HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-08-21, Page 6— r---- _......_._1 _..1__'____-___._ - __ - -.—..Z— ­­­_.__­­__.__ .___.1_____..1_', – - - ��"­ 11111.� - _- '� I . . ­�11 . -1- . I � . � � . . .. .. ­ I �C, ;�Y ..; i,' ,,-,*-"I;t�,IIPWORWY"Lw�.0'�.T-9,W,4p.lr,-,"7-RW-91rw�wm.:T,o- . . I , - I �. . y_ ,q. . I . 1- . -- .- - II �.. . � I "I I �._.__�"___ e.�,�2 � I I I . . - .. - .111, I ..... . - 1. . I .. . I ­ I . �_ .1 I .I I ­ . ­__­ 111. 11.111, .I.- I.. . 1. I ­ - ­ - I ._1.1-_.___.__.---. - . � . . . I .. I .11 I , � I 1. � � -11 I . I � �' : 't 4i .111. .11 I I I . . 1. . . I . 11. ­ I I 11 ­­ I ,.$.Ever since you went away, a stral, j 1 4117 O um". W—W-cz Aelluess seized me," beglita the Oq WORLD FORESTRY . WOMEN NEED - ITS ANNUAL REPORT .%guty �. I � . � I . - , - .. .1 hanker, 1,and I w4t about fQ`V Ainuilo. 1 ARE) " 5 ..� .11 1% Ix I ... I I al"n" "'I a '"I"n "A"I""'y w!" 'Ouu' ' . 4046 ��_�__, A SAFE TONIC . ,�o or oN." . International Congress in ­­­ _1_.__­T�_­1'�__1 .1 6till, Clarence lualle, 110 Anisivor, Anti ture Department's . - I I DOUST. � ki , ." -, TS THAT FAILED ' 40 father went oil, deaporatply- Paris Did Good Work � I .4 �. 11 Agricul NO - ��-`a, , ; F. � I .) "And I found It In tile shape, Of --do, - And There Is Nothing. Better Than Yearly Review Just Out. ";'R �. . IR I . tWashing,lon Iler.-flil) nat be exceeilligly t4urprised illy soil-- , . Dr. Wllli4M3' Pink Pills for ­ , I -rilp tittlit. ana tlij>vount are comparInIJ � , I found it Ill the periiuit of 4 beautiful . Till* congress, to which repreiienta- Tile report of the Minister of Agricul- 101tel"." � , yollng wo=ata, whom 1 liket at the holue t. Toning up the Blood. ­vri,tt-t-il one.-, I prosumo." XXXXX Ives Cattle from every continent on tho ture fur the year ending March 31, 1913, 1 ­ .000 -- 11 .... - I � - .. � 1-1- - ­ .­...-­__._-­ ­ � _ I uf it friend Upon whom I called vile t was A fatal jilfatuation, at globe, .and w1lich was probably tiltj lar". It ji said that womait'i work is never I. 'Becartse a thing must be probable, suparated bija forever from tile luvah' with lue, , I . Julie, and it is it faet that whethur !it li.ao beell. printed, It eontaluls illfcoll- A HINT. � ` Ones more I felt cot forestry congreow. ever held, met for ville alid readable form a review I tilt! (V 'o 'eWO or at least posAble, beforo 1 Van gl%e -tile whurn ho had loved 40 madl. "I "'i'l!"It" , 6uOuty or in tile ILO1110 livr life is filled Ill tit; bI �l ,1161; a lliea- N till. fi ! Elf Youth coursing through ill), the exprestlied purpose I ' Nvoik carriull it by tile Department of Fathor-Aglips, Is llint r,lunff killin still u paskil Y. f studyIng 44-'Qn- with more cares And inore worried than 0 It V? credit fox, It,' lie replied, harshly, Add- 11 .. ionatel. vell's. We corrwpollioled till the time, quile anti tochilicAl forestry problems, falls to the lot of mail, For thin rea. Agriculture through its several bravelici lt;at1gIltor-y,0-.4, P, ,� lug, 11 Ought not to haile One re"ret it obe witthea it so, then so be It," th4t I was 0iroad, and I plucked 111), the And divisionis during the year. It In- alla, It a lie iaid to biniself. ting legislative anti adinin- Vuther-Tlivii, toll blin to bring In, 140�� After -it girl who van throw it iiian over courage to do by letter that witteh 1 and of promo son wulut'll are colill)(41ed regret fill IN, to rucluil-n-c paper hofort, Ili% goes. will ,.%,Oil istrativo reforms Ili ord", to watch tile growing pallor of fheir eludes also the orders-in-comiell that V;Ir. As iieard ts yott would do. lleart- lie arotie front that slolobool so Altered feel sure I could never have Rveoniplialked s"'Ure, the Plieeks, the coming of wrinkles aitd the were passed Affecting Agriculture. .1, --+4-01— less you ,;,,:",", l,ljj%t.lj yourself to lit.. __ that when he first glanced into tile glao$ In pek"n­1 atskeol liar to be my bride conservation of the foreat4s, the prevon- thinness that betomeo wort- distres4n The report !is presented un4lar live . PACT VS. FAITH. Ueartleso And JAU:%-4s. Even were you he did not knaw the face relloleted. ttere. &lid I wag accepted, .illy boy. J-jvajl� tiou of soil orotdon azd the reforesting , evel-v day. 1.;yery ,wunian knows thalt gelit'ral head*, its followai . . to take bauk E v wmds you have Utter. It Ivati handsome still, though i.adly core- ),oil to wish ilia joy, . . , Qarellce.' The bride of alito ,and,$, ill.11�.alth' is it fatal enemy to 1. (Jenerxi Iteniarkm, (PlIek) !4, I should ,st.:, I& t % t! ll)st Illy Lonfidellea %yurn and traced with lines, which, should I will. About to bring ho4le Is as beautiful W I ._jj.,�) 84CIL subjects as like right of the state beauty, Ann, worry ' Jlrn JaVICIRAII-NO Fall -yo, don't ketelt a ra:th once brukei ca, 11 not have Wan, evi$rAven there for .-years as the morning i1welf--a radl oy I . lid that ,;,Ott health gives the 2. Arts and Agriculture. ill, coun wulddil tilt A. rz&v 41:1A. lift, ills. in you, AnJ . I . Antly I a y -at '01110 . el ea - to regulate private forest propert , Or plainest fixes ail .enditring atractive. 3. Patents of InventIlIa. q4IIllrt.j,j,!,,n, r r (Astounaeti)-nainy? uai - be ineadi;-.1 -, it way be patelle'd ill), to L - ture, whom .,'oil have met. When I ­ � - � , y . 4, Copyrights, Trade Marks, Indusir6l J1111 ja .'g,_iVal. ,I'll'.,% w0f! tl,.� ItIolun'tr' but a patOwA.4-up i.titii will not do to go Should lie go back to Boston to bid tell ),on who it is, you will be to expropriate misuseii, and delluded for- 1106. 1�3.vll, till' da.04 90od Inuff toll mo. througli life with, because it woman who fatlier's banking hutwe, or go elisewhere illat one so , youi amazed sat lands to insul-e Designs And Timber Marks. -1 - T . 18 and fair could care ., public safety front N%1jat women fall to realize is tile fact 5. Public Health. I -where no one knew him? True, for ke ilia. I will show you It. that if the blood supply Is kept rich And . the� a7f old m4i 11 `o wero alocutseed from An ilitorit . has devvived it isitkil. onee, fur one objeut, 11 -ti" viewpoint, This state has long Pure, tile, day of tile coming of wrinkles There Ili Also Included ail Appeaji,v HE MAKES A POIN14 4141 not know his story, hie friends of her picture, )'On will sev take � May deveive him a second- thile for till- name writ' basil, recognized In Europe, where )aIlds anti pallor, dull eyes Anti. tillar ]lead- having reference to public hemitil, ex4jilll. (jllll,�e) other. Apply fur your divorce, if you otlier days, And they wuu)d attribute teat beneath Iv, I C "Wonlan will 1111ver g`ct thA tipper hand, oil watersheds can Ile expropriated, Un. aubes 14 Immeasurably postpolleS. Dr, tIOn and the seventh Tuternatlonal 'on. Men art� too sul'trt." will,* lie vvellt7ull bitlelly. 