HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-10-09, Page 2• What appeal did Aaron make? For what I eleee,1 pray? Why was Miriam ex- dittita filen the tamp? l'It.kt I 1- L 80CIF.TY. Topie.- e.. .o Israel. 1. aloece. (Pelle,. ••• ..1.4.• of NIOStes, .1 11131, i .1141Ses. '.11)(4 hit• 1 Potatoes were quite plentifol anti sold 1 . at from $1.10 to $.25 per beg. qt. Thomase-The prive of Ilve lin:e 1 ri i'l",1 1 -no R. took another drop tnelay, being quoted ViiitiL7 C14"111 .e.5:-.'' ta $8.50, against $.75 a week ego. Pro- • -•*„:-.;^•,,e. duee, no the Other hand, Feemed to advauce. Butter, 28e to ale;_eggs, 28e • to 30e; potatoes, 00e bueliet; tornadoes, 1.eieett H. -October 1a, 1913, thore ,,...i.t,on were two It:ailing Otte to 50e; onions, $1 -bushel; apples, peraonagee lit toe congregation di Ierael, TORONTO .TA.R1c..4T8 40e bushel; peaches, 25c to 40e basket; plums, 20e to 35e basket; pears 20c Jealitav Envy l'unielted. gum belongoig to Mosel,' own family. 'Miriam FAR:NIERS' aLaRKET. , 1 ti basket; watermelons, 5e to 15e; e'ltiek- 12; 1 Id. Conunentary.-:. The envy of Miriam and Aaron (vs. 1.M. I. atirenn-aloses" sister. Frinn the ittettlent (if Moses ine fafise witutes. It was a sad manatee Eggs, nee- mil, wan.. . reeeue front tha river we know tam). of prole that overavheimett her • Chickens, Ili • - • • 0 18 0 20 that she was several searg., 01,d• natural affeetion, that made her for- yowl, .... 0 14 0 15' er titan he. 81"' Wal4 ?",14:11.t'Y get the obligation,' of her honorable of- Ihtekte lb.., , ,„ „ 0 10 0 18 the leerier in the opPositiml 'dee, to maIti pretenee of being badly Torkeys, ... 0 18 0 20 , treated. It ea,. an unworthy thing for Apoleo, bbl., ...... 50 3 00 here mentioned, Ina -outwit as her name 04 tliS'en first, and alone was punishe.L. sister to t ne the power of one pow oe,e bag „ „ „ 0 00 0 00 (intlie against Slows -The eseenve ot mem tied hid laid owlet care and Beef, forequartera, <art .. 7 9 00 %that they said k given in tito next verse,. beealee, of the Ethiopian woman Th, ru,im41 Vineion hae "Clishitelor "Fahlepian." Cush is tile liele•ew equivit. lent Of Ethiopia, lint it IndieVed that there Was a place by that tutine la Ara- bia. Million and Aaron probably referr- ed to Zipporoh. whom they spoke of as a cueltite Woman. Some think Wipporah was deal and Nloses had recently taken a wife front among the alidienites, or Cushites, The feet (.1 his having nurr- lied lin FallioPiall w.nuall was Minnie' a pretext. for the (et:ten:tint of Miriam and Aaron; the real ground was their envy anti jealottey, epoken only by ltheee end Atirm1 readily nek»owitelg- ed that Moses was endowed tt4 a pro- phee Their emmilaint woe that the3 were not recogiuzed as being on au equality with him. Their jealottsy tel their eyes to the fitness, of thinge. Aaron's weakness to the matter of the golden calf proved hie unworthineie to be a prophet, awl the very conduct of Miriam and Aaron on this oecaeion pro- claimed their unfitness to occupy the eoveted. position, the Lord heard it - elloVal klIeW the pain width 014 seal - lion would cense his servant. He knows all the itentulte that are mule upon Ilia ehildre», ana he gives 1,,,/nue. to endure. 3. .:\leftee WaS very meek --That high a tribute ite this VerSe COntainS slio11141 /teem in the book writtee by Mosee himself, Int4 given rise to 1110011 diseuseiOn. Many have supposed that Moses' humility would not Ineve allowed. him to speak thus htghly of himself. We note a few of the views. held regardiag, this pantage. I. Dr. Clarke supposee the word -transleted "meek" means. in this place "afflicted," and expresses the thought that Moses wes greatly burden- ed as a leader with the murmurings and opposition or his people. 2. It is held that under the eircumstanees Moses wee juetified in declaring his own stmerior ineeknese, in meter that the eharge'nf :\liriam and Aaron might be shown to be baseless. 3 . The word "meek" as usual here lute in 14 the idea of personal piety toward God, and not distinctively the thought of meekneAe under -islet toward. inen, 4. .A reaeonable conelusion is that the Ivor& included in this verse were written by a later scribe, ti8 Ezra, and inserted at this point, to &tow the weakness of the charge Against Moses. 4. Come oet--Out of the camp. 'Un- to the tabernacle- The tabernaele was unt pinee of assembly distinctively, but a phtee where the people 00144, go to inquire of Jehovah regardingentny mutter. 5: The Lord came down ---We naturally think of Clod 118 being far above us. and this expreseion tmeommin date); the net to our ideas. Pillar of the cloml-•The pillar that rested upon the tabernaele or led Israel in their journeys. 6. Ilear 140W My W01:4S--: Addressed to Mirittin and Aaron. Vision -dream-- •The common mode of revela- tion With to make the IlleSsag.c by means of it vision or dream given tn the prophet. 7. Moses ie not eo - Mine,: was more then en ordinary pro- phet, and Clod's communieation of hie will was different from that by visions and dreams. Faithfule-Trust wort hy. nline house- -The -tinnily of Israel. 8. Mouth to 01014111. As we say, "fatten() /am" e1pparently-Opeuly. The 'form of dellovali (IL V.)-Jeltovah manifest- ed hitt:H.1f in such it form that MoseS knew it was he. Were 3'e not afraid - This is the climax of their condemna- tion. They should bare understood that Moses was divinely ealled and pre- pared to stand between Clod end the penple. 1 1. :Miriam punished. (vs. 0-3 3). ft. The anger of the Lord---1ehovalt • was greatly dispieweed. He departeil--The Lord withdrew manifestation of' his presence alien the cloud departed from the tabernaele.-Whedon. 10. was leprove (R. V.)- Leprnsy ordinarily develop.; slowly. but in tide case it nem suddenly. ellowing clearly that it Was punishment inflieted by the Loril„111. linseed; thee--Aaroe realized the need of immediate help. Although he' wae a privet, he appealed to Moses to inter- cede for him. bemuse he himself was involved in the fiin. Tit this plea. he really pap( a tribute to Moses integ- 010' and piety. Wherein we have sin- ued---Aaron makes a frank confeesien, of his sin. and preparee the waY' for reeeiving minion. 