HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-10-16, Page 6Al;1 oliruqanw-W14agisa* A SPIRIT OF RIVALRY. tWashineton Star) "As mutter of hold feet," soid Air. Cutnrex rather testilv, "the value of this Idsture deloschts on the t•ignature tits' olo master, inust admit It." "Well. no.• signature is Just as voluotife as his and it doesn't take me anything like as long to write a comma. as It Omit Win to paint a picture." 1' ALL SORTS, (Boston TranseriptS First Diner -Let me see. I think VII order some lands Second 121m.r-Hon'ti I never oraer lanai at this place; it's =atoll, before you get It. UNNECESSARY WORD. 0,1912101.ot "Pettier, I want some spending alone:v.- "Litchi 1Vity uot Jest say 'money?. .• f PLAUSIBLE. tollristian Itegistetsa/ "I wonder hew so Many forest -rises eateli." said 'Mrs. ;McBride. "Perhaps they etts0411 swehaentaity from the moctutoin ranges," sussested Alr. :stet:ride. r THE CONTRAST. tiellegende matter) II.. -1 don't find the sent; of the night- ingale so exquisitely lovely us you do. • Slie-It'rt uniy wlien you'is. with me that it seems so beautiftn. s = AN INDUCEMENT. Boston Transcript) tt IA, I [envy, yeted f.t•et ;no e nice eloek tor my room. ottb-But I can't afford - Wife tintcrrupting)-If you will I'll set it back two mows the eveniug you go to the club. s - t CONTRASTED PRIVILEGES. (Washington Star) "Isola you envy the opportunities thot great weulth affords?" "wen," replied the philosopher In over - ails: "of eourse rd like the ilmousines and private yachts, But don't enre melt for the ailmony arguments mid s baboas essinme A FALLING OUT. (London Opinion) She -Why you and she used to be the best of rriends. I've seen you both in '; the same hammock. tie• -1 know, hut we felt out. A C HE'S WILLING. 1.1mige) "Is he a man you can trust?' "I would retant half of it o y Nee, bending over her, ways trust blui for everything lie gets, condition," she whispered, taking a step The doetor's if you wont to." nearer hint; her live parting in her eag. - was new to hitn; be thought he knew Zaes.e.(esSe4seesee.eneee - lizototsmstommounts *r:LOTS MAT FAILED MOSIoilliZOM144AimodkOMMOZCSA ':X012'," oat. addced, in a eloW, litisky 'Mee, "hear What disposition 1 intend to make of it. I have tient for you te- day to tell you what I intena to do with it, Before the sun tots shall netke over every dollar of it to you you. whom I love ail WOMall never loved man before; and then 1 will g out in the world ite I Was before s . ggar on the face of the earth, hut r my unele'e. The knowledge tit it I have righted the terrible meting Waiter your father did yon -ay, and weslil have aune yoa in nuirrying the ether woman --will meke my heart light etre free. All 1 ash ie that you, whom I love so madly, will not despise me, MOW that you knoW -the objeet which led me to marrY your father, an aged man, and whom 1 eolild not love. "Don't think 1ess of roe for loving you, Clarenee Neville," she added, with resit' lees desperation, "(hid knows I fought hard olough agrinst it. I did my best to eoutPler the passicm. but it was of no use; I did hret, to cooquer the - puesion, but it was of no u -se; I might • as melt have eontinanded the sun uot •to shim', the light of day not to dawn. I was not :reepuireible fur the terrible passion that sprang into my heart. I Wye sold nil own. Is to say, end now my lips are silent." Garenee Nevilh. was so shoelted, so lug is when it finds lodgment in the human breaet. That was the most awl- geretes feeling that eould have crept in- to hie breeet, for pity hes led many a man before now into perilous pathe, which In the end have proved lila MI' doing. The thought crept into his brain, lits tle hy little, that it would be a noble deed to make ae great a saerifice for her, even though he did not love her, ae ehe had matte for him. be married her etre would he •happy, lt wouhl not matter =eh about himself; he wined never know joy again, for his heart had been broken by a fa i love. It would. be making a martyr of hint - (self, but her geuerous deed had set him an example, Could he let a woman, especially one who loved him so madly as India had certainly m•oven that she die, outdo him in a grand and noble action? When he put the matter to himself in that light, the marriage (lid not eeent quite so horrible to contemplate. And there after all, she was intt a briae in name only, for the man she Ima wee., ded had been stricken as they turned eway from the altar. Tt Was a week that Clarence Neville never forgot while life lasted. Years aeemed to have been erowded into it. stunned, by whet he had heard,... t ut, t _ ,,, 1 eare of pain, sorrow and heartache, for a moment lie was riPeeehle''' -111t1 .",.., He wos'd go to sleep at night eon- velation a lach she had made ol. carte, . eluding that he would make the siteri- for hint stunned and bewildered he% fice, if she were svilling to tuke him She stood before him the pieture of sisea without love; but when the morning Was totiche abject woe thst Ids heart broke bright and golden, it seemed to in spite of himself. .... s him that he would rather die than take "I cannot aeyept sueh a e'll."1"- unto himself a wife whom he could nev. . rogative to woo and win a woman's. iereel IN could not be leas brave then mekbig a saerifice, he told himself again. 'rhea, slowly turning to India, who . s was wet -111'1g him intently, he said, in w that *ante ituelty voles!: "1 sten (-empty with your wiele toilet preparation, which ede If it will make your laitt moments hap. 41114 so, makes bad complexions II 1der to know that you are my wife it Ion,. good, and good ones better. 