HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-09-25, Page 2F11" � 1� -*& _. � �, � . I _ � , I I I " - , . -- 1� "ImpiloppNi, �­, , ".. ".��., .1 & . I - . I � . � I. .. I . ­ I � ­ " I—— . I I .., I 1. �'­ I .1 � r , " 1 _4� ._'. � I I - � ­ 1. ­ 11 .. 11 I—: *: . 1`1 -1, .... �.. , ,.�, � ­ , - 11 .. I., ­ . . .1 I I I - - .­­ - I . . I . -1 . I I I . � . � , ­_ , .- '� �,� ""I ­_ I 11,1,0!!� . �!��:!!!� I e for . . � ... . I froin 25 it) 31e, rpachoft. 40 to ,IjQQ, ilia boavy infant mortalitr anti tile prf.-at . dav, anti . - , N ' anifitint of eltild sivknwi In 111rantfon! ' AN'AMERICAN SEA I � I- � mark the day .%nil its Aanetity God with- I quarts tmeh) . Plums. votry plinitiful That impure milk is responrilil hold the food supply on thatsixth . vor -1111. %toett. OW I'-,',!,- 43 g -tilin on tlltk . day. 11 ding to gr. ... tom. gave a double, lini I S n unit Alvinitr was ill(. ellarfro mado at a I Periodical rivi :in I 1110 exer0go of holy a ( 0 bushel; apples 1I.S. t1kc. barrel are V1.110 0 - FWS 'OF THE I STRIKE IS ENDED � a . devotion werl. I,, is, I 1),zerved at God'o i $13. dry onions. by tile buillel, $1, (.rat) inooting d ,lit, Ilrint County Modleal I O!,01 430g, , 4 LV5 0 . - W:& & R, ..", , . London Paper on the Fu- .vommand. Tit.- ;1;-, '.1401 to sinal was M I - lll:plea, per basket, %50c, As-ociatioll. � I - -_ . . I I - LIES Ow - made all ocea- i .., i r thoughtfitInAw. - I . 44�16 I � Owca Sound­-Whont, Me., wits, 33 to Field 'NarAhal Sir Evelyu. Wood N . , . ' . Workeri Will Return to ture of the Caribbean. flod reyll'Wed L,- 1',:,(-1 ilia past 11101'. IL ,. 1. I 35C, b'ITIeN'. We; PP38, 650-411 Of Met- DAY IN BRIEF e0lifined to Ills bad lit Lowton, En-lanit, JJ'S�o-,.\' XIlL elem anti inlgiitv 1% at lo, in their behalf )(,nt oluallty. Pluma, 35 to 40c per 11.1b. with concivisinn of the brain, wi tile ro- Work. September 28, 191% 110 dolularea Ilk olw, hot love for they": TORONTO MARKETS liaskot; Po('01cs, "m to 70i..; potlitoi-B, 1:)oe . - suit of being thrown from .,I bolting . 't their peculiar tni-,%ion in life and w, licr b,tg; Lultpr. 124c, ougv,i. 2.qc-, chick, , � I I Ijinatin. -lit. _"�.-"Thoire. l.; now a. FAICNIERS' MARKET. Imme whit -h ),ocame frightened bv .in au- . '--'- ' eni, 19 to 20c per lb.; davkq, Ifj'c, fowl, Population of Detroit Over tornotillp. . national foreign, policy In tile United %liveranee timl V130bedlenee-Reylew. special. proyleivik for their suev"e, lit, Dressed hoggs, lienvy ....$12 0 $12 "j.3 ,,,a; dra,.qsed ,log.,,, $ 3 0. 10 , . ti t-alled Upon tileni to prove themselves . I .5 , live I gs -j'*. � Dublin Situation S'll Looks -Neb. 9.. 9-21. 1)ti., light . .. _ : ...... 12 25 13 75 bay, $15.50 if) $16 per toll. * . Manolaughtor wag tile verdict brought States which inay be called imperial. , and to take it decided stand in their per. DuttQr, dairy, 11) . ...... 0 2 8 0 312 Vetorboro�--Tlw price or liv $614,000. in W tile jimv at Sault S'te. 21%larlp I Gloomy. istic, or not, as Clio choose$," Uys .91311111lary. --Levoort 1. Toplix Uod'o Ill- rional relations to him. Oil that occasion Eggg. jie�v laid. do7. . ... 0 30 0 324 haii i . imeded Co $9.25. lialed hay ,Z'l I'll `it�s $ 1 �, againit Janivs Ilontin and Paul Laini. I . ­ the Spectator to -day, lit summarizinji,, _..".0- struaientalitles. Place. Zoan, in NIgypt. the winds of the people were illumined Chickens, 11). ... ....... I 0 2:4 0 23 � . * rand in Connection with the killing of , loose hay, $12""O., wlient, 980; Oats '350 the work of President Wi>oNft'�a1f. with R new conception of their relations Powl, 11) . ............... 0 17 0 10 ,, , j, r Hapernavitch at Oba on August Surtle ti;t,.e after t4o death or Joseph � to G-od, and their possibilities lit Ilia sor- Ducks, 11) . .............. 0 18 0 1.) I fariners"llides, 10ol, butchers' hilles. Ile-, FIERCE LAKE STORM li'top London, Sept. 2I. -The railway strike ministration. Lim Ifebrews became the slavvA 17. Poter Young was acquitted, _P11*1411li-g�'" President ' Turkovii, 11) . ............ 0 19 0 21 !)otatoes, $1,25 bag; apples, hand-picked, is off everywhere and with the possible Roo�;mlt- �V_jth extending Clio Mon- -nees of their past took $ . vice, The experit .0 I ,were on I ew mcaljiljg� It wa,s . geese, $1211.50 each; duchs, $1.7 11Y a vote of 00 to 14 ilia ic,linAi1wr of 'j; ijactrine a to e t III pro * cl the itiling Pbaraoll will 'ill- plo;, bbl . ............ 2 50 12 7.5 � i ies refused to ratifl-, J1r%;a1Pnt If,,., -ev.eption of the nien who we t ,0tjt.-,.*-'f0 So 0 V P, ISh - . I III roraclous ,iII ba g, b 11 PreCVLIol�r t1-1 MV 11, the law. -Quo, * I .31 n ,� C I"(11tops, now, bag ...... 0 80 0 90 pair; elliel, .1-25 to $1.75 pair, but. Niagara Boats Will ( "')'It teckorates over Santo Domingo alia Oppressed. The decree hall bee ) I ter, 20c; eggti. 24 to 20o, Toronto- I erta's nomination. qfll�fuilardo liamariz. '.Nottingluthi. t;A..'21.'.`ir' Adj�OM will return = that tile male children of tho ts"P11111illa"I", prepara tit,,, %v.%., inaae ,rot- tile ll,,f, forequarters, cwt... 11 no 8 "I 5 11ellavilk-Eggii wore 23 and 24c; liitt, lit; minister of"Ilublic initruction, and to work on Alonday. Honduras, the Spectator adds; Ifebrow., should lit% destroyed. Ifuses occasion, lit that vii-ar atmosphere of Do. hindtluarterii, cwt.. 11 50 13 00 Run Late. "Tile Trenty with Nicaragua, which was born anti preeerved by bellij hidden thought Motile.; IvJ Iseael to wit"0814 tile ' it"' S3 to 3500, fowl, pair, $1.25 to L,1.40; 1 - - tbe-voto. is tolcon ai n, difitinet rebuff it) Thitil is tile result of a serle.4 of n _ I)o ellolee aides, ewt.. 10 (K) 11 00 ehit-ken's, 'oil to "'I pair. 4111ekis the, proviAlurtal executive of Alexivo, I l0et' Air. Ilryan. hopes to gt.t ratified. . , , $1..50 - thre,, wouths. lie was taken from the marvelous diaillay opoll �141nal, and it) Do" nie,llum, ewt. .... 8 50 9 50 -I � , , ing.-i Iti.ld tu-day, unit followed ilia re- meaa�, that the Democrats have ad. :1 'S 00 p,vir,,j,,,o,,,q, $9 live 1voiolit, Al".50 dreivi. . 'Irk' lit tho Nile, where lie had been plac- Ile . a 1. %� I .P opted bodily the foreign. policy of the ar (j0(j'j4 voit-j- eXpreliSIV deQlal'ilur Do eommon, cwt. ... . 0 50 , I " Tile Toronto.Nlagara boats will run turn of tile inen tit Liverpool anti .Muker and til Ilia fel. -,\111tt�11, light, cwt . ..... 0 00 11 00 until neaTly Christmas. Republicans. It seemed unlikely thait ell by blij Inother IvIlo, became Ithiliturse. man's oluty tit 164 , 111100. 1 83c por lm.,,4bel, oat,,;. Me liar -REVENUE GROWS Crawa. The inexi at Dirmingliam he"Id a . ' Hosea. low niev.-t-31I.A. Veal, common, vwt . ..... 