HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-09-11, Page 2uniwa s wva er 11WIR MURDERS HAD GOOD EFFECT desire fur that to; to nother, FEDERALS LOSE !award otate. 'flit, imil that� desires Qual fur Jivi) bu,4;. Sold it I)aled will Ilut go olit in -I(% hv, $18 to $:,)O� wheat, lEWS OF THE fall. Me; ets, 40e; farin. tiPr,,* hidpi, lot.., butchers, hides. Ile, pa. tu ill(, of tile Owner. filt0w, $1,10 Onions, $1.75, table anada's Record Sacramento Bishop on INco T Inart harobeys fully thia corn. 204: dozen,, ducks. Is Much Lighter. Mexican const,tutionalists sut Of Equal Suffrage. lip deairp I. I lci istrong lit hu. elilekQns, 75U to butter% 1.)9V to DAY IN 0 R I F. F C l.r.A1i0\1 X1. eommancitrient vg -;:I hve ng� iospositilin Ile, c,,�gs, 23e it) 24c. Sept, 14, 191". to Injure wilitlit-i- that lit- jnaN TORONTO X-A.RKIM (%'uy� Sell at 20e to 2- Ottawa. Out.,' Gain. Several Victories, for ,P 11 ("i ae p8. - Purin the The Ten ]'is own debires. Love for another %Vill tier bitsil. tlliFoot and Mouth Disease eaniness, ruor, Into idoltr. It is it oln that 11,2-') to for tile erlyno of murder llve. been. Have Abandoned the Plans if, California, I, tit iltit.d DO I 11 75 Q"'( 1. Duties toward par- 'lot )IIIv d6ploases (410d, but Is looked I lot I It $1.30, lfiiv. loo4e, $11 it toil; (to baled, Outbreak in Franpe. brought to tho ttention of the Depart- lie jaito ]JI611op Will. I I hruhand4polif 111,1th mon. f1,2). 12. lionor illy father an I $13-50 ft 'toil. Oalii, :380, Wheat, 83V Against Chihuahua, IM11 itt111. The effeet llpol; (VA. blitllel, Potators, $1 butilled, Hogs, 'ill ettlMat ertoes must for d6posi- CObO Of the E -1118 -pat Th(, letters in(ittior 11) .... ........ 0 I12:1 18. -11. V. Stood afar Ill.. 17 tion, This would indivii.t. tit t titere will O to - ,tilt hogs, dretieed, o a tilt- information not ill- lit tile neighborhood Selist. betweell tile -live tables (Ind in. s, VIVES Y TUTO DEAD lie it illadco'd decrease lit tile critue for ()ft TQxati, 011t, 8-0110 11,111' 11) .. .... .. ... 0 1 .,j) 21 N, to lie. Iwt(� ifront the Of tilt% nature of each, for par- Spired tilt%. people Will awe. They knew 11) .. .. .... ... 1) 0 21 40v. Iforit'llides, $3. iathe number for last divit Federalo and Con-Altittl0li 11 fir Vllt� 141.111d In soillewhat the Sallie rpla- that hs75 Vvlci, 10v to J3e it poand, imts were killed lit the battle near Still twill) rtit,,Ip 11). Lest we '11,1toitOp f Aislzes till-MighOUt tile ]jag.. I 00 1 10 AIWNTTRI,.�Al, LLV.U, it rptillp4l; are tile of tilt - dull tit their I-bildrell that (iod (toes to Cholera Has Broken Out IMexico, Saturday, its; therefore, childien who lionor,their ti fly 4-0111(i Qj1dill-Otha 7 50 9 111) �Tnjitreal Despateli—East end )oIllinlon Will of ('11arse, add if) the Iarchioness of III tilt- eriptural sense, tit the aa.l thev virtually pro- ewt,. It (10 It 50 valv0s Sill', pretifint numbor of lit is 011-411119 gleg-rave, ly Willoughb voiep in Constant inovIle, ) , Itirne, bosior To ]letter oiie*s m6ed to he �Vojllld illy, thuy ])I) ewt Ill Al 0 1 1 00 lanihH 2,70, hogs 1,400. )lot eousidpred 11kolv ill. at ilobol, head. I v Ill Parents N to obey. love, vheritib, revere, were tha 19 00 8 r10 Tintle good. With tit-1.1floly higher prlvo.s will be Of the seventecil, quarters tit Piedras Npgr.4 as--jert that \'iol('-t llaldArie.4 1. if (4od Himself should Do., Ilivilluill, Vwt. for best vattio, Protect food support flic-in, Ill% who does speak to thein, death would onite Do., (.11111111011, ewt. 1) 50 110mo li 1-2 to 7, rupolluin 0 1-1.1 Aid. (if Toranto, LF -ml at this ),car, vleiriency Or the Federato wero routed, and fled !it - . 2,'i, U)U). 20. 11 I - 1IR oreland not eteern IllFor not.-Wor(k of ati- .11tittou light, vwb.. 1) 00 11. 01) to a I -J, vonlillo to 'I sinall 1) ills commutation (it Sentence hils beell ex- In couragenient, from title who hd. been lit 9 (10 11) OI) :1. to 3 11134 110MV after it ]oil- illuess, di4order toward Puerto t sit 't-hern Lis Iload 11141, require, is 1111gratdill, ewt. . , . , I 00 M 00 (Inlrps �, ;-I to 0 1-2. .1 tended lit the of several, while a tha ffragt�' hall brou,lit and iniplouti. ThZA, father and mother fire conversation with (10d. To prove you-- Do., prillip. cwt .... .. 11 4 1 94. Cholera lifts lit Constaliti- few itro still tinder Consideration, No- (4eneral ctitt,4 Carranza, 1;roth-r of better placed fin an equal foating lit this com- By this manifestation 01od woult], put Lanib, ewt ...... .. .... 1:3 01) 14 00 I'milbs 6 1 -r to I, 1-2; wetaille illong these is that of Cliarleo tilt, volltrat-t tQ the Lie- deir loalty !tilt] obedience to ill(% te4t, SUOAR 11og4 per 11111141.0d, (libson, of Torgifito, to whoin a reprieve I..'Itrranza, left to -day tor hat UIIIOAtio Lwif The 11iflained okparlese are doullInd- was granted until Oct. 8 oil all aptill- ,lift 11tionaveattira to personaI graded po�itiojj asifigned it, wonlen in for they ]jail just to it() li t Suga R ar P (Illotpil ill oronto, wholp- 111'r lllllltar.