HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-09-18, Page 2in tilt, Mount,? What lapocal ro V( potatoes, 95P to $1 per bg, THE HISTORIANS INTERRUPTED PLAY davvtiorl did the lord M-livo hlift tor to $111, baled 7.150, dressed hogit
lOw people butchers' cattl make of � ire it'� "Itat Aill (lilt till. to AO; chickells, por REWS OF THE A KING' S ESTATE
1.1 I 1711411 4, �a�ZV an III to 17c per 11). Kill V Hear From Indian Lip of Suffragette Demonstration
nit -fit It - -1 Ifoxv did oRwwi 23 to 1.1.5c dozen, but. 4
firtzt learn -i' ! I 00 ter, 0 to 33c per lb.1 ellickenit, C,3 to Tecumseh's Death, England's Ruler is SeLtling in London Theatre.
L't 1114 PC -11110 lie 'pair; low), $1.25 pair; oate, aw DAY IN BRIEf imy IILESSON XII. . thers Affairs.
ITOUONTO XARX4T$ bogs, drosiad, 41o., Uye, $11.25' per ewt-, butcher Itides, lie; laull). to oil(. of tilt, Init tSeptember 21, 1913—The Golden Calf i to Lcini �::%v tit ItImn tho livolile In City luettillgq that tho 01-t-Irin Iay-t Illght J111113)" tilt, tit
—Temperance Lesson—Exod. $21. 1.36 if) k 0 I hay, $14 ton loose; htly, lialed, nono Alfred Gaul, Holy Valet Has Agreed to Re- litence of I,r1%P;t4I .... III
I I)O., .. , . .... . . 1 25 PI Ill'itorleit! sivietv oeWorshipping the 14 offvr.d. 0,101 thm. 111:11)y in tit(, 1,10a." (We of tilt- 131-1.1shing 111 tilt a Putter, Ill. 27 30 Composer, Dead turn $60,000. lwl ri'l, ralth 1.4 )lilt Ilitirtr. but a
golden Calf cv?�. 1-14). I.a. A tvit Was 28 rweak a, ill(, Wor of 11112, tha lilt-11,I)PI's he-tril
Inutilt tit tjii.� patit,nC4, of tile israelitea TOIJIQ ll11,�.H, IttlW-likI, t it Baled $18, louse $Ia., Irmo. tilt- lip'i of vulvillo. At t.11.4 P0111t 1413L Ilight 11 0 22 I' -) �' lilkefit, oats, farmers' "Itides, it full bloodtid tlit the by loll'o tay in tile 3110111it with chastIspulent. powl. lb . .. ...... ..... 0 17 0 0 Ile; butcher' JJIdc$, I)c; pOt;JtOQS, jloiV London, Sept. 14,—KIng George Is of Indii(eii stijniq intereoWun. . .. .. .... ... 0, 18 0 2I plentiful, Offering at $1.25 bag; . no ducke ORE IN KEELEY MINE (Ilan, pA lit. Ktolol itell ... rhat It4 what 1felCenn (tilt, floru-�
pato of 111A IMP farill oil Nloravilit still busy settling tip arlous out- tvlif4 Vio TNN
divilit, lit their behalf ]fail not 1. 111 -vi -alt il g. w )-al liroin. Torkey.4, M% .. ... .... 0 1.1 0 21 or geese offored; hickens, $1 to $I,r,,o nudlen'.0 Was tAlititli-cl foi- it 111olnellt loll
brought them to t;tato of nilil:1. anti III(. tillw of th-!� I 1114. 2 75 3 rAir; batti% 1.18 to 30c, tig,", 2i to tilt- of rt -treat, standing Itenis oil his father's. account. then rvalizeal titat it a pillitsint $Ili. dvath, Alld )AIrial tit t1w Whether It be Queenblother Alexan. Mko hall they would lit, Stead anti 7 t(.,4 I gill-st the in Wn .%fo.zo.4, 1 tilt. Iti 4, 1 J41111i Alwint Ot dra's affectlop, �or some raligulficent htuid potittop I 71 0 Three Men Electrocuted tile
;in ull.q1,Qll (,,all nit cvvt.. 7 .50 8 Wontreal do4patcli: West enlitirst.ti, tilt- litteralive "r tho "1111111
') w -14R. 111111. The strain of Do., 31 00 I2 iPhal I ilthe of the plity wq,4 lit -lit ill) for it bliort thnt� ii of OotL They spoke tillitlop, In ket—Vattle. vecelpts about 2.600: Near Montroal. tapestries, of, a peer's desire to re- iviiii of Nroses, and it Ivoll'ill upfln tit%' Mount I)o,, 0101ce Mdrs, nvt.. 10 P 1 1 00 lives 1,4K If alu blo nt qu furtil- flat, ipuwtuh, lint it let re4tor- alightingl) 0 e(ID and lambs 3,300, lIA44Q POSEIC88 601110 V, a A A 0 11
If It ELI Ift Iiii. Ilit hilider to e,witillet I od tiloy I)-)., medlum, Lwt. 00 8 hog!. 1,100. clation, and witro tnht-n in ture, or the holders o oy g r thein bck Their nolay tie, couill, tilt-$, Do., fiolunlon, 0 8 on The market was overstociced and Mr. 11obert Barrow,; will become., Chief over (lit, grounil-i thIlt are rich !it 1+4tor- utaiiii tit them 90ils Was i%cro domojl.,Jl-.1I111,r Ittediftl Were QWt . ..... I 00 11 00 the best cattle were not too plentiful. Idences lio try to pas sof floans as 1.1 00 10 00 T-leenso Inspector oi Toronto. TILL# Idian met bv t1le requi-st that tile people give the Oil Was c('111111011, OWL, ., .. Prime beeves 01/1, to "A, inedluin tile battlofleld aw, tilt% Mara. presents, all these cases show that the
t thZir golden i-ruantents. nroulft"I -)lilt wais luil'Al- Do., prinio, owt. 11 00 130 00 41/-, to 6, common 214 ta 4%, small oln bit; late King 1-0
LI) 7 Alose-1 ill tit(. IliolluL. A� Ilon, IV, if. Ilearat returned It . vi -in inip.4ion. A%c-ry ward VIT. was a person UNDER N1 I vv ACT have flionght, they would rather (to with- (-'I wR 11111t t ii-itithler oil tile port of tit(- 1"111114, ;:wk . .. .... .... I:i 01) 14 00 WIls to northern trip plessed with the country. Ill shliple whom others after lilB death are try -
lit han. gi it"I, fiq l,a pro for S "'W" * Nvttj Ing to victimize. There has been no toil eagor to rlitill ;lit(li thew liolnilip of ItiA olutAod !it Toronto, Ili b't "s Sheep 4. Lambs 01/14 to 0 ve tip their orninle Calves 29.J. to 61,1,
but I Four bundre(I RhLdenti nee taking oup ll(:%v idolatry to withhold their gold. After thenj it law per Ile, fellowq, Ilogs to 10;�.. plementary exaluintion(i at the Univer. 11(licgill Vio rnotg of it mall suggesting the opposite. lie oldell valf was completed Jild trop, ]tow dyq later the The niost recent Instance of this Eternal Audtors in New ottSL, Lawrence . .$ 4�60 C1110AGO 1,11,33 lilt Ily *1111-v(. 11111,1111-4 -.1114t cerns Chandler, wbo ivas King Ed -
t it i)bice thein far lit dvance ol:
t11) ivol-Allipping It 411, tither lit 4 I'#() ('little, rocelpt lo'coo. D. If. 1finalter, Town Clork of Co- InIritilt )lot far �Nnd tilore, tie. Nvard's chiet valet, who after n lengthy BuDking Regulations.
