The Wingham Advance, 1913-10-09, Page 4t, 4 u THE WINGRAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1913 W: 1 P b1 l'c a c Im 1 Re fort Willi tl f11e Better Polk ? B1;R"IR.NTATION OP SAWDUST ing ialli n �G l y .d. rARM VV All Report of Wingbaro Public Sbhool The contrast between the outlook A New Method of Rxtracting Some it the month of September, for the railroads of the United States of the Contents of Such Wood- We have a buyer for a good 50 Roclai Vll•, and those of Canada, only separated, Waste. S RIKE ON 4th Clasp --aggregate 500,--J. Car- geographically by an imaginary lino, acre farm neem Bluevale, Must be strikingly illustrates the vital influ• good land with permanent water ithars 405, T. Stricken 4fl0, W. Ball- strikingly ThaUSSrid$ Ofotln Canadians have struck V 320, H. Nicholson ,310, F.Bpli 205, puce both of politics and the weather A largo Rngliah company has recent- supply. Showers 270, G, Simmons 210, 5, on that sill -important branch of bust• ly ccmioenced the commercially sue- pp1 y g y from old -conditions to higher and better things loyd 230, M. Hill 115, C, Tennant 130, nese, ',Che plight of our railroads, otv- c�rspful pixtdtiction of acetone and fusel by enrolling as Students of our Business Col - I. Fergie 130, E. Lynett• 65, W. Merk- ing to the government's policy of Op, oil from sawdust by a simple process + loges and Home Stud Department. You can y 35 pression and the destruction of crops of fermgntation, From, these two pro- Wehave a good farm in Grey Study all in your own glome, or partly there 31d Class-aggrogate 390,-L,. Tier- by drougbt, is a matter of such general ducts isoprene can be derived, which County that we can exchange for ed into rubber. can be changed g, and finish at College. NOW is a good time tan 375,. L. IIirka 3G0, E. Amesbury knowledge that it need not be gone latterWingham real estate or farm J0, B. Jarvis 285, A. Field 280, K. Car- over in detail, but as to the Canadian merely by allowing it to lie in contact � to stat t. • Every farmer's son who intends t0 situation there is no more room for do, A itlx a small quantity of the metal near Wingham. remain On the farm should have a business rr' L15, M. Tennant 2U0, J, 140hie id t A N Blackball 170, F. Hart 140, , 13. scripton ancomment. sodium. This synthetical rubber vul- Have ,you noticed the activity in education. You can continue your work, and )obie 125, i. Aldington 135, U. Cap• e Lincoln, prepare at the same time. tisk .ck 120, A1. Hendricks 1.20,. T. Isard.. can and Dominion railroads is found ably with the natural product in Wingham real estate recently ? b matching the case'of Union Pacific 115 rioW. Lar est trainers in Cari&da. Thirty 15 W, Kew 6.i, G, Anderson G0, M, y g r( 411ience, durability and price. More property is turned over in � , , with that of Canadian Pacific, which Acetone is used in the manufacture years experience. Seven Colleges. Two thou- wanson G0, A. Doyle 35, M. Fella 20, this town than in an other two or '. Saint 15, lines have so many pointe in common of cordite, and fusel oil is used in the y sand students annually. Positions guaranteed. tad Class -N. Fixter, P. Pilon, H, that the Montreal correspondent of the manufacture of artificial leather cloth, three towns of its size in this part individual instruction. No vacation. Successful )Vildes, E. Wolfe, R. Carr, � Boston Transcript refers to it as a typ• Previously it was chitfl obtained as a I. Ellacott y y of Ontario, people act NOW, not later. '. Angus, A. Corbett, E, Williams, ical illustration. Canada has a rail- bye -product in the manufacture