The Wingham Advance, 1913-08-14, Page 1I , , - , - - -TI -1 "'; I . , , I - '. 1. 8- 1.11--1 . '. ,. ,i 1- , . . ... v
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41ST YF^ NO, 49, WING�HAM, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST. 1 4 , ],913. . 1 SUBSCRIPTION 1$i, o xo OURBailtOURN IN U, 0.
EDITORIAL PARAQRAPNS would to i dr canal. This Liberal
the arms are there a tl lifted into Results MQn'd nainy River. at 1 o'clock Boy Scouts, o- HighSchool Principal,
A„ who has '�� "'_..-_..,..., ,._ .
F g g .li}t110r Matr1Cl11atlOn ,
did not discourage the Liberal poli- the atmosphere by the gentlest zephyr! •
ticiaus who were boosting the project The germs being thus in the ,atmos. Tuesday There will be a special meeting t "Lilota
July 20.h, a very pretty wedding was night, Wednesday, at 8.30 p.m, for been engaged as principal of the Wing- 3.�
—What would the Laurier navy do along and year after year the Govern- phere, are inhaled, taken with the FIve oxndidates applied for Junior solemnized at the home of Mr. and those Scouts taking part in tUe three ham High School, Is in town this week
if it met the enemy.? If it was manned meat continued throwing hundreds of breath, into the lungs, and thus in, Matriculation certificates and three , Mrs. W. H. Green, Rainy River, Ont„ days camp, to make final arrange- getting settled before the reopening. »
by the blockers it would probably thousands of dollars into this ditch, fection results by inhalation, Or the obtained complete Junior Matricula- when their daughter, Margaret Eliza.- menta,—R, E. N. Barron, W. S, M. Mr, Ricker is an honor graduate of Perfume
show the white plume. The Conservative party in Opposition flies, lighting down upon such expec. tion and two partial Junior Matrlcula- beth, was married to Mr, Arthur J. Queens and has had over ten years
. * * * vigorously condemned the Liberal torations, will bear the germs and tion. Bullock of Rainy River, son of Mr, Hon. R. L. Borden, Premier o teaching experience, in Public, Con- I I
—Who not invite the visiting gee• Government in connection with the deposit them upon our food, and in Partial Matriculation•—Effie Bower, and Mrs. Frederick J, Bullock of Canada, will officially open the Cana- nuation and High Schools. For three
logists to engage in a stud of the Aylesworth Ditch expenditure. When partaking of that food we are actually 'tarle Johns, Eva Linklaler. g g Y than National Exhibition on Monday, r p
I gY Cambridge, England. The ceremon , y ars lie was science in Guelph. This is anew perfume of aur-
roeks upon which the Liberal party the Conservative Government took carrying the germs into the stomach, Partial Matriculation—Olive Currie, was performed by the Rev. W. C- August 25th. We welcome Mr, and Mrs. Ricker and passing delicacy and lingering
seems to be bumping. office the useless and wasteful expen- and hence infection by ingestion. Gordon Rintoul, P g Y g g
p• g• Rowan, assisted by the Rev. Jos, family to town and feel confident that „
f * * * diture of public money on the ditch In case of a sore, a cut or a bruise on Will Haines applied for partta Lefthouse. To the strains of Lobe.n- _ the Wingham High School will con- fragrance. "Lilota Perfume
—Mr. W. H. Taft has come to Alue, was slopped, Now the mttchinery any part of the body, the germ there Junior Matriculation standing and grin's Bridal Chorus played by Miss S "`� """"""'"" ell tinue to prosper under his guidance.
,has been taken away and little remains entering may find the hlpod and then was successful. i T is a harmony of odors and will
ray Bay, whereas, c the Laurier Ethel Robertson, the bathe entered Personate 2 appeal irresistibly to all women
' Government. had succeeded, Murray to commemorate the folly of the Lib- by circulation of the blood it may find Six candidates wrote on fewer than the room leaning upon the arm of ,,,,,5 PP Y
era] ditch -diggers except a hole in the any part of the body, and infection eight papers to complete their matri
Bay would have gone tow. H, Taft, her father. She was beautifully at- Salem. of culture and refinement.
ground, therefrom resulting, we have infection eulation or to secure partial matricu- tired entrain of cream Loutsine silk R. H. Lloyd is camping at Kincar- Fortune and eon Robert
Do you get ]t? Y P g Mrs. J. P,
* * * by innoculating. In these three dif• lation, The standing of these was draped with overlace worked with dine. are vipiting Mrs. Fortune's sister, Mrs.