ttdances )Ioses no fulther 1-41-( Dit4 Market strong goneraily, loc 1114-hor. twenty-one yflaril, lini,t resign- onong to iljt� Judia;i bellef. dispute has agreed to pay over to
4i.1 ill. I)Itt? provigloll 11.111, .. .... -443 6 CA) to 9 oil, r gr(,at ellier still the thi-C-0 Ill- bor- BetiI . I . I of tho, King Georgo $60,000, which Chandler
iTeXfts P .. .... ... G 73 to 890
"20 steel -14 (11411114 11111ing at first claimed was a gift to Idni from uli* ftt till Idol. inade f.,I- tilt- welfaro of ... ... 0 10 to 8 Tito free iron pro - any Well Known Men 1, %veil ilit. idell, of like P. 5a posl hai delayed M thad lit tql aii their lit fic per ewt. inore, CIO* lotq, Stoelcors and remors ... ... r, r4 It) I 1.1tni-6 King . Edward. At the time of King Affec-14 00W.4 un80 the mijustmont of the tariff selteduleg nevi -r to dii-eltse tit(! pot. yrt tho 1111)4 Illaw4vollso, 30.-) to 8 Go r I41dward's death the money Ia question JqThose Named.
I O I W 0 ivere at
to what Was titint) of Israel ('111ves 7� t 1 lit A moi bnoond throittened to ilestro -, it) tile luoulit. Ll% -g STaCK. Ilogs S heriff ]ins dolityed ('11111goll I-Toue, was iiivested lit Canadian Pacific Rail- sugm"Ated that 1:c (if AllirItt.l. low, Or AbOVO Saturday,$ Over, The mistake Of a R road stock purchased lit Chndler's n lel-Itel collid ol, pit -ad Ignorance. Nuolv- !row,oto aespatch:necelpts at tile tynion d-
maOit great nation. ds were 2,352 cattle, ill(. proceedings 111itilinat X, Thaw name. Immediately after King E otta,vn, ii,&Of auditor, ... .. ... .......... 7 M to 8 M Ili New 11ampshire, OMBER FIRE ek eligible for employment OIL the extt-lual
to 8 lon -4toe" yal
Calves. Inc] 1.60 allep. C
At onto Nlospi began it) 111tProoln for ........ ...... .. M, ward's death Chandler sold the sto
strikingly IA ratkQ uality of stocic lirriving %.-as only Ill( 11rel.l. to 8 g., and invested the money Ili a house and Iprael, and made at fourfold IThe lItilt% comin4aill 141101, 'AN-10ell t1loces Win, unit tile of ....... 7' W it) 7 75 Laborers of 1111skokit district ropprty lit Soutli London. udit prolided for under the lleiv 11.111k wai; i'lebovable, people. Cott shoW any advalloo In Wit:l tile I i1g, for aid ill botteringe
in shovis,what hirbalout find ro- ai... ... ... ... .. ..., 4 60 to s M pealed to Toronto When King Edward's pi-tvate flitan, Act hit.-; tilt, had -performed 11 111111C Of sales ... ... ....... 7 90 to S 40 UQ11r Wa conditions. Whole Town XyJas Threat- beink investigated by
Ination, 3. lw0lilti wcult flactory V oils Ile b"LA ro F. i, t vattel, choice recelpiR 53,000. clal affairs weie toruiA of t4o Att tilt, list hi preparel by
had pro- w I , T110 fdtO of Charloo; Sir Rdward White, King George's 'go,
t4. Ond lilt. It Ellows tl:6 lie$ do do Inedluni ... ... ..... to loc lower.
13titchor cows, choice ... . ... 3 50 to It 50 Not tive . .... ... ... d at One Ti the Ilankers' Aeoviation, oubjeet to. tile Iin contrast i0th 3 40 to 4 0 tence of death lit Toronto for tile ltmion- ene inie. licitor, evidence was brought to light
inised their fatheri tile land of canaan Of Sloqes' do (10 niedium ... .... 3 "4 to C' 00 Weatern ... ... ... ... . 3 00 to 4 (Q be apDroval of tile Ithilster Of Finance. Tito The Lord eard The of 108 offien do (10 common . ... ... 4.7) to 5 23 yerlings .., . .:-. :,:.: 4 75 to 5 60 that murder Will be doelded. next week. showing that the valet only held t
for all Inheritance. ot k,,p ein, thourrit lie Bother cows, choice 360 to 5 rg) Lnrnbs, native. 5 25 to 7"ll Canadian Pacific stock In trust, and Allni.ster has Indicated disapproval of the
ospraver and spared tile ntion- ,]ill .1 (10 (10 moditim 4 50 to 6 00 Three sailing bonts, contal"Ill," ' 1914 Comber, Oftt., opt, 14... -Fire tbicat- 0 , ity of two of the gentlemen nam,
It. The brolwil. law (VA. v:E,1(1,-d to it it, J:Jl)UL.J'IolJ to 111,3 Coll, do Lie canners .. .... . ... 4 00 to 0 . ..... ... . 5 75 to 00 people, capsizett in Toronto bay oil that it properly belonged to the lat oe. r, was tbe lno,4 Sheep, owes ... .. ... ..... 3 r) to -4 BUFFALO LIVE STO("K. cited tilt% destruetion of tile. villago t King's estate. Chandlel- for a tlnie, turivia dn) Went down frow the niount 1,11.111�, 31tieks nd culls ... ... ... . 100 it) sluffalo flespatch: Cattle howevc. tor vi
(,Julul witit -to face (I rtt,lJe.q:t vit,"k ........... 4 oil to � 75 Tto.
