HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-09-25, Page 3•
Tenders Wanted,
Sealed tenders will be received by
the uudereigned up to the let of
October 1013, for the erection of a new
wing to the Wingham Z:Ioepital.
Plans and specifications can be Been
at the Hospital. Lowest or no tender
necessarily accepted.
R. VANSTONE, Secretary,
Drawer 28, Wingbam P. 0.
Wingham, Sept., 1013, 53--55
Subjects taught ab the pert instructors
Y. M. 0. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept, 2nd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J. Pilvelt ClWestervelt,
Principal hteredAccoun)n
17 Vice -Principal
, Our registration again rxc eds that of
?any previous year. Tho boy or girl pito
(has not received our free catalogue does not
know the great opportunities of Commercial)
life. We have three departments–Commer-
oiai, Shorthand and Telegraphy, and we,
offer you advantages not offered e'sew' ere'
in Onto. lo. You may enter at any time.
Write for our free catalogue at once. Si
D. A. NCLACSLAT - Principal
** 351 asaawaEIEEeteeeeeee%,
Our Big Sale this week.
et t
!f! 1
We make a specialty of m
Watch for the bills.
Trains leave Wingliam stations daily as
follows i
G. T. R.
TO TORONTO null Intermediate
Points:—Passenger, 0.45 a.m.; puma -
ger, 11,00 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m.
rides LONDON:—Passenger 6.35 a.
m. ; passange"r, ;i tits r`m,
TO KINCARDINE : — Passenger,
11.60 a.m. ; passenger, '2.30 p.m. ; pas-
senger, 9,15 p.m.
C. P. R.
TO TORONTO and Intermediate
Pointe:—Passenger, 0.40 a.m„ passel). -
ger 3.05 p.m.
TO TEEBWA.TER : — Passenger,
12.50 p,m.; passenger, 10.32 p.m.
Capital Paid Up
_ $3,750,000.
Total Assets
Home -Made Candy.
Ili ill
ili !ol
to 5c, 10c,15c and 25c Store 0
The Small Depositor:
6 1�ALL depositors in this
s--7 bank aro given the
same courteous treatment
and thorough consideration
that are given customers
•Ve th large accounts.
The aim of this institu-
tion is to Encourage sysfe-
matio saving. Many a for-
tune began with a single
dollar, which furnishes evi-
dence that the amount of
rho first deposit is not as
important as the fact that
it is a beginning.
Every six months the
highest current interest
will be credited to your
Give Us a Trial For
Y o ur Next Job.
All kindsof Printing, neatly and
artistically executed.
Dodgers, Auction Sales, Station-
ery, Envelopes, Blofters, Bu&er
Wrappers, Church Reports, Etc.
This office has always had the reputation of turn-
ing out nicer work than most others. Prices as
low as the lowest. Call for prices.
orloira ,11
'News Items
Two Teeswater young people figured
in two weddings on Wednesday, Mr,
John Dick, jr., was married in Blyth
to Miss Cowan, and Miss Evelyn J.
Fowler, daughter of Mr. and Mra. W.
G. Fowler, to. Mr, Patients Christie of
A $2000 steam yacht, known as "The
City of Walkerton," the property of
Messers, John Korman and Harry Tru.
ax, and recently built at Southampton,
made her maiden trip recently, The
boat is 40 feet long and 7 feet wide, and
is propelled by a 15 b, p, steam engine.
Last Saturday, Carl, the sixteen -
year• old son of ex -councillor Samuel
Wright of Cheeley met with a painful
accident. He was handling a dyne-
mite cap used for blasting clay in the
brickyard, when it exploded carrying
away the thumb and three fingers at
the first joint and badly injuring the
palm of his hand.
Last year there were more letters
mailed and stamps sold in proportion
than ever before in the history of the
Dominion. During the month of Aug,
according to figures obtained at the
Postoffice Department to -day, there
were issued stamps to the value of
$1,010,627. Eleven years ago the
amount was only $110,13.1.
Electric power generated on the
Saugeen River was turned on last
week at Walkerton. The woi k of
building the dam and putting in the
plant bas been under way for over
two years and has cost $100,000. at.
low water the dam has an estimated
capacity of 600 horse power. The
charge to users of power is $25 per
Mrs. Lawrence Wheeler, aged 58
years, died at her home in Grey town-
ship on September llth, anaemia
being the cause. Deceased was the
only daughter of the late Richard Cole
of Hullett Tp. and was married to
her now bereft partner 35 years ago,
when they moved to Mr. Wheeler's
fine farm on 4th line, Morris. Eight
years ago they removed to Grey Tp.