11 will not put his changed al earance to the IlInksolve As lit) spoke, lie draw out the portrait ,,call vou point alit for Instance of men A st . I ALI just patme's through. from beneath the p-ile of less mann'sed by the Owner according to Williams' Pink Pills 4e literally worth gress held at Rolue Against tunirculcdo. raw Ito -VOLIr WAY to Dilliou it. NVIly a Clarence bellis I More, and istrict Goyernu;ent regulationo &lid an their weight ill gold to grow , girls Referring to the ti7ada Ili 4itli-y pro. 4winz miarter timil, Nvomen?" should I si�eIk to bave and to halt An But thits was not %N-liv lie hesitated; Id tile darkly � j, andoome V hemselves � . . "It", nitil doift handicap 1:1 � I Ike knew that Boston held Bab, tile . na l ,smill adequato forest cover maintained. The and wonien of mature years. I I. fill ducts, it is Pointed Out that for the first w;,t,ff`c1,;,h4­, that button UP the back.,, unwilling bridev Ily God'o I elp, 1 will up at him, 119 Maliciously Federal Government of the United the veins with the rich, red blood -that time in sixty years no butter was ex. I . I :: - � never see VOU a-thl after to -,lay. GO— of Ilia heart. He might meet her at any . . I . ported to thv.1 .,. turn In the road, oil any area. ^ .States has also recently given expros-siolk. ))rings brightneias to the eve, the glow L'Ilited Kingdom, but oil . �' - R xxxvim : ,:, - to.thla right by passed of health to sallow vheeks,' and charnis tile other hand inore than six and olie. STRANGRI and good fl� I CH-A,PTE - Maltimoro Amerlean) .. "Will %%,%: ji,:� 1:.ut as friends'."' she, t,,Jt was tile old etory of the nio0t vaid Tile silence ]noted oo long botween In 1911, for the acquisition. of limas Away the livallaches and backaches that half Illillion pounds. were inipoued Into a flame-althtiugh it singed h1ts wings . Canada. during the year. 11 he could not keep Away. Ile had read Ila y k .kill4o has soulp otlill!" ways." --wq, faltered. ,;sit, %,,it f:rglva me., the two that At last it became Irksome tect tile waterslieda And render the lives of so many women eon - and A-ili, (if tholn Is that silit can't Upep 11 "'FUlSellO.1-1 *Lit) ItUir ptilits Illy lil;d as to tile old gentleman; Ile begun to Shift trigabilit of navigable rivers, By ox. btantly nitserable. Ili the seed branch, among other wor "i'l ret." glibly As thty J, v-jurs,' lie Ln.wered, in tile neNvoijapers of Ilia father's arrival about uneasily Ili Ills seat, say or Ing promptness and forftight, the Mrs NN'illittuib Jones, Crow 1�ixke, Out., RIA104t Ilillotevil thousand samples of ___*_*+­_ � bitterly, forgZAtal.. ill Ills intense front Abroad. He had refrained from ily t le . ihgth : Ing, husk, Dominion Uovernment line been able to says: * "I feel that Dr. Williaintil Pink farm seede were tcsted for fariners And 0 :*, Italia. ANOTHER CONFESSION, a w"Itifity to bill' from tile hospital, know. '' a foreotall privalQ occu ation of tile for. Pills saved illy life. I wets so badly rna seed merebaDta. tioth, the - rudejw-,j If the words )I Ing what a fright it would he. to him, "Well my soul w)ip.t do you think. of est areas now reserve oil the east slope I down that I coulti hardly drag myself - Tile Live Stocic ffasbington Rtar) uttered--tio wj,u vv�,j.j Always so kind my chofe'llp I ... ­­ T Commissioner by 11.3a -,.au Pre a Inbbyllst," nald ' it"r gentle &Ila ehjva,1!.w:s to tile lowil t ,; A He Mailed Boston without apprising Clarence 'Xgville laid down the picture of t. a S(:rgllum. 'I'll, 9 ny one of life arrival, anti wont directly ith a heavy h Rookies And on other important l around. I was so bloodl;ss tliat 1 was means of public sales distributed ill)- _. I Am." womaallid. it* W"ll ats to the Ill , es - w ' saying slowly. watersheds, but should tile necessity tie pale as a sheet, And you could almost wards of 1,300 breeding -sheep, About h I . . -011 liever took the sIlglic. n. 'If I k4i.)i0d say tll:4t I folgive you &Stollielllll ut "You -%Vill no Ilion f t -legal right to expropriate pri- see through illy banolts. ' lit fact the doe- -third ot which. were pure-bi- r I "But ) ,st VIlanee to Ilia home. 'file old butler looked lit sigh' ) i a ,%a, its one bor 0 t like my Op liar; - AI ad an S. 11 -- to Influence ny vote at the white, dra.wn faca, ;UUt giaQ.0 you hav`0 Reked f or I ,I,, vato land for tile public benefit *cents to - tor told me my blood had aIT turned Tit tile record, of performance About on i tryin, - your a thcaisand tivies, I .hould be no nearer , I . a i'requent enn4ervatlons with mo bayci been ,., as lie anawered the bell and recopiled tell yon with candor what I think. be barns out by tile policy followed by to water, I Nvfts taking medicine con- thousand cows )lave been entered for or tilt- most liarmiess And commonplace tile doin., it. (Itut-d-byl, lie sAid Again, his -voting Inaliter.- , . � 11.1till-O." putting uut Ills hand Abruptly, feellu" "Of course, it is hard to recoWle other countries. stantly. but without benefit. .'My muth- test, Theso represent stock of about 150 ""lie good Lord delive -r r ha,d so much faith in "a-Ulto true. But tilt, panplp who art, ft 'I r in �A, feature of striking significance in a Dr, A�Illiakns' faring. paying ine lt large salar.v to Inhby don't that tile S! ­1::t vvw, getting us, 11a"50 N self to the thought of ally woman on too much (larenee! h4ve you been ill?" he this forestry congress at Paris, interna- Pink Pills that she bought tile two box- Through tile Experimental farins a knuw that." f0r him to L-var valinly intiult longer. claimed, ill great fright, ex- eartl Ill filling r my dead mother's plikoe, tional Ili representation &lid luterika- at; and urged ilia to take them. I -low tem, which Includes the ye. t - I ""You will ljt:t ill tit) amwer when tile but Ltd You c4oice fallen upon a 092n. , Central Farm HER CHOICE� -tile papeis mi . t. t.ervej upon you,,,, .site "I have been travelling- more than was paulun more suitable to your years, In tionkl in its scope, was that this, con- thankful I .till that I followed: liar ad- and fifteen branch farms and stations, , . . queried anxI&t.:I',%-, good for ins," returned the young mail, regret wolfid not have been so great." y gross was conceived, Organized and vice. Before these Nvere gone I 'began An enorraous amount of �vork haa been (Tuago) "NoneV It! re:,punded, brieft 