HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-10-09, Page 5�f
IAX, ,
f C'roiiik q, 1913 1THE WINGE'AM ADVANCE
r:3•»rd»t»;•33+•�•�: 3• i~3• i•�;••: �F•:�k4••i •T• nn instant ehe had tosgeti o� the Paiw
... _. HiS OOLHARpY FEAT. 1
Icy shawl incl wits wrapping it about
the inji••1 •
A Nerve Trying Climb Up the Face of ttc,c ►1011,011,T -N el W1.11 i_y* try• r�y-�T
A Steep Precipice. �' � Shivering to the eight air and bias$+ n +f•••-„1• j sl„\I U
-In his boos{, "T ailing and Camping • � Int; tit the publicity witch her Impub CO,
In Alaska," A. M. Powell, a govern•: Paisley Sh�wi � sive act had vc►asiuneQ, Camilla uteek:
' on the nrrow bed of moss, where he eyes s tone fie Maus, and a ching armReut Orel to the woman iJlt) on the
i thought r friends far away and his smile pinyt,d about her tender lips. couch and took one of the thin hands in
She was cuing over' her evening's her own.
own folly. re liertoive when the whistling tube "1 hope you will feel very much bet -
!here was but one way out anti that t�,;trued lies that illrs. Channiug's car- ter at once," she said sweetly. "I am
tio was :11011$ a six inch shriP about ]00 g
i Ni ria„e was at the door. With a list going to leave rely shawl with you Fig
feet to the westward that ended ort the sloping ridge. Along this a man glace at. the reflection of tier tall, while you are under• the doctor's care.
C�+r�]���k+ " � � ) RR SON Could edge itis bofly by hoiding on to graruful festa clothed fa (ilnny black; l'ou hill enjoy that?" with n string oP tiny pearls at tier . "Indeed l will," smiled the womany
the jan„ed places in an reek wash lie threat, C'amilia draped the I'ais!ey gratefully. "It looks. like the one I lost
avttd Cos
tout: oil' his shoes and set off Client;
u.• ,, „ .- ...,�,z,,.....�.......... . . ....�:,.,... ..,.,+ shawl about her shoulders and went so ninny years ago."
_w , �.,. _,• s,.,. .. - ... �, _t....-, _ .....�... •.�.....,.. „,.G, 7J that sloping path, but hp, had to lie
L., downstairs, Where did you lose It?" asked Ca -
careful height to the, distant rnaipfire. al not to took down from iia The evenmm
evening wns much like other n. milla quickly.
riizzy •
The feat was nccwntpli5hed safely sisal ereugs, taand when It was over "In' it little New England village call-
and :i Ihankfui mortal lay on file green, C`tmilin df•:•Ilned to partake of refresh- ell Iilakoford," said the woman slowly,
A RESTLESS QVIAI .. - "ADAM WAS A GARDENER rnent anti was gind to re-enter the car. as If refreshing a Intent memory. "i<ly
,. . •i 1••, i i
,,.t...y i s go n corny etc CuII,Ipse. I11� n driving
her death and kept in the House: They ringe which waited to take her home. husband and i were enjoying
oncroid barunletCr rCcvrdrrl 2,140 feet
forgot to do as she had wished, with Just as the enrilage was turuing into tour through some of, the country
This Ancient Headpiece Is Respons. the result that the most appalling Plenty of fine tomatoes can be bad above the sen, and his watch told him the uptown cross itrept where Camilla towns, and I always earried m
ible For Appalling Noises. noises were heard in the house. in without any trouble if hardwood ashes that It Was hnifpast 12 in the morn!t'g liver, there was the sound or an auto- will, ate. It was so sort Itnd warmilind
A strange gho=t story concerning their perplexity the two sisters con• are used as a fertilizer and are also 111U.6116? horn, hoarse shuutin•, and then so rich in color that 1 loved to lout, at
Burton Agnes Hall, a grand old place, sulted the vicar, telling him of their sifted on' the leaves to keep off tuts lit- The English Breakfast, a sickcn•g inCrash as the horses swerv. it. Willie we were pnashig through
near Bridlington, is recalled by the sister's dying request. He agreed that tie black flies, Ragland has known many changes b
engagement of Lieut. Griffith Boynton, tivasuuht to a be calriedout, so the body Avoid the use of too much water on dnrifig recent years. Caste lines have ;I lampl,u,vd aside ttd swung the vehicle against lbi�lalaecableour
inessn eprogress
from abroad (,nild-
R.N., only son of Sir Griffith and Lady d The
the head removed the lettuce plants. It may cause them been obliterated, the stilt hat is nc Camilla Ives flung from side to side IIs, uv to lite bedside of our only son.
