The Wingham Advance, 1913-09-18, Page 6I
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11 0101111 .111 owsm
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I I .
1. L).1 � , I . . . , . I - - � . . .I.. . � I I , ... . liapa's glin 104 the animal low, t
U Q 04 gugubla"Nuffft ---M. a* Ile struck him with ills front llojo,Z. Chest COW, Bronchitis POPCORN. MAPLETAPIOCAI Ms"'E' No. 38, 1913
' �. -,- � I - � I , I well, to inake a long 4toy sumt, wo � .- ____.._ -, .,-.-..�.-..-�--.-"-.�,-,---,.-�
I - -, -1 .. -11 1. _ I I I " . , .,;;,.:_, I 1. . . _� I ... . - . � -, I ...
',��, , 1, __
4 � 7,1 ,�)� "I .. , J. ,�', wq I , nursed Wirt,1hrough. a severe Ulness, and Can't Be Cored Here Are So"i ii�vel Ways It , HEI.P WANT10.
� �. .... I
� , _? L during that t1we 4"I'llt Illany Wurks Mpq Be Used. PUDDING �" I .I - . �1N.'"'.."'..^
s—**ii�fti 9 i Q�- 77 '—.-.--., with tile nurse Lit his, WAj�jl
bedside, and in (Tooted Recipe by oarollno coo) "I--I)-S11i4'0.NI)-I1A
. . . hutio hours, Ali I watched t4o hand- . I Try, policurn tiolilo illoriling. ilidt".1tit of Mill jqe 11111trij., ing oil laW
, !.*N4Tk1k;F0'F't'-H1'M. ' : t 11tit one quart ot milk lit double r,wcii 111111 lilevo dyelt. 'rills ils a coo;,
(XV-a-zhin,vton, Rtar.) . �` P LOTS THAT FAILED 1% s0nio fave, I learned to joy-� Min. -I For the Simple Roaoon that Cough thu ordinary breaUasit eereal. The boiler. When warin slowly add the opli-ItAll for a bl'1941, YJAIIIII Wall. AV-
P...V",..;._. � .� . � . I I -14 Could not help It. "I'Allees Are You will AL -c it- Tlkl ct)"It oatmeal and tuDlova. stirring ply. T1111�11s` 811namiq manufai-turwi- vil.,
. . . I - . ___ � 9 �. .11 I � . I . __ _�_ � Syrups go straight to the Stomach Ill tho Lid., Brantford, Ontario.
'm 03 - .. ,. , .
,f4lit Mr. jlllgg�iw. nIv.1vife )ilia , I Whou lie recovered, papa foundtlia.4 "110111d be popped the night before ailit tinio to avoid lumps, add malt" allow , .-------- 9 1 1
I I isn't affected. left lit the oven or aoilie other warin, to boll until tender and clear, Remove WAXTR,D-L.,k1)ID8 TO DO PIA1.1;
11;q. Ill. illy . X � Z G. VA1110 9 I an 111=106 le was Ili iteanth of a situation. Ile cit.. which t
., feypi"..J.4 no'lutl thi" yt%r. a] . . I I .1 . . I Re 9
Itallpliter hapt brain fill" il�olil i)V,10 Lill' ,V , . "' , , , " gafeol hint at once. He lived with us out . � .11.1 �11-.r plave until morning. liefore eerv- from fire and add one cup of maple alld It4lit ile"'Illir at hillne, Wholk
� Ili is ';,I,.%.,, -at all thero is The Direct-hreathin 411g, met tile food grinder at the nutch Hyrup, turn Into buttered pan a 01' "PLAVO tlnit,; good It)*; work volit any
a M I . lo, DIXII ivul,ftl up with it 11"I and it bit( when lie fell upon litj lWees before tit I tiles. lid al- dt"'tance;
lit 1� i"Ot it I I 11-1 4rookline. ThaVs abo .0 cure "Catar �. jusylit stamp to),,
ju�% - .. to my love story, Bab. Of course, papa where it grindis hii coaritait aud run low to 8tand taxi nilautes. Turn over (lit I)artIJ`i,.,1,u,r,:,4." Ot'le iiii manutietur-
w.i.-i,'t t4i�re auythin.- the nial- dart. lile, orying out how passiono,tely he loved xon4P which Instantly reaches all the popeorit thron I'laeu lit a warin one-half cup of toll milk or tile co I 9 Vu., Montreal.
irl, V111.11 volv." ve Without du,w not -know U tile o4lithig 4tato of " . - . I—- -_ -
it , ,11mak You, volt are ver-, kinil to lite, And ,that lie could not 11 lme4y. oven. until till-- 9d"lopped ljolworn Is tents of one small can of evaporated , ,
, No."I'141rel-ai't .lily allineut tbat ,volt ,,a�-o ljo jlll,�vjj trj;lIWQ,,1 1*11c '�d, wo., I I said 1yell" IRIthough, as I have '01844, 14 he were to hear of it lim ixtiglit affected parts, (a best Re " VGIRTA Folt VINISJUNG
, "I WA
elld-curo'hy going ([Own town evory day I .-AVIII voit mind, lily dear, it i sit down said before-deripito Ills noble action In discharge him, or do something of that henteil. Then serve with sttg4r alitt creani, Bake slowly one .and one-half _11.1l'.2".1 -wear. Apply, Xillicaton. Roll-
and world4ty-on till- booli!i." �no_j .kind. Now, Bab, call you. give Die a Just note the following 6art -it cipar., creams like any other breakfast food. hours, serve with creAln or top milk. fory eo,. Ltd., Xingstolk ont,
11 ; -. -. Ind tallZ to you fill a few. moments!" imperiling hbi Owu life to save nil little adl-lo? Tell Die it ),Ott know )low ly allowts how ,tole .Vapor of Oatarrba- Ti -3, adding half a dozen flu.ffy Midto Any good syrup may be substituted. � I .__!:M�� I I I
THE VERY IDEA, kivked madain. oarnesitly. did not feel one throb of love lit lily to will it diffident young man; what zone wheit inhaled covers all tile breath- kernells of popeorn to eat'.11 portion of One quart of milk. THE OOMPLZTX IDIOM,
I "It it ib ahwit ilia trousse,au, I beg heart for him." 011411 I do ivithout ap caring bold and ing orgalus in tile nosa, throat and 111119A lioup served, 'Xhosa are a pretty sub- Three teaspoons cornmeal.
(UppIncott's. A yout tit �,jmie your breath, madaut," An exclaviation. of amazement broke -- that is why Catarrhozolle alwaysi stitute for the uldual crontou-4, and, Three tablespoons minu - __
txchtimed 0v torl. huliatlently. uumaidenly to gaill. t lis young plan, te taploca. .
Tv,) surburban inothers nit -t oil lilt, "You brom 1,111laills lips. . r, .4 cures—it gets where tile trouble really tolsiseelally lit tomato or pea uoup, the Onc-,baIt teaspoon of salt.
61-:4111 illit. day. and. till) tople tr .. th P) love, you Sep, sooll a pl�sslbihty hRA . . 80 -Word English Translation of
� 44 111"Ir Voll- iave varto I.I.oidto to do m6rythlug I. .-I may as well tell you the tru color effect is attractive. Where ills.-
,ittsattuit ivw; tht,li, d, ,pnor.q. 4 1 Ilev A to him, for 13 mod, Is. .. One call of maple syrup.
nit. er occurrt lie I .
.11 141W ,,, "N. �Uur own way. and its voll lilie; Why doled Bab, with ail effort, "it Was be. est Concerning Ills Own Charming Per- I Butter the size ot a walnut. *
a did. .ullirldallAllit'l. pass h( . ' 'tioup is served at tlkb]O it sluall dish "To It You?"
