HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-08-28, Page 6I Sk * , 711!�__ I ­ __ - - — ­ ---,., __1 __.. —I-,--. - ..., --I---- - .----.—. ,___ --' ._ . .. .1 .. -111 1. ­_ ­.­ 11 .-I... I ­­­ .._:­_­._­ -.1.1 I . -.1 I.. .1. I...... I __ ...... .. v , ., . , "AW , � , �, � .. I , Pw I!! �� * I W , ­ �!, �, � _ � . � ,. 6 .. .I I .. ,, .. 1. . . . . � � __­� �.__-­—_-___-.____ , -,-----,---.. 1. -6 _. - �: _ -'- - __ - ' 6 1� ­ I I 11 . , I .1 I 0 . U ;V�0,11. ­­ ­.. I � 1. I ­ :X � .11 isaid. "The young girl, wais saved thon"11 % � X.V06 ISSUE NO, 35, 1918 , I --ife, itiank-4 to yok�l and NYPA ull. 9S USES FOR SAWDUST NWU* I . ­ I ., I .0" 746 . _ ­ .. .. � 6 e fit .... . . , , 11 1. 16. � I ­ .6 1 .11 6 6 I- . : % hm-med", replied tit ", with trew"- Their We and Dangers to ­ - .1 . ., �� . '. I . j . n 10US lips. "Mie wililles to thank SUMMER LAMP6. S"ANOL H194P WANT90. � I . � I . Be . L.Xz U R-% -0 itlasielt for suving hot- life, but 1 6 - ' Now w' - 4 i . I Z��, ' , , Avoided by Users, Tornierwaste Product ANTUL16- 9XPZRT9*11C1X;P WAA.v_ d''. 6 I_ 6 _ . . . 1. ; 21 vilvised tier not ici talk witli, you A -bout Ill cAmp and .couutr.v lauloa b 'I , . I .;4 it until you are able to sit up. And 1, used by those not entirety famall';'x'r )N'vi'lillf t, LOTS THAT FAILED 0 BLOOD SALT 'Extensive . expedenced weavorm make the highest LOGICAL, SUAM13C 1% too, shall add illy tbanks—RY, 1117 IleArt- their 4aare; therefore a few worild re- � , ly Employed 14; X%C*-� ",',%,*g.,V",V,4r,l�",�l'.',',,,"Io,a*r"nri,nir7*.,.i iNew York ,Skin) � felt gratitude for both. you Ila arding tlient Play be timel3r, � Ali e%vc-liput reineil,y fijr I)YUpopilla, 1. w4res. For full particulars, apply to 6 . I I 1 ve been g * Tile Slingsby 311g, Co., J.,t4., Br4htforil, f1tella-lylir do cows wear bells? :1 very 111,11 wOut Oil tile old gentlemaj.1, Sour mtolilaell, Iivui.t�urn and vollialpot- Not so very louir ago about tile Only vntArIQ. I . ­ � , 1, � 4 _149P volia-To call tile calves to 41tilier Of - XX:XXXXX4WXZf2%XXXXXXX,ZXX "tile ductur ott"i'vo It IV96 A Xelal*e of a Lanips with metal rwervoirs are safer 11011. Tills is vompourtilva to resemble real use -lily one Imil. for liawdust; IVA$ eoUr"O. I _ . 6 fever front whioll you bad licit, wholly ban tilume of chlIjA 01. glawl, as tile for- III essellea anti effeut tilt., salty purto oof for pacidng lee. That was w4en, sluall V"N­�-� FOR IIIAL.R. -----+--I-- . ­ I.. I .. ... 6 . 1 ­ 1 ­ I .- .. .. . . .- - I . .. 1. . . . I - j tile hulliall blood. I . - rwovered.11 , mer call be picked tip, if upiet, and re. .ri OR SAUC-IJ STA.\'I).kFtD MAXZ , Ili fit. store for blot. Price Cool-. Leuding T)rugmsts. loc,tl tiawaillbi were inure common, and Automobiles; late models,, roadsters SUMMER OUTINQ LUXUPIES. "As von have settled tile mattel" there evo., fitte w. , The young girl )lad retraated from �laced before the oil can eseape, 1411evelanil plain ThIaler For a ioun-ge ruiati. who had known. ev- * 6 ' tile anivitut of thlo form of wakto.wooX4 and. touring; !664 and 40 horde power" :new j Is notfiiing left for ilia to say," returned tile OPliciolte- side of tile bed, but aftor Tlilt' .4.k.NUIj .Nljola. Co., IjINTITED, � tire$,, firat-olas* runnin order. Write, lion. (1, Xorton, = Lou on ,street, Wind- � .e. "Itilli. P'llmlilor vottagol Is "n Willuirieg, Man, tivelly alliall Now, when tile telldelle'y ,Vur, jDnt. � ..Let"t st Clarence, sluomil.y. ory luxury to be fltriwt .tit at onee ill)- It few 14(olualits stole ,4uiQtiy out of the Good %mlity of oil Is eslieutial, for A wits Or at any rate aplitared, couipara. 1'alill 110"littli,111(kc-1110. Isn't It '. 1*1 have bottled It, but fur one 11.1ore oil Ili,; oNva reitiurpoi, seelited, for tile rovin, down to. tile vel-audg.14, whole 0110 L bad quiAlltwy of oil not only clogo the : :� � , X I , yr.q. veen there?" I word or oo. I wish you to write t ) Athis time bell),,!, appalling. � . knew tier fatli . . 13 to consolidate these into )argo mills ­­_�_ . ( . I d s b the or would Boon join tier, wick and burner, but gives off tin un. . 11 Haven, stating that -#-oil 41.0 pleasett . Tills DIVved to be the case. . Pleasant and dirty vaporr. Forest Fires, .Nil. FrIt'lill. of 1111110, bad 4 cottrI90 Ht, hall vullated )Ilia it -lei Avith a capacity of several litincired there last yvar. You gilt I.voul, drialcluir A'4 "g, ge IQ lows, --- wattor trom the fillip. don't You?" over the coutemplateif unitta between 111111d"'Is, gav, _$v ­Iki "olle "Now is lie, papa?" site cried, Iturry. * * it thOutiand fevt ;f hunber eer d4y, tile � Ser pold lily " whose alin h -;d been to shine in society's litio, to meet )jet- father as lie stood oil Never turn down a wick.. It is moat Gave Up Everytbi-ng for His daily Nyitiste it, riawdult w seen to be A forest fire to a calamity, .:y e." . -elf. 0 ,It uncriaou6. anti much experimenting i,;j Forest fires can be prevented. .kti,141 11:111ti, III ItT "I canno, t'01 ., ,. f(,r it would Ile false!" world---youlig men who wore prouct of tjj,e threelicild Of the doorway, to burn with tile flanto at fitil ),eight, cflu-istiAn Faith, ­Yvs, init ut-ver imul after wo drink.r ir family 'po-jitions and . � thel of their In- living Joue .to tilieciver new methods of The chief cause of forest tires to . .- ..., ___ -1 - dedared ( Uj ellee. "It would be Jill ar, Iv. Otancei. � I "'kit if lie but Iiiiew It, I have f4lien and t0ion. It Is alloweil to stuotilder It .11 MIA falsehw�d 44i ,-tute t1liat I Ant pleas. in i.iwe With my handsome here al- either solokfa or smells, and it The whole life of tile primitive Eskimo utilizing it. carelessness. WUFFI ed, whelt, (114 0e kloOtlary, 1 R41 most bit. Would any of thooe old chutusi receive read,V," 161ke breathed, whispering lier A source of danger in it. . also "as is governed by precedent, Although out- Ilerbaps the most proatioillig ve I uture A burning match' thoughtlessly ((111jollmatl I -Inquirer.) torly oppo4e4l ta 4h!s maddest of all inad Noll or .,4taiiJ by liltu now thAt, Its,- wa,s seerA .Into the heart of' the bwitiful * * 0 wardly tlle fr�eat and most irresponlible . Ill sawdust utilh;atlon Ilk this votultry is thrown oown doea the mig . (11abl, -.1411lith 1,-t all 1111welecillito cuqs, I,Wt pi-willess and all oitte.t.it frow Ills once I%6,0 Lkilfig'ia the world, lie hi fit reality the Vires In the woods must be coa- r l ' treated witil :sulplitirle uoid, and to uit- , Ilia riages." . that nestled oil tier brealit. ,1 al. Place your alcohol btulp Ill I , 4) 4 be? l The old getitleitien sprang to Ills feet, palatl4l hwuo? Ile thf,uglit not. ThOre ways )lad fill lilen," ohe raiiiinat .. � i, shallow tilave of pubile opinion aiid the iiiiiii1jer- able conditions, rmulting Ili