HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-09-11, Page 8The Kling Hat
For Fall
Your winter clothes may wait a bit but a Fall
Hat you must have. It's high time right now.
Here you will find the correct Hats, shown by
the best Hat makers. Your fancy and your head
can both be fitted.
All variations in brims and crowns to suit men
of all ages and figures.
Price --$2.50.
The Soft Hat is always a Fall Hat. They'll be
more popular this season than ever before. Smooth
As or the smart rough effects. -A- variety of shapes,
and colors of Gray, Brown, Olive, Blue, Black.
Price—$1.50 to $5.00.
�- ■ All
- _-
The Clothier
MacDonald Block, Opp. Dank of Commerce.
Irltlu.illrail i'1 la.,,,lll l.51b..rtiJrwrlW.riliirWrdlYdPtliirdatiitr4v -
The guaranteed Eczema Cure.
A quick relief for all Skin troubles
and a positive cure for Eczema.
The only reliable remedy far --
]Eczema Erysipelas
i Psoriasis Ringworm
Pimples Dandruff
"fetter Ivy Poisoning
Hives Barber's Itch
We close Wedxiesday afternoons during July and August
from I p,m. to 7 P.M.
Successor to A. L. HAMILTON
T H E W I N VI"R A M ADVANCE TauRSDAY, 51;1'T1;MBrR ITt 1913
�'zs�..-.....-..-.H,,,•.,....;-._•.•_.�-.,._...-,.-s�fi ��-.,„k,�,,l uwymw6�'Ilull I�,�'il�Z1�'J11`���1 �� , Y�
GROCERY PHONE 09 = 16Or I -i _ AND
y P WU Ape repare
Store open 7 ec,in,
Closes 7 p.m,, except Saturday n
,.,...... ,..- -,.. ? Raving re -purchased the Chop -
Miss Rush desires to thank ping Mill 1 am now busy over- ■
Peachesy L _ hauling the same and installing To •
the ladles of Wingham and an Apple Butter Plant.
I expect to be ready to fill
No. I Crawfords ---Selects s � =_ orders for apple butter ma>�ing '
tU'lcinity for their liberal pat- v curl chopping on and after the
Small Yellow Varieties. - :16th of September and w411
rOlaa a during the est 4 guarantee satisfaction.
Your patronage solicited.
Puck them up season and invites all toher
THURSDAY MORNING ,EZRAERLEY Of any Shoe Or Rubber as advertised
j �n any Canadian catalogue, no matter
Eelgrave. what kind or how cheap. We keep
ry penings
Tomatoes M Quitd a number from the -so parts are
Thuh. and Fpi. 'o tr 1 o and l taking in London fair this work. these catalogues In Our store at all
Rev. and Mrs. Durant of Lucknow
_ visited for a few days among their old t127QeS and 1f you are 7101 shown the ,•
Another lot to arrive, If Exclusive designs in Pat- friends. ,
you have not secured all Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie of Goderich
you want, we advise you tern Hats All theare spending a few days with the kind of Shoes ou * want ask for the
• newest formers sister, Mrs. Dr, Stewart. y 1
to Buy Now The funeral of the late Mrs. John
THURSDAY MORNING shapes and colors In stock. - Prpctor on Tuesday was largely at- kind in so and so'S catalogue and in 9
tended. The famlly have the sympathy g
of the community.
The Ladies' Aid of Knox Church (mases out of 1.0 we will be able to give
It is possible there will Belgrave will hold" a Rainbow Social
be another shipment on Iat the Church on Sept. 12tb. Tea will
® be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Every- you the same kind. Our prices are as
-�sATURnt�►i body welcome. Admission 15 and 25 ,
® ush_cents,
The thunder storm on Sunday even- = low in all cases and besides we sew
• _
��• Milliner Parlors ing did considerable damage around
Y ors o PPositt: T. al', Meld & Cos. 5110 p here as Mr, Richard Proctor bad three 7
HUNS AND MAGYARS. JOSEPHINE ST. WINGHAM, ONT. cows killed, and William, son of John all rips and tack soles on all shoes
Hopper, while driving home from
Legend Says Nimrod, Noah's Grand- Belgrave had his horse struck dead. =bought from us free of charge
son, Founded the Race.�.�.rr.s��.S��atl f si:+rr'•� �.r9w+u 'j
Among the many interesting bits of �-
history which are included in "old NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bluevale. MEN AND TEAMS WANTED.