made liv noon to -day, One of till', stave all r, stubbornly maintained that ed, fJ. 11, Robertson, Ili atuli
ITO know Their Sin WAI I droadfid uilnilli�),v 1:4 Live anti 10 to LOC 11 tisheds of tile J. S. Ainslit, & Brog., aw it was a gift to himself, though its the Dominion Bank. unit Mr, Iv. ,li:. Ifogt;, fp(l alit, 9 n, 1. es oil tile tariff bif k. form and tile fact that Chandler lilt- Stewart it,; auditor of the Bank of f. A. I) . ... .. 9 73 er; I-11110 to $0,1 Lite s 14ediately after King Edward's death trangpiring but he wtia iollfilqv- inill took tprosuntitbly froin it par
it) Lep with 'his wn eyes the vorrupted Severe ('-tivcq .. .... ............ go to 1000 to $8.7.j: bubelterit, Op I-ive oil the sold the stock and reinvested the
.n wit., It r,
ild 3,75; bolls, to 'rite I-oulains of Ijig Thill, Sill- from -it pnsgintv loconint The list is a,-, follows: O�t. nation. wits t it Oi he i1 -t -till 11 alln Was money tit Ills own pet line of invest- Quebec; A. 4N[ogesl lie ondured. Two trial (if faith anti It Pitt to OTHF-.R WARIKE'T8 '", oQOWS, $3-75; bulls, $5.25) livnii, of Now York were .11
to so to $4.13; ment. was practically in itself sufficient T. Torunto; 11. 1). I.. L'N iatles upoll which tile 1'ell Lost the elilt of tile People. While stockers find to sliow that the King 'was 11silIg Ills dea, TorojAo; t. , Dilworth, Toronto,
tables- -Th stock nitoratio, noticed tho roof wni,4 I nias-4 of finmea,
Ce.11111inlidnients were written. 110th preading itOpen. Iligh. Low, Sept. 13, feedieli-4, 9,;o to $�,.j-)O; fresh co couslit of tilt' late and the burnin.fr shingles were flying valet for 4i small deal tit Canadian 1101-ertson, Toronto, (Ileorive F. s were not iicooa- s found dealt lit to Lit r their sides -The table tho (odo eye was, oil the doln�a ws, an taxor of New Vork, wa ward tile stock all I lull olliell Pacific ill Ills own. private account. Croak, Moutroal; L. Cushing, ont-
sarily Jarge, as they bad liriting nit of tile people 1,ole.w. The people hall 0-90 F.) 0-845� steady $35 to $()O, Toronto, buildings beloug-ing to tile fli-111. But besides this, when the. late King Dee. O.S51,ft 0. 85 % 0.8,5% 0. 8 L,.1? 40 I'm " 0, active a u d 25 ea'_Nfontreah 'L F.
both sides. 10. Tli� writhigg of Uod— heard to thvill front , Fight thousand dollars Avac; by Tile fire got completely boyond Edward's papers were investigated the F. I ,
`,intii. �Iy 000% 0. A 0 -!, 0.907"o $0 to $12,50. a I , F, Wit oGod himself made the record Of 11113 law Theli, had 114A.11 owl tile sot- Outs— prajer for it Toronto rest trol of tile bucklxt and flici (,Iti- Viloic thing w s plain, and last week ,tbles of stone. 17. When 11098 lo,000,; active zonq giilicrqlly� It lepe(l front One Infild.
itron the t. oninity of tile situation. They hd and 10
—'.Ntosea had left Oet. 0.371,� 0.371/$ to 200 higher; Ilea hQ1Q. Chandler went to Balmoral, nd as ,I JaQhu.i. licar(I the noise pledged tIlc1nQQIVoA to Obedience, Vy, $8.7,5 to $9.10; - I hily it) ftllotll�r until bullding'; utire result of an interview with Lord
M Dec. 0',"71,�t 0.37if, (M17 0.31 Inixed, $9.10 to $9,203 yorkers, A8,75 to There were rural muil routeo in 0. I v y. Jesill"I Lit a and yet within a of time entirely consumed. ho anti Stamfordham and bord Knollys, pri. -go
tain anti had ,ohwa him there,' Tile (if tile t 0.41% 0.411/, I). I I 1/, 0.4 1. 1/3 pigs, 8,25 to 8,50; roughs $7. operation Ili Canada, oil 9tipt. 1, A, 11. Fulls, Toronto; atlimul- - - I Aeveral other buildingi in tile path ai yate vecretarle to King George, Itontreal; Edmond (;unit. two could not 'yet fee tile plain. Where Wrath rrainst 60 to $7.75; f* g,i, $0.50 to $7.25; an!;. nearly 70,1000 tilt, flamw uore sved. For a tinte tho - W "Ike over &GO 000 to Kine
tile people We ri�, but could hear their
in part or chr
Rev, Thomas Edwards Of Ch"PIO-1111,
re.sidential prt of the tOWIl
George. There is no nod to think
. F. Ilell1well, Vancouver,
silonts j illey lvel-c engaged in their
pilliev wrtj AN,rolltr. Ifad
1.30-.f,� 1.31 1.20% 1.3f)
Sheep nd litinbs—Reecipts 18,000;
died itt tile Westorn. Ilospital, Torolitu,
to be dooluad, but a fortunate aiii;ge (if
that Chandler tried to recompense
11, John
Tm-onto:l (4. S.
IdoIntrom ��\'Lilsc of war--
Ili,; love for tile buiier (if Jelitivillt anti
-,%fIN.T.,\E.kPOLIS GP-kT*\T
t4icall active and stedy, latubis slow
after an operation,
tile wind it) tile 6outheast uthe fire,
himself for services to King Edward
'fill eq,
Toronto; La-
,lovilina tllou$fht nit Pneilay had ongaNQ
'NOise Nat
tile f4alvatioll (if the People rolupared
all,olie_ Cln�
and 15 IOU -er - ]anti);; $5.50 to $7.60;
A contract for a )low drill hall at XV111-
in tile opposite direction. Pe OPIO W01'0
which had not been recognized by the
if. .
