HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-10-09, Page 3Tixu' SUAX, OCT6BER 9, 1913 THE W z N WH A M ADVANCE � 4 _. .. . .., ., .-,y,..�.::.:,x ,:.��,:.,�,.: .r. .....4•r..q.._•,:_.n..�,..�.,., r,.,_,..-�•.-..,.r..,.r,..�. ,. �.. �.,.,o:• .: , , � i...�...11 '"__"= ., "."""".. 1V~�%0%A%~%e%~%e%,*,.-�0 ' M Mother t orMadtl dr, eQ 1n Test fee lk�� � � !t _Vews Titrtel Nlnts fol' Ha�'vestill p Ford ce. g gODII�Y IIEGaB �F �STOP�A► � r ItemsROOfS. People are bus cutting corn and dropped j It utinutu," but she lemalned about . , tilling their silos. three hours after the minute was u W 9 o'clock ' Anniversary service was held at DAIRY BRED COWS I,lttle !`reddle had formed severai H,IC ACID DEPOSIT Colon st Excursions 4Vhe spends more than he should, AIAN<1IsLs B,theI Church on Oct, 10�h, plans, the execution of wblph must be # �r shall not have to spend when he As mangels and sugar mangele grow--------- postponed till the departure of his The Kidneys, Bowels and Skin are Sept. z5 t0 OCt, IQ inclllSive � ,7 would, Road work is completed for this i'' aura much above ground, they are more mot)) er's guest. So he sat quietly the "human sewers" which carry oil year, supposing it is a tittle Late, It is not unusual to he sli htiu expgsed to frost than other roots. g g thinking things. the impurities fn the blood, When From all stations it Ontario �', l�o>�.anxx� Nail S. McLauchltn, of Morris town- Pullin should therefore begin about Mr. A, Mc(Z,rilten and mother visited reluarlcs with reference to the coustl• ""Dear little mnnl'" gushed the visitor. these ora clogged Uric Acid sediment at very tow rates: yi i.� g 1 sbip, hake this year 38 acres of potatoes October 15th. The best practise is to At Edward Haines' Thursday last, tabun or dairy bred cotes. i\vt long "rAlla what is he thinking about so lodges in the muscles ,and into and Vancouver, li.G. Los Angeles, Cal, ik which have so far yielded sixty bush- p since we discussed this finbject with n deeply?" Rheumatism hollows. RUM, the Victoria, B.C. San 1aiego, Cal, � We will Offer Some big t els to the acre, pull try hand, thea breaking the tops Mr, Bohn Webster avid a Sao buns! rentlor, says the Kansas Farmer, who '"I was wondering if It wasn't time great remedy for all forms of the ter, Nelson, B.C. San Francisco, Cal, y i PIT with -a sudden jerk. For conven- of cattle last week to Mr, McMullen, said that he belleved that the every, for you to be going,'" said Freddie, rlblo disease, checks the deposit of Prince Rupert, B.C. Mexico City �; bargains. Wa>CCh our r Owing to the decease of her mother lance in loading, throw four rows to• Edward Ilalnes delivered some cat, day furuter tens not jnstiQed ill keep ""Bashi" said his mother. Then, turn- UrioAc'lrnan years I suffered with Portland, Spokane, WaSjattle, Wash. W , Mise McLelland, teacher in S, S, No, 10 gether, making one long leap, tlo to Dannybrook last week for Me tag pure 1)1.011 stock; that three-forirths Ing to her guest: "`You mustn't be of- Rhetimatism, I am 71 years old, -but W Window and come earl Morris, has gone to Ethel to keep Another plan of•Iharvesting mangels, 'Young of Goderich. I f YI'ven•eigbths grades were about its feuded, Mrs. Smith. Children •will go am proud to say that after using one ONE•WONLYEWIILL BE ISSUETICKETS ?L, y l house for her father, Mise B, Moses, which is coming into general use now b + y bred els a fartuer should own. blurting otic the truth without think- bottle of RHHUMA the rheumatic Proportionate low rates to other points In $' as our so ply is limited il that labour is scarce, e e to with There was a large crowd attended f�'urU,er 1ntltdry developed the fact Ing. But they don't mean anything pains are entirely gone, I daily re- Arluona, British Columbia California, r 2nd line, is filling the position, in No, 10. topping Dungannon fair, although the day was th+tt this ntau beileved that its dairy v► commend RHEA to my fr'iendc".