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The Wingham Advance, 1913-10-02, Page 4
-. _. .. ._._ - .. ,. .... ', {.., '• _ I _.. • ill'. 4 TRIM wTNGRA.M ADVANCE t •� �� �..�,.,._._•�..,._�,...-.....,.•---�,..�.,...,,«.�,.,-._..,,-�.•.-,�..._ ..� ,, .�...�._.•.--._ •,� � � .__,�,..._.�.-,,. �... + � Bei 1 ' a D B Par tar• 1 aria o• W a d f t Fh J l M i ' F r ,h V A. 0 Begonia Whip; Cord A Rarely! Equalled. Display of Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats and Furs IA shipment of vers smart �' Northway Coats ust ar- rived. In the most want- ed High class fabrics — Diagonal Stripe Effect, Feather Tweed Mixtures and Brocaded Designs. Some of these are individ- ual models, and represent the very latest in Exclu- sive Cloak Patterns. The Ideal Material For Dressy Gowns ria all the Leaaing Shades. KI-NG PRODUCE WANTED Keep Your Jewellery Priced at $10 to $27. New Suitings in Most Delightful Tweed Effects We are showing a grand display of Tweeds and Ser- gPs for tailored suits, the patterns are exclusive and no two alike Priced at $1.50 to $3.50 per yard Fancy Velvets in Plain, Corded and Brocaded Designs. Velvets this season are in greater demand than ever before, and in Fashion Centres are recognized as the correct material for this season's styles. Priced at 50c, 75c, $1,00 and $1,25 per yard. FURS Odd Muffs, Stoles, Sets, Coats, Etc. Buying early means better lot to choose from, and a saving, as all goad Furs are advancing, in price. Come in and let us show you our stock. Special: order taken for anything we do not -carry in stock. BROSID Eye on PHONE 711 Patterson's Store . Window Three Big Three V Window Sales . COMMENCING WINGHAM FALL LAIR �, .1 n o ee, soy o , o4" Vnz ea c4.Sur�; timplesstUPI A WANTED - other, F J Bill, 2qd -, any other It J Sanderson, l:+l W 04,•vie; maple A y standard variety, D 13 Anderson; sugar, A Schmidt; honsy extracted, PTE LIST four Cockerels bred for export, 1) B Mrs I Stewart, Mrs Alex MoCarrall;d have .a buyer, f Porter 1 and 2. wine, unfermented, Ates Alex McCar• - — LCATi(-11+111. roll, John Monz,es & Son;. collection b e or a good 50 Double harness, Thos, Kew 1 d 2; preserved fruit Mrs Alex MoCarrall, acre farm, near Bluevale. Must be ST"Xw"IKE ON' , HORSE,S single harness, Thos, Kew land p2.. " 11 W Orvis; tomato catsup, Jas Hend• General Purpose Team—Wellington good land with permanent water GRA1N AND SEEDS, eraon, Paul Powell; catsup, any other, Thousands Of young Canadians have struck Henderson, W d (Tray, D C Johnston. ,, 1; �V Orvie, A Schmidt; pickles --••sweet, supply. • , • •-, Agricultural—Brood Mare, Alex D Timothy, Jas, Alton, A. Schmidt; from old conditions to higher and better things MoDiarrnid, Paul Powell, Fowler Bros; fall wheat, reit, J. 13, Tyreman, A. John Menzies & son, E W Orvis; veg- '3rhmidt •frtilt wheat, white, A. etables, E W Orvis, Mrs D S Nlolntosb; by enrolling as Students Of 30111" Business Col - spring foal, Fowler Bros., Paul Powell, Sohmidt,; -fa R. Farrier; spring fruit, Mrs Alex McOari all, Jahn Mer.' We have a good farm' in Grey leges, and Nome Study Department. YOU Can W J Currie; ono -year-old filly, W J ziee & Son; mixed, E W Orvie, Mrs Count that we can exchance for $tlldy all ill our Owil home Or aril there Arbuckle, W H Oruiksliank; 1 -year-old wheat, Jas, Alton Samuel Burchill; y y s partly gelding, W J At buckle, Alex MCDou- `mall White Pea, A. Schmidt, W. R Alex McOarrall; mustard, M ve D S wingham real estate cr a farm and finish ,at College, NOW is a good time Farrier; y er, Peas, an other, J ts. Alton, Mclntush, A Suhmidt; hen eggs, J 0 to start.', Every farmer's son who intends to old, Pater N1cl+.wen; two-year-old filly 11eGregor, H T Pardue; bast eight ar• near 'PPin�ham, -q. On the farm should have a business or gelding, NV J McKenzie, Alex Me- •las• H. Linklater; Whits Oats, A. remain. Schmidt, Jas, Alton; Oats, A tidos of food, suitable for a working D.,nald, Pater MvEwen; team, J G Nle, inan'u supper, Mrs Alex MaOarra'.l, R' Have you noticed the activity in education, Yotr can continue your Work, and Kenzie, Alex McDiarmld, Jas. Forster. Schmidt, Jae Alton; Barley, 4 or 0 `y Orvis, Mrd D S McIntosh ; best set Wingham real estate reoelitl ? like Lincoln' pftpare at the same time, Ask BE. -IVY DRAUGHT towed, A. Schmidt, Samuel Burchill; , live u clock tea, Mrs Alex McCar- lis now. Lar est trainers in Canada. Field Corn Dent, D S McIntosh, Ales More property is turned over- in g Thirty Brood snare, J W King, Pater Me- ' r•all, Mrs D S McIntosh ; beat col- � T Ross; Field Corn, Flint, T H Taylor,years experience, Seven Colleges. Two thou - Ewen, Isaac J Wright; spring foal, J collection of grain lection of baking, J W Edgar, Jean this town than in any other two or W King, Peter McLwen, Isaac J nndseeds in pinttbottles, open to boys Currie, A Schmidt; butter in crock, three towns of its size in this part sand students nnnualiy.T Positions guaranteed. Wright; one -year-old filly, W H Oruil - `,llas Al Anderson, We D S McIntosh, Individual instruction. 110 Vacation. Successful shanks, P Gibbons; under 10 years of age, A Schmidt, Jas p Miss M people act - NOW,, not later. 1 -pr -old gelding, E T Finnran; butter in tints, of Ontario. Hastings, W H Cruickshank; two- Alton, Best collection of weed seeds Anderson, J W Edgar, R J Sander - in half oz, bottles properly named, We have sill a few good rest - I filly or gelding, wm Taylor, open to boys or girls under 16 years, son; ornamental butter, b B Ander- deuces for sale but WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE 1 and 2, J W King; team, Jas Forster, open Miss M Anderson; butter made ' P Gibbons, A Schmidt. A Fitzpatrick. by girl under 10, J W I+)dgar, P Gib- NO HOUSES TO RENT SPECIALS ROOTS AND VEGETABLES bons, A Schmidt, WINGHAM - - ONTARIO Beans, small white, H T Pardue, P By J W King, for the best colts FINE ARTS, �� „ « „ Gibbons; beans, large white, p'C;•ibbonP� sired by Mascott, Drumburle Chief Oil Painting—Aufmals, Mies Agnew, GEO. SPOTTON W. T. MORSE "J W King, Bros. D S McIntosh; beans, any other, Jas � � a or Goldlink, g Henderson, P Gibbons; beets, long red, Miss Livingston ; fruit or fi0"""•', PRESIDENT. PRINCIPAL. Paul Powell, W J Ourrie, W R Farrier, A Schmidt; beets, any Miss Livingston, Pinkie Smite; land- �e CO3so B