John Cole of Belgrave is a brother of
On Friday the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. S. Sanderson, Cheeley,
pulled a dish of steaming hot jelly
over on her, scalding one arm and
badly burning herself from the chin
down the breast. The mother hastily
summoned help and stripped the
clothing off the baby and sent for
medical help. Though the physican
did all that could be done and the
little sufferer with her strong constitu
tion put up a brave fight for life, the
scald had affected the vital organs and
on Sunday evening the little sufferer
passed away, at the age of 15 months.
(13y Jame Grant.)
"What," asked an ingenuous young
member of Parliament addressing a
eeasoned Ottawa politician, "what le
the first essential of a successful
statesman ?"
"A, statesman's wife," retorted the
"But you are single."
"I'm not a statesman,"
"Well "
"Well, listen son. For every born
statesman that gots a hand on the
tiller of State there are thousand
plain uninspired statesmen who bring
to their work ordinary vision, ordin-
ary brains and a common, honest
desire to serve their country. Some
Ruch men become quite successful at
times. When you see one who is par-
ticularly successful, or when you see
one who bas unmistakable signs of
inspiration, look for the wife. There
are statesmen's wives, just as there
are editors' wives, and clerks' wives,
and ward -heelers' wives. Sometimes
a statesman gets a clerk's wife •or a
clerk gets a statesman's wife. Ibeen
wrote plays about these things. But
a statesman with a statesman's wife
is like a judge with a sweet temper
and a sense of responsibility. Genius
of common clay, give a public man
a public man's wife, and they'll make
a success. It is not'alone a matter of
social activity and that sort of thing.
It is not a mere matter of outward
appearances. It is poise, my son, that
a good wife can supply a public man.
She acts as a shock absorber, a buffer
between his heights and his depths,
Many a good man might have done
better work` for his country if there
had been someone waiting at home
after his first speech to give him the
right kind of criticism and the right
kind of praise, instead of just a look-
ing -glass reflecting a smirk." And
the youth went home and looked hard
at the cabinet photograph of the girl
he had said good-bye to last, on leav-
ing to conquer Ottawa.
Very grave, very—what women call
"sweet," very tactful and very inter-
esting and interested, is Mrs.. R. L.
Borden, a statesman's wife. It is for
history and not for partisan contem-
poraries to say whether Right Honor-
able R. L. Borden is one kind of
statesman or another, but of the
Prime Minister's wife opinion is not
to be divided. Fine qualities were
never given a wamen who used them
better. Laura, the youngest daughter
of T. H. Bond of Halifax, married
Robert Laird Borden in September,
1889. This is the month of their
21th wedding anniversary. Borden
was then thirty-five years old. He had
been called to the Bar eleven years
before and was regarded as a big law-
yer -in the E ret. He was the head of
the concern. He was ten years Presi-
dent of the Nova Scotia Barristers'
Association. It was considered among
the gossips of the town that Mies
Laura Bond had done well, She and
he would settle down to an agreeable
life, entertaining to some extent, no
doubt, and becoming part of the well-
oiled social machinery of the city.
They had visions of R. L. Borden
and Mrs, R. L. Borden growing into
staid middle -age and on into old age
as a charming host and hostess who
would always help to make the social
firmament the brighter and the, con-
versation of the spheres the happier
for their presence in it. They saw
no need for further ambition in R.
L. Borden. Was he not the leading
lawyer of the country ? Did' not
grave judges listen to him with their
best attention? Did not the court.
rooms ring to his rounded periods ?
What more could a man want ?
Seven years after he' was married
the present Prime Minister was elect-
ed to the Dominion House of Commons.
He had taken up a new battle after
having won what many another man
might well have thought was enough
for a lifetime ; he had made himself a
big lawyer. Now, however, he enter.
ed the field of Dominion politics, a
stranger, a man who was by no means
"a mixer," a man with ideas. In the
face of many an adverse circumstance
R. L, Borden forged ahead to the
leadership of his party, and finally
won an election. Ana only at the end
did the general public see the figure
that had accompanied the Prime
Minister all through the game. In
•Opposition she was the charming
hostess of a large circle of friende. As
wife of the Primo Minister her hospi- 'Tie told of a young lady of Jamaica
tality touches a whole city. "I believe" that she put her card inside pf a bana-
Mre. Borden is quoted as saying on one na, which reached a Toronto bachelor.
occasion, "in the power of the home Since then they have been married.
to make men realize their fullest effi- Kind of a akin game, wasn't it ?
ciency, I believe that the home -mak-
ing genius is the greatest gift a wo-
man can have, and the only one she
should be really anxious to exercise,"
Sitting in spacious grounds on one
of the quiet streets a Ottawa is the
home of the Prime Minister. It speaks
for the fact that what the Prime
"Fairview Farm" the residence of
Mr. and Mrs, J03. Hackett, Ashfield,
was the scene of a very pretty wed-
ding on wednesday, September 10th,
when their second daughter. Amelia,
was united in marriage to Robert H.