�, netion afeLlinst; China. -oo, lie haij '['hat ).a 4ill� not— (4tile It follows; Chicago dequitell: Cattle receipts, I,- clition, for it ow trial. ewnintInd of tile rebel it m. A TAF OF MR heathen religions. that illy dayA inay be I 01) I I _- V aleto were to tulderstitrid that divitre 0-111. 1) Go 0. i4ead o 10c lower The Republicans won in a fight for 0 I -fail that Alberto. Onajar. 4 10 1) I.? delay Ili the tariff at Washington. ievonilliands .. .... lilit6l ... .. .... ... ... egrans, rpnol. iven tilt -lit, 1111d 0t;y were to be fil- 4 GO StVOIN .... ... .... U `70 7 75 The Shields' emergency autbulanco 20-11). I)ngi .. .... : ".: : Charley Phair dtai, bill)([ (;f gilerillas bad put to I. (Io 8to(�ktllls IjIld fevilm-8 .. 5 5) 0 7 ill) Toronto, nialle a run of 105 rulles for lift. Fisher Village Died niea4ury lift%%- intimi-ttlot tile dilty 1, ilit- fear (if slillibig g tiltionallsts, . -r all ICows 11114 .. .... a 70 8 1") O attilek- (Ili La, 146blit raneli. Russian V the Night of Ou .. .. ..... .. ... ... In Nalt. it i's ft it critically ill patient. Died 5.ddenl That it flux)' go'LVell with hi hiviv;i1j1p. h-.4 Oie Ifebrewri had per- Do., 20-11). 70 ('.I I vii ... ... ... ... ... 8 75 it 75 The Social Service Council of Cane, y and Iiiii inea tire said to have of Starvation. lelved War I, 111.111ift"ittiolis (if Ili's Acadia, 100-11). reovilits 38,000, ATarket into the United8tates. ,'fill we that it will stroll'y I P.. (lot, at its iturtual meeting, coudemned WON'T VIIIIIIIATIVA. With tilt- disobedient, and there it:i Presenee, . ....... v abol.t. Saturday's the AlIdway at the Exhibition. Ike) doubt that tile untilliely deaths of ilclkwv3 of dutle-i is joO_Ib. bligA... 4 45 J'Jglit 9 X-) -Veteran CanuckTqrfman Succumbs Ilium, 'Sept, eclul-jer One Hundred Men ard anare the indicial (,Oil- tilt- sevoild table Ili theTon .. .... .. ....... it 40 31 ... ... .. . ...... 7 70 ft 30 Lyman W. Cox, a commerciftl trav- After Operation. hrCuAlls, i,;efluences of disolledielive tg� Repeat tile fifth colli- yell6w, \'I). 1, bagrA .. .. .. ..... 4 121 ITeavi . ... ... . ... .... 7 5.1 8 go eller, and a prominent curler, died Eainll;es Lost. Clarke, which tile i.ord thy 4c,,()d giveth illaildillent. In wliat Iis it vlo- 3)n. la)lq .. .. .... ... .. .. .. 4 20 Tl()Ilgll ... ... 53 of blocill-poisoulng at Truro. N. S. I ... ..... 7 53 7 SO Indhie Tebel forvea were eneantpeti. promise i.i two -fold.. it lit- What ie, hicluded G t1t. promise L)VIC TOCK. Ilii ... ... ... ... ... 4 50 I 75 Maitre Labor!, the engirient Parisian , Sethree (111yo ago, to c1lides long life and it prominent country. colilleete(l. with it? What does the sixth Ttc-co11)ts_CitL1t, 1,283, calves -219; sllc'cP Bulk of sales ... ... ... 9 00 S 05 lawyer, was tile guest of hortor of the itjillit of this eity, A4PI)t, 8. L - cir- 1.4-.4, and 11094 2.070. 30,000. Market stewly Ottawa Canadian Club at IIincheon. 11111101 voillillandinpiq forbitly Undpr whftt inced late last night of Charles stated that, tile plans to attat-k The Jsraelltes were oil their way to ('1101(-C .. .. 6 _15 to 7 20 - aOf ill(' death hV Starvation of Over 101) ('11111tall, liIs it proper for oilpto RIXport. crxttlo� , of 1:11114 elty, at St. Has (it) do uleffillill ...... .... U �-) to to -, j-, 'I up. broke ill) the parade (if had been abRjId()ned. Villa 1.4 fl,liel-Inell. ',Ili] ' their famille.4 !if- -Nova isod them. and if they should keep this 116 life? tile varloltx liets (to bulls 1-0) to 0 3 50 4 75' northward toward the border tile 11, pital, followhig, an operation for tit comniandifielit fl, its entirety, the nation -don by the "Tholl slialt 0 '2,1 to 7r' .... .. .. .... 3 75 4 O wil.b. tit] Of his forem. (lelleral Car- lItINhItt the Arctic volumndniellt for- (it) (Io 111volluill . ... ...... 5 ill) 10 , 0) I'Voille. dicitis. Oil Saturday the late Phair 1,11111y'll, who conferred with Villa soilth sllta St. Petpi-tiburg tele. of -that (10 (it) C0111111011, 4 00 to) grain to tile Petit Parisian. I'lool, "'it tile Peollikk would be blest with Butcher cows. ehoice .... 5 25 to 6 'I-, native .. .. .. ... 5 50 70 no$50,000 in.three years taken very Suddenly Ill, and Ilia of is reported to be moving tHow does it (10 (Ili 1110(buill ... ... .. -1 INj G 00 ... ... ... .. 6 100 7 80 OXvI1Jg to ]))illy in the pollLe phy(4iclaa lilt; removal to the tolvards 801101'a A�itll it gniall Last winter wa very severe, and tile long life. Nationti ill WilivIl tile falllilv (it) tit) canners _ ... 100 ti, 60 foree. hOdy' UIIRW� to Secure fresh t rdiffer front ill,, ITow w , pro Jhe Jileeding st(.01's ... .. ....... . ) ill) it) r, 40 BUFFATjo LIVE STOCK. Initpital, where tile Operation ivati per- guard, in Rn attenipt to pacify tile 1. did Yaqui Todlanit �)T the Sonora wlin on 111.1111f. ... ... ..... 4 74 to) desptell: 111,011lise and ittionti Foot find Illollill forined soon after lit.; arrival. Ile StIpplie.j or food at the utiiiaI period, and while natifins ill Mill+ tilt, home i of 10111'elf? lie) IlAlit .. ....... 