4A, will; a ghost df a smile flickering over He forebore telling Ills father that brOu9bt to a successful fruition by the Ao feel better, And I continued Using done, Tho report not only gives one a . rijila-Wlint (it) you think (if t110-110 Y. his pallid face, "llow is my father?" lie this very girl had been Apparently deep. Touring Club of France, a body having the Pills until I halt taken five more goneral knowladge of its extent, but ('11gi-nit. A%N'VdLjj"As? woman ahoull lt,t%c 1,.ei- way in snuh mat. es Ing the l"'(1101--l'ti rather 1111111T One f tho.q(l ters. it naked in the. next breath. ly tit love with bimself. no in the promotion of boxes, when I -was again elliov brings to light many accomplishments rit-li tild fellows with oniv olle Ili, ) *11t: 11 ­41mts, unit can. The' old butler's fitea grew solemn, "I cannot feel that silo loves You for forestry. . This club, composed of some bleoisiag of perfect licalth, -with a good for Agriculture, In laskatchewan, it ja � ---.- I - 1, W,L . nQt be livititt,ult-d to love tile 1, 16 Like you, Wir, hit; trip abroad did not yourself Alone, worthy as I kn4w you of the most influential mail in France, color In illy face. it good Appetite, And I Pointed out that the lie wapring wheat, PACKING FROM COMEDY. husband witoin silo has wedded, enefit him; and then, I think lie wor. to lie, for it is hardly in Elie nature of realized the esthetic value of the forest feel sure. it new'IeAge of life- I will 0- "MarqUis," yielded at the rate of 81 ,She should be allowed to go, even ried a littla about not hearing from human hearts for a young and lovely to the nation-& point which is almost ways, you ilia-, be sure, be it warni bushels per 'acre. The still newer "Pre. Gflulge) though Ili going trunk him she tramples entirely overlooked In Canada at pres. amr,w-itudillf, go 4iownstalra and get �rou. He does not take his wine, As girl to become enamored of an old man. friend of Dr. )tilliams' Pink Pills." ]Udell IvIleat, which ripens much earlier moole ext-Osior. over his hilait roughlihod!, You re.AlUe that you )lave graced many. ent, 'If In Canada, as in Europe, our gin to d nl,, j lie used to, with hics dinner tit night, &till If you are weak or ailing hot, then other goo sorts, was sent out for I Itildolf-Excelsior! What thato " 'Good-bv-- aiRl thank vou.,1 tale re- , a national highWavS were cure - *Ing the year. A mulch larger . . not Lie cannot be well when he oinits that. a long year, father, your life's journey _�ourself to -day with the rieli red test dill Oworge­-You know, that sttiff that J001M pled, in evident embarrasisment, And then, lie does not go out of all has bee� a long road. as you look back -bordeMoi by beautiful tracts of foretit. blood'Dr. WillidIIIS' Pink Pills actually kialitity is promised for distribution I 0 orije, site ought to n � I land, Instead of the bare, barren, fire- if you do not find the. Pills at ' like bay. knowh a joist miat W 11 lludolf-011, tillit 10119 Sawdust! I'sle in eye ag, ita lit other daya, and T often over it, and your future jo,urnelyings tmake. uring the coming winter. alany other! ( this imitan,ve lit leaving his pre swept wastes so prevalent at present, c Ili '\Ij -1 - J: I s' hear him pace tile floor of his room for cannot but be short, at the best. You ,your dealer's, send .50 cents for a bolo: Useful points are re orded Ili t , Ills - ECHO FROM OLD RENO. ence. the money value of such an influence oil "She had igained hur object, and now -]'ours after -lie has ratired to ilia apart- need rest, ail easy, ha.ppy mind., at -your Or $2.50 for six boxes to the Dr. Wit- ter's report, covisa of which are ftynil. (Washington Stnr) menta. The old house has been very dull thne of life. This you would not be the mind of the tourists would not be lianks' Medb6ne CO. ' Brockville, OIlt.j a�ld able to tllo.qe who appl.i all olie had to do Nva4 to leave him i the lemst tolvantage to be derived from they will be sent -yoll by mail, Post ,,Old- Publicatl4nno Branch 0 a I ;hfor It to the , "A wonian nm*ev udiults that she was and gloomy since ),Oil went away, Ilar-se Able to attain If you were to begin now -wh forests. .Department ,vr,ng,.1 There was uoth:n..X niure to be said I 1111a to dance attendance upon the capricious # I -- : of Agriculture at Ottawa. ,11 iloin't Unow About tliftt." replied lfr� she tarned,awav and left him, with his 0arenee; things ,�vill be sure to bright- I : I Areek(All. "A nilmller of thera seem anx- face turned -.4r,41-4 " tell end look up now that you are whillus of a young girt who is fond of I ' GIRL'S COMPLETE EDUCATION. � I : 11 � . . lwas to prove Illat wey showed PrettY . p. r. I baek.` life and gaiety and a coustan An Australian journal says a girl,s' poor jutigment Ili selecting husbands." 1hia was­ifW.:SiJry as told by India, h edu 'atton is must incomplete unless She For Women's Ailments I - 1� Haven to Ruj!eA Dilwning. What tile Clarence pawed him hurriedly, stop- If P has1earned: - STUCK. fair impostor. dij not know was that pino oil the firat landing of the grand "She is tired of frivolous society, and "To sew� . Dr. Martel's Female Pills have been (Florida Tinies-r-nion) ere she hall Ixk*be;I. out of the hospital st,dircaae to inquire whether ]Ile 'father, 10 content to lead a quiet life," persisted Tu cook. . . the Standard for 20 years and for . I . . ­ back was still in his r6oui, it being late In the the Old Iran, testily, . 6 whirl SANOL To mend. leasure. V_ ftt_.7n(k was terribly stuek oil .Njabel wan, Clarenee Neville had. fidlen. � evening, " ay, nity, fatherill observed Clar. To be gentle. . 40 Years Prescribed and recom. bt . -e (jue dead. . X a t I � mended by Physicians. -AcceDt HO 1. Ig Upon his 1411,ow 111k To value tinie, rnt%�_l 1jeed She vrote a long letter to India "You will fin,,l likii there, air," yo- enee. "Youth must have its, fling; you Ali effective remedy for tile remov- To dress neatly. . . . lk c. . pno -Ilia blincl. Is -,ill To keep it secret. other. At all druddists, Va'- 9. r fellow cannot put all old, wise head upon young at of Gall, kidney and bladder stones; --- t1kI tip ,,n a ba,ndkereldof-I told her not Haven, when ii -he went back to liar hotel, turned the butler, , . slioulderg.l� 1. To avoid Idleness. --- . to wenr ,,o many ptas in lior waist. acquainfinm ler with the grant success C rence waited to -hear -no more, but To be self-reliant. i 0 1 , 4, Gravel and kidney troubles arising I thus far in their 1,thOu t - A.