HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-09-04, Page 2t ' • . • • , • ,. .•...„., • LESSON X. The Ten Commandments, L-Exod, P,(1; 1-11. Annunentary--I. The Divine Lawgiver (ve. 1, 2). I, all these words ---The to do the work, he himeeIf could; not do comeleutiously. 11. The Lord made hea- ven and earth, ete---The lenbliath cam- , memorates the work of creation. Re worked sio ie. a e.1 meted the seventh. Sleeked the s oe t blessing hale renaaine.1 $ :t tO 6.15 day, mate- lot) It the st bleesinge to man in body,. soul and epirit. for tune ana for eternity, for tide werld and the world to CANADA LEADS But This Time It's in the s--‘40‘ Rise of Prices, TORONTO.. RX. E. TO Landon, Sept. 1. --The report of the inqUiry inetituted by the 'ionic, Govern- ment into the cot or living of the working classes, whieh has been referred ta previena despatch, in additiOn tO dealing With conaltione at home,. eon - table some comparlsone of prim in for. eign countries and the oversees Domin- oldef feature of the report is tho evidence it Woe that the rise in pricer& is world-wide, The rise has been greater id foreign. countries, with the exeeptiou of Frame., thao in Great Britain. The greatest rig(' has been en Canada, Auto trholfungary, the United. Statee and Jae pan. lellWe 1900 the rise in Anglia -Han- gars luts been 35 per cent., Belgium 32 per cent„ Geemany 30 per rent., Rely '20 per cent. In the same period' the British and French l'h4f lute been only 15 per cept.. Canada easily tops the list with a rhos of 51 per cent Australia and New Zealand show comparatively est risen of 10 per cent, The Were:lee in Canada, in feet, ie the 1:117,e:ill for tiny part of the world. , The eompilers of the report admit that they have diffieulty in bringing together diverse figurea and Vailleg from alt parts of the Empire into a general vault/arisen. Their conelnsion, however, if »ot abet). ltttely reliable, ore none thoeless inter- esting. For iostanee, taking 100 ne an inaex number, we mind the following &tango in the level of food prices innee 1900: 1000, 1905. 10Ia. age. The one peat fact that stood out United Kingdom 100 103 115 prominently in the hietory and expeti; France .. 100 97 110 eneea of the Israelite% and was freith enuany .. 100 114 130 their mind% WAS their delivel'ance from Cnited States . , 100 113 • the bondage under which' they had Canada 100 III 15i Atietralle, 100 101 1 16 groaned for years, it was readily recogo New Zeeland .. ., 100 '107 110 nized that the Lord had bronght free. AS regards changes the cost of dom to them, and they could.not deny housing and clothing, lite Information his power and authority. Therefore available is too limited and fragment- eemmanda veining to 'them from would come with absolute authority. ssioricli to admit of international compari+ They could not fail to be impressed. witli their obligetiou to obey them. • conte.---Pelottliet, iend. hallowea it To FARMER:4! MARKET. hallow le tit hold saered, God liliaaalt Dressed 1 ogs, heavy... 13 eei 0 0i) sot the day aart. He designed that a Dee itekeit,„ DSO .044 13 75 00 peculiar sanctity should obanfeterizo it. Iluter, daii?at 8.4 gill leggs new- a it, oz,. • • 0 10 The weekly miracle of the reservation span's. ehiekens, 11).. ...... 0 .1-1 0 29 words which follow, generally spoken or WAS a, constant reminder to Israel of peal, 0 m 0 ee I of the sixth slavae allowenee of mannn, pawl, eo„,, 0 17 0 20 aurkeos. 111. 6 1 . I o is 0 a called tlio ten words (neut. 10:4, Mar. Is for man's benefit epiritually and by- Potatoes, new, bush 00 3.50 tintkotarters, cwt .. 10 00 12 40 Do., cliotee sides. cwt 10 Ott 51, 00 as Tito Ton VOMMandfilentS. .----rheY tbe sacredness of the Sabbath. Tide doe Apples, bin.. ° DO 3 60 1 gin). the teethoony (Excel. 25:10, toe _ sically, No one ten profane God% day Reeo forequarters, evc:i „ 00 g co Doe covenant (Deut. 4:13), and then are ea, without los. ten givett the Greek name Decologue. of idael when the worele thie letson •oommoo, owt „ eo itestione.- Whyte were the children pe„ medium, eWt •. .... 8 00 8 GO were designed to apply to all nations for ..eerespeitene Wile epoke theso wortle? :shown, They were spoken to Israel, but they all time, The wenne were Opolon ley ties ))' oat great thinee heel been done for YV4:!,,, coninnon, met 9 00 10 e 00 10 00 Lord, and were Writtto tablo Israel? Repeat the Bret commandment, Lemb, D ire ewt " " 00 13 00 14 CO 15 00 sf. men. 2. the Lord thy meow why elle fitment not have other 1 1 1 ‘• • Segues are emoted in Toronto, In hags, SITICiA.R MARKET. stone. They were written in the hearts Repeat the eeeond commandment, (Iwo eeh thy akepeoge. v. The erneememt, ' gods or worship Mole, Repeat the t n et, as renews; erenmandment. What work le labia Beaver granulated.. benefactor; and who has both the right on the Sabbath! Whet was the purpose 'orta 1 . , e esza. franniated. ,St. Lawrence .. et Go silents are introduced by the statement cotomaienneut, obat way l0 ilOtra ao: 4 Oa W110 it tllat gives them: One, who ie name .token in vain? Repeat the fourth. la barrels, 5o ewt, more; ear l'o't.s,4.5cr5c of Cod in appointing. the Sabbath? to impose them, and a claim upon Israel Ismael's Cod and who has been Ismers for Obedienee to theme -Cave Bib. lie , speats of hineeelf ne the eternally exist - lug One. The name etilohitn," translated ie plural aud used ae a plural or majesty. lerael must he made to reatizo aud reeognize the supreme authority - him who ie about to give the taw. "'The singular form of the addross, 'thy Cod,' your God, givos a particular individuate ity pommel appeal to this. announce- ment. 'The same is to be notea in each of the commandments which follow."