HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-08-21, Page 8a BOYS' SCHOOL At One -Quarter THE W1 NGHAM ADVANCE -`S ' •i �1I.N., - l East. Wawanosh. Pearl and Ethel King of Saskatoon, good. August 14th. Interment took lace g p CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Mt'. and Mrs. Ja4.1 Noble, of the 0th line, have the were visitors with Mr. and Mra. Jub Kin on fi'rida and Saturda Mrs, g Y 91 Mrs, Halliday and daughter of wingham spent Tlzosda last with The Kind You Have AlWays BOUght sympathy of their many friends In the sad uaoxpeeted bereave. UpPherson And little son and daughter of Fergus were also In the party, a Y ftI°ads In H°wick, SUITS Per Cent.Discount Boars the�op ruent they have been called upon to bear y the death of rfourth only On. Monday evening a tact week urs, Will Hamilton a small Mrs. Fenwick and little daughter of Toronto spent days ast Werk eW, night, In the morning the owner g g found his flock scattered all around' Many friends will mise the cheery disposition A No. 1 farm 1 of 4. con. 5, Morrie; 100 acres, more or less, half a mile from signature of laughter, Annie Evelyn, in her gave party In honor of her daugh- with with hurt and Mrs. flays.w year, Evelyn was taken very ill on ter Velma. m happy evening was Me. Longley, and sitter, Miss Long- Friday morning and despite all that loving friends and medical aid could agent with games and social chat and icy of the IGth con, called on friends near Teeswater on Sunday last. oil Bio, she passed awe about seven in the y evening. She was a bright, lively after the guests had sampled the birthday cake they separated wishing Mr, and Mrs. H. Johanna of the 15th r - child and, the parents feel their loss little Miss Hamilton many happy raturas of the day. con, spent Sunday with the tatter's sister, Mrs. F. Ballagh, near MAIL CONTRACT. SEALED very keenly. The funeral, which took place on Sunday, was largely attended, It is with regret that we report the Teeswater. Be] ra q g vet one-quarter of a mile from TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at ot- and -an impressive service was con- death of Mrs, J. H. White of Listowel, Mrs. Barns and daughter of Harris- tawa itutil Noon, on Friday, the 19th day of September, 1913, for the conveyance of His ducted by Rev, T. H. Farr Of Blyth, a former resident of the 2nd, Never ton, also. Mies G. Harris of Toronto few Majesty's Mails, on a proposed contract for in good health since their removal a spent Y last week at the days four years, 24 times per week each way, be. On Wednesday night of last week from the farm Bri home of Mr, and Mrs, Cleo. Doubledee, If the Boy is in need of a School Suit for the tween Wingliam Post Office and Canadian gbt s disease began Paoiflo Railway station, from the 1st Jitnuary some one went to the poultry roost on and unable to withstand its ravages, Fall rtem, these prices will surely interest you.. formatioPrintedto conditions�of proposed con- the farm owned by Bert Thompson, the weakened system succumbed on D d bl k P P d Farm F S I g o mourn er os er station; ninety acres cleared, the rest (for what better was he) had used a husband, four slaters, and 2 brothers. in bush; a never -failing spring on farm, weapon of some kind and had struck barn with stone stabling 86x40, a good We are offering Boys' Suits at these interesting t some over the back, others had crush. Belmore. frame house with good cellar, also a ed heads, broken wings, etc. Now any I good orohard. Mrs. John Proctor, pro• prices at a time when our patrons will be bene- ��®°°' prietress, is going weft. Possession p man who through spite and jealousy Mr. Dallas was the guest of friends given in October. Terms easy. Apply fitted the most.' MAIL CONTRACT. would take revenge on another by de. in London, recently, to—W. G. NICHOLSON, BELGRAVE, or SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the stroying property in this way should Miss Ruby Teskey arrived home last F. SCOTT, BRUSSELS. 