HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-10-09, Page 10 I � ldoft� . i . I.. I'll am .. va. nee. , .I—, . I ­­_._-_-­_-k1�Z4'- 1._-1_______ _ __ ­ .1 ...... I 1. I . I I 42ND YEAR, N0. a WI YGi T.A 1V�, ONT., THURSDAY, ,D.A.�?', UC 'U 3E t�, 9, 1913. i�uBsaR xa�o>�� # $150 PRA "8 l as t ° v a. I _r _�..__..�... �._.�-_�-___.___.___.__.___ _. ___,__�_ _—.�.__-�___�__----_•--_-�____,._.- -_ ..�.._.r.�_34— Ah►'4� ANCE FRaM NOW UNTIL JANUARY i sta 1 9 1 5, TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS FOR $ 1.00. EDITORIAL. PARAGRAPHS. ., Council Meeting. John Glenn,work.............. 33 00 GOOD CITIZENSHIP. New Invention. Re•Opening of Choral Society, r4 "- "�""-""�"_""_"' Jahn Glenn. " . . . . . . ....... 17 40 A machine recently invented for 'Cha opening meeting for practise 't'' . `-- John Weir, work with team. , .. 3 75 pulling 11-tx was demonstrated in thio will ba held this (Thursday) avgning, - r" --Wouldu% it be awful if the Liberal ,j . A regular meeting of the Town Colin �'rdie, " " . , , . 3 80 By 11ev. J. W. Hibbert. vicinity and seemed to work admir- Oct. 0th, in the C. 0. F. Hall, Gregory t leader got his Chateauguay find bifid- , < Council was held in the Council chuM W Cir Gray, freight & teaming.. 20 23 , Undoubtedly we live In a great land, ably, this will be a great impetus to Block. New members will be welcom- dlesex speeches misplaced and deliver- � ,.. to•r on Monday evening with Mayor Bell Telephone Co ...., ....... 3 Ra Every visitor to our shore speaks of the growing of flax: ed as well as the former members. _ ed the Obateaugur•y speech in :Diddle � " Spottnn in the chair, and all the tneni W A Frifugle, work ., . , , . , . , , . SO SO it9 potentialities and possibilities. � sex and vice versa, "� ndrs present, except Couuctllar Mills, Jas'Wilson, lumbar & sawdust I7 20 What the future will; ha no than can AdYance AdVertitsemenfs. Qood Appointment.11 : '��% . * . ' rvbo was away attending the funeral of R Dt-nnip, teaming . , , , ........ 1 30 telt, but all seem to agree that the fu Mr. Geo. McKenzie advertised the Mn Wm, Fryfogle has been appoln ---The action of the Minister of J,i,- a relative. The minutes of last•regul- 1V A Outrie, repairs, etc........ 05 32 ture is bright with promise, Llow• sale of lots in our paper and in a few ted as inspector of the work on the • I;j(,14�"fin/ tice in summarily deporting Thaw h:.-1. ar and special meetings were read and 1N;'er,. Light Dept., pumping.. 105 UO ever, there is a cardinal thought which days solei seven, It pays to advertise post; office. He is a practical than and • :'„ y " x adopted. Robert Harrison, i Peen upheld by thn Quebec route, Th ,,• . P pumping.... 51 00 we must not overlook, and that is the in the Advance, It goes into two thou- should render service worthy of his makas it unanimous, every dtcent pr' -1. , Moved by Councillors IA16ter and Wingbam Pub. Co., printing.. 2.75 greatness of a natiod•does not depend sand homes. Try it, hire. vete citizens of Canada havingalreadr1.1. Boyce, that we remind the motion to );Lt,< rTtTc LuTYrr DISl'Alt: \Li,ICT, upon its national resources, but upon Correct US. ' approved of it, n ` build the machinery hall on the Bloom- Ei Campbell, salve its people. i'Vhile we rejofca in our Death of Turnberry Resident. Three's tip crowd y.......... , , 100 00 Owing „ * . field lot and that.it be built on the lot W Walters, work .... . . . . .. . . . . 18 oo boundless wealth, as revealed in prair- g to our Secretary being suddenly Another of the old residents of —A new Mining Law is to be enact• near the new pump house, part park John Mann, " • . .... . .... . . . . 10 00 is, in forest, in fishery, and in miner- called away and a little mishap in our TurnBerry passed away on Saturday When the tllilyd'8 a ' No, 12 —Carried, " . 18 00 als, pet this wealth will be our undo- office, some of our friends, who sub last, in the person of Mr. John Me, ed to afford better protection to the Joan Mann, scribed papers, did kOD-AK miner and the psospeckar. The tats �' bit. Maurice Beckwith presented a Frank Bowden, salary......... , b4 00 ing if we have not th8 right people to P P + Flynn, who diad in the Wingham hos- Government was too busy caring for petition signed by a, number of ladies John Brooks solar 43 00 develop and h.audie it. We are Gusto- attention. If there are any others the pital, where an operation had 'Ween the big fellow, the wan with the rah regarding a smoke* nuisance from a John Radford, 'y ......I . 