HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-09-04, Page 6I.- , I __ _­__. � 0""Allomm.'" � " ___ . � . - �, _ '' � '. , — I - ___ . I r� 7ARD � . � I I I A I I I I I - �� . .. ___ — - : ! - !� = _.. . . .. � r � I 1.11 . . 1. , '. I _­­ ...... 4....w 1 1 ­ � I 1.11.1011­� , . - I , . I 1. � I WILL SHP. WEAR OEM? PAPOP Thinks Wonion Won't, I 1 1 --- . . � . I : �NIIRVOUS Use : I . - I I � I � . . ,." r I I � ! 1', - I I 1. i I . . . - . I . i .1, ­ - - 10 ! r I !C44 vo� 0QVTH POL11 RVIL10010 � - issu", NO, 86, 1913 , CHILDREN' - ..�.. r. � I ''.., 11111111111111P.11,1110" . Ir- ­_ — 1 ___ ___', �_,____._,__ — I I � . . . . � . I � . . .. I I I I . � �. I . I . -1 . . . . I � . I ' ir . . XX0- ..'r I'll �Irr .� � . I .. dd . , 'O . F11 -R, ...W#� . � d � - I ­ � r ­ I 1-- 1.11.. ­­.Y."1100H - I r � ill" it a sP4�riwt'froni him, Ito never re4d6 " til -I fAwlety 40041ty, and know's notbing I of *',"at ill 10114 ')It in 111,0 Wilonablit t .N1 I'V-111 I � ,­ � � .� " ..1. " r � I . I I . lu I �iorld. .And now sw to in -I., � 4 1 Trouser.o. r �- -1 � r � Part of zquipment of 40oft IE* HXLPWANTX� - ' - ' A ___ _ � .? — .. I I". � . A * , Slade's - peditiou:08i4c Axwbitod',i 'V? ,_ , , % I i I Ing tile uld bivnker, and InAldting 11p4l, herkl�'14 a doclar. Are Often !A the Earl . ". ' "' - �, � i ItIml waking life willo ItOr to 1,14, ,,glit'40011 froui some advouced perion. that y - A blK plain 40tihing pot, W Else filtorlov I 144;"�"`V� CbNlva, TVO. - _ I ,,'_', J, N 11111 MIRD .alth." � women will soon be Nfk�arlll , ,g truivzors. Of St. Vilus Dance'r bup been scraped Otian, And t r, to , ' A I WE "r r 4re by r oil . 7 0111�4(�,) 14 . One who olalml; to olEeftic with author- at tile point Q th by r2rvatlog; all , "I Should tbillk t)l!tb was objftt __ omritv prilvivion tang a- a silion 11 v 111111liq1tht. Vr:VlI.I-A)oII,t you fold . . I I I I I . .. 'r (Ilk,11101", declared Dowillu.". ,,110 UL1111101; ity "'EyM 014 Plano and specificatioul; of tile limok IIUPN, ol� t4a tent Irk WAbrollothela, Ilve half a decade of yeal-4 at Lleot and ! tile ,law garments are already niade, I'timmins of �ajt ,4 tt 444 Ills cilluvottn. 'i verl, slubluot to I Oak? 1. I They Need a Tonic to Streadthen Jells vl- , tl,ftt. Noult. Nvil". I 110 i.XXXJ1 1 YOV I)IJI I;v left ang slid that the plunge will taltu pia"� - a f Olin % t ,*. search Moyo . -.1- . . � � .r .1 .1. . , lig 10 withlu a year. We Pro told by these the Weak Nerves and Res t ;1 -W 1-:1 jivii% -No; show hw; only Einb niowl., � - , , ,� VC.. . 11, ­ � , r , ; U. 41larml t% . : I w, in the ey4w of -lie world Lq.6034- 1 ,tore a sh" %, much t unab*4 #,Ix- allay rMo t 81) U0.40 ary Jollinstonla, story of al4'Vlr ('0. iti'll"I'SlihV'r ;I nil 1'111 the ()]it% thot"i "Ili' Ili y4y'lilis all't li'midIwille," ]ter fa- ' ghl, Milte it) thi., lipg. "I will gait tile I III.; fabulous Nyoaltll.,, ladles that fashions have bezeu teudijig girlia, 33Y " der or tho.-Ogrilpfay, WhIob, *111+Lt it) that: .+++— ther I, 11aveli. pride to) My re,40tte. tile ])lull : "And Wien I Elul 11 to tile chango for several seasous, The jhem to Natural Health. w1lan Piyk?i ilt, in CaPtalln. S-04tt'j, lepto . ­­­ espundod, ound lily d4u#hWr rulglit J � tIlgit, El'(QlEtilli� � its 4;X,r1OasIY nough ogn at 01" ga,lkvzor who doii;PrtPd lite go cruelly shall 1101; tIJ India Haven, hobble anil the slit oldrit and other w , -sell-, "I marvelous exhibits are cited ril ap- to I tal�e it Into her head to fall bead over hoal will EL Maily El Nald hav; Well eallvd awk- lValao , Iva , Go Out nto tilt 114. t - USUAL WAY. tove littly It 114ti crushed me, ;vreoks�d iny -1go to clit War ,10 Are anloli#, the relics of $ho� . � ril t . beelir lit love with him ;after tile relics -Neville, , lav tho proacii.eis to the goal. . (11 "E" b"'ll Pullis'lle'd ILE 4011001 for Ant4railtio traf,-Idy whioll, wore br t! t , ; (WatibitigLon fleraid.) i if wbole lite. Tell .Nit,, Pm�ning thixt I sviii taitire fortl4lic, at 1114 fi�et, ro. )lilt keeping still� or for t1voging, thill""g, Ila 4 by 1ho Marra �.Novjk,, and all � " ia,"! to blame tills thouglitle,is nimilikIr of young 911-14 marry libit oil-- (Ili Thmikisgiving, eye. notincing it far his Q14iiisill Chriatilla Qf Sweden wore , 0 nQw attr4titIng t ousaAds of p# .- "Who arik WE go Silo h,ts uwt 11,�lt, 6o, lily. Your 11101 isake liee,41186 of lily male attire, and Dr. Mary Walker has : wholl tks ('11114 Is not I'm ly at fault arc 4 oplor Wrevk 1.1114"' to, tdr�l Toll papa decision, India.71 Itivo for billi. lie' wl , ) to the r1arl's Clourt exialbition, where " lit 11 "" too touched by long been. proud of her trousers. The they art being 4110)VII, -1--t. III,- - t oil, *-that ywa :F olit t I, nionit-jit thow wor44 were tile wonderful proof of illy .is tho troublot is really ilit. �'168 dallee It Is *I PAthetlC And Moat Impressive col: ln,v :.-Anyhody, IWIC�d" . tbar litfol Well r It I . generous love history yo. est- , . spend a rr-� t ,le ; I ol.tillw lit tile sick- uttered, Barbara Zaven's il,tture s"med that � that _01 . of clothes to alwa Inter lit iti Ntrli(r ?%tiAgres, 8or c-aniitioil 14 thlo) on� 14lail", I . roota" Ing, and trousers afford all excellent liervolss dise"ou in 01111,111crilit t4lat In. ,action, 4n4 not tile 14,lamt Intareatitair fee, ".1111. im, it 01-L li;w. of conrio." , . to cliallge litterly. Silo lie IE'llger beg. "That lie Will Inarry'vollin giat in DOW. example of evolution from ilia ornate kallne seboold one'.Wth of tilt .tile Iyupils Itn"a Is $In iixact InQ ol in Scotto Ile .* 4 * —, , ��- , * "Otil'olit I 1!,.t "it 01, I call to a4ld to I )le all-A'ZId to Stay awAy from ning. . --"--. �� ., , ged to . 100, or oave'.4ug in. of the , IN' very life to I it the 4now 'by the . . : - ;* hiti comfort. wia,o I Owe It to ilia practical. The Pantaloons intro- have been fOlIIIJ glittering from it Ili ;191-thern. partk Of A OXPQ41tion, w1ho HER SPSCIALT�. '-- � � her'Ai bravery. I .. Mr or that.' shi! Attend. "Ilreelsely," deebtred India, "WItAt duced were forced to winter in Terra, -Xova Day him? But 611, his, , this social aff, by ilia Venetians were hose title fOrill or alitither, Bef.o,re thi.. pro. �, oil all tile snicirt iffiflr3, and wai thu do you thilik of nil, sellema9pt (1110lail0pbla llevord) . should lit th:-i 111.111011t Ilaye been ]*III,' . , combining breeches and atoo'kiliga, solice of tho di4ease I,j botrayod thero osving to the-uhip being uglila to plill� 0 them up. For ,mavelt Man a Tonuo-Voi), what Is it r0v0r�al Of lit my Ivrave, the viethil of that horil-ble gliveit of tile gily. "I havi) never heard or come across ill one garment, III, the regency Of is uslualiv a (lit., turballett of ilia goneral lived in the cave of allow arathe Party I d lea. on roulli? atilida it wits little ;Vonder that Slit, sooll Its equal. No. woman, save Que Witt, George W. the breeches fitted ill& bcIlltil, ' Tliv child Shows liati utluna sutflolent for only olle anorith. n.p--You'd. Iwtwr ask ,,"our 10)tlaw; She P. I age." carned for horsplf tl,e sobriquet of "'to'- 1`�'-cl'vll blood Ill her yOrs, QOIIld plan It body'froni. the waist down below tlte� and 11111-tt0litiOn. Then It betionics rusla *4 -undor � ,-You art. right. my ly Litfle li-0) Haven, ilia Belle nj 11.