Israel in battle, IS. of them
with 2\10-90i, attitude, Ile Would IIftvC
Dec. 88i.: i -Se to
$4z)o to $6; wethem, $.3.25 to
Illpeg Was to Hallri-Aldhiger Co.,
attracted to the fire front tile surround..
late sovereign, for Chandler is cer-
ei irloses'
more experienced var and
divinely imparted, diii-
consented to Ile tone - thfill. suit-
d rathot
li 3119 first excuse to
Nlitir 1, S9 1-2c, "No. I Northern, 87
to F0c; No. 2 'Neirthern, Sit to 87c. No. 3
$.-.- 2.50 to $4.75
0; elves; $
of Winnipeg, for $519,000.
f t.
Ili,- districts. Citizens of the town of
came ill good numbers to render
tainly well-to-do, and Is known to own
a house and property in London worth
Ifoiltreal; ,
corned that the sound Was neither that
g coloprcmiso.
bad. the
1-2 `71c. 3
L1VR,RP00L'1"R0DT1CR -
Rev. George Duncan, minit;ter o ,
111;444�11120 it 'Thil JOS13 to
Close to $350,000, while King 1,3dward
ikjit,heij, Nit),troo; I R, odii, iiotit-
of those who 0-scult in victory nor of
Moses was and second
worse. it brouht unutterable arlof to
vc1low corn, it) to o.
4,1 ta, 31) I -2 to 39 :,�b, 2 1�yo, GO to
splot steady, No. I %
Cuthbert'% Edinburgh, prelebed t St.
Andrew's Church, Toronto.
buildings, stocl\, ate., will reat-li neartIlc
bequeathed him $75,000 In cash,
rea1lontrefil; .7, NItirwick.
.' The c.
who lament deft -at. 19 l lf
.-of whiell God had told M oseg. Dune-
that ILIA brother eo vi,pirker
02c. Flour nd bran unchanmld.
7 I -12d.
No. 2 "),fauitobil, Ts 6d.
1lis ',\lay Love, of Winnipeg was rob-
ion thouand dollar ina It with all In-
surnnee of three thotAillid,
.1. C, Volle.
in,g—Probably indecent dancing, quell as
Ila (I to laratil to break it plain
tilt, ditty
D171,17 I GRACK 'IIATi
7 o. 7,+ 3d.
bed In Toronto While oil ]ter it it) her
T". 1111-cclie. Toronto; 1). -11. 1c.
)"S practised among the heathen in
their idolatrous wiliship. '310sul anger
eolni;jud Of
ocs did not from the. exv-
NI hard,
89c; o. I llortlierti. 9qc 2 do., 8�i-
Future.; Oct.-Irs 2 1-2d, 7s
2 1 7s
mother's funprill,at Iladoo.
Clellapd. Toronto; A. L, Dickinson, To-
ronto; X. IP, Waterhouqe. Toronto; 1;,.
cuti�n of illdglll�lit. Ilis first ditty, at-
it Roumanian aviator, \%'title
waxed hot—ITIs indigniatioll
ter dpcWdhity the niomit, to da-
1 2e; "pt. 971 1-4c bill; Dec., 881 -Se VA
Coln, spot Ame-4can
It nlachille Of lljj,3 olvil invention at
Be Result of Ocean
ttpad. 'Montreal;
wickedness of hii people becallic great
bul-nett in Ili-.; very isoul. Cast,tllo
stroy the gnitlen calf. Tile broken tables
88 1-4c. bid May, 93 I -Be Md.
new, G3 !)(1.
Future, -oil-, Oct. 5s 2 7.8d; Dec.
fell nA ivas killed.
real; A. c. Janiei
Hutchison, 11011treal;
brke t1loul-2-Alls
ione ind' -tic imel their brok�u
or s kn d it) ks
s ,it a
With tile gas jet till -tied Oil in Itor bell -
German Infant Lived Near-
Rate War.
tabloti ........ and
act tit token of tile IttrilontaNe fact
Coventunt Their Plaof
feastill-V beelline tit(. scene f Ili
St. Iry-acilitho, Qtie.--.rhrvc hundred
of bidtor pold tit .. 500
Plour, Winter 28i Oil.
room, Ituth Johnston wits found
dea<1 It her home. Ili Toronto.'
ly Four Years,
Robson, lontrpitl;' W. lionald.
that Israel had thuti quicki,ir broken
packages 21151-4c,
13 ).loc.
(tod's holy law. 2,1. Took the calfr-
tile, WOO, of expeuting Jehovall's eboxes
elloe.we $old at
6-; to ell.
'Clio death pronounced ill)-
Ottawa, Ont., 1.1—The Atlantic
ltr:(44, Ilont-
took hi as tile divinely
iic4-, the wore tit
the nitictit:g I
rcof, extra Tudia. nic,ss, 12,5% 9J.
on Charle.i; MR. of Anilierst, N.
steamship War hi dealt with in a report
real; R. B. S.
tell leader of bis people, and 4-
the justly belongluff to
Were * V to till
llatItral hulsu6c,. not Permitting earthly
the Townships As-
sociaVion, held her(.- th6 Mir-
Pork, western, , I 119 3d.
has been commuted to ituprisonintint for
Derlin, Sept. 14.—The German vieleal
preea records the remarkable cse, of it
of tile Tmde and Conlinorec Department
o11ftalilt011; W, E.
A. 11'. Stevenson,
him. Burnt it !it th�o fire—' "Ifelted"it'and
ties to hindvr pore zeal for God's
Jopu fqctorice offered 613 paekages of
.11anis. ,hort out, 14 to lil Ilm, 70s.
Nienti, Cunilmrimid cut, 20 it) 30
Ifenry foreman of tile Ilia-
child -whicli lived for nearly four ears
to -day. Ili all. probabilit the result of
palaile, Alontreoh, 3L 11.
destroyed its yffleillblance to -it calf.
" OIT6
butter. Ruling pilve oAll sold.
70s Oil,
ell lite department oftlic, FurAt.
without tiny trace of a forebrain. Neur-
out 1)
the quarrel that has broken etwcoin
\lOutl,QnI; 11. D, Ilobortson, 34tif
I ?
Oroun.d. it to powder—Reduced it to fine
du,. it.