00 00 dians and afewards, and the constant Editor will take it as a favor to be performed, He had been ailing for Pic - to bother about the interests of the chimney of the Wm, Davies Co, Cream• 1`rahk Galbraith, " ..... , . , . , 26 00 need of this Iand is for "Good Citizens." notified of same, about a year. Besides hia' wife, be The most interesting of all pie» miner and the prospector. SIR JAMES WHITNEY, who has ery. It was moved by Reeve MoRib- John F Groves, Postage...... , , 3 75 The cry for population and rapid in- Local Option Municipality. b leaves four sons and three daughters, tures are those which you make . „ * * reached the three score and ten, bon and Councillor Young, that peti- Thos Barber & Son, repairs.... 52 05 crease by immigration, is not an alto- At the request of Inspector Mitchell, also two brothers in the West, Mr, yourself, of the persons and things tion of Mr. Beckwith et; al be referred Thos Kew belt ........ . ....... 4i gether desirable thing, We desire McGlynn was 60 years of age and an n which " The inspection and warehousing Lillie Everett was invited to appear i you are personally in. = staff has also been largely increased, On October 2ad Sir James Whitney to the Executive committee with pow- W A Currie, repairs and sup- quality more than numbers, and if we before Police Magistrate, Wingbam, highly esteemed lees placent of TThurs ry. terested. er to act ns they see fit, -Carried, plias ..... . .. ...... 5 00 fail to assimilate the new comers, we k The funeral takes place Thursday so that the Western farmer is almost attained his three score and ten, being I Mr, C. P. Edwards appeared ackin shall have a problem rather than an on Oct. 0th, on the charge of being morning, service being held in the R. Arid you nee ll absolutely protected from the evils of horn at Williamsburg, Ont., ou Oct. 2, PP g J McLean, Coal & Co.. , ....... 010 01 p found drunk in a local option munici- y no ski to Kodak. . grain mixing by unscrupulous dealers, I843. He was educated at the• Corn- for refund in Sattitary tax, The Chief �y G Gray, freight &teaming.. 05 41 asset. Hence the task before us ie to pality and confessing the impeach- C. church and the remains will be in• Let us show you how easy it is was instructed to visit and report on Canadian Express Co., Express 7 48 aver set up an ideal of Good Citizen- tarred in the Wingbam R, 0, ceme- Take it all in all the West's biggest wall Grammar School, studied law, maul was fined $20.penal y and $4 2ti and het you to a selection from crop is being mooed this season with was called to the bar in 1878 and made same' Bell Telephone Co,, services.... 15 40 ship, and urge that our people should � tarp, � l P Geste, or 15 days in Goderich goal, �; The report of the Finance committee Alyott, Son & Co„ supplies.... 2t3 75 aim at the best history. The Good Fallen Asleep. .our complete stock. remarkable ease and speed, a Q C. in 1890. As a military man be was read and adopted on motion of McDonald & Wilson " .... 10 00 Book makes a statement that goes far Moving Cycle. - * * * was a member of the volunteers and Reeve McKibben and Court. Bell, „ to rove that "Ri hteousnese exalteth On Monday night at 10 o'clock, death : Kodaks, $7.00 to $65.00. Johnston & B,rrbour, . 18 00 P g Recently Mr. Thos, Icing moved into The annual congestion of Western was on duty for five months during The Council ratified the action of, a nation, but sin is a reproach to any entered the home of Mr. Paul Powell, .• Bettson—Wilcox Telae. Supply his handsome now residence on Centre 'Brownies, $1.00 to $12.06. the Fenian troubles of 1888, afterwards the Property committee in giving Air.people." Now righteousness and sift , Clerk of the Townshipof Turnberr grain at the head of the lakes seems p y � g' g Co,,Csupplies . ... . . . . . ....... 3S 80 P P �� g S ., Principal Rickert moved into the y' ; now to be a thing of the past. There becoming a Lt. -Col. of the reserveinili• Wm, Rintoul the contract of repair-ean nothing apart from the "doer." one vacated b when his beloved wife passed to the P Central Electric Supply Co.,Oy Mr. King, Mr. A. E. is no blocade this season and the wheat tia. At the general election of 1880, in the tower on the Town Hall; It is the evil act of a bad matt that we great beyond, This was most unex- g supplies. .... . . . .... . . . ....... 