HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-08-07, Page 8Suitings For j Our complete range of Sample Cloths for Fall and Winter are here. The range is the choice of the product of the great Woollen— Mills of England and Scot- land. We do not hesitate in stating that it is the largest and best range shown by any tailor- ing concern in Can- ada. Try a 20th Century Suit this Fall. Made to your. measure and made to fit. Choose your cloth now and leave your measure. Satisfaction guaranteed. The Clothier MacDonald Block. Opp. Bank of Commerce. SPECIAL THE WING'II:AN ADVANCE CASTORIAGo //;; ss rrie. the excursion to Kincardine and all Belgrave. For Infants and Children, Mr, and Mrs. Ir. L. Moren of London had a good time; some looked happy, Mr. Faskin visited At Port Dover The Kind You Have Always Bought are home for their vacation, Miss Maggie Rintoul and her brother Johnnie are spending last week, Mr, Lambert Stinson spent Saturday a few weeks We are glad to report the sick of the Bears the and Sunday with friends in Toronto, among their friends around Wingham village doing nicely. " and Bluevale. Signature of Mr. and Mrs,' Schofield of Detroit The Misses Coad of Saskatoon are are visiting the latter's,sister, Mr, and The Women's Association held a visiting at Dr, Stewart P. Mrs, A. Vanstone. a picnic on the 10th concession in the The dry weather is telling on the Howick Eoundar y Mr. William Smith,of Fordwich has grove along the river bank. They had a large crowd wells and some are going dry, Miss A. Gallaher of Salem called on charge of the Gorrie Bank, and Mr, and a good time apending a while dancing on the green Jae. Ferguson, son of Andrew Fer- friends on the B line on Tuesday lasr, Tait is in Fordwicb, and on the bridge, along with other guson, is home for his holidays. Mr. 0, Doubledee of Harriston spent last Sunday with his uncle, Mr, Geo, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, gooey of Toron+ amusements. Mrs. Coad of Trowbridge is visiting Dou . to are visiting with the former's sister Salem. daughter, Mrs.. Dir. Stewart. Miss Finleyer ss Fi nley of Howick hnt Sun- Mr. and Mrs, Jae, Sherar. Rev, Austin Budge of Creemore is day last at the borne of Mr. and Mrs, Mies Maud shilling is spending her Mrs. Robert Mef aughlan of Wrox- visiting his father, Peter Budge. A. Roap, Turnberry, vacation in Toronto and. is expected to eter called on friends around here last Mrs. Haslam of Wingham called on Mr. and Mrs, R. Metcalf have the return home this week, week' old friends in the village last week, sincere sympathy of this comtnunity in the death of their little baby boy, Mr. John Evans is having•his house Mr, Wtn, McKersie of Gorrie visited The hum of the binder is heard on which sad event took place on Tues- painted, The house occupied by Mr, his son, Roy, a few days this week. all sides and the oat# will soon be out. da.y last. Beemer is also receiving a coat of John J. Weir of the Royal Bank, Hiss C, B. Spell of Jamdhtown ia,vie- paint. Clinton, is spending his vacation with iting at John Watson's of Belgrave, his mother, Mrs. Wm. Weir, this week, Miss Lizzle Greer and Miss Taylor of Toronto were visitors for a couple of Mrs, Joe. Higgins, her, daughter Mrs. Horner and daughter of Detroit days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Miss Maud Higgins, and Miss Craw- aro visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Holmes and Miss Perkins, ford of Michigan, visited the former's Daley, and other friends, MAIL CONTRACT. daughter, Mrs, Wm. Gallaher, .near Mr. Dan Holladay is home from the Mrs, W. J. Greer of Wingham spent Gorrie, last Suaday. West to see his f ttber, who is not im. SEALED TENDER% addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ot- Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Holmes, A number from here attended the proving as quickly as we would wish. tawa until Noon, on Priday, the 12th day of Septenibsr, 1913, for the conveyance of His Ma* st►'s Mails, might with the young ladies to Wingham. Sacrament service at Belmore last Sunday morning, Mrs. Robertson