HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-09-04, Page 1R`� .9IlIx.,_
11 __ , ', -_--4 4".'. - - te 1 ,-,",-.J, ... 4:M11A"I -6 —..- � , __ "--m-
6 OT YUR, NO. 592% . . WINGRAM, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 4, 1913. SUBSOUIPTiori I $1.10 " SuBscmumss. V( 1W. 11,
' ' '
EDITORIAL PARAGRAPHS. - thing to beat Bordou," 113 his 810gall, •TOWN COUNCIL IN MEMORIAM. *�. " _.%0%~%~ . I days with her sister •in Tilraborry be. � ~1 te ` .i 1-11-11-1 � . . 14
and therefore be calls upon his com- versonals fore returning to her home In Blind local Items .
patriots to vote on racial lines. When , River.
� I Laurier on his servile majority In the The regular meeting of the Town In memory of Mrs, Win. Markley who �����
The LiberAl war -cry seems to be departed this life Sept, let, 1012. ,_.-%--.,_,,_,��"!"^,__~J Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hill 61 Toronto . .
Senate --s majority which he created, Council was hold On Tuesday evening, Just one year today and remembered Mr, Robb. Doble was In Toronto last are spending a couple of weeks with Wear Greer'o Shoes and Rubbbro.
I "No truck with the British;' prevented Canads, from taking her Sept, 2nd, with all members present too well . School Children's *EyeS
4� * * share in the naval burdens of this and Mayor Vaustone in the chair, Since the deepest of sorrow upon our week. friends In WingbAta and vicinity, Get paruel's Broad at Chriatlies.
The Liberal watchword seeing to Empire, and from playing a, man's' Minutes were read and adopted on lives fell Miss May Lloyd has returned from Mrs- Hill is a -daughter of Mrs.
- 9 That life so dear to our lives did cease Kincardine. Carrick. 1. Mr. Thos. Field has purchased the Su P91 5��,, � ,
I A, he proved that his much vaunt. motion of Reeve McKibben and Ooun. Mr. Fred. W. Ansley and wife and lot on the corner of Frances and rly. le
be ,,OM,ie by any means and at any pax And now she is resting in mansions of y E, -
Mr. ,T, McCool and son William are . , , wp`� *'�-, . ,
� _ �;,--��:
ed affection from Britain and British cillos Bell, The Property committee 'PeLAce. Patrick Sts, from W. F. VanStone M
price." U. visiting in Hamilton. tv;o children of Spokane, Wash., also 11
* * . and will erect a residence thereon, . h -
. Institutions, was a mere pretence. was instructed to have tower on tow Dear mother, sweet mother, no tongue I Riff f ;
. i . Mr. Arnott Brock of London spent Harry and George Ansley of Wivill- ; _1��_ -
i -F I
- , ... ,-
-The Liberal party is "in extremis." By his action he alienated the sym hall repaired on niotioa of Reeve Me- Pan express peg are visiting at the home of their The Wednesday half holiday is now T ,
. pathy of the vast majority of loyal gibbon and Councillor Bell. Street The hours of sorrow and loneliness - Sunday at his home in town. '. "
the chief mourners are the parents In Lower Wingham. a thing of the past. . _re,zel-
And Canadians, who believe we should do Committee reported recommending We spend now without thee our Councillor and Mrs, Bell spent Mon- . intellect �, 'It
I .
I . Mr. W. T. Morse, principal of the .
enemies of the British Empire. . ,f mother so dear
I . something more to show our apprecia- lowering of crossing on cast side Who ever was ready to comfort and day with friends In Goderich, Ritchie & Cosens report the sale of
A Josephine St. at corner of Patrick and . Wingbam Business College, who )09 Mr, Thos. Field's residence, .Centr
o * * * tion of the privileges of Empire . cheer. Mrs. John Rich and son Thomas of e Defective eyes stunt tile mind
. -The recond anniversary of Cara• citizenship, than by waking speech- Alfred St. Report adopted, on motion Sometimes we think we can feel the London have returned home. been spending hie vacation at his Street, to Mr, Munroe of the Win.
da'8 iefti-sal to become an adjunct of es about it. Aucl on the very first of Councillors Tablater and Young. touch Mr. and Mrs. John Damn spent Sun- parental home in the state of Maine, Davies% Cans -you expect fair progress
the United States is rapidly approach- occasion, Laurier tells the people of Several accounts were referred to Of those loving bands which oft did so clay in Goderich with friends. returned this week to resume his Big Clearing Sale still on. Tremen- in school Cr success in
Ing, his native province that they should proper committees with power to much I duties, dour Bargains. Eggs 122jo, butter 24c. , *
'* * To soothe and beat us in hours of pain Miss Hazel Baker of Belmore spent �,usl:lcsrs if so handicapped?
I * support him -not because of any pro- recommend payment, on motion of And restore us of sickness to health Sunday with friends here. Mr. D, J. Campbell, principal of -J. K. Irwin.