12. Ae one dead- - The leper wag separated from other persnne, ent off' frmn the privilegee. 140(4ety Red publie religions observatiees. dwelling without the eamp. Flesh is ltalf et:moulted Tbe leper is likened to ehild born dead. 13. Mosee /glee ento the Lord- lie wits ready to inter- cede hi behalf 01 Mariam, who had left in open opposition to himself. He elterished no resentment toward ber awl Aaron. Heal her notv-The need was urgent, and Moses' prayer wile earnest. Ilk .faith grasped an immed- iate nuewer. "Weak faith hops vnge %me; grasps no definite time, looks only for a gradual cure" of the leprosy of sie. The inferenee is plain that elle etas 11(40441 at onee. 14. Spit 10 11(1, faip....An art denotine the ut- 1410:41 eontempt; tt meet no:tilting aet. The one spit upon anume the Jews'was made eeremonially unelean, and mtnit remain awav from the people seven days. Let lier he slint out -Miriam had received a most expreesive token of Ciod'e diepleasure. therefore sbe must remain hem his presenee nuil from Ins people for seven days. 15. The pe.ople, Journeyed not -The punishment of Mir. iam. the result of her sin and that of Aareu. held heel; the hosts of Israel eeven days from continuing their jour- ney toword C'etittan. This indivates IMMO degree how Gott looki4 tipon sine - ID% Isreere journey renewed (v.tvid) 16.- Removed trent 11agel'Ot11-1111 4 wee one of the elalions at whieh Tereel ter - tied several oaye on tile jonriley frOM Sinai, It is a plain 11Ortheast :411011, eurrounded .tall sandetone ef Pavan- Tide wildernerer lay to the north of the Sinaitie Peninepla. ere in the Uniteinnta t 04. and espenaliy Ha eastern border would he rougnly a ni tie. mien. to mop, into the irrigated mem, 20 to 40e basket; apple)), 2.1e; line nrawn Iron) the Dead Sett to the ignms, 20 to 25e; grapes, 25 to 3(1e; vipe distriet in Western Cithada. Gulf of Akaba. Ian between Midlan jeeery ingneeneen teat van be made tomatoes, 30e; grren tomittnea, 20e; am! Egypt, and wee Ishomers 111 the alee of lend, developea whole- redone 21 to 500; potathea, 300; mini- plaeee -(nm, Mb. I Queetione - Who were Miriam and Aaron? Why did they epeale enable& Mitee.4? What gromul4 nail they fin• thinning thee were the telltale of Mt -wee? \Vita t raker serihed to Niemen? Mew their vomplaitit effeet the Lord? What did the Lord slay to them Hew aid Con talk -with *Stogie? 'What 0 • . . • punieliment um; eent upon 4in to I omp e ti: • and Aain uttai ) i e (4., childhood devotion to her brother, es- Do., light .. .. .... .. 13 00 13 50 bushel.; °ate, 31,1e bushel; new hay, $12 • of nature, quite in contraet 44 Miriallen Drestied llokr,-1, IleaVy... pecialiv as 81te Wil8 the leader in bear- • Butter, dairy., lb.. ... .... 0 30 0 33 Per toll; baled hay, $10 ton; bides, 90 ..I2 25 12 50 enS, Ile to 18e lb.; wheat, 85e to 90e f . ' to Ile. Stratford.--'11te ruling priees fel' startles were: Egge„ 30e; butter, 20e to 27e; eltiekens, 4(le to ;10e melt; ducks, 75e; potatoes, 90e bag; wheat, 83e; oats, 30e; hay, loose, $15 per ton; hogs, live, $8.35 to eel.50; wool, washed, 19e to 20 1-2e per lb.; bides, 10e; ealiskine, 13e to 14e lb. ,, Owen Sound.--llutter, in pound printre was 24e to 25e; eggs, 27e to 29e; barley. 35e; oats, 32e to 3-1e; witeftt, /We te 90e; pens, 83e; potatoee, per bag, 83e to He I live Item, $8.00; dreeeed hogs, $12; eltiekens, 18e to 30e per pound; (Itieks, lde; 111 11108, 430; errtb apples, 30e; tomatoee, 25e to 30e per basket. Peterborne-The price of live. 110g8 18 $8,75, lla 1011 hay remains at $18, a nil loose at $18. 1Vheat is 83e. to 00e; oats. 38e; farmere' hides, 10e; butchers' hide& 1 le; potatoes more plentiful. $1 a bag; armies, 40e peek; geese, *1.50; dtteks, 75e magi; eltiekette, *1. to *1,00 pair; butter, 21se to ;Me; eggs, 30e to 32e. Bellevillt.-- Hoes,. dreased, were *12 to *12.25; ego, 211e; butter, 32e to 35e; potittoce, *1 per busliel; wheat, 85e; mite 37e; baled hay. *14; "loose, $12 to $14; eltickens, 75e to fen pair; fowl, $1 to $.35; !Mice, 10e to lle. CHICAGO LIVE elTOCK. Chicago Desnateh-Cattle- Receipts 17,000; .market strong. Beevee.. .. .. a member of the Chatham police staff, Texais Steers.. ..., ....• 7 00 8 00 7 '..0 „ft ...0 was to -day appointed Chief of Police. Stoekere and feeders .. _ 50 1 S 50 A liennelt containing /tie people hit a Clore and heifere ..- „. , n 0o g eo sunken pier near the loot of intiferin Calves.. .. ... .....-.. 7 73 11 30 etreet, Toronto. Hoge-lieceipten 40,000; nutrket 810W, The prices of steel pro then; in the Lieht.... .. .. .... ...$ 8 15 $S RO United Statee may be lowered heeding) '.1 fixed-. .. .. .... ... 8 00 8 S5 of teriff reductione. • 7 110 8 80 ;Judge Tlionnts Ambrooe Corlenn, or R.ough ,. .., .... ., ... 7 90 8 10 Halifix, died at Ids home in ablton of Ings.. .. ... ... ....... 4 30 7 75 carcinoma tine! ra, ve-tr• Slieep---.- Recelpte, 43,000; market , , k 0 . • q. Bulk of ealee., . 8 15 8 05 ;neatly. / to petitions asking elemeney for (.1.enles Forty. thottettnti natnes were a tin/died A 3 no A3 35 Gibson, the Toronto inttederete NYgleatirl.f‘ings ..... „ . „ , 3 00 0 00 'Cho well-known hotel and stove at Lambe, native ...... 5 90 7 50 Sturgeon Point, known tus Mrs. Walker's, MONTREA TJ rel vir, e.4 il Reit. Wila totally feminine/1 by fire. Montreal destetteb; West End Market. Ndssan Lodge, London, Out . whient line Cattle--1100PiPt8. alaIllt 3.000; calve4 in. (11111 colnes of fift,y 11141,1, 1.8 a 11,81011.4 to 1.000; Sheep and lambs, 2,000; hogs. 1.; ight agamet Home little in 1 leter. 050. Trade was brisk, with an active Mrs. :Eleanor ,11za. Kennedy, widow of F ' • - demand for small bulls and stockers to Captain Wm. Kennedy, the Arctic ex - send to the 'United States. 'plc prices phone, died at 'Virden, :Mane erred SS, reeponsibility. 1.e.