—The Burden Government is build- ferent ways it may be seen the disease not given in the published lists and French knots and we're a bridal veil Mies Ella Corn n is visiting in Will Mines, j -
CONSUMPTION is communicable. will not be known until the certifi- and orange blossoms and carried a Hatnilton. Y g IntroductoryOffer
ing interior terminal elevators. This g Master Graham Wray returned
business of keeping remises while „ The curability of tuberculosis being cater are received. bouquet of white bridal rosea and Mr. M. H. Vanw ek is holidaying in home after spending a week's holidays
P g P The Worst Of All The Ills That Flesh accepted as a fact by our people gen. Honour Matriculation — John V, fern. The bride was attended by Miss Orangeville. Y y g with Bluevale friends, elections are a long way off is enough „— Jennie Williams of Winnipeg who g A pure Irish Linen
to deprive the Government . of the Is' Heir To lis Curability And et ally, and faithfully persistent effort Dickson, L+ oglir h (Cease II), Mattie• was becomingly dressed in pale blue Miss Nellie Bennett is visiting in Mrs. Jae. A. Wray of Turnberry
✓ ' Its Cotnmunicabilit along that line by sanatorial treatment m%tice (Olass ' I) Physics (Olass * III).• silk and carried a bouquet of ink Kincardine. spent a day last week at the home of Handkerchief r
respect of their predecessors. Y• q P Me, J. Smith Bluevale. A Chatelaine sam- - FREE
.. and home treatment, and the tom- Chemistry (Claes Il), roses and fern. The groom was sup- .
* * " ported b Mr. Hater Green, brother Mise E. E. Griffin is holidaying at
municability of tuberculosis becoming Lillian A. Bose, Latin (Class III P Y Y Port Stanley, lYlre. C. Wiggins of Toronto is = pee of Lilota Per-
' —The defeat of reciprocity is bring- On Sunday last a most instructive a fact in the public mind, and due care Biology (Claes IiI). of the bride. The grooms gift to the spending a few weeks with her brother' `
Ing millions of United States Capital bride was an engraved gold watch Mr, J. D. Campbell, B. A., is in To- Mr, Jae, Wray of Turnberi fume 1,
P and fluent address was delivered in being exercised, and due precautions _ __ _ fob; to the bridesmaid and pianist ronto this week, Y y' I
to Canada for the employment of the Town Hall by Mr. J. B. Wass,in taken to prevent transmission of the gold brooches and to the best man a Mies Sadi Davidson of Wingham
Canadian workmen. And to think • disease Divine Service. Air. John Ritchie was in Kincardine spent the week end at the borne of . For a short' time to introduce
fie!d seers ary and Lecturer of the great thins will be ac- tie pin. After the ceremony a dainty
that the Laurier Government went to National Sanitarium Association. As g Court Bel rave No. 48, Canadian lunch was partaken of bq a number over Sunday, Mr. Jas'. A. Wray of Turnberry.
compliehed in the not very distant g ; our Lilota Perfume, we will
the country on a policy of keeping the we had no reporter there Mr. Watson, Order of Foresters will meet for Divine of intimate friends and relatives after Mr. John Short of Auburn visited Mr. and Mrs. Jae. McKersie of To- .
P future, and many more precious lives service in Bel grave Presbyterian which the happy couple left on the in town last week, ronto called on the former's brother give the above articles free to
l money out of Canada- �' who is giving his life to the work of i, Y -
, g g will be saved that are now being ]net Church next Sunday afternoon at 2 30. afternoon train for Winnipeg far a Mr. Roy McKersie last week, I •
� * * * preventing the read of the white the bride being attired in a Miss Annie Lloyd is visiting at Bob- Y ever customer purchasing P g P to the world, The brethern are refused to meet in few days, g y p g
—Who would have reciprocity now plague; has kindly consented to give the -lodge room at 2 Visiting brethren navy blue travelling suit and white caygeon and Toronto. Mrs. Ezra Dlerkley of Wingham
visited herMr.
with Winnie wheat rices fifteen us articles for the next five or six welcome, hat. VIr, Vernon Scott paid a business parents recently.
and Mrs. Thea, ounce of Perfume, 'any odor
Winnipeg P trip to town this week, Bolt for a few days recently, you wish.