Treleaven, a prosperons young farmer
of Crewe. Promptly at eleven o'clock
to the strains of Wedding Bells march
played by Miss Helen Hackett. sister
of the bride, the wedding party grace-
fully took their places beneath an arch
of evergreens trimmed with white
asters surmounted by a wedding bell,
artistical' y arranged on the veranda
where 11 :v. J. J Durrant performed
the cert mony, in the presence of about
seven' y -five invited guests.
A quiet wedding was solemnized
nn Puesday afternoon of last week
the Timothy Eaton Memorial
:hunch, Toronto, when Miss Mary
L. Borton and Rev. Kenneth J. Bea-
ton, B.A., son of Mr. A. D. Beaton
of Clinton, were united in marriage
by Rev, Dr. T. E, E. Shore, assisted
by Rev. Joseph Odery. The wedding
march was played by Miss G. A.
Saunders. Miss Margaret Shaw acted
as bridesmaid, and Mr. G. R, S. Flem-
ing, B. A., supported the groom, Rev.
F. L. Farewell, B. A., and Mr. R. G.
Dingman, B. A., were the ushers. A
reception was held in the church
parlors following the wedding. Mrs.
T. W. Miller and Mrs. G. A. Walton
being the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs.
Beaton left for Muskoka for a brief
holiday, and after returning will
reside on Bismarck avenue for a year,
when they expect to go to West
China as missionaries of the Methodist
Dave Oantelon, the well known
Clinton authority on apples, says thus
of his look over the Canadian fields—
"Ontario is ehorb on apples this sea -
eon. West of the ridge of hills, some•
times called the Blue Mountains,
which terminate at Oollingwood,
there will not be a quarter crop,
East of that it will be a quarter more.
The Spys predominate, but even they
are scrubby and spotted. The bene-
fit of spraying is to be seen wherever
you go, Orchards that have been
sprayed will have better fruit than
those not so treated, and where orch-
ards have been well cared for in every
respect there will be almost full
yield and the fruit will be of such
duality that it will Command a high
price. The province over three.quart-
ere of the crop will be No. 2, which will
have a downward tendency on the
price, In Bruce cuunty I will from
observation say that not ten per cent.
will be No. 1, Annapolis Valley, the
famous apple district of Nova Scotia,
is not making a good showing. IBut
still you know we are getting some
stock and I have already bought over
10,000 barrels, but nearly all outside
of Huron County."
r ink and Ole of the party, Mrs. Bor.
den endured all the hardships of an
itinerary designed to save time and
cover a maximum territory. Train
connections, early and late, were no
obstacle to her, and where her bus.
band went she went also, ready to
render whatever assistance she could
in a trying undertaking.
The success of that tour of Ontario
was not due alone to the party leader,
but some of it went to his wife, who,
when the people had shaken hands
with her husband, was receiving them
a little to one side, and unconsciously
cementing the good impression he bad
created. Ae a hostess, Mrs. R. L
Borden is justly pronoueced the leader
of the city of hostesses, Ottawa.
There, surrounded by her gueete, she
stands receiving them from the one
side and sending them on, into the
room, at ease, just for her few skilful
words, She is a woman of presence.
Her voice, her facial expression and
the eyes convey the idea of welcome
in inimitable manner. Conversation
begins easily. If there is time to pro.
long it. it may, so far as Mrs. Borden
is concerned, cover a range of subjects,
on all of which she is posted. Golf or
hunting, or books or travel art or
music—she is interested in them all.
As a statesman's wife, as a hostess, as
a public-spirited citizenese, Mrs. R. L
Borden is distinguished among wc-
Don't go around with that tired
worn out, down hearted feeling. If
ycu are constipated, bilious or have
a sour, gassy, upset stomach, sick
headaches, weak kidneys or sluggish
liver, see to it that you cleanse your
system of undigested food, foul gases,
excess bile and uric acid, by the use of
the great fruit tonic laxative
and you will be free from headaches,
neuralgia, rheumatism, lame back, in-
digestion and all the distressing forme
of sickness usually caused dy consti-
pation and kidney trouble. Fig Pills do
not gripe or stricken, but give a natur-
al movement of the bowels. Refuse all
substitutes. At all dealers in 25 and
5a cent boxes or by mail from The Fig
Pill Co. St. Thomas Ont. Sold by J.