. ,,,, ft - I asi , - - not help earing jor—jor sonallty
111111ittl 14 lon,1101111 . tA.4111f i,' allu,ble lite uith it?" and Its Ole spoke (glulie I,,- I could
Abiked oile. ills turned )ter weary Ittf.-o to the will- bla IrIend.- ; lie would not doeill It p6lasible I of perfect liernela of popourn eaa be This is tile famous pudiling that Explanations with. amnilticatlouB
.11i1mg!" iv;vi the pit-i-twt-r. "She didn't that lie could ivill hill employer's 4augh. . placed near the tureen and it foxv "Aunt Daitt" makes for ex,Presidont (Ire a feature of "Social conversations
11as'.4 lit .kit. Mitylso yOu woll't lwllpvc� low. "llow wonderfull" exclaimed Lillian. tell, even should ire ever come to an � :Els. I SCII'vod with ftell P0111011 Of soul). Taft, and Is most delicious. In, English and Japanese," a yoluine
It, hut tli,!y lisketi that Hill lishoilt 1:111119.1; "It Is not of your bridol finery that "It is tile truth," 134d B They float lightly oil the surface anti .
that han.peneil uing lit -fort, sluk wits hora," ' ab, bursting agreement, there would be papalo, .cou- . ...... 10 1 9 9 � . I I . by Gentam Tomita, published In To.
E ,%visit to speak, lily deAr," niurmarod Into tears, "Oil, Lilliall", fithe tried, ,sent to gain, which I fear wo would e "'""..... are it, pretty novolty. For the iiiii-ijery - 9
_. ....- ; I R amdaiii. fioftly. and 'aii site uttered tile t, .. A I � klo. The author's alm Is to supply it
van Toil lielp ilia? Tell me what to never be able to obtain, Ile has, Ouch I table this Is a featu�re sure to Ile luffle'd * - - -- -- I., - .
RrLIEVED HER MINO. ivoroti she held out 04 volume, eontinit- do. I j guide to social conversation lit Hug.,
I I Rill going to mu'rry him, but lily high notions concerning my inarrying, . ., with delight. _ ID 11oh, thus:
(11tiston. Trill script) n-: ,*You left this bellilld you, its ol i . Try "kornettes" as a novel forin of , - 1 .
.1 0 wit e litiart is another's, though that Why, when it baron ilranted. to woo Die i.� Look ,ine up.* -Come .to my hollite
()ill l.aat--XN'v)l. lipri�'s a Mine, lily Pool, � %ve said, and evout,e ilia, illy deal- other one does iiot care for tile." ove� In Europe, lie said. INTay, nayl It Wafer to serve with afternoon tea.
111.111; but Lid ll;lti% to filel tll.kt 1 W11.14 Qn- .111id---bilt It l'i tsf thiti, and this only, I j . %..... .. a to see If I am at home,
110h, Bab, Ba-bl" sobbed 1,111jan, "how I shall make lily little girl A d4cbetisi ...,.. .. Little cookies are nia4e front one (.,u nly
C0111raging 1,011 , I drillk. A which I would talk with you." ....'.. .. . rn, it tableiponful of - I I 11 I __0 too delighted—I am. very much
Tritini, 4 do,sn'"t iivt it Ito eneonragetriblit, Bab . wall vertainly astJillshed, and di'bAdful!" a princess. or nothingil Ho, you, see I , I � pleased to accept your kind Inv1tatjo4
1111111). I 'I lit -it a 'puz4ed expressia "U111 it?" efled Bill), W0epilIg Afresh. that p4pa's apposition would be a hard I . . . .e t;c,ftetted buttdr, whie of on , REMEMBER I The ointment to take tea witil you, and to make
__4 0 4, I ooked it. 11 "And the Ivedding day so near at obstacle to surmount, grateful tile It (0 third of it cup of butter and 4 little you put an your child's skin gets
mule over lior lv�elv, niolille fact,. .4he, I can speak of tile wonders Catarrho- salt. Matror wlth it balf te.kip;)onful - lipy while the sun shines,
, U -_
NO LUXURIES. ' hand," said Lillian, pondeiringly. "You he,mAv be for saving his daughter's ,it's. zone did for me,' 'writes F, 11, Fornall- of vanilla, The butter is first added to -- into the system just as surely as Ile'll buttonhole yoji�jjg will catch
. ivaa asking Itev,-elf how the practical )lave given me -,,our word, and It has I He � would think nothing of making ,!ez, ,,,,, InlPoTtilut figill-A 1 1 11 food the child eats, Don't let hold Of the front part of your coat
ffa i'lli lig till) Star) " ftench musitun. %kit(') seemed to have 110 life 11 I Ine"col"ItIle the chopped popeorn, tben the egg Ili -
I.Aliv Instantly Ill ,vhllr f.1111111Y9 attleeil been published 1; all the papers, and I him rich for life, but when It comes to +1 -
I, , 3ther thought than the trousseau, or GcorgatoWn. ' "I had all 016 (I!",.- ititiffly beaten anti added, then the Sugar impure fats and mineral coloring Oil tile chest, Where the buttonholes
1.0 heo 111".11rillive inall. �j -.1 tomething Ill thLtt line, bAd come to her doWt see how *-you could get out of It, asking him for ]its daughter's liaml- tressing symptows,of catarrlt�-head Avi's and otber ingredleut', Beat all to- tire situated, and so hold you captive,
,Nil," replit,41 learnit-r Vorptusts, . - matter (such as many of the
eouldn't affoid to ldre any itlitlalst. if 'Or the purpose of Jiset"Ing, rioetr3, unloss-unleso fie ivere to release you of that would be quite anoiler matter, ' attiffe(L up -had It profuse discharge gpilier thoroughly and drop froni ttp (Olt that You may not escape till he has
Our litly jo.411 jro,ts Into noi, troxible wo'll -I could not help 0 e his Own free will; but it lie loves you "Would Tou give him a hint Bab if froyll ,(he cheap .clintments contain) get finished his conversation,
. pelung it at tit - I nose -T hawketl and . gaglRed. feagpooll oil to dbuttered baldng sheet.
jes, ilAve I0 Adillit that Ilts"A plill" rt)()I- itlace you halt warked, dear ehild,11 sald so passionately aa to risk Ills lif; to you ware 1, that T alit lntereoQ lit lifiti; into your child's blood I f, Zam- Is it Ybu?-Surely It cannot be you,
Ish.", . . naid It so, lxo%y would yo.u. set about and bad,a Weak throjit. INIv ears bIlvZed'- $pread with a lolifoir dipped in, cold .
- A - I - Sladain ,lArue, Ili a low, faltering voice, save you, you could hardly expect that ! . anol I hit�jj it constant paldiii,or the evi:4,4- � wator and bake bi a slow Ovell lintll a Buk ispurelyberbal, No pois- Who stands waiting in the hall, and
?IJ .
land- -Olt Miss, -�!J,Rb, it revealed to ni� lie would be willing to give you up," it 'Catarrlioxollo cleared iny head, streilp.�th- delicate browil. 4 onous coloring. Use it always refuses to send Ili ilia name, by tile
CHEER I.M. , 11ab looked Lit her helplessly, servant because he thlnka lie m(ty
I ,secret 11,111cfA lie-ve kept carefullir `1-1 wish I dared say soinethIng ened illy threat, took it,way that TAllit Wbere a co -Al range .A not l-vallaill,?. 50c. Box at All Ptuggists and 510 *,0tL's) *oncealed froin'twery other eye; anol else," said .Ba.b, d-espAll-Ately. 4.would-- "There are so many wayo, Lillian, In breath and soreness lit the nose." thera are several ways of attelilpting I", disturb me while I am -elitertaining
"I ROTIVAIDIPS wonder Ir life Is worth liv- :hat se,cret Is tids, Alld-, Beneath that would you think less 4)f lue ff I were to which a clever girl mu give a luan 9, Other friends? Surely YOlf know very
III".,, 11111sed the pessimist. it you have any form of etttarrIt or to do vorn-popping 'Over a gas 8tove,
,�it is;" r6pliett the Optimist, -It Is .old, calitt deinentior of yours -,-out- gen- say something else?" site -sobbed. :hint tlAt she is Interested in him, throat trouble., Q.u� out a%experimentF. - but the process Is never ,9A satwfac. Well that You are always welcome to
worth living nitich isetter than ninst of ,le, girlish heart N breaking.' 1141s, I I'My, lie, certainly not!" responded without committing herself,", she dei use , Vatarrhozone-WR reputation is Wry as when done over a bell of liver Come In, unless I have some very slie.
its 11vo It.— cilew your mether when you -were a Lillian. "You know*von are privileged clared. "GiVel I'll" a flOwey that has -world,wide. A complete Outfit with c4la. Ali iron stove lid Placefl. over a Gial business on hafid? So I was sur.