6 50 8 00 , )Otatoos. $1 bliql1pl; lildeq, Ile � suQh a thing could ever happen but 11: Topic-. The eltivalry- of '. laulbsking, 50e; dookills, 750. Dan Shea was killed,,by a car on I'luees: V.04131, ill It"grypt, tile region neiltr — - . Do., prime, ewt . ..... 11 00 13 00 . ­ illopting and nitanimously adopted a re-.- the character of the *icaraglia, T,leaty Sinai. When Moses waa 'forty years old, L ,.I in 1), cwt . ............. 13 00 14 00 MONTREAL LIVE biLOV& Dundas street, Toronto. olution to return to work. Tilt.; wag Icaves us In no doubt. It is evident lie undertook it) ald Ills opp�es;cd breth- * I'll . 'Montroal, Sept, 22,­41attle, receipts Six Monthj' Increase Was done after they had listened to it eonelli. � .,, Xur, ;\LILItKET Toronto Scots will organize to aid that Air. Bryan, ha;s taken over Presl- ren. lie had left tile court of I'llaritoll, about 2.850; calves 1,400; sheep and the home rule movement. dent Itoosevett's policy, an event com� Sugars are quoted in 'Toronto, wll('IL'* )limbs 2,000; hogrg 1,100, jVe atoil-A pa I, having vhwNall to identify blulself witit COUNTRY'S CROPS t weather Four Millions. ., spepoll by 1[r. Tfildson, NI * 11 ** tile able with ,the adoption of Lord ' I -- eitum'd a (IiIII, trade, but priceA of tile ft gaTuMted Lansdowne's policy by Sir B'dward hi -4 own People. . .�,tle, Its follows: Ex-Ald Ceorge W. Armstrong, of f0rolQ-r jil-CSIdent Of Vie Am I lit. Topic.. uluarianived sn"Oes. Pill(+. 1 __ jf,'.,�tra (!Iran. Itedpalli1g, 100-11). IVAL Mitle ]tail an upward tmjonoy, London, died ill his 72ad year. 18tvviety of Railway IServants, who advia- Grey, tile British Feroign. Secretary. The lan(i of '111dian. 01od appeared to . ba,gs ..... ....................... $4 00 while hoga were. lower. Further 01-oares8 )%,no made at Wash. O t tawa, Sept. 21, -The filIR1101,11 ell de man it) huliband their resouret's "The immediate motive for this na. . ' ............... 4 75 prinle ,leaves $0.35 to $6,90 ,)a,, hun_ 111, ,, -lie future tional foreign policy 14, of ourse, to Mosvi lit tit,, deAert where lie was at Bulletin Gives Conditions to Do-, ')arrol,; - -'- - - gion oil tile tariff measure. statement fur the month of August for it united struggle 'in t, c ))O., 20-11), bags ................ 4 60 dred pounds; inedittou 4 1-12 to (; 1-4 * per , shows increases In both revenue and to obtain better hours and higher be found in the Panama. Canal work, and inade known to him tile work ' 1. %it -lb", .qt. Law once, i 0-11). bags ....... 4 00 . , Ilydro-Electric syiteni Allow- w I I go .4 � vcnvE.nl".tt for the United Statq�,* Ito W114 to tieelimplish ill leadim, the End of August. .P poun(l; common 2 1-2 to 4 12; small Toronto'., jlobrew.-i out of Egypt. 0 I Do., barrels ................... 4 75 bulls, .11 1-4 to 3 3-4. ad a profit of'$71,000 for six months. qXpenditure over the figures for the Thi- men at Bradford, T,eed,j, Derby which has to proteot tile canal, that . I . ---.—. Do" oti-11). bag., .............. ;. 4 75 Calve,t, 2 3.4 to 6. t. Don" Crawford, noted ,African riflo- corresponding month of 1912, The anti L�heffidd aloo ondorsell thol vIcAym of the (farribean Sen, should be as far I IV. 'Topic. Contest for Ireedoni. Avaffla. 100-11). bags ........... : 4 50 revenue amounted to $14,647,853, ail PlavN: zonil; ('10illen. 'Moses journey!d Live Stock and Grains Are 4 50 Sheep about 4 cents. slonary, will be lit Toronto next week. - 4igainst $14,445,849, ail Increase of ill" J,'-,�vvutiv(i Committee of the"National as possible ail American Sea." ,ilia was rceelv- Do., barrelia ................. . ' Lanille 6 1.4 in O 1-2, 1) Colon (if Itailwaymen, anti will take the -_ ___04_4____ from Midlan to Goshen IlVayor, loo -11). bans ...... � ...... 4 4 5) William Payne, whip of the Tor- $101,986, The ordinary ex Puditure ' c flogs, 10 Vents. of advivo ,given by Chat eoininittet, aud re- ed o$ the Hebrews. 110 appealed to . in Goo'd Shape. I TO)pPrial ...... ................ * 4 455 n . onto 11unt; Club, was -seriously lnjur- totalled $11,0208,196, ail iiierease timi to work. HELPED ARSON RING PlinAtiolt for permission to take tile lie- I Yellow, N.o. 1, bacr . .............. 4 20 BUFPA TIO LIVE1 STOCK. ad. $4,075,131 over the expenditure for lwei�.z. hito tile, wirilernes-i to worship I Do., barrels ... ', ................ 1. 4 25 East Durealol ddspateli: Cattle - Its- Fred. A. W. Smith, of Peterborol, August, 1012,. There was also ail Ili. ,Ai� it-tter varritirs at a conference at . � jil,nl Jebovalt. Tile king refused and increased A bulletin iwated fly the census alul ceipte, 4,200 bead; 15 to 20c higher. was killed by a crane at the Cauad- crease of $2,097,062 in expenditure oil Ili inghaill, ptwied ft reiijolutiall" to the burden% of the Israelites. statistics oillee of tile department of LIVE STOCK. Steers, $9 to $9.25, shipping, ,$�.85; Ian General Electric Works, capital acc000nt, namely, from $4 ' 803 ' - adopt strike inethods, whon. tilt, oeea- Sonsation in Trial of Chi - R11 -port cattle, choice'. .. .. 0 so to 7 10 . .s Th!ii action wao taken by a V. Topic: .A divine issue. Place: Tilt, trade and coninierve reports du do medium .. ­ .... 6 CA) to 680 butchers', k7 - to $8,73; cows, $3.75 to Fred Adams, for driving a Tilbury 811 to $7,200,873, This increase Was "lit)" oirlma-', , -3 -50; heifers, $6,50 about equally divided between the ex- Inattor of Lrancral principle, and. does not, land of I.,prvpt. Frolujile Psalms ir, taken - eropi and live- Aock at tile end tie bulls ... ... ..... .... 5 00 tO u (,,O $6.50; bulls, $5.25 to $7., liveryman's horse to death, was fined cago Conspirators. "Zu � tion of to $5.75; $75 and $28 cos,ts at Chatham . peliditure oil public wWks and pay- ne"-siarlIN, mean -, At _. an ontlin" Of tile olealings of flod A 13otcher cattle, cholce.. .. 650 to 0 90 to $8.50; stock heifers, $5.25 utat they will strik( a of All"Itst, and "'hes P rell lilt llary cAl do do medium .. .. ...... 5 50 to 0 00 -sout, A they have no particulargriev. tile Egy-flaus. This shows how tile chil- . 5 W stockers and readers' $U to $7.40, fresh ments of rallway subsIdles during tile., pro thtil 41f I 1�11101 wel-V lielivored from bou, mates of tilt, yielti tit i,prijig wheat, ryo, B do do common - . . ..... 4 75 to Mrs. A. A. Polly, of Brockville, frac- moiitli. * - ancle'l. Wallet, cOws, clI01cQ .. .... 5 oo to 5 71 cowm and apringere, steady, 4135 to $DO. Chicago, Sept. 22.--A Rtartlince story tlqyk.. 411!il jL,;-jN%,Vli to m) to tile land of 4'ed from the do do medium .. .. .... 4 W to 4 sA) a, 13,000; active arid ,")a tured her skull by falling down her For the six months ending Aug 3.1 Meanwhile, tile eittlation. at, Dublin re- . o . . of the aw;on rinn-'s alleged ofiorta t,i , wits anti bar.'V�, a, conijill I,- Volds--Itivelpt P 1 -4 ... .. .. ... 