HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-10-09, Page 8-�_.-.--�_-.. � �-.______-_. _ .�.-. .. -,tet.•.,_ s THE WINGRA•U ADVANCE TnupsDAY, OCT0131-t 9, 1913 111' Health Causes Suicide. Griffin, were guests of London friends Gorrle, last week,fv�,� Dr, Margaret Oakley and Miss Ethel Bliss Jackson of llarriaton spent the 2Mr. Chas, Wood, all 1�IagiishmanDing are on a ten days' visit with To. weak end with bliss I.dith I'.vans, � iskfo eomo ronto friends, Bir. and Mrs, A, Smith of Harriston Your Sui*t who had resided in Wingham . i Mr.spentanSaturday J with stronger a cousin, I11AITa CONTRA(se n time, attempted suicide Wednesday Bliss Alice Beckwith, has tett;rued Mr, and Mrs. J. Armstrong, s>.;�,I,1C11 TI.ND£:ns addressed to the afternoon of last week by jumping In. home at Cobo trer an g tended visit with Mrs. Moblain and the Misses Nellie P,untll Noon non r will b- the received day of No - to the will race at Lower Wingham, ,tinct Ada McNain of Milverton spent vember> 1913, for the cony e anco of 111m 11 A nearby resident noticed him falling Tuesdaydforrsan exiam t ndedn visit to on Holmeek•end with Dlr. and Mrs. Ii. V. Touroyearsmails ,, ix timesaP, r week o ertii ne civ into the water and gave the alarm, Washington, D 0, Itlelgrare) Murat Route, from the Postmaster and Percy Harris and Johh Brooks Miss Irene Holmes of Lucknow and General's pleasure. Printed notices tionscontain- and n•- Mr. and Mrs, Thov. McCracken of Mrs. Chas. Coulter of Sault Ste, Marie i11 further information as to conditions of rushed to the scene, Harris immedi- London attended the funeral of Herb, nronosof Contract may bt ined and blank spent a few days this week with their forms of Tonder may bo obtained at the Pest atel dived for the Irian, who was 1 T. Hicks on Thursday last, brother, omcos of Brussels and Iloigrave, and at the WhyShould You Bu It Dere? 3' >� V. and Mrs, . Bra. , '`% ing in about 10 feet of water, bringing lairs. E. H. Stewart and Diaster Den, , 01nco of the Post Uflico Iu�Pector at London. , .1 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bradnock cl. C. AYnFftsON, Superintendent. �(J� will need them almost him to the surface in an unconscious ton, of Toronto, returned home after attended the Brussels fair on Friday. Post Ofilce Department, Mail Service branch. condition. He was afterwards re- spending a week at A. J. Nicholls, blies Irene Sheriff, who is teaching in ottaNa, 26th. September, 1913. 4.9 -, - moved to the Hospital where he died Mrs, H, T. Hicks and children are Brussels this year, returned with them right away• a few hours later. spending a few weeks in London with for a few day's visit, FOR SALE. µr^-�-�r-��• - - - - --Mrs. Hicks'sister, Dire, T. McCracken. Dr, and Afro. Armstrong aid a visit An inquest was opened at 10 a, m. g P' - - wen E A. Bolton O, y S. was in to their son, J, Garnet k L They v the We have Just received a BIG, I3eC;ituSe On want a on 7.'hursdsy, but was adjourned till ' beginning of the week, 'J'hr took l3 Acres est outside the Corporation S town on Tuesday eurveyiug fat' the h' l3 Y j P Friday evenhi r. TLe Coroner, Dr, home their two little rand -dao h;.ers of the Town of Win bam, ono wile Suit With individuality new R unan Uathotie ceutetery het e. s tX g Kennedy, preEtded, and Barrister D, who had bpent the past six weeks with from, Postoffiue. Good buildings, fruit, ii�� + �T -r and character worked Holmes looked after the interests of Mr. Robs Muir, '1'urnberly, had the tb, ninew cement will. Apply to— BRIGHT y 1M W ST®�, and our top of a floget• taken off, while throw- 4-5, Box A Advance Office. the Crown, The Jtirq was composed ing brick Wood from the saw on Satur- The Howick fall fair which was held ' into it. of—R. Ciegg, foreman, Robt, Allen, J. day last, her a ou Saturday last was it decided Prises are as low as the lowest. A t W. bleKibbon, H. 13, Elliott, Wm. Mrs. S. Brown of Wingham, was success fall in every way. It was an ideal day and crowds attended. The .- .• _ Because you Want a Hulloes, D. Bell, J. W. Hewer, W. G. Patterson and J, L. Awde, Several called suddenly°)o the bedside of her sinter, Miss R. Henry of Clinton, who gale exhibits receipts were about $300. In the all classes were well filled. CHOPPING'Ill near future and lire practicing some good music for same. Mr. Hinkly the Pall Suit deli rued and J I6 eeriouely ill. The horses best ����� ®� '.Phone requiring licensee to Hunt deer will be able to purchase same from Ms is Gibson ededt Friday last in,y Brussels and attended the fair, JudgeVoters witnesses testifled, Dr. E, Tamlyn, Mr. W, J. Groves, Somerset, ;Plan, is indoor were of the while the display was Provincial Officer Phippen, as he has a Count Miss Florence Sanderson spent part County Ili with &1'tistlC skill 1 who had charge of the post• mortem visiting friends in town and contem- and particularly good drew forth much admiring com- AND t the day of October at the hour of tend tailored with an «examination, stated that death was caused by drowning, The Jury platen taking a few care of stock back to the West with him., rent. p.m,, iend Margaret Armstrong i visiting frienda in Londesboro at present. APPLE BUTTER PLANT A Specially Prepared Blend at 75c lb. + x ert's care. h brought in the following verdict— Mr. A. H. Musgrove, bl.P,P„ at - A large number from here attended for Bluevale. Ran inin price from "We., your Jury empanelled to in- tended the Howick Fair held in Morrie Dated at Turnberry this 8th day of '1'be urontbly meeting of the Blue - 2 �. Because you want a y into the cause of the death of Wood, Oct.Qfind on Saturday and gave a short address vale branch of the Women's Institute _ Owing to being so bus with g Y will noon, Oct. 14th, at 3 o'clock in the 0.0, "F'Hall. All interested are in- 'Uit that ]s s0 Suit Uharles 6I'„ on 1st, from evidence given that death was at the opening of same, will ingpa be held at the home of Mrs. H. Sept. 0 h, Sime interest- the chopping trade we were de - pp g Business College spent Sunday at her home here, ]Wad's well that it will Stay due to drowning in the race way of the power plant in Lower Wingham, Messrs John Ritchie and H. B. Hl- lion ars attending the Canadian tick- I 'al ing ladies pa•pera are being prepared. All er welcome. -lased in getting the Apple Ii�i1t- ter Plant ready, but we are Bell Tel. Co. evidence not being sufficient to say et Agents Association nnua ee read now for business and satisfactory so long as how he entered the water." ing at Cleveland, Ohio. Report of S. S. No. 4, Turnberry, y ' Take a look at these Prices ' 'ou care to wear it. Deceased had been in poor health Mrs. J. G. Stanley, master Bertram for the month of September, Names with the system we Have, Can for some time and being unable to and Miss Reta of Toronto are visiting in order of merit. Names marked x, _ make good Apple Butter or at John Galbraith'e, while Mr, Stanley absent frorn some examination. Cider out of any kind of sound 1 work had apparently -become discour- , Class IV, mnximurn mark 350 -•P le arise you will et • is on a business trip to Europe. apples. � �' g aged, which no doubt led him to com- Tait 244 L Elliott, 23.i, 0 Jewitt, 224, pP , mit the rash acl, preferiiog death Engineer Robertson, who is assisting H Holmen 201, x13 Haney 139, x Mill running every day. Mens (just like this cut) with double lore the fullest Ines- in the inspection of the street ave- McGee 123, x J Gra =_ rather than being a burden to his men t, attended a Good Roads,Conven- Class III, maximum mark 3JO.—C for Apple Butter it requires one pail �? c� (] ere of honest suit friends. Ile was 45 years old and tion in Detroit on Thursday and Fri- McDonald 27.1 S McMiebaer 239, S El. of peel and quartered apples to each toes and heels, sizes 6 to 12 - - 90c value for your money. leaves a widow and one son. The day of last week. liott218, A Smattz-r `2tO, H Blesser 210, bag of apples for oider. 7R>funeral tools place from St. Paul's Mayor Spotton was in fxoderich on E DlcKinuey 108, x R Breckenridge 165 C , , Tuesday attendin a meeting of the Class II, Sr—S Gallagher, B Gannett. 7 _ _ I church on Friday afternoon to Wing- y g g Jr—A McKinney, E McMichael, J E i Boys of same, slzeis I to 5 7oc ��6) Executive committee of the county of EMERKL ham cemetery, Rev. E. H. Crory con. Huron Publicity and Improvement Wr,tsou. ducting the service, Association. The Mayor was accom- panied O;ass I. Part IL—Jessie Gray, J, an by Reeve McKibbon, Council- Blick, K McDonald, J Breckenridge. 7 1 Ask the man Who buys big Clothes here. Tors Boyce and Isbister, and Town Primer, Sr—C Elliott, G Elliot,gA Small Boys of same, sizes 3 to IO2 Goc y "^"^^^^^^^^^^� Clerk Groves. Cook, 0 Gannett, H Watson, H Elliott, W Mundell, Jr—C Messer, R Elliott, • He will tell you.- `� Reeve Hunter and Mr. T. Barber R Thomas, C Stewart E Wilburn E y $ ���cb �e Ws both of the Hunter Bridge and Boiler Breckenridge, E McGee, Works, Kincardine, were in town and 1 0. M. Messer, teacher r H R 1 R T 1 F Prices of other rubbers in the Times vicinity on Monday. Mr. Hunter is I The topic of Rev. E, H. Croly's looking forward to an era of prosperity second discourse to young filen will be with our lakeport neighbors when their GROCERY "The man on the street," This will be breakwater, for which tenders are House For Sale. given next Sunday evening at St. asked, is completed. I Paul's church. T t 11 il't t d PHOI�TE 59 Rev. and Mrs. Morgan, of Seattle, en -roomed house, contra y i ua e , Services in the Methodist church touring to New Yprk, gave Wingham, in Wingham ; two good oellars. Must VV a A v next Sunday at the usual hours. The the latter's birthplace, a visit. Mrs. be sold as owner is leaving town. For Store open 7 a.m. • 1,0 pastor's subject in the morning will be Morgan was one of Wingbam's most information, apply at the Advance Closes 7.p. ln., except Saturday UA=V1rbtLL "Transformation, or a response to a popular young ladies, (nee Miss Emma office. 6 8.Coo Need," and in the evening his subject Brace) and visited her cousin, A. J. ' will be "A Humble Hero," Nicholl and other friends. They were j delighted with the beautiful town of Pasture Farm For Sale. ����`'� �����%�L The Clothiep Wingham and country, and hope to iv'r HE SHOE STORE ""'""°"^`""""""""" visit these arts again. - P g .rho Executors of the Estate of the + Mr. W. McCormick, Kincardine, is lato John Casemore desire to sell the Flew Seasons $lack Teas ;�eeag 'Items visiting friends in towp. Mr, bleCorm- north part of Lot No. 10 in the 1st Con- For sometime now we have been ont - ick is a graduate of the Wingham Bus- cession of the Township of Turnberry, - Sole Agents Folz MacDonald Block, Opp. Bank of Commerce. �^^^'�^^^^'°^^' inese College and has been in the em- containg 39 acres, more or less. Furth. of various lines, waiting the arrivalor?or Weregret to report the serious ill- ploy, of the Royal Bank for some tire. er particulars can be obtained from the of now season's teas. Our first = For The Sf/OE LADIES nese of Mrs, Len. Walton, DIB. Roy Mundy returned to Wing- undersigned. shipment has just arrived, and from ' RICH. CAS171 Mr. Wm. Chandler has removed to ham on Friday after a three months Box 171 now on we will be able to supply all A oda - -�� _.--- 1 Mark Cross the farm in Turnberry he recently purchasedfrom Robt. Montgomery, Dire. 0, Wood wishes to thank all for the help and sympathy bile received in the time of her trouble, Wingham Citizens Band furnished trip to England and France. lie re- portsavery enjoyable trip. His bro- the. Basil camp to. Wingham with hien and will remain here. Fordwich Wingham, Ont. COURT OF REVISION. Township of Turnberry. ems We Sell Good Tea Our 30c Black has no equal, IG is a rich liquored and exquisitely flavored tea. If you've been paying this price ' You'll Like It. .- .• _ The band intend having a first class concert in the town hall here in the Mr. Peter Gardner has purchased Mr. George Powell's residence and will The undersigned offers for sale her g Prompt Delivery. Phone 82. Try Ours. - near future and lire practicing some good music for same. Mr. Hinkly the the music for Teeswater fall fair on Wednesday of this week, Mrs, Joseph Wade spent part of last week in Clifford. Notico is hereby given that a Court Our 40c and 50c Blends We close Wednesday afternoons during July and August ����� ®� '.Phone requiring licensee to Hunt deer will be able to purchase same from Ms is Gibson ededt Friday last in,y Brussels and attended the fair, JudgeVoters will be held pursuant to thq Ontario List Act b His Honor the of tiro County Court in the are in a class by themselves. ForSAFETY - FURS in the band to a standard• Provincial Officer Phippen, as he has a Count Miss Florence Sanderson spent part County of Huron, at ie, on the those drinking a higher priced tea Aly -law granting a fixed -assessment of $20.000 to the Goderich Organ Com- supply on hand now, of last week with Toronto friends. 21st t the day of October at the hour of we recommend these blends. �� Cents Mr. and •Mre. Fells wish to thank all who contributed so liberally to the subscriptions they were soliciting in p.m,, iend Margaret Armstrong i visiting frienda in Londesboro at present. to hear and determine complaints L errors and omissions in o the Voters' List of rile Municipality of Turnberry A Specially Prepared Blend at 75c lb. - vote was 371 to 180. The company has some important extensions to its plant aid of the funeral expenses, etc, of the A large number from here attended for 1013. Ran inin price from late Chas, Wood, the fall fair in Gorrie on Saturday. Dated at Turnberry this 8th day of 2 �. The regular monthly meeting of the W. 0. T. U. be held Tuesdayafter- Miss Florence McDonald of Moles- worth visited, at Mr. A. McKee's on October A.D. 1913. PAUL POWnshi BELL'S GROCERY = �+ We have supply of will noon, Oct. 14th, at 3 o'clock in the 0.0, "F'Hall. All interested are in- Sunday, Miss Elms, Johnston of Listowel clerk of the Township of Turnberry. of N / 1 secured another women vited to be present, Business College spent Sunday at her home here, Notice To Subscribers Of The L these famous Razors which have sold Provincial Officer Phippen will be at Bell Tel. Co. Vegetables V ege _ Goderich on Friday, as a witness on Mr. Charles Harris left here on Tues- so Well and lien such s lendid Sat1S- g p case of Shaefer vs. Edith Nixon. The hearing will come up before His day morning to take a trip through the West. On account of the subscribers of the Fresh faction Each Razor 1S guaranteed to Honor Jude Doyle. g y Y C. Munro family Mise Cora Patterson returned home on Monde after spending some time the Bell Tel. Co. receiving their bills from Post Office at Wingham, the same dae aud`payable at the office of the ^► Groceries be to $5.00 Safety Razor Mr. Chas, and are now occupying -the residence purchase Mr, Thos. Field, We to Toronto and other places. Mr, G. A. English Windsor is a are company, and the local manager will deem it a favor if the same re- 1 superior any ed from welcome of Mr. Mrs. A. great Please do not Flour- or Winne refunded. cid y1 U . this new household and trust their stay in Wingham may be pleasant, visitor at the home of and Gibson for a few days this week. oeive attention mislay your bills as the local manager requires Part of your bill for his records, Jj y The Ladles. Auxilary of Wingbam General Hospital will meet on Monday Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sotheran were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. BINKLEY, Local Manager. and Razor with one blade, 25c next, October 13th, At 4.15 p. m. in the Williamson, Molesworth, on Sunday, r We are showing exclusive Styles in the best quality of Furs in Mink Marmot, Persian Lamb, Grey Wolf, Black Wolf, Black Fox, Persian Paw, Alaska Sable, Isabella Appossum. Our Styles are copied from the most expensive Furs. We guarantee every piece of Fur we Gell. Also Fur Coats in Mink Marmot, Astrachan Muskrat, Extra blades, 5C Council Chamber. All members and Ladies interested are invited to attend Blyth. For Sale. , = Our Ladies Coat: De - The band intend having a first class concert in the town hall here in the Mr. Peter Gardner has purchased Mr. George Powell's residence and will The undersigned offers for sale her g Prompt Delivery. Phone 82. p artment'llas some of the near future and lire practicing some good music for same. Mr. Hinkly the have possession in a few weeks. 13 roomed house and lot on the corner of Victoria and Edward streets. The newest Styles and Cloths We close Wednesday afternoons during July and August new leader fa doing his beet to bring high Miss Lily Carr left on Tuesday to take a course in training at the Daa- house with good cellar and woodshed. Hard and sft water. Electric lights r BELL'S GROCERY that are to be had in from I p.m. to 7 p.m. the band to a standard• copses Home, Toronto. and furnace. House can be used by . Aly -law granting a fixed -assessment of $20.000 to the Goderich Organ Com- A beautiful ruby granite mmument h%8 been placed in Union cemetery to one or two families if desired. Get full information on the premises. Successor to W. J. Patterson Blankets Cloths, Tweeds, pany for ten years was carried Satur• day Oct. 4th by the ratepayers. The the meihory of the late J. H. Chillew, MRS. A. E. SIMMONS, Wingham, Ont. U Imitation Lamb, Sealette. CORNER vote was 371 to 180. The company has some important extensions to its plant Anniversary Services will be held in Methodist Church on Sunday. Rev. Ran inin price from in i 1JA V 10 in contemplation, Rutledge, Clinton, will have DRUQI STORE charge of the seryicae. The choir will render special music for the occasion. Successor J� L. HAMILTON ..�, The Goderich District meeting wail uccessor t0 A. Versotiat$ held in Methodist Church Tuesday S ,� �1 and nd Wedneedaq, Oct.'ich and 8th. On (..�.Tuesday evening there will be a special di ® meeting for men only. 'Wednesday Mr. Jap. Bowman M. P. was in town morning and afternoon spiritual con - on Monday. Mrs. D. McTavish visited friends in Ripley last week. Mrs. H. I3. Elliott is the guest of friends in Michigan. Mrs, T. F<rbes vi6itcd friends in Bruspels last week. The M19ses Johnston of Jamestown are visiting Mrs. Spotton. Miss Elsie Stone arrived home from Brandon, Man„ last week. Mrs. T,• G. Hemphill, Wroxeter, was a visitor bere'on Friday last, Messrs. R. Small rind H. Dore, spent the week -end with Blyth friends. Miss Bertha McKay visited at her home in Whitechurch last Sunday, Messrs, Ermin Copeland and Alvin Groves spent the week -end in Ripley. Mr`s, Thos. Wilson, of Ripley, visited at the home of Mrs. H'. Corbett, last week. htrs, Andrew Mitchell of Wingliam visited with friends to 'Turnberry last week, Mr, John Ritchle and Miss Marq spent the week -end with Listowel friends, Mrs. 0 P, Smith and Miss Ustelle farences will be held, Two Lively Boys - Mr. Swarts,father of our townsman, John Swarts, and Mr. Knox, Mrs, Swarts' father, are two of "the boys" who have been enjoying the Fail FAire in Wingham, Blyth and elsewhere, notwithstanding the former is 85 years of age and the latter 03, Both are exceedingly active for their advanced age, especially Mr. Knox. , CA TO R I A For infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the pp signature of 44v, t44 isii':Tttt�, Dlokson—In Wingbam, Oct. 4th, to Me. and Mrs. Thoo, Diaksan, a daughter. Rae—In Winithow, on Oct. 1th 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. John Rae, a daugh- ter, b b $lo to $35• Come in and inspect our Stock be- fore you makeyourchoice. See our Sweater Coats. Mens' Ladies' and Child - rens' in fine imported Wools, with all the newest (Collars in all colors and combinations. HANNA & COO A i 4