�.,i, tind carry it throug t- Ueutanant Campbell, ound U404 blubber lat ws movi, about fastilong than I tit). I dear," replied her "Aille' 01le"it WAS six mail, altoirethat h- I 114VO long sin0o calveo of the logs and there were fas- lewl, and twitchill'A' of the. Illuselos And for eyerythkig-J!"d, lilght 'Awald iffuel. r I - r father build1r, kielzill'r tile 01.1 foildly In tc.11" been an .idiairer of - When found, their fee cave was as bla I ' j(,rking of tlk,� 0, I Ow. 04 ' )its ur;i�6 aud'pressln'g' lier to ht,s heart, I your Intensely clever ; tened with buttons or ribbons, and litilliq -.11111 body 1, THE COURAGEOUS HALF. � . Ehie in his thro"It. The society papers chronicled the Lilt. , but this ialit bold titroke of later by straps ruivning under the A reiked.� that cures st, Viitlil diallee Its a float mine with carblion and so were (Uosfilll Tralisc-1.1110 Willie a great Sol) at: - liouncenienCof her ItouLing ariairrihge, mle ,ill v ff . tile men, "we Inust lit -ver forgot that we OWe Iiial, you', 11� .erg me. booti,. The serious men Who met In and curv%t it �o thoroughly that no AOuonq other relics migat be. raentionm llk­I'�il halt 'I IIIIIILI to) hl��S YOU. . 'tu and commented upon it as an eminently "I w,�14'1_11yoll well, India, and if 1 call this town in 1770 and proclaimed the traco of the, Ill, , je whieh we ean ii0ver ill Wage remain., is Dr. NN,il. ad the theodolltA .,�Iie -i..4 jlit� ,)ti,t-r ji:ar out or t-uniml.;- a debt of gl,�It, al lixed the pool, suitable arram, ment, . it y tion Of thik South Pole, ,the camera With hit.11�7. repay, But' file all that, lily 101411d," Ile I 011 ill tile accomplishment of your Declaration of Ind.eperidetice showed lianis' Pink 1`111m, which make ilia il,E:w otog I rapha of the Pole wore taken ­­ ­+,��& __ � Barbara roatt the article with ll(,t, ose , which ph ndd�,d ioilxlovi:�-, "ai Ila Zild mail Who In Allv way 310it need have no great care and considerable variety tit' Howl lipeos,sxiry 0 fopci tit() Starving selding thermometer and composs, a Ile - Tilt INSW WOMAN. ; -# I this burnill,re evc,s and Poinpressud lips, l"111riltanvy ill C'.�1141lg upon ilia, Any wo- their lirpeches, and were they to nerves and gives then, tl,,A 1101,11 11 Phil' bag, a lamp made frohi an mpty . know, tiv� w; I'd. let 'Ile 91YO yO', crashing tile paller tiollitly Ill her bandR. mail who vall Carry out such EL gigantic parade Chestnut street to -day they t.ljoy (.Jt�nlfir,ol, 2 ment tin to burn inixtu 0 (Juilf,w) bit o'f fttl%il�e, 14 %er let that little . � 11.1t, a tyl)eWl'iter ra of Talifilina and - 11 110 - Din I I I,.,,. Xiiiekor--Are .voit ,going to tal"' It heart of v,;w, ,,, ) oat it) any In 11, q r, several pltiii m1lats. Oil tl it, 'Jay .following tile annotmce� plot, of divorell1w the nian -whom slia would attract as big a crowd as 6 cir, Mrs. 11irain Barnhart. S_,eotia .June- 'SMS Of Cautalik Scott, Lieutenant W rs, C.I.tirmt, in it but4l1w4s vollego? luelit in tIIe,;ccILty.jjurn0, Ilzb receiv. has happenod tu,-full desperately lit love cus procession I * J El ed 'Joll, Out-, St`ateii: "A111011i, two �1'5: I I -.$ and ])I,. Wilson Ana An Instrument bo .% I - s. I-Owl-vo.4; I %%unt to finil, Out matter what -ity:.-O )'I' May IlAv ren' it letter from an old schoolmato: with from Ills bride of all hour, and titan. But the 'old* three -cornered hat, wh1oh Captain §cott -and his pol, . ity usal re Of tile po li,)w to' t-�vf. Illor(A Illoney out of J .1 1, It. I dered you. until vau are kill , _ I I deprive lilin of his fortune as a means And the breeches and all that, ,ago iiiy oldest Eikkil'ofitar, Me'liel, 'titan oil the return Journey from tile Pole, r ­ 'I _-, Jr . _� sition �,Ellu hold in ilia. affections. That is "Dear Bab," it ran. "it what I see lit t,,r,,,,l ,,,,,, ultlon ately for herself by a Are so queer. tell, vOM-A of age, W -as Stricken With The tent Is arhaps tile ni I oat jitrikinx � 1% rulelto �.IIILL,t t,)z voun.0 gills W-ould do Nt. Vitue daneo. Mlo cou of the relics. NEGLECT. Id not keop ly to all &Ppeolt Its a tin 0 Lrance, fly,struiliturs bard- � * ill(, paper to -day li quite true, you. have clever allow 6f generosity, Inspires all A garment for mail ext9nding on t shelter against ". -out, hilsbanil .,.. he maid, stoolling a!ld 1; below .11 f 11 -flingtoll I Well to RINViVs h0ed it, I must be go)- still for )1. 111'1111to�, 11d"u'Ll"tter IIOW` tile Arlarctic bligzard, (Wak qtar) eitlier brokini �r forgotten your coni- tit(.- onthuslasmof -at), nature. I Ain IIEEn(I each *leg separately to or-l"s hard silo trixsd. . Ro N Is begInning to Ili,- N!. ITIN, (teal. pact with nlv� wIliell was made lit out, and. glove With you lit tills scheme, for the knee Is the accepted de u Har limbs waill(l jeq< r . I - f . . *1 ,14.(:t v4al?" ie lovelv fil"e, "or I shall nuss finiti011 Of Emil twitell, and ev�n,v litile thina Would ' ' Ins., Ivith I.,,; old olium.my tl:ivs at boardinz school, I .51,411 never feel absolutely sure of .Bah breeches. In most cases this garment start )till, crying. .1 Arave her"i,.vveral Where. the Pinti 00 To "Yes - rel)llotl voluig Mrs. Tork kiesh 11 ruillo train." " , � 11 ic chains are forged and lockear it Nigh. --I Low arr-litl Churloy Is getting My t 11 '11g. he lw'itled down tile Stella, .Yeed I 'renihid vnu that it was to until tl' is not handsome; it is hard to keep 1)OW(S Of 111�dlollle 4".1if(i to 1.40 iforod foil ' 1"Or many years tile world ha been 11) he very svIrlsh. Ile la eo doeills, III- ��,�, I the effect t1lat neither out, Of its should about liar, which bind lier to lite tbroligh in shape and it bags horribly, Man ill(., ; itrested in tilt, ba-vilall Pennant tlint lie and lur led t1k)wn tilt., bruad� oexpelitill I nel-v('13, but ill4t0i'd Of Ikelping hor baffled by the problem cy where the plus d"t-Fil't stwill to L-Ill't, Whether I win ever fall Ili )ovo, or marry anybody. flie. of- illitil (Ilarencol -Nevillil is safi,kI has conquered tile sea and the earth, allo I, r - y � vl'r;)J ate-allilY 01-01vinli, warae.0 liar go that are turned out in millions of ,-I, prizi, fit it ca d party of not," wall'. without (1un,;ultJog the otluir, or per- -wedded, tiod securely to Monte other wo- harnessed the lightning, counted the millions I - ; The young go", stooll motionless, look. . I stars and bitched the forces of nature vaipe NvOuld ull�ill;a -so that Nve could by tile pill factories. . . . lit), jiglitly clasped ItIT' I $110111d a.", 0011fid!lig In tile ()tit- - ')]an. It m1g1kt iti well be you as some hardly undarstmid )ter, -an(I her fare But tile problem seems to have been WHY HE int, afler hial. N% er. Otto else, India." ASKS. 0 . to his mills and his wagoas, but In 1,414mnla I hands. 