HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-10-02, Page 111
ThW h 'Ad
e in am vance*
EDITORIAL PARAGRAPHS. ties in our national ports. Your great THE EARLY BIRD Auction Sale.- 0
"'B: Government concludes Second Year
harbor in this one of n.i.,s great- aj I
est ports, is being developed in keep- personate The Cooper and Herman, gents furn-
-Laurier-the man who put the 1D9 with your.,importance as a city In Office WiAi S 4endid Record. The Early Bird, as his name im- ishes are having Auction Sales daily
"my" in Autonomy. certain
n growt p beginning Saturday next and ending a
and your h. In the near plies, does not need to be awakened Mr. Fred. Johntson spent Sunday in week from Saturday.
future a portion of the great trade of by an alarm clock, but from natural Clinton.
-The British taxpayer Is still bear. Western Canada will be seeking the IERE ARE SOME OF THE THINGS THAT temperament and characteristics i,.3 Miss H. M. Wright, of Kincardine, W1139bam Fall .Pair.
ing the burden. markets of the world through your HAVE BEEN ACCOMPLISHED. always on the spot -ready when the
port, and I can assure you that the first material benefit offers itself spent Sunday with Mrs, Fleuty, The Wingharn Fall Fair was held on
The Borden government does things government will *so act that your Just so with the early subscriber. He Mr. Thos. Auld, Sarnia, visited Thursday and Friday of last week.
--the Laurier administration meetly growth will not be dwarfed nor your TH.] IMPORTANT BILLS DEFEATED BY SENATE, gets the big end of the stick by send- friends la Win0lani over the week The weather man was fairly kind and
talked about them. great trade handicapped by lack of ing or bringing in his order at the be- end. there was a large attendaneq. The
harbor acco--,' - i- A 45 -1 1 M... A names of the prize winners will be
modern ac '- Listthings done shows what Canada would have missed had ginning Or a big offer. Annie cUummins of San Pound on another page.
ties." Diego, Cal., is visiting Mrs. A. Fergu"
—Fora "boy wonder" MacKet z*e We now submit a similiar advantage in
King seems to be wonderfullyquiet aurier Government been returned to office in 1911. to everyone within the zone of our son- Accepted Better Positiou. Three's no crowd
-The to
has issued the
just now. Can he really be growing writ for possible circulation. We will give our Mrs M. A. Geddes of Detroit is Mr. Percy Jenkins 'left town on
ur. the first of the seiies of by- is now only two years since the Borden Government was return- paper, and "The Weekly Mail and Em• visiting her mother, Mrs. John Me- Wednesday to accept a position in
when the third's a
elections, and nomination will he held ipower. The administration has a record of achievement for its two Piro," from now till January let, 1914, Oracken, Strathroy. The family will follow
It is understood that the plan of Sen. in the county of Chateauguay on Octo- : of office of which it can well be proud and which is uDparalieled for 35or we will give our paper and Robt. J. Fleuty, of the Enterprise- later. Mr. Jenkins was a valued mem-
ate Reform in the famous Ottawa per 4 and polling one week later. En. -badian history. "The Weekly Mail r.iidl Empire" from News, Arthur, spent Friday last at his ber of St. Paul's Church choir and the KODAK
tering the fight with the good record
'he extension of the boundaries of Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba. now till January 1st, 1915, for $150. home in town. A. Y. P. A., and a teacher In
Liberal platform of 1893 has been dis
Sun -
carded. of the Borden administration behind Howdowedoitattheprice? Well, the 8on' The most interesting of all pie.
him, Mr. Morris the Oonservative can- he Aid to Agriculture Bill appropriating ten million dollars over Mrs J. A. Moynihan and little day School and will be much missed
iod of ten years for agriculture instruction throughout Canada. we have made special arrangements daughter in the work in connection with that tures are those which you male
liter of Waterloo are the guests of
-For two years Laurier and his fol- dilate, can appeal for the support of 'he West Indies Agreement with improved steamship service. with the big Metropolitan' Weekly, by Mrs. John Armour. chureb. The Advance regrets to bear yourself, of the persons and things
lowers have been wandering in the the electors with a degree of confidence 'he reduction of cable rates to the West Indies and British of this respected family removing
desert of defeat, and Canada hasshown which his opponent will not possess. which both of us hoper to increase our Miss Olive Cartwright is spending a ih which you are personally in -
no signs of going to the dogs. The Conservative candidate is pledged circulation, even although attained at couple of weeks vacation with friends from town.
to support a government which in two
tae inauguration of a greatly improved tri -weekly mail cervico be- a sacrifice of regular rates. at Clinton and elsewhere. terestid.
