HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-09-11, Page 4. 4 O M r U N& i� . Our new Furs and Fier Coats are here and ready for our inspection. We have not spared time nor money in gathering together the largest and most -up-to-date selection of Furs . in town. Our guarantee of clualit•,y goes with every Fur ' purchased. a New Dress Materials, Suit - Ings and Overeoatings. Some of the latest goods in separate suit iengtha, in Scotch Tweed effects. and brocaded designs. Come and see the newest goods, IR AN KING ]JAose PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 711 u. I,Illll�l ilalbl.11�lgphll'�ialail)yll !!r�a9W lltillill tl !1,'HE WWNGHAM FREEZING B014INQ WATER. ��,;� Im, It Sounds Queer, but to Science it is an Easy Matter. tr" 17r1� id,^r' tlf,p Water may be boiled and frozou beth15 i r t at the same time. The idea is a little 'startling,but the explanation is simple l 3 n 7x,1 enough. The temperature at which I+i II I x, T Ily water boils depends Purely on filo air pressure of its. surface. If the air pressure is high the water must be made a good deal hotter to boil than is yxtt necessary at low pressure. ,' I Oil mountains, whore the air pres. 2 4" sure is lower than at sea level, water boils easily at low temperature, In "` ^ cooking vegetables of all kinds a cer- `� tain degree of Heat Is required, and where water boils, before that vegeta- bles won't Gook. Consequently they " ADVANCE .AMERICA'S ORE.ATR'ST HAIR- GOODS .ARTIST PUDE, DORENWEND OF TOWONTO ;Ire COMING„ To the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, can Friday, September 19th Ti mm)^ SEPTEb1BM I1, 1913 Something To Think About (I) Tbo Population of Canada is in- creut-ing by leaps and bounds, and no new laud is being created. Boal I,''state must therefore increase value. (2) Tho cost of material and labour is constantly rising, Houses can therefore never be cheaper than at present, The above faots are as plain as any- thing can possibly be, and the Moral 1s to invest in a home, and to DO IT NOW have to be put; in a closed boiler so We havo listed this week t To replace hair on the heads of Ladies and Gentlemen t 1 A 100 acre grass farm near Wing - that the generated steam will create who have lost their hair. By his beautiful, natural hair s hair, pressure for the water to boil beyond constructions, which are known all over the world, every 2 A tine dwelling with five bed fooms the required temperature. Woman and Man can be made to look yonuger and in Wingbam. For an experimental proof of this have the. natural protection to the head, which means fact the water is laced. in a vessel health cornfort and pp t 8 A well situated dwelling with good good appearance. g p "LADIES" stable in Wingham. and the air exhausted above the sur- do not u)iss tills opportunity. See his 4 One of the best farms in Culross. face of the water, As the process of b One of the b n to g pumping goes on the water will boil t Transformations, Switchesy Wavelets, Yoni g is in Win ham. violently, the steam congealing on the padours, Full Wigs, Curls, etc. 6 A good farm in Morris, sides of the exhaust vessel. 'If the "Tile Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Toupee." Activity in business and Real E•itate pumping Is Continued long enough and I, transfers is a sign of pro3peiity. Wing, the outside is cooled below the freez- Gentlemen (who are bald) protect and `' 1 ham has it, Ing point of the water the water will aloin your bald head with human hair. In order to have Continue boiling and bubbling until it a conception of the wonderful achievement in the art of Is a mass of ice. hair constructing, every bald man should call and see the t� This fact Is made use of in estimat- large sample stock of "Hair 'ibupces and lull Wigs" tChiO Ing the height of mountains, At sea P which rtv Ili -of, Dorenend will be showing COSORS level water boils at 212 degrees F. Theso wonderful coverings are io natural in appearance that This rinei ]e does nota ] to water detection ss iutposeible. '; hey arc adjusted so euuurcly to ally principle q apply head that Ilrey cannot comb oil', Pxcept, at th» wearer's wlsll. �` �, �� REAT, ESTATE AND INSURANCE alone but to all li uids.--Chicago Trlb- 'luoy will ylt e a yomig and soflewng expressio 1 to the face. r tine. r Surprised Both Ways. i, '� \. fWELLINGTON MUTUAL "It is impossible to satisfy some sight k ,� *+ ),1 A free Demonstration is ex- CO.