HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-08-28, Page 30
',''Iii RsDAY, MdUST 2% 1913
1'1' 1.` G R A N
Puituonary Tukerculosis Presbyterian Suminer Sehool IMPORTANT 0ANGPS IN GRINui 11•1. "pleased to mot You. A Csptole of Industry.
(i0derich Ont. TRUNK TRAIN SERVICE R�ROhL,..;•,; Thd'e,naerlcaus Have a Ponta habit WIllle-VAw, what it a captain oo BUSINESS,�N�
Aad The Safe -Guards That Nature F!o• fir,' R bt: dater is visitingfriends on being presented to q new acclaaint• Nuance? Paw -Any ratariad man who r� to �n r� -
TORONTO. : ',� can live ivlthiu his income, my 00,40at SHORTHAND
at'ad. u, ante of uttering the wordy#egged
Ades Agaia:st Infection Therewith, --...-,_-._ "' �' i• '' to meet you;e although upon what the Cincinnati Enquirer: Subjects taught by expert instructors
August 11,17, R9R�. ,MrQ„H, Bender la.tl�egaeataf wings• at the RAILWAY TIMETABLE
r. $ Train leaving Toronto 10.15 a %, hiFpA, friends.,, _ „ pleasure Can rest, or how they know
Of the different forms that tuber- daily except Sunday for Pt•netang that it is a pleasure, or why an, ordl• An Aocounlinp.
Wharf will be disoontinued from Allan- Mies Merritt, of London, is the guest nary, Incident which is not the (atoll. Van Demmlt--itutber poor! #rouge tw
cular disease may take in the human 1n these days when, where shall I dale Go Penetaag after Saturda ept:i +of the Misses Out*., u! ht, eb'1 Manager -Yes, rrafns 10re wi% ham s(adont doll as
y ” Y S merit 4t any anticipation and which 'poor, but & Y
system, that of Pulmonary Tuber • invest my money to bring the largest 0th, hitt will run through to Huntsville Mr. Caesar, of Msrkdale is the guest MAY turn out to be verydIs honest, No passes were given t� Y. M. o. A, 1 LDG„ 109owa r
LOND41�i, UNT. •
culosis is byall odds the most common returns" is in many minds, an answer and North Bay via Muskoka Wbnrf, bf his son, Mr. $, A. Thgmas, should be pronounced at Night be night-['uek,. Students assisted to positions. College (. T. R.
and the moat deadly, and It will prove �� commencing Monday, September 8,b,
reassuring to many to learnt that na• iefound In the old, old words : Where• Muskoka Express, leaving Toronto Mesers. Barriton Bros, havejust re- ge��4ga.-I-Lqudune�atur�a ghee gwUn• in session frame apt, 2nd, Catalogue TO TORONTO anti Intermediate
fore do you spend cponey for that 12 01 p m, daily except Sunday for d , l vi . free, Enter ail time, Points:• -Hessen pasoan-
ture provides a number of very of• Hu,koka Wharf and Huntsville, will celeed two care of sheep skins for J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. ger, 11.00 aim, ; passetnger, 2.80 p,m.
which is not heard and your labour he discontinued after Saturday, Sept. their tannery Principal Chartered Accountant
theresafe -guards against infection for that which satisfieth not," and by 0th y P 17 VICO-principal TO LONDON: -•.Passenger 6.35 a.
therewith. No doubt it ie well under- k Miss Nettle Stewart, who has beau ,„ `
stood by moat people, �, those who attended the Presbyterian ,l;uffalo•Muskoka Express, leaving r' m, ; passenger, 8 30 p m.
that Pulmonary confined to her bed through illness, Is as
Summer School at Godericb, August Toronto 2.20 a.m. daily for Muskoka Fall Term From Sept, 211d. TO $INCARDINF : -- Passenger,
tuberculosis results almost invariably „ Wharf, Huntsville, Burk's Falls and ,convalescent. 11.69 a.m.; passenger, 2.34 pan.; pas•
1L17, Thera was exemplified- And '
from inhalation of the germ, that is North Bay, will be discontinued after Me. Wm, Co -- -
the germ Is taken with the breath into in this mountain shall the Lord of Sunday, September 7tb. Pp, who has been visit- tf��(r QIP' danger, 9,16 pian.
