HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-09-25, Page 1* t * / I 1, I - , . I I I 11 . Th Wingham Advance, -I' I .. k) . $1,00 Psm YOX IN ADV"Qxo 42ND YEAR, NO, 3, WING11AX ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1913. OURSCRIPT19N f stiso To ormwMVIX" W app: ­ . I I � __,___.______ -*Y0V,..SHOULD ATTEND THE WINGHAM FA SEPTEMBER '25 AND f2 6 ' I I I I , - ' '.. — -_ - . . ___1__._r_V� I I 1. I 1. 8 Hammond, relative to the honor and 'I, ---.1-.1., 1. I �. ­­ 1. . ,,l EDITORIAL PARAGRAPK ' 4k'A-PA_eIfic coast, in the course of ]'of T�tffiiia-Worke, made every attempt Wingham District EpWorth Board Of Education Band •-Group, which he igwJ'm-*hmser1",0e- -,rweg� of to force the 'Tfans mission Company responsibility of the league, the Rev. __ I League Convention. . . The town has been presented with a the Marine and Fisheries Department Bill through the tloa��I. Ile was J. F, Knight, B, A., spoke on the sub� -Laurier is evidently beginning to in western and Pacific waters, He closely qiiestioned by . Conservative ject of -,'The Call to our Home Field,', At a special meeting of the council large framed photo of the Wingbarn %11 held on Monday evening it was decide Citizens' Band and the same will hang Two pecials realize that the Canadian people ate has returned by boat down the Oreat members then In opposition, The The 17th Annual Convention of the Our brother spoke very ably an the ed to establish a Boaril of Education in the Clerk's office, Our band has 0, tired of being placed in the position of Lakes, forming his own judgement of power raiders were discovered and the Epworth Leagues of the Wingham subject and urged the manifestation of "spougers" by reason of his obstinacy the progress of the fresh water fish• outrageous proposals never went District was held In the Methodist a national spirit in the service of God, to control both Public and High provincial reputation and curt is - and the Senate's dotage. spies and of the navigation for the well-being of Others; refeAred Schools, F orty-one out of the 78 of proud of them. May they attain even I gation develop- through, In defeating the reciprocity Church, Wingbam, on Wednesday the High Schools in Ontario are al, greater success. I I * * * ment and needs on the lakes. measure the Canadian people also and Thursday, �;ept. 17th, 181. The to the call of the home land through, readSpecial No. I- -It will take more han race and Ron. Louis Coderre, See, of State prevented tb6 alienation by foreign Convention was preceded by the individual effort, through the League, y so managed, four of the remaiii- New Trustees. '/ I . . creed speeches by Laurier to put fresh and Minister of Mines, is on a visit to concerns for generations to come of Financial District Meeting, when about the Sunday School and the home, by log thirty odd chttriging the last On manday evening nomination for Briar Pipe . . 25e heart Into the Liberal ranks. The the west, Bon, Dr. Roche, Minister great natural interests. The true thirty our standard of moral purity, and official year, The number of towns Pnblio School trustees was held in the . interest., irty laymen and ministers assembl- similar to WIDgharn adopting this Pipe Cleaners - FREE defeat of two years ago is still rank- of the Interior, after a necessary rest friend of the people were not found in ed. The District meeting was presid. sympathetic spirit seeking to win course hay rapidly increased. The point Council Chamber and as a result, Mr* ling. And well it might, in England, has lost.no time in revisit. the Liberal party. ed over by Rev. J, W. Ribbeirt, Chair- Others for the Master, which weighed most heavily with the Win. A. Campbell for ward one and For the next 10 days we will . . Ing the western provinces and seeing - Rev. F. Langford, B. A., gave a I . Mr. Wm, Robertson for ward two __ that the work of the Department of I . . man of the District, with Rev. A. E. I to the Council is this -out of the present give �way "Freell a bunch W Kellam as Secretary, in place of Rev. splendid address on "Our Cal of as it with every I 14.4o*,T. Doh*er*ty*'s action in hast- aevau members Of the High School were elected by acclamation. Both ling ig m, urderer Thaw Out Of OAnadA has the Interior is being properly done, Banqueted And Caned. - G. 