--- Whedon, have brought thee out• ---In 0.41- 41ition to announeing who he the di- vine Lawgiver declares tnat it le be who has delivered them from Egyptian bond - PRACTICAL SURVEY, Topice-tTlie mend law. 1, An out ori e revelation. II, Godes etentiard of life for men, I. An authoritative revelation, The Ten COMMatnitnen to were to the Ite- brews the very utterauee the Eter- nal, the inonntable expressionet,f Gone oil]. They held a. couspienons position he the revelation which Goa made. to them of lameelf, hie character eild his oil]. They alone were spoken 'ay the voice of Clod from Sinai. They were uttered amia eircumatances of the greatest magnificence and terror. ln the preface of the low God declared Mai - self, not only no. the self•exieting Crene tor, but as having entered ioto close relation Wit !I the Israelites throagh promises mede to their fethers. Ile de - dared mai,,elf to the full extent in whieh he had tintt time revealed him. self. Obedieuec WaS not to. be a uric() paid for favor. but a return of grateful 'hearts for the relation to bint which the Israelites bad inherited, thos &low- ing respect for his authority. He. who pee them their lives • was most 'etch.- ested and capable of giOing them their 'awe. Tile first step toward the estab- lishment of the covenant was the +cyc- lic:Lion of the divine name, This preface to the law testified to the fact that God's relation to lsreel was funda- mentally a gsiorioua one. The law rests on the prineiple that God claims au- thority over.the moral life of anan. Its divine origin -bespeaks; its holy end righteous; na titre and abe u to author. ity. It is euitea in •man's eiremustenees. It is a. law ref fenpreine excellence. God's own character expressed in it., If. Cod's etanaard of life for man, The law given froth Sinai 15 brief eumnaary of the whole compass of ma•n's duty to Cod and mato The principles which it embodies are of moment obligation. Duty to God etude first and lays the needed foundation for the right dis- charge of antics to menleind, first piety tomer(' Cod, Gum equity to one's neighbor, The •precepts, including the fifth, require thet God be honored in his being,. file worsen), Lis name, his day and in his human representative, The firet counnand men contains a require- ment and a prohibition. There is a pos. itive declaration of' a personal God and his claim to be worshipped as the one true and bring Coa. The prohibitev for ot this coma -ailment shows the tend- ency in man't nature to break the though he is capable of giving allegiance to Cod, and fitenitiea and powers eapabie of knowing :Ind loving God. The second commandment forbide ttll icinte- troue leireesentatimis of the Deity. God is jealous+ 'for- the truth of his glory; for the character -of his people and for their influence, mum the world. It could be but an absordity to bow down to a symbol of Deity, when God himself is everywhere present. tied graciously dealt with 10Ttiel as they were, believing th4 existenee and power .of other girls, He proclaimed to them. that none of those gods were to be recognized. The third commandment forbide perjury, hp poeriey nud profanity. A true acquaint. awe with God produces reverence for 'What Cod approves is the inward haulage of . the soul, God Ims •forbidden all profane •Itit gunge in a manner the most solemn and beet adepted to make the deepest; impression on the bearts and COnfteleneelt of men. his own words, man embodice his• thought of God 415 teally as when by his band:3.11e (serves an image to. represent him. All profitn. ing or abusing anything whereby Cod 18010.9 himself known is forbidden. The inerth commendment bolds a remark- able position in the Decalogne. lt lies between those eommandmente which" tomb his Indy to man. It belongs to both branches, Tie position would 'teat+ that n lweoeb of the Sabath is a aired Want to Cod, and direet injury to tnan.-T, R. A; LIVE STOCK, do do ... 0 00 to 6 25 tin bulls ., 5 00 to 5 00 Botches's' eatle, ,. 620 to 0 73 00 do medium.. .... 0 00 to 75 do do common .. 4 00 to 5 00 131atellers' rows, choice 00 to 6 00 do do medium .. 4 00 to 0 CO do do canners 3 00 to 4 00 do .. t0 to '7•3 weeding steers .. 5 00 to 40 Stockers, choice-. 4 75 to 0 23 do MR.,. ... 2 SO to 3 70 Milkers, choice, each... . 55 00 to 75 00 SpringerS... .. 65 00 to 75 00 Sheep, ,.. 4 GO to 5 23 necks and eons. „.. e.. 2 SO to 4 00 T.Itnills••• • 7 00 to 7 75 Zings, red mut waterea 10 00 Iftws r n. b.- 0 al to 9 70 OTHER MARKETS WINNIPEG GRA174 arA.BRET, Onen.111gb.Low.Close. Whent- Oet... _ 88% 88:n 87)4 87%0 Dec. „ ..... 863,5 80% 85N 85%1) 9117., oceri 9030 Oata- Oct. ...... . &VA :10+4 20tfict Dee. . ..... 3474 35a 30,11 04lfin 11 • • It • • • 6 • • 5S1's 307,8 38% 30% Flax - 11112334%8: Nov, . . ) False rot:ship forbidden (va. 3-04 3. No other gode belore me--1?or "before me," the Revised Version, margin, has "besides me." This first commandment forbids the internal state that would ad- mit of any object whatever claiming the affection and devotion which belong to God. Friends. wealth, position, talent,' reputeetien, feebion or pleasure mustentea rob Geed of the phiee in the heart which is rightfolly This commendmeat em. phasizes the truth of the divine. unity. The lilp,yptiers, .amoug whom the child- ren of Israel bad always lived, and the Cantianites, Whom they were to dives - sees of their country, were polytheistic, or believers in many gods, hence the ne- cessity -of this warning. 4. Graven int- age,An image of carved wood or stone, such 'as were common in antiquity, and are so, of course. still among heaotheftrIltu. tiona.-Driver. The Egyptians woretilp- red a great variety' of objectstelout treated as gods the representatiodfieof animals mut other things. Oxen, birds, frog% fish and the sun were represented by graven images and worshipped. The seeend commonclnient forbide all forms of idol-wership. , but it does not forbid the cots of ecailptnre and painting, only as their products are made the objects of worship. Mosee WOO directed to con - delta cherubim for the tabernacle and the brazen serpent in the wildernees. "The Roman Catholic Chnroh has left tbe whole of the second co,ninanclunial ont of the Decalogue, and thus lost tem of their tent but to keep up the •ilitrif ber they have divided the tenth into two," -Clarke. 