The Wingham Advance, 1913-08-14, Page 4.s 4 T H, E W PIN Cad• H .A„ M' ADVANCE Tnur*DAY, AuGuST 7, I913 Just Whoa You Are STOCK PEDTJCTTON EXTI2A V.[1LTT.Li`Ea Bi6o*,,4* hummer Sale During Balan Iq EVERYTHING NEW. MAKING ROOM FOR NO CARRRIED-OVER STOCK. NEW FALL GOODS. FULL STOCK. ---Tremendous Sacrificing. Big Sav- ing for Purchaser. READ THE LIST BELOW THEN COME AND LET US DEMONSTRATE THE VALUES ; Men's and Boys' Clothing Ladies' Skirts and Waists Odd Pants and Knickers Gloves and Hosiery Shirts and Collars Fancy Collars and Belts Overalls and Smocks Dress Goods Boots and Shoes Silks 'and Satins Work Shirts Laces and Embroideries Underwear Richons and Underwear Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Fancy Sun Shades - RAIN CQATS.­Very special prices on both ladies' and Gents' Rain Coats. New goods and latest styles and the season is approaching when you will appreciate one of these coats. VANSTONE SUGAR. -==Splendid time to put in a supply. Redpath, best, per sack, $4.75. Produce Wanted. Highest Prices, Goods Not Charged at Reduced Prices, Looking For RAILWAY TiME-TABLE A Sure Thing Trains leave lingham stations dally as follower Mr. ,Tames Angus has placed his pro• ' G. T, R. perty in our bands for immediate sale, TO TORONTO and Intermediate either in one block or in parcels to suit Points: -Passenger, 645 a in ; pashen- purchaser. Thirty or more acres of ger, 11,00 a.m.; passenger, 2,80 p,m. excellent high dry land, a part of which 0 TO LONDON: --Passenger 6+.35 a, is surveyed into town lots, and the plan m. ; passenger, 3 30 p in. registered. A good brick house and TO KINCARDINE : -Passenger, frame barn on the premises. No more 1169 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m.; pas- senger, 9 15 p.m, desirable place to live in Wingham. An excellent site for factories, This is 0• P. R. a first-class investment. TO TORONTO and Intermediate ger 3105 .Maenger, 040 a,m,; Passon- A Fine Farm In Gulross. P. TO TEESWATER :- Passenger, - 1LY "' 103 12.60 p.m.; passenger, 10.82 p.m. No better in the county, It always pays to buy a good farm and this is one of the best. Good buildings and fencep. Fine land, nice piece of hardwood bulb. Fall Term From dept. 2nd. Close to market and sobool, Telephone OF ISARD'S i istalled, Rural. Mail applied for, Ora - vel roads. Everj thing in ship shape. Best of reasons for selling, Intending purchasers apply to �7 '�JCI"....G �_Canada's bo$t Busintsa College.We�havethreedepartments-Commerclal,SbOI Ritchie & Cosens3_"�G-- A ~ hand and Telegraphy. Courses are thorouE h and practical, We have a strong staff of experienced instructors and our graduates) REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE meet with success. Write for our free cata- logue and learn what we are doing. D, A. MCLACHLAH - Principal WELLINGTON MUTUAL • w., FIRE INS. CO. - • Established 1840. Mid Head Office GUELPH, ONT. BUSINESS AND Risks taken on all classes of in. ,SHORTHAND curable property on the cash or pre mium note system. Subjects taught by expert instruotorS at the GEo. SLEmvrAN, JOHN DAvIDSO'b President. Secretary. 211,dlo RITCHIE & OOSENS, w&o" Agents. Wingham, Ont Y. M. C. A. ELDG.. LONDON, olds. College DUDLEY HOL•MES Students assisted to positions. as the Bell block owned by R. Bell. The entire loss is pretty well covered in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. Barrister, Solicitor, etc. J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Vice PrA1nclDaltant* ham. Office: Meyer Block, Win ham. y Wing 17� out at one-quarter to one-third VANSTONE WANTED ANTED BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR extent. Money to loan at lowest rates. GOOD LOCAL AGENT WINGI•HAM. at once to represent $ie OLD AND/� RTHUR J. IRWIN A RELIBABLE FONTHILL NUR- D.D.S., L,D.s. SERIES. Splendid list of fruit and station at Hepwnrth on Tuesday, an ornamental stock for Fall delivery Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen 1913 and Spring delivery 1914. Dental Surrgery ofnOntario. ate o ,Start at once and secure exclusive =office in Macdonald Block - territory. We supply handsome free outfit and pay highest commissions. G. B. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S �7f B. ]ROSS, Write for full particulars. train at high through the flame en- veloped railroad tracks. The Pre oc- STONE 8c WELLINGTON Honor Graduate of the Royal C ono of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, ]3ono curred early in the afternoon and Graduate of University . of Toront TORONTO ONTARIO Faoulty of Dentistry. 1, OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARD & 00'S. STORE A Little Bo Killed. POPULAR STALLION. W. , � p R. NAMBI,Y, B.Sc , ffi.D., C.M. On Thursday, July 30th, while Henry Y The Imported Clydesdale Stallion, Mascot, Special attention paid to diseases Reinhart and family were driving to No. 4578, vol. 14, O.H.A., Canada, will make of Women and Children, having t;_. . • :? , i tFi�f i, ��yOT the following route during the season:- taken postgraduate work in Sur- Caoderich for asst's outing, their horse MONDAY. -Leave Geo. T. Robertson's sale I tISIS gery, Bacteriology and Soientific I ]c became frightened by an auto owned stable and proreeds to Wesley Leggatt's near Medicine. f J' ' Wbiteohuroh for noon; thence to Leask Me - by Mr. Heyd, of Brantford, and driven Gee's, con. 10, East Wawanosb, for night. Office in the Kerr residence, be- �' "' t ORIK b Mr. Thomas Hutton, The horse TUESDAY. -To Robt. f`oultes' con. 10, East tween the Queen's Hotel and the y wawanosh, for noon; then to his own stable, For Infants and Children. bolted and broke a holdback and then Wingham, for night. Baptist Church. k /.. .e 1 started kicking, knocking the dash - WEDNESDAY. -To Jos. Smith's, con. 8. Turn- All business given careful Attention. • berry, for noon: thence to James T. Wylie's, Phone 54. P. O. Box 118 board off and kicking young Joe Rein- con. s, Turnberry, for night. I� = The Kind You Have hart in the right temple with such a THURSDAY. -To Thos McMicha•el's,Wroxet- ii force that he knocked his little sister er, gravel, for noon; thence to Icing Edward Hotel stables, Wroxeter, for night. DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER -��F- .� - Always Bought =-- - out of the buggy. The boy lived for FRIDAY.-Tofor John thence exon. 2, O E . - °" -^ _ - y urn eery or coon • neo o IOEs-Corner Patrick And Centro atreots """""""""''""""'"" ""' r'°"' only two hours in spite of all medical $ ing 8' x e s 1 r+v aa. luevale, for night. PHONES - i iilepropriefa'ryoritteafMedicineAct. aid. Dr. Hunter was huried to the SATURDAY. -To E. B. Jenkins', Bluevale road, for noon, thence to his own stable. Wing- geidence, Dr. Kennedy 143 0� 9 tablePreliaralionforAs-, qqe]T+ } Q scene. The accident happened north ham•where'hewill remain until the following similattn IheFoodandReggulas•;. �RJaTS u�l� + Monday morning, Residence, Dr. Caldor 151 :< IingiheStomacitsandootveisof of Dunlops Hill, near Mrs. McLean s • J. W. SING, Proprietor. Dr, I{ettaedv specializes in Surgery. house, where he remained till after the Dr. Calder devotee special attention tc ' ' m +7ta i 7 1 N8 inquest was continued Monday at 2 Dieeases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, I • 1 WUTA.L o'clock. The little boy who was seven Il tea.thoroughly tested. Glasses properly ProlnofesDigeslionCheer ` years of age was buried in the R. C. neSsiliflest.Coat&SUeSih¢i O cemetryat Kingsbridge on Saturday, D Opltalt:MOljlhlite norMiaeral Jduch sympathy is felt for Nr, and Mrs. DR H. J. ADAMS NOT NArtC OTIC. �: # Reinhart for their. sad lose. The day SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH ••• ? was meant for pleasure instead of that WEST LAND REGULATIONS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- 1leupecEOldDrALid'IITBF]I it was sorrow. ANY person who is the sole head of a family, Flan res fired- or any male over 18 years old, may home- uate London and Dublin. 7 stead a quarter section o available Dominion sl(xJovrrt+ e In ilaehe/(ese(fs- land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Successor to Dr, Agnew AiseSad+ Ball Pitcher Badly Hurt. The applicant must appose in person o the R in!- Dominion Lauda Agency or Sub -agency for the OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK i . j t ; district. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dfor�o1;X1dat During the progress of the Walker- agency, on certain conditions by father, moth- imlxmSeed- er, son, daughter, brother or sister of Intend - 10 i ton-Fiesherton baseball game at Prise ins Homesteader. N7rr�"°`�'i7Qr0a ville on Civic holida an imported Duties. -Six months' residence upon and cul- DR. ROBT• C. REDMOND Use y' ovation oP, tl�e land in each of three years. A ap¢rfect Remedy forCollstipa- pitcher, named Walker, from Toronto, homesteader may live within nine miles of his M. R C, S. Eng ` tion, Sour Slomach,Diarrhoea+ who was doing the twirling for Flesh- homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely L. R. C. P. (IT.11d.