HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-10-02, Page 6� I " I .1 � I I 1. I I . . .. I 1. - � ... . I I - - . -I � I . � �.. I - � -_ . I— 4, _ , , I � - . .1-1 �14q4,4P,1j. 1 � �, 1, 0-00 i 1- . �. � ! , I -
. I T - � - I I I I . I - __-1_____-_ -----**---- . - — — _..". , . , F . . . . ,A". . , , , ., , , . ., k � I .Alow.., I - - I � W - , _ � . i 0 1 1 i 4 1 I : I! I ! I 0 ----
I A 9 . � 11- - I -1. . _. � . - I . I . . I - - - .. �. I 1. I 1_ ,.. , I Rarly the, next worning h4 stint Ills
10 .. D §999$=922 I I 11 . leter. VINiOU111V AWS1011M IIAb"i r0ply.When Sciatic Pains 'PURE BIZED STOCK
I I �. � .. - I - . I � I . � I ": L,7 . _ . .1 . That libe would release him and jump U ___
4�709 - I .. , , I � I . t1w o - Uit ,
I plitirtunity
" I
I ... I". � � It. Ill. lit Itivi lit)% thoslight Burn Like Fire
. :1 ;i �& _�11_ . :9 to ]lave her letter to that Government Distribution of
4-i-wrow, - - __ - f A -4 affvt-t tkl gelt(I to tile lijilIVOK-4, that 110 Rob in 'Nervillinef
AND CLOT A SHARP 60K. 44 [- LOTS THAT FAILED ' dot' ')'it was 1110"A t"ll '""I'll"' Bours and Rams.
. 14 jaight begin hi,a woolng. -1-1--
titoptoit Transerilit) . . ,Vu .9av that A%b w4s surprised, whell Kill% the Pain, Cures the Suffering,
9 L
-I ak4toll Ill%. hilsballil 1111' Rome 11111 . 11 I "I . . . .1. . IF- - ip r, � ill(- letter reaklied her iii it wild wiLy of liestroys Every trace Aa announced early lit the season. thkil - I
jiwne.v till-, ludi-ning. 0 PARP putting it. sh-(, irtte, fairly beolde liers.alf of sciatica, . V, Stock branch lia-4 till% I AOOW/
"wliat did be sa"11" . XXXX . . . . . . . . '. A � Dominion Ill _.
1,114. ar-I'vit lift. lit -W uttlell IsIlls were a . . I I - _ �- . � 1. . I .1 . � .. . .. 1. � with delight. Sho rtithed frantically ill- v, �- I Iff
jullia.r." � t 11 V � lie hall fallr4-11 that he likell li.tii .it - and, another thing. vott muidt keeli it) Indla's, rount and threv, Iter4elf into I ar undtatal,en it distributlun. of liure - ff"/ , i
I . tier vousla's armb, Read This , Interostitio Letter. bred wale auhnnIs throu0mut Canada �. ,;i�;*4-...
CUT 'EM SHORT. that other In0l. but. it �Vwj lJoLI0114 , Away iroill )Ill. the rest Zif tile eveldlig." I I _; I mt"
to the fierve tlirol!a that filled Ills heart �h. in%- capricious, beautiful ilarling! ,,Olt. India, yon iiever eovidd. guess what I . oil a suillewhat extensive scale. In In- . 1f . I
fyonlwrz� statesulaIll , "I ' hati happene(f." title cried, laughing and is, think yotj ought to wake your augurating this polley the Itim has Iii -en
Ithor 1,�liit , and soul f(T th'A daZZ111T V01111,1,1 Viet- Ill ,lot be eritel, to lite. ):oil have been
" I w&�. npvak'stig with vour f; 84bing Ili It breath. "I shall not liave cjai, 11 ,li I 0 . , � '"! FNA '. � ... I "I I I
nitoit, ta'il t..i- vounit mail. : till,(%. Ile I'llow th.-It hatf ol tile' poollItA lit) kind; (11) not shut tile out of tile lil;lkt nis strong-ir about the marveloull to aid sections where pure bred sirei ! 01,101 " ," _
- -voll"" 1131.qlver,�d ill'% i"we" lit the rootit were v,jlUUIQUtjU�,, U,,on .111-81 will brilliancy tit your near presenc . Ower of Nerviline on Sciatica, and ivere laeldng, and tit encourage new com. 'NOROMMM
"Oil, Ntk.;� -crIng bk-r k. "What I ,a i it) marry Rupert ])owning now, I ant p , .
1,011119 filing. ION% INT$. conduct. ania-it, tit it Ito tifiro till mou- VOUld - 'A free, fre�Ill - Lumbago" Thl�i Is how Aire, A. V. � .
WiVO ,Viill taildliq ah(Mt?" tit tier with. dilated 1'rritten, 111111litips ill following hu intelligent bys-
".10,011t tilt, liki'llband of .1 'frar with onolizie tilt- �4--m!'*'l 11-:114-08,4, lill IN -lit) %%it,4 Again site sbook ]ter Alark curly heatl India looked eyes, Corrigan opeas her letter,
6� I 0 j .
j I
'tipX10. Your father said if OWN' MIS tt
h:ir ho hoputt It would be sloirt."
. 011, vp-; 1 knotv P'llm IN very jullf.)k
bo i'voll. tip ! C. .. .. the hui�Lltlltt tit all-
. .
laillatioutly. .
1-1 aut uied tit being obeyed latillk'Itly",
ill hat do YOU, mean Y site cried, 11014-
Ing the girl tiff at arsu'o length, and. gaz-
lit,, )ter with killinettling, like fl-Ight.
from, Victoria. "So. many people are
suffering, and all fow get proper treat-
ment, that j that thous-
tent of breciling. '41tin, form. of lv�bkt-
aUrL.. Ila$ littlar, att(l (Ittr-
� proven veky Ito
- __�_ I I � � � ..- I - . . � �- I I I
-_ ' " ' - --' - * -_ _ " - " '
Go On All Fours for Health,
. I I I.. - - —
' " - '
I �SS U 1,, NO. -10, 1913
ill PO.-od t,l 1011,41 outulgentent.4."
. , A.1341) lit the pre -j-
Ilia Ilevel t, ...: %, ,
ithe ouid. ilvi 11 it half -piquant laught I'
7 'Just what I smy," orliod 134b, "Bnt
. vir anXious
ands r,hould. Imow of how Nervillno
ing, the liltst few luoliths a large number
lievali,-je the luti-er aninials. never know
- � . .- I � I "...O.-W.-Ot
—_ _' -A '
_ - __
, 1,
� 116 Ili,.
ellim tit ill% ,`,.ol!1l lioalltv.
trothe'l, %%,.m thirutiX.-Illy,forgotten ;is
"I beg Your pardon. I IVIII be ver-
.volt iiIII Understand It all tile better
cured ale. .9ciatica lij jitti t about tho
o f buii-j and several stalliouti have lit -oil
the lnxin,i of indigp-stion, Dr. Moulder,
kii�� W—W-4707
0%"1k;I I I lin't till , Uir)
though 411L, It �.t nevt Wfttvil. Tile
, .*'out,
itable sla�kk�," lie lutirillurt'd, huargloly,
N01en .Kull read 11�%� I wearied 110iLvell
Most MV1111 Pala litlinalls are called
upon to bear, and lit my Cali e thero
Islaved tit various parts of the colultry
the fnillutis .6''Luillach bpeelalitit of Paris,
11 -tri discovered a tiew cure for thi.j
. . �
"Thut mail �V:oi h(l 1111011111lent sovins till.
'hat "
1-011111t men ortbent wert, f,tlrlv furlouki
with lily praveni tie to bow I should got
OUt Of it, �Ild they Lave beell all.
was at tillves the additional "I'lle
ill tilt, hailds of local assuelations, forlij.
(11".1adeiI alituent. I)r. Uounle03 advice it)
jork A1111 Dye 14ouse, . Ing oil raw
stock and pleve dyes. Tills Its a Soud
. .
collifort:00t, %� is tile trouble?
