HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-10-02, Page 8• ty
Vour Suit
Why Should You Buy It Here?
Because you want
Suit with individuality
-.ud character works
:ato it.
Because you want
Fall Suit designed an
cut with artistic skit
a,nd tailored with a
a$pert's care.
Because you want
Suit that is made s
well that it will stay
Satisfactory so long a
� ou care to wear it.
Because you will ge
here the fullest mea
+are of honest sui
1 ,aloe for your money
Ask the man who buys his Clothes here.
He will tell you.
W. �.1ji-APBE-LL
The Clothier
MacDonald Block. Opp. Bank of Commerce.
Mark Cross
'd�� of Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. Sample was Harvest Home Service was held fn '
P (bonof, Fl, Sperling. Jr, Fox, Clubb
a former resident of Brussels and his Trinity Church, Belgrave, on Sunday (boners,) 7P . Garton, I. Fos, C. Pur. FOODS
®®� C
many friends will sympathize with last, when a former rector, Rev. W. don, Sr. Second—M, Nilson, R. Petty- S
him and his children in their sad ber. H. Hartley, of Durham, preached to a piece, A. Ross, R. Conn, N. Johnston,
eavement. large congregation. The offertory am- C. Casemore. Jr, Second—J. Penrosp,
� Cents
The fallowing is the report of S. S. ounted to $100,00. Rev. Mr. Farr was P. Pettypiece, C. Spencer, G. McKay, No. 5,t Turnbea A h r the month of in Corrie conducting similar services. L. Fox, B. Johnston. Part I—W.
September. r t c ass — yr a
Deans, Grace Tucker, Alvin Hastings.
Eo 4,yre„
We close wed,iesda afternoons Burin July and August
v g y $
Jr. 4th—Mary Haugh, Della Reid, Nor.
Will King spent Sunday evening
with Molesworth friends.
Potato digging is the order of the
Rev, and Mrs, McCulloch have le-
turned from Bauble Falls,
from I P.M. to 7 P.M.
man McGill and Jack Reid equal, Al.
Miss Ada, Gallaher of Salem is the
All', Jolla Brown has been, a little
Miss W, McNeiI of Golden Valley Is
vin Smith. Fraser Haugh. Sr. 3rd—
guest of her sister, Mrs. Ed. Bryans,
under the weather,
visiting her uncle, L. McNeil.
$DALICD TI•:NDLrR$ to the
Cbester Gilkinson. James Hardie,
Laura Reid". Sr, 2nd—Leelie Deane,
Mrs. (Dr.) McKelvey of Brussels was
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Webster have
Mrs. ,'Vin, McDonald returned to
Postmaster Ocnerol. will be received at Otra-
West 13augb, Poarl McLean". Jr. 2nd
a Sunda visitor with Mrs. Geo. Juba-
moved to their home Pace Cochrane,
bar home in Cal y
gar this week.
wa until Hoon on Friday, the 7th day of No.
vember, 1013, for the convoyange of Hie
Wilton, Edna Gilkinson. Part
Mr. John Turner is busy drawing
Mrs. C. W. Keeling and Miss Camp-
Majesty's Mails on a proposed C4ntraot lot,
four years, six times :r week. over 11ruseclo
2—Rena Haugh and Ivan Haugh equal,
Mies Flossie Scott was the guest of
gravel; going to build a cement wall
bell of Cargill aro visitors at the home
�tngzaielptural o Printed notices osoo to or
Mildred Yeo, Timerson Armour, Edith
Reid. I.A. — Emtna Hardie, Edna
her aunt, Mrs, J. MoR Wert of the 2ud
under hie barn.
of A. J. W. Helm,
lux further information as to conditions of
Hastings. C. Copp, teacher,
on Sunda
Q,rite a number from around here
�+ �e
Proposed Contract may be aeon and
MAN of Tender znny be obtained at the Vost
otxoos of i3ruesois and a •d at ttz9
-- — - —
Arthur and Mrs. S often of Gorrie
took is Wingham, Fair- and report
Ofxoo of thq fast Oinea Inspector at London,
visited at the home of Mr. G. Johnston
having a good time.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Bennett visited
G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendont,
on Wednesday last.