hosts make unto all people a feast of Buffalo Express, leaving Toronto 12 - ing hie mother, has returned to his ' t! Ab CHRISTIE'S
the lung, and there taking lodgement, r
fat things, a feast of wines on the 00 a, m, daily for Niagara Falls and tome at Ayr. ' TO TORONTO and Intermediate
the result is Pulmonary Tuberculosis, BLATAlo will be discontinued after Points;--Passen 6
leer(, of fat things full of marrow,. of � Miss Eva Strothere has retuned STRA?t'ORIJ,. ONT. ger) 40 aim.; Passen'
Anything that arrests the germ on wines on the lees well refined." Monday, Sept, 8th, a couple of weeks' visit. with friends �t ° ° "' ' GROCERY ger 3.05 p.m,
their way towards the lungis there- Train leaving Toronto I.40 p m. Sat• t
The one hundred tbirty-air dale• urdays only for Jackson's Point will at Southampton, Candela's best Business College, We I� �� TO T,EESWATER : -- Passenger,
fore a safe -guard against Pulmonary ties, representing man towns and be•discontinued after Saturda ave three departments—Commerotai, Short I PHQ1�E is9 12.60 m,; passenger, 10:32 m;.
tuberculosis. Of those safe guards, g P g Y 30th. y' Aug.g' Two rinks of Seaforth bowlers play- hand and Tele�rnphy. Courses are thorough u��l, iillul quuu �. p ' p•
cities of the synod of Hamilton and ed here. yesterday evening,
four of the most prominent and at- Train leaving Jackson's Point ?.30 Y y g, defeating and practical. We have a strong stair or ,
fective may be here recounted. Loudon, were constrained to say. a.m. Mondays only for Toronto wilt be two of Btyth'e rinks, experienced Instructors and our graduates
the lines have fallen unto us in run on Tuesday, September tad, in- meet with success, Write for our free cats• s r
Me, Joseph Coombe and his daughter logue and learn what we are doing. ` ' .•'� SAFE -GUARD THE FIRST, pleasant places, yea, we have a goodly stead of Monday, Sept, let, and will be Vrne ar & Spices
To those who have iven little or no heritage," a the were so hos itabl discontinued after that date, Mrs. James Cutt, visited with Cran-
gy p y ID. A. XcLLCSLAS - Principal
Through Pittsburg Steeper on 4 32 brook friends tblB week,
thought to this matter, the simplicity entertained by the people of Godericb. p.m. train from Toronto will be dis- Misses. Addie, Ruby and Gertrude is t c� p -
of this first safe -guard will be surpria- The sessions of the school began continued after Saturday, Sept, Otb. Gibson are in attendance at the Toren- Oxl U lbs Do not spoil ;your pickles by
ing. Some may not have discovered each morning at 8.15 o'clock with Last Pullman Sleeping Car for King- '
it, but we all have little hairs in our worship in charge of Rev. R. P. Mae- 'ton Wharf will leave Toronto 10 45 to millinery openings this week. i using poor Vinegar or Inferior
P,m. Saturday, Sept. 13th, and leave Mr, and Mrs, Peter Gardiner, of Lawn Mowers Spices. It will mean dissatis-
nostrils. 'These little hairs in the nos- Kay, Foreigh Missionary Secretary, Kingston Wharf 12 20 aim, for Toren- ,
trils constitute safeguard the first, ex- moderator of the General Assembly to aft'erblonday, Sept. 15th. Blyth, and Mies Hall, of Toronto, are L faction every time you put there
As the breath, bearing the germs, and chairman of the Summer School, visiting with the former's parents at The Up-to-date Hose and on the table. Thera will be
passes into "the nostrils, those little Thus prepared for the day by such Exeter.
hairs arrest them, and then they are a spiritual uplift, we listened to Rev. The brick work on Mr. N. Cuming's BAKERY left -Overs and ultimate LOSS.