23 (is Lloyd moved into the residence Aur- is moving rapidly. The early harvest he contested Dundas for the Legiela• Councillor I!ibister ave a detailed Electriccall ain. It is the benign influence and pected, as Mrs. Powell enjoyed fair g Northern ....................... ... Supply Co„ chased from kA.e Ross and occupied Field . J W. McKibbon and good threshing weather have of tore but was defeated by Dr. Chamber- report of the work of the Street cern- kindly deed of cod men, that we may healtliandquite recentlyviaitedfriends course been contributingfactors but lain by twenty•flve votes. On Obam- P supplies Ge ... , cmc 43 b0 Y K Principal Rickert aand-Mr. recce ,Thoe. Field in town. Tne deceased was born in J. r + mitten and complained Of the manner Canadian Gen. Electric �Supplp Gail sighteouanesp. The sum total is moved into the one recently occupied the government has been making spec- berlain being unseated, Mr. Whitney in which the town ravel it was be- that which exalts a nation or is a re- Bluevale., Aug. 7th, 1861, and was mar- t; g P Co„ supplies .... . ........... 42 5S by Mr, Lloyd thus making.four moves t, cal rfrorts to handle the West'.i crop, was returned at the bye -election in ing used by the contractor as it would John Forman, supplies ... ... 21 02 proach to any people, Thus, if Canada ried in June of 1884, afterwards living DRUGGIST FC OPTICIAN and with great success, 11338, Finer, with ever increasing ma, ruin it for future use. is to be•exalted, we need everywhere, in the circuit. in Kinlough and Lucknow and then „ „ * jor•itieS. In 18f1U he was chosen as good men and women, Former Win hamif Married. removed to Turnberry, where she has u Mr, Herman was present and asked g ?h6 � stdre leader of the forlorn Opposition to sue- Harvest Thanksgiving Services. since resided. Two daughters remain, Inview of the repeated declarations permission to continue his auction Bales g g Longfellow declares : The marriage took place at Mimico, g ,.��',41.y.,.�,..,W teed Mr, Marter and became Premier Miss May Powell, (a nurse in Philadel- - of Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier and his co -lead• in the evening for the balance of the "Were a star quenched on high, on Wednesday, Oct. 1st, of Carroll U. ars, cath in the $Dues of Commons of Ontario in 1005`, week, stating that he was going to re- For ages would its light, Hele, of the Civil Service, Ontario, to phia) and Miss Belle and one son Frank, Eyesight tested free and glasses •ups Sir James, who is in splendid bea}tb, The Rev. Dr. Boyle, Dean of Divini- Still downward from the sky at home. One sister, Mrs. Geo. Me- plied at reasonable prices, last session and on the platforms main in town until he sold his good,, g Y Edna Clair, only daughter of W. A. spent his birthday in his office hard at but if allowed to hold his sales he t3'+ Trinity College; Toronto, conduct- Shine on our mortal sight. Telfer, Mimico Donald, of Bluevale, and four brothers throughout the county this summer, ,Rev. Alex. McMillan t' y work; no day off for him to celebrate, ed the Harvest Thanksgiving and An, survive the deceased, John W. King, P. S.—We expect to have another Reciprocity was elill a leading plank would discontinue on Saturday night, f5 � So when a good man dies officiating. Carroll spent his boyhood g' P � of the Liberal platform, the following This affords an index to the man, The Olerk then read the early closing nivereary services in St, Paul's church Fur years beyond our ken, days in Wingham, being a son of Mr. Dr. Tbos, King, of Souris, Man., Robt. consignment of Aquariums of VS e think it but fair so say that On- on Sunda Oct. b.h, and the church The light he leaves behind him, lies and Mrs, Wm. Hale, and his old of Goderich, and Peter D. on 'the Gold Fish to give away in stattstiap obtained from the Ds art. By-law No, 38cJ, 1800, and it was the 3'' went of Custom, are particularly in- tario has never had a Premier under opinion of the Council that the By- was filled ae all ware delighted to hear Upon the path of men." g homestead. The late Geo. E. King, of about two weeks. p P friends here extend congratulations. terestin to the farmers and fi uit and whore politics has bad so healtby or their former rector again. He preach- Audit, the light of these men that Wingham, was also a brother. Mrs. pure atone, or under whom the prin- law covered his case. • o g ed true impressive sermons, which will Nearly Buried Alive. 