250 0 3 -1 . cellar steps, and died immediately. the revenue amounted to $71,628,457, Inallis gloonly. do do canner. $12.no. amiall. report-; of eonu.�p-m2cjite upon up- do bulls ... ... ... ..... 3 50 to, 0 00 " I 4,5 T C. N'll Topic- Atoliellient forer4lindowed. , tilt , , . Veedlnx steers ... .. 500 to 600 Robs -Itecoiptr SOO; active and 5 it will Qo.jt $0,30,000 to round the nix Increase over the revenue for tile About. ,-).'),COO nien are title and a Aulotlitir prosecution was Cold t"ay little(': The 1:111(it (if Ravrit. The idue peartince of t1w:4%. Llulls. stovicers, vIloteo ... :..­:': 4 7 5 t 0 5 30 to 10V higher; pigs, 25e lower. corners of Buy and Queen Mreel:A, To- first half of the last fiscal year of $4,- I'l)('6111 II)OPtill"v Of the corporation lias in tilt, Stolle Attorney's office by Jobu r. . 3 " ,5 to 4 2-i � 1) 'xpendlture on ordinary ,to. been eall(sl to eoijbider tilt% (location of Uafflardo, alleged tro-betwoell. ill tile -lie Egypl;laus Tlic Aveaflier uouditions were favor, do light ... ... �(..i�*..,:: Gil 01) to S 725,290, Ii, plague.s -already Aent upon I - ,0 00 ,.�;lIeej)_I1,VVeipts, 1)",000; lambs, $3.50 to ronto, � � � . , militers, 01101ce'. a - vailed to make Pharatill will- able lor ritienhij, ititt', harvesting tilt, springers ... ... .... I .. 4000 to hD IV) $7.50; yearlings, ,,,L4.50 to $6; wethers, Two directors of the TY.LuRefttic Bank count totalled $,19,428,572, an Increase sIl1)i)1,�-ilI1­ tile people with coal tit cost trapping Of flip special 1 ii voc, ti ga tor, had not pro a �, of $4,077,435. Expenditure oil pital price. One (-out firm is saing the Dublin tway to Wortillit) " . ". -2 W t 0 �" aoi $5.50 to �,',544; ewes, tk.1.40 ged a (liarl-es"Furthmatin. for Israel to go i , Mill Vrol . lit 611tario it was Ileavly Sheep, eives ... .. ., ... 0 .4 01 . to $3. 4 0 ; in Hamburg Were arrested for ,tilt,,, amounted to $20,215,144, as come'pared Rt('�oinl I'lleket Compally for Alleged flle- ing' Lord. Tile last plague tile deatk ,of " .;d nuclis and culls . ... ... ... 2 '50 t 6 80 rilleeli, illixed, $4.50 to 4,43. defalcation.-;. Gutyllardo, wliu i,i alleged to ' IJILVC ,I., I all harvested by tile und of the mouth, Lftmbs ... ... ... .. ..... 0 23 to . ,,%-till $8,701,167 for the six months gal detention'of its coal, which the slijl)- - I � t- I10-8 is could not handle Oil 114.1. give wnfs ]a lit the i-itlino Provinces I rves 1-10,gs: f. 0. 1). 9 30 cattle, receipts '-)),000 tray tim-rets of till, 8,tate Attoriwy'o tile first-born, . about to fall upon whi .1 fed and -watered .... 9 M Q11CAGO LIVE 'iTOUK. Tile population of greater Detroit its ending 31st August, 1912, ail increase ping convert ji Purtliniatin warked bills to. be. 'gyptiano, and tile Israelites were t' * the 1, inir operations weic. about two-thirds Calves ... ... ::. -::: ....... :� 4 50 to 10 W 614,486, according to the tiei�- city diree- of $11,513,977, The principal revenue cril'ut of tile strilop. eopimanded to inake preparation to go. . Market bteady to rL allude higher. Lor stituate. office, deeInred lie lilt([ been urcycd by its expected that Beeves ... ... ... ....... 7 10 to 9 35 increases in the half-year were: in Ejectincuts from houlipi have begull as 4; %f tile ' completed and it W, y a; it Certain illall" to obtaill Rill A,lf. Topic. Peliveralice from. 1i' ---*'p- threshing would lie general by 6tipt. 10� Texas steers ... ... ... ... 7 DO to 810 A fine new nursm' ]ionic was opoilled Customs receipts, a million and thr a svoitiel to tile "No rent" campaign I pl.jec.s.. Cloalleyn; 1.,,titnill; the Ited 8,wl- OTHER MARKETS . 3 ee- '"* "Illook lland" to intiouldate Asshitant lit lite Maritime 11rc Reciter and feeders _ .. 6 44) to 800 in connection with Brantford 0'eneral quarters; In post -office revenue, half auguratett ))N. lite membeisi of the'Arik- 11barlioll moved by tile death of h-gypt's uvinms tile barvegA Cows and. lielfers ... ... ... . 1 70 to 3 73 'Cate Attorney Frank Johnson, who . - " Calves 8 50 to It ' ,3 a million, and In receipts from public low Traimporl. Wor�-Prsl Union. h , . . is inore bnekward. behim only general AVi�S',N]PIPC GRAIN OPTIONS. hospitail. 3 . � I TipAt-born, Ili, �c`V ­ ", ­­­ __ waA !it eliarge (if thol proaevvition of , V-.11ne ur,,,rant for 'Isra(l] to about tile Qua of tile. Illoollill. The, aver" open. Ili. -Ii-. Low.Rept.20 !10,%,4, elpts 33,000 but,her, of St. (!jIther. works tizid rallways, $660,100. . lenve hN ( * . .v . %%,Cut forth, - 6t etrong, se Iligher. � 7: 1 t- . IV 111144111 (111SPA. . -livat it; S8.43 Wheat— Ifflit ... ... ... ..... ... 8.10 to o Z �Oulitrv- ,rile aae eontiltion oi mal. �Tftlllc.s Itilpi., "Ille - a pillar of vlood and fire. . - , biji-aig %� � L inco, is missing for four day-,;, and foul 4 THE THAW HEARING "U'a -till rdo sahl that tile plan -was to . -lie ., Alixeil ... ....... 7 V5 to 9 20 I)Iav is susnected. - 7CE , tell ))% .1 4. I per cent. gif I watiard of it, full crop, Oct . 1. _.851A 851/1 94% 84% I .. ....... C, ! � Pliarlioll ellaill.!V11 jot4 ululd, 1111 .01, .1 which 14, reple-hented by NU; unts, 87.83; I)ee, .. .. . .. .. _84% �4% 84 84 Heavy .. ... .. . ...... . 7 60 to 9 05 1\ Kidliali ."Morney Jolill-sonti nue-y(nr. � ariny in p-or-itilt. *rile Loird encouraged , s 00 A new manual training, olonloWe sel, Row I ]: barley, 87.U7; 1 e, ,S0.40; peaS, 80.81; Rough ... ... .. .... ..... 7 1%0 to old (,oil. sill, anti to hold till, .lit tilt. Israelites and R,d them y Nlav .. .. . . . .90% 90% I 80%,j 80% Pigs ... ... ... ....... .. 6 01) tO 800 Once Rtnd induAtrial Avhool. was formally — — a,j it Oub Lover tile proseet1tor. Ulatrli- in safety beans; w -wheat, 7i.81; mixed dats- . 13ulk of Sales ... .... ... .... 8 10 ti) 875 opened at Coliingwood. N. H. Governor Is Mahing 0 throu"ll tile Ited Sea. . j 78.67) bt ardo was 1.� * � grains 89.04; vwx 85.00; corn, 79.78. Oct. , . . . , . '..3;-,% 35% 33%, 34% 14heep. recellits 53,(W. said that the proposition put . VIT'L Topit: Israel under traliftillf,'. ' 1) Marltot weak to a shade lower.. The. chief of tile fire department of Netherlands Government to biol because of his Wide aeqtiaijit- . 1, I a a ps .. !,,-Jim*, tile ivililerness of t5iii. Un the whole ill"be'tiEll"s 1�11`iintldn the Dec. . . . . .. -.35% 36 33 3- N a t I v e ... ... ... ... ...... 