the jorina- fully made not to start a coAtlagra- - Weve -`41141LI141 vay I'll. '%N'h%, that 1111Y with tile alertnesli Of a buy of sevelitkit wais not ow. artioug th ood""that "diall, as the Alcohol is 1103le*t, rut, on 1040 clistunis And Ailperstitilluo; of Ilk tion (if stignar, whivik Li then'ferineilted ttou. . kvtillitiliq Q.vell t.,tll;. Ili his slet,J). P 111,111Y to W110111 I should ineet my hero, rom litically, and the table or dressing table and Igulte, or ; - __- 4-00. I r Ile coltid go to)- n6apilthy, I.Xpeoliu.k, a $Jke�jj Wits tile oai,,e, It OJAI a aluestors, 'the wap; of Ilk fatbors tire to produl-6 alcoliol. Several plants havo The rule set down by foresters to . . il)htead of it, feeble mail of 4wo and sev- glod liand to be IAII 0 lie near being ruia v*rnisheil Burfacps. Never pour good enough fur bars. And tile world of - been erected to produce alcohol from "Never leave a gire until It is coin. . POSSIBLY. euty. lit in VQ1001110 to' a traggedy, however, but for Ills -interior- freeh 41001101 into tile tank if the , I command- vall to do as I Say!" Ile litire Quit- t (Ijostoll Transcript,) hink. once, How Mee that papa, will take burning chat, on it, for the e I'll i4 the old inen )tnd witch doctors. ,410 wood in this manner, aild, though thero pletely out." 131anolut­1 can't livinj;lne how I got tile cried- Nrlot;Nly: shaking his forefinger Do wondered vn�,iiely what Ilal,would him for a secretary," And ,%,lie threw ber- tents inay burst reasure up Ancient precedent like tile aro sonle difficulties otill to be over- Brush or stumps should not be burn- . into flames. Do It ed in a clearing, inia dry time or oil jilav or think wlivit slip heard of Ills, $ejf down oil one of tills pl&z a lightot 11harisees of old, is the. standard lie Ilves come, tile ItItl tt hay fever. . ominously tit the p4lo young mail who . ra Ill& � anecesis of tile pro- .Niarle-Perhuris It Was from iksjn.� that plight. Prolva'bly rej ice because she wita Oat$- -'kOel) tile alcohol b(Atle near the ell and dim by. ecpA oil it commercial seel a windy day, sti'll-wherrs. k0ur ball. faced hhu '40 liorrowfully. ' "The first tittle I over talk w1th, him - )&mp. - . 4.- - Vor oil INkinio to break One of these, e Is Assured. A fire should not to made In the 41"(1, freed from the' bo4di wbieh bliund her hal n ther lie Is cleetirked to. .,� Sawdust ]Ills been alleces4fully limlit- moss or peat; it may ionioulcler for . � to a begg kinwritten Inwi; is to render himself a factured into iji-billets for firef for a con- lays and then blaze afresh. i . 4 -, .1 "And- -T rehasto!" said Clarence, in a ill-. wi It were. �. like lite or not. I Beelli to be gifted BABY'S GREAT DANGER sovial out,const. Although treated With toldel it ble tittle lit H ,urQpe ;jy a very alm- APPROACHING THAT. law, faltering vult-to. "I cannot disgrace . a Wave after wave or sorrow owept -with a premonition that way. I knew ' - (flostoll Trallseript.) my wanhoud. atud iny principles by writ. A fire should riot be started quuoug . over him. Then, bs, a groJA effort, lie tile last aecretary would fall Ili love . DURING HOT 'WEATHER 'kin"noss, lit% "" 'to longer reckoned as plu proc".j. ,j*be bhuyinge and oawdtt*jt leaves, dry wool, against a log or any '*Iioll't you think Nvoinen ari, getting tilo Ing tilt untriah," lit. maintained. you aronsiod himsplf. ' with ,me, and tit -is lie did, actin; lit such " . it, member of the tribe. k brother-lu. ai,e th-st stown-dried, tilt- water �oiiW , , � I . ,4A- tree, dead or Alive, darin0y (joginni lit iliL mauer of drils-41" "kgaln I ralivat th,�tt I command lot will show them tilt that, �Rltllokigll it. plorfectly ridiculous manner that papoL law of an Esklmo chief had early em- ed ill �the wood being thuj evaporated u ,'Origlual. Tilt,%, aro getting pil4itivoly to ao ao! " viled the banker, Ills fine old ., I Cigars, cigarettes and pipe ashea, burlArInal", � I am pentille,io, I itill. )lot C*ili slowl was obrjij�d to Bend him awoy, I thillt. --Vora little ones die (Ittring'llot wea- braced' Clirtstlikulty, being converted oil Anil tile rt. -silk almost 11(juified. The saw. sparks and live Coal$ from DIL111111119 i I--,*"*-*— face fairly disturted and unrecognizable w)lllt) I . still have- lily health. andl tills young man will be sensible. T%*` thOl' than at all other time of the year, It, - �Olue b Irst nil"- dust is thell vonipreis.ed under heat into loccrmotiveB often cause bad fires, PAW KNOWS EVERYTHING, through his intenne rktge. - y tl ip f4) N� -� ()tie of tile I " strength!" old howe ivas getting, quite glQonly �_ Diarrhoea,"llysentry, cholera infantuin. 41cilmries. Being A, very conscientious briquets of tile debired size, the oontain� Carefulness is the 'great necessity; Nothing oil earth, not even your coin- �jo runijilating. he nrose frout. tile fit[- how nice it will be to have $onto one of man, lip soon r�oaglilzed the incoompat. 0 (01lic-loll'itl 1-1 114 Jill Vol) . And OtOwa(lh -dikurders come without ed resill fieting as a bind I-. A firili in it costs less to prevent fires In the willlt-�Pa% wylat Iii tile greatest com� . "land, could turtle lite to eountenance- felt log. standing in the path hesItating� lily own age to k`k to, especially when wftrnfuM txll(l ,kirboll 4 1 eilloi e ia 11 t ibillty'of rettibibig )its falth and Quit. . . . . u It O Vancouver 14 " wools than to put them out. The for- .4or . . . engaged. Ili at similar Ene 11:1%v- Pivullet" illy .4cin,. - -e, the sawdust being coin- Bet preservation people Bay that any lucita Met Buell 9, monstrous ulliOnl" flashod out ly,' meditating whether be ohoi�ld 1.10 evening comes," unit Lillan HArvey iiest- ,at ]land to give proniptly the sh6rt de forming tc� tile worship of his people, Of inalluftlettil I : � - . t Clarence, bitterly. 