4i ehan he an aecomplielied feet. I rou syn. Splendid f o r chat e d, ling. The ceremony shall take place urr, chapped, Pore, skin Q r ed. line time ion Ray, at once, if you wish ornoked lips. it; one time is (pate the sante tti Olt In 25c opal glass jars at 4 other to me." 202 ysur Druggist's, 11, Heilentli Dreg and ChellOcal CO. ot Canada, United, Moilifeal. RUNA6fRuSet .%,COLD CREAMS Its 0 A delightful, snow-white lea 000 tie "Ob, how libel you are to me," ea - bed India. "Bless you, dear heart. The 'la knowledge that vim eve wining to do this makes me the happleat girl on - earth, deepite the dark pall that hangs; , ever the near future." De bowed ithi head, His pity for her was so greot that tears sprang to his eyes. Site WaS so young to die. How could' death Mahn one So fair, so young and ao loving? Italia had not expected him that day; elie had not supposed, that he would put in all appearanee until the following day, and all her plans had been arranged for and hung on thnt date, therefore she could net very well aecept his proposh tion for an ininuellitte marriage within that hour. "Let it take place toonorrow, then, Clarence, just et this time." she stam- mered, "I shall be ready then." He felt gteetly relieved at even this respite, though his few did not betray t, 140::1.1eonretsopzart:ir ,r,tit Iltilllebrhiontgirale221. atter with me." The entranee of the doeter prevented all further coevereetion, and at Ms sug- geetion that too long a stay might 1% eury his patient, Clarence Neville took his leave, the doctor following Min to the etreet door to talk over the ease with him, The door had scareelv elosee after him itc the lower corridor ero India leaped from her eouch and 110111041 to the win- dow to peer after him through the 1400 d raperies. from your betide. India. . te er love -it seemed harbarous•, better - "Strategy has -not failed me," elle eept but half of this fortune, which you give her the entite fortune whieh his muttered, triumphantly. "I am still would so generously Ave back to me. father had placed in her 'hernia, telling mistress of it, awl always will be. Be, and share alike." it equally with you, share her frankly that marria.re wl h „, t her, ha, ha! I faney my handsome lover Let no) divide Idle it might bring happiness to lier, would change his mind. if he were to see She looked at him with those strange, w Id be a livino deatl to Ion me at this moment.' dark, glittering- eyes, and said, slowly; w°11 e 1 a Thus conflictine emotions torturea e . lipping into it magnificent tea gown • "That robin 'bil pcssible in only clue ., , „ , , , hun, and in the midst of it, India fell ill, which she took from an adjacent -ward- wav. Can yott nut loess what that way - and again advertised for him, not know- robe. she hurriea down to the drawing - hit" . • ine his addrese and once lustre he r • - . * -No," he answered. wonderingly. n loom, where the dociOr, Who WaR pacing • • ponded to her call. impatieutly end down the length of the room, awaited her. "Well, madam?" be asked, eagerly, 14, t ion ingly. - "The fifty dollars I promised you, if you played your part well, is yours," she said, drawing a little gold purse from her pocket, and extracting n bill pered. "It is that you maws me, s into the. corridor to meet him. tor." iously, as that gentleman stepped out from it, winch she handed to the (too- tle reeoilea from her as though elie lie took it eegerly enough, exclaim - "The lady has heart trouble in its had struck him a smitten blow. "Does; it seem els eerrible to pet" she worst form; in fact, she is beyond med. ing: ical ale, and T have so informed her. "A thousand thanks, madam. Any asked, bitterly, her face darkening. Her days are numbered, it hi now a eerie time T or my wife can serve you we "Marry you'!" he repeated.- oaten be only too happy to do so. I see "Yes" alto eried, her breath coming of •hours, She might lust a day or so. she • I In belsin" Pantir-"IY. might not live to see the sun set. She by the young gentleman's presenee here to -day that the divnrce 21.140 in. which my wife Clorinds figured at year bid- ding was suecessfeul." "You are not to 'think or retain my affairs one healed in your mind after they are adjusted to my satisfaction. I paid your actrese wife- well for person- ating liarbere Daven. and securing a divorce from Mr. 'Neville for hee, which left him free, as I alen paid yon for to- day's work. Let me never hear of then ag(a‘Pe:tainly uot, mad:ma and I beg a. thousand pardons, assure you," ex- chtimed the actor, stem had taken the pert of a doctor in reel life so Adroitly. India bowed him out of her presence, and out of the house with little cere- mony and scant courtesy; she was so ortsions to be left elouer to think even though she knew that slte was in the power of these two people, rind that it behooved her to be diplomatic enough to treat thent well. Slie could. uever afford to make enemies of them. The actor turned away from her smil- ingly, but deep dowa in his own 'heart he was saying te; himself: "You are unwise to put on those Melt and mighty airs with ine. beautiful echemer, for you are at the mercy of Clarinle and me, null ere long we shall make you feel mit. power. You may be done with us, but we ore hy no means done with you. "A grand fortune was left you, and we intend to coine in for our share of it. You