6083. Postmaster General, will be received at Ot- spend a lengthy time behind the bars, week from Hamilton. tawa until Noon, on Friday, the 12th clay of .• .,.,.,.,.,...,.,.,.....,.....,.,..•. September, 1913, for the conveyance of His where hundreds are now reposing for Mr, Augnst Millar has his residence Notice -,Of Closing + Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for newt stn Our School Suits are unusuallygood. a much less crima. Now such char- ted'itlooks fine. Pour years, six times Per week, over Blyth y p ,, g (East) Rural Route, from the t'ostmpster acters may bscape the punishment of ` ,Rev. Rogers g General's pleasure. Printed notices contain- gers of St. Thomas is visitiri ing further information as to conditions of man, but He who sees the wicked deeds We, the undersigned. Solicitors, of < They are made of the most durable fabrics proposed Contract may be seen and blank of men by night as well as by day, will in the vicinity for a few days. the Town of Wiugham, hereby agree forms of Tender may be obtained at the Pot, Mrs, J. Harris of King, Ont. is visit- to close our offices during the months and are strongly and excellent) tailored. Office of Blytb, and at the office of the Post deal out Judgment to such roan in His g y p Office Inspector, London. own wise way and teach him that ing with her mother MrF. Ed. Teskey. of July and August ae follows:—On each week da G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. y, except Saturday, at No School Suits could be made better in Post Office Department Mail Contract Branch "The way of the transgressor is hard," Mr. H• T. Thomson arrived home on 4 p.m., and on Saturday at 1 p.m. Ottawa, 1st Aueust, 1913. and any main who does such debased, Friday evening to spend a few weeks Dudley Holmes any particular, j cowardly deeds always gets a tenfold hare. orton reward'.—com. Mr, John Quirk returned home from R. Vanetone Hamilton where he has been attending The Council met on August lith as g the centennial, TO CONTRACTORS. per adjournment; members all pres- $10.00 Suits for $7.50 $7.50 Suits for $5.62 �' l� ,hw . " , ant. Minutes of last meeting read and Mrs. W. J. Weames and son, Glar- t .r,. passed, on motion of Courts. Irwin and nett of London were guests of friends The Municipal Council of Morris is 6.00 Suits for -4.50 5.00 Suits for 3.75 Stonehouse, here recently. asking for tenders for the construc- MAIL CONTRACT. The Engineer's report on the Mar- Mration of the Black and Ellis drains.. John Coulter is visiting her j Plans and specifications at the Clerk's $3.75 Suits for $2.80. SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the nock river bridge received and ordered daughters Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. I residence. Tenders opened at hall, Postmaster General, will be received at Ot. to be filed. Bannister of Toronto. Monday, August 25tb, at 2 o'clock, tawa until Noon, on Friday, the 12th day of The lowest or anV tender not neves- ; September, 1913, for the conveyance of His Wm, Love was resent and asked g y 'Id, accepted. Enclose a $50 mark - Bring the Boy here and allow us to fit him � Mn'ect a hfails, on a y p Dire, C, L. Lon man left on Tuesday y' proposed Contract for the Council to a him for lacin the four years, six times per week, ever Brussels P Y P g for her home in Windsor. Her mother. ed, good faith cheque. eorrectl (Moncriefl1 Rural Route, from the Postmaster concrete floor on the Marnoch bridge, y General's pleasure. Printed notiebV contain- g in-law Mrs. Jan. Campbell of White JOAN SI30RTItEED, Reeve, Walton, ing furthor information as to conditions of when Mr. Irwin moved, seconded by church accompanied her. A. MCEwEN. Clerk, Bluevale. �., proposed Contract may be sport and blank Mr. Buchanan that when Mr. Love Bluevale Aug. 8;11 1913, forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell leave g ' Offices of Brussels and Monorfef� and at the presents an order from the Hunter office of the Post Office Inspector, London. ' today for their home in Grand Rapids G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. Bridge Co, and also the Merchantsafter spending some weeks with theDR R P. PARKER D.B O A. F.S.D. ost, Office Department, Mail Contract Branch Bank of Kincardine authorizing pay. t , Ottawa. 