-The by-election at Portae years has put more real benefical legis. �n Caned! and Great BritoD. We might inform our readers that Nicholson -Osborne. And you need no skill to Kodak.
-tage la Pea. iCh ne0'arrangements in regard to marine insurance on the St. The Weekly Mail and Empire will right Miss Cassie Dodds, of Btytb, spent a On Tuesday of this week Mr. Garner
irie was allowed to go uncontested by lation on the statute books arid is ad. I" a away, publish a new serial story, by few days the past week with her sis. Nicholson of Belgrave was united in Let us show you how easy it is
the Liberals, and q
ministering it for the advantage of the nee and reduption of rates to Halifax.
Portage has that people as a whole, than the Laurierfid. •
The magnificent dry dock under conatruction at Quebec, with sim- Conan Doyle, -'The Poison Belt," ter, Mrs. Robertson, Edward St. the holy bonds of matrimony with and help you to a selection from
famous "market of ninety millions" at ',&y -docks proposed at Halifax and Hvqai malt. which is equal to the best from the Mrs. J. Gaunt visited friends at St. Miss Osborne of Brussels. Immediate- our complete stock.
her very door�. ministration did in fifteen years of Vhe bill to provide for pensions to the Fenian Raid vetekaus. 11.
Power. pen of that gifted writer. Helena aod Fordyce last week, and ly after the wedding they left on an
Oil the other hand the Liberal I , returned home Saturday evening. extended trip to New York, Boston
standard bearer must follow the lea The Naval Aid Bill (defeated by the Senate.) Kodaks, $7.00 to $65,00.
-The reforms instituted in d0part. ership of a'group of d- The Highways Bill appropriating,$2 500,000 for road construction Returns to Queens. Mr. Augustine Ventry, Guelph has and other points. We have not re•
men who put Brownies, $1.00 to $12.00.
merit of Customs, resulting in better politics before patriotism. and whose wo years. (Defeated by the Senate,) Mr. L, Malcolm, M. A., B. Sc„ O. L. arrived in town and assumed' the celved particulars of the wedding but
protection of the revenue and increas- The Branch Railway Bill, providing for the acquisition of bench foremanship of the street paving, these may appear next issue. Mr,
policy, if carried out in its entirety, a in Quebec and the Maritime Provinces to build up the Intercolon- S., D. L. S., who is President of the Mr. Herman, of Cooper & Herman, Nicholson is one of the most highly
ed facilities for transacting customs would weaken the tie which binds Construction Service Co. Ltd., that has respected citizens of the county and
business by the public, are wortby tri. Canada to the motherland, The else. Railway. (Also defeated by the Senate.) the paving contract, leaves on Satur- was in Toronto this week ,,ranging the Advance wishes he and his bride
butes to the Capacity of Bon. Dr. Reid, I tors of Chateauguay have a good oppor. The bill to establish parcels post system, will be inaugurated shortly, day for Queen's University, where he for the opening of his new business a long and happy life. I W, MCKibbo'n
tunity of demonstrating to the many The development of national harbors at Halifax, St. John, Quebec, is Assistant Professor of Civil Engin- there.
-The electors of Qhateauguay will leaders of the Liberal party that they ntreal, Toronto, Hamilton, Port Arthur, Fort William, Vancouver seeing. Mr. C. A. Campbell. of Sudbury, is DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN
now have an opportunity of declaring will have nothing to do with a policy I Victoria. visiting his brother, Mr. Herb. Camp- BIRTH&.