'W, Rivers, B. D., who was un- Foreign Field." In the closing session Board not one is elected li� the people, gentlemen are well qualitled for their pipe We $ell. . earned Lim the praise of all decent Col. the Hou. Sam Hughes knows . I avoidably detained from the session. of the League convention the Chair three are appointed, by the Council positions. I people in both the Dominion and the the west as well as he knows the east, The President, Rev, A. J. Langford, was taken bythe Rev. J. W. Andrew@, We carry the largest stock and On Wednesday evening of last week 0 Fordwicb, after which a paper was three by the Reeve and one by "Silvor Dan" Acquitted. United States. The presence of strong but this summer found him In the a banquet was held in the dining opened the Convention. Regret was the Public School Board. The now The Turk who made the assault on best values in 25c Pipes in I wen at the head of Canadian affairs is prairie provinces and British Colum- - expressed by the Aon, President, R( -v. read by Mrs. Rev. J. W. Hibbert, in board will consist of ten 11" 'the young girl at Glenarman was die- " bia, visiting the training camps and room of the Brunswick Hotel, In J. W. Hibbert, and the Convention in the absence of Miss Rands, on the Huron county, good for Oanada-and it's a change. satit,f 'Ing himself that proper pro• honor of Mayor 0, 0. VapStone, who general on account of the absence and subject of "Our unworked mine," bers, seven elected by the people charged by the Police Magistrate, A Good Pipe and Cleaners only I * * * geessis being- made in the work ,of has since left for Toronto, Reeve Me- . and three appointed by the County Severe comments are made upon the . - The new Democratic tariff, remOv Kibbon acted 4a toast -master and all resignation of Mr. John Kerr, Sec,- Pointing out the fact that our Junior Council on the recommendation of the decision 25 cents. . - housing the militia. Treas. for the District, who has mov- League was the unworked mine and sion bub we believe His Honor . ing or lowering the duties all along Hon. T. W, Crotheps, Minister of the speakers spoke in highest terms of ad away from Win ham, A ,very speaking of the great possibilities that Reeve, This Board will attend to all dispenses even handed justice, as he His Worship �Lnd expressed sincere educational matters and come before � . . . the line, seems to be an accomplished L%bor also went west Ouring the earn- ,essed * suitable resolution was later passed, lay before us, amongst the rising gen- sees it. . fact, and it's almost two years to a day mer, noting and industrial con- regrets at his departure, Only the expressing thanks to Mr. Kerr for past oration that the Junior League was the people for re-election and hence I " . , , .�, since the people of Canada refused to ditions and widening his knowledge of Council and town officials were Pre- services and extending good wishes. the training school for our Senior have to defend their own expenditures New Mail Clerk. I Special No. 2— sacrifice their fiscal independence in these sent. Acting Mayor 8pott and actions. Mr. Maitland Bell of East Wawa - order mattqd. All this shows that on read the Mr. J. Slemmon of Ethel was appoint- League and that SO% of our children No ac order to get what is now coming to the present Government is composed following address and at the proper ed Sec. -Trees., pro tem. were lost to the church between the place that has changed to a nosh has been appointed mail clerk Rexall Tooth Paste or them for nothing. These are melancho- of maxi who intend to know what they Moment Reeve McKibben presented a Mr. Langford in his presidential ad. ages Of fl and 16 years, hence the. need Board of Education has changed back and leaves shortly for the West, The Powder .' - 25c ly days, We saddest of the year, for the are doing, who are not afraid of work, gold -headed cane dress, gave an excellent speech, deal. of pastors and teaehirs to care for the and the essence of responsible Gov- Advance congratulates Maitland on A Good Tooth Brush � FREE friends of reciprocity. and who have a real interest in the To His Worship, Ing upon Lift-, the essential thing, young. The commitment service was ernment is election by the people, In big appointment as he is a'worthy * , - Mayor 0. G. Vanstone: life apart ably presided over by Rev, J. W. Rib- the future this Board must come back Young man of sterling qualities. Re, For the next 10 days we will * * task of government. They are not pointing out that we had no to the people and give an account of is a graduate