- Colorado, Idaho, Montana, iaiextoo, Now a ver shay hoe, thein harrowing out by ii~ Mexico, Orogon, Novada, Toxas, Utah, y . P g cool, and enjoyed themselves, atilalals approached pure breeding� � Willie WIT, Bridgeburg, Ont, washi11 t � --- '-�"-•.- i Mr. Johu Bartlett, of Dungannon, the luau els with common iron bar- Strangely enough it was use then r Cn and Wyoming. W g We are glad to bear•that Mise M, their coustitutlua became weakened that Mrs. Smith recollected that she J. W. Mol�ibbvn will return your gull particulars, berth reservations, oto„JW, has been appointed a License Com- rows, ttvq strokes in oppoi3ite direr• and so required the vet best care anal, money if it fails; 50 cents a bottle, from anyOrand'trualcAgent. i6 ,McBurney is as well as could be expect y lead only three minutes in which to MARSHALL'S missioner for North Huron by the tions being usually sufilcient., It may ev011 then were short lived. Ile gave catch the last car home: London Tele• AFI. D. HIliatt, Town Passenger and Ticket ii, Ontario Government to fltl the vacano ed and hope to eogn see her out again, _ gent, phone 4. W.I. Bateman, Stattou t. Y be thought that harrowing will break !t as his opinion that the large, husky; graph, Ticket Agent, phone 50, W i caused by the death of the late Tp, L. and injure the roots. No doubt there Sorry to bear that Mr. Ed. Irwin's fat beef aminal possessed the niost . '••"'-•_ _ • -'-` "_” , • . ��� 0i BIG , Durnin. may be a few broken off, and some wrist is riot improving as well as it rufiged and vl;orous constitution. We .3", . _, C �`'' to scratches from the harrow teeth but should, Ile had to undergo an opera. .asked the question as to whether or nal •• Tactful. e. The marriage of Miss Ida B„ third such wounds heal ver quickly and no tion on it; we hope it will soon be im• this applled to the humnu fancily. The Dobson bad just bought a neve type; CENTRAL k 5c, 10c, 15c and 25e Store daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John alA• y q y entlelliall Immediately w4 Mg Machina ir; Bair®, of Gorrie, to Mr, James D, Ro- decay has been noticed from this Proving and getting strong. S y stew the-point ,� T // , i, :,9 and began to sictesEep. Aow, what color ribbon de you want iv -� _ • '� f �EFE EfrE�EE:EaI �r .*. -3.:l �' berteon, of Toronto, formerly, of For. source, When no frost threatens, - Beet' anfulals belong to what is for this machine?" asked the salesman. STRATFORD. ONT. ., p •,•r farshire, Scotland, will take place on mangels should be kept on the ground kuutvn as the lymplintie temperament. ""Oh, black, by all means!'" said Dob. October 15th, 1913. 2.1 hours before loading. BLUE DAYS Thls temperament is exemplified in toe son. '"You see, my, typewriter is a Ovid• Our registration again exozede that of ease of fleshy htzmaus. Some of suel, ow,"--ifudg9 any previous gear. The boy or girl who COLONIST n �" � SUGAR Blurs AND CARROTS 01as not received our free catalogue does not � RATES After a long and severe illness, Air A. belong to those who are constipated persons as well as some of such ani• D. Beaton, a grocer of Clinton,hese are more difficult to harvest, know the great opportunities of Commercial g passed bilious or have sour, gaeay, upset He that fears not th0 fninr0 Cal} Q3x• llfo. We have threodepartmonls—Commor=- (Ona Way—Second Class owing to their long underground roots, stomach, sick headaches, lame back or o the resent. ) away on Wednesday last in his 80th y p offal, shorthand and Telegraphy, and we It is best to run a subsoil plough that tired-out Ova o$ gulp about the .tip:r.:„: year. Tho funeral took place on P g g y R •�•:,�",.' • offer you advantages not offered elsewt ere � l+ronl all S#atlOxxS in Ontario one side of the row, loosening and cut. daily routine of life. FIG PILLS will ..:, i to Ont+, io• You may enter at any time. )3� 4(3 Friday to the Lucknow cemetery, make you feel fine, have a buoyant, y - To certain points in - y 7...