The Wingham Advance, 1913-10-16, Page 7- Or, _r _*.- - . I __�_ �Al J( t � i I � _� ____._!!t:�_ '"I" I � �-, �: ,�. 000.#Arm,-W-� , , V . . , � 1"0*"01K14*A"."~AW � , - . : . - I I � I I I I I _­ I I I . I I I �_ I I - 11 I . I I., I .1 11 I I ? - . K ,tA- * I �� �" �� A P Y D 6 P, 11 " 544 1141-11 * ­'�, WITH HEMORRHOIDS CARE OV TfIR SICK ANIMAL 7 The proper inanagelitknt. of sick W. tualls Is it knowledge * 044t 0hould be pos- Began with Itching Sensation, Kept isessed by all Owners of live stock. UQod Awake at Night. Caused Oreat troatilleilt, Me ­ood garaltio, is half the Pain. Thought Operation Only � battle. It M4 -k be remembered that . Cure, Cuticura Soap and Oint- outside of the medicine Used In treat- ment Entirely Cured in 6 Weeks, �, Ing diseases, considerable depends �ppu I .1 ,- the Q'stre, management and inode of giv- ' in Itilledicille. M Straligo St.,. Toronto, Oatarlo,-"I sur - is nut ,,,,common, in tile ease of Terod for two moliths with the piles, They the anitual, to find the owner carelcoo, Orst began with A sudden Itv*iWo sensation often believing that it ilia medlulnes which used to keep V40 preseribed ,Are given At regular intervals, P awake at night. I tried dif- Aluthill," more is needed, It is a little. r nz;,�_ foreat kind$ of Ointment to \'-, �, I stop the itching which did take, for unless tile anhilal receives good A nursing the medicines will have very not prove valuable In tho Mile effect. least And to my surprise ��t after a few weeks they be. On the ground that the patient is A I gan to blood. I did not dumb beast, these negligent owners rea. know what to, do as they $01, that no precautions are necessary caused me great palft. I began to thlak III tile way of comfortable clothing, that an olleration ,was the 'Only cure for warm quarters and good ventilation. them. I heard of Cuticura, Soap and Oint- Ilundreds of valuable ardinals have been ment ,and decided to try them, I sent for lOt't tllktt good WIT'silIg might have a sample and after using them .1 few times baved. I found out to my great relief they gave It is Impossible to lay down a fixed me less pain and later on the bleeding began fiet of I'll, es, for the reason that in many to cease. I gob some moro� and continued Lases the surroundings tire such that wIth the CutLcura Ointment and Soap. I filt'llitl0s are not At hand for the best be0an to got better sloop at night and after Management of the case, N'evertholoss, rdx weeks' carefui treatment I find that I certain rules apply to certain cases, and am entirely cured.". (Signed) A. Bennett, il I ey sliould be adhered to its closely as IN'lar. 25, 1912. circumstances will allow. If you wish a skin clear of Dimples, black - BY lWay of illustration, we will take heads and other annoying eruptions, harlds; tile k,iek itorse, anti consider the diseases � sort and white. hair live and glossy, and - Of tbO respiratory organs, such as dis- 130411) free from dandruff and itching, begin temper, inflllellza�, inflammation of the to -day tile. regular use of Cutleura Soap for hings, etc. The saine general rules will the toilet, bath and shampoo, assisted by fit all cases affectingr tile organs of all Occasional light application of Cutiourm respiration: Ointment. Sold throughout the world. Lib - Give the horse rest from, ills outset eral sample of each maffed free, with 32-p. of the disease, Keep him in a warm, Skin Book. Address post card Potter Drug well -lighted and well-veiiiiiated stabIc, ,8, Cliem. Corp.. Dept. 41D, Boston, V. S, A. anti Clotbe according -to ilia season of .. � I . I . . ill$ year, Or present temperature. As horse's teeth examined by a competent far as po;islble avoid draught, excepting, -veterinary 'surgeon from time to time of cour6p, fresh air, which I% a great and see that the)- are kept in good con - essential, ftlid unlei�s & direct draught strikes the boil dition, All decayed teeth should II6 ex - y of the sick anittlial too traeted. Mong'ated molars should be unich air need not be feared. cut off, Never perinit it, quack veterlil- When it box stall is convoillent it , .try dentist to dress your horse's teeth, should be flr,�,t thoroughly Neaned and - but employ a -veterinary surgeon thkit bodded, and then the �atiezit turned you know to be reliable. Do not think I louse in it. Have fresh drinking water because tile face of the teeth are rough P -t till Units within reach of tile anlitial. that they should be filV; but remember , Fv�.d soft food, such as bran mashes, that oil account of the nature of tile carrots, etc., in small quantities, but horse's. food, they should be rough to I often. If tile legs are cold, bandage properly grind or to masticate the food. them and keep the a s possible. 111111al as q'L"ct a Never drive tip -Ili front of & veterin- ' 'fit feeding a sick aninial of tin.), kilid, arian's office and tell him you want no more food should be given , itt. one your horse's teeth dressed, as lie is tinle than what it will Cleall. lip, except- very apt to do just -whrot you told hini. Ing hay, which nial Ask him to examine your horse's teeth . be kept before it and see if they ace all right. Show a all tile time. The hay, however, should be of the best quality, sprinkled so as 11,111kno"lless to jay for the service of ex- . to allay tile dusto Dusty hay will ItInInati0j), and !it 09 cases out of 100 cause WIN of coughing, which irritate the veterinarian will give you an honest the throat and nostrils, opinion. In approaching a sick ]torso or animal do so quititly. Rs in time of illness lie The only way that can be recommend - Is apt to be more nervous or irritable ed to keep milk sweet, says a. dairy than under ordinary e I roll instances. authority, is to keep it free front Vac, The rules that al;illy to disease of tile . ter!