HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-08-28, Page 1r� 41ST YEAR, NO. 51, WWINGRAM, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1913. 19II13f3(7RIPTIQN 1 $1'00 P28 Yasnn xrt 8nvexr011, $140 xo BvneA>ruBaaa xx U.0, - .__ _, _ - __ � - Tweet IL EDITORIAL PARAQRAFIkS. havemini�result d in atration of ematerial reducti on country's finances L�T'CI;R FROM EDITOR HALL ttled,irst hItris,lik lye we shallattend yFive�Cents, [,awn Social. last. in the public debt and the credit of Lhicoln Ave. Church, as it will be b The Wingham Advance is admitted The lawn social which was held on Mr. and Mrs, Friendship of Tees• Jel..110 y even Liberal Editors to be unexcell. the. lawn of fat. Andrew's Presbyterian Allen, visited, their daughter, Mrs, H. ��. -The Winnipeg wheat prices still Canada never stood higher before the Mr, Editor is delighted to hear from nearer our future home, Our goods ed as a weekly, it is now going into Church last Wednesday evening was persist in staying some flfceen cents world than it stands today, our old friend, Mr. Hall, who took are still in storage, but we are very almost 2000 homes and any subscriber Mr, and Mrs. Robt, McIntosh of higher than the Minneapolis markets. The people of Canada do well to such a deep and abiding interest in comfortably located, may try it from now until Jan, let, a success both socially and financially. Seaforth was for a few days the guest '� look on this picture and on that of the initiating us into the m atelias of This appears to be a fine cit social- 1914, for twenty five cents, Send it to There was a good turnout and every- of Mrs, Spotton, Perfume" * * * P g Y pP Y a friend. If you like us, ask a friend one , en o e -Ex-President Taft says that he bas Laurier administration, which left journalism and while he asked us not ly; no saloons or drinking dens. You to take it, j Y d themselves, Music waa Mr, H. Campbell, manager of Wing- learut that the Canadian people are unmet the most pressing- of the to publish his letter, yet se many sub- can walk the streets for weeks and not furnished by the Lucknow Pipe Band. ham Electric Light Dept„ spent Sun- " against political union with the Unit- country's needs and hopelessly bungled scribers inquire about him that we hear any profanity. People are court,- Page Three, The total receipts amounted $121.30, day with Mayor Van8tone, ed States. Sir Wilfrid Laurier had those works which it did undertake, have disobeyed and hence print the euus and in all the Churches ready to TWO excellent articles appear on Mrs. H. Campbell, who has been This is a new perfume of sur - The Laurier Government, as repre- following:- extend the hand of greeting and wel- Page three, one by J. B. Watson, Band Concert the guest o4 friends here for the past - the advantages of the same lesson, g g Owing to the storm burning out the few weeks, has returned to Wingham, passing delicacy and lingering but failed to learn it, tented by thole who are now leading Pasadena, Cal. come. Last evening, I attended the Lecturer, on Pulmonary Tuberct losis g g Mr, Rocker and family of Thames. '` i the party, never be restored to Baptist Church, and the service was and one by a delegate to to Presb ter, fuse so `that there could be no band y fragrance. Lilota Perfume * « « P Y Mr, Geo, Spotton p g y stand lights, the Citizen's Band could Ville have returned home after a pro- is -New Zealand has built, in Great office. It is the knowledge of, this pear Friend :-I thought I would Pictorial, on "the Sign of the Cross," ian' Summer School held in Goderich. longa harmony y of odors and will ed stay with Rev. McKinley. Mr. which has embittered these leaders to a story of Nero's persecution. not play on Friday night last week Rockeris extensively engaged in silver Britain, a dreadnought for the British drop you a few linea, not necessarily New Industry, but have been putting on extra prat- fox farming, appeal irresistibly to all women such an extent that no measure is too California(at least this southern Y navy, manned largely by a British for publication, but merely as a per- Mayor ticet this week so that an excellent crew, -and yet the autonomy of that Pop" and no policy too patriotic to sonal matter to express mypleasure at part) is rainless as a rule from April Y Vanstone and ex -Mayor Mrs. lig McNeil, London, Mise °f culture and refinement be free from their attacks. Their to October or November, but this year Spotton have for the past few weeks programme may be expected on Fri Mabel 1g,Neil, Toronto, and Miss Dominion does not seem to be