HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-10-16, Page 1Jr
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The Tbanksgiving Of Joy. turned to thank his Benefactor. Fes~
I . r-".*.--.f%A-----,,�^---.Os.,O,.�� POLITICAL MEETINGS., f---*-%-,,.-.%^,.?-.----O"-�%%"w^ , ,��^l - '"" , , '"' , , """"' , ""'""' , '-
"Were there not ton cleansed, but
. I ,where are the ninoll was the Master's THOU, Lord, art our lift, and the length of our daya: �1 - Personal$ ocal items
(By Rev. E. H, Oroly, B. A.) question of surprise. There is still a Our voices to Thee in thanksgiving we raise I - 11� 1 GOLD FISH
There is something grandly majestic suspicion that a number who take Our shield and our buckler, our refuge and tower, . Hon, W. T. White, Minister of L.'n""No, -1, E:K:�,���
and beautiful about a national Thanks, time t� cherish a thankful spirit Is We trust in Thy faithfulness, mercy, .and power. Finance, and Mr. Claude MacDonnell Mr. Oliver Mille of Saskatoon is in Mr. Jack Slemmon of Ethel gave a
M.P., of Toronto, will address Ile town. splendid address to the League on BARGAIN
gluing Day. It is a time when the Proportionately small, We thank Thee, we praise Thee, for sunshine and rain,
busy strife arid money -maddened din A day has been set apart for nation- I For calm and for tempest, for pleasure and pain; I electors of Sbudi Bruce in Teeswater Miss Ethel Beckwith has returned Monday evening, .
of the great commercial world should al thanksgiving, On that day we are Thy loye and Thy wisdom our tongues shall employ, on Monday evening next, Oct. 20di, from Toronto, Mr. John. Armour of Turnberry is in Commenciag Friday Oct
cease and the Home -and the Church called upon to thank the Divine Being In light and ,in darkness, in sorrow and joy. in the interests of W. D. Cargill, le Miss Iona Stuart spent a few days very poor health but we hope to hear I 17th at 8 � a.m. I , I
should take their Proper place in t tie for Elie beneficence, Carlyle spoke Conservative Candidate. last week at her home near Dungan- of Improvement soon,
thoughts and lives of All. No nation very fiercely of his age as being an age The summer and autumn, the winter and spring, ' non. . The Tumberry Council will meet on We will give away FREE will
can rise higher than the love . I of its Of shams. How much shamming To Thee shall their tribute of gratitude bring; . In Lucknow, on Wednesday, Oct. Dr. Ford, formerly of Wingham, was Wednesday the 22nd of October in• every sale of "Rexall Remedies"
hearthatones either in its moral or there is today may be a question for � The sea and its fullness, the earth and the air,
Spiritual life. Neither can it be discussion but certainly Thanksgiving . , tell of Thy goodness, Thy glory declare. 22nd, Hon. W. T. White and A. H. renewing acquaintances in town on stead of the usual date, amounting to 25c or over
Musgrove, M. P. P.will deliver ad- Monday. Mr. Chap. Wheeler, an aged resident
thankful unless its homes are W
joyful. Day is coming to be regarded by many e thank Thee, we praise Thee, for beauty and youth, , A Complete Aquarium
Now joy may be roughly divided as very much of a sham. Even many For justice and freedom, for honor and truth ; rests of die Con- Dr. Calder, who has been in Mon. of Morrie, died on Monday at his home
Into four stages. There is first and churches which should lead in the re. I The ,wealth of the ocean, the forest arid field, servative Ca I ndidate, W. D. Cargill. treal for 12 days. will return home near Sunshine, Cancer was the cause Consieting of Globe, 2 Gold
lowest in the scale the joy of our cognition of the Divine goodness never And all the rewards that our industries yield. , . I this evening, of death. Fish, Plant, &c.
Physical life, the joy of the body as it open their doors. They have come to We thank Thee, we praise Thee, for plenty and peeve, Picture House News Mr, John Martin, who has been Chas. Bell, formerly of Wingbam, I
lives and moves and breathes. Thia look upon the day as a more farce and For Thy full -flowing bounty that never doth cease, assisting the Advance staff lately, left was one of the group of Boutharapton There is a Rexall Remedy for
is seen in the child as he laughs and scarcely to be regarded, People ac- The Mills of the Gods, at the Picture this week fox, Meaford. bowlers who were winners at the re- -every ailment and every one is
shouts at his play or the lamb frisking cept it aq a day of feasting and holl- For the Church and the Sabbath, the Home arid the School, House, Wednesday and Thursday Oct. Mrs, 0. R. Copeland and family are cent tournament held in Walkerton.