11 0 1W. . led belvedf in the )>road 44-ptlki of the too frequently means that tile ebild The �pirit of the �4eotclt Coveuanter� pressed Into a oviludrical tube,, where it one who carelessoly starts a fire in . ' That was the ijpeeio� n-hich was like -a He would not take Otto c zzo, chair, much.aftor the fgall- 11,4111, wad Ili Ills veins. Ife refused to po it out into alioi-i lengths by it revolving MUS16AL APPRECIATION, � , pa4sed beyond uid. Baby's Own Tab- the woods is a public enemy. Are they .. brimstone match to -Ehe gunpowder Of -illooley )118 fatlier had s;t1d lie would ion of a young kitten, dRy.dream%ng, as let's 4110111d always be �-ept Ili tile Jothrough tlle u8iial rites of Ills people. knife, anierging ill tile furul of $,,,all, uot right? OVaahington, 8tt(r) the father"ti anger, The words were place in the halld.j home and praved to the dod of tile . of Ills lawyers for romantic. Young gills wilL I . where there are young v,bildren, ' white roui)d briqui-ts. These briquets itre clean 1:1 I r 1;1 .,.uripose you Ivilt buy your talented spoken almoit lit a %viihiper, but - -Ith hunger by � stranger at honie, As [I restilt lie wits to handle, olley to kiiidle, ancl. leave (m it stratilvarlus?" they film, though ho starve:i vN CHATTER XIA. Ali occasional dose of the Tablet(i will forbidden Ills plate In tile village ];Do- ­Yps,­ repiled Airs, cunirox. "fitit ,zeenied- to echo like warning thunder thc- wayside. As lie ittiod there, fate de- A week later Clarluee Neville was prevent stonia0i n6d bowel troubles, or ver,y little aah. BETTER THAN SPANKING "ll 0 IIISErunient fit it time. .It pre�,Pnt Ito through the ruoin, anil repeat themselves elded the preaent for him ,if not tile fit- .duty inotalled in Judge Ifarvey's (ga (or meeting place), where every inan , Raigland sugar is manufactured on fta,likinc do** not cure children ot bed - Is learrillig ta play tho violln.,., over and over again during tile moment ture. ill Doston, as .private secretary, Office if t -he I. trouble comes suddenly �ho I,&$ ilis recognized station. carefully wetting. There is a constitutional cause :1 ; 10 - He 11"Oulpt use of tile Tablets will cure the . a commercial settle by treating sawdust of utter silenee w1ilol-li ensued, Clarence was about to move an, little was an inniate of Ilia own country home �baby, Tile Ta-bletos arop, sold by medicine graded aloozorAllug to merit. Ills son was lit oloied retorts with weak sulphurous for this trouble. Afro, 11. Summers, Box not Allowed to dancte with the youna, . tteld, mider high pres,sure. Ili Austin, W. 8, WIndsQr, Ont., will sand tree to A NEW AILMENT. ­ Banker Xevilh- stood motionless and curing, little heeding wideli airection at Brookline raiburb, coming down. on dealers or ky mail at 25 colI6 a . . , -box men or witnetis any of tit,- coun6ik " any mother her successful home treat- (flostait Traliseript) . . clumb, glaring into Lite handaunto, white, lie took, when suddenly lie was arovised the train with him each inoraing, and from The Dr. Williams, Ilediehle C., or . Texas, also u. plant is belug built to Marks Witia nowsimpers)-It snys beeil determined fitee, with it baleful light In from Ills reverie by tlWsound of a piere- returning, with him each night, Brockville, Oat, wjtd� I doetoring re;erved for the men -, Manufacture stook food from sawdrat, ment. with full Instructions. Bond no . . I his daughters could not take part in inoney. but write her to-4ay if Your ch:114- thut it 11c1W j)hyqlc--a1 allillela It tilu '"Ilk"'Itt )if,, gra eyeti. whiolt boded no g��d to : Ing bereani, It fieemed almost a mIrAQIe to hill% c - �: : I by a suillewhitt sirliflar process Tile tar, roil 4i� e." VVIllit jdail 44 Jill �,� P, D4 that'? a y . the annual dance of the women, nor 11arU1-­(_)nto A%itn it r1in, i)etot-q ji".11ro- the young Iliall. Wilt) met Ills gaze tilt- Turning (lidekly in the dir#ctlon from that he did not run across a single per� ' trouble You in this way. Don -t lialoly. I . . . � pitelt and turpentine are removed from blame the child. the chances are It can't . flinellingly. AN,bence it pruee�ded, lie beheld a sight son who, knew him during Ilia first fort- Then Who Was SUSie? was any member of the tribe bold eri- the sawdusi, leaving only sugar and ff- help It. This trest;nent also cures adult's - . / ' A ' — L . I ough to ask them in marriage. They all bre, to wbleli Is qr1ded forty per ce ti,alred people troubled with urine dit- "Forgive ine for refusing you--ai3k which pa -used all tit itg-lit of self, to blot night. -Nfr. 1Awrence Grossmith, who has nt. of and � Ili. ties by, day or night. SIZ E.0 UP. married .','Iberlan strang.!ers aml left the cottonseed ineal . The n-Axture is sold for . Anything else, and I -will gladly clu it; quicidy from his mind-. A young girl .kfter the dinner hour, Clarenee found -scored a ,,bit" In the part of Hubert in 1, Illanf,.4 house desolate, I kit tuck I tjudge) . but. write to Mists Haven, usin'g words flying Across all Adjacent field, seream- time banging heavily upon lk!a- liando, ,�The Uld Ili the Taxi,11 told some amikii. 0 Q � ) lie s fattiolling oattle. - - - I Crawrord-l! lievel"tIlrolixht hilli lit. oilii-' lit which illy spirit, lily heart and .illy Ing with tort -or, while down the patch) for he had nothlittv' to do duAtior tilt; -Ing atorles tile Other day. to Ills faith to the last. Alwft�s cheer- Two and' wie-lia)f parts of clean saw ClellulosiiFronl.Asparagus. clift,if niall, bill: I, stle lie's jast received .Ili - n to]. always ready to bell), living daily conscience would- revolt lid I penned lit fill] pur-juit-of her, tore nil enraged long evening but think, and Oth(me . Id Cellulose is now recovered froin the , 114111OV11IT d6grOP front AM) for Lhis C-flj�­ -�,,. I . One , of thent was about a business ' dust, inixiod Ivith two, parts sand a) h, 110's firfillab4, t.1,11w .431�i(o the faith that was lit him. It(% was one cl-lib'sRaw-0 , . - - them --never!' . bull, attraDted by the fluttering crimson thoughts 'were aiways of Babl',whilm tie, , mail who attended ]its partner's Nved- -of the few of Ills race who was 1p -ave, OIJLA Part coPineTA, inake a warni, loiig� waste of aoliaragus canaing factories by n b a. AVeArluff the recently discovered process of Otto thing that would got film at �vttudevljlv � 1), 'ill tile years of Ilia past life lie - .4carf she wore, . had'loved and lo;8t, hab-, his'briclo',of but din . ongagemept. g. He hid ever met _t a bride b enoucrh to wttb�taud the witch-doctur, find sound -proof floor, to whioll I - t- I hAd niiver "e;u Ills father give way to Clarence Neville took in the situation one short. blistifal liour, I fore, but at tile reception lie was pre. AM . 1-1 . . ell rpet4n Reinke, of lianibitrg. He also malcos, 1� coall 40 tacked with ]a& injury . quell A forrent, of migurernable rage as - lit it ghince ,firld it, less timii tha;l it ]'it that fortalght, f4irAoill(an Harvey sented to her, and gave tier hid very Send for Free Book giving full than to .-I boArd floor, an(] whioh!Ilas tile AGAINST MJSSJONS. . a . .' 3 use of the Aulks which. inaturo after tile . now seized - him- � , takes to) tell It, lie had deeld'ed upon 111-3 the old judge',% darling. the Idol of )Ila best smile, . particulars of TI119NT0lVV advautages over A cement floor in bel�,,, editilt- orcip Is gathered.-Iferetoforo these (Ilostnn Oust) lie %vit's -&1P',_j'!'0'*j'_gW4I for the burst of own course of action, wlil(,Ik was to save - life, hud1akeii it into her pretty head f. Rr,.