notice- receiving the Advance regularly, and been negotiating with what may day night next. The Band Boys have Sadie Cottle . fight is a reckless one because it is note its clear we had a rain in Tune, Naturally, we g g y prove ,Grand Rapids, are visit- ppr ably impaired. print., its well set advts, a now industry for Wingham. It will added to the appearance of the band in g Mrs. J. W. McKibben at the �rl�rO�UCtiO� �IIeT « �. « hopeless, now see it at its worst. Yet to see Y B and other indications of good manage- stand b a coat of paint. beach, .Kincardine, -It turns out now that Sir Allan the waggons piled up with vegetables, be S uown in a few days whether or Y P Y meet and prosperity. I trust it will nttt• it will materialize, - Reeve MoKihbon of Win bam arose ' A lesworth had prepared a Closure coming in to the city, and see the g y p p continue to •prosper, and the good early on Monday last, went down to • Bill in 1911 in comparison with which MILITARISM. town of Wingham never fail to, store fronts loaded down with vege- Lacrosse Match. - ^^^^^� the dock and at noon returned with A Pure Irish Linen . the`Conserv$tive measure is extra — __ appreciate and loyalty support its tables and choice fruits, 'you would r a nice string of fifteen Bah and called Handkerchief PP Y Y PP On Wednesday of last weak a league erSonals in every one of the twenty or more ordinarilymild, All the Liberal pro- not imagine you were four months A Chatelaine Sam- -FREE P The recent revelations in German local papers, They have certainly game of Lacrosse was played in the cottages here to exhibit same and re- tests were but the merest sham and y' without rain. Irrigation does the le of Lilota Per- concernin the activities of the firm of never failed'in their duty in the in- park between Kincardine and Wing- `^ •^M^��J calve a word of praise, Some o4 the p g work, Our orange trees have been ham, The cottages, however, were euepicious mock heroics. teresta. of Winryham, W. F. Vanstone is visiting fume i;• « � + Krupps in international politics, have a irrigated twice since spring, and will game resulted in a score of - Mrs, and started an ihveeti alien finding Personally, my family are about as g P g' 15-1. Our bo g ' g revived the crusade against excessive be again irrigated about Sept. 1st, boys are deserving credit friends in Clinton, that he had toiled until mid-day and -Not only Sir Wilfrid Laurier but for war in all countries, usual; Mrs. Hall is not as strong as we and the Kincai,dine boys proved them- Misses Eima Armour and Margaret caught nothing;, so rather than return Fora abort time to introduce Hon. Redo1 he Lemieux attacked the preparation then will require no more until next g P Sane military men are at one with the could wish, but I hope will soon get selves to be manly sports as the ams empty handed, he purchased w fifteen Y May or June, g Patterson are visiting in Toronto, from an elderly gentleman, who was Closure at the recent St. Hyacinthe acclimated. Walter and Earle have Y was clean ands u g Y g most enthusiastic workers in the Livia is her here than in, Can square. Mise Helen Inglis and nephew, Fred areal fisherman, On cross' examine. our Lilota Perfume, we will meeting and yet Lemieux just two good opportunities in;the tine est•ab- g Iizg p'' g p cause of universal peace in deploring da • fuel bills lose (considerably), Car- Advance Advertisements. Olubb, left for the West on Monday, tion, the Reeve admitted the fact that ! give the above articles free to years previously on the same platform lishment of the J. Herbert Hall Co., ' l had vigorously advocated closuge and the evils of such meddling. The re- penters get $1_ a day, The Union pre- It Mies Mary Ritchie has returned he had tried as bait fat pork, grass - g y and both give indications of -'making pays to advertise in the Advance hoppers, red flannel, little fish, fish every customer purClia■ing �. cult is that many people regard all valla and hence the eight-hour da after an extended holiday to Brock- eolemnly announced Haat if the Liber- good. Besides the pro rioter J, g Y� because it gone into almost double the villa, worms and even Rexall Remedies but 4 warlike preparation with increased P As a result building costs more than in homes of an other paper in this without avail, `Ye Gods and little ounce of Perfume, any odor ale were elected a closure measure Herbert' Hall, there aro ten others in y p p would be introduced. suspicion and dislike. It is a sign OP the establishment which is the largest Wingham. Some things are less. The vicinity. Mr. J, S. Scott informed the Mrs. Geo, Kargus is holidaying in fishes how men do like to tell and act °u wish. the time that dislike Governments of g y' Berlin with her son and other friends out fish stones! y 1.