of the Wingham Busi. give away "Free" a good Tooth Reports from all over C.Lnaa t show more politicians; they are builders. We, your colleagues in Wingham from God, that God is our Father and bort assisted by brother Pastors, the their expenditure of eight and one half ness College. that the wheat is moving with6ut Town Council for this year, 1018, feel we are His children and t f,to know service was preceded by an able and Mille. The Council in doing this had Brush (sold in most stores for * * 4 ' Ir *' touching address by the Rev. A. Kel- hindrance and in unusual volume. The that we cannot allow the separation what Lifo is, we mu'�` tow God no feeling against either School Harvest Home Services, 255 each) with every package of good work of the Borden Government -The condemnation by the Conger. caused by your removal to pass with- experimentally, apart fr" - whom we lam of Ripley after which a good num. Boards, knowing that like themselves On Sunday, Oct. 5th, Anniversary Paste or Powder we sell. in grappling with thi.% problem is vation Commission of the project to out expressing our deep appreciation can do nothing. Life, said the speak- ber partook of the Sacrament of the t - 0 the were doing what seemed best and Harvest Home services will be A good Tooth Paste and Brush bearingfrult. Next year the situation dam the Long Sault Rapids for the of the services, rendered by you to our er, invariably manifests itself accord. Lord's Supper and re -dedicated them. go will be even better, with additional creation of a power monopoly, justifies municipality, during your term of Ing to Law, both in the natural and selves toGod. This wass, fitting close but decided to make a progressive step held in St. Paul's (Anglican) Church, only 250. . facilities enough to encourage any in- the position taken by the Conserva- OMM spiritual world, It is not enough to to one of the best conventions ever getting in line with similar towns. Wingham. The preacher for the day crease in wheat production. Under fives in the memorable parliamentary As Chief Magistrate, you have filled generate steam for that expendsitself hold in Wingham. Thanks was given The following places have adopted a will be Rev. Dr, Boyle, Dean of Trin• to the trustees of the chuich for their Board of Education:- - ity Oollege, Toronto, and formerly the Laurier.,administ,ration there was battle of 1909-1010 when the Laurier the office with such dignity as to in nothing, unless it works according Hien SCIXOOLS. rector here, On Monday evening the . little encouragement for the weetein Government was forced to abandon its reflect credit upon yourself and the to Law. It is not enough to have Life kindness, and also to the Wingham Alexandria Almonte annual dinner will be served in the and friends for their hospitality and kind- Arnprior Beamaville basement followed by a good program. L W. �CK�bbon ir province to produce bum per crops. effort to chirter the Long Sault Power community you served, unless it is harnessed and active a . nese g delegates an d * * * Transmission Company with a mono- In our meetings your tact, courtesy, accomplishing its purpose, in, other to the visiting d Belleville Whitby . I . Pretty good Government down at poly of power development at the and keenness of vision have so ex- words, the Law of God operating friends to the convention. Brighton Caledonia I DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN Ottawa when you consider that its Long Sault. pedited business, that it was a Plea• through the Church, Epworth League NOTES. Campbellford CarletonPlace Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. Ist 41�t­4, I J 0 only on the job two years, eh what? The Laurier government always Burs for us all to attend, and our- town and the Sunday School, One man The Methodist Choir gave excellent Cayuga Colborne Get Parnel's Bread at Christie's. zh�, G%ax. , ' encouraged private interests in the thereby reaped the benefit of your said, to Southey, "God had no need of service at the evening session. Dundas Dunnville I Those two years have been great yea i a exploitation of important i . Up- ... 