� with all possible haste gained ]Ile fa- . I ght I should be unwise in talk. To darn stockings. I L scheine; that she had Ing ,,,, ver -uric acid. To respect u)d age. l'. -Ithout the .Ughtest -was . ,aelicate matter over with from . . '. DIVERSE IMPRESSIONS. passed for Barbara NA st, ther'sther's apartment. The door -P,.eju(L7 To make good bread. . (Waslibig-ton Stax) . ouspicion being arout;ed in the -mind of und the soil paused oil the threshold, you, load against it its you are. Endorsed by physicians and surgeons. To keep a house tidy. What is Invisible to Man. '.115, new gown," ,sald Mrs. 1111inglit, the young lingliand that silo was uther held speechless by the eight which pre- Yon Are determined to view the matter Price $1,50. To be above gossiping. It hns been slowly brought to our "Is a dream." , than )Ili,; bride, Silo told of his pleadings sented. it,telf from wit,hin. Ili, it false light.11 . I To inuke home happy. ' anderlstandince that the world Ili not It mR%, be a dreftra for s,ou," repIr 'I see tile situittion in tile true light, THE SANOL MFG. CO., LTD. T control her temper. 0 " o!,44 most gra, pRi cally. and of her reluctant 1. Too take care of the -sick. Elie same to all creatures, anti probably ber husband, "but it's insomnia for n Banker N-eville sat in Ills great, Turk- father" responded the -9011 gravely, I Winnipeg, Mail, To take care of the baby. no experiments have tended more to � �: - :� I'D. sent at toaCto1vt her have liar will !,ill artneliair, by a large ilia.rble ta,ble, am aLloua to secure your liapplikeas , To sweep down cobwebs. �p 0011 ' Leading Druggists "' FOOLING THE POSTOFFICE. concernint,"th.':- dlvi;rve, adding: which oceupled tile contre, of the apart- at any cost, father," lie went oil, 9. but ��: - I To marr), a man for Ills worth, make this clear than those oil the color A, Ledger) e I -very best of books. sense of chickens, Pigeons, Owls And . "This !;tit' fitt-1. litage of tile game," ment; a olhadeld )&nip was Ott the table, I cannot -see happiness Ili such a tnion Hot L (Plilladelphl. � To read the Day Meatless Dishes. TO take plenty' of active exerelse. k- es I r el s. "Janies. my .Ron, (lid you take tilat let- , she wrote.; "I au%dt, here for further its rava falling upon Ills white, wrinkled, for you. I see only discontent, tilt- To lie a holliniate to her husband. ter to, tile postorrice . and PaY po,.,tage orders from 'volt. ifiy benefactrets, who old f;.ce, the thin hands, with the sha- aatigfAction alld Unba Four eggs, spinach, 'white sauce, To keev clear or trashy literature. Hungry chickens and pigeons were oil ItT �Pihesa, lf� not ..vather, I send A, lot of nien putting Baved Ing fr"I ?lt-1l*v"ktIOII, that 111611IOr- dovvy vehis allowing through them, and Abject misery.,, . butter cream. Cut lit halves four hard To be 11gjit-hearted and fleet -tooted. first kept ail hour Ili a bright room for was To be EL woniamy woman Under all cir- t1jeni to become Accustomed to the e tters in a place. and -%vhen no one. 11 able (lay Oil the Boston, common." upon a portrait iie berld tightly clutch- "I will hear no nwreill cried the old boiled eggs and rub the yolks through curnstances.11 I ' *bt. The floor was then spread with looking I slipped ,.vours Ili for nothing. India. aiviiwereil by return mail, giv- ad Ili one af theni-the portrait of a man, wrathfully. "not another word. a: sieve. Season some cooked spinach Wt- think so, too. - . - a smooth black eloth, evenly uovered . I I -- I- Ing her the InvAructions :she asked for, beautiful young woma,ti's fare. . You are thinkinu not of illy condort, with a little butter and cream and MI rd's Liniment Cures Garget in � with grains of wheat, a strong spie,. TRUTH WILL OUT. - -whi,ch. were to go into ail adjoining Even aercss the space which divided but, 01 the few 47,ollara, I shall leave be- fill the whites of the eggs 'with the i len'!w S. - trunk was thrown on it front tit , ".I n., (130stoll Transcript) . State And gelh!t ail aLseure law�.-er, and them, Clarence N'eville recognized thm hind me, and the fear is uppermost Ili mixture, Place Ili a. buttered bakIlig I � � , - and tile bullgry anlinals w n Sli(--Tf I'd known ,you'd be such a brute apply for 'a divorce In 'the name of portmit at the first glance no that of your 'mind that another Will share It dish and pour over the whole A, good - - loose. They pliked tbe wheat first front to poor Phlo, 11d never bave inarrhi0d Ba�&tra Se�ille, romaining tbere Until the beautiful India Haven, Bab's cou- witil you.,, white sauce. Use the yolks for a gar- SOME FARM, THIS. you. � lle-Tho anticipated pleasure of kicking- it -was secured, aill. "That is not trite, father!" exclaimed nish over the top and brown Ili a . the bright red, then ilia ultra. red, next O' that mimemble little beast was one of my This plan Cloriuda. tile actreeti;, faith- For a moment Clarene ' - the yellow And finally the green, They ' Q'ittolotl -quite the young mail, flushiii'i hotly. "The quick oven, Toronto Star Man's Dream of the touched klotbillg)- in the blue and violet cliter reasons for proposing. ,fully carritol out ill Ilia letter. The spellbound. lfo�v ealikii 3liss Haven's pic- -,,Lie-iiiien of your wealth, or'what tile- Two cups of tomatoes, two cups of . . : - U - papers -.Vero duly served Upon Clarence . Future. because they 4aw nothing; but, oil tile MUST HAVE SENSATIONS. I Ears, -har#-vv%1y was Ills father gazing posfjf6j-j­);,;,i could or would. make of bread crumbs, one -four cup of butter, 'they saw the grains Ili the (Rochester Herald) .N'eville, in- the huspital where lie lay. It it so Intently? it, in auch Z' uact!- never once entered salt and pepper. Cook the tomatoes Every rigbt-feelinz City mail looks for- tither liand. True to hig promise., lie niad,e* no tip- With a ' ultra red that were invisible to tile iiien. . . Cincinnati Could not of co�qse realize altion; put.1ji no defqugq Ye'dad Ilia I hea;v sigh, the old banker illy knind, I aesure'y&i.- -Yoti ivmng me with the seasoning until tender. Into ward to spending Ills old agelon a fal"Ill Thlb proied that for chickens &lid st to bAttIz.-witli ilia �orrow. He . the daligeroliq character of lia rn�tor- r. k, raised the portrift to Ills lips and kissed lit believing. even for An Instant, -that the malted butter stir the crumbs, in the couritry, This Is it true statelliellt, piggeons tho speetrum is shortened at � vyies races. ,t mathematician cotilil. IkAvo. , ­ it with all the fervor of youth, lourmur. I would let any prospects of mineoiand ',-t do not let them brown. Place Ili but subject te modifications. sat himself down and figured It.mit t&the ' triWd' iO burden himself to it; only Ing: . lit the way Of your -happiness. If you a buttered casserole or pudding dish lit tile first; tl.ave, tile farin will be tit the violet eud of short wave ength And last;'d -,,an lake'Nv what lie suffered. Ife ,. extended tit tile YNI end of !, . . i;.