of road commission authorized, like our whit,k brand and vodka but b We have still a few good resi- T. Finley, H, Vicker, C. Dickson, M. y y g WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE 7ansickle, G. Lediett, F. PagF, E, Interstate Commerce Cowmission, to this new process it can now be extract• deuces for sale but 'hornton C. Louttit W. Scott M, regulate rates, but its attitude toward ed much more cheaply, making pos- ' ' t'le roads is not marked by that con- stole it la a rOfit, It can be calculat- NO HOUSES TO RENT )outtti, P. Stokes, R. Lockman, H. sistent and uncompromising otic of ifg p WINGHAM - - ONTARIO Tales, E. Walton. P g p y ed that these bye -products sawdust hostility that prevails at Washington are worth almost $,100 a ton, As it DEPT, VI GEC. SPOTTON W. T. MORSE and gives the cue to half a hundred takes only ten tons Of Fawd113t to yield Sr. Div ua -Total 400. -George Jenkins State railway commissions similarly aton of these valinclinedble constituents, Ri ten �� cosens PRESIDENT. PRINCIPAL. 61S, Ruby Brown 4,'37, Ens Currie 422, , the resultant' profit is obvious. Vera Robinson 410, Howard Aiding- Canada has provincial commissions In Europe, with its densely populat ton 409, Teddy Vickers 408, Lloyd Zur• also, but these find other work for ed regions contiguous to the forests, - REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE brigg 302, Clarence Cruickshank 357, their hands than piling up taxes and the elimination of wood -waste is an Gordon Gibson 380, Ruth Holloway onerous regulations. If, such things economic essentiality, and hence met - 385, Gordon McTavish 380, Fiorrie Aid* were done in Canada, if the govern- hods have been evolved whicb, in some WELLINGTON MUTUAL ington 378, Doris Thomas 375, Matel ment over there harassed the railways cases, utilize even the leaves and roots CO,Angus 374, Bessie Boardman 373, Edna after the remorseless fashion of the of treas. While this is not essential FIRE INS. V. Varey 370, Walter Lockeridge 369, government at Washington, there e g � In America at present, it is desirable Established 1810. Gertie Simmons 364, Corson Boyce would be an instant stop to the inflow to reduce the waste which takes place Head Office GUELPH, ONT. 352, John Hayles 347, Cecil Cooke 339, of foreign capital for investment in in the different processes of transform- Do Vida Bell 279 Johnny Casemore 2(8, p Risks taken on all classes of re , Y ,railroad enterprises. ing the standing timber into finished eatable property on the cash or pre - Ida Lutton 250, • European capitalists, many of whom product, which amounts to something mium note system. 0 Jr. Div. -Total 460. -Lucille Hayser are heavily interested in Union Pacific like 50% of the total volume of the tree. Geo. SLEE1trAN, JOHN DAVIDSON�C��455, Viola Robinson 45.1, Louise Hanna and Canadian Pacific shareR, have just To this end, the Canadian Government President, Secretary. s Etuvorium 433, Beatrice Joynt 417, Katie Cruick- seen the American road's income -pro- i3 establishinga full equipped Woodshank 404, yRITCHIERITCTIIE J'c COS>;NS, Matt jorie Hendricks 398, ducing power impaired by a long pe- Products Laboratory at McGill. Univ- Agents. Wingham, Ont Alice Williamson 384, Smith Hutton riod of agitation at Washington, and ersityin charge of Mr, A. G. McIntyre, W• rn ngha X11 " - Onto bo 376, Phoebe Allcorn 374, Willie Stur- finally the bringing of dissolution Pro' d 307, Alabel Stratton 3 u, Myrtle , e A•, B. Sc., under whose direction DUDLEY I OLMES y y ceeding., which the politicians still experiments will be conducted to die- Holloway 340, Manuel Shaefer 329, thrash over to the further damage c•f cover new uses for common Oanadian Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Harvey Aitcheson 323, Charlie Donald- the credit of the company. The cu- Carries a complete line of High Grade Musical Instruments trees and for the enormous quantifies p g son 320, Verna Dennis 310, Jimmy Carr mulative effects of continual legisla-of sawdust andother forms of waste Office: Meyer Block, Wingham, of every description. 