-ause the Lord hat spoken Omagh Miriam. wee eliffieient reiteon why see should have been ere peeially vatefel of what she slid., ;vet she stooped front her high rauketo in- dulge in eeieepeaking, beeauee of a per - 1n11 "image, Pride and envy lend en- tered Tier heert so that all eon...K.(11101cm of her sin were nnheeded. Miriam and Aaron gave Was to their petty jealotte,y under cover Of conscience. They justi- fied their aet toward. Mose3 by dwelling upon their own spiritual authority, for- getting.thai to envy those who receive the givts of God Li to rebel against him and provoln. 1114 displeasure. Tee eLord set snigular hont.r upon Mesm, denoted 'Ale title, ..M• seeVallt Mooed.' 'There Wee seeret poteon, a hidden plague in Mirinbne ambition. 11, Quebed in defence or Motwe. The direet inteefereeee of the Lord hitneelt was necessary for the proteetioa of his servant. De spoke euddenly to the three persons coneerned, eummoning, them to appear at the taberuaele. Ife then called the two offenders by them - Mine, leaving Moan to see and hear how the Lora vntilleateil bine 1 10 bone Miriau and Aarou hear hie Woras, n,1 he hall lurtril the:r4. WM oeeasi011 for the hualidiut (it the pt•ond and the exalting of the nuen. It wee a time of !outline -flop when ntirlant and Aaron found that debovalt had taken up tilt eenot, of their despised brother and hud highly estnigne.1 lin», whom they had allowed thent-elvee to- seorn. To bring out all the significative of the vecasioe it WaS 114‘;‘dfill to Malie speMal -mention of the meekni 84 of :11.0.408. Though Mosns wee meek, he tette not a pliable man. His meeknees was eoneistent with power and authority, Ile went light on in the way 01' tiod's appointments. His meekness wa4 accompauied with obedi- ence to God, with courage and persist- ency and it never felling sense of right. He was noble exempla of extramelin- ary strength of eitaraeter, beeattse hie uuselfieh will reeted in the win of Cod, Meekness had etoreil up that stremeth in his soul. whieh proved available in the emergeneiee of life, It was the result of many other pewee. Beeidee vindicat- ing Mmeet, and rehnking hie detrantorts, the Lonl .put a mark of hie displeasure -upon Mirtare. The punishment was as as it was public. :Miriam was punished in the presence of the per- son she bad injured, and by the (treat cod againet whose authority she° hied rebelled. She 4011,4 excluded from the camp publie1y, euil greatly humbled by being eleaneed . answer to nioses' prayer. The 4everity of ber punishment reveals the divine abliorrenta. of Ain. Ae Miriam'e fnhle lied been terrible in its manifeetraimn so her punishment was most grievotte. propheteee nA she was, ana eist-or il) Israel's lawgiver, had to piles through the ordinary cere- mony for the eleaneing, of lepers. Her sin, though forgiven, was not to be lightly forgotten by hereelf or the peo- ple. Aaron's appeal implied his faith in the magnanimity and piety of Moses. From that sharp and trying seeee Moses emerged with hie character shining more luminously than ever. He joined with Aaron in inlereeding fontheir afflicten sister. His prayer Wall explicit, earnest, generous and well timed. The anewer was most gracious and speedy. lliriamn sin cheeked the progress of the whole host of Israel for. eeven days, for the Lord did not give the eignal for Israel's departure until Miriam wee reAtored. T. R. A. . Do„ hindquarters, ewt 11 .)0 Dm, eliolve sidee, cwt lit 00 11 00 Do., medium, ewt 50 o 50 Do., vommoo, vwt 30 8 00 Motto!), light, ewt...... .. 00 11 00 Veal, eommon, ewt 9 00 10 00 Do., prime, owt .. 11 00 13 00 Lamb, ewt . ,• .. 50 13 00 SUGAR MARKET. Sngare are eptoted in Toronto, Wine, per ewte aa followo: Extra granulated, St, Lawrence..$4 50 Do. (10, Redpath's. 4 DO Do. do, Aeadia, ...... 4 41 Beaver graealaterl• . . 4 43 Beaver grauulated „ 4 35 No, 1 yelloW .• • ... 4 10 lti barrels, se per ewt, more; ear lots, 5e nes. EXODUS' TO CANADA Arkansas Valley Beet Col. ony Will Remove. ••••••••••.•• Alberta Will Get Some Desirable Settlers. T.IrE STOCK. Toyota°, Oet. effeet of the Underwood-Simmone bill on the 100141 cattle market is shown strongly this morning. Commieeion men are at vari- ance to the level of pieces. wItlie buy- ers ere itt sea ne reearde, the inflated valuee. The priee8 mtist ultimately meet the nuffelo market quotatimen mid so far the 0011,04 eetimatea art• higherdhan Rennet, "It will be a week, possibly more, be- fore eny .tuentrate representative priees eau be given out," said a prominent dealer, "but the inerease is anywhere from 25 vents to 81.25 per ewt." Though that is unoffleittl, and may possibly 110t hOld to -morrow's trade. 111e• re- ceipts were heavy, end Qom:lined of 4.- 407 cattle, 795 calves, 1,102 eheee, and :110 hogs. OTHER iitARIC...ETS WINNIPEG GRAIN OPTIONS. Whoa t- Open. Low. Closee Oet, 0 81% o 8194 81% SI% °et 8194 0 81% o 81% 0 Strin Moy _ 0 Sine 0 871/4 0 86% 0 SO% °ate-- Oet .:-., 0 34% 34% 0 34 0 3-1 Dee. (1 35% 0 35 Ve. 0 341/4 0 34.1/4 Mao ... (1 39% 0 39% 0 381/4 0 381/. lilax- Oet .., 1 1 8% 1 20 1 liine 1 thea Dee. „ , I 20 1 21 120 1 20% MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN MARKET. - Close; Wheat --Dee. 84 1-8e to 84 I -4e; May, 89 3 -Re to 80 1-2e; No. 1 hard, 86 1-4e; No. 1 northetn, 83 1-4e to 85 3-4e. Corn --No. 3 yellow, 07 1-2e to 68e. Oats -No. 3 white, 37e 10 37 1-4e. Rye- •No. 2, 55e to 59 1-2c. • Flour -- 'Unchanged. Bran-re10050 to $21. DULUTH GRAIN mARKET. DCI1Ver, Colo., Oet. NOW de velopment le ligation ti) the Colorado beet sugar industry and impending free sugar 4011ne to the front to -day. A col- ony of beet. huger growers in the Ar kaneas \ alley hate ei.e.t.eted plans to move to Canada in the irrigated district in Alberta. They will finen the nueletet of what is to 1e devehieed into a large colony for the upbuildiei of the beet sugar induetry et Alberta.. .As favorable conditions as could be arranged were provided in order to ia- duee the Corneae() Beet Sugar Growers to make the change. The Canadian Pa- cific Railway, e Melt organized the movement through its agency in Denvee, provided IL :peel"' ear, boccie' railroad ratee aud seeetal eleephig car rate for the 25 Arkintette \ ailee• farmer); whit made the trip. Beady -made farms in tile three mil- lionetete irrigation belt east of Calgary had been etepared in advance for them. Theee tracia, in itecordance with the development 1-3stetn pursued by the Canadian Pachie, were supplied with ilea-le-eieeted houses, barns, fences, end with wells di 3, an tertuy to move into: Thirty-six fauns were bought by the Colorado lleet Moon. Groevers, some of those along 1 epte-miting °titers who did not go. Sugai. beets have been tried out in the Alberta irripated district, NO that the industry is through the expet•iment- al One.