* * " ewellr and optical business in the municipal light" plant charges four Advance that his ad. in our the civilized world profess to be in- Y P paper elsewhere. -Tho British Admiralty hoe taken P city. They move to much larger cents per Kilowatt, so that we have found the owner of the stray cattle in Mr. James Baird of Wingham left We carry 24 different odors at terested only in defending their re- light ver thea and as is used for ^^�^^^� ......... immediate steps to provide the three premises Sept, Ist for which the 6 Y is t two days time. for Monday o. the Harvest Excursion prices -50e, 75c and $1.00 per spy des countries, and to be torp from cookie � � Z CburCb ��� � ounce. ships that the Liberals of Canada re- an designs upon the territories of rental for ten years will be $45,000 cooking; it coats 90 ate. a 1000 cub, for the West. w ''V Y P • , feet, so that for a family of eight or Voters List Revision. • ;�.� fused. Whereat Sir Wilfrid Laurier their weaker neighbors. Ic would commencing with $300 a month. The Mrs. S. Dulmagr and daughter, ? ,>- goes down to Quebec and tells the g store now being fitted up for them is thereabouts, the gas range would run His Honour Judge Doyle held Court Edna, of Seaforth, spent a few days ,,,,,�„ 5 ,.i seem, that with such sentiments pre- between $2 and $3 a month. of ,Revision. here on Tuesday of this in town last week, people at St. Hyacinthe that there is veiling, an agreement to limit naval one of the best in the city and will Y Rev. J. W. Hibbert will preach next no emergency. The Lausier doctrine have increased facilities in every de- But I must conclude, with kind week when 150 appeals were dealt Mr, Russel Hopper of Belgrave is Sunday in the Methodist Church. and military expenditure should be wishes for the success of the Advance with. There were about 75 additions visiting Mr. William McCool of the J McKibbon is .that so long as Great Britain can be east] effected, Unfortunates holy. Partment, and necessarily more clerks - �� ' Advance stars, This will be his first Sunday after his J. W. Y y. and the heavy weight editor. If I several removals and some wrongly forced to bear the whole harden alone ever, this is not tsar case nor does will be required, << g y e• vacation and all are cordially invited there is no emergency, 'We have had a beautiful summer, ever said that Large bodies move inserted, corrected. A. H. Musgrove Mrs. Ja. Stapleton and daughter, to attend. DR000l1ST & OPTICIAN there seem any probability of such a slowly," I take it back, for one who M.P•P„ was appellant for the Con- Mae, left Tuesday for a two weeks' * * * consumation, so devotedlyto be The weather has been occasionally pp stay in Toronto, . has so much business on his hands, secvatives and editor Elliott for the -°'In time of race the disposition warm but never oppressive, There ie P P desired, The battle will probably be and finds time to devote to municipal Liberals, Mr. and Mrs, L. O, Chapman, Buf- ?hoe sqvy��'Stqyv of a, Canadian navy would be compare- with time that endureth to the end. a total absence of that smotbering, �� g Mr, and Mrs, A. J. ' I 1, and society work must get a move talo are visiting fives unimportant. In time of war it heavy, depressing heat sometimes felt Walker this week, 106L!,_!E ' ....;�.,,....q p This has no torrore for British subjects, on" at times or some o4 the man Fire Partly Destroys Some.r would neeessaril become an into cal in the East, and no prostratious are Y MiseL. M. Norfolk of Stratford is ,�,�, &yesight tested free and glasses -sup, Iy g for when the different Domiuione interests involved would suffer. Un Wednesday night the residencelied at reasonable ricei part of the common forces of defence, agree upon a form of co-operation as ever heard st such as dread of in the spending s couple el weeks with herplied prices, s, middle weal. Some days the teen- Some of our family were at Long; of Mrs. Madigan was partially destroy- friend, Miss L. Hazel Brandon. Mr. David Watters has sold his - It is inconceivable that ander such civ- they inevitably will, sooner or later, . erasure rune u at noon to between Beach recently, and saw Dr. and Mrs. � ed by fire. The fire, which started Mr. and Mrs. Jae, McDiarmid of residence to Mr. W. J. Pattison, we, cumstances there could be any kind of all other countries will be left hopeless- P P Towler and