of Hamiota Mao„ , on a proposed Contract for four years, six Limas per week, over Blyth is at the bedside of her father, Mr. (Past) Rural Route, from the +'ostmastor Rev, C. 0. $sine with Mrs, Keine A large be number from this neighbor- Halladay, who has been very ill with General'sieer n information to tirescondcontain- Eur's pleasure. and fancily are spending their vacation hood took in the excursion to Kinear* pneumonia. proposed Contract may be seen and blank of: Tender may be obtained at the Post at the old homestead on the banks of dine last Friday. Miss Eches Watson of Belgrave vis - g Office office of Blytb, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London, the Maitland river. Cranbrook. ited her friends Miss Tena Snell of G. 0. ANDERSON, Superintendent: Post. Office Department Mail Contract Branch Mr. H. V. Holmes mans er g of the Bank of Hamilton is in Wingham as D. Mt iarric made a trip to tLe Jamestown and Miss Mar garet Brown of Wroxeter last week' Ottawa, 1st Auausi,, 1913, manager of the Bank there, while Mr, burg last week, The Sunday School excursions were MAIL CONTRACT. Smith is tatting his holidays. Mr, and Mrs. Menary have taken a well patronized from here. Quite a Mrs, Barber of Toronto who has trip through western Canada, number went to Goderich on Wednes- SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster Goneral, will be received at Ot- been visiting friends in and around Mr, Leaver of Wingham is building da but the crowd chose Kincardine tawa until Noon, on Friday, the 12th dap of weptember 1913, for the conveyance of FII! town for the past few weeks, left on acement silo for J. P. McIntosh. on Friday when nearly two hundred Majesty's Wails, on a proposed Contract for Friday morning for an extended visit Mrs. Geo. Baker accompanied ber tickets were sold. four years,riefr) a times per rook, over BrussPostmls (MonariefYl Rural Route, from the Postmaster aster with a cousin in Harriston. mother Mrs. Nicholson to Logan to General's pleasure. Printed noticos contain- bug further information a� to conflitions of Mr. J. Garnet Armstrong of Luck- g visit friends. proposed Contract may be seen and blank forme of Tender may be obtained at the Post now made a business trip to town on The Stevenson Dred a assed g P Offices of Brussels and MoncriefP, and at the office of the Post Office inspector, Landon, Thursday and also spent a few hours with his parents Dr, and Mrs, Arm- through in sections on Friday evening going into Elma. CHRISTIFS Post Office I)o attment,, Mail Contract Blanch Ottawa. 1st Augusta 1913. strong. g• Rev. W. McCulloch is able to be up Mr. Grey of Toronto occupied the and around again and hopes soon to be p E R Y MAIL CONTRACT, pulpit in the Presbyterian Church on able to go to his summer cottage at Sunday afternoon, Mr. Grey is travel. Sauble Falls. PHONE lig SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be rec received at Ot- ling in the interest of the Construction , tawa until Noon, on Friday, the 12th day of lits, for the conveyance of His SeptemMajesty's Camps, blajoaty'a jVlails, out a proposed Contrast for four years, six times pot+ week, over Ethel The sacrament of the Lord's Supper Notice Of Closing HOL�RO®�� (North) Rural Route, from tho Postmaster was dispensed in the Methodist Cburch Gooeral's pleasnre. Printed notfe•s eont.iu- ing further Information as to conditions of on Sunday morning. The Official We, the undersigned Solicitors, of SPECIALTIES proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Quarterly Board met for business in the Town of Wingham. hereby n g y agree Offices of Ethel, Hen fryn and Brass+la, and at the basement of the Church on Mon. to close our offices during the months = the ofifco of the Post 0 c Inspector, London, '.'7. day afternoon. of July and August as follows :—On Malt Vinegar - Per bottle 13c G. ANDERSON, Superintendent. Post Office Department, Mail Contract Branch Ottawa, 1st &.ugust, 1913, Ethel. each week day, except Saturday, at 4 m., and on Saturday P• at 1 p.m, Aver superior Vinegar P for l Dudley Holmes a