cents higher than Minneapolis, accord- weeks on different phases of ibis tub- WHY BUY AT HOME? High School Board Meets. _4._.__ _ '_.—__•.__�--.- • —_ � y
`, ing to the latest market figures, j,ct. The first is as follows:— ,�,�,�, Misses Annie and Florence Barber Mr. John Hartley is back again for
A regular meeting of the High b are visiting in Lucknow. the remainder of the holidays. He
* * * About one in six of the deaths oc- I bu at home— Cburcb °� lows has been teaching at Sharbot Lake, We carry 24 different odors at
Y School Board was .held on Monday �J/ i9�� V►' Mr. and Mr;. Alva Walker were in
—With a bumper crop in the West curing throughout the civilized world Because my interests are here. evening, Aug. 11th, with the following Seaforth for the week -end, Mise Margaret Anderson a former prices -50c, 75c and $1.00 per
in sight and every facility arranged results from the above named fell Because the commuuity that is good members resent—F. Buchanan, W. J. teacher in the Union School renewed ounce.
b the overnment to move it the P Mr. Lawson Bisbee is spending his old acquaintances around here lately.
y g disease. It will be re•assunitng to our enough for me to live in ie good Howson, W. F. Vanstone, R. Vanstone Rev. J. W. Hibbert left on Monday vacation at Muskoka Lakes.
Liberal calamity howlers are having raaders to learn that in our country enough for me to buy in, and D. Holmen. The new tint' al for a three weeks' holida His work Mr. and Mrs. Bush attended the
principal, y Mr. Clare Adams, Toronto. was in funeral of Mr. Green of Oulross, an old
� I a hard row to hoe. the records do not show a state of Because I believe in transacting Mr. Ricker, was present for the first will betaken by Mr. Irwin of Clinton town for a few days last week. neighbor, before they came to these s
r * * * things here so bad as that, and more business with my friends, time,a'Accounts were passed and the next Sunday. Mies Jeanette Brock left on Tuesday parts. If McKibben
—The big western crop will be a re -assuring still, to learn that already Because I want to see the goods I inspector's report . was before the The services in St. Paul's Church to visit in Exeter and Centralia. Mrs. Strong of Fordwicb, her son
deep disappointment to some Liberal in this Province of Ontario, great im- am buying. board and matters contained in it were ably conducted by Mr. A. E. Miss A. Garrett spent a few days Robert of Toronto and Mr. and Mise ,
politicians who apparently were pray- pvovement has shown itself in a great- Because I want to get What I buy were referred to the different commit- DuPlan and large congregations were this week with Belgrave friendei - - Strong of the West called on the DRU001ST & OPTICIAN
ing for hard times because it would ly decreased death rate from tuber- when I pay for it. tees. resent both morning and evening. Mrs. A. Mitchell and Miss A nEa Michaelformer'daughter, Mrs. Robert Mc -
give their stock a boost. This is color's. In the year 1399, in this pro- Because my home dealer "carries'' P g g' g Michael last week,
(i• H. Moons in Montreal. Mr. DuPlan is a young man of great are visiting friends at Glenannan.r
artisanbhi, with a vengeance. vince of Ontario alone there were me when I run short of cash. Y 113r. and Mrs. B. Richie of guests
Mrs. ` f16.TG,X�O-Mw�tOl4f:
p p g promise and will conduct the services Mr. Frapk J. Mooney of Hespeler is accompanied by their .guests 'Mrs, 1.1111. "•^.' _
3405 deaths from tuberculosis. Ten Because some part of every dollar I Geo. H. Mooney was in Montreal on n-xt Sunday. Mr. A. E. DuPlan is a visiting his mother for a few weeks, Hays of Orella and Mr, and Mrs. W.
—Canada's, total *trade this year is full years thereafter in the year 1010 spend at home stays at home and Thursday and attended a Luncheon on brother of Mr. C. F. DuPlan, who was Mr, A. H. Wilford was in Blyth Griffin. of North Bay, motored to the Eyesight tested free and glasses sups
Y L'ad at reasonable rices,
ten per cent. in excess of last, year, there were only •2237, showing a re- helps work for the welfare of the the new Cunard liner. "The Andania.' in charge of St. Paul's during the past and Lucknow on Sunday afternoon. bome of their cousins Mrtr. W. Mines P P
duction in the annual death rate of town and county. Mr. Reford, of London England, pre- last week. Mr. Griffin is Superinten•
which does not look as if the country - y g three months. At the evening service Mrs, E. Bloomfield, who moved to dent of T. and N. O. Railway.
is going to the eternal bow -wows as 1118. When account is taken of the Because the home man I buy from sided. Three hundred guests partook Mrs. J. C. Smith, who is about to Clinton recently, is visiting in town. •
. some Liberal organs would like to considerable increase of population stands back of the goods, thus always of the bountiful spread, and a large sever her connection with St, Paul's Mrs. J. McCreight of Berlin is visit- Belmore.
j , have us believe, during the -same ten years, that giving value received. majority of' those present were from choir, sang very beautifully "The ing her sister, Mrs. Rich. Anderson. nIivs Jane Edwards of Gorrie visited '
* * amounts to a reduction of .forty per Because I sell what I produce to my Montreal and Quebec. On the floating ninety and nine." Mr. N. Evans, manager Dominion in Belmore last week, X... '
I —The navywill cost the British cent„ which means that only sixty home people, be it labor or goods, palace 400 persons are employed. In Bank, spent the week -end in Toronto.