I _- 17 �jlly balle, ity, anit I kni-w'her ere iihe to gay anythinK you . ]lite to your dear a sentiment attached to it." stifficient medicatimi'to ]of* Iwo Inontho4 burner of a gas 7':tngo And allowed to ra prlsed When I came into the hall to
THE INDISPENSABLI5. ?vas your fatlier'r, bride. I made, her Old chu'll, You little goosie." "I ani. quite sure that lie knows noth- and ail indestructible harohTitbbev inhaler bee.olne roll hat will give sufficient ije�jt — find It was You au�d not a stranger or
(ATgonaut) Areddintr eloi)itv,. it -1; Its I am making "Do Yoll-knOW," said Bill), after a mo.- '119 'Of tile Itinguage of flowers," said (tests $1.00; 6111,LIIQr sizett ivith ghtl,ts Ill- it) make the kernels burat into, blooill, I � � . a business visitor.
Till- li'll"111411-11"tti wall litt.0nollng 11114 first rours, "child: )PLit, till! ShO was 'lot -'a ment's reflection, Lillian, ruefulby, "for lie said only yes- I ., I .
igal gaiiiii. lit. seenisid very uneasy arter . baler 25e and 5()e, All ILlruggists anti provided one has a little patience. BEVEN,AGES OF WOMBN , 1
.4 find flillilly �Ijd to ills rou tire now- r.he Nvedded for love, and thought Out of my head tha terday- 'Of all flowers the world hold,.,$, storekeepers, or po9t pai& from the Cit- Where gois Is used ill file kitchen. tllo
,ijit. Mill 111111lig .-er heart still t:oid worre Ili lier marriage. attracts lily lover . , It I t illy wealth I love the violets best, beeallse - furnace fire offers a splendid place, for It' ,ach woman In her time plays many Woman in Pain
Amoi-lvait i0end: wer come one tarrhozone'(!o., Buffalo, N..Y., and King
-I ,say, old ejap, iviien do tliey servo You. fire unhappy. little -Bab; would to suddeill. whom. I once knew was so fond- of ston, Canada, tile popping of corn, Ivitil V4 jai -go parts; '
.1 .1, poor, T doubt very much Wllc�- ta I ,I IZ? - J� �, ... area of coals, the Work can be done .The Infant first, Who rules w
til"i tea"I" ffeavell I could' conifort volt, as -%,our the,, le n I �j , hile
*Tlwy don't Mil-Ve t0a at a I)nIl MR111O." alit to marry- 2ne or 16 t ._ 'arms YN es -ars
lit �gllpr till' Allierli-all. Mr inother would do.. If Whe iVere fiere. not," lie would W . Was she ),our sweetheartIl I vert- , quie.1-ly and irell. yet in . For Three .ju
,1!-vo wa, Isetween tuning -R." gasped tile *-You take no interest 11 -,'cut' ap- I tured. 'Silo never, loved me,' lie r�pliedj W4s He Excused? I - t I And practices oil all resistless arts -
. i0tS it be Possible?" gasped Lillian. almodt coldly." With an uncomfortable feeling Ili Subduing sages wItl, 'ter potout With an Aching Shouldel n
I-Inglislitnan. "Theil What'4 tile Ob.100t Of )reaching mitri-ijige-, inde L 'you. tire "Tell tile, d0ftr, What ])lit such it strang 1, charms,
tile )A(soming gaino." - e 11ow strange that violets aral blue- their heads the juvellile chistAcs awlit-Od �. 1�
i - I- *lfullY. "n"ally"y Over It- A 1 I clin Say idea into your Iteall?"' . Back That Seemed Incurable.
�o -you as this- I ivould rat Lev see,you bells should' be illy favorite flowers," the ad�ent of the -1chool. inspomtor. Thoky . a-rs,l44r'44 '010;
" , wo . �
HOW HE KNEW. "Ills. interest Ili heiresse The schoolgirl next, 9, roguish, wee ..
. ying dead before me Omit to go to tile s," r0turl)(341 said Ball, ,and her thoughts flew quickly had liad it well ilrLIM1111"d into "theol fillit �
Wosion Trnnserlpt) iltar an unwiliIii, bride. No chains aiv Bab, girlwiv. "He knows just how milell back to that inor she had )net Clar. this -was to be 11 new departure. lit exiiiii- LUM BAG 0 coquette, �
- I every ) nill . Tells of Her Remarkable Cure.
Ilix-You so,s, that nionei - hard to to hard to wear Im these forged at tile . Ith 911-1 in Boston is worthal- e1we Nevitio by tilegbrookside, and of inatiolis. Bland ttjid expRllsIV4 tile in- Each fool boy taming With a tender
Collect. llo��: do N�ou Icnow Vint; 1,0,0 4,jtRr; Ito �ettp of woe couJd be drained "'at to a penny. Me once said: ,you tile delightful hour the)- h�d passed to- opeetor saiiiiterc-cl into tile seblvol 1-001u, I glance; 9.
