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The Wingham Advance, 1913-09-25, Page 4
F 01 TRE ~WINGTIAADVANCE Condition of Crops and hive wowFARM WANTED _ _ Stack, a Rarely quailed Children Cry for Fletcher' ■ ■ 1 A bulletin issued in O.taws on S pt. We Lava a 1myer for a ; ood 50 Display of Lad�o IStih by the Qenaus and S'attatiaa Of y �P it^0 o the De a1tinept 1. it('.rt? fi3'.tTt Llt'i1I' B1l f?t'A11f;, 1� tlt3tr IAP t £ Trallt: rand t■ ! ■ly�p "'mmerce, rr'p„)rts thA conditltm of j 4 ,A, tgoorl laud with permaut-ut w4l"Ier p•;,, u�' and i.Is'sas WIII er craps and live 6tock at the t rti l t cAAn'u t and I C'Nlir I it p"4ti- AM ate )Alai. �,. t � g1- rgai©s of the yield of spring whP,�t, 4 •` Coats and Fors rye, oats and barley m ootnpilek ` 1 free) A shipmeh)t (if very smart the reports of rorrepponhlents npnn The Hind You. have Always Dong'lht, and which has been I' �w y the a weaancooer i,rt bosit ons were f.)vnur G z'ears, has borne the signature of � p cropi. ;in use for oust.° 3 1�lorthwa Coats ]est ar- and has been made under his per. 'Z M ,r I, hived. In the beast Wan able for •ri ening and 1larvesl)n the $ona,l. supervision since its infancy. ed high class. fllbrics -- p g ttllo�sr no oxho to deceive you in this. h Diagonal St1i 0 laffect grain crops. la Ontario it was neatly r g p ' all harvested by the end of the month, All Counterfeits, Imitations and cc Just -as -good" aro but Heather Tweed Mixtures T,yxperlmcuts that tl.iii.o with and endanger the health of and Brocaded Designs. ing operations the Pfeifle provinces h thio s Infiants and Children•- rl perle heo .against L, xperiment. Some of these are individ, lug pldewere t, ext two-thirds ( completed and it was expected that 'CA r ual models, and represent threshing would be general by Sapt.10. What i s a R I A the very latest in Exclu- F sive Cloak Patterns, In the Maritime provinces the harvest: Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor° 0,11, Pare - is more backward being only general g'orle, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It Priced' at $10 to $27. aboub the end of the month. The contains theither (Opium, Blorphiue nor other Narcotic average condition of spr'ug wheat is substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms _ $3.43% of the standard of a full crnp and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it New SUitiugS in Most which is represented by 100; oats 87 85; has been in constantuse for the relief of constipation, barley 87.07 ; rye 80 19 pose $') $! ; Flatulency, "ri'V IUd Colic, all Teething Troubles and ` Delightful Tweed Effects ]Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, beans 78.07; buckwheat 77.81; mixed assimilates the Food, giving;' healthy and natural. sleep. We are showing a grand grains 80,04; fl.x85.06; corn 70.78. The Children's. Panacea --The ,Brother's Frieud. display of Tweeds and Ser- On the whole these figure* maintain gPs for tailored suits, the the high standard set by last month's GEN mE ST I AALWAYS patterns aro exelusivo and report and marks an advancement for hili M 6 At"'� .? no two alike spring wheat., oats and it tx. 'Compar- Priced at $1.50 to $3.50 ed with the figures at the correspond- Bears the Signature Of per yard ing date last year, wheat is 88 to $1; mixed grains 89 to 87; fl+x S5 to 88. Potatoes are 80 against 89 last month ' t Fancy Velvets in Plain, and 92 last year, turnips are 81 for both s ® �► ,• . - r F this rnnnth and last as against SS last Corded and Brocaded year; mangolds are 83 agaiust 84 fact Designs, month and 87 fleet year, Pasture has It, Use For Onalir 3 0 Ye"alfs Velvets this season are in maintained its condition fahly well@J�1' Begonia sinee last month having only lost one rester demand filen ever The Kind Von Have dAiv�ay� BaugN►'ir before, and in Fashion polar, the figures being 81 against 82 1'rHm Cm NTAUR COMPANY, New YORK CITY Centres are recognized as last month and 92 a year ago. Whip the correct material for From the reports furnished b cor- this season's styles. ry estresimatesnofts tyield he lare hnbased honnthe ... .�.......