° there and ready for a strong Advance. There is a. suger beet foundry at Lethbridge, 150 miles from tbe dis- triet. In order to etwourage the indus• try the railroad silt git a a low freight rale int sugar beets, 'flier() is uo doubt flint the expected lower wise. of heels beeanse of ;mean. iug fine sugary to be taken advantage of by tie 111 0 111(111ee sego: beet grow- NEWS OF THE IManeel de Arraga, will pardon 900 political prisonere on Sunday next, the third enniversary of the Portu• ' guese Republic. This will leave onlY WILL STICK JOHN BOOTH HuRT ocubsotuotay1.00, political prisoners still in , Veteran Ottawa Lumber. DAyIN BRIEF FrTanheee anninsgzoorrivatti(iiiinotenl willtiectiseLern, I Warns Foes Progressives tnan Badly 1.1ared in • , lug operations began nearly three years ago, was pierced Friday. At tittawa deepatehi John 11. Booth, balf-past seven in the eveniog two bor. . the veteran lameeeman, lips at eie home ing gangs advancing from the French (In Eve of His Departure And Swami- sides met and shook hands. 'se' in a merlons condition a4 the reivilf of Fire broke out In PlYneeeth Churcb, 1 • Brooklyn, and clici about $5,000 dam- age before it was got under controe The church is one of the most his- toric in Greater New York and its pul- pit was once occupied by Ifenry Ward Beecher. Fight Only Begun London. Lodge Wants to Fight for Ulster, I-IALTON JUDGE DEAD Victim of London's Friday Shooting Is Dead. 01:;git n\i‘v7e°4111 .801(.1*hkinat: MAU Club lute been dames Daly, late pollee magletrato of Napanee, is dead, aged 88 peas. BerUn's population is now 18,318, aw increase of 1,401. Robert Adamson died suddenly while working on a farm Deeham township. George Wrightson, a young man lately married, was instantly killed at London while threshing, The last rail of the 11040 Canndian Northern line connecting Toronto and Ottawa was laid. A. settlement of the question of lands of the •Community Douknobors has about been reachenl. Thomas Graves,. for twenty years' For S. Amenca. injuries weaved this 1,,„,,;,,a,en itt plant, whin a lig equare tholes, part (,f the rttimt ef the mill which was burned down a few weeks ago, fell on him. Die left leg was bruken, his 411081,100 Pinny lituised, and the 1eft side of Ids non lindly eta, eepeelally above the eyes. In spite of the serious maitre of the injuriee,:the doetiott say there are hopee for hie reeovery. At a late hour to- ulght 18. wen restiug as comfortable' as could be expeeted for one 80 adValleed . veers. tor Mr. Booth is trov ios liath aleident, lteppene4 about two o'entele this afternoon. while air. Booth wee etipeeintending a gang (if men tear- ieg nitwit the rui»4 of the timber mill reeently gutted by fire. A teen% of hinnee was hitched on one hig Vintage end 1008 pulling it out evhen he stepped uearby a big equare uptight. lie had not been stall/ling 110ar it more than it moment before it MI. Duluth. --Close: Wheat -No. 1 hard, 85 1-2e; No. 1 northern, 84 1-ec; No. 2 northern, 8e 1-2c lo 83e; Montana, No. 2 nerd, 83 1-8c; Dee., 84 1-2e asked; May, 89 5-4e to 89 1-2e asked. CHEESE MARKETS. I'VaterSown, N.Y.- •At the Watertown Cheese Board meeting to -day the eheese salee were foity-five hundred boxes at 7-ne. London. -One hundred boxes offered. All sold et 13 1-80; bidding, 13 1-8e. -- St. Ityacinthe, Que.-Four hundred and fifty packages butter sold at 27 3-8e; two hundred and fifty boxes eingoe sold at la 5-8e. --- Watertown, N.Y.--Cheese sales, 4,421 boxee at 15 7-8e to Ble; 170 boxee private terms, LONDON WOOL SALES. London. --There was a. brisk demand for the 11,847 bake offered at the wool auction sales 40 -day. Priers were Mtn end in sellers' favor and slipee mac - fleetly reeovered their opening PuiseR. Americans bought greasy and slipee. During the remaining days of the sale, 23,000 bales will be offered. To -day's sales follow: N'eW 8011th Wales, 1,200 bales, econred, Is 3d to la 101; gveasy, (1(1 to ls 2(1; Queensland, 2,500 bales, scoured, Is 5 I -2d to 2s 2 1-2d; greasy, 11/1 to Is 1-2d; Inetoria, 1,400 bales, seourea id to 2s 11241; greasy 711 to Is 3 1-241; \Vest Australia, COO bides, greney, 1-4(1 to Ii4; Titemanie, 900 lialee, greasy, 8 1-2e go Is 311; New Zee- land, 4,700 bales, enottred, ls 3d to 14 II 1-2d; greasy, ti 1-411 4o- Is 1(lt Cane of Good Hope nod Natal, 500 baleen greasy, 6 1-4it to 9 1-4d. PROVINCIAL 'MARKETS. London, Ont. --Eggs were .again in goal ilt•mand, the oupply being- coneiderably short, retailing at 30 to 32e- per dozen. Butter.prices were also firm. as high as 32e being asked in some instancee, though 28 to 30e tvite the ruling pvice. al re gettieg busy again. dardware, and boot 11114 (hoe eoncerns 'rho grain markob was not active; little old oats are being ofiered, the quotation Wittuipme,----•Tinin•ovement is gratifying being $1.10 per ewt. New oats are 92 to Ii8e. 'Wheat remttios at S5e Per in 111111);:silt 1:1110104.11)::1111:1181:s is olf)eit101gailen,10.1%1:61:11 bueliei. Hay, nt $12 to $15, hae been Innlillegs men ecitee to be merely hope - in liberal vohtmea. The west is order - plentiful this week, npwardo of a linn- "11. hie frmu the mutt freely. It is a little dred loads being marketed during the part six days, 011 the fruit market early yet for collection14 to ehow miteh• there were fewer peaches offeren than a improvement, week ago, but the supply equalled the demand and they sold from 25 to 4(k. .