W. McKibbon.
Pure Bred Animals.
As announced early in the season,
the Dominion Live Stock Branch has
this year undertaken a distribution of
pure bred male animals throughout
Canada on a somewhat extensive
scale. In inaugurating this policy the
aim has been to aid sections where
pure bred sires were lacking and to
encourage new communities in follow-
ing an intelligent system in breeding
This form of assistance has proven
very popular and during the past few
months a large number of bulls and
several stallions have been placed in
various parts of the country in the
bands of local associations formed
specially for the purpose of handling
and maintaining them. All animals
placed remain the property of the De-
partment of Agriculture, the local
associations assuming the responsibil-
ity for their maintenance and manage-
ment under the general supervision of
officers of the Live Stock Branch.
The distribution of bulls and stal-
lions having been brought to a close
for this year the opportunity is now
to deal with applications for boars
and rams. Full information regarding
the rules governing the distribution
and the procedure to be followed in
forming the necessary organization
may be had upon application to the
Live Stock Commissioner, Ottawa.
As it is the intention to consider
only such requests as are forwarded
before October 20th, it will be neces-
sary for districts desiring to take ad-
vantage of this offer to act promptly.
Mock jewelry on a woman is tangi-
ble vulgarity.
Unless a man works he cannot find
out what be is able to do.
Everybody in the world wants
watching, but nobody more than our-
Be not dazzled by beauty, but look
for those inward qualities which are
If you will learn the seriousness of
life, and its beauty also, live for your
husband; make him happy.
Good sense and good nature are
never separated, though the ignorant
world has thought otherwise.
Without, good company, all dainties
lose their true relish, and, like painted
grapes, are only seen, not tasted.
The happiness of married life de-
pends upon the power of making small
sacrifices with readiness and cheerful -
A boy will learn more true wisdom
in a public school in a year than by a
private education in five, It is not
from masters, but from their equals,
that youth learn a knowledge of the
Protection of Birds. -
The Administrator of the Orange
Free State has issued a proclamation
,protecting the korhaan and pauw for
a periodof two years. These birds
belong to the bustard species, and
the former has been described as
the national bird, of South Africa.
They live mainly on insects, and it
has been calculated that a single ker•
haan will account for between 30 and
40 million ants and other insects,
most of them destructive to herbage,
each season. The wanton destruct
tion of these valuable birds of late
years has been a great loss to farm,
ers, and the present prohibition, al.
though somewhat tardy, has been
warmly approved.
That Elusive Gray Hair.
"What makes me really mad," • said
the woman, "b to spend minutes, may-
be hours, trying to get hold of a white
Bair that shows up on my head like a
dazzling light, yet which is tantaliz-
ingly elusive when I try to catch itt,
and then when I do finally separate it
from the brown hair and give it a
vigorous pull, to find that I have
snatched out a good brown hair and
left the white one still shining!"--+
New York Times. '
A Long Stay.
Belle Passay—I'm tired of being pur-
sued for my money. I'm going to the
country and pose as a poor girl and
wait for the first man who offers him-
self. Blanche Innit—Well, you stand
rhe country in summer =well enough,
but you'll find the winters just horrid.
I have no more pleasure in hearing
a man attempting wit and failing,
than in seeing a man trying to leap
over a ditch and tumbling into it.
It turns out the women had to wear
slit gowns because of the high steps
on street cars. The steps had to be
made lower or•the gowns had to be
Minister's wife preaches she also
practices. But Mrs. Borden adds to
her domestic qualities others, There
is probably no woman in Canada who
has had a longer list of outside inter -
este. In Halifax she was associated
with almost every noteworthy wo-
man's organization. In oharities and
corrective fliletitutions, in social and
educational organizations, she was al-
ways a foremost worker. To day in
Ottawa she carries on these same In-
terests, Ifospitals, orphanages, en-
con's clubs, and the'patriotie work of
the Daughters of the Empire have ,ill
a claim on her time and,make her days
busy. Some years ago when the then
Leader of his Ma peity's loyal Opposi-
tion was touring the Vrovinee oaf Ont-
ario, Mra. Borden s000mpernted him.
The warrior who cultivates hie mind The leader of the Oonserwvative partly
polishes his arms. wM in reality being introduced to the
IN 1913
A Community of Interest.
"Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Green seem to
have little to do but talk across the
"Yes, they have plenty to talk about.
Mrs. Brown has just come out of the
hospital and Mrs. Green thinks of go-
ing."—Cleveland Plain Dealer,
Watch This Ad. Next Wook
I have purchased from Mr. T. A.
