HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-08-14, Page 61.` '- - ~. _ ' .
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-svils in tile big Qi I seeond. AVERAGE YIELDS - ' k ISSUE NO- 3'3, 1018
I , , 9 .1y, that silo IlAil,kopt their Illarriage a Sanol"S DlaheteS FIX TRE BLAME .1 I
11 . . 9.=XV19XX 1. . .ji;vitri� iluilur tile trying circuingtauces , ,
A60 U " - I I I It I I . which title 11,141 twell valled Upon to face, . . � -T— LP WANn'Q. ^0W10*V._"
�, - , 1A 11 INN'liv flid Volt not tell Illul. Bab,?, A New Reme4y Which, Has No i rr,,R11W'..q(,WL WZ&V_
- � . , "I .., 1 " , t_,'� , " ik liskeii. eltrn�stly. (Tell jue wliy?' Why Nct Try to Do Better Equal for 7he Dairyman Must Keep ,,',Ap,1,',1-,rnt1et# 10 11 4
-4. ____r111V_IF__ t . 11 'Will voll lit- very. vory fillgry with Ing. good wgir fit w1kil" I11:t`tIIZ`aXyN
11 . N � . Me It I fell yall the plain tratill Clar. IV Than That? Individual Records. experienced witavers maxii, the highest
" - �. 1 -ITS THAT 'FAILED b ILA. For full partioularis'apply W
,,� 111*4
IN NEW YORK, 19 E 1% . liceV she sobbed. artfully. , When a disastrous vs,111valy aeold4tit IM $11sigsby Mfg. (74)., lotd., 0=110174i
. (1141.190 1( . I I ( ...) cotti-i itevi-P be angry writh A cojimion question round the factory DIABETES '. I)ntaiii.i. %
litilvarti-TIL-rv's a jualt who silv.; that � � . , , ''. . , - )'oil, ray reoet'vitig platform Ili "how tire tile 4;uw.i (Xvura the whide trend tit tile enquiry 1, I I -10
� prec-ioum. low", h'? replied, 'be assured d0Ijjg,,,,, ,Vhat a volunle tit thought , is u aseer
NQ diabirtle '9110111il fall to give tills - - t taill the cause, so that ineas-
Ckii\".LrtI--In,-iiOr(, cost's it dt-poull . I tit that. You ilre tha sweettot kind that suggeatst, It they ato doing well it ,d a trial; It Ilkiver falls wt won. ure,j way be taken to prevent it racur-
dk-lV.Itk.-1..*. Alli'll). .. I - I dvareit p-Irt of the livirig, be'Iting beart III because of good feed And careful lit- dw�*ful results. it hum til'ol ituflualifit-ii relw(I of His wreck. If it fault is noticed Tho great blialrauce to 011riotiallity
. ----+++— I t wot� not .I long It-tter. aiR rvad iti , barbting, 1!elkye nie; other gIrlS, have " that throlis; ill lily llosoni!' tention; or ruay it be deopiie the feed uPPrOvel Of prominent physlelatill. I lit ,any work4hop, is not the pArtia-lar 11PA ,been itis slime".
TOO -PAD. . . Every ounce of wealth, political pmero
1,41ow.". Iok,ecA and, lost before, and they li�vo not i " 'Oh. Clarence', may no more, I ho, and care they deserve, but do :not get? I'llice VXH), l.cadIng Druggists. delinquent sought out? Bwary traveller
(.kilswelo) died fron, it, YOU InUat say, With thQ ; fTPOt Volt,' 411P aillibed, 'Every word you weather Free literature from Tito Santil Mfg. 4)1j. a kiteamer pays passage iuoiiey; tire allthorltv and social otandlug it IW4
ot me, stt(,; 1*11 haN.0 to I Leaving aside ilia questions of I
The DelitIlt-4 I, y Dvar 11trIjara. - I 11-Arilly 10 OW poet: utter Ili that strain inak(-9'whht I have CO., 14d., Winnipeg, Wan. 'ais ejo,it it s, pound Of 2110ral
treat fout, t(leth-vight teeth -1s, teoth- .M. I breed, heredity slid per8iateaey of flow . I . . ... I— I lieveral, branched lit a department store guhwd,�i
I"our toeth, eight ljoNV 1.) Ilt-vill lilwt I. IlIv.t to ".tv. I ,.4 come here to Filly to yon but the harder —_ —_ . efficiency. For every addition of fitt
Mr' 111111do-Ould of%! Ilk I I lit r I Ank I mail that I bhoulti. cherish of wilk, ia it pokisible to ateoulit for the are all expected to allow a profit oil the
Wetil. IS lit'Ptil! Nvilat tit) you till, I bILI)I)i SO til" lwit wity is to hr�ak into That which bears such bitter fruit' for U11Y 111).9 to 313ellk-' 11 reluarl,ablo differences in yield that are - Give Tests for Painting, year's business, ,n) the dairy farmar it hills test muscle.
11111. a vollill? tit, v,t I will tear it from in), buliciall "lie looked tit her lit bewilderment. to be ,found? For ijist4ee, t 'Vile tilite is Pa4t whelit 01irlstignit
. I __ -__-#-6__._._ try lw-lrl; ,I,' the aubJ03 at olleFt. Ife could not comprehend what she lie dalry Skinia methuds Of ciLteeltrig forged 014 wJIl do %veil to enquire as t1i whether could. be understood, as cotermlaotils vitK
THE REAL WINNER. I ..It 14 Of li'll, N. 4.I110doll marriage that Though illy heart be at the rootl"'I divisluil at Ottawa found in one. lo- InZteru by i'llonlicaI exalrilliation lit the, lie hats ail), delinctlientis III Ills present a eortala olturolk, It Ili now gouar&U,y
W0111,1 St. I, . ;i It. Since tl,;tt nevor- Mild poicsibly have Olt her nilild, lie callty 100 Cows that gave 3,wo pigirlents %$,ere dest-l-lbed III a leutilre be. Ili, 9
(New YOrIC NVOL-111) ' 1)uuiidd lot-& tho Pailit and Varnish skic.-lety last .rd of cows, perhaps one or two are adlaUted to be in all churches. .
1118(i slitt's 90111h, to )III 11WIT101 IlVl,0,,1 to,be,forooll - --b-lit, 1111-1 the R-evOlik But Ito words of comfort, no pitying had not t1le faintest Idea, . of fat litist molith, but 100 cows elotie itight, by A. P. Laurie, PJ.'ofelisur of t1heill. fit it fair wily to wreek his fortunes, And tile time U almost 11"I UA When
. 111noks 11 .F-411�- II01:011 114' I-l"itird for Jine, by lit libe Same county gave only :.),500 Istri, at tile .Royal ueademy. their passage money may lie paid
0--k 1111,1101 Man?" . front tile poets w -ho had never I' 'I will tell Volt the truth, Clarence,'
i:kli silt. thi,pw -i-,r ',)r till:, Onc,'" oyel two JJIw!l..L... i havo b3d 00" I'll! le whispered, "IT by lye Shall realize that obriatlarrity IfIl not
"Tilt, 11 . known a Sorrow stwlik as hors, could As- at -I have done 310th- poand,s of fat. All0th�r lot of 16t) eoWi Thu Information, bused oil eXalululk- tionie better producers, for often two
_. . Ing else .bat regret our fatal marriage In ,ea, 066 tion of literary materials Said 11rofessor 01, three ollt. 0 c01:011111110134 even with all oliturohes, but
.q *_ rtfleotion an I 1-1�,-ret- I suage the pool, little ebilil'a Passionate rby county ,gave only 2, Laurie, IS. very Imperfect una inaccurate. I every Lord of twenty is spirit owrking ia humanity,
. AS HANDSOME DOES. Lit a mistake. over shwe I rpturned to Long Branch. 'a free
HANDSOME ,,The inard-ige lvii grief. ;She 1yept until. the very fomitain vounds. lie then told of Spec -tat methods which cows o,how no profit tit all on the year's ,rise word "(111rilitlall" is Solailitimefil, it
(Juag"), I . of her eyes ,stemed to have run dry I Wish, to the bottom of Illy heart, that , 14 the Ordinary factory putron's herd 110 hAd devl8ed for examining interosco- tir.oduction of fat.