'C Powell was highly esteemed by all vegetables growers and dairy •men of Chairman Boyce, of the Water corn-. P make a nation great, �k r this county. For the first four months ciples of absolute honesty and candour be long remembered by those who What might have roved a fatal who knew her, and the family have y' have prevailed, as under Sir James mittee, reported that Wm, Ritttoul Recognizing this, we need to instil g p' of the present finical yeat— from Ist P was given the contract of building were privileged to be present. In the to all new comers the ideal we possess. accident occurred here on Saturday the deepest sympahty of the commun- llprll fo 31st July—Canada imported P. Whitney. He stands on a special hose tower and remodelling fire hall morning his subject was "The Impor I am under the impression that rvo morning last, when Mr. `'Wesley Mills, ity in'their sorrow. The funeral will from the j7uited States no Leas than 2,- Pinnacle in the minds of out people, at $)itis, and the water train to P4'm. Cance of Little Things," based upon eon of Contractor Milia of Kincardine, be betel today (Thursday) at 2 o'clock. betattsa of his abc 1 to safety and Arts 0:23 and in Cho avenin "Life's will have to revise our aims .in life, R 4 f y Gues0s at 31 cents per foot, g and set a new standard of citizenship. was almost buried by the caving in of The retrains will be interred in the ;•• 021,704 doz^n eggs, valued at $572,117 • trustworthiness, X°�+cele recognize " Stewardship, the text being St. Luke g y. :'' INV '.. : She exported to the United Slates dur• 0ouneilloryouogadvocated the par Hitherto we have made the aecumul- a bank of gravel alongside a cement Win ham Gamer r ,, thaf, whether they endorse his views 10:2 The special music, appropriate wall at the Armoury building in t,,y ;'� ing the same period 1,400 dozen eggs, erasing of a street sweeper, a,tion of wealth as the standard of Fuc• , or not, the rigidity of his honor is be. for the occasion, was well rendered by course of erection, He was laid off valued at $328. Bylaw 681 re road machinery was cess and the ideal citiz<n. This may Wear (tease's Shoes and Rubborre. gond question. �i'e hope he will Torg the choir, and the church was prettify work fora time but is again on the * * read and paseed on motion of Course. be blunt and become a debateable r° b; spared to, hold his present positior, decorated with grain, flowers and ob. iRet Parnei's Bread at Christie's. •'' 141 -.: The Liberal party claimed that Reci- L.bister and Bell, theme. I am perfectly willing to ad- j Wcauike both our party po.W(s ar.d fruit. �; t roait would inpregse the consume It was moved and passed an motion snit that all have not done this, but it New High School Teacher. Few smart waists £rein England' for P y the public need a long schooling in The Friday avenin before, Rev. Dr. is rn impression that man have so sale.—Mrs, J. Gaunt, Lower Town. ;'; tion of Canadian cheese in the fTnited this eal:hitr torte of' olities in orclgr of Reeve McKibben And Conn. lsbist- Bo le delive ed a masted address to y P y The Clinton Newe•Record of last +iI _.oQi, 0 idtates, The fapte show tb4t for the l} P er that the $2-,00 voted by the people y << y done. The land of which we are so + ;'�" ', to ensgre a permanent cure, rhe pec- the A. Y. P. A. upon The Life of week refers to the new teacher in Fon. post —At Knox s residence, ; j.,,% -r period of folie lnonthS mentioned above to build the r;l4chiperp ball and hose proud has been exploited ae a land of behind post office, a good square pie Of Ontario hays Haver been served tower be referred to the Railwa and titian Swift." His visit to his old par- boundless resources, and its amazing Wingham High School as follows :— Piano very cheap; a quantity of Fur- """"� we imported ficin the flnited States • y g p engaged niture, including Stoves. Cbaire Beds, ;a=.,, fly a are comalentiot}s or ore hard fish was much appreciated and the Mise Edna Cooper has been en a. ed -�`\, • 110,068 IbF. of cheese, vel;led at,$21,,3,47 m h1quicipal Board for 4pproval. pp wealth has appealed to the cupidity of g r ' -;',.'