11.4.111le old Ittorv. " rcPlIed 14111ator Sor�
at. tile audaeltv ,'of Itupert Oii�vningr.
" The prineep!,� has fallen in love with.
Offering her Ills arni, lie reluctantly
enough condiii-ted her baek.to the gor -
Owered." . .
of Llimbago, Nothing Attracts aten
eil specialty for the purpose (it liandling
Itil liatielitti ill'
Opportunity, rot, P. bright young inan, AV-
pIv-Tile Slingsby Co.,
gilt -Ill. "flo ltl�istpd tin crowding" tile
allotlight .-o clil.sil that he got A119(lil."
his hanill-tink. face tit firet 811.01t." they
,,calls ballroom. .
With breathlists haste India -ran, -)ter
tiott. �o particular forms of suffering
like, per?*nal experlencf�� and that It
and maintailling tliem. atilitials
plaved reinalil. the of the Do.
down on all fonre. Itun, around
, the rdoin like 41, Vat Or d0g."
Md., Brantforti, Ontario. .
7 4 0
Said. ".141.0 iloes not know that lie iti
not far Inve. souitt (lite int.31; inform ]ter
11(4i%l't for lier, he"ehould break from
)ter oj.,,,e,, #veil thovigh it lie at tile
eyes over the contents of the letter, but
Bah could see dimly that liar cousill did
why I am so enthusiastic about
partment of Agriculture, the loeal itfiso-
Air. MeAnier doeo not clalat tills treat-
01iriningliani A."o-iferalil)
of it."
vf�ry altar. Better fat- that the), i3hould
not reput to share )ter enthusiasm.
Nervillne. I had the luck to use the
riot remedy (Nervillne) almost at
. .
Qlatiolls assuming ilia re3poillbility for
ment will eure all kinds of stomach
trouble, but lie dot,4 claim. it. -will cure
i)ie(-Pr on heavy wool)en yarns;
night work. Apply to the filingfiby Man -
,,WI,:tt,s the matter with t1w. fellow OvOl'
"Like the impl-� 0ollabiv nialdells of
part before Inarri.1ge that) Ilvc' togethel I
"Arf -n't you pleased, India'."' she
the beginning, and cleaned it I -1gilt
their maintenance arid inalutaenient
,` , un.
a -
several kinds of indigestion reeom,
lifuct, ('
---- --Illng a., Limited. Brantford, ()tit.
.- --,-"-----,.---.,__-_____ � .
Uteri, oil It Corner, Who Is PHI-PIQ to 01"
v;tev ana 1:4 ,tvavinA ills artyki 111cf, tv willil-
tier rave. ]let- livitt gov.q out to the
f1rSt 111-0-1 %,"IM111 her f3lleV ll�ltht'$."
lit Unituppit.W4 -or, -worse part
e 1. ied. "You 11i'llow how 111111app.y I witis
over my approaLhing inarriage?)$
out -of iny system., Bat most people
der the geneial supervision of the live
jllpjl,j,j it eapecI&IIN, for listoinachle
111111 "
,-flit. tmit's illoijbins in an n1gu lent
Ther lirt�-,-.l ill:, guial. datut4s present
"Yotir viesvil are quite correct. sweet
"011"Yes, eertainly", Bile responded,
vise the wrong remedy and get Sciatt.
Qa in chronic form. Nervillne eases
kitnek It,rItnell. .
Tilt% di,4ribittion. of Lulls, anil gtalliong
litosio"---that iti, ilia 4taguation. Of a
ings.-i of food lit the istotudelt new
underwear. Apply, Kingston litia-
lery CO., Ltd.� ICIn-ston Ont. .
, (v
M-1.4 evIllent1% .%.Ing to Intlito 48�1110)041�
* conshic -qpll,qe
lit- -rs the conimon.
Intl) tile hvrv�1-1, , f their (aitte, del"..i.0144
girl." ]lit murniured, "anil that is Illy
I -1 cannot Understand it. 110
the pain at once, and stops the in-
having been brouglit to a close t1tia ) ' ear,
" jill four" method agitates the istolaiach
,�', -�:�
tolit. what
vlew tie it sitilation."
t hat sonle I'll., oll,tht t0,sPv3k it) -tl�t-
citie fail- prilleem. I might have led tile
scouted to count tile days to tile tillitt
flamniation before It becomes -chronic.
the opportunity is now Open it) deal -
and givegi it It -sort of massage which
Dinner Jackets Going Out.
f, I I
girl about it. io'.'on.o her that lit$ beRl't
girl to whoin, I ain lit honor bound, be.
.set fur ilia wokhliug�,,
I say that a linlinent thal has power
ivith, ajiplivati�tls for boars and rania.
cuables it to porlorin Its duties.
Accordiligm to the meii'li fashion. ed!Wr
W;ls eapposi'l ta To (.Nvwfiere. that )it
eause (if exchanged vow,i, to the altar,
lit tier own. mind lailla Haven was
enough to kill the pain of Sciatica
Full information ri�garding, the rnitia
, 4 'I - :I
Of the London Standard. tilt.- diniltor
. (Thl-nits)
was ]lot heart Whole and falley free.
It de'.1vate that
littering it,) word, even though I bad
more wtirried than she cared to admit.
"What "
is a remedy everybody should know
governing the disribution, and the pro-
jaeket, long ji, favorite for informal din.
.� illkanlipolnivil firti,it, indulging In R
wess m) it matter moit
dI.-3eovQrPd that I did not care for liar
could he tlie reason for it
about, fox, It Nyould ,valiff out In .1
eadure to be followed Ili folNiing tile
ners, is entirely olLt of style. It has
V4-ln of abiliti, agaillst Whitney, ax�
of the Iatlieo dedineJ to Interfere, de-
-its a mail should vare fat- the girl he
abo abkod herself. Ilia betrothal to Bab
win.k. little Ailments like Neuralgia,
necessary organization, may Ila ba�rull?ll
'Elie -whining of it can't case the pilln
ditiappearoij altogt.,ther
,- I iv,s without exception the most supOr-
t-larlit- that it was neither the, time nor
ilia l4ace, and ()I.- scores of would-be
wed -j, b,ttl I not ulet another who arous.
tile luvo ill lily nature at the first
was ilia only hold ishe had ill) oil bint to
heop his Ili); scaled. Now that that re-
Livinbago, Strains, tirptl iniiscles and
inflammation -from 'cold."
at"m to the Livo Slock Cuiiiixiia-
applic it
sluner, Ottawa.
of tile corn, but "Putuala's" 'Will eft -1,
among stilart,
dre&wrts .1lere is wit t tile Standard liflya
flejul. RvIr-410110vilt, Ignorant, shallow
ervature that twor maile .in.%- liretentionit
VIlliors loolied fill lit deiipalr It) se,! III'-
(.it till
glance. Ali prinveso., listen it) ilia. rroink
stralot was 'thrown off she could not bo
11a home strould ever be without
As it 18 the intention to consider 01111'
enro find preveat cortw and warts.
(luaranton �vlth every battle of
about ft,
4" .
!.Veil at dinitevi men
to art."
"(Wath'. iny (lent, sh., InterrulAoll
Pel I)IJN)U�jlg 41gak-j- U_1k`!%jU aull It,.11tin
with the tl-azzlin,,, Rwau!kih prinemo,
.1 ,iaw N,ou---"
tile (InA moment .
S beld 111) tier hand with an inipat-
sure that the .%ecr�ts of liar past would
Ile safe with him a single hour.
Norvilivie-get the large 50c farmily
&Ize; trial size 25o,, at All storel ceep-
inch requests as are forwarded before
Oct. 20. it ivill. Im necessary tot, dfi$-
--putriallitij . ITse no other; 20e. lit All
quite private
are wearing their loul tailed dress coats
WhIsill.r. who had ))Pen flstening-lillob-
t;(.r% t it. �.you (julte forget yourself."
-,gurcly .Nflgi ITavelt Nvinflil
tout ge.iture, exclattiling; I
She knew that she bad long beat(
era and druggisits, or The Catarrh-
triets desiring to take advantage of tills
- I I
and whito, wailstt-oats."