2 "ill it) N) to Iit, Lilt; of Cole not recover front the Shock, 11ild ore tbreatenillm- to mylinst both theisVft being f1`07011, it iIIII)OOSible Unknown thin'r it], .4 � � PI'vA('J*I('Al, MIlkersh, -17) 'KI tit 711 00 shipping $4,25 to M-65. il'Or, Frallee. awav lit 10.30 1;1,4t flight. frild Federal forppi4 if mill(% Yaqui t;lin fish. kielentific. expeditiun e wookk and interior. ... ... ...... ... 55 00 to 740 (R) t$3 -,O) to) 7.2 -it . I no t () r. 01 late One of ie not divided tit) llIcillm tilt, the found t1w skeletoru, Who obey thh; coinniandineat opie, goldell 1,1110. ... ... . 1. .. 1 Searvity of baskets is causinty fruit-. Illy the f( lid vulls oil) it) 4 ill) Ito $7.21: 11011`48, $11-00 0 I I ill(- best-known tu�faten in Canada. lie Tudians: iefind their wivi'd clud $1191 to e\ill(, fre'All nnil 1111'a had identified with flflogs, ft'd lint anxiety and pr011ihic or beeoul good 4 -1 -ti- 11. 4youellilg lift-' Iva pred $6jul to $ ('111111ren IIIli flit, open, their Inite al I wrecked by ilia ivind. ot ill' bei -I , I'lleill.'r boyhood. 110 ro4ic Allielia, alo it. e more Wtlly to to elf-cloittive. iw I. .. ............ Wilidisor bAS Ilow ft population 41C ap- Textt3, Kept. by Mr. oilli Whitc, of �%Iiltoli, a of food wati lift, of the )0 to 10 oit 11 "O lItild Federals lost mlt to (,Q and bevoine 25. file winner of the Queell's Plato lit 18T7. lrecent hattlt-.4 dead 1voluen still varried their illtftllt6 converted than table of Lhe law relates to -Ind 10.0 3, , I t1loqp Who are dl4obedie teads'. to 000, a big junip over till, nt to their pur- -brimp it) standard for lit- 1-1.01N) 110nol; lietive mul Of it year ago, Front that day to tile day of Ills death with Constitutioliallsts in tile vietilitY I Of Tampico, an important eastern Plits. Tito tendency towardti dividtlul Character. There fro two jtblalo OTHF-R MARKETS 5 to lot, loNver: 11tav 5 20 to $9.45: 3111-t Switzerland, by tile Nvork of its tectin Ike was cloSel,'V nosoidated,with tho turf Ili One but was found a diary writ- for parenoil the part of'children 11; by which mun mould their lives. Out- IV I I PI P, (It GRAIN, 01Y.1110N.-Is ..,ok to to $9,1111; 1 11)(irt, aecording to adviceg ravei to) $8.25; stgs, tit Perry, Oil!(), Hattirdit.N, retuills lit vrlotiti capacities, and was one of the tell I)v one of the fi-shernien. Tfle host apparent in the present thne. The num. to so -on; rouglis, $S.00 to-dai. At Tampoid the entire gar. as God the ceiltre of all things; tilt, 'O -to t1lb intvi-natioital. team trophy. I .1m read: nut k a Opeii.fligh.T $(;,,,o oI9,00 in 99. CAI. nicit ardent admirers of tit(, thot It- entl tier of 110tries Nvitere' the spirit alld let. other makes self the eell'trL. T110 boeull(L Wheat—. siieel) and Pat-ker, the twin bled in Canada; After riffintr Mon of (loverninent troops, is ciftid to table. Of tilt. law in uttering prollil"'Ve Oct .. ....... . 47 518 RT il tot. lie becallip too heavy 11fid too j�' litiva killed by C01141tittiolial4it's, ter of this commandment tire otrictly .4-11 ST I 1 into, NVIIS kill- Ito or"'llpiod the town. Tit another Ito illore proviAintiq rilid 1111%,111114 1� le �11 N' 111ohort Innibm oof Alfred Packer, Torc AV(, vannot ovetirt, any fish. A vessel Out 1-1 fit" We stilall, Such horne:i coal h.-II)RC13 the 80 1) �1� e but it Imis of itp riding. Ie wa,; know Avcthers, ri.27) to e4l while playing (;Ven art, refreshing �o lon'tc npoli and to oil- uhIltilt, intivant ItO fight 43 � of ill,, 50 troop.i ell- Aray. . ATI 92 9I ()I% $2.�O to $4,75: horseS were in lilt Piudon. It N'terrible to seil Tito well ordered Christian ]ionic is the root Of matter, not content LvIth 0 a tit — hundred NvOrth (If the 'United tateA mid gagred were killed, to the 0111: ohildrpil dying of They A -stl'Qllmtll to the elikirch -,Ind to the lilt- restraint from L%11 etki nd Nvords, but Oct. 04. a I -ati stolen frorn it Toronto a ran, was killed . ol,os .16 is Wheat—spot steady, No. 1 Man, 7s I'liah �f : I come :Ind err to lie, rot- Nod. We are lion. Parents vn ScO to it thdt theif frollievil which wor stiop 'whilp flie owner was Irbile riding at Port of pain, b0and of ' Patinte our woollen a I' - .ilia obedient, if Sets (..Od seek ]lilt only It M reduced to rc re%l)e(-tfiij Itill(' We - , - - -- - -IO 1A 8 1.2d. '\ tay .. .. ..... 4 0 ',�, 405�s 40% 4 0 Is No. 2 Manitoba -7a 6 1-2d. We are sti'll. kceping� oil hopilig they will, blameless lif", lint pure heart In which Trinithid, .I coiiple of, yearo airo. t I NOTHING IN THEM No. 3, Manitoba -7s 3 1-2d. Walter Watkinson. t pJastorer, is if) rantrements for the itilleral hall 111) )veil for help. If. toward otherr (vs. 13-17). just aild hattt 1.111d Lot%-\' latc 110 place: Oct I 321/t I 2 % I .11 I 1 Futurel; oasy— the Toronto Hospital with his completed last niht, "All ill(, obildren n-ro We re 1". Thou 1,halt not kill—Thou -ilialt do life is, Ulod"i ("let, an oulnation ])ep 0 1 1 and two fmurder. Ilunian life is carefuliv frop, the Uod woidd have him 1 30% 1 31 1 10!