must put np generously, or it will be the worse for you. We intend to go to Europe, and live handsomely over there ever afterward npon your money. Fifty dollars for *lust I have done to -day. Bak! You must make it as many ,thousands if you would buy ues off, and keep your secret safe, .A woman worth millions can easily afford. to give up that small Sum. The heed - some young man around whom slte has woven her net and taptured at last is well worth it." , lie wee thinking so deeply that he nearly ran into the object of his • thoughts --Mr. Clarence Neville -who was just about to eross the street but a few steps in advance of him. "1 might as well know his address, in ease we wish to make use of it," thought the actor, quickening his steps " I shouid say he was. You can ol most of the prominent phyaleians, at ,ernees, her dark, beeutiful etee flushing ber having seen this man before. (Life) her emotion, ot least ysight but he could not remem- THE BENIGHTED PARENT. and paling, showing the intensity Little Oh•t-Why did your mania spank "Name it," he eselaimed. "What seeme to be the matter with your Boston Child-reeause she is too un- tutored` mid Ignorant to Weise a more modern reformatory method of punish. mem. ' s • 4 , TOO RAND. ' (St. Lottis Republic) • "Isn't It queer the 'movies' never show lig alIV of those Central American re. haven't perfected 8 film mac:lona 2 .et wbere no one who ever knew yoOSvould. i sties, of excitement which has brought has been; "you. laviehea all the grand, remove or alleviate. noble love of your heart on one who did "An' hour ago four of the city's lead- ing doctom eon -suited with me at her not me for you. "I love yen aa madly and ae hope- bedside over her ease and its treatment, lesely as you loved her -ay, I would dio All coincided with me unanimously its to serve you, give you every tiro') of My opinion. No medicine can arrest the blood in my body, suffer the tortures revere of her ailment. of the rack uncomplainingly, if I Might "She hao called repeatedly for you, but be with you. 3 love you as woman - see 1 shall -permit you to enter if you never loved man before. Du not let the promise not to excite her by oppoaing idea seem horrible to you; take iu eon- onything she may say. If she were to sideration my wonderful love, and lot ten you blaek was 'white, agree with that plead for nit., 1 knew of no other hers) way to save your fortune for you, and With noiseless tread Cle.renee Ng." if 1 Idlre erred 5-a Id.1' judgment. Idtar in- ville erossed the room, anti advanced will prompt a woman to do many - toWard the bedside. stead of condemning me., A mighty love things. , He had expected to see the beautiful "Without you tide world is dark as face of the French girl pale and hag- hadee to me• being near you Ls sweete'r gard from acute suffering; he was .there - and dearer 'than alod'e beautiful sun- fore taken abaek to find her looking shine. All the eloquent words my lof.e,..heautiful than he ever remembered tongue could. utter, the grea.test, most . -......., her look before. The volute cheeks profound love that ever filled a human on which the long dark, curling silken heart, can only find vitiee in theee lashes lay were simply perfect in their words: You are all in all to me. I e°111"r' as was the flush upon them, worship you as the idolaters worshipped where the dimples deepened, rivaling in their idola of old." tint the dainty, delleate heart of the ' k -1 seashell and the red, parted lips, " ' ' your patient doetor?" he inquired, max. an. era g, volution:4s" "We could go' to einue strange clime seems to be laboring under some severe "Not a bit. As a matter of truth, they that e.an revolve cts fast ns the rev it- - 1 Lir of you I know what your Peat ' thie about, and which I am 'powiloss to ticeisS . . ss s * Like Father, Like Son. Mrs. Simson-Now Bobbie, I'm going out and I want you to look after the house like h little man Just as your father would if he were here. Bobbie -Have 1 got to kiss the nurse?-14fe. ,A SURVIVAL F THE FITTEST'S ss • (Boston Transcript) Employer -Yes. I advertised for a strong boy, Do you think you can fill the bill? APIsliett»t-Well, just finished lickin' 14 other fellers that were waltin' out in de hail. - - - DOUBLE TROUBLE. (Everybody's) "We've got a great road noW," saki an enthusiastic Western railroader lo las friend. "We've got it doubie track- ed clear through to Chicago." "I -I'm" said the friend. "I don't Pee what ),'Ott Want a double tra:tic for. You can't keep your trains on one." I I: THE PESSIMIST. aeanses City Journal) - "Why don't you join in cleaning up our fair eity? "India:" he cried, "stop, stop! For . P 'What's the use? The euburbanites the love of Heaven, I cannot endure it. half revealing, half concealing the pearly , • Yea know I have no heart, no love to teeth, showed. no signs of the melady win t i :telt mud right into town again." ' DEListERATE DISREGARD. offer in return for thic; great passion; with. which she Was af flicted. . t = 47 all I had weht out to Ihth, and was While he was marvelling over these (Washington Star) Wrecked?' facts, the long, fringed lashes slowly op - "What do you think! A man brought "Marry Me without love," ebe „las. i ened, and India was looking up into his rack!" pered "and the crumbs of a, few kind face with those great, dark, wondering neck the unewenit he took from our hall - "Wm! If speaks well for the honesty , ., eyee of hers. of the man. But It's a terrible slight to Words