�- !nt the obvioti.s. Iiialkes no I)"- Hea vv,ere to cut ilia off without A, dolldr, I alternate layers of the tomatoes kind tile cvuiitr�, aut not iou far lit. This . Ing wave A�Tsqion in ddligerms` .sports. Tile ac- would say. to hinistlf, over and over . I feel it was not, right to wept one Iongth. This its the effect one jidglit .—I vident must happen, because it Is the pos- as beautiful .Its yourself, believing you should still e-xixt, for I )lave two Strong crumbs until all are used. Let the idea Is to nave it near enough to tile city - . Again. an(l there was nether trluth, love to run Ili fur it night At thts theatre alla a wearing orange colored sibility that draws the crowd. P heart, and although ,,= front (ills %t 11 - � nor faith in the world. loved ins, wlien you stood before, ins hands anti a willing last layer be crumbs and bake to a. get Itolue Again by twelve-thIrU. it , And dent b ell that fowls TO KEEP DOWN I POPULATION. Ile did not complain; It's was. ail in- 1wo,mising to be my bride; and yet," he I have been brought up ail aristocratic light, golden brown. I t not be too far aivay fox, tile five see through such streetavles in. the form (noc-liestor 11crald) ward grief, a. thousand times harder to I niurmured, straightening himself upawl idler, I Ain not aboya. work.'? ' One pound of marrow beans, mush- O"et'I'Iek U ditioll ox the Star to reaun there ellow And orange oil globules cut - seizing a fialid mirror Which 14Y upon Clarence stopped abrtiptly,, 'walked room or tomato catsup, one tablespoon- ll;ay by balf-past 6. The distance IlL radial of V - ji,ifteen obildron were killed On the bear. He did not want to live; lie Led4ed in the light sensitive layer, streets of Chicago dul-11% JUIY by au, prayed silently for death during al I the tbe table, Raid gazing wistfully Into It, over to the window and drawing aside ful of butter, vinegar, pepper and salt, )may be all hour, btlt Our eltY farliler, I laving Ills own car, will probably do it tit 4T, kcAtrek And buvrards tile bright- tomoblips. Tu'vidently the machine 1% to I ' ie night, -%�Ihile the "I tun no older than many anotherman the heavy silken clurtains, looked out one cup of milk or cream, minced pars- thirty minutes. eqt zone wils tile green instead Of the Settle tile question as to whether,the Ong watches of ti )Vag, Who has inarRed youth and beauty, and of the window. I I ley. Boll the beans until tender and Te farinhouse will be at little more f.,%rth Is to beeorol' over-POPUlatef-1. nurses thought him sleeping. He ,f It. Why The night was so intensely dark that drain. Brown the butter in it frying complicated. than fat-niliouses visually are red, the blue being visible. 'Yo owls the . an altered mon froin tile day 1114 lovely lived -a happy enough Ills o it will be bot-Avater heated And vacuunl_ eolors were as men see tbem�London :1 : I 1. only the bright lights of the street pan and add the beans, stirring until ,L.10alled. it will bave of tiled bathrooms � TROUBLE FOR PA. young wife had visited him, they no. ishould I doubt her, when she says alke -ee, a Dutch'kitubell, ail oak- .1all, . . � . I . (Boston Transpilpt) ifeed. The expression a4 though h1a was loves me!! Love goes where It Is sent; 'ail, were visible below, end th,6 star thoroughly seasoned with the butter, perhaps till -ary, billiard- . ,. In mortal �aln nev'er left his face. 'there seems to be a strange affinity be- 111appas that hung flickering jewels in Dry and add a little minced parsley, paneled dining room, a liabi ma", Ili( bby, "hasn't pa, a . a us together. the :blup, Arched dome overhead. I. salt and pepper. Stir in the milk or room, den smoking -1,00111, It �Loulls (I Iulre "On?" It Why did elie never come Again? they twe draw Quatorze drawing-rooln, anti bedrounis ueer Idea of il�imvl ell its which , ' ::why do you ask that?" Ove of It, I am He seemed to -choke 'up suddenly, P,a cream and let it stew for a few min- with period furniture. Farmers whose wondered,­the'�yisiing wife for whoiii Clarence %yould appr -a not so simple wilt doubtless (!aUse I heard win tell *.Hr, N'aybor IL . for 9. son to be his eyes ,encountered the large, -bright, utes; then seavon with mushroom or tastes ai used to:':04:14 lit And day, 'waking sure. It is not natural Zdd a pargola. and a sun-rouni to thl$ tilat tile I%Vflek Imu, spent at tile seashore 1118 1 . . 14 over the prospect ,of his Old. golden star which he )led wont to watch tomato catsup and a little vinegar. laill, but serviceable etlitipiiient. The I ))Ought it horse with a supposedly in- seuncil inite hi,aven to him." or xleeping. .� delighted if a bride dur- -at night from the time lie had ,been a� Two cups of sweet corn, two table- liouse will generally be full of visitol .s 11 ourable riugbone for $3o. Ctired 111)11 with I . I ,*. One thing Claretice Yeville never fatber taking unto lilmose a of butter, four cups of milk, mostly farmers front the city, who wil ALL IN THE FAMILY. tired of being thankful for, and that Ing ,the list years of his life. little child, believing that that par- spoonful r? f playing bridge, and pluching Carolina (j U d ge) was that his father )Vag abroad, And "But that will make no difference to tieular star -was hie dead mothe is soul one onion, four cups of diced potatoes spend their week -ends drinking Milk, $1.00 worth of 'MIXARD'S LINIINIXXT looking slid shining d -own upon him. eight soda crackers, salt and pepper, Pei-fectos from the cigar buslies. anti sold him for $85,00. Profit oil Li'll- qljj)Urhs­Tho,. rokirister out is our Mace knew nothing of Ilia illness or Ills hie. Njl,hy should I not enjoy what tile o cups of boiling Witter. Put halt The furin, whether It ls tell, fifteen or � . That was the sweet, quaint faney his tw ment, $54.00. 1 *,vowt warr.v .