1st August, 1913. latters Iuother Mrs, Bremner, meat of this contract, that the Reeve OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN P be instructed to honor the same to the Messrs. W. Hough, P. Deans and N. EYE SPECIALIST FOOD SCIENTIST WE An 'CA I PBELL, I c4',•iD amount of $730—carried. Fry have returned home after their Acute and Chronic Diseases treated, 1�I ter' t B 11 'll h th h Glasses Scientifically fitted. ■ The Clothier -`S ' •i �1I.N., - l A bylaw was read and passed fixing the following rates for the present year—County rate, 2 mills; township rate, 1 6 10 mills, and special school rso may a seen an an orms o on or may be obtained at the Poet Office of Wing. East Wawanosh, where forty-nine August 14th. Interment took lace g p CONTRACT. rate 21.10 mills on the dollar, ordinary school rates over and above these . ® �' Sports resulted in favor of the Garrick Lvi.p. -9 Hustlers, the score being 2-0. Bel -'11'h tam, and at the office of the Post Office In• half-grown g wn turkeys had settled for the in Brussels cemetery on Saturday. 25 Per Cent.Discount ■ specter, London, G. C. ANnPuRSON, Superintendent. Post Office Depar'ment, Mail Contract Branch night, In the morning the owner g g found his flock scattered all around' Many friends will mise the cheery disposition A No. 1 farm 1 of 4. con. 5, Morrie; 100 acres, more or less, half a mile from Ottawa, 8th August, 1913. of the one who has gong the roost dead. Some sleuth bound before leavin t h 1 h Be] ra q g vet one-quarter of a mile from g o mourn er os er station; ninety acres cleared, the rest (for what better was he) had used a husband, four slaters, and 2 brothers. in bush; a never -failing spring on farm, weapon of some kind and had struck barn with stone stabling 86x40, a good We are offering Boys' Suits at these interesting t some over the back, others had crush. Belmore. frame house with good cellar, also a ed heads, broken wings, etc. Now any I good orohard. Mrs. John Proctor, pro• prices at a time when our patrons will be bene- ��®°°' prietress, is going weft. Possession p man who through spite and jealousy Mr. Dallas was the guest of friends given in October. Terms easy. Apply fitted the most.' MAIL CONTRACT. would take revenge on another by de. in London, recently, to—W. G. NICHOLSON, BELGRAVE, or SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the stroying property in this way should Miss Ruby Teskey arrived home last F. SCOTT, BRUSSELS. 6083. Postmaster General, will be received at Ot- spend a lengthy time behind the bars, week from Hamilton. tawa until Noon, on Friday, the 12th clay of .• .,.,.,.,.,...,.,.,.....,.....,.,..•. September, 1913, for the conveyance of His where hundreds are now reposing for Mr, Augnst Millar has his residence Notice -,Of Closing + Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for newt stn Our School Suits are unusuallygood. a much less crima. Now such char- ted'itlooks fine. Pour years, six times Per week, over Blyth y p ,, g (East) Rural Route, from the t'ostmpster acters may bscape the punishment of ` ,Rev. Rogers g General's pleasure. Printed notices contain- gers of St. Thomas is visitiri ing further information as to conditions of man, but He who sees the wicked deeds We, the undersigned. Solicitors, of < They are made of the most durable fabrics proposed Contract may be seen and blank of men by night as