HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-08-21, Page 5THURSDAY, AuGusT 2 f, 1913 THB '�''11� GHAM ADVANCB W W 4 0 W 4 $ Just What You Are looking i~or � A s r Thl i -SVG (�.r �iY.oA,.Ylun{I. i, din qy�.w till p. ■IWIi�#1Y44.•IWPipFl�k..+� •, .iliCyl � - $15,G��0 Stock of J*rlio- Kerr & Son, Wingham IN THE HANDS OF 1 he Northern -Brokerage Company Every Dollars worth of the Entire Stock 'must be slaughtered in Thirty days. We Piave instructions to clear out Elie Entire Stocl regardless of cost. Everything goes at a price -- ha"If-pri-ce or less. Positively no Reserve. THIS WILL BE ONE SEA OF BARGAINS. ba%1ePe�.s on atu.rday, August 16 tb The Whole Stock Must Be Turned Into Cash By Sept. 15th. The people of this country have never heard of such a sale Read every. word of the Bargains on this bill, and come as we have planned for these thirty days. We know of here expecting to find ten times as -many more. You will only one way to turn this stock into money in this short not be disappointed. time. That's what we have got to do and we have cut Chase the hens around ; Eggs 21c. Bring in all the eggs the prices loss than half. One - $ will he- as goad as two. Everyone from far and near will get this chance of a life time You can beg, borrow or steal. •They are worth 21c per doz. to buy at your own prices, We, positi .. ely will not remove here and with goods almost given away. Can you afford one $ worth of this stock. to miss this chance . WHO WE ARE. ---Our business is ��:o close out stocks to Dig up your $$, they will 'make you rich now. Get your We have been supply of goods for less money than it cyst the man that I turn goods into money to wind up estates: made them. hired to sell without reserve ever-; $ worth of stock in this store by Sept. 15th. We have agreed to do this in 30 days. Churn twice a day and on Sunday. 26c for your Butter You know what that means—WE'LL GIVE THE GOODS and bargains like these. Did you ever hear of ANYTHING AWAY, LIKE IT ? • s • Put a team 'in the democrat and bring the family out....... Get busy ; that means you. A few prices on Dry Goods, i Clothing, Shoes, Groceries and Crockery, 25 to 40 Per Cent, off all fancy Dishes, plain Dhibes, Lamps and Bedroom Sits. 20 Per Cent. oa all Boots and Shoes, Rugs and Carpets, Lace and Chenille Curtains, less than makers' prices. All $ OveralIs and smocks at ......................78c All $1.,25 Overalls and Smocks at.... ....... ... $1.05 50. Men's and Tioys' Suits to clear at Half Price 100 pair Corsets, regular price 50c to $1.25— Your choice ......... •.• ..........................25c All Laces and �mbroiderles going at less than makera' pi -100% $1.25 dress Goods at...................................75a $1.00 Ic 1` t.,.,t,.•.,,•,.,>..................50c `I " 42c .50 `4 fl r.rrHrrs.,,,, ria t..rr rr+•,.. ,.rrr•35C .40� cc cc....................................25c 125 cs cc x........................15C Allover Laces, silks, Sateens and Velveteens at wholesale prices. 121.(, Ribbons, all shades, at ........................... 8c 4 Ind 5c Baby Ribbon at ..................... .......... 2jc In fact all Silk and Velvet Ribbons at less than cost. ' Gloves, Hosiery, Cottons, Towellings, Curtains, Muslins, Prints, Cottonades, Ducks, Shirtings, Table Linens, Table Oilcloths, and a thousand other thinge must go at some price. 28c Cottonade at ... loc 30c Cottonade at ... 22c 25c Denim at ......18c 160 Shirting at ...... 12§ 121c Shirting at ...... 10c 15e Flannelette ...... 11c 12 c Flannelette ...10o 10c Flannelette...... Sc 9c Flannelette ...... 6 -le 15c Cretonne .........Ile 2 Boxes Royal Yeast Cakes ........................... 5c 2 Boxes Pearline........................................... bo 4 Boxes Corn Starch...................................25C 4 Bottles Extract . .....................................25c 6 Pkgs. Diamond Dye..................................25c 2 Doz. EnvelopFs for.,. ....................I............. 5c 10 Bars soap for....................•...................25c 3 Cans Salmon for.....................................25c 3 Cans Corn for........................................25c 3 Cans Peas for . ....4 ................................250 15c Can Tomatoes for .................... ............100 +..,.............25c 7 Bars Comfort Soap .................... 5 Doz. Clothes Pins ...................................... 5c American Oil, per gallon................................18c 35c and 40c Brooms for .... .................. .:......... 2oc Best Vinegar, per gallon ............. ....... ,...... .,...30C Chow Chow, Mlxed Pickles and Walnuts, 3 bottles for...............................................25e 25 Per Cent. off all Cut Glass. 