The completion in such a abort space of time of the National Tran- Death of Infant. Copeland -In Wingliam, on Sept. 29th,
their faith in the policy of the Borden of negation. They have the chance )utinental Railway. bell in town, and his parents in East to Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Copeland, a
.Government. They cannot very well to show what they think of the little On Monday, Sept. 29th, there passed Wawanosb. daughter, ?he Istarro
express confidence in the policy of gang of obstructionists which last sea. The construction of the Hudson Bay Railway so far advanced that away, Stewart, the infant son of Mr. Mr. Thos. Rose, who some years ago DEATHS.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, for the very good sion made of parliamentary proceed. miles have been graded and one-half of the work finished in 1914. and Mrs. Robt. Stonehouse of Belgrave. conducted an implement business in Eyesight tested free and glasses sup,,
reason that bk, hasn't one. The contracts awarded for two out of three sections of the Wel- Hicks -In Wingham, on Sept. 30th, 91�8
ings a by-woxd and farce, and whose id Canal, with two more sections to be called for shortly. The funeral was held on Wednesday town, but is now a Westerner, was re- Herbert T. Hicks, a•ged 35 years, plied at reasonable Prices,
tactics pleased every enemy of the to the Brandon cemetery. The parents newing acquaintances in town during Stonehouse -In Belgrave, on Sept 29tb,
-Good government has been the Britieh Empire the world Over. On The construction of a government-owned terminal elevator at Port have the sympathy of the community thl-i past week. Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. P. S.—We expect to have another
watchword of Premier Borden and big the othev hand the electors will have rthur to handle 2,500,000 bushels of wheat. in their sad bereavement. Mr. W. H. Ellie, who has been as- Stonehouse, aged I year. consignment of Aquariums of
colleagues since the day they assumed the opportunity of expressing their The establishment of a policy of interior terminal elevators owned slating contractor Malcolm, has re -
of -hoe. The people of Canada have confidence in a government which in a 7 the government for which two contracts have already been let at Popular Young Man Deceased. Gold Fish to give away in
every reason to be satisfied with the business -like and quiet way, has gone iskatoon and Moose Jaw, In the early hours of Tuesday the sumed his studies at Queen's Univer. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers, about two weeks.
administration of affairs, since the about its work, of administering the angel of death entered and removed sity, Kingston. Mr. Ellie is one of the
Conservativil cause triumphed at the affairs of Canada for the general good from our midst Mr. Herbert F. Hicks, star players on Queen's foot -ball team. Get Partial's Bread at Obristie's.
polls, and we refused the plain invi, of the people. OhateaUgUay has a Lill Dean Swift. Old Boys' Re-Unlon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Hicks, of De- Mr. Wbitesides, County High Con- Few smart waists from England for
tation to become "an adjunct" of 'Uncle splendid chance, and all the signs go - (Friday evening of this week in A meeting will be called at an ear- lisle, Sask., formerly of Wingbam, stable of Huron, was in town this Bale.-AlTs. J. Gaunt, Lower Town.
Sam. to bho%v that the loyal electors of that th3hool room of S�, Paul's church, ly date to arrange for the holding of After a severe and short illness from week' We do not know who he was WANTED. -At once, a good delivery
constituency will take full advantage ReDr. Boyle of Toronto will lecture an Old Boys' Reunion next summer. pneumonia, meningitis developed, after, but. when seen by our reporter boy.- Thos. Field and Co.
There are to be two by-elections next thereof. be was looking the members of the GLOMI CUTTERS WANULD.-Experi-
one! subject "Life Of Dean Swift". which ultimately caused his early de" Town Council over very carefully. enced Block Cutters on Elk, Horse
month, one in Ontario and one in Que- Thq given under the auspices of the Prize List Errors. mise. Mr. Hicks was born in Wing-
-Far removed from the arena Of A. P. A. and everybody is welcome. Ther area few errors in the list of ham in 1878, and had lived most of his for Toronto, to begin her studies in
bee. It will bointeresting to compare Miss Irlma Kennedy left on Monday and Sheep. Steady Work, highest
wages. -Durham Silove Co. Ltd,,
the appeals made by the Liberals un. Party strife and occupying the highest Sit, Collection. prizz) winners in another column. W. life in Wingliam. In 10M. he was mar- the Medical Faculty of the University Bowmanville, Ont. . 45
der Laurier in these two provinces, Judicial position in the British Empire J. At -buckle should be credited with ried to Miss Daisy Field, who, with of Toronto. She was accompanied by Be one of us and meet our friends.