11,1110 enillie 111) and pav ilia that vis3t She Oioweft her white, even teeth In it the matter of breeches Ills only pro- iWitelled IIII-01 ,,,Ito did not il-rok solved at d3t, A Paris soilentist, Dr. (I'liflootdolplila, Itee(yrd) Bailiarx 11.1vi'll'" lltnlk� 111WAys headed -like tile sf lilt, ehil(l. I h.l,d limpil I)r Nayler, has been experimenting on ping, " ankl tileip. Rupert ,You have been promising lite so longy. If dazzling Smile. r gress is in two hip pockets, which lie ' hairpins and needles by the simple pro- I'lilliftor-ArI.Ill't ,you asilanicil to nsic for t.II.c litit (if ; It-Ats, , Williani-i' Pink Pilig niv,ye[t, When 1.1111 141t LION'? . . I -oil will. I Will vive it (MialItful party "I know %,(III Nvotild be delighted with seldom uses. With all lite inventive 4 DOW-11juglil 11;1.111L, Wail also to lye found. I . (,own, and filially fleoldt,li. to Aro her 0 cia 0 f watching 9, few, I %Veary lVilliv-4 got six months f(;I. tilk- in ,vnilr hollor, eliliminy dear, I inust, Mi-ther- genius he cannot find a crease that ilin it without usiting, )-,it verit-ible but. lily schome," site declared, "and, I , th mo. When Ellie hail taken iwo box- Ile stateg that they practically 'disap. I-Slie bas l"u'llt.1 ;lit( ,,onfeii% T baye a littlik secret to confide niore, I may have to count upon will stay put, and with all his growing I -''I ra.".111"n", Ile IIIIA11111111VII, and your ea T eould ni>tioe tin illiprovoulent-,, all(I - pear Into thin all-, by ollattaging, into far- : terfly of to voll, 13:11). t-s*lstance in the matter should I need billions, he .cannot buy or Invent a I I by ilia iin)o 6ba ],a I ump,il five bOX0, ) THE GENq,lNE ARTICLE. It,- notiee'l, iwj, svitil a bitterile."Is ad "tours evor, with lots and lotH of It." substitute that will be all Improve- m rouri oxide, a I rowntsh ruat that soon ON'pshingto.nStar) , -�, ,,, .,ruel to vlldd'lp�. -,�,j dE,,,iLtII.Itp;elf, that oil 1,110 was folly vured. ITolvo-ver, I W'EIR ')low$ away Ill .dust, . Itiant. . "I'lgAins Is a 1rue P0.4 � 811111st." .Ellore titan ulo,l 0evadloill tile doCiety love. i I "You bave wily to call upon me," lie It Is Inconceivable that women will (lPte"Y"ITINI to 11-ko the. oure ptn-mAnent All ordinary liall-pia took only 154 "%V1111t tie yuu Illeall hy to, to:w, Doss,- "L'Ilian Harvey," declared. if pot-sihle, vi)d T ,gave her two lw\vq days to blow awak. A steel nib lasted . I .1 ilapers referred to liar ael WilIg Oue Of .. want to subject themselves to the IIINt-.­ . I . . - future. . - .-.--- - And thus tile two Schemers parted, -who I , "A wan who wben tlio thcrmnmo�tor is the ilA(1(-" of Lite IIJAI . tyranny; it will not allow them op- niorp, and I van truth f till), aqv, tll!lt eho ju�l; miller 15 months. A common pin -ts ,0:,c Nvorryll rt-atillur 'All�thlllg ilkL, that. Lhe CHAPTER XLTL had SLY ruthlessly carried out their do- has never )tail a, Elvin at 10 .11 tho shado trish After __ portunitles for new styles and It will . litoin of fliv trollille took 18 niontlis to vanish. A polished 11 9 . . I - , w heart In 116 1)(i4jin Would , , 0 grow a 5 Bitli rp.ad itild re -read TJIII�n Harvoy'.4 Eii,,,n of r-arting two lovizig hearts asun- � 11 lit 1111Ixt wintor-al ei)a 1 11111.11 any thm '. 11 . rob them of the Indefinable charm '�'Ilwv, and i -A Ih,'W it,, lirlplit and a.; ae. steel, needle defied tile raviLgea of tile at. . .- � heavy U113 So cold ttiat it Eteemed to) letter Inn -a. and Eta she folded It that goes with their own distinctive t,ivo` Its ,,Illy Oki d (if her age. :1 lit -artily mosphere the longeat, taking 2 1-2 yeArg MrISPLA090 KINDNESS. IIIIII, Ile eould ,wt bear the t,train. (if it, �t Lost and p,it it aw-ay. great longing li)(11a bad taker great pains to keep dress, Of course, almost anything r""Ololuend 7)". Wilian,zi) Pink 111111.,, CO to disappear. Wievolzind Plain 1)ealer) . I er to see 1,1111in, &lid il�irtkv from lkitrWra tile. iiews of ber betrothal till Illotbel-A as tilt- ].(.Suit ,lf What t1ley So the i-etxaoii why tbe-world is not a 1-fe could iwt hiLerfore, bilt Ito told. eftmE, ON -Or It . would be better than soma of the "IS"'t 11t,91w tile kind-hearted ('11ap : hilli.&W Over all -I ov,�r -agala, that the it 'confidante of )lei, --tellint, Iler at'.. . To Oil- -olcl haliker, for slit- well knew . present fashions, but wh�r not reform ]lave done fill, 1111, E'LIN aild illy-c4elf." * 'foot deep lit the 1;ins it bays is, it Who I-ilt tile luxiii-lotts patent liennel for' ' how shocked Bab Would be at tile bare th ey . .k.1,4 or by AE-ents, exactly the same which makes �!tnis, dogs?* aity that Saw 1.1.11, ow bride of Rupert ,rheyliall been ,inch cloi;6friends Inthe em? Or. 1&hy not bear the Ills th Sn"d by till n:p1liville Lie., . I � hey kitow,not . " res." . ,I)OwIlloce t�,11()II!,l, ri-ei;rd !,!III as ,it 6ulo:lde. old. boarding-soltoo) day.;, that surl-ly thollaht of suell a illarriti-ge. It would have than fly to others t 'Inail lit fifty ("Pot" n li(,\* r'l, "j;",: 1)()\.�q till iron surfa-ce scale off When exposed , "flow olid It work?" - Irk- woultFildi'li'v., all hour 0tir that, lier Onnin (if the happylinst )vOtIld plf,� Ile moiqt revoltim� to -it young girl who of? Man was In hard luck when fate for $2,50 front th(AD". Willitillis' lledl- for it long time to tile atinospharowith- F " . iiever thought of ninrrigap alive as all clue C ,, Broelovillo. nilt. ' ' " Aftc!" 110 hold been biLten seved4lilles - , iate,�,l�%:,,-;.�'!Ilt��'.ii,,,Iltt de!tth would Stare her from the depths �f her tweart, and it put him lit trousers, but lie deserved 10 � out .tile protection of paint. -Stray W11110 trVing to coax the dogs to entor 16" 11 liteOlne, of love, .Ind till the sophistry It tile 111111111110 NO"100' 10('10(l 111RI ILI) �COV - MITI Ill tilt! L%"e- he would ,ro mild. advise her. . I his punishment. So it would s.eelll to. .� - 11� .. Stories. enjolty to' aninials." ar re- er, it i6s She had sorit word bT India that site Ili ilia world would never be able to in- be beter for the ladles to punish him Comrader� in Ignorance ___ 41. i 4 . As for );.ib-lit-rmelf, tie ad would roarry . Rupert . Downing, &)I,) duee even Innocent little Bab, Nvill) further by leaving him to his doom.