blown and wiped away, and con- R. W, Dichie D. D., of Chatham, on dwelling on DInsley street is now com- Bose Peels THE BUST
sequently fail to reach the lung. Bible study, the Holy Spirit being the RHEUMA
pleted and extensive improvements We have the most modern IS THE CHEAPEST
It may be remarked here that breath- subject, inciting one to search the are being made to the interior. equipped and sanitary bakery. We specialize in Plumbing
ing should invariably be dome through scriptures diligently, to see 'more, of DRIVES OUT The hearing of the Currie Drain We use the best and purest d heating. tiBy using only high-grade Vine -
the nostrils -mouth breathing is a their beauty, to fimaterials obtainable. Our gar and Spices, the life more Award, which was to have taken place eang. g p , y
ou zrirN rro
mistake and should never be practised. abundantly, to be filled with all the yesterday before His Honor Judge cakes and goodies are always �^^^^ ^^^^^ RISKS. You SAVE moNEY be -
These little hairs as a safeguard are, fullness of God. R HE . U AT S M Doyle, of Godericb, has beenpostpongd fresh and good. Give us a _ cause there is no loss. Your
p Y g Rev. C. 0. Myers M. trial. Call and inspect our Wa a c pickles, etc., will be good and
in one res act like ®Ver thin alae this A• associate until Aug. 29th, pside of Heaven; they are not perfect secretary for Sabbath Schools, gave After ZS Years of Miser this bakery. R
in the work they do. Germs may most excellent drills on Sunday School y' in the eating you will have com-
p y work $- and at the same time Rev. W, , Jc' Bien. F. CARTER
ass b them, but there i9 another 11'Ian Walks Works and Feels Domestic, Sanitary and Heating PLETE sATISFAOTTON.
safe -guard nearby, and hence- R. McIntosh B.D., discussed Youag Fine Again Harvesting something of the past Engineer
SAFE -GUARD THE SECOND People's Societies. Rev. F. S. Sharp for 1913. We sell only the highest
Right away' --the first day you start grades of Vinegar and
In the nasal passages there is a M,A•, of Exeter, occupied the time to take RHEUMA-the Uric Acid A host of Salem young people went
from 11 to 1140 a,m. telling in stirring poison begins to dissolve and leave the to Formosa on Sunday.the best selected Spices.
secretion, & ealivi-tike wetness. The ". P g•
germs passing by the little hairs above words of the rural life in Ontario. sorejoints and mnsoeles. Its action is Mrs. Stone of Toronto is at present
At the same hour Rev, Geo. Eadie little less than magical. i'
y referred to may stick fast in that RHEUMA works so speedily you visiting with Mrs. A. Rose.
M.A., a returned missionary from actually Mrs, J, A. Wray called on Orange
secretion or wetness, and from there leaving
can feel the Rheumatism bmTHE n a � I N i 0 N
China, held 'the rapt attention of his YRANK
may be blown and wiped away, or in P .leaving the body. A bottle costa but gill friends on Wednesday last
St i��?���:'1St:�31F:fr.E'EE E;iEtE:ElE44�r,�
T Values
m fi
in T
m This Week
5c, 10c, 15c and 25e Store M
�iEFE fr./'dEIfdEC?F:iF:���:l:i'li3�s�71?�
case they be not blown and wiped class as he dwelt upon his work in 50 cents, and if you are not satisfied r
Ronan, China, J. W. McKibbon will return your Mise Gladys Henning left to visit C RAN zy TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM STEM
away, that secretion has a power to money. Read this: her brother in Sask., on Monday. RIR SOMUND a. CSLPR, M.P., PRESID[NT, W. D. MATniLV9, vlos-PaieiD[NT.'
kill germs, just as sulphuric acid will The closing period of the morning "I wish to state to you the facts and
kill an insect that becomes immersed sessions -12 to 12:45, was given to in- nothing but the facts. I bless the day Mrs. C. Wiggins and daughter, Lou, C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. FARM EA130RERS' EXCURSIONS
therein. This second safe• ward, how- atitute work -Miss B. L, Kirkwood, a friend brought me a 50 cent bottle of are visiting this week at the home of $10.00 'TO WINNIPEG
g RHEVMA. I used one-half of it and + Capital paid up �- d6,000,000
deaconess, of Toronto, telling of the the former s brother, Jas. A. Wray. Reserve f=und &0#
ever, does its work effectively on one it did me more good than all the other $ , 000 Proportionate low rates to Edmonton and intermediate stations.