. over the -Meadow. Then higher in day -making but ignore the giving of F6r a land ]n n which mercy and righteousness rule. 15 And 10, R is one of the fluest three spending a few weeks with the form- Their photo appeared in ]art Satur. guaranteed.
the scale there is the joy of our in- thanks. Government still allows the We thank Thee and praise Thee, out, Father above, Reel subjects we have had this seaEou. Pro mother in Godericb. day's Globe, I We have only 150 aquariums.
dtisrial nature. Every man and wo- military review, the sham fight and .. For all (lie clear tokens of kindness and love " biers Mrs. Robert W. Runciman, formerly One aquarium only to each
- I Thou serildest to greet us, as day follows day, of Wingliam, announced the marriage
aged'ln congenial occupa- other performances to frustrate the I of Saskatoon are visiting his mother customer,
man, if engaged Auction Sale. Mr, John'Pringle and two dauglite
Lion, takes joy in his or her work, very purpose of the day. Are we be- To lighten our burdens and Bladen our way. Farm stock and implements on lot and sister, near Wingham. of her daughter, Ada Clara, to Mr.
The farmer finds it in the field, the coming so selfish that ev�rything must We thank Thee for life with its blessings so free, 13, con. 2, Oulvose, on Friday, Oct. 24tb Mr, and Mrs, H. 0. Bell of South- Hubert H. Smith, on Tuesday, Octob- Extra ,Gold Fish, 10c each.
at 1 o'clock. ,No reserve. F. S. Bal• er the 7tb, 1913, at her residence, 190
merchant In hiebstore, the lawyer in be made to turn towards ourselves, to And for the glad hope which we have, Lord, in Thee, a .npton were the guests of Mr. and �i Aquarium Plant, 2 stems 5c.
his practice, the doctor among his Our Own advantage and our own That Thou wilt receive us in peace to Thy rest, lagh, proprietor; J. Purvis, auctioneer. Mm R. Varistone this week. W, Gore Stre4 Stratford, Ont.
Patients, the clergyman in his parish Pleasure- We even find it such a dif. To serve Thee on high with the saved and the blest. . Contractor Malcolm visited his work I
and the mother in her home. All ficult matter to hallow God's own � . Correct Us. . Mrs. Goo. Cartwright was called to here on Monday and was well pleased
work has some element of joy it, it. Sabbath of rest that it Is. scarcely pos: RoDER'? MCF.RAY 0 wing to our Secretary being suddenly Clinton last Thursday by the illness with the progress of same in his ab -
Still higher there is the j )y of our Bible to give an extra day in which to L..�,��,-%O,,--,.--��l,,,��%o%,--,%,.,,,%,,�'A called away and a little mishap in our o� her mother, Mrs. Dickson. . sence. It is "Contractor" Malcolm
social nature. The j)y that makes recognize His goodness. . I office, some of our friends, who N sub Messrs J, W. Hewer and Joe. Car- during the holiday and "Professor" I We RoKibbon ,
men band themselves into brother- But wb y should we beat the trouble � \ . � scribed for other papers, did not recei5 e Puth were in Arthur on Thursday last, Malcolm of Queen's the balance of the
hoods, It is the joy of friend�.bip and of thanking God? God does not re- HIGH SCHOOL FIELD DAY. SAD SHOOTING FATALITY attention. If there are any others the assisting the Band there at the Fair, year. DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN '
the intermingling of life with life. It quireourtbauka. Itwillmakenodif. . I I � Editor will take it as a favor to be Rev. E. H, Croly attended the An- Mr. William Woods formerly a . ,II notified of same. nual Conference of the Archdeaconry 'S&�is the joy of home in ite social aspect ference to Him whether we have a day weaver of Wroxeter died ;n Clinton 2 'h e ORCl�'.re
and festivities, But there is a higher of tbankegiving or not. This all very The annual games of the High A very ead affair happened on th of London at Lucan on Thursday last. on Tuesday of laot-week and the re- .�.'A,1.4,.4j
School were held on Friday last. As 5.h line of . e A Clinton Wadding. I
joy than any of these, thnugh not true, God does not need our thanks East Wawanosh on Sunday 'L, Mrs. Wlw. Reid and daughter, Kath- mains were taken to Linwood come- I
r' the day was an ideal one and its great A very quiet wedding was VOd on I
altogether independent of them acrd but we need very ri�u4 -to do the Interest; was taken in the events by evening last, when Air, Harvey Me. loon. returned last week, after spend* tory for Interment. Mr. Woods at-
- . I this is the joy of our deeper air-,ction. thanking.* It is not for Himself that both students and the large number of Dowell was accidently shot by his Wednesday at the home of the brides ing a few weeks with friends in twined a ripe old age. Mr. Simon
Al. nature, the jny of on,, spiritual God needs our -worship, our gratitude visitors from the town, Field day for daughter Irene, aged eight years, Mr. mother, Mrs. Noble, Clinton, when Stakatoon. � .. . . .