/, I 301/, Oct. 7s 2 1-4d., palate tit([ eitt, t1w now four for it is a saerad thin;. ina-ke it -for h1twoolf allit others.. - MINNEAPOLIS 111 HPAT. Dec, 7s 2 1-8d. result of it fall. Immigration Officials Ignore oinvii. onr Wheat— March 7s 3d. of earth shocks occurred tit Two f the Illell 1mve jilst oid7nione Inmail has. It'n selfielilless 6; tile pareliti of Other weptiorial Love is that divine affection whi(.11 r olit to destroy it, 11111eim in ex be , 80 1-4c; Deecrilbor, SO 1-4 to (1orn—spot steady; American mixed 1�ort de he shocks Charges in Thaw Case. (tied, tried to ottive off their c se -4 tile good oi tile community lie- fins power to L.\pcI 01 1,Ove May, 94 1-4 to) 94 3-8c; No. I liard. new kiln dried -6s 9d 1111inbored thirty, but Ito materil daill. 111111irer by ille Of their o0 3 -Se; N' o. 1 northern, 88 3-9 to American fiiixed,' old, 7s; old via ftg'(, is d it, JIS ill caPital ininishinent for alone call parify the heart, gusird the Jap, Government Trying to Ottawa* Ont., S.—I"Ittle 6i'vilifl- (tell' col4fidt's. the nicist crinies. This Coln- thoughts, and 1(liselpline the deosires. 81) 7 -Se; NO. 2 northern, SO 3-8 to Ga. -6s 11d. William McKay, of Brussels, G. T 'ritt, diary 'if, (lenuff. Arn the niandruent tile wanton Or pre- Love In i., keeping tho, golden ST 7 -Se. No, 3 yelloir corn, 70 1-12 to Futures stegily— R, brakesman, who has been livlug Preserve Peace. vallee is attached iA, tilt, lininigar'ation MAI; "I'Vivor. 1 4111, -vVrY inediatated taking of 111111all life.. Tt fe. From tho coneeptLou of ue 1-2c. No. 3 white gits, :37 1-2 ill - La Plata -5s 2 3-4d. n ut., was Instantly and Edmund L. ewoornbe ])al). ndarhids 1:110. 30c. I2 rve, (12 it) fl -le. Flonr, lift- Dec. Laplata-5s ad. killed near West Toronto. things that tend a 11 'I to father wt illothor, s called for it litter- life. such is find seng,%L-1 tile. fifth loarl Ases to d. Bran, �21 to Flour, Winter patents -28s 9d Jas. Anderson had his right arm. Toldo, Sept. S.—Anarelilstic express ' lons lity of Justice, to tile v to tile concepti(In of tile love (lite to God I)ITT,17TTI WETEAT. These fire to cause inj ir. Rops in London (Pacific Coast) -5s appearing in the Japanese press, in coll- twevs made by r. It. E. elnnoi, of Ot- oth, Dnluth.- Cloiv: had5d to Da. torn off when he tried to readjust a Ijectlon wltb the agitation over the 1011- tawa, who had a great deal to do with FO D MOVEMENT ("'A Its well as to thrw who 1 idulge and of love which lie a belt on a running machine at the RWAR 911 r. nunis relatiollbil) to flit]' ST. 80 3-8v bill-, Ilacou, Cumberland out, 26 to 30 Rev. G. B. N-Vard, rector of the Ali- orrIve Alol'tittro, J%be, It'll it) tbe sup- Planned By Young People's in thein. -I'lit, drunkard and the frunk- children. 'title relation-Alkip bctWCVI1 7-8c; "No. I nortbern. 9 'No. 2 , Beef, extra India mess -125s, Larkiliton Packing Company's factory Ing of Japnrie.�e fit anking, and by tbe drafting the Immigration Act, qr,-tinat Urd-inaker tire both guiltv of Pork, pritne mess, western -112s ad. assassination of tho-ollrector of t1lo pollt- -violating Pitt and Child tile fis-ilbol of northern 6 7-8 to OT 3 -OA-: el at Petrole. VILI btlrQUIA Of tlW Japanese Foret the corhAltittionallty of the Act itself. this POI'mand. This law�does not fo I -fins, short cut, 14 to 16 lbg.--70s, and also againt tho itninigration offi- 011(0s life to save other ]!\-as, c(III-1111(filleut I-' the pentre, the beart 0 1, .3-8 to 04 1-2c. ensh, to -day of tlic '.Nlroku ghbribun.' who ninde tip tile board of inquiry Of tile W11010 law unit belonig,,; to both $1.48 3-4; $1.47 Oetabor Ills. 69s ad. llludowrident p . �a I itexpose Self to dantrer for the glican Church, E died at Victoria Pa 01, tllftt ilivestfir -toil tile Societies Board. sake of tile 'gospel 'n tile lost, b. I b I cil. Cod joills (lilt!" to man in- $1.17 3-8 bid; 3-t bld: Short ribs, 16 to 24 Ills. Ilospital, London, Ont., He was born The ournal asserted that tile punisli- 14. Then $halt Ilot vouln t with (111ties to himself. Itev- Clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs. -69s. lit Quebec, where his father wits a '"ell t (if the Of Yuan the 11tirry entry into wovislonnt President, lia(l just E. Blake Robertson,* super- lit captain in the British army. tbat the niurder (3C Director NO"t it) the criminal blocid-gniltlnqs� of 1.1-011t, lovilig subjection if) iti MARKETS. Long clear middles, light, 28 to..34 inionglent (if Iiiiiiiiwrtitioii, lift[ who was Toronto t 11 Illectiti-I Of I At)(-. was ,a beaverily Judgment." ana hilli %),Ito asaults Uod's iniage bv.