Miss- L. Lloyd in their , from over heated pipes in the kitchen dualistic control. Unless public feeling ly behind in the race. 90 and 100, but it is not oppressive, Y Moose Jaw, and are visiting it the hoer this does not mean the removal and the mornings and evenings are auto., also Mr. and Mrs, Robt. ASa coon spread over the house, consuming home of Mr. and Mrs, J. Galbraith. of Mr, and Mrs. Watters from Wing- till! II suffered vast change, all of Canada's The question of defence is not wholly g g Iudoo and Miss Lorne Gordon. L Let the entire contents and gutting the Mr. L. Binklep, Manager for Ball ham, naval resources would be put at the for Governments to settle. Fi,yer cool, Even as I write this, at 2 p.m , :;.,•,;•;; ., Y evening at Ohurcli, I met Mrs. ]YIc- whole interior, If it had not been for Telephone Co„ moved luso the house , rz. „.. •; disposal of Great Britain, and from a a delightful breeze is blowing €corn oft The dV, G. T. U, of Win p male Canadian owes a duty to his Alpine and her father Mr. McAdam, the Prompt action of the firemen the recently occupied by Principal Stalker gham en- �' tk = . single center would o the commands the Pacific Ocean, some twenty or P P P tertained about'one hundred of their 0.009 �� - g g country, in this regard. That so many formerly of Wingham. Also often dwelling would have been a total lose, Miss Lizzie Fleuty is in Picton this •;,,;.! _..,.. '''-'- . • a? gradin to the etlective defence. The twenty-five miles distant, friends at the home of IVIra. Root, T n- "'` ^g• g of u3 evade, is nothing to be proud of. see Mr. Geromill, formerly of Turn- and ttlao the glove factory of W. H. week attending the Supreme Grand y (�ie : , Liberal arguments are largely super" This is indeed a fine city, as obser. Lodge of the Loyal g g Y P Military training, even if it is only berry township. Guxrtiey, which adjoins. The con- g y True Blue Osocia- dail on the B'. line ori the evening of d , .+ Y, r ficial, and lacking in any real appeal that got by attending a few annual vont of the sabbath as Canadian When we et settled once more and tents of the dwelling were insured in tion. Friday; Aug. 22nd. A very enjoyable r ::♦ ,,.r• �,;� - � - to the sober sense of Oanada."- cities ; business places closed, no g g Drs. H, E. and J. E. Tams nAaft time waa•s ent indeed and the thanks �'"`��' , w.. camp?, has great educational value Y P Ottawa Citizen )iree Trade Indepen" young saloons; no drunkenness visible, in in our new home, I may write again. or $300, And the house,which this week for an extended visit to of the Union was tendered Mre. Tyn- i i'•;�h- ��w ( p for oun men. It aims to make New York cit fact a most desirable residential city, Faithfully Yours, y and other parte of the doll for her kindness in offering her r !'. -" ._1 <,__ � � � dent.) them smart in appearance and move- ed b Mrs. Nicholson of Detroit, for Re ublic. g _ � d - * * * We are about 10 miles from I,ot Theo. Hall. y P beautiful home for the good of the - : ' n '.,, ". " Y meet. Any man, who expects to com• -� $(300 in the Waterloo Mutual. g ?f -In lase than two years o£ office, An ales with electric oar service Mrs. George Kerr of Brussels and ;;;. = '- mand others should first learn to obey, Angeles, Temperance Cause in this way. The "'~; l Mrs. F. H. Maxwell of Winnipeg 1: f,' _, the Borden Government has to its and this the most elementary military every seven minutes, Indeed Pasa- Wingham's Fall Fair. visited their sister, Mies Maxwell of Union decided to present the proceeds � ~ a�°;.0 '' credit a magnificent record of national Y Y dens is a most desirable cit in which 4re=e intmentMadeP .."g training willteach him, tagrtlier with Y Thn Directors of the Turnberry town last week, of the Social to Provincial Olyicer '�-'� �° ,,•••.... `u.�•..development, Incompetence and the habits of self-restraint, which are to reside, The mountains are four or,B,Elliott who was highly Agricultural Society have about com• Mr. Fred Willis of the T.Y.U.R 13•. Phippen ds a slight recognition of his waste that goes with incompetence, most valuable in an walk of life, five miles distant, Mt, Lowe with its nded for the position of Pro- Co. has returned home after spending faithful services in the cause'of Tem - y pTrited arrangements for the Wingham p g characterized the Laurier administra• We are about to have an Armoury inclined railway ; Mt, Wilson with its vincial Game Warden has received the Fall Fair which will be held on Thurs- two weeks with Mrs. Foston and psrance and Social Purity in Wingham tion from its beginning