HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-08-28, Page 8BOYS' SCHOOL
.4 11 rM W.i. ,41 till R AM ADVANCE
Surely Impossible if YOU Are
Constipated, Bilious or Have
mom Trooper Mulloy, Professor Of
Elyt b,
see to it that you cleanse your system
of undigested food, foul gases and ex-
EnglisU, R. M. C.
A number of our sritlzAns are attend-
To accommodate those wishing to
visit Toronto for the great Canadian
„ h,
lag the Toronto air.
bowels by the timely use of the great
future may lead you that God's rich- DAILY AUG. 26 & 28
The appointment of Lorne Mniioy
National Exhibitipn, the Canadian
Pacific Railway will issue return
Mr. Robt, Logan of Stratford is
Return tickets will be issued between
all stations in Canada east of Port
as rofessot of English at the Royal
p g y
tickets wt single fare from Fort WII-
spending leis vacation in toren,
Arthur, also to Detroit and Port Hur-
indigestion, sick headaches or that
feeling. Re-
of last meetingwere sustained. Mov-
Military College, Kingston, is an act
liam, Port Arthur, Sault Ste Marie,
A number from the vicinity of Au-
on, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rork, NIA -
Special rate and train service from all
of obedience to one of those big im•
Windsor and all stations in Canada
burn, Clinton and Walton left on Mon -gars
Falls and Suspension Bridge,
pulses that endear Hon. Sam Hughes
east thereof to and including Hull, Ot•
taws and Apple Hill. Good going
day for the West,
single parer -Good going Saturday,
even to his critics and adversaries.
August 23rd to September 8th, inelu•
Mr. Wm. Johnston has purchased a
Sunday and Monday, August 30th and
Apublic journal must recognize Hon.
new Ford auto• for his livery and sale
Slat -and Septem.btr'lst. Valid for re -
am �r Sam Hughes as an enemy at every S ecial Low Rate Excursions stables, turn until Tuesda , Se tember 2nd,
p Dr. Pardue has also parches- y p
stage of the long battle foto public From Port Burwell St. Thomas, ed a two -seated run -about. 1913•
rights and ' Fresh And Ona -Third -good going
g public ownership; lion.' Hyde Park, St, Marys, Goderich Lis- ! Mr Thos Whltad 1 ht f friday Saturday Sunday and Mon -
Sam Hughes is a reactionary who
proceeds on the theory that the earth
and the fulness thereof belongs to
the seekers after subsidies, But Hon.
S H h b .Jd i
towel, Elora, Wingham, Teepwater,
Walkerton, Owen Sound, Port Me -
Nicoll, Parry Sound, Bobeaygeou,
Ivanhoe, Hamilton and intermediate
stations; also Barlia, Waterloo, Pres-
ton and Hespler-August 20th and 28
e n c aux er o
the Canadian Soo are visiting friends
In town and vicinity. Dir. Wh%te co.n-
duated a tin -shop some thirty years
ago and finds a great many changes.
day, Aug'. 29tb, 30th, Slat and Sept.
let. Valid for return until Wednes-
day', S"oDtember 3rd, 1013.'
Full particulars and tickets from. H.
B. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket
am ug qe is no sno o , s an , Rev. Mr. Steadman of Elitnville will Agent, PhGne 4, W. F. Burgman,
If ills Bay is in need of a SCh001 Stilt fo}; the intense Canadian Nationalist in the th, Sapt, 2nd acid 4th; Station 'Picket Agent, Phone 50.
true meaning of that ill-used word, From Windsor to Melrose, Ambro preach in the Methodist Church on
Fall rtem, these prices will surely interest you. The ideal of British • unity is the ore%- to Sudberry, Tweed to Smiths Falls, Sunday,
er, of Canadian August 27th and Sept, 3rd. Return
tor, not the destroyer, limit on all tickets, Sept, 9th. Secure Ethel. A45" �(
s nationality, The enemies of British programme containing rates and full Public School reopens tare oa'1'ugs-
25 Per Cent.Q�scaun malty are the enemies of Oanadian particulars regarding special train ser- 1`4r Yl1£ants and OMildren.
vice, etc., faom any C. P. R. agent or .day, Sept•. 2nd,nationality.Murphy, The Kind You Haan Always Nought
write M, 4. District Paesen- Mrs. John McDonald and son Archie,
The Malloy appointment is an as, ger Agent, Toronto, took a business trip to Toronto this Bears the
section of Canadian nationalism.