- , - � k1nio,at by .111�till force tlll�t hlditt 011e' kne believe m 't tell thot'--lipitiler . Caterhall, NfId.. STUNGI lit dral,"t;ll" Iler to tIIJSe ft"ItIV6 tbore would lr.� Ito way of evading tile w so lit'tit, of the world, to Philadelphia Ledger, ' could "Saillbo. One .Minard's Lin -teded 0 . - that Indla i,ould really love tile wrin- (lay Jasper Nvag Illadu z _ * Iment, Co., Limited. (ludge) .. icelles. earrying Out Of that promise, unless ),if- 0 � 0 ea present of at fille silver wuteh, allot Dear Sirs -While In tile country UE'S. SOIUS-Tho doctor safol that I mo ,eIf lace Halt could think of sonio method of es- kled old bankor, kind unit courteous - tolke Plenti, or exerelve. Re allvis A t ,,I fe,el incre li,ge flinging jnyc I flmog:i he Was. For Women's Ailments there Wits It Peal; tiIIIIII[Jill" Withill his last summer I was badly bitten, by (to 4. lot of Ai-alking, I'll nle to aowtiward ,,,I t -he fl,wr, robid lit stwk- cape for bell. 0 breast He rigged tile wat"71, unti. eliain mosquitoes, so badly That I thought I , . India had heayd through ilia father of Dr Wtartel's Female Pills have been ' ' Mr. S011118-4ensible advIOM I hope cloth find lk�llos. und Crying lily lieNri She felt sorry for Rupert Downing, I') oil Ills ver't and sl;ftrt�ll for the valnp- would be disfigured for a couple of ' tier 1.41) Cliarence's return to Boston, and the , - Voll Will rollow it. � ,out there," ,�Ile would sob, pittioasly; believing what India bad told the Standard for 20 years and for 11 Ling. oil t1w road Ill, IIIE'L Salill)o weeks. I was advised to try your LIIii- 'Nf r," that ,,tormy Interview whiell. 'tied taken Plaeo - - I I " ce - - &N -Ills -yes. Dnt I need a noni, itupressively. over an 40 years prescribed and recom- whose, eye -s eatight tllc� "lint of meut to allay the Irritation, and did ivallcing 6ess. adding, "I am a )iving, lie to t1le world It over again I - action � Mid nuill th"It "WIt Ili file study. %nil the rt-8Wt � tit(., liew r -, - .-not wlidt I iseeiii. 1, aid a. da4erted lie loved lier to dish w of it , which had drive;), the son out in- mended by Physicians. Accept no ('114111, Iso. The effcct was more.than I dx- PERSUASION. . oz * bride, caist off Ili the Yery hour lit whielt sure)y the if lie failed to Win her, "What Voll till got dere oil &� uII&iII,.r, pected, a few applications completely k. to tit'! world, lionlelosi And Penrilles', other. At all druildists. . (WasIting toll Star.) ? I was le,d to' the altar, by the husband If she had but luiard tile conversation Ito atsked with it doubting Lilt. N whoill I had wc,JdA be ajl�ae I loved hint ildilelt took plave beWeen India, and liar froln lit,% father's roof. - ­ curing the Irritation, and preventing ,c . . "A watub ain wbut Ali ,na," all.swer, Lite bites from becoming sore. MIN- I" Elie hall lost trark of Clarenve Nev- � Id Na," said the flinid 311'In. "L--d4nT'- to 1� betrothed. she wvuld hftYe felt justTfit'd . ' LININIRNT is also a good ar. want atir th-im., niachinit; to-dqv., �. I'm . . . t ille front iliat hour, but slip well knew Instinct vs. Intelligence. Jas�)er pi,outily, . ARD'S . "Have rionie s,ilrit about you, Bab!" Ill recondolering her d(clsion halt mild '111"ll S11111110 tlki)tlgllt liv'il, ti.il) jas tlole'toi keep off the mosquitoes. - ." fra ILI or th4u.;, ,ried Ind'ut, .*,I) . ) ,lot lot it itratt's fickle there. .1 � that slip.woaltl ho able to trace blin For many years it has. bell the em- "What. thile. aill it", . I,E�r. . .1 . , Yours truly, ­il,'hy wr" sald the porsuasivp sates- - W -lien, file thue otitim fur liar to Search . he Slowly asked, - "' , fl, " eek.your twart. Uo eveKywhLre, India had reeeived,ltupert Do'willilk toill to . ,, " '' love wr think of instinct and inwIlI. looking ,lasper I,, tile a ,e, W. A. ,V, R. inan. ., yiug niachille inight slive your litful evening, begging IIIIILI' Iliol olit. - . . � I , , , -s, oil that eve 11"Ldll.�t ell'uh utller� �iaiii;er-pli . I � 'Llwaya have E, m4,a oil your face, b�� set Uver ]if#,.,? I . Slke,kijow that ,whi-ever lie nij-1it Ile, gence lks . � Wked. the N�atvh frqin tile re. _____ I �the gaye6t of I!), gray. Remember, your to excu,se Bab from putting lit ,,tit at)- � The former repretients tile Inherited v-ses (if Ills vVet Pocket and liekl IWARRIAGE FIGURES. ' I'llow !'I - . . . " . DOwning Ili) not pearance in tile drawing -room, heca,use sheneed nol.fear Ills fallingin lovewith it out father and Mr, IttLIMArt reactions of tile aninial; ilia ,Iattr - gillgelly under Sarnbol.j illise, Saying, I "You might I*. out flying Ili one wiltin -_� or wtilding any other girl, for Ilia heart . e.10 know what hit.4 Ot.-curred! 'You must of a severe headache. . I fillu tin &.1vtTiquake. take� plac , vl�,li; still with 1110). 011ifies tlIVsc ak!tS Nflilell tile ftjlilll�tl "Ant it.."' Rtecent Statistics Provide Surpris- It ia Poniputed Kat oIle 131111k in I (),. -E: r -y er let fliviii kuo,w, now that you are I)owning,s, Lian, cynical lips curled learliti In tile voulve of its jildivIdual "It am!" sanit! baek Saillbo, witil It iegally fre*d from -your false liu6band." Nivinselves into ;t decided sneer, its lie -nip tinie will come when he shall . . 000 Ili warfare is effective. , 11 ourse ]lei- very memory, and turn to me lite and its power to) learn in tills klloN�iljg air,'�- -Exelittilge. ing Features. , . 1-1 I ..TG ,weiglit of the secret 19 ld"Ing received the message. for love and nou4olati�u,` she inutLered. f "ll' oil, I . . .1 Walter F. Wileux, of Cornell Univer- . . ate," rsobbed Bab. "I feel like it witIoNved "As the qikeqn wills," he dr,twlbd, . I Instinctive ai!ts art! -perfecl, tile very Minard's Llnlznje�t Cures Burns, Ltc. 6ity, bas been inaking moniL invet;thm- UNTII� , . areatnre, only iliat I have no grave eareleeosly. -1. can spend the evening 1.1 Can little ni). thile." first thile", While hiteiligent acts are ____+��__ I tiuiis for the New York State . . Silo, had arr6gad with Banker Neville a Depart- . 0,11090 of a departed bu-sband to weep over. playing poker at the club with far more "" ' "o'- slowly at-quired. lit at) far aa Ion a 7 I Ilit-lit of Ifeitith relative to tile Illort'dity I to pay as 110 goics " , liar anower, India, do I win Or lose the leing I ; sin., nial is aependent oil it, lastitict, it is . r . . . 41 unmarried litell. s .,, ,-,,r,i plan -ror one E eanwit forg t Clarence India, do what Ileagure," adding, eagerly. "Well, v,,hat's , """I "Do %,oil think it ii , foi- a apectly bat a secrel; inarria, Ill- rlie'Didn't Know rutco (if luarried .111 ' , Ye.q. unt, l It, goes for good." I May." low i�firllt lie was becomi g g, It. the victim of its anecostry and of itz I 1. . . Mr. Wiloo.., reports that luen who Illarry . I - . Tile face ud tilt- Frum.