A. Strwed it 14cattered
111, Induced strong intere(hihioll. It
-it ol -it they had
was 11 ble"hiff to I.Qi tilt
thatmand and nive-
of white cl Were bearded;
I liort rib.�, 10 0 24 11m, 74.
ture Company'i factory
oleglats explain that
stites lite absolute lielit of the
the North German Lloyd and tile ITam-
ea14 Toronto.' C. 11%.
. 0
'\Iontrtial, ',\Eoiit-
the children of Itirael drink of it --This
il.'splettsure at
ll sold nt 131-2c.
01mr *1 tes, 14 to 16 Ills., Oils f1d.
ealight, 28 to 34
hii left hand.
'Three men were cued
liuman being oil tile Core or sentient br.
burg-Aincrican lines, ivith reord to L.
division of tile orth Atlantic mnigrant
Begun, . - E. S. Red.
Matitrel; A. F.
punishment was general. They had be-
come guilty, and they Were compelled to
Israel's sin wits mingled with Ilia love for
his people. lie wits willing to do what.
London, Ont.—There were 663 boxn
offerod; 220 Old at 12 3 -Sc, bidding from
Cartier Quebec, when a cable oil
and that a hunian cannot
oil tile ardinary peoceFttes necessary for
n traffic, will be to provide thio
fall focilities for the trans.
N1,11111110y, _Nc.-w York; C. .'G. Painiour,
Y(;rk; A. K. Fk. Mofitreal.
drink of the clip of,punishillent.
I ever Was oil his part for their
12 I -2c to 13 1 e.
clear nliddlis, licwtvy, m to 10
72.4 (ill.
whieli thes, were Pulling came lit ontact
with a high voltage wire.
Tits lireservation without It. The fish or
portation of Canadian proiNeo. to
21-24. Aaron's excuse to ;\lotia� for
his part in the idolatrous Worship is
Salvation. Ile 1) - his heart that
sublinic purpo�o of sacrificing bial,ealf for
tile. Choesa
to -day 1.414 eheoep were
c loar it) 20 Ills., 6A 64.
Alfred tit(- calripostir of "Tile
trog ithout the forebrala hits greater
cqpz�wnty than ia tilt%. child In (In(,$:
ninilportg,vin Boston R1111 -tvitlillore'at
low ritteq.
weak. nd puerile. It wits tile effort of
the slilvati011. Of the Ilatim . It Nva it
ll (elcicil; till sold t 13 1-20. TI l
siinre, 11 to 13 Ills, 60.4
it, t1pret-9, 57s
lfol%- is (lead. When he a boN
ti011-TIiip clilld revealed no trace wtiat
of tliiq vltql brain section, .40 Its
-Recenth, the formet volupitily 111
one consciolisl v vi-rou but hn etiltent, to
stupendilw; to nit extra-
fnr the snine Nvock last year were wer
- a
tnerie2tri refined, 57s 9,11.
choiis tei tit the, orwich Cathedral Iever
nervous systern wits ubsolutely linilar
notinced R,4 decision to Pitt on a trl-
explain his ui�llolv acts. "There came
ordinary aet of I t ex.
at 12 7 -Se for colered lull 13c ter
studied under Jenn Lind lit lijah.11
Thm. Boukley,
to that of a fix)), though tile latter Is
oa-pable of lierCorinlitr, all the vital itine
Weekly lina of steamem between Drem.lin
Dublin Labor Leader
out this culf is n e Inany
a sinner call' givo for bts godless life,
the gramloar of ellaracter.
I I ' r.(
Xoseo (lilt not tho sit 0 1-; 1.
Watertown, 5,800,
15 1-4c.
firlinian, Was killed
- prob,
nd Daniel Anderson ably fatally
tions necessary for nutrition and self -d'!:
and fJoAtou nd '-\T(%Nv OrIftus, thus In.
vading the. hitherto reserved
Union Opponents,
but it is at poor %vay to meet responst-
Ili first interecusititi, the thonellit
Prime 32s,
titorrifle e\p)(hiiini 11,111ell
The cge of the ell d Is listicelally not(,.
of 'lie long fluratioll of
undenitndin, nI
to the riv
bilitv. Aaron was vifective mi -.I. pokes-
that chiefly filled h*s mind was tile I)IO-
ilwdralian Ili !Aidon, 36s.
wreekled the 0abawa. gas plailt.
lifti. in other cases the braln'l life
eg 4
Ilamburg company. To Ithiii the board
man, but lie licked the qualities of a
If ]Ili had taken a decided
ple's d. Ilk
second it
Ouelph.—Quottions :Btttter, 26 to
10(1- egs, 'R)4 ill 2"le, onions, 2
The Alberta and Ea4ern British Col.
limbia Prom Aftiociation Ili His meeting
lasted only for a few days, and tile. inove-
ments of the child did not differ in Etuy
of the )file bas re.
piled, 'announcing its deterniination to
for the right, it is like]), the nation
much deoper realization of the enormity
quitIrts' 25c, or $1.25 basket; cookintv
100-1 10 1-2d,
at; INImonton flocided tot merge into the
front tho,iie of a norinal child
r In tile caso under discu.4.41on the
run service to Baltinloro Ili oppoeition
the Dublin labor loador, who is (lilt '011
have escaped the punishment
of tile. in for which .4 Was
ldonst, 15c basket, green peppet-4, 25c
L'415vefl oil. 27n 0d.
Canadian Press Assoc, ation.
ilveti three anti tilt.(, -quarter years por-
to the, '�Yovth German Lloyd's service to
bail avaiting trial for rseditious speeche),
that came to them. 2V29. It a
most happy thing for the tribe cf LAIt
ought. ITO, Will; vonvilloetl that if tit(%
merited jildrellients Were it must
red popllerv;, :10a basket; cutinin-
bore, basket; Floe
end (;ill Ittill 'refined ., spot, T�;.
Two men lost the r lives and one was
mIttin.er numeruti extensive olmorvi Mons
of IN state. Tito rhild remained In a
iii.mnu. addrt' a tingv here
icould lepond to 'Ifom�s' Call,
ill, t tilt
..Who is oil the Leird's. ide? let him
Ile In Of 1111 niolloniont.
liovah arcepted the of his
30c picklin eticumbell$1
per basket; pickling bects, 40e per I)as-
oriously injul: -oil by the falling of a, seat.
told on'the cAliedral at Chicoutimi,
condition of continual sleep. Its rm4
were flexcil and rlgld. It il -as ullabl%
to grasp or hold anythIng ivith its linnds
-1-it-day said the face to which lie holon't.
oil had never been beaten, and when ill(.
c.omo unto me," and take tlicir tand
pirit gcrifiCe,
tholigh lie rejected the letter of it.
k(,t; potatoes, 25c basket; toniatolis,
35n bitaket; 5 to Se ]lead;
Toronto business, conditions taken as
dist1nee of sixty feet.