.V• an witch the dot. of $3,302 was rid, w°1Ding map than fits; rape of all is that he will soon be able as extra teacher by the High School ate, R. Knox, phone 05B. i y p. Ti}o futlowiag accounts were accept the masses, and by the thousands they 11. to come again, Board of Wingham and las gone to For the same period we exported to ed 4nd ordered to be paid ; have come to our shores with the sole FOR SALE —Pure bred (silver quill) Sir James Whitney.n Monday evening the annual Sup assume her new duties. Miss Cooper S. C. W. White Leghorn roosters, the lynited States 11.0.051bs. of cheese, y GIcv RxT,, DIMPARTI)f'NS '• aim of becoming wealthy. But even r valued at $2,I31 iirith reg4rd to blit- The Prefilter Of the Province hos rc- per was held in the school -room, and taught in Saskatchewan last term and Apply to R, Musgrove, Bluevale. v 7. our nature born taut• lost to a large John F, Groves, Salary, postage and was very Largely attended, the waa was offered a substantial increase in "Al fi ��` ter, we imported 83.882 lbs., valued at cantly been receiving cangt;yttllaftops extent the ideal of life, and are largely Loss—Between Bolgrave and the $23,310, on which $3,3.55 duty was paid; upon the occasion of his Seventieth Court of Revklon services, $171 •18 ther man favouring the Iadies, who salary to remain but decided to locate - Brick Churches,n to Marnoeb, a George All Lei salary giving themaetves to the accumulation and we exported about the same quart• birthday. IIia is an interesting charac- g . y • • • • 37 50 were c goal to the occasion, and tad nearer home. She is a graduate of plaid shawl rug. nder kinkly leave Of wealth, and as a result we have not % ter to consider both as a man and a E`1• Lewi , salary. . , .... , .. .. 35 00 abundance of good things provided, and unceasingly so it will be the case. the Faculty of Education, Toronto, at the Advance Office, Wingham. tity, R. Rank••), salary_ .. . ........ 10 00 the tables fairly groaning with their g y and the Wingham Board are to be FoR SAT.L —Black leatber GO -Cart 0�,`� xvx% The man who raises poultry on his POliticiau, It has often been said that We have not the type of citizens we with hood, storm cover and runners �'V S•rt, •e, salary and work on heavy load of eatables and were also congratulated upon securing her Set- h farm has not much to hope for with an emergency in public ctT+Trs always would like to have. „ for winter. Price $2.00, Apply at Ser r, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,, 52 QO prettily decorated. After supper a vices. Shries rept roalt Rs o r exports to the Un- finds the man best fitted to deal wi'.i Our standard is wrong and copse- Advance office, P .vr }} P A 1-c •dereon, teaming...... , , . 3fl0 splendid program was given in the k ited 2tates, for rile four montbst of it. It would seem that Bir James' P us Thompson, supplies ' y quently our methods are wrong and Funeral of H. F. Hicks• a one of us and meet our friends, p pp 1l 5f3 141i11s 1llemorial hall, Rev. E. I3, Crol We Can meet the Young Man's live poultry were $0,'x28, and of dress- A4reer afforded another illnstratian (f 1 3 3a being chairman, and the following the whole code of ethical life is based The funeral serviee of the late H. F. They 5.11 want le send you post cards i j. 'Tennis, flushing sewers , . , , . g g and exchange lettere with you, We ed poultry, $17 ; while during tile- that happy providence. 14r. Whitgey 1 , upon wrong standards, What nation Hicks was held from the Methodist P y +, 6 rl utta Perera ,� Rubber Ltd , taking part in the program—Vocal , have a list of people allover the world. fancy In SW811 Footwear. 1l Fame period, we imported freta tee as leader of the oppohitiou through the is exhalted by millionaires' What Church on Thursday last, The pastor Nothing more pleasing and pleasant. Tlosc, etc ......... . . . ....... 350 10 selections by Mrs. Willis, Miss Griffin, > United States $77,08.5 worth of pout- lean years of adversity did not corn• heritage do they leave behind of which Rev. J. W. Hibbert conducted the ser- Send 10 cents for full particulars to the We've some very radical stunts try, on which the duty of $16,1I7 was maul any personal following outri.l•a Arthur Mcllwatn, special Con, Miss Mann and Mr. A. H. Wilford, the people are proud 9, What are the vice and delivered a very touching ac'- Canadian Correspondence Bureau, P. in Fall Shoes. �— . stable, ... ...... .. 2 00 cornet solo by Bandmaster Hinkley, 0, box 801, Montreal. paid. the Legislature. lie seemed to 1 .,;k A Flemming, special Constable 2 00 and short addresses by the local clergy names that have made Britain great? dress, taking his text from Pe, 23:4. Moet of these very Natty Young the faculty of tou•,bing the poi ular Chaucer, Shakespeare, Tennyson, The floral tributes were many and Two smart boys wanted to learn Up - r Then there is the question of wheat, imagination. Ver Tillie was known 1J Lewis, special Constable. , .. 