, 10, or Belgravo P. O. to•— grav0, and Calvin Church, Least Wa- week. Wim. WIGHT'MAN, ��—� t �'�., • wanosh. 'Service commenced at 2 30, BELL'S �r i r i !: p (� (+(� the opening hymn being led by Air. Misses ,Susan and Beatrice McNair e3 9, BELLr Llrt`OC RN I `* Ja& Taylor, without instrumental ac- of Vancouver are visiting relatives See our r • companiment, Rm% Mr. Tait of Blue- and friends in this vicinity, after an J. • A •s -rt O Xo D. GIS 1467141d vale preached a powerful sermon from absence q six pears. r 4J Cy L� ll, r_ �°jEggs the words "The Bible is the infallible A. Ra tr'tan sutida ed with friends Wxttihouse, nN7' Vegetables _ word of God." Rev. hie. Hardy of in Monkton. bn7cc in ly, fewer house, pins made. Sweater Coats, Lochalsh,, moderator of Presbytery, Oflloo bourn -s to 5 p.m.; m, took chargo of service and called on Mrs. Beira spent a few days in Other hours by appointment. Fresh j� lev. Mr. Stewart of WhitP.ahareb, Stratford last week. This is a Cash. Marlret House for moderator of vaoant� charge, tc relate Miss Thompsor, Field Secretary for r � � �j 1 steps talon since the Charge had been the W. V, M. S„ spoke in the Lies• Pastore Farm For Sole. �'x,Q�ex•ieS• Mens Ladles and Child- \ Poultry, Bluer' arid: Eggs. vacant. Mr. Stewart responded brief. bytsrian Church, Monday evening, -- t ly but in w•.li chosen words, Mr. rens in fine imported Hardy then proceeded with the im• The Vxecutors of the Estate of the p QUALITY COUNTS WITH US, We are anxious to Pur Salem. late John Casemore desire to sell the Flour chase New Laid Eggs Econ] NOW ulitil C prtsalvr ceremony of iuilucting Itty, north part of Lot No. 10 in the let Con- , PRINO Farmers Mr, Boyle as pastor of the vacant Mr. Edwin Bennett wont to wiar• Weals with al the newr✓st Collars in all colors enol charge, the members of Presbytery ton district where he purchased sone cession of the es, more l Turnberry, and should have their liens producing Burin winter Inonths, Contains l Gores, boob to loss. Forth- combinations P � g extending the right hand of fe]lowshrp fine nouns cattle. and received the new pastor into all or particulars Can be obtained from the Feed NEW -LAID EGGS 30 GTS, the privileges of a ft -110W Presbyter, Mise Melissa Green from near Tees- txndereigned, fev.� Mr. Bradley, Teaswater. then de. water Called on friends in theee8 arts RIC1B. CA$1�IviORE -._- last tweak. 11bx 171 livered the charge to the minl•,ter in t A positive but kindly way, referring to The annual harvest home services 5.8. W Ingham, Ont. Prompt Delivery, Phone 82. GUNNS LIMIT D his bounden duty to his people and cher and supper wart a decided auccesn, •—•---�- •-•--- neeegsity of special care for his on On Sunday, Rev. Mr. Andrewa of' w welfare, Rev, Stewart addressed the V,ordcvieh preached two able and help - House Far �I�' D congregation relative to their duty to fol sermons. On MonB � day evening the - ---� RO C E"ARNY WING';AAM their pagtot', entarging upon their ne. fowl su per was partaken of by a hoist Teti -roomed houda, centrally situated g p g g e, the Chureh ngot being, lar g two good oe]Iare. 112nst HANNA COO Phone IQ. H. Wblsh, 1�Ieinager lennerP, After the ineetin wag dig- +'non hpto hold the large crowd Thtl be told as OWner is leaving town. ror Succoggor to W. J. Patterson CPeglty of being utiherA instead of of peopt ga rn Win hoax ; Misted, the ladies of the+ Congregation 11arr•laton Quartette gave a number of Information, apply at • th9 Advirnee earned refreshnaente In the basement, fine selections- 11op, Mr, Weetly of , office. 58,