+. ......,...., �. Cord Priced at 50e, 75e, $1.00 and areas sown. Of spring wheat the JoP - , $1.25 per yard. - average yield per acre is provisionally $110 ; W m Gray, gravel, 70c ; Breckenridge,' gravel, $2 40; A. Pol. _ II + placed at 2141 bushels per acre which lock, gravel, $7 20; Ed. Nichol, gravel, -'Dale upon an arse of 8,990,600 acres makesFor j T e total yield of spring wheat to be 19?,- $1°70; Geo. Jackson, gravel, $5 20 . The V S 517,000 bushels. This quantity added Thas, Warwick, gravel, $12 ; Chas. ; �Ih to 18,151,800 bushels of fall,wheat as Agar, gravel, $610 ; Wm, Salter, grav- Ideal Odd Muffs, Stoles, Sets, el $5.00; Garet Maxwell, gravel, 50c; j published last month gives the total + Coate, Etc. Buying early o Bert Jackson, gravel, $2.40; Annie Men's Boots f1Yld �i�,OeS t Material production of wheat as 10,998,300 means better lot to choose McMillan, gravel, $1,60 ; R. Newcombe, j bushels compared with the final esti- r at Reasonable Prices. from and a saving, as all gravel, $5 60 ; Wni. Shelton, gravel, .. ` for fit mates for 1912 of 109,236,003 bushels I goad Fars are advancing $5 50; Thomas Haley, gravel, $5.10; I' ` I Dress in price. Come in and let and for 1911 of 215,851,000 bushels. Geo. McDonald ravel $11' Wm. Per- ( , l; Repairing Promptly st- y The yield per acre in 1912 was 20 09 !! + j us show you our stook. fiusou, inspecting, $S9 ; Cpm: Ferguson l� j bushels for fall wheat and 20 37 bush• tended to. (� Gowns Special order taken for repairing Bollman bridge, $2v ; Geo. P els for spring wheat, ° Pierce, gravel, $1; James Michle, anything we do not Derry Oats, with an average yield of ;40.98 In all the Leading Shades. in stock. . bushels per acre on 0,646,400 acres, balance on filling on Sunshine bridge, - gives a total production of 385,341,000 $13; Gilbert McCallum, fixing wash - bushels as against an average yield of out, $`r, R. Vint Ruttan, abutments H AUG H 39.35 bushels and a total yield of 361,- $1008 ; Duff & Stewart, Grame's abut- ; ■ ■ 73'3,000 bushels i❑ 1912, ments $1010; Beach Alcock on Nichol KING BR'OSOdrain $1000. Council meets again- Bs,rley, with a yield per acre of September 29th. Note at the meeting 3105, biishels and a total yield of held on. September 5th the By -Law on 41-,440,000 bushels as compared with an the Inglis Drain was finally passed, PRODUGE WANTED PHONE 7i average yield of 31.10 bushels and a'°°°`� " The Court of Revision on the Bowes total of 44,014,000 bushels in 1912. drain decided to reduce John Potter's The estimated yield of rye is 2,425,- "benefit" assessment by $00 and Ievy TPEACH ES 000 bushels for 127,200 acres being a this sum pro -rata on the lands and yield per acre of 19 06 bushels as roads in the drain scheme in Morris. `. Best Crawfords --11 qt. basket, 600 against a total of 2,591,000 bushels in The clerk was instructed to notify in- and 70c. 1912. , terested parties. The Court of Re- -- 4 For the three Northwest provinces vision then adjourned to meet cn TOMATOES -11 qt. basket, 400. ' the total yield of spring wheat is . September 29.h. Green Tomatoes -253 per baPket. estimated at 188,018,000 busbels, oats A. MAcEwAN, CimRik. 211,125,000 bushels, barley at 28,156,000 ' GRAPES -30 cents. bushele, -rye at 612,000 and flux at ' -- — -- --- _ 15,056,000 bushels as compared with a The 19]3 Winter fair At Guelph -1 e W F a.-, = total yield in 1912 for spring wheat of : �,,a1e( tCiOCs 183,322,000 bushels, oats 221,857,000 _ d bushels and barley of 26,671,000 bush- : Preparations are well under way for PENS --3 an for 25.,. = els. the holding of the Thirtieth Annual SALMON—Still at coat. The general condition of Iive stock Ontario Provincial Winter Fair to be Heinz k'.hrk and }beans with or G 0' is very satisfactory being expressed in held in Guelph, Dec. 9.h to 12;b, 1913, percentages of a standard of 100 repre- . The premium List which is now to without Chili Sauce. 0(,81 2 senting a healthy and thrifty state, as hand, shows a very attractive class!