HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-09-04, Page 3r.
Tixu=Ay, SVPTrui3m,,,',w4 1913 THE ""WING11AM ADVANCE -
C. P. k, Taxes In United States. 131tilevale.
Quite a number are taking in the RH E UN AT I C
Toronto ExbIbition, Ce at
Whenever the queEtIon, of railway CHRISTIE'S Ex ption, THE DOMINION BANK
taxation has come up In the our Mr. II, A, McCall made a busfriess sur-IFIERERS f
railway companies have a ded trip to Toronto this week. Y RAILWAY TIME -TABLE
that existing rates were all they could -6s MA
GROCER slit IMMUND a, 004EM, M.P.,
J. W. King has Well drilled ASTONISHED'.
. s had .4 PHONE 159 rat Manager,
bear. To show bow hollow this con. and is putting lip a Windmill. C. A. BOGERT1 Qen
tentiou is It Is necessary only to call :�'. ... 11.
Miss Barbara Thynne of Palmerston RHEUMA Acts on- Kidneys, Liver rrains kave W�,qghan; afatio,01L daily as $1, .. - .... I - - 141�1: . I
visi &ore opm,7 a.m. w I iij Capital paid tip., lqo� 5,00q000
attention to the taxes these same corn, - -ted friends here this week, and Blood the FirSt Day—and Closes 7pan,, except Saturday Reserve Ft;nd it 8.000000
p Total Assets $70,000,000
panies are paying in the United States G. T. Pt.
Misses Annie and Mary Diamond are Out Goes Uric Acid Poison
Take the Canadian Pacific Railway,
at present visiting friends at Toronto. TO TORONTO and Intermediate
for example. That company operates Anybody can afford to pa50 cents •-Ckanitewear Financial Headway
Rhe Points: --Passenger, 6 45 am ; passen
170 miles of line in the State of Maine. Duff and Stewart shipped two care to Set rid of terriblomatiall), Parawax gar, 11,00 a.m,; passenger, 2.30 p.m.
On this 170 miles the 0, P. R. paid of lumber and S. Paul one car of -hogs Sciatica or Gout,, and that's all RII HU- of the sure and permanent kh'd 14 rarely made without the assistance
MA costs tit J. W. McKibbou'u and he The most modern way to make a TO LONDON:—Passenger 6.35 a.
n4atly $01,000 In taxes in the last year this week, of a Savings Bank Account, It *tlmulat*,s saving, keeps the money
saya if'it doesn't do all that it; claimed Twrfeat seal of fruits and pickles is in.; passenger, 3 30 p m. V This Week
In absolute safety, Increases it with Interest, and provides the ready
for which American returns are avail- The Ladies' Aid of Knox Church. for it, money back. by using Parawax. It will make TO KINCARDINE : —Passenger, cash to take advantage of Jh6 business opportunities which come
a,ble. This was at the rate of $315 per Bluovale, will hold a Rainbow social It's wonderful how speedily this your sealers and bottles AIR TIQHT 11 69 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m,; pas- Amos way.
mile, or well over treble the average at the church on Sept. 12�h. simple remedy takes hold and how and if other conditions are tight the senger, 9.15 p.m,
rate of taxation •
paid on all railways Mr. Mack Scott of Saskatoon is the sore muscles limber tip and the contents will keep for any reasonable
swollen joints come down to normal. length of time. The ultimate saving WINGHAM BRANCH N. EVANSF Manager,
in Ontario In 1912. visiting his father, Mr. Frank Scott, Makeno mistake—RIIRUM A costs but will more than pay for the Parnwax. C. I?. R.
little, but it's the best, remedy you, can Al I
The 0, P. H, also operates the Alin- Mack is doing well in the West. TO and Intermediate iwwl, A R'S H A L L
d, find to drive Rheumatic poison from 2 packages for 25c W
nes ells an St. Paul Railway. �Vhis Points:—Passenger, 6 40 a.m.; passen. ib
line Is 2,555 miles long, and the taxes Messrs Ernest Shaw, LHarold Jewitt, the system and bring back health to ger 3.05 p.m. BIG
John Stewart and John Munns have misery -racked bodies.