& that sour milk. If after nillk has respiratory Orgalls will not fit diseases been tooled -that -is, after tile animal . of tile digestive Organs, such as colic, lipat is taken out of it -it call be secur- hlfllgA�.,Stioll, etc. . ed free from bacteria and put Ili bottles Tit ills former case tile allijual is 118. and tightly seo,led, it -will keep about as U'LIIY depressed and needs perfect rest well as lard. Ili fact, milk has been and quiet, -while in the latter thor�­is bottled and sent a�ross the ocean and Intense pain, cauginz tile patient to back again, and still been sweet. Hence thrash violeutiv about, and under such the way to keep milk sweet is to keep circumstances it is better to place the it clean, 4iot merely from animal flith patient ill quarters sufficiently large and odors, but as far as possible from that no injury is liable to be done d,, the bacteria which tend to sour nrilk, ' Ing the paroxysm of pain. J,Ilere coulil be no better place during ]lot weather When cows are dry they should be than a small paddock where the horse well fed, so as to be ill good condition call get 111) and down at will. at the time of freshening, Such cows Compelling, the horse to tiike violent -will milk inuch better than those that exercise tit such times is a habit tbat tire thin at the beginning of.their nflik- should be stopped. Cases are known Ing period,. It pays to feed quite libei- where death resulted by such prae"tices. Rlly during ills period ,when a cow is Ali exception might be ;nade Ili profong. carrying and feeding the ealf and pro - ed casee, and when tile bowels are inae. _ paring fox a heavy strain oil her system tive at t1w time phyale should operate. during the coming lactati oil. period. Gentle walking exercise at euch times . . often hac,tens the action of tile physic. Kerosene emulsion, properly applied, It is a common occurrence for every is an efficient remedy for lie.& lice. pileser-by to offer advice whert. there is I , a aiek iiihnal, which very often, -when To ,calculate the amount of butter fat followed, pubs tile patient Ili a worse from the weight of erealli delivered and stage than before. It is always the saf- the test, multiply the two together and Pet rule to never accept voluntary ad- divide the product by 100. Thus 25 vice, but to selid for a reliable Teterill- pounds of cream, testing 39 per cent. arian. butter fat contained (25x39 divided by Medicines tire generally given as 100) 9.76% pounds butter fat. - � �� drenchea, To successfully drench a There are 3,424 languages and dialects horse or cow Ili many cases calls for Ili use In the entire Nvoildi considerable tact. A drench may be ad- . . . . . ministeyed either when the aill-illial is � . . lying down or standing up. In the latter . _., � ease the itiode of procedure Is its fol- . �, I lows: . OIL ' Place & halter on the head, having nit V� I attendant hold the halter just suffiel, IT17 ently firm to prevent the patient from ... A . swinging the beRd to ei-ther side or - S � ilir"in around, Take the bottle colt. . � . C , tit - the meditine Ili the right hand, 4MI-T&O jilill� sli 11 4) the right side just Ili front of tile 'I"idder,' grasp tile lower jaw witli . the left band ,so that the points of fill - ger and thumb enter tile an&leia of the mouth oil either filde; pliX tile ]lead to a moderate elevation, pour just suf. ficient of the contents of the bottle !it - to tile angle of the mouth oil the right side to partially fill tile mouth, and then remove tho bottle until what has been In 11"141 placed in the mouth has been swallowed, Bear !it mind that it is just as diffi- U3L . cult for all animal to swallow with a bottle in Its mouth, or with the mouth _P OYALIT too full, as it would be for Ilia owner to do 60. Ilost animals will swallow I readily if this rule is followed, but if -L'%- Imperi slow about it, gently run the roof of Royalite tile njoUtit. with tile end of the bottle, and then remove it, when swallowing us- ot, and usually followe readily enough. Do ]lot shout not- pound the throat I pany's unqu when drenching, lot, it is not calculated � to help in tile operation, In the case Due to its of the cow, no trouble will be found Ili its systern of getting it to swallow. Oil the contrary, U Is liable to swallow too fast, hence - The Imperia ittedicitia should be given slowly.' Ili many tases medicine in tile form of a . at a much lo drench may be given to the horso while It ja lying flat oil its side, When given The Imperiia Ill this way, catch tile nose ))find of the halter with one hand, plate the knee . butors throu Olt the neek just back of the ]lead, � 'and "Perfect then pull the end of tile none toward you, plevating it ,.it almost right angles from the grOX1111 With these The dr,itich way than be given in ill# same manner as if standing, Xover raise - Oil, you am � tile bead beyond a comfortable clovatioll at lowest co or the difficulty of sivallONAng will be I increased, When recovery begins, do not . got in too Touch )taste to get tile animal � 90yalite, Oil) I fat or back to its normal condition by obtained eve overfeeding. Feed just what will be stores as well digeated readily arid tee tbftt ilia food is of tile proper kind. Nothing is better . for the collvald8cefit thitil plenty of fresh gram, but If this cannot be pre. � . ,eured gIv4o brAii mashes, carrots, etc.$ . I THE im and do not get Ill baste to set tho alli. . I mal to work until full btrength hae beeii, a � Toronto ropined, x � . Ottawa WtM NEWS ANO VMWS. I I � 11 the colt Leeth do rot loogen upon I . � Halifax the appetrante Of the Permanent tooth. 