- Heinz Tomato Soups, 15c and 100 94,27 for horses, 91.37 for milch cows, fication and a considerable increase in size. for other cattle 93 51, for sheep 90.41 ° the amount of pr',ze money offered = and for swine 94.83, over former yearn:. Several extra COMFORT SOAP, 6 for 25c. i - Archibald Blue, Chief Officer. sections have been added in the horse department, In the Dairy Cattle see - tion, the prizes have been increased in M. Grisdale. " several sections, In the Swine depart - For weeks new goods have been = Morris. ment-Iast year, a class was provided "` ""� _ L for "any other breed, grade or cross" arriving at tLlllt$ sore an our - Council met Aug. 25th in the Town this year the classes are provided, one g ship Hall. Members present. Min- for "a•ny other purebred" and one for + utes of last meeting read and approved, "Grades or Crosses of any breed." In stock is now complete. = Township rate for the present year the poultry department, several class- was fixed at 3} mills on the dollar. es have been added and the prizes for a °' Contract for the construction of the ducks are to be increased according to Bedford Brocades in $lack Grey,Black and Ellis drains was given to the dumber of entries as is now the SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH 1 W. A. Stevenson, of Brussels, at $100 WEST LAND REGULATIONS classes for fowls. more tban the Engineers' estimate on Quitea, number of County Councils ANY person who is tbo solo head of afamily.. ome Brown, Navy. Black or any mato over 18 scare old, may rotor each drain, being Ellis $2,9.10; are offering special prizes for Awn- 8te�td a quarter soution of a,railable Dominior $3.163, both drains to be completed in land in Manitoba, Saskatohowan or Alberta. p teur Exhibitions from their Counties, Tho applleant must appear in person at tht 1,914. following accounts were paid :— ever section of the Premium List be- Dominton Lands yproAgency or Sub-agencymado for t&t y distriotL hairy by proxy may, be made at ant A well assorted range of Serges - J. J. McCaughey, stone, at abutments ing supplemented by one or more of agency, on certain conditions by father, moth Co.or, son, daughter, brother or sister of intond centro sideroad, $3; Ingot Iron Gthese County Specials. A copy of the in FC homesteader, + • culvert, $90; R. Bloomfield, gravel, Duties,—six Months, residence upon and cid in all Shades at eCll11 Y•Zw�ps. list may be obtained upon application tivatiou of the land in each of three ears. A y $5 00 ; Wilson Marks, gravel, $7.00 ; to the Secretary, R W. Wade, Parli. honhestoador may live within nine miles of hit James Farquarson, gravel, $9 CO; Jas, homestead on a farm of at loast 80 acres solob ament Buildings, Toronto, owned and occupied by Min or by his father Corduroy Velvets and Velveteens Lawson, gravel, .$7.30; Win. Wilkin- � mother, son, daughter, brother a slater. In certain districts a bother o sl e goon eon, gravel, $9,39; Wm. Taylor, grav- --- standing maypro-oniptaquarter-sectionaloiig e), $180; 4 80 ; P, J. Felly, gravel, $•1.80 ; side his lxauestea,d. Trico $3,00 per aero, �'+ C e 11�t �t Dut.ies.—AliM reside upon the homestead of in Black, Brown, Green, a��r, ileo, Pierce, gravel, $9.20; Thop. Me. FIRST HONORS AT TORONTO pre-emption six months in each of six scarf from date of homestead entry (Including th( Call, gravg), $3; Wm. Salter, grave), -_-. time required to earn homestead patent) ant $3 50; `!'hoe. Miller; grave], $? 90; Jas, cultivate fifty acres extra. at from 50c to $1.25 per . (Rad Deer, Alberta, Advocate, Sep- A homesteader who bas exhausted life home Peacock, gravel, $5 86 : J nO. -Richmond, stead right and cannot obtain A 1R1r�b-emptiot ■ tember 5, 191$.) may enter for a purehased homested in Certai): gravel, $2.40; Il. Kirby, gravel, $150 districts, PrIeb$300per acro. Duties.•--Ilusl Red Deer Creamery has followed up aide six montha in each of three years, oulti Sweater Coats in all Jno, McDonald, gravel, $11.16; R. p lead -Ing t'Vhitenh D Gravel, re10cv fames Gibson, its clean saver of three firsts at veto iiftyacro3 and erect a house worth W. grave), aD, ;11`rank McCracken, grav- the Edmonton flair, which was the clim- W. W. COIt'Y, styles and Shades. el and 1 dabs wovk $1.70 ; ax of other high winnings in the Wast, Deputy of the Mlblicatof fhb this or Duff 3c 8tew• ' N.B.•--tlnautherizod publication of this ad art, cement, $1650; William Abram, by carrying off the first prize for 56 lbs, vertisemont will not be paid for, denotions road, $5 ; Thomas MacEwen, butter solids at the Toronto Industrial Exhibition, the largest fair in Canada, N�. irlapect)ng Grame`a Bridge, $48; R. H. o trouble to show goods* Garniss, culvert. $15;'Wingham Times It also got third prize for prints. Mr. advertising, $2,50; 'Walter I+orrest, re. Carswell and his directors, and espee!