"The tall hat do rig,ueur
. 14 -_ 1� .
hear of it." ilto Said. (11111 to tile Other.
v .
and they wonder. -It wliat would happen
will not listen; I (lid not dreant
wantail b tile Yreuch authorities, ity,
oicue Co., Butfalo, N. Y.
offer to aet promptly.
I :
.1 .,
,Jlk now,in
at every evening futietion. Morning suittf
yalt .4tweripaps were so impetuous; YOU
that they haki been searching for tier till.
I : 1,
1� -
will be' more forinal, and soft haTel and
(PlikiblO V1110ftilla)
-1 I r. mi-finture letedv I gave
rile .111.111ner ill Width 1111port Down-
ar,4 worse than tbey fti'e ill 'all' own
.1 -Z ; �, ..� - lad it, ;lie hour
jgenIIv ior itionths pa -4. What if they
1, 1 4, .1 1 i 1.1
Paoldng Company . Investigites
,ioft collan, ai n
-P going out rapidly."
I (fit e .. . , . ea r 1). P 0 — 11 M -1W ior, anti. nad I)R (L ill) er 1, ---
'111 Illy sent In It street (101, Ing Iva,; I1(;.,.-:I,e1y flirtingr ay, Possibilities of Reindeer,
till Old �110fttklllu itild make violent love to her in the Dow1jing a eertain sum. to induce bin, to Scientists Say That It Is Growing .Anoiner vvin
noil lit, ills.tm enamored. �Vitil Iho beautifill Ilr;ll- next,." ess against ber? T. X, Conway. northwest manager fat- a
. tea oil taiciw,� ni,v extra.-
.klid llow Ile 11 -ants tit give -,-oil $23,000 case - was i'lle talk of tile bAll. Smaller, I Packing company, Iii; in Alaska experl-
vll?" lie was about it) silleak, but again she If anythium of. that Idild ivere to oc- - rOR . Illentinir WIth Marketing tile ITnited
.No: ,low he wants to .Apij me rill on- room. Woiw-n ,,!tied I) a lovolv fialloea hold Up lier little dainty ]land, enjoin- cur. tier hopw^ of winning the wealth of Ize. of it wifinan's brain is plainly -plus of reindeer
14 Ili ill ot licim-; itwit realized th,t - .
eyelopeilla all tiollar paments. iflio w. t 'I " The ski atates government's sill
I - 1, inith, that Ow hiiiii-ttrooni-to-he I ig 8 eli-L-v. old Banker N'tiville, and Ultimately the pot oil bile increttise. aveording to Man- Polk I aCDawsoti. Yukon territ.ory.
- NNI All 04 **X OU I , * ouvjw-, a uromineat Ityartypeall anthrolio. Conway announces that this question
EASILY SWALLOWED. . fickle, that he -,raq alroadv enslaved hv , 4111, A1011 (10 not love tills lady. heart of Ilia .ion, would Ito dashed, Was broached to the cwi,pauy last year
. -
, lit fiet, it is tlevidpd)�
(VI'altilliore .10,merlean) 016 fir -t pri-liv fim, that oraHao(l. hip and you give tile it) under,itand that the 811P 11111de 0110 TeSOlVe., and that was to logist. 7 by government representatives. conway
I)Ikj that rellow Insult you by offer- path wlltiq hj� hetrothod Ile did not attempt to (lance il.k' hurry ill) ]let- marriage It) ilia feeble old deetease, mill If it ),(-(,1)9 ()It Lit till?"sa.1,11": a figures that exiflunir trattkipoitation facti.
- wa,; Ito( wifil . , N Itiall between the Arehic circle and Puget
ink .\-oil it drhilt?" him. I : reinkiintler of tile evening, but fiat with- bankfir. With a marriage tie securely rate of diiellito t1tare ia )Ili telillin" IIONT 0 A 'I'" 'v 0 L sound, reindeer meat
,:Yt,.. lie (lid." . could not lie re-
. Dill illd'YOU SwallOW thO insult?" So on.11110I.C.41 \�s Illmert Dovi-Illilty Ili a boNver of Palms WA-1:4111ing tile pria- fitaltill0d and Ili possim.-iion. of a million Illuell it illay shialk ill tile next few Dear Sirs:- tailed lit the eastern statts fit less than
, i, cow with his heart Ili Ills eyes. M 'vents a pound.
I -, !� witir-Ills eolllpa ni 1,11 tIllit lie threw pril- t � of nioney, shy.. could laugh. - the Prench thowutivl years. I ]lave been an Invalid rot, years front ( onway is now Investigating where tilt.,
EXPLAINaD. di ilee 'to Ov. N% hid-. He (till not inlre he never realized the flight of time, authorities to soorn. , , I'lle ltveltg�! crallial elpavitl' Of NVO- vheuniatlkm�, caused through excess of reindeer herds are fast nitiltiplyIng along
(Boston TranvOrlot) what tile pt -ox -le ,till. All Ito loleNv \%,Ili, fill that lie could think of was that lie "What tire you thinking of, India?" Inell ill ttic ellble c"lithriptori back lit tho uriv auld In tile blood; have trlea uveri the Arutle circle and oil the Bering sea
, had won tile lOve---at firtit, sil"I't - Of cried ]Intl; "you haye such a strange 8 against 01111, 1. thing'11that..vould lie thought of,. Not iiortli of Nome. kre says that the rein-
4\fl.s. ,.\eiN,i%*%ved1 Avontler "rliv we that this girl' -t pl-r-1 ne,- luttix'e.tted li:ui C. . ) `w Yedivines, a,,r, caribou And other anlinals which
nre growing'tired of each othor." . . ., -higkt, Doctors and Patent
Ilko '4.1-1111" Nville. the mozit beautiful voinig girl that lie expreacion, Olt your fave," ".38 (if tilt, Illoiltirn. Rilrollean till I Aniel'i- but Pould find iiotliitig to take away tile
xpwlywod-i haven't till Idea. I thrive in the great open country or nortlt-
YI-s; nlaybe that 1.9 tile reason. Ife hovered .tround her like it ,110HI had i-var belield, its .�vell as one who was -1-1 was thinking that I liaye lost citil ,%voinqu, Tlint is rvAI)y it ,leclilotllv awful pain, swelling arid .sUffnesik Ili Ill.v ern Alaska, and Canada will become lin-
, *0 -
- - '_ I . ., fabillullsiv weldtliv. I it v �ellflllee of being inaill of honor now, noticeable i-liatlge ouil one wort -11 conslij. Jointki tintil I tried RAN .1, whiall (1111 iiortant factors Ili Arnerleu!s ineat supply
about it 11,111le- 1"lowill';' thitt ilia M1110 I I for me In title montil than kill tho
DEnNDINQ A FRIEND. Atilt tile. caitles' in Spa in whielt his im. all it tilt- dTesA T would. liave worn. no one cration, deelarl-'4 *Manouvior. Ili the face ,O" "" as sooii as rallyums and other facilities
worilil. be %inged. jolt varilktr not. 'I'wivo fliers did lit sevem years. -
.. � bring subarctic and tediperate zones to
(Life) or thrice in'jia4-dn-.r Lilliam Ilarvey ille attillatioll erected were surely the WflI E-ee nip Ili." . of the fact mall'i crallial callacity has 1 bopelellsIr fall to let N,Txi know lit gether.