•seers," said a man who has Country ftYc " I e Et I;- +' tended to all. Come and bring FIRE INS. V relatives. "A crusta visited mo Iasi #� .m a ,R a Established 1810. week. One of the sights I showed him �,� 1A - zn�, � _l M, your friends to— gond Omoo GUELPH, ONT. v t..l, ; . was the crowds. The thousands and '"' • � Risks taken on all Glasses of in• hundreds of thousands of people strug- The BR(JhS`r�'lGK HOTEL. 'riiP1GHAM, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th. ; surable property on the Cash or pre. gling for a foothold at, bridges and sub- mium note system. way stations struck him momentarily dumb, When his voice came back the GEC. SLnEMAN, JonN DAVIDSON first question he asked was, 'Where President. Secretary. on earth do you get enough stuff to °•� ..... _. , - ..�.� RITCHIE 8c COSENS, feed all those people?' Agents. Wingham, Ont "I answered that by taking him on a trip through the produce district. x DUDLEY HOLMES steered him for miles through head high ramparts of meat, poultry, vege- Children Cry for Fletcher's tables and fruit, At the end of the Barrister, Solicitor, etc. trip his first astonishment had been absorbed in a.deeper wonder. Office., Meyer Block, Wingham. "'Where on earth; said he, `do you r• find the people to eat all that stuff?'"'— R. VANSTONE New York Sun BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR The Primary Colors, ' - Money to loan at lowest rates. Primary colors are the colors into WING HAM, which White light Is separated by the dispersion of a prism. Thosd named The Kind You YTave Always 33010ght, and which has been. �• by Newton are ' red, orange, yellow, in use for over 30 yeaks, has borne the signature of ARTIlUR vl . IRWIN IN green, blue, indigo and violet. Artists . and has been made under his perp D.D.S., L.D.S. reduce these to three—red, yellow and sonal supervision since its infancy. blue. Scientists generally consider red, - �� Allow no one to deceive you in, tills. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen - green and blue to represent the pri- All Counterfeits, Imitations and, ''dust -as -good" are but nsylvania College and 1.icent ate of mary color sensations, and in one the- Experiments that trifle with and endanger the healtli of Dental Surgery of Ontario. ory there are supposed to be three sets Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. —Office In Macdonald Block— of nerves the retina which can re- hait is `�ASTO I spend to these three colors, The idea G 11. ROSS, OLL, D.D.S., ,T �S ,L.D.S. .n.r of tires primary colors Is that from E e all hues he combinationo these thre t' td7astarla >s a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. may be produced which aro to the found Boric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It fIonor Graduate of the Royal Collµge in white light. _ _� _ Contains neither Opitun, f1'forphine, nor other Narcotic of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor 4.1 AN"1 Mid-Suflillmer Vfi GOOD LOCAL AGENT at once , to represent die OLD AND RELIBABLE FONTHILL NUR- SERIES. Splendid list of fruit and - ornamental stock for Fall delivery Our annual Summer Sale will 1913 and Spring delivery 1914, Start at once and secure exclusive Mart on Thursday, Aug. 7th, and outfit territory. . pay higheythcommme fr s. wee ill continue till Aug. 21 st. All Write for full particulars. Summer Goods will be, clearedST®E WELLINGTON out at one-quarter to one-third TORONTO ONTARIO off in prices. Ladies' Waists, regular $1.00 and $1.25 for.75 1.35 to 2.00 for $1.25 2.25 to 3.00 for 2,00 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTt-1 3,25 to 4.00 for 3,00 WEST LAND REGULATIONS ,j NY person who is the solo heilA of a family, All Crum's English Prints, reg. 1210 0 = sLead urtany tes section years ail old. Domin on (� land in Manitoba, Srs.9katchowt.0 or Alberta. for 0(j. : The appIleant must appear In person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Slt)t•agency for the district. Entry by prosy may be rnade at any agency, on certain conditions by father, moth- Ginghams, Muslim,, Camb1•Ies, Pit\i, i er, son, daughter, brother or ,sister of intend- ;, IL homesteader. Unties. --six months' restdont:o uiton and cul- t0 