Mitchell, of town attended and looked �! -
� '':
1913 has been one of the beat in -the M,D,,,Il had been al k I -- ::
, -
nature, the joy of Faith, of Hope, of Arid our thanks but for ourselves. it, one all wee her daughter Miss Annie, was united Mr. John Fessant of Buffalo is visit. after the arrangements. q!I
. - -
is we who recinive to feel and give ex I ,. I - .
. history of the school. The list of arriageto Mr. Harry Jackson by Ing hie father, Mr. Wm. Fessant. The annual meeting- of the Young P . � I �K -I;- ., .
Love. - winners is given below:- and along with another man had been in in �v
It is not possible to draw a sharp Ple�isiOn to such emotions if our higher Hurdle race, sr. - W. coon bunting in the evenings, and on Rev. 0. R. Jeakins. The bride is a sis. %� Fesaa,ut will remove to California, Men's Bible Clasp of Win ham Metho- &2 , �.X,,
line of demaikation between these nature is to be developed, The Campbell, hurdle race, jr,-W. Elliott,�Val- coming borne Saturday evening took ter of Messrs. Jas. E. and Thos. Noble 'f' % .. ,,, I I .
stages of our 'o for they intermingle thanksgiving spirit is a test of char- lace, W. McGregor. his revolver to pieces and left ib lying of East Wawanosh. after his visit here. . diet Church met Tuesday evening and .., . �
and the highest throws back its radi. actor. Tu be lacking in it is to lack Stand broad jump, sr. -E. Taylor, on a table. Sunday morning he went Mr. and Mrs, John Powell of Detroit elected officers for the ensuing year as , I'll, A
one of the chief graces of a C, W. Elliott; stand broad jump, jc-W. Who Is The Magnet? visited relatives here during the past follows: -Hon. President, Rev. Hib� .
once upon them all. Christian. McGregor, W. Wallace. I to his father -la -law's, Mr. Campbell, The Olivet correspond enice to the week, having come to attend the fun- Bert; Pres,, Mr, Gurney; Vice Pros., .. - .
Looking at the life of our Blessed The spit -it of thankfulness is the spirit r to bring two of his little daughters oral - . 1,� "I
we find that His life touches all of contentment. ' home, and on arriving home in the Lucknow Sentinel says -When people
Ran broad jump, sr, -E. Taylor, of Mrs. Paul Powell. W. Field; Sec.-Treas., 0. Copeland;
Lord ' It disposes U13 to be G. Cruickshank; run broad jump, JV- ;7� -_
of these. Ilia matchless story of the contented in all conditions and puts W. McGregor, M. Mercer. evening went upstairs to change his start for church they usually arrive at Reeve Forster of Oakville was in Teacher, G. R, Smith; Convenors of ... I .
Prodigal Son and His parable of the a check on selfish desire. It goes Halt mile run, or. -W. Elliott, G. clothes. In the meantime, one little the church. However, this was not town last week viewing our new pay. Committees as follows -Devotional, . I I � . . . . . . � I . .. . • I.
. children in, the market place, besides further, it helps us to find blessings Rintoul; half -mile run, jr.-W. Me- girl answered the phone, and the the case of a,fourth concession young ad street as Oakville intends having A. Ferguson; Lookout, M. Graham; fflem
His attendance at the marriage feast and enables us to preceive in innum. Gregor, W. Wallace. other noticing the revolver on lady last Sunday. A human magnet similar work done there. Membership, J. Mann, Social, H.
, Throwing baseball, sr -E. Taylor, the table and having previously from Wingliam. attracted this young The teachers from Wingliam Marsball. .
show His Sympathy With plea iso. It arable ways where we have been w. Elliott; throwing baseball, jr-L. Y who
is perfectly clear too that He loved Rif) bettered and benefitted. Oliver Won. Uantelon, J. Angus. seen her father fixing it together-, lady . back home again, Magnets be. attended the Conventi6a in Clinton- on An Industrial School will be estab-
wotk and took much joy in His fellow. dell Holines says, "If one should give Hop, step, jump, G. - McLean$ and just as her father came down corns demaguetlwd by constant use. Thui aday and Friday last were -Miss- , lisped At Owen Sound by the Board of We are experts at fitting Misses'
she With friends, But most of all rue a dibb of sand, and tell me thare . W. Anderson hop, Stepp jump$ jc,— stairs she swung qiiiekly around Olivet boys I hope,that this will happf n ea Reynolds, Ansley, Barber'and Bent- ! Education at an early date. This Feet as they should be fitted.