20 Lbs. best Granulated Sugar for...............$1.00 All other Groceries reduced. 35cCashmere Sox for....................................25c 25c 4 c 6C ......150 4 Pair Cotton Sox .....25c 50e Underwear for......................................38c 25c School Bags for ................ ...........•.......18c 50c School Bags for.......................................35C Men's $1.00 Shirt for..................................75c 75cShirt for ................................................600 50cShirt for ..... .........................................38c 50c Cuff' Buttons for .......... ...+....................300 10c Collar Buttons for.................................05c 15CCollars ... .... • ........ . ..................... 10c Men's $2.50 Low Shoe for ..........................$1.25 The store will be closed on Thursday and Friday for the purpose of marking down goods. The store will be kept open at night four the first two weeks of the sale. Selling out 'the Take warning. Come early and often. Everything musts go. «Be here next Selling out the Saturday morning, Aug. 1 + , .hon t clock strikes eight, rJno. Kopp & Sop r sStocks q The Northern Bro'kerage CoMpany Jno, Kerr & San Breakers of High Prices storks u I I- 9 1054 Mr. ;fames Angus has placed his pro- perty in our bauda for immediate tale, either in one blue$ or in parcels to snit purchaser. Thirty or more acres of � excellent high dry land, a part of which 1 is surveyed into town lots, and the plan registered. A goad brick house and frame barn on the promises. No more desirable place to live in Wingham. I An excellent site for factories, This is a first-class investment. 1 A fine farm In Culross, j No better in the county. It always 1 pays to buy a good farm end this is one Eof the best. Qood buildings and fences. I Fine land, nice piece of hardwood bulb, Close to market and school, 'Telephone I installed, Rural Mail applied for. Ora - vel, roads, Everything in ship shape. Best of reasons for selling. Intending purchasers apply to 1 Ritchie & Cosecs 1 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1 WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. I Establiahed 1840. 1 Head Office GUELPH, ONT. iRisks taken on all classes of in. I surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system, 1 GEO. SLEEMAN, Jonx DATID9014 President, Secretary. RITCHIE & COSFNS, Agents, Wingham, Ont . 1 DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Sotiettor, etc. Office: Meyer Block, Wingham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates, I W INGHAM, 1 ARTHUR J. IRWIN ! D.D.B., L,D,B. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, 1 —Offioe in Macdonald Block— I 1 G. I3. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. 1 Honor Graduate of the Royal College I of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto 1 Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER II. E. ISARD & CO'S. STORE i W. R. HAMM, B.Sc., M.D., Cl. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology And Scientific i Medicine. Office in the Rorr_ rPdidende, bq- tween the Queen's Hotel and the—", Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 64. P. O. Box 118 DRS, KENNEDY & CALDER 1 OFFIess—Corner Patrick and Centre streets PnoxEs- 1 Offices 43 I ReMdence, Dr. Keunedy 143 1 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 1 I Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr, Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Bar, Ploso and Throat. I Ryes thoroughly tented. Glasses properly I fitted. I DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad - pate London and Dublin. ► Successor to Dr. Agnew 1 Or ICru IN MODONALD BLOCK i DR. ROBT• G. REDMOND M. R. O, S. Eng.) 1 L. It. C. P. (lAnd.) Physician and Surgeon. I (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) I 1 W. J. MOON I VETERINARY SURGEON 1 OFFIOE OF LATE DR. WILSON. 1 RESIDENOru—COR. PATRICK & FRANCIS I Office Phone 199. Residence Phone 182.;;1•;.94 Tux Gov. Vot. Inspector. 1 C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate glass and Weather. Insurance, coupled i with a Real Estate and Money Loaning lousiness. WINORAM 1 General Hospital* ` (Under Govarn=Lb Insst)Wtion.) 1Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to ail rogulhrly lioonebd +�hysioi4Yns, I Rates for atlontN (whioh inolude '= '%1 d ! nursing) -4 99 to Id.00 per week, r!Y000rdinl[ 1 to location cf room. Bar Nrther,llnfornix. tion—AddrwMissL. IUAT'InEws guparintbnd6M. - Box 2A winabaw, Ont. �' Eieetric Restorer for Hutu Pitfl$Dholtdj!"s ?,as ererq arae it the body