6. Shalt not bow down thyself to tbem-•Ae an act of worSIttp. Such imoges are not God, nor een they in any Fense represent him. For I..tor. a jealous God -Jehovah is unwilling that the homage and devotion due to himself eliould be given to another.. He is the only being worthy to be called Gail.* would have all the world recognize:1AM as such. beeanse suds- recognition is to the highest advantage to man and for the best intoreots of CotVs moral <rove ernment. Visitino the iniqutty of e'the fittliere upon the chhildren-eThic' does not mean that the chili ehall be puttistool for sMs,of the father, for this itiaaPe - posed to God's wont, as well as to the lininan sense of jiietice, but it declares • that by the law of heredity the evil con- eequences of a fatherhi eine are entailed upon his noierity. Third and fourth peneration-ninee the effects of a sinful • life aro to be fully conformed to the Will of God. 0, Showing mercy unto then- /tan/lee .etc. ---The divine protonic ie that the blezeinge which flow from lives of obedieuee to Coda; commandment% shalt 1,0(1011 unto ilicoteends bilougina to, or descending from, Gime who are obedi- ent. That love me -The obeditnee and devotion Out pleeee 0priat. front the heart. Mere it; 'a elear and minds- ' (nimble intimation that the religion of the Bible if4 a religion ef love. ITT. Reverenee for Clotlet name (se 7). 7. The name --The name of Ood involves the divine Being and all His attribotee. Ilis nitme is not to be need triflingly or deceitfully, It must be spoken only N.vith due regard for its sa.credness, thoteilet- finly and reverently. Perjury, profanity and religions morkery are taking Godts imme in vain. To go through with te- ligious forms flippautly or heedlessly is .. toeing .fendei mune vain. The Lord will not bold Ina ooheiltlese--The person may think lihnself bnt Jeho- vah looks within the soul and knows alwaye where guilt lies. He who is guilty of profaning Goa's .natue eat have .iittle roved for God. He. leeks all due Ocnse of the relation be eitetaine to God, He Mita to eensider rigistIy. his obligation to tie 'Maker. He to little respeet for himself. Ilas is willing that otherg ehould know that he le a blas- phemer, and that be is defiant to- ward and's elaime. He is not miltamed to give pain to those who listen to his profanity.. IV. The Sabbath (ye, 8-11). Reinewo her the Salaxith day -The command re. quiree that proper regard he had for the mitered day. • The form of etreesion inaleatee that the Sabbath OR an inati- teflon wee already in existenee, The.aPt! fprpluo. 40 it in conneetion with the, mv- big of the merle, :Oleos that it Witeld. ready in exietenee. Keep it holy-- When the day le observed in rest and worehip this tequirement ie fulfilled. O. She% thou labor-olnix daye ore allowed for the performance: Id every secular leek, And it ie ()nee ditty to labor On these deem, for mance hileness is not Owing to God. The liberalitee of tide provieion is notieeable. Man is at liberty to hove all the time for hie lawful temporal du - Gm lint one day in tieltell. Every eine onght to he itatisfied with that plitft.• 10, The, Sabbath of the Lord thy God-. 'It is God's day; Ire made it; He ner-• Ployeel it Ai day of red; lfe behove thet men ahall use it in honoring Him. Thy mittotervant.--Orie le not keeping Utte Sableath holy who employs anntatier WORLD'S WHEAT Prospects Are For Good Crops This Year. Ottawa deepatelli A cablegram re- ceired from the International Agricut. turd Inetitute giros the official esti- metes of the cereal erops of Pettesia, and the Russian Empire. In the following tahle the .estimates for wheat are given, together with the figures for the. countries- previimely reported by the Institute. 1013 1912 1:mallets . 15,348,000 (13,760,000 3,615,000 100,784,C00 92,722,000 53,413,000 173,328,000 105,721,000 ist)0,000 Wheot--- biteltels Belgium 15437,030 Bulgaria . ... (14,301,00(1 Denmark • 4,042,000 Spain . 110,008,000 Pruesio ..—. 04,1.011,000 England and Wales .. 50,080,000 Hungary pro- per /tit ly 0 4 V • • Luxemburg .. iluseiao 'eine pire • Settitzerlaitd 'United States India Japan .. 141,303,000 198,410,000 093,000 012.541,000 727;043,000 3,443,000 3,178,000 744,000,000 730,267,000 3e8.314,060 370004,090 '27,020,000 23,692,000 Totale ,2,034.000,000 2,435,055,000 Tho total production of wheat in the MIAMI GRAIN MAII.R:10T. Duluth.-Cinse:- Wheat --,No. 1 hard, SS 1-2r; No. 1 northern 87 1-Ftc;• No. 2 do.. 85 1-8c to 85e; Sept„ 'SG 3 -Se; Der., 80 3-80 atosk880,L1-2e asked; may, 93 3-8c to 93 1-20 MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN MATUCET 'arinnenamals-Ciose: Wheat -Sept., tit 1-2e; to 84 5-18c; Dec„ 87 3-40 to 87 7 -Se; May, 92 5 -Se; No. 1 hard, Sic; No. 1 nor- thern, 80, to Sic; No, 2 do., 84e to 83e. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 700 to 71) 1-2e. - Oats-iNto. 3 white, 8S 2-8 to 38 5-8e. Itre-No. 2, 62c to 63 1-2e. Flour -First patents, $4.4$ to $4,63; sec- ond patents, $4.05 to $4,45; first °tears, $3.10 to $3.20; second clears, 82.65 to e3. CREEBE MARKETS. ICIngston,-At the cheese bonrd here to -day, 457 boxes of colored were board- 1e2d 5a4ncd. sold at 12 16-16e, and 07 white at Brockville -At te-day's cheese hoard the offerings were 2,530 colored and 1,740 white. The sales were 830 white and 795 colored at 13c; 200 white at 13 1-2e, and 425 white and 1,680 colored at 13 1 -Sc. Market strong. ,C..HICA.CM LIVE STOCK. Reeavttelse. 6 90 to 9 25 Texas ateers... 6 75 to 7 70 Stockers and feeders . 