-Ii gIrl darkened, little beireas!" � . that hour Ili which, lit her buldin , ' , � ,; - I � ^ live longer titan those who reillain, single . "She will ma.rry you on Thankagiving had conaented to disinherit tile son he immediate enviromment. fit tio fur its T 0 ithe turned ha�tilv awa that Bill) Illight , ,tilt its (,�u- , -v�,elll;.3 tIli3 tabulatiml uf hid diti- y 0 . it is intelligent, it can ti& allid. Ili Tl�EIR ROLES. � . Of eve," replied India Haven had loved sorwell. n , (-__�_, ) not behold, the �iudictive expression * .,--- vironnient, to itself, (-all rise above itb - - %�-� 'Z . coveritts of tilt, dt,atll rates of men, (13kif-REIQ,Hxpres,;) . hatred whijah Silo knev intiat be upoll. 1L "Good "I lie exclaimed. "The wedding . I iliffied by 'e "You must give tile credit for makitig CIIAPTUR IVAII. , immoilate surroandingi and act lit the i / , � I elas . 'I'- ' and Illal'ital COXI'litiOlL last." 11pelared tile ,wire. . . 1. S, Bab," site sitid, cannot ta,ke place too stion, for illy . light of a distant end to be accent- . 11 - . it) I)rovo Ilia eollLentioll. nion I -How stratica! it I, i / "But don"t forgot that I mnlce it first," . 31,0wly, ellipliasi/Ing enelt Word, "that Tan,as are running ruinously low, ,*IV dragged their Iong : plotted. . I a Wild the hus-band. . you5 hetaxt' dot�) not warin taward the marriage to Karl Havenla daughter wIll lengths by, Clarence Neville did hird ; Istiliat I. blind as it) the outcome oi 11 I .1 - , . . ___/ 6 - A CYNIC'S' VIEW. man who duai luve you, and rlskeJ lilt; stave off my creditors for the fteaent," battle i -AN hN sorrow; Ills only solace -its acttoll;' h,telli,ti-ee foresees alitl I � I .THE . pwil life as a ilroof of it to save yours. Ile waA about to take Ilia leave when sv,js , to deh'o dw4l)ly into tile : ttlodaie,j in bilwNior in tilt! liglit of its . * I � . (Du f fn lo Expros,4) , I ... E confess I cann"t underetatitl it.". suddenly the pattood. oil the 011'4341110141 hardest work; tit' suca tinies, foresight, The supreme example of In- I � . .. , . Toeessity Is the Illother of Invention," Iltmarkeol ille 1AIllosoplier. "Pat ' "Love goes where-Hi!aven intended it tq, India," sobbed Bab, burying, her face exclaiming, . "What is this report I -hear, that you, 0 lily. was there a liall In the PaiLit at f, lit! . $ttle't Ifas been the wasly goiiig through I I . some Ilem appear unnecessa". 11 ol) .,: �4. - A tltp ey-nic. , � J(-ct( . . Ili -her hands. ' I -ilia, are to marry old Ball ter N n & I eviile, 011a heart. He hardened himsel hardened Ills heart, lie Said to hiolusOlf : -me uf m -tion to pru- all elaborate coui its yeL titillate tell off. Ade food for I I I - It FUSSY. � India eame up to her cousin, and pla,ced liar ivroia about liar, murmuring, lily rival's fatherV I knw you to be capable of meet anything, but I can that Itte,re Was neither meroy nor kind- ness, wr dove, in bile ivorIA-he goal' spring, seeking out it particular tipecielt 'of \�_ I . (Cle-YeAnd Plain. Dealer) "y-, 'Ile plitintively: "Your dear, luvrolly credit that." The French grl laughed a low, vin- found himself distruAing womankind caterpillar, stinging every segment just enough to stult. tile aninial but not 1. I I " . 4. ,J .� 1k loaq �tlilo fussiest Instincts of tiriv niali I- know.1.1 I wor,16, make tlie task which I ]lave before me this mi) rning dictive I*ug1h. . becauee the 011'a Ile had loved so Nye" had false to him. . kill it -1 and then depositing the worm its � I .. ,� I I �, "411. "Indeed.,,. , "ye.q. Why. they sar at Ills holve table blip harder to noeompl ish." ,, � If any out our friends ask you wbout pro-ven So hour by hour, day by day, he at ilia bottom of egg, covering up a tile ,,It and then leaving. never to aeo , ' lie filsrsks,d�,Mro llaving )its nw)l nApIdn", Bab looked.up into the beautiful, it .you may vexify the statement," whe ha,rolaaed ]its nature, and only Heaven the larvae nor to live toy do tile same rINWIP9 - DELAYING THE LAW, kreacberoui�faea bending over her woll- deringly. :1, - said, He looked steadily into the dazzlingly knew what he suffered. When lie heard the wedding balls 'marriage, ao,t Another seaGon. The supremely Ili- . t,iligent 'allimal is mall, poasessang the . � � �- . I (Judge) I "Say what you 'will to ine, India," ,%lie '-Vkno�v beautiful lace; the cold black, glittering Q.VPS Met Ilia ,li1r. ringing for a a laugh more earth by the genius of Ilia Intellect— _. ­ -, "I'Tow lit tho vorld will ,you Mir uli m,r, evidellee to J!ef Ino it new trfair, . 4aid. ),oil are my true frie nd and eounseltor, -.And you will tell nle g&Ze Stea, I - "I am. in nowise compe led to give ilai horrible to hear than the. wildest out- Imrst of solis Would br�ak from his Ilps, Atlautte Monthly. . - .Tudge-Were you ever up before tills court? "Don't Worry, aboot tllnt;" replied tbe lzlv,,�'Pr.. ",Nil you havelo do isjo dlg what I ought to Zo. 1-4 think I call account of illy actions to you," she re- "Stidl, and down deep lit his heart ,he would � _. T I Minardtil Liniment Cures Dandruff4 . Tired ThOWPs--Can't say hon. lit) Illort" Dit'lley.11 . guess What You wish to Atill me, it is � "Downimy", spanded. just to gmtify your say: - - - 4 M * . yer or. What time do you ga UD? � I : J I I n:: -kr. about Ill . t. it i curiosity, I don't mind telling you �llat r i "Very soon it Will be the o1a st4ry SILLY U. S. FEARS. . 4 : I, . . SPEED . ta Xel; ' as6olited India; 'I ]lave under- ken, under 'protiiet, it v;�ry -unwillill fy lave a v6ry,deep iss.-heme at ins b. K Of 11,31 actions.' of trust and love, folly and treadhary., and yet, a e-inay (Detroit Pree Press) (Washington'Star) "ITow fw�-t etin your nutoniabilt, r'to?" tornmission, which is that I gain lr�7noi "I could Well undeTstawl fliat," he re- not tire of him as quickly as my bride it is no 1ps than sillY to suppose thal Great Britafn lias any design% upon Amer. 11 .1m:t fai�,t ellollf"ll 14) Jinve Inii jti-re;'t't'�,T your lips the date oil which Your wed. marked, grimly; adding: "I am at a tired of me," loan territory of that it liltalytiullally and il(,t flist o-tiough to P;et anywhere in ding to Mr. Downing shall t�ke place. Icas -to realize, hoiyev,w, how )toll could , At about this tialt the old judge took would do anything that Would Ajve of - it Iturvy", - — . - Therel The w6rda are out new, which be go madly Ili love with ()Iaromoe Nev. it into ibis head that lie should like to fenate to the United States. In, rL hull, . , - ANEW ON E, have been such it Ilea.vy load oil till, , tile, and no�w, when he is free for you write it great historical work, that tile dred ways, t1irougli friendly overtures through. conce.esialls, tbl'01101 loilitsuffer- heArt. Mr. Downing would not take to will, to turn about ,and marry tile worid should remember lifin.long after Ing and forbearanve wl-th tills coalitry's (Iturralo Exproaq) tie for nil answer." old gent; fliat really staggers ilia." lie had passed away. I-ildeness, It Ills shown that'it desires only "Do Y-'Itl. Owe ,vour ilownf,al-I to Irymnon Mint askod tho 1)1.1,4011 v3sitor. ,.'rivei- 11 'You, above all others, call find out h0w long lily little The French girl's dark, baleful, eein. I tillating ej,es took Ile found Ida yuung secretary a. val- to h-hii ill oitt lite to extend its friendly telaticitia with this nation a,M to exchange confidence No "I livard 6f tile bralifl," replied queenaint,ends to oil a strange expres- itable alid earr3ring confidence, as befits two lands, neall to the volivif. f. keep lite ivaithif for my bride,, lie said. slon, which amil more of the fiend Ili it 'plan, searching through the musty kin, it Britain sends a maiall fleet &lid �; - �. 