work of this noble band of women; medicines T ever tried. Iliad been Master George Mines, accompanied Total Assets - T $79,000,000
condition. Is the general health +18.00 to Winnipeg, plus half -cent per mile from points east of Macleod, Oalgary or
right up to the mark, and consequent- 'social work by Dr. G. G. Shearer; afflicted with Rheumatism all over my by his little aftter, Marie, visited their a Edmonton, to wir.nipeg.
ly, the physical powers properly per. Home Missions, Rev. J. R. Hall M.A., body for more than 25 years: I could aunt, Mrs. Jae. A. Wray, on Tuesday Business Men On Farms AUGl. 22—From all stations Toronto to Sarnia Tuneei inclusive, via Stratford, and
not walk, and was a broken-down man • south thereof in Ontario.
of Sarnia. The Women's Home and last week. ---like business men in towns and cities—make AUG.25—From all stations North ot, but not inelnding Main Line Toronto to Sarnia
forming their functions? If so, that During that time I spent a small for good use of the Tunnel, via Strafford, all station Toronto and North and East of Toronto to
Foreign Missionary Societies were tune trying to be rid of the horrible Mrs, J. Fortune from Sault St. fagilittes which this Bank offers. in addition to their Savings Kingston,
secretion in the nasal passages retains also given prominent laces on the disease, ybut without het However, Accounts, they open Checking Accounts and make all payments by T]OIPT, :3—From all stations Toronto and East, and east of Orillio and Scotia Jot.
its ower to kill germs. Allow the g P P p• Marie, accompanied by her sister, SEPT. 5—From all stations Toronto to North Ba inclusive and West thereof in Ont.
P g RHEUiV1A reached my case, and I Cheque. The Bank makes collections promptly, Discounts Sales y
general health to be run down, and program, Mrs. Wm. Mines visited at the home Notes and transacts ever kind of banking business. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between
g thank God I can again use my feet and � Y i g
The afternoons were given over to of Mrs. J. A. Wray one da last week. Are you conducting our affairs in this business -like way? Winnie Saskatoon, Edmonton.
• that secretion ;n the nasal passages do my work. Y Y Y g Y Y Winnipeg, ,
pro- -
pleasure being recreation, some pg p$efore taking our medicine -1 was
loses its power to kill germs. g Y Mrs. J. T. Wiggins and daughter, CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO
SAFE -GUARD THE THIRD video each day by a committee. staying with a daughter on her, farm, � ,
Madaline, and little son, Laughlin, WINGHAM BRANCH : N. EVANS Mana er.
Particularly enjoyablq was the auto- and despite her laving efforts to tempt r + g Rl� WINGHAM to Toronto and Return, $3.65 Aug. 23 to Sept. 6, inclubtve.
Within the bronchial tubes, through moble ride to BenmiIler, the machines- myRppetite L could, not eat, Afteg ? who have been visiting with their t $2.70 Aug. 26 and 28, Sept. 2 and 4.'
III■ li lAil ,
p kindly loaned` li the citizens of (rod- had taken RHE UMA: t�cvo-day6 •mp ap• uncle, J. A. Wray of Turnberry, went All tickets valid for return until Sept. 9, 1,013.
which "the air asses to . the' lir' s; Y y petite returned. Yours for prosperity," before re. Full particulars at any Grand Trunk Ticket Office. H. B. Elliott. Town Passenger and
there are great numbers of small, hair- erich. -Prof. H. H. Kolling, 7 S. Ninth St., to Orange11i1 gni-i^°P „" , Ticket Agent, phone 4; W. F. Burgman, Station Ticket Agent, phone 50.