314, Burdette Coutts 310, Alice Cloak* h . five attacks are to increase operating wood which now represent a money ey 267, Sydney Page 2:.17, Cecil Hardy expenses and at the same time reduce loss to the country of millions of dol- R. VANSTONE 2.14, Dorothy Lavis 243, Roy McLeod the revenue derived from a given Pla}'er Pianos ; Organs of almost any make; PhOnO- lars annually. 237, Willie Clarke 170, JackCooke 157, amount of service. BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR graphs, Edison and Victor ; Stringed Instruments of all Gordon Arde 126. The two roads pay the same rate of Money to loan at lowest rates. , kinds ; Violins a specialty ;Sew ing Machines, Canadian JUNIOR II. dividend, and not long ago the quota WINGHAM. Total 500, -Sr. -11I, Cosens 470, M. tions for both were at the earno level and American. Redmond 450, N. Isard 417, R. Clark While the Canadian Pacific has suf- WT �7 445, A. Gould 430, A. Scott 430, M. Van. fered losses through heavy selling by ARTHUR J. IR 11 IN We wish to impress you with the fact that the sell you anything stone 428, L Campbell 427, S, Robin- hard-pressed German holders, the GOOD LOCAL AGENT D.D.S., L,D.S, that produces music, at prices and terms to snit the purchaser, son 420, L. Bell 418, A. Irwin 412; S, slump in Union Pacific has been far at once to represent fhe OLD AND Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- Anyone intending to purchase a Piano should consider well before Harrison 403, F. Frost 401, A Brown more serious. Favourable news froth RELIBABLE FONTHILL NUR- nsylvania College and Licent ate of purchasing from travelling agents. we are here permanently and you 397, N Clark 385, G Fixter 301, H. Wil- the wheat fields in western Canada SERIES. Splendid list of fruit and Dental Surgery of Ontario, can see the instrument you are buying. Give ns a chance to compare. liams 360, D Piper 345, B Wild 845, M turned the tide for the Canadian Pa- deli -Office in Macdonald Block - Dennis 345, K Donaldson 319, J Tem- cific, and the immense value of the ornamental stock for Fall very land and other extraneous assets, in 1913 and Spring delivery 1.914. ��+I T� �� TWO Stores. Opposite Skating Rink. North End. pleman 281. 1 G. 1i. 1' 0SS, D.L.S.) L.D.S. Jr -V Amsbury 480, G Bowers 479, which particular Union Pacific also Start at once and secure exclusive i Phone 222. P. 0. BOX 156. F Pocock 463, G Bisbee 457, .E Taylor was notably strong, were other factor$ territory. V1Te supply Handsome free 446, A Fergie 445, W Brooks 433, L+' that lifted the stock beyond money outfit and pay highest commissions. Honor Graduate of the Royal college10 of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Rogers 420, E Gibson 426, O Casemore market influences. Write for full particulars. Graduate of University of Toronto 414, E Stevens 412, A Williams 393, O The Canadian system is given great _ Faculty of Dentietrg. -- - I.