S h f b t y the ociety, for t e our es colts sired b ' an one heavy drau ht y y g other, Jae Henderson, D S McIntosh; carrots, field, JJ Wright, A Schmidt; scape or marine, Pinkie Smith, Miss Agnew; on glass—Mies Livingston, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE , stallion, D B Anderson, Paul Powell, earrote, table short, A Schmidt; car- Miss Agnew; on plaquestrays— - Pater McEwen, FawlerBcoe. Peter By the Society, Brood mare and rots, table, intermediate, R A Graham, Jae Henderson Miss silts, Miss Livingston, g satin or velvet, Miss Livingston, Mi4 a WELLINGTON MUTUAL � thtee of her progeny, heavy, W J Cur- ; . Man gold-Wurtzel, long, A Schmidt; inaagold-Wurtzel, Agnew; collection oil paintings, Mita Agnew, Miss Livingston; • FTR'E INS CO.,,rie. , For new have been By the Canadian Bank of Commerce, for the best animal shown. in Heavy intermediate, A Schmidt, S Burchill ; Paz -snipe, W R Farrier, A Schmidt ; an other g g y subject, Mrs I Stewart, Mrs Tamlyn; water color—landscape or marine, . Established1840. • . Head Office GUELPH, weeks goods Ewen BroF; i -am lamb, McEwen Bros 1 & 2; aged ewe, McEwen Bros 1 & 2; radishes, winter, Jae Henderson, A ONT. • • arriving at this store and our Draught, Agricultural and General Purpose Horse Classes, bronze medal, Schmidt; sugar marigold, A Schmidt, S Burchill; turnips, Swede, ASebmidt, Pinkie Smith, Miss Livingston; any other subject, Miss Agnew, Mrs Tam- Risks taken on all classes of in. . surable property on the cash or pre - • J G McKenzie. Roadsters—Brood mare, A Backer, John Menzies and Son; turnips, any other, A Schmidt, J J Wright. Puts- (Continued on page 6)� mium note system, GE, SLEEMAN, JoIIN DAVIDt3ON m Emporium R Brown, P GibbonF; spring foal, A toes—Rose 'type, Jus Henderson, D S President, Secretary, Backer, R Siown, P Gibbon; two- year old fill or stein bonRobWoo- y y gelding, ster, Jas Hefferon; single driver, J J Aclutosh; Hebron type, A Schmidt, J B Tyremari; long white type, P Gib- J _.. ..: RITCHIE cS'c COSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont Winaham - - Ont. bons, A Fitzpatrick; round white type, T'ryfogle, W A McEvers, Gilmore Bros; team, J J Fryfogle. J O McGregor, Jae Henderson; onions, '_F� Sale DUDLEY HOLMES Carriage—Brood mato, Bert Arm- yellow, Jas Henderson, rs Schmidt; A Mrs. Ales Mc• _ • = - Barrister, Solicitor, etc. strong, P Gibbons, Pater Rutledge; onions, red, 'Schmidt, Carrall; onions, white, R A Graliam ; Carries a complete line of High (trade Musical Instruments spring foal, Miles Mc lillan, Pater onions, dutch or top sets, A Schmidt, """ — Office: Meyer Block, Wingham. of every description. , Rutledge; one -year-old filly, Bert Arm- strong; single driver, R Ormiston, D B Anderson; onions, grown from dutch top A Schmidt, J 0 Mc- Men's Boots and Shoes R. VANSTONE Miles McMillan,.Gilmore Bros; special or sets, at Reasonable Prices. # Player Pianos • Organs of almost any make • Phono- S , b the Canadian Bank of Commerce, y 'in Gregor; onions, any other, R A Gra- ham, A Schmidt; tomatoeslarge, red, , - °'- BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR graphs, Edison and Victor ;'Stringed Instruments of all for the best animal shown Roadster scarlet or pink, A K Copeland, W R _ Repairing Promptly at- Money to loan at lowest rates. kinds • Violins a specialty; Sewin Machines, Canadian gac and Carriage Horse Classes, silver medal, J H Galbraith. Harrier; tomatoes, any other, A K tended t0. WINGHAM, s and American. Copeland, Mrs, D S McIntosh ; celery, _ CATTLE Shorthorn—Aged bull, J Q Fyfe. white plume, J O McGregor, R A Gra- ham celery, any other, Jas Hender- ° 'A RTHUR J. IRWIN We wish to impress• ycu with the fact that we will sell you anything Grades—Breeding cow, J B Tyreman, J 0 McGregor; two.year•old heifer, J ; son, R A Graham;, cabbage, early, A Schmidt; cabbage, winter, A Schmidt, t _ = I An 1 j D.Ds„ L.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- that produces music, at prices and terms to suit the purohaser. Anyone intending to a Piano before W Bone; heifer calf, calved since last show, J B Tyreman; one. ear -old steer, y H T Perdue; cabbage, pickling, A 'R { nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, purchase should consider well purchasing from travelling agents. We are here permanently and you 9 John Shiell. Schmidt, W Farrier; citrons, A Schmidt, I J Wright; cauliflowers, A -y — —oiilee in Macdonald Block— can see the instrument you are buying. Give us a chance to compare. , Jersey or their grades—Breeding cow, F W Angus, W D Pringle; beif• S:hmidt; cucumbers, Jas Alton, A Schmidt; table corn Samuel Burchill, G. R ROSS D.D.S. L.D.,S, � Two Stores. Opposite Skating Rink. North End. er over 12' months, John Menzies &• A Schmidt; musk melons, W RFar- ' Phone 222. P. 0. Box 156. Son. Holsteins or their grades—Breeding rier, Jas Henderson -, pumpkin, yellow, John Menzies & Son; sunflowers, W P Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor cow D B Anderson, E+ P Cl: t- 1 J �+ PE'ACE� Graduate of University of Toronto arr er, i bons, water me one, Faculty of Dentistry. Herefords—Breeding cow, H T Per- Menzies &San, A Schmidt, Collection = due 1,& 2; bull, under 12 months, H T of garden products, W R Farrier, D Best Crawfords -11 qt. basket, We or, FICE OVER H. E. ISAUD do CO's. STORE Perdue; heifer, under 12 months, H T S McIntosh; and 70c. Perdue 1 &2. FRUIT. - __.....___ _-.- _. ___.. DR. R. F. PARKER, D,B O.A.F.S.E. ` Polled Angus—Breeding cow, John Apples—A. 0. V., red, A. Schmidt ; TOMATOES -11 qt. basket, 400. ' ' Shiell 1 & 2; bull, over 12moJuths, John OSTEOPATHIC PRYSICIAN A. O. V., green or yellow, A Schmidt, Green Tomatoes -25o per basket. EYE SPECIALIST FOOD SCIENTIST - Shiel! ; bull, under 12 month, John' S Burchill ; Baldwin, J B Tyreman, Shiell ;heifer, under 12 months, A H. _ GRAPES -30 cents. Acute and Chronic Diseases treated. Copeland,Tuesd0 John Shiell ,two-year-old Jae Henderson ; Ben Davis, R J San- _� Classes Scientifically fitted. _ deraon, D B Anderson ; Blenheim, P ay_ 11.3, to Wednesdoy 10.30 a.m heifer, John Shiell one - year .old Gibbons ; Cayuga or 20 -ounce. Jas H Main St.a.m(over' t bristle's Store.) , heifer, John Shiell'l & 2. - Linklater ; Crab Hyslop, T H Taylor, Canned Goods, lew `�` ) re Specials, by