Mr. U. Martin, Sr„ is making some
friends in Carrick last' Sunday.
Post Oiiloe Denartinent, Uatl Service branoh,
Ottawa, 26th September, 1.013. 4.0
Pips, Cigarette and Cigar Have All
Alex. and Mrs, McAllister of Toronto
improvements, He has built a new
Mr, and Mrs, Albert Gallaher spent
Their Devotees.
were hertz attending the funeral of the
ehhnuey on his house.
Sunday last with friends at Brussels,
Sir A. Conan Doyle is a great lover
latter's sister, Mre, Dunbar of Ethel.
We ars glad to see Mr. Ed. Irwin
Mr, anti Mrs. Edwin Palmer visited
of the pure cigarette; so, too, is the
famous Sir Gilbert Parker, whose fine
They are former residents of the 2ud,
going around with his arm out of
friends at Teeswater last Saturday
li; Acres just outside the. Corporation
romantic stories enjoy such wide.
Itis rumored that AI r. Norman h1c-
sling; hope it will soon be strong
and Sunday,
of the Town of Wirzgbam, one mile
spread popularity made aromatic with
then obi it while
Lend of Ripley has leased the farm
enough for work,
The annual Harvest Home services
from Postofiice. Good buildings, fruit,
liant writer of fiction,
occupied by Andrew Jacklin. Mrs,
Sorry to bear of Miss Minnie Xc-
will be hold on Sunday, Oct. 12th.
new cement well. Apply to=
McLeod is a daughter of S. and Mrs,
Barney having the fever. Sha was
A fowl snpper will be served the fol- '
4-5. Box .A., Advance Office.
rxioved to Wingham Hospital on Ft•i-
lowing evening.
_ Will Hamilton was helping hie
p� g
day and we hope to soon bear of her
111r. Wilfred 'Weir, who has been
brother Robt. of'Bluevalo to remove a
building from the village to be used as
recovery and returning to her borne
spending his holidays with friends
around here, left for Toronto to re.
a machines shed on his farm on
some his studies at the Dental College.
JC' t. Helens.
MrF, Richard McMichael and her
Rev.Mr. Bell of Molesworth con.
ducted the Rall Da Service in the
Rally y
The Presbyterians had a bee shin
y g'
sister, Mrs. Knight, who have been
visiting friends around here for some
Union Sabbath School held in S. S. No
ling the sheds this week.
time, left last Tuesday for their home
4 on Sunday, The Rally was alao
MrP. flomutb, of Wingham, spent a
in the West,
observed at Roe's and Jamestown
few days visiting friends around here,
Owing to being so busy with
Harvest Home Services were held in
�'` hitecliurch,
the chopping; trade we were de -
Mr. Will McAllister and bride Of
the Church of England here Iasi Sab-
My'. John Nixon is a guest at Tier,
- layed in getting the Apple But- "
.ter Plant ready, but we are
New Weatminister autoed up from
Guelph on Wednesday and called on
read now for business, and =
friends on the 2nd. 'Will is an old bo
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, of AGbfield,
Miss Marjorid Gordon 6f. Teeswater
- with system. we have can
of the 2nd and we wish lYlrp. McAllister
visited at the home of Mr. John Dur-
visited at Andrew Fox'a this week.
make good Apple Butter or
and 1)imGelf many happy years in
Pin, on Sunday.
Miss Dorothy Walker, of Toronto,
Ciller out; of any kind of sound
t thele Western borne.
Me, and Mrs. Thos Lott, of Brussele,
visited per aunt, Mrs. Davey, last week.
The Women's Institute hold a very
spent a few days at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. D. Farrier.