-)tr.D)', the world-fainotis niore (tiastic, Thv4k, q.talities L,holild w,*' residues ]love been practlea)ly worthlestj I hardly feel like a, atranaer;" he c-ure ,or Epilepsy and Fits- ill 0 e r . linnoi-IN'bat ninlceq you so tlowivioar'.. I to fall d"lierately in love with It r ,,%.I([ tly, ­t1lough I F S Simple home treatment, an extou4ivlo tisco for'thii form of floor. excef)t 41-8 fertilizers, ly ed ,,, , , PRRsiOI1 to '-*S�)i,f(7'.h- -ilia old mail gave._ tier life li�,4inperiflng his Own, Pleasall ],live novel, its the bave but % ytoArW 81ACCeSS. Teo- ilig, 11,111ell 11.1,4 the, cid,flitional acivants,�0 little nutritive value when used a'i fod- Ilinksk-My employer's ivift, hits, onilow- vent. , - With it dozen flying leaps lie bad father's handsome young oecret%ry. met you before, 'You see, Illy partn�r ft 0 timontals front all parts P11- another mission: I � " . 31r. '-Neville speni most of Ins even- and I are on the itiost Intimate torniti . tl;ltt it can be stained to harnionize u!"11 der, ard attt-inpts to litilive them ill Forgive youl" :. Ile retorted; "never reached the yomig girl's side, aryllig of the world; over 1,01 t j�nnpti-Wrmt or timt? : Inge in the judige'a magnificent library, U BE . 11jilkit-Mvery time site dooi; It the old while Lite still rlseii and sets -nut to the Out' a.part front businctis, and lie bas -Oocla. lit one year. hiferior flniihm�,s by tilt, Ilddition . of i-micing coarse paper Or packing material mark cuts (lown our sniarles to get ovon. last hour of lily life! From tills hour "(71mirage; help is at hand; I call and browaing among the gents of litekature SiOnally done me the lionor to read ex- TRIENCH'S REN9DIES, LIMITED color 1:0 tllio'mixtil�e whlf� in a seral.' have ll'ot resulted satisfactorily. After . .1--il. . . . �, you Are no .ion of mine. I roliWet that -will save voill" of conturlow )),lei; which it ocintained, traetti'frow Ilia dear Susie's letters." 410 St. Sames' Chambers, Toronto. lillilid state. millorgfAlig a comparatively simple ino- THE ORIGIN OF THE SLIT. . Illy blood runs in your veins, but I will With those words lie grasped dexter- and here .Afifis- Ulliall usually found her The bride glared, tit him so ,,-Wously I:* The sawdilst of cortain kinds of -wood obanical an(l coliernlocil. treiltment they - forget it-Av, forget front this holir loluly tile crinison searf from about ]ter way In search of some particular book able q ' . (Yottngstown Telegram) I that lie hastened to assume all expres, From the Journal of Mme. Leandre is i1qed. lit coontlitler. Ilantitipi 1) %, yield a bemitiful pore cellulose, which Agne�-jVhere ilill yoti get thQ new silt that I ever'bad it son to thus. Bet illy neck, and shouting out, "Run for yOnr whioult-the inerry rogue well knew was $foil of Apology. . . Cynicii;m is a disease, caused by sour 1111113111failhiriorh for nietal p6jislj. fo'� may be need for bandages, blasting ma. dress? 11 . , . command at i1efianee. Ood, I.,e,.%,e life, and act over the fence to the Other not to be found ainoti those Austere I pt-cking, for moiki. cifring, for makin terial, p�.per, t6suc�s, fine felt, cardboard, - L, , '-I hope you don't mind bw having grapes. If it attacks )-oil lit youtli, a , a . . (Ini-rie-It 1.14 mY old hobble; I- got tbQ -.11 house, anc:1 never enter it again, not tilde," leaped of in all opposite direction works of grave old autiors, read yo,ur )e . tters to. itie'i" beiasked anx- fo%v warill appliciations'lif affectioii good . safitty �Xplclqlvvg. and c i etc.. I f4lit Ill otepping from at r coar tit s . andishing tile red silk- Air. Tevifle always laid aside 163 own . oulpositioll Ilov. . , C, iolisly. . true love, diluted, ivill speedily care. &Uies, all,'l for fibro -lit morning. 'Ireet even if I l4v dead within these willia. over the fields, br. I � . P I pulp 1110likifac. I - I� � . t - 1, . 'e my cui look to help lier to search for what�she Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta. I I - Go! and tak I -ie with you, I I en soarf above Ilia head. wanted, and the evening alkla�e passed 11-Nly letters!" slie repeated ikolily� "I Ili later yeard it is incurable. ture. Patent cleaning powders for itie . WUFF!. � disown you-, you ehitll never Inherit one For kill instant the aulknal, stood quite fear iliere 4 some IllistaL.co, .11y Ilanle is No one can lie as well as a wonian on coarpet:43 and rugs cionslost principally 1-1 I � I (Clincinliati Enim dollar that If-'inine!" still ill a audden.halt; as though bewild- Witl'Ouf� tIteir ,being able to IQ-eate it. � . Iret) � 11,len!"-Pearson',ok Weekly. . -foi- she will penivade even I-arself thttt oulos Sol pail)lwolu Slitl9q '44111).%%iis jo Obeying the L ' l. , I erect at the change of person wlio If Clarence Neville )lad -been heart ' * aw. My Nvife is an rthgel," said the Roob. ('11 A I 11 -' , R, X X X I N'. . ,whole and fancy free. lAilian Harvey's � - -.- . A she is speaking, tit(, truth. cheap ljolleral (;il ...... Deportment of tit(-. I, -'I­1�%v long litis s,be beon. (lead?,, asizoil lie 11* � flaunted the red scarf which . M 1. JL11 \ . Every Nvout,oi carries hidden away - Interior, Forestry Bntnob. ,A small town in Ifflosissippi passed ill Orotich. - It ]lad a14 c5in' i4out so quiek]v-this - him by Ills brilliant, glowilig color flut- bright repartee and merry wit might Withill' her rt Ivild) weird offin self ­ . - a law that no wheelbarrows abould be - - I - . terrible rage' of bis fathe?*­a7 I bilat Iea,po forth iii tile hour of ftkcs -1 . . . . -11 I * nil his tering in thee bulishine, the next instant I ave aroluosed in Idin some interest, As . allowed oil the sidewalks in the bust - being driven from hoine, ,sent out home- - h4d wlilrled about it -was lie quite. forgot her very exist- , ness portion of the city, Soon after NOTHING LIKE KNOGING WHY. the infur! ell beast � and cities the startling deed . . . tilell For Women's Ailments (Pininsylvanhz Pirlieli .nowf) lees and iionuiie,�m to face the world - It in the direction the ence when iiihe was out of Ilia alklit, - vanishes, leaving its ever the 'law was passed one Saturday, th4t for'the monlent Clarence 'Neville s "'I IV 116 one thought was. yttily semblance Dr, Martel's Female Pills haye beCII which Is the busiest day of the week, . red, ad taken, seentill- to ou will find relief in Zam-Buk 1 to pay the prive ill plodding, 1,.xtient, � The sweet young thing ivois being w" compleWy bewildered. loit f!"811111"'gingot the screaming 0 girl I -Would lie, by any, chance, see Bab, hopelese drudgery. the Stan4ard for 20 years and for while the streets were crowded, a AlloWn through the Baldwin locomotive. a f * ,:Xbt9u._t_te11.r` it eases the burning, stiliging works, . t . . - He ]lad but it confused ide o Ills lie hud been purluing but ,I, moment be- ere the skin, whi;h Ii.;djut+t ri"n, woidil After you have gone to tile ijujits -if 40 , years prescribed 'and recom. negro, came along the main street .1 momento with his father, , 1) I What is th,it thing?" Mie imsicvl point- I kind what )lad i�.Ot." . ain, stops bl,aeding and brings I trundling a ,wheelbarrow filled with nq with. her dainly parasol. � ocoeurred, fore. I � * P stifierini itild "innill;4 roll find that it mended by Physicians. Accept no answored tilt, gwile 'Its hn, en- -,I fo t an , Terror had .,o Overcome Ile bought Ole dal,iT ape ..ThaVo . the young , p. rt. and per- ease. Perseverance, with ZaM- Is not moral eonviction'that inal�cs volt groceries, Tile city maralial stopped -, ne bollor." "Froin this bour, lie ce r h d for' u& ish -thless�- lint, jlljop�!Jjll. other. Ai all druddists. . him, telling him he was under arrest , -to-datco young ,a -it you," Ilia fathL girl that bhe hild harely time to carry red tile society column with lever' Buk, means cure. Why nOt PrOve pure or win quite . -� : � for pushing his whielbarrow on the r4he was, Tin up , &.%, J r )lad actions ere all � ent of it, the Inborn hi-ithiet of your I anil ever, I disin-hei - out her rescuer's in -Ar e interest, for very often lie fou.nd ill It it &,r4,._ . .it ()net) beennie Intorpoted. "Anil why do repeated, in a high Mirill, rasping votue. little paragraphs conet-roln.,ir Bab. this ? Ail 1�i-uagyis an WHERE EUGENICS �ro, loolcea at the of - they boll ongine,s?" site Inquired ngahi. "You. shall leave 1 fell beadlinig in the thick, green grass So* box6 fladli. , FAI LS, street. The neg "on , will be home to yovit no longer. I shall On the other side of the fence in Ek, dealt .- .14 "To makt, the engine tender," politely' y ]ionic at once; it They always called her ilie prettiest !d anti C0111111 nil place as Our love (Philadelphia Record) ; ficer for a moment and theii, picking r A , � f 1. Inemor; 1rassachut:etts -wits convuliseti a p4a�+i. .ij,n_ 11,16 !Rtte 1girl, 'who was walkiiis bpIled the reqourcerui guwe. kirl of the Hub -In fact, tile belle of r - es,may be, we 1�iaeo tj.hkiIo.jk,_bcwcj 'aiVl*,u eug"Jo-nitirliage-, Rhd-tllj;',, *pT- * by his side, he placed tier Upon the . ,I : t . - not do by you as 'you deserve ---send vou roint, I .1 ; go, .oll e Claren Noville had barely time te Boston. them to, glorify ourselves. J) . away empty-liandod. I -shall aeaye' a ee , have tivarrefed over serious niatters slid top of the graceries, and turning to OL,D MAN A TERROR. � ere N_ ow that the obift month �Of � � n While Nve live, %ve aro other and . *mail Built lot, you In tile hand's of my note tbAt she was out of danger� '16 tile ('11, salti nFusty tiongs ubout each (130ston 'Trans' . , . November had rolle.1 around - ' ' ied the officer, said: crIpt) lie wheled Puddenly About, maj�iilg for ' . .. I ' ''' prilicet-a--ileeping. Tit e awaken. separated, The brld� s-ays: ,,( felt �hat .1GO lawyers% You can ecillect lt,�aild--J I . -_ ., _ - f'. � ,Qguil to . . . .. . .. . . ... . Ing will be rticle. F or, instead of a Ito' hall no real love for me after we went Re -Will You marry me ,,Ic i asic your � ( -aie0---kad' -- h ;ivakeu � ­ oil, white man. Dis here ain't father? — __ - Clarence hAd jj,P_W_jILn his hands -with the ,1enc-6j,_Tebdn,15K--uP#l1 Ills swiftness 0 in its summer. letoliargy, there was ebarining prince, it is tile churl reillity to kill" flat to live." But what )ilia love no wheelbarrow. DIB IB a baby car- _­Jkb*--TF.._r, T)V15�1d,pd You :11�tV,,14134-aN,e�,-a-hd4ii-t-"V"i,"t- - ­­`- - "' ` _-._6 :6Gin the I;Iullging, bellowing beast f.rO to do with all eugenle niarrialie? Etigen- - ure. , �ncj of gay, social functions,, and " ETE JUEAT. who rouses us from our dreams. riage."--New York Times. 'work. I i "Not 4�ne penny will I accept, father" wbo was so 1IOtjy pursiting him. 110 to It les ure,suinething tliouirlily selentifle, antl � . I -, 1: Ve Sayis lie )lad been one of . Thank 11�9,�ren, he ba.3 regained coil- 11iss lialiel A, R, AlAcLean, whose pen Holuo-A-he place where is faitliful1v love Is one It the least ic-fentiffe, thlogtj :: - I . - blSCLOSEW'BY THE CARDS. . be had said, interrupting him haughi- In. bio, colleg . 8 clasB-Iie had scJOu8nQs,;- At last, af, my deAr," he kept ,greon the memory of yuitr every liiiLtginable. Clergymen unil phystelans WHERE MONEV 15 TIGHT ily. -f can ant[ wilt'do without It." the b I "Alexandra," etintribated IlAiscieL. aro" 110vo. (Illuted stifenjilly its saytill; that I Pot %tllletes It, lit went oil, "I agree -wit I you. I am heart- made ix . a d and inktake.-Ilelen Wo1j.,,skIt the collapse of tills it(:, entifle- alliance E,v%-rybody suffers, when boots are (Washingtoil Star) . Turnincr lie had istaggered, rather un. - outrun all of Ills classmates, fly glad that lie is through "bliling lengthy article to the Vancouver Pro. in Augiust Smart Set. "t-1111311a.-Izes tile truth Wilt man Is suille. '-You're ,sort, they are mismatkl?" steadily Otoward the door. He had ITe depended upon the tactiej he,had . t : � tight your count steffers, but, they can'bis empty nothings ,and lilts -returned t6 villee JuIv 12, 1913', Oil Teke tl)lllg illore thall a liters allinitil; that . "There's 14 no floul)t or. it. slip- is no bell to save Ills, 0 jilono, - MInard's, Liniment burea Olptherla. lie. is it be -An-, With a 111111d, It sold and a painktisly cured by I"ittliam's Corn Ex - export -tit brifte and he is a ithamploll P1111fied on the. thruhlid(I with the knob learned end practiced t � tile light of I-easolling once more." which pollit site villited with Otto hun. ___ %%�� telliperallient." E'spet-fally tile temVera- tractor. Guaranteid fit all, cases. UBG t)Jnovh14lpinv.x�,r',' .. lit hus hwul,, Rnd looked back, sayin.g. Xife now. . "But who iti; lie, papa?" whispered the Ilit-lit. But cild tit experiment of hit I _- I huskily: Swifter and swifter he dashed ovel dred unit more membere of tile Whistling Jugs. t-tigenlo warrhign ,,e only putilaill'a, 25c, at all dealers. lovely young girl nestling bet, telltale, )Nrornaiils Vaiiadlan Press Club. 0 uVe to he Irled With � PAW KNOWS EVERYTHING. "You have been -very -hard In your the uneven ground; swifter and swifter , - 0 restilting diFaster Inside of 10 dilva lit 9 'I - 'L I . : blushing. face and early, grolden head on of conditions, acs ishe found them, It 8PPIll., fha, tilt- potterd of anclent ordry tu jimires.q this itipun :%rassactiblietts a Whiollinati. rimilitirer) judgment of me, father, and harder still the enraged beast tore after blot. . "Alexandrall writes: . Peru manufactured some Ingenious X4111 if-ty o1j.,5ervet4: "We' are not dealing � NVIIlIt--.1`jxNv. uha � t Is the-sninice nuls- in - tat the Ted ScArf fron, her father's breatif. . nius- 1 ti011ds? Tht� operetari- of inaritable PATH OF