Moon, the Tailor business, and
have some first-class mechanics.
We have our Fall stock in and
would be pleased to show it. Call
and get prices.
Cleaning and pressing promptly
attended to.
Colonist Excursions
Sept. 25 to Oct. 10 inclusive
From all stations in Ontario
at very low rates:
Vancouver, B.C. Los Angeles, Cal. •
Victoria, B.C. San Diego, Cal.
Nelson, B.C. Sari Francisco, Cal.
Prince Rupert, S.C. Mexico City
Portland, Ore. Seattle, Wash. -
Spokane, Wash.
Proportionate low rates to other points in
Arizona, British Columbia, California,
Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Mexico, New
Mexico, Oregon, Nevada, Texas, Utah, .
Washington and Wyoming.
Full particulars, berth reservations, eta„
from any Grand Trunk Agent.
H. B. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket
Agent, phone 4. W. F. Burgman, Station
Ticket Agent, phone 60.
The ORRINE treatment for the'
Drink Habit can be used with, absolute
confidence. It destroys all desire for
whiskey, beer or other alcoholic stimu-'-
tants. Thousands have snccesefully
used it and have been restored to lives
of sobriety and usefulness. Can be
given secretly. Costs only ii.l per box.
If you fail to get results from ORRINE
after a trial, your money will be re-
funded. Ask for free booklet telling
alt about ORRINE, J. Walton Mc-
'Kibbon, druggist.
Easy to Cure It Now;
Also Gout and Sciatica
J. W. McKibbon guarantees RHEt7-
MA to banish Rheumatism or money
back. He sells lots of it. People come
for miles to get It. RE-IEUMA quickly
stops the torturing pains, relieves at
once the intenEe suffering, and drives
the Uric Acid poison from swollen
joints. RIIEUMA. is a wonderful re-
medy—a, splendid dodoes beat pre-
scription, you don't have to take it a
week and then wonder whether it is
doing the work or not.
Start to take it to day— RllEtJ:'11
Won't Waste any time; it starts to act
on kidneys, liver, stomach and blood
today, and tomorrow you'll know that
Rheumatic poir.on is quitting you for-
ever. Use REIEU'MA for rheumatism,
selaties, lumbago, arthritic, neuraigia
and kidney disease. It surely does the
work --x bottle for only50 vents. Mail
orders filled by then. T. Booth Oo. Ltd,
Fort Brie, Ont,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Ibught
Bears the
Signature of
.11111161111 ON,
We manufacture all kinds of
Fur Garments and can sell
sets of Furs from $5.00 to
$15.00 cheaper than any
other place. The genuine
stuff. All furs guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction. Old
Furs repaired to newest
styles, Highest prices paid
for Raw Furs.
Joseph Graf
C. A. BOGERT, General Manager.
Capital paid up
Reserve Fund a ....
Total Assets
• $5,000,000
- $e,o0n,000
Financial Headway
of the sure and permanent kind is rarely made without the assistance
of a Savings Bank Account. It stimulates'saving, keeps the money
in absolute safety, increases it with interest, and provides the ready
cash to take advantage of the business opportunities which come
ones way.
"J C__ 1 1 11 o c
oSd. !
aikl k4
Pandora Ranges
are sold every-
where by good
dealers who back
up our guaran-
tee on this
;splendid range—
All the heat and
smoke must travel
over the too of the
cyan, down the !mak
and under the tt,;
talo £tpi:c bc:'ra
c:caping into t a
c' raney—m^ans
Oil Stoves
Lawn Mowers
Hose and
Hose Reels
We spetialixe in Plumbing
and beating.
Dotnestia, Sanitary and Heating
Enrh,eer l,
r,l b..':ing ro:;ers from the ;Arne amount cf fuel as
given by tltc ordinary re.igc.
Sec this patented feature, the vents ated oven and many other
csdcaim tats before buy' agg your rate..m
cu Toronto iioatreal Winnipeg V'ancoautr -
oinn !'laminas Calgary Saslatoon Edmontaa 44,
303 '
Sold in Wingham by R. R. Mooney.
Ianada's Hair
Fashion Store
Glenn -Charles Hair Goods
Our Miss Glenn will be in
Wingham, Saturday, Sept. 27th
at the Queen's Hotel vvith a fall
line of Hair Go,. f Switches,
Pig Curls, Partings, Transrortn.h- -.
tions, Bangs, etc. Men/a Wigs
and Toupees. Wo are pleased
to demonstrate bur goods.
89 Xing St. W. Toronto
Ladies desttons of having Mies Glenn
tall at resiaP1100, kindly leave address
at hotel.