HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-08-21, Page 44 THE W II NG II A M ADVANCE THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 r, 1913 „ 1 .I. Ili !. I JI ,,, 16..,..11 I LY ,'.II YIY II 1 •. VALTTh► a It rIT 1I 1 I � .1 { I 11 :ul;, i I l''• j I ,.... l,'' i I,j,l 1.11+1., I I f.: � ,I•�I�'t I , r r„' r,'• C:! �r' i t nll,rt I i+., �! „III, illlillllllll Illllllllllllillll►816111 � I iililiul► I��I { � I i I ' {t , ... ... ._ . ,,' . -. : r 1 , - - � � I I I II II 1111,11 illi llllllfl,l�ll ,Ill,li.lu h Il I(tli!,ll,.,l�ll,u�iil,f'll illlil�ii;l I �kl d.'It1e, n u,..;l,:. I. .:L!' + , ,i I,�i11 ilei ;I, ;I,; 't'I' Illl,ii,.l,,, Il, 1i,.11nnl ,I. ,I , , i I t 1! , ,,,I, d•. , , 6 i I i. ,.il1i111 U,��I';,,i11i11 + f. In..1..... ... ...........1 , II•.II "nrI 11i Iii • +' !I q '. i'Ii,L 1 ! 'T� ul'• rr I• rltq.t uq•,„• '... , 11'. i( -.. , .I.I ! l;l ! 1. !i F.Il .•I 1. I rll,llt i.., i,,:'; ,."I ,.:"., e'll , ";i ". , ,... �.IrI:. ....,, .q.n , , . , ,. ..,.n r.. •, ., , •, t,... ,LI ,; 1 . I + I. .ul „ „l ;, I „ ..I Ii 11 , .I 1. .. ..'I .;, I; l �,. I ... _., .I. t 1..1, , i !1 1. '.I I. I• • I ,I., +. ,,: 11 „r., I 1 . ,.,.,•,L, . .. ,..� • p ,u . q ,.., 1 IIIIIIIII�II I I ' , III , II ,Ill !I, ( , 1 1 I III,. I 1 11 , I I I illll:ll'l , .. ,.. II, �.,. I I ! �..• , .'IIII :. .,.. , ( I , I. .,, I�II,.,; I.: .. t. lit I.,,II I.. i'1111 111 ! I�Illlllllllllilllliillllllilllllllllll�llihlillliliiiil��lliiillllillliilllllllllllllllll�Ililillll161...clilll�,r11111111111�11111,1111( II 1 I I . , 'I. , , , , .I, ,,., , I I r ., I ,, .II I!�11�I,11 ' ,. 11. ,', I • ,1 ,, ' 1,1,1. • ,, I } .,1 I •!l,.!I i L! i, .+ 1111111.11nJ1111,JIII,IIII,LIILI11111111,I,IJlitill11,111111!L,IIII IJII:'.i1„ill!Y111,.,Ilillllllllllual,'„Ilil.;lliHl:1111:il:IIILi,11�I��,iiliilllli.lill.11b I'1I111ii:i!IJ1nIit:ihlt.i++tifiiti1il11itlllil;iiii111111111��fI��IIIIII�II EVERYTHING NEW. MAKING ROOM FOR able, NO CARRIED -OVER STOCK. NEW FALL GOODS, a FULL STOCK. ---Tremendous Sacrificing. Big Sav- ing for Purchaser. sudden power. READ THE LIST BELOW THEN COME AND LET US Purpose directs energy, and purpose DEMONSTRATE THE VALUES: makes energy, Men's and Boys' Clothing Ladies' Skirts and Waists Odd Pants and Knickers Gloves and Hosiery Shirts and Collars Fancy Collars and Belts Overalls and Smocks Dress Goods_ Boots and Shoes Silks and Satins Work Shirts Laces and Embroideries Underwear Ricbons and Underwear Fancy Sun Shades _ RAIN COATS. ­ Very special prices on both Ladies' and Gents' Rain Coats. New goods and latest styles and the season is approaching when you will. appreciate one of 4 these coats. SUGAR. ---Splendid time to put in a supply. Redpath. best. ner sack. $4.75. a 1 . II ,. 1 l.. •, „. I.,P A N T Eb D id M-Summep ;GOOD LOCAL AGENT a el at once to represent Ile OLID AND RELIBABLE FONTHILL NUR- SERIES. Splendid list of fruit and ornamental stock for Fall delivery 1913 and Spring delivery 1914. Our annual Summer Sale will Start at once and secure exclusive start on Thursday,Aug. . ?th and territory. We supply handsome free g y outfit and pay highest commissions. will continue till Aug. 21st. All Write for full particulars. Summer Goods will be cleared STONE & WELLINGTON out at one-quarter to one-third TORONTO ONTARIO off in prices. Ladies' Waists, regular $1.00 and $1.25 for .75 _ it `t It 1.35 to 2.00 for $1.25 it tt it 2.25 to 3 00 for " 2.00 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH at It tc 3.255 to 4.00 for 3.00 WEST LAND REGULATIONS i NY person who is the sole head of a family, Alli 1 I A or any male over 18 soars old, may home• Crum's English Prints reg. 12--e = stead a quarter section of available Dominion g S g 2 land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. for0(3. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on curtain conditions by father moth. Ginghams , Muslins Cambrics etc. In son, daughter, brother or sister of lntand- intt; h n daughter, I)ntios.-Six months' residence upon and oul- t0 clear { tivation of the land in each of three years. A �It cost. homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead f vned and occupied by flim or by hie father,, A few Men's Straw Hats, reg $1.251 ImIn mother 1. daughter, homesteaderstin`ggood �,50 , atandingmayproemptaquartor-section alonK- anf ( 1.7 5 for 0 0 side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. . Duties. -Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (inaluding tho Boys' C' tine required to earn homestead patent) and JJ F straw Hats, reg. 50c and 60C cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead �r L�� C stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homested in certain districts. Price 3 00 per acre. Duties. -Must Alli e�' - side six months n each of three years, oulti- 9 _ vato fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. s and Boys Suits 25 per W. W. CORY, cent.. off regular price. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.-•Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisemont will not be paid for. See our stock before buying else- where. I must have room for fall Dr de Van's Female Pills stock n . . w A reliable French regulator; never fails, These oVV coming In pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap Imitations. Dr. de van0a are sold at TT. box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. �+ aoot+o]A Drum: Co.. St. Catbarinoo, Ont. Produce of all kinds wanted. Drive in at rear of store. OVEt; PER YEARS' EXPERIENCE ,�Iw+.�lrriwllleniara ._ _ . Phone 88 PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WANTED. TnAot MARKS - � pgtslalvs r2t5pYRItiNTs# �tC. Anyone sending a slcotch and daar I tion mai In AntIAYI a! prnbebly panion free whether an •jo on nica- ti(rit+ rtrlCil� tennaentlat. NAitll �1 on9ntf1 sent roe, fff Idnet ap�nmr f6Arrebcur nVa tM E' guts taken th h unn tlG 0. r00Y1�� Npft not" w1tho a o, in the (Successor to T. A. MILL 1A AA 0-fifi nit f`a'ith yluvlaEr►1 WINGHAM +G 9�k Aw►6ap d�, � A MORE ROOM WANTED FOR FALL GOODS Prices Cut In Two On All Lines Of Summer Goods, "To Clear Out." This is our last hit at all lines of Summer Goods and railer than carry any over will make prices talk for one week. A great money saving opportunity. Two stores full of goods at your service. Hurry up for bigger bargains than ever. We have Olzlir�l.,, the goods. LADIES' WEAR STORE Summer Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, HOnFe� MENS WEAR STORE Dresses, Top Skirts, Underskirts, Princess Slips, W� Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Pants, Boys' Pante, Corset Covers, White and Colored Waists, Em- r Overalls, Smocks, Top Sbirrs, Underwear, Socks, broiderlAR, Laces, Belts, Lace Collars, Children's . Straw Hats, Boots and Shoes. School Dresses, Aprons, Romyers, Ribbons, Lace / .1,.1111. ......1. ...1 ... 1. ..,.. .....1 .... ..... 1 P Boots and Shoes. Curtains, Curtain Materials, Carpets and Rugs, Our Bargain List of Reduced Prices will be continued for sale. Granulated Sugar, per 100 lbs., $4.65. Highest Prices Paid for Butter and Eggs. ®sard 0 III -A1 .IIII .li l.:I .IIIYI I.I 111.111 IISIII, -I II .IIII YI II II ILII.,VIII. Y,II 1 IIII I IIII�III 11 II III IIII ,IIII 1111111 III I.iIII.I ..,1 IIII III IY.1111YI i.11l.11-,III111Y..11.,1.IIY IIt,.YLII IIII4:�.i,x111 I,I1n, 114.1:u1.:1..i 1111 I,I. .11 411111 dill .l., I,. ,lull .,I1Y .1 -,• 1 ,I. ,I •1 .II ,. •.lel. II 6 111,16 BREVITIES. Children Cry for Fletcher' I .1 Fate and necessity are unconquer. able, - Necessity, can sharpen the wits even a of children. A good intention clothes itself with = sudden power. y Purpose directs energy, and purpose makes energy, d a The Bind You have Always Bought, and which has been A great name without merit is like in use for over 30 year`s, has borne the signature of an epitaph on a coign. and has been made tinder his per- A wise man will make more oppor. somal supervision since its infancy. tunities than he finds. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but A tender conscience is a stronger Experiments tltat trifle with and endanger the health of obligation than a prison. Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment. Nobility, without virtue, is like a W■_ at is CASTO R'A Qne setting without a gem. n What fate imposeP, men must needs I I Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- abide ; it boots not to resist both wind gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It and tide. contains neither Opitun, Morpluno nor other Narcotic We are eo desirous of vengeance substance. Its age is lets guarantee. It destroys Worms that people often offend us by not and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it; giving offence. Las been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and = _ Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Dowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep. Spectacle Pedlar Sentenced. The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. George and Herbert Henry, two GENl11NE CAQ-TO R IA ALWAYS brothers who were peddling spectacles on the Bruce Peninsula without a Bears the Signature of license, were brought to Walkerton jail on Saturday to serve a sentence of 31 days imposed on them by Magis- trate B. B. Miller of Wiartou for an infraction of the County By-law re- dpecting Hawkes and Pedlars. The 1 itinerant spectacle vendor is a species . of poacher that has been evading the' In Ilse For Over 3 0 Years game laws and getting away with his haul all too frequently in the past, i .The Kind YOU Have Always Bought and it is a sign of a healthy police. ,THE CENTAIJR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY, awakening when we discover •the law - lords giving him a little needed atten- tion and training their guns his way. Bruce Herald and Timee. „I. Fire Outbreak In Ripley. For the first time in many years the . For Sale fire alarm sounded in Ripley at 10 a -p.m, on July 23rd. People who are usually calm became excited, and a great rush was made for the fiery flames that had been discovered in the Men's Boots and Shoes ' rooms over Geddes' Hardware 'Store, Several young men from the country at Reasonable Prices. happened to be near the corner when the alarm was sounded, and with the Repairing Promptly at-PP t- -assistance of other $itizens feigned a Capital Paid Up I _ tended to. ,bucket brigade" and fought the $3,000,000. flames to a finish. The pump at the Reserve Royal Hotel was manned by a crowd $3,760,000. I , 1 Total Assets = of willing workers, and water flowed over I freely until the well went dry. An ;., 8,000,000. G J a An A �"�extension ladder was ra;aed in front of the building, and the buckets pass - B 4 �._.__ _. -.� ed up to the room where the fireANX ' '" "I originated. In half an hour the battle had been won, and men staggered i fromthe building exhausted, and al most overcome by the heat and smoke. About $200 damage was done Your Present Salary to F. M. Maines' household furniture, Grisdale s and the stock of hardware in Geddes' �OU once earned a store was also damaged. About four .11. t+maller ii ilarq than hours before the fire broke out The ycu are now getting, and - Sale of Salmon 1>:xpress was issued and one of the manaRe<1 well enough. { prominent items in the paper was an YOU also well about rs ; Still On appeal for a fire engine. Ripley had many pleRaures. Have you I a narrow escape from beingwi ed off ever considered how much j _ P p the difference between _. the map and yet the warning of July what Toa are making now r , v + , 23rd, has been unheeded and the town And what your wages were ' 1. C.