on the same in the latest year for lie, Earlier Closing
gone West on the Harvesters' R xcur- "I had Rheumatism for along while, TO TEESWA-TER Passenger,
which we have returns totaled $908,- - and tried many medicines; but was not
000, or $355 per mile. This was also slon. cured until I used'RHEUMA, I can- Beginning with September we will 12.60 p.m.; passenger, 10.32 p.m. iii I 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c. Store
well over three times the average rate Mr. John King had the misfortune not praise RREUMA too highly. My close our store each evening at seven
of taxation paid on all railways in to lose a good horse one day last weel I c, advice to those suffering from highly. o'clook except on Saturday and: NIP .
matism is to use this great remedy, �pecial occasion?. This, we believe,
4t ran a nail in its foot which resulted Y, as The Western Fair
Ontario in 1912. 1 believe it will effect a permanent cure is a movement in the right direction,
Nor can it be contended that these in lockjaw, in any case."—C, B.' Lanham, Satter, and in full sympathy with all or -
Mr. Martin Masters of Toronto re� W. Va., April 27,1912, ganized labor the world over. It 9% London, Canada
NG ou
American lines operated by the Cana- 11180 a falling into line With iIil the",
dian Pacific are better able to bear turned home on Tuesday. after spend- general stores of our town. We also THE GREAT LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION
taxation than are railways in this Ing the past few weeks with relatives ANCIENT, SKYSCRAPERS. think that a few extra hours relaxa•
tion in the week will make us more $27,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions.
Province. The average earnings per. in this vicinity. fit for business end consequently SALE
ratle on the Canadian Pacific's short School re -opened on Tuesda'y With a, Roman Houses Were Tall and Flimsy,
the Streets Narrow Lanes. the able to look after our custo• me
line through Maine were $5,681. The good attendance. Mies Cora, Messer The tenement house is no new thin- mors' interests. MAGNIFICENT I TWO
average earnings on the 0. P. R. Min- is in charge, and we are glad to have Western
neapolis and St. Paul were $9,393 in secured such a good teacher. So great was the number at such PROGRAMME 1 9
thesameyear. Theaverage earnings houses and so badly were they put up Tomatoes Ontarios SPEED EVENTS
Mrs. O. Oadotte of Toronto is at In ancient Rome that In 69 A. D. the We are leaving we have
per mile of all railways in Ontario are present with her mother, Mrs. Mae- Emperor Otho,'who was then marching Tomatoes are now selling freely and own.7 as OF Popular DAILY
for twenty miles by the rulus of build. each day we will sell them at LOW- bought another business 'a Queen st.
some $15,000 per mile, or more than Lead, who has been on the sick list, against Vitellius, found his way barred EST MARKET PRIDES consistent t- 288 QL
60 per cent. greater than those of the We Wish her a speedy recovery. with freshness and good quality. ATTRACTIONS Exhibition FIREWORKS
Minneapolis and St. Paul line, and ings that had been undermined by an
well on to three times the average
rage Oar station master, W. J. Masterg., inundation. The spontaneous collapse west. According to -arrangements made TWICE DAILY
earnings of the C. P. R. line through has Put up a now verandah and paint. of tenement houses was so common an Spices and Vinegars I Sept. 5 to 13 1 EVERY NIGHT
Maine. Still the taxes paid on both ed his residence. He has also erected a occurrence that little attention was The beat can always be obtained all our $1,000 stock must, be sold not later emiooiiiiii osiioef
the Maine and Minneapolis and St. fine poultry house, malting a decided paid to it. 0 1 .. .•. 1 $2,000,00 ADDED TO THE PRIZE LIST THIS YEAR.