raore especially in dealing with the or probably in the world. Viscount Coction. first prize on Agriculture two-year old three children, Lloyd, Kenneth and her father, De. J. P. Kennedy, who They all want to send you post cards ,aha Q
They will proba Haldane has given his views on returned home yesterday at noon.
naval question. bly the ling to going misandersta-iding ally or gelding in place of W. J. Me- Laura are left to mourn a loving and and exchange letters with you. We
afford a striling contrast. Canadian naval question. He is no a Miss Maud returned on Sat- have a list of people all over the world.
Psincial Officer Phippen wishes it Kenzie. In one-year old gelding in devoted husband and father. His
tirap, 'Vt Before Ag it' leaving Elm Creek, Marl:, there had
Panderer to one party or the other in y Nothing more pleasing and pleasant.
kion that when ll� searched Silver Agricultural ral class only one prize was father and mother, four brothers and Ly from her stern trip. B Send 10 cents for full particulars to the
Di the Turk whom he arrested sonar -The Dominion Government is the Dominion and the preflige and awarded and'that was to W. J. Ar- one sister, who all reside in the West been hard frosts, destroying what re. Canadian Oorregoondence Bureau, P.
ranging a coptraat with the I traditions of the I�Ingli8h bench would buckle, The names of Alex. McDonald are also left to mourn a loving son mained of the gaiden produce, and O. box 891, Montreal,
,joyal th ago, that among other things he•
Mall Steam Packet Company which prohibit him froin exhibiting party and Peter McEven should not have her way home alight fall of �novv Two smart boss wanted to learn Up -
Pod $125 on this person. When the and brother. Mr, Hicks was a daem. Oil
bias. To an' interview in Montreal he appeared as winners of second and ber of the Methodist church, and a was to be seen at points between Two
trade. Also boys for other
will give the Dominion the benefit of pj)ner was discharged he left the Winnipeg and Fort William, Miss positions. Apply at Upholstering faet-
avastly improved steamship service said when asked his views on the nay. c�t room so quickly that the office; third prizes. valued member of the choir and of the Fleuty has resumed her position in the cry. 3 tf
between the Maritime Province ports al situation that he had great con- h no chance to return the money, Building Activities. R. T. of T. No. 114, and the Wing- Town Clerk's office. WANTr,,r) --A stable suitable for an
and the British West Indies. This is fidence in the ability of Canada to I at once deposited it in the Bank ham Choral Society. In all moral auto; fair rent will be paid for a con -
.1 trade oflamilton to the credit of 91ver venient place, Apply Advance Of.
tarp rounding off of the reciproca work out and do witat, she thou This summer has been one of great titiestions be took a decided stand
best, Ile continued: activity in the building of flee.
agrpeq4ent entered, into by Canada and 6 when: he may get it at any Public for righ�, Mr. Hicks learned the but- In A Class 13' Itself'
t4p ]RAL64 West Indies, It would be a great relief to the tie he calls for it, works in Wingliam, About fifty che, business with Mr. Tho- Field �_Cburcb 'Rew Z Foit SALR.-By George McKenzie; y
t i t Win ham, one open Buggy in thor-
1jaited Kingdom," -if you decide tq thousand dollars ($50,000) is being and a few years ago became"one o; L on
assist 49, qod would be a. SOUTCe 0 M repair, one new SafA No. 5, one
Of spent in various municipal and federal the partners in the firm known as h
-The appointment of a strong coral- spent Serviqe, or
"yest I undertakings. These include street Tboa. Field & Co. In the passing 80-10 Candle light dynamo. That's the way one man described
great strength to the Tqmpive. The Rev, D, J. Rowland of Burk's Falls Re power Gasoline Engine, one
mission for the purpose of working Out. burden is very heavy. for the little �: ;,,,inday next, Oct, 5.1t, the con- pavement, waterworks reservoir, will preach in the Baptist Church next "the best good Shoe" and he was
a comprehensive plan for the improve. of Herbert Hicks, this community
islands of the United Kingdom to bear, 94'_iOn of St. Patil's church will pumping station, changing of mains, suffers a distinct loss, h Sunday. Mr. Rowland has spent WANTED -A good general servant,
e being one of eight years in Africa and two years good wages to right party. Apply to right.