well as by day, will in the vicinity for a few days. the Town of Wiugham, hereby agree forms of Tender may be obtained at the Pot, Mrs, J. Harris of King, Ont. is visit- to close our offices during the months and are strongly and excellent) tailored. Office of Blytb, and at the office of the Post deal out Judgment to such roan in His g y p Office Inspector, London. own wise way and teach him that ing with her mother MrF. Ed. Teskey. of July and August ae follows:—On each week da G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. y, except Saturday, at No School Suits could be made better in Post Office Department Mail Contract Branch "The way of the transgressor is hard," Mr. H• T. Thomson arrived home on 4 p.m., and on Saturday at 1 p.m. Ottawa, 1st Aueust, 1913. and any main who does such debased, Friday evening to spend a few weeks Dudley Holmes any particular, j cowardly deeds always gets a tenfold hare. orton reward'.—com. Mr, John Quirk returned home from R. Vanetone Hamilton where he has been attending The Council met on August lith as g the centennial, TO CONTRACTORS. per adjournment; members all pres- $10.00 Suits for $7.50 $7.50 Suits for $5.62 �' l� ,hw . " , ant. Minutes of last meeting read and Mrs. W. J. Weames and son, Glar- t .r,. passed, on motion of Courts. Irwin and nett of London were guests of friends The Municipal Council of Morris is 6.00 Suits for -4.50 5.00 Suits for 3.75 Stonehouse, here recently. asking for tenders for the construc- MAIL CONTRACT. The Engineer's report on the Mar- Mration of the Black and Ellis drains.. John Coulter is visiting her j Plans and specifications at the Clerk's $3.75 Suits for $2.80. SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the nock river bridge received and ordered daughters Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. I residence. Tenders opened at hall, Postmaster General, will be received at Ot. to be filed. Bannister of Toronto. Monday, August 25tb, at 2 o'clock, tawa until Noon, on Friday, the 12th day of The lowest or anV tender not neves- ; September, 1913, for the conveyance of His Wm, Love was resent and asked g y 'Id, accepted. Enclose a $50 mark - Bring the Boy here and allow us to fit him � Mn'ect a hfails, on a y p Dire, C, L. Lon man left on Tuesday y' proposed Contract for the Council to a him for lacin the four years, six times per week, ever Brussels P Y P g for her home in Windsor. Her mother. ed, good faith cheque. eorrectl (Moncriefl1 Rural Route, from the Postmaster concrete floor on the Marnoch bridge, y General's pleasure. Printed notiebV contain- g in-law Mrs. Jan. Campbell of White JOAN SI30RTItEED, Reeve, Walton, ing furthor information as to conditions of when Mr. Irwin moved, seconded by church accompanied her. A. MCEwEN. Clerk, Bluevale. �., proposed Contract may be sport and blank Mr. Buchanan that when Mr. Love Bluevale Aug. 8;11 1913, forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell leave g ' Offices of Brussels and Monorfef� and at the presents an order from the Hunter office of the Post Office Inspector, London. ' today for their home in Grand Rapids G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. Bridge Co, and also the Merchantsafter spending some weeks with theDR R P. PARKER D.B O A. F.S.D. ost, Office Department, Mail Contract Branch Bank of Kincardine authorizing pay. t , Ottawa. 