5 60 to 7 90 Cows and heifers 3 G3 to 8 60 Calves ... 9 00 to 12 27 Hogs, receipts 19,000. Market steady. Light s 05 to 9 15 illeixaev(51, . 7 00 to 9 03 7 43 to 8 SO Rough .. 45 to 7 70 Pigs ...... ..... 4 00 to 8 70 Tient of sales . - 7 95 to 8 to Sheep, receipts 10,000. Market steady. Native.- ..... 90 to 6 00 Yearlings . ..„.. 6 40 to G 15 Lambs, native.. ....... .. 5 83 ta 10 • BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. Uast Buffalo despatch: Cattle - Re- ceipts 150 head, steady. -Vealse-Receipte 500, active, 50e low- er, $0 to $13. Rogs-Reeeipte 7,200, slow; 10 to 20 lower, heavy $9 to $9.70; mixed, $0.30 to $9,45; yorkers, $0.25 to $9.50; pigs, $0 to $9.25; stags, $7 to $7,50. Sheep -Receipts 700 head, steady, lamb% dull, 25 to 30 cents lower; lambs $5.50 to $8.10; a few $8.25; yearlings, $4.50 to $0.50; wethers, $5.25 to $5.50; ,ewee, $2.50 to $5. LIVERPOOL PRODUCE. Wheat, spot. No, 1 -Ta. 80. No. 2 natnitoba.-7s, 6 1-20. No. 2 Manitoba -7s, ad, Futures easy, Oct,-7Es, 7-30. Dec. -75, 5-0, 8 Corn, spot, March -7s. American mixed new -Gs, 9 1-2dt Futures easy. Oct. -7s, 7-8d. Oet,-5s, 2 .4100. Flour, winter patents -28s, 90. Hops In London (Pacific Coast) -f5, -Os to fO. Beef, extra India mess -122s, GO. Pork, prime mess, western -112s, 9d. Hams, short cut, 14 to 10 lbs. -74s Ott nacon. cennheriand eut, 26 to 20' lbs. -69s. Short rtbs, 16 to 24 lbs, -745, Clear bellies, 14 to 10 lbs. -00s. Long clear middles, light, 2S to 34 lbs. -73s, Od. Long clear middles, heavy, 3,5 •40 tbs. -72s, 0+1. Short clear barks, 16 10 20 lbs. -Oils. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs. -59s. Lard, prime western, in tierces -3s, American, refined -57s, 9d. Cheese, Canadian, finest white -64s, 0,1, tecanreet-res. Tallow, prime eltY-299. 94. Turpenttne, spirits -29s, 9d, Petroleum, refined -9 3 -SCI. -I DIAZ IS -SILENT Felix May Not Complete - Trip to Japan. Loudon, Sept. 1.-Cieneral Dioz, immediately after hie arrival -in LondOn from Canada yeeterday, telegraphed to 'Mexico for informatioo es to the lat- est developments. the declinee to make any coinment whatever on the situation until be reeeivtso diret odyiers from hie own country, ooa his future Movements also depend on the nature of the move which roehes him, 'General Me, said to The Aseloehtted Preto& to -day that he bad not yet de. eided whether to proceed on kis mission to Japan or to return to .'texieo. Should hie Mende in aftecieo nominate hint for the Presidency ot •the October &Mien, ha would, be Aida, return, Hie trip to. Javan was Interrupted, he exploined, be• (Anse he was advieed in Canada that there was Muse in the Japanese Ern - pettiest family. • 4 0* YOUNG PIFttlaUG ouPesses. 'Walkerton despatelt: Wesley Rue- sel 18 years of age, and a grandson eountriee ea far reported tO the Jodi. or Constable Itufasell, of Walkerton, tote ie 103.9 per cent, of that of the 1 WM arre°ted at two o'cloek yesterday None eountriee year; rye oese, por afternoon by Provincial Detective Re. vent.: barley, 100:I per cent.; flowed, burn charged with settnig fire to the 77.2 ver cent. stables and barns of the Hartley Hotel T. X. Doherty, on Augest 11, and to the Quen's tlitradittn Coloniser:n*10 Hotel on Aug. 18 and 19, Itusitell Waa Publieetion litatich, Deportment of Ag• lodged in the Walkerton. jail, and af- rietilletre. tor an exteMitiation by the deteetive — •-nree. cronfeseed to hewing started thee Hart - The Mgr. pointer vett elwaye mike re ley fire, but deeded all ktioveledge of matt for himeelf. the ftros at the (0.0We Hotel. • LONDON FAIR HIT $100,000 Fire Swept the Grounds This Morning, NEWS OF THE .110rwell on Timothy evening tho rod of the new :Nothing fadory there, own/4 o r, I 1 • V el W & wal un- uLED A Q11 Ili MA S roofed. and other damege WItS done. The - • Will Not Greatly Handicap the Show. •••••••••• • ••••••••=0 lope, will he $1,000. The faetery had DAY IN BRIEF boisalonoion Wt go ntk). been in operation only a, few days. Socialist M. P, P. for Nan- aimo Committed for Trail, COM. SPAIN DEAD side of Perth. 'They wero Modern, 0,nd contained the whole eeasenee crop, to. gether with a large qnantity of machin- ery. The toes will be In tho neighbor. Ilona of $0,000, A t POSTIES' ANNUAL President Guy, of Hamilton, Judge Gunn G. T. R. Arbi • Opens Convention, tration Chairman. The Militants Pummel Him While Playing Golf. His Daughter Defends Brit. . am s Premier. Elgin,. Scotland, Sept. 1. --The • . Prime Minieter was the object of an at- taelo Gala afternoon, in whielt his elev. airy reetrained bine front adomotely de. - fending 11111Welf, 'While he wan. golfing With his dellghtelt. Oil tile Lossienom- WinniRg el°814.1;th --Alm°8t• 411 01 links two stalwart euffragettes, who lied Morel and Vergue may take Hydro. 'electric! power. Seven flume resigne.d front the To, (onto sehool sniff, Augnatine's Seminary wits formal- ly dedicated in Toronto. Better legislatIon is sought by the mynielpitlitiee of Ontario. Gladys Buchanan, aged .fourteen, and Ida Willie, fifteen, bare disappeared from Saone, th The eon cr•sione of the Timothy Rat- on Memorial Church was laid by Mrs. Eaton, in Tornnto. The Faith:tete Hotel, in . Dufferin street nr.rth, York County, wad 0081- .pletely gutted by fire. President Wilson nominated Dowry Morgenthati. of New York, to be IT, S. AmItagendor to Turkey. Tile eiebtenth snood eession of the Rad Ontario conference of the Free Me- thodist (numb le being helcl here. Mre. John Unit, passeel away eecently Strathroy Mr Rad year, eves a greateereategreot-grandinother. Dr. Alexander McFarlane, noted as an 'et.died at his home in Chat- letcnittlicoaftolfilnoliwling an ilium of about te year. The eight:et-0 ennoal Renton of the East Ontrtrio confereneo of the Free Me- thodist Church is being held' in :King - sten. Roy Bryant, the barber's assistant iu Listowel, who NVIIR burned when n. pen - line stave exploded, died as a result of hie buns, . Cominamler 0, V. G. Spain, who Mee mode his home in Toronto sinee his re- tirement from the Federal service, died at las residence. 