t Canadians have followed with sym- week' signature of , .At
We are offering Boys Suits at these interesting
pathic in'erest the tragedy of young St Helens. Mr. and Mrs. A, McDonald and
prices at a time when our patrons will be bene- Malloy's life. The anxieties of "the (,Zoite a number left for the west this family are visitord In Toronto this
black week of Stormberg, Magars- weak, week. I MEN AND TEAMS WANTED.
fitted the most. fontein and Oolenso" drove Lorne Mrs, Mclennan and Morris are
Mise Minnie Ramage spent a few holida in y
Malloy away from the school in which- y' g In the Queen Cit this
he was serving as a teacher, and thus days in Wingham last week, week. Men and teams are wanted for pav-
+•�•�- NM^^^ Miss Flora Lavis, Kinlou h visited Ing construction, Wingham. Apply
working his passage to the university. g Mre, Win. Krsaiter and children aro after June 25th to The Construction
Our SCIlOt)1 Sults ars unusually good. at her home here last week, visiting Mrs. Krauter's mother in Service Co.
j y g He enlisted as a trooper in the Oana- Walton.
t The are made of the most durable fabrics da Mounted Rifles, and was fighting Mre. E. Cranston spent Sunday at
bravely in South Africa as one of a the home of Mr. D. Gillies.' Mrs. (Dr,) Ferguson and son, Clif•
and are strongly and excellently tailored, little band of Canadians, surrounded Mrs. Henry spent ent a few days ford are spending the week end in '
p Toronto.
by the Boers when a bullet blotted out at her father's in Wingham. Reg. Hemsworth returned to his
No School Suits could be made better in the sight of his eyes forever. Malloy Mr, and Mrs, Marvin McDowells vie- home in Mitchell after a six weeks' CHOPPING
groped for a friendly hand through ited the latters father on Sunday. holiday here.
S any articular. the dark of his sudden blindness, and
2..,.► p � A •fine bouncing boy arrived at the Among those who left for the West
....,,.....�.... �M� i,
on Monde were Mr. and Mrs. Goforth, AND
said -"The Boers are getting pretty
home of Mr. Jas Baker last week. Y
thick around here. I can't see. Lead Miss Cox, Mrs, Dresser and G. Gill.
me to some shelter and then look after Miss Pearl Webster leaves this week APPLE BUTTER PLANT
to attend High School at Toronto. Mrs. Ames had the misfortune to
yourself." g lose a fine cow on Sunday evening,
$10.00 Suits for $7 50 $7.50 Suits for $5.62 "You stay where you are, Mulloy," Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Irwin of Kinloss the animal fell over the tethering rope _
answered the other brave -hearted visited at the latters parential home, and broke its neck.
6.00 Suits for 4.50 5.00 Suits for 3.75 Having re -purchased the Chop -
Canadian. I'll never leave you. Miss Lizzie Wellwvod of New York Ernest Wheeler, Barber, returned in Mill I stn now baa over -
Trooper Malloy quietly and bravely is visiting her sister Mrs, Geo. Webb. home last week after an extended ping Y
$3.75 Suits for $2.30. accepted the fate that doomed him to g visit with friends in Hamitton and Mauling the same and installing
p Mr. Chas. Lockhart of Auburn spent Toronto, Some of the boys were glad an Apple Butter Plant.
go in blindness through the long, dark Sunda at the home of Mr, Elliot to see him return as they say one Sun
Brio the Bo here and allow us to fit him y T expect to be ready to pill
Bring. y years from youth to old age. Hl Taylor, day is enough to stay home, orders for apple Butter making
courage in war was not more inspir• Mr. Wm. Rutherford had a mare and chopping on and after the
correctly. ing than the courage he displayed in E;lueVale.
and colt struck and killed by lightning 15th of September and will
returning to his studies and conquer- The following address and presenta-
ing the secrets of a university edu- Thursday night. guarantee satisfaction.
Misses Edna and Nina Woods have tion was made to Mrs. Grace Buell = your patronage solicited.
cation without the help of his eyes. before her departure for the West:—
est :—
Troo er Malloy, in war and peace has returned home after spending a few
p y p •. To Mrs. Grace Snell, Mrs. Snell made -
proved himself a credit to Canada. days in Bluevale, a very suitable reply.