Boynton, of Barmston, Yorkshire, and to the house. rhe noises at once , , b t* WAI fi%vM10#kir,:!i
Miss Naomi Nightingale, only child ceased. to damp off, suit if will teed to pro- longer an object of reverential aur'• of Ibe sul'tly parldpcl Carriage, bat sof- [ suppose the shawl was dropped freta
of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Nightingale, of Various generations from time to duce soft aril splindling plants. Stocky ship, actors have been knighted and road no tujrtry beyond a severe shale- the enrringe during our load rush to
Cromwell road, I{ensington. Burton time tried to get rid of the head, bu, Ants are an important factor in pro- hands introduced luto restaurants "lit 1119 IIP and a violent fright. At last eatch the only trniu that woui'd con.`LL ND
Agnes is the ancestral seat of the always the hideous noises recommenc. ducin.g a „uod crop of lettuce. the breakfast table Is the last ditch of the babel of confusion outside ceased, nett us 1vidi it departing steamer. I
Boyntons, but on the death of the ed, and continued till the gruesome Alustw%l and cress are two of the British conservatism. The Miglishmuc wi,i!e some nue fured open the fluor. did not miss it uutil we arrived In New
fate baronet, Sir Henry, in 1899, the relic was brought back. At last Sir finest s ;;ads we have. Sow in shallow eats bacou and eggs 365 mornings In A inn's hatless head and a pair of fork, and I knew It would be too late t
property passed to his only daughter, Henry Boyn«on (Mrs. 'Wickham -Boyd- drills ;',tee or four inches apart. Cut the year had welcomes leap year bIt ureal shoulders lucre thrust within. to recover it Your shawl is n perfect
now Mrs. Wickham Boynton. Years to,
father) had the head cemented thrC:• weeks from date of sowing with cause it enables him to indulge in flint "1 hopeyou are not, hurt?" he queried copy of my own. I suppose it is an DIAMd`ND
ago the estate was inberited by three up in the wall of the great hall, be- sli•• -s, Wash and serve with salt and delightful dish 3C0 times. The mon• tuxiuusly, hrtrloonl."
ci edsisterstolebuild geirroldhomwealthy, de. hind a beautarmston, the
home of Sir b' A and butter or with a mayonnaise areby may be abolished and the house "No, not it the least. What has hap. "Tell me what year you lost your
came from Barmston asi
Inigo Jones was, it is said, the archi. Matthew Boynton, first baronet, who . g' of lords dC I(rived or its prerogative, penecl?" ashed Cambia in, her turn. shawl;' requested Camilla with agita• E*�Tk;+ ASSORTMENT tett,- and Rubens is reported to have married Frances Griffith, sister of the A fertilizer that contains about 4 per but the English breakfast will remain "A motorcar frightened your horses, tion. jj``]E 1 j�j 1
assisted with the decorations. An ab. murdered Anne, and since the sku'' cent of nitrogen and about 8 to 10 per as it was in the days of the conqueror, and they sided and threw the carriage "It was in 1&83. I well remember
sorbing interest was taken in th3 has been "interred" the hauntin.. cent of each of the mineral elements —New York I3erald. against a post. play I assist you to the date, for our son died, and then
building by the youngest sister, Anne and manifestations have, it is sq .l, Is well adapted to general trucking or ... alight and Call another carriage for my husband followed, and since then
Griffith, but one da was brutal, y . n e sarcase at market gardening. If 7ldditional nitro- you?,,
y she Y entirely 'ceasedOthe timy life has been one of loneliness, and
assaulted by a tramp and subsequent- Burton Agnes is the painting of the gen is needed it can be supplied by Camilla ptacecl her laud in his and
sisters, and ver A Woman's Ri lit:. hard work,'
ly died. She made her sisters promise y quaint they look in top dressing with nitrate of soda at the g descended to the pavement, where a Camilla pressed the shawl around
tbat herhead should be removed at I ruffs and farthingales. rate of 100 to 200 wounds to the acre. A woman, as the English etatute< crowd had gathered. The motorcar the shrunken form, and she bent grace -
are at present, cannot act as a solici• was puffing Impatiently on the other fully and kissed tho withered chepks.
tor. She can, however, according to side of the street, and the coachman "It Is your very own shawl come lack
the statements made in the courts I,e g quiet the restive ,+ AleM-0
K' -'La Nv 0 X
Gently, act as (ween, marshal, ch.m• was striving to to you across the years, she whis•
pion of .England, sexton, cliurchwnld- horses. At n little distance an am- pered, "and perhaps it is to herald bet.