46 Nanton avenue. The Provincial -Mice' have -been :inked to locate Ealph Keyes,. n district (nigh near of tit0 T. 4: N. 0. Railway, who Nee been utilising since Aug. Oth. Tbe eontract for the first part of the Federal Government's Morro in the To- ronto Thubor works will probably be awarded to the Canadian Stewart Com- ptiny. London, Ont., despatch -Reduced to ashes by an incendiary fire that made cleathsweep 'of every strneture on the Campbell street side of the fair grounds as far east as the grand etand, five of the Western Mr buildings were deetroyed early this morning, with a loss of $100,000. The cement building, the Lashaped machinery hall, the transportation building, the main horse stable, and the W.O.T.U. dining half fell a victim to the flames, that ate the frame etructures wit); voraciousness that defied the ef- forts of the fire department to stop•the running, leaping sheets of Timm Happening pet a week before the opening of the London fair, the fire was one that might have proved a halo dicap to the big show, but suck will not be the ease. Phoemsedike, the fair riee from the ashes, greater, lug- er and better than ever. While the flames were at their neight arrange- ments were neade for temporary struc- tures to replaeo the burning ones. Every- thing will be accommodated and every- thing will go on as eau& when the ex- hibition gates are opened to the public on September 70. It wee at 3 3.. m., that the alarm was telephoned to the fire department head- quarters. Within an hour nothing but' smouldering ashes marked the spot where the buildings had stood. lt was a clean awcep of everything. WAS IT INCENDIARY? While exact figures are not yet ob- tainable, it is believed that the build- ings and their eontents are ;mired to about 90 per cent. of their valuation. The contents amount to more than few faruishings, there were no ex-. hibito place. The exhibition will be held as usual. 'Buildings to replace those destroyed will be tolled up at mice, and work along tide line has already eommenced. The ataff of the city. engineer have beeu ordered to toke cliarg,•e and the work, Where it is- imposible to rebuild In time for the fair, tents will jos used. l'Ite police are investigating the ru- mor tient the fire wan the work of fire- bug% but tte yet they have no doe. Tramps were eon in the vieloity of the groutule, and We nuty have been the osouree of the fire.._ PALSE PRETENSE CHARGED. ainebee, Deepatch J.Toseph Lonis Vachon, who clahns Montreal as his home, and win) was arrested three weeks ago and- condetnned to serve 18 months in the Rimouski jail tor circulation of forged notes, was brought to Quebec yesterday from Rimousky by Provincial POlice De- tective Sylvian to answer the tharge of obtaining money front the resdeos of Levis county ttnder false pretense of selling Mining stock he did not have at his disposal, and mulcting the unsophisticated people out of 4500, The preliminary Investigation into tbe secohd offense 'commenced this Morn. ing before Judge Langelier at the Quebec Police Court. MESSINA IN 'TERROR. Meseine, Sicily, Sept. 1. -The Ails - Mkt inetruments here have registered during the least 24 hours continued earth disturbances, and their cone stancy has -caused considerable Marin owing to the number ne sharp shocks reeently telt A streag hurtle/me al- so has been blowing, which has caus- ed the virtual destruction of a nuitie ber of huts in the American quarter. The populace fears that theSo OMB. tins foretell it fret& digester. VETERAN MISSIONARY' DEAD. 'Winnipeg deepatelli Von. Areldeee. on Robert Maellonetld, one Ot the old- , est Ana Most widely known of the early Anglican misslonorien or the Northland, died yesterday at hie Male denee here, after an illness 'of BOA Moths, aged 84 years, Yen. Archdeacon* MacDonald Wee the son of one Of tho intrepid band of explorers which ranged the north- ern iltafi tinder Sir John Franklin, John Hope, lnother of the late Rob- ert Uope, who bad weed the century mark when he died bee paseed away at his home ocar Westwood, ap,oti 97 years. Half a doze» eters WM! emaohed. end the Ihie badly torn up for some elistnee on the Grand Tomk, fifteen miles west of London. The wreck WW1 meted, it is thought, by part of a truck falling. eigarette malted with the do - Rh -nen -on by fire of L. Sine's fine, large barn near Free:Mord, with this seascm's crop of grain aud hay. den the threeh- iartifie.nutfit of Court Smith, of litoek- • John nave, .Socialiet 11". P. P. for Nanaimo, C., woe conunitied for teiel on a cherge of being in posse:lento ot stolen property. beiea, a pistol token raioefecial Provincial conetable (tu- fo attempting to :roses behind it northbonnel env On AVelltle ItOttd, vont°, Mrs. Jennie Sacain, 50 years of nge, was struck down by a south -bound Dupont street ear, and is thetiglit to be fatolly Injured. A drowning acciaent occurred at Brighton, Ont., in Preemie tele Bay, when Robert. Aged about 18 year% ,son of Mr. and Mrs. John Btilloelo Rn• ehester, N. Y., fell from a motor boat while crossing the leaee Judge Gunn, of Otter% has been named as Mailmen of the Board 01 Conciliatinu, to consider tne point's at isstte between the Grand Trunk ROI- woy end its maintenanee of way em- pIoyeee, numbering etyma 3,00Q. Engineers and assist:ant engineers on Wee lumber carriers bave asked for a wage increase amornating to 15 per cent. a montlo.and chief engineers on bulk freightos have asked for an in- CretiSC from $125 to $110 a month, and eesistant engineers from $90 to $100. TorontiVe assessment advanced $81,- 000,000 since last year. The veteran shot, "Tom" Mitchell, tvon. the grand aggregate at the D. 