\"ate•otivere- `Business at the roast i4 pee baeket. Grapee were Plentiful at recovering. Minnifiteturing is going- mt 20 to 30e. Apples are again abundant, anat.(' in mane' lime. and wholesale, and an! agaili this year being offered at "LIS" 11110e (Ina° Illare 1/1181110S5 (1001113 September than for some Menthe pied, low prices, from $1.2.5 to $175 per hbl. Alovetnent in /lumen Renton ham been Plume were 50e per basket toolay„ To- matoes eold slawly at eix baskets for a inmamillY liellaY. Trade is fair in hard - illy goods firms ere doing a dollar, and other vegetables were Also ware anti plentiful. Poo -toes are retailing at 00e salisraetorY volume of Inlaineaa. liallliltall.-. lilthilleSS conditione here per bag. Chiekens cold at 12e pet• its an fowl at 1 0e, and ducks at 10 to 11e are progressing favorably. Ortlers are per Ill. 1.411111)SkillS meld for gee each, but inereesing at the initjority of whniesale there WAR 110 change in other bitten, lurninet mid manufacturers ere quite Dreesed meads were anto unehateged in Intsn. lleal estate 1.4 waive and 1011111 - price, reeept pork, wbielt is $1ightly ing pennits ere fair. Supplier; or frttit enter at men to e13 per mt. omen have been heavy. of cattle were motor an round. but Dr. lean Annett, of Wincleor died et there WOG little change ie the nrices Vieteria Hospital, Lonfinn, foilowi»g• a of other live stook. Prime beeves, 61/4e serione operatiou. Ile W1.4 ill his 2-1 th to iel medium, 4lee to 01/4e: common, Year. 2.3ne to 4 :net small bulls and stoekers. Rev. Philip Winkler, the oldeet minen 31/4e to 4lee; talves. 30 to tie. Sheep, ter Of the Evangelical Aseoeiation, Cate about 4e; lambs, about Onee; hogs, 9c oda Conference, died et St. droesb'e, aged to 014e. 93 yeare. LIVERPOOL rrtoDucE. In a.grade croseing aeeldent at Bain - Wheat, spot, No. 1 Manitoba, 7s bridge village, X. Y., one pereon teas 7 1-4(1. killed and ReVen were injured, two of No. 2 Atanitolet-7s 5(1. whom will die. No. 3 :Manitoba -7s M. - Hon. Sydney Fisher and Mr. Wm. Mole FutureA, ()ay. ris were 'the Liberal end Conine:Give October --7s 1-8(1, eandidatee, respectively, imminated in . niarch--7s 1 3.4,1. Chateauguay. December -7e Cind. Nine petitions are being circulated Corn, spot, quiet. asking clemency for Charles Gibson, ., American mixed -de 8 1-2d. sentenced to hang In Toronto for mur- Ftttures, 'weak. der. Oetober Laplata-5s 4 1-Sd. . COL Lowther, who has been Mille Deeember-5 4 1-81 tary Secretary to the Duke of Con - nom., winter patente-28s 9d. nor, eii. London (pacific coast) _ LO Enanugllind ltras left Ottdaltv.a to rieturiti to g an 0 comman Is reg men . Ce to .C7 5s. With inturlen whicb. may prove fat- al, sustained by being crushed under the rear roller of a steam tractor at the eornee of -College and Grace streets, Toromo, Louis Speen, a liar- nessinaker employed by the T. Ratan CO., Wan removed to the Wester% llos- pital. aa• Pork; prime mien western --I 10. One of the worst fires in the history Beef, extra India Inees-P225 ed. 08e thi, of Pembroke, entailing a loss of some Bacon, Cumberland mit, 26 to 30 1133.-e 160 000 took place, when the valuable Hunter property was burned to the Hems, short cut, I 1 to 16 pounds- • " 748 fel. ground. Long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs. on the culvert at Miraflores locks, Fow: West Indian laborers working Clear bellies, 14 to 10 lbs. -Ods 6d. -74s. lbs. -73s. Long clear middlce, heavy, 35 to 40 Panama, were drowned, owing i.o the giving way of the barrier used to re- f -theft clear backs, 10 •to 20 lbs. -07s. tain the water within proper bounds. Shoulders, square, 1 1 to 13 Ilts,-628. Six peneone were killed by an 0800 - Lard, prime 'western, in tiercee- Ilion of petroleum on the Fretiell steamer Atmore at Algiers when somebody drop- Arneriean refined -56s. 560 ped a lighted eigarette and the fluid..was Tallow, prime eity-32s. new_ eige:11,111tRi!:01 nAilIonso or Orleans, who is a pilot, has gone to Madrid W. Cheese, Cenedinn, finest white, Turpentine epirits-30s Oti. to take charge of two flotillas of iter0- 04s 6(1; eolored, new, 65s 6/1, . 1 lesin, enntini», les 3(1. planee for use in the campnign againet Anstralian in London, 330 4 1-2(1. Petroleum, refined --9 3-8d. the lloore. Petroleum. refined -9 3-8(1. George Blackburn, of- London,. Ont., Linseed. oil -26s, who was fatally shot by Tom Riley, a 29s 3d. Cotten seed oil, Hull refined, spot- inTIViolent1QarsigEtIrerPiintgalt.on, che 0 -year-old the Hotel Cecil on Friday night, flied Grand Trunk Railway birakeman, in BRADSTREET'S TRADE REVIEW son of John Efiterington, Brockvine,died shown in the local business situation:It Toronto.---Decieled improvement is on an eastbound moving freight tram. lintrlitees ggenionxii,n1 e(ittoilsipaittatl(zisltiangretsnali.tumolf) immediate future promises well. Money office, Xavier St. Arnaud, the young man is true that settlemnnts are not !nue i is eireelating more .freely ill tno 001111- Cliartred with forging a money order for better than they have been, bat the try. Dry goods hottiee rerer to nepteni- $43 itmi. emitting it at North Bay poet- ber aft bet ter than last year. The volume tt•as sentenced to four years ill 01 groeery business at lellaleSail; house4 King -don Penitent !Rey by Ma glen rate Weegar. ft8tirtrel'ir.eillgg;ne3iletiTlyt nbVstiesti•I.0 0 111"d f'°* An authoritative deuial was ies•tied. at lIontrettl.--Rapid improvement is go- , Berlin of publisherl etatements that the ine on in the various wholesale houses sl memo, late Augnet Rebel, the Soeittlist leader, there. Money is circulating more free- who died on Aug. I 3 Itteit, wee a mil- lionaire. His eetate hi valued at stibout faeturPni age butte'. Trade is brisk in 1.,tre.