ment of the Dominion capital rtfl�cts but we are willing to go of, bearing it c0brate the forty-sixth anniversary wing to Hospital, Armoury, postoffice, nature's noblemen and indeed a mod- . M rs. Robt. Beattie. h
ranch credit, upon the Borden Govern, alone as long as you desire us to, the planting of the Anglican chnech tower, hose tower, machinery ball, etc. of that young men might well copy. in Spain as a missionary. FOR SALP.-Large water tanks suit- In every way a quality shoe, the
mint. Canada wants her capital to be Any assistance Canada way determine ipWingbam, and the twentieth year In addition to this the McLean saw- His family and parents have the en- The annual conference of the Arch- able for cistern use, cheap ; also three
all that the best brains in the country on, however, world be gratefully u1be present Church building's exis- mill is being rebuilt and among those tire sympathy of the community in deaconry of London is to take place at good working horses. -Wm. Davies "Invictus" represents the makers'
can make it, and it won't need to be ceived as it would greatly enhan,,3 lace and also hold their annual Har- erecting new houses are the follow- their sore affliction, but all sorrow, Locan on Wednesday and Thursday, Co., Ltd. best effort.
called the Washington of the North the forces now working to preserve �t Thanksgiving services at the ing-Town Olerk Groves, W. F. Van- ing friend, shoqld feel comforted by Oct. 8th and 9&b. Several attractive Fred A. Lewis piano -tuner expects
Dither. When the Borden Govern- .. ml� sale H -P rp), V n Boyle, Q� Mt. A - - - - - -
peace. e more Canadians come t * - .1. r. oy e, one, os. Ding and 1. W. Qo d. the remembrance of a short life uob• topics will be presented by competent to no in Wingbam about the first of
went gets through the United States tAk6 part in the councils of the H upiro �ban of Divinity, Trinity College, To- 411 of the above have giVeiq copsidera� speakers. October.
will be Casting about for some way of e &9 is ly spent,
the more we shall be pleaged. This, 0' nto, will preach at both mqrniDg tale eupployrq.ept to our citizens and QU
creatipi an 'IqLtawa of the South." of course, holdq true of the other do- ',nd evening serviers, and 'etor. Anniversary service will be held in Rooms to rent, over the Advance
no qou�t a gqo4 orrlen for the ftltrtre. While Armoury 'Inspe the Langside Presbyterian church on office, suitable for light house keeping. va
olinionfu, Ati-stralia, Sout tenq' Enquire of C. N. Griffln.
b Africa, etc." be services will be largely at p4. Most towi.19 our sige are gradually Mr. V. R. VanNorman has been Sunday morning and evening, October
the dwindling, Wingbam is steadily forg- a ppoiu t ed inspector of the armoury in 19, when Rev. E. F. Dict. Smith of
-Since the defeat of reciprocity This impartial statement is an ivorij (la Monday evening foll6winf. To RPONT-F tirnished house. -Apply %
there has been a steady irplinx of Am- cal commentary upon the act:,, of ladies of the congregation will serve a ing ahead. A j )int stock company to course of erection here. :Mr. VanNor-llensall will preach. On the Monday
at the Advance Office.
erican Industries into Canada. Follow- Sir Wilfrid L%urier and his party who supper in the basement of the church, erect a number of modest houses and olau is just as competent in this evening following Rev. Goo. H. Ross. WAN-tpd-A girl to do general house
Ing the examplt+ of the implement cor- had a great opportunity to lessen -1he which will be followed by a good pro- a live Board of Trade would be of capacity as the average -man would B. D. of Goderich will deliver a lee. work. No wasbiDg or ironing ; duties
poration of Boston of which Governor heavy burden but cynically �glected gram. great assistance just now. to commence October 19t -Mrs. L.