- CVEt4 as YEARS - pairing culvert, $5; dames Campbell, allylthe buttermaker, air. M. L Camp- EXPERMNCE ~ " filling at culvert, $4 50; Chats. Pollard, pell, are to be most bigblycongratulat- 3loads gravel Last Boundary, $3; 'i'V, ed on the record of 1913, which has Ei, Derr, hart of�printingaccount, $25; far surpassed that, of any other Cream. � 1 Phone $$ Jno. 'Vaneamp, cleaning branch "A" ery in the Province up to this time. Red Deer not only has the dairy crit• PRODUCE Q1' ,ALL, FINDS 'WANTE'D. on Glm ori drain, $7150; "Phos, Millar, 'rnAna 1W;,rrtca Ile Breeders and the champion dairy 2 feral bridges, Nichol drain $30; A. ptaltsNs "OuNk AMOKM Mat:Uwen, te1gh—,hie, 60c; repair- ob a horsy, but she has also the bast duality 06PVR1P.1ira ¢tc. gravel, $411ir Jahn Pl;elan, digging cream, and the champion butter tank. Imill oeontingftln it sketch .■orftfantor an di in Nimill i nets pr li a )r opinion �teea r, ether an on Blyth Creek drain, $500, Albert et as well. tionsmtnnl,poyindeoliftli yptttOpt omm"iesu tlonnntrteurcnnndonNnt. Nn�+$e�al�ontatautq " We have a good farm. in Grey C'otlnty that we can t x) h inco fol Wingham real estate (r a farm fear ` !Dgbam, Have you noticed the activity in Wingham real estate recwlJ Y Mo a property is tum(d over in this town than in sny other two or t'aree towns of its srz� in this part of Ontario. We have s 111 a few good h esi- dences for Bale but NO HOUSES TO B E ST ... Ritchie & Was REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WELLINGTON MUTUAL • FIRE INS. CO. - Established 1810. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system, GEO. SLEEMAN, JouN DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE tfc) COSENS, Agents, Wingham, Ont DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office: Meyer Block, Wingham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. WINGHAM. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. 'Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvanla College and Ltcent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. --ofnce in Macdonald Block— G. D. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Honor Graduate of the Royal Colloge of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, or.VICE OVER 13. B. ISARD & CO'S. STORE W. R. HAMBLY, B.SC., N.D., GA Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr .residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention.. Phone 54. P. O. Box 118 DRS, KENNEDY & CALDER Ossreirs—corner Patriok and Centre'streets Paoxgs— Re idence, Dr. Kennedy us Realdenco, Dr. Caldor 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes In Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 'ytedes , thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fit DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew " Orrice xN MaDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. 0. REDMOND M. R. C. S. En .j L. R. C. P. (Lend.) Physician and Surgeon. IMr. C-hisholm's old stand) -� V Y . tJ a MOON VETERINARY 8URGE ON OPFICE OP LATID DR. WILSON. 0. RESIDENOB—COR. PATRICK It PRANOIS oAlco Plhono r70. Itesidonce Phono 182.; Ex Gov. Vot. Inspector. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Beal Estate and Money Loaning lousiness. WINOHAM General HOSpital. (Under GbVornmOLb Inspection.) Pleasantly Aituate�. Beautifhhlly furnished. dpoh to all reguVIrly liden803 phyhlelbns. paten for atlrfnts (Which' Include board and nurning)434 0o to $15.00 por wook, th000rding to I! talon of rbom. For further,t informA- tion -•AddMeM188 L, MA.TINgIvs supod-Atontlent, Box 2R4, WinghAtn, ono. Vleetric Risto rar for Men Phos ttoriol restores every nerve la the body, ... to its proper tension, -,restort,e vim an vttitlity. Premature derAy And all sexual weaknosa twerted at ot)ee. Phoopbohol roti; make" gnu rt sow man. I'rito A 4box000eu Ck'tw77,rr4C int tK. h�A11bd bt Ary riddrwAp, o' f O„ t. aw! x shti>r„ 0>tiA ' Txlu r)xy, SIEPTLIMER 2$, 1913 LADIES1, MISSES' and CHILDREN% NEW FALL slid WINTER GOAI Just opened up new FALL and WINTER COATS. Our stock comprises the best makes and latest -tyles in all sizes from the smalleEt to the largest size Cost. Take a look in the Cloak and Suit Department on the second floor, where a very large range of F4eady - to - wear Garments await your inspection, You will find our prices as low as the lowest. ° Special Value in Children"s —Coats at $3.90, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00.' 