and had be- Carnegie Observatory, and still more appointment. The people of Wing- family of Culross.. SHOES EOR HALE constructed in Wingham secs it is to ,, 4 day and Friday, September 25th and and surrounding District. The ladies come a public scandal years before the be hoped that from now On, a man's distant Old Baldy or M•. Antonio, ham and surrounding country will feel 2fi,.h. For the afternoon of Friday, Mrs, J. Cunneyworth and son, Harvel consider Mr. Phippen one of the most art was turned out of office. Suc- 10,000 ft, high, its top snow -crested. perfeety confident that the law, which returned to Toronto after spending a party duty to his country will interest him September 20 h, a good program of few weeks with her father, Mr, John fearless oflicersin Ontario in discharge VALUE ceeding this lung period of reckless as much as Lacrosse or football. Par- The ehu+s h services here are all well her been more or leas violated, will be sports is being arranged and will in- Little of Turnberry. of his duties and took this inethod of��Ilse of public money there has come a titulary, when itis so easily and agree- attended, and the people appear to be rigidly enforced and.carried out. elude a free-for•all horse vane, a 2,50 Rov. A, B. Dobson of Fordwich showing their appreciation, new order. The growing needy of refined, .ind many of them wealthy, ably performed, Rif) -,i -shooting is in Li htnia g horse race, a hitching race and a gave the Advance a pleasant call; Canada call for, and require an ever itself; a sport of the first order. We Orarg+- Grove Avenue, the home o4 Lightning Kills Young Farmer, potato race, On the eventng of the he used 'to be the editor's pastor but We have gone through our stock increasing expenditure, The present pos- i •ly 1.00 millionaires, and other When the thunderstorm of Saturday found the task a hard one.Eri !r carefully and selected out all the could not spend our Wednesnay half- 20:h a high class concert will be held $ ave. Goverement has made generous pro- holidays better, than in ficin tiff it oughfaree are magnificent ave- began, Dan McLeod and his father, in the Opera House, when the program. Miss Dorothy Bond and Miss Irene pairs of which we have only a few vision for all legitimMo needs but at Y ,, g y , {; a, The city has no factories, and -Angus McLeod of the North Line, Kin- P P g Le Warren ate spending a couple (f The A. O. U. W, Belgrave lodge No. of a kind. the same time has taken due care that rounds at different ranges, to the Last: sires none, Pasadena is at a higher cardine Tp. were in the barn. They will be furnished by H. Ruthven Mc- weeks holidays with the former's sis- 321 begs to acknowledge the receipt Ing benefit of ourselves and our noun- Donald, baritone; Miss M. La Dell, ter Mrs. Errold Drummond, of $5 00 from Mrs. D. Wheeler as a We have placed these Shoes by ja the expenditure of all moneys tide of prosperity than almost any atarted out and as rain was commenc- try,- [Observer other city in the country, if we may Ing to fall, Dan wont back to the gran- elocutionist, and Eddie Pigott, come Lyle Stephenson of Chicago is token of her appreciation of the prom. themselves On orated, business methods must prevail, dian. Copies of prize list may be pro- spending a while with his father, John OUR BARGAIN TABLES ca able officials must be em to e.d p p Y p P g pt payments of the Insurance cheque p p Y �� judge from the statements of the Ioce1 cry for his coat. There was a vivid, cured from H. B. Elliott, Secretary, Stephenson, in the hope of regaining for $2000 issued b the Grand Lodge - and for every dollar of expenditure Children Out At Night., banks made last month. The deposits vicious glash of lightning. It stunned at the Times Office. his health, which has been .very poor on the death of her husband, We have attached prices to them there must be a dollar's worth of __ _ have increased half a million dollar s the father and when he came to he saw lately. _ __ that will astonish you, and sell the return to the people of Canada, over last year, and total $13.073,000, the barn in flames. It occured to him Police Court. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Hetherington, - '�- �__ Shoes at Once. Upon that basis the Government So that our parents and police shall Notwithstanding that this is not the that his son must have been killed or Being somewhat of an athlete and of Westford and Mr. and Mi s, Neil Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. Men's $'3.50, ,$4.00 and $'5.00 Owen Bound joss undertaken and is pressing for- clearly know their duty as laid down k;usy (or tourist) season, business has he would have come to the father's also more or less expert in 'manly' ivMie ted blraand bird R. E. Hethe g Get Parcel's Bread at, Christie a. Shoes are marked ,$2.98. ward a program of development cov- in a resent enactment by the Ontario been retparkably good this summer. rescue, Mr. McLeod went into the sports and being Saturday night, Mr. ton of Morris. LOST -A Gold Watch, open case Womeies $'3.50, $'4.00 and ,$4;.50 ming the whole of Qanada, Import- Legislature;, we publish the following Property sells high, and the city is granary and forind the son stone dead, William McCoy saw no other way of Mr. and Mrs, Forster of Charleston, with Elgin works. on Alfred street ,Shoes are Marked $2.78. ant and long -needed harbor improve• in full. It should be borne: in mind growitig very rapidly. Just across his body lying face downward on the displaying his physical bru`e force Missouri left on Monday for their between Linklater's store and Minnie of menta are iii progress on both oceans that the act states i "child shall mean the strpot an apartment house of QO (}nor. With considerable difileulty than proceeding to assault and black- home, Mrs, Forster and little son street. Finder please leave at Me. Some deep Cuts off of the prices and upon the great lakes, the canal a boy or girl actually or apparently roop.49 is being erectecl at a cost of 141r. McLeod brought out bis dead son's en the woman whom he solemnly have been visiting the formers parents Lean s office, of our BOy9 , Glide and Infants system of Canada is being extended under sixteen years o€ age." Tfie town $25,OQO. Not far off, another to cost "body before the #ia,mea reached that promised to love, cherish and honor, Me. and Mas. W. I+', Vanstone for the Mr. 1;, 0. White wishes to notify big Shoes. toad improv4+d to meet the imperative bell should be rung at nine and the $100,000 with roof gardens is being put part of the barn Dr. FerguoOn was ,She made complaint to Ofilear Phip- Past two months', customers that his stere will be closed These Shoes have been our very d& mand for better facilities of water law enforced to the letter, up. The assessment of the cit is sent for but the young man was beyond h P P Mr. Rid. Hamilton is here visitingfrom Tuesday Sept, 2nd. to Sept. 9tb, best seller's — nothingthe matter 1 Y n Y g Y pen, who had Bill appene before His his mother Mrs. Hugh HamiltoRooms to rent, over the Advance with the Shoes except we have only transportation, the National Trans- (1) Na child shall loiter in any pub• nearing the sixty million maria, an }each of human help, Ike was marri- Worship Mayor Vanstone on Monday Mr, Hamilton has lived in British office, suitable for light house keeping. p y continental Railway leaks have been lie place after 9 o'clock in the evening, increase of two njillfon dpllars not ed leas than a month ago to a daughter at one o'clock. His Worship, Denison- Columbia for more than h score of I,cgnire of C. N, Griffin, a few pairs of a kind. stopped, the road pressed to comple- or be there unless accompanied by bis including South 'Pasadena and other of Thomas Watts of Kincardine Tp, like, pronounced one dollar and costs years, He is quite, pleased with the Dr, Porker will have his new offices We have a size to fit most any tion and the difficulty arising from parent or guardian Oran adult appo ut• suburbs, or separate municipalities. The lamentable occurence has awaken or ten days,' In the past the names of appearance of the old town, where he open on ker w t have over Ohristie's foot. 'I'hiA ease should be called a The amount to be raised for taxes this ed the s spent his boyhood days. « „ the Quebec bridge disaster overcome ed by the parent or guardian to accoin• sympathy of the whole neigh• offenders have been withheld from Store. Shoe Snap. b the establishment of a car fere an such child, year is $50fi 503, but I do not think borhood.-[Kincardine Review. Mr. Thea. Armstrong, formerly otta W:LVTFts-ctrl to leazn type -setting Call soon Or the Shoes wOn�.t b0 Y Y• P Y print, but, as we feel the Press can , of Wingham s most respected citizeng ane Iludson Bay Railway and tor- (2) A child found in a public place this includes Schools. The Public beat serve the community by report' but for the past six or se on years a or experitsneed girl, Apply at Ad- here—they're going to sell very trr'nala aro to be completed by 1913. Library alone calls far $'27,000; public - Tried to Burn Queens Hotel, vance oftlee. after the hour named in subsection I Ing same, it shall be our policy in resident of Edmonton, was renewing fast. A system} of public•owned elevators unless so accompanied may be warned walks, $209,8.10. Two attempts were made by a fire- the future to give publicity to all law- old acquaintances.Me. Armstrong SALtu Oz' FvttrrrTtTizr.