From the second year onwnril the child
of the Jr3sll cit to
;Nith The death of three thOU-
Wns laid bare in ib; it'-
cabbage, per
cauliflower, 5 to 16c per hoad; crabs,
it Whole .Ire good, jilusillps,
ably hes I)epll It'littlp s pl.ob.
In of last
After Ilreliterinti, all day the bamo
0 0 k,
-Was fr�m the bank
mantly, though 'tilt% could Ili-
stAntly be Stopped by I ossure, es-
justiry the bolist that they would beat
�-and Persons wa.� it mark of
pleasure lit Ulf'. Mit of -which his PeOPIO
love. Divine wrath
was anilig
rave pcto divink'
s5o biliket; applea, 250 -basket;
50. to 00c basket; plums, 25 to 40e bas.
year but tile increase litts not been pro-
attanzas released
above the Little Rapids Cut, in tile St.
pecially on the head, impossible
to notb any rtsychical ix o awaken
ctlon, t
M his Assassin T en
emp h
they bee
_an nit imposgihie
,were guilty,
111. The interce,,slon loses,!t)�s-
love. anti 41. A.
It t; grapes, 25c basket; elderberri0s, 600
portional. Itelnittance.4 have )loon fairly
satisfac-tory front the central and casi-
Ttiver, at the Soo.
ltlr,,,V,l . feelingg, or to teaell. the child any-
Waiks Out and Escapes
task. )fr, Lailn ad -lie believott lit,
liftil mission to
,.)it tilt,. morrow—The day
basket-, pears, 25 to 4:)c baset; corn,
orn Provinces but from the they
Wellington Ilelke, of Port tailley,
I -1 : L
it make mvii autt
Nvolnen discontented. 1007 lie
a ter the death of file three thousand
15c dozen- squitib, lo nnd 15c each,
eldckciui, Soo each or Me pair;
irIlt'llewals fire. frequent and
Was fined $3 ft"d c-Osts for abusin it
horse by hitting It Over ill(,. hetut With
Ilw flr�g of d6content front
in tile callip. I will, go tip 1111to tile
a brace; porkem, $4.50 and each,
egetern Iner(,hunGi nro. uncertain about
lit any fline.
It tT19 When 110 thought Ili,; life Ill
Yolk, Sopt. big
Tenn., ept. 15.—Chareed
fest io Cork, and brnitalit nomr hope and
Litew tile ord anti under-
15 to 11% 1)),
flinis art a substantiti
I (
streaui tri�-ldvd down the front of
with intArderincr Ills wife's father, inoA*,r
now gespol tn'Treland. Mr, Lar-
stnod that lie was tile only souree of
Western Ontario Dealers'
11rantford.--llutter, dalr, 30c; do,,
Itoot all,, %)loc firms tire not
H. S. Drake, manager of the. Doininion
tenenient of Felix Pecatani. wo mu.
and 13 -year-old brother early to -day,
Idn bv refrring to
)tell) to his peopie. An atonement for
.%.our hitervics8ion 1loses hoped
Reports Are Bad
creanlery, 32c; eggs, 27e; * checee, 18e;
corn, loc.,- potatoes, peck, 25c; m4bago,
tilactorily. Xanu-
have been work-
Cannei-Al factory at Fouthill, Was
Ili bia"cellar
ore who disecver(A the red stain. oked
tip a nd ew it womr, t tit(, try�
Fdwnrd' Baxter, .15 y6irw old, it tele-
iono lincinan, Is being sought.by the
Mr. tilt,'( vino�r of the C;il
Hoc,; in all.1 the leader of tliv,ic
to appe Fe the divine displeasure, And
5o; tomatoes. b. 9ket, 25p; cacit
s nut
NOille 1>11
tng to screm. lint itTnble ta inake I
to*tljp labor n6ion:
restore Glad's favor to Ills people. 31.
basket, 30o. Frults—Grapes, linporte.
full 0,
to, � t? Improvement it,
TungAton lamp into Ali electric light
antind, beeaese Itor liticsbnd had
police of this city.
is one of tile iii(n who dr)vp
This people have sinned a great sin—
Iloses' lite% Leitis with. a full confession
t5t, Ib.-, do., honio-grown, water-
10 to 25c; to
It; oil ill(,. increase, and ill(,,
Ald. T F. Gla.96, of. London, was chits-
her whilpipe. Tito iv�nuan I&A to death
In 11, -millittes. tile hus.
Baxter and his wite had been separat-
oil veniontlis. Early this morning,
Charlef4 Stewart I'arnell to Y14
told Qon twelltv-opld V(Ars
of the, nation's Sin. Clods of gold—
11hiall t(achid lite city du'r';n,',
35 to 511e; peachm, 35 to We;
volunie of %,,ties at wholesale houses
ell Conservative standard-bearer lit tile
bund said lie killed lier she ra.
it is alleged, Baxter %vent to the home
ihilt hp would 111'4 hoali. I will
They had broken the second col ninand-
tile 1), day.q
a4 re will lie It seir.
fillinig 20 ill 35c. '.Veft
cn!nparpq favorably ivith a, yoor ago at
il s tinle, As to' collections, in many
1r,st Milesex by-election. Mr, R. (,It.
hisp(i to I(itni'll NVIIII Min to 1t.11y. 116
of )tie wifets father, Henry Smith, where
g% , r., v O
lireak henrt or In Illy g
nieut. 32. If then wilt forgive their
sin—Thi.,i iA nit unselfish nit
ci .8, of Pnod dill-bl" tile collilli.g
20c; 15e; veil), 15 to 25c; lillutton,
ckt(1:04011 Of time has been asked
Fisher is likely to Ile tlte Liberftl candi.
date, the convention bein.cr called for Sat-
niade i)o ttttenipt to
Baxter had been staying. Anti open-
ed fire oil the family with it revolver.
lit the atit-nipt."
if tilt.- that had in lifind
liter, p3111 it ViSit 10 tile farills
]%) to 18C. 6c; do.,
new. 34c; li'lleat, now 83 to 97e; do.,
oil notes, thio grfintvd. Iliniks ato
Smith, Ills wife, aild son Oscar,-woro
too great to I:e granted. Itlot -me.
in. tile or-ri-hip of Pti-ilinch and Nit
Old, 00c; barley, 50C., buckwheat,
coulmorefftl firnis with every
Win' Reek, B. S. A., has been gecured
Washington, Sept. 14.—Tho War Depart-
hilled almost instantly, but Mrs. Bwter
.... Oil t of illy book --Moses too his
place between. his people anti God. 11ore
9,1.w(-Ylt duringr tilt, wc-ek, and report this
SL price of live lJoirs
went back to the I igure to $9.5
possible conideration lit the way of
fund-.;, whielt mr. in good request.
by tll� Ontrio Agricultural Colleme as
lVade, in the
mont to -day received through Item,esell-
tative Garner, of Texas, an urgent ap-
succeeded fit eluding tier husband and
. aped froin the house..