Society, Breeder's young Jas Alton ; Crab Transcendent, Jae W R• HAMBLY, B.Sc., M.D., C.M., herd, any breed, $ T Perdue, John Henderson ; Crab A 0 V, Jas Hender- PEAS -3 cane for 25c. Special attention paid to diseases Shiell; by the Society, for herd of beef son -1 Fameuse or Snow, J B Tyreman, SALMON—Still at cost. of women and Children, having cattle, John Shiell, H T Perdue; H B Jae Henderson ; Golden Russett, P Heinz Pork and Beans with ortaken postgraduate work in Sur - Elliott, for dairy cow, suitable fQr use Gibbons, W J Currie; Gravenstein, J B . fiery, Bacteriology and Scientific I . V,, h A Hin town, F W Angus. without Chili Santo. Medicine Tyreman, H Pippen, P Gibbons, J Al- Heinz Tomato Soups, 15c and loo Office in the Kerr residence, be- i SHEEP ton; Hubbardston, J Henderson; King, tween the Queen's Hotel and the our Leicesters—Aged ram, R ;J Sander- Jas Alton, P Gibbons; McIntosh, E size. Baptist Church. son; shearling ram, R J Sanderson; rip Orvis James Henderson Maiden All business given careful attention. ram lamb, R J -Sanderson 1 & 2; aged bl P G' Blush, J B Tyreman, S Burchill.; Nor- COMFORT SOAP, 6• for 25c. Phone 54. P. O. Box 118 ewe, R J Sanderson 1 & 2; shearling thern Spy, A Schmidt, Jas Henderson; _ ewe, R J Sanderson, J B Tyreman; Ribston, A Schmidt, Jas Henderson ; M. Grisdale. DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER ewe lamb, J B Tyreman, R J Sander- 'son. � , R I Greening, D B Anderson, J B Tyreman ; Roxboro Russett, P Gib- OFFIa&s—Corner Patrlok and Centro streets , For new have been Oxford Doivns—shearling ram, Me- bons, Jae Alton ; Spitzenberg, James PHONES— weeks goods Ewen BroF; i -am lamb, McEwen Bros 1 & 2; aged ewe, McEwen Bros 1 & 2; Henderson'; Tolman Sweet, J B Tyre- man, P Gibbons; Wagoner, Jas Hen- Residence, Dr. Kennedy 113 Rosidenco, Dr. Calder 151 - • • arriving at this store and our shearling ewe, MoE(ven Bros I & 2; ewe lamb, McEwen Bros I & 2. deraon ; Wealthy, A Schmidt, James Henderson. Peaches Mrs Burwash Dr. Kennedy specializes in surgery. Dr. ,Calder devotee special attention to _ Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. _ i stock s now complete. Downs, any other—Aged ram, A K H E Ieard ; pears, Bartlet, Jas Alton ; ' Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly = Copeland; shearling ram, A K Cope- any other fall variety, Jas Alton ; fitted. - land; aged ewe, A K Copeland 1 & 2; shearlin ewe A K 'Copeland- ewe any other winter variety, Jas `Alton, s B uni 1 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH ; ' n11? H J A�.AMS = - Bedford Brocades In Black r..,. g , arc I , p ums— ue, ib one, WEST LAND REGULATIONS y, ����� Sept.lamb, A K Copeland, Mrs BM nzies &allow, Jas i3 ther, on, NYporson le ole 18ye rsoldmay m ebeat Shee —Ewe or Wether, R J Aor any mals over 18 years old may home- Late member House staff -Tor-�i,.�,�n' Navyp John Menzies &Son ;any other, JasY,' Sanderson, A K Copeland; en of g p stead a quarter section of available Dominion onto General Hospital. Post grad- • x. p , P Henderson, Mrs Burwash ; grapes— land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. sheep, R J Sanderson. any white variety, Jas Henderson ; The applicant must appear in person at the nate London and Dublin. 