clear at cost. P tivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader inay live within vino miles ot', his homestead on a farm of at leas t 80 acres solely MucciA few Men's Straw- Hats, reg. $1,25) mother, and , au ghtpled r, him �wr by his father, - mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homestoader in good d 7 , 7 5 far O O standinh• inay pre -em t a quarto r -stiction along- + 1 5 O ansido his Ilenlestead, Tribe $3.06 pot acre. + . Duties--1liust reside upon trio homeytoad or Dfe•em Alon six months in each of Aix years Boys' S) a from date of hamcstrad entry linchlding the -LL1l y Straw Hats, .Teg. 50e and 60c onto rrqufrty c earn homes patent) patent) and buiLivato fifty acres osteo. for A homesteader tvho has exhausted hishrnno- OC` stead right and cannot Obtain a. pre-emption inay ent.or for a purchased homes Cod in certain districts. Prion $3 00 per acre. lAillea.--htnat All Alen's side stx mouths in each or three years, vuILI- 11 Al and Boys' S uRg 2 5 per z' watt fl[Lyacrea and erect a llausa worth 8340. CentOff w. W. cony, • regular price. Deputy of the NiinisLor of the Interior. ' N,11,-.-Unauthoriiod publication of this ad- vertiecmont will not be paid for, See our 'stock before buying else, - where. Y must baxe room for fall Dr. de "urn's Female .PAlis SLoCk A reliable french regulator; never faits. Theso coming in pills are exceedingly O%verful in regulating the generative portion oft iro female• system.-12ehlso ail cheap lmttatfons. Dr. 410 Vaals are sold at PC a box, or three for t14. Afailed to Tiny address. T1,y St. e1A Drum co., St. CatbArinco, Ont. Produce of all kinds wanted. Drive in at rear of store, r'xPEFIEiVCS' Phone 89 PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WANTED. `rRADC MARKS EMMONS 11+ = oa�vrtlaHts Mkt;. llnyono eondiag It aheteh and d0herlrtlbn met g111ekly MrOrtiar1r1 erlr opininn rod Whother an 1nVe11tlfin f p ha >I>• of n Patents encs �cn p t tf, n r+trlcll .n aeontipai. on Pa en M,.41.1.. 5 tb J. glib fret . tiirlbpC n en , for �rt�trin(� tetitn. �1� A 1 tl a r7' ,)la lQatenfn taken thrnugh Bitthn C,er rapalV'0 _ l�ecialnoGfca,wfthouyobat•go,lntlI {Successor to T'r .A. MILLS) [�/ inTl+m i teat tarekty. r lfr�ret qtr+. p �► = f1 la yfllertettGi�in }nnrnat. Tcdml for Bold ityv substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms Uraduate of University of Toronto and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it Faculty of Dentistry. has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, OFFICE OVER 11. E. ISARD & CO'S, STORE flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and I31arrlicea. It regulates the Stomach and Dowels, ,assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. W. R. HAMBLY, B,'SB,, M.D., C.I . The Children's Panacea—The Brother's Friend. Sppoial attention paid to diseases ������� �� �� � ���`���� to Women duel Ohildork having ills taken postgraduate work in Sur- fiery, Bacteriology and Scientific Bears the Signature of Medicine, Ofi'ico in the Kerr residence, bo- ,, • tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. O. Bos 118 DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER liff USe Fnr Oyer 3 0 Years OFFiess_Corner Patrick and Centrq streets PAONES— The Kind You Have Always Bought lieidence, Dr. Kennedy 143 ITNE agNTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy speclal)zes in Surgery. pr. Caldor devotes special attention to Dlscaenc df the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. ICYea thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. H. I ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- Tuor Sak onto General Hospital, Post grad- uate London and Dublin. ._.._.�v Successor to Dr. Agnew Men's Boots and ,,Shoes QFracrs IN McDo.vALD BLOcr. > s - at Reasonable Prices. � _ DR. ROD'r. a, UDMOND Repairing Promptly at- Imo,, lin, a' P. (21111113 Capital Paid Up tended t0. $3,000,000, Physician and Surgeon. Reserve $3,760,000. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) lI . Total Assets OverU $48,000,000. W. J. MOt' N ''in An HAG"C' V1;TER,INARY SURGEON OPFICn OF LAIEB DR. WILSON. lay • y �.. • . RESIDILNOE—COR. PATRX03C & FRANCIS A Office Phone lilt. Residence Phone 182.; Ex' Gov. Ye't. In"sp`e'ctor. 1 ms.as. aA.vt r G.A. U.S. J: „IL; rLN ' i'ouI' Present Salary ` � ' l,U ends earliert a - Grisdale' GENERAL AGENT srniller salary than i isener of Marriage Licenses. sou aro ndw getting, and inAnaged Vasil enongli; ale of of atoll Vire, Life, Aecident, Plate Glass . Sale You also enjoyed about tis and Weather Insuraiace, coupled many pleasures, have you ' still on. With is Itettl Rotate and Money ever considered Trow much Loaning business. the differenco between _ = WINGHAM what you, Erre malting now X11 (Y08T acid what Sorer wages were) Hospital. would amount to in a Lynx Brand... , . + , 22c General Hospi l,al. few years it deposited at , interest with this bank? Pted .poppy Brand..20c Wndor Oovernutoa5 Inspection.) Make urs your mind to I Derby Brand.....1Sc Pave a certain part of Ploaeautly situated. Ebb itifally furnished. your salary and deposit Open to all rogniarly llobnsol physiol"W that Amount each pay day Iiatss for ationts w i h include Uoard bud in this bank, where it will _ 8Ll`NDRIl[ S4 to ocati-o`nn4Of°ro 16,00o :tom th4r,jinf°orMa tion-�Addre e rn trio highest datrent ae intere6t. Gallon Apples ...... 13c, 2 for 25e u1sa L. MATIIIEwd Ono dollar Will peen 1121P Saltep HaidClleaner............ 12C S>YperzntmndHu6, Account. (Ioanrort slog 0 for 25n , 1302t M, wh'shaw, Dell, ��-�•++ I eftrlines ........ ................. 4o C. �. SMITH ler, Cifolcl Duet for­- 6o O>�............... f;c >� OCOIC ROstbf t l�or Mtn Gc Gold Dtan for ............... 3io PhasplbaltolrelitoreynreryrlerveInthe body AGENT YV1NCillA M �..-..�._ .to its proper tenslbn t restores vim and vitality. Prsnlatura d raV nd tt! C se Run ; IC@I`CIliC1 alvrii� 011 X1SX1(� wbnktaaee warted Mt ce. 1�1aashofaal evil o tr man. iiet.FrkOerg a bnx art o fnf e, b IAddt_�_y. 'Alrefilaw�»aYIt _... 4-11 low, _t£�ia 9>ttf r LADIES', MISSES' and ERILDREN'3 NSW Fill and WINTER COATS Just opened up new FALL and WINTER COATS, Our stock comprises the best makes- and, latfst styles in all sizes from the smallest to the largest siz9 Coat, Take a look in the Cloak and Suit Dopartment on the second floor, where a very large range of heady - to - wepr Garments await your impection. You _ will find our prices as low as the lowest. =� I'y ' il-L.. J4 Special Value in Children's _ Coats at $3.90, $4.50, $5.0 - and $6.00. I Women's Coats wade of heavy I I. all - wool Cloth, Diagonal' 1 weave, lined. $12,00 value for $10.00. Women's fancy Flake Cloth Coate, a very styliiih garment with reversible collar. Price $15.00, Stylieh Coats in the New Black Curl effects. This makes a very warm garment. See our leader at $18.50. SKIRTS.—A Targe range of new Top Skirts, fancy Tweed eff,cts and Serges. All prices. See our special line at $5.00. FURS.—New Furs are now in. See our large stock be- J fore buying. Our prices will interest you. _da, I" ,Iihiiu�d .I�iYiluiitalil111111 w11611iMi 11311 1 uBtlliiiilil{ 1 Ihaim I Intl Y ,illi a 11 iilN66illij iSTRIKE ON - Thousands of young Canadians have struck from old conditions to higher and better things by enrolling as students of our Business Col- leges and Houle Study :Department. You can study all in your own home, or partly there and finish at College. NOW is a good time to start. Every farmer's son who intends to remain on the farm should have a business ° education. You can continue your work, and like Lincoln, prepare at the same time. Ask us now. Largest trainers in Canada. Thirty .years' experience. Seven Colleges. TWO thou= sand students annually. Positions gumn'toed, Individual instruction, No vacation. Successful people uet NOW, not later. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE WINGHAM ONTARIO GEO. SPOTTON - W. T. MORSE PRESIDENT. PRINCIPAL. Music EmPoUlum- -wougha"I " Onto Carries a complete line of High Hrado M100 1gs1r4ments of every description. Player Milos ; Organs of almost ally make; Phoijo. graphs, Edison and Victor; Stringed Instruments of all kinds; Violins a specialty; Sewing Machines, Canadian and American, We Sieh to itgpr,esg yda with the Mot that We will sell you anything dintrodac sinus p 6 i0, nt Griner A1't# 1`elrp�e t0 suit the ptlrbhA9er. Ainyoue intending to punhase a Plato should douhf4er~ 'yell irefore pnrdhWng from trAv6lliug Agenta. We aro hero permanently end you can Bob the instrument,Oort.go Dnying, Give us i3 oheno0 to compere. Two Stores, Opposite S&nthig Rink, Korth End. Phone 222, P, 0. Box 156, La .i