• P Mr. Beaton was a resident of White• ting off some of the strong fibrous spirit and will ward off any attack of Write forourfreecatalogue at once. a church a number of years ago. roots, and thus enabling the puller to sickness usually caused by conrtipa- Another Notable Optimist. D. A. 11dcLACHLAN - PriucipaI I Alberta British Columbia take-up several at once. In most die- tion and weak kidneys. FIG P1LL9 AL. H. S. Solt, president of the Roy- California lbiontana DEA ; nE} .�II■ir The remains of the late W, Geo, tricts, the time to harvest sugar beets Are a mild fruit tonic laxative and al- , Covmbes, who died suddenly white in and carrots is ltettveen October 2Ueh ways do good. Refuse all substitutep, al Bank of Canada, says: ,"I have Oregon Washington Capital Pair the West, were brought to Lvndeaboro, and 30th. At all dealers in 25 and 50 cent, bc•x•+a w_ • ' ^ & . never had greater faith in the future - - Arizona Idaho, Etc. $ 3'oRese o or by mail from The Fig Pill Co., S , wo;. of Canada than at the present moment- # $3,760,( for interment last week. Mrs. Coomb- TunNips, Thomas. Ont. Sold at AicKibbon's photo by Delaware Agricultural college. Business conditions Are absolutely _ Sept. 25 �� Oct. �� ��ki'-isb- �,�' Total A: es and several daughters reside at Lon- Drug Store, seat One of the easiest ways to barve6t sound from coast to coast. The only . ,,,J . $48,000,i in deeboro and two sone and a daughter , . turnips is to to with an ordinary hoe == trouble is that we have been going too - rn" Ai Full particulars from any C. P. It Agent - in the West. Deceased was a eon of Mr, P P y The Jersey is a pretty good cow $ g and turn the roots out with a sharp• to pin your faith to if you Wish to fast, and the present atead;ving down =r , Joe, Coomber of Blyth, and was in W. II. Willis. up town ageney, phono 47 his 58th year. shared plough, with the mole-board re- Turnberry. produce butter economically. Many will serve a very good purpose, The : I .) J. II. Beemor. station agent, p one T. y Jersey breeders thlnlc that If a cow 111 11 By striking the tops of two Minutes of Council meeting held on isn't a Jersey It isn't a dairy cow, so-called setback-if I can designate . "Q A bright, clear sky and a warm sun rows together, the turnips can be plain- Sept. 29th 1013. Members all present, but impartial observers know that the financial situation for the past six . j� I e greeted the Blyth fall fair on Wednes• ly seen, and, if turned inward on the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last there is good in any really excellent months by that word-will enable the - , III ' !!! - I _ da And as a result the largest crowd dairy cow. hose of Greenway, the y g row of tops, they are clearly meeting were read and on motion of Jersey cote here shoran, is owned p'opie to get their wind said shape Advertise in the Advance. ,�t C in years was in attendance. The in- loading. Harrowing out does not an. Messrs, McBurney and Wheeler were by the Delaware Agricultural cot- up matters for another period of in- I . j Providing for Your* aide display held in the Agricultural lege. In five months she has made creased confidence and enteral pros- ( • P y s ewer well, except in sandy soil. Hand- adopted. over 5,000 pounds of milk and 31.0 g p I Ilk' I , if ' has the circulation.