. Mwc In :lit P. -a 00111LI - e,,,guitlons of Unown woric of art, thus were racial expression. ()no J1 a Olirlis.
Sall ford - SO .%.()It doll t ')it) lilto it, 1.1 all ('11thusla-itle niallicilt Of werit until %ilia wits oil the border of by- —that %I -IIIII1,141 It, 'I't was 'I ter- k6yed up to the*pitch. oe creditable per- "I I ItIfying pigments used at varloon Plenty, of (Iowa lit June aud July gave tiall. ])(-cause- ho Ii not; a Turk, for Irk -
Ing it 111,111 by Ills. (*lilt I0'? dtorivs alia fell back upon bar pillow, "Ili's rcllal4e, Clarelloe" site went 011, forluti,nee, or is it jiltit jogging along In tillies with libsollite cetrainty. Tile ver one thousand pounds (if nillk iPAd
-woulan, and 1001; flow VV%1 1:11ew that you would (10 likewisp, " a aa you tile old ,-lit Of ,,average lecturer described tit(, restilts obtained 0, . 4,
I too exhausted to utter another sob— "Y'a shovild not ba" c0axed 111 ' , yiOlds"', hit])- over tbirty-five pounds of flit, What ruillioll 11 lie$
kilo ijudg(ld it , 4.1t wa-4 not lij�,, NvIOOlt filled nitr did, giviiig ilia no time to- think the with reference to tile Palettes of tile If- I from the -principlas of
wltb flat '111 in. Weep another teAlr. t . pose tile patron assertallis Ills hard 111 Inuiltiaturs of ancient manuscripts up 1:4 dalryinan would Yoluntilrily lEeep the je,�Ue.
^ tiled tar.0 ^^~ tile --- an -2 her father- - "Over Ilia htered, ail hour litter, tlib fornier wasandsome18 P8,10110110 does it not Seem a great pity that. his tht'll dealt with tile pl.trielits lised In four Pounds of fat, or those that gave ibe, Inajority of his flock are Christianal
I- tivalb, sili,!e tLto iia -i separated its. of death gathered; hi -i features contract- ambition should end there? flow 0111v four hundred p6unds of milk tiny-
(Washiniton ,I::Il. , ) . 1-1 hopcti,�.o 1 X, ill a.-gred with like ill aniazed beytind words to find that 111% ed into a territile spaomi ilia booids of modern chemistry. ,Flo Showed P. illy* 0111Y in some suelk, partisan sense.
41.) Illy 11311-4 Average cowa do val.tly.better it their apart last litonthY Yet ocirrie mail gut only
1111,1! All!" sobbpd NN'lli.-I little patient, whom he left but a short , from general solentifle and 1114to . The real Christians are Alit a small
i,i-long, it) inv'ritteli or 41-Y "11.1" what I all" .I. - ,,, i I prap�s?. NVII1,01 N . clinched themselves In their nilghty ef. owners train tho`lli.and train themselves W41 literest, tile Inquiries were kif great
. * 9 Ile detected tliat mijoh from it great nially vows in
tile IIIt4,'.�-;-,, was tilt) .))lit th(A .. . !! . ton-li In.. revered till'(' "fore oil Lite high road to rapid. re- value lit enablitig forgeries to ,lumber, unsuspected of trion, unorloat.
N%1l,y, %,Olat's . . 1. - 'elapse; but fort to govern 16,; Smitten soul. lie look- for better re4ults. It eavik lilt of 100 lit works or art, Ontario and Quebee. This Is the iyed, known OIlI.y to God.—Dr, FrarI
,,%%,ell. N told lilartt' to Wniill lily tatte ililletly. by l."A.30 L-oll6ent. I lit, �4 ill) at -tier with tile agolly of death It dairy cow has a certain
.,till . - j)i1i liull, it could poSsibly have eoine about cows !)I ilia Dominion gave an additional "Irliere, Is Ito doubt," said 11rofesSOr encl responfii. Cl-alle in Woman's World for August.
alld stle,s wasililig nly* cars, tnn!" . 'SOU pounds of fat por Uionth, would that -le, 1, that cluring, tile, eighteenth
you. will 'Inik'.e 11.1 oppo-411.1on to, Ili his eveo. . Law .a wlilty, t1i'lit of produoing plenty ' of It
_ _. lita3l. for I ,ts3olro you ii. is for the, best lie could not determine. . ."It wits, A terrible miatake" alletial- not make a startlin- differouce Ili tile century a large nnyriber of forgeries wel juill� and fat at a profit. So, also, has Minardle, Linime I , I
� . .1 India feigned entire ignorance Coll- prociuced, and tilt- lilstory of the pigments, nt Cures 1131ptheirla.
MORE IMPORTANT, " -.I,)r hoth of Wt. that tier tared, almost Incoherently. "I'lia cleta, amount of tile ps,tro�n'a cheques. Cow- used lit eaHler anti litter times, SlIoNved tile dalryllian libi respon4lbility, that of � 6 0 —
I 6 cousent, I took -it earning the inatter, declaring inony whieh bound its together wAs testinK ]IRS belped inaily communities to that tile deteetiun of these forgeries 1111 knowitij ills ows.do not alk" theirs. To See the Baek Of Your Xye. I
I ecar�aly ovir ere I knew ray own heart; far larger balikIng butilliess, because It : - -8 -_ Ills budiness is to know what *each cow
.1r. I)Ijoitli, rilif, ntit approve or life scin's , I -k. other thAll Vivid, bad " B131kilid the eye, What Is ealled the
01111(y or it wife, iind war, tr.ving if) twOr- , motion. I llavt! ('111-A Lily rep-Avell. the from any shoe I awoke suddenly to the trutill, thAt'l shows that Scores of cow,i, and average Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. does, site won't tell, lie has to keep . reline.,
suado hilli to se� things 'is lie (11(1.,. 1KUIQ, drearns, which alle "in'tantly comPla"l- did not love you" , herds can lie ruade- to produce far wore I - : - indIvIdual records to ,find out. They cotit
. are cluttet I-Ight, rather. R, ,d decruw. whit-li is rendered lit your I - vessels and it curious but perfectl isim.