11. A. ranges. A bast of the late.Sir W. 11. Cremer WA unveiled by Andrew Carnegie at The liag,u0. Viecoutit Holdout, Uritainal Lord Chancellor, arrivea in New York on his way to Montreal. MeClinchey lute been op - pointed harbor master at Midland, We - veiling the late John White, Official notice has been given of the lease of the Kettle Valley Railway by the Canadian Pulite. Mrsa Alexander Pattullo, widow of the late Dr. Pattullo, a prominent Brampton man, died in her 85th year. Mrs. ,Tose.ph Pedlar, of Lindsay, died of apoplexy from excitement over a fire name the street! while nee loishand wag helping to pot it out, A proelamotion has been tamed by the Lieutenont-Goveroor in coma eel]. ing the monbers of the Alberta Legisla- ture together for Tueeday, Sept. lit Chas. Deatigrant, a wealthy Tilbury farmer, woe arrested by enmity polio: on ebarge of ploeing Perk green in feed Which be gaVe to a neighborh hog% W. J. McLeod, steword of the l'Ortft. mouth Penitentiary, lute born rdified of hie appOititMellt as deputy wavden nf the penitediary :It Prince Albert, Sask. Samuel, Trio, X, C., of St, Themes, l•as been appointed a commiesioner invedigate a number of • ehargee made e gainet the immigtation Inspeetor at laridgeburg. It ie eetimated that there are now in the fielde of the pvoirie proyineee o r on the way there to work in the harvest no leas than 26,000 of a, floating population. Two engioee and box eat erasheth into 0 Wel4t-bOntitl street ear as it was <wooing the 41. T. R. traeke mi Char - lotto street, Teterboro, None of the peesengere were hurt. Col. A. /'. Sherwood, C. at, CI., lies :been appointed Aid eonintieeioner of Dominion police. Heretofore he lunation etyled eommiesioner, The new nrrange- Moat give' him authority over Federal tablice wherever employed in Carmelo. During a severs wind storm at Port the 100 delegates expected to bee in quietly tonne up to the green, sprang at , attendance at the biennial conetention Imo suddenly, they lomehol olf of the Dominiou Letter Carriers have arrivea Wiumpeg, eaStern delegates coming in a special car from Toronto. The convention opened, its two days' session in the Industrial Bureau at 9 o'olock, this vaorueng, with prestoent Robert Guy, Hamilton Ont., in the &lair, Many important resolutions are to come before the boOly for discus, sion, among them being the nuestioo of the exclusion of Sundays from the annual leave ot abseate and. the pro-. posal that carriers be- granted not less than 21 days hollaays, inclusive arEltodratyss stilutlisci sick pay will be (Use cussed, and the convention will pro. bably be insteuceed to endeovor to obtain pensions for carriers in place of the present superannuation scheme, Definite arrangements for the 8.hour- per-day schedule will be taken up, and a resolutiou providing that Ole execu- tive he instructed to press tho Post- master-Geueral for different. regula- tions whereby the weight and load that any inan is expected to carry is fixed, will be gone into. Reduction of bonds furnished by letter carriers will be discussed, and also some very im- portant amendments made. A banquet will be given the dele- gates this evennig, and on Saturday morniug at 10 o'clock' the election or ofricors 'will take place, after which the delegates will bp paid their ex- penses, also for the trip to Winnipeg, POOR OLD BRITAIN 1 But These Trade Returns Don't Show It. hat, gatibbed him by the elothing and dragged him some distance ever the ground. The Prime Minister bore. bis rough. treatment complacently, ond refrained from ueing force to make them. desist, While they imparted to.him their ophtion that he WAS a, scoundrel and a past -nuts. ter in the arte of Ananias. atise Asimith, who was a little die. tame off when the suffragettes potmeed on her lather, ran to his avoidance and preceelitel to apply minted niethmle to the militant suffrag,ettes. The battle witend for only a few mements when two doteetivee rustled op and with dif- fiettlty reletteed Mr. Asquith from. the Outehee of the euffragettee. The detec- tives took the women to the end) lodge, where, oiler liete.ning 40 various (*intone of thetueelves hardly less complimentary than those they heti expreseed to the Premier, they were placed in a motor ear and driven to the Elgin pollee da - tion, to 4110 accompaniment of mite'll booing and hissing and repeated (Ties "Let us get at them; we will duck them in the sea." At the station the women refused to give their uttmes oe addresse.s. Mv. As- quilb. resumed play after the Suffrag- ettes. had been hauled off him, and wee homily cbeered when he reaeheil the last green. Condon, Sept. 1.- The teaks and navigation returns of the United Kingdom for July, which were issued recently, show another large increase in the value of exports and imports. The figures for exports, in tact, almost constitute a record, the ttmount of the exports having only been exceeded once before, in October ot last year. Exports for July tota.led sa47,1.64,- 20s, an increase .of g4,327,640 over the figures for June, 01 25,177,848 over the figures for July, 1912, and of £12,- 556, 572 over the figures for July, 1911, For. the first seven months 01 1913 exports totaled 4304,220,016, an increase or 436,920,611 over the fig- ure for the same period of 1912. In exports artieles wholly or main- ly manufactured there was a• large in-. crease, In exports of raw matertals coal improved by about 4501,000. The value or the imports during July was 461,786,752, an increase of 43,464,141 ov.er the figure for June, of 43,487,253 over the figure for July, 1912, and of 210,748,671 over the fig. ure for July, 1911. For the first seven months of the year the imports ,amounted to 2440,505,569, an increase of £28,352,161 over the corresponding figure for 1912. Imports or food, drink and tobacco increased by 41,678,104, grain and flour