His Joy was in communion with I -jig were p%rticles of icon In it, I might P- Holmes, W. McGregor, in such a manner as to cause tho in the case mentioned, . ley, and Mr. A, Posliff. decision was the result of a meeting of
Father, It was in the joy of self. look with MY eyes for them, and. Throwing hairimer, sr. -W, Buchan-, revolver to go •off, the bullet ,qtrik*n Mrs. F. Haecock of Toronto, and � the Board held a week ago when Dr. We have slices correctly pro.
an, 0. Cruickshank. ' g Take Warning. Merchant, the representative of the
sacrifice, the joy of suffering for search for them with my clam -3y Mr. Al,;Djwell just below the heart, Ur. Thos. Holmes, who is returning to I portioned, and with our ex'pe'rieince
. Ontario n .
righteousness' sake, the j -)y of giving fingers, and be unable to find them - Pole vault, ar,--E. Taylor, G. HOW- Dr. Milne of Blyth and Dr. Weir of Complaints have been made by own- Aklberta after a trip to Scotland, were , Dept, of Education gave a
son; pole vault, je.-NV. McGregor,, were hurriedly summoned but ars Of pastures arid bash lands to Pro- the guests of Wm. Holmes and other: address dealing with the necessity for at fitting, every Yonng Mitis is fit.
His life for others. Tais Was His but let me take a m ignet and sweeP N. Sconehouse. Auburn � * . more industrial teaching to fit the .
greatest joy, the joy of blessedness. it, and how it would draw to itself the Four -legged race -1st, ArmaCrong despite all that medical aid could do, vincial Phippen that a number of relativesin this vicinity last week. I ' I ted with- . .
gh youth of Ontario to take the places of
As there carate to Him, so there most invisible particles by power of Angus, Mercer; 2ud, Holmes, Max -l the Wounded man passed away on young men and boys are in the. habit Mrs. Goo. McTavish, sr,, and dau .' gponsibility in the large Industrial '
. comes to anyone, a time when all other attraction. The unthankful heart, well, Moore, . Monday morning about six o'clock, of hunting through those laces with ter, Mrs. Steele and her little daugh- re JUST THf, SHOES SHE -
J,,iys are passed forever and only the like my flogov in the sand, discovers Hundred yd. dash, sr. -T. Campbell, Mr. McDowell was a very higlt',T guns, endangering lives of stock run- ter, were in town last Thursday- works of the land, * d, OUGHT TO4EAR!
Joy of blessedness remains rin- no mercies! but let the thankful 1 -pi- I'; 'Taylor; hundred yd. dash, e. -W. eiteemed man and -I - -X _��, rain there,.and even human tein0v, in . The preliminary hearing of the boys
. McGregor, W. Wallace. .y - I" I P hey had been visiting relatives in a . crested in connection with shooting
4 and, as the years of age, He was ploy and were starting on their re- Misses' Shoes for Dress or 'Street.
X the one joy the world cannot give nor sweep through the day, . Sack race -R. Armstrong, pa� of life being 32 y who happen to be near, and as there is Ri
taRe away, The world may give us magnet finds the iron, so it will find Holmes, a member of the Westfield Methodist 'law against any person carrying f1ro- turn trip to Rainy River. Mrs. Me- of Andrew Hardy was adjourned on .
� b and a Littoral. Three little arm,, under 18, this law will be rig I idly Wednesday last to Wednesday of this
The joy of health and strength and it in every hour some heavenly blessings; Bootand shoe race -P. Holines, M. Ch"11 , Tovleh formerly resided in Wingliam. The best of leathers and. the
oan take that joy away. it can only the iron in God's sand is gold," Foran. . . daughters are left to mourn the un. enforced. . . . week in order to see how the injury to I I
stretch the young man on a bed of Two mile walk, sr. -Q. Rintoul, W. timely end of & kind and affectionate . . the wounded man is likely to result, most skillful Sb 09 Ma-kiniz.
sickness so that every breath is one of ' (By Rev. J. W, Hibben.) 611iott, . father. His wife, who was a sister One hundredth Year. ;�~� ,`� Geo, McKenzie, J, P. presided. Geo, Batton, Lace or Blusher Models.