yon ever triod and alled? Very few peopio� copitl so p%tlently
j)1x.No; lout it numlior of persolls ll,tvo, lrbleh 6 so 4itter it) the lips as it love- head tile, list of heiresses Ili Boston, Bill), gether there, tile ]tour lit -which. she an(l, walicing past tile school * jeacher, Ills hard colined lessons lie doth then I is
ftled to Collvvt froln lilt'. . *89 InWri-inge", You art, ivorth twice as illuch as any of. made the startling dis,covory that liar addressed tile clalM I NOW ON' L V forget; si iffer for three years as I dkI ' writae
: - r site was unprepared fill, the bitter cry them, being an onls- child.' The words heart had gone. ont to him -that life ,,Oj)$el,vatiojj of little things,'"he said, Anti lie Is thrashed for dabbling in -NII-3 X. 1). Dttra;ld, front her hmne in
irb4ch arose from Ilab's white lips- struck me wit'li it eO*1d 011111.11 would never Ile tht 1, A11911stft. "Sometimes I did feel very
IN THE SPOTLIGHT, iz - aame to her unless "(has niade some, of (stir . vatest 111011 of A IKV41 A M E romance, -Ui,
"Oh, madain .yott tire right!" site set)- Lillian s (1, but ltiwiv at a rernedy,
(judge) � 106king at )ter long anti it was passed by Ills Aide. And her - to -day." I =1111�911ele (Illy turn lip ivitIl the pover
bed. "I ant. miliappy-surely the. ,nost earnestly. . . thoughts travelled on lit the same Xiij a soul nioved: eye"YO110 Pist . , ... 1. I Then the -young miss, with skirts
Mr.s. Grammercy-I thought your (It- Gir , . I I of
unhappy girl lit fliv whole wide world! 'n Dear sirti.- I tO 1-431-10-8 MY ;Ilfforings. N.'erviline was
vorce ease was cominm up LI)IR month? . Giving his hobby, ivhy do you not groove to tliat hour %be )tail spent with ,joOked. WitIL jki,.; cuat tli�own li�ck. ankle length, ' I Ili(, one lblng tl,t,l ever did ,,,,,, ",,I ,
Mr. At- Let me inake .I eonfidante of you, and test his love for you411 site sugiested. ' him.upon the be4c)), of that hasty wed- hild his thumb, in, lim Nvalateiat popkets, After taking a treatment of SA,.\'OT, for Dreaming., 'most foolish dreams of �
; q. Park -I had my lawyers gez it po
ponontent I)pcnuse "IN' new I;OWII-9 tell you ell. I intist tell some one, or "I don't know.,, �Onfessed Bab, de- ding, And the strangO, Litatillcr In Whiell I ,Nlr Iljj9pectts,r displayed. siretched lumbago and got eured, I reconinjended it ' 0othes -and boys, . good, it hnil. the power 1:41 Fillik
AvOnidn't lie finished Ili ffillo. I old friend of inbio whil 1.4 apotit 70 into Iny stiff, sorq 'niliscloss, and it drpNv
. my heart will surely br6a1c. 1. am not joetedly. "I wish I did." fato had parted them Ili tile first hour 1,cioss 1118 alliple 411111114810118. a heavy 'O "'I Dollsl- cast aside. all her aMbition's
I It - I 9: Yeart; old, Arter takjng foltr bosttlps, I out the pain. and give ire rdea,io front
SAFE POLICY. what I seeill.-I alit a living liep 3116.4all). ,I I'll tell YOU What I'll do," cried L11. of their bridal,.Rud the horror that had goicr watch-chalit and it guld-topned tlie exertiviating palw% led 311111, and 111m strengttL wh ditstres4 aa few iloople know. AIF
�Buffnlo Expreas) * Listen it) my torrible seeret. Yes, I will an, "I'll think up some sort of ,scheme, 1011OWfid "Poll the beels ol it. the sild- jountaill-ppli peeping front hN ,tvatc-h. feels betWr than it(- has done for ilits llmmt I Is' almed at parties and such social "'I
te)l you all., 10 yeaj-4. 4 condition I17ts harpely'.10tellniatic, and
-1 belleve in calling it spud.� it titisa-lo," . n t If money is his ob. den aversion lie h4d evinced for the (pocket. joys. � `(to urgo evory pprson
('11.kPTER XTXT. .ed her -%ra, 4C . Olt tilis ,
deelared the mtranger. ject, or Bab Ifaven's love.,� iiiarriagc,, and how Ile had divorot - "N"011"', be went oll, "I will te,st your Please tisti this letter arn v -you ttifil! r.. I account I �
.. .. . 11MIt, -
. ,A antl ivill re-l-litor tile Toolll been enred, to lot"the seeptle wilille know Fourth, as the belle, with
It Is dangerou.4 to call on -i it :,.I ril or iving her an opportunity to ,power. fit, t1l4 It Is a 1111tv wo all ow;� Who I . ,vit-11 Rhelliniltic tell(lencles to 11.40
The aeci-et Ndiliell -11ab ,was about to "What could we m!" exclaimed Bab, i""thout powder *XPTv:3I1ne-iul) it in frosqruvintly ,Ln -t
another sult, if you Qlt In ,I gwrlo avound r,onfide to Mailam Lame, and which ivatching have anytivin �er, Her ,tild 1*�`n tilift.0 toll lite what I hawe for' there is it re.ti vin -it fQz, .1,clartel, troulilt�. . and With paint '
bere," warned flie native.,, j, her breath, exoritedly., .q to say ill tile matt -f- it . . I biwl a )lot flantiel cloth osver the melt-
berart greiv bitter a� abe thought o " .,gotten." -
I - V might have funiod tire current of tivo "I don't know yet, I ,aid I'll think ,X,,,O,l ,sh, . Bedizened, In magnificent array, ing, Parts. Thk 14 very semthing and
GREAT MAGAZINE. lly"-, was never uttprefl, for at that me- it lip. Leave it to recoll"to,ot lieraelf - lie., Leaving tile 7,00111. lie, abAractell, Ilia Yours, trill% Besieged by suitors, ,she will make , 4 . .1
. �� * AuguSta Deretinie, A;tona, Arms. will mireiv cure."
ment India p 0 nle; within a day or thouglita halt glanced off--sbe had not .fountain -pen from lilt; povket, aiii]. re- complaint ' . It is jil -t ltileb caseff q6 this that hilvol
(judge) e�yvd '111 t'"I (loorway' NL two I will have thought lip Some been listerd4l to NyTtAt. Lillian w one heart
Dili 91*--:�Vha t do -you think of the month� one Milt! have tnid front.the expressicill 11,01elre, and when I have the plan foiniu. ii,4 . 0'4 ' 'my- -turned standing before ti e odatis Ili .';A';Ofj 1s; tho, rernedy which does cure Unless she breaks at least Tnade 2�'e'
d ) . rviline famewc in inany laiia-ii.
13, ,Ategatherluin? of ber face iltatt how sharp ears lia litted, T will writo yon. N -Ow I ,vill "tell " -tile same attitud". 'ill lCidilAn- troubles stlell It% Luil0ago. a 4
violets "Zoly, � wbat . I 1.1 ve I -1. x 'ey, . . No jillinlent N lin penetrating, so
Jlngle--Grettt inagazitic! Fille fletion, he,trd till, an(I illat pile lliltd hastenedlier I; ])Lid been something altotit T foriyo,en " lie 0-ravol, o;, ant, trouble at Mug fruni c. - I
I Just read the ovening 70 pages alinilt steps to prevent ll..tb from, making tile I a luej)ollo4, the list ,she had heard. "" . n vo,*; of urlor avid. as t1w alwye Itnter stron-v vn I'ls iliblience
you about myself,, Y said Lillian, "for. and b beallied. proves. At last, surrendered, site becomes a
what It ij-111 contain durin.- the next few d1W-1wirre. ]I ven't -ten minutes to stay, ,,So you see nly attempt to commimi- PrICL. $1.60, bride ov(-r c" N-eiiralgria, Lumb,wo Sorlatioa,
Illonthq. I shts) get rl;,,ht tit the, folloNIV. AIL the kiddles sAtiolillilb-, ON' didn't ond Rbeninati'm i ' a marvel,
70 all, as I am to meet P&Pa At his cate iAbh blin by ihe pretty nieling of Sold lly, all leading druggkts. Mi simpl�
Ing Out wlifit it already 11-11 "Bab, dear," s1w said, sweetly, "yon Office, and catch the Outgoing train the language of flowert; i -a utterly fit- ' (julto widerstand Ills% rigularol 'Sliddell- Literature free from The Hanoi 'Manu- Ifer triumph'a zenith; her deellne's. Thousand-. of actual, perninnent eure;4
11"T have a viqitor. Niho says she has out with *'llim, and th ly,A little clials in time front J)W.d:
till.; 111-urre�,, Y fond fliettirin,! vo., Ltil., 9'rS Main qtreet, Win- begun. prove 1his. Tn tile bomp Nprviline 1i
. 1, : I 0 borses at the door tile," sighed Lillian. "Rd is 'lot 'I'lease, sir, you. forgot ttgiay %x- But most Inexplicable Is now liar pride
. . a few 1110111ellIS tO SpArC, and J)Opeg .you are inipatient alread%, . lilliv. .1joill. .11) 1120ol breau4e it eziit Ile taken inter -
LIKE THE REST OF US, will see bi-r lit one(.. SU- is till .old "To begiv with," of poeniti, especially love Poems," slie cuse me' iviien. you Nvalkea front of ., . This queen of many, to be queelt 7adly Ailith imrp re.-ittlis. for erawilzi.