The British tax: -payer is still bear- gre6sive policy he has to offer, but Councillors Mille and labister. . agAin. Chealey High School, has been ap- Fred A. Lewis piano -tuner expects Evarnination of children for
. - Spotton and Young -That Engineer Miss Dell Burwash of Kincardine poilited to the Normal School staff at to be in Wingham about the first of -
i 4( log the burden of naval dt-fence, merely because he is one of themselves. Sones be invited to visit Wirigham Now we are so lonely and sad here is visiting at htr home in town. Stratford. His friends congratulate October. I -rlasses is a special feature of
. thanks to Laurier and his Senate pup- Could anything be more paltry or today I =) . "
4 pets. . petty P It is the same old game of and inspect streetpavement at earliest And long for the parting words she Mr. 0. M. Walker and family took a him and the educational department FOR SALE -A good young dairy `fur Optical Department.
We date. Curfew bell was order- could not say rooter trip to Grand Bend last week. on his app6lutment. cow, , lved in April, expected to come
* * * that nature, it will be lost in the end. Puss' That, dear voice so tender that taught next spring. Apply at the Manes, _
-lon't it time we begin to hear The people of this great Dominion are ed' to be rung every week night; at 9 Ila for Miss Ruby Kerr has gone to Bear- Miss Lill& E. Breen of Toronto who Whitechurch, Telephone 11 on 611 -
not to be led awrly by the frantic ap- o'clock, Spotton and Boyce. 'Motion And led us to Jesus the truth, life, boro -where she will teach school. for the past two weeks has been visit-
, some niore about that autumn tour of Libieter and Mills, that we build and way. Miss Burdetta, McCracken is visiting LOST -A Gold Watch, op s
� . Wilfred Laurier was to peale. of a vainglorious and def,,tt,d In at her home in Turnberry left on with Elgin works, on Alfred street- Chocolates
i that Sir politician. machinery building on Edward St. Why taken so s9ddenly we cannot friends in London and Port Arthur. Sunday by automobile accompanied
I between Liuklater's store and Minnie
take ? * * * * * * property, south of the Davies' property tell The Misses Stephenson of Listowel by her cousin, Miss E. Lou HiggiuO street. Finder please leave at Me- Fresh Every Week .
Prosperity has come to Canada -lost, . But God knows that be doet,h all are the guests of Miss Dell Mitchell. and Mr. R. J. Henderson of Toronto. Lean
's office. I
I -Tae pr - t big li.-.crvebt - Motion of Spottort and Boyce, things ,i�sll We carry a large assort-
: . e -ence ,of a gee, since the defeat of the Laurier gbv- Dear mother we loved thee how much Miss Viola Isard left on Monday for Mr..pnd Mrs, Wesley R. Denman of Mr. E. 0. Whitewishes to notify his I
in NVestern Canada is a good thing for erume&, and the coming into power machinery building be placed on land no one knows to teach school near Fordwich. I Los Angles, California who are at pre- customers that his store will be closed ment, and owing to Sae
I everybody but the Liberal office of a safe and sane Conservative ad. recently purchased from Mrs, Bloom- Yet would not ask thee back to life's .
k Bunter, I fleld'and W. A. Currie -carried. sorrow and woes. Miss Ethel Walsh left on Monday sent making a tout- of Canada and the from Tuesday Sept, 2nd. to Sept. 9th. large amount we sell, .
* . i, . ministration. Despite the report of for Galt where she will teach school. United States are spending a few days Rooms to rent, over the Advance We guarantee our Choco- .
I financial stringency through It was.decided to place a license of The home looks so lonely so glool:hy
and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Green of Rainy with friends and relatives here. Mr. office, suitable for light house keeping.
--with Canada sweeping along on country, Canadian trade rea,ebed high $25 on all public garages and auto Denman whose home was formerly in Enquire of 0. N. Griffin. . later "fresh every week." -
r liveries, balance of 1013 to count as one With no mother there to make our River are visitors at A. E. Lloyd's. * . .
�! the wave of record trate, the people water mark for the mouth of July, beans glad Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shane visited Bluevale left here nine years ago for Dr. Parker will have his new offices Why eat stale Chocolates
I are beginning to forget the sixteen A atatementissued by the Ilon. J. D. Year. No light in the window Us vanished�t Western Canada and after spending open on August 26th, over Christie's
t, ye4ra of Laurier domination. R,Q, Minister of Customs, shows that It was decided to proceed with the and gone I he Toronto Exhibition last week. sometime homesteading and pioneer- Store. i when you can buy fresh
'i . I . . 't 41 t, � for,Ttily the total Canadian trade was erection of the machinery building Fur she now rests in heaven that Mrs. Runstedler is attending millin- In in the Saskatoon District turned . WANTED—(4irlto learn type -setting onqB as cheap or cheaper. -
Sir Wil- $100,357,000, etiip%red with �91,42,9,. under the supervision of the Street bright happy home, ery openings in London and Toronto. his attention to Real Estate in which or experienced girl. Apply at Ad- . . - I
r. -lVe would suggefA that ur committee on motion of Mills and Mill, Thy trials were many dear mother we Mrs. Thomas Sparllng�of Saginaw line he was highly successful having va,1108 Office,
- , of Qntal:l() 000 for July, 1912. For the first fo .