- - Lockman 391, C Hinscliffe 390, M Pi- latitude in its endeavors to develop STONE ,Q, WELLING I ®N OFF ICE OVER U. E. ISARD & CO's. STORE ` - �7 �+ Ion 390, W Mann 357, C M3�son 3S1, L the potential wealth of the territory it Sanderson 367, C Dobie 351, S Frost traverses, and it owes much of its tri- TORONTO ONTARIO DR. R. F. PARKER D. B 01, F.S.A. 314, A Carruth 301, D Cloakey 3C0. umphover obstacles that have wreck- t SPNIOR SE:x)ND. e3 many pioneer roads to the open- OSTEOPATHIC PNYSICIAN Sr. Sec -Total 523-D Pills 402 L handed, and far-sighted policy of the _ - EYE SPECIALIST . FOOD SCIENTIST Keep Your Eye on Patterson a Ellacott 470, E Kew 468, K Hutton 468, Dominion government. However, the u - Acute and Chronic Deans fitted. treated. _ Cituadiau Paeifl::'s history in that re-• Gt.30 n ill, to Scientifically fitted, 3 E Ricker 4G-1 C Zurbxigg 460, V Joynt y Tuesday 1L30 a.(o to Wednesday y e.) a,nt 450Lil Ellacott 456 D L nett 4:51, A speet is,:not different from that of the? Main St. (over Cliristio's Store.) i _ ;a (I ' y other systems engaged in gridironing } '�" ®r eN 1 . ew - Dress Anderson 419, H Mills 448, M Johns ! Jewellery Store Window the vast region of agricultural lands T - w R. HAMBLY Me. MD, C.M. 4.19, S Donaldson 415, J Vanstone 404, i 1 N Vare 388 F S arlin 383, A Sturdy lying between Hudson Ba and the y p g• Y y g y Special attention paid to diseases ( 383, E Hart 354, M Carruth 213, H Car- international boundary. The three ldi6il a Boots and shoes of women and Children, having ~] ' ruth 183, C Stapleton 181, systems operating; in that region are taken postgraduate work in Sar - Jr. Sec. -Total 528-A Baird 447, S building more miles of new railway at Reasonable Prices. gery, Bacteriology and Scientific a Holmes 411, H Wilson 438, W Ellacott each year than is done in all the Unit- i Medicine. GOO (11 so Big 431, L Johnston 417, R Williams 401, ed St.ttes,-[ Washington Post. Repairing Promptly at- Office in t•he Kerr residence, be p g p y tween the Queen's Hotel: and the Three Hour V Forger 385 C Henderson 378 D - Baptist OhnrahTh Pee tended to. 4 - Perrie 373, N Morden 37.1, F Piper 363, All bnsi.nefis given careful attention. W Angus 367, G McRitchie 359, J Ard Phone 5.1. P. O. Box 118 3 T 340, I Bell 316, N Boardman 278, R DRUNKENNESS = r Barrett 232, M French 95, is DRS, KENNEDY & CALDER Window JUNion Tuinnis a curable disea9e, which requires Sr Div -A O homes G34, A William•treatment. The Orrine treatment can OsFxa>es-Connor Patrick and Centro atresia be used with absolute confidence. IC For weeks new goods have been a son 600, C Hardy 581, O Hutton 570, destroys all. desire for whiskey, beer, offices 43 a L Casemore 531, 0 Bell 524, Al Walker or other intoxicante. Can be given in -- Residence, Dr. Ronnedy 143 1 • • - r the home. Nn` sanitarium expense. Residence, Dr. Caldor 151 507, A 'Taylor 506, A Galbraith 505, V ; arriving at this stere and our Z Johnston 401, W Currie 431, II l3atnil NO loss of time from work, Caa be Dr. Ronnedp specializes in surgery. given secretly. If after a trial you • 9 ton 427, G Holmes 424, J Davidson 410, fail to et an benefit from its use Dr, Caldor devotee special attention t. ,stock 'is now complete g 5( Diseases of the Paye, Ear, Nose and Throat. ji c i H Gannet 370, R Showers 358, G Scott your mnnPy will be refunded. Eyes thoroughly tooted. Glasses properly ' C® �N('II�jG "038, W Aitcheson 230, o L sINE fs prepared in two r; OR IItted. ° ldll�'1 J,yg1,✓�jlj��1 Jr Div -R Wilkinson 403, M Robert- `vO 1., secret treatment, a powder; OR wx * � RINE No.2, in pill form, y crease who SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NOR7i-i DR. R• J. ADAMS MS Bedford Brocades in Black,Grey, 0 son 438, clI Reid 421, C Robertson 411, desire to take