pain and anguish. T,, cin dim the eye Perhaps of all sins that are un, A One mile walk, jv.-W. Wallace, J of .Xv. Herb. Campbell of Wingliam, Mr, John Gofcon, of Wroxeter, Ont t (:burcb IR S Dalgleish was allowed out on a $1000 1
and dull the ear, Itcau give ug work'and "gus. died very suddenly about. 18 months has attained the ripe old ago of ninet;., - bail, and the other two boys on their The new slant top is a great
graclow, we might count that of in. Fatig)i - race -lit, Wilson, Mercer; ago, The deceased also leaves, one nine years arid four months and is still -I.-----~--- t
oompanionshipbut, the walk may be L, , "'s � own promise t6 appear at the adjourn
more than our strength will stand and gratitude. In our dealings one with god, ri 01 d.n, McDonald. brother and his parents who re,eide in as erect and light on his feet as the sy- Rev. 0, L. McRoberts, B. A. of Kin- eiltrial, As wego to press we learn the favorite this season,
another we rather despise the man 11;v': jump, sr. -W, Anderson S
Doti , [son ; high .J -imp, je.-W, e� Some new creationp, also in
our friendships take wings and fly who receives favours and falls to ap- �1 S. Toronto, The sorrowing relatives eragemauof thirty years, Mr. Gofton tore, will conduct anniversary services case was again sjourned to Oct 25th.
away we know not why. But there I Qr- .! m, W.' Wallace, have the sympathy of all in the com- is an enthusiastic hunter and is pre• in the Methodist church next Sunday, .
preciale them, and we look with dis- - Oravenette Cloth Tops.
are j.)ys over which the world has 110 dain upon that individual who is de- ,, 2) cycle polo game -B, Jilins' team, munity, Tiv-6 funeral takes place Wed- paring to go to Muskoka' for a Datr morning and evening. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers,
ale ; G, Howson's team, 2 goals. . He is one of the early
I control and these are the greatest pendent upon another for blessings " 'J I nesday afternoon at 133 to the Brand. hunt this Fail. Rev. A. S. Parnall, B.A., will preach Get Partiel's Bread at Christie g. $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 to $3.00.
rwo mile ran, sr. -W, IQ4 Mott, G, on cemetery, . pioneers of this district and .we will in the Baptist Church next Sunday. FOWL WANTED. - Highest prices
joys of life. It cannot give us the j )y and yet falls to expreFs his thanks 3intoul; two mile run, jr.-(. . Angus, , have more to say of him in 'Jr. Parnall is a graduate of McMaster paid. -Harvey Watson, Belgrave. 6-0
of sins forgiven nor can it take that giving. In the 17th chapter of Lu„ G. Bucha.iiau, . ------"-- issue. � , It will be a singular Shoe rc-
JOY away, It, cannot give us the joy we read of (, n Obstacle race -F.. Moore, IT. Arm. Spvacial Town Council Meeting. and Brandon Colleges, and has spent a I have in my posBession a Bicycle. .
o£ submission to a higher Will nor can lepers, only one returned to Jesus tend strong. . . . Died In The W6st. number of years in the western pro- Owner can have same by proving pro- quirement, we cannot fitt satin-
take that joy Away. It may be gave thanks. What a world of p.ifti Relay race-Ist, Form IV; 2ad, viacep. perty and paying expenses. - Goo. factorily.
that looking back we see failure i-1 oviv Form 11, MrE,. Thos. Brydges of 130grave has Q Allen.
lives, still there May be joy. Th(ra is
and significance , cance is contained in .the Senior Champion - H. Taylor 25 Special meeting of Wiagham. Town received the std news of the death of The Rev. H. A. Thomas, M. A., has Fort SALE -At Knox's residence,
the joy of failure cast on God.. . words "Were there not Len cleansed? points; Junior Champion -W. Ale. Council on Oct. 13'.h'with Mayor her'daugbter, Mrs. Robert Astell, who been Appointed by the Bishop of Hur- behind post office, a good square
. It is but where are the nine'r" and the nine Gregor 3q points. Spatton in the chair. died in the West where sbe had resid. on to the position of Vicar of the Piano very cheap; a quantity f Far -
the joy of a soul that looks batt and stand out as ingrates because of In. GIIU49' EYENTS BY -law No. 082 to amend ByAaw No ed for the past seven years. Besides Oharch of the Messiah, Kincardine nitur , including Stoves. ObaivIoNe
Rays -"I have not lived the life T� 0 do, W. J. Greer
I~ Personally I rejoice in a Ilaildred. yd, dasb, sr, -A. Wilson, 070 read three Limes. Moved by Mills her sorrowing husband, the deceased during the hoped for convalescence o i etc, R. Knox, phone 65B.
planned or purposed, I have fallen N,atjonal 'Thanksgiving Day and as a R. Buchanan ; hundred yd, dash, jr.- -Young that By-law No, 682 be pass. leaves one son about 13 years of age. R,)v. Goo. J. Abby. Fon SALn -Pure bred (offiver quill)
far short of my ideal and trailed it I)eOPla ILA US give thanks and tilng. F. Deacon, 11 N..)ble. Ttirowing base- ed as read -carried, I . S. 0. W. White Leghorn roosters. .