Paul lines are considerably over these improvement to his property. , Tile tenants of these houses have At Christie's than the 4th of October next. The money rake a Holiday and visit I London's Exhibition.
paid in Ontario, The Mssses Mary Stewart, Luella Shaw, been described by a writer of the time Single Fare on all Railroads in Western Ontario
the average rateFlorence Aitcheson, and, . Mildred as. fearing to be buried or burned 0, a SPECIAL EXCURSION DATES—September 9th, 11th and 12th.
0. P. R. paid on 2,555 miles of line in alive. Companies existed for the per- r the stock should be.,r'i.sed without any
the Western States nearly as much in Jewitt have each secured schtuolsoand
pose of propping and sustaining Prize Lists and all information from the Secretary.
left on Monday 0 take charge. otherwiso we ate losing everything. 01 W. J. REID. President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary.
taxes as was paid by all companies on houses. failure, I
8,5000 odd miles of railway, with These young ladies should make ex- In comparison with the tenements of BUSlNESS AND 9411111116,
greater earnings per mile,.in the Pro- cellent teachers, most modern cities, those of Rope Therefore we are comp-91-.1,ed,.t.o sell every-
were excessively high. Martial alludes -1AND
vince of Ontario.—[ Weekly Sun. About half -past three on Saturday SoHORT1
morning, the inhabitants of Bluevale to a poor man, a neighbor, who had to Subjects taught by expert instructors mount 2 00 steps to reach his garret at the thing in our store at the cheapestpossible
Some Pessimistic Statistics were aroused by the alarm of fire, That garret must hav6 been perched
when the Royal Hotel was found to be nearly 100 feet above the level of the prices. Everything m.�4,go-and it will go GRAN,.i TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM
in flames. When first noticed the street.
E96m%ting the world's population flames were leaping above the roof at It is possible that Martial exaggerat. Y. 1�1, C. A. BLDG., no matter what price-, -it 'will bring in. FARM LABORERS EXCURSIONS
as 1,500,000,000, the whole human race the front of the.building, the origin of ed, but It is certain that Augustus, to LONDON,ONT. $10-00 To WTNNIPLA G
at present living could stand comfort- the fire, apparently having been near make less •frequent the occurrence oe Students ' assisted to positions. College Therefore we offer you everything in our VIA CHICAGO AND DULUTH
ably shoulder to shoulder in an area the front door. The echool-bell was disasters, limited the height of new, In session frons Sept. 2nd. Catalogue Proportionate low rates to Edmonton and intermediate stations.
of five hundred square miles. rung to arouse the neighborhood, . and houses that opened upon the streets to free. Enter any time. tervelt, Jr. Alen's Wear lines less th..ala-.50 per cent. on 18.00 to Winnipeg, plus half -cent per mile from points east of Macleod, Calgary or
Taking the number of generations about sixty-eight feet. As this was a j. w. Westervelt J. W. Wes Emonton, to Wi -uipog.
in the past six thousand years as two helpers were, called in from the country Principal Chutered Accountant AUG. 202 -From all stations Toronto to Sarnia Tuneel inolusive, vio, Stratford, and
or. remedial regulation and referred only 17 vice -Principal South thereof in Ontario,
by telephone, as there was danger the dollar.
hundred, the room taken by them all to new houses fronting on the street, #TTG. 25 -From all stations North of, but not including Main Line Toronto to Sarnia
on the above plan would only be half the fire spreading up the street. The it follows that some houses must have Tunnel, via Straiford, all station Toronto and North and East of Toronto to
horse sheds which stood just bikside As our good reputation for honest"and 'eqhare dealing with peo- Kingston.
the size of Germany, or less .then the exceeded that hel-bt.eat TEPT, 3—From all stations Toronto and East, and east of Orillio and Seotia Jet.
area of Colorado. To bury all the the hotel were soon burning fiercely, This, moreover, was Irrespective at Ple is
very high, we don't thio 411ybody 'Who will read this SEPT, 5—From all stations Toronto to North Bay inclusive and West thereof lu Ont.
and the effects at the fire-fighters the breadth of the street. In Berlin the will miss this greatest opportunity . sometwing at our Bell- The Grand' Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between
people on earth would require a grave- were concentrated in trying to save medium width of the streets is twenty. The Up-to-date Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton.