—On Saturday ;s being established in Western Cana- to go home by any constable or proba• We have nop yet moved on to our bug here on Tuesday to burn down breakers. If they do not wish to be has prOsp.ered and is manager of Ilia afternoon at 3 o'clock -J, Stalker, -- da. A parcel post syctrem will be in tion officer or officer of a Children's ranch, but plans for the improvement the Queen's Hotel. The first blaze was reported they had better not so offend company for the province of Alberta, Maple $trent. operation by the end of the year. The of the home on it are being prepared started about 5 30 p.m. in a sample Miss ]Ruby Forbes, a gradgate of the To 11 m-Farnished house. -App A 1 � Q.I Greer Aid Soctty, anti If after such warning P the laws of the land. Pp Y Atlantic steamship cervico has been the child is found loiteiIn in a public now, It situated an the borders of room near the lavatory, and hetero it Wingham; hent position College and who at the Advance Oflies+, W. - g p i has an excellent pasttiop in the read , improved and the cable service cheap- place such child may be takes by the Rho city, about 7 acres of orange, was discovered and extinguished a Dr. Stewart Opae. Olflice of the Man ufacturera' Ltfe Insur- �� ANod-•-A girl to do general house -'- ened, Trade within the. Empire has constable o• Wer to its home, or to the peach, plum and apricot trees ; part of lame box of toilet paper wag conaum. A large number of WingliaM ante Co, at Toronto, visited her aunt work. No washing or ironing, duties THE SHOE MAN been extended and is being further i7hildren'a Shaltei', i. is within the city limits an,. the pd and several other boxes were badly Masons attended the funeral of lar. MOs. Those Vorbes for a few days last Secommence n my ante Sept, 22nd - Mrs, L. extended. The Intercolonial 3%1lwsoy whole is divided into lots that ere long ccorched, Baffled in his first attempt, Stewart of Teeswater on 14fon4ay of w �' - Is being improved in all its !(6) A parent who permitslis obiI4 will be valuable. We a all be t r, the perpetrator' renewed his efforts this week. The Masonic services wer Me. Chzg. 4, Hammond, Port Huron, Sewing machines repaired and clean- CE -ME, •Ert.Y CAn>LTAltixa,-1 am pre. systemg P h} ll f1 P P 1 , paired to care for cemetery lots at. $1,00 to'violate this section shall for the , Y Alichi>gan, spent a few days last weals ed, any make, any a);r+, Canadian P Y branches. Agriculture is bring Post- , blocks from the electric ear line aunt again and about 7 o'clock in the even• condgnted b M. J. Mae1'lhersou of with laic brother Air. E. A. tiarnmond. American, EnKlish and (Iormau, stet- par fieason. Orders left with Town ered and encouraged by the expendl• first ojia;nce incur a penalty of .$I with. completed and. when (as is expected) ifpg kindled a blaze in the hallway Kincardine, Wa have nob gsany par- AIr, pammoth belongs to the lllichtgan American, willingly even, Drop a card Clerk receive prompt attention, R. Lure of millions of federal money in out costs, and for a second offences 2, it is extended to the La C.i,nada valley, that runs between the hotel and the titulars of the departed, who had a State Militia, and for the past three or Phone 285. F. W Smith at Long- Deyell, Phone 32 on 617. end for a third, or any subsequent of• g p weaka lana been at Caluuaetto in can• heed's, Winghaiza, g P ,: co-operation with the provinces. The r !twill pees our ranch. The city payors pld poolroom, pseuds of awoke tato- large and successful practice in that C, R. Wilkinson,4Vilkt,Eyesight ht s ansa. y St. Lawrence steamship rotate is be. ranee, 9u [8 D�tw. VII. C. 60, g, 1. are delivered at our door and we have 'ug from that quarter attracted and town and vicinity for many years, vection with the strike, WANTHt),-•-Girls to learn knitting list, Edward St., Wingham, is curing Ing safeguarded and drydoek factlttieg ainended. good postal delivery, alarmed the mnagement, and on in- The writer never attended a ftineral Mr, and Mrs, J. Jennings and son, and looping. Wiil pay Five Dollars a difficult cases of defective vision after g tveel. while learning, -- 4 -- I�enneth, and twin daughters, Wrnnrss g, steady nmplos- others have failed. I recognize that provided for the accommodation of Tl}e prospecte;£or a