b- 11, sr. -F, Barber, M, Currie; throw- I Ttic remains are being brought here Instead of a Central Convention for Apply to R. Musgrove, )31uevale. 5.7. THESHOEMAN
often in the dust but God has forgiven First -For out National Peace and a By-lmv No. 083 to amend By-law
my failure and strengthenc,l me for ,rig, baseball, jr,-J. Johnston, H for buvi',d, She was A member of the the Provincial S. S. Association there LOST -Between Belgrave and the
. 14' better set -vice." Prosperity. "War is bell" says one 'I, le, Vdat walk, I mile, sr. -A. N-, 074 read three times. Moved by 0hurch of England. The bereaved re. will this year be two, one at Owen Brick Churches, going to Martioeb, a
and the Balkan States and .Moxico Wilson, D. Kennedy; fast walk, J BAA-118bister that By-law 083 be pass- latives have the sympathy of their Sound, Oct. 28-30, the other at Ottawa, Plaid sbawl rtig. Finder kinkly leave :W_ .I.....1 -1- , " �31W �. _ ... �'. - , , Kamp"
Looked at in the light of the j lys of know so mething of its terror, but we mile, je.-H. Noble, Al. Walters. ed as read --carried. the Advance Office, Wingham.
life, our national Ttixhk5giving Dry many friends. Decemed is a sister of 22 24, Those who attend Owen Sound It
Lire at peace with the world, Throwing and catching ball -1st, U Moved by Co�n, Bell, seed by Conn. M vQ
will take on an added significance. Is d, and out, 81nderson, V. Mcf4aughlin ; 2nd, M. .. jog. Ruddy of town. will be privileged to hear the colebrat- Foit ,Q.mu -Vack lvat,bpr Go-cart - I N
is not simply another holiday in which men are engaged in pursuits which Currie, Al. Allen. r.�bister that the Bvtnit be paid its Pd Marion Lawrence, General Secro� with hood, storm cover and runners - . WHEN YOU
bring j )y and prosperity. Then what for winter. Price $200. Apply at '
we may rest from the busy strife and . Rop race, sr. -V. Barbar, H. Ba- quarterly grant of $50. Death Of miss Henry. tar of the International and Wo ' D
a heautifol year, perhaps one of the chan an ; hop race, J r, -J, Johnston, R -1 rl(1 B Advance office. COAL
take pleasure but a time for real best in the history of our land. Dore. . E. . ___ I - The death occurred at Clinton on ' S. S. Association. Prof. Excell of Be one of us and moot our friends. : -
Ttiankcgiving to ' Our Father, which Second) Let us be thankful for Basketball game -let. D. MillOr'd Death of Mrs. Ande(son. Thursday last of Miss R. Henry, sister Chicago and Prof. Roper will have They all want to send you post, cards BE SURE YOU GET
art in Heaven" for our,'Natioual pros, Religious Freedom. Jew and Gentile, team, 14 points; 'Lad, F. BArber'd team, Elizabeth Gotby was born in the of Mrs, S. Brown of town' and the charge of the music, Single fare on and exchange letters with you. We . GENUINE SCRANTON
. perity and Heavenly j,)y. 8 points. Township of Wellesley in June 1810 funeral took place on Saturday to all railroads, There will likely be to have a list of people all over the world. =
- Protestant and O&tholic, might all Archery contest, or, -V. blcLaugh-' and moved from there to Belmore, Clinton cemetery, Mrs. Brown and largedelegation from Huron County. Nothing more pleasing and pleasant. -
It may be that in the year we have rej iice in tbi-, A man's religion is not ,in, M. Robertson; archery contest, daughter, Miss U08a, attended the I Se�d 10 cents for fall particulars to the
alties have been heaped upon ug, till at 0 r. -F. Deacon, V. Paterson. rig at St. Paul's Canadian Correspondence Bureau, P. -
suffered mneb. Troubles arid adver. regArded lightly, lie can rshIP daughter, Co. in 1873 and was married to Last Sunday evening Prices of Delaware. Lackawan-
wo i funeral. Miss Henry was a faithful 0. box 801, Montreal. na and Western Coal Cos.: -
I the cry of anguish has gone lip - God, and the Hindu Temple, the Jew- Egg race, sr, -N. Smith, H. Buchim. Richard Anderson one year later, and member of the Methodist clantch ell
Church the rector gave a special ser -
last _.
