HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-09-18, Page 44i I Our neer Furs fl-nd For Coat+ are Ile -rt, ,till) S III�1.)FCtltlll, tr: f 11ave 1 i not spart.d time nor money in gathering together the largest and most i p -to -date selection of Furs in town. Our guarantee of quality -goes with every Fur purchased. New Dress Materials, Suit - Ings and Overcoatings. Some of the latest goods in separate suit lengths, in`Scotch Tweed effects and brocaded designs. Come and see the newest goods. 1""'ROS -KING 1r. 11 PRODUCE WANTED PRONE V lo q r fi THE WIN'GT AM ADVANCE T>IlvRsl7nv, SuTFl4i>3l~zz 0, 19>t3 ! THE Ci FEN'S HOBEHOL.D. Something h•. t X ng To Her Majesty N :s Cut Down the Num. tl ( M » � r�+ �'j e g ken of Her Atten'art:, VA - Think About �„�U�EVt MISSES' It 1 "The Queen has beets pleased to ap- �' �� n CHILDREN'S point the Countess Fortescue to he Lally of tho Bedehamber, in the roam Ir 'Il t Of the Countess of Shaftesbury, rc:l tt• 9 1 .-I �' B (l) The population of Canada is u - NEW FALLned. The Queen nae bean haft sbto r�r�i r � �orInfaxlt and Childxon. c'rraslugny )cape and bounds, and ;.o and WINTER COATS - appoint the Countess of Shaftesbury ;. , � � _�!'--� • � ....',-... .. new )rind is being orat4tr•d. to be an jxtra Lady of the Bed. I %l' Real Estate must therefore inorsase chamber."lKind You W�v® value. � This brief announcement in The � (2) The cost of malarial poll labour London Gazette recently calls atten- _ _ Ea constantly risen •. tion to the fact that Her Majesty interest in Court arrangements does rt' Always Bought IL us can therfiforo w.v+r bs vheap�r ;I ,Iltja aa chit at resrIt, , not begin and end, as is popularly I+ Rel`oprie`aryNorv�atealMedicineAri, ; 1`he above tante are as supposed, with the appointment o4 her s >llcgetablel'reparali(),1(9 s-• 'fit co {. rhu+it can possibly bH, audtrhetlrnnral iy , �'s Just Op�nFd u[� new FALL and personal ladies. Since I�int; George o �; similating lheFoodandReuula+• Bears the to Invest In a home, and to DO IT NOW came to the throne, Queen Mary has ' jinglheSIOmachsaidkjersof '�' 'WINTER COATS, Our Stock insisted upon superintendin; the de- to+ls of the organization and les in all sizes from the adminis- i, l ' ' Comprises the best m$kes and tration n the royal household, work �1g11atl�re We have listed this week which in the past was delegated to ; , '� �; "---"— ' 1 A 100 acre groes farm near Wing. .)atfst styles Court officials, This has resulted in Promo(eSDigestioRCheerfW ham, man alterations, Qf / smallest to the largest sits Coat. Y particularly in re. I nessandRestX011talnsneI(ller; 2 A fine dwelling with five ked fooms Bard to the number of servants em. j�i!. Opil[nl.MOl'I11tinC nurrliuefal. in Flingbam. Take a look in the Cloak and ployed, for Her Suit Department on. the second Majesty discovered i s: NOTNARCOTIC. 3 A well siluated dwelling with good �, c JA1 that she did not require near) the stably iu Wingham. number of servants and attendants that were formerly deemed necessary, P.eoFeof07dPr•,�I 1fPIIrdIL7t 1 4 One of the beat farms in Cul:cap. �l i floor, wherea very large range the state maintained beingmuch more i' �rPk�u Seed 1, Choise buildinglots in spin ham, t li of Ready - to -wear Garments simple than was s .401 I g p previous) the case. e IleellcSalls- e n 6 A and farm in 1liorris. The business -like spirit that per- .4dsescrrl+, 11 g await our int action You !