ml . 11,11.1hel Illis her derects, silt, ding tilt- 41.1-ity njavriage, which wil ed of, He hold up his -hand, with a sudden, Ilake each cow
"". , flnull " than they do at present, A New Version. do much. Dominion ])apart- exi,arini
t ,.,I I. I c", -etensions. fill have re 'inciose it to The doctor vouclisikfed no reply, but 1� , such - a Paz- e. ". ent wilt enable YOU To see
Is vaill. full of pt d . I . � esture, wit1j, such dignity lit " "'Avirrieulture, Branch of tile
grand )")t it 111-11t;ki of. 9 Pa good profit, Dominion Deptirtniant .e`.,�t ("', th"a a
-liftracter. it.,. a a ardly satisfied The boss cyot a good awapPointnient ea yourself in a. dark room,
Itiefts. Nvi,til it very difficult ( N,OU I . frce ri.w, IiArbarn, fus arn hia owit whid lie w 11 slon of despair, tbAt she was Silenced, of 1�`grlculture, Branch of the Dairy and for,once lit I ? life, "Taking ill) tile ruorn- DO ry and. 0&d Storage Commissioner. Opposite a clarIc colored wall, t9en light
But. father, In spite of all. I stillIlly noore 'Yol"If we shfilkill jjlt�o,. again. --and It is with this explanation. The caf,e my%ti- Ila - . -
her. I can't live 'ivithout her." 1. , The false, light worde she had so care- Cold -stora(re Commissioner, - - -
ly boy", probablit. Litt, wor'it is nGF so v.ry vAde, fied him more than lie cared to own. n . Ing newspaper, lie gave Ilia attention to I )k giving fill, it candle and, lioIdliig it in your hand,
l,at jilat is ,lot tim quotation. n . fully prepared 'for tilis occasion seemed I : 1, Sella for Free Bo(
maid tile fatlier, "Van you 11ve with �,Lran' tile baseball score. .�s lie was reading it move it up and (Iowa before your eyes,
after fill- -I pri .-c.nno it will be all . - to wither away on liar lips unuttered. 1.0 ptirticulars or , TRUNCHIS
llvr?" � - I . - � 2erc. CHAPTER XXXV. She realized that -she was Ili the pre&- rorWomen's Ailments tile door opened and Ili popped the head FIT,(% RI,3.�11I,Dy, tile world-faillous all tile thae looking nat at the eandle,
cure for npilepsy and PILO-
oAll, wplil , I ajjpp3jo it is better so, of the office boy. The botio knew, of 4ionie treatment, but at Via wall beyond. After a little
GOOD SENSE. That- evening, when Rupert Downing once of a mighty sorrow. All liar little Dr. Harfel's Female Pills have been course, wilat wits Owning, atilt settled 25 Years' success. Too- practice .yOu will see appear oil tbQ wall
for tile sal;ci of tile peace of mind of '" artifices seemed to fail her; she had urnorials from all r)a"ts
winvinnatl Howilivr) both. called at the Haven mansion to inquill. been used to men who love lightly- 1he Stanflard for 20 years and for .himself firmly In )kid chair with a not- a great branching figuro Ili black on a,
of the world. over 1,000 0
,%v:mt-ril, wlien lies it man lion -;e �i,nse? after little Bab, Ills betrothed, as was CURED s'""I"'
lily isoll. of No ono I.nowl; tit Our In.l.r.,lage sa,ve not to a grand, noble love like this. 40 years prescribed and - recom. to -be -fooled air. . inorkeYear. reddish surface. What you are looking
;t,a-sVien he t -on 'RhY "-X:I,V," his custon, India -wariaged to s cc Then, through the awful paltmes�, mended by Physicians. Accept no :9ily grartclinotherlie-began tile boy. TRENCH'S REMEDIES. LIMITED at is the Shadow of these blood yes.
L� : . your Conlin, Mists InclU, whom I thought
ECONOMIO DEFENSE. v,liest to wi-itt, tk#t !a re-vard to the raut- few words with him, unobser able SILW a hectic flush creepink into Ilia other. At all druddists, 'Thouglit so," Snarled the buss. Ail) St. James' Chambers, Toronto. sale fit t -le 1 -tick of your own eye. Per-
(T,oulsvillk, etairlctr-Jotiri . lot) . ter, taldn-, Ilk- hit-) our confidence, ra. otlijer members of the houtiehold, 6dar !ace, as thought the lifeblood wbiali bill! . - - - "tins juot. died"- �l - I baps tile most curious Part 01 the
.. lying , b a. the pretext of showing lilm.a portfollo I . BED A REFRIGERATOR.
nNiblit?"" , r 111floi; lik'r love for vou not to been arrested for that one awful 'no- "Knew it," growled the boss. whole thing is that the part of the
1 (if -nows nothfil-I Of new a" ment was flowi, A Puzzle in Metals, "And left ilia u fortune -so, I resign. - lvhRk
"ll "if thk%%` 11i4l. 11:11V Lill' 111(11114triti-S tray li!j. your f lltlj,�r 'k 0 cgi,b into his veins. . _ thing is that the part of the eye
aqll." I sent that day to Bab. I. SHU41! I r lick -- See?" which received tile finpremion of light
t1te �Vckrlli 'would go to Rm, whatevor of what flits happened, and "We) I I 'I Ili articulated, sharply, "did lie ill Sternly; 'do not' Brass, as.every one knows, has aii aw- , go Tells HOW to Get'a Cool Sleep in -
t - 17 " reveal it to 111111. Let utter anotliq word, Barba;a. Do not I lie left the the Was oil the ver must Ile bellind these blo')d veilitile.-
. THE TEXAS SORT. collill"Q vall, ill't T. ,"..,Iqed seei,et I)etween the rime work'.' I aeo by the self-satia- ill Odor, yet tile two things of w-litell And apoplexyl-_(�lnelkinatl Bit- . the Hot Weather. I
It lie a ile"d mltl . InOek lite bF excuses foi, your action.— brass consists, zinc and capper, give no of a fit of 1,011don Graphic, - .
(Houston Post) l fied smile oil your face that you gave 'or I would "Persons who have the electric our. I . I
That Acirt I.-' so t , 'What came of It!" I thought .-Von loved me, I
"Ortic-Inus! I, lit 111at 11`1 f9revAr. llab. Forgek, iT ',Voa tier tile letter C, Odor whatever Ili their separate 'States. quirer, I I I
AN'llAt -"()It lInVe In ytltlV - 111 NVlslJ v011 well, never have askeit. You to marry ilia, You This is ix probtletu that bas given a great rent in their homes," Said it physician,
'.. e,%a, the iniiiirliaent ftffa r vi-hich I as we atoj�d oil the is 0110 as SUMMER URIC ACID
I can plainly stIc I Wits "York heard what ilia doctor said
prielck, 1;� - ' swore to me, Bull, detal of work to seientlets. It COMPLAINTS Illeed not buffer for want of it'reIrsh-
"17111t, havo no pnekets", respousible-'-for QO..tkImX you jeto. and . about tile relapse, To answer your last a . sleep, day or itight.
"Tht-ii what Is that lunlPT' question first this its what caife of it, I ands, with the sea murmuring 'It Our yet not intArely solved. I KILL'LITTLE ONES In9t Such a sleep
110, that's Is. .I Illosquito Isite." fbrget me. �1* ywix" In haqtL, 'feet, that you would never survive it it f o arrive at the gerenal law It has Is lie best sateguard against being NEVER� CAUSIED
I a I went out of your life, then and there, been fouild that Almost till alloys, Or At first sign of Illness during tile Prostrated or killed by the heat.
, TEMPERANCE LECTURE. India' wa,A -in .Lite next apartment, ]is- skill Ili *eureienting So .1aithfully Clar. never to meet* again. Was every, .word mixtures of two metals, Will give an hot weather give tha little 01100 "Let ilia tell Von the method first,"
wing enee Neville's peculiar hand -writing. RHEUMATISM
(Indianapolis Star) telling iutqht.K',`0A,1 afternately pee yo4 Uttered false?" odor, while the irietals thenivielvei (10 Baby's Own. Tablets, or lit a few ilia doctor coifflutied, "and then I will .
Along all agil fii�l 't,,;!ifI%, drawn portioni, "Ball, waw completely deceived by it, a d o It to your satisfac.