. know I
. . frr(l Laurier make. 06 toll nionthe of the present fiscal year end- A rebate of 50% on street wateting But God was thy comfort while down is visiting her mother, Mrs, Mooney. since amasseda fortune of nearly $100,- SALE OF FURNITUAR.—On Saturday
I on th@ I)l,,tforr4 of o8enate R5forw.' was allowed on motion of Reeve Me-
, Ing July 81.4t, Imt, the total Canadian here below ' Edmonton and Fort afternoon at 3 o'clock -J. Stalker, I
I That would wake a hit- I gibbon and Spotton, And he who did help thee thy burdens Mrs. R. Clegg was the guests of 000 in Saskatoon, E J. W. McK�bbon ,
* it * trade amounted to $358,488,000, com- Pslr� A. Young was permitted to pub to bear friends in London and Ingersoll last George propertleis. Mr. Denman Maple Street.
1 . _ pared with $32$,03.5,000, for the I I Will strengthen thy children their week. speaks in glowing terms of Western To RENT -Furnished house, -Apply
I laljkda�tj CU9tOm3 revenge con. P in I
�d carreFponding peiiod last year, At a Bowser gasoline tank and purn sorrow will share. Canada and its future .possibilities, at the Advance Office. DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN
. I tiuu'es to climb. Liberals ,used to the trAde front of the store, on motion of Spot- , Mrs. Maurice Beckwith were the *
, I the Present rate of progress . oftimea.we were wayward and wand- guests of friends in Clinton and Gode- His many friends here wish him con- WANted-A girl to do general house
A* p4lf a good ctlatoq4a revenqe Pigs- p,f QA � fpr the pi Aacal .year
tan and Boyce. . I tinned success and prosperity, work, No washing or iron duties
, . . , . ered afar r)
pprity. . Tiley nosy P.mll it ta*atipp. .pf.dq to commence Sept. 22ading� 'L. .
. . 13L,yce and Young-Thmt the build- rich. ��, �JOXO.M (Siviv
. . . will considerably exceed the record of . f hose tower and changing of fire From God and the teachings of mother Miss Mabel Walsh left on Monday - . Kennedy. - Mrs. ,111, 1-1
? * t ing o so dear' -
. $1,000,QOQ,000 for the last fiscal year. ' I
Laurier had been allovVed to Tinports into the Dominion of duti- hill be left with the Fire and Water Then In tear& at the throne dear to take charge of a school at Sebring- . - Eyesight tested free and
. . BIRTH#. Sewing machines repaired and clean plied at reasonable prices,
I �Jf La, I snottier would plead tile. ed, any make, any age. Canadian
- finitib hip wol-4, C4n4da Nvotlld have able goods and free goods, for July 00mmittee if the cost do not exceed With God that he ever her children v Lamont -At Victoria Hospital, Lon- American, English and German, Ref- I V
of the Tjuited last, amotInt, to increaE* $1200 With Power to 40t, would lead. . Misses Gwennie and Marjorie flugbes .
IiadjtinCL" ,,92§,000 an P . don on Aug. 24th, 1913 to Mr. and erences willingly given. Drop a card
�� now been an . . of Luckuoiv are visiting friends in .
% States, as ex-preEident Taft 40 tersely of over $�,000,()00, over July, 1012, No matter how far we wander from Mrs. George Lamont of Appin, Ont., or phone 235. F. H. Smith at Long- .
� put it.. . For the four months ending July 81st, right town. a son. heed's, Wingham.
I .
. * * * the Imports wet e $225,837,000, comrar- Bee rave. . Thy prayers do follow us day and Mr. slid Mrs. A. W. VanEvery, Young Winnipeg. Aug. 31st, to WANTED.-Gil-18.to ]Para knitting
e.�___. . led with $209,331,000, for the corres- Rev. 9. W. Rivers and wife of Corrie night . - Essex are visiting Councillor and Mrs. Air. and Mrs. L. C. Young, a son. and looping., WHI-pay Five Dollars a
-The jealous continental rivals of pending four months of 1012, The are spending part of their bolidays And though lonely and sad yet with Mills. - Splendid School *
Great Britain are still chuckling over God as opr guide I week while learning, -steady employ -
the the def uat of the NAval B, It. And no duty collected for the four months of with Belgrave friends. We'll meet thee again where no sor- Af r. and Mrs. Frank Sell and Mr. - , ment, pleasant situation, fare ad-
., iiing more broadly than n their this fiscal year was $38,531,000, ccm- The gaqie of �qge ball bet-wev,p 130% rows abide. Roy Notterfield visited in London over vanced,, Apply now. Clinton Knit-
1one is am oil I, the Pared with $35 9.0,q,OOD for �be previt'p" , I I Husband and children. Sunday. .. E ED. ting Co. Clinton, Out.