I 'Pampript,) friend of yours -a bo, " ';he lidded, briskly-, iv�ejlt oil, "There Was EL Story Ill [I , , "
WD,Ann 1, . . ardin-school chuel, I'm ill loves, Ba -Is -really and truly in magAzIne which. I came acroFti, of a girl the teacherl" I �
lit fact., , c I . . - BfusicAl Plagi4rist. I ,dixiiach lutins. and r1jarrhoen. It r,tosjA
::lf(w (till you Spend Your vaeft-Lion?" ove!" ,who loved a young-inait ivith just Ruell , initing, olures irlitii-elt and sick boad-
14ptinflin" , "Oil, it minitt lie Lillian Barveyll' ex- . Than comes the matron, family and vo �
� I lily Ill Oil py." claimed Bab, springing suddenly to )ter "Oil, rut so gladl" breathed Bab, 111' a hopeless Iovk-_1 eay hopeless, becauso Victor Ilerbert, the composer, said of home, a all p.
� � - I congratulate you, deal,. Aly -only prayer, slie had no means of' letting him knoNy . 'L I
feet, all foreetful of ]ter sorrow of a few I . ,% musi 4an whose work lie disliked: `_ oniplete irithout Nervf-
ON THE WATPR WAGON. Is tlmt lie In, worthy of you." - jV,0jI, I ..laid tile 3NIInard's Liniment ("O.,V1,11111te Absorb tier energies and loving "re lill-11.10 IT211"111611 ire botth.q. We.: triAr
moments before. Il im, t.; -The prophecy that was made rLbout Prom her 'own hearthi3tone, 'caring I - 210:,,,., j,le '1116 storel'oeperq and drtll�l
(11irmirplitini Age-Iferaid.) "You are a little too previous with Inagazine. open at that place 'Ott tile * Dear Sirs, T had %IBIFeedin,g inior on � chat) in lfl�boybood h�,; come true. not to roam
,%,he hadn't , . . s �'11'e I A Co.; Buffillq,
' " , js
, ,
Your congratulations, � ", , tried a - .
i, a card," said India. "Sho 'i.tA Vatarrhovone
L , -e "In hit; boThood, you know, Ilia moth- Silo still finds life replete witil ,,-. y. � I
��% -1 _
-tit 14 inflnenood did not expect to make ail), calls, but Lillian, 'with a grimace. "T'hey are not would read it; rvid -si-bat do ,),cit think, milliber of remodi wlithoul 00(l I - I
"Don't volt think in, my dear," said library table, supposing, of course,,he Inv face for- a lom,
by h6 ejl�jrvllnlent?" that was the naine site gave. She Is in 'i or fiftla of hint. treasures rare. . - � - . :
. I
. In Order, as yet, for the reason that lie )read ever- e M I was adyl.qed to try -ARMS "'Of), be's Hitch a remark-ftble child, A FIND THE REMEDY. *j
. ything in tit e tire book isults. . � - - .
1IN:4 ahrays. I Once knew it ninn the drawinx-rocin." mine is quite a one-sided love affairs as save that one article. When I referred LIX.I.MD, NXT, and tif tpr Uiting' '�ral bot, perfect prodily, in fact, Ile remembers FInts, the grandam, Shall one tell the I
9. , . (Guelph 'Mel-eitry)
- is yours. :f ain desperately lit love -with to it, lie looked up quickly, sayin. . Iles it made it cortiplok! (- f and it,' every tune lie llears., tru tit ?
who drove a i-prhildhig cart for nine 1,1* will see lwr- at once," exchiiniod
ykar.-I ,-I'll (190d of neute illeolull4sin." Bab, fah-ly.fl1rInrP:frbni the room. wbue an army of shig-le men are Jay.
, illy -handsome lover; but, do Tou know, ,III cannot talk 'with vou interesting- -qleitled. all lip anti (111sapp d alto- ,. -Wemll, w,II!, said it pill,nitit ivljo wits Sans -nothing that call purchased slittig tlielr earningm and their affee-
I - . - Elio reach(,11 tbe drawing-roont vith Tile title �Iid not interest I
lie doesn't even dr"m. of it, .'Bab. He ly about it. gather. I Present. be of men, . tious upon tlismselves and maln, of theml
it nedn!t but; a glance hasn't the TOMoteSt idea, �f such a state nie, so I p"Sell it by., - � devejospinir exti-w-agant aull often vic-
- .. breahleils liaAe. , , . 1�ox
SIMPLE ARRANGEMENT. to thorw her that the slim figure by the . DAVID JIM" t - . ,*,Isll,t tIjfLt a very rare and valuable Now granny dear renews her frisky IOUs lipt,litti-RII existelm Willell thdry pre-
(AVa4lihigton ,Star.) of affairs -or, of nly heart, I ahould� "What could I say?" tBelleisle Statioa, Kings Co., ., Sept. faculty?' bis mother' asked. . youth . I )I
Window W.-14 Indeeil. ]ter deareat chum of I -our oppor. . ter to . order].%,, economical married
"ITow do you regard tbe. proupeeto for Say, IVa a case of 'lie ,citme, I saw,' slid. q ust there you. itilesed 11,1i isn't rare,' said the planist, 'bilt . And thinks she will get xaarried life-akirititer great artily of ,voling-women
� bygone dayq. 17, 1004. ' �
moving the' crolt'it" CiL my heart went out to hiiii unasked." tullity", said Bab.' -You. iliould li'virs -1 it'q certainly valuable, it Will probably .. are forced to toll lot (jur factories and
i I Bab lookeil bewildered, Lillian laughedl and give, you his ' .� I :: : I ))uvineas liouses rov the necesattles Of
'I dc.n't have to worry about. inovinn illian!" w3ked him. to read it, . � . enable blui to become Ili after years it once again! life.
, 11 ")lab!" outright, . ion oil It." . I . I . . I . its alobe- Minard's Liniment Cures Tbis Is all Un
the erolp%', ret'lled Failner norntossel. And tile next instant the two young *pin . I —_ gtLecessful conipuser.11s--St. Lou I 13tvne, Etc. fortunate and unnatural
11 let, tlit a "It wasn't any Olt the nob] 1pid 0-1 me not to . 'i -- 1: state of affairs. moreover, from tbe
't - surniver boarders pomp Ifere girls ivere Ili each eitherli arms, I e lords, nor' "Dear me, hOV' st, IGIVE THE FOREWNEFkS HANCE Deniverat, ranics of tile unmarried conies bunianitVill
"g"'lig dukes, nor 'belted earls, that I met, Ilavo thought of that," cried Lillian, �; � 1- . %
qn1l get loln", . and crying hysterically in one breath, (!Yoronto Star) ' A Strenuous Statesman. \ Jjo,�livl,_-st contribution of Immorality and
I t I > "Oh, Lllll�n, ,%%,bell `41d you get back While abroad. Ife's only a poor youngp i,of ,!Ourse that is wbat I should IIAVO I -e Inclined Jtalni sil- . DEATH REPORTED Charles James Fox, the erline. ell worth con- .