�tq-i ObedIvIle'! tO tile deepest illAilletil 01 Wtertown, lbsi�73s 6d, A man claiming to be the mile i that otber assassinations would follow. chairman oA' the board Of intlitilry a t ilia executive of the General Assembly .stro)-ing human life is that of 11, Long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 46 sought Charles Rowe, nephew of the The nicinbers of We Japanes(-. vabinpt Coaticook, Que.. ]list iveek, hi ill ont- 1, iiii or the 110art. Fit the mysterions law of boxes t 15c; 00 boxes oI^ are being c-cinstaritty prozeated by detect- raIBoard of Sunday Schools nd Young her w1, 1 lirl"to lbs. -72s ad. late Luke Rispin, of South London 0 violates tile sacredness of tit,. life the link between t1ke. child and God terms. I a en this mori - -ael much depended London, Oiit.--.kt obeese mar- 0 dscustilt. 111111'riage bond.—Whedoll. The integritv is the parent. lit Isi. Short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs. -66s who left an estate, arrived In Lot elilled t People's Societies held this week the of the'llol L lit teachirt.g diligently Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 Ills.— don,, Ont., to press his claim, FARMER SHOT DEAD. by 11cinnea. Ile intimated, how- work of the summer was revieved Ile iti strongly threatened, if "Poll the areket 1545 boxm offered" 105 "Ili -it I licit bV` tile unfaithfulness of to ill(, faillilY the strict; of 13 6c; bidding from 12 I -2e �o 13 a Barlseourt, a Toronto suburb, was London, Ont., Sept. 8—H.erbert Pur- that Ile ditt not take them s(%i,!- and plans completed for art Autumn the husbaiid of- ilip wife. Family religion begin with Lard prime western, lit tierces— the scene of another of those myster- \,It I g. . campaign throughout the Dominion. The seventh JoI'OvR]I- IRyacintbe, Que,Two'bundredaild dy, aged 48, one of Aldboro's wealth- Saskatchewan arangements )lave packages bitttor molil -it 24 3-4c. 68a Sol. lous fires which for months past have lest larmers, was found dead in his Ininflgration oltiring' the abileilee of AV. enniniandmeni; all ilnl)lll*e acts, tit(, nation. alithorit tile f 1 f I-,, 1". 0. Blair, aetilia or In thOlights and words, and till books Ind clvillely 6ppoilited educator lot- eltizen- I I undre(I and fifty boxes clie.e.go tgolil Ajrkerica�n refined -58s 3d. baffled the efforts af tbecitizens and barn to -day, with his- face abbt off.' Ihhtwhthe already ben made for a series of ill- adlark, finest white—ii Ilietures that would arouse impure de- Loy.tIf to parental law propared Cheese, Cark, 0 stitutes to cover the entire provInce,- Ow authoritie's to discover the origin. According- to the story told by Met-. The nuinerous the WAY for lovalty to o4vie law. Both I A I IX B TS1. Gas. The,four-year-cild son of Mr. and calf, the hired man, Purdy took the- while similar plans are being made and obtained in modej,n tilues clecla,rg rrliio� and nioralitv have tile founda- Colored, new -66s Oil. Mrs. 0. Seater, who reside about shotgun and went out to wait for Anvone inighi get 111) aful make sitell. locally for the remaining Western ill(- repeated violation of this cornillairid- tions laid lit till, hoint, lift! Of T�llow, prime city -31S 9d. As Air. ha,4 made. provinces. At these meetings tile 'm.& !to(- a haeket. four miles above Edwards on tile Rus- It mink, which was killing chickens. 11,e Ilavo nothing to fly lit answer to general secretary, Rev. . C. I' Input, 'Ind tile ratio f divorce to tile NvIleve they 111-0 tallght and Red pepp 75v 1 Australian in London -36s ad. set road, was burned to death In ft Metcalf went with him, but Purdy, tobert- Of marriages is rapidly inei-ects. 0,bedience to law, all(I to I45e tiv.-JOe. It Turpentine, spirits -30s 3d, fll-e which consumed their home. lie says, sent him back. Metcalf says son, and the as,.,ociate secretary, Rev. .1filliv divor, Aglitly constitnted it Crabapples, 35c a, baket. Pluin-;, 4 Itesin, common -10s 10 1-2d. Deput Ifinister nf ceq have the sanction Oe y C.. A. 'INUyers, of Edmonton, will take Of lein fact. divine law IF to (JOV .1 basket. 20e it Col. Sam 11ii-ads and brother of- when lie heard the *gun go off. lie ,;,,Ill hastate- part, principle of aption. Petroleum, refined -9 3-8s. ficers left London, H rushed out and found Purdy dead. An melit wrts, evidently sent out rot, tile thlesSIX traftrilled tinder toot. 11. Touellill", ocial life. We now collie to 35c it basket, Canta- Linseed Oil -27s 9d. Ing., for the con- . Thd educational secretary, Dr. A. 74 * ench and 'dY's Imrposo of arousing publie 'Syni- 11011le'; al -0 and the tender rat&- -to the votriniandinent., whil-li exclu. loupps, it Clilekens, 65v Cotton Seed oil, 11till. prices spot fluent. All will attend the Pr investigation is to be made. Put. J. W. Myers, of Toronto, leaves next tion (if 1111"Plit to (-till(] is treated in the ively to duty it) his neighbor. till Ducl�s. $1.50 it Porkers, $5 Swiss inanoeuvres but the Minister, wife died, two years ago and lie foi. rhaw to .an even greater week for a series of ineetings in the t, Lambs, l5e to l8e. it pound. Butter, 2fle who himself goes to the German mail- lived with Ills two little children and dogree than Pxi, is t present' Tit(, Maritime Provinces, and Ile will be And indifferent finst*dtlty h4 to his Sill Metcalf. ellarget; it n Tholl %halt not Steal- One Of it, nialcps men natural ent-iiiies; of one to 30c :I pound. 