The appointment of such a Canadian Mrs. Craw and family left for their Dear Mrs. Snell:—We, the members EZRA MERKLEY
WX .- CA iPBELL to a professor's chair in the Royal home in Fergus after spending a few of the Bluevale Sunday School, have
Military College is a proof of the true weeks in the manse here, learned with deep regret that you
Canadian spirit that dominates the have resigned your position as Bible
p' Rev, S. M. Whaley will preach in Olass Teacber, which you, so efficient.
warm heart and wise head of Hon. Lanes Pres. Church on Sunday Aug. ly have held for a number of years,
The Clothier Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia.— 31st both Morning and evening, and that you are about to leave us. „
Evening Telegram. Mr, Hyde left for New Ontario this We shall not soon forget the deep in -
week to look after his claim u there terest that you have taken in the pro• e a lj A
P gress of the entire school and especial -
he intends staying for some time. ly the Bible Class which has grown in
MacDonald Block. Opp, Bank of Commerce. 4"-OOD LOD�S A union picnic of the Sunday School interest and in numbers under your '
b Id M XIteaching, and itis with deepest regret
; Canadian National Exhibition
FIG PILLS, At all dealers in 25 and Thompson, that we denote $20.00 to
50 cent boxes, or by mail from The Fig the Cuirass Agricultural Society as we W.
H Deemer station agent,'Phonee7.
Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont. Sold at consider the same to be a benefit to Farin FOI' Sale.
The guaranteed Eczema Cure. McKibbon's Drug Store. the ratepayers of the Township -car.
ried, A No. 1 farm, lot 4. con. 5, Morris;
• • • Thom son-Armstron That Jas. 100 acres, more or less, half a mile from y. �• MAW
A quick relief for all Skin troubles Jamestown. p g - station;
o ninety
of a mile from
`1 Donaldson' have the ditch repaired station; uiaety sores cleared, the rest _
Mr, Will Jacklin of the 3rd line and cleaned out opposite lots 23, con. in bush; a never -failing spring on farm, �• P. R. LABORERS'
and a positive cure for Eczema. leaves for tlaa r1't bL vn Tuesday. 14 as soon as possible—carried., baro with atone stabling 56x40, a good u EXCURSIONS
frame house with good cellar, also = The only reliable remedy for" Mr, and Mrs. L. Frain were visitors Armstrong—Donaldson — That we good orchard. Mrs. John. Proctor, pro- -
with friends in Ethel on Sunday. adjourn and attend the funeral of the prietross, is going west. Possession TO THE WEST.
. Mrs. H. McQuarrie is home from a late Dr. Stewart and meet again at 4 given in October. Terms easy. Apply
extended. visit with her son Will of o'clock—carried, to—W, G. NIoumsov, B> LaRnvr, or . SEPT. 6th
Eczema Erysipelas F. SCOTT, BRUSSELS. 60 53. _
Saskatoon. Case -Armstrong -That the clerk $10.00 to WINNIPEG -_
'Psoriasissar><• have notices printed and pasted up inasls Ringworm Rev. Jae. Pearson conducted the eplaces where they can be seen to the Notice Of Closing Also cheap rates to Toronto dor-
service in Victoria Hall, Jamstown,
Pimples Dandruff on Sunday evening. effect that all paellas who have placed i ing )exhibition -Aug. 23 to Sept. 6 -
atones, brick or any other obstruction' We, the undersigned Solicitors, of = Buy your tickets from us at the
p Mr. Robt. McKay occupied the gg -
on the sides of the road moat have the Town of Wingham, hereby agree -
pulpit at Roe's on Sunday and gave a shoe store. '
them removed immediately otherwise to close our offices during the months _ ;
Tetter Ivy Poisoning most helpful address from the subjeet of July and August as follows :—On = _
said parties are liable for damages— each week day, except Saturday, at 4
"Power". = Also a bigstock of
carried. 4 p.m., and on Saturday at 1 P.M. -
Hives Barbers Itch The Jamestown Syndicate Thresher Thompson—Case—That the rate for Dudley Holmes
is on the road again under the able Township purposes be put at one and J. A. Morton Trunks, Suitcases
management of Messrs. Sanderson &
R. Vanetane
13 three quarter wills on the dollar as Club Bags and Telescopes ;
Grainger. material that we have in purchase -- -- n at lowest prices.