man, quite as poor as a elmireh 211011,341, done I missed an excellent chauct-J) t I .. English fitates- All these farItOrS are W ,
THE V15ANACULAR. from Europe'.,' exelaimed'13alt ,holding sidering when studyinig the problem of
tier friend off at arrW14 length, and fair- and who ocolyples the humble positAou of' ,,Ij is not too late yet," said Bab. 17)erlorlty for Angto-Slaxons . tile rest
� An old offendor that hung on for man and sports had ivagared something anarriaire, eugenics or raO6 degeneracy and
(Judge.) pilipa's aeoretary!" 47liat's just wlj,&t j",%,,,as concluding," or tile 11-urnan family. '%Vha�jr advan- yc,jxj,g. -Kothing truclied Ills stony heart about a Waistcoat Avhicli could only, be tile fundamental moral principle lylitch
Ail inte-nview bit,tweeii a .rillop;,coper. ly devourit gg her lovely) dimpled faca "My ten minutes is taires Anglo-Saxons may poiLvi is due 1111t, 11idnanile bmi H,xtractlw, and out nderlies tbeni alT,. � - �
k. Bab's eyes grew bigger and rounder' said, Man, rising, Obtained Ili Parial went over to Dover �
I with her eyes. eonSulting her litfle !to their,facult), for Ideldnirp,h,lust ali- I . I -
in the K(utuckv momit,tins anti a "poor. t with. siirpvise, Lillian had always bad lip," ohe added, 'tbority. Wben the Alrueritral lie Came, rent, stem anti brallell 'A I t 1)
wbite" (leyfl(PII&I this. I �� ".k little Over six weeks ago, as sucli. an immenae stock of pride, she jeweled watell; "find we mutt, MIES and ons reiODIted against. Georglit,11ORSINd., corns (-iired jlt,.,t ,is quickly whei, 3,11t- 'by nigl�tj caught tile niail acket, poE,ted ' BETTER THAN SPANKING
t, ,P Avrite you, Bab." exclaimed Lillian, had always believed that she ould gay good -by, a.s. the 00119 'goes.
"Ilain't voil aot )to O&A, 1%V But they were -doing ex"UY tile S'9 as their I,.aljj,$ is ,uged; i.ry it, ,riv, at ait dealerct. ta 13arlei and back to Calais, and remeni.
is 8? "and meant to run down to see you It. ancestors who revolted agn Charles t . 1� I Slianking aces not cure children of bed -
'IT haill*� Faid, I bain't., I marry some prince Fit lea,st; she could before I'lorget it, let me "Ir. do you R ti, The , - bered ]to ]tall it horse racing at -New. wettinor.
dozen thnes since then; but something the First and James the Sia There Is & constitutional caualil
"T haint askptl yon Ili yon hnin't- I wtireely believe that she heard ariglit. intend to come to the little affiir I pro- Colts and the Prank rs of
: always happened to prevent. I vas at f you do, ' .4 we� * 1 )� nion- Widowed Swallow's Friends. market. Ile chartereil .a.fisiling beat for this trouble. mrs. m. summers, Box
Pitked yon bilin't 3ou is. f� voll?" , QLAPTER XLVII. pose to give next iveek? I liberty. Hence th. B�elV'.' ".,.e,
tile. opera. house oil the night of the ter weantia, -tile Amer] '�and tho bound for the eastern counties, just got w. e, Windsor, .Ont.. will send free to
- "Yee, I ant In love with a young man voll. will behold my wonderful hero. I "A. short time ago a pair of swal.
t I t . . -1 -we,jit you Republkf'�uf Frarec any mother her succesSfUl home treat -
NOT GUILTY. rible fire, and I osaw ,volt there, but. fail- 1"i to Newanarket ill time for the raee,. . 26 a 0
. �d to attract your atteutfon, Oh, illy# who does not reciprocate my il,ffectiou,, �. waut, -your opinion - Oil It Is tright tbat W. .11-11, '1�-e pride lows built a nest under the eaves of ment. with full instructions n n
0jurfalo Pxpres.4) nor even. dream of it," said Isillian Har- to tell nio just what Y t�11'11114` in these,thinga. but do)nut let IsilUt otit t .... k the ]lost back to London rnoney, but Writill ilet W-dAY if your child -
wasn't it awfull But how perfe,etly at other moes wito tire �,under l, disad. MY house" writes a Preston (Lan- and
"It ,11111CS It I(slJl1YNtT' Vey "ITow Is he to eappose that any, of him, D"Pite tile- 'fact tit stopped oil the way to dine. Ili the inid. ren. trouble you in tbls way. Don't
"No; 'of) fill, )Ili,. VI(LNV" havo l3vort Ili tie- lovely it '%Vita that 'YOUr handoome be- is only %papa)s secretary) he is vantage 13ecause they, or tit acestor.4
, -espectiug young ipl would giveher lie I pe were ilotis* successful. its kle against cashire) correspondent. (lie of the dinner 1101vas caught by I& blame the child. the atiances are it oaa'o
c-ord,wim lbe poklielpt; of thot Allinin saved vou so Ll;rolcally.11 .1 11, uZ belp It. This treatment 'Liao curem adu ill
Is, t r' -t trot�ed love-linasked. I see fit your eyes that feet gentleman, a, young man tyrantm, Give them &,chanco ,et their "About a week later I noticed one special nieslinger Who hall been t if 11
tion. , .4 ,,Yes 11'said i1all, fitintive tile thought par 119 and agoid people troubled With urins ol I-
� It- - nittini, through ller mind� that she w1ah- 'Volt at's anxious to know hpw It cantlet usual refinement$ quite a prineq alYLO119 lungs expand under tile Intl I of tile -of them hanging (lead from the nest over half of Engianil. lit search of him, ticultles I)y day or night,
well, I Will let you air of freedom. . �1
�brout. Well, 11. was a question, Of saying and handsome. , with its bead a piece of
CAN'T BUY THOSE. 'batj licit, tbat death ,would hruve men, . _*40 IN ., �1 I and renlittletl that be bad to move to
ed lie -my life, sometibing after the fashion ia� Ile the judge of that, Bab-" minard's i Liniment for sale ywhere hair. 1wing Ili a marringe bill Ili the 31ouse of IE COB.
(Ilr*Aom Tikanse'rlpt) � IV "Now there are young in the nest, (,, 11,111, oils. Ile T�dllpjj to tile stables, ('s'. Caroline Coe)
:,I bell Nvelcoine to her. le &11 about it,* which your hero saved yours. It Was the, "I think you will concur Ill 1117 opinion , V . -1
sutsposw your neighbors, ilip Xow. "'But, volt 111114t; tell 11 I handsomeat young mail THE STAGE IN DA q, and they are being fed by three o1a roiti.-be(i ilic ITOuse in tinle
A,11-1. have lilt, bo,qt at everyth Ing.", our vevy day we arrived home froni Pjarope, tbRt lie is the to make it . j,'ah;t winter :1 wits invited to it frlejul'ff
,,yes, i-xvoilit nintiners," rattled 6 7.1111 -in. "Did YOU JVTget, I had out across the lields Olt illy way you JL&ve ever beholld. He 1.9 tall and -1 (New Yotrk lierald)' I birds. It loolts like symDatby for the brililitnt speech Ili reply to North rcifol.
11 I _. .t fjo clitirely, that ,we were to . house and. much to lily supritte, at lifillial" -
I - - ' compac . to tile stable to look after illy pets, broad sliouWeM, with ,it brune complex- I all that Ims been P, %gal Widow, There are no other nests On, Burke. and Jefeated Nlorth, oir a� division there wits or(JLlgllt Oil Stsianlillir 110t Wril
PROVED, be cach otlter'A cunfl(lotlate Ill Our tD'vu hich. I had left two ye6aris ago. Among iolifthrough -which tile Told COIceg and , DesPitet List the same building," by it aiiigle vote, . On, tile cob.