'p,riggs-111111clas writei; best sellprs, eypq it' - It -
. , of tilt. tivo g;yj, '*( will more than make Up the loss to increased Sixtri.11
.j ulpt, . ilkit nift-nifivent air-east)es ever ullt. ellifle. centlitleferi ill -writing what SAIN01, has itolto for me.. vonway sa,vs, at pawiton, as 9111,1116,
doesn't lie? If they liti-I kil,own tit(, rilerry prinei,3i . 'From the montent It(-. bad brought liar e Thou.4"tild'i ot Totirs truly, ]finds disappear In the sotitli . tit. .�rtlf
Origgs-Yes, but lie's nll Tight. He's you Ili It round of pleasure," declared ille S11,111" I"11'_ytI1 Of till' - J01IN IT. LAXIC, I will have to be lievorded more attention
.it fir.-truto .,;art. When volt get to know better. thost, about ber would have seer. 1 back to the ball-rooin. she hall not paid Ball, "..%ky friend, Lillian � Harvey, is to ycars aeo, in tile stone sxqv, man'.% brain --14.-) Spence street, jVjrknjp�,g, These great land4 will not be here lit valn,
I ttelitioll to hill! whatever, was rectioncd -1'4 some I,1t4 citbic centi- The reindeer,, moose and Other aninials
11 in you don't mind 'What 110 Writes- that tile rogiiisli maiden )Y,,, rilik. for , filly It but girp it ball tur lite. and you aliall wear it I Tilt, above lettf-r shows you what a which sustain aninial life will lie more
- . �w ,danced and flirted with every other On ,that Oc0aji0Ij.,# metera, fill,] the average crnubtl "It"Le'ti trelt'llent of SAX -OL will do
- mischief. 1 -he It -d oil tilt litill(I-14-ine Atli- fat, I'llen- apprig-lated t1lall to-ilay. Yukonera anil
A GUESS. pricall aq eoyly :1,4 the 111*oAt fillishe(I vo- young mail Ili the ball -room, Until lie "I aupDose .1 mlist Iw satisfied with of tile Ill-licillint. 1101111 is ii-INY that Of I.- 3natIstit eautiod through excess of %trio others looking forivard to tile new hl -
(Boston TritfiscriPt). , (juette of half it (1( Zen qvasolls.: 8110 001t, w,,-4 Italf distracted with jealouay. that " said, India, with a tittle, short 3C'k)* 11VId Ili the Mootl: try It,, It will df) 4Qr dustry oi, of ralsing aninials rot- the inar-
I . (I . I 2 - you what It has done for him. I'Vivo kpt.4 of the world ilia), take courage.
IINVlio wns tile first 'mhut n?' " " Lee that lie was illf.ittlated ivith li-(-r, quit lie would have stridden otit Upon the Itin &il - Alanonvier ndds. however, there 13 .14 I 60. Tills spring Chleftgo WaS R110"t hundreds
"Can't Pay. How about Jonah? floor find taken her from them had not 'I ,-e:III,- 110 Ilt,(l of %%,orry on the 1),arb of ' ;,AX0,T, eures 0all Stoties,
: � r slie ctaid to herself: "I inug't hurry to 11adaina Larue, and - . Rld'10Y of thousands of tons In packing-liouse
ALL A RELATIVE MATTER. "The le;,von 6, workin- wt4l. I have Ilia judgment told him that, because of ' tile fenli'line Population, sintle t1joie StOrke,; antl Gravul. Sold It-,- all lending 'pro(loc-ts, all(i tilt, old stourecs (10 not meet
M - toll tier to stop fix(, work oil my wedding ' Druggists. r,iterature rrej from
filavillatol. him. 1,11liall was right; Ile 14' entanglement wit.h.allothor, for the' f. ets s"m to prove, altc.r all, the worth the demands.
(13oston Transcript) drew, anit how -surpri-aed site ;vill be I *1 11 1111, Each sillitinler Puget sound gets some
Tjlx_I bear that )-oil and ,vour -)VifQ d4s not lovt, ilie pretty Ball w1joia n on wa-4 certainly the bet, will be back directly to talk the inaitor �or it brain N to bq mettiured !- %Ilty ,Prrj�, 111AX01', .-srANUVACTIURTNG Ca " reinileer meet lirought b.", Vold -storage
vfttl,'� of volir, thoy'say ho k to wed. I '411all soon be ter part of valor, I I and not ill size Ltd., K -S Main .street, WinnIplig, .'%[an. 'olne. The reindeer moss
don't SPNXI,t. W)"It'S tilt' over with you, India." . . I � - I steamers from N
,st.mined relations. I oble, to demoviRtritte that fact to her Ilow lie longed to say to theni; north of tile Arctle elrole lifts been provell
Au" "We.will postpone our little chat.until ' : I A REFUTATION $1700 MILES LONG a good substitute for- breakfast food.-
, - 1 7 1 ,,It is quita tit,eloss for you to attempt to-niorrow, deal-," fluid ludia, sweetly. . , 'allit Paul P10116151' Press-
Dix�Her relations. anti to her frie,1114. ]tot, now timt I Tacoma vorr. 5
have-Ilifn oil Im, lian,lix, I ilia afraid that to win tier favor, for volt tin not stand ,, (New Kork Sun) .. I :
WORTH TH�F TRIOUBLE � ." !Irove a white elvilhant. tile least possible elt;nce, for the rea- I ant going out sloapping�ll 1. 50 ORGANS Ix'e have. no doubt that out- plillosophl.
I il lie 1.3 de.4tineel till. "Wi;uld yon' not like me to accompany val find philological friend tile Toronto
(Washington Star) � I .T call Rclkref-)v Poll Ithil front ltlalall& son that she is lulne!" you?" eried Bill). � World, whose intelligent remarks ork tile .
-you go. linating every rear?" love to .tne aiready, nnil I have knowli Evpn when tile hoor c-anip for part., Xot this itille", said India, with an- subject are rLprinted oil tills page tp
I �,(.s. , bilit bliva few hotirs." . Ing ,so, completely wa�i she hedged Ili by day, Is entirely correct tit Its bertlif that A %611 -known Man
. , - (in you prefor?" other G', thime little, poeullar laupOui, -I L r Its couatrimen, do not "hatell tile Vatted .
"Mint kind or gamc - C11"'A'"
.1011, I never 'Aloot fill',s, ill Ing. Ilut's She had avoided a tvie-q-tefe with atlinirers Ithat lie could )lot get more whith miglit mean much or nothing. "To States, though some of them inay dis-
I�Irtkl Of Pleasant to Came home and 1111vi? him. but aftc.l. tht- laut Nvqttz ille caul , than a word with ]ter - - not We llave sralle fifl-v fir"it-c-laf's 01-111C4 like Individuals amou'g out, citizens antl -.Nfinird's' Lininiont Va., TAuitteil:
lily family 111tilco :1 fit, " me beenilse . tell volt tl.lp truth. I am going to Stop
ss ov . In.dowv Itille illy looked Po inviting, Ole even the le,tit Opportunity tit I ress � � ,a on lumd. at prices front $I2.. -X1 to%135. dtfal'1'rov" of oui, citstonis and habits ' irs, --I can ioeollimend your
I got back tillv(,.' 11 ' the ongraving oil A certain wedding pr L - Canadians are too busy and too latelli: Dear 8
—.4 I :! loidd not rcsis� ill(, oporitiulty of re,t- I It . er'lland. Ife made his -way to his ear- cut." a i' These bistrul,1611ts have all been o%'('r- gent to waste time in tile futlio occupa- NTI.gAl1I)'.R LINIMEXT for Rhouniatifoll
GETTING EVEN. ipg there a fmi, willutes at aily cost I riage and rode holne like 11 mank in ft hauled ljy our own workmen kind ;ire. ill tion of hfttln;� arw nationtilits, or country.
ess) "Let Ille ))0itur 3.011 all Ice," lie 11;;1r. 11realil tile w9rillerhil ev,eut of the even. -Oh. -Tudiu!" cried Ball, 'of course, it Were It jle�essary to ('ali witnesses to 11111(l SPri"ll", a-4 1 ,hare Used It for both
(I'lurralo 14xiii, . , . must ),fit filli-t-jas,. tionditiou. A few gretat har- I^tit re,411it'i.
mured, he?itimy ber Lpneath ilia holighi in -bad .,it) (lazed him. . -a been for �nfi." - . support out, bellef that our northern with QXVPI .