27th Dominion Lands Agency or Subagency for the Saturd-ay, �� }DIGS blue or black, Jas Henderson. C011ao- agent , cert by proxly may be naso at any Successor to Dr, Agnew - S' Bet kshires—Boar of 1013 D B Anc1., tion of fruit 5 varieties apples eor- agency, on certain bond tions by father,moth- I;A well aBsorted range of rJei� es ' or, son, daughter, brother or sister of intend- QFIrICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK ing homesteader. - c arson. rectly named, most valuable for ex- Duties.—six mouths'rosidenco upon and out- • F, ' Yotkshires—Boar of 1613, D B And- port, Jas H Linklater-; 5 varieties, tivation of the land in each of three years. A = in all shades, at all prices• correctly named desert Jas Alton • homesteadernmay afarlive fwithinle 80& res of his DR. RDBT• C REDMOND ; Saturday, Oct.4th arson, y , , , homestead , a farm r, at least 80 soros solely G. Tamworthe—Boar mor to 1013 An- display of apples, any variety, dis- owned and ocoupied by him or by his father, 1 mother, eon, daughter, brother or sister. M. R. C. S. En .) Corduroy Velvets and Velveteens drew Armstong ; sow of 1913, Andrew played in cone shape, Jas Henderson ; In certain distr,ots a homesteader in good L. R. C. P. (Lona.) aLanding maypre-cmp�taginarter-sectionalonR- Armstrong, 1 & 2; breeding sow, special by Wm Maxwell, Leaming• sidehishomestead. PAce$3.00peracre. Physician and Surgeon. FROM 7 TO 10 O'CLOCK P. M. Andrew Armstrong 1 & 2, ton, for best display of fruit, A Duties.—Must reside upon the homestondor p g pre-omption six months n each of six years (Dr. Chisholms old +itand) _ in Black, Brown, Green, Navy, POULTRY Schmidt, Jas Alton, from date of homestead entry (including the time requirod to earn Homestead patent) and p Anconas, F J Hill-, Bantams, any DAIRY AND PROVISIONS, oultivato fifty acres extra, SOON at from 5Qe to $1 25 per yd - A homesteader nvho has exhausted his home- W. J. • ! • _1 other, F W Angus, I and 2; ducks, Bread, whits, baked by girl under stead right and cannot obtain a pro-omption I may enter for a purchased honnested in certain VETEFiIN Afty SURGEON Pekin or Aylesbury, 0 G Campbell; 16, A• Schmidt, J W Edgar; Bread, districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Danes. --Must $1000 00 worth of swell up = ducks, any other, D B Anderson; Floe' brown, J W Edgar, Alex T Rose, W gide stx months in eaoh of three years, culti- Ol•FICE OP LATy DR. WILSON. Sweater Coats In all leading • ;a vate fifty aores and erect a house worth $300, RICSIDENCFj�COR. PATRIt7Fi Se TRA CIS dans, F W Angus, 1 & 2; LeghornP, R Farrier; Bread, white. A Schmidt, W. W. CORY, 0 Rosidenoo Phone 183. an other, F W Angus, D B Porter; T_ Finnen J W Edgar, Plain Buns Ofrico Phone tl . date Jewelery to be sold for y g g Deputy of the Minister o the Intortor. Gov. vet. inspector. r y Orpingtons, Buff, I' W Angus, 1 & 2; mire D S McIntosh, hire Alex McOa'r- . N,n,°-_Unauthorirod publication, of this ad- ..,� styles and shades. Plymouth Rooks, whitut D B Ander- all-, Tea Biscuits, T Finneu, Paul Pow- vezUeement will not be paid for. •IJ.