FOSS Of Massacbu�eneglectedtts is president, it, be and we hesitate to critim the ap- ture. Kennedy.
pointment lest it be said that it is At the service next Sunday in the
blob is building a plant in Gait, the Law ier has stated again and again simply because he got the position, Methodist church, the pastor will FOR SALE.-Q,ilck-bargain-No. 9.
18 Crown Huron range. Also one
big American companies have been es. that he is a Liberal of the Gladstone From a politip4l point of view his nrea�h morning and eveninL-! at the k 1room : �0Apply "Ur ca 1. 1 IV
e S11 . PP y rp. urt. e
tFullbuing branches in Canada. Gov- School. Lord Haldane is also a Ltbcv- claim may he a good one and WO evening service the subject will be Diagonal Road,
ernow Foss frankly stated that if it al of the BAWO School and was until would offt!r the same criticism no "The Choice of Moses." Also in connec, TO RUNT. -Furnished sitting room
had not been for the defeat of recipro. his appointment to the Lord Chancel -THE EARLY BIRD irlatter who got the office, if he was tion with the evening service there
and bed -room, with board or without..
city his company as well as the others lordtibip one of its greatest exponents. not a praLloal ma -D. If it is s, fact, will be a reception service for new Convenioncep.. Students or ladies -
would never have moved to -Canada, The average Canadian would prefer members,
Amongst the recent firms AND that public business, be It civic, pro- Apply at Advance Office.
have decided to buil which Viscount fLdditne'a Gladatonian Lib.- vincial or federal, should receive the The induction of Rev. Mr. Boyle WOUTC WANTH 1). - Wabbing taken
d branches in Pan. erallsra berauge it is more in lltrr same attention as private business into the in, scrubbing or house work. An
We J. Orreer
ads is the Buffdo Forge Company Inny pastorate of Belgrave and Cal,
Of with the dignity of Canada than th%t THE ]�ARLY SUBSCRIBER then it builder should have been chos- to Mrs. Patio over Mr. Holmes ' Office.
Ing a 4 Sir Wilfrid :P%urier. en, If the member for E ►tat Huron or COAL, WOOD, Kv, DmNa.-Do not fail
is establishing An churches bas been"Ixed for Thurs-
which J
plapt qt Berlin and has purchased 0 to gup It would aot day, October 96h, at 130 p.m, in the to got my prices before purchasingTHE SHOE MAN
I five by difficult sr which side (.glad_ U7 the Minister of Militia, were erecting a Presbyterian church, Belgrave. Ree.
qpres for the pip -pose. stone himself would have taken, it he ALTTAY5 QET TH-P, BEST VALUE, elsewhere. -It J. CANTrm'o-T,
The Cleveland residence at a cost of 411,103 would
F-opridry is prepLing, a plant at Sqrnia wgre alivq. they put a blacksmith to oversee the Mr. Hardie of Lochalsh will preside; Sowing machines repaired and clean.
erection of same or would they pro -
to rpqn6factlire oil stoves, h(,qters and Rev. Mr. Parrie of Wingham; address ed any matte, any age. Canadian ...
ot�er oil devicep. The Vord Motor Coin: the minister, and Rev. Mr. Stewart, of American, 04 aglish and German. Ref• cure a man skilled in the erection of
pqny has bought a00,000 site at To- Returniq Qfflger. buildings? If they would not, why Whitechurch, the people. O.JvIn con- evences willing)v given, Drop a card
ponio w4erp it gregation will join In the service. or plkonA 283. F. 11, Smith at Loug• will erect a �?50,00Q r. Peter W. Scott of nast Wa�V4. 0, U R PAPER apply one principle to private business heoc.11s, Wingliam. WHEN YOU
nQsh bits been appoi#94' retqrning and another to the people's business?