THE SUN. your treatment of tile. I have loved - He tried to (11 "His name is .Neville, my dear, and "Leaving the Itivuriously appointed ical in0ruments, '*`Whh�tling 'jugs" they 41106" . . . fringe . vdtli liorl,os, dogs 01' COWS. ))ut with o. Paw -Thio follow VAto to alivays borrow- and reverenced you all my life, arid it 111,11, 'Horror of borrorst its by what I can gather from hios; remarks, Grand Trunk Pacific train wbielt. had are called vkhen thev Atre I Its Relation to the Epinoxes and . of his co!Lt, froln pliteed fit It itroMe", Ihmt 1111-4 to) 110 Mill SpIrItlial cuts me to the heart to' see how a cix-jight upork % button - Leltigs." To nicist people there la notiling Ing matelloq, lily iinn. " lie must diave recently ,conle from NeW brought Us thl-OlIgh 611611113tinglY love- Q0110etfUll Of Lillti(litititti.."Silvadoels"tlie,v ,,,,I,v In that. litit the faddists may very the Solstices. . I - I . - otrailger-a woman Young and fair - with his ii,trength seemed unible to do- York. The doctor was right about it pril- ly scenes, the writer met the st perin- lialned theln lit the old days. Speeinienti i can came In betweeki its and *aver the t,ach it, ,running As he was pit that ter- just - I %veil give liurne attention to the thought CHANGE THEIR WAYS, vious, illness -he had recovered - tendent of construction, 11r, Fetters. of then, are obtained from century old I '. The siln's *path is called the ecliptie. .. ties of affeetton. that should. have re- rific I -ate, from an attack of brain fever lit One Pbe official who introduced him de- .1ittrial placezi ill peril (Plilladelplila. Ptecord) mained unbro�eji between us, Nolifle life He realized, too, that each effort to of the hospitals there." l the Otto of these con.-ilet 0 . I . It is a great eirole of tile, celestial - ' Troax-it nitist be trite that the good die " scribed bitu as "tile ivan*who built s of two vases, tit . .e, cuttium the celestial equator at YGIM9. lastli.." . lilolodge it only took t1hat much strength He must indeed be a Now Yotker, road." lie led the vvity * * * We went bodies joined closely one to the other _,,,)he, 0 Joay-Oh. X (ion' know. sometimes tll?,Y Trere was not cite gleam, of aoftenad front hini, . Ulan," returned tile girl, thoughtfully. through 9, store -house piled to the Nvith it single narrow opening between. . two points Iso dogrees apart and milk - a - outgrow it. . tenderness fit. the liarl,oh, story, set face The lence was acsrociblv threa feet we ever to reward blinj papa supplies 'to" tile oft'llPsEl - The neek of on;! of these Tliv,4 is to certify that I have used ,,or iijill it Jill single of 231,J degrees I � I : Il turned towarij.1tim, be had noted that re attel�pted to leap 1111ow are s roof with � vases is clot,ed Ifly 1111, falkilly fur I j i from hfui now. I foi- the great service lie rendered in lit . . ATUYS Liniment in I 0iown. Ila the Obliquity of the ecliptic l HARDLY PFtOUD OF HIM. with Intense ,llospgUr.'� 11fita,ut food anti rainient and 'Isinall hardware." Nvith tile ex,L�eptjolj Of it sulall opening, yeani, Anil emigider it Vie'liest liniment The crossing points ar; call -I the equi- . . ! that distance, but ill that Amful I gavill illy Iff?" . Label,i oil bOX(la Rild b-trrels prok-lai'lled in w1flovIi a elay pipe is Itwerted. The . (nostou Trantwrjpt)� "Good-liv father!" he had said., husk- be otumbled and fell headlong, anti libe "I filink Viat will be easier,than Nye the beeit flour to be f tile InarIcet. I have founkf it excellent noxes, becituse the diqs� Nlirldo-INTY dear Jack Is so hand- ily '1811-i you not say good-byl I UL�,%.t moment the bull was upwi: Ill . �,O &,ill nights ttro 11 rs. N . . nj Otilld On thQ nial" el(med neek Of ibits double vessel is inud- 'in tilt .komv; be resk%inweii a Greek god, am parwing out of your life forevo�r, you - antietpated,11 returned fier father; " fur ket, tile best oatmeal, the best hants, eled to repre,ietlt a bli-d's bead. for horse . flt-sb, then ecilikil, and the I s nildway be-. Mrs. Lonmvvd-80 (Ioes my 11110.1nd- I tile young man is -In fiear,ch of a posi- biscuits, tea, coffee and all sorts of Whvill it liquid is poured Into tile open (Signed) t*,vem 'tile equilloxce are the .solstices, 11.1oo;4AI1I.Q. , � know." - Ills . CUAPTER XTi. tiou", canned frilito and vegetables. We called tie the Lull then seelin to stand .1 - I- The old banker )lad turned on eked vase tit(- air 6 vompro.wed Into w. S, PINEO, because � . A fortnight elaposed since the events "Olt, papa, and you. are in want of a on the cook, who presided Over a klteli- tile other, itud in escaping through the 1 0 a fe IV. , THE THREE.R'S. . heel And walked switly into tin Inner chapter. Whou 6 earetary," cried the girl, 81Y, ent that glistened and obone and chal- narrow opeuing. is forced ititt) the whis- I The eoliptic. is 4.11sa w " narrated lit. our last breathies "Woodlantls".1 Middleton, .No S. 'I , " so ralled bec'i (Lift,) voom, ,closing the do -or after him with a Clarence 'Neville opened his eyes, be "Did you think of that?" . lenged c0l"PurioiOn, In PoIllt Of cl-IIA1111- tie ,lid tile. vibration produces souild. . eclipses occur only when the muou is 8(-bv:rIer­'%1hnt- vonstmites ',the threv bang, found himself In a strange roont, luxu, "You anticipate what I was going to nesd And order, with any of Noll" town 11any of these sourldri represent tile , crosdug It or is near It, for tile nioclu's it's" Ili tht. edtleatioll of it debutallte? � By that, Clarence knew that *the riously furnished and -was lie Iliad or say, my dear Lilligal," replied tile goo* kitchens. Tlie melis room; wil noto� of birds; one fit tile. collection of 1"t Van 11ity.,--ter-Welf, I should say ral. stormy interview was at an end, I ek! tile ray. Orbit Vuts tile eellpfle, Ill tNVO points, ment, )-ngtime oand repartee, dreaming?-ble eyes gazed up into tit' t4man, laughinghi. "I offered the young enous five hundred tile)) gather threll I . 