%,Ott unless yon have a medi- troubles. There wag no one In tre 1106" gOd.5 provide without heart burnings or good old nurse had Inatilied Into his of the butter Into a saucepan. a hundred acres, must have a cow, clilcl,- em certificate. pital who knew him. to trouble him w1th questioning late as to why it should or ens, ,and a garden. The cow will 19LY MOTSE, DFROSCE. (111awford--it, Is hard to get Ono? I �: - - mi,,k alitt butter, the clavicenq will lay . - � sionirbs,-WhY - no. It ballltllens Iiist questions. dhould not be sa,?" He wondered if Ills mother knew And Minard's LlnIment Cures Distemper. eggs And broilers and the garden Nvill Hotel Keeper, St. Phillippe, Que. 1 - 1 n doctor . Oil, 1 0 . . .in ,ldloining cot lay it young man ..v_,�I. 11) — lay vegetables and aniall fruits. Also I 1.141,1411.t . . I - I . . who was glowly dying. He was �be t. . It wits i'larence who spoke from the realized what was about to take place, And if earthly ever - An Old -school Doctor. there will be till ombard that Will lay apples, kilostly Nurthern spies, Stlice tile ALWAYS SKEPTICAL, only one with -wholu Clarence exchanged open doorway, and as he uttered the griefs penetrated � those white, d Ifting clouds to tile souls ri farm Is to be self-contained lt will ra6f-- (Was.1iington Star) .. -oil believe that story about Wit- I)o N ., a I�Ord. This youpg niall's constant Companion word he took a few stepos forivard into the room, and stood heeltAtIngly there, of thOse who had loyeaund been loved .. oil, a wee mail Is rny doctor, . And he knOwft no w1se old saws; its own violets, inushruoll's, and Anierl- cart Beau,,: rose,q I,,,1,,..huf course, wl 11 ani Tell sliootlnu the apifle, off bts soll's was R book of lioeing. vvith which some with lihi )land outstretched. by us down below. . . That brilliant . He has balm for all my trQubles, . out ne never bertis And haws. g.tiollne ,!.jand have a I tit w tile aute. inobile van be wateted. While the ow- head?" N*,o,,, replied 11r. Growelier; "not if ap- wo-re its exPen,41ve tlinn as they are . Itind friend'had presented hini. and front which lie often Legged to be allbwed to irror Tile photograph and Elie ]land nil f,�Il with a crash to tile floor; owing to a g4ty, giddy, young . . French girl should take his den(I moth- � .4 a All unwrinkled Is lilt forellea , ner of ilia farin will not engage lit tbe actual nianual label, of tilliag the soil by pies naw." - . 1. Tend selections to Ills fellow -sufferer. . the thickness of tile, carpet they were er's sacred placol Ili his father)a heart . And he wears his long halr curled. Ilia eyes are blue and allining, lie expects grently to assist nature exercising ail Intelligent suvervislon over. - - - I . . JUST THE REVERSE. , . One (IRN4 lie %Ail] to Clarence: "Ifere . 0 Proetor"s, which not deatroyed. and home was a thought almost intoler. able to him. I Abd he smiles on ail tile world. - % the gruying erops. 'Vile sull 11RE never really )]lid tile affielent co-operation of I (1,outsvine Couritir-Journal) In a poeni .Adelahle had Rlwavis, aeenied to me must pathetic, "Clarence, how yon startled melJl gasped tile banker, at it logs for further . . . Ills h tile iqii, hand- I His gown In citiallit Irk fashion, . short, to reach a dimpled kneel I the brink biishiests inetliods tile vity far - liter villl bring to the task. with 111111 1.1,leating tile sword Into a plowshare?" Inquired tile tourist pleasantly, as lie Ohall T r�ad 11 to voll?" -N*eville that it words. but the next instant lie had re- soul(!, stalwart, manly figure standin I& in the tile 'ad Ilia are tiny feet that Patter, I ., almost ceaseletisly. � bussing the job anti half it dozen farul- hands doing tile ligi-ILulture inklY lialted at the door. I said to-'Ithuself was covered himself. . shadow of curtains, and Patter . I I chores we P I iti -ebend a great uplift. ­j,pati,ig it plowshare Into A, sword,11 re- easier to cousent to listen-sinee. it evi- "A thousand wele olues ]ionic, my him all the better for life show of spirit . . When the sbadoNvY dusk Is falling, 01 !, in al old � of being given all tilt,, re, spondtod tit(. blacksmith. "I manufactilie dently gave him pleasure -to read it-- . boy!" lie exclaimed, shaking the young lit I-egard to making )Ila own wxy in the And illy home again I see, work ilia hired man is going to have war reilc,." - I - - than'to refuse, and Ili .replied, rather I man's )land warmly; "I ha,ve missed you world. , Througli the lowest pane lie's poering, And !its healing waits for me. an easy time Nviti, his new niaster. He Ilive a special trough Ill which to IT listlessly; "Pleaite, yourself. my friend, in 'regard sadly. Tile old house has been its silent As a tomb. I because I "It is nothing more than whitt Iliad to do," ruminated tile old banker "and it All my wounds he binds tip deftly, will wash file feet. ITe will he supplied ,%vith stIlloking tobacclo and the popular inag- (judge) 011111141111.1-111 MY (lay, girls were Mora t6 reading it Aloud to me, and you will to plea" me." . be sure -3 went abroad could net stand the quietude, &Ila when made A, man of ilia. The young fellows who Are born with a 000011 In And lie 1poullil in oil and wine; Binds them with Ili$ araIN so tender, twine, azines to attaeli him to boll-, anti Will have a bedroom over the Icitelien paper - motlest wid rcs-q.rvox than -they nro now. Mn V,4 ope.111-ge woll were t4b4ht - 11,7111111,1-It-ty "The title is it pathetic one," remark. t returned I felt the lonelsomeness more kOenly than ever.10 golden their mouths nowadays are illy fitted to m ey I ed In green '%vith red butterflies. It Is ilotled that tbis (usplay of kindness will that And reserve wert) inore ,it- Itil-ing, to tilt, luen, ed tile invalid, "aud. tells its owl' a torve N I will tell wit why I care flit- it . fy. 2 I A lie spoke tile old gentleman -stoop. -and pual cope with 'the world the teg Inen who crowd up closely ftoln lie giveil hope of bright to -morrows, �s Ilia cheek: on mine lie lays, Is forgotten, Win him but that lie will not pi-eaunie oil good nature to be extent of picking out . I -1 :� . NEE ION. 20ville," bo� ,%%-1118�ered bitte rly., 4t ad And recovered the mirror and the 1,ortralt. Clarence noticed, that he hind. , ,, , . . k , Weariness all Cheery grow the darkest days. Old Hundred with one finger oil the grand piano. (11'o�ton Transcript) toucho my 0wil eflee; tile 911-1 t loved, Ited ,no, anti �jeiidvtl Another. have pri-shed the latter face downward under ills thoughts ran on In this strain un' Ali, the magle .of Ills healing I : t . Oo litry hoarder (to fariner's boy dig- , 'I illever known it welt hour since. I it vonvenient pile of pitpers near his tit Clarence turned from the wiridow Again. ., . ... Can't be learned rule? Heaven has taught this blythe young Prayer, ging worni,t)­4.olog, to get soine, flab Iti-..'r t I ner, sonny? (laretiec Nli0le started violent]%,. elbow. .. "151t do*n, sit down,, my boy," he " ­Fatherill lie exclaimed, lauskily, go. doctor of a