3 75 to 4 30" London, Ont., is firmly of tile opinion Final Arrangements. ance anlong Italialia, Home Of w110111 _4 I hi-rh standard �.et by !ast month's re" I % Will Reclaim Great Area. - Tho Taraelites boman to realize hardships n _Iay ., .. .. ...101/1 401/1 39% 39 Western ... ...... ... .. ", 90 to 4 80 that firebugs fire at work. I i, (.d Of belu- blackmailers. . � " port, and marks ,lit advirneernetit for Flax---: Yearlings ... ...... .... ..... 4 SS to 530 were. elilipoet .1 . - (if wildeTness travol, and learned what it spring wheat, oats .%nil Jinx. Compared oat . .... .... 1 241/';.. 1 241,Y13 1 20 1 .)o Lairibs, oative ... ...... ... . 5 65 to 7 40 1)"niter Foulds was clectell Reeve of � The plan. wits coruildered for some , . - � - Western ... ... ... ... ..... 5 85 to 7.10 Hastings by at largo; majority, the Coun- The Hague, Sept. 21 -The area of Concord, N, H., Sept. 22. -The scene tjllle, and tilen (Iroppe(l. Attorney j was to stiffer from hungror-and thirst. with'the figfires at the currespouilln, ])at.. . . , . ...I -23 123 1 1 8 lj�.- 1 181V, LIVEMPOOL PRODUCE. Queen Tolinson con-firme(I Ofwliardo's story They were refreshed tit I-1hin and. were 0 .. " of tile litigation over Harry Kendall , -wildorness. date last year, wheat is 88 to 84; oats " cillors being elected last week by acelain- Flurope Is to be increased. � itupplied, \rifli food in the �\[INNjv,.XPOLIS WITEAT. wileat, spot steady, No. I Manitoba- Thaw shifts this week to the New to lite. extent that bendid rpocive olle .. IX. Topic: E'velita at. Rinal. Place- and barley btaild at 88 for each season; Osot: Wheat, septeril- 74.t,� 7 1-4a. . ation, . Willielmina of the Netherlands, In I ­. 1, ,, 80 to 84; nNed grains 89 to 87; Atinneapolis.-Cl � tile speech from the throne ,,oil the Hampshire capital, just across the threatening letter, hut notblucr ever .)*a I n L . o, .,, aranitoba-is, Gd. Sir William 3lao-kenzie has sold 46.000 " . � 11ount, S'lual. After a month's tTilvel, flux, 85 to 88. 310tatoes are',90 ai;alutit bet- 83 3-4c; I)Qeembor $43 3-8c to 8G No. '31 11tirlitobIt-7s, 3 1-4d. borsp power of (,alladiall aurro,11f; to 1,11. Opening of the Dutch Parliament, said - came of it, Ile said. �. Israel, Uniel arrived at the oet.-4.,4, ,.�d. Id be introd street from the hotel where the TAM- of ilia nitill alle(yed to 1, .Place WII1`1 89 last month and 92 last year! tillrilips 1.2('; .Nfn,,,, 91 1-8 to 91' 1-4c; eash, NNO. ited States interostit, that a measure won ticeti The iiame 0 1 ilia Lord At . I No. I northern, "'ot, 'ady, teawan fugitive has been sheltered 11 cou.,ipiraev was , )peared to Afores Ili tile burn- re 84 for built this inolith .1 - . _ M.121!,�,: ,�-,(",L foroihe reclamation of the Zuyder ave sugge4ed tile I a rid Just, I hard i�heat, 87 3-8c, k,.,.I,, .,�,).t Steady- . (leneral Bramwell Booth will coule to Zee.1 Tile Zuyder Zee Was originally "iveli to State Attorney *.%Iaala� Iloylle. 'oil promised Isra as affaillst Ss last �eail; mangolds tire 85 I -4c to 87 1-4c, N�o. 2 northern, 83 1-4 American inixed-Gs, Oil. Canada, at ilia end of nQxt month, but . ing bush. G at that they since last Wednesday. . * .0 S Governor Felker arrived to -day to 0 1 should be his petijiliar treacture. Uount. 83, ot�glnst 84 last 'month and 87 last to 85 1-4c; No. 3 White oats, 39 1-2c to Futures tea(IY. Oct. Laplata--Zs 3 �1-4d a lake, and the scheme is to Iiiake it : - � shia-1 ,was eoverod with fire and smokp year. Ptistro a lias maintained its con- 39 3-4c; No. 2 rye, 59 to 61c. Flour, Dec. Laplata--Ss, 7 3-Sd, his tour will only include Toronto itiid so again by constructing a great dyke make final arrangermiets for the ex- I -T Flour, winter patents -28s, 9d. winliipeg� across the entrance to the Zuyder tradition hearing before him to-mo`r- and there were li�,htnings and thund0- j dition fairly well shice last month, hav- lower (in wood f.o.b. Minneapolis), first Hops in London (r1acifle Coast) -W, BIG 0. A. Lit CLASS . . ill -S, NvIlich -were �iiianifeqAqUoulk Of tilt-. !ng 0111), lost one. point, the figures Ile- patentq, *4.40 to $4.65, secoold patents, 10s, to 17, 78. lUng.iton Canadian Club elected Mr. Zee, and then build three other dyke$ row. I , l7teef, extra India in"s-127)s. John L. Whiting. K.C., as President to around the coast of the Zee, one run- . Pending the arrival of William T. divine presence. jn�g 8f, anphist b�! inst mon1h and 92 ft $4.0i to $4.45; firit clears, $3-10 to Iloilo, prime iliess, western-Illbi, .1d. 1; - . fill the vacancy caused by flip delith Of ning nearly directly north and south, X. Topic. The moral law. Place: year ago. $3,40; second clear%, -M65 to $3. Brall Ilani.q, short cut, 14 to 16 llim.-Us Jerome, special Deputy Attorney-Gen- ount Sinai. Moses went lip into the I)s.- Dean W. S. E .Ills. and closing the western part of the eral of New York, the petitioner, noth- Freshmen This Year Most AT Front tile reports furnished by vor- unchanged. 'No. 3 yellow Corti, 71 to l3acon, Cumherland ell t, 24 1 o .10 I I M 4 mount unit tilere (1,,od gave to him for respondents tho follo -i r I Iln ry - a 7211R. � 11 Ili . 1) 4e iinn 71 12 . A Toronto 4tudoilit wich n. gtlrv(,), Zee.; anozher from near the southern Ing will be made known concernitig the : Short rIhq I the people the Ten Commandments. Tilt, I ., IG to 24 lbs ­44s. � Numerous Yt.t ' estimates of Nield lire based oil the DUL1711 GRAIN' MARKTT. Near bellies, 14 to 10 lbs. -70.4. party in .Xort)iern Ont.l.rio died from end of the first to ,,I point well lip on urguments in support of the extradi- . . I", first four.Nibieh aroinellioletl in. this 1,-R- amas sown; 6f spiiiii, Nflicat the aybr- , Long clenr iniddles, liglit. �S to V lbs. blood -poisoning, the result of bltw from the eastern shore; while a third one' Lion petition. None of the New York — . soil. llftv( (10 with molit's duty toward 0 Dullitii.-cio,,: wheat, io. I bara, -1. - -, to ane yield per acre is provisionally plac- - 4 the black fly. will stretch tiorth-west, ill the diree- 'authorities were here this forenoon. Guelph despatell: Up to 110611 to-dAy :*, - -act uian tO e si 3-4c, 'No. 1 northern, 86 3.8c; 'No. 2 Eoiig clear miames, heavy, 33 to 40 lbs. tion.* of the dyke built across the ell- The place for holding the hearing . . (jod. Those commands dh ad at 21.41 bushels per acre, -which upon Tile c1tv of Detroit wits %clected us the there had been U55 fretilimen registered reverence (,*oil and. the qatybath. olo., 84 3-4e to 85 1-4e- Sept., so 1-sc ---r, 3s, trance. This scheme will not touch was one of the matters to be decided .. ail area of 8,990,5bO acres I tj May, , nukes the .), 5_8e Sbort clear bellies, 16 to 1-0 lbs. -47s. meetiu-j;lace lit 1014 of the National at the Ontario Agricultural College, anti NT. Topic: (74(vol's "olden 'Ill,-- ]Place% total yield of spr gy Wheat to be 192,- asked; Dec., 80 3-40 bi ; Shoulders, square, it to J.,3 jj)s._4jz, Oil Encampment of the Grand Army of the the centre of the Zee, which will thus by Governor Felker to -day. Two President Crccl'�106 stated this'after- . qecond table of- in asked. Lard. prime western. Ili tlerces-.357s, 9d. return to Its former condition of a rooms have been suggested, one the Mount Shiiii. The ' 4flIt 517,000 bushels. 