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The Wingham Advance, 1913-09-11, Page 5
itIu sDAY, SE'TEZijBElt It 1913 . TUE WING ' - .N ADVANCE 00 000000000000000000000000 00000000cici4 onootwo Selling out the Jno. Kerr & Son Stock Winghain rilhe 8 E3 Our ' Ontario reat clock of ti ,e ICE SALE Selling out the Jno. Kerr & Son Stock Wingham A Ontario ilk so n strike SEPT. 1 5th e CLOSING DAA of this Great Bargain Event. aim and efforts are bent on making the last week of this Great Sale as interesting for customers as the first. a EVERYTHING GOES, at the same REDUCED PRICE until. the hand of the clock turns to MONDAY EVENING, SEPT. 15th. Remember the day and the hour. This is the Thousands of the hour of 7 an opportunity for you to buy goods at your own prices. Be here each remaining day and twice IT MEANS MONEY TO YOU. The Nort Com Breakers of High Prices any if possible. S 8 1 8 0 0f100,,c'oo'0000- E'.J';Dalt'30000C3C30C!0000©1,3r0000'©flQC3L3'00003f3Q':.`©00000000©000000QCId'.30tv''0000'CC00000 00Iii'0000t3©f.'© "043:3Q0000` 00000©Q3:'D'..!' 0C3430f!000000000'0'0'.30.+0000+0" i000 0©QCac^✓GD0C'0000v''^"..+0.G%=0f.`•0000C., Keep Your Eye on Patterson's Jewellery Store Window Three Big Three Noir Window Sales COMMENCING Saturday, Sent. 20th Saturday, Sept. 27th Saturday, Oct. 4th 1 FROM 7 TO 10 O'CLOCK P. M. 1000.00 worth of swell up4to- date Jewelery to be sold for $500.00 at each Sale. "opt w 11 see tae goods tiplete4 in the window -- glue Vignres, regular price ; iced loiguret , Sale Price, It will 'pay you to 1eep tab on these Hours, as positively nothing will bo sold out of the window before or after the hours mentioned, TRIG •W. M li G A� � o� OPPOSITE QUEEN"S HOTEL, WINOHAM. The Militant Suffragette in the - Bible. "•Uojust man is an abomination." - Pc. 20 : 27. "They shall he burnt" * *with burn- ing heat i' d bitter destruction,"-- . will advance to the very camp fire, Vanish t1 i s h ; from the side of which they will steal Dent, 32;21. Ili a child and make off with it to the "Ther- .ball not be a man left."- bush. Other wild animals care be Hosea 0: 12. (�t1EUMA--Greatest Remedy for ltept away r fig but not so the "Thi taw is no more."-Lamenta- tior : 0 ' vee women bball take hold of one rr 4:1. • 1.'bia shall be with burniog and fuel flit." -1 . 0: 5. "Prepare ye the way, gather the Thousand of persona during the last and they are only 'aroused to self - stones." -Is, 02 :10. year freed themselves from the bond- defence when a human being becomes _ Age of Rheumatibm; rid themselves the victim of the daring beast. To of the torturing pain ; reduced the catch the leopard a small goat is put t2HEUL°1A'I'ICI PAINS GO THE AFRICAN CEOFAR Most Beautiful and Treacherous Ani' mai on the Continent. Leopards are the most treacherous a _ wiNGHAm swollen en J o; rets animals in all Africa and they are t 1 1 1 universally feared. When hungry they _ Rheumatism, Gout and Sciatica leopard. Only s There is a superstition among the '. sErnEmBER 2 5 26 1913 Ont 50 Cents and Mone African savages that any man who - I . ib4 1.,111 .-Y i.... 1.1.i•. r, n - i..l.. AA vi .. BALL FAffl THURSDAY and FRIDAY Back front J W McKibbon kills a leopard will be cursed with _ t an evil disease. Bence the natives al - If it Doesn't Satisfy low leopards to commit the greatest - - depredations in and about their towns "Their tongue walketh through the earth." -Pe. 73:0. swollen joints • threw away canes -and in a simple trap into which the leo- "They have east fire into thy sanc- tuary,"- Pe, 74 t 7, "Blessed are they who do hunger." -Slat. 5 id. "Count it pleasure to riot," -2 Peter gild, TIME TO WORRY erhen you are constipated, i,itioua, have, aonr, g:tst,y etomacb, slug fish liver and bink headaches, FIG PILLS will call dealers in make you feel fine. At da i ke t 25 and 50 cant boxes or by meit from • The Fig Pill Oo , St. Thomas, Ont. Sold at McKibbon'e Drug Stare. RREV(T1Eg. crutches, and trout helpless beings be- pard can enter, but from which he came able to work and be of use to cannot withdraw. Ile is then de- spatched with arrows and javelins. I Another native superstition in re- - gard to a leopard is- the power of a - human being to he metamorphosed in* to one. Such a person