\ � T �� $501®•00 at each Sale• son, 1 & 2; Rhode lslana Reds, F J ell; Scones, E W Orvis, J W Edgar; (", N. GRIFFIN Hill; Wyandottes, white, D B Ander• BreadDou h Cake, Mrs I Stewart, I, son, D B Porter; any other standard W Orvis; Graham Biscuits, W R Far- GENERAL AGENT No trouble to show goods. variety, I+' W Angus; Pigeons, F w vier, J W 10gar; Johnny Cake, E W OVER 6s YEARS' issuer of Marriage Licenses. You will see the goods ticketed 1n the window--- EXPERIENCE g Angus, R J Douglas. Orvis, A K Copeland; Layer Cake, Blue Fi lres Te ular rice • Rod -Figures, Sale CH 10X,UNS light,) W Edgar, E W Orvis; Layer Fire, Life, Accident, Plate (Mase • ' �' ' price; g Anconas, F J Hill; bantams, any Oaks, dark, L W Orvis, Mrs D Snit and weather Insnra'nce, coupled Price, Its will pay you to keep tab on these other, F W Angus 1 and 2 ; ducks, Iutasb; Fruit Cake, light, Mrs I) S Mc- l With a Real Estate and MOnby - Phone s9 Hours, S,a positively nothing will be sold Out of Pekin and Aylesbury, F •W Angus; Intosh, L W Orvis; bruit Cake, dark, Loaning business. the window bemire or after the hours mentioned. ducks, any other, D B Anderson, P It J Sanderson, John Menzies & Son; TRAor MARtt$ W INQHAM PRODUCE OF AUL KINDS WANTED. W Angus; Houdans, F W` Angus, 1 gingerbread, Mrs Alex MoCarrall, Mrs DFOIGNB - - and 2 ; Leghorns, S C 'White, D B D S McIntosh; Pie—apple, T Finnen, COPTRtoHts &C. !� • 11ny�ono AonAtng n ekoteb and doscrlption mal ■ General �, ' # l 1` ���l a � • Porter, J L Awde; Leghorns, any T H: Taylor; pumpkin, Mrs D 1k1cln- whet ll' tucertabt our bwnton freon,other an v,Vli x THE (�Q h,vont on td probablyi�nt ,t to. Comm,nloa• ■■�� 1 11E GREAT other, D B Porter, F W Angus; MI- task, ry tv orvit; lemon, Mrs D s Mc- uoneatricuyconuaonttpai.' p(ip8pt11` onPntente iUador (lovorntnou5 YnapootlotnJ p . M Sent frog oldon a sou for unnrrn o, rate. GO PATTERSON 000TOR norcag, D 13 Porter; Orpington° Buff, Intosh, i$ W Crvfs; any other, D M, B ratants taken toren h gonna (o, receive ATOM Doc O F W Angug, I'and2; Plymouth Rocks, Anderson, epecfatnottaa,wtthouto,argo,intro i _ 'W R Farrier, doughnuts, hzz ++ h AAN Aa Pleasantly a tasted, Aeautifullypfurninhed. '- barred, A K Copeland; D B Anderson; W R Farrier, Mrs D B McIntosh, 'oat- . dIQ�4 ` �lY `N 0 Raioa toot aatientgan(whlvph include bonsrdianQ � UCCCSSOY t0 T. A. MILLS) Plymouth Rocks, white, t).8 Anderaoi, meal cockles, It J I�.taderson, �� J Our. A hanAnomely ilmntrntcd whokty Lararet rfr nursing) 4 fro to $1d.o0 per week, a000rding OPPOSITE QUEEN HOTEL, W1Ntl�HA1Vl. 3rc;lafion of any trientine journal. Terms for to location of morn. Fur further,,inforwa• WINGHAM — 1 and"2; Pltmouth Rocks, any other, ter'; fiat cake, I' W Orvis, Mrs D S Mc• uliric�recl©nlarrf6 scar, poatae• prepaid. sold by tion .Address D B Porter 1 and 2; Rhode Island Reda, tush; short broad, Mrd Alex McCar• MY66, L. 1VtAT4Ii1t 4vil - �N R CO $8lbroedwttY,���'1�B,r�c attperintendegb, _ _ .. ._ . ... r p i. W Orvis; Jelly, Mks D 'S Morn. , �ranoii c�ee, Ali b' pftt"aatbl rt . . lsoit 9t79, "i�ing),a01 Ono, , . i A K Co eland l Wyandottea, white, r a' - --