voluntary treatment. •a ,. '• tI Reid'398, C Pocock 390, R Sanderson Costs only $100 a box, Come in and WEST LAND REGULATIONS 391 J Lutton S87, A Blackhall 3$.1, H talk over the matter with us. Ask for NY parson who is the sole head of a family, Late member House Staff Tor- Brown, ��� booklet. J. W. McKibbon, druggist, A or any male over 18 ears old, may home- Onto General Hospital. Post grad- i 9 �• �, p Huffman 379, A Vickers 372, J Allen st(ad t duartor section of available Dominion p" l9(it"I land 1u Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. nate London and Dublin. 305,E Rintoul 357, G Cruikshank 350, _ _- Tho applicant must appear in person at the 1T 11111315, B Stevens 344, Al Walker Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the Successor to Dr. Agnew A well assorted range of Serges 333, C Dickson 257, W D1cNevin `L73 THE PROCESS OF DAIRYING agency, Entry by proxy may be made at any 1� Scot agency, on certain conditions by father, moth- QI PICE IN MCDONALD BLocir I Day 239, Al Dal leash I92. IN CANADA. ar, son, daughter, brother or sister of intend - i; it homesteader, p in all shades, at all prices. SENIOR III. -- Duties. -Six months' ach u on aur cul- p� rt Givation of ilio land in eeach off t three years. A DR. ROG BT° G. REDMOND 1!,xatnined in arithmetic, geography homesteader maylivewithin nine miles of his Conditions affecting the marketing homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely j� and history. Total 261. Those marked owned and occupied by hgm or by hie father, L. R. C. . (EnCorduroy Velvets and `V elveteenasSaturda Oct, 4th end of tli© dairy industry in Canada mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. L. R. C. P. (Lend.)Yx missed an oxam.--E Nlu9grove 210, S In eortairt dietr ets a homesteader in good have titidorgone rapid changes during standingmaypre•emptaquarter-section along- Physician and Surgeon. AT Brown 212, Il Aitcheson 232, II Angtts recent yearn. In the past it has been aide his honteatcad. Priaa $3,o0 per acro, in Black Brown Green, Navy, FROiVI 7 TO ®'O'CLOCK P. M. 2119 S Lockeridge 206, L Jarvis 20ti, J Duties• Mast reside upon the homestead or (Dr. chleholm's old stand) ' 9 the custom to estimate the growth of pre-emption Rix months in each of six years Dobie 203, J Cosham 201, 0 Baker 201, the industry on the. export trade. from date of homestead entry (including the s� S Robinson 180, G b'ryfogle 1.37, A lm- tin required to earn. homestead patent) and 1 at from 50c, to $1.25 per yd. This however h'as become an entirely cultivatofiftyacresextra. MOON qj lay 180, P Joynt 170, T Sandarson 169, unreliable guide because Canada no A• homesteader who has exhausted Dia (tomo- W. J. E Angus 100, A Kennedy 157, L Stur• g stead right and Cannot hourbtain s prin cortion VETERINARY SURGEON I K y 10nger Iles butter to spare but On the may enter for a purchased Itauiestcd in certain . • r districts. Price $3 00 per aore. Duties. -Must ONCE OF LATE DR. WILSON. Sweater Coats in all leading 100®.(�® worth. tD swell iA oto" dy 1,0, I3 Anderson 155, G Markley other hand finds it necessary to import side stx months 3n each of tbreo years, oulti• - Sweater 6� ' 151x, 111. Allen 119, M Passmore 145, veto flfty acres and erect a house worth $300. RESIDENCE -COR. PATRICK &FRANCIS a from other countries. Cheese aspects Office Phono 170. Residence Phone 182. R Smith 145, lvl Robertson 113, F Bins- W. W. CORY, styles and hales cliife 142, X Nieholl 139, 0 Lloyd 1531, too, ]lav© greatly decreased. 