1st August, 1913. latters Iuother Mrs, Bremner, meat of this contract, that the Reeve OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN P be instructed to honor the same to the Messrs. W. Hough, P. Deans and N. EYE SPECIALIST FOOD SCIENTIST WE An 'CA I PBELL, I c4',•iD amount of $730—carried. Fry have returned home after their Acute and Chronic Diseases treated, 1�I ter' t B 11 'll h th h Glasses Scientifically fitted. ■ The Clothier -`S ' •i �1I.N., - l A bylaw was read and passed fixing the following rates for the present year—County rate, 2 mills; township rate, 1 6 10 mills, and special school 1p o e eI e, w ere ey ave Tuesday 11.30 a.m, to Wednesday 10.30 stmt been in the intervals of Oddfellowship. Main St. (over Christie's Store.) The football game played last week between Carrick Hustlers and Balmore MAIL CONTRACT. rate 21.10 mills on the dollar, ordinary school rates over and above these . ® �' Sports resulted in favor of the Garrick Lvi.p. -9 Hustlers, the score being 2-0. Bel -'11'h t t b SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the amounts. more wt. ave o ge asy. MacDonald Black, Opp. Bank of Commerce. Postmaster General, will be received at Ot- Tile following accounts were ordered tawa until Noon, ou Friday. the 1201 day of g The Anniversary ,ervseo, of the S:Canadian National Exhibition pptember. 1913, for the conveyance of His to be paid:—H. B. Elliott, part print. Belmore Methodist Church will be Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four gears, six times per week, over Ethel, ing contract, $22 50; Coulter Bros., held in Sept. at which the R•lv. G. W. (North) Rural Route, from the' Postmaster gradin on northern boundary, 10 ; Rivers of Gorrie will General's pleas -ire. Printed notic-s cont%ia- g y $ preach boat , TORONTO Ing further information. as to conditions of Theo. Finnen, ditto, $3 75; Jas, Dow, _morning and evening. On Monday proposed 0ontract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post work at 10th line river bridge, $77.50, evening following a tea meeting will Return Rates from WINGHAM ® Offices of Ethel, Henfryn and Bruss-1s, and at drawing pipe culvert, 75c ; The Cov- be hold in connection with the services. the 9poe of the Post Office Inspector, London. G.:1. ANDERSON, Superintendent. rugated Pipe Co., Stratford, culvert, A good programe is being provided. $3.65 ss�� a$2.70 Post Office Department, Mail Contract Branch con, 9, $55; R, Wightman, gravelling DAILY AUG. 26 & 2& Ottawa, lot August, 1913. on eastern boundary, $165.10; A. Salem. AUG 23 to SEPT. 6 SEPT. 2 & 4 Dingwall, inspecting same, $20; A. The hunt of the threshing machine Robinson, work On W. boundary, $1 ; All tickets coed for return until Sept. 9 � N. Bolt, commutation statute labor is heard once again in our midst. tax in 1912, $3; Wm, Dobie, putting Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Bennett called ASK FOR OFFICIAL PROGRAMME in two culverts, cons, 2 and 3, $0 50 ; on friends in Howick last Sunday.Contains 1 t of daily events t e Fair. ecarate anrain service from a - — t xe. T I. Walker, grading on con. 12, $11.45 ; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer called stations. Robert Scott, tile, $9 50 ; B. J. Tyre- on friends at Teeswater last Sunday. W 11. Willis. up town agency, phone 47' MAIL CONTRACT. man, raking stones off road cons. 12 Mr. Jas Wray had the misfortune to J. H Beemer. etatidn ,Kent, phone 7. -- / SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the and 13 8 • for ravel—J; Martin $3 20, The guaranteed Eczema Cure. Postmaster General, will be received at Ot- $ g $ 9 lose a valuable spring colt from lock - The until Noon, on Friday, the 12th day of P. Icing, $5 80 ; A. Porterfield, $2 00, .September, 1913, for the conveyan,o of His Fitzpatrick, jaw' -• • • A quick relief for all Skin troubles Majesty's Mails, e a r week, Contract for $2 Jermyn, tte W. os.Bad- Mr. Howard Wylie of the Standard Pour ycara, six times per week, over Belgrave „ Y (Marnocb) Rural Route, from the Postma,ter $2 30 ; A. Patterson $4 40, Tho.. Brad- Bank at Harriston visited his parents, - General's ploasure. Printed notices contain. nock $4.70, R. Wightman $2.20, J. and a positive cure for Eczema frig further information as to conditions of Mr. and Mr,. Jas. Wylie over Sunday. '__ C. P. R. LABORERS • proposed Contract may be seen and blank McCallum $9 40, M. Dyer $150, J. Mrs. it • forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Pfeffer $2.50, S. Scott $4, W. J. Parke Me, tend Mrs. Edgar Higgins, EXCURSIONS Offices of Belgravo and Marnocb, and at the ,fes, Higgins and Mie, Maud Hi Ina The only reliable remedy for— office of the Post Office Inspector, London. $1.80, W. Andrew $150, W. Salter gK gg G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. $6 30, J. J. K err $8 20, R, Shiell $4.60, called on friends near Bluevale last TO THE WEST Post Office Department Mail Contract Branch Sunday. Eczema Er Sl alas Ottawa, let August;, 1913. R. Scott $4.50 ; W. Reid, shovelling, y p $150 ; Wm. Salter, shovelling, $1.80; Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Bryans of Brus- AUG. 25th and SEPT. 6th J: Mason, shovelling, $150 ; Duncan eels and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bryans Psori• • • r 0511 Lt° Robertson, shovelling, y - $10.00 to WINNIPEG asis Ringworm � � �. g, $4.50. of (Ire visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert - On motion of Councillors Stone- Gallaher last Sunday. Pimples Dandruff MAIL CONTRACT. house and Buchanan, the Council then Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy of Milverton - Buy your tickets from us at the SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the adjourned to meet again on Monday, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. shoe store. - Postmaster General, will be received at ot• September 8th, at one o'clock. Mitchell, and also with Mr. Glen. and - Tetter Ivy Poisoning taws until Noon, on Friday, the 12th day of A. Porterfield Clerk. September, 1913, for the conveyance of His Miss Annie Westlake. Mojesty's-1Vi:ails on a proposed Contract for • four years, six times per week. over Wingham Also a big stock of Hives Barber's Itch Postma teroGeneral'sRpleaaure. P`rintod no- Jamestown. Howick Boundary. Trunks, Suitcases - tines containing furthor information as to Mr. Will Holt conditions of proposed Contract may be seen we are sorry to say, Mrs, J. Kitchen of Salem called on Club Bags and Telescopes and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at Is tinder the care of Dr. Holmes. Mrs. D. Halliday on Tuesday. the PostOfiices of Wingham and Whiteoliuroli Y y' at lowest pikes. and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, Miss Olive Like, who has been on - We close Wednesday afternoons during July and August London. M,., all JIrt.• J. L!,t^.9c ttlel on G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent the nick lister, is improving in health, friends in Turnberry last week. from I p.m. to 7 p.m. Post Office Department, Mail Contract Branch I Ottawa, list August, 1913. Mee. Duncan McDonald has returned Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dane called on from a fortnights enjoyment of Lake friend, in Turnberry on Sunday last. Willis_%� Huron's breezes. The harvest in these parte will soon & CO. ..t;3' Mr. J. King left on Tuesday morn- be over and general reports are ver L help in the harvest. p Y �® CORNER a ingfor Markinch Sask., whore he will .. I DAVIS DRUG STORE MAIL CONTRACT. T, R, Bannett of th9 boundary line SEALED TENDI,IIS, addressed lo the is the possessor of a brand new auto. Successor to A. L. HAMILTON Postmaster General, o will be received2th da Ot- T. R. is bound to be ahead. taws until Noon On Friday, the 12th day of September 1913, for the conveyance of His Me. Harry MCL3od and children Of Mojosty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for e�Pour vears, six times per week, over Bluevalo Estavan, Sask., are at her father's (Jamestown) Rural Route• from the Postman - ter Goneral's pleasure. Printed notices con• home on the 2nd for an extended taining further information as to conditions of stay, WATCHES �iN1�1fr1i1iithhWltWx1ithf%iY►RM(�iYliW.ilirlYrllYVWt1ilKit�YThhhhidVq proposed Conl.raet may be seen and blank 4t. forma of Tonder may be obtained at the Poet Miss Jean McDonald of Molesworth • Oafioos of Bluevale and Jameatown and at the office cf the Past ODD Inspector, tendon, the among the number who took in ALL KINDS G. C. ANDTILSON, Superintendent, the S. S. + xcuraion to Kincardine on JOHNSTONSPostttawallstaAugust, 1013 Centraotilraneh the 14th, Mrs, Coiling and daughter were K visitor, it Robi PMrs. 