p ) lea ,*,I . I � .g •grqve p�pq Westfield on 1.qat�lrdfLf logt I I
pity who �qi the apposition I I FOR SALE. -Quick -bargain -No, 9-, Shoes,
I ... I � ,, . period of 19111". resqlte4 1;i q victory, for 11091'aye, I
�__, I J?4rIIaTentpf Pa d ' . _. .. .-..---.I-,- .- Mr. Melvin Clark of Seaforth visited Men and teams are wanted for pav- 18 Crown Huron range. Also one
, �na 9. ,
. � I ke e PORP Of PIT49� 5�Pw a score 1-1-2, -
. * * Tl• � , , , at the home of John Ansley for over Ing construction, Wingham. Apply bedroom suite. Apply Mrs. Shurtleff,
. ' healthy i,ocrease. Agricultural pro Turnberry, Labor day. after June 25th to The Construction Di nal Road. :
. -The Liberal press is exhibiting ducts exported for July last, were Miss Rands of Brussels spent Sunday . - Service Co. "', .. 1. ; �
I . anxiety as to when the session $11,307,000, as against $10,251,000 for at Dr. Stewarts. Minutes of Council meeting held in Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Morton have re- . 'ArleHigh School opened on Tuesday 1P0 I jg.lp
some an . , 1�
of parliament will An For the four months of MIS . . 13; members ,
�K, - be called. d July, 1012. s Imlay who bag been nursin; 13luevale, Aug, 25 h, 19 turned from an extended visit through . with an attendance about the same as ..
_ these samg papers a few months ago the fi,cml yi'ar the exports of Mrs, Brandon, left fpr bowe in Wing, all present. Reeve In the chair; Western,Canada Farm For Sale. last year, namely, 160. The staff is . ..Q* ..
16's '� Fonda I .
. l,k)22,000 ham 0 yt minutes of last meeting were read and Mr, Wilfred McLaughlin of the composed as follows: -H. E. Ricker, , ...
were Fra ditisolution daily. A Itiaral aro . 11, I 1. 1.
. �.Vic4 ' . I
1� 4'at a ailfelence -'ast ti f6y.7 , , - 11p.ts were �5 adopted on motion of Messrs Ruttier: A,d,,I%n,, I . I
11 f 11FI-P I . coulp first J. A. Brandon spent a day in London staff is holidaying in Toronto Forty-two acres almost In corpora- M. A, Principal and Science; G. R. . Gr , 11 ) �
'i V - I 1. .
t .,v , , -&red with $17,221,00) for the fl f&d and Wellwoo4 t1lat a grant of � . -
. . four months of the fiscal year 1912. last week. and other places. ____� - � I
. - . prpl4tbs mike. tion of Teeswater, suitable for Dairy Smith, B. A., Mathematics; Miss M. C . �� ,fr, F
, .
. ,
.. , � �t,
- t ,� The grand total of txports for 3 Illy A few of our boys left for the West �1,4 be given the Turnberry Agricul- Good buildings. For farther L White, B. A,, Moderns and English; - 1; I "'. .,
�v I .. . . � � I . , Mr. and MrF. H. 0. White left on farm' . -
. I 0 harvest.
lure Society -carried. information apply to- C. M. Ewing, B. A., Classics; Miss B. I
J;jpt were .$4'J,Qf1Q,QQ(J, as q,gmipst $ - this weel� to help with the ' .
7 _Xon. 'Or. h4d hap 4emousti*ed , . . , QII The following accounts were Tuesday for a trip to Toronto, Buffalo WM. GORDON, Teeswater. - I
� -'for 1012, and for the four E. Anderson, history. IE-- . - -1
,ntlike the Customs 042, 00 Dr, and Mrs. Stewart visited in Y. #k'ANZ"A-1 -
theta bigdepaitmL and chs clues issued :—N. LouUtt. $57; and Niagara Falls. 52-55 . - - -1- .
". .
?��/��_ .
; can be run on bu4ness lines, if Only months Of the preseiit year the ex- Corrie fart week. . tile and digging Bryce drain, D. 1-7. Mr. Irwin Jac acro, Arthur, spent a The Wingbam Business College .
busit es i opened on Tuesday with the largest ._k� - -
I a 1,r*ncipl a are applied to its ports were $117,180,000 compared with Me. G,!o. Daley visited friends in Wallaee, $5.85; inspecting Bryce few eToys last week with his nephew,
� M%upg went. The bread ng revenue $107 808,000 for the corresponding Lnyd! wil and Becton. drain, Sawyer Massey, $0 45, bit and Mr, Irwin Pattison. Tenders Wanted. opening attendance in its bistory - -
, .1
; . iewens are the wortlay Doct'or's best period last year. Students will be entering weekly and
. Al Strahan of Brussels preached in bolts for grader, 41('X- Voting, $1 47 -, Miss Funny Green bag returned to
�.,_,' , aavertisetnent'pf effi,.;iency. .... . I 1. I ... ... . Lb .P,esbyterian Otinveh last Sunday. 5VIi. i�nd b,ol . is for grader, ?4unioipal sealed Tenders, marked "tenders anyone desirous of a business educe- The rough and tumble games of
I .