At a meeting o£ the congregations Mrs. (Rev. )Rogers of St. Thomas is �
. people this year $230,000,000. There is people are today dying from tuber- Because the man I buy from pays moving the vote of thanks on behalf of of Belgrave and Calvin held Monday Miss B. E. Anderson spent the week visiting with her mother Mrs, Lowry.
after -noon in Calvin Presbyterian
nothing mythical about such an oulosis annually, where only ten short his share of the town and county those from Ontario, Mr, Mooney spoke end with Miss Brewster of Brantford.
Mrs. C. L, Longman of Windsor is
emergency et Canada, thanks to. Years go there were a hundred deaths taxes. on Immigration to Ontario,—(Ripley Mr. and Mrs. A. Leslie of Toronto
g y and q aaChurch aunaminous call was extended visiting with her parents at the brick
from the same cause. Because the man I buy from helps Es ress, are visitor at A. E. Lloyd's this week,
,, � the partisan set}ate, does nothing to Y P P • to the Rev. 0. M. Boyle of Kemble Y yard.
relieve either the British tax A er or Tsvo unpleasant thoughts are as- support our poor and needy, out' bit, Ales. Sim son, B. A., Brandon,
P y Died In Ashfield. Ont, accompanied by $1000 salary, P Mr. Wm. Elliott of the boundary
to help the Empire. sociated with that word consumption schools, our churches, our lodges manse and 1 month's vacation, visited with Principal Campbell last brickyatd has purchased a new F, r.l ..) •
—the first of these ie incurability. and our homes, there passed away at her home in geek. automobile. ,
1t * tt Asbfield on Thursday,
Front time immemorable little' or no o g. , l her Mies Elva Dodd is holidaying in Mr, and Mrs. Jas. McEwen of God•
—Thu Borden Government has set ".�
hope was entertained for the life of a 31�t year, Jane Johnston, beloved Detroit, �Vallaceburg and other erich were calling on friends in and
r about solving Western problems in P , FIELD CROP COMPETITION. wife of the late Alexander Hacker't, � � places, village.
` a practical spanner. Jt has done more young man or woman afflscted with s't( local
11te ns around the
�.: • '�° on the Hudson Lis Railway than the consumption. Tse second is heredity, --- The funeral took place on Saturday ,ifs l A L Mrs. J. 0. Smith spent a few days in itgias Ruby Te -sky left on Tuesday ,
q Y J St. Thomas the guest of Mrs. J. A. for a two weeks' visit with her brother
�+',rr ages set that unpleasant thought Mr. P. O. Vansickle of Albertan, to Greenhill Cemetry, Lucknow. The ,
Liberals in fifteen years and now it is g past, all bearers being six nephews of the Taylor. David at Hamilton. A
energetically endeavoring to solve the was expressed in the words "con- the Judge appointed by the Depart- P g P Mr. Robert Wray is, we regret to miss Hoard of Toronto;is spending Me Albert and Miss Nellie Walters \, •_ -
Qumption tune in the family," It meat of Agriculture in the Standing deceased. She leaves to mourn the loss report ill at present and his many `t -
transportation and grain problem, of alovin mother Mra. Chas. Barber her vacation with her friend, Miss B. .of Whitechurch visited at the Brick- :.-ti._
would be well therefore to drop that Field Crop Competition of the Turn- g + + friends hope for a speedy recovery. Stapleton. • No time is being lost in carrying out r. P yard on Sunday last.
old word coneum tion from our voca- berry A rirultural Society was here R rngbam, Mrs. Wm, McNall and two
the clic of interior terminal ala- P Y g Y hers. Fred Tiplady who has been iu principal Smith r,f the High School I;,av, A. R. GidaOn left on Monday Shoe Clearance
policy sons, Joseph and John of AAfie'd.