9a..11. .46., , legates, Elora; Fergus Two trade. Also boys for other Up - for Canada, years of phenomenal ex- natural dispatekof business. his learning. The reply came, *,Much There were about 125 de Two smart boys wanted to learn resources and occasionally water pow- As a citizen, you have proved that less bag He need of your ignorance." - The complimentary banquet to the Gananeque Grimsby Eyesight tested free and glasses sup,, pension in trade and revenues, of ire. positions, Apply at Upholstering fact- creases in our national -wealth and im- ers were alienated for the benefit ofyou are not concentred all in self, but. God can use knowledge. Hence the delegates was greatly appreciated and Harriston Hawkesbury ory. 3 if plied at reasonable prices, - ' prevenient of transportation and trad- American corporations. The 0onser- you have had sufficient of the milk of 'i keynote was -Life with God, "Witli. much enjoyed, Kemptville I Kenora, WANTED.—A �table suitable for an ' I • Ing facilities all over Canada. Public native party in this instance has human tindness in your soul t9 feel! out me ye can do nothing," John 15 .. 6 Kineardine Mount Forest auto ; fair rent will be paid for a con - money has been used In the execution fought and won the battle of the that you are your brothdr'a keeper, ! -meaning power and ability to do - , , Newburgh Newcastle venient place. Apply Advance Of- . . � ' people. and the citizens of Wingbam can stand . service for others. , , Mr. Cranston Promoted. "I flc?. of great national undertakings, and . ;•Norwood Oakville with all this there has been a record- Had it not been for this opposition up and say, "This wag a timu." ' Mr. J, Slemmon as Secretary gave a Mr. Cranston who has beevi in the Omemee Oshawa FOR SALE. -By George McKenzie, breaking reduction in 'the national the Canadian public would have been In your official capacity it can be ; report of the District Executive and Dominion Bank here for the past Paris Parkhill Wingham, one open Buggy in thor- . ... . I , . debt. The Liberal Government never robbed of great water power beniFfits. said, "He was diligent in business," - spoke of the need of Superintendents three years.bas been promoted to the Pembroke Port Dover ough repair, one new Safe No, 5, one - .... Varl"t " I. . ' r r 6 scree power Gasoline Engine, one .., I ...- . bad two such years, and for the reason The Canadian charter was wanted attending to minutest detail in the. for the work of the Junior League, head office at Toronto. Mr. Cranston Port Perry Port Rowan 80-16 Candle light dynamo. ., that they lacked three things, el(pac- as ' part of a wider project, originating various committees; and the municl- also empbasizing the need of sacrifice is a young man of excellent worth and Prescott Richmond Hill WANTED -A good general servant, I . Q �. . in the United States, having for its PalitY Buffers a distinct loss in your among the League members so that good habits and will no doubt con- Slmcoe Smith's FAlls 0 - . gool . ity, courage, and public spirit, d wages to right party. Apply to -.1 . * * - aim the creatibu of what was describ. removal, by organizing and uniting,'tbeir cause tinue to advance. He is a graduate Stirling Toronto IMrs. Robt, Beattie. .... . .., ... . . ed as a monopoly of 500,000 horse- As a token of our esteem, respect-, :' should be a living one and accomplish of the Wingham Business College, Trenton Uxbridge f.... ... . . FOR SALE. -Large water tanks suit- ... . V The important announcement was power in the interests of the Alumin- and well -wishes, we ask you to accept the purpose for which it exists -the FOR, Wardsville able for cistern use, cheap; also three " �.. el . ,,iW � . ,­ "'O � '. . made by Premier Borden at Halifax, um Trust. The scheme was vigorously tbis cane, and, in future days, as you winning of others. East finrou Teachers. Waterdown Watford good working horses. -Wm, Davies "J'...�. . 1: that the difficulties in the way Of 8 opposed by the shipping and naviga- take it in hand for a stroll, may your Mr, D. Andrews gave an inspiring The meeting of the Etst Haven COLLEGIATE INSTITUTES. Co., Ltd, ..... 4.1 . � 4 ..... ... ... ..... ..• 1. fast steamship service between Can, tion interests of Canada, the Ontario memory travel back to the old town -, message on the "Needs of the com-- Teachers' Association will be held at '..." IV," Barrie Berlin Fred A. Lewis piano-taner expects ..