accounting for £566,- 000 and meat for over £436,000. Tim- ber imports ohowed a very large in. crease and imports of raw cotton went up by 4286,000. I- A. 0. F. OFFICERS Some More Elected at London Convention. London, Ont., Stet I -The Ancient Order of Foresters Will not conelude their eonvention until tO,MOITOW, WU'S- tions cementing organization and laws still to be dealt with, ais well as the in- stallation of officers. The election of officere was continued at to-deyn session, the following being cahoot: S. C. Junior Woodward, 11. Mt - Pherson, London; if. C. Senior Beadle, R. J. MeWilliams, Toronte; 1f, C, Jerkier Beadle, T. P. Wood, Toronto. Pteretary Williams was given en ovation this ago Woman when bis &Mimi by art:lama- tion W00 announced. .A. feature of the afternoon was the presentation by W..1. Vale, of 'Toronto, Re, and chairmen of the lAwe Committee, to 1'. S. C. R. Ewan Ram- say, on behalf of the High Court, with cantliu(t4d.some eabi»et of pearl -handled The business of the day included the adoption by a two-thirds vote of An amendment eubmitted by Court Excel- sior of Winnipeg, by which all members will hereafter be entitled to funeral ben- efits immediately after initiation. Collingwood, Toronto, Ottawa, -Wild- soo Hamilton And Niagatra Falls are. all anxious. or the next reinvention. REND.IVI N T CHINESE MS. Pekin, Sept. 1.-Iloth Tionsee the Chinese Paoliantent to -day released eeeo- Intions requiring the Government to try the members of Parliament who had been Owed under erred before the Supreme Court in Pekin. The Govern- ment afterward hinted that it would comply with the request, but the /Irmo ties representing the, eintthern provinees express their dietettet the Govern. t • 'TANGO DANCERS ARRESTED. Chicago despatelt --- 'amigo datteing mused the arrest of two womeu on it elitione of disorderly entitled at a 'down- town ea fe early toelay, They were Mrs, E. la. Wirth, of Wm city. anil her lamed, 'aliee L1111(4110 Lowery, of Chattatiooga, Ten% ervaignea inalay before Muni. Opal ,Tudges Mahoney they &tunneled a jury trial, declariog that they hail been an•emted titttSO flki they were leoving the vale. l'olieemen /oda the women were denting on the eitheovalk after they bad been requested to leaps the rate liceituse of their alleged per - renitence perfotming the tango, AMERICAN EXODUS Likely in Mekico. After Wilson s Warning. aftexleo telly, Sept, 1. -Antieriiettri resident in tho capitol are at a loss. to know how to interpret the peremp. tory warning issued by President Wit. Son to leave the rept:bile. Somewhat reassured by the decloration that armed intervention is not intended, they are now wondering whether there Is a hidden. meaning back of the latest warning. The Almertican Consulato4eneral was crowded throughout the day by Americans ot all classes, seeking de. tailen information. Most of the Muerte cans who called at the Consulate oro planning to refdder their property lima obee• Washington's injunction, A rew aro availing themselves of the fund approprioted for the refugees; a great many put tlte cost of transpore tation in a, secondary place. The great majority of thosei who have been able to arrange their affairs hove already departed from the capital, and some from other places. Those who remain have for the most part intereste to lave behind ,whielt wont& mean the sacrifice or their only means or liveli- hood. The warning has created something like consternation on the Part of uot a few Americans, It will undoubtedly however, result in a new exodue, and the general determination Is to aban- don everything they possess in the belief. that their lives aro endanger- ed, but in what way they are unable to find a reasonable answer, . e WANT OUR GOODS The Canadian Exportations Show a Great Increase. ••••••••• .10 Ottowe despritth: Aceording to sta- Beth% compiled by the Department ot Customs, the volume of exporte of manufactured orticlee from the Do- minion is increasing rapidly, Foe the fird four months of the present fiscal year ending July 31 last, Canado ex- ported $10,051,000 -worth of manufac- tured goods, compared with $12,650,000 worth for the corresponding period of 11)12. The exports of fish are 0100 rapidly inereasiug. For the tient foor menthe of the pregent fiscal year $5,032,000 worth of fish was exported, as agalott 53,748,000 worth for the first four months of the fiscal year of 1012. The preclude of the forote and minues also show large increases he volume of export. Of minerals, Canada, exported 517,180,000 worth, and of pro - duets of the forest $14,171.000 woeth. These figures area onsiderably in excess of the exports for 1912 for the same period. . THE PUPIL'S HEALTH School Hygiene Congress Plans For Betterment. Bifffalo, N. Y., despatch- The con- servation of thahealth of school child- ren, through a more careful study and treatment ot their eyes, under muni- cipal or state control; the relation of malnutrition to mental deficiency, and the possibilities of a penny lunch in the school, were among the subjects taken up by the Fourth Interntaional Congress oh School Hygiene to -day. There was also a symposium on child moor, arranged by the National Child Labor Committee, Leonora P. Ayres, director of the division of edu- cation, held that there 5vaS a close relation between the medical inspec- tion of -schools and the improvement of the health of working children. Other speakers of the day were Dr. Lewis C. Wessels, of Philadelphia, ou defective vision in school children from an economic standpoint; Miss Mabel little Kidridge, chairman or the New York school lunch committee, on the relation of menus to standard dietaries; Dr, Fe Park Lewis, of Buf- falo, on mind making through sight saving. ALBERTA'S BIG CROP, Calgary, Alto., Sept. 1.