-jinick; must hove )Intl it qnarrpl with .. . � A, gains w*. Jfinivs organ. walnut case; 6 udi.01jora are not plunged it, liltter six-
. Before lie Aept that iijgbt-ay, fire '*You have Xi"Red quite right," re- T '
lils inuilloril." , of it, benutiftil*mamiolla tree. minute,; after lie bad entered )its. . apart- plied the other, with a- no(]. "Don't do. Ftops, $15. Deniiiiiell oj�,0.111. S stDP-",**_10. iiall,'--of tile United States we should . . I T, B, LAVI01q,
. "What ifinkes 1,011 thialt 140V ' - 111' Call allunit ill.,agillle 1, .in) in 51IIII)v l3ell (I-0all, 1) AtUl)R, 825. Sond for voull- Von dently rest our case on a map allow -
"Ili, calls tilt, Place imbpro he lives it ti-Aie qat down. and v'rote it long tain lite," site said, as Bab clung to her I i1off tile political divisions of North I
Ink"' . , St. John.
W." . �. Spain ,irgrain " Ale murmured, tov,hing I)Ietp 114, oving Atli tlo.,wrij till'% t'tfttill,-,t Anierlea, ThIrty-seven hundred inlies tit
flat 110 - � xa. - the flowo-4 'with her lip�,. '%Vill I " . " letter it) Barbara. Raven, which read ai neck, laughing and weeping in 'tile same itvhat , 3
1 . c I N� (1114 tt-1-1118 voll,would like. Ile.jiltzivark bowitlary line without .it defentling forti- .
. I more lust'lou-1v t-rhil4oll thall the bloA- follows: . . breath, "for I %hall have barely thlie to & Co,. e()yjjt�r 1�ing ,Intl john, streets, fil"I"011 1-4 a suffivlent refutatiOrk-ot the . .
ISM, I Countermand nly urder." .1 � . ,miggistion ,that tile 1jeavle ifying (in .
(110.4ton Trinscrifit) . sonis. laud with that nionn. 9hining over , d:, Ify Dear Burliara: After lon(y and To the surprf;e of ait the inernbera of !fairillton, Ont. eltlwr fittle if It liptes ha he oh . — I .
the trees. jeweliliv the grass and ilio � l : I� filde. a: � - FAILS.
ji,xe.-Wlint 1,1diculons, . Impossible things let. -res. wh�-'revvr the arrowy shafts of and 4ettjus months of anxious thought, tile 110114ehOld, Tudiu, ditt- not take -the CARRYING EUGENICS TOO FAR. - -
ill '� eQe fashion plates ale. , a .) I . Njifle)t Ilayn ,,,)-3t, inta ittore sleepless fttlllil�v carriage, but haf3tened away oll (Toronto News.) q)etrolt Free Presis)
mre. 1,'xe--I knoik tile',* used 16 �be, but 3110001robt f,])--- * foot. . A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL
to -day many or tliem are engraved from 4�1 Rmok'beaven 1*10'u .are nbt," lie nlgjt�i than -you ean well hinagine. I .,tilt settle enthusiasts go uo far as to advo- . Tile Alalln act wakf.. passed chiefly to
prolograwls. . . llIOvVd to write -volt in accordance with Ifalf tin hour later a veiled yo cate tilt- restriction of marriage to abso- To All Women, I Ill send free with protect Immigrant wonien. and experts
. breathed hoarsely. and It(, bent nearer, ' Ung lutely hesitby people. They think by
lZ,xe:W0Il, tills one can't be. Here - - I lie bank tills means to improve tile stock a full CInstructions, myw home treatment declared that with a gooti law and plentr
are tivo worrien golng In opposito� diroe- so near tliat tile dark, curling itionAuello tilt, truth w1delt T )lave arri-ved tit. woman presen'ted bersel at t flit of money it would be Possible to destroy
tions, both with brand-new gownI4 oil Vrx',sbed the bloe-1.1ack oirls, as ,,it- "I feel that tni- Poutouts of tills let- of Nvhich old Mr. '.N'Pvil)e was'pre'ddent gradually to Produce it higher type of which positively cures Leuoorrli,Dea: Tul- fell'a-le peonage within it year. I
and rl*lllt(,r looking baek fit tile otllN,. ter will surprNe you. --indeed, it must, and requested to see libil. without do' 11111I)all being. To tills end they would ceration, Displacements, Falling 'of .the l'iffortunately there Is no Inflicatifin.
. . added: "If N oil Ivill rentilineil lit beauti- I lity. * , prevent tile propagution of their stieciell NVOmb, Palutut or Irregular Periods, tYtar- that slavery tills Won given any severe
I - I . tl a fir -it rea,fin�. by defectives. and even subjet-t .40-L ex- lite and Ovarian Toinors or GrOWths. Oil- ))I*w- '
. I . flit Spaill we should never have, lw-t" tit h . One elailkie In tile Mann a(m. Ili-
. REJECTED. I "And now that we have," ,10le w`llis- teell will begin what I have to Oily by She Was Shown Ininiedlittely to I - lis tiema defeellves to a palnleski foriii (if eluded tit bring to account persons who
(Boston Transeript) Iling yort. little Bab, that my eyei private offlee, where the banker a , deatli. . There is it great deal to Ili- said so I -lot Flushes, Nervousness, Alilanollilly, introduce allen -%voinen into tile country
Ile -Ile mine Lind ,%,ell will Inake me. tile pere(l, ahiiMt laughipur ill his face. . )lave been slowly o3ening for some time at Ilia desk. Lit bI-sY lit fatfor of race eonservatiork unti up- Pains In tile Read, Back or Bowels, Idd- for the purpose or vointnerclalized vive.
JT!q countenance blanchell. . building, but tile specialist In tills RS lit has been. given undue Prominence, and
111APploRt frark, fit th� world. to that w1dell tile whole world- At the slaurid of the froit-frou of silken other sciences inay easily overstate' Ilia ney and Bladder troubles, where caused
slip-riii very sort-%*: but unfortunately IIJ-4 9boulil 1101: tell you, but tile pil'jt . . though undoub,tedly It has been Used
i- world-seenis to )lave ,diseoverrd '&k.irts ill(! banker looked ill) from It case at- w�er-press Ills point. by weakness peculiar to our sex. You with some good effect by the Inlivilgra-
I Avant to lie happy'myself. , worils burn theinsdvt-4 fri-in ipt, heart Olt ,I$ Alan Is a complex being with mental, can continue Yreatment tit home at a tluti authorities It lias been twisted to
, I I 1) tilp.;, back, lonn, shice, find wondered fit my blind- J)"PeWs. One glance tit that tali, queenly cost of,only about 32 cents V. week. M 7
- - U -to in- caunot kee -moral and religious aides its Well as a
I y lips. I bring Into court all those whose moral
9 T � , . - * book Wom;n's Own Medical Adviser.,
. NO PLAC TO 1-1110e. y heart Ila% gone out to you., ness, and that is. th-tt although �rou. form find lie sp,rang trembling to his material body. IvIlat is niore" some Of I , lapses lvad them to make excursions
for Ill ' alao, sent free am request. Write to -day.
I � tile -y greatest nian of tile Past lit Ole Address Mrs.
(nuffato Vxpress) - � "1111gli, Ilusid Volt must not sav have promiseft to be niv bri -a�e, feet. Ile kneir that the flileenly form Ills vial 11. Summer&, Box U. 3, from oiie state to another with wonlen,
I higher realms of achievement were far courpall4owl. Wo are not condon
"The time has, passod," said tilt, OrAtOf this to me," %be eried. " 4 evt.n. though our wedding clay Is almost coulil. belong to none other than title Windsor. Ont. e do P,O�efi Ing
-any mail can hlop bb V_ "Do not clihle tile! If Voll neve'r silielik tit bfirld vou ,to lie I - I from perfect. physically. . -_ 7 t Trioral offenses I but W the f ,I I t tliat it
hauqhtil5% "wlit-n t love niL, Bab. I gloriously beautiful a rl who had pront- ' . I is ilot the business of . e� .
self behinti,,it worrian's pettie0fits." ' 'to shut hiv eves to the truth. ised to I;e his wife, 0 and
"Volt het. ('anim,r-lited tilt% eynie in th� � to ine again, I mu. -if. ti.4l'you. Nly heart have tried -00 - FROM WOMAN'S PEN. ,,lent to supervise private IndIvid-
liftek -,en 1. lIts goll - e out io� volt. I .A . "India, illy beautiful darlin.,g" lie cried, .