Vienna, Sept. IS.—Count, 1aurice De
Liliental. a Frenchnian, ]Ills met &'tragric
than that, lie rondy to give up-hia
pples a polle Tliero re very
old -day, '10
belug quoted for 1londay's The
eftnadiall West 1111114
. it 8-
soclate profegsorebip of animal bus-
peaLl for protection oil behalC of the bor
der town of Carrizo Springs. . The citl:
*After tile shooting Baxter is alleged
dQth, while flilllbilltT A 111011111till In file
life that they, might Ile
one appits it ill. and tll,. nln.
rointif'ed firtit ;-it ill-
largely fini.4hed its lvlieat un�
ba nd ry.
Zens of thi town fear all attack-
to have reloaded Ilia revolver anti walked
sen,R) Ol'i 119 distriet."WitiI it votingr Wo-
I ol-;Lin ppolile of ("Od Ltre regarded as
At' Written in hook before
PlIt's "(;ill tc- lNvinter
dav's inarketq. Potatoes bring 00c Pet-
der l6al conditions, And7it is the larg-
(-,�t in its history, as lveil Ile the liest
A man about 44 ears old, thought to
friends of the 111exican bandits catAured
there two davq ago, and asit for a (I,,-
1111111 I Who is all clillibei, lie spent
ill(' mountains. While
Win Will I blot
of thili I., nitributt'd it) t bck.
I)II;Tlol; tollintom, 80c per btuiiel, applea,
l0e poaches, 25 to -10i b-Itiket-,
are ))right for
hout tile lthouqh
James -3kJc1Jnto;i, of Dur lion), Ont.,
wits found (lead in a rooin Over
tachnient lit' United states
The War Del)artment reterro(l Oil, it)-
were lIttQll�ptI?lg to 011111) a
for Sill is upoll
coweption-iliv Ivezt-
PIUM, 20 to 35a basket: 20c 1) It(;.
huhiness throu,� wii'4,
to it is vet,
a iialoon
at Peleskov, Heart disea e
!� caused
peal to coin.
I'landilm tile kintirlan forces on tile hor-
crag. If(, was seized with cramps. HIS
tile sinner, anti lip intist tiffer the con
serfuenees of his l
I o (40111 that
ket; wqterinelons, r) to loc; 1.5
0 , 0 I., 4) to 110; e
a, extent a proslimt
Ain or has not foltild its Ivay to 'tit(%
NoVlug It to Ills disevetion to tke
what&ver action It 1.4
coulliallion tried to help him with Ono
rni, lint lie fell "Veral hundred feet,
'41111lith. it Shll flie" 3L
4. - mitIl thN voir, With
butter, 26 to 29e; irb t)
ell t.
povkvii of thoo who. Owe.
Tba discovery of it ell, Of
not doubtod that Opportil Illiss will fte-
And Four Germans Met
(lrllgg"lg 'to" (low",
Lead the the burning
96�; oat -1, 32c; baled Ila 0
A'anconver.-.2the voluino 4
Ore Oil 01P X004 V Mine In
1 "' e�
pede to the front tit Texan
Th� wonin a lint itear the
(*toil 1110 told what lie 01ould da.
11laV lv�, ,,Aid f ill(.
$In to)
turned over at wholegale, homis has
South Lorraill, the property is
Deadi in Ruins.
tot) of the slot,.o anti led it rescue party
Mine shail go before thon--411 6
(lie now vild other'. The
8tratford.--Shortq all(] brn 4vanced
been creditable, dospite Inclement Weatb-
said to have. al-13orbod mucii intine of
I The body was found badly Illuti.
to was that heaeftly
%V01 bc the bost vroll of
pet- toil to -4,423 and $21. rcspectiw,l.
or, for outside points. Retail
tile 401`111'et sreptorted.
guidance would Ile afforded yet Jeb�-
Ill01Y ho up to Cie usulx) stondar(i.
4 $15, all dvitnee of 6Al. inorn.
trade is Improving, Though 1110110Y IS
In a fight Ili)ltptl tates sol-
14.—A CA11111111111-
eato over ten thousand innes tile
vall wolild not directly present.
Egg, 23 to 2te per
tight At the finprovenicut has
dirg ant! Mexlean stinugglers at qtti, I-170
tile Ily t1le
inin inum during Nveelt.
vere killed and tieI4,
3fohes' Mon. as revorded in the next
obtained tile proniiso froin the
butter. 25 to 20e por lb.,
40 to GOe each, ducks, Onc eaeli.,
visi4tore la]-
SM-ingi, Texas, one, Iflixican Wa killed,
11IN111111 or tile flftg.
finin Durbnn to in (�oeezm-
duriner tile night 'by tho CO-
n I
for itLord
that his should go with
potatoes; $1 per bag; Wheat, 83C pet-
roadit pal-Ingr their fall visit to
a from the Gov(.1,1111P
of vleftland to at Pre-
of it 1111tow, callse-I lky
with the regNtl'y
Itint. Lord Plagued the.
- Ts maliv hardshirA
a4, 3:1 to per bu.4hol- hill,
wholesalers ind retmItt; Ili the Wily Of
tit pati14fliet Orv.
Perils, the Internationl chtsg
torift through Cage Town was sent front
Nvollill-,ton to I. I(* high p'lw('r
oils Ohion.
ffic - ii� ((I; court ]lint 4 for a Ili
I rint, Itivir fortv veRm Ili' tilt% iv ilder-
A Nation -Wide Campaign
Iroge, 415 per toil; hags, live,
sfwu por woot, to
Iva* found ftozoll to death .01)
by(lylev. thence to Perth. 014,11 N,I;t
Six faniflics w(irft burlod Ili tho r1ijil.i.