�081 is moving along in the same old way, few ortra amount to in a I Lynx Brand....., . 220 witnout fire protection. What do the few gears if deposited At S interest with this bank? ; Red Poppy Brand..20c business men of Ripley think, of the Make up your mind to ! Derby 13rat1d , ] $C sltuatiori ?•--[Ripley Express. Save a Certain part of ' your salary and deposit -" that amount eaoh pay flay � . � � In this bank, where it will r4T_TND.1.�IL8 earn the highest current A olergyuian not long ago received interest. Gallon Appleft...... 13c, 2 for 25e the following notice regarding a mar - Ono dollar will open an Snap Hand Cleaner ... ........ 12c rlage that was to take place at the account, Clorafort Soap ............ 6 for 266 pariah ehull i Pearline ........................... 4c SMITH •lea Clold Dust for ............... So "`"This is to give you antis that i and (� ` . P. Mie ,limina Arabella Brearly is comm Sot�•blrai Tlttst for ............... 3a to your church on VAturday afternoon AGOOOOOiT - W NG r+l �3 alex' to undergo an operation of matri. �. ice Qrealn always on hared many at your hands. Plaasubs promp lw - ass tbo owb is 1fWed by the ham„ THE DOMINION HANK GIR EDMUND 0. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIOE-PRESIDENT. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. ICapital paid up : s - $5,000,000 Reserve Fund $ • r �`. "�' $8,000,000 Total Assets - n'` -h° •'`"� ' $70,000,000 Whenever You Travel -at home or abroad -carry funds in Travellers' Cheques or Letters of Credit, issued by The Dominion Bank. They are current all over the world, and cashed at their face value. They prevent loss -and save all the annoyances of being identified, and the worries of foreign exchange. WINGHAM BRANCH: N. EVANS, Manager. ill n. I ,1 ,. u,.. DLII, IJII IfihiiJ ..I ,6 i, II.I IL Iu,.o ,. 6. I,✓, , a STRIK"w',;.d Thousands of young Canadians have struck from old conditions to higher and better things by enrolling as students of our Business Col- leges and llome Study Department. You can study all in your own home, or partly there and finish at College. NOW is a good time to start. Every farmer's son who intends to remain on the farm should have a business education. You can continue your work, and like Lincoln, prepare at the same time. Ask us now. Largest trainers in Canada. Thirty - years' experience. Seven Colleges. Two thou- sand students annually. Positions guaranteed. Individual instruction. No vacation. Successful people act NOW, not later. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE WINGHAM - - 9NTARIO GEO. SPOTTON W. T. MME PREOIIDENT, PRINCIPAL. Pot 'to you. I Tlie " $ullrhine " 11us a t stI'alg$lt-::1t18I% se -mi -stool i firepot, ex.44 heavily rib- R bel and niAde in two sectlollg. The two sections i allpw for contraction #Ind r e p risioll--which prevents - cracking. The heavy ribs ai.id semi -steel give extra strength and added radlat- ing surface. Ashes canny adhere to the straight sides These are some of the ad- which assures an all-over vantages of the Sunshine clear fire. This means the Furnace Our agent will be greatest heat from tilt; ,pleased to show you others, or write for booklet. fuel consumed, McCla'9 ry 5 s $un&PLc*-.;hine Furnace Iu+9P�►li► Toronto Nontretil Winnipeg VAU00UT6r, St. 1011n, N.R. He tiiltonl • CeIgpry Sltlsketilgp Etlmpoton 334 Sold by R. R. Mooney. d