.� like organs that stand up, moving The evening meetings were ad- Richmond, Ind„ Oct. 10, 1912. turning to her home. -
themselves backward and forward, dressed by such forceful speakers as �:a:L,.,,�o.i„�lSs�rrrre - ---�r•++.o.�.ai roe a "'u",°'"'il Iii' - '`
just for the purpose of stopping germs Rev. Dr. R. P. MacKay, Rev: Hugh Cranbrock.
that may have passed by the two Matheson D.R, Rev. R. W. Shearer, ° �"�-^
former safe-uarde. Observe again, es J. Helms store is receiving a The Rig4t place for a Water- Pan
g g Rev. R. W. Dichie D,D.B„ and Rev. SARDOU AT REHEARSALS. fresh coat of paint this week, '
however. Is the general health in R. G. MacBetb, M.A.
sod condition :f If so, these little g y He Worried the Actors to Scowls and Mies Gladys Bain of carnia is a
g At the rloain exercises Sunda --`�+ �, i T i
g night, Rev. J. R. Hall of Sarnia, based the Actresses to Tears, visitor at the home of bar uncle, R. in a furnace IS list NEW F A L L w••• r 1
'hair-like organs in the bronchial tubes 7
will stand up bold and strong to do his remarks upon -"What hast thou, Sardou, the great French playwrigbt. Cox. Over the feed door
their work. When the health is in a +� Beatrice Mc uarrie of Winnipeg that thou hast not received, making knew how to profit by the views of oth- Q P g .. and this 1S
run down condition these little hair- his audience realize the accountability er people. Jerome A. Hart writes in visited a few days with Lulu Mc- AND O E R fit✓ a AT S
like organa just lie down like inanimate and the responsibility of life,which his book, "Sardou and the $ardou Donald. 1where It is
things, and thus fail to stop or arrest wag very appropriate for the dele- Plays:" Me, Hector McNeil of Estevan, placed in the
the germs that may be in the air pass- gates who had so freely received of "Like Al:.xandre Dumas pere, Sardon Sask., was here this week visiting his "Sunshine."
B these good things, preparing them for was esti,•mely sensitive to the opinions arents,
Ing to the lungs. g g � p $ g , p L. McNeil. v � =
of the .t ss subtle spectators of his re
SAFE -GUARD THE FOURTH the work awaiting them at their bearsr.!s. He closely watched and Among those who took in the excur- = U c���� It has a lip Every garment guaranteed in material and
The air that is inhaled, and the blood homes when they left this mount of hepo. 11 the impressions and comments sion West on Monday were Fred., Qi}QO QO front and 15 workmanship.
of the human body are brought are Transfiguration. of I+w stage carpenters, scene painters, Herb and Frank Jeschke and Geo. the , right p
brought into contact in the Iung. It And what shall be said of the Rev. fir ,iven, supers and other humble peo- Menzies.
will be remembered that it is there, in Geo. E. Ross of Knox Presbyterian idu behind the scenes. They represent- Write for the Sunshine booklet, height for easy fill- we measure the man then make the garment.
J to him the average mind of the av . D. and Mrs, Campbell and Geo, and
the lung, that the blood gets its puri$- church where the sessions of the • W. or Campbell and daughter spent the •or get our local agent to es- ing without removal. t7aI1 and IoOk our stook over before ordering
cation from the oxygen of the atmos- school were held, and of Rev. J. erage audience. To the opinions of ac.
P g plain the many advantages of
here inhaled. That air thus brought Hamilton of Goderich P Can th4 'r tors of his unproduced pieces be paid forepart of last week in Milton and this furnace over any other. I t S position and your Fall Suit or Overcoat.
P R little heed; to the .opinions of critics, Toronto,
Into the lung may have tubercular untiring efforts to locate the delega! Ls, 'none at all. At rehearsals no details=ty
Of the pan
germs in it. These germ may have to minister to their comfort, the escaped him. He would seat himself make Certain of a humid heat.
actually passed by former three safe• warm clasp of the hand, the welcome on the stage chairs and sofas, open and Thought is always troublesome to Oleaning and pressing promptly attondNd to.
guards; they are now conveyed to lung; shining in their faces ever be forgotten shut the practicable doors, go to the hien who lives without his own ap- ' Phone 26 and we will call.
they are thus brought in contact with by those who came from afar to par- back of the parterre to study the per- probation. mccl
blood; then, if the blood is in good con. take of the feast. spective of the scene, climb to the high-
dition it has a power to kill and de- Begin now to put away the "Biller" est gallery to see if the audience there Time wasted is existence: used, is
stray the germs. It is necessary to for the Summer School 1014, for it will could hear, and then hasten back to life. the
observe again, that if the general pay p the stage Time is like money; the leas we Sains-phine
_ furnace g g a a hundredfold in self im rove- "There lie would seat himself, jump- �� Y ��� � MOON
health is in good condition, the blood ment, mental development, physical ing up during the rehearsal thirty or have of it to spare, the further we
will retain its normal power to ,kill strength and above all the spiritual forty times to show the actors his idea make it go. London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver St. John, N.B.