-Tatise X-ray pkirts lyfivi, Ittoli)- ' 1.0ve ,vall, lint flit, time ha -3 en'tai when I cannot I — __ - "al inorals. - - t-
lj,!(l 111tit.11 . o . � � )fit . 410 it: 1 Atli forced to look It squarely "what ill tile world briligs, you be,re?" *
. t - I PrIllef.."'i-I Eulalla. lect. -ile, dettlit 1111� RA "Are .veil not glad to see nie � ?$1 she 1012111 THIS Rosa Mayreder in "A SUrvey of Minard's Liniment � Cures Burns, Etc.
� HARMONIOUS. . .volt III -11, for 4.1,011g. it, In you all(i in ill the ftice. I - - -
this hoilr T bnv� m4 my fa6. There is "With thit, thought Polnes another- demanded, With an attempt at a light I the Woman Problem' I Says—
a , _- isa
, . - i
(Washington Star) are Ile- a reason why 'I sholibl, ilot tell YOU thi.4, you art, it) tuarry ilia . beciuse of your laugh. I , I ,� " 'The gentle%voinan never wal.3 till,[ Hired to Keep People AWakL.
"Those chint-se characters * HOME lie'ler could be it free. ptirsonality.10 "Kalvadays 110 protest is
vulinw, said the man who was standing blit I am desperitte." gratitude toward ine--riv)t for love. "HOW Can Von ask it?" he arled. "You i
,q b;�ve come it) the realization that know that . , . made or any
In trout of it laundry. 0 To Ills ,great surpriie 411v %lid not eiSM" " .%Intl are the sunf.,Jiine of Inv � DY E " One educates with what one 19, rather stotiait taken against tile sleepy man
-yes.- repneil lilk; friend. "011111PRe Is h , -pen 11"A Undej those (,
.on- Wei tile joy of lily exiistence, the tei;. I
. he way.0, In the Imalltiru) derk a marriage bQt\N I than- witli' -what bile knows." or wolluill who faild into a doze in the
2xiiiIle only languago I know of that looks . hit, and tl ' dition't Nvould Ile U111114t 0 'volt. I s:iv defeat objwt my eyes could rest Upon. that "Those who make thenleelves hide. midst of the minister's sernion. I'll Eng-
-I IN- Ili* qes Itecluc,d tip invito him to proceed. 111j'r of Illy.,;elf. I C.:111pat c.laim ajl� Ay, ity, do not �hide lite for speaking In
. ,p it sounds," .14 lloth
.- I -- V -..-.-.-- n . ljole such enthusiastic terms, for when " ANYONE pendent of.tile normal coildittolli,of we. Iamb 30o years ago ilia guilty Offender
BUSY. CHAPTER LT. turwilli gr bride. I 11111-1. have file w illy . I I uninhood do not therebA, annual them." wouhl have been severely rn7pped over
. So thoraw, ily it! Parneat was Rupert � , ts upall you I feet tile IA0011 .. 11 . call use "What adult I
((,I(.vphjjj,I Plain-Defill,r) hoart of ill(, Ar) whoill I well its well as gaze res persoii r�allv eare,3 to Ito the head by men P�pecially appointed to
.. 0 ]let- respeet. throb hotly -through My veing, as Ili tile considered .is the product 'of the train. - tile task o keeping the 11 ego. U
t, Vvii, 111*41and N alWaYll So Pressed tot, Powiling that lie ilid Imt notice Vie � , f 0 cc gr tie
me. ill. complains bliterly about It." gleam pf )Uj.;cljjef lit the girl'.; dark eyei "I Ieel thilt deep down Ili youl, heart. days Of Illy youth, and itty heart grows Y.0 . Ing he bas reecirl-411", awn ke.
"That*8 too had." . -0,'Alld 110 �N`011 find tile eliftilla of ilia betrothal Your" agaill." �
"Isn't 10" tie *he ralso-il. theirl to lij!l fa( I ;vllicll ilin(I y,ju to nip irksome; if go. Thf lipe of the beautiful French girl I ,*The young girl bas become a bill. For instance, ill one pftrislj in Shrop-
-%pnt (111, bo,.ir%ely, a.Agerl,% - and 4" drance and It dauger for ilia mental life flIkire, ,-)5 shilli' z3 it ye, -ly
"I wits 1; bi,4 office flit.,; afternoon and . .11 . I .1.4v chainci would Ile a voke Curled gleam vdiich might be 11 t it. ar wits regulait
" , lijil
.Q. "Let tilt- .jak*Y011 One (I I I ('It Vt - - - �� I t ( o I% poor inan to go about the
lit, wai,,tn't thel An. lleall- tile Ill.' , jure. scorn, inight be hatred, flash n 0 L .Of the nation, aa least iso fur as rea
Ilyp'. ills golf 011111 Is ,so fat, rLwa)* '111011 , neelc liardor still td en� literature i -.i concerned."
that he tills to leave Ills desk at I olcl'ek.11 t1rul princess; "iVe hic ,tit answ during 'tile. sernion. and keep the
, I 1,1101114 It ili-At' I 1. r 71 * 5 to you, B:tl),. r(.ftIIziUV tile eyes, but she was too ounning to per- he Guaranteed 610r4E DYE for 1,0110 of the most important filet01703 In peo
er dirt. cc t � .1 11 e urall
11 - U from Your heart: S I Inallry I,-,) I., eive it, lie awakv. Ile carried a thin, long
ts trite - All Kinds of Clotli� ilia rise of ilia f(Inlillist movement its ),I
one V�Ilttlr girl u-Ilell evory throb of 11 . ,.t"Ittion -title it is tot) iate to Wit 111111 to Pore
COULDN'T DODGE. heItA Ilefiiq with Inve . another, alut natters. I release volt from tit!, lie heartl the red lips ninrinuring loon, Sftnpld,No Clmnco OfIttioukes. probably ti) ,he found Ili ilia cl! ,%Van in his lialid, WhiCh lie could con.
fo I ell"llge I - I'l Send for rroo C61oroCoard tind 006 l6t. 111190 veniently stretvh out over eonsiderable
(ITUMIO Express) 11.1jen this love ha.4 fir,11le to hilp it, tiolp proalikii) to nuirry nie, evell thollgli it Ila SO)"etbill"', Just what it was lie could 43911aeoln-pichatilsonCii.Limitod, atirissIl wbieli j; taking place Ili the niale sex -.11 space find rall offenders oil ilia head or
"Ilave vait been able to meet all the. de- to pr(.Vj,jjt IflIln froill ftttf,rjjj(r 11111),�ell at jile plevelit'i 11011r. I herewith ,Sit rot cat0h. . I � I "'Womani is a Xanus-beadeil creature.
inands or *,,our creditors?" . � I " *"tit von free. - ,-What are you. saying, India,?" lie ()lie .face distortoil. by I -lie deepest de. nbont nio shoulders.
moot tl;plll? I li;tvpll*t heOn able to for.11re ill all 1111lovml 'Aft.9 ., .cIV .
avo!d Q 0 ilit-re ojll lieImt one allmver. sw-v't ' q f,�el ilult tlIj,j action Olt my part asked. . - . with Ayhiel� civilization -C(11114 I'Vtill women lie was rtlwav-4 instructea
�Wni." . . - . gradation to be gentler, to tap softly, but persist.
11, I r orld of . The Reason Why. liolltite a liuman. being, ill(- jither fae(4.
will fiallse :volt A.W .joy, and i cit -I wits remarking bow do-votedly you
lir"lleem!-Lan fliviel" * ,11 she murinuied. . elltlx`� Until tile islutuber wits broken. Iror
- NOTHING DOING. I ,,No inan thnult inarry it ,voling girl will illank me. Never ininil how I feel Illust love ine' %'llining 'with tile loftiest dignitv with
,$ , Iltedo the about it, -I do. indeed," lie declared. "When I was at the party,,% ilia t wais learned, were not ao am'
4I-,1x0)klIIgP� . It.. which the human rave rewarile I fill. wonien, I I.