- ads, and the West Indies have been Government and the Ontario Hyd.ro- and may it rewind you of the year munity" and "How the LTgue may Clinton. on the 9.h and 10th of Oct. Ch%tb�m Collingwood to be in Wingham about the first of . ,;c: , I . . . surmounted and that it was ex acted E lectric Power Commission. The bill 1913, when you wielded the wand.of respond," He pointed out that by Mr. Emery, Science Master of the October. It I V. Fort William Guelph � :.,. ,a' I . ehortly to consurnate a contract with as introduced in the House of Oom, office so diplomatically as to gaW the looking up to God in faith and lifting Stratford Normal School, will give Hamilton Ingersol Rooms to rent, over the Advance .-,.-., the Royal Mail Packet Company, one Mons was championed by Hon, Win. lasting affection of your fellow mem. up those who are in need, in practice two addresses and for the evening- Kingston Lindsay office, suitable for light house keeping. . I of the most expensive and progressi, e Pugsley and Sir Wilfrid Laurier, but berg. I and through the medium of the Leiigtie meeting a lecture on Scott with illus- London Morriaburg Enquire of C. N. Griffin, * steamship lines in the world for a the then Oppoiltion succeeded in hav- We do not wish to fl%tter you but and Sunday School, get in touch with trative readings will do delivered by Napanee Owen Sound To RENT -Furnished house. -Apply 66 modern and up -to date service between ing its monopolistic features elim- ,:gill aura uP our feelings by saying, young men and women, who thought the Rev. Mr. McMillan. The rest of Perth Peterborough at the Advance Office. the- Maritime Provinces and various inated. Wingbam of better for your having they were getting too big for any of programme will be taken up with pap- Port Arthur Renfrew Big bargains for Fair day at Mar- In A Class By. Itself' . ports in the British West ladies. The The proposal of the Long Sault De- lived in P, and may your success here these departments. He also-pointcd ors mud discussions by the teachers of St. Thomas Sarnia shall's 5,10,15 and 25 ct, store. improved facilities of transportation velopment Company involved the so stlmn',,te you, that you will use it out that man was,a social being and the county. Programmes will be sent TorontS Windsor Home made candy and salted pea, - coupled with the now trade agice- damming of the St. L-iNvrence at as a St"PPing stone to -higher things. as many were coming into Canada out at an early date. Altogether a Woodstock nuts fresh every day at Marshall's That's the way one man described Ment will strongly tend to develop a Barnhart and8heek Islands, The re. In , I ,Sing, we offer up an earnest from England and elsewhere we were mostsuccessful meeting is anticipated.' 5, 10, 15 and 25 ate. store. 6f the best good Shoe" and he was profitable and increasing trade be- port of the Conserval ion CimmIssion, pro} v -that you and your good con. to co-operate and help them and in Trustees and the public are cordially WANted-A girl to do general house tween the Dominion and the West In- declares it to be quite possible that an aiay have your lot cast in pleas- order to -help them socially, mentally invited to attend. Workmen Rubbered. work. No washing or ironing; duties right. - than Island-. serious damage would result from the - Places and whatever is best., that and spiritually, we must bring them Mr. Malcolm, contractor, presented to commence October 'Ist .-Mrs. L. * * * construction of the proposed works. It -t,t, we wish you both, in touch with God, through the Enjoyable Evening. his workmen on Wednesday morning Kennedy. " In every way a quality shoe, the I ) -The members of the Borden Gov- The proposed diversion of water by D,ttad at Wingliam, this 17th day of League, etc. The members of tbe,Young People's with rubber boots. This was very FOR SALE. -Quick -bargain -No. 0. "Invictust represents the makers' erument are determined to know the the ,.dam between the Ling Sxiil Sept,, 190. Rev.. J. F. Knight, London Con- Bible Class in connection with the kind and thoughtful of the employer. 18 Crown Huron range, Also one country whose destiny has been plat- Island and Bkrnhart, Island won d George Spotton, Acting Mayor, ference E. L. Secretary, was an able Sunday Schodl held at Holmes'school• bedroom suite, Apply Mrs. Shurtleff, best effort. navigable� channel I speaker and certainly an acquisition house, Turnberry, spent an enjoyable ed in their hands. 'This is as it should take from the main , --..---- --- Supreme Court Judge. Diagonal Road, be. Members of the late administr4- between Barnhart., Island and. the . to the Convention. Ilia s.-ubjeot was time at the home of Mr. John Little Mr. H. L. Elwood K. C. of Regina To RRINT.