1,'gas, to 27v it clivres. boar of 0 ill(IlIt"Y followed later by Dr. MacGillivray, itrc- I BRADSTREET'S TRADE REVIEW, 0 either contain ton much or too little, ed an ex. 0 ATCHING SWISS MANOEUVRES. noticeably the latter, since notbing promenr'ght-; Of mail is that of pro. 0 of it triple drownifirr ill W who has recently complet st. for is On two of the vietims are. reside' g of Sault tended tour of Quebec. PortY, alld is violated when one takes (111irem that 111111 ha)told tile intr ColliTtloits are On tho, lit in the local le In Ontario ill"t WhiLl' b0lonlns to another without life of hi neighbor, not Only 111s))O(tily -ire quoted at r,23; egSrs Ili, $;tc. ,,Nlll nt., reitelied there froin Quebec, Sept. 7—A cablegra re- lie stated. aders will carry out 2.5c dozen; butter, 28e to 30c, potatoes, uholo &W-4aetory from ill(- ).-,fir it nninier I-eso al Wat- series of meetings, which will con. IIcontwnt. Tile. desire to own property life, but his spit-ittiftl life, �,Ivoidlnw I,t on tile ceived this evening from Colon r. did not thfilk that a tile Conallin sfar behind. The ehigall side' a few nile-1; frout tile son, Sth Royal Ri nest foi- till investigation int lawful, but tile-. act of acquirin* Lt carefitliv all thoee thin&$ in 'coliduct 01. floe it bufLhol; waterinoloils, I factory. II fles, dated- Berne r 0 tll(* tinue until Christmas. In all these loe to 150 loe .1 firy goo;]% trade is fairly J Would be worthy of considera- NY100"t giving Value for it is wion influene'e Nvliic-h would tend to destroy Soo. Switzerland, Sept, 7, states thet Col' meetings special attention will be giv- 0Z 50c to 75e basket, phinis, 0c State tht busilles isi It en to the work of organized Bible linle," it is It (rift. Dishon- the bOdy or cil's Second prescrib- ltrade by inisrgt.pr� to pears. 2oc peck; first grocery tilide Irl- tile I -Ion. Sam Hug es, Minister of Mil- extortion I, It esentation or "d dnt� to I6, nei.-Itbor is, to respect tile l5v ill ]So- pnt]titles, fle it) 13e, Me Tuto, Prefect of tile (Innerl-egation I(;,- Itla, and Canadian officers have been Clases and Young People's Societies .4 , tioll Of tile Claim, bond oil wiit-h III,, ranifly is It is Religimiti Affairs, died ill fter lie occupied three days visiting the will be promote(i as a means of pro- eonlinniltinlent . I . lie elinie of theft, is tp divine AVIleat. slw: llay. *10 it) 02; hill-, upliet but, Stoad, 11111,ket lit operation foi- appoll- $69000,000 LOSS - $16; ont, 2v l lind, I strategic positions of the French and viding an opportunity for adequte inearnitte," tliv otnetity (if the lionit-, the ome German frontiers. To -morrow tlley will 4 training for service Ili the work Of the elillits if) pr6fit, by tilt. Iclas o chhit It qu- of Lite housolitild. till, Or attend the. Swiss Army maricieuvres. shalt not bear sovioty mid tht- iiplinilding of mankin 1. new. 30c; tive. oods emisider- n Iron Ili being built round tit(, -11be. party is all well. Ili Great Fire at Hot Miv; hfillash. Me; ]few busineg eonihig Ili. Orders -.it 1) f i --it 1. it prohibition of Slander, Tlw ixth. and 122v� ('11111,11, I ellitviltiary �,ells o 1:1 SWISS PRISONS ARE POPULAR. Or oeareless speoull affeveing the good are closely Oil,, guards. tit(- Me Inalrowsi. Me., liotaltws, 25c, (,;It)- whilt. fairly . till) iMeellin JESSIE WILSON'S WEDDING. Springs, Ark. Sept. ()bc - bage, e to l0e; toinatoes, b-isket, have not birge. 111feille.sA is Mir in ndwho will Ile caired "I'dered tinder a life senterive, ni 'I V, " IIIIVP StippOst'll, ft 1110re inune- tit(, fandly e'-flith conjilland 25e; cricurrilters, basket, 30e; c-ittliflow- et)llectlons r llopt Ili greater safety in King- ed for ditte (if he wedding f tile Other a burgift). who still has Sev. .1 St011. tion to,tril We to 25e; improvoritent, Rot A ept. I.—Ilot Of fi'110�v mail. 'This is not, (if the indivi(Inkil. tile other tile life of 7.---Th9 lang-look- Inelit t Offal oil all oeeftsiolli. glikilds tilt! light (if ;ill([ voilles Savre and MISS Wilson, daught It iliellides all deception in the tone of if is ft -It, Ix- er to serve, )Inv(, returned to in order Its Illall'.4 third to 1 1.4 T IT. Parker, for 111,0111111- 01"tbe Proisidpnit, lifts been announced bv fire wept, six million dollars the i;rlson it Altdorf, after a three. Eie unit tblisillpq by words and ned 0VQII neighbor. lninth eninniand s Wilsoll, throll'y I her of ibt destroyed, and 2�5500 of dw\- dilrilltr tllpv searched ilit-lit f( r- I It pel-jury, inisreprosento ti()jl ql;#A, 1) 0 basket, -IOe ill(, nv('414 or tilt %V(�.,t for 41:-Apla Collim-l- JJ*0odstO(.k, tim] till ex-11111yor., is flead at flairlipr. 'rile (late will be its ))(-opt(! hottialess, esterda iostied all , ids ]fill%- tend to it(. !let prompted by a de. - T] is to (toe; plunw. idid(I-4 113.8 all his iOn Valligi tiaVI. avpIl I P. 25 for outside it(!. oelliellt or 111:111's I ). lint] the evi wi Were, provided with money and It forbids evil -a peakirjq� Stratford.