Mr. Ken. Paterson is decorating the
- Mill running every day.
t instructive meeting at the borne of
Quite a number from around bore
interior of the Methodist church with
For Apple Butter it requires one pail
; of peel and quartered apples to each
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McEwen, on Sept,
attended Wingham Fair last Friday,
paint, paper, etc.
ba of apples for cider.
g pp
25th. The programme was m'a.de u
and all report a good time.
24Ir. and Mrs, Fred Striciter, and two
of "The Current Events" by Mies L.
Bryans, a paper on "A Week's Work ,
by Miss Martha Johnston, and a chorus
Miss Elizabeth Rutherford, who has
been teaching school at Leawood, spent
daughters, of Wingham, spent Sun-
day with friends here,
Mr. Chas. Rintoul has received the
and readings from other members.
Sunday at the home of her mother
contract for carrying the mail between
The October meeting is to be heli. in
Whitechurch and Langside.
Victoria Hall.
Anuiversary services will be held in
Howick Boundary,
the Peesbyterianoburobhere neatSab•
Mr. Penrose, Methodist minister,
has gone to Amberley, to see his son,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Ballagb, of near
bath. Rev, Mr. Mann, of Brussels, is
to give addresses, both morning and
James, who is seriously Ill.
Teeswater, spent Sunday at Mr, and
evening. On Monday evening; an old
Frank, son of Me, and Mrs. Ken.
Mrs. H. Johann's, 15th con.
time tea -meeting will be held. Every
Patterson, met with a painful accident
The Sunday School, which has been
body welcome.
recently by being kicked in the face
R 0 tel
.held in the Union School for the past
by a horse. Several teeth were knock -
five months closed for the winter.
ed out and his chin cut, but we are
pleased #o report Frank is able to be
Mr. Percy and Miss Pearl Markley,
Dr. Stewart attended the funeral of
around again,
Store open 7 a.m.
also Mr. Guest, of Wingham, spent
IVlre. Leech, of Corrie, last week.
Last Sabbath was observed as Rally
I Closes 7 p.m., except Saturday
Sunday last at the home of Mrs. H.
Mrs, Coad, of Trowbridge, is visiting
Day in both cburcbes here. In the
her daughter, -Mrs. (Dr.). Stewart.
Presbyterian church in the morning,
Mr. D. Gollaway, and daughter, Miss
Air. A. H. Wilford and Miss Imlay
the Sunday School pupils and teachers
Myrtle, returned home last week
called on Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon,
attended service, and were addressed
after spending two months in the
on Sunday.
by the pastor, and four crnildren were
t� ����
` Mrs. Burney, of Exeter, attended
baptized. In the evening, Rev, Mr,
Me, alex Stewart is buying apples in
the funeral of her brother's little child,
McEachern of Owen Sound, a former
this vicinity; we understand the price
Stewart Stonehouse.
pastor, addressed the young people.
is ono a`%r for fall apples and one
The Methodist Sunday School held
The church was prettily decorated for
and ahalf per barrel for:wfnter fruit.
their Rally Day service on Sunday.
the occasion.
Quite a number from these parts at-
Rev. Kilpatrick preached to the child-
Following is the report of White -
tended the show at Wingham last
church school examined in Arithmet-
The youngest daughter of Mr, Rnbt.
ic. Names in order of merit. t5% per
Stonehouse died suddenly nn Monday,
cent required for honors -.—Sr. IV—
Mrs. Andrew Douglass of Turnberry
and the funeral was on Wednesday.
Alba Fox. Jr. IV—Angus McKay, J.
Kennedy, W. Kennedy, U. Lett, M.
received word last week of the death
Mr, and Mrs. Stonehouse have the
Johnston, W. Miller. Sr. III—E. Pen -
► ObtaYnab
of her sister-in-law, Mrp. Wm. Sample
sympathy of the community.
rose M. Con C. Clubb F Ross K.
We have secured another supply
these famous Razors which have sol
so well and given such splendid sati
faction. Each Razor is guaranteed
be superior to any $5.00 Safety Raz
or Ynoney refunded.