1 14V A Iso they Allotild be removed to permit the - I ­­ - " � ..... - � I . parmarient teeth to assume their na- . � I—— ­ - . �. I F 4 -L � � tural po4tion, OA* ohould Uve tho � . , . tp"__�t , .- AXAI* 0 'rnAsquuumm", vigorous Health Restored , Two rat Green Qeese and a Ifer. ring -Pie Avery 'Vear. Aylesbnry, lthich is now Ignious, for $eomed to Have Lost Al Am to , I III I " I t,, b reed of whito duclul) used to be equally famous for ,,green 1P Was Palo and Anaamlo, its -'a - 11 allyov oingstatuto it stipul"t't"e'd � I fIva t ill � 1V 0houla vtellt the town � P " I in tile Glimuler lie conlil-levy 11two lilt 64 " I k I green geesOP but whether the color re. 'Xiie Industry Eas �eou rLvollitiollized I/ fors to their pasturage or to their Ile -vvas'vei�y Indignant, sald such a re, basi , )vith every pro, 8 _ .ipoet of flirther ad - ? �, � 1. /,,/; feathers, flesh, or the � state of their . 11 11 - wito doeo not appear. Nevertheless, that the ebarge for the vhicken was $20, 1PIF14 i it Ill's 'It INfaiet3tY cared to press . 11 I tile m= and to make, tile -required the waited a Xapoleoll tit), visit', lie could istill make the Is , 11 and I � , if the visit happened to be 11 the .. ;J Ing better monetary returns. The spirit experience, his c 'yes bulging and his tom- whiter lie could also demand three � a Zd �4 1 eels, . I 1 w as brought, and after a small first if tile King went on to Chichester 11 . in balance sheets of the poultry farin- a second spoonful. lie noticed that the lie could dentand I'm false string" for . 4,� ' I I - ; I I Ilia oross-bow. This tribute ought to ), I I � , be ellangeii In these days to aa,'spare, - . _: .1 ___ - .. tire for Ills motor ectr" as orw-bows �_ - � I -1 are 4 good deal out of fashion. 9 Moreover, it lie should go on to Ax. that a second helping indicated lie want. " . illinster or Kidderminster and *demand Made Wonderfmi flecovery When Dr. a carpet, It would Ile much more to Hamilton's 131114 Were Used. tile purpose thin the undoubted righ 116 POsse4ses. to doinarld from the ill! "I was never actually sick)" writes habitants of certain towns in these Mrs. Norman 4 Pierre, wife �f a, Nvoll- k,lown resident of Labenloue "yet I realms rushes for the floors of his A never could get strong lIko other women. roolus. Tit herr' 9 � 6 e in 41 o I,% one of big rights. 'Zarmouth I ate -well enough, but somehow rich and,red blood I could never make, When Visitors to and its neigh- borbood are told that the litayor of I married I took it great pride in lily housekeeping, but it kept me tired .ill Carleton, !it Norfolk, would be Obliged the -time, Mrs. Lecitance, lily neighbor, to solid to tile King, should lie demand! looked well -she told tile ]ter hoalth it-, the Annual gift of P, herring -pie, Yet even this tribute by no :means had been made ill) by Dr. Hamilton's Pills, I only thought of as a ends the tale, for certain lands in pills physic, but now I know that Dr. Ham - Kent are lield. on condition that "As Ilion's Fill$) are niore, for they quick - often its ilia King sho&4 be pleased cited any atomach, liver and bo,wels- to cross the sen, the holders of these made me stouter and stronger, gave me lands should be obliged to 90 _10th such color Ili lily cheeks ai I never bad him to hold 1110 1111jesty"s head If Ild before, I ,sincerely- believe Dr. Ilaillil- should be seasick." ton's Pills should be used by vver.i As King George has been twice round woman -that's why I write this letteni; .the world and is an admiral of the rjayy No medicine invigorates and renews lie is not likely to require -this service at the hands 'of anybody, Ilowevcrt a health and spirits like Dr, I-lamilton's -Pills, 25o per box, live for $1.00, ,,it all record Ili the Tower states that the ser- druggists and storekeepers, or postpaid vice of head-holdilig was last rendered Ili front tile Q%tarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. the relga of F-dward-1. Y., and Kingston, Out. Runp IR ova Criamne OUR FRIONDSHIPS. 9 Nausea, Vomitind ? THEN USE NERVILINE. For Stomaoh Palms and Cramps, No Remedy so Prompt as Nerviline. A Westerner's Experience Related. ,,It's in fill unsettlwl part of th4! country like our far 111'est that prove$ how valitable Ner ' Allne is in tile bomp" -vi:rltes Mr. Vatrick M. D61111,11- ey "Ohills . , froirt Fort Sa,skatchewan. tire frequent -it, hot drink of Nerriline eends life circulating t1i.yough the b(AY Ili three minutes. Cramps or sudden illness at night is one of out tOrmys. No druggist or doctor is ricar, but if 'Nervilne is liandy yon.can got TefleL Tile -%vorst f-trulips Nerviline has cured . -minate. I in my tilildren Ili balf a , don't. think .illy tarmer9s wife has 'any ri,rht to be ivitixotit file protection a �_'P�rvilffie. Ili out! family -%vo use it for it, hundied ills, wild it euvos them all. 0110 ni�fdlt 011P Of 1113' kidales had par, pelie. and ano,flier, tootlin che. Without Xerviline no One could Imve oloft-1 applied it it sdimeted, awl. the child- rons' pains di&apponred. My liw4band upes Nerviline for lame baek, rhoullia. tisin, ac-hili'm joints and all �orta of muscular pains. It is at good Inside as outeide, and 2's as unich a part of illy heme as Thy kitchen stove.11 You find a flivusaild jiqes for a good. fa,milv remedy Me Nervilinc. Get tile 50c. fitmily size bottle,- it's more mon- oinical than ilia 25c. trial sizp. Srl)d by all stor.ekeepsw-s and (Irtigg-Lsts. or The Clat-arrhozone Clo., Buffalo; X. Y, . :: - :7 ( Tulle and Lace. * , I— They're combined. -.1 ,-;: Tulle is very lovely, . to I.- � � Tulle and lace are better. Paris dotes on the combination. Ohapeau. &-plenty are :made of them. Il th obwe�,is are modish. ' Tulle and lace parasols are altogether <10 luxe. Neckwear in those airy fairy fabrics is, of cent", a clitsaic. . ,"A""' I . , - . I '�, � , � P I I I . , ­ 0. � 0 N , - 1i 'W1-,*"",W"W.