vetoes, btflary in so far as it refers to disease last week and did his work. The the Wingham hospital to improving spent a Few days in Ingersoll and last for a month's vacation he will
* x and adopt in its place the word tuber- Competit i11n was in oats and prizes Her husband predeceased her tome ter ni rely and will soon be able to be out. Grand Bend, visit friends in Hamilton before going
Liberal newapapers, presurnably cttlotis� which better describes tl a were aw ..ded as foll we :— years ago. , Was Agnes Walker left on Thure- to Muskoka. Sale
At the meeting of the Epworth g
voicing the views of Libei4l leaders, disease, and think of it, not a thirg let, P't.11,k Henry, Kinloss, 891 points. day last for Toronto where she has Mr. Jno. Wesley and Mies HazPl
are vi orous 1 opposing the corrin Wingharn Wing. League on Monday evening last, iYIi.s accepted a position. Jackson of Clinton, called on friends
g Y FP g g incurable, but as a thing, like many 2nd, J W. Fortune, Turnberry, 89 The Goderich lacrosse team came X. L. Brock gave a splendid address on the 2nd Culross also on the bound -
Investigation by the Government of other diseases, curable if taken in P ints: g on—"The rel' cone of Ja an," Rev. E. H. Croly and family are
the rise in ocean freight rates, That's time; think of it too, not as a thing $' ' Itich Milton, Turnbery, 83 pointe. over to Wingbam last �'� ednesday g P spending a couple of weeks at the lake- ary on Saturday last.
the Liberal way of protecting the inherited but as a thin communi- 1 � afternoon to play a league game. A half-price slaughter sale begins side at Grand Bend. The football game played on Wed- Down They Go---
(; 1 H. T. Pardue East Wawanoeb, ,
individual against the so-called "big cable, that one may communicate to 83. elute. The game was called at 4 o'clock and on Saturday at the stars pf John Mr. Colin Campbell of Wellesley has nesdAy evening between Belmore and
Y P a good crowd of spectators were in at- y
interests." another, indeed, that one may tract, g Kerr .tt Sou by the Northern Broker- returned home after a ten da a visit Carrick
Belmore tin Balmoretnext Tues- Out They Must O
* * * Y . 5 h, Peter Leaver, E Est Wawanot,h, tendance. In first quarter Goderich w}th relatives in town. P Y
mit to the many. 8$ Pointe. e•cored three goals, but in the second age Co. See advertisment on page 6, day, ,
—Now that the British taxpayer P quarter Wingham came bark and Miss Ada Haines of town is the suc- blaster Pringle Glendenning of Wal- All that's left Of Cllr Spring
Reverting to the matter of torah' y, q,h, Abram Proctor, Mortis, 31# point laceburg is bolidaying at the home of
has been called upon to htietle for- flayed the Goderich twelve 0(f their ' and r�Umlller S1oC1� will be
it may be said that fife average cis'�,en 7th, Samuel Burchill, li;aot Wawanoshs cassfulapplicantasteagherfor Holmes his Uncle, W. D. Pringle. ,
ward with't4ree more ships in place fret, scoring six goal
to Goderich'S Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers, t
of the axles the Jeiherala of (faun fja jnl�,hie cpyntry yet lierriats in brjj vjag 70 pointe, one, the score at the finish standingSchool, TurniSerry, fur the next term. Sold at 1'1CeS OU can't ignore
blr. and Mrs. D. Canary aro visiting P � �
refµsed to give, sal Liber:lla are ask- tgberculgr d}setxse a thing incurable. The position of other competitors is 0—`I' is favor of Wingham. The con. Mies Haines had been teaching at Rip- at his parents in Hamilton for the Gat Parnel'a Bread at Christie'a. and that will i0."Ce 90U t0
d I_Te can point to Many among his test was a good end both
of Canada a ley. Centennial. during this week. LOST.—A tie pin. A large, green -
jug as to the whereabouts of the As follows t— National game and both teams played buy.
f .lends and ar ua.iotancas who have A set of porcelain pieces represent- Miss Laura Davidson has returned ish white cat's eye set in a gold band,
emergency. The British taxpayer F a b, W, A. Taylor, West Wawanoth, clean lacrosse. Wingham team car- P P P to
hien thus tlffiicted and who are row tainly deservea credit for the excel• ng a wedding procession is, by per- home after spending a month with $1 V ward
to nto the Ren ace men's) WOI11entS M1SSe3r
has the answer. 75t points. Orangeville and Alton friends, g r r r
y * y dead. He concludes that thole oho lent showing they made. We wish mission of the Kaiser, being broueh Office. r t
—Eft ,its are being ulLda to recruit engage in a warcfare against such 0 h, J. F. Davidson, East Wawancah, them continued tuceeris. $09S ells Children's FOot- •
74 points. f••rm Germany for the Canadian rm and Mrs. Leslie of Toronto,
formerly o£ bet. Foceat, called on Mr. `'t'.�vml:n.—Girls to learn knitting WEal' OF any and all sorts
the Roypl Northwest Mounted Police disease have no chance of ever be'ug 1J.h,J;r*. 13anderson, Norris, 00 points Aged Resident Passes Away. National Exhibition, and Mrs. F. Buchanan this week, and looping. Will pay hive Dollars a
IV"in En line, `tVh n� t base effete' on the winning side. Quite the con- t The Royal Scarlet Chapter will hold week while learning, steady employ- must go. We want the x00111
K Y Agairi it is 1 ur sad duty to record Y �p MsgorVanstone, Manager Campbell meat, pleasant situation, fare ad -
r ome of the posit ions to the Canadians teary however is the real conditior. • the death of one of our oldest and its re ular meetin on Thursda even- and we want the alone . W6
who, accordi-g to the L•tusi-r op- Gradually the result of pati-nt, per- R g Y and ill H. n To T to this
motored to tinged, Apply now. Clinton Knit -
Worse than Editors. most esteemed re�identa; 111rs. bla • ing, August 14th, in the L 0. L. Hall H emilton and Toronto this week, ting Co., Clinton, Oat, don't want the Shoes.