germs. Let a low condition of health up -lift. of the action. In doing this be would _- _ Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton 335 TAILORS WILSON BLOCK
A Delegate laugh would c would shriek and
obtain, and the blood becomes thin- + r3`,
and poor, and loses its power to kill would even die a mimic death. Com- Farm Laborers° Excursions Sold by R. R. Mooney. ONE DOOR XORTH OF KNOX'S JEWELRY STORE
germs. ing to life again, he would call for his '
Inauguration Of New Steamship overcoat and hasten to Ensue himself $10 To Winnipeg
The practical lesson is here apparent �
Il up as before. He was very sensitive fie
to all intelligent people -keep up the John cold and always came on the 'stage Via Grand Trunk Railway, plus half
Service Between St. , cent per mile from 'Winnie to des -
health, and these safe -guards with a heavy coat, a mtiTlier and cap P Winnipeg
will efficiently and effectively do their N. B., and Digby, N. S. to protect him from drafts. tinlition, bat + not beyond MacLeod,
work, and we are then tolerably free "lie would rehearse from 10 in the Calgary or Edmonton. plus
unfit 3 $18 from Winnipeg. plus half Dent per
from germ diseases. Allow the getter- , when he would take a mile from points east of MacLeod, Oat -
&I health to go down, and these- safe- By palatial New Streamer "St. George." sandwich and a glass of wine, After gary or Edmonton to Winnipeg. guards will fail to do their work, and Passen ers from Ontario oints via this lie would resume his work until 5, Going Dates: Aug. 2a From allaa Sthen• we are in real dao er when g p at wWeh hour be would go blithely stations Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel re- ExtPaud'inapy
g Canadian Pacific Route aro now afford- forth into the street, smiling and hum• ctueive, via Stratford, and south there
brought into contact with agerm•laden ed an unexcelled through service to ming, 'followed; its on9 resentful play of in Ontario, Aug, 25-Yrom all,
atmosphere, Montreal, St. John, and the "Land of er put it, 'by scowling actors and -veep• stations north of, but not includingTng y4
A moments thought may ver pro. Evangeline" in connection with new Ing actresses., main Iat f Taranto to Sarnia Tunnel,
g 3' 3' p 'wilt Stratford'; ail stations Toronto and '
perly here be given to the many steamship "St. George," which is now north and east of Toronto to Kingston, Vor
thlb9a that may impair the general In operation between St. John, N, B., ose Cures, Sept, 8 -From all stations Toronto andand
bealth, and thus render null and void- and Digby', N. S„ daily except Sunday. The 1041brose of old wag credlted east of Orilla send Scotia Junction. L IND �
I'a#sen ers making this tri With a medicinal as well as a super. Sept. 5 -From all -stations Toronto to Men
toe powers 0f all those splendid safe- tt g p can stltious valve. Puven now In some couni North Bay inclusive, and west there- „
guards above recounted. Overwork, leave Toronto at 0.00 a.m. arriving at try parts of England a decoction of of in Ontario.
over -study, late hours, sleepless nights, Montreal same evening ; leave Mont. Prltnrose leaves is bupposed to restore Farm Laborers' special trains will "
otter -eating, and a consequent impair. real 7,20" p.m, and arrive St. John 11,00 A failing memory, and In x654, When leave Toronto it 8.40 a.m. on Misuse DIAMOND RINGS
„ 22nd, via sanitise and Lo11d0n, and
hent of the digestive apparatus, die- aim, next day, connecting with the Culpeper wrote tits London Dlspensa• at 2.00 m. on Aug. 25 and Sept, 5tb
sipatiou in any form, the use of strong - fast steamship "St. George," sailing tory'," the primrose was regarded ai via Guelph, Berlin and. Stratford.