11 I . I e knots, and at other :: : :: I Ile never know bow he turned 1, wilteall lie tile British Intifievint imitates the notes . I called nod o or I away, face of a, lovely young gir gentleman the iosition, and he hit$ tillies it day, was just as spotless. The of the robln and osome other members of thues Is above or below it. If the ON THE LINKS. groped hia way down the broad stair- ,lever remellibered having seen before. Z -0—P �_B � L—LY"113-0-4- IN SLANGLAND. OR" and Taa4eI;lo(1 the street. accepted it. Tilde -ed I I IIAY 64Y 318 'IV" cook- had just completed a spice eake, the thriiiih tribe pectiliar to Peril. _ Inuou, when lit either node, ]a in Illia Willic As he looked ,-it ]ter Ili. puzzled wonder, very glad of it. I did not aek him for I ,b) 4 Whither lie.went lie seareely remoni- . the yoking girl turned qLtIckly to some a mile or so Ili length, topped by icing. I � I- I -,%.itii the Etin and the earth we have OtAfei-I'm Rorry to tronlile VOL', bored; oil that he know was !list -lie - a reference," lie went Olt, more to him- This trifle repoded lit the ice-hoilea pend- MInard's Liniment Cures DIstenipen I all eclipse, either total or anulor. It � 311-tilailie, but yott are (Ilrevay on vie one sitting oil the opposite side of the self than to the girl; "his brave Act of Ing its appearance );efore tile five hun- - - - � - . Lbe is near tier node we have a partial line of our drive. Will Yet) Idnilly move - Wal l nd l the stara d4e4 . romn, exclaiming- % 1/01/1 ove way or ilia loullor? . out of the sliv, kind the gray dawn. ul clAvalry Ili saving your Iffe, Illy -darl- dred. Desides tit(- cake the iee-house con- A HIN� TO THE FEMINISTS. I . eclipse. � Woman (eiiinCortablv sioatod on tll(' early morning'broke,through tile d000ky Olt, papa, papal I think lie is coin- Ing, at the peril 6f -Ilia Own, abows me tallied bee! lit iiiiantity, dozens of eggs, (N'A�w York lierald) I ,1:11e njourl'a nodes are not. stationary, . 1. I' %. not. t heard, yoll - 19 gn-aulloib-47ertall1l. " in to, lit litat.11 ## � oholit very 1,1110IN" but live 710 Intention cloulle, lit the � ellistern sk.l.. P. that lie is a nianly young inivii, #,lid one butter find other perlahables. It was If the debacle of it civilization whieli u on tile moon's (if intiving. it 141,1011141 have tilolight that Like one Ill a strange, bewildere,l -rbis remark brought a short, stont, of sterling quality. Jneedell, no Other very warin At. Tete Jautio and I left the folluv%b uV011 tile, licels II luxury � . orbit, completing a I-ev011ItiOn, ill ubullt a gentleman, Nvilell Ile saw ]III' I . middle-aged gentleman hurriedly to the reference. rn coliv;rsing with him I so be dependent upon tile age of ref le'llent illueteen ) ears, ' wloen tile eclipses of ler4ov would dream, Ili s,aw it blood -red ball of flame On Ice-cream freezer projected from a neigh- wl,,,,, generally preveeds the detastroplie, litily tile 'cithel, way. Opposite side of the bed. learned that lie had been a Yale stud- boring door. On Sundays, if tile 000k tills eountry Is safe. I'lixury we Illay tile recur it* the Blimp order and ,,- -& I I break throug,li the gray inists, changing --Tills i,i Yeartaluly some dream, the (.011111V litallners, whIL11 `�Oocitbc saine Intervals ;is hefore. . them to a glory of irinis,on and gold, out. That also argued bia respectability." feels well disposed to his flock lie gives lilde the rottenness of Prance 0 . At about THE NEAR-PA129S. I strangely like it reality," thought Xev- ,rt. To supply s prevedlig the Revolution are Thle, period of eighteen years and eleven th U8, papall, them ice-cream for dease lla*'�, ""It e knew a iie%v day had begun. "Anti will lie live here wi served . And 11 ,'I the aw, I . Ovitsbingto" star) . Ile took off Ills Itai for it momen t , !lie. endeavoring to rouse lilimelf. inquired 111se Milian Harvey, eagerly. tile camps with beef, eArloadti Of cattle iiiiltnown. Amorig projiliniont people a . days fit called if;� sill-og. It was l0lowil "'401no mion spent to #njo'.v bak.1 Inelt.11 tatat the coot morning tilt- ni-iglit fail Ills , "I 'uppose ),oil are wonaoring where The old judge took tile lovely young are taken lit and killied at Alile 53, or sort of conventional gallellerle now Dre- to tile (11taideaus And the (Areeke and l'oelylarked the sYnictal oyserver. .4-0111pauled by a familiarity of . .11 fevered brain. Looking about him lit volt are, lily boy)" said the old gentle- fit" between the palms of 111.6 hands, coins by way Of tile river. P. Hurns & valls, at . t) thent ilieir duttl for compuVing , "Over, 1116t, any Bitch perann." ;iIiiii, kindly, "itud tire having it hard manner ant] lack of refinement more sug- ­ . i '011, yet, yoll 1mve, li,vcory fisherman the early davvit, lie saw that lie -was on wild kissed it repeatedly. Compally have the contract to supply gestive or vie servants' hall pan aiiy. !1-11111"Akii. . .r laim, s -P Ill N%U. . ­ -ice the %.nu, Pei V took more pride fit tile rfsli this out6kirta of tbe little village of tillie Of i� Ili getting your scattered 'Us illy office and tile work is It, 146- beef. Tile commissariat department at- thi,iig else. mintines of attil r . All intelligent pcor�Qou can tr. that got itu-siv tillin In t1joitp. lip aptitjIlly tit t Illan,tia replaced by a touliled effe,.t, - oc-1111,111it.11 . I Brookline. oughts together. Lot ilia ]tell) you. ton, lie may prefer realkling there, He Iowa three pounds of beef per day o ,,Vltt(,,Ii occaslonaliv degenerate.,4 Into dirt. � U1111's path, Ill tilt- lipaymm It tile $1111 , — *� ;� ­ . . Ire oat douii (,it it fallen tree, -and Your last recollection was being ch"ed may live here if lie eik"i'es. to -life ill the every man. The chief medical officer 0 Tile gentler sex being goneralty ecitisj1d. vliws extietly Ili the east and Betti fit AUOIENCE CAAZY, tried to gatileir biti bell uilibed facilities through the field by all enraged bull, you. ,11111 littli village tit Brookline may 'lot this"divislon. was met. He was all Ellin- pred rest)(AT141140 fur the tOII9 Of So(,Ilety, � (1143 wo-A it is tilt-, tillne of the equi. I stumbled and fell headlong, I Ing there is 1111911tV lie sliggested it) those interested I arral togetber, wondering AvIiat lie hall done ) a young inan front New burgh inau, � (9tatirlird ("llapp. 1) tl,a lie ,suitable t( in the fenilliflit inoveniput that bero is tilt . noxioa. , If the stlurvoie and sullept t Heaven ENowed him so little mercy stunned, at the inerey of tile furious York- generally it 3s.the -older men. who ' 1110— opportutiltv for reform quite its Impor. I points are foriblo,it north and the sun 11,1111-41o'e, hill our Allillellee WAA mad . aninial rearing over you." - I And it i epeoted the Lord' that lie had tent Its 6e artistic treatment of back. 1.4st lilght! --mliall. 8(,allt pity. cro,19 like living in neighboring villages, going tit noorday is highest Ili the heavens Was it not enaugli to endure that lie ,,Olt, yes, 1-4 Teillembi .III every morning and combig out each AlAde mark on tile earth, And it grieve,l yard or tile regulation tit tile I garbage call : . I? I , y � It is tile Phne of flip. summer quisticao. R , wil Plavod tit the In.,4anco ciarenee. -111ow did it bappOn. that Ili* lljgllt. I n . � ­ . 