I'Did DeTank nnil his lvlf0 get thro 1. � . "'Do not reproach rie, 'Clarence" not Brass is not the simple example, hours lie rilay be beyond curL1. These -lye the reason for it, Oil Ile oi- e t I WAN'T to prove
rIglj t?" had inade it statill And does not dream that it is anything Ile sheet. Take a basin of
Nyc,i. ,%viien fie was soher." through w1tirli Site ' jilie sobbed; 'that cannot mend the state though probably the most odoriferous, Tablets will prevent sumrrk�r corn- spi chronle-no inatter what Your condition
:'Aild ,ivilen was thilt?" relit, Just Jarge ellough for ll�r eye to ' else than genuine. It would have do. to the- water uod it whisk broom and with the write to -day tot- illy F111,11-1 BOOK Oil
. . of affairs., The explanation is as follows- All Mlb- phlaints If given occasslouallY
. ' . calved even me, ]jail I not been expect- . 1111HET!NIATISSI-Its Cause and Cure., ,
*Tile day lie wits rnarried." peer through and elosely watch liar vie "For all answer, be -till-ned his facts stances, including inetals, tire alwayti well child, and will promlity cure broom sprinkle the sbeet Until it is Thousands call it "Tile most wonderful
:.- I r I .� . in- it, knowing you were to 6 from liar a-ld h!(I it Ili his hands, with giving Off scritill particles of their sub- these troubes it t)iey conle on sit(]- thorouglily dainpened. If you have a
tim. n end it ' book ever written." Don't send a stanctili
. HIS LITERAL WIFE. I No word or ;-I,-,- escaped Barbara's when you considered your perillianship r I
I the bitterest groan that wits- eve torn stances to the a r --that is, evaporating. denly. Baby's Own Tablets Rhould rubber Ilfauket in tile house YOU Call -it's ABsoix,ri,ax FRiInq.
(Uppincott's) '., 'd Sunk back oil the Ili that line sufficiently perfect to tie- from all anguiabed Soul. For some mo- Some solids give Ukase OR so I-al)IdIY as always be kept in every hoine where spread the blanket over the mattress. JF88N A. VASM, Delit. 4,10, Brockton,
'Mr, ives flat; a mind that delights in white ' lips,, %.,be Ila ould calve liar, who knew ]its writing so Ivell inents he re-Tilained speeebless, 'not from soon to disappear. (11uni. valuphQr-N a there -are young children. There is inake tile %beet wore ei-et by dipiling it
filets. One evening lie. laid aown till- from the riumerolle notes lie had seat ad the in tile batiltub, and iq)read it over the
a 11,loment, and then ever be in death, . . obstinacy, but beeause Ike could not volispicuous example. To small say still- no other ruedicine, so good a
paper. -%%-its silent fol . her." hat substaiiZw lia raotIver has the guarantee of A gov- blanket. Net tile (�Ieetrie fark so that
jin td: ,Site )laid file le inched lit . command his voice; and Ilia priiie Te, Stance a particle of t 9 WOOD LOT FARMING -
"That's odd.", .,tier tightly ell . .Rupert Downing looked impatiently at -e ending in 06 nose. If ern,ment analyst that tbeY are abso- it will blow it fairly stiff himbf; across
e ' her havile. i . , . her, the bed or cot. Lle down oil tile Sheet
"What Is ItT Inctuir a his wife. I-vill'o to realixe -what had volted from bursting into the pasislon Of to tickle a neri
"Why here is It man ,who savil that It liappened to her; no $rrjef could have tearis which lie feltorising till into Ills' a small particle of copper, we sliall illy, tritely safe. The Tablets are sold by
"Never mind compliments now," be throat, like a hysterical woniam Ile does this b medicine dealers or by mail at 25 11 , oil will soon Ile soultil. asloop. -
would take 12,000,000 years to pun -11), VIP, Iseen so lkwful as this blank, silent, ter- y ite'elf Ito effect is noticed, "Now . ont.
sea dry at ti . .. said grinily, "but tell me all that took ,fixe -ninir eyes upon -tier, and but if a particle of zinc and a -particle for the reason," the do �for w Weeding, Thinning, Fenc
it seecind." to rLite or it tliousand gallons Tible despair. . place," * " ,(I Ilia but O' �ce ,through )let, ,vell cents a box. from The Dr, Williains' oil -It is not the hot Must li'oiii thc - T,
Airp. Tvei silt thinIcIng the matter over, iiijidZ; tile marriage; lie they seemed to pie of copper strike at the saine tittle tile Medicine CO., 'Brockville, Out. - ' Ing, r undamental.. Principles.
A-, slit? saft.l. This India proceeded to do,. .
Finall, lie (1111111alel"I'Ll 1;��: 'ItN' bride, ere the -giving him down to the depths of liar guilty heart, efftect is ,au(:Il as to cause 1, ilereeptible 1. I , I . � fill, that tooth you. I'lie fail sets the air
. graphic swcount Ili a very few in. motion link( gives appreciLO)IO relief.
,;w hy, I-renry, where would thev ilu _,un, lie had repented words "Iff I were a thief, fir a inurderesas impulse to the nerve. The eliance for But what thoroughly cools voll isithe
11 tili, wittel"!". bolle-vintion bad- liq (if just what had occurred. could not look at me with ail ex- there two to strike at the-saine time Is . a . d "There h, Ito pari; of the farm which
1 - 1, of tile llast.� nvarkage, unit had taken -lie listened intently, breAk! Volt 0 1 %tion froill the iipr�iikle a wet
ng Out with more horrible than that! she given only when. they are inthilatilly (Tl,v Berton Bra-loy.) evapol blast bit a -ua for so libda a.,.-
- steps to alinul it; lie Ivas 110 longer ber , �ress'"fearing'that the terrible expres- Ix 'ew York Trillime. Ire lvith the warni Viving over it. will give, bigger retui
NOT TO SLAME gasped, .. I
. - life � 'its deep imprecation almost below Ili. iiij. ad ill iin allov--N _ was 111111()..;t in r(.;,ell of 1.11a goa, ,
ain 1-lealer) husband,; ),a linki. g ine out of )let 0 front the fail la I a th
(Cleveland ]Pit t f: breath now and Ilion, inuttering, after a slon. oil his fix�Ce Would eall atteliti011 to . -_
-I understand Willie Jones has run as though lie had 11MV been It Par 0 . lie bull pretty iwar capt"I't-A LIM flie swifter will lie the evaporation 411d woodlot." This statenwilt ill the July
away fVOm home." it; her idol had fallen froyn its high I'lonlent'a pause- them. - :N[Inard's Liniment io,o., Limited- :ew York 31111liber of the Canadian 4
I'Ves. Ills mother gave Illm a 010A.St rat I "It will be pretly bard to win ]ter if -yoll are a murderer%ill lie answered, Gentlemen -In June, 99, 1 had my . prlzr, tlie greater the eoolnees-"S Yorvitry Jour-
. pedestal in tier heart artl Jay in Us at e I - t '
lialretit." I I h1le i1i its lulleh ij�i toy )�,ith Ch.trall(ld 'with fierce volientence, hit; burning eyes hand and wrist bitten and badly, inan- IVI'01 e0jilt'llody "llille witli tile slviAt- Still. I I it it, its made by M I-. D. 11. Mvl-tion, B. de.