� Iinerrirr�- Activity in business and Real L+'ar y p vades the whole of the Queen's house. p s Y art• `, Illl'nr pnulr cdc,� hold is Wost sleeken Ever thin I 1P6rerSeerl- !, r ausfrra is a sign of prosperity WinK i will find our prices as low as g• Y (; l�,i I lSunr• h+4m has it. seems to proceed there as though by �ai r1-11211111 �; - clockwork, a2.d while therd is no stint, ��'' Use tom, the lowpet. says The Ladies Field, Her Majesty' AptIrfectRemedyforConslipa- 7 permits no waste, the strictest ecoid- i. I tion. Sour Stomach,Dinrrhoeat Ritchie o A being enforced in every direction. I;I';'i nessandLOSsionsSLE1ish CosensIt appears that the Queen exercises nese and LOSS OFSLESP.For o p p Value in Children s - full control over all that takes lace "`0 ' � iJ - I S E tial r P FocSimilaof I Coats at $3,90, $4,60, $0.00 in her name, and scarcely a letter is '� � iky, --- �� - despatched before it is submitted to u i l` REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Her Majesty fot; her approval, It is i idrECENTAURC0IPAHY• and $G.00, Mr. E. T. Wallington, the Queen's � ��� MON REAL&NEWYORIt Thirty Y private secretary, who deals with the WELLINGTON MUTUAL 1 vast correspondence which Her Maj ea. I � � women's Coats made of beau ty receives each day, and takes her As FIRE INS. CO. err y instructions concerning the replies I� — \all - wool Cloth, Diagonal which should be sent. The Queen de- ' I '' i ivotes several flours: a day to her con- "'li ii°'i cn'++''+"-''''`nilEstabiiahed1840. II. _ Head Oftioe GUELPH, ONT. �_l .�' weawp, lined. $12,00 value respondence. Risks taken on all classes of in. for $10.00. Upon what may perhaps be styled Exact Copy of Wrapper. TAun COMPANY, NHW YcnK CITY. anrable pr TN6 CKNoperty on the cash or pre- 1 the "business side" of the Queen's mium note system. household, the Earl of Shaftesbury is . the leading figure. He is Her Ma- GED. .�iLEEDIAN, JOHN DAVIDSON jesty's Lord Chamberlain, and, to a President, Secretary, considerable extent, his duties -approx. ITCHIE COSEN Women's Fancy Flake Cloth Coate? a very stylish garment — R & imate to those carried out by Lord ,�...., ,.,.. Agents. S, Wingham, Ont With reversible collar. Price $16.00. Sandhurst in the household of the Ding. He is charged with the entire AMERICA'S GREATEST DUDLEY conduct of Her Majesty's entourage, , lI' t(J : blliift t'1 r,. ]3OLMES and is responsible directly to her ford'., HAIR —GOODS ARTIST stylish Coats in the IIT Curl effects. t(N r h New Black its proper maintenance. All items of jl+lM: This makes a �; Barrister Solicitor, ger expenditure upon behalf of the .Queen )' (� -- --~ -- s , etc. y warm garment. See Our leader at $18,60. have to pass through his hands j alt" ' eti r i r though it is her Treasurer, the Hon. I�+1 O�Hce: Meyer Block, Wingham, g aa }ha' hh'.� PROF DOREVWEND A. Nelson Hood, who actually signs ai n ■ the checks and sees that they are de- F 1 YAP: i h SKIRTS.—A lar e -ran a of new Top Skirts, fancy Tweed = spatched. ; �" � _ OF TORCH' R. VANSTONE g g effects and Serges, All prices, See our special line The Mistress of the Robes, a pose- r l BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR p tion now held by the Duchess of De- l ` + h „'' ' u� >; I pyla' GORING" at $6.00. Is really the head of the Money to loan at lowest rates, T •vonshire _ Queen's household, among the prince- WIN(1HAM ° pal of her duties being the supervision 1 +,I FURS.—New Furs are now in. r o the Maids of Honor. Indeed, her To the Brunswick Hotel, RTgUR J IRWINbuying. 