(t‘e6y-re,d41:1P:geltlineie6111. (41134o.rilelan"anidleet1111 e l'alri resat wealth, Iron. Joseph Cook ,on the cote - f the Auetralian Common- . tlit'ileelsnilitnniClveenitte;eco1118eetsillons":1 oinptilnelinslite. eonditionti' rule in general. Itost menu- 'ullif8"' - pletion of the battleship Auetraile, and the cruiser Sydney. Great, Britain and ileetnany may nen: flew commereial treatiee %vier the intiteil States beemese there ie not equality of treatutent of the venni,/ of their 0002... Sell4 dominiope under Elle new Demo. erfttie tariff bill. • moPuisitefreNtredndeo(LNelyjegglitore'n'), thealefas: of the celebrated "Ladies of Llangol- len," with its many historical associa- tions, has been offered to the muni- cipality of Llangollen as a show place. The pricp asked is $87,500. Dr. Edwin Candeo Baldwin. Stale BaeterioIogist at New York Quaran• tiee, and on6 of the leading authorities in the United States on contagious diseases, died at his home at Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island. lie was 48. yeare old. The Board of County judges for (Marie met the committee of the Supretno Coen Judges at Osgoodo Hall for the. purpose of eonsideriag rules of practiee and the tariff of eoste applicable to the Surrogate not eliatteed. Wholesale linliseS aro . (-104;01te0,garage occupied by the Gibson 41a1,„. The vity ia cmaincivially pr„sper, loronto, four electrie ears awl five 100 _YEARS' PLACE' British Committee Ask3 Funds for Big Scheme. ,••,••• NeW York, Mt, O. -.Theodore Roose- Veit set out to -day, for the second time since he left the White House, upon a long Journey Into the 'eolith - ern hemisphere. The sailing of the Lamport & Bolt Line oteamsbip 1/101- dyek, upon whien he had booked pass. New York, Oct. O.- A .lenelott eable to the Tribune says: Au inguntant stop is to be taken Gila week Ity the British Cmmnittee for the celebration of the nittaireiltit annivers- ary of peace among the English-speak- ing peoples. The eonunitine la to make an appeal to the public toenorrow for *400,000. and the objeets in view were explained yesterday by IL S. Perrin, steo retary of 'die committee, who said: "We are launching our appeal to <MIT)* (»It t110 Britieh programme for tit() celebration. Thie programme, as already authorized, ineindee, fir:Anne ereetion of n. memorial in Weetntiuster Abbey of the Centenary of Pelmet eye- ond, the purchase of Singrave Manor, Neethamptonshire, the ancestral home of the Washington family, and its main- tenance Its It place Of pilgrimage for American visitors to England, ns a sym- bol of. the kinship of the two peoples, and., the fonudation of a perman- ent ehair of Anglo-Atherlean history, to le• held in etweeseion ley a series of em- inent Britieh and American historians, together witlt an endowment scheme for annual prizee in elementary and see- oudery eehools for eesays on topics ger- mane to the objeets of the celebra- tion." .! pigs sold toolay for VI to $13 per par, -11usine44 vim/Minns ere en - mud tee peke foe nye how ;Monday will :\lalitlfiletlireri are lotey be $8.73 per en't. orilepe nteente . Vortplipq. 40 to eme lessspt -11114110,l5 liftVe fairly naive with fall mut winter or- ,T.-, itileetric Compatiy, 517 (bunch street, /tits. gasoline ears and the billiard room of sale and at a lower money interest, eitst flower, I 0 to 23e need; eablaige, 90e - Quebee.--{'imiliti0101 are melt aboot .ptiti e Granite Club were destroyed b 3, me damage was estimated at of labor and material. end also every dezen; own, 1 00; eltroint, 10 to 15e; the same as pree111114 week, Them is a sl.(1. amelioration that eon lie eupplied to loirkere, $5 eaell, $0 per pair; 1.411111, 12 renal mot ement in fell goode. •,'"aBe.,- $65,000. folder tite lieet migar industry wil1 be . to Vie; thieke, $1.50 pair; Otieketin 53e tines are still slow. but it. is eX pit +(pa After fifty yeara hi the ntate prison, provided. 1110 1)1101"1"iPth of the vaelt; nutter, ee (0 80e; eggi, 30 to 33e. money will le, /ender ne the sennon ten. Charles Gilbert, or New 'Britain, Conn., innment fur beg 14 !Twelve aewn, min Berlin, Ont.- ;Inge.; were 8(441 at line viltive's, Shoe manufacturers nye eel- died in that institution last Titesday, the 'Caminito l'imifie will knit euffietent per tiozete with a few itek.ing 32e. lint- ting 1,u4y, %gall [nee IR fairly .30;4, protesting that he Was innocent, that money for the equipment null einekinee ter WaS offered at 280 to 30e per pomul. ' ......--neene...--.... his father Was guilty et the Murder • " • • • • • •• . 11 • I IV ;ken. were plentiful et from 40e to The pattprom of Leriflon number Mile of IlelleY CaldWntli renratfing ()Meer • and clial war boutity agent, in 18114. nti ? 1 4 1 I 1 e te, 75t. each Drtelie sold nt One 1,1 9 0e. 000. MOULDY FLOUR Canadian Millers Need to Exercise Great Care. age far South America, was timed tor one o'clock, but tho former Prest. dent and members of his Party were astir early with final preparationa for embarking, and many of the progres- ive party leaders who tendered Mtn a great farewell dinner atop of a New York theatre last night arranged to be on hand to glve him a good send- off at tlie dock in Brooklyn. Like his 'East African trip, the South American journey is undertak- en with the colonel proposing to make it one or many aspects, asiile from the pleasure of It, His elner inter - eat, probably, lies in the proposed „penetration of the in terior Brazil, with a party of fellow naturalists, Inn der the auspices of the American Museurn of Natural Ilistory, but the earner part of the six months which he will spend in South America. will be devoted to addresses upon Ameri- can diplomacy, which he has been in- vited -to deliver berord universities and other bodies. A trp into Pata- gonia, to visit an out-of-the-way mis- sion, and two crossings or the con- tinent, to Santiago De Chile and back to Buenos Ayres, will be o•ther fea- tures of his Journey. Those who prepared to'embark with him to -day 'were Mrs. Roosevelt anti Mies Margaret Roosevelt, who will make the tound trip on the Vandyek; Anthony 'Plata, the Polar explorer, who has charge of the expedition's equipment; G. K. Cherry and Leo. L. Miller, naturalists of the Ameri- can Museum of Natural History, and Frank Harper, Col. Roosevelt's sec- retary. Addressing some 2,000 men and wo- men who gathered in his honor at the New York Roof Garden last night, the Colonel