osithn are waitingarou•id to man a severing work along curative and garet Bell, who on Tuebday morning at 8 o'clock. Business of importance Mr. Harvey Linklater has returned
Y bit. J. Race rano tuner, will he in
A .• ' elucational lines is to be seen in the peacefully raveled the bourne from will come before the meeting. to Toronto after a face days' visit with town at an ear -IV date. All requiring Now is the time to Shoe the
Canacia,n navy: An editor is supposed to beihe most which no traveller rt turns. A short g• 9 q g
* * * figures quoted above. L•ioking again pP his .areata, Mr. and Mrs, John Link-
-What abint the educational cam- at the 40% reduction in the annual criticised man on earth, but a parson time ago Mrs Bell suffered from a . _ __ :.: _ .__ P anyth]ngin this line are raquet,ted to
paralytic stroke and has since been BIRT3S tater, leave their order at Bell's Music store. Family. Come at once.
paign that was to be conducted by the deathrate, which has been accomplish- has just been putting in a word for gradually sinking. The deceased was 1Valter Haines, of the Dominion Good workmanship is guaranteed.
Liberal blockers all over Canada sur- ed within ten years, which it will be clergymen, claiming that they are the in her seveptyfifth year and was Angu4-1a Wingbam, August Otb, Bank staff, Saaforth, spent Wedues• O•.k Dining table, quarter out oak
ing file summer? Seems as if the seen means 4% per annum, we m ty most miserable of the sons of men, I;;e horp in the town ship of lliddulph. to Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Angur, a day in town, being Saaforth s Civic Buffer, dark red Tapestry Curtains,
Liberal leader's time is sufficiently feel free to fig ra out that four per says: Two brothers. 4uhn Parr and James son, holiday. Sto.irand Hall Oarpet.and afew other
' " .'Ire pregeher has a Hard time, if PArr, silrvive her. One daughter, Mr,. Mrs, Juhn Hewer and children who t.bingr. Apply to Mr. J. C. Smith, Greer
a occupied in educating the angry sup• Gent, pera'inum for fifteen more years ,John Kerr, Sault 5t Matr(', and six
porters in Montreal and Toronto up Lgould vt}pe out the remaint}}J sixty h}s hair is gray, he is old, if he is a eons David, Marshall, and Albert of Bluevale, halve been for the past few weeks with Frances St, W. J.