e.snit= able for table use. MAIL CONTRACT. Mr, and Mrs, E. Raynard Sundayed J. A. Morton R. Vanstone Herrin in Tomato g SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the General, will be received at Ot- in Bluevale. MurrayPostmaster and baby are on the 2 tins for 25cMrs. This ig a fresh shipment and p tawa until Noon, on Friday, the 12th da of y y September 1913, for the conveyance of His sick flet at present. Notice To Farmers. we believe there is no butter Majesty's 'Mails, on a proposed Contract for Mrs. John McDonald Sr. is not im- brand to be had. four years, six times per week, over Belgrave (Marnoch) Rural Route from the Postmaster General's pleasure. Printed notices contain-, proving very rapidly. OATS PEED Low GRADE ' •Y 1xEAT , Kippered Herring ing further information as to conditions of Mr. Alex, Cameron of Listowel called FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS. We have abun- (Large) per tin 18c proposed a neem may, be leen and blank forma of Tender maybe, obtained at the Post on o'd friends in town last week, dance of the above feeds, which are the These are packed in Norway P Y Ottices of Belgrave and Marnoch, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London. Mr. Alex. McDonald took a business best obtainable. Get your feed from us and you have less trouble. Our prices for Holbrook'F L't'd. They are good Are raction1l _ G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. trip to Brussels on Saturday•last. are right,ready to eat. y PostO Officeawa, tat Mail Contract Branch Mr, Geo, W. Mitchell took a business HOWSON & BROOKLEBANK. 47.48. In Glass trip to Brussels one day this week. Turkey and Tongue MAIL CONTRACT. Mr. A. McDonald and family autoed Chicken sEALED TENDERSi addressed to the to Seaforth and Bayfield on Sunday. MEN AND TEAMS WANTED. Chicken and Ham Postmaster General, will be received at Ot. taws until Noon, on Friday, the 12th day of Mrs. Geo, Krauter visited Miss M. September 1013, for the conveyance t of His Lauren in Brussela for a few da s last Men and teams are wanted for pav HEINZ SPANISH QUEEN Majesty's `Mails on a proposed Contract for y Mark Cross Safety four years, six t ay) per week, over Wingham week, ing construction, 2 tion, Wingham. Apply OLIVES IN BULK .i Razors (Whitechurch way) Rural Route, from the after Juno 25th to The Construction Postmaster General's pleAsnre. Printed no- Dr. Ferguson is having his dwelling tices containing further information as to g g g Service Co. conditions of proposed Contract may be seen freshened up by the aid of the painter's r3oi and bank forms of Tender may be obtained at brush. the Postoffico! of Wingham and Whitechurch 12 Patent. and at the cisco of the Post Office TnepecLor, bliss Versa Pollard is visiting friends Fn air;t VA 1 al, y,„ -- z:-c(iit: all loh.ait tat: iN iolY i; ill t I Landon. w g i� G. a ANDERSON,o Superintendent in Hamilton, Rochester and other Fm R=m �® Post Ofpce Department, Mail Contract Branch ; -- Ottawa, 1st August, 1913, points. _ Mrs. E. Fletcher has been on the sick ' Correct angle stroke, shaves well. MAIL CONTRACT. list this week. We hope for a speedy y LABORERS SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the recovery. PoAGuaranteed to be superior to any p tawa ustil General, will be received at Ot- Miss Ida Brimner spent a few days Sawa until Noon, on Friday, the n 12th day is P y FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA September 1913, for the conveyance of His last week with Miss Marguerite Me- � Majesty's Ty's 'Mails, e a proposed Contract for g "GOING TRIP WEST." ' RETURN TRIP EAST." Razor, or money refunded. four Tears, six times per week, over Bluovalo Donald -in town. 7 (Jameatownl Rural Route, from the Postmas• $10.Ot� TO WINNIPEG $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG ter Generale pleasure. Printed notices con- Mrs. R. Gibson returned home after Pins half cent per mile from Winnipeg up PlushnIfcent per m[lerro,nall pointseastof tabling further informa! ion as to conditions of to T.facLeod, Calgary, or Nchuouton. MacLeod, Calgary or 