'Ibis quruitit�"aolded to American , reffned­57s 9d. Republic and allied orgituivations. . nooll that the class till., year wolilti Qas- . law contains the six comlnnndment.� 18,481,800 bushels of fail wheat, as pub- Clmltbu-, �Nf�krui:Lus- Clicese. Canadian, finest -white, new- 'N lake. Senate Chamber, and the other th e ily exceed tile two bundred mark. Tide -,iljiclj define wnii's duty to man. , Tile Ion 00 Aftor 38 years in the rralleyt; a Sicil- lished last itionill glives the total pro- London.­1'he offerings On tile LOW .91 . � It the Dutch chambers sanction it Hall of Representatives. The Senate is by ]our, odtls ilia large.4 freshmen - it are as follows: Avonbank, allo by natue, has, as the work will be carried on by means Chamber sents fifty comfortably, but � patiple, were convineed that God wits duction of wholat am 210.098,800 bushek, cheese ])our (10101,00, lien-aq. oil. Iall, Erasmus; Vass class that ever attentled ilia Ontario Tallo1w Pi'luit, eltv_12.4. the outoomp of a deathlied confosAoll, of a public loan tit the Netherlands. this number could be doubled to meet present Oil tile mount and were afraid. compared with flity final eithuate for :325 colored, NV. 111--tsoliri. 150 colorell. Austrailan in London -36q. . . Agriculture Collog�e, nud speaks Well for Yoqos encouraged them -not to fear. been proclaimed innocent anti freed. A � Ir � an emergency. This Is the room fav- . I; li)12 of 1D9.236,(310*I)u,,ItvIq and for 101.1 Four hundred and 4eventv-five boxes of- Turnt'llt file, spirlts--411%. the young farmers not only of the Pro- I Xlr. Topie: 'ItIclatry in Israel. Place: of 215,851,000 bt!Aials. The .yield per fored, Ito %aleq'. Bidding from 13 to 310itill. conuilon-10s, 10 1-2,1. Mrs. Margaret Cargill, widow of ored by those In authority here, who . � � , � Petroleum. refilled --9 3-80. the late Mr. Henry Cargill, M. P.. died All) FOR -CARSON believe that the attendance should be vince of Ontario, but of tile world, for -IC . 117011111; 'kilial. Whilp "Aroses Carded With n 20.00 bushel; for fall 13 1 -Se. Llwi"il 011-26A, 9d. Ili this freshawn class there tire repre- � Ilia, Lord -upon. the mount, the people be* wheat and 20.37 bushels for spring icese sales, 4,885 Cottonseed Oil Ifull, refined, sliot-_3is. at her home in CargUl Village, Bruce . limited to counsel and newspaper men. cattle restlow; and asked Aaron to�makej wheat. �-,. 0 boxes at 14 3-4c to 111c; 330 Oil private fid. County, . Should the hearing be public, it pro- sentatives of siveral countries beyond aron. y1elded: R. G. P isher, of London, was unani- _ baby would be held In the Hall of tile seas. flip.m. gods to lead thern. A. # Oats, with ail average yield of 40.08 terms. BRADSTREET'S TRADE REVIEW. Other Generals -Have Pro Tile presence of such ft large class � a idolatr Jlelleville, Out. --2,000 white offered. mously selected as candidate by �qb representatives, Where there Is room nodati n _,it - the cot- alul the people plunged int y. bushels per nere. oil 11,040,400 acres, gives , TOrOWO-11111isinegs conditions are fjv_ Liberals for the East Middlesex bye- ,jor 1,000 persons, nienns that necoiro 0 : PRACTICAL SURNMY. - a total . prooluetion of 3115,341,000 bushels. 750 sold -it 3.1 1-8v; 700 at 13 1-10c; 200 ' election. mised to Help Ulster. lege will Ile tased to tile utillost. anti . Tople.-I-sn'tel. t rill merage yield of 39.20 ,,it 13c; balance refused, 13C. orablo. Altholig, this -year to Thaw and his counsel say they have 'is li'"allis 0 ditte hRA that uparly till Of tho, ineinhors of tilt, . it Chief of Police Davis, or Lethbridge no preference Ili the matter, and will I. Delivered. busbel.,, anti it total of 361,733,000 busli- Lonflon.-On tile Dairymonlo Exchange not been tile best for either in. nufa.c. chismes of tile other three. yean, ,will lit, : ir. Tw4ructed. ! els Ill 191:1. . to-dar 475 boxes of cheese, all colored, turera, NI-1101VAftlenwil �or rotailmen, a was presented with a gold -headed London, Sept. 201.--f�lr Edward CjjrjqoI), be entirely satisfied with whatever compelled to mecure boarding ho"SlOs 3. Delivered. 'file. lesson,; of the quarter Barley, with it vield per nere of 31.05 were'Offereti. No sales. Bidoliu�.',, 13C cano oil his departure from Toronto leader (if the Irish Unionists, Is now on- arrangements Governor Felker deems : open with ilia history of T,srael, then allangre i.i in procesA. Latterly mill.-; have - � best They continued to express con- outalde. tllq. college, find niany private I busbels and a total vield of 44,440,000 to 1:1 I -Se. for tile West. ("Imed lit niviewin 11011104 in tile city tire being bo�sieged to- . ill Egypt, after the death of Joseph, bushels, as comptired %%,lilt ail avora,ge . PROVINCfAL .AURKE'T.S. . beon very bu,;y. Wholesale inen, now One of the fiercest atorms that has r, n jq tile volunteers at fiden'ce Ili the strength of the case day for accommodation. 0 'a alinue plaves lit Antran. Sti,Mtkin'r RL they have prepared. wilen . notber 11haraoli, "who knew not yield of 31.10 hux1w!.i and it total of 44,- p"CI)III-ing for a big. fall trade, are com, swept over the northern lakes in v I V - ? .. ,Toeieph," ruled. Front the household of 014.000 bushels ill Al2, Guelph -Peaches, (SO to 7vOc bASkCt`j plainill" that millog .ire behind in (jeliv- recent years Is drivin- shipping oil A, demonstration at Antrim Qlstlo yes. 7: - I 0 0 0 ,Toleob, had risen n, large population, Go - The estioulted .Vield of rye is 2 443 000 -plums, 20 to Me Nviket; pears, 30c baki Prie.,4. Both Woollen mills and wholesalo Lake Superior to shelter. fordoy, lie pointed to Generil Sir (foorge DR. SUN YAT SEN iliat Egypti belield ill them n. power to - , GAYNOR9S FUNERAL ' 'joo bouses are busy 'with ordere which are Three young Frenchmen from IlivIlardson, who holds lite post of 110on. bushelm, as agaln4t, a. total of 2,3()4, ket, grapv-, 3oc; green pepper.4, 60e; r,,41 - be recognized. They -were valuable sub- bushel. -3 in 1912. peppers, 5-�e; green tomatoes, 295r; ripe now (Illite 111) to last year. Cotton prices Paris admitted In the Montreal Police oral' Officer Conimillidinnig tile Volun. ' jeets to Egypt as slaves, but believed For ill(. t1irpe ljol-th%yest provinces, ilia tonuttoeq, 30c; ontom, 400 to 50(..; pota,t) are firm unit mills li�vc withdrawn old Court having extorted $1,200 from ail- teQr8," find Stlid: We I I It Leader Is in . to be n. monace if permitted to exercitilil . I avp 0111, General Great I hrongs Honor New Chinese Revo . total yield of spring wheat is estimated toem, 25e backet, quit Doc to $1 per bage; lists. ThQ geocory trade is fitirly active. other man, ,and were ordered deported oil tile platform. The 11'adical.pres's ll, . . ' liberty. It was a, political, its well as 4 at 184,018,000 bit,lic!s, oats 244.1-25,000 apples, 20e ill) n, basket and 75o; bare; Order for canned goods continue.. to come to France. vxh it)! tingr so-ine (-)notion at the lire- -'; Ili because, of lower rates. Stovk mark- The population of London within ilia serice of thie groat Coneral. aillong a. I . flnau�ial problem to Pharaoh. Accord. bushels, barley at 28,156,000 1 . niAllels, VI-abo, 25c Imaket; honey. 