-Furnished sitting -room Possessing Style, Finish and I the "Hill Difficulty." He pointed out on Friday evening of last week. The has recently been appointed to the 8 and bed -room, with board Or without. tion displayed an utter lack of interest United States mainland about fifty Special Council Meeting, u- , Conveniences..' Students or ladies- Quality, there is a hundred cents In the parts and provinces, of Canada per cent. of its water. The effect of I that many difficulties were wen -made, time passed quickly while members preme court of Saskatchewan. His Apply at Advance Office. . represented by their colleagues. They such a diversion of water from the yet God permitted certain difficulties and friends participated in games, Honor is a son of Huron and a brother value in every dollar's worth of � impossible to to come in order tbat His love and musical aele,;tions, etc, Refreshments of Mrs.. . D. Holmes of town. WORK WANTED. - Washing taken "Invictus" footwear. travelled as little as they could, learn, navigable channel is i A special meeting of the Wingham ed as little, and as a result, had not estimate. Town Council was held in the Council in, scrubbing or house work. Anply It can however, be E:tAtPd Monday evening with all power might be seen, by lifting men were: served, after which occurred a Masonic Honors. i�, I to Mrs. Page over Mr. Holmes' Office. the advantage of personal knowledge with certainty that the navig,%bility Chamber'on above them" and thug man became pleasing feature of the evening when 0 of the places and conifflons with or the channel would not be improved the members present and Acting May. a victor. Referring to the work of the presentation was made by the Mr, W,D, McPherson X. '.M,P,P,, COAL, WOOD, KINDLING.. -Do not fail TIIE BEST GOOD SHOE which they were called upon to deal or Spotton in the chair, The first the Grand Master of the Masonic to got my prices before Purchasing ,. - by such diversion, The constr4ation the Leagues, the first difficulty was teacher, Mr. J. H. Linklater, of two elsewhere, -R. J. CANTMONT. I I This was not at all as it should be, but of the dams inquestion would result matter taken tip was expressed in the leadership, and a leader's qualifleatione prizes awarded in a Scripture contest, Grand Lodge of Canada has appointed As we are leaving town we offer for I I there were a whole lot of things about in compelling navigation (other than following resolution, -Whereas pro, were tact, optimism, foresight, per- Hiss Hazel Little winning the first, Mr. J, Ritchie of town a Grand Stew- sale a part of our Furniture, Come , I . the late Government that were not by, the Cornwall Cana)) to follow a vision is made in the Board of Eduea- sistence and consecration. .He' must Miss Velma Chandler, second. " ard, which is a rare honor. In ma- any afternoon. --John Kerr, Corner �-__ _ _--what they should be. route known as the Sotah Sault Ohan- tion Act of 1909 to certain municipal become the pastor's assistant. Back- , ­, sonic circles It is now Vet y Worrbip- Francis and Patrick. Streets, - -,Tbv_rscor4 of ,put Govern cel, ities to vest the control of Public and - wardress in prayer and lack of atten4� Millinery OPCIIIIIX& , ; 1 ful Brother Ritchie. The appoint- CRIMETERY CARUTAXING.-I am pre- record - � . �. , !-" kw� _­ d High Schools in a Board of Hdue4tion , ment. was well merited and is a popu- pared to care for cemetery lots At $1,00 �_! the 12rer - ment 1r, this -r�r`Ree;t Is a goo Ono. Experienced navigators are of the ance were other "Hills." Ile gave The millinery openings on Wednes• tar one among the craft. per season. Orders left with Town I . by a resolution of Coundil passed at 9, from his own experience many strik- (lay and Thursday of last week at Miss . Confident that the trust which bw opluibn that this route will be much iClerk receive Prompt attention, R. . been given to themby the people of inferior to that now followed, The meeting called for that purpose, on or Ing illustrations of the beginnings in Reynolds' and Miss Rush's attracted Fish Net Pound. Deyell, Phone 32 on 017. P Canada will not be withdrawn for time will undoubtedly 4rrive in the before the first of Oatabdr, therefore, Christian service. The MethudiA wide attention, and obliging clerks Mr. W. B. Filiott, the now Game Sewing machines repaired and clean- , . manyyears they are preparing to Ac, history of Canada when deeper nevi- it is