1-I ask you to befriand ilia by beggi ng titan Jiuman, tomes of his grand old library for tale . a, real- Admiral to Berniuda, lit order to re-6stablisph a station so that it roixy.pro A CONCESSION, of her to get I( ne.Ar date, My happiness "I will tell you the truth repriling ,. d, dates &lid Items which lie would , in - teat ineret,iantmen, that hereafter ilia; (NN'Lisbington star) reAsts in llth'fi little hands, lily hea;;t. to ilia matter," eidd India, "I betrothed nec,"6ary for this great masterpiece, , traverse 'the Paname. canal, tile ITtlitea "Afy IVIA, 1.4tist'll to reelte tile. liqual , Fp-4-1-hes lit I iie marriag( at lier feet. Hog liar to lie kind to tile, and end nly".5rusly-ulse 1) y naming tile day. myself to Banker Neville under the sola I condition that he would sign over to ilia which was to oeou. py such a pr6minent place lit We eantury's literary achieve- Stateb ought to be glad rather than sor- ry. The presen-ce of it few vessels of war for eetvmony�l ptla 'tile %vol-I'l(A-1-11cillsir taiiin, � "I'llat Promise to do t,'als for me., I Ilia entire fortune in the hour in which nieuts. .1 . move ,or less Ls Ito vause uneastriess bet,8veen good friend.4 and rel4tives, and Show,M originality.11 "Yes. But It hasn't preventpa lier frolin allowing tile lawyel. to "I COUld 'lot say him utty, Bab, *main. baring IJONV he had tinved your life. What 1 1 became hlis wife, The struggle he went I through betWeen Infatuation for ine &lid TO ace-onipliolt, Mtj alilotted tas�, Clar- ence Xeville wais o-bll�vd to remain at tila, more 'waxiihips Great nrltalli. has tit pormuds, the less respoisiblitty will be 'United StatoN for furnishing 1186 t'llfi ous- tn"MrY P111 -11-0109y in applying kor, all- n"..t. ... answer $hall I take,him. deat?" -k-__ . . ­ - I �I�t� to Ilia coil wAs wonderful to be- - � . I tile judge,s home, instead. of doing his, . ... - - �, ­ — 1-- .rnt­ _­­ laid on the police pfoteation tu merf-liant vessels salt. __ _.__�­ ­_­­ ­.... 1­41� ­_­­ .. . . ; - I . . PEP -LINO Of: OTHEAS.­­ , � . (Wit011neoft Star.) 111"'llell �T sing it a , hows that I am hAp. ti!o'." 5,ftId tho �Qreiie pgotl,;t, 1.yf-�,' Iillt %Vlvat;& _tJie,uPe,Of`,,I)rAVAlng ot a liartl, IITlsyll pat c le d ,kli, j..J Itin?" —.0-4.4-- , UST SOO (110f,toll TrallQerlilt') '�' "Silo throw me over", I - * "NVOI, .It Woman JVIIJ havQ Il(1V fling." . 4 � - 6. ___ PREOCCUPAY16N. k "' "I'law olld voil (.time to bave tyint ,autil- illolsilp aecfdf-lit?" ..I got itlisr-lit-nifildpol, trying to remoln. ll(,I, fill 1:110 traffic rogulat Ion,(. "-wasli- lon'tir'll ,S'tay.. .___4 4 0 JUStrPtell. (190)."4foll Tran.,uMpt) .111'e. T.NC-41mv eoul4l you Pei sa tiv *%it,. Is till:,* r abfmt Hint flin'!i1rd I,i(,txlt.p lie hal; ;Ii If 41 I XUldtina? V4,011 t1ld Ills 11k, ]$fill - 11140 ULI. Ivil-th 0144 Prlv(� of Admission 'llaw'. 1.:,v,t --- W01, (IT'Nit 144-att! 1:114% fralill, Is witlill Inal-0 Man .*A) velltq, I.Q211 It? _______**4-___ iNalorz JOB. (11altimmo Ainprli,nn) r ­Uil Ifts,. Lrifty ovo,r rut,n%-or illp il,,I. Ini.ad rinot tfint s;lii- thought wwii xtraiiri? '4110'. t-111,11141CA t1slit ill(, Isally hail 4wal- J."i, I d It, . I .1 Ital T t1lought flilin, tho flr!bt thst it , U.1-, an ineidt J"ll. - ,-- " - ---a ­ - ­_ _____ ___ , I __­L__1__J ---- ­ ­.­ - � blown leaf Ili it etorlit, 1 that my will should be hjA 1*1%'%,; that ment strited Clarenile: for the te*Aift Britain ", uld be dar0lict and Untrue to 111deell marry I ) its own pollefols if it neglected to for - "Oh, India, Inuist I tile wouiddisinherit We son for a 'I . that Ile would not, meet Any of Iiiii Old niah some ,such proteetion, for 14ritsill, hinl?" site moalle'l, I hle lite all of lilt entire wealth -ilvit in eortiroadea, nor any oat* who might know unlike this country, takes a great pride "You have given hint your word that I I%" 1101117 Alter we returned from the him, or PAuse hina to remember 4iia Past fit bullffiftg Up $Ind maintainhig Its nier- YOU Woulit (Ito at), lit fact, Ills Wits bile 1 altar", I whith. lie was, trying so, bard to lo-rget. thant ittitrIne., -1 z X I prior claim to Mr. Xevillels, for ),oil I "This is Astonishing!" murmured Rob- 410 took for )Ito motto tht "WatAoll were 111a; promised wife long before you . art Downing. "But do you not think lie of a verge wltloh lie oaame 04roitsy WA Three -Tier Skirt. . went to Long 13ranall, where you on * , 'ill h lite inind are the wedding which 'had app"led to him Atroiioy: , Xt is back, I sequen hif , It's uot fill], A Ills treacheraus friend, I takca piece, or, rather, after it hae been ,, who lul�1;1111 .81ou from him. You muot not performed ill only, go jorwa;pd, t1tough Moro your It mgEy be- of silk. forge t that, IlAb," t "No. With Banker *Xeville Ilia itay is ey" 16 inay be a tailored rig. 139th 01111119 to her Novith deatli-cold 111ty, and hio yon, is yea. His old 4160tor, T-1116 wrong, the doul�b, tho fear, thii, It bi smart In broderfe Anglalso. . hands. to W110111 lie wit,15 rAsh enough to conlide circutikataille, 0 � While an old, fashion, ilia look of it "' As a huge mountain, grim AM oit"p, , ll� novd. rell M,- 'Willat to do, Inditt," site wills. Ills purptl", did his atmost to talk -him may rise, �. 11 . . � I.. � � I.. .. . I . .. . iered. "What would you do it you were out of his worse than mad propeet, As . . I I I n, illy pla" 11 lie iernwA It. Falling fit it, as a last Sbading -half hoaven, from thiii plood- !�' I "ea, . "I Should cover ill) all triteeA ,of tile resort, lie had tile impudence to oall up -on not y tortuo" %*this &r6imd. to . - %ne, and beg ilia to tore Ing � fitlsewAtOP Which I took by Illarrying Mr, ) the inarriage. I Seek IvInd; I .. I I Dawning 'Without delay," Ails Wet ed 1 ,*Ito declared that tfla flailker WAS a ig rive not, io plem ito d6udis by trick 11 Indlit, pronlittly. ; very Infirm old nutu, ii,ild that 110 could t 11 "Marry him.;wale iny whole heart I&,' ftgroly OlIrVIV40 the eXeftprao or likill, I . . ianotherlsV I , ,lit of stall. 