. Z.0 -�'j�L'S. Bryanty of �Jqljpt and . f4iss J World, $� 4� 't collector's bolt and ex- Woodstock after spending.her vacs- for hose tower," will be received by tion should write or phone the Wing- School life require the best of
. t * ! Wolp "§ suffrqe, - � ' ,114per I culvert tion at her home here. , the •undersigned up to twelve o'clock ham Business College. Shoes for the boys and Girls. A
. -� ., an V1 . � " stings, $Q 44; nwall was noun, -h, for the
i =Q.io bun4re4 years ago I? litilp , I _? $1 ns of* 41yL4 yi8tte4 i ra, lqr4udon press, 1P Friday, Sept. 12!.
. � Z -.- .1 � , . V .Ta 0; Mr. 0. W. Ryle of Cor general impression exists that this
� a Supday. and gravel, ]Pedlar People, $121 0 RENT.-Furnisbed sitting -room
I : -1- .. , visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. .C. erection of a hose tower. PI To REN
bo4y of British rqzai4rs were instrn specifications can be seen at the office and bed -room, with board or without. is the best place to btty School
mental in saving 04nada 4t the battle The trace proclaiMed by the Stlf-� ,,4iss Taylor Who has been; ntirsinj two cnIvertc, Robt. Weir, $035; work White over the week -end. of the undersigned. The lowest or Conveniences.. Students or ladies- Shoes. I
of (hpp3lel,@ F,trm, but the Ipriarier. fragette jeq�lers in T,J,igl8,n(J will r,l v OeLli Uilfrottirned t }las
her Lowe in at Jobb's Bridge, A. Hastings, $1; In- any tender not necessarily accepted.
Ites will tell you that we oxe nothing the People of that counts a weli;- %113 Wingbam. Specting Jobb's,bridge, John Woods, Misses Lulu and Lizzle Currie and a JOHN F. GROVES, Town Clerk. Apply at Advance Office. It's a right impression, too I
I relief. The Militant crusade is ann.h(,r I . $10; damages, Gordon Hastle, $3 50; blasterTom Currie sPeVit, the Labor 52_53 We won this reputation by giving
I I I to England. We are sorry to bear Mrs. McGinnis culvert on B line, G. Oinickshanks: day holidqs in Sarnia. � I I I special attention to all our School
* * * example of those wild and fantastic is not erj�)ying very good health. " Twenty -Five Cents.
movements that sw.�ep over world , or the boli- $10; work on tile W. T. P-,,. wwi Mr. 3ohn Magian antl sister, Bliss . Notice Of Closing, Shoes and always providing the
� -Here's a b*g crop. of wheat in the . • Guests at Dr, Stewarts f Austin, $5; cu;y�;��,, qu (jou: 16, Coulter Mae, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, - The Wingham Advance is admitted best. I
,W\ eat, and yet its prwence cannot be Periodically, UsuAlly it is some new., days were Mrs. Pickford and daughter prop., $0 ,-' g; , grading, A. Ryan, $12, L. Kastiner of Sabin vii . by even Liberal Editors to be unexcell-
tt ,ion but in this case I ng into
ri , and startling reli6 , rned Solicitors, of ed as a weekly, it is now got Nothing but sturdy leathers can
� putea to the wi,dom of La'uvi,r. )f Wablilpaton, �Jius �eec�!, of P,etrolt, We, the undersig
, 'I I V Li I �e for votes, These wavtws I . . Mundell drain, D. Dunkin, $3; repair" almost 2000 homes and any subscriber
I it is the desire ., I N Miss L1ctqJQ% D,&-S�tesboue returned to the Town of Wingham, hereby agree o into our Sheol Shoes.
bet at tbe crops f shay try it from now until Jan, 1st., 9
1. .§tp*pgp! ' It rnp.�l; be , I- 11 % ,%4ra. T6whsbury of 4astwood, MrF. ing grader, W, J. Campbell, $�; two Wr(xnto on Saturduy after spending to close our offices during the months In
J� I I ' - .1 ' ' � ' .
of as t�p auth�okpes pro.
". 11 , -1 . " liar. Leech of Trowbridge. , of July and August as follows 1914, for twenty-five cents Every point, where the wear is
hpar4 of tb?- P44nFP Of 0"' 0 ad and , . Bond it to
, % 0111verts, 4, Lincoln, Q
bw-plp . , � lbeig t . I 1. I . , ?A' i br%l;bIng her vacation, with her pareutEl.
orpment two years ago, pqqtl� , stle,w he tremendous u, ' 's 0 . ,ed in 13�lgrpxe * Mitchell, $j; each week day, except Saturday, at afriend. if yon like tie, ask a friend heavy, is double stayed.
povfer of e*%rqple. L. �vf �arupq V was obseiy ,
,?t a f( at �,%bor da , 4iols qi��ro�0,'W. lr� I to take it,
. q jpL, t,� t,
it I it I ,o Mtiline�'in culvert, Mr. and M, re, David Dj6vidson and 4 p,m., and on Saturday at 1 P.m, .0 The Uppers and Soles are Wat.