qfficer for the Qillnty of Efuron in Surely some one, who hag it practical bliss Sparling, graduate of Toronto BUY COAL
—lion. ,)bort :Rogers, Minister of AND Bluevale. Conservatory of Music and authorized
connection with the Canada Temper. knowledge, co ild have been found In teacher of Fletcher music method,
Public Works hag during the past ante Act vote to be taken this Fall, Wingbarri and if he could not, then he The anniversary services of Hbenez- simplex and kindergarten, Pupils pre- BE SURE YOU GET
week been Inspecting the harbors of iNlv. Scott has previously acted as re. could have been found elsewhere. To er Church will be held next Sunday, pared for conservatory examination,' GENUME SCRANTON
Oct. qth. 4ev. Mc4elvie of IP.thel will in -Piano and Theory, Theory taugb
s%y that the4 other party do by correspondence. Classes reopen Montreal. Quebec, T66onto and Hamil, turning o The Weelly Mail and Emp're es the
preqoh in the Morning at 10.W and:ln
bly fitted for his work• acme thing Is an odious argument an4 Sept, S.b, Phone 105. 53-50,
ton whore the government is planning officer, hence will be admirea-
big development woik. A broad as a public jonrnal, we will %ttack any- the evening at 7 o'clocki Prices of Delaware, Lackawan-
statesmanlike policy is being advocat. A Cucumber Sauce. FROM NOW TILL JAN. Ist, 1914, for 35c. 0. It. Wilkinson, Eyesight Specia- ria and Western Coal Cos.-
tis curing
ster of Public Works in A new use for cucumbers Is in a den Adripinistratioiq ig we believe 4 vale circtitt Inkend holding their Job!- difficult cases of defective vision after SCRANTON COAL
ed by the Mint thing we believe is Wrqpg. The lQor. Tolinston's Appciintment of the Bloc. list, Edward St.. Wingham
connection with the building up of sauce which may be made in quantity FROM NOW TILL JAN. Ist, 1915, for $,1.50
age, sane, hilsiness-like adu:iiaistratIqq lee services on October the 12,h and others have failed. I recognize that Egg and Stove . . . . . $7.50
national ports. Mr. Rogers in a brief and kept to serve from time to time and INJr. `BovFrq%n Is q c4p4ble member J�Jth it being fifty years this fall since my success can only be attained Chestnut . . . . . . . $7.75
but succinct statement at the bar through your satisfaction. Difficult
banquet with cold meats and Ash. With ou- the Pea . . . . . . . . . $6.25
to Sir Rodolphe Forget in Quebec, ex. GET IN EARLY striving to do big very beat but in thI5, the church was dedicated to cases and children a speciality. Suf-
plained the governinent's stand. cumbera at their best, now 146, good the vast majority of his supporters worship of God. Services will be con• ferers attended at their own home it
time to try this. Use twelve large feel he has been ill.advised, In the duoted on Sabbath, the 12rh by Rov. desired. All advice free and satisfac. Blacksmill, Cannell and Soft
!,To create systems Of Internal green "Cumbert, ono onion, bale ON THIS BARGAIN PROPOSITION AND future we would suggest that our es- A. 3, Johnston, 8 A. of London at tion guaranteed. Coal, Wood, Lumber, Ladi and
transportation, railway and canal, and
transportation, H teaspoonful of red pepper, and onp teemed member make his own appoint. 10.39 A,m. and 7 p.m. The following Shingles always on hand.
not &oylde proper outlets is inaane. 0'!',Rn1Ohftil of Wt, Chop t4e onion UT THE MOST FOR LITTLE MONEY moms or else have a representative Monday evening a Jubilee Tea -meeting
��!<i Mr. lJogere. "For Aftopri years arid otictiMber8 and squef ;e t . he PROMPT DELIVERY
the Laurier govern -merit tried trails. . %vater -------- meeting advNe him and not act, on willbeheld, An v? %eel lent programme- Rubbers you will need thein
04t Of the latter in a piece of obeess• the advice of five men meetlog In Is being arranged, including addresses right away.
sortation brit ripglocted Otir harbors. elotil, Add salt and pepper and also secret, three voting for And two by A. number of Ministers from gar.
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