___�­-_!- ,=!--,-------,.".----"---�--.�__, _-, .- I 1� , � � .1"I"i , 1-1 A DOLLAR A BITS, . I , - , ; .. I T, l"711"11. :5_,1,,, . * ­­ � . . . ; , , " 4" ­�l _4 " - Prices Used to soar in the Cafe , ''A Aw'... , . , , , . .,4', . - .4 Anglais in Paris, I _. 9 "'IY A!r�� Tit the palul.� days of it�j existellve tilt, . Oage Anghl,14 in 11arli was greittly .if- - fouted by wealthy Amerivaim . in thl.4 - , rebOrt the 0131%V6 BUIXTeti hk)' high, .Inti. .. I . 11; waii conAdered. bad form to a4k tile - price of anything oil tile lilt -lilt. You 111� . � biniply ordered what struck your Lowy . AWN C'so . and were expected it) pay'sitiffingly when I (a I ,e, = I . the bIII was pi .1entod, . n0lillus (Ila"IbPrA IV, ,� . ,is Invited by a = friend to ditto there olive, and Ill the 1= __ - ftw,!,�T,�--�,�* n� I � .1 I L ­ � .I.- _,­��. __ Z.,___ ., .. , . � - � T,,.ri �)-,-�- - i - ___T11 � I �,..;1141�1.11.!�� 1, , - � ;;;,* ,W_�", , L,*, � � I - � . . �, . �T ­ � - \. . .., t ;�.� :, "I ,. 'e, RAID ON ROYALTY I I '4'1�_111 I .. . 44I.-, I ­�, I J, I 1, --I----- k�ll A- � Police Save King and VV � . -1. , I I � . QUeen Vaw - - I I From Militant.*, , `� ____ , , , M Who Tried Attack on the . ,r` � Z_ Royal Carriage, nroOKIyA ]�Aglo lie tells of 111.4 p.,;perj-' -BEST YEASTIN THE WORLD.VZAV= elite., "Being asked to order the illitner for - DECLINE THE 'NUMEROUS IMFERIOR '4 friend I inade It as simple It,, pos. IMITATIONS THAT ARK SEING OFFERED n'by, . of e A bisque t3oup, salinoll with young putatioes, one (small eftpoll with fine AWARDED HIGHE5T HONORS AT ALL L- 'XPOSITIMT3 herbs, asilarag-111. ,,.arts, Camembert E.W. G I LLVrT C 0 1A PAU4 V Ll ('�41 T C 0. i'llvese and cuffoe. .)Ir friend. di(l not �1, .1 �1..' I WINNIMU TORONTO. ONT. MONTR&Ak� it C W4110, and I order ior myself a bottle of 'the rod wille of tile house.' . .. ­ . I "Everything was excellent, and I fully . y tells a er L is r , is ye.118, S"13 8 all, exchange. . The average number of eggs Jaid. by 1;,e;teA the bill to be 80 to 100 franes 1 $, 2 ' litaftgIne lily horror, therefore, I .when the-MIll was 300 francs. 8,Ixty (lei- proved the greatei4t educational force larst I was indignant, although my host tile, Awitrallan )OIlitry world. 11.14 known, werely laughed, I sent fur the nittitrO 'Xiie Industry Eas �eou rLvollitiollized d'hotel and ilemanded (tit itemired bill. Illid. plaved �)Il -1 sound remunerative Ile -vvas'vei�y Indignant, sald such a re, basi , )vith every pro, 8 _ .ipoet of flirther ad - quest Nvas unheard of, After intiqlt de, vancenient-In e�tent, stability and pro - lay the laddition, appeared. I Only To` fliAblevess, The old time query, "Does inember that it added Ill) Lilt right, and poultry pay?" is inet with n, cliortis of that the ebarge for the vhicken was $20, affirlu.,41ve vok-es Ill w4ual results. Tile and $1 for the wine (worth about (JU ocanpetitious lidye set a standard and -cent&). Af y 110't Only sailled and gave provided till ever pra*cut ineentive anti the waited a Xapoleoll tit), stimillits to progrcss� E verywhere we "A Chitago actluaintance came to tile . find better fowls',' better cared for, gtv- one afternoon not long after the above Ing better monetary returns. The spirit experience, his c 'yes bulging and his tom- of rivalry and emlilation has infected per high. Ile said lie had gone to the , hundreds, thousands, and the constant Cafe Anglais, ordered luncheon, begin. study and striving to secure and breed n1lig with cold salition. A whole fish fowls to higher productivilty has illevit- w as brought, and after a small first ably borne good fruit, and is reflected helping lie liked it s6 well that lie took in balance sheets of the poultry farin- a second spoonful. lie noticed that the ers, . fish was not taken from ilia table wheit "Tile whole history of livestock breed- tbe'rest of his Ineal was brought , Whell Ing bristles Nvith proofs that mall cannot lie jot Ills bill lie was charged for the concentrate efforts, skill and intelli- I whole salmou-sixty francs ($121.) Ile genve upon a higher Ideal without ultl- was assu , red it was the rule of the house mately making progress Ili the direction that a second helping indicated lie want. " of fixing and enhancing desired chaTae- � ed the entire fish, anti a charge of that t terlsties. This is as rue, of the lien- as kind was made. � it is of the race li�jse or tile luel'1110 laughed at hirt, and the more I sheep. Ili tile process breeds wid straln.'s ,alil ughed the angrier lie goL Ilis lunch- alid'types tliat� did not conform to the con cost him $23, arid lie would have had objective ]lave been cast aside by the Do We Choose Them More Care. ill, same at the best restaurant Ili Now progressive !it tile quest, for better and fully Than Formerly? York for about $4.11 better lavers, Naturally, itiany have I - I - with disa ) ointments and contradle. I worlder whotner a recent contributor � to "Zia Point of VWO can be -alto- " I flear Now gether right in saying that Ili thlis a Z� go of the open eye and the. trained critical I)eafness All Gone" faculty a radical change has taken place . in our friendships, and that we now Am Tickled to Death at the Miracle ,not only choose oar friends more care- Catarrhozono Performed for Me. fully than in the easy-going days of ol ) . I Yut regard them critically and try to ' improve them after Nye lia;,e taken thein At 76 Can Hear Like a YoUng Child. --shall ire say -to our hearts. The violl- r, balanced and reasonable affection ivith . ,(� - ­ 'Nyllich, as it seeme, Nye regard tbow, .. scarcely involves such it ilmolkeiting of . the pulses -,is that expCeasion would de- , N � . _%, . I .. note, Z__� . %�M__,_ .._:R Even in the Olt[ times -wa were not 1%7,7_--_1-- - 0!F_=_ absolutely and Nvittiout c:Ccoption tin- 51�� . . ­ diiscriminating, just as .