. ish Synagogue, the Catholic Cathedral, an, egg race, je.—N. Hibbert, D. Mil• settled on the Anderson farm on the i mon to young men, taking for his sub- Two smart boys wanted to learn Up- - SCRANTON COAL ,3
"How long, 0 Lord, how long" Duk. the. Protestant Churcli--all found in ler. B-Imore Gravel Road, *here they re. her life, and highly resp(ated by all Deet "The Man In the Street," easing bolstering tradp. Alfzo boys for other :
ness has closed around you and seern. who knew her. Thl-4 Is the fourtli of positions, Apply at Upholstering fact- Egg and Steve . . . . , $7.50
- our land -bespeak the f eed:)M of Driving nails, sr, -P. Barber, L, aided until ton years ago when they his words on Neb. 6 ,- 6, I 'It is reported ory, 3 tf Chestnut . . . . . . 4 $7.75
ingly God has baen hidden from you. 2 flolruos; driving nails, J moved to Wingbarn and resided qt3til the family who bas passed to th�Great .... and Gaq,hmu with It.." Ho said -
. Ab. Bad, soul, if such there be, lot; religious thought and worship. D. Miller, -,- F- Deacon, ' Beyond in the last four years. Besides V01t SALV.—By George McRenzip, ' Pea . . . . . . . . . $6.25
' I your Thirdly -Lot us rpjoloe in the so- bet death on the 11th of Oct., 10,t% In part "Gashrou was a Man of fin. Wingliam, one open Buggy in thor- I
praise too ascend, even though Ria RAay race --1st, Plorra 11 ; 2od, Mrs. Anderson h Mrs. drown of Wirigham, theta are
love hai gone forth they heavily. You called ",Oommon Blesslnga'i-Health, yofm L. . . . , ad h000 of a. delleatp two sisters 4n4 thi ee brothers'la Olin- portance in his time but he us -d his nugh repair, one new Safe No. 5, one - Blacksmith, Cannell and Soft
4igbt, hearing, speech, reason, social Reverse race ---lar, M. �9i: 00119titiltion the greater part pf peri influenci badly. He slandered NOW. 0 home powor Gasoline 1',,ngine, one Coal. Wood, Lumber, Lail and
are Yet to @t444 in Ella Presence purl, �qltb, P ton. 80-16 Caudle light dynamo,
companionship, home, and. countless Hines; 2nd, N. Graeby, 4. 4ohnstoft. , life, alid bare hor sufreriogo with . :ul -
Red And FanctiApd, mad meet for the . . . , , I miss and tried to prevent him fet "red A, Lewis plano-tune.r Shingles always on hand. 7
other blest,ingo. No woalth can pur. Needle race, sr. -H, Buchanat), U. clitlatlan patience. She will' (If 4 Sentenced To 15 Months. doing God's work. G.%sbmu is by no 1i expects
Master's nia. You are treading In Ilia clia' to ba in Wingham about the first of PROMPT DELIVERY
footsteps and through the gate of s,uf ,is these and yet fidd is the life Robertson •; needle rate, le, -J. Kerr, q liet dispositloi3, a very oatina.),bla The case of 1y'Ilth Nixon vs, Edward means An extinct species, be is found. October. I -
without them. 1). Miller, pri-son, and a Member of W4 Metho,
Poring, anguish and perchance I Schaefer, was tried before His Honor. in -'The Man in the Street" today. WOUIC WANTED. - Washing takpn - .--- _ ___1-___-_-_ "" - -.----
of Let us cry out with Patil-1113les4ed Three-legged race -1 -it, 3. Johnson, dist church. 0,1 the four ebildren born, No one has perhaps seen blin as he
4eh'th, you will P9,99 to your jiyful V. Lockridt; ; 2ad, I. Scott; D. Miller, three clirvive the mother, M �udge Doyle on Monday, Oct, G.h and in, rerabbing or brinso work. Apply - jr
be God even Lho 144ther of our Lord a e . ro. j, M. f . represents the t0ating talk of the to Mrs, Page over Mr. Holmos�i Office. -
resurrection. Y,ww,wet o,k race, sr, -N Nicholle, A. Wil- B -Iden of Winnipeg, Mrs. . ,1.)urned to .VJ ridgy afternoon last to 0 A. McLean -
on, Back I J. 1-1, T4 Attest but you will find him tn,polltin4,
Jesus Ohrist, the Father of mercies, a '�2 A racer jr.,-1. 8cott. L Allen, . ,owry
thank Win fox, Je ad i 0
4( Al'otiong, sufferings and humiliations, of Ralibiluton and Harry of tialoth. goit the evidence of Provincial OfIleet V. R. Wilkiwon, Hyoelght Specia-
and the God of all Comfort, ,4enlor OhAmpion - U. 13achanau, P111ppen, The trial was resumed at 2 in business, in the social elrele and list Edward St., Wingliam, is curing =,"_"="WW,W__0MM 43ft*rAWftW MOW-
-_ _____ - 3 Points " Junior 064M�Jon-)?. Leonatd 13, having died. bin years a -got even in the Church, He is not really diflicult, caaes of dofoet ive vision after
wily that 14is love at;staln tis for when i I)ea- p m,, Crown Attorney Seagep acting recognize ill.
p,.%st, prevent and to come, praying . -*"11\ 0,)", 10, Points, The youngest daughter, Mrs, JAwry, Malicious itt heart but it Looks inve Others havil failed, I re
that-------- ---1------ -__ - -_ --
we aro weak, lit Hit strength we are Property Trangfer. — V for the Orown and 1). Holmes, X. C. o �ess can only be attained some, ".''..i.