Homes of New Americans," Dr, Fran-
cis I7, Clark's study of the original Mr. John Munns, sr. left for the Men and teams are wanted for pav
life and surroundings of our immi- West on Frida ing construction, Wingham. Apply
grunts, is a brief account of the tradi• The Committee in charge intend to y' after June 25th to The Construction
let the foIiowink work on the prairie Mr. H. A. lilt'Caul made a business Service Co. •1
tional origin of the Huns and Magyars, road south of Wingbam on Monday, ti i to London.
According to this story, Nimrod, September 15th at 2 o'clock. P '-
grandson of Noah, was the founder of I -Fencing the east side of the road. Mrs. Jno. Hall is at present visiting 9 S
2-Gravellin the road. Farm For Sale. j
the race. Ris wife, Eneh, bore him g relatives at London.
two sons, Hunyor and Magyar. These 3 -Some filling on the west side of
the road. Parties wishing to bid for Quite a number are taking in the
two brothers -who were great hunters Forty-two acres almost in corpora- -
like their father, who has given his the work will meet tete committee on Western Fair at London. tion of `1'eeswater, suitabiN for Dairy THE SHOE .STORE =
g• the ground at the appointed time. Afurther_
name to every expert user of the ar- small good -faith -cash deposit will be Mrs. Gibson of Wingham was a farm, (.food buildings. For -
row, spear and gun since his day-- required. visitor at Wm. Thorntons. information apply to—
while chasing a doe: in the ,forests of JO.BN SHORTREPD, �'VM. GORDON, Teeswater,
the Caucasus, were led to move west- Reeve of Morrie Mr.: J'visop and lm. Thornton of 52_55 Sole Agents 1F'®jt _"-
MENTON CAMPBELL, Detroit visited at 174rm. Sellers. I,AIDt��
ward and found a country rich in fer- -- -- — For The
tile meadows and green fields.
.Reeve -if East Wawanosh I, L, Farrend left last week with a •SHOE,
The doe vanished ,from before their Bluevate, Sept. 9, 1913 car of effects for Pennant, Sask. Tenders Wanted.
eyes, for she bad evidently been in- Ernest Wilburn wag laid up with
vented by the mythmakers to lead the Tenders Wanted, quinsy for a few days but is o.k.s,gain, Scaled Tenders, marked "tenders
brothers into their new domain, and aft- Mrs. Aitken of Beeton is at present for hose tower," will be received by
erward, we are told, the progeny of Sealed tenders will be received by visiting with her mother Mrs. R. N. the undflrsigoed up to twelve n c oc
Hunyor settled beyond the Volga, while Vae undersigned up to the In of Duff. noon, Friday, Sept. 12cb, for the
, erection of a hose tower. Plans and
the sons and grandsons of Magyar set- October 1913, for the erection of a new Margaret Black of Nanaimo specifications can be seen at the office Biwa,�sn,•wrn,l�a:uilYs.grit�l:: sr�rr = ' "" """"'' ""
tled about the river Don and were wing to the Wingham Hospital. B. C. is at present visiting relatives of the undersigned.. The lowest or
known thereafter as Don -Magyars. Piano and specifications can be seen -
he1r. any tr'ndr,r not nPUPssN,rily accepted.
However much or however little true at thv flospir, Lowest or no tender JOAN F. GROVES, Town Clerk.
history is found in this maze of myths, necessarilq a.rrented. Mrs. W . H. Stewart and family of 52-53qs' `
R. VANSTONE, Secretary, BowlingGreen are visiting at Thos,
the names have persisted through all Drawer 28. Wingbaru P. (S. -•••-••• ' ,
the centuries. The Huns devastated Wingham, Sept., 1913, 63_55 Srevvarts. ,. , > i{.O�
Europe in the early centuries, and Miss L. Gray and B. Burgess spent Farm For Sale.