- 22v to 23v doz (if irmla is till'i Doceased wao Sly Of take place Ill tile White 11011.40 lit �'flqli- clothintr nd eet out on their ' ' ,I urne (loin inandinev t is desigliod to t 1p I'llitter, 25e it) per pound. fill. tit(' e -tall, iligtoll. The ppeaw;t.q authorized by a com, to fill(Ttile runaway conviet, wfto and every prctice that might affect tongue, the Itoart.. tile calti. All for 1, , AV] return for a up ilkillrioll%ly tile character (If anottl6i. of wilful of. uil 400 iDucks, (lot, to 75e. $300,0oo.000 worth of will ])out a ittee composp(I of city offiJimls nd warder, haVieg given their word of )toil. V Potatoes, $1 per Wheftt, old, 85c ,lot its asiinr- WnIkervillp, voted favorably oil two fill of so ba.ge s silolloo.that the Nvork of opoumtilall- qtImtIojl,; of town debenture BRITISH STRIKERS GO BACK. citizens. M. . Eisle, a'prorninent citi- or to ITtlirn. After three, days they had R];(l distributes per do., Ont, 300, Alice will Ili (Iry gNAIA zell. surer. it with fle belong to (ategory: Urout hu. ton, 11 f, oi,.o involving for all incitiorato'r' London, Sept. 7—me strike of the Apolit fill their money and fij.6d to rile gooii,4 I. .1 to is alroody lliu;il- rile eit, exhatisted if, fighting tile s. )r tilt (;o the returned to ille fir whit -h thwf deprives Ito ',A0.fl,' conflaoration which orlizinated Fridav prison. p ; 1)(111 (.Wt. 1) alit, kind tile other to paying electricians tinder control of the office oil(% may be In TlltW(101, ill footwear eontinxiv's to Vii-toria road from Wyandotte to Aq- of Public Works, which followed a rf'Plav0d, hUt reinitition liftrolIV be 111,111dillent tottc-lic..'A till, (.I edIfle to 1101,1'e pollild. Ttidvq. ijljpV( afterilI`Onn Ili ndl0e allow" vot 'n cc"' milliption Street and the Walker road, strike of house painters and decorat. should be added tht ill &out(, over on Urea of 200 cres, novertheless L 's. Iit t per pound;' 13(, it) l4e lint, is Ackoll, f'011, Ontario to Ottawit, street, ors, was settled to -day. The electri- iIfill't I Pill's and (if t!.(, llow neih. 1101tild. Qwks the inin.1 Ho Spek hor its lViol tio f t 'With settlal tire (lay to relief mesus of othevs i Ft Ills -The gralli prieo.s litive lint is Some tflk just flow if ill, cians Involved included thme employ. so well treated that there are rpecir(14 N1,81, It'i to ectilse Ill. voinllandillent lite. 'I'llp ht%%ti lrbret, thousand dollars, romNvoiek, he" active. (It.11111:1118 from ollts� llr Ide brill" bee(.anino ecl `?. r4fekingbani and St. inmes, Pl. subst-ribed at maqs yeStordy, iNot lit Of o,IT, bilt I per bbl., -c-s. the general posto:* Iarl. -t aration is tile Tow. it(- eirelcii the deel made thnt 'I'lli, -for Stple groteric4 sto: ws devoted to their pressince needs. being ifloo-Ii. red Ili order it) I Liwilv O%(q. tile Jtffaj!ti ons. I lie of London nd ellit.l. tilt, ollo.-tiolls art' fatir, having asked for if. flit tile fill, Pr many other official - :� - .11th alld hotightfit, lilt, 'I ho VVlAd0IIt Of to $,'),60, find Manitoba building front the Natioli'll (!()III. fille not toll tile if to $5.00, and N'o, I Irallitolm paf- abli. . deel lot Ifamilton. - Pow npw feltures havo (lot. 1-Widlugs. BOOTH MILL DESTROYED. METHODIST SUP ANNVATION (#,oil set this last FIR a I'at(,Tlt. 4.0 ' I)RnY. %VIIO Are 111i'PlItS Of tl :: -, ;� . bq have Ito g Itilrdto all imill) to in $6.20. OatH are-. eoming 1pener"Illy je Toronto Ottawa, Sept. t—Three hundred Incidern alit( tho are IIONDitJjJ 110111%] MILITANT IN MAN'S CLOTHES. FUND. 01111"afl( wag ""Veil fo 1111 Indall brellica fillelltWhet are ill tile firsit h Ili quoted at 63" tisill(I.S.4 hKIIII.Lioll. isikill Ira Mills olive 13, Parker, sevonteen London, Sept. 7—Miss Annie Dell, Inell. are thrown out of work as We result, of a fire lit the timber mill of I,orollto de,411'Itt-11: lilillital Illeet- Ito not one in violating find tilt,- IL 1. At. per bushel, 44e; corn fYOU coal is Aelling ill old, and a high scll6ol graduate, the militant Suffragette, released from the 1. R. Boorl? Industries here to- Ing of the Superannuation filtind Corn. it. fit ill(% Veligiotjko w'nrld, in tile Sopial ill the ppr toil; Oat Pilot), $27. ])ran is I -1 *1 higher, I lot ev befilit $18. liamilton fit toil ,,,(I it ,,light is tile naine or the young girl who jail oil license tinder the provisions of the law, was re. day at noon. I)ama&e to the extent mitte of Ibe Methodist Church Nvas held fternoon lit the board is In Ind is HOME RULE VICEROY Ili poll, toil Uny, $to. 40t, if) Idw.1100 is Thlilding nna reill I.Cep up well. Prodilel mar- 'tt.,Its comIllitted suaide at Detroit late Wednesday night by Swallowing cai.- qrrested -at St. Pallerag Station Yes. of $100,000 was cusi`ed by the blaze, tit(% origin of which Is it mystery. Tile ponirk th(, Wesley� Building, of othfli,v it. and tile per Are very plentifill bolle acid as Alto stood in, tile oorway (I terdy. Site was discovered there. mill destroyed ws only robullt three The re nunid street west. port of till% bal. denlamills; it. ('1011 do,dre% truth ill the inward Ill this Revtioll, brillgilg 2.3e ill per I sellina tind of a house oil 1111(juette avellue, In it nialirs Sporting suit ... derby lint. Slie years ago, new machinery being tit- treasurer Showed a substntiftl -,life. ot, the. total amount of the parts. inoIrallIvit of Connaught Will wl, 25c, i:;.a inel 11(his llni-k 111111 1111111T. for Tito petrifted Skeleton or a lnarki.