� e Worms,Convulsions.Feverish• owned and occupied by him or by his -father, cess and LOSS OFSLEEP For Over erton, was struck over the heart by a mother, Son, daughter, brother or sister. Physician and Surgeon. fast ball while batting in the first half In certain districts a homesteader n good FacSimile Signature or, g • standing may pre•empt a gnartor•aection along- (Dr. Chisholm'r old stand) of the fifth innings, and falling to the side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acro. i, Duties. -Must resido upon the homestead or TiIE CENTAVR�bMPAHY\ Thirty Years ground soon lapsed into an ocean• pre•omption six months in each of six yearn @ram sato of homestead entry (inoluding the �, /� MONTREAL&NEWYORI{ scions condition, and with blood rush- time required to Darn homestead patent) and W. J. MO ON ing from his month was conveyed in cultivate fifty sores extra, VETERINARY SURGEON fA homesteader who has exhausted his home- /. what was thought to be a dying state, stead right and cannot obtain a pre•omption OFFIOE OF LATE DR. 'iVILSON. 1 i to the office of Dr. Lane where be may enter for a purchased homested in pertain RESIDENCE -COR. PATRICK: & FRANCIS districts, Price $3.00 per aoro. Duties. -Must remained Until noon -'-the next day aide six months in each of three years, culti- vate fifty &ores and erect a house worth $300. Ex Gov. dot. Inspector. before regaining consciousness again. ' + ' iflliti�W The unfortunate man it seems had W. W. GORY, Deputy of the Minister Of the Interior. Exact Co of Wrapper. three balls and two strikes called on C GRIF'F'IN' Pi PP TH6 CeNTAUI. OOM�ANY. NRW YOLK CITY. N.B.'--'Unauthorized publication of this ad - him and the way hb handled the .neat vertiaement will not be paid for. offering would decide whepher he GENERAL AGENT would be retired to the benches or stab his feet on the first sack. Don Wall- Dr. de Van's Female Pills Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ace, the Walkerton pitcher, took in a A reliable French regulator; never falls. The8d pills nre exceeding) poworful In regulating the Fire, Life, ,Accident, Plate Gllme long breath and with all the force that generative portion oI tt,o female system. Refuse and Weat110rntluranCO coupled f well-trained arm can sham the all cheap imitations. Dr. do 4anva arc sold at i p (' 86 a box, or than for X10. Mailed to any address. �gitll a Real Di StatO aliCi MOnB�T sphere, sent a curve smoking through x..� 4eoUelti Drag Oo,. Ht. Oatluarinoa, Oat. Loaning busilless. the air in the dirattion of man. The batter made a awing at it W Ithe Toronto THE -Q0MINI0N BANK I�1(3iHAM with the big stick, but missed it with OVER 85 YEARS'• -- lin litMUNDEI.OBLE,I, M.P., PREtI61NY. W. O. MATTiIEwi,.V10:•pRL8IC9N7. the club, and a minute later received EXPERIENCE the missile with a third thud over the General Hospital, O. A. BOGERT, Oeneral Manager. heart, On his dropping to the ground, M 1 (Under C}overnmon5 Inspobtion,) Capltat paid up���� g(;,000,p the crowd soon became aware that a Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. R'ssarva Fund Te • 1C . +,t0,00o,00p serious acefdent had occurred, and the Open to all regular)y licensed Vysiofand. Tetai Assets ;870,000,000, game was immediately called off and Ratea for ationts (which inbludd board and Injured man borne from the field TRAOr, MARKS nursing)- >�'4 an to $15.00 per week, aodording the in j DESIONG to lobation of room. rot frirtherlinforma• Finan• ' Although alarming rumors about the 00PVR10HT5 sic. tion--AddradaMlSS MATx$ItWS cial Headway Ailynne sbndina aakott`h and desert Linn maf ho elessnear of his condition p p n n were re• , qutrkl nsrertnln Onr optninn sea wether an Sitpbrintend6tt, of the cure And ermatidntkindisrare) made without invAu�3on tsrronnhly nntatLc� era imtaa p y ceived in Walkerton Tuesday, 'yet tt...... tCa crrnadential. „pIt � ; an � race Boa n28,'Wingham, cab6 of a Savings Bank Account. It stimulates saving, kaaf�tt the money later advices are to the effect that lte . d x ni net tm ®t t90`°rnn hforo6oardnc 'a�`ireoto. in absolute safety, increAses It With Interest, and provillaa the randy a cash to tak6 advantage of the buslndxs Opportualtlas VWah 64the will probably recover. In the event rpermat+totkr, withgat o�inrge,iuth onas way, of his death It Is not likely that any �l tlt�fIC MCAII0 Electric �ef3tOf"elt' fat' Men cul t►bte blame can be attached to the A lu