yard a little larger than that area. Scott's Blacksmith shop, which was two meters, and In Paris the narrow- ing-out Sale. We are quite certaiit., i4�. -60y, the person' who is
If the dust left by each body be CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO_.
merely separated from the hotel build- est streets 66 nearly eight meters not working for his money earning.- yd11- -niis'15 this money -saving estimated at one-tenth of a cubic yard, in by a narrow street, Had -the wide, while the streets of Rome ex. BAKERY m . ew Q. our' WINGHAM to Toronto and Return, $3.65 Aug. 23 to Sept. 6, inclusive -
which is a liberal estimate, it would shop caught fire the remaining stores tended only five or six meters, and on eale. Below we are giving you a* special sale prices. $2.70 Aug. 26 and 28, Sept. 2 and 4.
cover only forty equare miles to ib these narrow streets the tall houses We have the molt modern All tickets valid for return until sept. 9, 1913.
I and houses in the block could hardly Men's Suits, reg. $16,00 for $8.98 reg. $12 00 for $6.98 Pull particulars at any Grand Trunk Ticket. Office. H. R. Elliott, Town Passenger and
depth of about three feet. This were built Light and air must have equipped and iianitary bakery. $10.00 for $5.98 $8.00 for $3.98 Ticket Agent, phone . 4: W. F. Burgman, Station . on Tioket Agent, phone 50.
certainly seems insignificant, it is have been saved, ai they are all frame bad some difficulty In penetrating those We use the best' and purest
pointed out, compared with the great buildings standing close together. narrow, walled in passages. = materials obtainable. Our 4 Only, Russian Bear Fur Coats, were sold at $30, for ............ $14-98
coral reefs and other immense depos- The wall and roof of the blacksmith I Only, Japanese Dog Fur Coat, reg. $20, for ...................
its built up by the shells of tiny mol- shop was partly protected by wet cakes and goodies are always ..... $11.98
carpet, etc. and the rest was drenched fresh and good. Give us a Raincoats, regular $15 for $7.98 $12.00 for $5.98 $7.00 for $3.48
lucks. trial. Call and inspect our- with water by willing workers who bakery.
Overalls and Smocks, reg. $1.00 and $1,25 for ...........................76c
.Salem. stuckat their posts in spite of the heat, Overalls, regular 75c and $1.00 for ..................................... I ...... 590
Mrs. McDonald from near Teaswater Most of the adjacent wells were pump- Woollen and Fleece -lined Underwear at half price. NEW FALL SUITS
ed dry, but, fortunately the efforts of F. CARTER1%
visited her sister, Mrs. J. Bush. 0 1 dozen Ladies' Wrappers, regular $1.25 for .............................. -590
A number from here attended the the fire-fighters were successful, and dozen Ladies'. Underskirts, regular $1.00 for ..... ...................... 49c
before day -break the danger was past. AND OVERCOATS
Exhibition in Toronto this week. There is great reason for thankfulness Fine Shirts reg. $1.00 for 39e
Miss Huphemla, McKersie of Gorrie that more serious darnage was not
Working Shirts at half price, also Sock::, Braces, Ties, Boots and
visited her brother Roy last week. done. There had been several showersiii
Fall Term From Sept. 2nd. Shoes, Pants and many others at less than half price. IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer called theprevious evening and the prevall`•� I' ';;,,y � i -
on friends near Whitechurch last Sun. Ing dampness and absenze of a stormy IT111111 11111111 71 Sale starts Saturday at 7 o'clock in the morning, Sept. 6th, Every garment guaranteed in material and
day. wind, undoubtedly prevented a con- F? . -
z and ends Saturday, Oct. 4th. Comel Come! Come! Come to• workmanship.
The 'hotel.and shebs
Richael sr. of Wroxeter flagratioD. had
Mrs. A. MeN Ar
visited friends in these parts a few been boarded up since last spring 'T STBATPOAD. 9NT. day. Come to -morrow. Come every .day during the time the We measure the man then make the garment.
days. when the proprietor, Mr. J. 0. John- C. PV Sale is on and save money.