very old, old school. When tile last sea Is sailed, when the last shallow la ellarted, Ilo , 1dI.419UstPdI.v)-N-mv; goin, to gvt I I I I 1Z .omo ,iworrns for flit, flAies' dinner. The ficklenews fit Nvolliali was proverbO . , I , I then it seellie'l. fla poor fellow'o gor- exelithiled. ,,Have you just returned-- In *' "' to t a old All and laying We . I., ' . I I I If When tile last field is reaped, &lid the last harvest stured. . I _-----0-#-#-- --- THE PLACE FOR HIM, . lilt tile Sam e as Ills own. Vrom thati.111ner lit, took more Interest have you dined? I )lave so much to Ask A've "' on 'n' and why I, vo",__"'here` '�t � ti!','-mb'1ing hilLnol On his shoulder, "weigh this matter "i.efully Ana wel.1 ere you it never slirprIA08 A woman to be ad- mired d m c nderstand WIlen tile last fire IS Out And tile last guest &-parted, I (Vieveland Plain Dealer) a in him. I ilave you not IT t me- te'Lt I scarcely " " I'llow begin. plunge it, Take A, year to think It Over.,, I why ' itn�olke dislikes him. I ... . - � I . I . . .1 . Oral t Ill* last prayer that I shall pray - bw good to me, 0 I.Ord. Tile sunthor (1111patlently)-t doult rdow %%I:.tt uo'I] (-vt,r do with Torounvl T,Tn .1 '. g,' 11 a. 4he poeni is entitled Illartini Aid In a eli,�r, rich. where to talk lit ,'ad 'ed .11 so volubly, and I,, ". Xonsenaell' retorted the old banker. 11 I - I PF -1 ­ - And let me pas!3 Ili a night, at nea, A, night ilops-n't . zemu to agroo. With Anybody, , , Till, ratliq firritablv).-I s'lio.-O V;,A,ll the young inan, AIM melodious voiee lie read the bear Itifni knell excited einbarraoinient, that )to had "I am not so young that 1 should do. . - �,%� -, -� \ \ N \ , - - � I of sturin and thunder, Tn the load erying at tile wind through 11,1%(i if) lilaht, a dralliatie (.1.111t. Olit 6f jill". - )ill*. had time to scarcely raltie Ide eyea prive myself of a year of happiness And F ,-,I � ,� ' ""' sell and rope atid spar; 111111. - - Vital, tlip voung Ulan turkipj towarit to Ills AoWo face. Everk`wlten lie 4id so, , companionship, when tli,tre Is to necce. Pr- DOD' - /�, � __ D S 1 S and ilia a nInt)i treat peaceful wave to drovvn anti roll Tile under dA16 r . S ASP-13ALL. whell t IIiN.;jIng ni.in tUniett toward lie did not diseern how pate aila haggard Ity for so doing. You will grant, I pre. . 4ume, . . " F, �, TO the Cold tunjiy-fisli's hurne Where the XeVille, lift �.Lsv, titat )lie fatte waa buried 11-1 Wits, becAu" lit was sitting halt ill 2 I OL k to know t tat I it old enough ' drowned ,salleons Are. (1)(4410it vivo V13.51811 , witit 00# "t9 y0a.vill graduate lionimn. .1 �, 11 ba I. In his hAnds. Anti that 114-, wAs w,leping lijuln Aveep in ll lifeti. e, at, mon ZL m tile shadow- � Clarence gave him a little ranning What I witlit?" "A little too old to i,now Nyllat lie � . 1:' K IDNEY ��, 11 And Ili tile alin green quiet place far out I Of sight aild Ilear 11fies I (I a Ato u 'a tv b(i 11111. Ito I . I, IM, Average, lot .if ' ollis sorrow k tile saine Ail mine," Ile d vacription of hilt travels, but mAde no fteeds, find witAt lie should not want," I / _� Inv hear At w Via wafth and (Ir alit I it 1. . ...N... -11, V thought. "Thf. beautiful, ,oling wit e mention of tile hospital Affair. wits the thought that pitased through �� . I 1 -,// P ILLS .�- � threali -it buO 4)1 the stiltelY About the fim; Ree 13AW lu'riAwd 1:ri1l2*6V1eUirjf1 1 .-Nall . Iflut, 11VI.- on'- kill-, who For ,mome raoiiients after lie olt.�azed the son"s troubled ain but he loved ,. — it ­ st..rill. . . . . __ The Mountain to the Pine. I Thou tall, majestic monarch of the wood. Tbat staudVUL wber,j no wild vines dare to creep, Men call thee old, and say thou has stood A C -01141r)' upon Lit), rugged step; Yet Unto tile thy life Is but a day, - When I recall the things that I have .-een.- Tile . forpst moiiarelis that haire passed alvay 17po�n ilia spot where first I s,tw the greell: � Vor I alit older t1lan the age of man, Or all tile living things that crawl or UM-elyi Or birds of all,, or creatures of the deel); I was first dial outline of God's plan; only the waters of the restless sea And the Infinite stars ill lleavell are old to Inc. --Plarence Hawkes. . I 11 - I I Rome Training Counts. Tt was down at Colley. A dozen boys were throwing balls at cheap crockery and not doing an awful lot of damage, Ali elderly mail with half it load blew along and bought a quar- ter's worth of ammunition. Smash! Smash! Smaslil lie shattered some- thing with every shot. "Ali, boys," he said, as he proudly ching lads, "it's the home training that counts!" . . . � 1. I I . I � I ­_ . W .4, I I V . - I . P'T � f1horn Atar Ana tile . (Vinclunall Unquirt,r) inever came twabi. has tleivrt-fl Irin. I el,eaking the oltl gentlentan plucked and vespoeted his father too much to - - r, Ill& lone iio I � i 04 . 'willie-,Paw. what Is a spervt? tely MKI Pity Iliul, front tilt. bottoln If I tg .Uel� &t Ell I littl- rill of honip. * . I V I e silken caff -if his dress- pain him. by giving uttemlikll to the aGn- -johil �!_1111 eld, lit "Tho Story of a - IlaW-Allytbirig, two Nvonf-ri ill) nnt,4Yjpvj I kvi Intilerstitud now wliv nX timent. . 214PO!" ,.,I - " teart. _.4own I Rouna Re V09 t014 , �ftiwa te,� . In a I ___­�_ -qatp MhQ4 Illy Mon. — .0 60, — I . III&I filling Asoi�%I.itllv. frelwit.11eave;i "I. too, havt Something Ell tell YOU, "DO, not Attempt tO PtrA111108 M8 tO - I . I .16 * - 11 .. piti, Ilim, all'i all 1:601, goll.1, trite men my buy." lit said, straightening himelf givis tip my beautiful fiant4e, boaause It "Much energy Is not utillred, Thera - WITHOUT CHANGE. Oi � I ought to be some way of tonselrving Alia "I � . . . I wil'o have li��Pn 1 -fooled liv a worannill up, sitting bRek In )lid great arnichair, WouIA be siMply a waste of words Anti 1 WS., ik , wini-Intintl rnolulmr) cluxlyrra X,.�Xk-ir. and twirling his white inoti4tatilia jtarv_.�blma upon vour Plitt. Nfv itewaioll Is � 11 the ritya of tha Run.,' "Yes, and look ;114 PrIllow ow . ,�,Jfovv vart I go from rortlAftd, 1fo., to XOt 011f. AlIld lVI 01trente Xeyllle cluoly In Me still, whitf, fingera. made; 1 1111141 'Marry Min fioiveaoA tko I . � I at All tile eberty that goes to wasta I ­ I , j I flaill, mo)rp.. withotit ehalixf,r' stmcoll M r In thawing gum. I we could only hkto !, when Ire �%soq 11�,tifle-1 that the 'Urw* vraited patient] - -_ Illo lift Min, Itet , y for kba *4 "y wo ha not 4f 1 BV6!" . 4* -M V. , . I , 11WIN, It." "Mit-4 th Ws man. Wt* of d4verea kal Inex -tea wwok protow. . I I - 10 bo QmOrAoLl, .&,i'll 4 *�­­ . 