. fI,te !t �4rj).�jg ta�iu . . W. S. ?ding, §q; brushing
ppoplf! advap .nyt4iTl.g t1loy itlpwze �y . I . . DudleyHolmes
t. _H )n. -W. T. , White and Hon, an;} they 4re alfoost , spro to #tld fpl_ illyth. 411 report 4 good tifile, flotmers' sidetq'td, ,T.. XcT)onalA. $000i little son, also Miss Vina Davidson J. A. orton Air Ship For Walkerton rain. erproofed. Lace, Button or
Martin Buirell are reported to have lowers not necessarily rinedticated Win. Hencry, . wife and family who part payment .Dolt drain, P, Powell, left on Saturday for Winnipeg, R. Vanstone I At the Walkerton Fait Fair on Fri- Bluclier cut.
I . ritlenaei a sitting of the Imperial One, either. . have been visiting bla-brother of Mar- $50; part salary, Miss Ruby Adams of Toronto is day afternoon, Sept. 12th, Aviator Nothing omitted that could in
Defence Commitee wMI! in L,jndor. ,teas spending a few days with her aunt, Farm For We, y better our School Shoes
I It is by a curious survival of meal. nark returned home. Gravel and damages by Pathmalt Luckey in a Curtiss Aeroplane will any way I
This should give Sir Wilfred L%ar'e - aevallsm that in there days of almost Mr. Sproat is visiting friends in to the amount of $102.82 were paid. Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, of Turnberry. I 1�1 � give a flying exhibition. Thousands Boys' Shoes -$1.40, $1,75 to $2.50
grave fears for the safety Of Our' universal "representative govern, Guelph. Moved by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mite RJith and Mr. Goo. Allen of 1 farm, lot 4. con, 6, Morris; will see it, Single fares on all rail-
. ?Ar. McBurney that we do now 6a . Port Dalhousie are visitinifait the jhzoa- in ways. Girls' $hoes -$1.25, $1.50 to $2.25
1 ltutbnomy. went" over halt the population is hire. Dr. Kirby is visiting friends in , . Belgrava, more or less, half a mile fro
%I .1 . urn to meet at Bluevale, Monday, � 6 le r. Cleo., 4114n, e, one-quarter of a mile from
t jo ,om of. their �uq " m, . Then our expert fitting,wiab b6,
.., * * * uneepreseuted, Stircly- it women are Halton. � . m., . �tohell bag �tvktionl ninety acres cleared, the rest
0 . 4*tional beings their wishes should be I Sept. 20,b, 1pl*%3, at 10 a I�Jiss Auby Aaangs of 141, Witighatt: Ploriber Gone. considered for we ruake it our,
=13Ask%tchman Is to .J�ce �n . . 41 %1 i .1 " t , bush, a never -failing spring on farm, 9 tber Kdie in business to see that ovary MOO ,
,q ol)iy p - �,. I- well, plelt. rpt�tjrue4 horse after visiting her In After a abort illness 9 I ,
, qsufteq since they aie. (tillaRy tiff ect- .. .1 10 , ham with stone stabling 56x4O, a good .
I Mqn mwb.� Iva'. ii . I q with good collar, also a
the Empire where a . 1. "' ' 'Ta& foot properly.
X�i -ariclo, Win, R. Mitchell, Turnberry. frame Boase ,
Ad with r0h"hy %4 of p4v. Relmqve, I Wingham on Wednesday, Aug. 27Eb, fits the I ro'., 8, British subject Is permitted to ., ___� � - good orchard. Mrs. John Proctor, pro-
: Of course it is often denied tb4� the Miss Es%le and Master Harold Breen James Weir, in his 87ch year. The ____�
exercise the franchise. The reason Mr, Harvey Kirby to in t1le village prittress, is going West. Possession
" do reason but the weight of evidence of Sault Ste Marie are at present jiven in October. Terms ea4y, Apply deceased was born In Golston, Scot-
this is not Allowed anywhere else In favour of it. The arguments for a few days. .., a
i seeing 1 Lacrosse Game. visiting their cousin, Master Wray to -W. G, VrOXOL9011(, BELGUATVo,. Or land in 1827, coming to Canada at the
� is that there are ti�, other Scott gov-. votes nitiat Miss Lillle� Bolt of Wingham spent F. SCOTT, Bnv9sET4.. 4458, -six years. He settled
. . against giving Women ... age of twenty We i . Greer
. ornments. .1 What wo,s described by neutral Breen, ___.7= . .1. _ .. . . .