� to' was returned 0 Holloway Jail, stfilled ut tile tinto., Splendid work elld perinallent funds being ' IDuke till Ple all Be die First. I er to 83. I lilt it) (trade "while, lit ill(% pity Ito,- iln Ilank fAl moth prehistoric animal, the Skull of which alone weiglis five hundred by the fire department prevented ill(% flaince Spreading to the other build- The preselat were: Dr. Dr. Griffin, Dr. Williamson, for ll tile And you Ivill'IlOt -One Wlli('Il firld it. The ifil 1 tier beets Ining (Iff ligilily last NV('(-],. with pounds, bas bOen discovered on the QUEBEC ORIDGIE PROGRESSO ings owned by the. saine firm, Ili,. Ilmidorson, Dr. Brown, Dr. Tay. sixth. Aeventli. eighth .111,1 Ilinth find (;I) ft) ppl, sligar filrullis r111loted l, 0- 1.) Virills ot-tive 1.1111 Parni or Theodore Dullard, a nephew of President liGraerltus Charles W. Quebee, Que., Sept. $.—All tho lind ill(,. ninsonry work ill conneetion :: : I __ SUFFRAGETTES BLAMED, lor, Rev. T. Perrier, A. It. Aldridge, J. Illy. W. J. Robortson, J. 111111tird, will 'filld in all though littly .1� prohibitions of tolnellable to tile Post. it is now epl-tin that 114'r I)II41104 eljJ)IJ;lgV. ]let, .-i jilitille't juelfills, 11114110. $1.50- (try livitt,-V rall iq 10111ort, or Ilarvard, at Orlj TqjfLj)d, ')It with the structural work of tit(%. Que- be.o. bridge re livaring Coinpletibli, and il�p Dr. find . .4. Ma. "Ildh JtI)IIIIIS11111011t. The tenth enin. tilt- Duke (if a141,50 per pt'l, Oti.11% hilils.-P al -0 is tincrunced In Paris that Mrs. will be ready for lbe steel Support,; if1114. iltill 60 i11,111141A, will be ill(, it prosill-vis. 1,11ninollito Panklmrt, [110 1,'0911811 militant Suffragetts will $all by Nov. 15. Noxt spring the contre- %% it,4 set flit fit-(' 't , night by the CARDINAL IS MENTALLY WEJ�I_ d r( -tittirml of 11-i olffilard irward )1:1 first of 11,011114 Iluder hollit, Aitlim, 1*4141 40e. 11113 green olleg tj hathe lioliJAVIA Al", for tit(* United States oil her coming tors; will proceed with tile building ot the from both gif it mou box. rep firo consid - ,,only vil-tilp. Nit 11 If - that Ill- (114"ATHIS in Its the ill tot thisl 41,I)III.1111led 'M haVilIg ltA VffPvt oil trip Olt 0(-'tObPP 4, She Will Speak Ill superstructure stdvs of the river. &till(% tianiago it wa exthigulsbeil. fftll,l Vivp-., )'. Tuto, prefect of the Uongde. iIfl-IIIII whiell wieke.41 tile (if f1111d llt*i(lt',4 Aire gi-111111111111- (I is Iniv-4 of Tit and Madison Square aardell oil O'tober --- ;b, flit, Nvere .1he tivotk of inilitani gation for Religious Affairs, and tile aetitif-CA that #411fol iniagination-4 tivill et tit(, title Ili Duke of Kula. butter. print-; 11"011iplit �.w ft) 21k, if IBEAUDOIN (,till 21. BIGAMY CASE. gottv,f. luoqt in flit entil moinber of tile Car. .tilt. a 4-rinjo, 11j'All'4t q. -I Well I li' -Thnp II(Xit sax -4 1111ther that ill illo fin- on thp III-Irket, thiq egg.4. The varlo-I N111140-io-4 0 ill(* fourth city of the'llul- Qjiebeo, Sept, A.—TIon. Justle Lav- sifif dillarl; College at the Vatican Under R44s. Covetotifolefig (;f till- Duke fir plitat p"R, .411 licit, bag.. foill wheat. 8 -ye Ary 1)llqv :11141 milsille labo'l, i44 Well Plyt- lit" empire In population, and Nlkol- ornge, of the Court of Appeals, lifts At a meting of the B,xecutiv($ Com- tilt% PrOsPut Dontifiellte, ]'-is recOvere(i tpliff-I In, lead olip if) Violate tile lipbu, pijv%,viAvd final noveeptitig tile opt- 1111,4bel. 351, I-() aYov. with 100,000 Inliabitantig, and maintained thn tioecind writ of habeas luittoe of the Presbyterin TAtymen's from the inental derangement which Thoso will) obey offlee of fir Ireland tiff- po-4t Ili) 1he hog4 - * 4-#*. -,.- ItOstOv, with about 15,000, $tile de. corpus th tho tase of Joseph Beaudoin, Missionary Movement it was announe. lifts affected him for many 111ontlill, tile telitil vornmaildnient will till be t will bp offered tip Ibe Duke of Norfolk, (-Aitlp, to Ad, plums. 40., in ')Oil, Noter lilt it innif NvIietf lip ii flown, but olitred to be threntenod with tipidom- arrested Ut Montreal tit Pebruary last, ell thA,t arangoment liall been mado but lias now fallen Ill with an attaek gifillI- (If the vialafig," Of They thp lealling lay 11111111n ('4111411h, in pOr Ili%-, $15 tit Imr tion, wn other 1111111 1111104 tilt& wav tit loliq Of rholem. Odessa has; a popilln. for non-supPort of hIFI wife, argot Rub. with Itev, It. X Namilton. to become of appeudleltis and 1.4 to, lip. At$ by tLe 14111t. I"Injillatif, Ittlill. 13,iled L -Ar. 01,7.' I %irilie rt Imrattirt, tion Of half st million. arqnerktly charged'vitt. blaftfur. their general utoretary, oil ulikortly. 2