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The Wingham Advance, 1913-09-11, Page 1
r---- �---�— t ----7--- ---- — --- - - VA- 4,.4 ti' t• tis .� uii A . ''� Y ,1 y�� P. A•.'a 'it TTM y [l � ::; ,r,WiRTI'm . -�����������������������l�l�����I 1111 �������������������� ��������������������������������111 I 1111111 �������������������� ����������������������������� I , 4:?ND YE R, N0. I. WI T�GHA ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11,1913. SUBSORIPTION �i00 , g „ U°a; _. -_ looking for a field o _ _. 91 EDITORIAL PAR IRAPNS. -If those eminent geologists are Curfew It Must Ring Tonight, Bear in mind the series of concerts '� tr "' .. ' ""' "' "`>> f enquiry they Cburcb EMS � fXrsonals � being arranged by the Wingham � �rOCaY '��eme -This is September, the most dis- might examine the rocky road that Mx. EDITOR; -As the bell pealed Com , Methodist Church Choir. mal month in the calendar of Sir the Liberal party is now travelling forth the other evening, I rushed out ""'���wW Division Court. I h h� pn [1 Eyes Wilfrid Laurier, tinder the, joint leadership of Sir expecting to see tire, smoke and blaze, The Harvest Home services in con- Councillor and Mrs. Bell were in Division Court will be held on Thurs. ' Mr, W, H. Davidson, well diggerSchool Children's IJ�GIi * * * Wilfrid Laurier, Hon. William Page- also the hurrying hither and thither nection with St, Paul's Church will be Toronto last week, day, Sept. 18th, his honor Judge Holt has placed a telephone in his real, -Two years ago Canada refused to ley and Hon. McKenzie ging, of the multitude, which to a fire will held the first Sunday in October. Rev Mr. Edwin Lewis, night chief, is in presiding, We understand there are donee, No. 187, - bo an adjunct of the United States, * * * surely gather: but instead of fire, the Dr. Boyle of. Toronto will preach at London this week, a a large number of cases on the docket. The regular meeting of Fern Lodge ly /,, "' « * « -The prosperity of Canada hes been glad message wont forth, +'Curfew it both morning and evening services, Mise Mary Butler visited this week No. 19, L. Y. B. A,, will be held on ; P Y P Post -Office Clock, Friday avenin of this week -Distance lends security to IVIr, . given an impetus by the change from will ring tonight," The Financial District Meeting of with Miss R. Brown. Y g ,when the Their > �?�- -�� Laurier's vaccilation to. Borden's sane Wingbam District will be held in the While in Listowel this week, we report of the delegate to Grand Lodge Their . Vii, Lemieux in his attacks on Commander And the evening sun has set, o'er the Jonn L. Fiche of Walkerton was in i✓ Roper. and safe government. For fifteen hills so far away, Methodist Church here, at 9 o'clock town this week on business, were pleased to hear their post -office will be given. Q �" - d,y lock strikingthe hour and trust that Intellect `I .t� . - „ „ „ years this country was governed by And the black -bat night has fallen, a,m. on Wed„ Sept.$t17th, 1913, Rev. J. Mrs. F. Dawson of Toronto is the Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Tom of Medicine . c;, a band of men, who made of the pub- W. Hibbert, Pastor of the Wingham we may live long enough to hear the gat, Alberta, spent the past week �'. . -Tho Liberal platform of 18fl3 would for it is no longer day: Methodist Church is chairman and guest of Mrs, W. J. Haines. clock on our own post -office. have been twenty years old if it ha;du't lie interest a secondary consideration. Pale Lana she has risen, and the stars with relatives and friends here. About I y 141r. William Spence of Philadelphia Defective eyes stunt the mind.. Now this incubus has been removed, Rev. G. W. Rivers of Gerrie is Sucre- P Tweet Flve Cents, 30 years ago they removed to the West j� been abandoned by its parents. they twinkle bright, visited Me, and Mrs, Thomas Scott. Twenty - Five * * the Dominion is coming into her own. The clock has reached the hour of nine, tars of the District, but are still' remembered by .many of Can OU expect fair progress BSS Tho Annual Oonvention of the Ep- Mr. John Fisher ofReginaie visiting The Wingham Advance is admitted y P P g x x x Curfew it must tin tonight. b even Liberal Editors to be unexcell- the older residents in town. Mrs. -The Laurier campaign for Cana- g g worth League of the Win barn Die- his sister, Mies Fisher, Victoria St, Y Tom is a daughter of the late Samuel in SC11001 Or SUCCeSS In dian independence seems to have been -"Graham the Grit is just as loyal Scatter home you chic•a biddies scat- g g ed as a weekly, it is now going into trict will be held in the Methodist Manager and Mrs, Bin are Porter, also a former Winghamite. business if -so handicapped? laid aside till a more convenient season, as Broder the Tory" exclaimed ,Hou, y almost 2000 homes and any subscriber ' ter every mother's eon, Church here on Wednesday and Thurs- spending a couple of weeks in Hamil- « * * George P. Graham at the Cryaler'a y P g P may try it from now until Jan, 1st., Word has been received that Mr, Play time is all over, till the morn, day, Sept. 17th and 18th, An excell- ton. Examination of children for -Will some kind charitable sou Farm celebration. And yet Andrew I914, for twenty-five cents. Send it to W. J. Deyell has received the contract please dig Ron. William Pugsley, the Broder voted to aid the motherland in shall. greet the sun; era programme will be given. Speak- Mr. Harvey parental of Toronto i J a friend. If you like us, ask a friend of altering the tower on the Post -Office glasses is a special feature of �_ If you tarry you. will find, the law ie era from a distance aro Rev. F. Lang- visiting at his parental home in Wings to installing the town Chief of the "Die -Haid Band, out of the matter of naval defence, while `G• very bard to fight, ford, B. A., Calgary and Rev. J. F. ham, to take it, preparatory g Otlf Optical Department. the limbo of forgotten things? P. Graham voted with the band of do A New Business. clock. When writing yesterday, we x x x nothings." Actions speak louder than So bike for home, as it is nine, Curfew Knight, M. A. B. D. Charing Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston of Grey expressed a wish to live long enough - it will ring tonight. About 150 delegates are expected from visited the editor for a Yew days this Ml. George Moir has opened a shoe- to hear the clock strike the hour, as Chocolates . -Perhaps Laurier and his lieuten- words. * * « the various Epworth Leagues of the ahinin parlor in the repair she of No more loitering round the corner, no P g week. g P P P our health is in fairly good condition, ante are at last beginning to realize more rennin a and down, District. Me, Hamilton.; Mr. Moir guarantees at present, «e have greater hopes. that this country is British and has -Somebody has started a movement g p Mies Marjorie Smye and, brother of I every intention of so remaining. to Somring two parties together a the You'll be a sorry ehickie, if by the The Local Branch of the Salvation Hamilton are the guests of Miss E. high•claso workmanship and will no I Fresh Every Week The Win ham branch of the Wo - doubt be largely patronized, as this g b0obie you are found; Army desire, to remind the towns. Oornyn. g y P man's Institute will hold their regular x x x naval question. That will never be is somethingthat Win ham has need -We carr a large assort - it He will march you home to Daddie, people of the special appeal that they .Mr. T. F. Savage, travelling Freight g y g -It is some consolation to know done so long as the Laurier Opposition with him you'll have to tight, are making, namely, "Harvest Festival g ed for some time. monthly meeting on Thursday, Sept. Agent of the O.'P. R. was in town 18th at 3 m., at the home of Mrs, meet, and owing to fire a that if ever the Britisb Empire is }n determines to make a national duty But tomorrow, you'll remember, Cur- effort", which will be devoted to the g ' p' into a uestion of party politics. It this week, Divine Service. P. H. Deans, Francis St. Subjects, - large amount we sell, danger, Sir Wilfred Laurier will rush q P y P few it will ring tonight, maintenance and extension of their o to her defence with a speech, can't be done while Liberal members teeny beneficient agencies for the Mies Millie Agnew of Philadelphia The Independent Order of Odd "Roll Call" to be responded to by We guarantee our Choco- ; are ready to read the Declaration of The evening quickly wanoth, the social amelioration of the degraded is visiting at her parental home in Fellows will attend the Anglican "recipes for pickles" also "the relations „ " --We wonder if Mr. Emmerson is Independence and talk about a second minutes swiftly fly, Lower Win ham. Church next• Sunda evening at 7 a mistress should sustain to her house- latex fresh every week. and needy classes, Knowing the g y g reading the Declaration of IndepPri- Boston tea party,. iii the Canadian Until the fateful hour is reached, when warm and well described sympathy Mr. J. Lownsbury of Philadelphia o'clock, where services will be conduct• hold help", by Mrs. (Rev.) Collins. Why eat stale Chocolates _ Bence to his loyal electors at the artm- Howe of Commove. the bell peals forth from high ; which so far has attended such appeal's was the welcome guest of Mrs, and ed by Rev, Bro, E. H. Oroley B. A. Members please note change of date when you can buy fresh mer picnics in the county of West * * * Then your tracks are made for home, from the town'speople of Wingbam, Mrs, Thomas Scott. The brethern will meet in the lodge on account of the Wingham Fall Fair ones as cheap or cheaper. moreland ? the home so good and bright, room at 6.30. Visiting brethren are coming on the regular meeting date. * ,w k -The Liberals are going about the q g ' we thank you in anticipation for your Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Reid and Mies g * Hurrah then for Wingham town, P g Hazel Brandon are attending the cordially invited to attend. On another page will be found an I "• country crying "bias ruin" and "hard help.' Officers in charge. -Charles -This ie the harvest season. R times." The customs revenue rettlrna Curfew it will ring tonight. Milton, Capt, ; Sydney Boulton, Lieut. Western Pair London. Street Pavement. advertisement of the Wingham Fall I a a v member how the Laurier western are a good criterion of the prosperity It is fun to watch• the kiddies, when ' Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Elliott of Steelton, The paving of main street is now Contir. The Advance is not much co the J.,A M tour was called off last year becaure- of the country and for the five months the hands they point at nine, Ont,, spent a few days with the form• progressing more favorably, yet their quenconfidence of the directors, come- 1 the harvest happened round so un- of the resent fiscal year ended Aug.achinery Hall..Gvery y c cannot tell our readers P y g• Knowing just what will happen, if er a brother, Wm. Elliott. is room for speed lest Jack Frpet gets ver much about the attractions. . expectedly? * * * 31st last, the revenue from customs the are not home right on time ; Mr, Win. quest has been awarded in his deadly y DRUGGIST SC OPTICIAN y g Mies May McKague of Toronto is y work. On invitation of The directors usuallyab at our office ` alone was. close upon Fifty Million They may have no fear'of mother, but the contract for the cement work in spending a weak's holidays at her the Council, Engineer Jones of Brant- y -The Liberals are travelling a hard Dollars. This is an increase of close machinery ball to be erected near the P g y ford . ivited town and inspected the when desiring any job printing. Wei, w the chief is different cite v P 7�e '�(��►� :�t01"� road, thus being in a position to quite, parental home in Turnberry, suppose it is because tits political oom- � upon Three and a Half Millions over They must watch, or he will nab them Pumping station. work in progress. Dir. Jones was .:,:... *:.. sympathize with the farmers of Cana- Mrs. Geo. Kargus recently returned plexion of the vast majority of the the corresponding period last year. Curfew moat ring tonight. favorably impressed with things in da who,xwere depri,,r, ,of good high- The half-hearted politicians who are M R B. A Letter. after a long visit with her eon and board is different to ours, however, we Eyesight tested free and glasses sups general. ways by Lsurier* �•, : prating about hard times shut their Send the Advance to a friend from friends in Berlin and Waterloo, wish the fair every success. Two plied at reasonable prices, k -- now until Jan. 1st for 25 cents. It is Mrs, Thos, Netterfield and sons of American Settlers, of the leading attractions are the - -A bumper crop, prospect of easier eyes to the real condition of affeuire. P P P BiRTSN. as good as a weekly letter and you will West Monkton visited at the home of The immigration of settlers from the Potato race and hitching contest, and money, no chance of a grain blockade � r= be kindly remembered weekly by the the former's brother, E. B, Hart: United States continues to increase no doubt these will be expert as they -•-there doesn't seem to be a single µ u Nethers.-fu East Wawanosh on Aug. recipient. have been on the list ever since we NE TEMERE DECREE. • 28th to Mr, and Mrs. Win: Nethery, Mr. Marshall 0. Hetherington of and to maintain a high standard of 1. gloomy circumstance -to comfort the y were boys, The Fair will be held on Splendid School zvs, Liberal leaders. -- a daughter. Pastor Restored. Port Arthur is spending a few days general excellence. During the years Friday, Sept, 20th. * * * Promulgated by the Church of _ The Rev, E. ii. Croly B, A. resumed at the home of Thos. 0. Drummond. 1906 12 a total of 001,4.18 citizens of the -haven't heard much about the Rome on August 2, 1907, this decree his duties last Sabbath after a vacation I lr, Thos. Tipling has returned to his United States crossed the border, Near Greer's Shoos and Rubbers. cement situation this summer have came into operation on April 19, 1903. Belmore. of five months. Congregation and home in Detroit after spending a week bringing with them effects and cash of the est}mated aggregate value of $777,- Get Parnel'a Bread at Chriatie'e. �boo�1 you? The action of the Minister of It declared invalid in the eyes of that astor h his MATiplin '"' Finance last Bummer seems to have Harvest Home Anniversary Service P were deli ghted to be re -united wits nepew, r. mos g. u 724,897, or an average of $1,170 per Fred A. Lewis piauo-tuner expects Church marriages between Roman will be held in Belmore Methodist and the services were permeated with Conacillor Mills was in London this to be in Wingbam abgut the first of done all that was necessary to set capita, —� Latholics and persons of othei de- Church on Sunday, Sept. 14 ;b. On a spirit of thanksgiving for week and enjoyed a good square meal October. ' '' things right, z * * nominations, unless such marriages ;Monday Sept. 15th a hot supper will to renewed health. We voice the with the editor at the Travellers' Club. Embalmers' Diplomas. FOR SALF-A good young dairy :E? 11 ' were performed by a priest of the 1 be served in the basement from 6 to 8 heartfelt feeling of the citizens, when Sixteen -out of nineteen candidates cow, calved in April, expected to come ;Q- -There isn't goinft to be any grain Mrs. Robt, •Arbuckle and children :• Roman Catholic Church and+ under; o'clock. A cad programme is being we say that all are pleased to learn who wrote the examinations fox' em- in next sexing, Apply at the Manes, blockade this year. Under the Laurier g P g g returned to their home in Saskatoon Q � special dispensation, On January 21, and several speakers will be that Mr. Croly is able to resume his ti Whitechurch. Telephone 11 on GIl. rtgin:e whenever there wag a gond prepared P after an extended visit with relatives balmers' certifica ea last week before 1012, Mr. Justice Charbonheatl, at:present, resent, The Harriston quartette will work. the Canadian Embalmers' Association Rooms to rent, over the Advance crop. there was a bad blockade. The P q here. Examining +Board were successful. office, suitable for light house keeping, Gr I3orde'ti•`66,vernment has changed all Montreal, rul@d in favour of the i furnish music. Admission 25 cents. ' ' legality of the marriage contract in Entertaining and Educational. Mrs. E. B. Hart and son Freddie Enquire of 0. N. Griffin. �,�q• ;,• that, < Among those we find the names of Mr. ' « * * the Hebert case, wherein, uuder'the The Win ham Methodist Church returned home after spending the l G. t* g R. A. Currie and Mr. G. Harvey Link- Dr, Parker will have his new offices �%' + est two weeks visiting friends in r ' 1� i' ` `' --Parh+tps Sir Wilft id b,aarier will decree, a marriage :afi�ctiol; the legs- _ Choir has arranged with the Canadian P g later of town; also Mr. W. A. Britton open on August �Gth, over Ohristie's ••, 1 rise and est lain abs he del pied it timcy of offspring has been declared Bob 1Vork, Lyceum Association, for series of Toronto. of Grand Valley. These gentlemen Store. 4•' ne a .s er a B ue his cdelewe ioit invalid by Ar Bruchesi on The Advnnce is prepared to do all high-class concerts during the coming Mrs. W. B. Elliott and her two are to be congratulated in being suc- WANTED -Girl to learn typesetting f -: Itg spending P bessful on their examinations. at a hyacinths that the s tme blood November b13, 1909. In the Dominion kinds of j 't worst in the most artistic season, The first of the aeries will he daughters are a endin a couple of or experienced girl, . Apply at Ad- �% - vance office, through his veins as theirs. Parliamentary session o£ 1911-12 Me. _manner, •,t as Low a price as anywhere given early in October and the oom- weeks at Mrs. Elliott'a parental home iii h School Board• x x x E A. Lancaster introduced a private in the r• entry. mittee big arranged for season's near Markdale, g To RENT -Furnished house. -Apply y' - If theta is to be no session of member's Fill to provide for the tickets to be sold at special pricey Mrs. Dr. Hickey and Miss Leah The regular meeting of the. High at the Advance Office. P,tt it Cher until in a try the country validity throughout Canada of all - Kincryrline Fair. We understand that this series is to be Crowe of Detroit. Mich., are visiting School Board was held in the council The rough and tumble games Of • a little len t r for marriages duly performed, "notwittr Tt ; preparations are being made of an entertaining and educational at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Me- room Monde night at 8 o'clock. Pre- WANtPd-A girl to do general house will have to,Wart y g School life require the best of 11 work. No washing or ironing ; duties aP ar rfat s i�eches of the Ltiurier- standing any ditforences in the re f the grand exhibition to be held in nature. During one evening at least, - Donald, Maple Grove Farm, Culross. sent -F. Buchanan, chairman ; Rich, to commence Sept. 22nd -Mrs. L. Shoes for the boys and Girls. A . the p T li ious faith of t}ae persons so married : ,ucardine on Sr t 10th. Am,n ahigh claps intellectual lecture will be Mrs. Fred Tiplady and ebildren, who Vanatone, F. Vanstone, C. P. Smith Kennedy. general impression exists that this . Pug„ley: ;Optrosition. Or N it the g t P„ „ given. Those nun people aro to be , and John McLean. A number of ac- is the best lace to buy School l'ogalt'y-Laurier OppnsiLiun ? and without regard to the religion o, tue attractions is a flying mach}nh fi young p P have been visiting at the formers sis• P Y . . * the person performing the ceremony,' operated by Aviator Weldon•B. Cooke. congratulated on being progressive ter, Mre. �Vm. Chandler, Tnrnberr counts were presented and ordered to Folt SALT;. -(wick -bargain -No. 9- Shoes. y 18 Crown Huron rangy+. Also one .1 Doubts hauler been ra}sed as to +'• Pnou h to brie within our reach tal- be paid. - The first report of the new bedroom suite. Apply Mrs. Shurtleff, It's a right impression, too 1 71 --if-there is no uthpr was of saving A special train will be run from W ing- g g left Tuesday for their home in Blind Pp y , our autonoruy Sir �'ilfri�j�tlt iPi and legal power of the Dotniti}on h t• ia- ha,m returning from Kincardine at ant of such a hikh order, anti our citi• River. Principal was presented and was very Diagonal Road. ant oder tttel3citish 1b'artb Arrt tics zees will benefit thereby. satis8trtory. Tho board is confronted We won this reputation r�Y giving Iris anti•B:itish bodyguard of blocl�ers W u 7,80 p m. Their advertisement will y' Mrs, S. Emerson (Nae Ina Musgrove) with a difficulty. There is an increased To RENT. -Furnished sitting -room special attention to all our School Act, 18G7, to enact such a Bill, the be found on another page. and bed -room, with hoard or without, Shoes and always providing the iNill personally man the Niobe and District Meeting. of Emmons, Minn. together with her attendance in the first form there being ConvPnieneep.. Students or ladies- . dash rff t0 the nearest Liberal pis ic. Dominion Government referred the best, question to the SuprenlH Court of To the Editor Next Wednesday morning the finan• eldest son, Jack, is visiting relativea 51 pupils in it apd the difficulty is in Apply at Advance Office. X x x tial district meeting of the Win barn' and friends in Turnberry and vicinity. regard to accomodation. The board WORT, WANTED. - Washingtaken Notbin but sturdyleathers can -'(tttoutier+ if owopg the "wild cart Canada under Stiction a of the Dear Sic- In order to induce young District will be held in the Methodist adjourned to meet on tiVednesda in, scrubbing or house work. Avply o into our ShooShoes. 9upretyte Court Act+ and apcordingly ,vPn, single or married to make homey Miss Alice B. Dawson leaves this J y' , b' schemes which have iii+-ciptlitrA Lap +i case wets prepared in which thrre rlhrtreb. It is ex PatPcl that the week for Sault Ste, Marie. She in• evening to consider the matter fully, to Mrs, Page over Mr. Holmes Office, p p for themselves I offer the following P Every point, where the wear is ad", to a certain extent in the money ministers and ]n• men, of all the tends taking a da at London Fair nothing definite having been an ived Air: TtO�tBALE-of household furni- heavy, is double stayed. questions were put in the foliowing inducements: —I will sell building lou, y r y Zrait ket of London, the huAneds-like - 11x57 feet with a lane 0 ft. wide at th, Churches in the district will be Pre- and then to Sarnia and takes the boat at. ture will be held on Frances St.. Satur- The Uppers and Soles are Wat- Voglish investor classes the two fleet form:—Has the 11arliament of Canada �Ynt. At 2 m, and 7.31, also on the g L. T. B. Grand Lodge. day afternoon ar, 3 o'clock. -F. Mc- P 1 (1 rea>' for the sum of $SO each, on a P+ throe h. Connell, Auct.; Sam Young, Prop. erproofed. )..ace, Button or I 1pappendent unit of Laurier a dream . +tuthority' to Prrart, in whole or in v Following morning, Thursday, the monthly payment o. $5 without inter g g' y' Mrs, Homuth and daughter, Dior- The 39;ti annual session of the Blucher cut. * e' :; part. Bill N� a. 3 of lite fjc•6b session (f y P " r doctors who will the `Twelfth Far•liament of Canada, Pct• This off -or holds gond for a0 .days Floworth League convention of the uerite, returned to Whitby Ladies' Supreme Grand Lodge of the Loyal Sowing machines repaired and Canadian .--T'bereal�P. Ijp�ci` Cj Vrn ham District will be held in the g r - P y ed, any nr"Ite, guy age, Canadian Nothing omitted that could in tell you the have rnrefi you of an �.rtrtled "An Act t0 amend the only front the date ofthis issue. Yours g College this week"after spending their 'True* Blue Association was held in American, Eneliab a,nd Glerman. Ref- any way better our School Shoes y y Darr}age Act?" truly -Geo. McKeuzi . lti,�thodist Church. Avery Interesting vacation with Mr, and Mrs. F. G. Picton, Oat„ on Aug. 20tb, 27th rind erences willingly given. Drop a. card i'' •r° , ailment which, in reality, you never (hl If the pros}v}ons of this said Bill programme }s provided far all sass}one . or hone 235, F. 11, Smith at Lou Boys' Shoes—$1.40, $1,75 to 2.501 had, Sir Wilfrid Laurier saves Canw S ai}io 28 -ib, with a large attendance of Brie- P g- y' ,rre not all within the authority of the + to which the public is welcome and a P g' g heed's, Wingham. Girls' Shoes—$1.25, ` than autonomy from attacks that Par•li,tty}ent of 10nuada to enact, which, Woman Mayers Success. gates. Many important questions ef-X1.50 to; $L•25 slrecial invitation is extended t0 the Mrs, Thos, Hughes and daughter Miss Sparling, graduate of Toronto el paver exist outside of his own im igir,: if any, of the provisjons are within There is a women in Oregon who is n Helen of London were visitors at thy feeling the future prosperity of the Then Our expert fitting must" be public to attend the evening sessions Conservatory of Music and authorized p�iolrf a such authority pity attorney, chief of police, and at the Methodist parsonage last weak, Association were discussed, especially teacher of Fletcher music method, Considered for we make It, our . * r Y goes tljP lr;tcy of the province of tp4yor of her town; She is Clara also Rev. R, A. Millar of Auburn and in eonnectiou with the orphanage simplex and kiridergarter. Pupils pre- business to see that every Shoe Cine of tj}esls c ny� tits Liberal or- �'tFhec render null And void, unle- ySnthia Munson of Warrenton, She AltongCampbeli. work. The Orphan's s home . bein Pared for ConaPrvatnry Pxamina,tione ctrntractPil hef6re a Romstn C +tthoI , (, The home of Xr. and Mrs; Hent Bev, S. R, 4ohngton of Pine River. P � g fits $11e foot properly, gani%96tion will get pp a Ypass meeting Priest, a ma.rriagH which would otbov- wont into office last January, the fit et y located only a mile from Pleton the b Piano trod Theory. Theory taught - - _ - ,Campbell of Clover Valley was the Ale. J, A, Flack went West Tuesday by correspPhone P. Classes re•onan somewhere to hetet R•A i;pportant wise he legally binding which takes �voipan mayor on the Pacific coast. P V y 1 delegates were given an opportunity Sept. 8th, Phone 165. • ;,3.56. announeepient of policy by Sir evil: place in such province.-- Miss Munson has five teen for her scene of a very pretty wadding, when by the Home Seekers' .Rxcuraion. as to visit the Home and see the results (a) between persona iyho aro both council and wheCher they have ap• the marriage tools plays of their only far&s Illmctnton, after spending almost of rite work accompl}shed by their Hotel -Keeper Pined• Greer fr}d Laurier, wirers^by a lot of Liberals Rqmep Catbolipa, or, dao hter Miss lith Alae, to Me a ear in the ba home with the, I will be decoyed into bearing thtl.t. (b) between persona ons of whom, proved a worpan mayor or not, they daughter, , y happy members and members of the Orange On information Mid by inspector J, ' A Canada, is a 13'stion and that our only, is a Inman Catholic 8 have given her the respect and sup. Chas, W. Alton, merchant of Lanes, kind family of Mr, and Mrs, A. E. Order. Ybe home is beautifully sit- J. Mitchell, Mr, John Shaeffer, pro- + autonomy has been saved, If either �a) or ll,l i+f the tare pre• port due her office. The result has Oat., and son of Dor, and Mrs. Jas Lloyd, mated on the shore o4 the Bey of priet0r of the King mdward Hotel, THE SHOE MAl'�1, „ , * cuing question is answered in the been an unsensational and construe. Alton of Belfast, at G o'i lock on Mr. Clarence Smiley of Port Arthur, (�.uinte, the building largo and well was $nod X10, and costo for having the - - *'"'"'', affirmative, or if both of them are Tuesday. Sept, fith, The bride was *quipped, the children appeared cheer" ; , .-Tho second anniversary of the answered in the affirmative, hag the live administration for the; (town. Mrs, J. Wheaton, also For son Law-pP 1 bl}n3a;tOli Sl re, in the bar Boring Bi Clearing Salo still on. Tremen- Laurier failure to sacrifice our fiscal parliament cf Canada authority to Miss Dlunson says -"I am only trying given away by her father and wore a tense and daughter Gladys of Harbor fel and contented, and overt' effort is prohib;tetl hours, autonomy (get the world?) may be enact that all such marriages whether to give my city an econoinioal and handsome gown of albatross trimmed Beach, Mich., are spendinga few days evidently made to provide leaf+int Big lfigga «Zo, butter 24e.. (,) heretofore aoltkmniz-d, or, » with tet silk and lane and carried a. y E ' iphliC School ©pard. -J, g. Irwin, marked b the adoption of the businesslike administration." P visiting their aunt, Mrs. John H. surroundings for those sent tro• this y P new (h) hereafter to be solemnized shall hoquet of bridal roses, lilies -of -the- g institution. sc oo as gonductod in The Wingham Pnblir, School Board CNiAIPvxEItY C.1TtExAItYNa, -I axr� Ne+,. • United States tariff, which gives to g g Smith; Turnberry, pared to care for cemetery lots at $1.00 be le al and binding? valley and ferns, The ceremony wa* a Be grate b ildin and owing to met last night with all the mpinbera P y Canad}Isla the reductions that they The Supreme Court gave its decision immigration. Mr, and Mre, W. H. Green 'have , p' g g per season. Orders left with Tovn a performed under an arch of evergreens in attendance, it is nectssary present but trustees li}oes and Moore i Clerk receive prompt attention, R, were asked to buy. on June 17, 101::, when to all three ash of the past three fiscal years by the Rev. Me. Callam, Methodist returned home to Rainy River after a to enlarge it. Ntiineky-ono little pneg I trustee '.Cipling in the chair, The Deyell, Phone 32 on 017, « " * questions a ma oris of the five 1010.11 to 1012.13 have constituted a re- few weeks in town. '.Their man minutes of last meeting were read and --Lord %laldane says that Great r J y n}n}afar of Ripley Anter R Bumptuoug y are at resent being Fared for in t};e fX C. It. Wilkinson, Eyesight S �' y justices`"present returned a negative cord as regards the ntimber,of Cana wedding feast 'of which all heartily friends were pleased' to 'see tern E of R.A. Edward is p�cra' B answer. The Government then ap• than immigrants. For the calendar partook, a race tion was belt, The ' looking so well. Ale, Green otyno and i arr;e, t,n131 oreq nly �evober tlo}is Ingtx,Ao fr•r utrric+,d�$9, oframing tp{ tore was tiffiaul cases ofd fes live viaian�tn�f e Britain w111 be lad of Canada's"aid in naval defence, But for the action of pealed to the Judicial OOmrnittPe of year 1912 the total number of }mml• many and costly presents testified t0 operates the Blectria I',fant in that qVp a hioCiet f �egre art repeive l tat . ordered to be paid. The account of It. others have failed, I recognive that, N fir Wilfrid Laurier that aid would the Imperial Privy Council. Judg• grant artivala was 395,804, of whom The high esteem in which the young I town, tltYAl�o �eia1 v s1t of the ipe ester, Ill+, Il, J, t)antelon for coal was referred to to otz access can only be attained( t liaye been alrea4y granted and there ment was t.elivered by the Privy 115,859 were from the United Kingdom 'couple Is held, Mr, and Mrs. Alton Messrs, has, obertaon ex -4 : , P, of P p the Finance committee with lows, to thr gh your satisfaction. Difdleulh . 90 ?14 now have been under construe• Oouaeil on July 29, 1912, and its effect 140,113 from the Un}ted States and - P W; ruao glitb, was very gratifying 1 eases and children a ppectaiity, Sufr- -ft on Wednesday morning for. a trip New Brynswl* 4M, � ; 11r001ie of IFt is tllcl intention to hold frlradd Lodge act. The Town alar k was ck{r•ootod to ferere attended at, their own home if tjq 4 t4ree of the most powerful war• was to uphold the, deeiaion of the 109,802 from other countries. The pro o London and elsewhere, the bride Montreal a,ga.Thos. Tomhyllt Montreal, sessions every second or third year in hold it nomination to fill the vacancies desired. All advice free and satiafaC- lahIps itt trip w, orld. * majority of the Supreme Court of portion of British and American im• travelling in a suit of grey aaracule all Intorasted iq tho 04nay% Flax Picton. Orillfa was eelebted as the in w;rrds 1 and t, oacaaeioned by the tion guaranteed, t engineers Oanada, The decision of the final migrants for 1912 was 72 per cent of - with hat to match, The young couple Fibre Co.. were in town on business next place of meeting. The following removal Of trustees Moore and Ross Me, d. It}ee, piano tuner, will be in :-The recent repArt of he g Court of Appeal Ie therefore that the the total, in the fiscal year ended - start their Ball over the matrimonial this week, officers were elected: -S. Grand Dlw;t- from town, town at an early date. All requiring• of the Cloneervatlon 0ornmisslon on exclusive ower lyse to the pro- March 111,1f11 ,tine total arrivals num' ,ea with the eineoreat tvishpa of the Ferguson --- - - _.-_._.,.- anything In this line are requested to. the Long Sault power scheme means p g bared QOi,213, of whom 150,512 were Mr, Joseph bsof Osprey er, Ii. I1. Newman Toronto, D. (a. ;41, „ ,," .. . � leave their order at Bell's Muele more., that the TAurler Government tried to. vinclal Legislatures to make laws 1.dvance for a fair voyage. Mr. Alton Township, (trey County visited Mr. d', Mayor Adams, Pleton, Grand S"are• _ Goad workmanship is guaranteed. give awe to a t;nIted States trust relating to the solemaiz-ttion of mar• from the United Kingdom, 130,009 ,a wall and favorably known in thin g, Irwin this week. Me, Ferguson is tary, N, Ingratn, Port Perry, G,'lreaw, We are (prepared to, Match FOUND. -On Minnie Street, ori Aug. g q rlage Includes the power to enact from ,be United States and 112,081 ' vicinity being a former graduate of ono of the stalwarts that helps to elect Mra, Burnett, Toronto, G. Chap, cl lI the i�r%cet, 11th, a lady's hand -bag, eontatningga, one of the richest ouster power from outer countries, the ro ortiox, g College the B raker of flee haus« of commons Ohnrala, Orti1IR, Dir, of t er., rift. Poe- Read our Ad: on lda� emR11 parse of money and other franchises in the Domiater wholly' conditions as to the sower 12xtlon of p p he Win ham Basiness Colle a and P � + page, y y P and an Ontario oabitlet minister from r th, N �a :laotlR, Pray. of Orphan e, Owner can haws korme l against the intereats of the Canadian bei British 72 per oant f the tota,Ignts I ilea eanc►e rldio . 1 ► , MM Fi4srAg lwl, cnf TorwintwY WILLIS & Co. Prttvitu � � � marriage which may effect the validity g or some time a re resentative of articles, Ow' people. of the aontrhob, g B p emr• I . :_. _ ..Alif 'S*,a._- ra..aa _ moi..... .free r I— A_ . 0