drink, Irregularity of living, may all x2.30 p.m. (Atlantic Standard Time), , Almost unlversal Pallacea, curing This is an exceptional chance to vleft �+ p,
he regarded as health destroyers, and arriving Dib 2,30 onvulsions, falling sickness, palsies, the West. which Is truly called the FINE ASSORTMENT quant
g y g Digby p.m. making etc.," and etreagthening "tbo brain, land of "Golden Opportunities" and ousto
0ousecluently impairers of these ss,6- neetion With Dominion Atlantic Ply senses and metbory exceedingly." And many prosperous farmers and business
guards, and ultimately promoters and ing Bluonoee" limited train, arriving even the healthy. did not disdain to men note residing In Western Canada � ine
t $
Halifax 8.00 P.M.can tmee the origin of their good for. _
prapagatorat of Pulmonary tuber• eat it, for prltnrose part' war ones tl` tune to a "Farm I+aborers' Itlltcuraion," ��
pulaeis. Returning passengers leave BIifax tiopulati+ Lancashire delloAe,-tT.otldQn The route via Chicago Ie an at'traotive Now,
10.00 a,M. via "Flying Bluenose, con- Standard. g boat,
neoting at Digby with the fast steam- one, many large cities and towns being savin
ship 1h George," sailing at 3,25 p.m. Icor Jain ,toss Seats, " passed en route, which breaks the
g monotony o �-
Connection at St. Jahn with Canadian Ground holo U not as good am stone Y f the journey, there being.
battctimidity is ation lil bo diseaseilofbthe mind na Toronto a# train,
nigh t5 t 7; 0.' arrly • ar lump Quicklime for waidng lime- Themaand now
unk Paelflol ItsitwAy is A-6 M-6 KNOX
yfaofe obstinate and fatal, p crease the rolativri proportion of lime tween Winnipeg, d quickest conte ba•
his now fast aervloo aftords as. sulphur wash, but It tan be used. In, the shortest a
sensors a delightful tris, oc,itribin•Ing g, 91askatoon, Tromso• +
When rove advance A little Into ilia, rail and water with but two shahgbe, about ne•fourth And boll more then tan, with smooth roarl�ed, through JEWELER.
�;+��,+r E�' � I�r�tl �i��N
we 4ad that the tongue of man <fri5atet► at, t, John and Digby, aslthaat the oughI . Deo tweUty to twenty five the newest, most • loturtss ue a11d most E EL w .C" 1. C
pearly all the nAismhlaf of the wrsl�ltil. slightest lnoonvettleu.6% thus va-0-11ug potards lins'e, Bftew IQs 9 -ewers of rapidly d0.010ping section Of Western
auseela e s to make a trip aoress the sjriplAUT. and boll four one and a }calf to NOW
ay sig dy fAwaas lbr, itis -ower Tull suttiouluwrrat all (rti11d'prnt�k OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL �p
Trrs+gedy liar the, great moral Assort H.es tisk~ o� ttd a d the tYt►o h�swrrr +dvlth enough "disc to c+orrer, ak!04 41, 0, or *tits 0. S. ids .fig,
art in too muah its ottallras to 116 r, , d oil fral ifs tl geuflonr, ••mato ,
g p aril' , i aid rice b y 1st,}► .q
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" risari>Ci .
a couple of weeks only, in our Gents' 'Furnishings, Clothing
Boots & Shoes' departments. Here they; nre:=•-
s Suite, reg. $12 00 for $7.79; Meula.RMnooats reg. $7.50 for $3.98
" 15 00 for 0 98; " " " 9.00 for' 5.98
" " 7,60 for 4.98; Books, regular 25c, 2 pair for 25o
ties, regular 25o, 2 for 26o; " " 150, for ..... , .. 00
it 60o, for..,.25o; Neckties, regular 35o for ...... 190
e every clay Boots, goiid loather, all stook, theyishould be gold
2.50, but wo sell them at $1.06, We kava them only in limited
ity, therefore we will not sell more than out pair to each
Shirts, reg. 75o and $1.0O3 for 80o only; Silk Shirts, reg. $8.00
sou can Pee that the above mentioned bargains could not be
therefore be sure not to miss it as it means a big money•
g opportunity for you. Spooial bargains in Boys' School Suit#.
oo armee
The Bargain tore
Opp Presbyterian Church. Next to Picture Slim►.