moved by Councillor J. 4. Mills, . L-Adies' qtiartette gave a splendid were busy showing and explaining the I seconded by Councillor W, J. Boyce. , Warden, has demonstrated again to ", 'ally make, any age, Canadian W.J. Gre(�r quaint themselves at flrbt hand with qfttlorii upon the St. Lawrence will , selection, I new stylep� The fashions In hats are Wingham and surrounding country American, English and German. Ref - the that after the year 1018, the control of Prences willingly en Drop a card 1. . the problems with Which they thu'l require to be provided by the Canadian Rev. F. H. Langford, B. A., Field small and medium nixed. Otis of the ' I � 9Z ;Ai THF, SHOE MAN meat in the 4dministvation of their Goverpment, Should th the Public and High Schools of the S�cretary of the Methodist Church, features of the season will be the little that he it the 'right man In the right or phone 135, ti, Smith Loug- 4epartments. Hon, Rnbert Rogers, e woiks Pre- town of Wingham be vested in a addressed the Convention on the sub. French 11.3allor", Everytbing in the place. For the second time Mr. El- heed's, Wingham, t 13o6ed by the St. L%wrebee Power - Board of INducation elected according llott has solz-0 a large quantity of fish FAM Wupic SPECT&T, - Five big . himself a westerner, bag just re •Ooinpauy be constructed the Govern. ' ject of "God and L" Speaking of millinery line is soft crowns, able to harness �peclals at Thos. Rew's Fair turned from a tour df the prairie pro nient would be under the necessity of to law. The Teas were the mayor, net and snarep. Late on Monday night wpe�k, one set single harness, -regular Joni"., - . � � - asw-k and libleter; the nays, 4, he found a large quantity at the resources, lie declared there are some be pulled ~yell down on the head -they lar . vluce in the course of which he per- etproprixting the works paying an Millp, Bayce that are unrenowable, re the coal fields are very comfortable, popular. and be- $35 for $30-, two set single, regu)Ar $82 - I sonally satl6fled himself of the need-, enormous sum, by way of damages, the Reeve, Young and Bell. Every where millions of'tons of coal have coining for young people, Some of the 4113ig Bend" in the Maitland river, a0 for $25, one set single, regular SO' for - , 10 for member of the Counctl apok,e on the been taken out and cannot be replace trimming is very high up In the back, as there is a strong suspicion as to who $20,75; one set single, regular $-3 WHEN YOU of the progress which Is bellng made Another objection to the scheme of the guilty parties are, they will be $14.75. upon the Important public works at., the St. Lawrence Power Company in 6ul Joel; and no ecrlon3 obj -otiobs were ed, also the forests and possibility of and quite & few have the turned up or speedily brought to justice, The Our- Miss Spfirllog, graduate of Toronto . ready under construction. the Opinion of the Commission of taken to the formation of game, at- their 'beirig denuded. From t4la he roll side. The colors this season are 4 BUY COAL ,,though some members wanted to don. ornment Is determined to bring these Conservatory of Music and authorized . The Minister of Ir4inaute, Hbn. W. Conservation is that It proposes to went on to point the unrenowable of sable brown, tete-de-niger, tango blue I law breakers to justice. teacher of, Fletcher music method, - E SURE YOU GET - T'. White who Is just back from Vag- make the Canadian side merely a land• alder the matter furtber-.� 'Councillor human life -how once lost can never peon, molegkin, midnlghb blue, and re. SlMplox and kindergarten, Pupils ,Pre. 9 Isbister took the solid ground that fay. be replaced and so revealed the dang• hoax pink, There are also of course, Silver Poxes. pared for conservatory examinations - - GENUINE SCRANTON land, proposes to v6it the west thit, Ingplaco. Only& small portion of the oredthenow &)ard in as rauch as ere of Slum Life and war and urged the combinations of browns and The highest price ever paid a In Piano and Theory. Theory taught [- year., to meet the people of the west, contemplated expenditure would take t tbO by correspondence, Classes re -open 00. - to study for himself the western con. ' place in Canada and only a small part seven of the ten wets elected by the for clean living arid spread of Peace purples, dark blues, and Russian London sales for a silver fox skin was Sept. ft, ]Phone 105, 53-50. people and he believed in trusting the movement, greens, and black and white, all very $2,000, The next highest was $2,700, . Prices of Delaware, Lackawan- ditions. Mr. White is the man who of the total power developed would be people, Oouncillors Mills and BOYCI The Hon, President, Rev. J. W. Hlb- pretty, and effective. Peatherg are to and & half dozen have sold for $ 0. 