made a speech in which he apparently sought -to put the quiet. us on published reports that he in- tends to return to •the Republican party. "I warn our opponents that the fight has only just begun," he said. "I will never abandon the principles to which we Progressives have pledg- ed ourselves." The wildest enthusiasm greeted his assertion. , SWEDEN'S REGENT Ottawa, Oct. 5. --Complaints of a eeri- 0119 1111,00 reached the Department Trede and Commerce to the effect that large shipments of 'Canadian flour bave gone out of coudition when shipped to semi -tropical countries. The Canadian export trade in flottr 14 consequently placed in a somewhat doubtful position 440 far as competition is coneegnea with United States ehippers. Some foreign importers have declared that if flours :from the Dominion are to compete with those from the United States they tenet have the Male keeping qualities 11.8 1110Se ehipPed from the latter country. nome lots of Canadian flour have be- come mouldy during the voyage, while other eoneignmente MVO been known to spoil after being in etorage only three or four weeks. Ca,no.dian millers should therefore see that, when selling to such markets, the flour is made from strictly 60811(1. wheat. freshly ground end with no exceseive moieture. No matter how low the grade is, the qnality 181181 run uniform in color and itt all other re- specte. It is well known Olt flour nuele front tongh whent will met keep in- hot weather, aud ehould not be exported to tropical mitekete. Notwithstanding the preferentiftl duty hi some ea:wain favor of the Canadian product, Canadian Mill - OM Will 10fic this trade unIese Pare 15 taken. • A RADIUM CORNER European Concern Plans a Perpetual Monopoly. Berlin, Oct. 5. --Telegrams from. Lon- don tell of a plan. to form. a large enr- poration for the monopoly of the exiet- ing and future eupply of radium the/nigh/tut the world. The eompany is to be cellea the "European Radium, Limited," and. the eapital is to be $3,730,000, of which one-third. wil be offered for puling oubseription, at par, shnultaramitsly London, Vienna unit other capitals. One of the Auet e'en, promoters of the project is Argon Cleza Radivaneki, t11- e«.tor of the lfungarian National Bank. Apparently the future Emperor of Atiettria. Arehdoke Franz Ferdinand, bas it hand in the dein, inatentiell ae his business manager, Ferdinand Rainer, tvill be the company's general repreeentative for the duet inottarelly. Prot. Ebeler, Heidelberg, anti Prof. Sommer, of Vienna, will be member:4 ( f the scientifie advieory boatel. compenen leteineee will ineltule the acquiring or ntineg anti tlepoeits eapinde of producing radio•aelive suit- etitifees, lls4 Well AS getting emit rot of patents proeetnwe eonneetea with the produetion of 1.11(1111111. The out. spoken pnrpoge of the 1)1.0n -totem is to obtain and maintain world-wide mono- poly in respeet to railient, Negotintions with the Austrian Minister of , Public Worke fire sa1.1 to be still pending, STYRIANS IN TERROR. Berlin, net. IL -The destruction of the floats ntel berth) in the mountable or Styria, Anetete, ernieint hy the 11(megs and 11(.1' and the peek of wolt•es itnit hyenas wit1011 tneaped ream a men- ngerie in the middle of eeptenthee hag been so enormous OM Anstria tlov- erMilent litts ordered the organization of eXpedItIon to drive the wild beasts trent their lair end 1401 them ,nseciirOlme to the "ragebiette The netion the onvet.nment wet: teken on the te•tition of a „f 101 lined SItyrinn mountainet•re, who are teggea pereimatie to the Empet•or Franele Joseph for nesisiantei. SNOW IN THE rivesT. 'Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 6. --The first :mow of the Beason IS falling this moreing in minty parts of Saskatelte- 'wan and aittnitoba, with the tempera- ture around the freezing point lest night and early this morning. No ShOW is ',yet repOrled from Alberla, and Witinipeg and dietriet have SO far (-seeped, Crown Prince Will Act During Father's Illness. , , THE I. O. F. CASE Montreal Lodges Are After Legal Advice. Montrcal report: Reeelution :pith g. Veins a special committee to securts legal adviee with regard to the itc. permitting tho Supreme Court of the Independent order of Foresters te place a lien on Lae policies of those, members who Joined previous to 189:, was passed last night at a mass meet. ing 01 elie members or a number o - local lodges held in the ItIonumen. National. The utmost enthusiasm prevailed when it was decided, if possible, 'a test the legality or the act, and the representatives of all the courts pre- sent promised to contribute propor- tional shares or the preliminary exe reuses, many of the representatives pledging their lodges to contInue fin- ancial support In the event or counsel deciding to test the case the courts. : v MANOEL .IS ANGRY Over Insinuations About His Bride's Illness. Stockholm, Sweden, Oct. 0. - The Crowe. Prince will assume the duties of regent during the illness of his father, King Gustav, who is suffering from the after effects of an operation for appen: dieitis, The arrengemeute for the Crown Prince's' visit to London to at- tend the wedding of Prince Arthur of Connaught to Princess Alexandra of Fife have been countermanded, but Princess eniiitsrgwaercelituntvgi.11 be present at her broth - The Ring is gradually improving in health, and officials of the court de- clare there is no cause for anxiety. Ring Gustav was operated on for ap- pendicitis on Feb. 7, 111 10, at Stockhohn. At first it WaS thought the Ring was suffering film catarrh of the stomach, and the matter was taken with such little seriousness that he attended a coucert on the night of the occasion. A serious spasm occurred at 10 o'clock, and the King. was removed at once to ptleol!foltiollsipeidt.al, where the operation .40a9 Before hie accession to the throne Gustav was popular with the people, and since he ascended the throne, on Dec. 8, 1007, he has added to his popu- larity by his interest in the concerns 'of hie people and the efforts he has made to study