is called Uven- gwa, and he goes prowling about the - homes and camps of his enemies to - learn their see'ets so that his tribe -_ can effectively attack them and make - - them prisoners. They are then mur- dered and offered up as pacrifxees and - _ the cannibals are surfeited with hu' man flesh, the surplus of which is ' ; thrown to the vultures. The "ju-ju" parts of the leopard are to - impossible it is whiskers and the get a leopard's skin from the native _ with tjtem op, Gay, reckless young hunters wear the whiskers stuck in - their hair and swagger about creating a tremendous impression on their . dusky sweethearts, while the elder8 shake their heads and keep a keen eye - on the subsequent conduct of the young bucks. The skin of an African leopard is the most beautiful of all leopard skins. The coloring is rich and distinct and clear. The tanning of leopard skins by the native is a peculiar process. When the hide is stripped from the eat it is thrown in the sun, where it attracts the driver ants. They tat team it every particle of fatty /natter. Then the natives seeps on the skin for - onths until hia warm body softens - e hide and its curing process ie - complete, themselves and their famtUlt's. They took 1t.UEUyf A : the modern' enemy of Rheumatism, which is also sure to cure Lambagn, SaiatIca, Artb- ritiu, Griot, Chrinie Neuralgia or Kid- ney disease. Don't he skew ical about RHEU.1IA. Yon will know in a few hours after begtnuing the treatment that the: poisonous Uric Acid is leaving your svvtem tbtough the natural channels. Yeti will feel better in a day ; you will know ynu are going to be cured in 'este than a week. Don't think because RFIEUSIA i'' sold for only 50 cents a bottle,. that it! won't bring you bark to heelth. Tnere is no guess wr'rk about it. ' R 11 EU tt A. is better than any remedy at ten times the price. Ar=k J. W. Mc- Kibben, druggist, Lacrosse. Childhood May do without a rind The lacrosse season in Guderiuh end. 3'g ed in 'a fizzle. Goderich went to St. purpose, but manhood cannot. ed t.rys on Labor Day and were d. feat - Pride is increased by ignorance; ea by a score of 13 to 3. St. Marys those assume the mst who know the carne here on Wednesday, Ia the least. first q'tarter of play, Goderich put it The fondest thought or passion all over the visitors, sooting four goals sleeps as in a mine, until an a -tired to none, Lavelle, of the S. atar3 s rntad and heart finds and publishes it. team, was badly hunt and was disabled It is no flattery to give a friend a for the reet of the game, and Prego was due character; for commendation is as taken c- f the Goderielt team to even couch the duty of a friend as repre- up. Ta the second quarter St. Marys tension, m.tde a score and Goderich added snouts-, malting the total score C to 1, We have morepower quirt will; and lihorti}r afterwards 'Strickler, the St, Wound Silver Coin in Lake. 'sr v of ten welay an of gentle to 'he- hi up centres player, injured Iiia 'knee- 'elvrs that fancy things are i- rep, and daring fixe delay' which fol. possible. lowed the Ss. 'Marys men went off the The power of association is stronger II id, refusing to continue playa The than the power of beauty; therefore, r pectatbrs who had paid that- money power of association is the power to see the game were of course greatly of beauty, disappointed. That the game was not The greater a man is in power above ate rded to Goderieb by the default of others, the more be ought to excel S•; Marys calla for tome explanation, them in virtue, None ought to govern and the fact appears ears to be that Omit - who is not better than the governed rich bad die q.mlitled thcroseleee by" Praise has different tiiects, aceot ft- plaling outsiders at kit. W.I yre. At airy Leg to the mind it meets With i it rate, althongh we do not know whet ,Hakes a setae man modest, but a fool • Meat action has been taken, it is mere arrogant, turning his weak understood here that St. Marys has bertha giddi', we'u the tressd,-tmlrnderteh ittgn4. Steer Harvey' Wilson, while swimming in the lake to the west of the Grand Trunk etation, discovered a silvet. coin embedd' d in a piece of wreckage. It turned out to be a 5Oc piece, with the date 1883, and the words Columbian' Exposition of Chicago, stamped there- on, The coni is In good condition, and it is said that +sung 'Wilton re: "for it The w a 0'44 tf C e n. e11.3 wreckage is -supposed to be a portion of the sehoonee Anna Maria, which foundered south of the harbor on the evening of October 'iib, 1002, pausing the lost of lite. llva+.