witi be a feast to me. Do not the enthrone." eIt was so good of you to come," site decide at once, but take time to think _I : I , it over. Here are the papers, whieh sign murmured, "I -I feared that you might CAMP) back eyervtbing to you eo . , d ll .» not; and oh, it eeented as though I could . ., , et) o ate THE RANGE OF THE MARKET. sindia I's he cried An 1„teaa, maim not die unless my eyes rested on your "Dia your daughters marry well?" "IA Me leave you while 1 have the face -you, whom, I have loved with such nod the other married a ultimate eon- strength to go," she faltered, ewes me a mad, hopeless love -as they closed up. "Not exectly. One married a farmer, sumer; hut the third may make up tor your decision a week limn to -day, real. on the light of tide world forieer." n11 that." issing that whatever it may be, I will "Tuttle,' he cried, taking the baud she "She's eneaged to a middleman." abide by it." stretthed out to him. "I eannot believe "How sot" . 1 1- Before he .eould answer she wail gone, - You are in such mortal &Alger. I never A WISE PROPHET. leaving him standitig there in the grand Saw you looking better." old home, which he was maater of °nee (Philadelphia Itecord) lf he had not looked away reflectively simply whin.- nt her. Can you? at that inetant, he would have Seen Wigg -I ran tell any woman's age bY , more, through lier wonderful love for so imam. (stating of pearl pOwder, whiCh the dim --- --• 1 4 • Wagg-tsven'it 1 could, I wouldn't be bird und her IftmerositY. lier cheeks flush deeply underethe heavy CTIAI"rElt TAVI. light front the heavily draped windows WHY HE WELCOMED IT, During the remainder of that day, (Boston Trenscript) Clarence Neville seelued to be 'in the striggs-Thank goodness the opera sea. midst of a deep, troublesome dream, son will soon he open. which held his eenses in thraldent de- orIggs-Dian't know you ever attended. aided. her in eoneealing most effectually, "You are kind to say so, clareeee, 'Volt until he had nearly gained his side. At hope to eheer me up by speaking sn," that instant a little incident happened murmured. "That is the nature of the whieh held the spurious "doctor' spell - malady which has attacked me; there bound. tTo be Continued.) seems no change, no decay, until a little while befove the end; but let us not speak of that I-1 want to forget it. "MI that I want to remember 13 that People Sometimes Feel Dull I have done one good deed -restoring why you. to your rights. wonder if or Uncomfortable at Table. were to aak One prayer of you if --if yott would grant it," she breathed, still look- Hew few people realize that they hag up into Itie face with those wonder- are aetttally suffering from. suow fully fascinating eyes of hens which no ness in miniature every time they man had ever yet resisted. read or work over a White eurface on - "Ask of me what you will," he return- which brilliaut light shines directly. ed ,"oma if it ie in my power to grant it, Malt tone paper for instance, which le epite his efforts to throw off the lethar. Briggs -I don't: but my wife and (laugh - and shut aless ma Chana t10 gie feeling. Only the package of papers slip out to the club for a quiet gnat°. In his breast pocket seemed real. The judge's family saw little of the UNDECIDED. young secretary that day. ale did not (WashingtOn Star) join the family eveu at the table, plea.ds "What are ,,vott going to select as a birthday gift for your wife?" "I don't know yet. Site hasn't had time to promenade me past the Jewelry store windowe and !mustn't. her special admirations." SHOULD BE GOOD AT THAT. Oloston Transeripo Walston O.% new prisoner) -What eari • 1 9 WI it • q your °Not otion? Prisoner -I Was ft 'eellist tn a oreltestro, Warden -Well, then, well set yoU to Work sawing wOod. • VAST DISTINCTION. (Washington Star) "Are you a lobbyist?" "No, sir. The benefleent manner in which. I alit trying to Infieunee entitles nie to be known as ne Joe fie mots" (as / THE ISHMAELITE, (Our Animals) Paying Teller -Yon must get SolneOne to identify yOu befott. van pay this cheque. Hoye you any friends in this town? , Stranger -Not obe. I'm the dog-eltten- er, - t THOUGHT IT WAS A CURTAIN LECTURE. (Washingtim 14- .) "infl eau give tide 0:en the- tidal 81 c.-9'' «shod ti.c malt, .11 lo It and badgered hen -2 mite every question..ne ...mid think of." "What 001 he (1.0 "Tiv dosed off etti merely murmured now and then: "Vie, my dear. Yeu're perfeetly right." THE WORST. (Boston Traoseript) Patient -1 toetor, !Inlet poeitively in - 111: t unon Running the worst. T sotess my bill, wilt Ito about IA. ing indisposition, 1*p in his own room he Was fighting the haute of his life with relentless fate, Should he steeept the hotline whielt wae rightfully his. at the pries he mita pay for it, or i•eji•et it? Ile was illy fitted to battle with the world. and the eoustattey evith which he had employed. himeelf awith his work while under that roof %vas already be- etrositier it done, 'What is tt, India? . the common !medium for the majority Over and over again he reviewed in For a moment site was eilent, then, by ing ghtre into the qo el the reader if Have no fear in confiding in me." ginning to ten upon hint. of books we read, will throw 6. blind - his own mind every detail' of that' in- all apparently great effort, she whisper. the light etrikee it at the wrong angle, terview with India, Iler marriage to his (ma it forme an exeellent teet for the aged father had seemed horribly