- hall was fully equal to that of former pulling is best where help can be se- Wheeler-McBurney-•That the Coun- pounds of butter. She weighs about perity.” ,ry nunu111111 pp �, Family. years, There was a good display of cured. As they are not very sensitive cif meet at Nichol's corner, Oct. 11th 800 pounds and promises to produce 600 pounds of putter during the �UPPLYINGyour family flowers and planta, many beautiful to frost, turnips should be left on the at 3 p.m, year. o®,,, L. o0 os 1. varieties being shown, horticultural round for a da or two after being I _ g y g The following accounts were passed } ..:: s t:::�;' �. with prosect day com- r s a I forte, does not constitute products were well represented, espee- pulled. and cheques issued :-John Smith, •� „_ . , tall plums, Ovals do have vi orous constitutions, .o .. ,, ,+r 'egym` your only financial obliga y p , peaches and 'apples. damages, $1.00 , Robt. Anderson, gra- _ +' f �'� � g showing that•the constitution ages out { tion to them. Their future There were also good exhibits of gar• t_ den vegetables and dairy products. vel, 84c ; Roy Rutherford, two cul- follow or depend upon the size or the a demands more eonaidora- g y p I verts, drawing tile,` Res , $15 00; John amount of flesh carried. The dairy Oil Stoves - R S tion than their wants of The comfortable residence of H. and FALLING Weiler, watering cement, $1 00; Geo. cow belongs to what is known as the RAILWAY TiME-TABLE _ _ _ to-day• nervous temperament and which cor• Lawn Mowers We manufacture all kinds of It anything should happen to Mrs. Jackson, 8th line, Morrie town Gannett, five culverts And removing = - - Yon, you would not want your responds with the same temperament - Fur Gxirments and can sell boy to I;ive u bis education, or ship, was the scene of a happy event Many People Have a Simple timber, $48 50; Mrs. B. Holmes, gra- p p Trains leave win ham stations dell as p Wednesday of last week when Miss vel, $13,80 ; McKinnon Bros. in humans. Such temperament does g Y a sets of Furs from $5.00 to your wilt, and daughter to be y gravel- follows, thrown nut on the world to Way of Stopping It---They not indicate nervousness, but is the r Hose � � $15.00 cheaper than any - . struggle for a living. Carrie, daughter of EI{e host and host- Ing and culvert, $90 37 ; Geo. Case temperament applied to humans as G. T. R. Hose = other lace. The The surest way of providing g y. Use Parisian Sage. more inspecting, p p genuine = y. 1 ess was united in marriage to R. Ro , inn ectin $9.00; Geo. S otten, _ for your family', f"tura is to well as to animals, spare in physfeal TO TORONTO and Intermediate -. stuff. All furs guaranteed to - save your money. Doisy your- den MacDonald, merchant, of Brigden, part contract for printing, $25 00 ; J. makeup. Jtlumans built on Phis plan = so t a Pow extravagances qct,, It was Dr: Sangerbond oEPetris who p Points:-Passenger, 6.45 a.uz ; passen- _ oreReels give perfect satisfaction. Oid Ont. Rev. S. Anderson, of London, a Rutherford, balance inspecting Woods are often extreme) • _ s p - that tbey may have comforts first discovered that dandruff and fail- r y vigorous. The size ger, 11.00 a.m. ; passenger, 2;30 p.3n. . Furs repaired to newest - always• former pastor of the bride, tied the ing hair were caused by a microbe. bridge, $17.50; Wm. Deans, refined or the amount of flesh carried is not at -.Lu LONDON:-Passenger &.3n a, - Ono dollar will open an ac- matrimonial knot under an arch of And now that Parisian Sage, the statute labor, "t5e, Gravel and dam- all an indication of constitution, g - styles. Highest prices paid = taunt with this bank, and In- g , m. ; passenger, 3.30 p mi. We specialize in Plumbing terser at the hil hest Durrant In- evergreens reens and astors in the drawing remedy that kills the dandruff germs, ages to the amount of $54 95 were There is only one test of constitution, and Ixeatin P for Raw Furs. g g g y - rate will be credited every six is sold in