We close Wednesday afternoons during July and August Mr. Gideon Brown, a well-known and labor, etc. is gone up in value, the DR. R. P. PARKER, D.B.O.A., FID. -
from f p.m. to 7 p.m. laborer of Grey, is in Clinton hospital rate will have to be raised—carried. OSTEOPATHIC PNYSICIAN -
having undergone an operation for Case—Armstrong.—That this Council EYE SPECIALIST FOOD SCIENTIST
appendicitis. pass a By-law to the effect that in Acute and ChronIo Diseases troated. _ Wl�ll� c' r
t /.
Miss Mamie McAllister of Now places where we find old board or rail Glasson Solenti&cally� fitted. 0
CORNER Westminster, B. 0. was the guest of fences causing snow to pile up and ivvr in St. (over Christto's Store.) ota�an ,
her friend, Miss Eva J, Bryans, on blocking the roads and a hindrance to
Tuesda Q1.30 a.m, to Vvednesda 10.10 am,
in In DAVIS DRU0 STORE Friday of last week. the traveling public, on the approval of
Dr, Jae. Jackson, Mrs. Jackson and the council we can arrange with parties
children are home from the West for so affected to have same removed any
Successor to A. L. HAMILTON a short holiday with the Dr's father, place in the t not
by cn 12 cent-
5ir, John Jackson, of the 6th Line. ing an amount not arore than 12 cents Gl*ve
� oy
per rod to have wire fences erected in
Miss Ella Hanauld and brother, places where parties are so effected.
Charlie, of Ethel were welcome vial-
Fr " R 1t
Pressing, Dry Cleaning and
Altering -promptly affended to
Shop One Door North of Patterson's Jewelry Store.
We don't experiment; we
bow how to clean.
TmASDAY, .AUGUST 28, 1913
Our Shoe Sa1e11L'v_
Will end positively on Saturday
$3000 surplus stock of
Boots and Shoes
at 60 cents on the dollar
We wish again to impress on you fllat
411s sale. does not include everyGug
in our store.
Our surplus stock amounts to $3000
and it is • 119 surplus stock which we
are offering for
60 cents on the dollar
Good Shoes of all kinds for men, wo-
men, boys, girls and children are in-
cluded in this sale. '
Willis o-
Sole Agents FOR
In 0 U, P wintep Coats
SamNow YInk Styles'OE911, f9oftIM-4A_
tors at Mr. John 13wen's on Friday. x Ero our Next Job.
Mitis ansuld, whoho McDonald,wag a former Alex. cDonanald ld, 5l yds. gravel and
teacher in number 4, is now teaching road, $5.08 ; Wm. Whytoek, 125 yds.
at Charing Croce. gravel, $10; Peter Millen, 78 yde. n
A number of harvest recruits left gravel, $
02'I; Jas, Wilson, material All kinds Of Printing neatly gild
Wroxeter on Monday for the West. for bridge, $345 88; Jacob Kreitz, 54
The (trey boys were Andrew and R. yds, gravel, $728; David Ritchie, r
McLennan, Joe Belly. Tom Flynn, 74 yds. gravel, $5,02; Thos. Melvin, artistically executed.
Nelson Hayden and Ed, and Robt, putting in culvert on gravel road,
McOutcheon. They are the sort who $4'25,, Mich .Fischer, bat. on gravel, Dodgers, Auction Sales, Station -
do things, $1,30, Saml, parker, repairing bridge, a a
$1; Mathias Willie, 43 yds, gravel, Cry, Envelopes, Blofters, Buffer
- $2 21; Robb. Grant, 07 yds. gravel and
�-�i j.
Low Rates for Labor Day rep. culvert, $0.80; Ed. Bell, work on Wra ere l•�l?urch Reports, Etc.
culvert, $1.75; Gordon Melvin, work t y
via Canadian Pacific Railway. on culvert, $1.75; H. Huffman. work
on culvert, $1'75,1 Mich Keiffev, 14 This office has always had the fieputation of tUrn-
Return tickets will be issued be- rydp. qqgravel, l,$5.0.4, Joe.
e. Murray. emak• 68 ins' out lnioer work than most +othevs. Prioes as
tween all atatioria in Canada, Port ing the and�delivering Bance $1.50;Jop. low as the lo'w'est. Coll for prig.