1'�'I-2c t(i 14) ' . it York's Dead Mayor, Va ing' to God's pronii%. to _kbrahaiu, tile r 312.000 an(I flux at ].-),056,()Oo torn, dozen, 25e; ef!lery,' beets, eo I'l-ots. fell tile' (lovurnment that we. Illive InOre. tinle of Iarael'r, sojourn lit E.gypt had. ye at 13 . ' wall ulailitililled- C01100tionfl old limits, and not ineluding It a newly- We have tile pledges of Some of I.N. arsuips, 2 I)un(,hcs for 10e; a"' fair". 11 0s, as voilipared with a total viVItI milons and 1), - - buelm fallj14V 6,1il.factory. New York, Sept. 22 -The body of l'ictoria, B.C., Sept. 1122�-Trttvelillfv as nearly e"pired. I'llarfloll set In InOt"Ill Ili 1012 for spring wlie.tt"of 183,32'�,000 inti4lonelon-i, ].')a mich; squashes '. 100 0,11d . . .� annexed territory of Chelqea, Green, Eal- greatest (Itenerals lit the army that tli-v 0 1 , .. onts 221.8-37,000 bushels and I5e V,Iell: CaAdiflOwers. 5C and 10C A, -sburg Will Como over and lielp its ki,ep tile of a N,layor Gaynor was taken at 10.30 o'- Woncr Xwok Yin, Dr. Suit Yat Sell, for - lite forces which lie. judged sufficient to bit. � - -ovement in the ingi Knollwood Park and Pottet -, is , , il'I'al general finpi Weaken 7,81101, While GOd . bQ, b underlyin" faetories that make for ex- well .above 50,000. M I . used those bftrlv�N of '26,(171,000 hil"lloils. head; eIkickr,ns,,c,7--)c and 00c ,I pair; paui,jo ;I 0 clock this morning -from its restillg- Inert Provisional President of the CIA, t siame forces to defeat Pharaoh. (led af trade is givincr more activity flaff flvilirr when tile time arive.-A." y TIiii genevid �oiolitioii of live stock 143 1 Iamb. lil.-I-2o to Ide a pound; butter, Vie * Fire was discovered lit the Lake Ekle .1 . � place ill tile City Halt to Trintly t. . s1lielded the infant life of the luture to businevq. Tight nioneeN� has withheld i � I it'ge RvIlublie. and leader lit t"he recent I , do-liverer of Israel, rtt the expense Of 1. . spA, 24 to 1_20v, .,I dozen. orders anti* lit ill Fish and fee barns, Aniharstburb, and (1hurch, where. Bishop Greer read revolt against Pirf;ltlont Yu -in Shl kaii � very satisfacCory. living expressVd ill tit 28s'n, pound,, at, oeks bav(%L* Soule Colgog RECORD EARLY SNOW. . perecrittigem of it standard of 100, rep- ,xt. I'llonins.-The price of live hogs before tilt-. brigade. arrived ill(,. place watt over It ft 0 solenin Episcopal service �, , i Egypt's nitinarch. At ilia Rge of forty, resenting :I healiby anti thrifty state, has 11-oppe(I Is'paill, $9,15 bplll.p� quotell. acculnulatetl. Woollen ihills have been a inass of flumes. The BIALA and !(,a Duluth, Minn., Sept. 22.--A record I'll- for the burial of the dead. A stand- i,4 in VaueouvVr. Ife wfL,t reetigni,lod by . 11080A identified .111111'self with his people, I itetive flip. volume of orders, being large. equalled t4illz,e ill(! esitabliAllnent of tile Ill its 94.27 for horses, 91,37 for luilLAt cows. for �lorldrlyls delivery Ila agnal,4 $9.50 a houses were totally destroyed. I g army of citizens, many thous- V inoati-lotm, ('11d i4 s -lid to Ile ell route � Only to Ile repulsed, and escaped to tile At wholesale hotwes trade haa been weather bure.41, ill IS84, Avila made -yes. a o Sell 1,11 -to for other cattle 93.54, for slicep 90.41, woks spo. Eggs remain steady tit 23c Charles 11. Arnold, one of flip. old,A tcrda . udii strong -greater Ili number than t 1--'npland. Dr. -Silll Yat ' L d tit I oles,ort of 'Midian, where forty years . A-itisfactory and at liardware liousea y, wliVn allow fell at nearly all that throng which had gazed on the V 'were spent, until God's time c,tm; ft),. and for .. swine 04.83.. .-Archl . hald Mue, to 25c; lnitt;Wr�_Hc to 28e. potatoes, 00t, quite, be.11-1: V. residents, anol a figure pronihient in tile. points in , ictoria from Julian oil tilt- Japalll.A�- IF, I . - . .NTorthern Minnesota, anti body as it lay in state yesterday- liner C'L,ieatin. Ito I, onilled ill Victoria . "PlIVIA's monarch to TeleaRe Israel. 4Not chief Officer. :I bushel; tonlatops, 25e tot 40c it bush- . frarn- ,commercial lite of St. Catharities for I I I , I el; appl". 10c pack; Tionclics, 215c to We 4, 0 nearly three-quarters of a century, died p ol ; � winnipo�-T)ie Noicat, crop ,low around the t9horea of Lake Su crior. Tile blackened the sidewalk from curb ff), &)il�e dIrly"I With frhnids, and later at. I (1111[y resistanee but added depre"ion * ' pred ill safety I,i being rushed to mar- earliest previou,3 snowfall was recorded, to building line, as the funeral train tempto-A to ento�r Statei oiq- told how fully set Wag Pil'tratill's heart I)ooskot; I)IIIIII4, 20 to .35c ba4ket; peqr,j, ket �sovorftl i6illiorl bushels havina been at his residence in his ninetieth year. Sept. 24, 1907). crept along the tell blocks of lower the United f TO'FIGHT. LIQUOR 20C bisket-, watermelons, I5 to 5fle; I? gulACtl tv.4 ;i,.T.tpanv4c ;,till.krit, bi,t wa% to flefy the (,'od of Terael. Then follawe(I . I "IspoLeted thio week and most of it No. Little Frida, two-year-old daughter of WhAr.y ii?cnes prevailed in tile vicirt- Broadivay, from the city hall to the r�-fv"ti adinittanee. the ten plagues, tile last being tile death __ — dilcloons, 15 to ISe lb.; honey. 14c to I nortliern. grade. For cash it good de- 31r. and Mra. Jooe�h Mu.thelehnor, Bor. -1-10 -born tit Egypt, and tile in- MV e; WhMat, 8.1 to 90a. succumbed to burns received Oil of Port Arthur, Out., and Grand church. The low-lylag clouds lifted -W -- __� of the first ; hVies, 9 to 11 it The iiiipreqt;in,-i'ircr,-*,1-4+il,t$. . Surt I,. 11y'r dopS I'o t fo.