young man, he hasn't had experience, •Wingham, Walter of Toronto, W. S relatives at Tilsonburg, returned home Foii,"r ALV, —Quick—bargain—No. 0-
' tgthe point where they will be willing p.r cent. and the whole dreaditx, of Spokane and R. J. of Farmington. The Women's Missionary meeting yesterday. 18 Grown Huron range. Also one THF., SHOE MAN
to stay in the party. @eourge would then be % thing to be If he has ten children, be has too many, W � bington; mourn the loss of a kind will he held in Bluevale on Aug. Nth, bedroom suite. Apply Mrs. Shurtleff,
If he has none, be should have, and at 2 30 in. Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Kenseler and 3 PP Y
learned only`" in history. A conium• + and affectionate mother.,. She was P' children of Walkerton spent Sunday Diagonal fleas,
—`the last bag been heard of the ma'ion devoutly to be wished. How- isn t setting a good example. If his truly one of natures noble women and East Wa'Wanosh. with Mr, and Mrs, Jae. Stt4pleton, LOST --Collie pup with white feet A Sher.—A lot of 100 -gallon casks,
notorious Nev mi.rket Canal, better ever, it would hardly do to hope for i o wife sings in the choir, she is presum. beloved by all who knew her. The Turnberry, and dark brown rings around its eyes maple and oak, at $1.00 each for sale
known as the A leswor•th Ditch. This much in so short a time, but it may be tog' If she doesn't, she isn't inters,ted funeranoon at 2 o'clotakes ck and the lace cn Friday
idayreaft v -ill Mrs. J. Cole Is recovering nicely, Me, and Mrs. Sat. Davenport and and neck, Reward offered, Apply at at Pritigle's Glove fit Leather Works,
Y in her hubbanda work. If a presebtr Jti.�. McGill who has been ill is now two ohildren of $raniford are visiting the Advance Office,
rentarkable work constituted what staid that many of those who have be conducted by Rev, J. W. Hibbert, ; SATtrRDAY CLOSING.—On
roads from notes, hA is a bore, If he pastor of the Methodist Church, to improving. at the Horne s. here. Dtavenport a Esther Having disposed of our store bus'•
. was technically described As the Hol- given careful thought to the matter P Wm, Holmes. after May 1st, we close our works at
speaks extemporaneously, he isn't deep which the d( ceased belonged. The Mr. Thos. Williams,. London, visited n May
all Accounts gouty, 1013 between 12 o'clock. Parties having hides or
land River section of the Trent Canal, are confidently looking forward to a familyhave the sincerest sympathy of t
the town of New- da not a quarter of a centum hence enough, If he stays at hams in his the community in their hur tal. tits parents oyer Synd'ay. Nlhasera art. J'argUson and irin Milton May 21 h And Aug, t he o will d. sheep skins to sell will bear this in
It was to connect Y Y f ,] Graham spent Sunday !u If~ino•r,rdtne, payable t0 Jno, Kerr at the old stand, mind, We pay highest cash price far
market with the Trent System, via when the oases of tuberculosis will be etody, he does not mix enough with 111 r. IJlavid Mr(Jill 0f I�iatail visited i Mrs, Ferguson is spending a couple of Kindly gall as soon as possible. JNo, hides, sheep skins and tallow.—W. D.
the Holland Rive-, The Canal was as few acid as far l.etwe(n as ate the the•people, If he is seen around on Miss Aileen Fleron's S, gess. bis home beep jlast iyeek. weeks at the lake seder Iix�ittb .� Spy, Pringle. .
but a ' aka although cases of smallpox or leprosy. The the streets, he aught to be at home 'The fcjiowing }s take}' fi•ory t €1 rs if ardy of Clinton spent a week Mr. Will, Britton of Grand Valle �%%ANTcri--•G00d General Servant,
Hover anything ] g ellen u a cod sermon. If he calla 1f y Y C1 DiLrrLILY G:�rtI:TnTtING. —I am pec-
joke for the tax a - h r e is that such average citizen will getting P g Igema Advocate, and t e go�yng lay wit her stater, ) rs. W, Nether , ic, was in town last week, Mr, IIs itton Apply to eters. R,rbt. Beattie, pared to care for cemetery Iota at $1.00
a very expensive J P Y P on some very poor family, he is playin , nt 1 iced is a niece of 11 is, T hoe. b C•
era of Canada, There was never the items a Convert to the belief in cur- Arra. P, ij0htnaoza 0f tendon ie visit• to successfully conducting a f irnisetre WeNTI D ___Two young ladies to per seaeen. Orders left with Town
r o the gallery, if he calla at the home 'can and I'yf rs, T. I�rumniend �nc� t4 ing at lir. Wtarl. lobineon'a on the and undertaking business In that learn telephone operating. Apply at Clerk receive prompt. attention. R.
slightest excuse for undertaking the ability, and that he will consequently �Ichool,.