19dmonton to Winnipeg spending a week in Listowel with her g y proposed Contrast may be seen and blank P g GOING DATES Razor with one blade at the ntrodue_ forms of Tonder may be obtained. at the Post mother who has been ill. Offices of Bluevale and ,Tamestoivyy�n, and at the AUGUST 18th —From all stations Kingston to Renhew inclusive and cast thereof in tory p • office cf the Post Office Inspeote4', London. Mrs. John Imlay and daughter Miss Ontario. rice of 25c. Extra blades 5c. G. C. ANDERSON Superintendont. AUGUST 22nd—From'Ibronto and West on Grand Trunk Main Line to Sarnia inclusive 7 Post Office Department, Mail Contract Branch Alice Of Wingham. visited friends in and South thereof. Ottawa, 1st August, 1913. • town for a few days last week. AUGUST 25th =from Toronto and North-Western Ontario. North of but not including y Grand Trunk Line Toronto to Sarnia and Bast of Toronto to Kingston, Mrs, A. McAllister and sons returned Sharbot Lake and Renfrew, including these points. SEPTEBiBER 3rd—from Toronto and all stations in Ontario East of but not Inchiding Forty Thousand Men Required. to their home in Toronto after an en- Grand Trunk Linc Toronto to North Bay. All Mr. Hamilton's prescriptions and receipts will be kept SEPTEMBER 5th—Froman stations on Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Day Inclusive, joyable visit with friends in town. and West tlureofin Ontario, including C.P.R. Line Sadbury to Sault ste. : Marie, Ontario, but not including Azilda and Nest. on hand, as in flee past, and his old customers will receive C Farm Laborers' ExcursionThis Year's Wheat MP3. John Menary leaves on Tuesday ONE-WAY SECOND-CLASS TICEETS WiLI, DE SOLD TO WiNNiPEG ONLY Crop Will Be The Largest !n The History for a visit with her son John, in the OM-WAY second class ticket, to 1Vinnipeg only will be sold. Each ticket will include a Of Canada, verification certificate, with all exten+ion cotipun. When extension coupon has been signe(I flee same courteous and honest treatment as heretofore. West. We wish her a pleasant trip. at �Viunipeg by a farmer, showing he bas engage, the holder to work av •a farm laborer, the coupon will be lionored up to September 30th for ticket at rate of one-half tent per mile The wheat cru of 1913 will be .the The Canadian Club is very slow at (minimum fifty cents) to an P y station weal of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian - greatest ever haraested in Manitoba, resent. Mr. Wilfred i3 too bus tak- Northern or.Graud Trunk Paeffic R,dhvay, In Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, but not P y west of Edmonton, Calgary or Macleod, Alta. Saskatchewan and Alberta, thus re- ing off the harvest., We hope for a. A certificate will be issued entitling purchmer to a second-class ticket good to re`urn Vire close Wed,lesday afternoons durin Jul sad Au t quiring the farm laborers of the East from any station on the Canadian Parifl., Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk Pacific g y gusto recruit and assist in harvesting the session soon. Raihvays f t Alberta, Saskatchewan anal Manitoba east of MacLeod, Calgary and Edmonton to original s+arting point by the same route as travelled on going journey on or before from I p.m. to 7 p.m. World's greatest bread basket. Rev. DIr, B311 of Molesworth occupied November 30th, 1913, nit payment of oil, half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) up to The Governments of the respective the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church. Wim,fpeg a�lde(1 to $18.00 from NVlunipeg, provi:le t the holder deposits the certificate with Provinces state that forty thousand the ticket agent on arrival at destination, and works at least thirty days at harvesting. men will be required for this year's Rev. Mr. McCullougb, the pastor is hor full particulars see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or wifte— harvest. These will have to be prin- slowly improving. yy hi. G. MURPHY. D.P.A., C.P.It., Toronto CORNER cipally recruited from Ontario, and Mr. John Lamont, who is engaged the prosperity of