Arthur and east and to Sault Ste Murray, rep. culvert, $7.50; Chas,
Marle, Detroit, Mich- Buffalo and Cnrner, putting in tile, $280, T. B --•-.- --- r - - -�--
Niagara Falls, N.Y., as follows: - A.itklne,,,���pputting In tile, drain non. 4
AT SINGLE FARE and 5, $20, Wm. Colvin., drawing tile,
flood alum; Aug. 80th, Siad and Sept. Colvin and Mel enzle drain, $10,
led, return ilrrlit, Sept. Sed,1918. Donaldean—Case--'f`6at the Firlanoe
AT FARE AND ONE-THIRD report Aa now read be adopted and
Good going A.ugaet 20cb 80tH, $let orders issued on the Treaouter for -
and Supt, lot, Return fimit, 18,tpti, payruent of the sam*.-- aarrieA. �,
Sed, 1918. ,` Thys yG�kuquYen th.�.'y.ft� ltdjourned to meet Wingham �,�' Ontario
,[ >tugt+�itt W ML•IJt, .aai:,t,d5 I -
Iletorb ai ate N'1 a fall I1LfGirLYtf►ti4194t yy y��i�, y�,,�,y, _ _
^x"W i r� J�t•�f 1 ' -.. i�P A'�wMwrrl' �YvRf4"1v1. ' � iw, k.-.- ... - ... - _�_a_ .. - - - - 1 .
'Vee are ready to show our full line of 'Winter Coats in
the newest modals for Fall wear. The designs and pat-
terns In this season's materials are the choicest selections
of Canadian isuyers. The up-to-date Cloths are the Diagonal
Lanza goods and soft, woollsy materials in Brown and
'White, Blue and Blaek, Black and White, Black and Red,
Grey Tweeds, Chinchilla and Fancy Tweeds.
0 -
We have—many of ,;our bear Coats on display lin our
window and now ie the time to choose your Wintelr
Coat. One style to each person and prices to suit every
one. n
Mail orders promptly filled,
Sutterick Patterns always on hand.
Surely Impossible if YOU Are
Constipated, Bilious or Have
of St. Helens will a he in r. or-
ton's grove on Friday next Aug, 29,
Mr. Crosby, formerly of Belfast ar-
rived in St. Helens this week and is
that we bid you farewell for the pre. ;
sent, We trust that ere long you the
return to resume your work in the
Sunday School again. As a -small TORONTO
token of our affection and apprecia-
see to it that you cleanse your system
of undigested food, foul gases and ex-
engaged with Mr. Hyde in his shop
while he is away in New Ontario.
tion Tor your eafnest and most valu- Return Rates from WINGHAM
able services we would ask you to ac- s •�
cept this fountain pen. We trust es7.6� a2•�0
cess bila in the stomach, intestines and
that where ever your path in the
bowels by the timely use of the great
future may lead you that God's rich- DAILY AUG. 26 & 28
fruit tonic laxative
Council met in Town Balt, Tees-
est blessing may attend you and that
the Christ that you have been holding ; AUG z3 to SEPT. s SEPT. 2 & 4
and you will feel fine, have a clean,
water, August, 25th, 1913, tie per
motion of adjournment of last meet-
up to others may be your comfort and - All tickets good for return until Sept. 9
stay. Signed on behalf of the Blue- '
clear complexion, healthy stomach, no
ing; members all present, Minutes
vale Sunday School of the Metho-
indigestion, sick headaches or that
feeling. Re-
of last meetingwere sustained. Mov-
dist Church. Alex.. McGee, Superin- , ASK'FOR OFFICIAL PROGRAMME
tendent. Contains list of daily events at tho Pair.
tired -out, down-bearted
fuse all substitutes when you ask for
ed b Wm. Case, seconded by Jae,
Special rate and train service from all
FIG PILLS, At all dealers in 25 and Thompson, that we denote $20.00 to
50 cent boxes, or by mail from The Fig the Cuirass Agricultural Society as we W.
H Deemer station agent,'Phonee7.
Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont. Sold at consider the same to be a benefit to Farin FOI' Sale.