rmer pypil' 0f ' Winghacp iligtl
o the rich, he is an aristocrat. TI'hAt•ti h p0y, towel. Tcleph0ne Office. Doyen, Phone 32 on 017,
war aa a business proposition, mor a another to �0in in the campeiign sari py.or he does some one could have fol —tat •1 eon '(recta PssA nnr, has Mr, and Mrs. ,Jas, Kelley' left for Mr, and Mrs. Welter Il. Green, A quantity of 31 H 0. n.nd 4 t B.O. C. It. Wilkinson Eyesight S gia-
was there anything to ustif y }t from well star 1, and making such magni• PY I • lkl.lsa Ariloe � t h 1 i 4 ,
1m 4ow tQ do better, lie has a ane Koen In chargo of a snitlll school bix}Ce their home In Toronto after visiting Rainv River, will arrive in %Vinghani sLingles has arrived. Sold at lowest list, Edward St., Winha, is curing
t a engineering standpoint. The real cent progress, and promising sut y rices. J. A. McLean,
,q P $ K time flying oft. donatlans which never .Jgvegiber last. 4t, the recent entrance friends herr, on many
of th's week and see P diftlault cases of defective vision after'
. o{i eet was to spend money In what rand results, e�tEg]jg4tlono, four of her pupils wrote Miss L, R0b{nson hao returned to tnsmy friends will be pleased to see Ilnntii�o()U I�'ait SAL -K -°--One hard• ()there have failed, I recognize that
t en a cher 1 c0nttituenCy, re- efetriri agalp to its cotMq}ynt 14. fsoi}le to, tend promises that never ma- and all awed, two ()f them with the
h 1✓ tt S g C'Vinftham after spending a week with esti cordo goad body wand, near Prtn• my success can only be attained
repented b a filinister ()f the L•ttirlerr bilIty, It may be said Haat tubercular, tures, Next to being an editor, it is the honors, while one of them headed the Mtes M. Nethery, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Grcrr are.lp Thr- gls?s t+angary. lir ice rcasopable. All through your satisfaction. Difficult
P t. This object was attain• disease cannot exist iu the absence] of moat avcful life, district of Algoma, ineluaing the Sault onto and Yesterday atteptdrd 1110 Wed- kindo of goal in stock and arriving cases and children a speciality. Sufr-
Governmen j - and Steelton, This pupil, Mlas Jane ,Miasee Elia Lindsay, Windsor. 16 ding' of the ornAekta brcxthor► Mr. eJ>s• weekly.—Ii, J, C`ANTI,LON, fererp attended at their own home if
ed. Much money was spent, but go the gerin, the tuberclebaeillus. By - Elliolt, h;id 530 marks to her credit, and visiting at the homy aP her uncia Mr. eph Greer, �agtpger of the Hank of deaired, All advice free and satisfae-
great was the popular outcry against the transmission tf that germ the Business Change, �. her sister l+)lbie came next with 480. John Williams of East Wawanosh, Hatlq'Iron GI tditonel, Tl0 , to Altee _ . . tion guaranteed.
the continuance of iht* folly that the dtpease ie transmitted, and not other W 11,Gleirne lovrb manttfao• Tho two
o M 418 endo *. rath silt 1 d Mrs. 4. T. IIIAck of nolssevain, Malt.. Kathleen � Aylor 0 orant (r, "+ '"�'' J � � , . . Lowe.—On I+"ridgy at G. T. l� Station,
Y g p onor n ip sx�enel nq 'the"' ngt>Gymer with b r afro, J. IVC Ii~ennedy and daughter �, few words about Queen Qa(rlity a gold, heart shaped loeket. Name in -
Liberal Govet:nment was forced to wise. by i;art~letrs coughing (.f tee t ter, lilts urrhase(Cthe blacksmith These results at mu;hsh 1.SS
i } siatarr �trp: 'i�. I3anrlett ttud Mrs. I '1+helmet, of Tiilrn Creek, Alan , left fc r
move slowly, The Attempts of Liberal consumptive, the germs arts thrown ah0 of Mr. Samuel Young whom we Mies Fleron, the moread Ap hip was Coo Shoos, aid(,. $'user Igase leavti at Advanc(Y
p p g P g I'
Ministers t0 justify the work were into the atmosphere. The of regret is to pear health, We wi 1 be her first Px erienese a!t a tgtc pr. Ire- k their home on TuAeday after t pettciing otlLoe,
tv'aoh di appalnte� if 'i 0 (Lei pot goon sector Jlrp�n wa�'hlghlyy pler,*eel and Miaees Alice Tipla'ly and nthe,l a few weeks with they fortyft'd m°ether Itetrtl our Ad, err Ietet page,
It davel0p?d that even i itis oeut+wmptiv'e is carefully pxpector• fill �itr e ed to an4l0unoe she erect inic' �q'onpd late copgratulattuns 'to A16a 01handler are apanding illeir holidays Mri. Trdaoy. They ware arc impanit'd t , WANTIM--•Girl to learn t +PA -setting
' the canal ''vas completed thard wotal4 ate rl ort tine lawn or the ald*•walk, the ggy� , factory ort `thea site by Mr. �iIrron ao soon oA the result* were at Mr. and Mrs. P. Mayon p, Ii:aat CVtt• ktl► ltlieo Maude P`rruty who vt iii spxr�r.•nd CO. ori experienced cell. Apply at Ad-
be no way of getting water iittO tt. It I arattretas theraof soon parvo away, the War e i kt►olfn, ivanoela. a taouth In hl,cp, Creek Wl dl 'Witsnipeg. - tM..,,, vaxe(rd alum
L__ - .. . .... --ill, .t&'7.- —1., . .....r _. -- - - -