-PI AQ0jjrQ in disclosing Ilia oats, .12e; loose hav, $10 to $12; bn tt ; inand exacti its old f3tock6 tire very I ow, lilt, ills, Alinn., where ilia ground ,was shortly before the long funeral began rittitution of the Pasaove� Ili Israel. Fully Great European Congress . and have been. Export trade Ili futures Wednesday, when site scalded herself by blanketed, with snow. The average tem- and the marth to the"church Was un- - � dolieved Uoin Pharaoh, Israel fojjlj�j hay, $16. - i, 0 identity nniong, ]its fell ow-countryinell Ill . I lia's been very slow. '.Now machinery ill in pulling a pan of bollinir water from 010 peratura at Duluth was 3.1 degrees. der an overcast sky, from which th llriflsl� Columbia, -wilio tire itnrly alt I Barliu--Thcie wa,; it plentiful inipply good deniol � a a :' " 1: thVIDAVIver, ift bondage to their inward Is Meeting In Italy- of oggR offered. but the 901101111. priVC- , , lilt. NO material casing of the to%' - sun shone fitfully through rifts in r.uppoiters of Piesid,nit; 'Yuan. . foes. Impatience. ingratitude, murniur. . . money marketR lins been felt to date Yrank Ifaynes was committed to the HOSPITAL NURSE STABBED. tile clouds. Heading the throng of . . * M 0 __ I ' iligs and flesilly lusts 1)(�,flinjlljoi,l thpir . wam 28 coals, one cent in advance of I-ist and tile west; is waiting for it. Pay- Snpremo. Court at Sydnev, 2N. S.. Malden, Mass., Sept. 22. marchers was a single line of eight � , week. lit tiolne cases, however, eggn . by Sti. -Miss Doris BARON DE FREYNE DEAD, spiritual viololl, so that their victories. Milan, Sopt. 22. .Sforza, Castle, it 111.4- 1110ittlt 411.0 still clow. a pentliary W. R. Iletirn. 'to btand , trial mounted police. Behind them came, were oliticklyo enibittei ed until (,*toil ,were qold fit 27 cents. Battor sold at 28 Vancouver-41%alnes,4 conditions gon- charged with. tile. raurder of Benjamin Robinson, a nurse at the Maiden Hos- In the order named, the police band Dublin, Ireland, Sept, 2.1. -Baron Do � brought sou;e iiiew deliverance. Compar. toric pile., vVill 1143 taw meeting place for to 30 cents per pound; potatotw.;. $1.23 erally give reason for optimism. The 8. Atkinson on Friday, the 15th tiny of pital, was stabbed while on duty playing the Ineasured strains of tile Freyne dtpd to -day. at Ills country rest. 11 ing their present with tile- pasilt, tl,#,f till,' next few Ailys of hirete t1elogations 1wr Mo. Oth(-!, priacq Were. Cabbage, 8 t early to -day by an unknown find sup- I 0 , posedly hisane man. The intruder , fin of recienti,its and Others Mill are oppociM t,c 15�-i'er hNid-, eauliflower. 12 to*25c, � . . t, mon, at the age of 58, after a long ill- I were ready to prefer prolonged life n& tradQ, -to and from Vancouver All- ist. ,,Dead .'afareh" a detachment of mount. donce, French Park, County, Roscom- � i "i"'Pen gratifying, IftVa The steamer William P, Snyder, - shive"Y if) what they feared woultl '6 )lead; muskinelonq, 5 to 1210e. enril, I'll 1) ' F1411 packers I had hidden Ili a medicine closet and ed Dollop, twelve abreast, and another ness. Ile was .,it on(% time honorary I a to the use of alvoliol. Delogat0s from Per had a big vear, aecotiling to Fitime trust- down bound, went aground near Ila" when the nurse opened tile door lie regiment Of Police Oil foot , Ili lines colonel of tile. 5th Battalion Connaught I proillat life. dcath ill fropoloin. Thp deep 8 to 15P per don -n- eelery, 5 and 10e per that stretched across Broadway from _ Mosei for , Tera6l "ountrico, of \%)toil) Dritish. and j worthy authorities the bin-getit ill their Point lighthouse, tit the mouth of tile stabbed her twice, near the heart, thell curb to curb. Next was the coffin, Rangers. I th 1 2 - predominate, ara now bere I history. Detroit river. The tug Varding of the jumped through a window ,and (is. ' . l(jvP And devotion of I Ame,ican )lend choose, 10 to l8e,por pollml; all- wal, Inalliff"404 ill his repeated interees. to attend the fourteenth international p os. 20 and 25c per basket; pluins, 30 followed by the honorary pall -bear. The successor to Ille peerage is the i . c,ion for them. (,'Oil's morey unit grace to We lier liasket; chiek-em, 40 to fille Hamilton --'.Iqo great change has do- Great Lakes Towing Company was caped. Miss Robinson's condition is ers and including former President lion. Arthur Reginald Prelich, lite only . I congress on alcoholistit, veloped in ill(' position of trade there, sent from Athherstburg to lier,assist- critical, soil by Ills first marriage. Ile was Were manifested in avoirtefl judgment. The fitr8t L-etis�oii Will Ile behl to -day, vaell, Or Vie por polind; illietc,& 60 to OOC, .1 for I& QtQftdY purpose wa-i to ])ring Ili,; And all linpro'sivoi feature of tile eneh; toluatoe,s, 2.5ii per llaqkot- pre.,try, llushie.,A eoutinum oneonragingly active 'alice. . - . - William 11. TaXt. Then came the born Ili 1871), and became an officer Iwo e inta Vanann. Von. Ill> to 700 ot. pint; lettittel, ralliqlIt".4. 1" "t'.1, Ill wholleattle hoilsoa .although �110 vol- The steamer Haddington, coal -lad. AVIATORIS NARROW ESCAPE. heads of the city departments, 11nit- In ill(, Royal Fusillers. Ile afterward q gress, is found in tile fact that, ille dis. e ed States Senators and committee of ) I Instructed. To ilia preparation for �umion which meani a determined fight (40.4 50 1111noll. ,line of orders jo nothing exceptional. on for Alontreal, went ashore Friday E,fallipti-4, France, ,sopt. 1 -12 --The note"I the Legislature. The Justices of the resigned Ills commission In the Bri. Tsra�l'o deliveranc(i from Rgypt, Owd'a againtit ) One of the great evilg of the Sir,ttford.-Prievy worer Eggs, gol t-0 Ilitilding ill; being actively carried in hu hight.About six miles west of Port French aviator, Hour! Farnian, had " -Appellate Division of tile Suprel�ol t1sh army. Ile comes into possession .1 ifiNtriu-tioll of hi,; servant, their leader, (Imay, %%,ill tjkp III, 2711! por fInvoll, butter. �5 to 26c per offort to complete 06 lftl-'�goi ,lumber of Colborne. Mile is on rock bottom about unrroov eseaj)� froin deat'i yVsiQl'(Iav* Court, the Justices of the Suprem(l, of 30,000 acres Ili County Roscommon. 1. , ace Ivithill walk noted po.t. (-it e e out. She Is owned by the 1.11ii %flfe wits with him lit hiq `aoropla�e, Court and Judgeij of General Sessions, � . . WRA effPCtc(I In tile, desert Of .11jolign, ally days -for tratberinti,4 whero, the pound, videNens. 65 to 0100 each; a. oiret.,tlorti in Ifarnilton Anti its It ir vi - two to t - - , ' while, he waa bringing the people jo �111 Q inity before winter. ThIA piovides it Merchants' Mutual Steamship Com. ArIfleb, w1jen at it beiglit of ]off feet THREE NEW JUDOVS. driuld;g Oi IV, "I g; Avileti t. 850 per boallol .. - ine till the oshedding of tOM $1 par I)Ag ;I deinall(l for nil Intilding materials. panY of Toronto. %ft" neell (indolonly to dart towardq th�, tile commandingy officers and stolYs ottn%%.,, ,,;pt. -N.