'a last week. DIAMOND RINDS • MEN AND TEAMS WANTED. 'Ars. Coiling is Mrs, (Rev,) R°111. ���� PARLORS.Pearson's mother.a• Men sari teams are wanted far pav George McAlliaterand family called Ing construction, 'wingham. Apply on friends on ills 2nd on Tuesd>Ly. err after June 25th to The construction They were motoring from Guelph to FINE ASSORTMENT Pressing, Dr � Service Co. g y Cleaning and � Hen,all and Kincardine, ..c Mise Ada Goodfellow, who has been COURT OF REVISION --`- Altering promptly' aftended to visitink friends on the 2nd and 4th, Town of Wingham, has gone to complete her vacation GIVE US A TRIAL �---�- with Mr. A. Gallaher, Wroxeter. Xotloe is heroby given that a Court Mr. Lawrence Willis, so it is rumor - SUITS CALLED FOR AND RETURNED Voters' Listwill be hold pursuant to the Ontario ed, has leased the 000mb's property Act by His Honor the in south of Jameetown. We are glad toA-0 M., KNOX I Judge of the County Court fax the Clonn• see the shadow of the corrin event, She One Door' North of Patters�on's Jewel Store, ty of Huron, 8 the gown August , 1911: g Shop � ham, on the 28th day ,tif August, 191 , lldise Janet Andrews of Toronto at 12 o'clock, noon, to hepar aO d deter- accompanied b her brother of Gode- - �("j� , . mine oomplatnts of �rxors and dmiesiona p y JEWELER OPTICIAN 1a1a a dont experiment; we in the V°teri' List of the UtinlalipgItq . rich were vreek•ond visitors with Mrs. of Wingham for 1918. Will Hamiltou. The ladies ars bletere. y Dated at Witighain thin 12th dirty of Mr. Aho Kia,g frond ]Birth adraom, OPPOSITE NATIONAL MOTEL. l an. A 0W low to clean. guwt A. D 1918. �_... t1nfled 13;y h+b 6 sib � d�sa 'f llfc TnURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1913 Big 8 oe a e ■S I M We have $3,000 worth of Shoes more than necessary —in fact, fully $3,004• larger stock than is usually kept in Shoe Stores in towns of the size of 'Wingham. It is our intention to reduce our stock to normal size in quick time. Beginning, therefore, next Saturday, August 23rd, and cor_tinuing until Saturday, August 30th, - (7 days all told, no more, no less) we will offer this $3,000 Surplus stock at 60 Cents on the Dollar FOR INSTANCE Several lines $5.00 Shoes, less 40 per cent. for $3.00 cc cc 4.00 tc it 49 2.60 tt it 3.00 tc tc ct 180 ct it 2.00 tt tt cc 1.20 ct it 1.U0 cc a cc .60 We desire to make everything definite and fully understood and therefore wish to point out that this sale Does Not mean that we offer everything in our store at 60 cents on the dollar. It means that we are selling or offering our surplus Stock of Men's, "Women's, Boys' and Girls', Children's and Infants' Shoes, which amounts to a total of $3,000 at the exceedingly low price of 60 Cents on the Dollar. Sale starts Saturday, August 23rd. 111 1s Coo THE SHOE? STORE Sole Agents FOR For The sf/oE LADIES Now, York Styles In Our Winter Coats I 1 s We are ready to show our full line of Winter Coats in the newest models for Fall wear. The debigns and pat- terns in this season's materials are the choicest selections of Canadian bnyers. The up-to-date Cloths are the Diagonal Lama goods and soft, Woolley materials is Brown and White, Blue and $lack, Black and White, Black and Red, Grey Tweeds, Chinchilla and Fancy Tweeds. We have many of -our new Coats on display Lin our Window and now is the time to choose your Winter Coat. One style to each person and prices to snit revery one. Mail orders promptly filled, _ Butterick Patterns always on hand, ~��"