-IPae't'l' Sriana FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPT. 26th TRIALS OF SPEED. 2.20 PACE OR TROT 2.50 PACE OR TROT Purse, $100.00. Purse, $60.00 Conditions -Mile heats, best 8 in 5. Entrance membership in So- oiety, b% and 5X, additional from winners. Four to enter, three to start. Money divided, 50%, 30% and 2n%. Hobbles barred in 2.50 race. Ail entries in races must bo matte with Chas. Kuechtel not later than noon of the 20th September. OTHER ATTRACTIONS BICYCLE RACE -Open to alt comers. 2 mile heats. 13 st two in three. istpries, pair of British Tiro oovera, ]a s 28, donated by W. A Currie ; 2u0, Bioycle Lamp, donated by IL B, Elliott. No entrance fee. HITCHING RACE, for Boys under 18. Pally harness and hitch horse to single buggy. Then walk horse 3ti of a tails, trot i of a mile, eh, n go as you please for 1.4 of a mile, Bridle will be allowed to be left on horse. No shape un harness. let, t3 00 ; 2nd, t2,00. No entrance fee. POTATO RACE ON HORSEBACK. Three potatoes for each competitor will he placed it0 yards front starting point. Competitors stand by horse, mount, ride to fi st pota'o, •" di -mount and put petal° in a fl reheating the operation for each potato. ist, $t.6rt ; 2nd, $[ 00 ; 2rd, 51o. No entrance fee. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S I'AP.A.DE. There will be a parade of the pupils of %Ingham Public $oheol and nQ1ghboriug schools from Winghatn Publics School linif.ling 10 the - Pair Grounds, headed by the Bn,,d, leaving the school at 12 45 t•harp All harness horses and bores cotepettee forspeoial prizes are to be judged in front of grand stand. and all prize whining horses are to take part in parade in front of grand stand before close of Fair. • WINGHAM CITIZENS' GANG Will furnish the Music during the afternoon. Admission to °rounds, 23c. Children, 15c. Vehicles, 25c, R.EDt7CED RES o_s ROAMS, CONCERT, ... riday, Sept. 26th A high elase Oouoert will ba given In the Opera Douse on the evening qf priday, September tGih. The following Well-known a ti te wilt We the grogram : 11. ltuthven Mol)oneld, baritone ; Miss ]t2. La»ell, elocattontst ; Eddie Pipet. comedian. This will be one of - the hest ooneests ever heed in Whnghein Admission, 25e; lteserwd Seats, 86o end 60o. flan at McKibbon's Drug Stare. W. d, MUMS, S, President. E. 13. ELLIOTT, gtio.•Trees. IIIEY000RTDEAT� dose Who Take Liberties With i r Fulminate of Meroury. PERILS OE BI ASIDIQ CAPS. !IOW panpnt'otM and #eneltive'Play. j, Wee Often 'laked pp Around Quer. - i elm. Ars Responsible For Hundreds •' of Crippled Youngsters, . it, Over too children have been butt 011 tonlifo In itha last Ave with blueing gape, U Shit. ed at One time what 'tt howl would have gone up all over the world! But because the accidents are spread all over the country and happen at the rate of only about ten a mouth othirsg iia done by $Uee. Xn• need, nothing Cain bethe donO excepauthots to ed; mate the whole population to realize bow dangerous thee exceedingly 1188- tul things arowhen they aro ' out of their proper place. And what a dread- Lul thing it irs going through life crip- pled or blinded for want of a little care ivad knowledge. Uoye often play; in and around guar. Iles on Simdaysa and Sometimes pick flip tttray, capg and start to investigate 9 ie = - iii lite rarest thing that they, laver do thla without geCting hurt. They perhaps know they are danger. ous and that a Spark or a blow will es• plods them, but they 'do not realize how sensitive they are, bow violent the explosion or how, the pieces of cop- per fly. Even the name lei misleading in this respect. The word "caps" @ug• gesfs the paper cap used with toy pls. dols, and bitcaude tIito busting ceps are ;ailed by tbte ;nen it Is Aateral to think that the articles . be loans familytwo. They, may, butbelopg thetoy, bear about the name resemblance to tub other that a hungry man eating tiger does