l - -:7 V , tier feet. ' that, itifless site does it still scorching tier face throug,il ilia gled by a vicious horse. I suffered I
Neville aii lest, Of 1111111'.. I,'., tile bilvival export, wiio ; engaged by
A MATERIAL MATTER. The inan-whont she had wedded and tilrollili, lill,ly veil, ,you, tile woman whom I had 'greatly for severa.1 days and the tootli AnC snatelied it from antler lt;s tyes. A. WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL tile Fore-stry Drititch. at, U'Ltoly;i, to tie-
. loved with till tit'(, 1) a out of liar life, If -I'llat . I. 11".. orily way in which it cho4n to Ile niv life companion, hilvc cuts refused to heal until your ageut 8 To All mroman: I will sonO free with
lolit house hall'. could be accoinlillaiied.11' agreed Indi.a, murdered illy Whole fut-Ure--InV h0lie, gave me a bottle of 10NARD'S LINI. Ile lmd fought till tile racing was ment otetern. Czatada. *
In an ftPartlT vounge heart ]jail gon " 0 full instructions, illy home --treat 1Uj?t how the2o biggtw
.11as the pnper boy been here Yet t1lis 1hey ever ,charkeed to meet again, lie ,,It1i,,: We linve don'e % ))"iost rents. . I I in truth, If tron had MENT, which I began using. Tlie (lone, Inay lie 'AdlieVed. liat it it, Is
M rk illy belief it women filch positively cures Leueorrhoeta Ul- rettil-Its
deal td it tp be as itrarigars. able clever piece of work Ili pushing a slain ins with It, dagger thrust through efect was inagical; Ili five hours the ceration, 1>1splacemeats, Vallinc oi- tit nut possible to obtain titl0i expPI:t aQ-
morning?' , re But lie Iv,st ;It tile lit -,it a,i tile wlivier a`
.N" only tile ment mail and tile l)re.,td 6 .. .
I Bab's whIte:lips parted, but no sound , perfectly logid divarce through a,) sue,
I coul(I liave forgiven you at had ceased d Ili two weeks flew, Past- pa,turul or Irregular Periods, Uter- vice there tire yet, three Avays Ill Nyllics.
P 11 an
� ^ ^~~- ^^~^' ~~~-' -` -lue- `"^=""miwli more ^"" fellow "'"~~~~ ^`^' o*^�oo,u,�uzvuw,«^, Growths. "' ^^` ~^~-^. ~ -' ---- - ----°^WAITING FOR THE SPUR. wild, lcst, bevi,ildered expression. , rikinarkWy well thot e'velt when the it 9. ,ere matter �f chilnuil"g, your mind,' and my hand and arm were (Ls well ' 'i -so Ilot Plualies, Nervousness, Melan'OhOlY, effillIkloll hell- Wil. A t Y t(judge) The Nvailing sitriliglat. of ilia October , evpq At love .wh,ell It Ile befieved to be so 0 ' ' - bavic in tile bunch, - I COMI)W-Iti011, r -lUctIOlI ank). ,.eproduc-
. - _ he added. 'Let tile 41ow it to Von lit the as ever. 106 IlAril. to lit, "' tne Ilead, Back or Bowels, ][Cid 1) 0( -little - s %rp, were collipletely deceived. Let right light. 'J'On Inay -Ile 'sati;fieil to go Yours truly, . dAT. -Ro lie's I)een calling on You A.fternoon fliekered ill through the late s t, islarlder troubles, wlicirs causeditj,(.gtlIar1y fox, io Years. draped whitlotive, iiever looked in upon a inc, picture the acene to .Volt .0 site re. Bat it'.3 worse to lo,;e out when you've h ta ness peculiar to out' sex. Youasn't, proposed?" out of Ili life, but'do you bliluk that I A. E. ROY, can continue %reatnient at home at axal�pose he JI. ,oung face turned L ated it to ine, y It% the character of the or -op, wh1ohIleatrix-Oh, You see, lie's th m I - , Carriage Afaker. gone tile whole rdtite ost of only about 12 cents EL week. MY pro� .'a sort ot crueler alglit. than the N 1. When Clorinda, the lit- to pass out of youviy NO ,ur to. it In such all aginy lif woe, There are it#% actress, reached New York. it did W.Iwil Folt've.luld-to tile heart-hreak- Obook, ,,AV0jnejj,3 Owl, -.Nledleal Adviser," aut be done by mitting domil &.-.,I Usingninn who always does filings on tile I'll -a thousand tiuies rio!Yoll do not re -11- St. Antoine, P. Q. also sent free oil request, AVI,Ite to -day. . .ol, tile moment. ilia bitterness of deathi- not take hei, long to get Ilito , b,s lz �l _, 1, I lit" paco. , Arrs. . I.,. 3, for firewood till disemect aiki deforaiei0 - 1: . BA a bow I love VOR, Bab- YOU fire tile .1 Alt cleall beflilld, Address ., W1 Summers, Box trithe torture's df j�alciusy, the anguish of clothes, which She took 'with her, "Ild lig,11t, of my solll',tlio centre (if illy belkrb, OTING. yoll -nifty sigh for Lilt- Ill IN'triclaor, Ont. - Oes, as lvpll soi .,ach speciez, sy,tittise pre.SPELL IEM WITH "W." long .sit f fering--but there is nothing that make her way to the hospital to whiol tile jor of Illy ex! YC'ut tricky shout to tit.! whirier, I1\Vt-V . I : I I m,jite in Vie woodlot it, Ito" desimble.(Boston Transcript) rands the heart, tlia� ,leatroys all n hope, Chlrerce N40[e had been*taken. I Stance, How a -in I to It, (Buffalo Courier.) . dont. 1 " 00y too frequitutly is the Method of11 game)- live Ny1fthout �oulr 'Ily life will end 'Whell Your Teeth. Young Wonlan (at her first bn thAt ruins ii, ilftt.so quickly its trea.6tery "For several days $be was not allowed . it, jast A'S Barely' as tile The city of Portland, Oregon, i-ee(tiitly L)ut gollic-finw to ine t1jert, is doeq trag- cutting exactly tile reversi. Tile bestDo loolc lit till, flijilly thing that Inall's . you. go out Of elected commissioners, and It Wit$ the ody Brush ilion. treens are cut, often for pw,"es forg(At OVQII Ills faCO. XH it It blt'd C.age? from the one ird love best. I to see him, altbougr1i she. pKil,claimedilier- Sun rises Arid Sets! I)O 'lot think '40 first important election sinee tile wonlen I v,hlelt ,tit hiteflor wood woubt serve, andli(..r I-Neort-Not exiled.Y. it's to keep . 'The girl remained Ili such absolute si. self to be his ,yife, for whom he was call- lightiv of the tit, whiell binds "a to' In that State were given ilia right to vote. Tit the FOlow Who Alitio-A Won. . 111-11sh ilielil varly.the foule alit. .1. lance so long tbat India at last decided iu.9 SO constoz:tlY. gethei, 1191. Remember, you are Illy Tile following itenis were culled frow .-- -.---.--- Alit] briodi 01plik often. ilia Pourer speeics are left to seati-in thet - r I . Dru,41% thern ,titer every nical. oit;-oyer 'areas antl to gradually crowdAMATEUR THEATRICALS. to enter and see if she had swooned, or "At last she was permitted to see him. ,wife *before "I and the Angels; a �, the Portland Everilit.