every town in Canada, the and that is the amount of work the TO KINCARDINE : - Tasserzger: S• - - months• room which was decorated with ferns paid. 11,69 a.m.; passenger, people o£ this country have awakened ger, 2.30 p.m.; Pea- �,, ,,,,_,�,,,,•v�...................,.,..,.,.,,,,, _ _ _ and asters, in the presence of one hun. to the fact that dandruff is unnecessary Moved by Wellwood, seconded by animal is able to do and stand up no- senger, 9.16 p.m. _ der the strain, In the case of the beef Joseph Grafi C. P. SMITH area guests, that failing hair and itching scalp can Rutherford, that the Council adjourn animas this is the Amount of flesh it • _- be quickly stopped, and that the people to meet on Monday, Oct, 20th 1913; at C. P. R. W (� 0 Y E FORMOSA AGENT -WINGHAM Mr. Urich of Formosa established a who use Parisian Sage will. never row y is able to put on as n result of the g g 10 a.m.. TO TORONTO and Interzntediate s ■ new walking record for men over bald. amount of feed it consumes, If the Points -.-Passenger, 640 a.m.; passen- 6 Ur•ch who has reached the advanced who wisphes to eradicate offensive dand- heartily, grows fat and so is not sus TO TEESVP�•TER : - Passe>G Domestic, Sanitary and Heating B yw - age of seventy-eightve yars ears, age, Mr. ruff stopTo falling hair and have an y reader of the Advance cranbrOc,k well clerk• cepiablebeef t o ad seaseo we may say rho animal, ents ger TO p .m, ger, Engineer sok . oora�n . I ' gy ar , left Obexle s maculately clean scalp, free from itch( 12.50 p.m., passenger, 10.82 p.m. store in the village of Formosa at 8 ness, J.tW. Megibbon says he willsell has a vigorous constitution. 1f, on the g Parisian Sa a in a lar a 50 cent bttle A targe number from here took in other hand, she is not anxious for her c,,, ih nark, sL. ir,.+r,dtu ::, +,. ,s rG.gYs;pla,am:c6l,:w,l d, um .,i r o'clock on Tuesday morning for Walk- with a guarantee to refund the money the Brussels hair last week. - feed, is flnicky in the selection of tier erton and reached the G. T. R, depot if not satisfied. It is an ideal, daintily Miss Gladys Helm, who is attending feed, she is regarded as lashing In con at 9.50, thus covering the eight inter- perfumed hair dressing, free. from stitutlon, i • . • • . t . �' grease and stickiness that will Stratford Norma], was visiting her ,� vening miles in one hour and fifty g • put life The same condition applies exactly , and beauty into dull faded hair and uncle, A. J. $elm, over Sunday. " N 'PEN minutes, which is going some And ft to dairy cotes, lite size of the frame or cause it a grow lustrous and luxuriant. Sunda School Rall Da at the LETT-[Ra I ( X would tax the abilities of many of the J, W. Mc gibbon, druggist, - y y y the gmaniity oP meat on that frame not THE � A u younger generations to do it in this Methodist church was largely attend- being a consideration. The fact is time. The old gentleman covered -. - ed. The collection amounted to $427. that the dairy cow in the production ` one mile•and-a•quarter stretch in 18 Mrs. E. n anter has moved to Ethel of dairy products has a strain all her SIR EDMUND D, OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEW9, VIOH•PAHSIpfiNT.N BANK - �___ _.._ _._._. _ . minutes. Can you beat it,-[Walk- BETTER THAN OIL P animal body which is in no mnuner C. A. BOGERT, Ceineral Manager. � and will t:.ke u her residence there, , , erton Telescope. We are sorry to lose Mrs. Bunter equaled by the beef animal. If site Deai' Ladies and Gentlemen of Wingham and were weak constitutionally she would This Bank Of>ers Farmers 11 Preliminary, work iu connection Sulphite Pulp-Mills Furnished New from our burg, but our lose is Ethel's gain, The life of the dairy animal is as lonnot be able to withstand thls strain. , V ia vicinity , with the building of