2 00 who expressed their boy at tl}e restar- Dickens, Banyan, i�nox, Wesley, WLI• bolstering trade. Alpo boys for other Dressers keep their eye On this the eat.. market to the South y y y beautiful and the large attendance at g y Shoe Store for the right Shoes and fl p}} fir. of him b the public and the im yea• Canadian Express Co., Express 1 OQ atiott to he{}lth of flag reptcr, Tlev,, berforoe, Alfred the Great Uromwe}I, positions. Apply at Upholstering fact- $ r whiPh 1p4s fro tee , Cha Canadian funeral service showed the deep res- }l}' d y P P John Ritchie, insurance........ 0 30 Il. Qroly. After 4n illness of five cry. 3 tf we always deliver the goods. wheat rawer b Peri rocit What Sion was fairly general that he filled Wallington, Nelson.- These are only ect in which he was held. The pall S y p t e os%tinn fur lac of a better Loan. . A Mills, horse feed and 1Li•1r•p- months, during which be underwent P are the facts P In the four months ice h• p k s that ter i- t `22 110 aver critical operation performed b a fare but these toiled for others and bearers were 1lessre T. Kew, W. H. WANTED.—•A stable suitable for an Thera are, Shoes of Black and mens coats, ,, , ,, , , , , , , , , , , y p p y auto; fair rent will be paid for a con- Itandsomo new, colored leathers, r irn 'orted from tfie United States ,11,. But when tea crisis arose t• a ill - the ideal'butlding a gating and not ex- Gurney, T. D. Holmes, A, E. Lloyd, venient lace. Apply Advance Of- Freak P gated in the humiliating defeat of the Bell Telephone Co., services, etc 20 80 Dr. Kennedy, he is able to resume bis plotting it for selfish and mercenary P PP p ,Swing and Straight lasts. 722 bushels of wheat, valued at $38,- Thos Wilson, refund Sanitary duty again, Sf. Paul's congregation Jno, Haines, A. H, Wilford. Remains flee. Military heels—Drop toes. Perfor- Ross Government It soon became ap- r motives in what made the differenee, were Interred in the Wingiam ceme• ated tips, Vamps, etc. All the t 001, on which the duty of $5,000 was parent that he was the man for. the tax"""""" "'"' """" 1 v0 in the meantime pard for a supply, This leads me td soy that more en- try.rt�ra S.tf,L.—Bp George McKenzie, swellness, that can be worked into R paid. Surely, with a surplus of wheat R R Mooney, T J McLean's or- granted the rector his full stipend and g Wiogbam, one open Buggy in thor- a air of`Stroes. occasion. couraoemettt ought to ha given our nu h repair, one new Safe No. 5, one P in the Canadian West, it is hardly pec• der . . ........ . . . 21 05 gave rim a IiberaI cheque besides., g P essay to import 41,000 bushels in four The people of the Province had ba- young people to enter the life of Liter- Death Of J. ti. Broadfoot. 0 horse power Gasoline I�.al;ine, one �4Pe'vo a blooming garden of r y cotne thoroughly tired of the excessive John McLeod, work pavement 1 60 Taken in all the Festiyal ens per- attire, Art, Science, lfledicine and the After an illness of three weeks from 80.18 Candle light dynamo. months from the. rent market to the g y Shoo smartness, that Young Men g R tT Saint, teaming, etc. , , , .. , , 2 25 ha 9 the most successful ever held and i south. We Imported freer tomatoes suavity of Mr, R•)sa and the ruggedness p' Ministry and that these rxftht be typhoid fever and pneumonia, Mr. W.tNTED—A good general servant, will fully appreciate and we deem P 2 of Mr. Whitney formed an agreable Ilanter Bridge & Boiler Co. the (inancial, results surpassed former stepping stones in the building of a John Harold Broadfoot died in To- goodwages es to right art Apply to to the extent of 183,0' 8, valued at $335,- Manhole frames .............. 1g3 05 years bg a fair marotn, fi g party, it a pleasure to show our Shoes. - }j0.i, on'which the dot of $100,711 was contrast. Mr. Ross until a short -� n4tion. It is bemoaned by some that ronto on Thursday night. The late Mrs. Robt. Beattie, p time b ?fore the Gamg scandal, was Wm Quest, contract, Road b�eh we have no reap great authors in Mr. Broadfoot who was thirt two - _ paid, and the statistics fail to show y bldg, • . • . • , • i3 OA y f; , y FoTt< S �>it •--Large water tanks three that wee cited to the United States tea best example of the adroit politi• " ... "' "' H• h SChoo Notes. Canada. I anti not prepared to believe years of age, was a well-kown figure abld for cistern use, cheap ; also three xp C