L knowing to may something Becrot 11
. Direetors-.1dt. 0. 4. Smith, 11186 13. teas present at the funeral, also two 1t111iyroukgl(i"( your sat6factiou. Difficult
otrpns. Mr. larnes Angus has digpoted of his 14. Anderson, . Win ham, for the defence, After r, � 1 , I
- I , sisters and, one brother Mrs, J. Tilt of ,of About those he talks about, It looked cases and children a speciality, Suf- � -4
_ property, Consisting of about 1,30 40VOlt Recorders -Mr. 11, A, Ricker, l$iss Dope, Mrs, Jos. MoCrolght of Berlin hearing the balance of the evidence, so clever, so knowing to be able to ferorh attended at their own home if JOHNSTON S -1
(By Rer. A Perris y Within the town limits, to & syndicate M. 1. Whyte. - Milton Gotby of StrAtfora, An the prisoner was sentenced to fifteen PRESSING PARLORS .
* . and M. trace Nebrolah's work to a sinster tiesired. All advice free and satisfac.
Another Thanksgiving semon is of.Wingbain inen, who will proceed to StReters-Mr. 9. ryl. Ewing, UP, A Ott and trite friend of tha deceased, months In the Central prison, For motive. Yet after 411 his words are tion guaranteed.
again upon us, Aft opportu, allurney-, Mr. J. Ratton, Me, 4, half an hour the judge addressed the I Pressing, Dry Weaning and
I I nity Is clevelop it In the intervals of the town Ifenry. Mrs, 1�ush of Toronto e�me up Satuv. forever gone and Nehenilah'ti work - -- - - -- - - - ----- I ..-. - -- - ---- � __ Altering promptly attended to
, -
givan to declare out go0itudo, Qat This is a beautiful site for either dwe� ,6m, Johns, Elow. day nigbt; to be present at the bur-lal, priaoner in very strong torm�, stating till lives. So wh, n the "juan In tl,e -4 . .. . I ... 11
q4dgtka-Z�bsro 11 tir
blie is auspicious as to The number who longs or factories, being. conve.111lent to ser;, ao long as he set on the bench such 9 " '" ' : - '. - '. '3 - SUITS CALLED FOR AND
, . -ri-1,4on. Wilkinson, 1�11,jb, tither filonds present were Abet, 10, street" whether in the home, in the - This Store will be Closed 'TU RNED
vflll sincerely render thanks. On one both G, T. R, and 0. P. It, and. close to f4issee "I'llIer. Holmes, Situdersou, Per- Cli-gg, Gorile, rind John Tilt, Boon, cases would receive as severe punlah. church or In the wotk�holi meets you . RE
0004glon during ChrleVa roltiletry ten the largest inanstrIos in town, We gtisoa, Irwin, 3 Il. Lowry of lFtliburtort and Mr. silent as It possible, with tho criti6kni "It is ri,portcd of on Monday. I Shop one door north of Patterton't -
1. .
leperef were heated through llfr4 com• understand the transfer was Ar , arranged' -----. --.-- will Mra. W. 11, Lowry of Delmore. I - ______ -,---- yoo and G#Ahmu eaid It," you. 'Ki'l be Read our Ad. on last page. . I - jewelry store .
We dont ezrierlynotit, we know
pmelon, After having thele cleansing by Ultolile & Cosena, Real Hatste and A large amount of Matter to crowd- The f unerAl service wits conducted by Elvery one to his liking, m the old t6ble to answer ,,it 18 not what G,%Sh11111 WILLIS Or 00. how td clea".
. �
catifirmed by the priest only on* re- , Insult men, I ad out of this issue, Rev. J. NV, Hibbert, . woman w%id when she kissed ber ww, . sidth but vtbAb staph the Lord." %0,. � -, . 1WM*W*M"M"Md04W**1 L . .. , #NO" I 111111[1111 lkwi
I .
. - __. � I - ADAMS—
� I � _ . _�__ . ,.� 1. - �._,Whlb __ I- Ill I I 111,11.11 ..... .."11 ............ 11.,.- 1, �.�,. 'I''. i___....__,_____