00 on in 1101*, o"tAng no 1001k bolAtta I . I lintriunrod IfAly, Almost tin. ! ping,up tu Ott altar; that hej.�)10141,d 210t I - . dor broat.h. And tit a dylng vote#. � Ile In tile leAist surprised it lie wors to At every 9tep--the next is *gAer I A 11 111ty's Voll So little ;Iolrit it . s to ]ova i drop dead at Illy feet thell And there. I still." .1 I 11 � "Ift Nvl;o Ill's 0,191: 'Voll Off 8v th a slit. : told Itim that illy reo(iliation Was, fixed, T�Viily Val&n lurvey bi,ioour*g*d ,),let . t1o, do%ii,tif,tioft Its, Clarenc(l, 'N'e'villa 1.ai � that nothing ,!oald lif.rattaflot 2110 - to "fAther reAvy in No Woo, of wrifite tit&' done? , doubt he married YOU upon cil:jige lily plam - notbing. 'VhfLt WAS great hotory, and of Ittving Wo 1,ow I I . I "I some M-0gor with !I'.,A . 11, _W ill vinh fello%i-i-­tlw tit answer Iiii took Away wital Illial.11 . searetAry mituAln al; home, dilligoptly - I I tI I IJPing ],lid befor0ifold to sevor his ' 1,13ut, Mr. Haven!" c�xclajyattd Dawlllug, stiaralting out the IaWful date* upon I I ond froll, Nil(' lit ihe yery hour it ,Aati ,� %irlonsly. ,,.I wol ter th, t h . . tA A a looks witit * a4aitit"t". , wiliA,alt 16 mllwb dopml for it , forged. K)r Fhattiv, 111aillatif Haven! !* lavor up'On "Iek It" ill-""rtilld union, The pratty LUIlklit. 0000ti evivi,miii, 'it . 11 �� ,I I Wher� it Volur pritio hot to resont it!-- file JoUV talfte tAng -hers,611 to sin ohl grei%t "rd to ba of swe o" to Vitto - , , , , elt your fAther titan, though hill, Got the wtgth ot ths young secretAry, ",A opont; mnA 41 U* , 16"Atift" I Indies." Uwe In the Na I i �.3 Vs' , *TCM are r4kf, Inalal" wbispolild the ,*You val b# *us ths,t W41 #Xg k0a# '� - — ­ . __ 6 I q, 6031vol- .. 11 .11, - - - , " . 0 Atimor of a Sculptor, . Although Ile was a Illan of great car. neatness and,soriousnema (if purpose, car. . PeftlIX, One of tile nioit fanious French I I SOulpturg df t110 last century, )]ALI adroll tongue and it capriclolij hitalor that too vent0d On lackey and enilierur alike, I Lecture I'our '17011113 relates settle allinallig qllecdotes or hin,, . At a reception at the Tuileries N*a. poison 111. engaged lit It few-11111111tes, .Private conver,sation with Carpeaux. At Its conclusion tile Young setillitor was best.oged by it, crowd of coul-ti,r,j and envious rivals) Who W.111tett to know What tile elliperor had talked about, .011 ronlifle to tell lit) Wle!" Avhkpered Carpeaux its lie drew tilt, , ea(,cr . Iiistellers to olle filde. of the ballroont, ,'Well,tilful tile emptror was trying to borrow five " IrAlles front me." k9olue years later, when carpettim liati received .tit() conlink6lon to do the dee. Orations for the Parillon de More of the Villeries, '.I�apoleon oftell calue to Watch him at work on the seaffol(I of tit(! build. itV , the eniperor mounted .I.,,Oceaslonally to tille improvised studio, bitrig I)etween earth and sky. One (lay Varperali, lit it partlettlal-ly marry mood, told bhn tll�t wheit he Writilted to rest from his labom lie would make thly Pellets of clay &lilt drop them oil the henas of pig,wraby. "It,ig very anausing", lie explained, "Peolle at6l and look about theta.ThEty ,,let Itiagille where tile Inissiles come from .11 I'llere,", lie continued. holding 6ut (join(, artlia little clay bullets; 11try It yourself." 1'r Wouldn't dare'" laughiligly Aald N'* - I poleon, amuse4l tit tile idea U the em- . poror of the Froneb, mounted on a 6oslf- fol4l. throwing pellets of clay at his saly- Jeets, I "nall!" Inutterell Varpe'aliv "What's i thA use of being an putporor?" Napoleon dill not forget tills renitirk, A few monthn later, when the atsulptur =it titles, the emperor, una,ble or Jig to grant the request, &-jelaira. �ed- 'hlllith! Mitt's tho usa of hting Colt. , p6tult ItAlt th4t; Utter thitt bitriiial" 0. -k at?. . . . � Widowed Periud. I ' *nfilarried, )farriLd, till oreed. 2U-29 , . , . u. t; 4.2 . 12.1) '10 30 . , . , 1,21 5.0 13.1 40-40 , . . . 10.5 till-) 17.3 ' W-50 , , . . 28.7 17.1) 3 0. 5 00-ofi . , . , 5 1. 0 31.0 48.6 7-U-70 . . . . 101.4 7-2,7 96.0 80 .. .... 12W.2 2 05). 1 ,3 1 3.7 Arguing with theoe-4tittisties its a ba"iN Mr, Wilcox says it is ovident that tile lulver 11101-talitv I -kite of niarrifid. Ilion is due to tile a-Upervi-slon of their food, lodgings, houra mid ballits by theiL, wivii-S. and to UIL faet t1lat tile married man has greater lnoeutiv(�s for self- itittralut ,Ind care of 166 healtb than the unattaelied baclielor eat, bolve ex- ec -pt in rare intitances. All tholsp coil. tuntions may be eon"Jej. ]lilt the leo. --ous s : to be drawn front the figni-eii pre- sented -ire ijot exhati4tel Ili the brief "Itililliary of Ile, Wilcoxis remarks, It wifi bo noticed th-at tile Illortality rati. of tile. willowed and divolvotl Ineii i.� preater titan that of the married Itiell � fir of tlie,biwlieloni. Anil the inurtillitv rate 'of t4eptuaganarlaii Liontarried ine;i N greater than that of inarried men ot 70 or thereabotit-�. Front tliese"facts it IliftV Ile 1,11-glitid that divorec, is a direet lit-rit to health Emil life, and that tile inarried moin who broaks his bondq by legal inemis risks ililti life lit sit ilobili. Wiliell is a, new aliglf, front whiell to vivw ill(- divoree problein. And it may be idleged, too. that inali-inge, far front lidlig unwise for a voilAtmgenarlau, its i,s No often conteuded by Ills kinsfulk, really i -L it positive life ll;surance policy, ,�,y J(; spe:Oc. Moreover, if Mr. Wilcox's figures prove anythilig they prove the d"il-abilitv Of P'triv inarritigo lot- the , , Poling Inall and thus upset solne thoughtful economie And ivoehd tboorles having if) ilo ,w!Lli tile aniouni of experl- pneo still finmiciall resouroe,% needful to 6uoepseful inatriniony, All of which sl�owq What, a 111111iltude of argummats (all lie, clustereil about a, few statiati4m.- Detroit Freo Press. — � - � ' I - A SAD . it Often' hoplivus--your sore corn is hit-pped 011. 11,11�, flat lisp '-plitn'111118 . (,Orit 1,,Ixtractor," It cures lit one duy. Absollutel-v lit) pain with "I'lltilftni's." . ('Se no other. 12 -lie at nil deltlers. . 1. . - — � - Oomplaffito. They devour time. They lacerate nerve,i- The,,- usually ellit lit notbilig, yet'lloople illo Oil complalliffig. oue complains about the telopholle ;q-1-1-11tor, . 