-'it tha present ; � - .- I � age of crIticlain one fluds here and there . I an impulsive person who euters raebly , . .. into all intint-acy. Undoubtedly lie ,%N!Ilo - takes time to choose, who exci�clses ',tile . - great 'modern vir tue-selecti von e_% "is wise; yet there may be, a happy i'litul- ,, tion which transeptids 166 slow Nvjidoni, After suffering so long front a ba,d There really is such a thing- os fric'mi. VIIhO of catarrhal deafni,ss, it is no won - ship at first 81,,lit-fritludi, d 11 a 110 - ,1111) in tile der that I ',till tiCklt-d to eat t t �% wiracle Catarrhozone performed for me " highest sense, anti it is no'. unreason, r able to think that ilia more I'llevehologi- writes T. V. Weightinaii, front Bridge- cally awake" we are, the iuoro'ijnme�li. town- "I had dreadful head noises, a . , ZzIlig In lily eftra, Xy trou- ate may be our r"ogultion of cur friend c011tinnal bit ' t who Mines tCrlllCQt It$. ble was due to mtarrh'of the head &nd Under favorable auspices ft. may it `)t ears, and it ahio affeeteti illy throat, take ten minutes to find that wt, sneak which was irritable and sore, Catarrh - the same language, that we are tuji,-,l Ozone seemed to reach to tile very to the same pitch; and tbat is the till. bottom ol tile trouble. It cleared lip lily important thing. F6r although we have throat weakness, rid me of catarrh anit faults filliumerablo find glaring, althongli as a vesult Illy hearing returned. NOW we even, at thues, get oil each other's at Iny' 14`6 Of SeVellil'-five I call hear nerves -if ilie note GtAlck by one like P, child, and I aiii.thati1cf1ii to (,ol- vibratos Ili the sold of ilia o�tlier, all Mis) driur store for having recoinnimided � those thiltsy count for nothing-, unless, Catarrho?one to ine.11 ' indeed, t je count for ever "" Ili cases of deahipti.k. acathnia and bron. rriends or enemies wo inusyttibe± ellial h-ritati(n), nothing can equal Ca - strangers nover. I have experieneed tarrliozone--every physician -ilia drug - one such instantaneous friendship 11,11icli gist says so, anti %ve a!dviiie our rcaders has withstood the chances and changes to try t1lis treatillelit. Large size eon- �of twenty years and has survived the taining a beautifully imliciliod. ]lard rub. inevitable discovery of faults oil both ber inhaler till(] suffivient inedication for sides. In this matter of "Iection I tlft 111000113' US(', price 1,41.00; C'nialrer doubt -whether we have oliange,l very trial Mzes;, ,50c. arid 25e. Sold by all much, -From "The Point of View," fn , drugglst.j and storekeepers Or pnst' pald "\,. tile October Scribner. front tile, Catarrhozolle Co., Btiff,floi . I . Y., and, Kingston, Canada. . . 4 - i I . .. I . - � I I I , � I * 61 _0"0*"*0"*0&#"0*0 , N G . . THE � � / K_V Ty 0 1 I POULTRY W RLD re ,C I _0*"*###*"06#"#""#** � I'mroo WHEN 11K.'N'S LAY BESM - Results of experintents at the Mary- . I land 6tato R ,xileviment Station, Ili which. records wei(- kept of the work done by I - White Leghorn hells for three siteces- give years, show euilclllsivel�N that there is a steady decline Ili the laying ability * 1 04 1 .. . . I 0 1 JOV A LITE ' _' L OIL. y tells a er L is r , is ye.118, S"13 8 all, exchange. . The average number of eggs Jaid. by JL A77& � each bird during tile first year -,vas- 1771, 0 - - 149 d'aring the second year and 101 dur- . . E. is "Ej -a e registered tracte name for The . Ing the third vear. The approximate cost of feeding anti Oil Company's pure refined kerosene. earing for the flock wits $90 per year. The profit made oil eath bird for the . is absolutely uniforn,4 gives no smoke first twelve months was $2.07, for the second year $1.61, anti for the third. is backed by The Imperial 0-H COM- year,.only nimety cents, The reason the afifiled guarantee. plumage. The experimente'r also asserts profit mado during the third year was so much smaller than that made during I ,SECRET - the second year, although the number � Xtensive manufacturing resources and Ili add:ftij to the water.ulassmethod, of eggs laid was greater, was that the liens did not Illy at till durilig tile Win - delivering direat from refinery to store, Blood Rich, Rtd Pure. ter, when the price of eags�was high, I _ 11 Oil Company is able to offer Royalite them in crocks of salt. The salt must cover tile eggs -well and the crock must doing all their laying (luring the spring, summer and fall inonths, at a tinle whell wer price than any oil equal in cluality. any disease caused by thin or impure eggs were selling at tile lowest prices. This has been found to be one of the . Oil Compozy is also general distri. !it fine shape for two years. ­ greatest difficulties in tile way of mak- Ing* even fair profits from liens which �hout the Dominion for "Rayo ) I La=ips 4 ineans a condition Ili which the blood are over two years old, The older tile bird the harder it is to get liar to lay t) Ty- on Heaters and Cook Stoves. - eredited with phenomenal records have during the winter. . girls. In rheuniatisin tile blood becomes in the Maryland experiments the birds . n_1111,"bmning devices, and with PwyaRte is the announcenjout made by T. E. laying over two butdred eggs each dur- Ing one vear were the only ones to lay assr1red of best light and n2ost heai - : or acute fevers ills blood is alwayst in during ilic entire winter. Of tile Vc- inainder, Only 3.7 per cent, laid their . St. A -nov�l device for preventing liens first eggs during November, 4.4 per from setting has been patented by it ,St. escence. When