electric railways Road-Sprinkling Material. a complete and satisfactory banking; service. ' throughout Huron County commenced P. •-, Mr. McCullough, .of Knox as that of the beef atilmal, and there ,Sales Notes collected on favovable terms, and advances made Cl, u,cb who has been able to continue is no evidence whatever to show that We thank you Ver mtich for olll' patronizing this week when Engineer Buck, Q " on such notes at reasonable rates. Experiments recent) conducted at ICC; series of sermons on. the "Sermon dairy animals do not have a constitu- y y y p g member of the Hydro•electrio com- P y tion in every respect equal to beef nni• The Savings Department is a safe and convenient depository us duringour ata here is town. We are here- mission staff, spent a portion of this Queen's University. Kingston, show ,.z the Mount," `preached Sunday for our money. Interest at curitent rates is aid on deposits of y P P I mals. It is n fact that in the very Y Y P P week in the county. Tuesday, in com- conclusively that the dark-colorm' ,Horning to a large congregation, makeup of the dairy animal she is not one dollar and upwards. With expressing our gratitude to you, also our best = pang with Messrs, C. C. Lee, H, E liquor obtained as a waste product i able to resist cold rain and sleet to the ' One dollar opens an account intthe•Savings Department. the manufacture of sulphite wood-p,ilp wishes for health and wealth. Hodgens and Andrew Porter, he visit- East Wawanosh. same extent that the animal clad with .. - 2 ed the southern portion of the county. makes abetter dressing for public high- a thick coat of fat and beef is, if in 0 - 11. School Report for September, in S.S.We wish to advise you now for your own sake The municipalities visited by them ways than the low-grade oils now used. the handling of the dairy herd it is the aril WINGHAM BRANCH: N. PVANS, Manager. o The two treatments were compared No. 9, East Wawanash : Fourth Class, intent of the farmer to expose his caws were Bayfield, Brucefleld, Hecsall, P p �� -,+ i 1Jw�„ ,�W-.,r,, to attend our Auction Sale all this week, afternoons ,; Sr.-Helen Pocock, George Pocock. to the rigor of the elements, theti he t Zurich, Dashwood, Grand Sand, Credi- under identical conditions, and it was , -• •• """"'"-"--""'�'�'•"�"'�-""� and evenings and it x5 positively the Last chance ton, Exeter, Kirkton, Seaforth and found that the same quantity of con- Jr.-Chas. Currie, Tom Currie, Loa will find that his thin and spare dairy _ , p y McDougall. Third Class, Sr,-Kath- animals will not resist the elements as -- Clinton. The following day he made centrated (four to one) waste liquor for you to buy goods cheaply. Trusting yO11 will will last longer than road-oil when leen Kerr, Jas. Perdue, Ed. Kerr. Jr, do the beef animals. He will fired at the trip into the north, and visited -David. Deacon, John Skinn, Second the some time, too, that Ire will not �� not miss it, we remain, Darlow, subject to the washing of rain, and has Class, Sr,-Lyla Leaver, Price Naylor, ■ Nile Dungannon, B Brussels, get milk from the dairy animals hep( Children nr for hletcher :� Wingham, Jamestown and Brussels, the additional advantage of being free under such conditions. ° Cry ! - YOt11'fl truly, from the nauseating odor so-objection- Racbael Currie. Jr.-Geo. Taylor, yi On the trip he was accompanied by Howard Pocock, Mae Perdue. Part .���, Rstve B. C, Mannings and Mr, and able in low-grade oils. The Laurentide Ration For Work Horses. 1 l., s Second--Wilfrid Con ram, Primer, n •( PuI and Pa er Com an have been g .In „overnment tests of feeds for Airs. C. C, Lee. In each municipality P p Company o = using this waste liquor for A consider- Sr,-Jennie Anderson, James Ooultes. work horses, made with it horses ®�p I' e i-ai s they were welcomed by local officials Jr.