I . Irs? A'ou tire not (11 ) to your Ny , 'the 5kta e of to-d'Y it call"O denied . I � I . . I I . . delicious. I Ininiedlateli, asked
(Washington Herald) affal .lite Ill , es in his swil,rthy obeeks. Ilia chestnut ,tliat oflate Yeat's it has enJoYe o con. . ---. - it was
'I lie?" . ad of hearing it direct theill, my pretty litlifer, Juiubo, and the 0 and ,didence and good W112 of such e 1�t�q of , how It wase proparea, and lily trielid,
:-Popular Isn woril, Bab: histe. little ved bull ealf, the clunisiest but fiair, I ant sure, 'Would Ile wavinig , . who is one of tha ))est of cooics baid,
Topular? a cropped allthoritY gund Influence ruff th ji,�Ojj, -I canned it a9ter it reelpe 01 illy islvzw,
11,11y, when that in, it goes from _jrou, I rea(I It ht tile papers," most beautiful little creitture you . ever a,bundant, it lie did not ke4P it - the edueatl0lial classes avid 60 ,. , It . I
Into -i restaurant lie frequetitly get spr- ,,00!nle allit sit down, dear" said Balls Lis well-roundetl lie" and . and added, 1,1 would not, advise nitiuli
ved stiltr that tile cook liful plit awtty for " ." behelf. Ibad nearly reached the big,pte. e close to I - -is no longer neoessary for a ni ,er, to .. 1�"w 10 Cora to be put 131) 111 tills way, for ills
"It ' Ills ZX11 his playhouse a "lectoro r - or , �� lit It; and great care niust be
an.1 volt sll.,ill bear all about it Ilia eyes-oll, Bab, Von should gee ; I
b1tirts0r." , elt that led out of the cornfield, when a . - Wife work Is
- - c "�., ill.
V :� Th ( y RAt down torrethet Mith tit L.�. e,m; if Ike had Only j,bese to winussum" In order to attract re
- ,sound struck illy ears that sent % t1irill - 10m4lencep. Young girls are . !tied r takii
-Ilts%illeil allout paell other, JAI 11 is.,.T�.; -in the first place, you Illust have tile .
NG RELATIVE. Itria., t lalm of being handsome, he would Ito visit places of aniusernent 11 'IM , i wide. tills, IIaIjF_gQllolj Calls. Ili these
URI, llavill;; rostljoved Iler hat and mautte. of death to lily heart -the crash of it or , aiAse
(Judge) om(At of men. Why, 'Itheir pArents take It for ranted t at � y
thundering hoofs, A,cooluisanied by the, still be the 1`11da least they will not be off, - tlottyplc%l� as Inuili. Short ears of Corn us .
,I. d.-Il't. %.oil begill?" cried I ho.w.pale you lookt Bab; are You Ill?, nd iros le 111 0 utuftsitable hold.
'hInd,-,-TlAq sunnner lsepnis to )s(,. mucith NV4.111, . I �e In its Illost lo olsior '11.6
! angry bellowing ut in enraged bull, 6xitations of Vic -13s sure put tile vorn is creshly Dicket
voolm, tilan lltvt, . rAlliall. e. lje(ll%., .,�'Ball sat for a nlo� ' turned quickly, atiol, belteld the anitual asked 1,11,11ax, stopping short in her de- Vbrasc. A f 6W more b � I I dr 1 _. and 'It. , e ,
tilotrJorle,-You inust remeffiber, dear a is, , p(.tl 'it, ,, i th,6da *time is.rents w I Itel the I ! and that tht'lle 'Ve Ito de( %flig k1j"114
that you've not wearing so many elotll�m� � ment NN, , ilIvnec, studying tile G_g knew hint instant. 130ril)tiull, r, - whi0i has been added granii1itted aug4 . i fI
' i ' ,,*,N,o no,, tjel4imed Bab, stifling her ,ei,, ... Id 11 a whole, a e s 0 &_;ri. . oil the voll. Have 11unle llut Uater U
: I lilies oil I e (121-POt l0th titoughtful eyes, - -I tow""' 'I"' I cognize me. It was j j """' W, I ttuffor as It has long sit n( in I tile proportion of a heapilig teastpo I � . )It. .
IT [JE MATCHED. einotion. by tile g
C 0 U CRN : I ,'It Inua )e W0ll(IPrf11jl.� but lie fp.flea t� re Preatest effort, " o'bi 0 lit a tar tile awne re. I .
roillantic", she litt ars before, 0 .., 0 . -t of water, Put �otlr
"us' .10 boll calf of two ye 'iy6u� I n ilis . S OE � 1. I fill to Otte tillal
(1,30fillo r-,Xl)l-(-s:M) went oil "fill, you ttl%V1.iys said when at IV f a I I nlied her foreibly Th.". , . fixeltse to offer
. nl� a orme 11to it .0 The description reini � -ans Its, a bolter oil Some ]illy or chstil
imn 11101tatrous, ter. t Id of dramatic inaterlar 0ur .. .. . t
-till*anvoile it would gei f fAle lovoir-husbana Whorn. alle-haiii wor-, 611di + , to keel) tlielil 111to tile I"Ptill bottoln.
, ,It,$ to Ile it wnl,n.qll Of school, 1i you k,;.Ql. 1:-% now. ), tially a. eleitn public. .
IIII'lliss 0,1411in appo, . ociou% beast 16 was making, 0 lielly. ,*,,ell , it 010 Vans
11su"Ll 1111.1litle..." be some great hero. How Sid it'all come i1pped so Madly, and lost fie or I , I .1 1-11 with the hist sugar ivater
Vf:,Yvq; Me ahsellco of sultonq long ft4o straight for me, and I r"lizeA dimly- 01 "Go oli,. UlIlAn", jibe Said. 111-1, am . ,7 �i Gives a Quick$ Easier fo use and put tit, vilvers llglltiv. Fill the
rivinet-A )ter fatiu-ii that lklip wits mateli. about " - 1� Neokwear. � boller witli watt -r to abutit lwo�thlrds u
-k-s-, "it W . . larfulant Foush Detter for a tile eliat. lion tear liours. Letll.00tl all
14 ., as romotiltit, enough," deelare(I what that 1nettlat' Of what "Ise to try attention." t . POUSH ,
_-W- - 11al), -I first inet Mr. Downing at my for Jjelp,- before aid could reach !lie I all —_ 1 . - - - I Piehu. '-% . '� I serew till t-ali Wits c0efillIN' ,'ill stand I
OIL ON TROUSL90 WATgA$, should,ibe lying lifeless, mangled, the *� I priliff, - , ,*That Lasts the Shoes - bottoin aide till for titree days.
I .ty!" I CHAPM-M XLN'IIL IN r lind lipleuditl lit(, C wful 'tilfs re(Ape
seript) birthday pal 01- prey of tile Infuriate(l. bitaitt, . Itufflem, ., 11 � ; . No-:rurp an(I till, 4.-olm oil flie, ('oil lit 0111,18tiolli
(Ilostors Trait. I "Y".' I rej;1einbor when It wits." 'll 1 think I inust have ehriekea, but 4fr hs,venst time to say any morla about i' IVIAIgh necka, T7 . 11 ." I I - . entine , - � �-.-__--._—...
Latly-All s -our inarine pictures repri.. ill - � was liallild with (141911t," 'Mid Illy fl-leud.
-lit tile Nest A. cally). - . papm Will 'miss hio train, It. - ,pol t , aqua � t, #-I lla%,o alrOady put lit) a eutlPle of dolze,l
F,�( Why don't you claipil Lillian, 'IT split you o6 eRblegro. in tile 11ext instant the 6ound died hint liow, or a Lid re and round. . . 1. � I � � - .1 I . �
vaint it ,;t,)t,ln Otive Ili it wollo; .. fruill 1,011doll. 0,presiiilig my regret that away on illy lips. I seemed to live all will keep Until Iva ineet again, By-by,ij- '- ' .� , I I I I �, , � . . .... . .1 ____. . eans.!,
. I'll I ... I I I 11 - —, __-4-*-4o - - - - -
. .
AI tist-%Ve painter" lit Olt tran't do that, I efluld not Ile With you. anit hopIn# that oteriiity ill 'the next moment that fol- Bab. I am going to try to think up ;tsmol 11' . .