11, Wilkinson, Eyesight Specie- , na and Western Coal Cos.-. - holds thl purse -strings of the country, devoloped in Canada. 2500 t .r list,'14dwaad St., Wingham, is curing strongly supported their -resolution berb presided over the evening cession, b, re. At the present fte, the M'Ver- . who finds the money for the grow I-L6oklng at the whole sohemi�, con- ,i very much used and so are fl)werel, me difficult cases of defective vision after L undertaking of all branches of the tinues the report, "it door not appear giving reasons for submitting tame, and after the devotional exercises had especially the French flowers, cluster- age price is 4rolind $0., though the others have failed. I recognize that Egg and stove . . . I $7.50 . my success can only be attAined . .faction. Difficult Pea . . . . . . 6 6 . $6.25 Govbt-runtint In all parts of Canada, that any gerlowq attempt can be made Moved by Oounelltor8 19blater And been gone through, the nominating of ed bore and there on the brim. Oaa best r4neh fo4es will Bring Ab int through your vatic Chestnut * . . a . : $7.75 - and he intends; to know it, co show that Canadian requirements Bell that the tender Of Win. Rihtbul new bfnaers wag proceeded with and of the features of the season will be it $4p,. �, cases and children a speciality, Suf. . .---..-#— During the present month Hon. 0 or Canadian interests are an appreel• be accepted for the completion Of '()lit the following appointed tot the eften- combination of fur and velvet, And it ' I fereva ,attended at their own home if J Daherty, Minister of Justice, will ,tble factor In the plans of the coni• machinery ball, according to 04118 Ing year :—President, Mr. H, A. Ham• will be the thing. ,f course ' . Blaclemi8a, CAnnell and Soft 0 . 0 tl4e ale. 066(tilow Poner4l, desired, All advice free and satisfac. pay his first official Y:Islb to the west. pang. The plans contemplate the And ApecilleMlons,—Carnled, z: t� nionil -, lit Vies Pre"., Rev. 0. W. tette and birds are alvYlLys jjso$, bvit A ritimbor-of Oadfollowa attended tion guarant"I'd, . Coal, Wood, Lumber, Lodi and I Mr. Doherty, as head of the important ,ib(solutemonopolizalon of the whula On motion of Councillor Boyce and Rivers, 13. A. 13. D. -, 2sid, Vice Pros,, ]Ace Is one of the now features, mixer] the filnoral of the late W. It. McOrack- ----- ­­ I - I __ .I I— Shingles always on band. - Department of Justice, has charge 61 power av&lla,bld from the rapids with Reeve MeXibboo, the offer of the Can. Rev, D. Wren; 3,d 'Vice Pres., Mias J. in with fur, fl�)Wertl Or fancy ribbons, efi In litfaNsels on ToesdAy, The fon. -i**wwsw6*wwa . . W"""6"W*WMk111kL PROMPT DELIMY all the penitentiaries of the Dominiou ,t irdnimum consideration of Canadimi ado Cement Co, to send An assistant Barrington - 4th Vice Pies., Mr, 10. A great deal of very heavy corded oral was largo, as the deceased wAs - I . 1. and has just launched &n lerialry hav- interests.Tampector for the paving contract wag 1low8on -, 5:h Vice Pros , Mrs. Rev. A, ribbon is another thing that will be well and f6motably known. Mr. Meg'al a . WinM Fall Pair 0 fog for Its object an advanced move It, The propoial has been condmntina itceepted. 3 t,.-tij,qft)rd;SeeretKtyanti Treastiver, much in evidence, while the combina- UrAeken was a grocer and it veteran Read out Invitation aft last PaO6. the direction of prison ,refor to, - by the t)ominlon CanifervAtIot (join. on motion of 1-ibister Arid MeXib. J. W. Sleinjuhn I 0aiderence Repre- tions of oilskin and velvet And Peach- e*hlbitor attlieFall IPWIrs. Thetym. J. A. McLean I goo. J, D. Ha has just` r4tarnk a lulasion. It will b6 remembered that bon, the Connell aij.)urriea to nett at at otative, W?v. J. H, cook. tkln and *eIvet u well as suede, will p&thy of the ,community goes out to WILLIS & CO. from it trip through the west *na up ; flou, William Pagaley, when MIalstor, 7.80 p. M, T1166day. ` After a few timely remmks by Mnbo much been. ; hie larrovilog fAmIlY. T%MWOOWA*W�u - f . I L .... � . I . I .1. I I 11 ­ ­­ I 11- I I I - . i ­­ _­ ---- -------,-"--- I I . I I M It .1b