Mr. J. J. Weir of Clinton spent ston and family moved to Saskatoon a College. We
Labor Day with his mother, Mrs. W. few weeks before local option came, have Lbree departments—Commercial, Short- Call and look our stock over before ordering
; Oil Stoves hand.Canada's best Business and Telegrapby. Courses are thorough your Fall Suit or Overcoat.
Weir. into force, but some household effect and practical. We have a strong staff' of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ireland from remained in she building. This awn experienced instructora and our graduates
near Teeswater called on Mr. and Mrs. mer an effort was made by the t(111- Lawn Mowers meet with success. Wrlte for our free ca, Cooper & Her
Bush last week. perauce workers to r�aiso suh8cript �'ons logue and lottrn what we are doing.an Cleaning and pressing promptly attended to.
not meet with success, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashton and to buy the hotel property but i� did Hose, and D A McLACHLAN Princpal
family of Gorrie spent Labor Day with : ea. Opposite the Presbyterian Church, Wingliam. Phone 26 and we will call.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gallaher,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex, McDougall from BLUEPAYS Hose Reels
Chicago visited the former's sister Mrs, belong to those who.,are constipated,
Daniel McTavish last week, bilious or have sour, gassy, upset We -specialize in Plumbing
stomach, sick headaches, lame back or TAYLOR & MOON
Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley, who that tired -out way of going about the and heating.
have been spending their vacation daily routine of life. FIG PILLS will
with friends around here left week for make you feel fine, have a buoyant, TAILORS WILSON BLOCK
spirit and will ward off any attack of
himself a partner in life, Miss Bella are a wild
Mr., Chas. Kitchen has taken unto tion and -weak kidneyR. FIG PI
Unlit tonic laxative and al
ways do good. Rpfuse all substitutes. W I oNCE ete -is eLLS' -'Jill
their home in Vankleek Hill. ness usually caused by tensile 1 -,
Finlay of Howtek. being the lady of At all dealers in 25 and 50 cent, boxes Domestic, Sanitary and Heating
his choice. We wish them many Or by mail froln. The Fig Pill Co., Sb, Engineer
b- m
happy days together, Thos, Ont. g al id,•M
,Sotd, In Wfatch, *m, brT
ABROAD statement—Yet literally true. The aim of titan from the
b 'tuning has been to make his building materials as nearly Eke nat.
ural as possible. The great labor required to quarry stone led
him to seek various manufactured substitutea. The only reason he ever
used wood was that it was easiest to get And most convenient to use. , -q
Wood is no longer easy to get. Like most building material, its cost s in-
creasing at an alarming tate. -4
The cost of concrete is decreasing. So, from the standpoint of either ser,
vice or economy, Concrete is the best building material. .4
Canada's fartne" are using more concrete, in proporion to theit ttuilke"i
thati the farmers of any other country. Why
Because they are being supplied with '
Canada Cement
a cement of the highest possible quality. wixick In-
sures that swd"$S of their concrete work.
Tho secret or concrete a popularity in Canada lies sat
the fact that while we have been advdirtisift the use
of cohCreto$ we have also been produeint by Isclen.
tifie methods, a cement so uniformly hig In quality
that the concrete made Wlth it olives thea Complete
satisfaction our aavertisaments prounsed. I
Concrete would not have been in such univarsal twe
today, had an Inferior grade of cement been supplied.
Insist upon getting CAnsidik CarAdIaL It is your best
sAsuravica of thoroughly "tisfattory results from
S your concrete work. Those 16 a Canada CeWtAt
I. ido*ler In your uoighbothooJ.
r-fi4e$ 6004 "What 7"h*,F4rM#r Ceres DO WRA 00900W.
i to 8t 0 A40 U i a 0*,Y.
it CQUIPIkay UWt6d
. 11
v ; -
A.,,M,, KNOX