rniratlieti• ittn.traW d waeirty. x rfcrst Mr.Phos ilotlot reaito p avert' nerve li the trody� p rntattnn a any rrtentiars ionrmat. arms for �n its proper tetteibtt; rodtnrd ansa, aa.7a a 7aar, godless preprld. ants 1>y wlm as vitality. Prematura derny rind all sexua WINGHAM BRANCH: N. EVAN Maht Ar'. ail new.daWarw waaku&M averted at once. PhoslphalX61 wii� i g 1 a,n aacideiatal one. RrtiCe herald task on a naw man. Prictl d b o two fo players, l P p" BtEftindwAy. sit s a y sad are, "a 4mN►1,.t latrt' -- -- t0.0yA�t a bra, as the rn ahs# was Ur8• 0 { Yr p r PI 1.1�5'�lM, i i� ONi ilk IWi+,wAbi(t 61441 Vat�%>kit�Ml a% Thursday, Friday and Saturday Ending Saturday Night, August 16th: TWO STORES 'OF BARGAINS Money Saving Chances on Men's and Boys' Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Dress Goods, Silks, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Embroidery, laces, Carpets, -Rugs, Curtains, Blinds, Etc. A Long Value at a Short Price will reward those who want to save cash -by attending this sale during the closing' days of this week. Come with the crowd. H. E. isard"& Co. Fire At Hensall. Fire of unknown origion breaking out shortly after 6 o'clock, Saturday, Aug, . 4th, completely wiped out the jewelery store and dwelling of F. C. Mid -Summer a McDonnell along with his stock and H. McLean's dry goods store in the same block and badly damaged the buildings and stock of Cleo. Scott, grocer, and the Bell telephone office. The estab• ' Our annual Summer Sale will lishments visited by the flames were all in* the same block which is known start on Thursday,Aug. 7th and g as the Bell block owned by R. Bell. The entire loss is pretty well covered will continue till Aug. 21 st• All by insurance. The Hensall firemen worked well and were assisted by a _ Summer Goods will be cleared number of Seaforth firemen who did yeoman service in preventing the out at one-quarter to one-third blaze from spreading to any greater off oin prices. extent. Ran Train Through Flames. Ladies' Waists, regular $1.00 and $1.25 for .75 In a fierce fire which destroyed the - « it " 1.35 to 2.00 for $1.25 - station at Hepwnrth on Tuesday, an « « mm 2.25 to 3 00 for 2.00 engineer of a local train on the Wiar- It a it 3.25 to 4.00 for 300 ton line of the Grand Trunk Railway avoided a long wait by dashing his ) 1 train at high through the flame en- veloped railroad tracks. The Pre oc- for- 10c. curred early in the afternoon and burned itself out. The station was together G-inghams Muslins Cambries etc. ! 1 completely destroyed, with y 7 the freight sheds and two box care, to cleat at cost. which were standing near on a siding. coverblowing, rtlya tebrisk wind was t and short) after it was discovered it and shortly - A few Men's Straw Hats, reg, $1.25, was completely wrapped in a sheet of 1.5 0 and 1.7 5 for 1.0 0. fli,me and the freight sheds were also ignited. The station was built about a year ago. The loss will be $10,000. Boys' Straw Hata, reg. 50c and 60c for 40C. The Mighty Onion. Kill the onion* and you leave a gap All Men's and Boys' Sults 25 per in the universe. Kill anything else and there is a substitute. The potato ceii f.. off regular price. is akin to the cereals, squash and cab- bage and tnrnips and cauliflower are See our stock before buying else - of the same family -,beans are elongat- ed peas; the lemon is a pessimistic where. I must have room for fall orange, beef reincarated grass, water• melons- just the survivor of a very fit stock now coming in. cucumber, and so on. But the onion is sui generis, alone, unique, trium- phant. It is a special creation to Produce of all Ands Wanted. tempt the palate of a weary world. The onion prover the futility of man's Drive In at rear of store, wisdom, Ile might have guessed at, everything else under the sun, but he would have never guessed an onion. Science may deduce a new star before Phone 89 It becomes visible or radium before it discovery, but this succulent, starry PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WANTED. vegetable wonld have gone uninvested forever had not its own insinuating yet not bashful gaalitier forced them• MPA_ A* selves into tray brimmed and y -, Ilquesent anticipatory lips, With, • _ what a mixture of gratitude and awe should we view the spectacle of nature ILLS` (Successor to T. A) e energies to the Iran g g smut- - tgof her g Ong of more clayIntoa ve etablmi with - - I N ,H A M alit mAlstio temperamentI--Richmond �`iialerybisptaktih. � _ _ .