11110,4111. We may niffline it storin (wit tile , ,e �, I I I WHAOK AND SHOOT WITH SAME WEAPON. Minardlo Liniment Cures 09ndruff4
vurwep, but. ,,�flll "Pe, as 14tion. ,,, %,e . you 1111ght Illoet. vottr Prini: . Manning oil lowt.d. scheme to settle this terrible qu#stiou,_, # . . I '' . � � - _- - . . I �. - � . - . I . -_
tile oil cottil., - tbat deliglitful oveasloll." . ., , Ll'."".W.,_ # SWIMMING COW ,
N.,'Ill to I .� tile. I'llut through tile aWfIll roar Of tht whether your botrothed loves you for - �j -
0 --pread on , I 4
sisave.4oull'u'de toy tile f0st bPe0I"Q1k IIS efthil 1*1 Joist, tivo y0nug, Illpli Olt that day-- wild bellowing gua crashing of '11001's, I �ourself or your fortune.... Sxpe4b to - , . ..t � . I 11% 110
.1.11 41 (Itlelt i)(tud. 1 4 . . 1. Ainloat evorl, day I
___ a -yonil'. 1111111 I r ,wAa I i 1.0�11 1 114%,
- , � , F — .Wle . I viloill illy lathe lit-ard M - votoe crying Out' '00uralta, (,air froan. mo Inside of a ok at Q4 Illay be witneseed oil Mich a*
- , I I ,%,,. J3,, N%,I,Ites a vontributov In ttL*
DELIBERATION ASSUA15113. greNtly in fAl-Or tit, (is 1, halt heard, anti eourage, lielp Is at hand, Don't Stop to farthest." . .1 __0111 , _.11-.!C,09A-1j". -)�T-A , .., 0111.1ve,
' ? . � ". -ell I I ..r ____3 - _�_ �:_' Strang, it'llere IL 1111110jer of cou's S,A,ltll
. .IA1111061) Sta'.) %vilich Inade lite detel"llincd to det0st hint irog,ell thio gitter, make lot, tile fence &lid After kissing tmell. otlier ftlituroultl I . ", .4 _�,;=; -, 7Z,_. .�. .. ON-er to all 181ABLI lit tho lovii. about �W-
INV. '111 i3ght, tile other one wits NIP, Down- serponble over M' and direetly before just as,they 1160d to 110 in tile 01<1 W)IO yl, I I , � , 1. I � '__ return, In the lt,�clllug,
01 : I I �-arda froill tile lilainlatid, feed thete, and
1Alt Pin 414141 110eftic tile i-.114tlaa., of . 1, They 441.6 nevel.
t (111110- ake tile
, I DIII "oh fill- %it(- tile forin of it man located up. 110 daiii, thery tore tbeniselveg Asunder, and I arivell, but t,
It W I-11111ill'y fat %1,1110k yoll flesiro . lig, 'Ing tile two weas Will . Al, 110AIT iftittrely of
I , t k W .
..1ti., po"'Ition." '. .owetl, 'we som, Q1111,441orlitble of 11(1111 kit tore the yed silk scarl Which I Wore Lillinil trlpl)oA hurriedly down tile mox. I I tlieIr own ti -et' Will, Tf 06 wind In
"w'-1)", I-PPI14.111 tho 11444r -rill -l! j all. lialpil jilluse. fill, the vountl�y $(,fit Of lowelv around my neek ,from lite, , , agAinst th0l), oil tile r0arn Journey an4
- 0. � and ble oteps to the earriti,go In waiting, ,; I . . 1. I � . . — ....—, ilia sea, rouAll. it Iii somettilies iievessary
1,11vatit, "it man Nn't iwarl �:q 1h0ole to file DoN%illug'; was it va'st Haven, to 11auniing it lit flie. lu6 of ilib approach- olsoor, dear Bal)p, *hp oq OA it, ti) plit ollt Ill it Wat 91.21d 1191
111;41.4, 1114114i'l-00 iuinarhs, ir Ili. hlo 141 "et , . golil Itirod, 4 for a 1110
A li.%Ivoll *trill 141-sh till VIA nif-abIng- lit ,,Otte dov wbile I WAR 411-11l'itlK Rollin ing bull, dartw off in ail oplioalte direa. mile settled himself aniong tM PawshloM, I 'Here's a peculittr luokilig %veapon� -but the revulvOr is of tile liaill- tile ,-,lover ill turl'i lw holding Ills ljall�
. `
i -V,-1% 1�014 Ito lllti,l-�I." 1041 Ladir %Mbitt over to thp county fail-, tion, waving the, scarf as he ran, That qtow o1roaLlrul silo Iftluet feet not to U . I , Itierlegs LAtiTt Mith the 4and of tho bar- under eac.1% voiN s olim, Rq thev get daz , ed
40f� Wl&*'
'P,��- �,_ ,4; - §,, �
1) `
- -
, "'
I. -
W �
xv it I
I ap
it � "
t ) 12t. H
- -.1 'I
__ _!
. -----++-O--- I '00, Wax to Attrit& file attention Of tit(! ill I tt Alliericall javblitioll that Illftv 11111y , f t1lor 1jea d(tolleA In Weir facell and *Willi
xld(41 iv�q tell iniles distant, the 1101 ,; - quite aura of tile xilotivm of tile viaA : . . � " , Tel t,awk,"t off. Tho tioliller whacks ,A L-Ircles InStOad of stoing stra I 1811t; Alkaloid.
PASSIVE ClUANTITY. I t is rial't-1 1111N) % _.___.#.**,��
I $I AWAY from M6, In whoint into )ills dwre&I that #ilia ohmA .� I � 11
.(jol, fright. anti I woulex ]lave bl!en kill. farlatel]. anint I I , 4 part in tile next war. I vith. the, liaber, awl whilo Ito, Iflard?a Liniment Rall6vot Neurofula
(%Va.0jljj,jolj ,.4tar) �d by K lovolnothis W11101 Ilashol, d.)wjt wbielt -lie suclefeded iuogt adinimbly 4% but: i,,4 Ttliglig it lilt tit get, a start oil M
qt . f 1111trry. Were I in 'nor positloft, 1. #A . 6"Jiwlaly to eavalrg it
lw%, . , . _-,_.__-.*.*.4i.__
1180 N. -Ill 14W. -t ycnl. money In t 1poll U(4, bad it liot Wou for tit(- bravery tbut at r4lillont tile cost of his own Was sure I Alloltht J)ifle away and (1118" t , Oould'bo used by foot ljolffiera tit alitz,a j 1,11othor whaek lie vulUA tim trigger
'I 'r ., � �� . . -110'
30, , NVIlen milking a stestinell ol 41ftl pua.
4!01 vir-plivil Sir, T.mobliln. "t didn't if Mr. ])owning; lie fl,Aked his own lite for the beast overtook likit, stild ht rll(%Nv jfj the world Am I IkXol � � antl 111unloi tho olimlly allother Willi-
Ivi it have tho NIL lot losing It lll'N1,9 r. I ;o 'kave 111ble. Well, that lea lip to tile wotila h4v6 pailt this poftalty from whicli ,witudiort') . vo 11 .. .1111110TA.
" 41 lo 0. I I I I . . . I it is 211f.rely X t,011,I)IIIatioll of twt) ; put thatiging hi�� grit) till t1lo hatidle, ding, plait the eloth ilixt the top to al.
l -is 144,11,441 31Mtj'r4 Illo .111111 14-t 11,061-iluev Ittlothal, Ullian, I- I,dfd not love him, -ho W r"*uod %go, had not a oaot :trom ITO blo,00019%lviti), - - _.... ' lk-1.11 �_ � - I . __." . *ftpon4_tjj# sabot? Itlid tlt* revolvor I 13eautiful iustrittliOnt of death! low tho pudding to sw4ll.
ITt5 if ft'll hw." � . ,
. ?. �
. I
I I .
I ,_ ,&,,wsL_mh_,*.: . . I . I I I �___ __1--._--j1._
I ,_� - " _/