The guaranteed Eczema Cure. McKibbon's Drug Store. the ratepayers of the Township -car.
ried, A No. 1 farm, lot 4. con. 5, Morris;
• • • Thom son-Armstron That Jas. 100 acres, more or less, half a mile from y. �• MAW
A quick relief for all Skin troubles Jamestown. p g - station;
o ninety
of a mile from
`1 Donaldson' have the ditch repaired station; uiaety sores cleared, the rest _
Mr, Will Jacklin of the 3rd line and cleaned out opposite lots 23, con. in bush; a never -failing spring on farm, �• P. R. LABORERS'
and a positive cure for Eczema. leaves for tlaa r1't bL vn Tuesday. 14 as soon as possible—carried., baro with atone stabling 56x40, a good u EXCURSIONS
frame house with good cellar, also = The only reliable remedy for" Mr, and Mrs. L. Frain were visitors Armstrong—Donaldson — That we good orchard. Mrs. John. Proctor, pro- -
with friends in Ethel on Sunday. adjourn and attend the funeral of the prietross, is going west. Possession TO THE WEST.
. Mrs. H. McQuarrie is home from a late Dr. Stewart and meet again at 4 given in October. Terms easy. Apply
extended. visit with her son Will of o'clock—carried, to—W, G. NIoumsov, B> LaRnvr, or . SEPT. 6th
Eczema Erysipelas F. SCOTT, BRUSSELS. 60 53. _
Saskatoon. Case -Armstrong -That the clerk $10.00 to WINNIPEG -_
'Psoriasissar><• have notices printed and pasted up inasls Ringworm Rev. Jae. Pearson conducted the eplaces where they can be seen to the Notice Of Closing Also cheap rates to Toronto dor-
service in Victoria Hall, Jamstown,
Pimples Dandruff on Sunday evening. effect that all paellas who have placed i ing )exhibition -Aug. 23 to Sept. 6 -
atones, brick or any other obstruction' We, the undersigned Solicitors, of = Buy your tickets from us at the
p Mr. Robt. McKay occupied the gg -
on the sides of the road moat have the Town of Wingham, hereby agree -
pulpit at Roe's on Sunday and gave a shoe store. '
them removed immediately otherwise to close our offices during the months _ ;
Tetter Ivy Poisoning most helpful address from the subjeet of July and August as follows :—On = _
said parties are liable for damages— each week day, except Saturday, at 4
"Power". = Also a bigstock of
carried. 4 p.m., and on Saturday at 1 P.M. -
Hives Barbers Itch The Jamestown Syndicate Thresher Thompson—Case—That the rate for Dudley Holmes
is on the road again under the able Township purposes be put at one and J. A. Morton Trunks, Suitcases
management of Messrs. Sanderson &
R. Vanetane
13 three quarter wills on the dollar as Club Bags and Telescopes ;
Grainger. material that we have in purchase -- -- n at lowest prices.
We close Wednesday afternoons during July and August Mr. Gideon Brown, a well-known and labor, etc. is gone up in value, the DR. R. P. PARKER, D.B.O.A., FID. -
from f p.m. to 7 p.m. laborer of Grey, is in Clinton hospital rate will have to be raised—carried. OSTEOPATHIC PNYSICIAN -
having undergone an operation for Case—Armstrong.—That this Council EYE SPECIALIST FOOD SCIENTIST
appendicitis. pass a By-law to the effect that in Acute and ChronIo Diseases troated. _ Wl�ll� c' r
t /.
Miss Mamie McAllister of Now places where we find old board or rail Glasson Solenti&cally� fitted. 0
CORNER Westminster, B. 0. was the guest of fences causing snow to pile up and ivvr in St. (over Christto's Store.) ota�an ,
her friend, Miss Eva J, Bryans, on blocking the roads and a hindrance to
Tuesda Q1.30 a.m, to Vvednesda 10.10 am,
in In DAVIS DRU0 STORE Friday of last week. the traveling public, on the approval of
Dr, Jae. Jackson, Mrs. Jackson and the council we can arrange with parties
children are home from the West for so affected to have same removed any
Successor to A. L. HAMILTON a short holiday with the Dr's father, place in the t not
by cn 12 cent-
5ir, John Jackson, of the 6th Line. ing an amount not arore than 12 cents Gl*ve
� oy
per rod to have wire fences erected in
Miss Ella Hanauld and brother, places where parties are so effected.
Charlie, of Ethel were welcome vial-
Fr " R 1t
Pressing, Dry Cleaning and
Altering -promptly affended to
Shop One Door North of Patterson's Jewelry Store.
We don't experiment; we
bow how to clean.
TmASDAY, .AUGUST 28, 1913
Our Shoe Sa1e11L'v_
Will end positively on Saturday
$3000 surplus stock of
Boots and Shoes
at 60 cents on the dollar
We wish again to impress on you fllat
411s sale. does not include everyGug
in our store.