Magyar" is stili the most honored ,
" la9 7� x , n, few days this week with Toronto s A•
name ti which the people of Hungary ' {
y P P g ry � friends.
�•..,. ,;,� ,{ •,e., est' A Na. i farm, tat 4, con. G, Morris; � ) - �� �, '�• ;
Choose to be known. Rev. J, E. Cook was at Pine River 100 acres, More or less, half a anile from
on Sunda taking of Anniversar Belgrave one uarter of a anile from �- r
q s 2.
To Observe Tilos. services. y g y station; ninety acres cleared, the rest .� .`
w� `y _ in bush; a never -failing springy• oa farm,
Bvery effort is Using Iliad-, to ^iv u
unictue importance to the »atv 1'riti,tl MAIL CONTRACT. Mr. Win. Thornton is putting up a barn with,stone stabling 66x40, a good o
tidal e imp story.. It ie nadc_%v 1 1 to windmill over the well he had drilled frame house with good cellar, also a "
give important inforutation of 40111e- SHALE''D '.l'Ll'NDERS addressed to the recently good orchard. Mrs, John Proctor, pro -
'•+: � :; a'•
what varied kind anti only after care. I'ostmaQwr eleneral, will be recalv(;d at Oita- pri•tress, is going west. Possession °
fi l study 7vith this in mind )]as the 1i rtz013 for�the'conv convey3rd dar ance Hi4 lfaje8tyb Whitney Stewart has returned home toverjxv. G. NICHOLSO , 13 ]er. Terms ; 1RA«l,ply
after spending the past few weeks ,
Ordllanee survey chosen Dunbar, Oa Malls on a proposed contract for fnur years, F. SCOTT, 131t1JSS7;LS, 60 63 � �:• ::,,;� -�
the ea=t coast of Scotland, as cliF time, per weolr,ovcr Myth (Westfieirt way} with his brother near Grand Valley.
Rural Route. from tbo Postmaster Gewral's
the runt : uitabla site. To give cur- pleasure. Printed notices containing further The farmers are busy threshing in
veyors a much-needed perntarent dpi- information as to conditions of proposed Con-
tum a primary object of th^ new stss• tract may be seen and blank forms.of lendor this locality and the grain is turning VOTERS LIST, 1913.
tion will be to fix the position of tue3tt may be obtained at the Past Ofidce of Blyth out much better than was expected.
}? and Westfield, and at the alike of the k ost r
sea. level watts exceptional precision, oBicelnHp'etoratLondon. Howard Stewart is in charge of the
Gt- C. ANI11t,RROti, pn erintendent, g
using self -recording instruments. Oth• Ofldce Departmont.ltlait Service Branch, grist mill now Curia his brother's ab- Munic;pality of the Township of Turn -
Post, i.i ; Q
eT purposes will be t0 esaminC direct- Ottawa, 22nd August, 1913, 52-b4. g g
ly the rise or fall of the coast line if scute, who has taken a trip out West, berry, [n the County of Huron. F }. .
any movement occurs; , to record the Wm. McMichael had the misfortune t 1`.
local tides and all tidal phenotnena,��s�s T `
to have his hand jammed between Notice is hereby given that I l7avar
and to determine if possible whether
the changes of the tide produce any r - : z ,� ;,, ;\. some stones he was removing from his transmitted or delivered to the persons
G { . • ,
measureable deformation of the sur- MAIL CONTRACT.cs;(lar. mentioned in Sractions S and 9 of the
Ontario Voters ACs, 1887, and the ' ' . x�• �„ �„'_ , + .