repels- ed,',.ezwelat,l'%isliat I know I wittiest last the eelection of proper lighting for a Tom nant to hint, but to know that the int. week out, 1 ---I would die happier if you and for the plaeing of the lighting fix- pui8e wideb had kit to it Ito the de- were to make me your wife for ever so team, for- lighting diffitsion should be short a time." aire to save his fortune, because she* Such as to allow comfortable reading loved him, was so amezing it Wa s little CHAPTER LAIL from half tone paper in any poisition. nroet ineepable of thinking dearly. eitle," India went on, in the saine IOW, on which is white elotit causee the light fat "I --I know I gave you a, week to de- A dome hanging above a dining table woluier that it made hitu speeeltless, at- tic those other days at East Haven, tering, tvhispering voice, which he !tea to reflect into the eyes of those stround be had 'known ladia feuded mai; aa, to bend his heaS tow and strain his ear the table at an angle that produces deed, elle had taken pains to show it on to eatelu "but muelt may Itamum with. musettlar strain. Thie has a peculiar ef• every other oecitsion, even though she In that time. Only three days hart,: gone feet upon the eensee, and drOWSitlesi knew his heal't WON WraPPeti IV ill Bab, by, and from life and apparent health, and mental inertia are apt to result. Itut to learn that she loved him so 1 am strieken, and am hovering on the People are apt to eomplain of a. feel. nuttily, so wildly, so passionately as to brink of the tomb. and I ask for your ing of dullness at table or that they make ewe, a terrible 8,14.ymee et her deeision new, and, oli, my love, het Ma have indigeetion when it he in reality, life aiel her fatere for hie eake, ablest plead with you to grant my first prayer the effect of the light. to you -which will be - my last!" A too brilliant light eltining directly dazed, him. Iler magnanimous; net in turning over "You wislt me to make you my wife into the eyes plays many CntiOtte pay - every ;sanity of hie fortune to him proy• so verY mush?" he hoareelY asked. etiologleal trkke. Deaf people, for in- eil. that idolatrotte love for bini con- "Yea, yes," elte hreathed, "eo vety stance, eannot bear iso well if they elusively; ay, past all doubling. much; it ha my One thought by day and are facing a brilliantly lighted room, Ite 'felt sorry for her fr011l the bOttont by night. I have wearied. Iteaven with and, ae for being able to see better by of his heart for %vesting such wonderful my prayere that it might be ao, even rt bright light than by a dint one, ex- tove upon one Wito had no love to give though I stust go mod %aye you so aetly the reveree is the ease, for de - her in return, tail Of objects become praetleally lest , soon, 140 to soon. Yet it, it that , ' He knew just.how to pity her, end knowledge whielt makes nie brave en. to the eye when too trawl) light entire we all 1010W how dangerous aid feel. °ugh to iorgtt that it te the MAW* pre. it -suburban Life 'Magazine. St. 411 tit tee For the Baby's Bath. There's no tweeter eight in the world than a dear, tiny baby splashiug about in the bath and giving of that bath' gives jay to any mother. It ie a task that he cannot always accomplish con- veniently, however, tor the ordinary wasih besin is too small, and "810011 splaohing. maketh the rug wet." The bathtub ue melt too big, and ite; back breaking businese to bend down over it, Now there has been invented the dearest little tub for a baby that ever was, It's trf rubber and is faeteued to a metal frame, which, joy of joya, can be hooked riget to the sides of the big tub and there it swings like a -lit- tle hammock within the larger tale .11 is at a convenient height, and the eplaaltings drop where they can do no damage, The tub ie easily emptied, for it is only neeeseary to pull one of the side rods out of Ws rubber casing and the little tub immediately empties its contents in the big bathtub. The whole thing comee apart and can be folded up end put away until it ie needed again. Isn't thia a convenient thing? ; t CRIED NIGI-IT AND DAY TO REPAIlt RUGS, Autumn ifs the Time to Give Them Annual Oleauing. It is moet clesirahle to have oriental rtigs perfeetly elt•act. 'The idea that' they look, older or more artistie when they ure sOiled riiiieulotte. Care lei required. in cleaning them. Onee a year wash them With wool swap awl warm water and dry theta evenly; so they will lie flat and mutual'. iitt the fluor. Alwaye sweep theta gently. though titer - (nighty, „autumn is an ideal time to repair rugs. If there ale. moth holies in orieutal rusts, have them. mewled by a profeseion. al repairer. If tile fringe is ragged and rent', trim it evenly. If the selvage edges are worn. orerhaul them. before they beeome really ragged. „ THIS is a HONIE DYE that ANYONE The Guaranteed "ONE DYE for All Kinds of Cloth. Clean. Montle, No Chance of Mistakes. TRY Send tar Free Color Cord and llooklet. TheJokneon-Itichunlsou Co. Limited, Aloatreitl Mrs, Adelare Ouillette, St. Bruno; Que., :says: "My little. boy cried night and day from stonmelt trouble and nothittg seemed to help him till T got a boX of Baby's Own Tublets. They soon mode him well nod happy -again. I hsve also found them rain - able at teething tinte." Thousands of other mothers hare the same praise to offer no% only for stemaeh trouble and teething troubles, but for ell the minor ills of little ones. she Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 