, whom lie doe, ft , % . V, 1110 Ontirikly oUt of 'lie , ,,And I all, going to put y* 1. love to 8ald Bessie, aged Just four, ))ell oil being Aroused from it
s ]lot love. asse de.4iva I% to see u, 11,k little girl fell off liar chair, filruent of its heaviest dutic§." ablo as I
"flow about a phono,"rapti?" nsiccAl th-f iti-incess, soleninly adding. 11,4uth it mar. t-011-1441f.r1l t i 011 - 'Afv onI , v the tpst'll bit(., welit on, vVith olle of those -jtlgllt down upon the floor! - . C-oultortable nap. and, if gelitle 3ne1lui
sctileknnau. "We have-" , illy way at ftecow- t - t
.11honogi-aph?" oxvialint-A the prospet- ling short, of It <,rinle. NN'lkell v00 )otj)l)'V. arld the 0
it lilaglkli'1-111111(11�111 him tilat It i'llshilig , that is to tak-li ihis courme, arch ruffles wlileb tire always irresistible And sill the other little girls Mingrd'S Liniment for sale eVerywh6re were not employed, were likely to get
Begall to laugh, but me, I , Z . � . .
ve vu4tomer. "Young man, I baws a ge (MU'lls 11tioll it) tilt aged atlitor Nyhen. tile tire Upon - .*Up and leave, CIL116bl- 110 little 0011111110 -
wife. -Anil foni: grown daughters tit home." wIl;j-h 4(lillf."; Nllsest awl best to me. y I didn't IfkU9h a little bit." 0
- - is friendrihip rather thAn I'Me IvIliell fills tile lips of 11 fas'einitting young girl. - TrIlly tion about thein. —
f "'Marria"m where two 1)(10ple love each. ". ., Said Bessie, grave find �w(le. Graphic,
.1.11 voll I,,; itilitual—', . -NIV love 6i'll a Alift why, my deal-, did you not lau.-Ii?
ABOUT AN 9VEN'THING. Indifference hetwi tier 'foluliv all(I trItIv, I'l hett'Vell ()It � stand -any test," crie There N,vr,s a vilatlge of extrates, lit tlit� do. 0
4t, is ,go", lie ill till, I'll ))tell, wondering oil I 4 ha(leii. tit(, uld batil,er, gallantly raising the lit. , AskeA inothert pleased to find Ali English sportsman workq Ilia auto-
-0110 , I In, - .that Resole (13jess her little heart!) - paribli, aill -tIv after one of the pro- mobile and ylterit in combination. 1. h, -_
Olotiton Trani< earth, alrioge withillit love 1. I shot
fevel-ishiv �vljat she was about to re- A ,11, thL ' e 6 a a
,(in ac,rc(, wit,, Ule I ,( coll1r;
- gnoblk-AW. nevor thini, of going- to "if it, it,! white hands to his, lips. Had-bliell 0o SWOetly ]find, 11111jent mail of ilia congregation, asked the latt .r I bo, rd it drives tile boat, .
Alilt. I mark up'on the Itittlatio)]. lie Wits not to . ' ,,I aln here to say that I will marry -,Come, aearl&-why dill you not laugh? - I I .
the Itobinsons' partles, though thoy a)- . I which I have takmi. Its of courst, yon. - 11 11111r. of,, don't you like to tell." . Ilia chatiffeur. I � . . I � . 11 I . . I -
Ile kept, !oug lit SUSI)QUA0. ' lay. fly, witidn the hour, 01,11 said little Bees, * lillo,tv (to �,ott like tile new curato 11 I
%\,kys inviU. 1I.M. Nvill. writt and tell Ule 90, "I'll I ;Vill ,'-oll to-' liflia. * 111 didn't laul " v . . I I . . . .
Mrs, Xeq-11-1,ve Itr-qrA that thni's thf, "Before you 11AVO, one w0l'd More to . Inured I 11
I - SAY too RIP 1`0�ptrdittg your interesit in 01114,11ol, it lily dit(IIII. Ill. narney,
ss. Pit fill' -tit 'Cox I'm tile one who foll! -'%
ivw�oa they idvo for Inviting you. �\'Ijpt,111 lie exelalmed, wondering I -lox. I
__...*� . lui, alwitys ,your truc, -.1 I— -1 - I . . I . � � I . . . ,oplied Barney-, "but )to E .
fi4flvofia letter it, thile vollsider IMIddlial", I . <---,< ��_
- I
PRELIMINARY WORK, )Ile. get froul ywir ed volt; friepliq Itnitert I)owilingy." .Wllether Or lint lie had heard aright. .- . . I . . I I � . 11��
W . . , S slowly. can't fonle Up to ti a Old one. "Twill
hich ithit full� and freely releas ,,Ito repeated. liar word I I � .. .1 .
inelos it with it. letter t;) ilia statio it I ant come to inarry yon. liere tilid. . I � I .
(ju(Igm . 9 C)(API'Pil TJL 61 - I � hilpsolf eoul!l tell ve all 4bout lifillo
Tt,d_Yo%T don't .wein to lie as friendly YOU reilltv llvkvl� experienced it X-liallge of 1,�Upprt jwwkuing if,-:mtd back Ili It's now. if you are willing," slie repeated. I I . . k4mro, In )tear lihn. fieficribill, It, .Voll!14 � 11 . . - .1 I .
%VI(jj )Jim Ili ,\'on 11.14011 to Ile. think lie N.aa born, bred and reilred 1. I 11 I .
Nii-d-No" I In rather silspit-lous of 111111. Ileart RUjI ilesire to transfer your at- ellair aud looliell With 1111101 S.1tisfactlea ,-jj'iIIj'jtg�,Jl lie exelainied, "Oli,p India, � . � there.11-1rarpev's lAragazine. . 1. I .
Ttv toirrou.-vil some money from lite tit(, jectIOUS to tile. and I IVIII gIVG Your IWO- a volt put It that way. whell y U
. i tile lonx f-pilstle lit. ball JU-4t flitialle4l, how (-all a I - " I 11 I
-r d.1% antl Paid it Ntric, ation." I .1joly jlu� ,,silly 1. adore yi.;u. � 4111 9 , . . . I
otbi y . — 0 4 0, -- posal (.&I,eful Ponsider. �vjjl(.jj ,%.j)IjItj sf.Ner Ilk botrotlial with h v it V n . LAX MORL F I
**()I,. nly beautifill darling!" lie criell, Iliti-bara 11avvil. ,. w1l'y 11110111it I not be? I ant ready, .. I'll .
I 111wit'd. "that we us you. might have kiltown I *would be." -_
I REAeHED THE LIMIT. 4. lit (Exellallup) I
illto file ".111111111gly-laid trall head. I-Ilow od(l It 6. '. * That tile etide of niorals aniong a large -
(T4,11hpi-S slatt-qI11.411) 'a'"o', F, it were. "Yon !ilave yflatle me � 111, ayl(l You initst not forget that there it 1 1 11
A'V:tll;lk1lI!,Il1P N gollig it) Illari,y 10,19 11 alloeu%le it) get illiq all't fliat. a L . portfoll of people to -day Is far woro lax f �.. . � I , lii.,j
Mrst, . ,Ile happiest: Iliall tilt- whole Avillp W0111 %$ht.n it i.j \vitililt, our prosp the iliwi- ,a little matter to be attendea to, our I than It wag it few years figil Is not to lie
lit , I thilleelith hatilland. . holds. Ilow $11, At. Vt tion 1"I'lell llotben� 11i mOst is ItO,v we till te -111111tial agreement." : -
Ntrv. Dearbotil-Avi!..." b-n't 01C. at fill 'tit I tell von wh. . t1litplUttJ111. 11WISUPIN' tile advent Of tilt
. I % 86111011101410 -1kad 11'ad 1301110011119 to 110 ThINSEAUTIFUL 8 Plede)JILVER 8F.'r, tot
slulit-l-titiou'v! world of hop - a -an get rill of it. I Nvellt 141 ". 1111101 Z6 be Ciahtinuad.) rate And ftftll ftEl�, IS One 0 Out Illost rpul
L yin r wordo It, ve (II)PUt'd ( �(" . . , With 11TOdUCIIIA' tills effeet. At any e s
'Wo; Ma. va%ky till. tiltiteonlil ean't lie " �__ .. � -+w - Ill $I . 41 a Immoral and re,nee-hensible IN iilits n neve a a cot g ve Ift
out to Yne. I Glee paVad%e oil parth t),oUjjjp it) I)ring the Ivtrotlml aboot, ill ilia ny k(InArtOrs what was before re- loyellest
:111V Wol'�e tll;lll 1164. 111her t%v(.)V(,.,, . - f I- -1. ,rkqTVPa POST j�L
. . - qj�'k, yjqVto�"PC
EXCELSIOR - rttrdi � —A.- 1- ... . .1.. . -
__ 4, ek 11 .. .
(Wavilln'ton 14tat)
ij;,DO volt thfill; yint %vould lie friglItAlic-41
.t lnitflp�"
"I'lu Aflaill lik)." tvillit'll Mr. (11111"gillm.