-Thrett judleal allptlint- yearn 'for nation,,%] lire ft0d freedOffl, lot' blood plaved a completious part. Oat% ,Ire por biudielt ]lay. lome. $14 per 900 of the National Guards, consular re. .- 1. . toll. llog-,.. liv .,tl. ,honip nn(I true worship. Ifirat-l's proteo- Italy iroport! oil at ely is tile g ti. 149.10 ta'ft25 pol. ewt,. Lurnber vards have been otrate busy. The machine struck Mfli great plants, ono In ontarlo an4l two lit tho gl�ea!e*,t , Rev, M. J. O'Brien, D.D., who will (",'I'll', resentailves, representatives of the Nvout, ftr(! :111111,1114(t Ia w rool ,w.ittlirol, 10 to 20 1-ge ino the fOree. F. tion from tit(, Plagues Of E'lTYPI; cklkrl� vine-produellig country ill it ol ,�� N% por pound; 1)("-'I(lr.q iirp etintemplating rahi be consecrated Roman Catholic Dlsit. armall. although not 'eudered If pool and dele. w. ' 4 , - Lord Mayor of Liver N�1. (", Ph"1110'. fir .1illistoll, b(ICIMIU-S Indivoit(A to thein that ,Tehovalt nA (!nc t hill( F4. 101. iler nounil; Calfakills, 1.1 to 1�lc retail prive of 11111jo: to 9 oentA it 'qouart, 01) of PeterboroI Diocese on Wednes. Im4muselouq, suffered -.I sorlou, wpur.� I . hue Italy had the lowest death ralo gation uf Mayors from different cities. I emllav judo, their God anti tile%, his Iteoplo. Tilt% pans- tilt) 11'amlitou day by lfgr. StAgul, Apostolic Delp .0 Ili flip (101111tv of I)IIII'vi-ill; hoin aloiliholliani, but lately thi.3 mor. lie" pollilol, , ,rile mapply of frults Oil ". of Ille le"r. Trii wifeN arill waq fraeture'l litin. 'A. Aft,11bMIM, of Victorkt, R ('. ,Tit(% citizens, comillittee, handed by Illf-MtIvIlt of tIll, ('0111101, in tile Njo,111,141" over %�aa the, MA definite step ill re. ittlity 1111-4 riLoll front 11.1,'por l(H),00 'Sarnia-, Tlu, wrain priers for the. week ularket 114 beell llpavv and it hAa been gate to Canada, wits presented with at. the elbow. Seth Low, was followed by Clio dele- (; ,),,..,,olo plit, 1,; 111.14le ft jtl4lgge ligiout; life, Tile 4-rossing of the Rod 140a. . 1pir har. holig,lit Client). Poultr� and nieft[A worC the 1�1)1-001111 ring mind a crozier by ___ .6 � 0 1 __ - or , %jilwaT . I Inliabltanto Ili 1947 it) )n�rov than 4 in were aq fallow'R: Illen,lik.1 flour . gations of almost a hundred organNa. for 11rititill (Iollillibla, and 7". U 111INN-otid, brought the fieAt reilwition of national 1000. The i%tte iq now o,.;jtjjII:ttcd at lel. $5.10 to 145.06. 11141 No. I 'Itallitob'I steady, ITAIInilton fri likely to lin,ve a the parisheo6. of the -Chureb. of tile ANCIENT MONASTAY 13 )RNEb I tionq, clubs and socletteq. of .Nlow."(1111111. i,z almllitt'll jildt", of t114, . life, and valletl out their fir, new ;IeAriQ railway joiniiig it with 114. Sacred Heart and St. Peter's Vath- Vionnu, Sept. 211. -Ono. of tilt% P,,reate.st 1. "Illo,01111. ('(,lilt 1-f 81.1,thatt'llewavi. 3t song 6f slightly below 1.3. pnimit brand. $51A to it7-20- A good . The sc-rvices Ili tile. ch-ur(ii, ,I( - - '. _.- 10 � i I edral respectively. Algioluarinn treasures of Muropi., I'lle ______4_*_ -01_ vietory. A(1(1(,,(l to their first Imsolio ill fittINAV Of 11.1t,14 and OthOr graill"t .11111' Catil0rithIPS- p, arielmoan Afonaqtery lit tilt, ftlivit-lit Vit,y-I mission to which was by card only, GRP -AT PIRE AT HAA131N. 'I religloiuol anti national life, came their RUSTY KNIFE FATAL. veapt"044,4 lvl(4 been 00111hire in 11111.11le" London _Vronj ol busineeg Alandpoint Caused by the black raist and 11'eavy of Nnplsa, was partly borned varb, Alit- - lasted about one hour. The serviees I le,vons of truAt fol. to.mporal life. Bitter file weck. Tit(- prieo for (mi's twow N 321a the Qity 1, 11 ITarbin, Alanehurla, Sept. 21. --Si\ . s Ili a. pre,approus condition and rain storm which settled over Tor. " Ifirohl.q. ,riiho, viiiuvit nim on. concluded, the funeral prw,,easlon V Windsor, On!. 40111 21,-1jIq9 ,%tnrga,,,.t 11 I'll t -re allarl-litly J�aved. ti - lued. hundred private houses and many ,!ut till - , , NVIient is 82P per lmsfiol% the onAlook is proluWlig. uto early Saturday evening, a bad q fl -0 I tilt, movoil slowly over Brooklyn Bridge, watem mado sweet, and dailv irialift, 1)onoilue, of, trinuito,411 ft Porn with a por InirtlicV. 0 I la'�Al!a�i vilarill1wv, lilt -IT (lot I 11 VVI41011ved (,'od�,l ('arop for bottil-y wanim'! rutity 111tule. la'st .Wdt, flull %TMOtAftv litirlty. por Imphel. 4fle- brayl, ptr to'd, Ottawit--kVItolesale, and retail houses wreck occurred Ili the terininals, in puriv, ,,art ol,it tilt, ft,urtvvntl�i at-ut coninierelal astabli4linients were, de- , - U ry. thence to Greenwood cemetery, � Aq a n1e.,tuc I Alto dle(I at tilt, 11010 Dieu ail ft reqult 1$118., - Olork, ,1�23: hay, par ton. $10. earn havp I)pell I)IIAj.. .golue ,wholeA, S -111t, . It 10 In. of. folls A. nsp,t flir I'li'vilerving stroyed by fire at Ninguta, Manchuria, .I of filifillille (x1od's, first phn of bood-volpollill'a. For many wevit.4 . , alorif are re. nd a box icar w -pre Brooklyn, for tho intemient. for juarl'A rf-ligioll,; lift'. ail fil8titutild' pIlysial.1111.4 fouglit t1w x1ow progrows of I chop, lier ton, S-29, vat chcp N quoted ceivilig IIe%V '011101`0 ill tt A-1W.,10tOrY demolished and a numbor of Dassell- I 11crip, antl otlim, emitomporary appoint. -.44-lb.— to -day. 'I mvilta, were cool 'h1h, dp.qlroyed. Ninguta, is on (in nffluont of tho . , , .0 whifll .11110 so n4ldiollitly, and a t A2-,. nianuor and tit,(- al,to Alillilping Old 011141A. gers badly Hhaken up, while the trunk . - � !112 - When a euthlon thouglit strikei a inan At lilt, 4-reatioll, the Sabbath wam eoil- dlSoa" t, I I ft flinughtfor rot"Wiltly Me Iloill wa5l alliputat(.11 In tilt, of, It tlomult %trike Amur, and In stbovit 145 milips front . firmod. tllll!q rew-aling Goll, holin that thp j4;lt11-l1t,!4 life Illight be I'll(, foillowing lnicem on protlupi% WAV% M11110Y IA rAther fight 1.1111 (,olleVilong are lines running to the W#. -4t w(kre e0m. A lion ha,i I,een known to leave, ilot If i,; it) lit- hopvil tit , plektc-ly bloo'koil for ovt%r thro -1, lif It* .. 'a � al& - Kirill. Vill ppqlti In all rolations ta life. Tn %xv ot'll, I . Plid i i thi- finnerit Otas:1.0it hold 11 untle� ilormal. e hours. inal .t4 tol-111 till It 'Illitl il'i'll Ism 111111 tiff Ill 'Vil I I V ,I , .�, . . � I ." � — , �, I , ­ I � �� 10 � .—..- �_ � I I ��--,-".I""�"d'....""..,.....,"."e!�� �— � 1. ,�� _r . � , , i I Aft �"&�� ------ , , y I I � ,_==�tt�� , __ ._� ��- - ­W�_ - � , . _ - Z_ _ __ __ .A- - ----4-� -..-."-. _ � - - a&. 'e, � � �k�:,�&__ - . k �'.�_� ,. .1 - ____*0_0111�' -,--- .__ _.. __.,_._...__ ....... __­_­­