Razor with one blade, 25c
Extra blades, 5C
September. r t c ass — yr a
Deans, Grace Tucker, Alvin Hastings.
The Anniversary Services in con -
Lott, J. Clubb, I. Moore, V. Casemore,
or of "Dodo," also enjoys a cigarette,
and is fond of declaring that be finds
We close wed,iesda afternoons Burin July and August
v g y $
Jr. 4th—Mary Haugh, Della Reid, Nor.
nection with the Belgrave Methodist
R. Taylor, S. Pettypiece.
from I P.M. to 7 P.M.
man McGill and Jack Reid equal, Al.
Church will be held on Sunday and
and furnace. house can be used tz y
and price
vin Smith. Fraser Haugh. Sr. 3rd—
Monday, Oct. 12th and ]3tb. Rev.
one or two families if desired. Get
Cbester Gilkinson. James Hardie,
Laura Reid". Sr, 2nd—Leelie Deane,
John Morrison, of Sarnia, will preach,
Notice To Subscribers Of The
Successor to W. J. Patterson ,
West 13augb, Poarl McLean". Jr. 2nd
and on Monday eveningatSo'clock the
Bell Tel. Co.
Wilton, Edna Gilkinson. Part
same gentleman will deliver his fam-
Wingham, Ont.
2—Rena Haugh and Ivan Haugh equal,
ous lecture "That Boy." Mr. Morris -
Mr. E. F. Benspn the famous auth-
ports he is doing well.
Mildred Yeo, Timerson Armour, Edith
Reid. I.A. — Emtna Hardie, Edna
on has a wide popularity as a platform
p p y p
On account of the subscribers of the
Hastings. C. Copp, teacher,
speaker, and no doubt his lecture in
Bell Tel. Co. receiving their bills from
the Post Office at Wingbam, the same
-- — - —
Belgrave will be highly interesting
are due and payable at the office of the
and instructing. Come and enjoy an
oompany, and the local manager will
intellectual treat.
deem it a great if the same re-
ceive attention Please do not mislay
Pips, Cigarette and Cigar Have All
your bills as the local manager requires
Their Devotees.
part of your bili for .his records.
Sir A. Conan Doyle is a great lover
Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Armstrong and
L. BINKLEY, Local Manager,
of the pure cigarette; so, too, is the
famous Sir Gilbert Parker, whose fine
little daughter of Tuckersmith visited
For Sale.
romantic stories enjoy such wide.
over Sunday with the latter's brother,
spread popularity made aromatic with
then obi it while
Dr, and Mrs. Armstrong,
Prompt Delivery. phone 82.
liant writer of fiction,
Mrs. Black and Mrs. Al. McLennan
The undersigned Offers for sale her
13 roomed house and lot on the corner
J. J.
whose genius is closely bound togeth•
of Wroxeter and Mrs. Whitmore of
of Victoria and Edward streets. The
or of "Dodo," also enjoys a cigarette,
and is fond of declaring that be finds
We close wed,iesda afternoons Burin July and August
v g y $
ed with the mild cigarette, is Mr. R.
Hichens, one of the best and most
Harriston spent Tuesday afternoon
with Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong.
house with good cellar and woodshed.
Hard aud..soft water. Electric lights
from I P.M. to 7 P.M.
popular of authors.
pleasing companion, when he is hard
at work with his pen.
and furnace. house can be used tz y
Fit, quality -
and price
The late Robert Barr was immense.
Mr. Thos. Musgrove, who has been
one or two families if desired. Get
ly fond of the cigarette and but rare.
in poor health for some time, was
full information on the premises.
Successor to W. J. Patterson ,
ly settled himself down to any task
o crated on for an abdominal abscess
without first malting sure that his
cigarette -case was at his elbow." ,
re -
on Thursday last. By the latest re•
Wingham, Ont.