-Lorne Scott, Cecil Coultes, Har- at Fort Ittle Jinn„ It has been foun0 a rebs promised to prepare data regard- able time on the streets of Grand y11 • Mere, Quebec, whale their mills are vey Naylor, John Skinn. that the cheapest rntion anti the i Ing freight in an out. Engineer Buck Donta Ashworth, teacher, ono Which 911ve the In1•gest gains - I'll, "I'll ;��y�g+ � .:-,N,A ,-� U --,-4�,,,kaasrrI •­� +111 expressed himself as favorably im. located, And find it.very sitti6factorp. consisted of eight pounds of corn, two preased with the prospects for aradical The Bulletin on Pulpwood recently --i Ipounds of oats and len pounds of at. _- system throuhout the county, Next issued by the Dominion Forestry faifa tiny and cost 13 Cents per I+ead I6 ; ;►, • :• .•..••:: week he will return with a surveying Branch at Ottawa, states that ono Ahi: YOU OfJIN6 WEST THIS PALL? iter. day, The tests were ninde with ,,, ,.,.,.� , •, s�..- �,,.-.�, W ��_ m, s and engineering staff,--[Goderich Sig- third of the pulpwood used in Canada If so, take advantage of the remat•k- ton lots or horses, with about seventy. The Hind Foil Have Al*ways 33ought, and which has been ti "� � - nal, in 1912 was manufactured into pulp by ably low one-way second-class Colonist - fire to each lot, and seven lots con- • iu use for over 30 ;years, has borne the signattxre of Rates to Vancouver, Victoria, Nelson, tainlug frons seventeen to twenty + and has ,been made under his per- the sulphite method, the other wood Spokane, Seattle, Portland, San Fran- ,� son#1 Supervision Since its infancy. East week Jos, A. Aiallough, the conatituenta beiu dissolved out b a p horses each. The barn' Wends gas 25,0 it -�, !T y cisco, Loa Angles, Sau Diego, ate„ in . ., Allow no one to deceive yotllinthis. man who is such a fruit-growing en- solution of calcium sulphate and piped effect daily until October 10; or if pounds per horse in 140 days, All Counterfeits Imittxtions arid 'sJust-as- Just-as-good but `� -1 tbusiast and who practices what he into the rivers ae waste li nor, Thus. Western Canada ie our destination, A rntion conz.stlna of oats, col•n, ' g I� a ��..%% LOOK q y Experixnelxts that trifle witix and endanger the health of • to preaches sold hie season's crop of ap• one-half of every cord of pulpwood be- the IoW-rate Homeseekers' Ext uraions, wheat ),ran and timothy hay [n the Infants and Chlidrea EspeJrionee agailast Experiment. lea to David Oantelon the "Apple in effect each Tuesday until October ratio of 4:6:4:12 produced sir pounds of p , PP comes absolute waste, as also the 140 23 The route is oneof tbemostfcenie gnin In 120 days tend the animals a King," of Clinton,who represented a W h �"����®R Ladles' and Gents' Suit given away g p lbs, of sulphur used in its diseolutton, in the world. Bear in mend that the showed the best condition oC any in .- wealthy Toronto firm, for the sum of for the sulphur becomes so combined Canadian Pacific Railway offera the - the fest, but the ration cost 10 Cents .- IA $500.00. His orchard comprises five organically that it cannot be econ- finest pbssible equipment and fastest tier day.-Form find 1�ireslde. Ca•storia is a harmtesg snbstitut© for Castor Oil, Pare. acres and every year it produces him a o►nically recovered. train service. It is the only line opera- gorie, ]Drops and Soothing; Syrups. It is pleasant. It�j , p , �{ ting through. standard and tourist- Colic in Hot•saa, contains ueitIxelt• Upium, Morphine nor other Narcotic AI:. L +t bountiful crop. The sale was made It is calculated that material valued _sleepers Also dining-cars, to Winnipeg substance. Its ago is Its guarantee. It clestt�oys •bYorms with the underatandlug that he reserve at over ono and a qux,rter million dol- and Vancouver. By travelling C, P. Ilorses Should not take colic ft•orn and tante xIts age uar more than thirty years it part of his spits for bid own use; buthe lays is thus wasted in Canada each R. you avoid the necessity of changing eating corn if you gradually necimtOni lime been In constant. use for the relief of Constipation, considers he sold the orchard ton cheap.depots, All Fgitipment is owned and them to (fits fep(1 un(i allow it. in the? to the nearest guessers in Coll' contest year. operated by the U. P, R , atfording the ear furor. 