'see our lar a stock be. former title at Court was "Mother of a 1 'i g �' fore Our rices the Maids." '"A will interest d , " .}r'} Wingham, on D.D.S., L.D.9. v you. Next in order Of importance amongst ti� 1 the ladies of the Queen's Court come �. the Ladies of the Bedchamber. These, Friday, September tl Dth Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen - together College with the Bedchamber Wo -'LLQ' a g men, are more generally known to -day To replace hair on the heads of Ladies and Gentlemen Dental Surgery of Ontario, - -31 by the designation of Ladies To -OIIdce in Macdonald Block— in laolr— - ing, but the former t tie is more con- who have lost their hair. ley )tis beautiful, natural hair _ - coostructions which are known all over tate world, every o rect, and has referenrce to the days _ Woman and Man can be made to !Dolt gun, •er •and when. these ladies were actual) called y Q G. ROSS D.D.S. L D.S. yr have the natural protection to the brad which means , ) ` upon to serve a queen at her toilette, health comfort and and to assist generallyat her robing good appearance., and disrobinevermorning and "LADIES" do not miss this opportunity. See his �° Honor GraZiDnte of the Royal Colh'go _ g Y g of Dental Surgeons or Ontario, Honor «- ` night. Needless to add, this no long- Graduate of University of Toronto Transformations Switches Wavelets Pom- , er foams part of-their_t�tie3. > > ' Faculty of Dentistry. + ••- padoa:rs, Full Wigs, Curls, etc. � ' " OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARD & CO'S. STORE ' "The Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Toupee. � • .. r do ,,. ... ,., ., ui t. a .a. r a..... ,. w .. o u a, ,.,,a &j Pr V Gentlemen (who are bald) protest and 41 W. R. HAMBI N B SC lV D C 9 Vew Fa_. Goons. y adorn your bald head with human hair. In orderto have X I •1 a conception of the wonderful achievement in the art of Special attention paid to diseases Cg0(3I) LOCAL AGENT hairconstrr. _ling, every bald man should call and see the of Women and Ohildren; having ppgg s large sample stock of °'Hair 'toupees and Full Wigs" , tak;;n Postgraduate work in Sar- 1 OLD AND which Prof. DOrerrivend will be showing. i 3 fiery, Bacteriology and Rdentiflo at once to represent Qte RELIBABLE FONTHILL NUR- These wonflerful coverings aro ro natural in appearance that ` t ATedtriue. detection se. impossible. i bev ore adjusted so Lecurely to any Ofl1C0 in the Derr reef ON, A SERIES. Splendid list of fruit and bead that they cannot tomo off, except at the Weare, s wish. fence, be - Ornamental stock for Fall delivery Tney will give a young and softening expression to the face. tween the Qaeen s Hotel and the Thousands Baptist Ohnrch. ds of yoV•19 Canadians have sfruck 1913 and Spring delivery 1914. r .; (fit: �^ All business given careful attention, from Ola conditions t0 hi All and better thin s Start at once and secure exclusive �i > Phone fi4. P. O. Box 118 by enrolling as students Of our BIJs'neSs Col- '- territor A Free Demonstratio ex - We supply handsome free .1:- leges and Home Study Department. You can Y- PP Yj ` i a p outfit an a highest commissions. 