to the gentle pussy cat There aro lots of ways of getting 'toppled by exploding blasting caps be. aides hitting them with a hammer and putting them in the tire, Eixtracting the contents with a pin distributes un- told fingers; holding a lighted match ander them or thrusting the flaming lend into the cap gate immediate ac* tion. In the mines and quarried even, where the men who have to use blast- ing cape every, day ought to know bet- ter. etuser, there are plenty, of mangled hands, and punctured bides as the result of scrimping caps on fuse with a jack- knife, pointed nail or any, tool that's handy. Many a miner bac blown a hole through his face in biting the cap- on the fuse, and others have filled thent- eelves with copper or have been Trilled outright by the sparks from their hat lamps or pipes dropping in an open box of caps. Lots of blasters continue to bite the caps on the fuse and think that because they have never exploded them they never will, but some day, they will bite the business end and Bose Something besides teeth. It is trench easier and lets safer to use the {crimper, a tool wade for the purpose. -Accidentally 'stepping on a cap :will Often spoil a perfectly good foot. Sparks, flame, beat, blows, friction - It's all the same to the cap to whicii they are applied. A blasting cap is a copper shell about n quarter of an inch in diameter and an inch or two long, half full of fulmi- nate of mercury. This fulminate Id the most sensitive and about the most impulsive expiosive in common use. Blasting caps contain anywhere from fifteen to twenty grains of it. Primers for firearms cartridges usually contain not more than one grain. That's what the hammer or firing pin of a gun or pistol hits to ,ignite the powder in the shell. A blasting cap is meant to work the other way. The powder from the fuse ignites the fulminate in the blasting cap, and it explodes with ter- - ' dila force and detonates the dynamite. . _ !Che explosion of the fulminate Is so - 'exceedingly quick that the flying par- _ = 'titles of copper will imbed themselves In iron a foot away. They will blow a i - liole clean through a steel plate one - 1 ` lslxteenth of an inch thick. A, box of _ : cape will blow a beautiful square hole ' = tight through a two inch oak plank. •-_ One cap will blow a child's hand ori 1 'with the utmost certainty and dia- patch. Ltngg, one of the Chicago an - 1 : archlstii, committed suicide by biting - a blasting cap between his teeth. The point to be remembered is that - • 'when a blasting cap goes off it does `great damag locally. There is no es- • caping its erects. Among all the COO ' er more acidents reported from playing - 'Pith blasting caps there are only two be three in which somebody was not - thurt. Electric blasting caps are just as' __,'air ng as rainnryblastin g caps, but as the capsule or shell is sealed up with a 1.1 `ouiphnr plug through which the wires I . are carried down to the fulminate, not to many accidents occur in playing ' ' With them. They are generally dipped in dark colored wax and are not such IattraMive playthings as the bright cote ._ per blasttng caps, but "they get there - .dust the same. Amateur electricians i_ - are earnestly advised to bury the elec• tris cap a foot or two in the earth be' "toren to s rentti throughtrying the vv1!'espas, and theyelectric hadctzrbetter - hot do it then. Don't open it up to see • what'd in it! Explosive manufacturera are not given to imparting trade 'secreta 'promiscuously, but they will gladly telt e What's In the taps and bow they are made rather than have you blow your band' Ott trying to find Ott for yotnr+ e ; teeth, `, Don'ts irry cape around in your pock,. Mei Don't take them home with pout Don't leave them Where children can s get at them! Don't litonket stint thetut - :Joseph Sebwartr, a wealthy, farmer of Rochester, Alta., advertised for a _ wife, and now gate his mail in a wheel- barrow, Ile has reoeived letters from every State in the 'Halon and from all parte of (Canada, and Europe, duet at pyi too bus harvesting tc'► went be e r attend to the letters, but Saye he will read them all after the grain le thresh- ed. To render a me rrisp ltep . Uu•�ro t.k...1'-----4.1...,......^-,,---�,.,