at first hand the condi- tions affecting them. ITe was born on June 10, 1858. ALBANIANS BEATEN Servians Claim They Are in Full Retreat. London, Oct. 6, -"The Albanians are felling back along the line," seys the Ditile• Telegraph's Belgrade correspond- ent, "After fleaperate fighting the Ser- viau troops have entered Struga, six milee front Oehrida, having eleered that territory and twattered the Albaniaus, olio evidently are at a lose how to es- cape. their retreat over the River Drill being eut off. The damage lone oy the Alitanians is euormous. "Believing, that the Servian abandon- ment of Lymukula heralded a general retreat, the Allmainne atteeked vigor- onely in front of Prisrend, only to he denim:tied by the Servian fire, which was reeerven until the enemy was with- in 300 yards of their trettelies, Pattie. efricken. the Alnenian4 retreated to tho four winds. "Belgrade is confident the rebenion ie -over. but the Albanians proletbly will follow Om tunics adopted under Turk- ish vele. and nttnek ngain Cis Sonn as they recuperate their focree in the mown thine." Munich, Mt, Manoel of Portugal, hi furiottS over the Insinuations as to the nature of his bride's illness, which has been scattered broadcast throughout the world.' Prince Wilhelm, the father of the bride, also extremely angle. over tide maw. Both attribute the cireulation of these rumors to Porta- gues6 RepublIcan agents, wbo are said to he over -running this place apd who nevt.r anew the ex -King to get out of their sight. If they can possibly help it, Information wblett comes from Lieuten- and Lavredo, the ex-KIng akle-de-camp, Professor von Romberg, who has charge of the case, and the hospital authorities, Is to the effect that the Princess is suf- fering from influenza of the lower ah- doMinal regiOns complicated with intes. Una) disturbances which causes a high temperature for a few days., She is at- tended by two ordinary hospital nurses as her Illness is not serious enough to require private nurses. Aecortling to Professor von Romberg, Oto Princes's Will probably leave the hos- pital Within a week. Lieutenant Lav - redo says the couple will then go to Sig- maringen ter an indefinite period. WINNIPEG YEGGS BUSY. Winnipeg. Oct. 5. -After almost a._ week of inactivity, during which time no traces or them have been found by the police, the yeggmen who have been operating In Winnipeg for some time, resumed operations at 3 o'clock nunday morning by completely de- molishing the safe in, the C.N.R. de- pot and getting away with upwards of $100, overloolting in their haste a package containing $400. Utterly reckless of consequences, they explod- ed three charges of nitro-glyeerine, shattering the wails and windows of the building and attracting the atten- tion of a policeman, whom they fired on when he ran to the depot with the intention of investigating the cause of the disturbance. 1- INVOLUNTABY AIR TRIP. Barcelona, Oct, 5.-Carrled through .the air at a great height while Clinging to the Car of a. balloon, which whisked hltn aloft as the balloon started on an ruicertt, a man had a marvelous escape from 'tile ropes holding the balloon came to the ground after having snored for several miles, and the num dropped un- hurt front /1 la precarious position. As the aeronaut's assistants let go 01 ropes holding the balloon ono of the ropes became entangled about the bode' of an onlooker and 11 e W/14 carried Mori. The aeronent tried to drag Min Into the ear, but lost bis Intialiee and fell, Rai (balled to instant death. 7 :- LEAPED BLAZING INTO RIVER. Ringston, oet. 5. --As a result ot the explosion of a gasoltne tamp at the Xing -sten Shipbuilding Company's plant on Saturday AfeKane. a young man, Is in the General Hospital in a very dangerous condition as a restet of burns received, After Ids clothes caught tire he jumped into the river, and thls pee- eented frotn being burned In death. feilowworkman pulled him utli of the Water and rushed iihn tO the hospital. 7 FATAL TRAIN WRECK, - St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 6.-A. west bound limited train from New York to St. Louis, on the Baltimore in Ohio, due here at 7.2 a, collided with a freight train at Sinninerrield, 111., to- day. Details are lacking at railroad offices hero, but it is renOrted three persons were killed. _ BOGUS LORD IN TROUI3LE. son nenneiseo, Oet. 5.-Peverit 1eerr, Iengiiehman, who registeind nt a promin- ent hotel here PridaY as Lord Innes-Tierr, is beta at Angel Island immigeetion nation to-itae• awaiting deportation to Australia wheriee be came on the eteatn- •• • er WitioAra. AUSTRALIAN SHIPS REACH HOME tn\Ilign arrested 1‹.err bad but ten Cents poekets. Tits troubles llegan Imre. *Nielbollrne. Oet, 0, lavn(s.11(1,11,1,1,14.n1011,)111' $;ntrltiro.ch.sast.1 given the battle cruiser Ansiralia and the light - cruiser Sydney met other vessels of the Australian naval ttnit in Jarvis GUNBOAT IN COLLISION. Bay to -day prepa.ratory to entering Sydney Harbor to-merrow. Elaborate arrangements have been made for an enthusiastic welcome. The authorities are lit agreement in recognizing the present as the most important natiOnal celebration since Federation. Premier Coak sends the following message to the Morning Post: --"The treent 0401 is that we are grown up and propose our full. share in the development Of the fantily es- tate, Arid assume active responsibility for tlte preservation of tbe Impeiai patrimony, Our motto on this occas- ion is "Otte flag, one fleet, one throne, Brittme beta your own." Oet. genboat Boni- face was in tollision with the trans- port General 'Valdez in the harbor here yesterday. The gunboat Wits bed- ly damaged, and WAS kept front sink- ing only by lircessant use of tho pUttps. She was towed into drydoele. - • 4 I ISSUED GAD cHeQues. Winnipeg, Oet. 5.--n`onvieted On 111f1 0411 11 IltllniSSIOtt yetserday hav- ing 188110t1 cheques unlawfully, Frew boodri a welnknown real Mate Mall, watt sentenced tO Pay it fine of $100 caul pogo stx month8 in Jail. Doody Panto here from St. John, Nal. 4