-A:emoting to crop reports compiled by the Cal- gary Credit Men's Association, cov- ering all the southern portion of the province, and as far north as Stettler, tho grain yield will be about 30 per cent. in excess of last year, and will be practically all marketable. Tre- mendous incr •ases in mixed farming output are reported, for Instance, Lethbridge distriet, which last year shipped 50,000 hogs, •will this year market 450,000, It is expeeted that the hog outtnit .01 the province will. eielit Mentally?" he eonsiderably in excess of one mil- lion head, as compared with 200,000 last year. FEEBLE-MINDED Congress of School liygiene on Their Protection. - Observation Classes Urged as Forward Move. Buffalo despateli: At the Melina e'ection of the International Congreee oa Seim& Ilygiene to -day, Dr. Walter E.. Arnold, of the Inetituthm foe the FeebleouluilecIS at Werceeter, Maeo, wee the principal epeaker, "I often," &mid. Fernala, "feel called upon to wait two years before giving a diag- nosis of the social, econonue or morel liability of the cese under obeervation." Dr. 'Helen Moelfurchy, of Toronto, in diectissing Fernald's paper, laid particular ;tress upon the above date- ment, and commended Dr. le:realise wiedom. Parente, she saki, kntov n child frequently 12 or 13 yeare before arriving at a conclusion npon his moo tante. Then why should an extunieer oot 11*111110Wi'd 0 year or two of oh-eer- y:410u et the child before -giving it final diagnosis. the Cceeell, of Yale Univereity, urged the establiebment of 'obeervation ChM where children cnuld remain for a short time at any ;ate before being elneeined as normal,'Iiackward or defective anti where the examiner might be to definitely measure the Motes of the peychie end 'Therein( coodition. Dr. A. ,T. Sehreuder, Director ot the fedien-Peda gogie 1 I nstitute of Arn- lieni, Holland, -followed with a few in- teresting remarks regarding the educa- tion of mentally defective ebildren. in Hollaud, he expinined, every child upon entering.sehool, goes filet irito the ()to sere -mom einee, Should he prove num- tally defeetiye he 18 Wen plated in the sporial school. A special sehool may be orgoeized when flit re are RI of theee children. When a eentre eomprises four of those schoolo, a principal, who lonely supervise.% is appointed, Dr. Sehreuder became vehement upon the mud break down the special elasei,'"Voltiel foolishness of special &news. • "aod bnild up the special sishoel." Mies Farrell, .i-eiperiutendent of un - ended claesees in New York City, spot:: feelingly upon the unwiedom of tr.:wring ehildren from their parente. wten they were ;smug and were beeause of their extreme youth unlikely to be 11, memfee to the State. The special clime elle maintained, coehl not alone estimate the child, but itt the same time grailuelly ecqueint the parent with the true ono anion. Miss Farrell believed that ley doing Die when the One advert that the eldhl might beenme 11 menace the parent would exam) veluntatily places him In enstodal eare. Thele IS nailing in conneetion with tlw eongreee more interesting then the mental hentlems exhibit width is to bo seen daily in the Broadway Auditorium here. The exhibit is muter the three - Linn of the National Committee for moan] Ifygienr, New York City. Beneath the pieture nf feelile mind- ed boy of 22 years, N10.10 lute the Mental- ity Of a: seven-year-old child. is the fol. 1 ow ie g ais Lenin t ng question "Whet is the respoesibility of the emonmnity AN Well pelnlitt0•1 him to be bore, and then failed to mice provision for him in euitable inetitution?" and bneeate the }dame of a young women of 23 whose mental age is eleht, this state- ment arreete the eye: hAboOe the ifge • vonsent, bet site dill has Um mina of 0 child. The law and the hand of evcry tight mirtied man ia voady tn platted the girl of eight, Init who will meted the wonot0 of 23 who is onto There ore everywhere small eharla setting' forth the mat of the mentaTly defeetive and the perecntage of defee• •tivea, both nativ,.* and foreign, born tn the population. S„ C. STRIKE SALLOVNG. Vaneonver, B. V., Despatch -Benet- 1»g In connection With the content - plated strike of employees of the British Columbia Electric Railway Company is taking place just now, but the result will not be known until Saturday. The neen's leaders state that they believe a way will be round out of the difficulty, and that a strike will be averted. A shad eenaorship is beIngenaintalned and no statetnents will be ptibliehed by the men, The etateirtent is, however, mnde by some • of the men. that a strike will coin - titmice at 10 o'dlock Saturday morning and that the company has 230 Men ready to run the oars at a moment's notice. • WHY MINISTERS ARE SCARCE. Winuipeg despatch: Tido morning's session. of the Provincial Synod of the Ecclesiaetical Province of Itup- ores Land. was 'taken up With an ade dress by Dean Ttobinsoa, warden, of St. ,Tolutis College, and the reports of colleges. Dean Robinson greatly deplored the tack of naLiveaborn handidates tor the mlnietry. and gave it as his opin- ion that the reason „WW1 to be found in the desire for wealth, the young Chnaellans paying more attention to money tban to the serviee Of GOd. t : r DEADLY JAPANESE 'TYPHOON. Tokio. Sept. Le -Extensive ruiu lute been caused In japan by the typhoon which has raged here tot several days. Scores of people Were killed and hull. dreds of bridges and housea destroy- THE WORKERS CAN .111.R.E, (ottawa proo The workers have the 11O'Ver Of 't 5100 mid ir !Admen \mullet menet trerepreolitt: atrthlelmti.neeT1 ittlAntilVtAhreke-- et0 titelnEdVeN WWI* net0n (*Mir fed moray Moe ouly themeelvea t* biome to large immure. ed. In Tokio itself 15,000 houses were • inundattid, while in the country the railroatis and 'the crops were much datruneed, A party of neolenteiell ehildren were lost while plimbing Nimpit Itomcila.• Take, 44. ",t ' ioe7 • • e 1,1 4 V-1. •