011e writes pages about tile jlolpde� i%ery of goods. � Ioue N�Itstes Ink still time explaining tilt. non -working IwopensitiEls of work. 110111. A1141 one writes complaints about it tholliand #,lid 0110 othy Annoyances Of dotily life, What happolls? . - AVIIV one get's it "lite lettel� sayflig .tilt, IlQtoir will Ito looked into! As if Vint (lilt Kay rooll What one -IlanL4 lie an ekplosliI4 on the opoji - ­ MInal,tilli, WhimoCt i�r sikid meywharo .1 I � . � -------------- WAXTXD- 4X?V:RIJliW__Q_M__P__�fA1V.' ors �4 k1so apprentices to leam wilay- , Ing; 409 Wages Paid whilo Joarning, 4Ad oXP# oriced Wila.vaq. make the higholl% wASex. For full partAculgro, apply to The 011:11roby urs. QQ., ud., 1_$tanttoril, 041010p , ', - , - . 1- - I � I :."011N ,,, _,_...,.._ '. , � ,- , 4 . I FIGHT ON 0ANCAR, - . . . ' Amorlogn 09clov Plans Cottlipslon of 114ticaUon, The APXOAOOA socillity for ,the Cou. trQ1 94 cancer Is DIOzaing A c"Osign Of 04110AU04 of the People al.611madt, cal profession on the subject of car4. oer. The reason for this, a . . ecordl � � All; to the sool6ty, ISL that 00'.40or is Increaft. Ing rqploily. . . A statement from the society payVA that au eininiant authority, 4 lItI_ktio*, ticion, of an Insurance company rec. ently brought together in a inopi con. Y'Ro'lig 'WAY the AtatAstical evidence of not only the frequency of cancer, but its increasing frequency. "From these figures it would seem that at ages over 40 es,naer is A greater . Menace to human life than tuberou- lostp," continues the statement, L "During the last five or More years there have been a number of offorts to eduotate'the medical prof000lon. and the pubIlo, not only as to the , fre� . quenoy of cancer, but ail to Ito greater curability when recognized early and properly treated, "To remove the zone of cancer with a Zone of uninyolveol tiSolle Ift the very' L I beginning of the olls ease is Practically* never dangerous and - seldom, mutila . t - Ing. . "Few have known ot the great men- ace of cander as compared with tuber- culosta and typhoid fever, Few have known of the number of cures even now accomplished In. the treatment of cancer in Its later stages. Fewer have known of the tremendous possi- bilities of Increasing the number of cures when cancer to recognized and, properly treated In Its earlier stages." - I : U Send for Free Book giving full particulars of TRENCRIS RRAXEDY, the world-famous FITS cure for Epilepsy and Flts-- Simple home treatment, 25 Years' success, Too- timonfals from all parts CURED of the World, over 1,0W in one year. TRENCH -S REmEoIES, LIMITED 410 St. James' Chambers, Toronto. ; � 4- L ' OXEN AS POLICEMEN. .' Tame Animals Used to Restrain Bnlis for Spanish Fights, )VILIttever one's views may be In, re- gard to blillfl,c,111ting, there is one foa. ture Of the nationAl Sport of �Spaln WIL11ch is partletilarly Interesting to tills visitor and siglitseer. The bulls for the a"eli I a a.re usually kept in larg� p0A. docks, Wild and wif,ettered.--for, Eis Sir Albert Rollit, wilo loss visited one of these Paddoeks near.Seville, saya: 41Tha allill'als know nothing of roped 'or elutins during their lifetinie.11 The bulls, Ilowever, are kept lit order by a cordon of tatue oxen, which, it a bull atienipta to eseape, at once pro. vents it doing at), acting skilfully and effectively aEl it spedes of bovine polloi�. "The nialit before the spectacle in thd imllring" ,.ti a . at Seville," to quote Sir A-lbert, I bulls are driven, still quit; at large, by picadors along the boulevart1g, Intermixed witit tile o'Nen and restrain- ed only by thein. Oil lily asking if there Inual; not be daligger to the publie using the butilevard, the reply was that a,. CaSi,1011ftly LI bull iniglit hidelit the Well. . es, of the central gardenr3 mild fall foul (if ,it workinan Ili the niorning; but such incidents (lid not sesill to be ,regarded &* niatteni of lliat-li importance compared with the popularity of the'llatiolial aill- useruent, At tinle; niany of the aristo- crays, an(I othera of both sexes ride Lin honielia,ok lit advance of., the bulls, whiell. is remarded. as fine, but rather danger - 0118, Sport. "When at, or near, midnight the bulls iliu,i enter the bulli -Ing, .tile scene is one of great turmoil, noise and "cite- inent, Ili rush the driven aninialo, build aud. oxen, belter-skelter, PL motley Crowd of mail and beasts -a veritable pandemonium. The -lagi; seene is inoit interesting of till. Stables 'with open oloor$ envonipass the Arena, lit front -of each of whiell is a sliding doot; and At tile back it lighted lantern. Theae lan- teriw the bulls make 'for one after All. other, enla6hing thein and extinguishing Lite lights; and as eavIi light is observed by all attendant to be put out lie alipa down, ilia door -of the stable and, tha bIIII is tilus encaged and ready for the spaiiish holiday of ,the inorrow. Sw- cessively tile Ifiglits disappear, Elond when all are out and the doora Of the stableig clo.qe(I the pollee Oxen art' driven out of the I)EIIII-Ilig to return it) their more peaceful paddocks, and to render sim- ilar service to other liulls aud other de- . votees Eif the bullving."--Tit-I'lits. .- . � - MInard's L.Inirgelit Relieves Neuralgia 4 - 1. I* - Famous Echoes. � Among the most noted Pelloes Is that I,eard fpolu ilia sualiension bridge acrose ilia Mentat qtraif. '1711(t sound of it blow froin EL haninier oil one of tile niall, I . ger,.3 of ill(, ..itru&ure is retm-nad Ili suceeNsion front PLIC.11 of tile vrol-6-�)Qalng that 4upport the roa4wity anot front ilia opporsite pier at the di4tanve of ,-),"It feet. in addition it) lvlli�ll tile Round is lually till)w repeated betwoon the Water wi4 t7le roadway fit the rate of ZI; times fil fivo sticOnds. Out-.31ole the 13hipley churell, in Supse%, is .111 oello wIlloill repeate twenty syllablect ill the most rewarkable llviwi�r. Tilt, fainous eclio ra. woodcto(,,�, wIlell awakened, al,swers lit) fewer than fifty linies, Tit the AWs. pering (,laller , y ai* St. I)zt,il;a Vatbearal tile faintest Rotill(l is fulth fultv ooll. veved frolil olle, eldo Of t1W (101110"to the (ither, but caimilt Ila bear(I lit tiny In. .termediate point, I'll (41ouceiter Ottlie. (11pal a gallery of Rii oetagonal form coil. vey ,lye. .,a a whls�er 75 feet aero;;a the n� — - ., ... 11 , t A costume MAX Itero it ILA! slay a rig is of silk. or silly it is of ratille. or say it Is of nowest re ) If ouly title, altil! is hanZoule! I Than ihe blouse is made of chiffon. And tile Coat lildn"44. 18 of the Gallia e1jiffon. The chiffon may be In wilite or in a hyvelv color. - Quite llnexpevte�l colora may be intro- ituped lit these eltiffoll blol)A43 a2rd lilt - Ing. �- �. 1 I I I 15- --Da voit think worry makes a man littlillitided " "Wil hartl to mY,11 replied the titan who gives ay#ry liestiol; call. tious considerittion, 11 Ter you get 1.)AId beeikuse vion worry or,vou worry lifeause. 'Vou R;e ottlai ut-WO-.0mofte ittoord-Iteriall. - <" 14 .., I 'I , _�a ­ , " . le, - ft, -f �