Our surplus stock amounts to $3000
and it is • 119 surplus stock which we
are offering for
60 cents on the dollar
Good Shoes of all kinds for men, wo-
men, boys, girls and children are in-
cluded in this sale. '
Willis o-
Sole Agents FOR
In 0 U, P wintep Coats
SamNow YInk Styles'OE911, f9oftIM-4A_
tors at Mr. John 13wen's on Friday. x Ero our Next Job.
Mitis ansuld, whoho McDonald,wag a former Alex. cDonanald ld, 5l yds. gravel and
teacher in number 4, is now teaching road, $5.08 ; Wm. Whytoek, 125 yds.
at Charing Croce. gravel, $10; Peter Millen, 78 yde. n
A number of harvest recruits left gravel, $
02'I; Jas, Wilson, material All kinds Of Printing neatly gild
Wroxeter on Monday for the West. for bridge, $345 88; Jacob Kreitz, 54
The (trey boys were Andrew and R. yds, gravel, $728; David Ritchie, r
McLennan, Joe Belly. Tom Flynn, 74 yds. gravel, $5,02; Thos. Melvin, artistically executed.
Nelson Hayden and Ed, and Robt, putting in culvert on gravel road,
McOutcheon. They are the sort who $4'25,, Mich .Fischer, bat. on gravel, Dodgers, Auction Sales, Station -
do things, $1,30, Saml, parker, repairing bridge, a a
$1; Mathias Willie, 43 yds, gravel, Cry, Envelopes, Blofters, Buffer
- $2 21; Robb. Grant, 07 yds. gravel and
�-�i j.
Low Rates for Labor Day rep. culvert, $0.80; Ed. Bell, work on Wra ere l•�l?urch Reports, Etc.
culvert, $1.75; Gordon Melvin, work t y
via Canadian Pacific Railway. on culvert, $1.75; H. Huffman. work
on culvert, $1'75,1 Mich Keiffev, 14 This office has always had the fieputation of tUrn-
Return tickets will be issued be- rydp. qqgravel, l,$5.0.4, Joe.
e. Murray. emak• 68 ins' out lnioer work than most +othevs. Prioes as
tween all atatioria in Canada, Port ing the and�delivering Bance $1.50;Jop. low as the lo'w'est. Coll for prig.
Arthur and east and to Sault Ste Murray, rep. culvert, $7.50; Chas,
Marle, Detroit, Mich- Buffalo and Cnrner, putting in tile, $280, T. B --•-.- --- r - - -�--
Niagara Falls, N.Y., as follows: - A.itklne,,,���pputting In tile, drain non. 4
AT SINGLE FARE and 5, $20, Wm. Colvin., drawing tile,
flood alum; Aug. 80th, Siad and Sept. Colvin and Mel enzle drain, $10,
led, return ilrrlit, Sept. Sed,1918. Donaldean—Case--'f`6at the Firlanoe
AT FARE AND ONE-THIRD report Aa now read be adopted and
Good going A.ugaet 20cb 80tH, $let orders issued on the Treaouter for -
and Supt, lot, Return fimit, 18,tpti, payruent of the sam*.-- aarrieA. �,
Sed, 1918. ,` Thys yG�kuquYen th.�.'y.ft� ltdjourned to meet Wingham �,�' Ontario
,[ >tugt+�itt W ML•IJt, .aai:,t,d5 I -
Iletorb ai ate N'1 a fall I1LfGirLYtf►ti4194t yy y��i�, y�,,�,y, _ _
^x"W i r� J�t•�f 1 ' -.. i�P A'�wMwrrl' �YvRf4"1v1. ' � iw, k.-.- ... - ... - _�_a_ .. - - - - 1 .
'Vee are ready to show our full line of 'Winter Coats in
the newest modals for Fall wear. The designs and pat-
terns In this season's materials are the choicest selections
of Canadian isuyers. The up-to-date Cloths are the Diagonal
Lanza goods and soft, woollsy materials in Brown and
'White, Blue and Blaek, Black and White, Black and Red,
Grey Tweeds, Chinchilla and Fancy Tweeds.
0 -
We have—many of ,;our bear Coats on display lin our
window and now ie the time to choose your Wintelr
Coat. One style to each person and prices to suit every
one. n
Mail orders promptly filled,
Sutterick Patterns always on hand.