Mr. E. F. Benspn the famous auth-
ports he is doing well.
J. J.
or of "Dodo," also enjoys a cigarette,
and is fond of declaring that be finds
Mr. Geo, Harrison died at his home
of Hobberlin
will be At
it a great help, as well as 'a most
in town on Wednesday morning last,
Successor to A. �.
1J l TO
pleasing companion, when he is hard
at work with his pen.
His remains were laid to rest in the
Gorrie cemetery pit Friday, the Rev.
Fit, quality -
and price
Ver few of our popular writers of
R y Mr. Rivers conducting the service.
fiction favor a cigar, probably finding
the mouth end of it much too thick to The Police Trustees are having a
hold between the lips with any degree new cement sidewalk laid from Mr. R.
1NW Nihl of comfort when at work. Mr. Arthur Carson's house '*tiro blocks west,
Morrison, however, seeks comfort and
inspiration in a good cigar, which will add greatly to the appear -
M Mr. G. K. Chesterton can also be ante of that end of our town.
r i� braeketed with Mr. Morrison in favor Rally Day was observed in the
of the cigar. Presb terian Sabbath School on Sun-
• j:Tho pipe is the special favorite y
among most of our popular writers of day afternoon, In connection with
fiction. Cutcliffe Hyne, tho famous the form of service appointed for that
• author of "Captain Kettle" and other day the Roe. A. B, Dobson gave a
PRI P A. LOO 1 g
exciting stories ps of refit anipadven• splendid address to the children.
tore, is a feat lover of the pipa, and Mr. W, W. Leech, who has been ill
R: - nearly always has it in use, especially
when lie is carrying his gun on his for several monthp, died on Wednes-
S t arm, which is his favorite outdoor day la§t at the Penetang f-Iospital and
:y Pressing, Dry Cleaning and «; pastime. was buried in the Gorrie cemetery on
Mair Pemberton is also fond of his
x ipe, and but very seldom takes up Saturday, service was held in the
Altering promptly aftended to t �
is lien to write without having it Methodist Church conducted by Iter.
Ah between his teeth, Mr.R,ivers.
CIVE LIS A TRIAL 0118 is Probably fire greatest of humor
s writers of sea stories is W. W. The September meeting of the Wo -
Jacobs, whose immensely popular man's Institute was held at the home
SUI'T'S CALLED FOR AND RETURNED � yarns always create an abundance of of Mrp, Potter on the 211b. The iter.
"d, hearty merriment and oviatl Mr, Roberts of St. Stephou s Church
r easpre. He, also is a firm believer gave an excellent address to the ladles
Shop One boor North of Patterson s Jewel Store. his dearly -loved briar. ole 'Woman's Relation to the Church."
R. Andom, kbe well-known author of
that amusing .book, "We Tbree and Miss Edna, Stinson on the violin and
% don't experiment"; we Troddles," is another hu axons writer Mies Wilble 1tltGlrath on the organ
who loves a pipe. He saes that gave goitre good mut,iral selecticne.
he cannot write unles '.ullar' After the meeting lunch was
1110vvr how to clean, shaped briar is at hen +; he g a tasty
at*tvS ltndokei on na •rd served by the members. some now
TituRSDAA.Y, OCTOBER 2, 1913
�u 3 iers ! 3u � vers
You will meed them almost
right away.
We have just received a
And our Prices are as law as the
lowest. Take a look at these
prices :
Women's just like this
out with double toes
and heels, sizes 22 to 8,
65 cents per pair.
Large girls' sizes, 11 to
27 55 cents per pair.
Children's sizes, 3 to 101, 4.0 cents
per pair.
Prices of other rubbers in the Times
Sole AgentsA.;'F' FOR
For Tile .61104LADIES
A guarantee
with every
Mr. Cotyle of
the douse
of Hobberlin
will be At
our stare Oct,
1, 0 , to
take weitsurem ents for
Utit, and Overcoats for
Fall wear,
Fit, quality -
and price