Barber, inspectingpavemenLs 5A UU High , cod working horses,—Wm. Davies clan that Panada had produced pgxt that we have not, but men and women in the furniture trade in Canada, For g g * r one torpato, There is) therefore, t� OG (�anStone, T McLean's - Co., Ltd. P P W. V Greer eat £utiles in reciprocity for the to- tp Sir turn IVIacLlonald. �Yaelher in competent to judge—bemoan this with a number of pears he was in the em - p y tbat affair he was tpore Finnpd against prier ".. • " I ., ' •. • fl0 AA ltliss kl, V. Cooper, B,&., of Clinton, all our marvellous natural scenery, we ploy of the Canadian Furniture Cam- Fred. A. Lawis ltLno•ttiner expects Mato growers of C4.n4d4, I H Solorpon, ponstrpetion fief- to be in Wi:; bam about the first of than sinning it is not the purpose of Til A began her duties on Wednesday last, have not the artists that such scenery pany, first in the Toronto otI#ce, thou g .'hen taltn the iteral of beans, We this artiple to er•flnire, The reaultt Tice 00'. .g " ,.!, ';;!.��" 0 4nd in ooweiluence Form I is dividvd should inspire, Why is this? Because for two years in charge of the Liver- October, THE SHOE MAN imported from the United 4tates for however, wq,s that a ju9tep apprecfa- ; le gbara 410h Sc o It b 1 op 32 0 into two classed, we have set the ideal of momentary pool office and later in charge of the Rooms to rent, over the Advance the four months 13133 bushels, valued tion of 1 f r. Wbitpev becaipe general, y "' " ° " " ° Field Da is to be held on Friday riches as our goal, Good cftix-mahip Wingba.rn f`a,ntar Three years ago Enqoffiuire suitable for riffs house keeping. fi y 3' K y' l±;n ulre of C, N. Griffin, at $31,532, on which $3 283 duty was Iliq speeches in the L^gislature'of that• J W Me$ibbon, refund Sam next, Preparations are about, cam- cilnnot thrive upon such a teaching, ho tool; charge of the furniture buying aid, We exported to the United tary tax .......... . . ......... 8 00 ., ;$apartment of the Robert Simpson To R> N,t-Varnished house.—Apply mm rr...10 paid, P time aroused great admiration and ex• plate for this interesting event, said one, Let ma write a nations p. on PP Y Statea 1,802 bushels of beans, valued ectations formed then, John F Groves, regulating By- Company, Toronto. Mr. Broadfoot; at the Advance Office, p have not laws .... 4 03 The annual treat of our ental 9n- songs and I shall ri great.." )toward p y, WHEN ��� at $8,014. Of oatmeal and relied oats, since been disappointed by its conduct Ttnr was given on Mondag It took Payne left a m:mortal when he wrote was unmarried, and Is surviQsd by lr?s TArvt.,-1+'urniahed sitting -roam we imported 2,145 lbs, valued at $T14, V4'ingham Publishing Co,print- g� y' ., and bedroom, with board or without.. t p as Prime Minister. 31 00 its form of a: liberal supply of choice "Dome Sweet Home , that no million- pRother, four b,rptbers and two staters. Convenleneep„ Students or ladles -- and we exported to the United States - Sir James is generally considered by ing....• .."" """"' snow apples. sire will ever leave, simply because 9,f The reMaige were taken to Seaforth Apply at Advance Office. BUY ���� - '. the magnificent quantity of one bar- ;supporters and opponents alike to be a Bank of Hamilton, Coupons, , 315 00 (lis vyealth. � .t the buil4ingo of 4 pa; 4n4 interred lia the cemetery thero on -i � - rel of oatmeal, valued at $5, and thorou hl honest and sincere man, Join l± Groves, over deposit in ire nerq pictures kava leen rung to WoTar WANTED. `Washing taken _ g y August 13 i8 ' o schoo rectus, an ilia appea;zzppA tion 4p�ea1 tin r}}ay wu retgergber Sattlydayaftor>1(l9ll, in, scrubbing or rause work, Apply = BE SURE YOU GET of meal of other kinds we exported to Tne severest critics of tis adminfstra- g •' .... 1 ' that rY}1e>Fq tile ;x;erpglt4ry alone pt's- to Mrs, ,Page over Mr, Holmes' Office. - tbe sited States 3 barrelp, valued at tion land nothing to say a asst the Bank o£ Commerce .,.... •.... 7.x(1 "1 ot+ tjie ample (s "t; nc4 unproved by file ilrt'stip the pt;ltl;rgd tTre Adeld@ntally Shot. GENUINE SCRANTON g y g j#iLnk of Hamilton Cue ons.... u 6Q hem, Tails, l t ll t C oaf , W a,c)», I�lNnr,tNct.••Do not fail $11. qurely there i's room here for that Government more damagingthan that ' . P literairy, ti;e hligl$nitarian, the moral, On Monday evening as Mr. Andrew tot goi'my prioAa before purchasing - w14er market. We also imported from qt is beriud the times. 