1t't+r.re horses hate t0 ant flatulency, 'wind Ciolie, all Teething Troubles sand Joseph has delivered mane papers at The utilization of lilts enormous highest form of efficiency. If such a corn off (tie cob they Enke It izl amafler bitLrx"hoea, It regmlateg the Stomach and. Rowels, assimilates Opens Oct. 6111. farmers meetings in 611 parts of the waste is, therefore, a very important trip is tinder consideration, apply- to ti nssimiIates tiro Footd, giving healthy and naturstl sleep. P an C, P. R. Agent articulare ninnlhfuls null Chety it more thorun„h The Childrelx's I**alar-�ihoOthCfi�'8 rxieildo county advocating the cultivating and problem in Canada, where au Inereas• y p iy than when fed shelled corn, Ground + spraying of orchards as a means to an or write M, G. Murphy, District pas' ' ~ theorehardisti being 1Ae the tseasonab for roll manufacturedfever sulphite As tem• teed to always liable to enure colic. The Suit will be illade to your order of y g g GENUINE AL�W'AY Vend, r arar expedient, the use oltibia ate nen erA ant Toronto, ����� � �� any goods lel tette Shop. along and his experience 'widens he lliiquorat a road dressing is to be dad red, 30 Days' Campaign It WAS after the morning sermon, and So%*'S the Signature of �' becomes mire and more convinced of for It would prevent the contamination --�- -�... t'ze enthusiattle mission preacher pray- ; . �� this, Fit Cult pr a his orchard And of the rivers oftwhich sulphite mills The Family HerAld and weekly Star, e i voith ever increasing fervour, Grad. sprays them at proper intervals, tie are aitttated, of Montreal, are beaking an urgent wally bhe congregation melted away un11 - says to good orchard is it farmor's best _ __ appeal to their present aubsarlbers to asset and that good old Huron County v4 Fiend in renewal subscriptfona aurins til there tvAa no out left but the beadle, cannot be beaten as an apple-producing A city church choir had just sunfG Dotober aria relieve rho enormous rush S �i I the eloquence continued, Ab Inst r I � AY LO district, Aa wolf as taking sere of his An anthem,And theministerannounced at this singe of the year, it is a reason• the beadle tiptoed tip to the pulpit,LLL��_��� ill able retlaest from a newspaper In aitch and when the preacher finally opened For orchard along with other farm duties, hie text: ,"Now when the uproar had great detuand and aabscl•lbers have his eras trot a, soul teas left, antl on hie ��Use Over-30- Years TAjt,t�1� WYtd�o�v t�l,OCi� we understand that he has one of the etasod;' rl'bA shalt' nab up alit'! took nothing to lose by eamplyln Thr disk was pinned this note -" Whtrt beat herds of Shortborn and Angus notice, and when the parson had done Family IFerald and Weekly tar is 1i T11b find Your® AIWAYS Bought I cattle In the eountr „ looking for n bigger season than ever you have finished, will you please turn Y I ONE DOOR l\if; UT1I Oh' XXO:Y'S J ,!WULUY' STORE y.-•-IDungatition they eame•bac'k with "Now It Is tima before. It Is, Ingoed a bigdollar'a I off' the li hta lock the door, and put i*"11cd*W1•.�uwe COMPANY t4*W Vaw+e r�rrv. N61WId, to wake out of bleep," worth, + the kaq under the meetly ����� �-a - - .,�._ _ __ _ate. __ _ _ . __ -, -- -: .... - .. .. ._._. _...._..•r..,-_. ..__. ...-..Y,.i.r,IWW--ffff•f•f• .-