11 . �� ... - � -A Ittilm tho sum chowtro. ah?" I . fran . W -9 , . . , - * I I I ., �- - -_ - 1� I 1 ­ ,7f __ I L 1881W� NO. $4, 1918 11 � - . . I I . I I I . - . .. . ­�A&P." 406 fi� I , I � WAX.,.r�I)­ XXP , r,R=NQ2V 11 0 MAX ,,, . 'I itlevit I;Q I#/A= W � Inii; ro.a w.`t'jjrs`#'PxP)1`lS while i4ario 74AU gets. For full Iculars 4i), 00st eXPorloncod weavers; makel tit*. )1111.1 611110by Mfg. ., 4pp y to r 11 111,111V, Ltd-, DrItAtfOrOt Ontario, ----__­ftWk�­ _. I FOR $ALM* ... - _. - j 11 � r, OR 0ALEC-2 STANDARD �rlk= autuntotbiles; late mode,lo. xoadxt6r* and touring; a and 40 horva ppiver- ovw tires; 4irst-cilig,-, running order. *rlte, DOn. B. 'Mortunk W London stratt, Wla(X,; h;qr, Unt, — I 1, . . 11 JAP CORONATION. . Zlaborate Preparations Already Being Made. I � . After the observance of the first anniversary of the death of Emperor . Mutsuhlto at the end of July, the court will begin aetive propgration for . . coronation of the new Emperor, who to now cillitit Well again After IIJLi recent attack of pneumonia, The corong. tion will take place in tile fall of 1914 and will be attended by great splendor and magnificence. Aix Im. JPOrlal Coronation Commissioner will soon be appointed, It to likely that this office will be bestowed upon H. H. General Prince FushImi, I The date for coronation will be fix- ed and published with the signature of the Minister of the Imperial House. hold and tile Ministers of State, At tile same time the Emperor will an. nounce the date at the Imperial Sanc. tuary and will send messengers to the Great Shrine at Ise, to tile. mausoleum of the Emperor Jimmu, &lid the mau. solea of Emperors Mutouhlto and HOmel to proclaim the forthcoming corokiZion. One of the early Preparations for tile iolonation t%ill be tile plantin next spring of sacred rice to be usel during the ceremonies, Already the rearrangement and repairs of temples and old palaces at Kyoto, where the coronation will take plaoe, have, been commenced for the suitable reception of tile foreign envoys. and special Mis- slons. I - I I Too Much Political Graft, ' . ' Many say it can't be prevented, neltlik can warts Or eorn.j; but they can be cured by Putnam's �0-orn Extractor; It cUres corna and warts without pain in tivelAY-10ur hours. Use only Ptitnam% 250 at all dealers. ::I I How to Cut a Glass Bottle. It Is sometimes necessary to out a heavY glass bottle or cylinder, - Your methods are Ill, use. A carborundum. disc having a thin edge, it kept wet and rotated at a high speed, will cut heavy glass, but the cylinder must be fed against the wheel very gently, A better way Is to make a file mark -Clean, but not very deep -around the cylinder and heat It with a long slender flame while slowly rotating , the cylinder all the time. It Is very important that the gas flame should not .spread over the surflice of the glass, for it Is only the file mark that should be 'I'Leated. A. more glancing touch is sufficient. Usually the glass will crack off I us very clean out., I Sometimes a fine platiVin wire to wound around Ili the file mark and heated by an electric current. Less common Is the trick of wrapping a strand of yarn soaked ill turpentine around the mark and burning It. The principle Is the same Ili each Cage. The unequal heating of the glass causes it ot break. -New York Press. -1 - I I Minard'a Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. . -11 I . This is My Friend. Lot ilia tell you how I made His me- quallitallce. . I find heard much of IIim but took no beed. lie sent daily gifts and presents, but I never thanked Him. . . Ile often seemed to want by friend- ship, but I remained cold. I wits homeless and wretched and starving And lit peril eveiT hour, and He offered me shelter And comfort and food and safeky; but I -was ungrateful still. � At last Ire crossed my path, and with tears Ili Him eyes He besought me, say- ing, 'Coute and abide with. me." , Let me tell you how He treats me now. lie supplies All illy -,v * Ants. : Ile gives ilia more than I diwe ask. if He anticipate& my every need. .� Ile begs me to ask for more. Ile never remilida ilia of my Wt in- gratitude. He never rebukes . me for my past follies. Let me tell you further what I think of Him. lie is as good as He Is great. Ilia love is as ardent its it Is true. Ile is as lavish. of Ills promises aa He is faithful Ili keeping them. Ile is its jealous of my love. as He Is . deserving of it, T alil !it all things Ilia debtor but Ile bids ,lie call Ilint friend. -From an old English ninnuscript. I - I ' MISSOURI COURT YARD R9PAR- TEE. Repartee of a high order and rasp. Ing quality flips back and forth be. tweell. our citlyens, who sometimes seat themselves on the benches of the maples, Ili the courthouse yard. It is of such a pungent nature that It Ilt,ilit have called for pistols and duels If It had ban Ilurled 75 or 100 years ago. For instance, one fellow the other day was speaking of a hypocrite lie had In mind who could unfeelingly shed tears as big as its peaches. "They wouldn't be yery big It tney were no bigger than thoge, peaches you sold me last summer." tile OdLer fellow said. "I sold the pea&es to fit the Miln, 'I Wks tile response, And there was no fight. Everybody just lauglied..-Do Xalb Country Herald. -1 - I, I MinardleLinirtidnt Cures Olptheria. 1-. - - i TIP FOR OVERLY RICH, . (Philadelphia Record) The opulent dames wito have been driven by robberies sit Narrangansett liter to put their Jewis in oafe-deposits boxes call Accomplish must of tile pur. poses for which Jewelry is worn with. out taking the sparklers out of plftcas 11.4 sAfety. Tile st"'Pleat thing would be for them to wear oil their uorstigas vertifivates of their busband's or thele own fortune. But It seem a littla .1ess krona and soniewhalit rnore itrustic if they Nvould Nyear �on their bair a certir. iekto from it ,%fe-deponit company ti,at tlivy hall deposited One tiara, Apparently WOilth $Z,tw, Or around thelr*neeks a eertifleate reprollentIng K diamond neek. lea ,valued at $160,4W. alid so oil. Thesis certiffeate would exelte ftlluost as Illuell admiration ALM the Jewels they represented. .. I .-- - r It lifts been dige-overed th4t the 6186vel!t Of alaMellit 130MI)OIl ware forted to dince the turkey tv()t for tH61r 21114111t6rf, 110W fearful the fato of the tonqu6r*d 14 th026 dayol-Witshing. ton POOL ­lA__.Wj " I 4( I . j6""._;. 1 . 'r I . 1�-L ,W &*,�� � t_�_:,�.1,111' i.m".�AWM6.WL -­_�.J"_ii: ll 'I. - .1 � I M - — - = .��t, - - .- , &W - - - — I "WhA �L , , , , . - .­ ___ — -----..-- ­�_ ­ .,_�j,k-j'LA�,_jW%%. �111_ 0 _'_.._1 I � f- .