7 c tended to all. Come ariring stud all in 'oul' own i1110111e, or partly there d pay g � z4m;).a' DRS, KENNEDY & CALDER y 3 Write for full particulars. \� ��6b+i� , your friends toj GNL:ICEB—Corner Patrick and Centre streets and finish at College,' NOW ig a good time S 69 PZiONIG9— to start. Every farmer's son w1lo intends to , STONE & WELLINGTON € Offices 43 remain on the farm should have a The BRUNSWICK iIOTEL. ��'iNt311AM, on FRIDAY, SEPTEhiBE�9[h. 3 Re ids ce, Dr; ciaerdy, 161 1e{Iueati0n. Yot) can continue your work,] and TORONTO ONTARIO (( Dr, Sennody apeoializos in Surgery, like Lincoln, 011 ally at the Dr. Caldor devotes special atteutiou to Sable' time. Ask ' Diseases of the Fye, Ear, Nose and Throat. s now• Largest 1Painer5 ip Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly u flood, Years' experience. Seven Collegc-ss, Two t! low For weeks new goods have been � : ,.`. - _ � - Sana SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH students st annually. Positions guarafiteed. DR. H. J. ADAMS Individual instruction. lib vacation. Successful arriving at this store and our Late p�embFl Nople act NOW, not later. WEST LANA REGULATIONS , . �� IIouse Staff Tor - stock is now complete. ANY person who is the sole head of a faffi ly, 888 onto General x pits) . Post glad- , r G e os t l vrr��T L.Ml - A -or any male over 18 years old• rosy home- - � sat© London and DRbliit. ,/�/ j`j BUSINESS stead a nartor sootion of available Domiuion - - T LEy GE land in Alauitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. SIICCE'Ssor to Fr, Agnew �0 l�iA Tho applicant must appear In person at the r xt ' trt�a9p Grey, 1 Duminion Lands Agoney or Sub -agency for the � a Men] s Boots and 4�S OFFICLr IN A' oDON 1,p BI oc1? y ` �•t�r3H. r NTA JRI Bedford Brocades In Black Vee ' district, Entry by proxy may he made at any O 9 y� - agency, on certain conditions by fathor, mot h- f"r �• i " - er, eon, daughter, brother or sister of intend• • ��� $t Reasonable �'r1c �i - infifi homesteader. €1 n ��1ft �S/, SPOTTQN 'x7 Brown, Navy. _ &Alos.—Six months'resddenooupenand cut �� �tx I DR. ROBT• fiJ.-REDMOND rY T' MQRSC !. tivation of the land in each of three ears. A Repairing 11?rOLI1 tl`i 1 lilti7�II9Ell�'r homestead o ccuairld b at east 80 ace father, Cap p g � �- ` M• R. G, S. (Eng.) P121N�iPAL. homestoadermayplive within ninoymiles of his Iti+-"-•r•tlr,;tliarm Reserve p tended to. L. R. C. Y. (Lona.) well assorted range of Serges es y at Paid U motbor, son, daughter, brother or sister. r $3,000,000, t'�Ipsician and Surgeon. I Iu certain districts a homesteader iu rood Re / ' standing may pre-empt a gear for seetion along- ' ' • • i side his home stead. Yrlco $3.00 per acre. bR i , „ $3,750,000. (Dr• rsltiCypt 's cid stand) ` in all shades, at all prices. - Duties.—Must restdo upon tho homestead or 41 I `notal Assets t ora -e dption six months in each of six years Over -' a from date of homestead entry (including the $48,000,000. 9 time, required to earn homestead patent) and Y Y • 'T• MOON oulticate fifty acres extra, y nu , t , 'j `�;in AIMU VLTT RZIVARY SURGEON Corduroy Velvets and Velveteens = A homesteader who has exbausted his home- a stead right and cannot obtaht a pro•oniption ® OFF= OF LATE DR. W, drgo>i, _ may enter for a purohased homeRted in certain RE9IDENOE—COR. PA ((�� THICK & > RAN4fS ' dlRtrirts. Price per acre. Duttos.--Must in Black, Brown, Breen, Na ii sido six months in each of three years, laird- A O1Rce Phone 170. Residence Phone 182.' �p ' J % = vats fifty aerea and erect a house worth $300. TLx S3ov. 4ot. Inspector. ' - W. W. CORY, _ I - —_ at from 50c to $1.25 per yd. = Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, �,, • � music r N.B.