I 11 strike anyone who considers them, as Sunday at the heino of Mr. Win. --=— In Cobourg, wbere he worked at h1s
* * * spectators as the best game of lacrosse Mrs. H, Winfield of Chicago is _1 -----.- __ - . *
! . I . being very weak antl unconvincing. , Elliott, ever played In Clinton was that b visiting her motliler-in-Ij Chicago . trade as a mill-wright for ativeral years, THE SHOE MAN
, , . . W,,#r".VjA-
'-pir �rilfrld 1�autler P. -Is at last Tt is often said that women would lose Rev. A. R. Gibson returned home 8. 1, . q VOTERS' LIST, 1913. afterwards coaling to Turnberry, . 111,4.�
, , tween Goderieh and Witt ham, on q -Wiq4tir4l V7.40 lq in yeq . I
. , �!4'4 W —
_ it 'th� on Thursday after a thvee weeks vaca- ao'�'�A`ZIVV&rter egr �
� js��verkil th� rwlirgeni�yo' no In)re than thay wouia gain, That T1 where he took up farming.1 He mar -
I. 91"T . Wednesday last, - , P . pqlt,l%! ,le4 Miss Mary 49,110n Of Howtek, Axxm-1 am pre*
ph dlij berately shut his t'he two sexes would be brought Into Lion. 6�4'tbo' last (ilqattq Wqp e�gellppt )4lao W, Met'herson, principal of a 00
,.� to 7)iI a ol
, , ,� - . . Municipality of the Towdship of Turn
f Pyes at tbptj�dinp of bli*Natl6hallet 66 ilict and that women as the weaker 1., . . ' Who is left to pourn the loss of a lov� pared to care for cemetery lots t%.
. I t7O flautigh- ejti�'�" ' ' ,
. )f 140rpQap� Thp wore
, g , . . % . . 1; *09, lRbIlIlp R+r an
I � I the Stenographic department of the berry, in the County of Hurq,%..
,a Part Xv6llld anger by it, 'Tli0x- ... . Ing husband. 1, Ten years ago he came per season. Orders left with Town
booses, but the one ip �16 OW Y: �ess`els , '. . . . X ' it 8 a as a le re urns -===- _: to Wingliam,'where he resided up to attention. R.
. tqtq of *idghaq) 8pe;1 144 W64 w4s Y a, batt Is no 00tarian of the Win h in Buslue o I liege t d Clerk receive prompt
Be tp,s had to spend the whole eurn- perlenca of thosO Qt%te0'Wb0VP W0114PA 71;W4 in t6'vIJI&gA, strength of the two teAwa. There Is to town oil Monday. 1-otias is hereby given'tbat I have the time of his death. Ila v?i;Q a great Doyell, Phone 32 on 017.
� . wer in futile olloi is to- pacify his vote does not, bear thi's out, On bba Misses Mabel and Lizzie McKee, no denying the fact that Goderich bra . .4 .
, former friends and supporters. other side it Often urged that it Mrt,. B. Tebbutt.of Pedl%n4s, 0A, transmitted or delivered to the persona lover of big na,*Q, land, and several 0. R. Wilkinson, Eyesight SpecIA-
I .
. Agnes Lowry and •Joan Stewart 4190 a strong team, but were a little too . Walter of mentioned in Sections 8 and 0 of did % V.Zaited the P
women had votes many I efortili would, and he StOrt 1141se "I(J." I ttn� lace of his birth in list- 1"AwAvd St-, Wingbarn, 'a curing
* * * Mr. Clirtar McKee spent a few dAYR, heavy for our boys. Disinterested r a' Ontario 'Voters' Act, 1887. and tile diMoult, cases of defective vision after
be effected and the clay of good gov- I lJolij1p8ville were visitors at Mr. John amendments thereto', the pp,i).' , others have failed, I recognize that,
List week at Toronto Exhibition. spectators believed that the Win ham %4 re- Scotland- In Politics, he was a staunch
-Sir Wilfrid Laurier Is at his , ta omment inaugurated. This also is for over Labor day. qut" to be 4q 4 Ae;xiitt&l or deliver- liberal and in religion a Member of the in
Ausley'd " * '. through 8"eceag can only be attained
tricks. The oppottunist who flitgn not borne oil(-. 0ouditIons seem bluell, Air, Ohm. floket leaves this Week for temm gave the best exhibition .o? ed pi the 30st, made puraurant to said 11,esbyterian Cht1reb, He leaves to rough your satisfaction. Difficult
, . - I children 4 speciallt
I I Canada's national gAmo. Since that Myer. A. Johnston and d&uqhteV qu het, of all persons appearing by 1116 ease, an( -
.17. life bands to heaven, and calls upon as they were before, the, West. time Goderleh has been- defeated bye � Mrs. C. PtOlqA sfvt4 Aaug�iov, 05 Isat revived asawoment Roll of salol mourn hislosig eve sons, Johnof Wing, ferers attended, at their own Lm'Selff
I wish "Allit Meadia McLean of Teebwater 4' f des
I i e peopj� of t%nad& to bear witness Many tvow. n bf course do rob St. Mi�ys, s6 thlo'di9trict, Is out of the � latAllto.,ft are visiting th;t,r* sisters, 101pallty to be entitle tq ypto In how, Thomas of TtArnberry, Robert 1c desired. All advice free And sAtlefac-
, I I I I .