'Che Toronto Wingbain Gen. lJospital, grant ;i tf OS; '.two more of oqr f`orMer stt149pts the frilly national spirit dies. Hardy, of Con. 0, Turnberry, was elsewhere, ---R. J. OANTHLnN. = prices of Delaware, Lackawan- Y kid (Jriited Statex dt)ring the our Star on Sir aincb' birthday said, "Sir �'enstatiotion 'geruice Ca., bat- have repprtp4 for 4gty. I did intend to reveal just hour in my driving hoq;e from Whigham, and 0. It, Wilkinson, Eyesight SpeclA- na and Western Coal Cos.: - 1pontba $104„320 worth of bay, on .fames is seventy y ears old to•diq and ages of �st estl}riatp, ... ..200(1 ()l� - - judgment, we might in prat[caI life re• wheq noar the brickyard, wag shot in list, lildward St., Wingham, Is curing Ws Ieb �13,88� duty was collected, We some of his ideas are also,” Of course Ponstruction $ervtce(�a., i;al.O please Settle, g p N pp y difficult cases tl defective o vision after SCRANTdN COAT. lilso Imported 0 Q bushels o pats 2,1d estimate . ... ..... . .,..awl 00 veal cod cltizenshi , bt;ts 4ca forbids. Cho neck, su osed to have been b a others have failed. I recognize that I p+ P f b the , tar Lllisa ears aver Feuded ---yam.• - - - stray bullet from a small rifle which Egg and Stove , . $7.50 k $ pp Kindly look at your label and if'you y mp success can only be Difficult Chestnut . . . . , , t#llrigg the four t7gonthe; etrtictgre hilt Byrn if the statej}lent is A Paines, ever ls• • . • : • • • . • • . , . are not aid or oris year In adcanee tomo boys were playing with, bf r, through your satisfaction. DiffTctrlt Parti , $6,26 A W rallo •, ins a ti sewer $., Id p f y Pure WtAtep, cases and y ' '.t'nes9 fiyets and flgurds are Lateretlt• Farrect It is lividly tantalpa}lrit ka � k P += u� galj t;p4 da *tl at epee, Vp'e need tile On Saturday neat ire Oratrman of Hardy returned to WLngharro; 4�Ster the ferers attendedrat theiraownthotneuif - Ing In (bat they prove tbgt this clairp . provino the l4eae wrono. WA��uwolut s D-R-mitT flan. Ona, lire Water Cbnlrrtittd8 expecte to fill accident bat the doctor could not locate desired, All advise fees and horn sit tor wiger rparkets is not supported orted by f sarLtething may be said here $bout John lliagglt, tVPLI at dam ... 4 the bullet, but It Is hoped no serious Ilan guaranteed. Blackamit r, Cannell and Salt he real Fpnditiona, as they ;tst, and Ills faults It ip tbat In debate be Is too 4uhfk "aggitt t l .... 1(3 Oil Hawick Fair; fro new cement reservoir with pure results will follow, Tuesday evening g Coal, Wood, Lumber, LeQr and sbovv that the boMe matket of Canada bitter. In the gpinion of mkny, lits 4abn Ilulfmali drinking water from the wells. .iia - t �, +f ... , �5 U0 The lJowick, p'a1T 1.�•alr was Held the will httvt5 the water stand in It .possiLiy uponSiea kerctofnfiodarier,' Provincial ' .Y • ----�--�--��_� I ^—N _-y Shingles always an atilt. Th W gh Ad 1� i Is inareasing ao raprdiy that the far11l• epeecbes ate robbed of r Head dear of Juni :iTanti, , 10 00 Borrie on gatutciay last and no g , ' • PROMPT DELIVERY F er will not be led away by r;pecious ar- their fotce by the too frequent fierce• l.'erey 41ank, It " 10 00 weatherman smiled aerenly upon the 48 hours to see if there are tiny Teaks, 0111cer' Phippen arrested the three ],tAhhers ,you will need them attd if gat, the stand pipe twill then be' c h guments concert0bg raider tpm keta to noes of his attacks upon his opponents, It Chittleburg, " t, ,,'.'. 11 00 large gathering, The a•ttentlance ryas bays who are supposed to rave kre, n right awn _. _.__._--•_- _ __ :-.- _.. f the south, when he lith a market right However It can tyafely be said tbat Wthfey 'Walter " " , . , , 11 60 tbo best yet and the exbibita far eel- Sited; but no one should use Ilia water responsible for the aboot�nl; and y for drinking ptirpose9 until the main* brought there to town,' They will Luted our Ad. on last page. � A. McLe,�� at ble doors in bis own land which will Sir James Whitney was a fortunate 11 Groves, „ „ , " .... 2 2u 1psed those in many of the larger are property 61uShed aril, Chaftman have a Ilearing this (Wednesday) at-, e s buy all he Cate produce ter tltd way cf find for the province of Ontario, J M Schaefer, Spitzr g s Board.. 35 W towns. The priza winners will be Boyce will notify then citizens when to ternoott befars nlr, ileo. Mel enzto,WILLIS ` CO. I Oltsxnv3m. (ilio Allen, cala,r l begirt using. ' , Justice of the Peace. -�> . , dtalrl►pr�stlurCtr,+regeta�bfer#,eta, Y••.,,�.,.,•..• 2'Tlso publlehrdnextweek. , I' u 0 •