- Telegram, Issued' election da,v: 'A gliml I. tAll li'W'der A1011141 ')I' "'le"' the better varieties. Before cutting,(Wommi's Home ComPanion) What was the'lliatler. It was it critical moment when Site and'before the world-- until death dolts oll,eirivalrous julin. Provide coolingr ilre- BUY YOUR FRUIT \N%ti-iji. li(Med water is best for toothShe fouild linrliaiii, withh bar eyes oil stopped forward to the cot on iihich us part as tile Illarriago service bad� freshments for women in Stuffy boot s., tile fariner should coiisider, first, thaflyzithia-Dorothy and OlaclYfl aro griln!" - "Election booths looking like a rose show lt�c to wiliell tile wq�l Is to ))a Pitt, and'.to sing a solo now, . . the written page, looking at it as thoug ille lay. Thc.re was but us both'fervently utter -as we atoad be- or a, conservatory! Row tile WornLu ".oi)a perceptible, difference betwen. Clor. hands. I Dc-litill floss iq as rlecesi;ary a's `11 becolld, tile .Q peei k� -coin poiiti Oil of tileMrs. (Jay-wlly, how enn tll(,y ,,in!,, it were a cobra. that had, stung bee to inkla, the actress, ii-nd Barbara Haven fore the, lainister With clasped have changed tile customs and mannerr FroM the Gro"Wer 01reCt bl"'Iff"i"a'solo? I you lorget it all so iutll. of the people!" Vile being Nvash tiny af- bi-1101, the teeth, woodlot which is ruo,Bt. de%irs.131(% Fire-
-011, Clady S lilts Ito vote(.. the death. .., . . - ' Ali, Bab I can fects imrly voLing." "Ot ill(. PMO) Nro.Vylitilla. - I- 'Bab," ,she murmured eoffiy; "Bar. and the t was site wqs a trifle taller than �);l Send your order at once ckna get the Nover break thin,r*4 with woofl probnbly vielils the betit returnsI leasly. knon re a-ril vOt best. Satisfaction guaranteed. litir ItiLe 111001. lve�' B.0. The dreps Ahe wore had to be , for it innall tie ge, anil for this purposeREWARDS NOT POST-MORTEM. - burial has the blow'killed you deart?" - C,11APTER XXXV1. I Ing, t being much higher percelitag-0. Vood too hot or too colil is very harm- rapid -growers, , -(Vincinnittl Enquirer) "You know all, India," site sobbed. : Jengillelled fully two I itch -es. She Itid than the malia electorate shows." "As a retictito-j; ,.N*o. i bpst varieties, 5 Il- euch ws poplar, ash aft, aae up tier face to look like Bab, with ia - it nionlerit, and. then general propositioll, it eon almost Ile .wj,141 -t 3)a0cets for $5.(X). All Other 13111901 fill to tile tt-ttth- elln shoulil bo eneouragk whieh should'willie-l'aw" w1lat M tile difference ])a- "He Says so Ili this letter." ln. Indi PRUsed ful titat ail air or domesticity is liovering quilltween genfus and vilent't Indi; Hay � ail Ilowed liar head, murmur. - all the skill of liar e -raft and the illusion continued with her narrative. fruits to order, I'lums, Pears, Penelic,s B,4peI,1;Illv 1-1 it bad to tiike Into flin inake tin annnal ,vrowth of from one-halfbout tile usual onattractIve and Sordid .under flit- double complexion vc,ii alkit-h "Then lie sudilenly reached balloting centres." and G I cord per at -re. Basswood, too.litiNv-ralent gets paid every Sunday. I Ing "Yes 11 nd rapes,a specialty. WrIte for lit- nl()Iltll son;cIthin,tv ice cold Immediately to onelily son. . I . - -enc : I' it " lit after solnetbiliv %-vry hot,. . I 1. 11�vhat,ftlft I to' do?" wailed the poor I sh,i wore was absolutely perfect. 1,41ie caught one of ter ilitle hands ill Ills. I I Evidently ivonion want to vote, at least formatlan. Ilefet 0 wy 1 Bank W - will lit- ill increastila doultirld beeallas Of- was jjisvttl of tli,tt by the cry of rap- I ,-a you Ille'all what Yo it ona, Ont. 'voney to accompany, orders. Your dentisi will' tell -,*-oil wliieh sort -,ts apid prowth, bevanse it coppleesI "Olt, India, tell ilia; you are older , -1 will not bellei pulsory. Evidently women Improve Ill! rTHE WHY. . girl - . wiser than 1_ -what aj�i. I to do VI ture (.1arencia Neville uttered as Ills 6 is Bottle polling places rather than lit'. contam, All fruits delivered to the ne,irest Exi)reas Of powder .ilia ollier necessities are be.st readily. ftild because of Its vilne lit om,itlland bave said, Bab!" lie cried. "Tilt(311flue) 'Qye�i fell Upon liar. girlish Prank to test lily love for You, liated themselves. Evidently NN-011'all Suit- Orflee free. V, R, & G. R, Carpenter, Win- ,�.,Iflltltcl it) l'olli. Iml-ticulAr ease. - ilsi;ies for the manufaeture (,if t-xcelsior.I 'Tbere is riothlitg left' lot- you to do frptge does not kill clityah, but causes of c 'u -se. baby itketh are kept in as mid otber sinall itl1iolt's"'Bab! lily own dear little bridel' he 'a, perhaps. it to blosson 'in unexpeeted aces. r,vf- a, Ont. 01but submit to the inevitable, sillee lie - . or some one-YOUr educlin Judi 11, . .... 1. . yv,lys lip, cait:fiii to ke-ell our homes clean exclablied, with almost a sob -ill :114 dently the antl-suffragIst ix unduly al- . I ]ow, as possible -.4a nrder to prevent tile fol. wIliell't'lle wood is liarticillaelyand ne"It'.1 bas taken tile Inat.ter into lifis Own liando . -hits perautia*d yOU to (10 its 7011 have 0.4 'fi.illy may walk voice, Iliuve illy prayers been answered arined, I , g)tllll -mit contracting, hir one. thing. 11114,I)ted. -51'aple reprtiduces readily, anZIand secured a divorce, which separates done. I ant. $tire YOU 'would never have - . - Politeness Pays. Uttle Girl-Deeause ettinfl, - you are eifeetuafly as though one of . at last? Is it a dream of my ioveris1% cot . This will belp Vitt perniallent teeth to Ile although not A rapid rrow.ir, It never -
Ili lit any nionieut I- I - ne to ale will, such words on your MInal-dis UnImeit -cures Gaigat In " fliele,is yleldi it subs(ant1q] revenueimagination. or are you really standlag Mrs Jordan ]jail "Itleas" oil the way of gtio(l sillipe atilt position.HIS _VI SwS. - .Volt lay in tile grave.11 . " lips otherwise.,, Cows. . children should be reilled, Ile" r 0 1'1!1� . ;. IV ., bedside? 18"[Wak to lite! Let tile an-, hell it b"orneA lar"re. ellough to tap.She waa,unprt,pared for Lite wily Ili a t illy ,,No one helped ilia make this aecia. I I 11 Itoperul T4)nllllY eaused her it little agal . WILL U.S. ANNEX CANADA ? Roft woods I'kt,(I.oul4ville Vourler-Journpl) betr the voice w1delt. hns haunted mv, 1-1 ask you to Net ty In tlii4 vespect. Now and ill spruce. balsain and pixieI which the young girl threw liar at -ins ' " - ion," site replied. Ribbons. IDO you eat tit(, Same kind of grub waldrig . tlierefore, a Serious ,,politeness" e(-Lure.1 , or sleeping, since the hour we grOAN, nitich runre rapidly than hard -
N. ,r boarders?" , -east . arn has about as much, ..I d about her liet;l,, weeping oil her Ili the marriage aside aftcr calm reflection, . was administered. 11acle S* - "It lilt a['v AntilgetillMy(lit feed the surrunc were so rudely turn apart during the , - Consider thern. ,,.N(iw ToninlY, denr", sil a started chance to do so as a cheap acid corn W004IN and aliL_9L " '""Ored Farmer WhIfflatrike. Eta though liar verY beart would burst fatal wreek." . , and without being influenced by tiny ILI' -e everywhere. supposing you alve has of caring a corn. Nothing grown for fu(!) or pulpwood.life f`4 'I 11"t'41 O"o- "n't Ila tier bosom; sobbing out- mail I)eiijg, I assul Y. They trini millinery. I gentlenillin's foot, what would N-011 qRYT, 9If'.— I-(-sl)i)tl(lc.tl tile clity nlan. "Clorinda, knew that tbis would be 'IT would say 'Beg your liardon!' " gives such satisfaction as Putnam's When tile most miltaIlle species haveI I I "I cannot part front him, India; death U4 -crucial tojit-tho voice. Would it "How call I appeal to you, Bab " lit They finish neckwear. "That's Illy own littio son- Sniffed tile Cora Extractor, which ourea pain- been zeleeteil. and the Weed-trects Vemov-
,HER FOUL ACCENT. would be easier to cridure.11 I betray to hini that it was not Barbarit cried, Ills voice trpmbll,�g witlit keen They figilre oil bodices. pleased mother. "And lt ttie gentleman ed, the woodlot rivii9t then be.thinned(T-1ppincott's) Silo took the inatter so hard that India Ills bride, who stood beside Ilhn or not'.;, amotioll, 'Heaven direct ilia As fO They're a part Of corset covers. 99,110 31011 a Perilly for ,,%,our politelless lessly in twelity-rour hours. ITse only Until ille t-i-mNiis of tile beat-fornied Te-
"ller Freneli, pronunciation Is fear had to resort to other measures, -which . Tile beautiful Impostor bad cajit nil ,witit words, what argument to use fil in fact, they're a lingerie feature. what Would ,%,on tiny?" "Puturkin's," 25a at all I dealers. wainhig trovs tire s -en to barely tonch., I Eiji yon to forget this InAd wish As fdr sashes, they'r a Tli� Innocent look passed from Toni- I - Iand wonderful. she hail. In idserve, if Bab proved too . on a singlo die --to win or tri'lost tile urging n eYes an he quickly answered: All acre (-lilt only prildnee .1 glvcn alit."Yes, tit tile bronkfa.41; table this morn- . you have expressed to sever the. used. . " 11 Y, Cured Her. ount, of W0011 eilelt year, and the fewerIng sbe -gazed Houlfully at tier ponched hard to manage. gaine. Slit rould do Ila inore thau lose, whi,011 - 14b I would stand oil tile other foutegg and miltilill 8) would have to rely upon arousing she tie wlkiceh binds its. I can see A band of ribbon is get under the and say 'Reg yotir pardon!' again, ofo(I. I*IqjlIt it eilick", Is . told lier,self, recklessly. sacred trees there are the itiore raltid will beI : . I . DAb's pride.' ,,jl(..ndtll,y oVc.1. ,,lilt ins#,, a's 8i,,13 hacl into tile future farther than you, and I edge of the enthroidery-edge skirt. course."-ii,xeliange I ,.: I There is alwaya it way out If oil P the plolvtll of the-Ap tret's.MADE A DIFFERENCE. "There is ionlething else to tell, 11111,13," - bell told Ills bride wolitld do, Shia' war. PI'OPIKIRY to You that tile time will come Thooe Who cling to ties have these, MInard's Liniment Cures C41de, Etc. Acel;8 Ili the proper direction. Ircliv the Tlic tlihd 1(quitito Ili tit(, scientific(Hoston Tran-erivo ilbe wurinurei!1. "I thouglif; it best at mul-ed. in it low voice., ,vile,, y6u will repent of what you are bitif of foOtgear hold by ribbous. - - �: � f 1, i - - r lady of ille holl" Put it stop to -it tele. farming of tits wovillot is fbat Lite e-It-
Frytt-1 Phlillp-sav, ,%vot's moral cour. first not to mention it, but perhaps it 4.41." i, (Ilarence, it i -i T-1fab.1 And doing now, and. The willing 'to give your t pli�no caller wilt) annov(�d tier is told tie Ile I,QIjt Out, cgpfOial1V after I,eA,V.y (Is THE CAPABLE MAN IN LOVE"lle", is wils6st to keep nothing from you. witiL a .jage so _w1lIclj sounded lll�c soul to undo it. Will, you heeil illy r Sad. Ili the 'New York Surt:*IIA busy housse- eatting. when reprodUctit;n: is riost de -
Rogers -1 hearcl a preacher ggv - I .. .b. (New York Herald) wife oil the we8t side had b4n called sired. Cattle I.t. I ;4 injuriou-4 to aI Itill"ged "Llaten. Bill)., dry ),Out- eves and, IN- thii gennine artinle--she went on; ,, I warning?" Some titled 'Nolnell In England have art- lust art ".." '111. power to sa,v "no." I impostor, who Oil, why should the spirit of wortal be 4) - 1) of irec.-i-odfirliv. a -i they arepestseript whielt'he Nyrite in . was boginning to think that they would )-.veil thi's beautiful proud? Inade tile Interesting annouiteeinent, us C,drink lit, tt,r worlt? was being paid handsomely fit yellow told lit EL weeks Ily soil ,,�tlu Inquire I. . Ilia letter to nie. .1 remember every word *never killow me to etillie to you.' Nve weds it fair nikkid who loves clothes SPeCial cable despatell to tile III pel Iv) I � I d it 'to it N -01114t vrop of Araili, 11hey,blay'."J L '10 of it for it seerns written letter(4 of fire 11 IT.Ift till Vour vell, Bab,' lie Bait], gol4.1 for the part she WAS playing, felt that w6u,t crowd, Herald, that lit love Ltffall's tile capable that %va..% tile me;tt niarket, It seelliell Indeed, ecl� tile gellas in the wocidot, b4t. IlIgn, eveit though lie have but little tinke, impossible to straighten out tile Ph"a" tbey would 1114 all *nmi, if not soon(,r,UNFAILING REMIEDY. 4 let ilia lo�)k Into your Sorry, from the bottorn of ter heart, for And when they go walking the streets to devote to detrionstrattuns of affection . Ion my brain, lie said- wistfully, Itind I Id it) tile Illeapit.0 111190) lit inu think best, Mog Inaia, Von can eves.1 this handsome, hatilless yonvig husband, of the town, is to be PrOferrt ble on�, numbers. The housewife ,beoainp angry. vat the young Will tender Nirilwood' -bride Ills friends can see him through her new wIlO8e Solo purlitiNe In life is to please. .4o tit,- othpr dav when tailed title ad- shoots, antl tile &%lilt, van be said of the'Mrs. N'k,wed (to) dear friet M -What's (ho also tell Bab a I'ttle Secret of inisie which 11 'They art- retl front weeping, Plar. whola silo was parting front the t)io. fair set. No niort, Interosting Ills- t 'it ularket all(?mul-let of ffetting it TI(IW flnr-k (lilt dlf 111lb- I inade no ibmi'Lion of lit my brief note auee," she marmared. ,and I would r&t1j. lie loved better thall life, she wits oil- see -more. gown. . covery has been inado litnee out- own Illittect that I W�,;i tile tile, bhet-p. Hv(-n coifflerinis spedling4 are113' ;Irtl,r lie rpl'usoq Once? . . Adulli-aille CIrlillitort burst Upon tile pres- very pleasantly took ft 1`11,811 Order fur not immune. so that "rt4inty lit te.ITI.N. wito f r. to tier, and 1:11 -It '16, that I bllwip met all. er not, oil tills visit, for tile peoplit moat sorry site livid undertak,en the coin. -0-ne.tinati, Enquirer.- *y-111 at Irst you don't .9 I I . . . Jill ClICIPS. She hasn't been T.rodnetlou ia only assured by fencing.(we"11, Vry a�Wll! Ai other. -the sweetestAgivest, lovoliest girl aboUt as would be .,lure to comment inisaitin, 6r this scone w0itlit live in her - I ,; etit seneration AvIth the neivs tbat Right a (Iozpjj Jai� I is nigilt, Wrong 1.4 Wrong and overy "'all bothered since." of! tl!e cut- over areas,- - - , ineillory, A1141 thRunt box for all time, Should 1MVe it Square Deal. . . I Ioil earth-u-boill I fell h) love with ftt about it, they alwa,%ri Stare 80., .1 I IINNOCENT MOVEMENT. first eight, a -ad iArorkl I ft�pe soon to will I"Why have you"been weeping, Bab?" '"I 11,111 In eArne8ti' 0114 1`0116d', stead- necoras of romantic, sentiment go linelt , I Dr. Fornow prelliet'.4 that "thcre will(Plilladelphla. Roervrd) for my very own, now that T stin free." If e exeWined. quiekly. Its it because I Ily. INAltv will you not believe Ilia?, she I I about as for as any other blotorleal data .1 ! tile., have, and the capable, mail fronj . Ile. it time whell the woodlot civill sell1.1till. I'Villie--44ill" will a Welf;h ralibit ,YOU flei, 11,0.11 ('011tintlOd Irldlit, Ftrt- 114Ve Iteen IvIng �erj- Ill, my tender. persisted, in liar sweet, vibratitig voica. earliest clays has been successful In love . _ farill, or Nvllt ,I(, .1 I1c0(,s13ivrV I)art of thebite? fully, "such it fichle lover ia not worth hearted lit'lle ;%vieillearts, (To be Continued.) at tile ijame thile that lie has been Ing.1tin- i or, . fitrin to urike it valuable.�, In ille ioa-
Little I'lobby-No, not antoss ,voll ent it. 1,11111, before sitc 11:411 time to fraille .1 t : t, lfl$ lose gifted. brother Jullip through I is is 0 1, I f% or soils wlitea Iiii oiliev work slaekelki the44.41 ,---,-- 9, t;ar from your blue ey(43---not worth boops and ,Iplay dead." 0e- Ijt%ji,rt psiag�, instoad of niournilig ilia 1,elily. lie went on.-* 'Under the Oreum. Caring for Mattings. , farmor could vory ex,fily improve IliaSCItNC AND THE MILKMAN. a 1, . I In t1juse "da) .s or 0141, w1lell knights(LippInelltvil) lose so bittovly. you Should Ile Igiad to stan'ces. I holie yon told your fathi�r at Never rise soap oil matting. WIV were bold", a Spindle loqged troubodous . wotl,llot in anth. Ilia thill 4 thia till'o of111,11,44-ki-C-11(1111--wIlIlt 11111101; you to late be free froin lu;u. (If all things Oil earth ollee IwIlat took pliteo. darlh.g? I Ing it with a cloth danlpen6d with sali 1111 wax a two fisteil gentleffiatil, whose (Ilothes ....I;. I ineloas'pil'il-0011 valliev...-Dell-Irtillent ofa flekle husband Is ilia wor4t. thought It Atralige titat 110ither YOU HOP water Vrevento Its turning Yellow. rattled as lie walked, %%-lie got tile girl. P. Ili,-& Intorior. Vorf-ottry 11i'muth.With tile 111111. tilt-,* Inot llhlg"�? I l!" Xn'T'... . Outing Sboes5filkinkill-W4.11, you s4ql. main, tilt, PlITO " "I"he to NIJUI-11 111111, detest Ills very he telegraphed Ilie. of vourse, lie fie. White or creaul eolored matting ::;;: -------*+*-
f.wll 1.1%. don't allow lit) Illorl, thall Z11"l- name, its lie cle4rvei to Ill' detested; jq;� ronliAlli011 Volt to New York?, this lit- that has become faded niay be deep- Int -:.J�; .(*A; Imeti-ria in tile gallon. nil, yon . Ing A1311 allafts 14;UUffl `#111�'t-muldn't bellov must live mid learit to forget lilni:l' torrogativefy. ened to P, deeper shade of cream y6l- I �)r Otllpr WIN of tile qAm And .: ... :1. -'! NO. 17 - tor (Pittfillarg Gazette-Tinies)01Fi- 197 roo rt, 1111W ItIng It tak(..4 to "But I loved1nin so," wAiled DAII. 1,. "'No. - I .d A. The -- ,:::: . ,;;:,::, ';:N: Iverybody .,,ads. bavo a direk-t Illnuence In411tit, tilt- Iltill, dIVvIlR. .1 Nfv . I P.inlf gill Pv Ill-veelf," murnivir low, tiff of one color, by yaslilot It I thle keitirt and ho were till1te t-Ontentlelk' . .:.:';` ..:;. .. 14ad I___�_ I NA1010, Ileart 'went Mit to lithl. Ilow Call I'd the fi%ir illilinator.,in tile. low, litaitat- with strong o0dit Water. I lncomp(qent troubadour hall to Tit, tile , lat-reasing tit#, prke of Tarill produets toI I 1. I astme, or Ills ouistallawor ears eostse to lilt diti-veasing .profits toEXAGGERATED IMPRESSION. I live without it liettrt In my botoin?"I 1jig torl(, of i o:ee in whit -h I livid sa itare- Pattorns that have become din -0 11 I III* R Dart of Ills dectirativo 801ellie. the t-onsulilev a(Wtt,,bhigton Stav) Aug, Padeld Aft it Matter Of favt, tile Star OVI'd ullicy S140g -1XT-#1,,r,ft1 rMer. Tt t-asts more to slilp over"You think that while your grief is fully drillod tier. It ffid Ilot tellpapa.' may be brightened by nib) ' tban it atiod road, as evervana,Arr. 314,okton sqvs his NVIfo Iq (101111)(It-21it' fresh upou voit." det-laved tile oldm- girl, * totpful it, ItIvp oniv lit tilt. Inualiv'rabian- , VOR SUMMER SPORTS 1 lzno%,.q .010 Ila$ tl.lpd It of. wito stops titlit 16411111 n lNi,.', offit-i"Ill tit(, l;4vl.rtljjj0jIt", ',bat After i whilo Volt will Ile hutprisea himself Up on his plitow, but %ias too dyi6d on the floor, the dye being ap. ri . . I ve* of it relitration afto. IiIiien, is bof,lllp SK YOUR DEALER thilil'. A bad road. t1lelefore. Is, molley"That flit a4tortiallyneut wits I)Itod With an old tooklibrush, toll**. L . ca now, t1to t-apallit", fliftil got 10101 .11110"W" - ___ - . 11 � , I I .. (,lit of tile pok-ket of the salailed mail lis, Tit, 1111fikit to see flow very elitAtio the heart jq; it r weal, to do it). ... 0 vvell to tI.* fe,rmar And the merchRaL`1104t 1.01.31114,ft Ace t-iiin'govi,trii INii slit, mw,t for two reasons: Vitlit, thAt 41111 JUS tht, HIM Of tile figutt, - ___JIt,- LAIIII., it) Po%,tril 1:11c, entire natioll.11 Will stretch 014 4 great ways without 11relitt,
�r �~.