vents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medieine Co., Brockville, pOtn•Iatte,tically immortal. But it has been s Window Glass Decays, is generally supposed that glass it demonstrated that glass expoeed to the elements will decay and in time be- come so rotten that it is worthless. Window glass exposed to the heat and eold and varying Made will, after a number of seam, become so brittle that it can be cut with a pair of sheare. It is said that light and dark• ness hvae different effects ou glee% laensda. thia alternation aloue will cause it to become fragile and in time worth. lt is almost imposeible to remove at windows from a building withont breaking many of the panes of glass. New glass ean be handled with onielt more. carelessness. There is certain elacstieity to BM Igaas that leavee glass which has faced the Weather for a slumber of years. Street fakers wit° travel throughout th'C' country selling scissors will obtain lot of old window glues and show the crowds how wonderfully their shears trill cut by clipping off (Arlie; of the ghee( juet tie pereon would eta paper, when in feet the feat h; due to the •faet that the glass is actually rotten.---Harper's Weekly. t TRICKS OF LIGHT. 50 0!. GANS CHEAP We have some fifty first-class °roosts on, hosol, at .priees from $12.50 to'n$35. These instruments have all been over- Intuled by our. own workmen and are in first.elase condition. A few great bar. gnins are: ;fumes organ. walnet case, 5 stops, $15. Deminien organ, 8 stops,$'10. Bell organ, ti stops, $25, Seed for com- plete list, giving full description stating whet terms you would like. Hehitzman & Co., corner 3Cing and John streets, Bamilton, Ont. t Little 1Vlaidens. Hotv should little maidens grow When they're ten or over? In the sunshine mid the air, Wholesome, simple, fresh and fair, As the boeney daisies blow, And the happy clover, How shall little onaidens speak When they're terf-or overy As the birds do, and the bees, Singing through the flowers and trees, Till each mortal fain Would seek The merry -hearted rover. How about her eyes and ears, At this stage of growing Like the clear, unelouded skies, Not too angry, nOr to wise, So that all she sees and hears May be worth the knowing. And the little maiden's heart, Ab, for that we're praying That it strong end pure may grow; God, who loveth children so, Kept her from ali guile apart, Through lire's mazes straying, -,Tournat of Education. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere Ammonia. -Irs necessary. -Mew it cleanses,. -And the odor is good. -It helps in wasring, the Tient. -Carpets May be gone over after sweeping, -.Nutmegs are also thus cleaned after ZWeePing. -Cot Wass Is washed successfully with it in water. -1If water %vitt) ammonia. also re - stow A badly discolored silver. --A. little ammonia and 'nolo, in water softens it for •al household purposes. -Ammonia and a tiny bit of soda In sepia water cleans hair -brushes perfectly. -A few drops of an1111011la. void was ter it applied to an insect's bite gives re- lief, FLIES IN PANA-MA OINTMENT. (Philadelphia Record) It would give more eclat to the ne- easion of No. opening- of the Panama Canal if before that even our Govere- meat (amid arrive at an amicable under- standing with colombla as to tile selzuro of the canal strip and with Great Britain tl) final interpretation of treatV stipulations regarding. the enneetion of tolls, A start was made toward settle- ment with cotonabin before President Taft quitted ()Mee, but no final basis of agreentent WUS reached. A ilinney solution sauna to be the mils' feasible, solution. It might as well he paid at once. There W 111 he a scar len no matter liONY the wound shan be heal- ed. The Pittuttion is not unlike In the con- troversy with Greet Britain. The sew), er we hack down from an untenable poeition Wet dare not submit to arbitra- tion the better. The opening of the Istit- thnetialturiesevanitoalst liss na IN;Ittasi%luIngttrr on fatiotnififel great seas, There should be no halting Celebrant on the nuptial day, . This Beauty GOLD PLATED SIGNET BRACE' - LET, fancy embossed pattern, expands to - any ann. Pat up in lovely PLUSH litied box. NYe Rive It FREE for setting only take worth of the loveliest PICTURE POST CARDS, . BIRTHDAY, VIEWS, COMICS, FLORAL also • THANKSOIVINO, XMAS cards and booklets: . VALENTINE and EASTER in theirproper sea- - son. Those cards:1re of such fine quality and ARfISTIC COLORING and designs that . you will have no trcable selling at afar : 10e. and win the BEAUTY BRACELETtual also a couple of PLASHINO OEM SET PINS, and Ao - aro going to snake every 0110 of our sue- ': cesstni agents a preselit of a MAGNIFICENT - WATCH. OENTS' OR LADIES' size, stem wind or setotecoreing to our big advertising plan, which will -be sent to yen the 8/11110 day we receive the sato. 1Vrite to -day and we will send ssau the cards. Addr”,s COBALT GOLD FEN CO., DePt. B 55 - Toronto, Ont. A Wasn't He Crafty? 401!natisyt.tialll.itut:wn ta New (int 3'2.11)4)04.111e;t1iyutultItuPg14%);te»dnean ttiltie York state re- Isii,1)114.11s)el)eitily 111111,7 tgi tkittfel: eolt‘Ip'oeoatrkh (lit; fo7 deviate!. to "get even." The girls oveupied the first four meats in the eixth row tool the young matt had the fifth Neat. They pahl no attention to him Mutterer. During the early part of the programme a monologist 041111e out on, the stage antl began to titlk abont love, It was then that the snub. iblie:)1n3,0•100141111ggt ntlitstlictegdo:t his (Jimmie to square aecounte with the Suddenly the riZti,listattliliatlitteptistris who are in love Turning to the girl next to Min the young num eitia "Please let Me out." Naturally the whole four had to Hee to let him go by, When they were ()ace on thele feet the young man settled Intel; in his ;mat and grinned. The reet of the audienee rzoarrl in glee. NEW APPENDICITIS THEORY. (Philadelphia iteeordi The theory In London that water drink- ing is the cause er appendit•itis must he a despairing efrert of purveyors of ids voitolie drinks to seare people off thc water wagon. Egiand, where the use of 'liquors Is greater than It ls in this conetry, some dserease has been noted in reeent years in tile eon. sumption of firewater. Both in England and tide country the total abstinent* pro paganda is making ponsitierable pro- gress, and 'When doctors and statesmen In and It hell iloetnes and 8411W:4111(.11 ill Vraliets ure ta cheek the Into of tOXleinitH and the Emperor or Germany has forsworn beer and wine, it beituoves the purveyors of hard drinks to bestir themselves or see their 0x-elm:Won de- sert them. We eon aecouns In no other way for tho auggestion tbat water think- iug brings on a plietittleititi. I : ltaltimore. Md., Nov. I I, Miss . 'Alinard's 1,ininueit Liodtel: she eance across a bottle oi your LINIMENT in the hotel.; of enc. ot the stitched,: n t Lily rnivt;rsity Maryland. etal he being on kind as to let me us eit for a very had sprain. -wide') I obtoineci in trait:its; hit* four ruees, and to say 11-1t it 1 4.10s11 muuld be puttieg it veto mildly. :Ma I tlwrefore ask if yen would let me know of one a ;vont agents that is sloscst to Baltimore. so filet I may obtain some of it. l'inothieg you in advam•e I re - Mehl , Yaltr.4 truly, IV. 1% MetTISAN. 1 4 St. Paul Street, Care Oliver Typewriter Co, P.S.- --IC:holly answer at once, Is a positive cure for Gall Stones, Kidney Trouble, 131adder and Kidney Stones, (travel, Lurabago, Rheumatic pains, ailments of uric acid origin. Price $1.50 at all leading druggists. Correspondence invited. THE SANOL MANUFACTURING CO., Limited, Winnipeg, Man, . : Trained in Household Work. Berlin has an inetitution, founded about two years ago by a woman. The &sleet of the "Sister Sehool," as it is called, ,s to train well-eaucated girls lor domestic service. The students are .generally daughters of professional men, and the currieulum comprises cookerY, hoosework, the care of children, and needlework. When application is made for the setviees of a "sister," the mat- ron, or some other woman connected Nvith the seitool, calls oPon the appli- eant, forms an opinion of the "situa- tion," and arranges terms, Each "sis- ter" must he allowed a free afternoon every week, one Sunday every other mood.: from 4 o'eloek, aml a fortnight's holiday in the your. Six week's notice is required cm each part. The salaries paid range from $7.50 to $12.50 a month. with, of colarse, board and lodging. Sis- ters wear a brown uniform, are treated ns soeial equals. are not required to take Melds With (Aka ken-11MA, and are addressed as "Sister Marie," "Sister iledwig," ete. The demand for their services it, so great that the head of the Sister sellout deelaree that she con141 place 5tl0 sills a year, instead of fifty, and similar institutious are about to be 4-4tablislied in opier 1.0wns. • • 'Right -Handed Plants. That tht..re are HO t-liateled plants and left-handed plants has been reported to the Cambridge (England) Philosophical Soviety by It. II. Compton. In an ex- amination of eight Nariete$ of two -row- ed barley the first left was fotual to twist to the left in 58 per eent, of more than 12,11110 seedlings, and all exeess c.f left-handed growth wa6 found also in millet and in oats. lit emu there seem- ed to be no marked tentleney either Way. NO elidellee of hereditary peen- liarity appears to have bee» obtained and no special signifieunee of the re- sults is pointed out. *46 Minard's Liniment Relieved Neuralgia • s Chinese Oysters. A Sixth avenue citizen laundryman is helping out his daily breakfast with native Chinege oysters on the half shell The shells he brought along with him from China. The oysters he received from China in the half bar- rel, dried and smoked, As they come they resemble some- what dried apples Or peaches, The la.undrynaan places a mess over night, each oyster in a shell full of sea water, and the next morning they have the plump and juicy attractiveness of freshly opened oysters, end if they did not halve L40 ;Intel; the taste of can- vased ham one. might perhaps detect an oyster flavor about them. The Chinese says the oystere are preserved in this way by first being dried in the elm and then smoked with seaw004 Whiell, when burning, has a emelt like oyster soup. -New YOrk Sun. Purely Herbal -Ho poisonous coloring Aniiseptic-Stims hluod-poison Soothing -Ends pain and smarting, eta. heals all acres. 50c, lox. All 'Druggbis and Slates s• _sesee ••••-• ISSUE NO. 42, 1913 HELP WANTED. WANTED- SPINNER. aft GOOD piecer on heavy woollen Yarns; night work. Apply to the tillngeby Man- ufacturing Co.. Limited, Brantford, ont. liVANTIOD-GIRLS POTS PINISHING ,vr underwear. Apply, Teineston lery Co., Ltd., Kingston Ont. rININSAIITH 1,VANTIOD aiA.RRIED A man preferred; good wages; steadY job. Davison & McInnis, Wt./WSW:It, Ont. FOR SALE. D III:NOMBNA OUR AT'SIQS- J. phere. Wherive? 