the blood is poor and cent. in January and 13 per cent. ill ayo, Lamps gnd Perfeetion Heaters can be ' where in the Doininion-in the small covintry .It structure having dependent logs, which, (Jobruary. bosE record Ili One bird made ]ter her third year, tbiriemi !it their second is in cities and towns, the trouble is pronounced indigestion or year and'the reniahidpr did their best dyspepsia. The nerves receive front the fectually prevent the fowl fro�� assum- wor� (luring the first ytiar. This showg ing a sittilig posture. up their' energy and repair waste or that there is little profit Ili keeping . heno after their second moult, unless PERIA. I V 6 0. L OIL COMPANYo limited I - they are to be itacd foi- breeding pur� po"es; " ood, vigorous heng may be kept Montreal - Winnipag Vah,couver . ^_1 for b ceding until they are four or fivo years old, �Vlth excellent results, _ __ Olt_166C %A19"y Edmonton -111, 11MG-LAYING CONIX1.11-11TS USPAITIJ, . st" John Regina Saskatoon The IMpartinient of Agriculture of I , I 1W4vdq tktkm Itself t4wits throqA6a( & b*WM. I m I '/Pon .. fit one of New t5outh Wales, Australia, I I Its bulletins, has the following to MY 1. 11 .1 .1 I %afta A, ­­, ---- , _. , . � , ._ . ­ - � � , 11 ­­ .11WI*J�!!�.',L - , ­'* �' , , . ­ '��= , , t'� .q. 11 - �, � __ .1 jWi&W_'_' ", " .� .­ , ' -, .11 Volatile to Ogg -laying cont,mts- 11ruly, U101111111vt it can be said that tile colmPetl I r tory results, but this bas not affected the general average !it the forward march.11 . . . L should be the allit. of every poultry breeder, especially those who expect to make a living froni Poultry, and t1ho w1se breeders are inaking every offo-t to reach the tuark by having a good looking fowl that also has a utility value, If.you are gollig to show this fall, and you should, you ought to be get, tina re-aay, Give them a little better attention, handle them a little Tnore teach them that you are really their friend and that they need have no need to fear yDu ill the least. It should be your greatest desire to attend some og. the big fairs that are going to be held within easy , reach of Your home this fall, Arid you should see that this desire Is satia. fled by spending several days at one or more of them, Here is w1jere you . leaM by observation what others are doing; what you can do, . "It you haven't an abundance of Datience the chicken business is _it your forte," once r,ald a prominent PaultrY judge to a new aspirant, Patience is only one of the several factors, too. some Of the others are Perseverance; quiek perception, IcInd heart, minbition to succeed, and pay - Ing proper heed to all the little things that fit together as succes factors. Prosperity is a fruit that has to be climbed after and grows high uj on the bustle tree, Mistreatment, neglect, Impure wat- er, 19jok ot exercise or bad feed will break down strong, vigorous birds I I � ; every time, . NOTES All disease troubles In the poultry According it, the discovery - of a yard as a rule can be traced to the keeper himself, French poultry fancier, who has been . 4 � .:, I inaldrig odd experiments in feather -col- GOOD BLOOD THE oring at Ddhlrem.y, cayenne pepper mix- ed with chicken feed will . produce pink ' OF HEALTH plumage. The experimente'r also asserts that all hour before a thunderstorm the ,SECRET - ' . pink cliangco to deep scarlet. - I Ili add:ftij to the water.ulassmethod, To be Healthy You Mast Keep the a good way to preserve eggs is to rub *�' Blood Rich, Rtd Pure. tb elli with butter lid place � and them in crocks of salt. The salt must cover tile eggs -well and the crock must Dr. Wililams' Pink Pills are useful in be covered airtig,lit. Fresh laid eggs any disease caused by thin or impure preserved in that manner have l,st,d blood, and the list of such diseases is !it fine shape for two years. astonishingly lar(re. Ail-aeuila. literally n That several of the breeders !it Aus. ineans a condition Ili which the blood tralia. and Now Zealand whose Pons Are is thin and watery. ,Cblorosis is a to . rm eredited with phenomenal records have of anaemia most common to growing entered their birds for tile next oug- girls. In rheuniatisin tile blood becomes laying competition at Mountain Gro've ' ill"' more rapid[ y than Ili any other is the announcenjout made by T. E. disease, After an attack of ]it gri )p Quisenbury, director of the ifissouri : or acute fevers ills blood is alwayst in Experimeiii Station. and impure, and Dr. Williams' Pink A -nov�l device for preventing liens Pills are the ionic to use during conval- from setting has been patented by it ,St. escence. When the blood is poor and Louls woman. consists of a wire thin the stomach suffers. The food fer- .It structure having dependent logs, which, nients, gas and certain acids form and when. Arapped around the, bird clear the the trouble is pronounced indigestion or ground when the lien is standi;lg but ef- dyspepsia. The nerves receive front the fectually prevent the fowl fro�� assum- i blood all of their nourishment to keep ing a sittilig posture. up their' energy and repair waste or One Aveck prior to the 'Madison Square daniage. Some forms of paralysis are caused by thin blood. Tile progress of Garden exhibition the fifth annual allow of tile Oreat INlid-west Poultry and Pet 0 locomotor ataxiv, is stopped tit maq ,14tock, Assbeiation is to be.held. !it tile I citsics when ilia blood is made pure rich ' tind red- This is only a partial list Of Colifie.uni Building, Chicago, beginning December 12th. the tr6libles having their origin in im- . 'The pure, -water blood, and all can be cured rank and file of poultry keepers no loneter subscribe to the view*tbat fine by supplying the blood with its missing ' feathers make fill(, birds. Instead they constituents. 11his is exactly 'what Dr. Williams' Want Only tile fowl that will return pink Pills (to. Their chief mission Is thein tile greatest value Ili egas a r ill, is g,00d to inake rich, fed blood, and thi maroatest I -allies ill eggs alit, fl�'slj com_ , ined. blood ei evy organ and eivery Broody liens may be uavd for good. if .reaches ,nL,r,, Ill tile buma�; It us drivin.t, disease and blMly.111ilig"', renewed they ,ire fat and Ili gooll order, asthey out health and strength to thousands of aistially are at the beginning of br,,di- weak, desportdclit People. liess, When they have been broody for * a long time and begin to thin down tile There is not An Ask your neighbors. - inhabited' corner in Canada where Dr fitfill is not grood. IV.111jams, pink pills Ilave not restored A straight ration continued for any length of time will cause beng to get sonie sufferer, and all over this coun- 'who do droopy and "off their feed,11 Plenty of try there are grateful people hesitate to say they owe health- green fe(�d and a variety of grain will not in some cases life,it%elf-to this great ki0oll get thelli in Condition agaill, A ffo(-,J feed for ducks illay be offered III inedichle. If N,011 are ill 1!ig begin to Dr. Wil- q by mixing wheat braiii, one bushel; corn se f io-day by using cure your I 0 meal, one peek; low grade flour, one liams, Pink P3118. . Sold by dealers in medicine or by peck; fine grit, two pounds, III-,: into .ill �o cents EL box or six boxes for a crumbly mash with cold water and ,nail at $2.450. from Tile Dr, NVilliams' INtedicine feed four tinies a day all they will clean (,O,, Brockville. Ont. ill) in fifteen minutes. - :1 _- J� liens that tire confined iind not fed Woodcock. Qiell making food, such as ground oys- A White ter shell, will lay soft shell cogs. A good dishife�taut for poultry - c, c, :i-Tazzard, Jr,, whose liomp Is on e inain road between Bemus point Find is a two per cent. solution of sulphurito Enery, near jamestown, N. y., is show - Ing nit albino groundhog, in other words arid Ili water, followed with slaekened little and spading it Under. a white woodchtlelc, This animal is very Reldoin seen althougii litinters and others Tile poultry show Is a combination living it, tile country frequently talk Of of three great Interests-educatlonal thel", Tile chuok evillb1ted. by 11r. Hazzard Is commercial and social, Much good advice is given the be. little Over It Year 0141 alid perfectly excel)t a very few brown hairs at ginner in poultry from time to thrie Ili wallite the tip Of Ills tell- Pink eyes further the albina characteristics. the poultry press, but from the ap. colpliasize Tile woodeblich Was caught when but A pearance and methods of many P01,11- few ,%veeks old b a rTephew Of 'Mr Ilaz- try keepers the adylee is either for- Yard, but escaPetl'� Some time later Mr. located tile partly grown ant - gotten or not heeded, Do not forget the green food thes 6 lrazvard mai, anti after trying to dl� hiln out fln- all,v paught bln, Ill a, steel rall and site - days. Poultry will not do as well It cq��(It,,a in gt,ttlng Win without severely In - this important food is neglected. It jul-5-hig tile, log. That night the ehuolc out of rL lie% ma(le ot inch boards paya to purchase cabbage or beets it g,lawed allcl escapea. 4�oine days later lie wits no grass Is obtainable, again located and Oatlght- Since then 110 ]PIalit some peach or plum trees In bas been '� ca tiv't""ne ken a drink Tile wo,d,Ij.,Pk b.- .r it' V' the poultry yards this fall or spring. o r Avater, so far as Ar'. I-T-ord knows, q,he poultry will be better for the since he wAs ,.uglit, II. 1. kept In a tin shg,de and the trees behefitted by thO 11nod box: for safety- Doultry. Fowls proteoted from hot �l : I rays of the sun during the surnmer Legless Wonders. grow better and will repay their own - era for the extra Post of a few trees. That's fortillibiltv. Poultry and e_�:3 are comanding raris ]log so dc -dared. a fair price and the poultry raiser One denignor says "walSte clown.'" who is In the commerolal end has no 'Somo wtlisti are'drapal Oil tho hit -A, eomplairit to make. The fanoy trade A few flottucoq are ttdded below, hat been a little dull, but with tU6 Then, below illo fintinceg, is ilia slinilly fall fairs at hand a demand for Stock Sl�irt. should result soon. UM makca it wonlail )OOI. .10 If silo Utility first in any breed Is what . I I - I . I 11 � I _� were next to logless. .. I . - 11 . . . � . - � 11 I I . " �!, 1. , I .1 : . " . .. . .� : , � . ,�_,. !� 1�' I : - 1� ; I . , , : " i ., . - 11. . I . �� 11, . . ... ; K -, I . . � !,- ..""N. -I. ...,�-,7wx - . . ­ 11.11 � ,:,, 1(i ... , ­ * , , 1. ­ .1 I I . � . . . .1-1 !. - . '.. " STOViE P, , �! . - ..! .. ­� . A 1,110IJ69WIFE IS JU000 BY HER KITCHEK, , FOR A 1311IONT STOV9 ANO A ORIGHT � npuirAtION, U81t 13LACK Miawr. . g- PAOTZ I THE F F DA LLtV G', M. I'No,DUST o HAMILTOKONY. INoiloov 11 I I 1-1 . I I I - . I I _'�, . .�. � I � London, 00. 12.- -Xing (Ifem-ge, and Queen Mar.y, wito attelitied 41 oomilland perforIM1110 at a London musiv Imil 1. ,Xst )light, hall it narrow escape from lyt-ing inobbed by suffragettes, The �rolllillll Who had* gathered Ill conshler- able numlivra. made m livelp dasit. for tile Royal �(-arrjagf, oil ito arrival fit tile filvati-P, Shouting, "Wollien are being tortured Ili prison." They had almost re4ebed the carriage When the Police ldo�sed around, and, with defialit mliotits of "VoteFs for NY*. Men," they were litivivil back. Tile Rut. fragettisi were treittpd roughly by the ejowil. latt managed to escape arrest, 81iffragett" find malp adherents man, 0 ge f I to invade Chancellor U(lyd- Gloorgil's second meeting at Bedford laA 111glit. There were fre(Illont later- I'llptions, W11101 rE.114111te(I In great (11sor- (lei-, I'llibrollati and canes were brojight into action, a114 the 1411ppoTt- ers (if votes for wonten were eventually thrown Oot. A chemical which was 41ritribitted abotit tile halt brought tile meeting to all early end. Laotor tile. Cliaiwellor was burned. in offig.1 in the Streets, JBIAV111111 W 0,11EX DISTUTUIFIRS� London, Oct, 12. --Jewish sliffragetti%, rollowill", for tile first time tile example set by i�lose or the 011-i"itiftli faith, yp$� � torday intorrupte(I tilt, Rervij:c at'thp NJ'JL.�L:(�Jld "I'lla . � -90911(1� BaPmmter, by re� citiling, ­'.Nfa.� (4)(1 forglv;, Iferbert Stlm. ue] anti Sir 11tifits Isattvtj for ,dellyin4v � (reedow to wonien. INJay (,' O4 for"ivo florbert saillilm alit[ ,,-I)- Hit � . h18 fsaRC8 fOl' V01114entifi�w Lo the tortitro of wo- Illell." . The disturbers were escorted from the sylla�togtle after their names had been taken by tile Ii.Tilagogue anthoritle,4. It is understood iliat Mr. Saluttel, who is POstill aster -0 ,c nera 1, is a regular wor- shipper at tile. synagogue. m; I V ANGLICAN MISSIONS Saskatoon Conference Hears Many Reports, Sa�katoon, Sask., despa-tch: Iliereport of ilia committee oil "Llition for Prayer and Study" waa presented to tile �N[is_ �Siollary Society of the Church of Elmr- I-nid by Archdeacon 111,gles, of Toront"o, and adopted. Th(t ,.oport Of tile coluillittea Oil fainilv player. fly the Bi-%hoy,t of Toronto, se�- onded by froa, S. 11. Blako, gave I i,,p to con."i6rable diqou�aloll. The report %vati rpferred to the Rouse of Iu-ihopq, .Intl was furth,�r considered, latit i0ght. Mr. ISlake repol-jetl a Nvidp-1pleg,11 Ile - wand for the form whieli had boen print. ed. anti of whielt there was already con. siderable circulation. Art-lideacon Ilogbin brough Ill n, Veso- lution concerning work ai;ong . foreign-' 0 eiv, which was referxed to the commit - too. oil policy. 'Rev. J� I,, sliolrdell, of Ottillva, wag , asked to draw ill) thi annital Epiphirny ' A 1) 1) va I , alid Calion 'Matheson wid (lanon 'Murrity wcre requested to prepare tile Apeollsiontide appeal. Toronto is fixed as the pbiee ft,r licild- lll�lr the next Illenting, to b'! held ill the 81PI-111,(r. probably !It thc enrly pirt of zklo,il. I : : EMPIRE crriZENS Long Desired Rig6t is Ncw Under Way. Muntroal, despal.cli-'rhe right lion. lit-IL)J(�11t Samuel. BrItMi Postmaster- Gelleral, delivered 10.4 Lwenty-first alld final .4peech in L'ansida to tile members of the Vanadlan Club of Alontreal thls afteriloon. Incidentally, lie said: "It bas lon. boeii de.sired and advo- cated at Imperial conference after Im- Derial C-Onference that there should bo sonie greater measure of uniformity, and that we ghould, througbout the Empire. 1411, (Iown the. principle Mat a mark who Is a Britigh dtizen anywhere In the Bill- Wre shoahl be it British elti7en every- whert, In tile. Hnipire. "There has been long negotlatlons be- . tween Vie varlow- Govern ents concern- ed tit this subject, find I a I 1111ppy to be In a. position to announce o 3,ou to-da��, after communicating Witl the Imperial Government at home, that hose negOtIR- tions are now endcd, and at .14 bill lifts been drafted, and is now In a form &on- eraliv agrpetl between the Governmelit", Ili all portions of the imiforni IMPA"Iftl naturalization, anti that the Imperial GOV- ernment hope to find all earlY opportun- ity of placing It upon the stattile book of ttic blitipire." _; - ' BRADSTREET'S TRADE REVIEW., Toronto.- Trittle conditions have im- proved since the ell(I of tile, month. '.\Fally whoh%sale houties that were it little nnx- 1111t.4 about lkavinelits report a very f4ttis. factory 4th. of October, whon, rermit- taijev.,; for ,�utnnjer come !it. The gen- eral trade ill all i4aple liliell h; goad. Montreal: While activity I I � I whoie- mle ti -ado is not (Jilitt, so keen Its hist month, tile volume c0iltillAIN to b0, fair. ('ollections are fairly gond. Demand for money Continues jil."gelit for collittlercial inirposes. Winnipeg: No inhills'll 11,18 visited the crop which i,j n( -)l%- safe, whout, aabs, barlev and flax being of Preellent quall- ity, confilence, is geneml ind this is .evidellepil in it heavier liloymnelit of inereliandlee to the country. P,et,,tilors in tile coltntry are netive' ...1,rid Toport more liberal pavemonte. More nioney is virelilating. Collections tire beginnili�r to show itilproVellient. Prices are firi1*1 ill dry g9ads ilk staple Enos, of which fill elict,uragin ter trade Is being done. Oro- ecries have been tioilionably active. Van"over, While diffi6lty still ox - hits ill the wav of FtotticillplltA, there Is' no) Inv�- of or('1or.4 at wholesale holist'S, it., retalh-r.4 art, genortilly bxviy. Atoney N tight. 11,11101tolt.. Tram, vollditioll'A 4.rt� pro- lon-give. Vaotorip* have for tilt% nitlat I part been Nlily� A new illillion dollar ilia 1111fa (-tit rilig' concern I.; oppuing ill) here, w1livil will 0111ploy 300 Illell at the Mart. Tho wllolesale'trallo is c,etivol.v tlu,ta.r -,q, whiell in vot. .1 ,-%,,I in fillilig otdo) it lilo, eonlp!l ve favorably -%%-lilt last ypar. 'I T.t n4oll. Tho I% 11(;R1.4ale a it (I , ) e ta I 1)�Jjdc 411'*% JJc(jVJ% ('11111litionq ill tit,' J"1.4t. ern %�Petloim aro ponorall\- prtmlwroni, mill retail trade In tile colintry 1.4 fill. pro\111g. Malinfavturevik ;ire bli,'Iy, Ottawa: 1111,4114%.,q eallfillitt-s aplet'. crileetioni havo lli�vll fair. Quellec: Trlitlp ikA "a'.4ollable r ninnoffi. Ges IR ,wtivtt. Alfllouglv Qolloetiotli ar(t 11 t4fill 141ow. all Impr4w . pmt,n 1; Ili ikinutv tillalit-l-q ;14 linticeahle. Alilml,ftt tit() Atoll itianufaelurpTq aelivity previtiN. 40 .