Canada depends on Ja eouring labor promptly. The Cana• with Mr. T. Voden here is moving his DAVISS DRUG STORE than Pacific, on which Company will family from Listowel to town. They fall practically the entire task of will occupy Mrs. Berreeth's house. transporting the men to the West, is Su4.Cessor to A. L. HAMILTON already making special arrangements Grey. for Shia year, Excursions from points in Ontario to Manitoba.,Saskatchewan Dir, Will Lynn of Howick was a 0�19 and Alberta will be run, and special Sunday visitor with friends on the 2ad. trains operated, making the trip in about thirty-six hours and avoiding Miss Mary McDonald was the guesTC, H t &WfiWNWfiW"any change of cars or transfers. This of her aunt in Walton, last week. route e a day shorter than any other Miss Mary Stokes and brother dope ' "GO,ngTrip West," $10,00 to Winni- land were Sunday visitors In Listowel. ALL. KINDS JOHNSTON Speg, plus half -cent per mile from Mr, J. M. Yarey, Gov. Surveyor Winnipeg onto up to MacLeod, Calgary or from the O. A. C Guelph, Edmonton. „ p did some "Return Ti ip E, art," $18 00 to Winni• work on the 2ncl last 'week, peg, plus half -cent per mile from all Miss Donalda McDonald and Miss PRESSINGPARLORSpoints seat of MacLeod, Calgary br'I.AMOND RINGS .Edmonton, to 'Winnipeg. Muriel Brothers are ,;pending holidays 601N(t DATrs. AUci. 18TIl -- From with their aunt at her summer cottage axil stations • East f i Renfrew In. in reef algin, FINE ASISORTMENT elusive and East thereof in Ontario. AUGUST 22,,*D--From Toronto • and Mrs. Pod. Jacklins accompanied her Pressing, Dr ' Cleaning and West on Grand Trunk Maine Line to brother Me. Dave Johnston and his • Sarnia inclusive and south thereof. wife to Kincardine on the Wingham a q AUGUST '2t5T1x�-•From 'Toronto and excursion on Friday. Altering promptlyaftended to North Western Ontario, north of but _ - not including Grand Trunk line Toron. The Jamestown Women's Institute �. to to Sarnia and east of Toronto to held its monthly meeting at the home GIVE US A TRIAL Kingston, Sharbot Lake and Renfrew, of Miss Matjorie Strachan on T'hurs- 1heludin . these ointls, da of last week and all members SUITS CALLED FOR AND RETURNED I'IRPTIO.(131> (13=31W—Prom, Toronto and y pro - all Stations in Ontt�.rlo if<ti.at 6f but not sent report a worth -while meeting, Itieluding Grand Trunk Lina Toronto A* M,* KNOX t to North Bay, 54j Otte I'laor Ntrlrf:It civ PmiitllrtlOY1 air Jewelry Stor6. SIEI'xls71i6I11 1L lSrRt.. i+"rotii all st►ttibns Fordyce. B&,T Inoluelve and wpatneToroere to North Mr, a Stays of nd Fordyce. it spend- JEWELER OPTICIAN N silt Inolastve and wont thereof in Ont, ing a law chyli around lfidrdyae. "' e✓ a•�,..t .t"'3t,.I•`t We dont experiment � we Inc uding 0. P. Sudbury to Sault Stet. Marie, Ontario, but riot in- The wood cutters are bury tutting j oladingq Asilda xnd West, w•ov�d •at Smoae Mar'tin's. Nothing OPP051TE NATIONAL, HOTEL know how to clean. POT fw•11 pa+rtittlltL08 area taeer",b o F. Alwits M. M, . I e being y for wisavo ji al TRURSDAX, AUGUST 7, 1913 The Best Shoe Of Its Kind In The World 1 THE FAMOUS SLOE FOR WOMEN �� Over 400 Women in Wingham and vicinity year Queen Quality Shoes, and once worn it is seldom indeed a woman can be induced to wear any other. 0 Buttoned Boots are very fashionable and this cut represents one of the lost popular lines. ... PRICES ... $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 to S. Queen Quality Shoes are the nearest to perfection made in fit and style, and the most satisfactory ' way by far, to both customer and seller, is to have them properly fitted at the store. • • E 1S & Coo SHOE STORE Sole Agents FOR For The LADIES SHOE., • Wednesday, Thursday Friday Mr. Cowle, the representative cf the "House of Hobberlin", will be at our store with a full range of Samples foe. Suits and Overcoats in the newest and exclusive patterns. fancy Tweeds Worsteds, Serges and Cheviots in hilus and black. Mr. Cowle is from the City store and is an expert at tatting measures, We guarantee all fits and goods at reasonable1 prices,HANNA _ COO C ;,* j