face of the acijaeent land. At the Willing Workers meeting on a,nendrnents thertAn, the copies re
TterGe oral, ill addressed a the Post , / - i
deliver -
Operated b Candlelight. master C3euerat, will bo received tit Ottawa Thursday afternoon the Ladies Aid of quix�Pd to he so transtnitted or deliver- I' _
y g until noon, on Friday, the 10th day of Octobor,
Otvin * to the break in 1913, for the cnnveyanue of Ills 17:ajohty's the Presbyterian church were invited ed of the List, nutda pursurant to etttd _
b the Hydro , Act, of all persons appearing by the
service, Victoria Hospital in London
Malls onapro posodeonlsNcl;for fourl.i+ter;�x to tea and spent a sociable time to last revised n,seesstnent poli of
Gimes or wcelt over ingliam ( lu v e)
the other day lacked electric light and reiral route, front thea Postmaster. Genoral's gethet', municipality to be untitled to vote in
Private May, injured at the militia pleasure.. Printed notices containing farther
information as to conditions of propr*serl con- Mr, Thos, Stewart is digging out' said municipality at elections for
camp, had to be operhted on by can- tract may be "en aura blank forma of Tender members of the Le0slative Asscmhi
dle light. Dr. Seaborne conducted the may bo obtained at the Poet (Jtllro a wing- cellar and Putting in to cement wall and at Municipal elections, and that I
operation while attendants held i1ain ani 14 uovale, and at the office of rho under the house occupied by Wm, Me. said List, was first pasted up in my ti
candles. 1.est Uilieo Lispectar at .London. Michael which will be a decided fat- afiicn at T,nt 1:;, Cora. 7 on the .lad day t •+
G. (;. ANDERSON SuperiotAndent.
P00, Office nepartment, Katl Service T3ra•i�oii, provement, r of Sept. 1913,+tend rerriains Lher upon'
fae6 - \
Ottawa, 2th Auteust,11113. 5" r1 inspection. Electors are called
to examine said List, and if any
Fair Ones: Will your deg bite us? . . •._ � '... ' .. . ' •
Navvy' -7 shouldn't b0 surprised, ommisions ot• other errors are per- r M +
P r ,-...w--.-•:..«�.•=M--•- ceived therein to take immediate pra-
miss. 'Ere got an uncommon sweet ceedings to bave the said errors
tooth 1 ® i rooted according to law. _ �\
Miffi er` j � Clerk of the Municipality of tb
y46 Township of Turnberry, Wingbam
Sept. 2, 1913. 5 •aJ .......- ....� �....
....:.-.r ..: .- .. .-..
" DR. R. P. PARKER, D.B B.A., F11),
Acute and Chronlo Diseases treated,
(Masses Sclentiflcally fitted. C. P. R. LABORER -5 FASHIONABLE STYLES IN WINTER U00 S
Lraesday 11,80 a.tn, to Wednes;ao 1b.30 a,xtt. y ;
Main St. (over Christie's 13tore.) W e be to announce our
_ ONS -
pressing, Dry Cleaning and
Altering promptly aftended to
Shop Ohre Door North d1l'atterlson's Jewelry Mare,
We don't experiment ' we
bow hc,v to clean,
Opening of Pattern Bats and TO THE WEST = Ladies' Coats in materials of the newest patterns
" SEPT. 6th and designs, direct from the hest makers. Our
Latest Parisian Novelties on $10.00 to WINNIPEG label$ "The Rogers Garment," fills our ow4 guv-
ANNUALr WESTERNy Also Cheap rates to Toronto aur- h1IICllil3aDiagonals,0S O�� r
Wednesd� She 17 g. garian behind
1s,a C' Coat and Suit
Labia, and
'� f`� � j �+r ('� ,� �%� Sept.o a 'ing Exhibition -•Au 23 toaopt. 6 y � r
lt..: \r� �.J ate. dJ = Buy your tielceka from us at the malty other fabrics.
Sept. 111. 12, 13 and following days« = shoe stores.
Mail orders prolrlptCy filled,
ROUND -TRIP TiCKBT .inspection. cordially invited. Also a bigbtoek of
At wary lour gates- Butterlck Patterns always on stand.
- `l"runks, Suitcases
DTP1ROIT 01103AGto 'ww�rrr""�r'YY" '""'""'irrk' club Bags &nd Telescopes
CLEVELAND ST. PAVr, bt lowest slices.
i Ratulrn Limit, Soptaintiar 19, 1913 +
ta"ull partloulars >~rom tiny G. V. It. dgMiss Re----ynolds HANNA & CO*
.ont. � -
VV1l VGillfs, tap to" =0=0747
ItaarGrar, sltis+tfion , �
.. L�rtllirill�IwllilMtM