"J en, constable,
ffiworkhouse governor, ra• balance was backed up to the curb, ter times for you!" JE YY��] ELE� - OPTI�IAIV�T
turning ocer and overseer Of the and a couple of white clad hospital She sat down and related to the en -
i poor. Q. A. Buckmaster, assi-tal,i doctors were bent above a form on the raptured old woman the story of how
. : • secretary of the Board of Education, pavement. ler own parents had found the shawl
i 3 also stated that there were instances "Some one has been injured," cried in the village of Blakeford to the gear OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL.
of a woman acting as keeper of a Camilla as she moved toward the am- 1853; and Dr. Lindley stood near, nn in•
prison, gate house and as keeper (,l n bulnuce. The 1011 man with the broad
terested listener, Ills eyes more often
t i"► jail, It was stated also th tt Anne, shouiers kept beside her as if to pro-
+. 4v \ Countess of Pembroke, as iletedtl p rested on the animated Pace of the
1' feet her from the in alsitve crowd.
sheriff, sat at the Assizes lvith til „ , q beautiful' girl, anti he appeared to be
judges on the Bench, and althou" lou s. Aelderly woman was cross- ridiculously pleased when the old wo-
/� ® it is not said in the books that d)j Ing the street at the time, and. while it man insisted on introducing herself as
is not believed that that carriage struck
administered justice, that vbvian: g Mrs. Benton, tie widow of a onto
t, q. X •- �lU�I ;,� ]y meant. her, we think she has been so thorough.- prominent financier, and then introdue-
�, d� e foregoing list of a woman'- nr.• ly frightened d that it las resulted In a!ng Camilla and the doctor in the most
���. �j3� �ities was mentioned during* tho shock of sow$ surf"
formal manner.
hearing in the Chancery Uiviinu of 110h, tire they going to take her to a I It was early in the morning wben the the action brought by Miss U •• t + ,� hositital't asked (,amilla as they drew doctor called n carriage sant Camilla �� Trial
L r' R . / Marjorie Bobb to obtain front the: L,itv Give
near. I entered !t to return to her boarding
Society a declaration that she is a "They were, but as my office is 'house. She was without the gorgeous
"person" within the meaning of the
i ?I1 solicitor's acts and entitled to he ad. close by I have persuaded them to Paisley shawl, but wrapped in the long
„.• - miffed as a solicitor. tarn the case over t0 me, I am n phy military cape that smelled of tobacco®��Next Job.
Mr. Buckmaster submitted thaS sician, you know, and the woman beg- she did not seem to miss the richer
• tag there was nothing in the colicitor5, ged so hard not to be taken to a pub- garment. The room on the top floor
It {• acts repugnant to the inclusion of a lie Institution that I could not resist her seemed bathed in a rosy glow, and a
woman within the meaning of tha appeal." little song rippled In her hoart. Cn-
� word "person," and instanced other Camilla turned and, looking tip at mina did not know why she was so All kinds of PrintHig neatly and
u ., • countries in which women practice hitt, found its glance resting on ler happy.
.�'.. tr. L,�' 1 + i �r i .'��.,: I-ViA ;._ f .t?.`_�_.. . alt ';4;*r, ;ec nci' iM f.r �I t 1, 7.. lAw. • j
with uninistakable admiration. He It enme out henutifully In the end. artistically executed.
Funny Linguistic Dispute, hastily turned Ills eyes away and bent The doctor fell In lore with Camilin
The oil building material that has not increased over the wumnn on the pavetnent. Atwood, and old Mrs. Benton enme and Dodgers Auction Sales Station -
g s is an axiom among Irish rstan s "1 think I call carry her In now;' lie kept.house for sheat. The doctor saint > >
>• lets that no one really understand?
in price is - the Irish languagge--except the parti• suggestod, and as one of the attend, that be and Camilla would have mot j j� Q (� a
cular revivalist wlio is talking to you. ants started to throw a sheet around somewhere, somehow, in the world any. ery, Envelopes, Dlofters, 1..aufter
_ As soon as an Irish inscription ap• the shrinking 01d form be added, `7i1 i way, but iris wife mntntntned that if it Wrappers, �h p ,
j pears, as it now often does on a tab. send Into the house for a rdg." had not been for the Paisley shawl �!6/ Church Reports, Etc.
-1� let or a medal, all the scholars who "Oil, take this," said Camilla, and is thou never would have met each other,
NADAPortland 11 iJ trete not consulted as to its phrasing
It makes concrete that you can depend upon for satisfactory results whether you use it for a silo liasten to point out what deplorably __ • ' This office has always had the !reputation of turn.
Y p P r e y bad Irish it is. A oup bearing an in-
or a garden walk, seription in Irish was among those ing out nicer work than most others. Prices as
competed for at tho national un'ver• A happy heart makes a blooming A bad woikman quarrels with his low as the lowest. Call for rices.
High quality and love price are made possible by efficient organization and manufacturing 1? p
economics due to a large and growing demand, sity sports in Dublin roc6ntly. Part risagp• toe I.,.
of the inscription .was Cuirm na Abience cco's moderate paseions, A contented mind is a continual
Slee that every bag of cement you buy bears tho "Canada" labol•••-•it is your guarantee urban," whidb was meant for "The t feast.