Ill the I"CIN fit
2le-14. The ewsi 'lia�vo ,I tradition, that
Urged in the States.
26 1.20 )let. 11), 114100, lop liest.
Wholosale 11011800 Arebusy
,A. Vital
110011tOr 11011fitalif Ili tiio ktyritto Alpq
wIlere lie lvas climbing alolle, TIC W014 3
, 6
In nild-oemin to
no111OW11 dcrilltolv. lhih
\�0'0 Ile-
of t-11,
', John north
" 1.
rine oun(,e of the powdored gold
of the valf nihi-�,.Iiid lit
.41611% 13 to 14c Per lb.
per baolcot, 41) to
active, unit tile list of bul"ding
ear" 0 f
A Unlidolph
whoil)(ir More Viethn.4
alwhiL.11 a ferw ot
i- vollilty [if
('1111) It(% till njil I))
elluillitV that befell tile lintion. Vilti-
ishmeni thosk.
Wa01111-toll, Sept. %--litauguration
plunis, Plentiful, bring frolli 25 to
Permit,,, has hooll
Ili tile QUY iq
111.1n. lidmod Willie, it
d0ek ws h-Illed tii(s.
Australia, 1 1,—Ill ,on.
pipidiers and firemen were working.
hhoceur(-d I'll thii
tIle II -i.
unnivs lipon who serve
the rot] (it alipotite, tit,, go,1, of sonut-
allIT tile of
of a very wide campaign to ellminate
or control hog eholera, is urgred Ili it
I or per
2-k, - pears, pet, to [Ili., apples,
barrel. M,
oXpOetell to lie redneed next w
A '0111 it
oil tAcquittim,
John by falling it) tilt%
lottem found oil lihn
relilliving tho littillo of tile Ring frotil
gatl lit tilt, eeiart, of the Fitnwt
thOt it Hie h(PIPW
in tity
.— --#, ,
sx) to to
IL 1.4
. tijil, t list nt a 111 -vent 4111111ell, hiq
sit IJ11101t,
ill(% Calf T11'e 11PS110116ibillty was
alwelal report to -day by Mrlon Dor.
liptittopl. )let, n0e; varmt anti
pohit of
believed lip hails frnin
oil tilt) 101 11 -11
Fire theu oat
11 laued upon tilt% people. hd Reen
set, of tile Ilureall of Animal Industry,
0 g; turnilill, por
...... llvf4hioss in \%IioIcsqIo lilies
Ilavo 0
0114 (if tile Injureil
wbo li.stlinates 1hat, during tit(,, past
yuar itbout $C0,00f),000 worth of hogs
during tile weel
to .sit IlIntit Win. The thaL
Illev had
poner fit Sivah they knew tlt,%t
died of tit(,
it) 70c
del, of Railway In
York thilt it ralfroad itA
"I I
The tollst N thn Xiilq at the
thoy for (',oil;
After 0XI)PArnmiting for more than
9G thp Drpartilient
tit Part
Ill)]\. till. doollind for
I1.1 n tile, 1711110(l. stittes everl, ]]our
wits hoin tit:
13(-I)t. row of i; 1.1
111-011 hal Ing the rolden
years, of Agrleui -
firiftilY iscovered a seruni that
of tile ountry Iii(I4 fair tit be, it llod
I prs �Vlll 111.4or Ile plentifal."Ap-
i-4 ;)it tile While
is illnongA4 tilt% t4bite nviiiu-.
And InIntliN Of tile day, and that
IvIlitellall vivill he, alven Over NJ tile
nt,.Nt: weelt, lunst
lc.;%�.t ilvv� ltvf::,
�vol'. of 11111 Iualf
wif-11 tilt, hand
ill prel,cut 1ho disellse, IvIlich
now Is being distributed In thirty
to about Italf a,
it IA 'to Ile Of Alort
Atich., 14011t. iIn
many recollections fill, Queen
olip (if them hor father Anti 11141ther
�:tjjj_lj ILStiol' ft
%kill Ittil, t
4 lit
oIre vVil'il In a
to f tile plitiiii1e
"(111,11 tile iu*llll,4 11
gtat('li- work, however, Mr. Dor-
The imtatoi gooll, 1110
tile 6)rll i.,4 aloo to be fair. it
retail Atnvks 118 a Tuh, I
yet one through fixing tile dato for
aud boltevol to) hve
Iiantfottl, ont., wam f ound di,.4il
Mill Illesir ('1111firen lVed until the lilt*!
ontien Vit-torla. tii in Itovill
Nit far tw t -wild be tit tilt,
has. not rosultell lit tt
able diminution of tho disease In ille
or iti blilig
I hore ill the
David IZ-Ilillall f
ThapkAgiving Day, it is undenktood that
ille, Illit fl -w veara 11,111
flool. or 1:110 "unti: Jall horl.
I!Ilt re.qdentir, lit AvIllto Lodge'
anti 1.110, 11ri .
tl:t% 11"'Itil Il.'t
litilikil. 11) i1ollifil, 41 010
country s whole.
roln wo'it.
(M on lIntfor, 2.1 to hir
harnij, the
Ito to, uAl iftat MondVv In.
till, 1%4-t Io (lip
it) have It 01111 -go (if steftling a bit-yelo
11(kiwo, V6.1th four perl'alitq, it
1way Vie hotllf.$4 tit ftfln"I's Illiffiz
suggesting a national anti -cholera
doiry, ponild Iii-IntR; 23P for good r-apke1
mill '1114 a Wnnilmllod I)v fim loul).
October %vill I:e proie)-.111111SA itq "A 11-1).
then tit
talan. tit A lkq all InMh..
lfr. It %Vlkvl then imepil ary 1111-
tW0 q 11own t10 fid'A
on -I int-tir
Ilie report urgr,lt thrit tit(*
Oggx, U it) 21e; 11111111A, 4(le. pi -r
P64%iiil fn havil Won ataftod I)y ft
Of J1fttInftql flanksgiving" allil, a 111111lie
171t had lootill hi�.:Ilill
111114111 In 11m, 1.1111,111ond 111m 149-1.11
lflot off Out f1wo
lolp� (IR
to, 40e por basket;
froin it throsbing flipimb.
till V. lay.
tic Imll;lftz�r tile best Of thln�08.
fall A in kill It ica I ion i0l: