HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-09-04, Page 7IAW WEST POINT
ECZEMA ITCHED P 7 And Lord HaIdano Was
ITbe POULTR;; WORLD AND 000910 , :;. ;; t , % D
1r k'RUNINO OF 01ROWAD TaBG-S. eli6ted With It.
One of the serious =Iotakps made is Ing �Qr
Tito problem -of properly housoing Adult Until She was Nearly Crazy, Began 4ir,%tteAtion to pruiting. m2mawl at
rs -il All Ivigland, to -arty
months bas re. ire intq which it IlAff clip of lot
,ith Watery Blisters. On Ea $jmple as t4o proew is., there seenq I 0, 0 w Wost Iloint. of ]its dreams. Ili -
fowls dur*ng tile summer -oterl- mindo% somethig ior my 14,
u oIt. gently Loan In there colulue, Eyes, Hands and Ankles, Co I a 4 f cut fruit, sur1i gd 'itnt(Imll tile Trnited States militry
i0 Prune my llcallt�w only t1trough hI* fittlillps. wIlt%
tollin ut - Wn'04 10 the b*st time t Not , leep for Scratolling. Cut oand the esoential principles there pre- Is a queattom fre bOulAtts .4314 orangea, an(I
nut meats or some'dates, is most appe- of state for war of 01reat IIAL.
cura, Soap and Ointment Cured, irpenu n q, 0 at L -c- their boxtr;tur n tile T"If That there Are varlous jands of pin is I It litig, tizing aprm4 —6u -eiitck-eros as A .1inlelleQn, allot and high as had been Ills Ideal o.,'
thod, tl.t� Institution, lie deelared that the real -
the latter niust of neemsity be treated Brunswick St.,' Fredericton,' No goes without saying, b u0 housing of the growing %wever, hence "me abodes its to time and In ,ut nine ilints Jt surpatised Ills ynost sangultic. expopta-
somewbat different front their older ro- had a-yerybadcaseoteezemo. Tbotrouble of ten te postion titter to the, olinp RIA�
�a IHNIT OlNqTO.Q ONY tleals.
LWYES b Q title of the limitation of bosom ed end thirtatI4 Out 0,f ouporfluours br4atilloujibil a
with wotery blis4rot and itch IINVhen I sen how pnerou.-.1y tile govern.
equipment on plants, w1doh, pro- burned until I was ucArlY cmV. It was on (01`111111% of tile head oif the tree, o s be*ncd xoo ment has t3upvorteit West Poinw, said
vents the oungsters f a After must .say that tile sight of tlto�qe
. my caro.,eyes hands and Ankles I could ronx being qUAr Pr_QPerly to a4mit light &lid Air, i h`Ot water lot, sprink. g tered in flt`� larg ,equired by 4iQt keopk.the bed clothes over mo 0 night. DO It any time—oray do it. ILI A6t eTw"', tit 4.) 0 Ole on which slivil tal to o hulldhigo 4 'T 4qii! its Oka btnecco. for the and Itching, My ra not lie, ttmit-A 11196ft a]Ing them, :bog III dampen more quicic. malce the
eA Do Itiount-li of a British war minister water.1,
41tatea the use ve it UU/Ions for a garlest, of. w4e)A, MOST PgRPECT MADE
would sweb. I would scratch until ilia blood ys4TX and then Att_m %$16f t ly and evenly than if cold water Is used, ,of swall iflileh are at once legs t to romesy the ;40190vt Lora Ilaidane made , through laspee.
0 evil by A, whol bKoQA;�0hop5a that with on of tile bulidings nd ground., na re -
114 . ... . .. .. , P9
would ran And then form a. scab. I felt As T-110 uOuttl lZw1flion - 4o, a -1 ' .11 - 'ti
Xpensive vad more easily moved -v oo e"lo ouging, as laborius. 7189 INCREASED NUTnITI- -wod the of tile catlets tit if I could take a Imife and cut the flesh on tit 111 trun, rinit alid witlij of a pix,.kish, vie
� qLt
fruit, eApecially around--ther L-Vibraws, lilany, I lad 'W:...., OUS VAL:UZ O* I3FIFAO. MAb z
my hands. It wqVd disfigure my face and I ?"01104 (it may not pay I ivith eminent vanaplan Tilt-. thoughtful oll4erver must b4 Ila- ill. rripay other 9 ftOTA make At omart and burn and xwelt. I could ought not to �o 11118 who had gone it) loVest Point to gropt
A PiQ-qq,,i;qt7,orang;i will be found an IN THE HOME WITH ROYAL him on ill
y large body. Treatment Is ressed witfi the fact h ri�ogieted, both beeviuse of tile s arrival there in j. pier.
p not sleep at night for scratching. . L excellent substitute for �olj(h on hoea, YEAST OAKE$ SHOIJLV 139 pont Alorgan's yaolit, the vorsair, after a
number of poultry- growers check the Also, Perifttiort ;Lnd qtWity of X11= more ofton on tilt) III tried everything I heard of without and 6,1110 to the review the Tiarty left I)y
4!vecIc,ymje!it of their youttig, oto&* r toet -*Yhich is catQ. . Alt,brlIpheft, at Ilub tile with it and, when rpU.FFICIFNT INCENTIVE TO the tree, by getting any benefit. I used lots of home. I t tough 'rall. alt4rtlived at tact 'With, r bb,:: r spA- `Witl� A MOft,�]Qth, spevial train for Albany to attend a ban -
Over low Ing it 4 gene v start aeniriel ware looklug WIFE quet. �;Ir Lonter Ocilla, premier of Que- remedies, such as lard and sulphur. and also 4.1ta" illql: ee: .7. H Afnrtln, inest4ent of Quebec
-d that such iq;p�o ij 'ro aivic Tmis imponTANT
J�J, P ;, # b u
recognizt checks are more so as to require I was treated for 14. Then I tried Cuticutti% and ri A.Y, Illu U I q b scouing it or less disr&trous, nd that their ovil. at, Soap And Olatment and they g enerikily an, not only in, small, inferior 144- and C. J. Doherty, tile Canadian Ave 148 groat ster or Justice, will escort blill, to
feet$ will always be aplytrent in tile in broken branch", These at. ar.9 ini erforated shelf TO WHIC14 IT 10 IIUQ�LY CH- ease. I used them About four months am happy to say I bra never troubled no flock. W. - the little bar- O for made it the
The appimon sys-tem. is to remove tile The Cutloura, Soa and Ointment oured 0,14100t in 4 day the tree lh*-y be riddled ii0p roll I11 to put the TITLED, )no , I f' filled with I - lifnquet and AllniNte, of Justlee, by thedr mines and marked for comp3ete R explained that Viscotint Ilaidane a completely.,'. (signed) Mrs, A� S. Thomp- -chiche front. tile. brooders at weaning i HOMi liiffWbAlkli
Age And place them lit small eoops In son, Mar. 0. 1912. dewtructiort 1>efore tihe next oeasoacinn#� -Ad. Whon,fit-t*, wited W41,- resting DUC -o
re, I not "ealc at all, tit orde to save ilia voli:
airound. 70, tiny fee COST 0 F for his si)pecli on lowlay tit Montreal,
ange. Coops three by The regular use of Cuticura, Roap for tollet gIvQ,*tho* teAm I............. The lord chancellor nd Ills party antl
I ille,e their- .breu4� il�' I. , .*hp. tue lormi . W ffli )I ;bf e LIVING 13Y LE96ENING THE
;ix feet Ili size tire commonly itsed, still and bath not only teads to preserve, purity juall3k a _Of ttgr a firm to 0anadinn officials left at midnight
In still Other &Ireotions M, the need r i*qj� It ti
A 149.
as a rule. froi forty to fifty are And 'Y� Ai the, tQ% b4s Mrawn" to. the A m 0 U N ir OF EXPENSIVE for '4Ntontreal on a. special train,
beautify the sidn, scalp, hair and hands; MOTO ilitegVent knowledge of ongls� ahilL-with,ji,; I 4-.j, Xeq�,qptly ,,c MEATS
thds- 'elifire coa. PLYTH
18.9� exe. it -placed up. REQUIRED To SUP"
,t� e&. P44 but Assists in proyentlox Inflammation Ird. eaulng evi4ent, In the choice. of orength. This comes Dthl nZ NECESSARY NOUR.
and t e Improement itb -tolr& scon tation and clogging of the pores. the common BLAMES CITY LIFE
Ing s i lee tit f irat, but tile. qual feon� too owing to file natural cause of pimples, blockheads. red#ess and takes are Wa4e. NVhat are the bept 0i" fi6s�, I - 'blab aia'ivhifit and 1314MENT TO Tilt 13ODY.;
roughness, yellow,'olly, mothy and o it ri IOUs 0 11
Qyowth of the �nd unless provl- ther un. valrieties? Bxj)eriancol Is the only flvtto�, wholesolng condItIons of the aida, Outicurs, guide, Your dealer will ouppi r �a i'GILLETT CO'
ion is made for expannicn. trouble sure- Soap and Outicura, 01nilmeat auythin. 4.,�Oldverr-W, '*Vi1vd,q6t`1Ifd *fi]Fe* In the _W I LTD. Caminetti Charges It With
are sold particularly something new J71t is lalgf. Ork. TORONTO, ONT. ly followq. The oxingsters return night Y ftelt I6vq,titke& large after niplit to their accuatowed. quar- throughout the world. Liberal sample of prioOd- If You would experiment, Nvell d aONTREAL
each walled fro with 82-p. SWn Boalic. and good. If yo WfNNIPFG' His Downfall.
ters, And will foree t1leir way in, no it are In busia. King Ili col wateI ard spread Address post card Potter Drug b Chom, Inust ji,ad as no agel tit, qyrlq Rigp.inwtetlal clot"' _O� rt4ie-tojlof -the- -then spread I arly As you can w, n thin pills- anoathir, or as otles gown best fitted for ),our con'. +�Ilofttv 01 tlxc,�.cloth ull. rutter bow crowded tlipy nay be. Tito Corp,. Dept. 44D, Bostn. U. S. �L varl lilt li over -h r)u, n edleS"
aa but it Is tha- e Bilt, should you be * o o'Pj e&S �Y_ Onle P011Itrylj1Q]l Say "SWelftting"' though es -s- it Is not pot -feet, Rf6 t, -it oi6 66y a r from the watering can,
i e y a Ir, a
01111illottl is goingstraiglit back "to tilt,
Ilia- latter t,-riu ig a mistinmer. Collis mid to be cholera ujil Accompanied by only feasIVA wa.y. which come with less shook than so
have made a -of eat, Id Ill fi-1 _'�6olj ;jilb, witli 'Juinp Of
.r 1'�
pla, rutin
L %Pw� 7. ,4 covered incipient rGult soun make their appear R great thirst. unfortiutite as to g6 much cold water poured from a pitch- hills, whore Ile 121111 alliff th(I n1allZanitilt
n !.nee, and tilt- flock, tie a whole, will be then, with such a ar thp wind whi.-j-
Fowls that can exercise during the fruits as to.ke easily t '2d' er or even then the needles from till and Nageln'llsh and Inli
-ral," loyllen ills
!njured, even thotigh but slight mortal- raoulting season are generally tile ork ffr%ftialg, no time should be lost to'cori., jrl'ooinj jt ��111`tllen Polish in the "�Iverhead" shower. The warm water tliniz throl-li the chapi
as Iarm vort our unprolitalVis trees Into profit llkj� I41'6� 0- in the tub keeps the child's feet w. a c-luir .Q. of - aye I Ity follows Inittleditely. that get through the ordeal Any �;r Ones-& proceix, re eral( ablo t r1t t I _a jvIliti, si, I
larr a some skill and his circulation Is generally strong died and lit, is either cqu tte i
yle'l 'ling The eecret of obta;n' relatively serious trouble. em 0 -, it
high anti consistent e,- " ol, so far as lit Scotland RI young turkeys get and good jud t. oyond the, ush to withstand the cold shower lij�mant, -bu not eno after lie hae ills Pilo -
-y get ordinary WWI y %nd easily aequired, 'if he P Ons, on from the sprinkling can without suf- 1� practical managentent is concerned, and % drop of whiskey., In France th Ills --on hox. PIP. N. qAid I ;�: k, , anl-ferenve to inherited iiii-Alities, a teaspoonful of wine. fering. Gradually the amount of warm I'Tljo city ritined 11c, said in tit
without ro, Nfany fail from mistakes Ili handling A#Lyllig;� je hes Ili I pullts growin It will be found itiess in -itself, par,, airld markatirig, a btiW more vatisfactor - h" * �%-�fio tv 4 ,di 01, water In the tub can be lessened, al. interview stayed
-eeping atead- 4 a f, an,' IP ..and though enough to cover the feet Is not ,out ill file op;n, pluieltilig attle and
ily frcia hate'hilia fline to maturity, and usually to kill and bury the ol4k birds lospa Outside of consideration here. But n eopid
an u
*Y e0e - --gg hjj�i i"I'd. nwise allowance evert for grown. -0t, 4 yet. tjj A 1ps.
n -a to treat theta, re, mulps--out ope. wbei
avoldliq everythi lit ally than to undertal, certain It Is that with perieliabl pro. r nianiterretard or tIv dieck fall The domesticated breed& of turkey&, duets) as all fruits ate, unusual care, A -with lot�,;
per= tt r! I Wils oll tell t ed. I Atli it mail
t The child -who learns to enJoy this
development. A stillitt-d bird neycr re- tire the Bronze, White Holland ' N-j.rra- 3nust be "ken that they way Ili% Illoved thb us of I've (Yot to Ile tit -oil lit IllLrIlt.
n tbod of j t .W�QM. AN, Atli T.,P�Q -A IAAN sort of bath will have a simple mea - - - g d Slate. rapidily, 0Ad that, should one ilia 'tic gains lost ground; it can never do its . an4ett, Black, Buff a therwke--well,
v ')In les ullisti ftelle. 0
best work as 14yer, breeder or exhlbition. 'Ilia well fed p-allets are early 1%?,ers, disposal bet blocked or unprolita,ble, an of keeping his system "toned u
other we Toll see where the artifivial life. of the
a provided of course they have not been alay be substituted. In the no Q. twhich lie will probably not give up so
great railroad strike In Oaliforniti, in beau 4 iogcal�&o T� eriilkyl riv!614h long as he lives, city Ilas landed me.
tbis statement as a fact. fed.on a too fattening ration Avit I bil"',PhUT,�iku.iitf3;14"011v"�ofl..;tjib�,I Iwaitted to goo to Svramptito.
Growing chickens rcoluire plenty of space If one places one's ear cl�se to tile 1804, when Q shipmemt of fresh fruit line o Pjil_rlet be f Often to leavo nft(,r I did go.
t I i t quarters slid an abund- body of a fowl at night, while on the W" Prevented :fruit growers lc,3t heav- most wel?A pletily-Q,4. nikftins ,,a FOR
it tbeir roosting .qf� .�saons I . 4 I .... I t ance of freh �Ir. It Is far better to rocit, there will be heard the grin'ding I'Iyj although through no fault of thelm lit color, which, curjousl� etiough, its ali:.16fitcli mrialluva tne--ea*�tli,'Oitittirt.q*�s' TITY father iths . permim(ed tile to
r it .1 wa,; vlork for the Boarti of Con.
V Tile way to master Invad for and e�t1illing, IAs Cordlifled by Boston Work -Horse (lay at it de.qk left me with su'jpIlig
f(irce the flock to roost in the trees dur- of tile food lit the gizzard. The fortunate qnea were lose who had ways einisidoria -a Q;rly-
m�ann, Thk baby play of citting tilt
the' poultry �tusl- means at succeed Wr lug the late summ,�r And eccotrly fall than tlll� nlalj� atnor% oil w` g front 'be n 1�e=l in the overcrowded, hot noss is to begin m"tering the numerous and were thus able to r -ave wculd there.arp scores 'of lijaktie's bre",' Parade Association. ellery tit Ilight I waq retless.' I
r,,,f -j wNch are so commonly -tails- step by step, bave been a total loss, Tito most site- qulte eiCelleat' arEiSt'S" 6j' v de k vouldn't (14111% want to stay in
1. Load lightly, and drive olowly.
III by iic-xilerlencerl or careleass eat ilia a good iri�bfnes, 1W tile provide Never use harsh methods in I)rexljng cessful apple grawer1as evolvL4,frorn ills tit If
up a broody lien. Such aandlin. often own experience a very efficient cold- Several 'years' agU -hij, 2. Stop in the shade if' poisible. "I'm Muk of eitioA. I'm croilto Wok
I W cripples the hen for future usi n ness. storage houe and a cider t ate
And vinq the 3 NV r your horse as uften. till pos- rar tures, On many suceos8fal farms flot practice Ang thTd.*ttin rd Vj �, ienibor of., Can cileep llights. " No, I'm
f dividing tl4p flocks at- frequent inter- The principal causes for diseases are faotory, -whioll. ensoble hIrri to hdle it the Bethtelient- R10YAl 11ospltal;.- -vons a, 4n Bible. So long its a horse is warkin -not (roing to live agnill with nly Wifil.
poor houses, dampness, filth nd Im. large crop with ease and Profit, ot Igo
_ open to thL �egun, fy.dra§s ha.s.done Aiu�,t water in xaofiEerate quantitie%i will not ills P4 adopted. lit Some Oaies t1lis con- public,. 'aii ,itsm re: . lie thoi Froll): SerIP,XU*J.eWf.. V'r, 410 a lot about in Y., proper feeding. withatom the distance from great VUL Iturt him. But let liiln�' drink only, a
tilt, older one. I don't
-tq merely of sorthig out and market- cling you_111any -of, Overfat not onl.v debillfAtes the fowls, markets And the Almost invarimble over- -of Qrt.,.. Ing and;. e% ap.- Ail .�ijletx., few swaows It Ile "a "Olav to "An(' know the little. fellow so well, lie wqs
sa the action of every organ in eu I of the loc-Al ones. iirtiA "Ile when It �A;" pe6plktj the about fifty but Impair Friln0*hl(-'Vl'4ti&`rt0r . k" -s old when I left. I'la
the gentler sex. 4. When he comes in after work, oipJi cent. of tile flock --as, soon s these the body. 1704N, to aoquire the nece-3sary knowl- ticij who.. re ju.st.4s sk.lfft Teeh the broilCr age. Such a procedure ... after lay children. I'm
sponge o
Lnves the pullets doulyle the house ra.,' Impure drinking -water is as 4anger- edge of all these points is ot Be InAter- literat nel, was,he _rf Ned )jj, f�e I o -A .. ..... 9ON,
tir.e. Q)i oi V , - i. -16' " ... if the harnesa inarits and
py on J)4 lei its to the health of the fowls as is fal, provided only that In some wit I's llopcj�jsly' Olt a 'Yiffil "Jeariiiisy 'and k;weat, his eyes, Ills nose and mutitil,
-hey forni(�rly hd. - Title arrangement Is 40 . going to upport thein. What a mess I've
a I tnftde of it till!" musty food. is aciliged. First there shold be :cIbrb L it, who is a pi,tyooif and the dock. Wash his feet, but )lot
Th�se are the so-called dull montlis realiZatloa r the 'need, and thon will -d jjjjl6s6d, 6p-&ii8: Ilia legs,
A very siftisfactrw� one from several dif llt7 rr, There was no -session of tile Caminettl
5. If the thermometer is 76 dereos
lereni points of 'View. ill poultrydon, Very few People Vill tile way appear. case to -day.
For at no previoult; time iw6rts of bave Incubators or )line hateld It is frequently said tbat there is lie ng chicks, has &o much been done toward the fit- erable'Mitier.for hire, And 4 Ior higher wipe him all over with a wet
best method of hou-0wr adult P oultry, the early riatelied chicks already bud- straotion of farmer and fralt.growers. him.a stroll. for.* n160 vinegar water it -posible.
g stock. btule.-, ; lip.0olf P6 A: 1 V the S hop-. and the sone i-3 true ot the ),out ding into maturity and the late hathes The farmers' Institute, hasty nd lniper-. Do not turn the hose oil him. WHOLESALE GRAFT
There tire several diffel-ent ways Of inect NX91nall.,who -.. .:4 "ITIN ornery Ing if properly cared for, Work. feet as it must need� be, 1:3 a POWertIll earn, pip lai.ittec"Ig" 0. Saturda� night give a bran mash,
r�;;,cased up to a reat extent. The Ing the easentl!Ll condition.i. One we[ plea 4nd stimulus to a illore intimate slams cold, and add a tablespoonful Of salt
known breoder of exhibition' poultry A114Y., -0s. a, tilte b SRI A 111 f, n, main problem now ting ow to keep k1lowlOdge of the proce,3seq of nature ad Customs at 'Frisco Under,
-ps -v steadily advancing d hq%jr.eds �rthe, m , as tic 9 pr, iRip., �n petre.
ke( his Chicks in mall coops, until Xr they begin to show indicatione of being th'e, Pon] ti url life it Nye expect to profit by them. Like 'I `tciid 'son*- ln�an%wbo 1 1 f 7. Do not use a horse -hat, unless it is the trying -ilgh a canopy -top hat. Tfia� ordinary bell -
dog -days. The utility po 4,� -y pro i aurd of- q , ;, tile 0,91`10tiltural journ-ii ittore ire vex in the a a Serious Charge,
I:b k4t ;-R shaped list
does more harm thkin good.
crowded, when lie inspects them vare- try keepers are watching earefulIT the qu-nitly and explicitly Pot forth the saina many 0 ouf ally, and'places Ili special buildings ll growth of the future egg-proot 11cer-9l ideas, fortified by concrete 8. A sponge on top of the head, or
kines ivill6h that give eviolcrica of bein,%, desirable while the fancier takes every care that while of roartuals and books never be. pljqtpLZktIy b't , Sept. L -1111P inost
Iof:tIld jwfien'ti� ....... even.
a cloth, is good if kept wet. If
aw46pecilliells. -rheae latter Vulldings are' the fowls will feather well and fore have llr,o-arpubI1!t3,RxyiWns -.T- starting upheaval in the history of
roligh structure, say five by eight Ili well, that they rnay properly so many ani such aecurate, dry it is worse than nothing.
Elf' al? 0 ones been asoeesible to the st the Pacific coast branch of the TJaited
Ildent. Still hundreds. &I- pationks- o',*pj an e ::,:k 9. It tile horse Is overcome by the
II P. . ...... . licat, get him. into the shade, remove States customs service occurred here
size, with board floors elevated sonto themselves for the poultry show. further, the correapondLnea coun3es Of -by eighteen inches above the ground. Tile The exhibitor still dellglAs in aanimar- study, the short coutises of v4l.iolls namo I RIX,,. svo,A),milenee f*Cmenter-, dna harness, and bridle, wash out his mouth
A I I $ y,
14hus, in a county A-23'111111 I it, fic,; when steps ivere taken by Col -
to -d.
north and west wlls ire rough boards, Ing tit the poultry judges. -Ili s)me and degree are slow and steadily per. set elme, tilizather, and-,tbe houth, and ceseB they are justified, but in tbo ma me, tj the Ir I sponge him all over, shower his cgs
... ..... aromatic lectOr of the Port J. G. Davis and
give him four ounces of
a ng ri a I irs'! cial And ng, eitat Walls r�;*iI made of narrow boards, jority of cases they are in the wro It Is to the spirits of ammonia, or two ounces of Surveyor of the Port Justus S. War -
younger inen to 'whom 'sweet s Ate of nitre, Ili a pint of water, with half inch ermakt between. Stich a basing only their personal opinion illese OPPOrtunities wcsb readilv ,j,)pojAj 4,1 11 ,,N,Iio has handled In yn,* .r. , Pi dell, recent appoinees 0 President
house is At once ventilated throughout, against P. judge ore e I Wilson, to brea.1r. up what officials
find from whom we may How to Bre"k- f or give him a pint of coffee, Warm. Cool
expect th� best JR free from draughts and.will comfort- good birds, the pick of many breedersO results, and they ivill Fiat tile pace for his head at once, using cold water, r, allege is mammoth smuggling ring.
if necessary, chopped ice, rapped in a
A jr yards, in a year than the exhibitor 4'4 loth. customs guards on charges of Opium they are finally removed to winter quar- ever raised, and in some cases oversaw, moreover, is extended by experiment Ably Care foi end bunch of birds until others to follow. The. helping hand, Warrants have been issued for ninc,
a D r o w ni stations and national dcPftrtnLtUt8 Of 10. If a horse is off his food, ivy blin smuggling and conspiracy, and two
Wi tit tWor quarts %of oats mixed with others have been suspended pending
On some farms the use of building Agriculture, which neer turn it datif ear with closed sides has been abandoned, PILES CURED AT HOME BY to any honest applicant for Infovulatt n bran and a little water, and add a little
a thorough investigation. And the summer quArters Are little more and r.dvloe. That these kgencle�i hve have been
Ithan tight roofs, which are intended NEW ABSORPTION METHOD had a po.ent influenc� in sprkvid- Isalt or siLgar, Or give him oatmeal Those ror,whom warrants
gruel or barley water to drink. iSsupil are, Customs Guards Manual
11. Watch your horse. If lie stops
"'reatticultiiral lliforillottion, Ili rctent alter 1,1 Brea
solely as a shelter from storms. Where Ih tc hew, silhouette on a real
ti CIA br athes
It is necessary, as -is usually the case, years there can he not it pqrVee of ting auddinly, or if he 0 nan, John McGeough, Peter W. Cralgie,
to afford protection against enemies of it yott suffer from bleeding, iteWrig, woman, Mrs. Lectnard...M.- Thomas,
doubt. That their sphere of Influence short and quick, or if his cure droop, or James J. 33rolan, J. B, Balk H. r". ops )yas-.1orm9�1y. Miss - Blanche M. if lie stands with his legs braced, side- Vargas and Elmer J. Gallaghej. Those
VY one as their It different kinds these fresh air co blind or IpTotru&ng Plies, send me your is a =8 a hl. s ., i are completed by rherely using poultry address, &lid I will tell you how to cure value ppreciated is equally he is in danger of a heat or sun suspended are: Inspector B. H. Moi-
s0qij#tkj, Mrs. .. Thomas �stroke an
netting foi- the side walls. Of course, �Lij d needs attention at olYce.
yourself at home by -the mew absorption evident. In spite of occa?lonal lapses, tell and Customs Guard H. L, 11alliday.
the usual doors are provided for. fShn J,tn, k- 12. if It Is so hot that the horse Following the service of warrants
treatment; and will &L -to send some of no one need fear but that lie Ills here q; and, alatural-loo
'all fashions sot�rte wo- givte in the stable at night, tie upon the accused officials an Invest] -
Ing, ut, as in
.4 very inexpensive but deelde� the wean.9 whereby lit the lon run lie him
Isfactory Euramer house may be made this home treatment free for trial, with one .�potter.11 We ae out -side. Unless he cools off during the ation will take place at once before
Alan �rlq to !I&Q
may wrest achievement from I'friculty. 9
by sim�ly building a light f-rame Of references from your —6-deing,j,tottuding. abdomens
Own locality It Great as is tho need greater are the night, he cannot well stand the next United States Commissioner Xrull.
1tfoT i;okt�idihg until women are day's heat. suitable size adjoining an existing build- at d. Immediate relief &rid per- modern means for supplying it. ing, e war, reque a form The operations of the ring have e -
say, it barn, makin the sid k - r
f all of matent cure Assured, Send no money, In the matter of feeding, too much tended over many years, according
of the latter serve As a thi�%`'hgifei'as'wh�n, SOCIETY DOWN ON VICE. to Collecter Davis and - the profits
care cannot be exercised, as on th4a &bit- the poultry shelter. A weatherproof but tell othbra of thii oiler. Write to- --tho �etralghtfrdnt,` they were
r Ity of the liorse to properly Assimilate (Philadelphia Record) exceed *1,000,000. He declares that
with its lilgh side Against the day to Mrs. M. Summers, box F 8,WInd- -no a,domen At ll. the
ool. 'A()�. 11RV1
other b0ding and Its eaves projecting soor, Ont. his usefulrias. So far tie can Ile done, ell over the frame, keeps out sun and late his system the feed lie eats depends In spite of all etforts to blacken the rep- ring has kept the drug users of
irancisco and other Pacific cities
utation of tile glrls who the two youn San r
w he should be given that which is tile nas. men took to Reno. and the Nacrifices .1 supplied with opium for years. Tain. Tile structure is then complete, the wives. of the prisoners who tried to last digested, so that al ]the nutritious save their husbands, Diggs hag been
excepting the three exVosed sides,which A VET'S TALE parts will be Absorbed into Ilia system .-Now.'Ja. the Start ,youp found guilty. It was evidently a great STRATHCONA AT NEW YORK.
are made of wire netting. surprise to hint. The whole disgaceful
and go to make fie-2h,,bone and fibre. �4ew, York In a house of this kind the roosts affair has struck him and his associate
an a mere lark, and probably neither of cona, Canadian 141gh Commissioner in.
should be placed along the rear tio .trie.,ofj�ar to start'a them is quite able to understand why the Britain, arrived here from Hurope to -
and it will be found that the birds will VARU Nr.NVq AND VIEWS. . . . . . . . . . . ... tTnIted States should take the rn accompanied by Lady Strath-
bA of jifelji, oseriously: They and their friend, cona
remain perfectly comfortable therein An imp,ortant consideration that ff �enopfit dag,. Ile Is on his Way to Montreal,
Wtb�. cAjld,..tAp bAbit..9t taking.s. daily
think they *are victims of persecution.
They are ifot. They have sinned before
well Into the fall. too often overlooked is the economical :where lie will attend the annual
utilization of manure produced by SwIne. p God' and committed a shameful crime be- meeting and banquet of the American
Dry -lot feeding in summer is often as- It,W absurd to ioia�Cli iiis *c�ld bath fore men, and society does not loolt ui)on
amateur poultry- fof aia In'Jured this sort of turpitude With tile lnduig,.." Bar Association, 0t the Invitation of
A. point wIllch tile to sociated with a. Iteavy waste of manure iiii 'gel that It did 26 years ago. Vice cannot be tho Association.
9hould bear In mind is that the on account of the larg� p:trt of the mail. to wholly prevented, bitt society IN going With Lord and Lady Strathcona Was
fowls cannot be eN-pected to produce tire that Is leached or blown kway when I to hunt It down as it does
any but wprmweuther. - e i er e butglzry And Dr, JVm, /Peterson, Vice-OhancelAor
Man egge during the, moulting perlodp deposited in hare lots. reading on Past- 4rom-jrt chattering�and blue -it oil t forgery., of McGill 'University of Montreal.
And there mhould be no attempt to get a tures or In cultivated fields will do inuch t4i vitality -lost.. in he, eold FLAWS IN OUR BANKING SYSTEM heavy -egg yield by feeding condiments While declining tO make a pro
to obviate this less, since a large pro, weral hours, )3.at t pheoy regarding the O11t00me of the
ogg-la.vin rations, says tho BWtl- portion of the droppings an(I urine wit he.marit ( Detrolt Free Press)
I ie food should consist of II r' 'in 'iVlib I�itrhed to e0jay. a 091'd Car 8,ligilsh woman's fight for the ballot,
re Suit. T1 1 deposited Ili the field where the ll , w6ver gives it up lit There Ciro L -00d points in ada's than be methods at managing her bo.nks, and there Lord Strathcona, Said lid was opposed
Ordinary grain mixtures with libbtral fertilLdhig constituents runy be utilized. e aid tliby,tii 1"fliat ifiy are points of danger an well, The drift Ilitant methods.
1&s of green food And ws nluoh 1 -for Uldralli'llia'atid toward niono0olY Is one f the latter.
..... itMal . I .1 , V f
meat and oily foods as the fowls will The farm dair ration without cover 'rb&th0fOr- much: sbrrMv An,h '.*a think, Is the Probability that PROVINCIAL FIRE CHIM.
Warml . 'o It
tend. Soma of the fowls in nearly ev. Is short of protein, and without -toots and unhappiness.. in, y's deposits In branch banks of (lie
:ry flock will I r fairly well and moult tn� lad, -when the May be diverted from the commuftity's KingAton, despatch.
all or enellage, it lackit succulence. Oil meat .—The, child�cof 4 years,- accordiig to a U46 to localltioll where It will bring batter .1-1riani- of the Provincial Associa-
ld tile Sallie th but'this tonitilon is Arabs took me pirlisotter they Stole I furnislies Uth In the cheapest form as Physipitkilt versed, In Ohlrdrlen!%. needs I returns, The eastern provinoes corn. tion of iNro Ohlefs showed that tile, Its -
not especially valrable, because it us. my clotheal f , a whole was hertlI lit
Itterly that their capital is often soclation a. ayclI.b)a for local purposes, being flavor orgallbing it DonlIllion ggA during tho winter. tirlavit foilowtog the discussion, a rao-
Ually means i6se e It illould be started In warm trant by this Montreal or Toronto tion, R`nd
—Were In other words, protein in) oil I . .11-10e, _! -, I Boy hot rou oold with nothing grAln. 0 �tht b�t
bleal in cheaper at $30 rL ton*for the oil I I 5:-.� ! . t eat during on? WN0e Wet, ,6,, There %hould Ila a complete r meml than Ili corn tit 50 cents a bushel A#406 0 _r tion of tnii( Arinqtrong, of Xitimst
Votiorku-0h, not Tdu see, they agra tifilii, fift"coritis �the manair6maht to the nortilwest or to
tile nioulting period and evry effort York, where higher rates of interest may toil, econded by Chief of Don-,
made to get flie birdl; into fall feather fully doytrod m6 witbl, their rifles. Or oats at 95 cents a bushel. child will be so acouStomed ta It tUt be obtained This tit no doubt advantag- aas, to have the matter referred to tho Ili -
not Vjjjr.� liko it, bUt Vlllr ask eouff for thd bank's stockholders, but It I.otning Roard of Directors, %vaq adopted.
Aud in perfect health and vigor before A some one has conservat MISS ADELINM TRAPP, AMIMCA16 aFir.AtI1S'r:9N,I5UAAN'6E SWIM. In Tile pre.41dent, Chief Weatmore, ;.lid that
a wether comes. If W6 fire ee KINQ -$ r !%,cry estimat- . . , . Wit he It apt to result fe material hardship
ed t'hat around 6,000,000 calves are &n. MER, AND A LIFE S"EA, ILLUATRATF-6, jy.'PH6ToaAAPH' HOW �'.forT to the communities in which the anoney illipre.
to) . U& bathr should not at -first take waq itafeeling nmong tile. ehleN
ing multry stolelr for egg Frodu6tion, It I(OttiLwa CitirAn) VICTIM,' 41�i form ,of A! cold. Dluuge, ;--Thet child In til�oln. I at I Donif loll hotild. lit-
t1auSbtared In tile 'United States TO SUSOU5 TERROR-STRICKEN AND FIJEN fill llit'd. Ile that .11 wolul i$ it( vieftble to d jtpoRe of a I jow.ji Whi4t 11r. 33. 11, Xelth, rt bis I A I TrIotor of the =ng those slitughtered on the fartao 4t tub partly filled witu Ize the fact that the lalivs goveyning
thettri"i circuit, b" just issued or46r* ttlare persistently late in inoulting "ch that In nortiI of hitt r4any thioktros will Theiris t r ousallag of calves are annualiy Miss Adellne Trapp, In it recent en- "t�a'a'rt of. tWilft. wirhi.�;ator—enouolj to came to the Curti of tho Hair, moteetion were vei in fa(
Theie -6 .1 . -efilld. Th6n c6ld- water Air It. wt,re laws to govorn the Ponditions.
scason, ILI nl&ifty� 08A04 W1104 any ridicule f tha wornel't ouffroNSO Inovd- #jAughtered that Are of ood beef type. durance swimming match In which Wing., hips of the Different members felt that ilia fornia-
fowls will go well into Ole vinter btfora 'no,ut lb* allowed on the titagm This 14 q Their OWnerls $,It%, I r 168geiiii MiSti 'should bb'dashed oV�'r him, and'After San It. tion of this at,,,�oetatlon would dvqtivo
pretty itt"n argument for thb, rome or ghter and Market them thirty V. , Volunteer 14fe Sayers In le , rubbed, the Interets of the, ivork of the fire
fully eurnpletink tilt Moult, DA41 intoll, advance 46nf llniiodo by thIs rdfOr 4 t'- *tL & tender Age to rid th4 OOW Of her Were entered, wats the, only woman Ttapp hevftl neglects 'tile 116-104ving that he dhisuld'lit fliorously Brubli It.
bir(lsi tire not profiWA6 sA I&V ' *r�. it Ing tile, T."t few years. It 1A okid t t thsrga ana put her Into the dairy ser. to arrive at the flnisli of the twelve- feature, and th.6 above pIdW0 is it Blue lips, chitttering telettA And flitlirui§ And sh&kos It. f hamich so c Avery reform must thrOU the VI 48 "aln. The dalry tow is R. jilloort mile dwim tbrough. ar. part of that lesison. Site knows that iiro Indications that the bath was too faseage the &'Alp. tS WILHtL.
stag" oil indifference, 'Pidtaut And -
this undmimble oliamoo Md 'ap- bit ore it attains oil T()!& to, -a and Women, when In dig, deadly, Cold Or too 10119 continued. nosy Shampoo it with egg.
Williln profit, but bei ot6er call, If kept riving In fifth position and beating mo
On their progeny and that ho a t 6 Fla j LowaritfY in the ypidl* of thw r on the farm until he hsa atthin6d the trol of their heeks, red lips and thislins and grow- Itinte it moxt thorougli1v MINA.
good (-are and mr4noigenienj VKII oyist. stagio At the pr6sent thns. the hardened rattler veteran4 of tho fear of drowning, lose con to salt Ing isklv.� ghoula result tram tha pro� 4t. Split A ShAmpoo every two %;eeks aufflc#s, wit and jilmost always try Nolte: rAfling ikgw find then told to & bek-f *!Kt. Lifil Saving Corps, Is perly, giveal cold b%th. Dry It in the sun, out of doors If poa. Wation of* Willivinibi oil tile ill -
come It. tie feeder, khoulti In the, long run not dise Trapp is instructor at tile free the revenst around the neck, thi XOTPA. HUMAN CAKED NiVER CHA 'A 064'w&V to Start a Wit shower Mille. ill it till (if the 1111upol, fit tho
(at, 70hift., X. B., TtlegriLlph) more profit. It might liat All be repre. public bathe patronized by tile wom6n endangtring both. Is to fill 4 goild arsed wat6ring 'ftn Hamill. Tho DI -Awn fowls usually hava the heikd The" is, no lln6vr style." and thor6 111.2,41 sented In dollars tind cents, but that And obildron of the por of Nosw Yoric Iler method, an aliown ift the pljoto� with, cockI w1itter110tiuch colder thah hop(% that till'
]D rentoved and this fi,hould b6 donti at JeW nillteft In the ktaut or siriv 061f, havin Heat 11atchod ggp. It lailgoil rat toil NVIII tilt)
lit 41 the run of the farin for & and supervises the Inatru43tion of oyer grapit, to to shut off the breath of the temperature al! tile room�atld to 11 Or T hN'ti had At
first, We im6thodd by WhIch those *1101i Year, WOW, h0p 0-urle-h the, soll, fertility IMU * Iftillion women and children tho fren2led Victim at the nostrils poill, this over tile chilill. Follow this NVhtn a ohiplatilt of qgti w" 11n. IA AuJilen,daith wltlkout any Ampout filtiobt 1>0smosk uliftir A4VAMA96s, 66k to *611 pay 14 kaq, Alter sey. lipart, and that tho Poalnee of P�-apog wilt
bet lhw, are othallAt 0 those durlugr Cht fliree hot months of sum. and this windpipe. The Dressure on with a egn ofectoler wati§r. t�ckoa bA Stroup & Wlerawn, Orano!l form ft bontl betwoon tile riRtIons.11
signs of illnem to vigually eaiiiod by, proved to IW- moor. The one-Djece bthing costame, the alldOmen 101UNIsts In 'relSixIn the cwal bathli Of thlo sort try usiltig a ch., produee (lestlerA, IlVedrics- o"t apoplexy, dut to al f"Uv6 btfoir6 ha W at it In easy for third ean of *IMO$t oold Wattir toL and dfj, Ij you raim tt, 1)s6pr
sent to"It to i Alpg"",d It x cotagio,us dl"ut do* deolktood bY herself, permits of the body And after t *OA found that six to go had ponntTV; ,
eh61, N 114.6 A:n 61'. Vw"All 21 is 't Van. hate" Rd ottmaroo free um,6 of itrrag' oLnd Itts atd Is a rbtoua to take the one In dlkvior up *oIM hltt*htd by, the h*At. VIVe of t '4111)bilil
#41 to so 7w4ru Alit (—Oh. no -
Is often taken %r 6 Htt'4, T Ifilk to ittly.elf all'tIle timt T avi 411av-
o"144 by ozitt". Xt f 0000*000V #A*0tt14 AAa It 10 "49y IftAlk h61P ia the difftult t#Ak of Ashore. )joxt oWdren are Intarftt#4 JA the okqtka, w4r# *Mro w1kart alocof4"