'fosse Ex Gov. vet, Inspootor, i .1 ( Deputy of. the Minister of the Interior. = • i date Jewelery to be sold for fe eta were brow ht to the attention of --- a S Be11129, O Adams 118, E Dobie 112, g N.R-Unant.horized publication of this ad- ,�-�t�•'�' •�^� the S:lect Standing Committee crt vertisoment will not be paid for. /�M '}a'�'• GRIFFIN .t� 1 - i X500.00 1 each Sale+ V Hamilton 112, 0 Pocock 108, J Saint Agriculture and Colonization during 44..99 ..LL'�i!! 111.' 98s, A Bloomfield 00, 0 Wild 77. the past session of Parliament by Air.No trouble to show goods. Dirt -r, I. J. A, Ruddick, Dairy and Cold Storage GENERAL AGENT OVER 65 YEARS d • 31• c m- Commissioner who bhowed very Issuer of Marriage Licenses. c t You will see the oodg ticketed i11 the Wi11dow- position tang. crit i e spa ing, o , , ;TR4Dr, 1tpERlENGE �, position an(1 arithmetic. 111axiiilum clearly that the industry is not losing Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass ' ° •' . '. �. •', ` " ". '` '." • , ," - ` .."`., •. °° •,`"�• Blue Figures, regular price; Red Figilres, Sale 3170 -•-V Schaefer 2'1.1, J sell 213, A ground but is making steady progress, � and Weather Insurance, coupled ' Pr1C@. It will pay �Ol 1 to keep tsb Oil these Davidson 211, J Currin `L10, N McLean It was brought out that the Canadian wii;h a R.Cal Estate Irnd Money • P 201, It hewer 198, G Allen 188, +r Cooke people are eomuming relatively more Loaning lousiness.Phone $� Hours, as positively lnotihing will be sold out of 1$2, A Williari son 180, V Stricker 178, milk and milk products than hereto- ( WIN(iIHAI�'t, PRODUCE QF AILL FINDS WANTED. the window before or a.fi er the ho'le's mentioned. - A Baker 177, 0 Newman 170, i. Scott fors and that an increasing quanity of ' MARKS 172, J Christie 169, N Drummond 105, milk is being manufactured into can. DE81GNS 1.1 densed milk Casein and other products, COPYRIGHTS dtlGHTs dee. - C (lxawford 10«, 0 McTavish 10«, r P ltnvon0lfondingnelcetchauddeeert�iti0nriiny �����++d� Hospita IN&111S Dennis 1G2, L Currie 161, V i)svidson 17uriti the course of 1411. Ruddick's a r n tree 1v other an .ttelcl aseerion 0((r oi�lnio GREAT g Inveuttmi 1 S pi•nbnbly at ntnht0, ommuulcn• - , w Umlautrtetlyo.mnaout'ni3"38900�oilYntenttl THE 145, P,Iohns 19:1, 11jewer 143, It Huff evidence\ho ave°nut t great deal of ft (Under (IdvornniAi.S Inspootlon.l Je As g g sent tr00, oldant nfYonay aur o0curmg )tataute _� - r �'ntenta lnkOn thrauRh Mumt &40. reee(1F0 man 137, O leard 185, V Robinson 135, interestinginforms.tion Concerning the eprrfalnodtcr,t?tthontchArgo, iatltd i'tCasantdy situated, Roautitixlly furnished. Wo Go PATTERSON WATCH DOCTOR , 4 F Sturdy 131, It Forsyth tendency of the industry', Thle has �s s A h ! Ana. M Piper 1'3 , y Opon to all regularly ltaonaod iryaiei (SUCCt?550r to T. A. MILLS) 1.534. L Ztirbrlgg 125, W Walker 117, now been printed. in a pamphlet Of $dallffic F`�Alta itatea for tionts (which include �ioard and = ri hnndeomoly itlu(itr0m weekly. L,arxret ir. nursingl� ,90 tb 10,011 per WbAk, aeoArding H Angue 11.5), J Scotb 113, W hear fourteen pe�gea for free distribution t0 rnlntinn of any Pelentitl0 iolrnnr. terms or fa loaaticn of roam. per further d informs• _ /r WINGHAM 0 9.11 who 1 t nne(ta, R'i,9t n 7onr, Nati8e pregnld. B0gd 117 tion-••Addroes ' I N �"•'� A OPPOSITE QUEENS Hl�,rMf ' 112, W Mann 100, x Murch 100, pp y for it to the Publleations rli nnils(#enlere, MISS L. MATIHEWl Angus 10�, Al Austin 57, C Smith 40, Branch of the Department of Aaricul- uN� �() gti#roedsniy, �e (( suportntonXvplti _ ._ 1 L. Po4lii•1', PAnalpal, tura at Ottawa, n ltrsnbtt ahl00, �G r dt.�'I "11100tun, IS. Box 7th„ 'W"i6ghmn, oats, t