1 I Women's Coats made of heavy II" r all - Drool Cloth, Diagonal weave, lined. $;12.00 value for $10.00. Women's Fancy Flake Cloth Coats, a very stylish garment with reversible collar. Price $15.00. Stylish Coats in the New Black Curl effects, This makes a 4 ,-very warm garment. See our leader at $18.50. SKIRTS.—A large range of new Top Skirts, fancy -Tweed effects and Serges. All prices. See our special line A $5.00. FURS.—New Furs are now in. See our large stock be- fore buying. Our prices will interest you. .a k.■ 1 Co. RINE ON Thousands of young Canadians have struck from old conditions to higher and better things by enrolling as students of our Business Col- leges and Home Study Department. You can study all in your own home, or partly there and finish at College. NOW is a good time to start. Every farmer's son who intends to remain on file farm should have a business education. You can continue 3'our work, and like Lincoln, prepare at the salve time. Ask us now. Largest trainers in Canada. Thirty years' experience. Seven Colleges. Two thou- sand students annually. Positions guaranteed. Individual instruction.. No vacation. Successful people act NOW, not later. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE WINGHAM - - ONTARIO ., GEO. SPOTTON W. T. MORSE PRESIDENT. PRINCIPAL, A sk rio Mu u i Wing" ham - - Onto Carries a complete line of Nigh Grade Musical Instruments, of every description. Player Pianos ; Organs of almost any make ; Photda- graphs, Edson and Victor; Stringed Instruments of all kinds ; Violins a specialty; Sewing Machines, Canadian and American. We wish to impress you with the fact that we will sell yon anything that produces musio, tit prices fend terms to stdt the purohater, Anyone intonding to purchase a 'piano should oonsider well before purchasing ,from travellibg Agents, Wo aro ]here perinanently and you can see the inatrnment you are bnyitng, Give its h obanoe to compare. Two Stores. Opposite Skating kink. ' !North End. Phone 222. P. 0. Box 156. 4 A ' Kelly, repairs to Jobn9ton drab! tib ; l' ....... ... - .... F---- — f l'ontnn a taktiri t iron do eecurtn n 0) t,, !loan, receive apert�ttrlottce,trtthoutoahArgo, )at o (Successor to T. A. MILLS) Solomon Shannon, fixing wa9bout,$1. G0; Robert Newcombe, twin bridge on - - ---y. r T.1t'. dtr ��t1 � l�'eltil>l�Ie yI�illsb WNW � r ����♦ ”CO 11 -A Myth Creek drain, $15; .Albert GoA 01008b, Wolk fit rO&A, $61 "Virtu tr rellabte branch ropgnlatortnever falls, These ai';le "15 a clad'n of tfiC Waftit An femtilb rlY ogulAtinstftbougt ltisndbomtly illnOrAtot weekly. thwat dN crdue. rt any mentitio inurbo. Term tot C n'ala, 9.75 P.year, poetago V"rAM 8014 by ■ �'� /rn*�� _ Jefrmyn, grav6), $Z10; John Valucamr, � graval, $4 80; a 0, 0*00 11h,,gt�w.•val, I )1 chagp 1mitatianA. DN de Va) x Are Meld Ott A bort, r h for 4, Ai @d 4o Attq lido ,, # 1�e t °rare ow t, br►taw►rtia�rt tt►a . r � 0610PdAdway. Nei {�j� r11 rasro to, IRS IP tot;. 4Vaai)lztrrton.rS, C. 1110" 66110W � ,. ... Ritchie & Was REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WELLINGTON MUTUAL • FIRE INS. CO. - Established 1810. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system, GEO. SLEEMAN, JouN DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE tfc) COSENS, Agents, Wingham, Ont DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office: Meyer Block, Wingham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. WINGHAM. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. 'Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvanla College and Ltcent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. --ofnce in Macdonald Block— G. D. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Honor Graduate of the Royal Colloge of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, or.VICE OVER 13. B. ISARD & CO'S. STORE W. R. HAMBLY, B.SC., N.D., GA Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr .residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention.. Phone 54. P. O. Box 118 DRS, KENNEDY & CALDER Ossreirs—corner Patriok and Centre'streets Paoxgs— Re idence, Dr. Kennedy us Realdenco, Dr. Caldor 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes In Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 'ytedes , thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fit DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew " Orrice xN MaDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. 0. REDMOND M. R. C. S. En .j L. R. C. P. (Lend.) Physician and Surgeon. IMr. C-hisholm's old stand) -� V Y . tJ a MOON VETERINARY 8URGE ON OPFICE OP LATID DR. WILSON. 0. RESIDENOB—COR. PATRICK It PRANOIS oAlco Plhono r70. Itesidonce Phono 182.; Ex Gov. Vot. Inspector. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Beal Estate and Money Loaning lousiness. WINOHAM General HOSpital. (Under GbVornmOLb Inspection.) Pleasantly Aituate�. Beautifhhlly furnished. dpoh to all reguVIrly liden803 phyhlelbns. paten for atlrfnts (Which' Include board and nurning)434 0o to $15.00 por wook, th000rding to I! talon of rbom. For further,t informA- tion -•AddMeM188 L, MA.TINgIvs supod-Atontlent, Box 2R4, WinghAtn, ono. Vleetric Risto rar for Men Phos ttoriol restores every nerve la the body, ... to its proper tension, -,restort,e vim an vttitlity. Premature derAy And all sexual weaknosa twerted at ot)ee. Phoopbohol roti; make" gnu rt sow man. I'rito A 4box000eu Ck'tw77,rr4C int tK. h�A11bd bt Ary riddrwAp, o' f O„ t. aw! x shti>r„ 0>tiA ' Txlu r)xy, SIEPTLIMER 2$, 1913 LADIES1, MISSES' and CHILDREN% NEW FALL slid WINTER GOAI Just opened up new FALL and WINTER COATS. Our stock comprises the best makes and latest -tyles in all sizes from the smalleEt to the largest size Cost. Take a look in the Cloak and Suit Department on the second floor, where a very large range of F4eady - to - wear Garments await your inspection, You will find our prices as low as the lowest. ° Special Value in Children"s —Coats at $3.90, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00.' 1 I Women's Coats made of heavy II" r all - Drool Cloth, Diagonal weave, lined. $;12.00 value for $10.00. Women's Fancy Flake Cloth Coats, a very stylish garment with reversible collar. Price $15.00. Stylish Coats in the New Black Curl effects, This makes a 4 ,-very warm garment. See our leader at $18.50. SKIRTS.—A large range of new Top Skirts, fancy -Tweed effects and Serges. All prices. See our special line A $5.00. FURS.—New Furs are now in. See our large stock be- fore buying. Our prices will interest you. .a k.■ 1 Co. RINE ON Thousands of young Canadians have struck from old conditions to higher and better things by enrolling as students of our Business Col- leges and Home Study Department. You can study all in your own home, or partly there and finish at College. NOW is a good time to start. Every farmer's son who intends to remain on file farm should have a business education. You can continue 3'our work, and like Lincoln, prepare at the salve time. Ask us now. Largest trainers in Canada. Thirty years' experience. Seven Colleges. Two thou- sand students annually. Positions guaranteed. Individual instruction.. No vacation. Successful people act NOW, not later. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE WINGHAM - - ONTARIO ., GEO. SPOTTON W. T. MORSE PRESIDENT. PRINCIPAL, A sk rio Mu u i Wing" ham - - Onto Carries a complete line of Nigh Grade Musical Instruments, of every description. Player Pianos ; Organs of almost any make ; Photda- graphs, Edson and Victor; Stringed Instruments of all kinds ; Violins a specialty; Sewing Machines, Canadian and American. We wish to impress you with the fact that we will sell yon anything that produces musio, tit prices fend terms to stdt the purohater, Anyone intonding to purchase a 'piano should oonsider well before purchasing ,from travellibg Agents, Wo aro ]here perinanently and you can see the inatrnment you are bnyitng, Give its h obanoe to compare. Two Stores. Opposite Skating kink. ' !North End. Phone 222. P. 0. Box 156. 4 A