7 ;t;,-,_!',';2`iw!' bdd lost Ba.rbara. tile idol of ]its heart, �Ve must leave that to him to do- hin't at bill lieArt-I"! - 0- 0- - If the suisilse Anil sinI&A points ard ,licylum. - .. -1 ­ . ­ Tiny 1)yllamo. f . .11 that this; last' grief, tile losing of tile (lid not kill met" tide?, I ­ awle '' � I I . . I If Lt 1,%Xm- .'' fArthett south anti tile ,-tin is yery low It -1 fatbotr he )lad loved so well, was Added -It .seems a mlmcle," replied the gen- .,�N,Alruua is sure Ile is, it perfeet'geft- - . A 11111pution Pleoetric dynanio, perfoat 31111= I ill thil 11011M.1111i lit Ile-oilklav it is 011 - time INTOXICATED BICYCLE. , 9. ctioner's I held parley *('WbIIrgIl � to itt tlelliall but. Ili reality it eatua &bout flemicyl," replied ,jLjiss V-111all, "And *Ile " Ili every idetail, but weighing only a At a confe c (N vewa) �ry Ordinary viray. I sitiv the . quarter*of all ounce, wo,'( shown. at work for the purpose of Purellikellig A, large of tile w Intel, Adis 8 e.-­H�.irperls Weokty. H4 face dropped into Ilia hands, and ill It vi ' would like him to UY6 here." she deolaTo& . ._.__*_64____ . Tommy. -Pa, what wallIcl yoll pilll .,I barning tears, that ivere no shame to - W1411141 OWIVI-ftee tile enraged animal 11 . % box of chocolate bou-bono, don't YOU MIhArdfa UnIm6lit Cures 4aegrot In I ? And how about the daiightor?" ask- before the Parls At-aaeniv of Seienk Va-A motor m-plo, Ili%, jzon, his totaltood, brok-e t,111.1)jIgh his eye. chAtAhig the young girl, who is Illy daugh- ed tit(, judge, pinching tile rosy checks. I Ito voustruetor hi a YreuA meehanij!1all know. The young person behind tile cows, � , ). 'It'll'I'lli'l""I",�",."qer3? Meyele '(1fivion erazy by all lids. and triekled through I& fingers, tior ,kii-I your noble resA , � _ I I rallied Ti-evet. ,rhis dynaino is tbvee. counter was quickly responsive wid - - I - � ! , " If we of li�r, draw- - I I don't milid bla 31ving," replied the . 'half all Inch %�ido alinounced AWFUL TORONTO GIRL$, VvI111411110"fil"t, III gaftolille. Until ut jength hid strong frante shook IIIK i-1101 attention of thot! ferocious beAst . fifths of all, ill(.), long. tier willingness to jLttend —, ..1*.1&1& . girl, trving to took aarlous, though her , . I � . Nvith hoaxt-wroug solA, 1111oll voullelf. Ill Jum tittle that It whole jace Untuall All over with Amilea and three-fifthi of tin in0i high, The to,1my wants ,,it this language: tTotoutu S(itrl AS FAR AS HE OOULD 00. I .L- was f4te playing takeo -to tell, I had dashed into the at the proopect, . � voil is it quarter of nil inch Ili diameter, I gottelia, Stevedore. You want to 1111a Rt least iv�o tor twee justaticer, What strange tih . t, 011(liril) hitut ]jut it fe%v iiijort Illolitlis bifol-6 hoitse for Toy rifle. I was jut3t Ili tittle . I o%v your dary girl a grand tinie by past itionth. Toronto l%jIqIIjt,%s j,I,,II . . . � � stud Is wired with 51,.'. feet of milk Ili- 911 to "T." 01t, mill, "elkii-tv-11N, hilet,sti-y baek he hiJid heel, fortl lie's favorite, )low t Illak-lo go,(�I upie of my wottpolf, mlifle "There is just one drAV1`bA&k to 11310 XV- copper �,,ire It,&'l)o 1Ilt!jj0,q in jbi,,l, handing her a youtig trunk of yuln. who have girl emIlloyen list,* split all,111 to girmov un%j .sbjJ,,t,,4 of niall. .1 11 rangement," sida th-6 old judge, looking I . sulated I bume to put mort- 6otli(;* wil, lit Oita "I SWI44'11 to triANk lily -Aneesiti.,v bat -lot lit! Wits ficklo furillill-'s playthillit. -but- rulilling toNvard you, to wilIX "I'll As 110 thoughtfully out over Vill odisitantoom- neem. A tension lei indivated of 3.5 volt#j ytim. tablets. Say, horning nto tilt$ T)f tile eases WoP l4tvt heald, t,e li.e girl towl"', lip repliell, "but In. M. in�iile iiJi, feted about JiV 1101' .141 �bo would, litatio,"I upon yooil. It was ic juiracle fiAds. h sweet -fang joint was U16 luckiest alol nut vome bat -k. A reloreselltative V %46. _V a oetirrent, of 04 itiliplif-io, but its tit 't'.1"witf-ts I got tio Allirt ii1lorwo.14 lind over. , 1�or it ,rijull'siont, Ivitiq, b1i; livil-t xv�jii t1lat tilt shot took e(fect, but it ill 1 11 � you ever did In your lit#. otir tit Tile Still- Inet utif ijf tlik-4i, ,,jjjj;lU.%. . ' .04:. , d, "And W -bat im thAtt" quhtle-a the jorl, I 11 di power thert, i.s no In4tritniont sensi- thlill erpt oil it traln tho, fither dj" 311d lie tow. ­ . .'s � 4. � . w-ar,,­qt to bur4tinit. with tilt- 'welaht uf and Ito fell wit'li it roar of pikin, bAr,*) of ellocolite cherik-bulgers are tilat I,# did 11,)t ku,i..v 'At y eaprly, quiek, Alsippoilitment llotfta- - I . . tiva enough to revord It. Alkilit, st work . line Maki tho 11040#1ef Ills wof, he %VNITell that lie to;)Illll dio 1-tvilivilig �Crushing you. We had )'On I the,, toy inaeldno juade a sound like the tile OWL"ll"t that ever woke ill) a tile fashions lit xti is, c-lutlwI4 woui,i li..111 YOU it - P n '311 1i i S th tops b r b I M '0 '1i f ell e Urn edi " " e e e in in g g n I W 0 1 - " " M S 4 , t b -8 ill r " U 9 ink I g 1 0 s M QJ —4 r* I ^..�% -1 I I You *ill tir" " it ee"S t pa.n ' Stop ea3e. $'Ovei -anc , ZaM_ 3 Perl; e With - Pe r 'i BU , 3 CU re . �Vh P 0 0 1311 k , means y not iS ? 11 �,_ . . � I a _, _ thiS ? �jj I go - . -a -St" _. th . I W, . r,a �'L svm� son, _ . . . .. � 't'. PENALIZING THS 00AR01111. I &lite In her vokoll. '' toothache or Pitt It Mustache effect to lieXt. IN ball P.meliki R!I-IM ill 1,13 Mondoft Sketdi) Thtn' wantItHy. he .41111oh fift the It 4r- votivo)Jod here, to my home, and liere �ou (To be 000-0111ted.) . hummitig (of it bee. !Pit-Biti, I rider a. lady's bpaic. Glom it stiolt and tho othei, mur �iniv lie felt ,L.um. C.1410 fte-ling from bint. I.Ave biten -ever Ainee." I 11 ­ 0 � 01, - - I -44-6h.— 11 00AI-tar lielit-d to sJond oil@- kit thent iiiinle, so IIQ ToAger-4 AoA you'vt t-hsirg,*4 mot thr,*e No he enald ii -it, 4it, !ur the wilthing. you don't b-6. ,tin . Scribbler- -What ban beconio of tho bullet just as a sample, lzilater, sua vo,kiiii-heki tt, ­ttw %rt Ito.,- vitott,pe .. and sixpionee for roal, but J'Vf� not llatl I% L , ('10trence, 'Noville gkftl in aittlyniAment. silazoe Is golden. It L. H " i4 tit" had not .,vot Come. T1 , dime novel of our boyhood days? %ink It in. �uur map.11 r-ti.1d lie h1td It) d -j it. via It* Ajt1'Rr,aid firf 10 0 mu*t into the kindly fiwio. 11m it you hava iftisvvr bto4 III,1*61- - . � of %liaLt rivalry would ,.aust it,* athecif I . T,�ndlstdy--Pib. thoin It'll lie tittly 012'at- rtmrwl* on milaftilli, Ashl meet WhAjo- 1*yft, yes, I 4% recollect olt nowom U wAnsil, . . - I I __j Rorawlerr-It now 114110 for $1.60. XY WORD! to do noxt day. pon". I . ,L I . 2 . 11 I . , . '. iljsijij��­'.' "_ ,. ,..!-;.. � .1 - - - - - 11 .0 * ,.,V ,&kftfi.j�,,,�_ I . . , �J�� .. I- _._"6&.".iA�1&1Isi .— 'j. -, __ ­A­�­,­_ ,, , , . - _,L�� _,.1 ��Aim�kl,.-., - t.,. ., - _� Li , _� _ -_ - __ _._,&&.;. -�­ �,�_� -, . - - - , _._r.&� I � -�It, - � - A" �Z, _" .- ... . __ ;h_,,._,.._ �.,,# ­ .& -0 _t�o.A I lkc, ­ ."-* to I `� A I- . . - .4ft