—Unauthorized publication of this ad- Your Present Salary �, �i`',�i',UT' vertiaoment will not bo paid for. . - Ci rlsdale s GENERAL AGENT UM Sweater Coats lxl all leading = Y`oU anon Dart+ed a -' porlu salary than Issuer of Marriage Licenses. W lig ©ll Dr. de Van's Female PTAs you are now getting, and p w� 11 styles and shades. a pills exceedingly ppgowerful in regulatingltiio managed well enough. - -Sale of Salm Fire, Life, Accident, plate Glass goneraHvo portion of tine female system. Retuso You also 0n and weather Insurance, coupled all cheap imitations. Dr. do 4ranie are sold at enjoyed about as � � , p - etl a box, or three for SIO. Mailed to any address. many ploaauros. Have you �'tl �� �n with a Real Estate and Money Tl;w auobeU Druit: Co., St. oatharluesp Out. • Loaning Carries a complete No trouble to show goods. over considered how much g business. p to line of I•Ilgil (]rade Musical Ilistr the difference between WRggHAM of every description. _ OVER 66 YEARS' what you are makings now AT COST EXPERIENCE and what your wages were then Would amount to in a Lynx Brand....... CTeneral �-�O���t�� Player Pianos; Organs of almost any make; few years i4 is ba ic? at Red Po Brand„ . graphs J cgison and Victor Stringed i interact wlklt thin batlk? P19y (Under 00vernMeLb xnapoot[on.) ' ` r ,,ed InStCUt71ent5 Phone 89 ' Mahe tip your Ymind to Derby Brand .....1` _ _ kinds; Violins a s e ialt ' )save a certain par$ of Pleaaautly situated, iiOautifully turniahed, !' `� 'Sew Machines, Cana and Amer'c PRODUCE of ALL KINDS 'WANTED. yanr salary and deposit Rats for pa tian> t'i�h eliltn ua oaralan . I ' TRADE MARKS .hitt amennt each pay day - Dicalal S. in this bark where it will KUNDRIE8 ` nursing)—r)4 90 to $16.00. par Weak, A00 cling We Webb to iui roe w Q.'oPVft14HT8 dtC. ' W tooatiOn of room. For further intorma• IMPresp yen pnyorioeondingasketrCopVnIG tlonrnag a rn the highest current tion-Addrese + yici} the fact that we will Hall (Tallon A 10S......13C 2 fo that art aces mu�>zo, at ripen an yAn +Iny hdlg ?gekly' nairartalh mer opinion roe wV ethot an interest. - b - 1)19 1 1fdlsS L. MAT4$.1�Wt1 (ejrq�s t0 Shit ):i}e i rob ger, a tnrenttnn tspmbnuirpnt41it1t'pia ommunlrh pna lid Cleaner.,. ...... 8ll Orint9nd6di Je is ticnenttlCll� crrnndent nl. OOIFonPatanta One dollar will open an p. p Ur aontirea (tineas n "(-.y for account, (7olafort s0 ....,.......6 for t3ox R?9, wingbitni, Onto Anyone intending t0 purchase a piano bh0>sld OOpsiCiel' vCfit bafolce leatonts taken tbronah n3unn do Go, raoadve 11 rpettalnotk4%Wit )IOU .,rlto,inth0 Peat1ine ......................... — — `— _- pnrehaRing from traveliing agents, Rea are hor0 perntanHr w lin$ yore Successor to T A. MILLS) '' l0o Gold Duet for ............. can see the instrument you are buying, T. $dt"Iifir . m01CA110 C. P. SMITH Electric Restorer i�alr lYlet�1 � e. glee t►b a chalice to compare, AM �n - K b"doorlroly 111ftm. t�e+i 4raeklr, I ryrnA Mfr- __ 6C C old Dura for .............. phos tiotml restores every nerve in thn bad M,rrf !1 l� Inuit sMr aMtlapo )carnal. �'ri,■ nt AGENT WINGHAM North , u to lta Two 5tores.. Opposite skating Rink, yast, poabarc• prepaJad. sotd by propet tenednd q l stotes N1 rim nn Witallty. Prnnrntnro de1•a and x11 Hexa I� ctRpncwed � o $B18rot4dwby, r Ice Cream alwa3's on 11 y ik iia anre��wmant rico. PAOKprebontI will end p . 1\r l� o.. ye. r�tihxriw�s,nt. �g bo 'hone 22Z. P. 0.+dX IS6. Il�ti' ektMult - i� rtttt of. fAt ttf;. wVru tm. i - - _ _ _ __ . M lad o q rttldraa . '>[b oohte l ] r n — • .v