ate In they V.riiice of Pubdillh(IOn, for't�e rlg�Oto v6ts. I vialtiri-i with bArs., Scott Irlills. psa%�� imutilel IWIlty tit efeottons for, 110 Ick,JAP,O10)enabb4nana DAVIcl tion guaranteed,
. . Tf tli�y'me i
�. � N rs. 8 . re, L%bronlea. , w
. I- I I iub�ibg, JfWeAf0to%Av1sQ6urhoys ,%n4e�e�n and 14 1 Aer 't ' t Scotland, And one daughter. Mite
� . V %bers of, t a J� Islative AttArIxibly
b q 8b. uyftcibt)20 the other entitled tit if privilege to. 360. �utho,100 of. the bound" V;ho oug&S6 in tl�.ivs s'6rta,*vWwou!a ' 41q iclox e actions, 40 that 0 Air. 1. 11fee, plAno tuner, will bt In
"' , , , , , ,
I Own t s .1 Atelltoo, left
" ( P.- - W. Win, Q. Arson Of , I a,t Man* Mary, at - home. The f unoral, took a Appeale,4 for support to the feel .,a made hias beeil setiou'517, Ill. Wo, iiui; say that the cannot expect to play, 0414 Llat W44 first posted up In toy n town at alf ear date. All requiring .
1! rblapb 04b'adje%iis of the Province of 14 riaot % I who i �'gpee47 readve'rT, - , '. ' " � - ast eek tq ros,ArAe h1a 4"ties S4 oMee 4t, Lot, 13. Con. 7 on the 2nd day, Place from hie late residente on VrIday anything in this line are rettopoted to
I , firi", �t e 1. w he . . �ho game best Witboqt systewmt;e per
( , '�' apathy
, i
vii their , Ott ,
Is temot - " I . lilectvlogii engInaer, 4ftOr SP6114109 of 1018, arid remains there for afternoon, leave their order at 13elVe Music atorO.
�9�-t" should al
' '
, o4uebee btgause, foraootb, hew of dP 4ebire t 4, : onr 0, otehuellf,et. : . �J 4aster 460, •Thomson left on TueR' 41stant Practice- WO Might " Well t,�o montba At his how to Tqrtk'4etry� InspeotJoh, Hiootora are talled upon Good workmanship to guaranteed.
the some rare and troea as they, Itis "is to Suppose t4at -ty or 0 woroan dqy *to ektton4 t6' wippam 1116 e3l:peot 4 r400 uoirso to 40 gOC4 wol.� to examine said List, and It any ,
4 8 MQ0 � . . - I I .. . �' ,. L Oak Dining table, qaarter-out oak
� ouidtr for a leopard to cb&rga Ito 11pots, el2fradahl;led In 4 tow ye r the , 4. A9t10W And fawflY of omw1aloot or other errors are per- -t. - , I...,. I � Boffet, dark red Tape$,
School. withoO being In proper oug4itlo)Dt Mrs, J. , try Clort6ino,
or for an. lfratlk Oliver to 0409 tb'd ti tel 9,44 rati-tiorg of t4a sf:t W0141d 141se Ll�.!Zle atid b4r. Oaltar McKee Hvfty young to&,% fut4ririg the litte f4ondoio, who have 46m vigititig the 661ted lb6teld to take Immediato pro -
Nalots,l Authem, than for I,Aurtbr to oath thele Wlafs with sA litilt ftu' widlaigs to have the said errors r A.• - We are prepared to frmtoh Stair and Hall Claxpot, and A few other
- l'ic 012 Motday for thtIr ftspeativs In my game should 0*6 to It that his former's mother, Mrs, Wril, Sattob, .. thing". Apply to Mr. J. (). SWItht
k tiviftleBs vo,wr. Pro. toebad Amraing to law the Pri4*. rmuces, "
cart away from this w1sew &'ble b 40rd as the 6vorlugo Z044 trobloolt. I body Is kf-pt In the very beat coudl. returned to their home In London ou mAin, �owrtu,
I j., (f A.P1:644 to rs.06 Alla 67ced. On the b*bl� W4 will th-ev have Uv more old Mt. ava Mrs. X. T. Thowsou ste tie"- With the r1ght kind of pftetloa Mouds,Y- (3�ork of tlia muniolpAlltv of th P.6A4 6vV Ad. an last pajr6, . Wx�rnt� - Two young MUM to
Alghteet apportal2tty Ire imts &Vmwi *,MVM Is &a paxaman,ba �hm at wlroarl�*w Avft, thl or �phoyts operating. Apply at
' � . . I :� s"01aft I A MW *4" bmw ". 09, at boy* a*u h*14 their ow an M". FreA Ttplotdy I*tb this f(omittl , f TavOt"Y' VfW44%. WILLIS V 00. limrn be',
I � , .
-1 I Good lamwk . . . 1. - I . , I -..-. _ - '. ... ., .
I , ... oam, ='�Wo, 1l 04 0 '91%
Ik*$ mosk of softor W4 .� ,� To, � i1a ,11 �% � , V I . 'Now0wo - - , Towphefte, 0064. .
I �� *1 I ,a. A
ll - 19" ... , 'A h -
'L. I
, I
- , 't 1 & . I I I
= I �*_. . &k