;1Vvi-ry finiv T livotil at puir,ht-t I'd lown-
jo.. %.Ill. #is, 111V allionliflillp.,; titt"s 11:111
11.1'.1-1 ,.,I+ -I
Rtelluillig ,IKP ,it at r lit ;,Ile upar ntirre
for Us- I-- ,"
The Sentence wai "ev(-r fillifilled, for
the.princess arose to Iter feet quieklY,
,,Not anotber woril, Nir, I)owning, un -
tit Non are it, ft position to Pipeak words
of love. Take me bavk to the ballroom
ItOw I ant in 111110 114 1 g M lit'l. ..y
.1 tie
,low to InT.11, it witholit .. ftrq. F sh.
Wilable avelety will C11114 for a little
%%Tlite XtIlell It is allnouneett tb, I
at t le eft.
L-ijurinj(,tit li over. but it A01 Alloll d'(1,
i'vit, to lie revive"i agaill ulleli my liv-
trt,thfil to tli*: ,,11-tililh, prittei,sa beialuelk
known", �
AboVe tho tides find . ealith,
VA(Is of I
Above t Ull I)OAkS Whetto dit'sn Ili$ MKII,
Val., where Seraphs spot aild jilutbo.
I join tile caw,
I hil.va no wingo and ,,%,at I fly,
Ilfutelir I %vollder 5 Pt I cry,
vnnlill�pbd regliAlA I 410M(111.
11vw Slad my vI&w 1.
. H, T. 2<i
jer$lieV_1IvQ flir,the timp 1101119 .
14 di 0, __
: Aliger prolullts fullne PoPle to be fur-
louit, , ind makei othkn8 sulphurious.
Son. TlIGs6 cardi aro or suen line quallEy
and ARTISTIC COLORINO find designs that
. 1,ou will have no tr(,-t',Ie selling ate for
. and win the BEAUTY BRACELET alid also
It, couple of FLASNINQ (IBM SET PINS, find we
are joing to make eyery one of our site-
: ce891 ill a ents a resent of a MAGNIFICENT
. WATCH, 00W O& LADIES' size, stank wind
or set, according to our big advertialn
glan, which will 1>8 sent to You tile saw%
- ay we receive the $3.OD. Write to -day
. find we will send You thtl cards. Address
Toronto. Out.
I I .....'.., I., .1 . I I., . I I .
. �,
Made of Darkened Olas sto Pre.
vent Snow Blindness.
Quaint Industries thrive lit im"XI-0-1
sPots or our great ruaiiuracturinj areas.
into or tile stratiAest, is lite jis.-ta,, .
spectavle4 Tills, though all
. , for cows.
alipretentious jeamitir, is a very tirofit-
able one, and I. fitirmingtiani firm i-4 tififit
bus, ,v eiiiplo.�,ea ;ill tilt! Y(�a.r round as
bovl!ke opticians.
siberiall farluerS Prr)N`1� ill(- (1111(tr vus.
toniers, Oil sat nv 111tv lit spring thett,
I , -
vows aro set free to wantier over tlitt
sim-tvy. plains. Tile refleetion of tile
solar rays fi,om tile snow sets ill) it form
tir eve Inflammation lit tilt, animais, arul
FO sirious did suell case..4 bevoille that tho
t-owkeopers liall to (11st-over it Nvay to
prevent tile snow windnet;.s.
Ali enterprising membel, ,if tho jiir-
juingbitin drin, while travoing tbrutigit
. 811beria. saw the opport till ltv (if trade,
graspefl It, and ,low his firm is 4flevtavle-
inaker-in-viaer Ilk neary un tile i-oivs in
siborift. The gla.-eI; .tlo inatle of -dark -
Iened glass, fixed Intl) 11,101,11 fraluel, sail
are heltl Irt Position by stralls eXteudh)4
round the horns. .
With a huge iner�akw in tlik, ljer(l.,*4-t
milch Vows In Siberia. volls.-Cluent up,111
tile t1eluallil lit till,. eountry for Siberhi
ituitt-r and elteeki,-. ti -e lluslnes,( of tile
eitttle optieltinki 1.�i a groNving onti, Call.
fialan farmers are als�j ailtivilug tho sys-
te.lp and tile po.ism ill twi; tip tite. tratia are
extending--T.ondoll Thl-Dits.
1 : I
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff*
8 A �:
(Detrott Vree Press)
-'Feminists have areatlk, exaggerated
Ideas of inaws aes.1re for inteilletual com-
panionship Ill It wife. Aetually lie would
%.Rstiy prefer it goott cook aild housekeep-
or. And why not?' A Polit fissures its
we Call live without vook.s. )Pill evell
Battle Creek Cannot 41111te enable us to
dlsveilsi� wit), euoks, The tivrinal. till -
regenerated Inan has a liobv horror �If
-tile superior wollitill", he e-111141 1-vell
, make Ill) Ills nilud to wed with iterfec-
tIon. She 11111811 then rellialo upoll her
pedestal exalte(I 'Intl ISOlated. a erpaturo
' fat* too fine for hunian nftturt�'k; failings
and shortvoullill"N. tile PrINIM't Of 111tra-
sive vulture like the florfst's prize Airy-
ut "I U " *bit -h we aillillre 1,11t do Ilot
I , t, Iv 1.11 lit fact, we arL litunanly
I 18 -IL
Ii.!e!�"I'l-Ins' 1!1'1�`
Let us praN* that the worhI lie not t,jo
soon Populated u-Ith "flit- I*rft1vt Worultu".
We love tier betlV10'ell site Is vulul)uniolt-
ably faulty. . . - .
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
- I
Women and Men.
"'I'm not denyin'thl, WO111011. drP kl)cf-
ish; (iod Algillility ina'do '011 it) Illatell
the' men.' " 70'eor,'o E Uitit.
� I __ _
I ))lit T publibli. .111 I :4.1111ire 0111i '11 - SN'111-
liathy witli tilt% author, I shmild be' a
rjjjll�jl Inan.-Buliter-Litton..
it ' -
I 'Tis ,a,v mu -11 a trade it) lllaLe it Iwok
tis to Inahe it W.Itvh: there"'t sollif,tilhig,
11lore than N%it I-e'llikite to Illuke ;ill All-
thor-th- la 111-11�vll�- -
Tilt, foolikilleAt book 1.4 a M40 .-,I Iva.',y
II�oat till n. sva of wisdom: some ol the
I wi�ilout Will pet ill all.Nway. -.11ohnei.
I r __
I I hail rather than forty -4I.i11j,n,-.-t
* �
I liad illy book. __1;h,tI;&,I1vare.
I I I I- I . .
. I..
, I . , I I I I , -
.. .1 .. .. . ... . .; .
I I. I .. .I � AddresslbdixALT 60LD Pr6N 00.1 Dolit. A. 35 Talnilito, ()Ut,
I . �
.1 . . i . limmiW46011110"Mb-
�10 k,
I 'A