good orange prop vretigation a most promising lice was where so ninny kind remarks wasp and Thurley, of Pontiac. Mich., are menu, pleasant situation, fart ad- my success can only be attained the largest ships, An investigation of Buslgegs GOHege. are excellent, and everything wear 4iseovered to be under way. The passed about the noble, manly cluall• vlsiting at the home of Air. and Airs, vane, Apply now, Clinton 1;tut• through your satisfaction. Difficult ocean freight rates has been uador, Wingbam Business College, the sun- an aspect of prosperity. blanket brigade, which had done such ties of a deceased, One lilened him ''Witt. P,. Mitchell, Turnberry, They ting Co., Clinton, Out, cases and children a speciality. Suf- .taken. cess of whose gradgates bane never The Chgrohes of the clty are supplied pignal service at the first Are, had to to lar, McClure rnlentioned in the wall sten visit 14Ira, Jenniriga' mother, T+on SALt..-Quick- -bar sin -•---No, 9- rewire attended at their own home it „ Mrs, Ii.enry Watean of Mitchell, be- 18 Crmvn Huron range. desired, All advice fret and satisfan• To this, but for the action of the been eifcelled, reopens Tgesday, Sep with the bent preaching talent avail- turn to again and fight the second Bonpie Briar Bust} and stated Haat are rrtttrnin to their homy in Mich. g Also one tion guaranteed. Laurier partizans In the Senate, would tember 2nd, able, Dr. Hughes of the First Metho- Blaze, which thea succeeded In pori• poorer tsar patient the greater seemed f � bedroom suite. ,Apply Mrs, Shurtlelf, have been added provision for the dist Church gets $0000 a year; the qoering after a ttgbborn battle. The to be the real of thephyaletan, When Ifineardine Beach, Diagonal Road. Mr, J. Bice, piano tuner, will be to construction and xraaintenanee of good Street Pavement. WArt'xr;ts-Good General Servant. town at an early date. All requiring g Arst Presbyterian Church pays Its fact tbab the 11%rtley l:futlse sheds a tali canto lie promptly responded, Mr, R. S. McGee in the champion Apply to Mrs, Rabt. Beattie. anything In this line are rt quested to roads In all thin provinces of Canada. 'Thr raving Company la progressing pastor the saltie, Sunday $chool work were step fired and demolished last never waiting to ask, as many younger tltidor of lucky stones. - I _ 1. leave their order at dell's Mutein store. Theses are soma of this outstanding favorably With their Contract and Is vigorously pushed, On one Sunday weak, suggests thepreaence in town of doctors dor who is going to pays mel' Mrs. Theg. Fells and ohildrCri of ------ Good workmanship is guaranteed, wcbievements of the Government. Manager Malealm seems anxious to do recently, the attendanco In the S.S. of a Are bug whose specialty is lighting The nobility of the medical profession Winghai'n tyre holidaying here, 1l�:.. Oak Dining table, quarter rut Oak The list to by no ream mcbausted, work creditable to his company, The the First Nothodist Church pmeta the up and burning down hotel -property, ban rarely been more nobly extmpll• Mr. and Mrs, Hiliott Irleming of 3000.00 worth Millet, dark red Tapestry Curtains, yet with all this, the aboundingprom. curbing la almost tiniabe,a anal the 700 mark, although thle is time •Ve have stopped the press to say that fled tban In the life r f the deceased, Pergus are visiting friends here. � � th oi` Shoes Stair and hall Carpet, and a few other at 60 Ceuta on the dollar. things. Apply to Mr. J. G, Srzit,�h, p srity has mstde it unneePseary for tiro street paving begins to -day, Whin when many are away on Vacation st :,nother lira has been discovered and The family should feel comforted by Dr. It. J, Adamn wen hero on Sun- ' Frances St, tilarernm+snt to place the renournps Of •this Work Is oon,plrteti Wingitsrrn will the Beathm Your hiimlyle servant ,arctinguitsb«•tl in the Qualm's xlattl sell the lits of sunk Aone crud the symptu- day the guest of Dr. J. P. lir?needy. = head our Ad. on last page, W:t.NTs:i7 --- Two o n Indio ' tho DomInioro wader the slightest lzdiv'a A main t;tre'at unegaallara by any has already been, "lsur«heci tn" aA tes�umh• ar this Wednoaday ,night, r-• (Bruce thy of the community gone out to Mr. W. +Galbralth and Mr. J. Mason , WILLIS $i° 00. learn telephone Operating. Apply to N a6sralrs, On tiro bo4ttrat°f, tivise µ . toWn Of I�ti'do,$ its tblo Provitafa, yr tot" i,ho Am�d�trctitaiitui�i 1 lUto al�ava iii ljsmld a�tid Timt e" them in their acrra lr4mmemout. rtrerrs In XlitrwAiae on Werd:.tse'ada,y ,i, . ,, .. �w„o" � : Teleph�ocke Offlos. lip y ,�. ,- _ , ` .r... . ::: 1