134.1 pages Ivo. Joseoh Creig, Paulding, Ohio. The Beggar's Song. A. wayside dream of starlight sleepless- ness. A wind -wild thril of deey-wood. melody: Croonieg world -old 1St, wo beggars bless That hold. the gentle pines enr canopy in rain and wind; weary we lay us clown Dreaming the long gray road has found an end :Slid cool, green pines, that like a simple crown rpon a little hill that thought to lena • A reatful haven to our weary feet. 'Vest for a mother to the motherless', :Meeting lame wanderers compassion sweet, Smoothing aWaY the tragic hopelessness Of death in life, from us who were for - spent; ' We beggars wendering lost and /sod- ent. . -B. P. Clerk, inn., in the Bcs..ten Transcript. 4 Flying in the Face of Providence. - Us en the people whe ;awes s seem to ' know just what to do sometimes for- get to do it, An ehl colored woman en the banks of the .Tatnee River, in Virginia, was f fl let (el 54 i tit ague and rheumatism. see pitysieutu sommanded her to swallow seseral .targe quinine capsules, she obeyed, but the operatictu frightened her itearly to death. After the doetor has left; she lay upon the bed and groaned o1"1111. lier daughter, moved to compassion, finally took clown the old wounin's clay PiPe from the shelf, filled it with to - hams). and carried it to her in one hand. while in the other she held a red. hot coal with a pair of tongs. "liyult, ma." she said, "Light up yoh. pipe, an' ease yolisel Wld little- onoke." "'Away!" cried the ohl mammy. "Don't briug none ob dem live eoals so close to me! Bou't you know I jee' done swallowed a lot ob eartridgest"- The Popular Magazine, 4 : 4: Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. ss - Buttons. -where are they not? -What size aro they not? -And of whet material are they not? -Bone buttons vome in attractive de- signs. - -Silk uoverect ones share honors with erochet. rewe of buttons are less used than broken ones. --'riny and mesumn sizes f igure in clus- ters of from threo to seven. -The larger °nee, usually Inflat shapes, aro nicety to figure In pairs. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding piles, send. me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and. will also genii some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested.' Immediate relief and per- manent curo assured. Send 110 money, but tell others of this offer. Write to- day to Mrs, M. Summers, box P 8, Wind- sor, Ont. :- Just in Time. "Pa, here's something in this nesse. paper about the 'chorus girl lure.' Wtet (Wee that mean, pa?" "AbE311!" ceughed pa, with a. knowing smile that snddenly froze on hie faae, "It means nothing that concerns- you, son, Don't you see your mother stand- ing in the deur? to her at once." Minard's Liniment, Cures Dandruff. Pat and the Pig. "Patrick, did you steal Widow Maio- . ney's pig., and if so, what did you do with it "Killed it end ate it, your honor." "Well, now, Patrick, when you are free to face with Widow Maloney and her pig on ;inclement day,' said the judge, 'what aceettut will you be able to give of yourself when the widow ac- cuses yon stettling1" epis you say the per would be there, your honor .1" aeked Pat. "To be cure did." "Well. thee, I'll say, 'Mrs. MitlOney, there's your pig.'"-Exthenge. A DIVORCE GRANTED - After many years of patient suffering you can be divoreed from corns Iv applying PutztattOs Corn 1?setraetos., which etas in e4 Inning without pain. Reluse a. substitute bevanse "Patnant's" is the remedy that is safe and. painless; 25c. per bottle at all dealers. Old Methods. (I3y Berton Brain.) Dliere isn't much doubt that our methods Inhaniteittbeurtsteorefdschoollog of girls and of We'reli'?•asi'sing our children with freedom 1'1AI:tared And giving them scope for their natur- And 4:-eitu34iiile our system is certainly MInatg!itittkvie1111.15giter than any the past ever / firmly believe in the olden thne spank- ing, The 014 -fashioned spanking that xnade us behave, The Justly earned spanking, The well -applied spankmg, The much-needed spanking That made u.s behave: • I'm strong for the mOdern-tiine efforts at suasion, Andro'd.i,•castat" is better by far than the But nevertheless there Is something oe- lsoeta•stturenaellog the ways teat our arms- Tliesetult.stp!tie.o.ad;ate fashions on whleh istInlik4iges be bolstered by mea- sures mere grave; It's then T believe in the old-fashioned '1•114entindigehig)-1.1.ime spanking that made us 11f 11,11(11,A(s.:)1Nitnitll tIPItirt;b11711.7t1111441itveti:tn•loeu tliliPeknetd.h.er b(e..hil4irtl',111ade us behave! . gePuhr ‘sigi'n"Igs,panking. one way to avoid a fieht is to stop sso eare--entesel loug-deeerred snanking 2 - 1.• =..1 E :visa - a z • =.t- BEAAUTIFUL Vet) aiLVErt BET, consisting of SIX SOASPOONS BUTTER KNIPE ea LIU R SHELL) is no of our e(pst. popular premiums. we nave sent out thoussnes,OX • sets and never had a complaint. Tire give them FREE for setting only sa.eo ,e,orth ot the yavvEsi ootolig, cgrug. igsz THANKINiXINO., XMAS _ ot such quality Ant ARTISTIC eoloritiTqat you sea toe. and win the lovely IstsveewAng. and you can also win s pLAssiiNG SLSOTMD aye il0 ale selling at tor e earns are ) cair ymeouNelseeSlivNi nseditilltot duat hueovni t tt go tiohtseteltainvyerworAeseEtirgiaanettyceTualloblAemsourmptirispledm tot% limaAsioly. toNTlittis.tizuett, otteultt awontaolanrog *mete, satemer dosinygwttetoeuarehlyig6 the $.3.,10 for thee:4dg. 'Write to -day end we win stna the eards. Address COBALT GOLD PSN 00,, Beet. at aj. Onts 1LII"e11 *left birsent3tE • aNatryleOtEditTnaW0Arh14„. AtoseesseeemieemAke •,) eseee • es-saitateasames- A