Woman's CuV,11 But and tLfltmes violent OneFr THE'ADVANCE'-
of aatuEaction. l , says a rival ]in• guilt, tt really means, "Tia Women's A jaurden tt'itich ono chooses is not A creaking door usage long oe Chi•Canada Cement Com alts Limited Montred Ileer." 'The satno trophy bore the felt, hinges,<< f tvorcls���'Clu# belie Odelscoil na lair. Advereit flittereth no man. afret rosy of the Look Xhat Ae,warmer Can Do With Concrete. Own, as all Irish rendering of na.
A cat may look at a king, y ,
tiouai university sports, The oritio Aching teeth are ill tenantrf. A tilt kitten snakes a lean will, YV ingliani
-I-Clow informg us that the words really A clear consClenee fears no accusa• A fault confessed is halt redressed,
mean Tho University of Ireland is a
game." , lion, A fool Carly glee s, who man counsel, .�,.•'-'~� :_ �--�-••••--
meat surveyor, tells bow one of his
iy mowed the doctor's tall form alit
ire strode along to where a red lantern'
party was led lets u most hazardous
predicament. He says:
gleamed above It stone doorway.f^►+`�
p �a d�
My�1 m where the best
We landed on a grassy nook at #bo
toot of a proctpitous mountain spur.
i After
- Story of Return to Richt•
"llere Ivo tiro!" he announced cheer•,
Pally, and tit his direction Camilla
pressed u butkuu which opened the
,� ` o-esti.
�r9%��i%r your can get
I supper one of the trio tried to
� �
fUl QR der
frust door like magic, suit they were
y- 19U JA Apy,
f®r money �
climb to n ledge of white spar that
:could be plainly seen from the camp.
After an hour's hard he
_� „
bathed in the grateful warmth of a
lung, roti lighted, crimson carpeted
value your
work reached
i the ledge,
� .
but It proped disappointing.
He then saw that he could not As.
The physician turned aside into a re•
- .:.• _ ._ - _.---.. - ;_
seend without eyes In his toes. IP he
M�+� � ,� +3 ;•2•+2 3�2•��+F3 +2
ceptiou room and laid the woman on a
could ascend a few hundred feet he
It smeiied Of cuiuphor and attar of
couch, she was u small, meek
looking little body, with -snow white
with the new man at the Popular Store, Kerr s
might lower himself down a draw by
the help of scattering alder brush. He
roses tvbeu Cuinillu Atwood lifted it
from Clio chest where it had lain for
bliir,'Arotn witch a shabby little bowDeal
bang discousulately.
Old stand, The same sterling values and a few °
spent another hour in getting to that
place only to discover a precipice in
many ]'Nits. The Paisley shawl had a
little history of Its own, ani, Camilla,
net Her old Lash.
ioned u,aut•le was thin and worn, and
a shabby
the path he hall expected to descend.
plece of mink fur was tied
better ones uy where your money goes farthest?
° .
There was another chance left; h0
might climb to the top of the spur far
Sitting in' the sunny western whidow
of her sky roam, s stead it In her la
y I p
about her throat. Her eyes were
bright and sb[etn and her thin hauls
above. No living man could have
clung to the Edea of that precipice a
and trier! to recall what her mother
unit said about It,
caressed the folds of the Paisley
shawl which the physician was care•
' "•
Pkgs.Corn Starch �c Bottles des: Extract 2 c
minute if it had not been Por the moss
Years before, when Camilla was
fully withdrawing from her form.
' 6 Comlcort Soap-` 25c 6 Sunlight Soap0 255
that lune rooted to the small crevices.
He continued climbing anti( about
quite a little girl, the Atwoods had
been driving along a country road
beautiful !t is P' she sighed re.
gretfully. '"it seems so like old times
10 O'clock, when he paused to loop
whys they discovered the beaatiftll_1
to the"feel' of it between my fin•
east Cakes, per pkg. 4c
down on the campfire and the water,
shawl lytug in the dust, wliere it had
llv doubt falleu front some passing car-
gem." She closed tier faded eyes, and
two tears trickled down her wrinkled
a •,
And a host of other attractive prices which we have ,
more than a thousand feet below him.
He felt a sickness come over m so
he turned his gaze to the rock gall, a
NV hen Camilla was twenty-two her
"1 wish you would keep It for a few
foot from his face.
fathur ['ailed in business and lived but
days, said -Camilla with another im•
• ". •
- not rood to quote. =
When near the summit be found him.
a short time, and as her mother had
pulse to pity, "only -1 don't see bow 1
. i�� . ��
This s Rahn Coat Semon and
self Pace to fusewith a perpendicular
wail about twelve feet high. There
ilial some years before Cnmmilla was
tett alone to ake h
tier own way in the I
nu► to get home."
"Uh, if I (night just have it to look
ail It is so much like I
we are right at -
appeared to be a small bench on top
world, was why she was encs• i
one awned
Cho head of the proeesslon 'dVlth the newest and
of this wall, on which he might rest
if he could it. He for few
hying tills sunny top floor room in a
city boarding house. She tnttght
many years agol You will scarcely be.
Ileve me, my dears, but onto 1 lust a
_ . _ '
most stylish Rain Coats in town. �
reach sat a
moments on a large rock that lay at
the foot
I•'ruuci► suit music in n private school,
mill the slender salary she received
Paisley shawl from my own carriage--
it was a gift from my husband—and I
' _
' ° • •
of the wall; then with ills
knife be cut nicbes for finger and toe
w:ls sOiuetimes eked out by engage
meats to play at musicales at the
never recovered it" The old woman
pressed the shawl with loving fingers,
j�/� j�T ��%
Ladles rubber -lined with a splendid silky finish and
Holding on by these he climbed
up and du trench
homes of her pupils. (
which threaded the silken fringe with
�% p
absolutely water -proof seams special at X10 00 =
g a sort of through
the moss on the rim above, through
which he migbt draw his body. Then
She expected,to piny tonight at the
Chounings•, and she had spent all her
little stroking movements of delight in
its very touch.
Is crowded with all the new and stylish garments for
y . .
be descended to the rock for a long
spare time since 3 o'clock in furbish.
Ing her
"What shall i do, doctor?" asked Ca.
Men and Boys Wear. You will do well in more ways
than one if buy CLOTHING, SWEATEA8,
��//�� =
. ' d�Aen'.� Pei.r$natte�. Waterproof Coats, new Raglan shOd.�l•°
rest before making the flea! effort.
IIe finally
titi one evening gown, cleaning
her white gloves and carefully darning
mica in perplexity. would dearly
love to gratify her desire."
you your
iters, a splendid heavy coat for Fall at from to
nerved himself to the task,
put his fingers in the niches and Brow
a small Tear in her small black slipper.
(:iinIlin taint sadly lacked a cloak to,
„ She will be here at the most for a
couple of goys," returned the physi•
this store. The stock is large ;, the styles are right up
to the minute our values are the best. Read below a
himself from the rock which, with the
weer on' these occasions, and she was I
clan gravely. "Your beautiful shawl
few of our special lines at Bargain Prices :—
We cannot well describe these coats, you must see ,
pressure of the departing foot, said
goodby and went bumping down, down,
"sbauled to appear again is her faded
seems to have acted as a restorative in
Boys' in
to appreciate the 'values
down. The man was left, clinging to
Itis niches—hope and life
raincoat. That was why, she was sit-
ting un' the floor before the old cam- i
bell case, and if you care to leave it
here until she departs I will assure you
Overcoats all sizes, neat patterns, well made ; we start
small sizes at $3.00.
p above, sere
death below.
phut wood chest looking speculatively
that It will be treasured. It Is very
Men's Overcoats made of the new weaves of cloth, reversible collars,
fid "
Truly this �� to be S®n��` Store A full
going "
Big drops of sweat stood on bis fore
head as be steadily worked up, lip, and
at the Paisley shawl. 1
Suddenly she sprang to ilei Peet and
beautiful. I can remember that my
grandmother wore cue like tint."
see our special $12,00 coat for $10,00,
Boys' Suits — a large range of all sizes, best makes, new style;
y g y
range of everything that's cod and everything that's '
held with one hand while he dug
the other into the moss above. Half
shuult out the folds of the shawl. !t !
billowed away in lustrous tints of red'
Ile smiled boyishly, and the smile
seemed to Invade every feature of his
bargain prices are $3.00, $3.60, $4.00, $4.60 and $6A0.
Men's Tailored Suits—new pattern cloths, black or blue worsteds
or ser es; see oar s eclat Snit at $12.00.
• ' stylish.
of his bo finally rested
body gar the edge,
while the other, half hung In space
and brown and bold and green. Ca-
Inilla caught it ill), dropped one fringed.
good looking face. Without more ado
he stepped to a wardrobe and -brought
g p
9WEATRS.--Monarch Sweaters in allusizes for men and boys; a
without a Foothold. It seemed impos•
nurser over iter black mist oP hair sad
gathered the rest of It over her arms
Porth n long army cape oP dark blue.
"if you will wear this home"— be Bug-
good line of men's selling at $1.50.
Mena Under . all—Hear wo y all wool ribbed shirts and drawers; the
VY a -want your trade. We ,guarantee satisfaction.
sible to move from that position until
he saw an alder stem, an inch in diem-suracyod
,Cud about her slender figure. As she
celebrated Dr, Neff's, "beyond compase," take a look at it; prices
are $1 00 and $1,25.
etet that had grown on the little flat
herself 111 the mirror a swift
blush or pleasure at her own loveli•
is Lust iht3 thing" said Camilla
ns be laid it over her sboulders and she
NEW CAPS.—Throw away that old bat of yours and get an
°" . •� ". _^ •• • - I
He tried Its strength. It en-
dbled him to poll himself lip and 11e
tit ss heightened her beauty. Her dark
fastened it about her white throat. She
Eastern Oap. Come in and let us show you what a great variety
we have; all styles, all patterns, for. all members of the family.
' on the nrrow bed of moss, where he eyes s tone fie Maus, and a ching armReut Orel to the woman iJlt) on the
i thought r friends far away and his smile pinyt,d about her tender lips. couch and took one of the thin hands in
She was cuing over' her evening's her own.
own folly. re liertoive when the whistling tube "1 hope you will feel very much bet -
!here was but one way out anti that t�,;trued lies that illrs. Channiug's car- ter at once," she said sweetly. "I am
tio was :11011$ a six inch shriP about ]00 g
i Ni ria„e was at the door. With a list going to leave rely shawl with you Fig
feet to the westward that ended ort the sloping ridge. Along this a man glace at. the reflection of tier tall, while you are under• the doctor's care.
C�+r�]���k+ " � � ) RR SON Could edge itis bofly by hoiding on to graruful festa clothed fa (ilnny black; l'ou hill enjoy that?" with n string oP tiny pearls at tier . "Indeed l will," smiled the womany
the jan„ed places in an reek wash lie threat, C'amilia draped the I'ais!ey gratefully. "It looks. like the one I lost
avttd Cos
tout: oil' his shoes and set off Client;
u.• ,, „ .- ...,�,z,,.....�.......... . . ....�:,.,... ..,.,+ shawl about her shoulders and went so ninny years ago."
_w , �.,. _,• s,.,. .. - ... �, _t....-, _ .....�... •.�.....,.. „,.G, 7J that sloping path, but hp, had to lie
L., downstairs, Where did you lose It?" asked Ca -
careful height to the, distant rnaipfire. al not to took down from iia The evenmm
evening wns much like other n. milla quickly.
riizzy •
The feat was nccwntpli5hed safely sisal ereugs, taand when It was over "In' it little New England village call-
and :i Ihankfui mortal lay on file green, C`tmilin df•:•Ilned to partake of refresh- ell Iilakoford," said the woman slowly,
A RESTLESS QVIAI .. - "ADAM WAS A GARDENER rnent anti was gind to re-enter the car. as If refreshing a Intent memory. "i<ly
,. . •i 1••, i i
,,.t...y i s go n corny etc CuII,Ipse. I11� n driving
her death and kept in the House: They ringe which waited to take her home. husband and i were enjoying
oncroid barunletCr rCcvrdrrl 2,140 feet
forgot to do as she had wished, with Just as the enrilage was turuing into tour through some of, the country
This Ancient Headpiece Is Respons. the result that the most appalling Plenty of fine tomatoes can be bad above the sen, and his watch told him the uptown cross itrept where Camilla towns, and I always earried m
ible For Appalling Noises. noises were heard in the house. in without any trouble if hardwood ashes that It Was hnifpast 12 in the morn!t'g liver, there was the sound or an auto- will, ate. It was so sort Itnd warmilind
A strange gho=t story concerning their perplexity the two sisters con• are used as a fertilizer and are also 111U.6116? horn, hoarse shuutin•, and then so rich in color that 1 loved to lout, at
Burton Agnes Hall, a grand old place, sulted the vicar, telling him of their sifted on' the leaves to keep off tuts lit- The English Breakfast, a sickcn•g inCrash as the horses swerv. it. Willie we were pnashig through
near Bridlington, is recalled by the sister's dying request. He agreed that tie black flies, Ragland has known many changes b
engagement of Lieut. Griffith Boynton, tivasuuht to a be calriedout, so the body Avoid the use of too much water on dnrifig recent years. Caste lines have ;I lampl,u,vd aside ttd swung the vehicle against lbi�lalaecableour
inessn eprogress
from abroad (,nild-
R.N., only son of Sir Griffith and Lady d The
the head removed the lettuce plants. It may cause them been obliterated, the stilt hat is nc Camilla Ives flung from side to side IIs, uv to lite bedside of our only son.
Boynton, of Barmston, Yorkshire, and to the house. rhe noises at once , , b t* WAI fi%vM10#kir,:!i
Miss Naomi Nightingale, only child ceased. to damp off, suit if will teed to pro- longer an object of reverential aur'• of Ibe sul'tly parldpcl Carriage, bat sof- [ suppose the shawl was dropped freta
of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Nightingale, of Various generations from time to duce soft aril splindling plants. Stocky ship, actors have been knighted and road no tujrtry beyond a severe shale- the enrringe during our load rush to
Cromwell road, I{ensington. Burton time tried to get rid of the head, bu, Ants are an important factor in pro- hands introduced luto restaurants "lit 1119 IIP and a violent fright. At last eatch the only trniu that woui'd con.`LL ND
Agnes is the ancestral seat of the always the hideous noises recommenc. ducin.g a „uod crop of lettuce. the breakfast table Is the last ditch of the babel of confusion outside ceased, nett us 1vidi it departing steamer. I
Boyntons, but on the death of the ed, and continued till the gruesome Alustw%l and cress are two of the British conservatism. The Miglishmuc wi,i!e some nue fured open the fluor. did not miss it uutil we arrived In New
fate baronet, Sir Henry, in 1899, the relic was brought back. At last Sir finest s ;;ads we have. Sow in shallow eats bacou and eggs 365 mornings In A inn's hatless head and a pair of fork, and I knew It would be too late t
property passed to his only daughter, Henry Boyn«on (Mrs. 'Wickham -Boyd- drills ;',tee or four inches apart. Cut the year had welcomes leap year bIt ureal shoulders lucre thrust within. to recover it Your shawl is n perfect
now Mrs. Wickham Boynton. Years to,
father) had the head cemented thrC:• weeks from date of sowing with cause it enables him to indulge in flint "1 hopeyou are not, hurt?" he queried copy of my own. I suppose it is an DIAMd`ND
ago the estate was inberited by three up in the wall of the great hall, be- sli•• -s, Wash and serve with salt and delightful dish 3C0 times. The mon• tuxiuusly, hrtrloonl."
ci edsisterstolebuild geirroldhomwealthy, de. hind a beautarmston, the
home of Sir b' A and butter or with a mayonnaise areby may be abolished and the house "No, not it the least. What has hap. "Tell me what year you lost your
came from Barmston asi
Inigo Jones was, it is said, the archi. Matthew Boynton, first baronet, who . g' of lords dC I(rived or its prerogative, penecl?" ashed Cambia in, her turn. shawl;' requested Camilla with agita• E*�Tk;+ ASSORTMENT tett,- and Rubens is reported to have married Frances Griffith, sister of the A fertilizer that contains about 4 per but the English breakfast will remain "A motorcar frightened your horses, tion. jj``]E 1 j�j 1
assisted with the decorations. An ab. murdered Anne, and since the sku'' cent of nitrogen and about 8 to 10 per as it was in the days of the conqueror, and they sided and threw the carriage "It was in 1&83. I well remember
sorbing interest was taken in th3 has been "interred" the hauntin.. cent of each of the mineral elements —New York I3erald. against a post. play I assist you to the date, for our son died, and then
building by the youngest sister, Anne and manifestations have, it is sq .l, Is well adapted to general trucking or ... alight and Call another carriage for my husband followed, and since then
Griffith, but one da was brutal, y . n e sarcase at market gardening. If 7ldditional nitro- you?,,
y she Y entirely 'ceasedOthe timy life has been one of loneliness, and
assaulted by a tramp and subsequent- Burton Agnes is the painting of the gen is needed it can be supplied by Camilla ptacecl her laud in his and
sisters, and ver A Woman's Ri lit:. hard work,'
ly died. She made her sisters promise y quaint they look in top dressing with nitrate of soda at the g descended to the pavement, where a Camilla pressed the shawl around
tbat herhead should be removed at I ruffs and farthingales. rate of 100 to 200 wounds to the acre. A woman, as the English etatute< crowd had gathered. The motorcar the shrunken form, and she bent grace -
are at present, cannot act as a solici• was puffing Impatiently on the other fully and kissed tho withered chepks.
tor. She can, however, according to side of the street, and the coachman "It Is your very own shawl come lack
the statements made in the courts I,e g quiet the restive ,+ AleM-0
K' -'La Nv 0 X
Gently, act as (ween, marshal, ch.m• was striving to to you across the years, she whis•
pion of .England, sexton, cliurchwnld- horses. At n little distance an am- pered, "and perhaps it is to herald bet.
"J en, constable,
ffiworkhouse governor, ra• balance was backed up to the curb, ter times for you!" JE YY��] ELE� - OPTI�IAIV�T
turning ocer and overseer Of the and a couple of white clad hospital She sat down and related to the en -
i poor. Q. A. Buckmaster, assi-tal,i doctors were bent above a form on the raptured old woman the story of how
. : • secretary of the Board of Education, pavement. ler own parents had found the shawl
i 3 also stated that there were instances "Some one has been injured," cried in the village of Blakeford to the gear OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL.
of a woman acting as keeper of a Camilla as she moved toward the am- 1853; and Dr. Lindley stood near, nn in•
prison, gate house and as keeper (,l n bulnuce. The 1011 man with the broad
terested listener, Ills eyes more often
t i"► jail, It was stated also th tt Anne, shouiers kept beside her as if to pro-
+. 4v \ Countess of Pembroke, as iletedtl p rested on the animated Pace of the
1' feet her from the in alsitve crowd.
sheriff, sat at the Assizes lvith til „ , q beautiful' girl, anti he appeared to be
judges on the Bench, and althou" lou s. Aelderly woman was cross- ridiculously pleased when the old wo-
/� ® it is not said in the books that d)j Ing the street at the time, and. while it man insisted on introducing herself as
is not believed that that carriage struck
administered justice, that vbvian: g Mrs. Benton, tie widow of a onto
t, q. X •- �lU�I ;,� ]y meant. her, we think she has been so thorough.- prominent financier, and then introdue-
�, d� e foregoing list of a woman'- nr.• ly frightened d that it las resulted In a!ng Camilla and the doctor in the most
���. �j3� �ities was mentioned during* tho shock of sow$ surf"
formal manner.
hearing in the Chancery Uiviinu of 110h, tire they going to take her to a I It was early in the morning wben the the action brought by Miss U •• t + ,� hositital't asked (,amilla as they drew doctor called n carriage sant Camilla �� Trial
L r' R . / Marjorie Bobb to obtain front the: L,itv Give
near. I entered !t to return to her boarding
Society a declaration that she is a "They were, but as my office is 'house. She was without the gorgeous
"person" within the meaning of the
i ?I1 solicitor's acts and entitled to he ad. close by I have persuaded them to Paisley shawl, but wrapped in the long
„.• - miffed as a solicitor. tarn the case over t0 me, I am n phy military cape that smelled of tobacco®��Next Job.
Mr. Buckmaster submitted thaS sician, you know, and the woman beg- she did not seem to miss the richer
• tag there was nothing in the colicitor5, ged so hard not to be taken to a pub- garment. The room on the top floor
It {• acts repugnant to the inclusion of a lie Institution that I could not resist her seemed bathed in a rosy glow, and a
woman within the meaning of tha appeal." little song rippled In her hoart. Cn-
� word "person," and instanced other Camilla turned and, looking tip at mina did not know why she was so All kinds of PrintHig neatly and
u ., • countries in which women practice hitt, found its glance resting on ler happy.
.�'.. tr. L,�' 1 + i �r i .'��.,: I-ViA ;._ f .t?.`_�_.. . alt ';4;*r, ;ec nci' iM f.r �I t 1, 7.. lAw. • j
with uninistakable admiration. He It enme out henutifully In the end. artistically executed.
Funny Linguistic Dispute, hastily turned Ills eyes away and bent The doctor fell In lore with Camilin
The oil building material that has not increased over the wumnn on the pavetnent. Atwood, and old Mrs. Benton enme and Dodgers Auction Sales Station -
g s is an axiom among Irish rstan s "1 think I call carry her In now;' lie kept.house for sheat. The doctor saint > >
>• lets that no one really understand?
in price is - the Irish languagge--except the parti• suggestod, and as one of the attend, that be and Camilla would have mot j j� Q (� a
cular revivalist wlio is talking to you. ants started to throw a sheet around somewhere, somehow, in the world any. ery, Envelopes, Dlofters, 1..aufter
_ As soon as an Irish inscription ap• the shrinking 01d form be added, `7i1 i way, but iris wife mntntntned that if it Wrappers, �h p ,
j pears, as it now often does on a tab. send Into the house for a rdg." had not been for the Paisley shawl �!6/ Church Reports, Etc.
-1� let or a medal, all the scholars who "Oil, take this," said Camilla, and is thou never would have met each other,
NADAPortland 11 iJ trete not consulted as to its phrasing
It makes concrete that you can depend upon for satisfactory results whether you use it for a silo liasten to point out what deplorably __ • ' This office has always had the !reputation of turn.
Y p P r e y bad Irish it is. A oup bearing an in-
or a garden walk, seription in Irish was among those ing out nicer work than most others. Prices as
competed for at tho national un'ver• A happy heart makes a blooming A bad woikman quarrels with his low as the lowest. Call for rices.
High quality and love price are made possible by efficient organization and manufacturing 1? p
economics due to a large and growing demand, sity sports in Dublin roc6ntly. Part risagp• toe I.,.
of the inscription .was Cuirm na Abience cco's moderate paseions, A contented mind is a continual
Slee that every bag of cement you buy bears tho "Canada" labol•••-•it is your guarantee urban," whidb was meant for "The t feast.
Woman's CuV,11 But and tLfltmes violent OneFr THE'ADVANCE'-
of aatuEaction. l , says a rival ]in• guilt, tt really means, "Tia Women's A jaurden tt'itich ono chooses is not A creaking door usage long oe Chi•Canada Cement Com alts Limited Montred Ileer." 'The satno trophy bore the felt, hinges,<< f tvorcls���'Clu# belie Odelscoil na lair. Advereit flittereth no man. afret rosy of the Look Xhat Ae,warmer Can Do With Concrete. Own, as all Irish rendering of na.
A cat may look at a king, y ,
tiouai university sports, The oritio Aching teeth are ill tenantrf. A tilt kitten snakes a lean will, YV ingliani
-I-Clow informg us that the words really A clear consClenee fears no accusa• A fault confessed is halt redressed,
mean Tho University of Ireland is a
game." , lion, A fool Carly glee s, who man counsel, .�,.•'-'~� :_ �--�-••••--